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Objectives  Generate sounds using consonant blends in alliteration; identify suffixes

Teaching Guide
and root words; read and reproduce rhyming words; art terms
Trabalenguas artísticos
Materials  crayons or colored pencils; markers; construction paper; clay; paintbrushes;
scissors; miscellaneous art supplies

30 minutes, Days 1–3

Build Background
Activate Prior Knowledge  Display miscellaneous art supplies to the class,
such as crayons or colored pencils, construction paper, and paintbrushes. Ask:
¿Dónde han visto estos objetos? ¿Para qué son? ¿Cuál prefieren usar cuando crean arte?
Then tell the class: Hoy vamos a aprender sobre las diferentes maneras de crear arte.
Encourage children to tell you everything they know about art disciplines, such
as painting, drawing, and sculpting.

Introduce the Focus Skill: Suffixes and Root Words  Explain to the
class that some words have endings, or suffixes. Tell children that although the
endings change, the root word, or original word, can always be seen. Turn to
p. 4. Point to the words colorea, colorear, and colores. Write them on the board.
Ask the class: ¿Qué palabra raíz ven en estas tres palabras? (color). Then underline
“color” in all three words, and circle the suffixes -ea, -ear, and -es. Turn to p. 28.
Point to the words árbol, arbolito, and arboleda. Write them on the board. Ask the
class: ¿Qué palabra raíz ven en estas tres palabras? (árbol). Then underline “árbol” in
the two words, and circle the suffixes -ito and -eda. Write the word “pinta” on the board. Ask volunteers to write three words with
different endings that have the root word “pinta.” For example: pintar, pintado, pintando. If children have difficulty generating suffixes,
write the root word and sample suffixes on the board. Have volunteers draw a line between them. Ex: pinta—r = pintar; pinta—do =
pintado; pinta—ndo = pintando

Acquire New Vocabulary  Point out the bold-faced vocabulary words in the book. Write them on the board. Read each
word aloud and use it in a sentence: Me gusta colorear con marcadores. Ella amolda la plastilina. Ask children to write their own
sentences using at least one or two of the art-related terms. If children do not understand what a word means, have them look it up in
the dictionary. Review sentences as a class.

Read and Respond  Display the book. Read the title and author name aloud as you track the print. Tell the class that they are
going to read aloud with you. After reading each page, challenge a volunteer to say the tongue-twister as quickly as possible. Then
point out the art term. Have another volunteer make connections between the art term and the child(ren) in the picture. For example,
after reading p. 7, a child might say: Alma Flor y Rosa Rita usan marcadores. Define new art terms for the class.

60 minutes, Days 4–5

@ Curricular Enrichment: Language Arts  Explain to children that they will write their own, one-line-tongue-
twisters. Write possible suffixes on the board: -s, -es, -as, -mos, -ada, -ado, -ando, -mente, etc. Tell the class to pick a root word.
Guide children to use at least three endings for the same root word in the tongue-twister. For example: Trini trazó lo que Triana
había trazado cuando trazaba tranquilamente. If children have difficulty brainstorming tongue-twisters for certain words, refer them
to one of the pictures in the book for inspiration. Then have each child read his/her tongue-twister to the class. Challenge
children to say their classmates’ tongue-twister three times fast.

Home Connection  (Teacher, you may want to photocopy NATIONAL STANDARDS

this activity for children to complete with a family member.)
Language Arts: K-12.1, K-12.3, K-12.4, K-12.5, K-12.6, K-12.7, K-12.8, K-12.11, K-12.12
Talk with your child about what he/she learned this week. Ask Mathematics: Numbers PK-2.1; Algebra PK-2.1, PK-2.4; Geometry PK-2.1—PK-2.4;
your child to recite a line from his/her favorite tongue-twister. Connections PK-12.3
Science: K-4.1, K-4.2, K-4.3, K-4.4, K-4.5
It can be one from the book or a classic such as: Si Pancha Social Studies/Geography: K-12.1, K-12.2, K-12.3
plancha con cuatro planchas, ¿con cuántas planchas plancha Pancha? Visual Arts: K-4.1—K-4.6

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