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Maria Paula Galeano H.

Professor LaFountaine
HUM 101
June 4, 2015
1. If you could melt this quote down, shrink it as small as you can into a single, simplified meaning,
what would it be? Explain your answer.
If I were to melt Thoreaus quote down, I would do it in a simple way. For me, its entire meaning is about
peoples natural aging process. In the passage, when he states, I see the sandy bottom and detect how
shallow it is. he is clearly talking about time, life is passing by and the end is approaching. Even though
he is aware of that and feels death coming, there is nothing one can do about it; everyone has to go
through the natural cycle of life. As we become older, our mind and body start to degenerate, we cannot
think as fast or remember as many things as we did when we were younger. By saying I know not the
first letter of the alphabet the author recreates how an elderly person might think of feel about the world
surrounding him. At this point of his life he feels that even the day he was born he knew more than what
he does now. However, I could interpret that last quote as someone innocent. Throughout our lives, we
are exposed to different factors that can shape our way of thinking. Society could easily corrupt our minds
and make us think that something bad is the best thing to do. He regrets not being as wise as when he
was born because during all those years, people and society have influenced his thoughts and behavior.

2. There are three main elements to this passage:

a. Drinking (sipping) away at time as related to human life
Drinking away time is directly related with the desire of go back in time, of taking out some years and
make himself younger.
b. Wanting to (gulp) away at it
To gulp away relates to wanting to avoid this process. To not having to go through the natural cycle and
getting closer to the end of his life.

c. The concept that although a childs brain is uneducated and void of knowledge, it is in reality more
sensible and wise than at any other point of existence. How is this so?
It is said that a childs brain is more sensible and wise than the brain of an adult or older person.
First, because when a child is born his brain has not totally evolved. A babys brain is still developing,
growing and bringing together concepts, sensations and objects. They are much more sensible and their
ability to absorb knowledge is at its peak, their brain is like a sponge that absorbs everything. They are
getting to know the world around them, they ask and explore everything to create themselves an idea of
how their environment is like. Unlike what is learn during our adulthood, the information learned during a
persons early life is never forgotten. It is thought that during our first years we learn all that we need to
know to survive, you learn how to eat, walk and communicate.
Nevertheless, a child is also free of any prejudice; they do not judge others or their environment
based on what society believes right because they have not been exposed to any exterior force. As I said
in my first response, babies are innocent creatures. Throughout our lives, we are exposed to different
factors such as the media, social groups, schools and even our family. All that can rapidly shape our way
of thinking and make a kids point of view turn around in no time. Society can easily control our thoughts
and points of view. Most of the time without being aware we are being taught how to talk or behave, may
times people act different when surrounded by other than when they are by themselves, that is a clear
example of the social pressure put on us. In many occasions, we do what society and our relatives or
friends expect us to do rather than what we really want. Society corrupts our minds, as we grow up we
learn and develop ideas based on others. Many of us are not capable of making any decision by
ourselves; we need to feel that it is right and that the ones we care about also approve it. That is the
second reason why a child can be considered wiser than an elderly person, because people and society
have not yet influenced his thoughts and behavior. The baby does what he feels like doing without
thinking about others reactions. He solves problems and acts in order to survive but never to hurt anyone

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