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1. Explain the contraction of cardiac muscle. [6 marks]

2. State the proteins that involved in the process of blood clotting. [4 marks]
3. Substance X is injected into the body to stimulate the production of
antibodies. Name substance X. [1 mark]
4. A plant is submerged in water during flood for few days.
a. Explain the effects of the occurrence to the respiration of the plant.
[2 marks]
5. Explain how platelets help to stop bleeding when a wound occurs. [4
6. A blood test shows a mans erythrocytes count is below normal.
a. Explain the possible consequences of this condition to his health. [4
b. What type of food should be include in his diet to improve this
condition? [4 marks]
7. A boy accidently cuts his finger. He bleeds and later the bleeding stops
because of blood clotting. Explain the importance of blood clotting.
[4 marks]
8. Smoking, taking unbalanced diet and practicing unhealthy lifestyle lead to
cardiovascular disease.
a. Discuss the statement above. [10 marks]
9. The substances that come out from the blood capillaries into the
body tissue will be re-entered into the blood circulatory system.
Lymphatic system also functions in transporting products of
a. Explain the above statements to justify that lymphatic system is a
complementary to the blood circulatory system. [10 marks]
10.Diagram below shows the formation and absorption of tissue fluid.

a. Explain how interstitial fluid is formed. [2 marks]

b. Name two substances that can be found in interstitial fluid. [2
c. Explain the effect of a blocked lymphatic vessel on a person. [2
d. Apart from returning tissue fluid to the blood circulatory system,
state two other functions of the lymphatic system. [2 marks]
11.An individual who practices an unhealthy eating habit may cause a
blockage of the artery.
a. Name the effect of the blockage of the artery. [1 mark]
b. Explain how the blockage of the artery occurs. [4 marks]
c. Suggest two practices to avoid the blockage of the artery. [2 marks]

12.Explain the movement of water through the roots in the plants and from
the leaves to the atmosphere. [10 marks]
13.Plants photosynthesise and produce food from inorganic substances
mainly in the leaves. For this process to take place, the plants require
water, minerals and a number of trace elements.
a. What are the main tissues that are involved in transport in plants?
[2 marks]
b. State the functions of the named tissues that you have mentioned.
[2 marks]
c. Draw a labelled diagram of a cross section of a young
dicotyledonous stem. [2 marks]
d. Name the process that enabled the transport of organic food
substances synthesised by the leaves to other parts of the plant. [1
e. State two reasons why the process mentioned above is important to
the plant. [2 marks]
f. Relate the structure of phloem to the functions. [3 marks]
14.The diagram below shows an experiment on ringing of bark. The outer
layer of the bark is removed and the exposed area is covered with vaselin.
The plant is watered daily for a month.

a. Explain what will happen to the stem after a month. [4 marks]

b. What is the function of phloem and xylem? [2 marks]
c. What is the organelle which is found most abundantly in the
companion cell? Why? [2 marks]
15.Draw a labelled diagram of the structure of heart. [4 marks]
16.The coronary arteries supply blood to heart muscle.
a. Suggest one activity of human which might cause a blood clot in a
coronary artery. [1 mark]
b. Explain what might be the result of such a blockage. [2 marks]
17.Explain the adaptation of alveolus for efficient gases exchange. [3 marks]
18.Explain why the diffusion of oxygen occur at the alveolus. [2 marks]
19.Sketch a simple graph of passive and active immunity. [4 marks]
a. Explain with examples why passive and active immunity are
immune to specific diseases. [5 marks]
b. Describe the differences between active and passive immunity. [5
20.Describe the mechanism of blood clotting help to prevent infection when a
wound occurs. [10 marks]

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