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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETSSTemplate I
(More Directed Learning Activities)

12th Grade

Content Area


Time line

Two weeks

Data Analysis Standards and Recursion in Models and Decision Making
MAMDMD2: Students will build the skills and vocabulary necessary to analyze
and critique reported statistical information, summaries, and graphical displays.
MAMDMD4: Students will use functions to model problem situations in both
discrete and continuous relationships.

Content Standards


Process Standards:
MM1P4. Students will make connections among mathematical ideas and to other
a. Recognize and use connections among mathematical ideas.
b. Understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to
produce a coherent whole.
c. Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.
MM1P5. Students will represent mathematics in multiple ways.
a. Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate
mathematical ideas.
b. Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve
c. Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical
Students will demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology. Students apply digital tools to
gather, evaluate, and use information. Students use critical thinking skills to plan
and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed
decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.

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This lesson is a culminating task that assess the students knowledge of how correlate mathematical
standards into the real world. It is a part of the seniors Senior Capstone Project. This portion of the
capstone is completed in their Senior Math Class. In this Data Analysis portion of the Capstone,
students will collect data about the salary of the Job they have chosen to research for their portfolio.
They will find ten local, entry level positions in the career field chosen. These jobs can be located
anywhere in the Metro Atlanta area. They will have to look at different measures of central tendency
based on this information and represent the data in a graph form. They will then research state and
national salary trends for the chosen occupation and compute regression lines for both of them. They
will analyze each and compare each. They will have the choice to create a Live Binder, Weebly, Wiki to
organize their information. They will then create a screen cast or a video (iMovie) for their presentation.
Students will watch each others presentations and then use google forms to assess themselves and each
other. Once the project has been completed, I will use google forms to ask students questions about
their projects.

Essential Questions
1. What is the proper way to do research and how should data be modeled?
2. How are scatterplots and histograms used to analyze statistical data?
3. How are models used to make predictions about the future?
Background Knowledge
AMDM is a class that incorporates all of the math that students have previously learned in high school
into a real world application type setting. Students have seen all of the data analysis content in one of
their math classes from 9th grade until now. It was previously in Math II and was moved to Coordinate
Algebra and will now be in GSE Algebra I. This project incorporates a lesson that touches on two
different standards of AMDM: Data Analysis and Recursion in Models and Decision Making. These are
back to back Units that give students the necessary background information to be able to complete this

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Students will be assessed in their Math Class for the Data Analysis Portion of their capstone. As a final
product students will create presentations that include research, graphs and tables, pictures, and an
explanation of their chosen career field and why. This will help to link mathematics and the real world.
I will assess presentations using a teacher created rubric. Throughout the project, students will have
checklists and expectations of what should be done by the end of each day. This will be used as
formative assessment to see which students are on track and which students are not on track. From the
first day of research to the very last presentation, this project should take around two weeks. I have
allowed Two full days for presentations. The rubric will assess the final product on whether or not they
covered all of the required fields. Students will then use google forms to assess themselves and the
project itself.
Products will be differentiated in that students are able to choose their career field and they are able to
choose how they want to organize their presentation based on which technology tool they feel most
comfortable with. This is a class with only Students with Learning Disabilities and the choice of a
Screencast will allow for them to be able to present the material without having to be seen or stand up
in front of the class to present. However, if a student would like to be seen, they can create a video
using iMovie to be a public presenter. Also, my students that are assigned to present on the second day
are students that have extra time per their IEP.
Along with the presentations, students will have to turn in a hard copy of their Project in a word
document. This is a school requirement.

In this project, we are using technology to support the students learning by allowing them to complete a
real life application task using Web 2.0 tools to enhance their learning and their understanding of the
content material and real life connections. Students are becoming more comfortable with presenting
information using different online tools such as Weebly, Wiki, Screencasts, Prezi, iMovie or Live
Binder. Students will learn how to use educational research engines to find correct and creditable data
for their career fields. We have used Prezi, Live Binder, and Weebly for projects during the first
semester, so students are somewhat comfortable with those technology tools for presentations, however,
I have supplied them with Youtube videos I created explaining the different tools and how they work,
along with step by step by step instructions and screen shots of how each tool works. Students have
never created their own Screencasts or iMovies, so on the day that I introduce the Data Analysis Project,
I will give brief overviews of these along with written directions.
Students will be required to use a graphing calculator and/or Excel to organize data and create graphs
and tables, and regression lines. We have used both of these things before multiple times, so students
should not have an issue using either of these tools.

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Instructional Plan Preparation

Students have been working on their Senior Capstone Project since the last month of their Junior year of
High School. They have the complete outline and even all of the rubrics being used to assess the
different portions of the Capstone Project. At the beginning of Senior Year, Seniors were called into a
Senior meeting to discuss every section in detail and what is required. However, since that was at the
beginning of the year, I will have to recap all of the information. The first day of the project, I will go
back through the information they were given, then give them the checklist that I have created for them.
I will give them another rubric to look at as well to understand what will be required of them. I will have
to brief them on screencasts and iMovies, but for the other tools, they will just be given the links to
screencasts and there will be class sets of directions for them to use if they need to remember how to use
the technology tools.
The math being used has been introduced to the students before in their freshman math class. They also
have reviewed this information in Unit 3 and Unit 4 of AMDM. This Unit was the Data Analysis Unit
and the Recursion in Models and Decision Making Unit. We have done small in class assignments
during this unit and we have quizzed over the Unit. This project will be the summative grade for both
Units. With the introduction to Unit 3, we also used Excel and Graphing Calculators, so students were
able to refresh their memories on using those tools. Students have Unit 3 and Unit 4 folders so they
should have their notes and work to help them properly use the data researched to analyze and complete
the project.

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Students will be working through this project individually. The students in this class are typically very
well behaved and very responsible with technology. They are Seniors and are all working hard towards
graduation. In my classroom there are multiple places for students to work including desks, tables, and
bean bags. I have a class set of iPads and a class set of Laptops that will be checked out. With the iPads
and Laptops being connected to school WiFi, I am not worried about students being on Social Media or
using them inappropriately because of the restrictions. However, students will have the opportunity to
use their phones for initial research and I will just have to be a present monitor to make sure they are
using them correctly in class. Once students need to start using Excel or create their presentations, they
will need to use laptops. For the Screencast, the laptops will be more user friendly and for iMovie they
will use the iPads. I will use the Laptop cart so that the students can stay in the classroom. When
students want to start creating their Screencasts, they will have the option to go into the grassy area
outside my classroom so that they can be more separated and not be interrupted by others talking. If they
want to video record themselves presenting, they will be able to use the classroom across the hall to put
their project on the smart board and video record themselves presenting the project. If two or more
students choose this option, they will be allowed to help each other video record.
As always, when using technology so heavily for this project, I foresee many issues that could possibly
make this a struggle. First will be the internet itself. Our county did upgrade the WiFi this year and we
have not had as many issues, but there are always random days when the Wifi is down. I have reserved
computer labs for the time period in case we need them since they do not run on WiFi. If the entire
internet is down on certain days causing students to not be able to gain research needed, then students
will be given an extension on their project. I have a few students that do not have internet access at
home, so students will get the class time they need to finish. The Graphing Calculators and Excel do not
use internet so if the internet goes down and students already have their research, students will still be
able to use these to find regression lines and what not so they will still be able to work on their project
once they find data. If the internet becomes too much of an issue, then I will have to allow for them to
create a PowerPoint or word document as their final project.
I have also requested a copy of the students login IDs and passwords because my students are bound to
screw that up or forget their password. It happens every time that we use computers. If, for some reason,
we have too much trouble with the laptops and WiFi, we will use desktops in the computer lap. The
iPads do not require a login so hopefully there will not be any issues on that accord.

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Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities

This project starts with a little bit of direct instruction when I am reviewing the data analysis content that
will lead into the project. I will also use direct instruction when modeling what I expect from the
students throughout the project and what I expect out of their final presentations. In this instance, I will
be using whole class instruction. As they start to move into their individual projects, I will begin as a
facilitator but then allow them to start facilitating themselves. They have a checklist and a timeline for
completion of this project. I have given them multiple means of instructions such as direct instruction,
instructional videos, and step by step screen shot directions. Multiple means of representation allow for
Universal Design within the classroom instruction. Students have the opportunity to help each other as
well. During the individual work, for students who are having an easier time, they will be allowed to
work with another student that might need help. This allows for cooperative learning and peer tutoring
even though we are not working in groups. Although the introduction to this project is teacher led, this
project ends up being a completely student-centered project. It really allows students to take their
education and project into their own hands.

I have tried to find multiple ways to differentiate this assignment without modifying the content since it is
based off of their Senior Capstone project. They all must do the write up. Many of my students have
extended time for writing assignments based on processing disabilities and IEPs so that plays a factor in
the timeline of this project. This is also why they have a checklist and a suggested idea of what should be
completed by each date. For the actual project I am requiring in class, students have a choice of what type
of Web 2.0 tool that they would like to utilize and they had a choice of their career field for the overall
project. This choice will allow for them to be more active participants in their work.
I will address all directions verbally, but students will also be given screencasts to help them work
through how to use the different technology tools. They will also be given step by step written directions
with screen shots. This allows for the content and directions to be provided to students in multiple
representations so that they are capable of understanding what is being asked of
This project is an extensions of the basic project because they must create presentations and be able to
explain what they are doing. I do not have an ELL students in this class, so I did not differentiate for that
demographic. I will open up my classroom most mornings from 8:00 8:25 and afternoons from 3:30
4:00 for students to use the laptops for extra work time. Also, by creating checklists for students and
suggested completion times, I have chunked material for my students who struggle process through
large projects and organize their time.
The lessons leading into this project were whole group lessons and students completed group
assignments. They were in data based groups and this allowed for them to work through concepts that
they will need to understand for this project.

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For the Senior Capstone project, the students must do a write up for their reflection. Their write up, in
essay form must include why they chose this particular occupation, what they learned, both about the
mathematics and the collected information throughout the project, a detailed explanation of how/why
their model could be useful in the real world, and sources cited using MLA style. This write up will be
turned in with their hard copy of the project but they will need to present this information in a non-essay
format for their online presentations.
Once the projects are complete and we have watched the screencast presentations the students will fill
out a google form survey. This survey will ask specific questions about technology used and the project
as a whole. It will ask questions such as why they felt the lesson and project was effective or ineffective
and what they think would help make the project better in future implementations. This will help me to
determine what went well and what did not go well. Using this information and just formative data from
questioning and conversation throughout the lesson/project, I will then determine how I will manipulate
this assignment differently next year.

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As I reflect back on this lesson and the data received, I noticed that every single one of my students
choose to do a Screencast. From their Google Forms, they said that when looking through the
options, the Screencast seemed the easiest. Knowing now that the main student preference is a
screencast, I would make that the requirement for the project. Weebly was the most user friendly for
the project, although many of them really enjoyed using Prezi as well. As for the overall lesson and
project, I would definitely say that it was a success. The students stayed actively engaged for the
most part and enjoyed the fact that they were able to see how math could actually be used in the real
world (since that is every students favorite question for math teachers). There was a ton of great
conversation between the students and I even had students discuss their futures and these careers
with myself. Not only did it get them interested in the math they needed to learn, but it made them
think about their futures and life after high school.
For future lessons, I think I want the students to all create websites. I used the Senior Capstone
rubric that we were given for the Data Analysis Portion, but I need to create a rubric that addresses
the website created and the screencast. Although many of them were great, some of them were very
plain and lacked in creativity or spice. I did not even think about this when I was assigning the
project. Since I have to use the school made rubric for the mathematical information, I will need to
create a rubric for the final products to address what is expected!
This was a great way to have students be more involved in their data analysis portion of their
capstone project. I was also told by students that it really prepared them for their actual presentations
of the entire Capstone project. Going in depth and having to create a website allowed students to
truly understand how their career field looked financially and made some students question their
decision. The funniest reflection I read was from a student who chose teaching as their profession
and decided that she had no idea how us teachers actually did what we did for the little money that
we make! This assignment truly helped students to see some aspects of the real world.
My biggest disappointment was how little my seniors knew about using technology. This was an
issue that I did not expect. I felt as though they were very needy at times. We have used different
tools in class for presentations but they have been in groups and I feel as though maybe some of
them did not learn how to use the technology well enough to work individually. I also found out
from students that in none of their other classes do they ever use anything technology wise outside of
Kahoot or Schoology. They write papers and create PowerPoints. Where they said that this was very
frustrating at times, they also mentioned that it was more entertaining and fun, for as fun as math
can be. I plan on sitting with the AMDM PLC group at the end of this year to discuss more ways to
integrate technology into the classes. With the class being a project based class, there is so much
opportunity for technology use. I also plan on talking with my administrator about how we can
incorporate technology more into the younger grades so that students are actively learning how to
safely use online tools and Web 2.0 tools to enhance their learning.

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