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2. -SHELTER SEEKING1. Whether the Grumbling or Tali Keluh technique is a violation of animal welfare?

Answer : Grumbling in cows actually violate one of five principle of animal freedom which in
principle free in expressing their natural life and free from any discomfort. Farm conditions in
Indonesia are still traditionally not allow cows to left free due to limited land owned by farmers
so that farmers use that technique to control their cattle. Grumbling cattle in Indonesia is a
common practice and is allowed by the government due to the condition of Indonesian
traditional farm. ( Source : )
2. What hogs will do in extream cold condition?
Hogs sense the coming of cold weather and double their feed intake a couple of days in
preparation. The animals also stick close together when its cold. They will cuddle a lot. They do
that at night. ( Source : )
3. What does make animals feels uncomfort at their own place?
If there are a lot of distractions, no feed, no water, and not safe for them ( Source :
Wildlife Is All Around Us: book 1, The Wildlife detective by Youngfleish, Kristi and Margaret )
4. Which one is better, The Shelter made by animal or made by human?
Some animals live in natural habitats for their homes. Other animals build their own
homes. Some animals even live in other animal's homes. A natural shelter is a home that the
animal has made for itself. Animals live in different kinds of homes like : holes in the ground,
caves, nests, trees. Other animals live in shelter that were built by humans. These shelters are
normally for our pets or animals that we farm. So the better shelter is depend with kind of the









animal )


1. Muhammad Arif Rahman . what the different between instinc and intuisi ?
Answer : For example, the instinct of animals is to ' survive ' and ' breed ' . Because instinct ' survival ' ,
the animals are looking for food to continue his life . In the animal kingdom , instinct ' survival ' also
raises a defense mechanism ( defense mechanism ) in which an animal will defend itself against enemy
threats . For example , the squid will squirt ink when he feels threatened , lizard tail will decide when he
is threatened , and so on .
While intuition is an instinct which tends to be learned. For example , someone who is very often seen
and studied a wide variety of paintings will have the intuition of the painting so that he can say that the
strokes in a painting using XXX method that makes the painting has a meaning YYY . It is true that a
person may have been born with an intuition of artists that he will be easier to develop . However , there
are some people who can develop their intuition because they are interested in the art pieces and learn
things related to it
Source :
2. Ivan Eriyanto. why the moms of rabbit drop off their hair ?
Answer : at 25 days gestation, try where labor is available (litter box). Keep no straw or hay in the cage,
the more the better hay, do not place the straw into the box but leave the rabbits alone were picked by
using his mouth. This straw collated in his mouth, if it is going to be placed neatly in the box. At the age
of 25-30 days will shed her hair this rabbit into the box, so do not be surprised if hair around the chest and
abdomen will be bald. At the age of 30-32 days of pregnancy, the rabbit will give birth.
Source :
3. Reza Putra. why wild animal move to the village ?
Answer : in the reality, the animal will move to the village because they feel that in the jungle is too
dangerous for their life.

6. Agonistic

Ridwan : what is function from signal,and what is use for ?

Signal Functions
Communication signals also play an important role in conflict resolution, including territory
defense. When males are competing for access to females, the costs of engaging in physical
combat can be very high; hence natural selection has favored the evolution of communication
systems that allow males to honestly assess the fighting ability of their opponents without
engaging in combat.the researchers noticed small depressions.
When one of the dolphins died, the researchers examined these depressions and found that they
are crypts and hold whiskers when the dolphins are in the womb. These whiskers later drop off
after the dolphin is born. It had been assumed these were just the depressions left after the
whiskers were gone, but the researchers believed they were somehow still aiding the dolphins
Turning to the remaining dolphin in captivity, the researchers trained the dolphin to rest its head
on a platform fitted with electrodes designed to deliver electrical signals into the water. When the
researchers delivered a signal, the dolphin was rewarded if it swam away. If there was no signal,
the dolphin was rewarded for staying in place

Tino yazid azmi : does aggression on cattle is dangerous ,can

cattle make an aggression?

Aggression in cattle is usually a result of fear, learning, and hormonal state. Aggression between
cows is worse than that between bulls. Horned cattle will bunt (push or strike with the horns) and
strike an opponent on the side. Polled cows will use their head as a battering ram. Two cows can
fight for a long period with resting periods in between. Each cow will rest while pushing its
muzzle between the udder and hindquarter of the other cow to immobilize it. Aggression toward
people usually includes bunting, kicking, and crushing. Aggressive and dangerous animals
should be culled.
Aggression in Bulls
Bulls are notorious for their unpredictable aggression. Some bulls may mount others, and these
may respond with aggression. Such fights can end with serious injuries and even death,
especially if the bulls are horned. Dairy bulls are commonly more aggressive (and also larger and
heavier) than beef bulls. The bull may paw and dig in the ground, and horned bulls may kneel on
the front legs and dig using their horns. Because hand-reared bulls are more aggressive toward
other bulls, it is thought that inadequate socialization may contribute to this behavior. Aggressive
bulls should be separated from others and perhaps culled if dangerous to people.

This problem occurs mainly in beef cattle and is seen most commonly in heifers. Beef cattle are
not selectively bred for gentleness and are handled minimally. These animals can be dangerous
when placed in pens or cages for examination and may cause severe injuries. Such animals
should be handled carefully and potentially sedated. Food rewards can be offered for calm

Arif : is avoidance available for cattle or just for wild animal?

An avoidance response is a response that prevents an aversive stimulus from occurring. It is a

kind of negative reinforcement. An avoidance response is a behavior based on the concept that
animals will avoid performing behaviors that result in an aversive outcome. This can involve
learning through operant conditioning when it is used as a training technique. It is a reaction to
undesirable sensations or feedback that leads to avoiding the behavior that is followed by this
unpleasant or fear-inducing stimulus.
Whether the aversive stimulus is brought on intentionally by another or is naturally occurring, it
is adaptive to learn to avoid situations that have previously yielded negative outcomes.] A simple
example of this is food aversions, or the aversion developed to food that has previously resulted
in sickness. Food aversions can also be conditioned using classical conditioning, so that an
animal learns to avoid a stimulus previously neutral that has been associated with a negative
outcome. This is displayed nearly universally in animals since it is a defense against potential
poisoning. A wide variety of species, even slugs, have developed the ability to learn food
Source :


1. Fatmania : Does cow have contipation?

Well, we think that cow have constipation. Constipation include abnormal behaviour.
Constipation is happen because there are ossification on feses, and also happen with following
by diare disease. Constipation can be indicator that the livestock have some disease like
helminthiasis (cacingan). This condition can cause the cow can be skinny(kurus). ( Source :
Http:// )
2. Fatikhatul : How is the mechanism, why animal do defecation randomly yet, there is
some do it in the certain place?
unlike horse and swine, cattle defecate and urinate randomly over their enclosure. But
for cat and dog their defecate and urinate in certain place
( Source : Farm Animal Behaviour: Characteristics for Assessment of Health
and Welfare )
3. Anis Marzuki : Why and how mechanism faeces color changed?
It depends on what kind of feed that animal already eat and what happen in their
digestion tract S:
4. Lusiani : Could animal hold back for defecation?
Animal can hold their defecation. At dog, it can hold until 3 days
5. Wahyu Setiawan : Is there any action to show eliminative?
The body curve and after defecation they will swing their tail.
S: Petunjuk dan laporan akhir praktikum tingkah laku ternak.2014. Malang: fakultas peternakan
universitas brawijaya )

9. Sexual
1. Why the animal cant reach the sexual desire? (Nglaul Huda)
Because the animal are not at sexual cyclus
2. What are the bee body language of sexual behaviour? (Aldi)
The queen honey bee decides the sex of her offspring, points a new research published in Behavioral
Ecology, a finding that challenges the belief that queens are just 'egg laying machines' and that worker
bees decide if the queen is going to deliver males or females. During the mating flight, before founding
the colony, the young queen mates with several partners, keeping their sperms which she will use for the
rest of her life, bit by bit, as she produces eggs. Males (drones) hatch from unfertilized eggs, and females
(queen and workers) only from fertilized eggs. Thus sperm added to an egg means a female; if not, it will
be a male, so that the queen should control the sex of new individuals.
3. Whats the characteristic of cow sexual desire? (Hanif)
Vulva colors red, when the farmers rub it, feel warm, the cow like to be rided by a male
4. When the cycle of sexual behaviour? (Anis)
When the animal at sexual desire cyclus

What happen if the animal reject the process of sexual behaviour? (Reza)

Maybe the animals are homosexual. The presence of same-sex sexual behaviour was not scientifically
observed on a large scale until recent times. Homosexual behaviour does occur in the animal kingdom
outside humans, especially in social species, particularly in marine birds and mammals, monkeys, and the
great apes. Homosexual behaviour has been observed among 1,500 species, and in 500 of those it is well

1. Anis : is there any other besides sight ahd sound in chicken?
Answer: chicken use their insting on Animals. By instinct , the animal can be move anywhere and at
where there is opportunity . for animals , se , ata - eye life controlled by the impulse of passion, the
function and role of instinct for animals extremely important . With the instinct of animals can meet the
needs of - their needs with permanent way .
Danung Nur Adli : is there comunication with another comodity?
Answer: yes of course. Mutualistic symbiosis: is the interaction between two individuals of different
species of living creatures that are mutually beneficial.
for example:
- Symbiosis between buffalo and starlings
Symbiosis komensalisme: is a way of living together of two organisms of different species that live, one
benefit of living beings and other living things that are not harmed.
for example: the symbiosis between remora fish and sharks
-Symbiotic parasitism is a way of life shared between two organisms of different species that live, one
benefit of living beings and the other injured.
for example: symbiosis between cats and fleas
2. Ivan Eryanto : how about animal indominant?
Anwer : Indomiman livestock shows submissive behavior / under (weak livestock and younger), this
gives them the opportunity to remain within the group and share the source of feed at the water.
3. Reza Putra : what kind of problem in animal behavior comunication ?
Answer : could inhibitor of internal and external factors of the internal condition of the animal, the
genetic . example: sick animals will be difficult to interact
example is the external environment natural conditions that do not support animal causes difficulty

4. Lusi : How about solitare animal ?

Answer: are solitary or in pairs, not in groups pattern of living organisms in nature)
The main florida black bear alone (solitary), except when in groups or pairs during the breeding season.
Although they are solitary mammals, in general, most are not territorial, and usually do not protect their
area from other bears. Black bear have good eyesight, hearing and sense of smell bad very good.
The tiger is a solitary animal species that live on the exception when hunting or when the mother is taking
care of his tigers. In the wild occurred several times adaptation activities tiger harimau.Terkadang active
at night (nocturnal), sometimes during the day (diurnal)., But basically this is the type of pet animals
nocturnal.Harimau shows existence and territory areas with signs of secondary . signs in the form of
scratches on tree trunks and soil, urine on the trunk or upper and lower leaf surfaces, scratches on trees
and soil, as well as dirt.
5. Aldi : Is there comunication in all kind animal in the world ?
Answer : there are two main types of communication in animals that verbal and non-verbal
1 . Verbal communication : Sound is one of the most common types of verbal communication in animals .
Most species use it as a medium to convey the message .
2 . Non Verbal Communication
Here are the various forms of non-verbal animal communication :
a. Facial Expressions : Chimpanzees use lips , cheeks , and eyes to tell their feelings to each other .
b . Movement and Body Language : If the cat to pull away , so he was feeling confident and ready to
attack .
c . Odor and Signal : Many animals communicate with each other through smell . They secrete
pheromones to convey the message . => Wolves , deer , and insects , generally use this type of
communication .
Even amoeba also need to communicate . Amoeba is a way to communicate by releasing chemicals .
d .touch : Associate with each other elephant trunk as a form of communication that is closer .

1) Question (Arif) : Treatment to help abnormal behavior ?
Answer : Behavior therapies

Behaviorists disagree that resolving unconscious conflicts or getting to know yourself will solve
your mental issues. Behaviorists say youve learned these things through rewards and
punishments. But, just as youve learned them, you can unlearn them too.


Behaviorism got its start with Ivan Pavlov and his dogs.



In behaviorism, a person (or dog), is conditioned to associated two things together.


Bed-wetting was classically conditioned with being awakened by an alarm. This stopped
the bed-wetting.

Counterconditioning is where we unlearn something by conditioning or pairing a trigger

stimulus with a new response.

For example, suppose a person has acrophobiafear of heights.


There are two main types of counterconditioning


Exposure therapy exposes people to what they try to avoid. It tries to associate
the bad thing (heights) with a good thing (like eating). Slowly, the person is
moved closer to the ledge or higher up. Eventually, the height is associated with
the eating.



Systematic desensitization says you cant be worried and relaxed at

the same time. So, while relaxed, you face your fears in small baby
steps and work up to the big fear.

The therapist trains you to use progressive relaxation to

keep calm when you feel the first hints of anxiety.


The trick here is to take it very slowly, in baby steps.

Virtual reality exposure therapy puts the person in virtual world

where they can face-their-fears. Results have been promising at
facing fears and interacting in social virtual worlds.

Aversive conditioning tries to condition a person to not do something. It pairs a

negative result with an unwanted stimulus. Two examples

To stop nail biting, use nasty tasting nail polish. This pairs a yucky taste
with nail biting.


To stop drinking alcohol, put a nausea inducing drug in the drink. This
pairs nausea with drinking alcohol.



Aversive conditioning works, but it may be only temporary. The pairing

or association may wear off. This is because cognition (thinking) steps
in. We know when weve put on the nasty nail polish, we know when
the drink has been drugged.

Operant conditioning techniques can be used too. This is where the persons actions interplay
with the stimulus and results (its not just biological or automatic, as in classical conditioning).

B. F. Skinner and his Skinner box pioneered this. The rat interacted with his environment
what he did as a stimulus affected the results.


Essentially, behavior modification techniques withhold rewards until a desired behavior

is done. Or, punishments are given out when an unwanted behavior is done.

Rewards might be food or a token economy. This is receiving tokens which

can be spent for things like candy, TV time, etc. Its like earning points in a
video game which can be used for various things.


Critics say behavior modification means the behaviors are done just to get silly
things like plastic tokens. Behaviorists say they slowly take a person off the
tokens, and ask, Their behavior is better, so wheres the harm?

2) Question (Wahyu) : Illness or sickness is include as abnormal ?

Answer : Illness/disease. Cattle that are not healthy will show abnormal behaviour. Healthy cattle
will appear alert, stretch on rising and be vocal they often vocalise in response to pain or stress
(Grandin 2001). Unwell cattle often show little interest in their environment, have dull eyes,
sluggish movement, poor grooming and poor appetite (NSW Feedlot manual, 1997). Other
indicators of sickness include over-stretching of the neck, hunching the back, kicking the belly
area (indicating abdominal pain), grinding teeth, star-gazing, etc. (Moran, 1993).
3) Question (Galuh) : Prevent the abnormal behavior ?
Answer : We think the prevent due to many factor . the factor are gene, environment , psychology
, etc. We can not prevent , just repair.
4) Question (Ngalaul huda) : High temperature affected in abnormal behavior ?
Answer : Yes , because high temperature will influence animal behavior, for example in the pig ,
if the temperature his body so high , the pig will be take a bath in muds to keep his temperature
5) Question (Lusiani) : What is the meaning of Nymphomania and Buller-Steer Syndrome?
Answer : Nymphomania. Such cows behave like bulls, pawing and mounting but refuse to stand
for mounting by other cows. It could be an inherited trait. Nymphomania is more common in
high-producing dairy cows than in cows of beef breeds (Houpt, 1998). Nymphomania is usually
associated with follicular cysts (Houpt, 1998).
Buller-Steer Syndrome. This a common health and economic problem in feedlot
operations (Ulbrich, 1981). The typical buller-steer sexually attracts his penmates who take turns
following and mounting the abnormal animal. It does not seem to be associated with rank,

and may be due to boredom. When detected, bullers are segregated and treated for injury or
illness. Approximately 2% of steers in a feedlot situation are buller steers (Houpt, 1998).
6) Question (Emma) : How to prevent egg not to pecked by the parents?
Answer : we think just to pick up the egg soon after the eggs out .

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