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Current Educat ion

The M alaysian government reviewed t he legislat ive provision and educat ion policies which came int o effect
aft er our count ry achieved Independence. This result ed in t he Educat ion Act 1996 and t he New Educat ion
Policy 1999 which is t he basis of our present educat ion syst em.

In a concert ed effort t o consolidat e our educat ion syst em furt her, t he M inist ry of Educat ion has come up
wit h t he Educat ion Development M ast er Plan for t he period of 2006-2010.
Educat ion Act 1996 is an ext ension of t he Educat ion Act 1961; and t hus some of t he provisions from t he
Educat ion Act 1961 had been abolished or deemed not appropriat e and ret ained and some st ill revolved wit h
t he Razak Report which has remained t he basic nat ional educat ion policy ever since.
Educat ion Act 1996
The aim of t he Educat ion Act 1996 are t o furt her consolidat e t he nat ional educat ion syst em for t he
generat ion in accordance wit h t he count rys aspirat ion of making M alaysia t he cent er of excellence for
educat ion and t o out line t he legislat ion relat ed t o educat ion.
Legislat ive provisions

Legislat ive provisions

Due t o aspirat ion of different et hnic groups in M alaysia and t o cope wit h t he educat ional challenges of t he
21st cent ury and t o fulfill t he goals of Vision 2020, it is pert inent t hat you remember t hat t he Act has t hree
general legislat ive provisions namely;
a) t he Nat ional Philosophy of Educat ion 1988
b) consolidat ion of t he nat ional educat ion syst em t o include;
- all levels of schooling from pre-school t o t ert iary educat ion
- all cat egories of school example government , government -aided and privat e schools
c) t he Nat ional Language as main medium of inst ruct ion and as compulsory subject in all schools and
inst it ut ions
Legislat ive Provisions of t he Educat ion Act 1966 According t o t he Levels of Schooling
Levels Schooling

Legist at at ive Provisions


Primary and Secondary

M inist er of educat ion given t he power t o est ablish and maint ain
Children from poor families in urban area given opport unit y t o
received pre-schooling
Compulsory use of Pre-school curriculum, guidelines produced by
M OE for all t ypes and cat egories of pre-schools
compulsory for pupils from all t ypes and cat egories of schools t o
sit for public examinat ions
Islamic Educat ion made a core subject and t aught t o all M uslim
pupils in all primary schools
Allocat ion t o special educat ion
Cont inuat ion of st at us quo of nat ional t ype primary schools and
60 privat e Chinese schools
Cont inuat ion of t he Unified Examinat ion for nat ional-t ype primary
school pupils
Cont inuat ion of t he School Board of Governors and mission
Teaching of indigenous languages (if appropriat e and pract ical)
No necessit y t o regist er religious classes e.g. Bible classes

Technical and
Vocat ional

No necessit y t o regist er religious classes e.g. Bible classes

improvement of t echnical educat ion in t echnical schools and

polyt echnics in line wit h t he count ry effort s t o encult urat e science
and t echnology educat ion
change of st at us of vocat ional schools t o t echnical schools
collaborat ion of polyt echnics wit h indust rial inst it ut ion or
organizing t o conduct t echnical or vocat ional course or t raining
programs, or exchange programs
t winning program in polyt echnic wit h local or foreign inst it ut ions of
higher learning at diploma or degree level

Teacher Training

t eacher educat ion programs at cert ificat e, diploma and degree

level t hrough t winning program

Tert iary Educat ion

est ablishment of universit ies and privat e colleges

corporat isat ion of exist ing public universit ies
development of privat e inst it ut ions of higher learning
t eaching of subject s like Nat ional Language, M alaysian St udies
and Islamic or M oral Educat ion in privat e inst it ut ions

Comparison bet ween Educat ion Act 1996 and t he Educat ion Act 1961

Educat ion Act 1996

Educat ion Act 1961
Founded on t he Nat ional Philosophy No clear document at ion but explicit
of Educat ion and aspirat ions of
aim is unit e different et hnic groups as
Vision 2020
st at ed in Nat ional Educat ion Policy
according t o Razak Report

Nat ional Syst em of

Educat ion

Include all levels of schooling from

pre-school unt il t ert iary educat ion
and all t ypes of schools except
expat riat e schools (Sect ion 16 and

Include all schools or government or

government aided inst it ut ions

M edium of
Inst ruct ion

The nat ional language as main

medium of inst ruct ion in all schools
wit h except ion of nat ional t ype
schools or ot hers which have been
given exempt ion (Sect ion 17)

The nat ional language as medium of

inst ruct ion in nat ional schools and
nat ional secondary schools only

St at us of Nat ional Compulsory subject in all schools

Nat ional Curriculum All schools t o follow t he Nat ional
Curriculum unless given exempt ion
(Sect ion 18)

Compulsory only in all government and

government aided schools
No provision

Chinese and Tamil


Can be t aught in nat ional schools

and nat ional secondary schools
upon request and if more t han 15

Can be t aught on t wo condit ions:

- upon request of more t han 15
parent s
- if deemed appropriat e and
pract ical


Can be t aught on t wo condit ions:

- upon request of more t han
15 parent s
- if deemed appropriat e and
pract ical

No provision

Public Examinat ion

Responsibilit ies of all schools t o

prepare pupils t o sit for public
examinat ions ; all examining bodies
t o obt ain permission from t he
Direct or of Examinat ions (Sect ion

No provision

Cat egories of

Three cat egories of schools:

-government -aided
-privat e

Two cat egories of schools:

-privat e

Pre-school cent ers

M inist er of Educat ion given power

t o set -up and maint ain all preschool cent er

No provision


Provision for pre-school curriculum

guidelines t o coordinat e pre-school
educat ion; compulsory t o be used
in all pre-schools

No compulsory guidelines

Primary educat ion

Durat ion bet ween 5 unt il 7 years

(Sect ion 29) t aking considerat ions
of t hree groups i.e. int elligent ,
average and weak

Durat ion of six years

Post -secondary
educat ion

Provision for st udent s in nat ional

secondary schools, colleges or
ot her educat ional inst it ut ions;
provisions for Form 6, M at riculat ion
and so on (Sect ion 33)

No clear provision

Teaching of Islamic
Educat ion

Compulsory t o be t aught in all

schools including privat e schools
wit h 15 or more M uslim pupils

Compulsory in government and

government -aided schools wit h 15 or
more pupils

Special educat ion

M inist er of educat ion given power

No clear provision
t o open special educat ion classes in
special schools or in any primary or
secondary schools (Sect ion 40)

Board of

To be abolished if no longer
funct ional except for Chinese
nat ional-t ype, government aided
and privat e schools (Sect ion 62)

Compulsory for all cat egories of school

Polyt echnics

Can collaborat e wit h any indust rial

inst it ut ions, body or organizat ions

No provision

inst it ut ions, body or organizat ions

(Sect ion 37); can conduct courses
or t raining program wit h any
universit y (Sect ion 38)
Teacher Training

Offer degree, diploma and

cert ificat e program; collaborat ive
t winning program especially mat h,
science and IT

Too general provision

Twinning Programs
and Linkage

Writ t en permission sought from

M inist er of Educat ion

No provision

Role of Head
Power of/t o:
Regist rar/Regist rar -invest igat e (Sect ion 137)
-ent er wit hout any warrant
(Sect ion 138)
-init iat e and conduct proceedings
-compound any wrongdoing

No provision

Nat ional Educat ion Policy

The mission of M inist ry of Educat ion is to produce world class education and ensure the development of
individual potentials and to fulfill nations aspiration.
The goals of Nat ional Educat ion are to produce a united Bangsa Malaysia; to produce Malaysian citizens
who are knowledgeable, God-fearing, well-behaved; competent and harmonious; to provide a
competent work-force to meet the needs of a growing nation and to offer equal educational
opportunities for all Malaysian citizens
Policy and Implement at ion St rat egies of Nat ional Educat ion Policy

Implement at ion St rat egies

Inst it ut ionalize pre-school educat ion Consolidat e pre-school educat ion giving due considerat ion
based on t he pre-school curriculum
t o curriculum, infrast ruct ure and t eacher t raining
guidelines and reinforced t hrough

guidelines and reinforced t hrough

cont inuous monit oring

Init iat e qualit y t eaching and learning approaches

Ensure at least 65% involvement of

children bet ween ages of 4-6 years

Produce pre-school curriculum guidelines

Coordinat e various t ype of pre-school

educat ion; government , privat e and
non-government bodies
Provide primary educat ion for
Improve educat ional facilit ies bot h quant it y and qualit y
children aged 6 years for a durat ion
wise; increase number of graduat es and t rained t eachers
of 6 years, can be t erminat ed aft er 5
t o 7 years
Int roduce Vision Schools and M odel Schools
Int roduce t he nat ional curriculum for
all pupils; emphasize given t o
mast ery of t hree basic skills (3R)
reading, writ ing and arit hmet ic as
well as social skills

Equip Resource Cent er wit h adequat e books, resource

mat erials and et c.

Est ablish a st rong foundat ion for

subject s like M at hemat ics, Science
and English language
Provide appropriat e secondary
educat ion for st udent s who have
complet ed primary schooling

Provide post -secondary educat ion (Form 6) and
mat riculat ion program as ent ry point s for basic degree

Est ablish an int egrat ed curriculum

wit h emphasis on subject s like
English, M at hemat ics, Science and
Technology, and infusion of physical,
emot ional, spirit ual and int ellect ual
element s

Improve t he qualit y of t eaching and learning on subject s

like English, M at hemat ics, Science and Technology
Est ablish fully-equipped comput er and science laborat ories

Provide educat ional opport unit ies t o

special needs children in order t o
realize t he democrat izat ion of t he
educat ion policy and t o guarant ee
involvement in nat ion-building

Provide suit able curriculum for special educat ion

Consolidat e t echnical and vocat ional
educat ion t o produce st udent s who
are t echnically-orient ed in order t o
meet t he count rys needs for a
skilled work force


Provide diversified t echnical courses t ailored t o t he
count ry needs

Provide special educat ion in special schools for special

need children
Provide t rained t eachers in special educat ion

Coordinat e various element s e.g. curriculum, academic

qualificat ions , infrast ruct ure
Consolidat e career guidance in t echnical and vocat ional
Est ablish smart part nership wit h indust ries

Increase t he number of middle level

workers in t he field of engineering
and professional management t o
meet t he count rys needs for a
skilled work force

Set -up new polyt echnics

privat e sect or involvement

Est ablish collaborat ion bet ween local universit ies and
polyt echnics
Set -up branch campuses t hroughout t he count ry

Enhance higher educat ion

opport unit ies for t hose in 19 unt il 24
years age group by increasing t he
number of public and privat einst it ut ion of higher learning

Improve physical facilit ies
Increase st udent int ake in inst it ut ion of higher learning
Provide dist ance educat ion

M ake our count ry a cent er of

excellence for educat ion in t his

Provide adequat e manpower for all field of st udies

Est ablish t he Nat ional Accredit at ion Board (know known
as M alaysian Qualificat ion Agency) t o regulat e qualit y of
courses offered
Offer t winning program wit h ot her developing count ries
Conduct 3 + 0 programs
Encourage foreign st udent s t o pursue furt her st udies in
t his count ry

Teaching of Mat hemat ics and Science in English (Et eMS)

In t he year 2002, t he government announced t hat beginning 2003 M at hemat ic and Science would be t aught
in English, whilst t he ot her subject st ill in M alay language. This is t o ensure M alaysian would not be left out
in t he globalizat ion era. This is due t o t hat , t he int ernet uses English as medium of t ransmission of
informat ion, if young M alaysians are not proficient in English it would be a great disadvant age t o t hem in
obt aining valuable knowledge and references on t he World Wide Web.
The implicat ions here are:
First ly, t eachers of M at hemat ic and Science need t o mast er t he English language bot h oral and writ t en,
ot herwise t hey will need t o learn or improve t hemselves;
Secondly, relevant aut horit ies specifically t he M inist ry of Educat ion need t o ensure t here is adequat e supply
of M at hemat ics and Science t ext books from Year 1, Form One and Lower Six.
Thirdly, it is also import ant t hat reference mat erials be available for bot h t eachers and st udent s eit her in
t he form of print ed t ext s or comput er soft ware
Fourt hly, books and reference mat erials of Bahasa M elayu must also be writ t en and published by t eachers
Compulsory Educat ion

Compulsory Educat ion

It is compulsory for all M alaysian cit izen parent s and residing in M alaysia t o regist er t heir children who have
reached t he age of 6 years for schooling. Durat ion of primary schooling is six years and failure or violat ion t o
do so will cause parent s RM 5000 or not more t han six mont hs prison or bot h.
The implicat ion for t his are:
All children, irrespect ive race or creed have t he right t o an educat ion
Children from poor family right s are uphold i.e. t hey cannot be forced t o work t o supplement t heir parent s
St at us of Chinese and Tamil Language
Chinese and Tamil language are made elect ive subject in all nat ional schools in April 2005. The rat ionales for
t his policy are because t heres an inadequat e number of pupils in Government schools and t he increase in
t he number of non-Chinese pupils in Chinese vernacular schools
The implicat ions for t his issue are:
There has t o be an increase in t he number of t rained t eachers whose opt ion is Chinese or Tamil language,
t his is t o ensure t hat t here are enough opt ion t eachers t o t each t hese t wo subject s and t eacher t raining
colleges have t o do t he needful t o meet t he needs of part ies concerned.
Smart Schools
Rat ionale t o inline wit h count rys aspirat ion t o achieve Vision 2020 as well as t o keep pace wit h rapid
development in t his era of science and t echnology and t ransforming t he educat ion syst em.
The cat alyst for t his t ransformat ion will be t he est ablishment of Smart Schools which is t echnologysupport ed init iat ive. It also hopes t o promot e t he development of a work force prepared t o meet t he
challenges of t he next cent ury.

The present cult ure and classroom pract ice will have t o be changed. Teachers have t o move away from rot elearning and drill st rat egies t o a form t hat st imulat e t hinking, creat ivit y, cat ering for st udent needs,
individual abilit ies and learning st yle as well as t arget ed t owards more equit able access.
St udent s will have t o be more concerned and t ake responsibilit y of t heir own learning and at t he same t ime
get t ing t he full support and assist ance of t heir parent s and t he communit y where t hey belong.
Smart school upholds t he concept of change in t he learning cult ure based on memory and examinat ionorient at ion t o t hat of creat ive t hinking and problem solving. Smart school also call for holist ic and int egrat ed
development of individuals pot ent ial in order t o produce individuals who are physically, emot ionally, spirit ually
and int ellect ually well-balanced whilst being t echnology savvy and globally and int ernat ionally-inclined.
Smart school aims t o produce a knowledge-based work force who will navigat e our count ry t owards an
informat ion-based economy. St udent s of Smart schools who will be absorbed int o t he workforce for t he
M ult imedia Super Corridor will assist in t ransformat ion of t echnology leading t o a highly t echnology based
local indust ry.
To implement t his, Smart school has out lined t o meet t he needs of individual, societ y and st akeholders in:
Producing a comput er-savvy workforce equipped wit h t hinking skills
Democrat izat ion of educat ion

Democrat izat ion of educat ion

Increment of st akeholders involvement
Holist ic development wit h due considerat ion t o individual capabilit y
Emphasis on physical, emot ional, spirit ual and int ellect ual domain
The st rat egies ident ified for used are:
A mult i-perspect ive curriculum which encompasses elect ive subject s
Vert ical, horizont al and mult i-disciplinary int egrat ion
Reasoning, values, creat ivit y and language across t he curriculum
Use of t echnology in t eaching and learning
Care and concern delivery for diversit y in learning abilit ies and st yles
Operat ionally, t he Smart schools involved 90 schools cat egorized int o t hree levels;
Level A Nine new schools equipped wit h modern t echnology
Level B+ Two Smart schools equipped wit h comput ers in 15 science laborat ories, classroom and offices
Level C 79 Smart schools equipped wit h a laborat ory and comput ers in t he Resource Cent er in addit ion t o
comput ers for t eachers
Vision Schools
Anot her government init iat ive t o produce a M alaysian race (Bangsa M alaysia) built on a love for t he count ry
and for t he abolit ion of et hnic differences amongst it s cit izen. Approved by t he Cabinet in 1997 as a result
of our leader awareness t o fost er racial unit y early in individual life.
Consist of t hree schools clust ered t o one common area t hat is t he Nat ional Primary school (Sekolah
Kebangsaan), Chinese Nat ional-t ype primary school (Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina) and Tamil
Nat ional-t ype primary school (Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil), connect ed t o one anot her by a linkway. M eaning pupils of different races and creed st udy t oget her in a common area.
The clust er of t his t ype has no effect on each schools organizat ional st ruct ure, administ rat ion or allocat ion
from t he M inist ry of Educat ion. Each school head is given t he aut onomy t o implement t heir respect ive
educat ional program. The t hree schools will share common physical amenit ies, cant een, playing field,
assembly area and corridors.

In comparison, schools set up in t he past were separat ed from one anot her but current ly are unit ed under
one st andardized educat ion syst em. Pupils from diversified races int eract wit h one anot her from an early age
t hus ensuring our count ry moving t owards nat ional unit y.
Lurah Bilut Vision School is one of t he pioneer set -up. Request ed by local resident comprising M alays,
Chinese and Indians. Built in an open area of 10 acres wit h neit her boundary nor fencing. Pupils from t hree
schools have ample opport unit y t o int eract wit h each ot her.
The core issues commonly relat ed t o t he Vision Schools was t o what ext ent t he exist ing school syst em
adhered t o t he principles of a diversified school syst em as list ed below:
-inculcat ion of et hnic and cult ural diversit y t hrough print ed and non-print ed mat erial such as books,
magazine, audio-video, int ernet and et c. celebrat ion of fest ivals
-equalit y in implement at ion of school rules in accordance t o t he cult ure and belief of each et hnic group such
as food selling
-academic and non-academic st aff of all races t o enhance social int eract ion
-fost ering of posit ive et hnic ident it y awareness and t he absence of superiorit y or inferiorit y complex founded
on et hnicit y
-open communicat ion across et hnic groups t hrough int eract ion during recess and co-curricular act ivit ies

-open communicat ion across et hnic groups t hrough int eract ion during recess and co-curricular act ivit ies
Some classroom pract ices and issues need t o be given considerat ion by aut horit ies t o ensure cont inuit y of
such syst em:
-inadequat e pract ice of collaborat ive t eaching; import ant t hat pupils exposed and comprehend different
cult ural and social viewpoint s
-inadequat e specialized t raining for Vision Schools t eachers in areas of cross-cult ural communicat ion skills,
cult ural sensit ivit y
-balance bet ween t eachers and pupils backgrounds so as t o bridge t he social gap as well as enhance
mut ual underst anding
One flop st ory was from Tasik Permai Vision School Complex
Basic Reading and Writ ing Classroom Int ervent ion Program (KIA2M)
At a meet ing t o st rengt hen nat ional schools (Sekolah Kebangsaan) held on 22 November 2005, pupils failure
t o mast er basic reading and writ ing skills was brought up. The Curriculum Development Cent er was given t he
mandat e t o implement KIA2M program. The special program was conduct ed by t he M alay language t eachers
for a durat ion of t hree t o six mont hs.
The goal is t o enable 100% Year 1 t o mast er 2R t hat is basic reading and writ ing skills. The aims are
out lined:
-t o
-t o
-t o
-t o

assist Year 1 pupils t o mast er t he basic 2R in M alay language

provide opport unit y for pupils t o learn according t o t heir individual abilit y level
enhance pupil self-confidence
nurt ure an int erest for learning

The t arget group is Year 1 pupil who need remediat ion fall int o t hree groups: i) t hose who need remediat ion
in class ii) t hose who need t o be in special remedial class iii) t he slow learners who have yet t o mast er t he
basic reading and writ ing skills
The program is compulsory for Sekolah Kebangsaan only.
KIA2M t eachers are from Year 1 M alay language t eachers, special remedial t eachers and assist ant and
t eachers who t each Physical and Healt h Educat ion, M usic educat ion and Visual Art s educat ion
Teaching and Learning st rat egies consist of six st eps: nominat ion, screening t est , planning, t eaching,
evaluat ion and follow-up.
i) nominat ions and screening t est are done t oget her and t hey will be classified based on t he t est as
-0-9 referred t o medical pract it ioner
-10-44 undergo KIA2M program

-10-44 undergo KIA2M program

-45-60 cont inue t eaching and learning in normal class
ii) planning are done using t he t eaching module provided as guide and reference. They are given aut onomy t o
modify t he act ivit ies and exercises in t he module according t o t he pupil abilit y. Some st rat egies suggest ed
are t eacher-cent ered (follow t he t eacher), pupil-cent ered and resource-cent ered. Some approach suggest ed
are individual approach, group approach and class approach.
Teachers are required t o and encouraged t o vary t heir t echniques which among are st ory t elling, drills,
demonst rat ions, songs, plays ad quizzes.
Pupils will undergo evaluat ion and follow-up, t hey are needed t o pass t wo t est s namely Ujian Pelepasan 1
and Ujian Pelepasan 2. Observat ion and monit oring are carried out by Curriculum Development Cent er,
School Inspect orat e, St at e Educat ion Depart ment , Dist rict Educat ion Offices, School heads.
Educat ion Development Mast er Plan (EDMP) 2006-2010
EDM P was t he brainchild of M OE t o consolidat e t he educat ion sect or in t he count ry; it has become t he
guideline for holist ic development for a period of 5-year as cont ained in t he 9th M alaysia Plan; as a
comprehensive and int egrat ed document plan for educat ion development covering infrast ruct ure, input and
The goal is t o produce qualit y educat ion for all t hrough t wo main approaches mainly:

ensure equit y and equalit y in educat ion whereby all cit izens are given fair and just educat ional
opport unit ies regardless of locat ion or et hnicit y, inclusive of t he physically impaired; all given
opport unit ies t o mast er t he 3Rs irrespect ive of t hey are from poor families, rural or urban or int erior;
improvement of ICT access
fully develop t he pot ent ial of all schools so as t o fall wit hin excellence clust er and t hus achieve
measurable success as t o chart our count ry and educat ion syst em on t he world map by ident ifying
clust er schools and int roducing various programs t o enhance st rengt hs and compet it iveness of schools
in t he educat ion clust er

Implement at ion St rat egies of EDM P Thrust s

Thrust s
Thrust 1- Nat ion

Implement at ion St rat egies

-st rengt hened t he Nat ional language
-enhance nat ional unit y and int egrit y
-nurt ure a love for art s, herit age and cult ure
-nurt ure an underst anding of Islam Hadhari

Thrust 2 Developing
Human Capit al

-provide more educat ional choices for parent s and st udent s

-enhance mast ery knowledge
-nurt ure st udent skills and deport ment
-enhance a holist ic assessment and evaluat ion syst em
-reinforce discipline
-upgrade services dealing wit h complaint s about discipline problems
-improve collaborat ion bet ween t he M inist ry of Educat ion and ot her

Thrust 3
St rengt hening nat ional

-expand pre-school program

-enhance head-t eachers leadership and qualit ies of t eachers
-reinforce school cult ure


-reinforce school cult ure

-improve curriculum, co-curriculum and sport s
-enhance academic performance
-provide adequat e and qualit y infrast ruct ure and basic amenit ies

Thrust 4 Bridging t he
educat ion group

-improve rural infrast ruct ure and educat ional facilit ies
-increase schooling at t endance and reduce drop-out risk
-increase t he number of opt ion t eachers in t he int erior
-cont inuous improvement of subsidy allocat ion for pupils, special
needs pupils and minorit y groups

Thrust 5 Enhancing
t eaching profession

-improve select ion of t eacher candidat e

-improve t eacher t raining
-improve t eachers work environment and welfare
- improve planning and management of human resources

Thrust 6 Accelerat ing

excellence of
educat ional inst it ut ions

-ensure st rong and effect ive leadership

-select compet ent and highly-skilled t eachers and t rainers
-give more aut onomy t o schools in t he choice of school heads,
administ rat ors, t eachers, support st aff and st udent s
-est ablish account abilit y syst em
-est ablish st andardizat ion and benchmarking as a symbol of a
developed and progressive nat ion
-make M alaysia a cent er of excellence for educat ion
-init iat e change and innovat ion

C r e ate d on N ov 12, 2010 and e d ite d last 08 Januar y, 2011 b y Pe nge nd ali@2006

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