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Acta Mechanica 14, 183--187 (i972)

@ by Springer-Verlag 1972

On Hill's Stress Rate in the Continuum Mechanics of Polyerystals*

K. S. Havner, Raleigh, N o r t h Carolina
With 1 Figure

(Received December 11, 1970, revised April 12, 1971)



On Hill's Stress Rate in the Continuum Mechanics of Polyerystals. The lattice corotational stress rate, suggested by HILL [i], is contrasted with the "material" co-rotational
stress rate and shown to be preferred in phenomenological continuum
models of crystal behavior. A simple application to a crystal deforming via quasi-static
single slip is included.
Zur Hillsehen Spannungsgeschwindigkeit in der Kontinuumsmechanik yon Vielkristallen. Die yon HILL [1] vorgeschlagene, mit dem Gitter mitrotierende Spannungsgeschwindigkeit wird d e r m i t der Materie mitrotierenden (Jaumann-Z~remba) gegeniibergestellt. Es wird gezeigt, daft erstere in einem ph~nomenologischen Kontinuumsmodell des
Kristallverhaltens vorzuziehen ist. Eine einfache Anwendung auf den durch quasistatisches
Gleiten sich verformenden Kristall wird angegeben.

1. Introduction
HILL [1], in an i m p o r t a n t paper devoted to the consequences of a general
hardening law in crystal plasticity, mentions in passing t h a t "within attainable
limits of a c c u r a c y " a suitable choice of stress-rate is the time derivative of Cauchy
stress on "coordinates rotating b u t n o t deforming with the lattice". I t is our
purpose herein to elaborate u p o n Hill's definition, showing t h a t in the c o n t i n u u m
physics of crystals and polycrystals it is to be preferred over the well k n o w n
J a u m a n n - Z a r e m b a stress-rate. Indeed, t h e adoptio n of the latter within c o n stitutive equations, as advocated b y TltO~AS [2] in a paper addressed to this
same topic, is clearly inappropriate.
2. Physical Preliminaries and Deformation Mechanisms


consider the deformation of a crystal grain, whose typical dimension

a moderately fine-grained aggregate i s 10-1 ram, say, to be relatively
as viewed b y an observer who can resolve distances down to 10 -8 ram.
a material " p o i n t " in the c o n t i n u u m model has dimensions of order

* This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research and by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Contract No. N00014-68-A-0187.


K.S. H~V~Ea:

10-4_10 3 mm. Dislocated geometries of the underlying lattice (with atomic

distances in the range 10- v - 10 -6 mm) are not considered. The mechanical behavior
of the grain is thus taken to be representable via phenomenological laws referred to
tile undislocated lattice structure (in the tradition of the classic single crystal
studies of the 1920's [3, 4]). The mechanisms of deformation are two: (a) elastic
(recoverable) infinitesimal strain of the lattice and (b) simple glide, on welldefined crystallographic slip systems, which translates material "lines" of points
relative to one another but leaves the crystal structure unchanged.
Let X represent a material point whose coordinates in the undeformed crystal
are Xi relative to a Cartesian reference frame. The position of X in a deformed
configuration at time t is expressed by
x = Z ( x , t).


We denote unit vectors in the normal and glide directions of the/cth crystallographic slip system by n ~, b ~, respectively, and define N ~, ~(2k as the symmetric
and antisymmetric parts of the tensor (dyadic) product 5 k @ n 1r Referred to a
rigid rectangular coordinate system ~j rotating with the lattice at X, these
vectors are expressed
n~L ) = b ~ h z,

b~L) = m j ~ h J.


wherein the subscript (L) refers to the lattice and the h z are unit base vectors of
the Cartesian system ~j. To the order of approximation of infinitesimal lattice
strains, lz~ and m j ~ m a y be taken as constant and equal to the normalized Miller
indices of the k t h slip system, ttence, the physical mechanisms of deformation are
l~inematically independent at X, and the rate of deformation and rate of rotation
tensors can be written

1 (L @ L T) = ~ @ ~)k N k ,

W = 2" (L -- L ~') = m )>e~ ~.



0x~ is the velocity gradient, ~ is the lattice infinitesimal strain rate (velocity
strain), (9 is the spin tensor of the lattice (relative to the x i reference frame) and
~)e is the plastic shear rate in the k t h slip system, as traditionally defined. Alternatively, referred to the ~j lattice frame,
D(L) = e(z) na PkN~L),
in which the tensors N~L) and ~-(L)

W(z) = ~e$2-fL)


are constant.

3. An Objective Stress Rate

Consider an observer in a Cartesian reference frame xi* undergoing an objectively equivalent motion (see [5], for example) given b y
x* = x*(X, t) = ~(t) ) ( X , t) -1- c(t)


On Hill's Stress Rate in the Continuum Mechanics of Polycrystals


where Q is an orthogonal transformation. Denoting the Cauchy (true) stress

tensor referred to the xi-eoordinates by T, we have
T * = ~ o T 0 ~.


Taking the material time derivatives of (6) and (7) and utilizing (4) and the
transformation ,o,** = Q ~ k Off,
a_o _ 0 = " * 0
dt - (~'* - - ~ * T *

+ T*(a*) = Q(T

-- oT

+ T e ) ) Q T,


and we may define the objective stress rate

= ~v _ ~ T + T ~ .


In terms of the "material" co-rotational (Jaumann-Zaremba) stress rate T [5],

~v = ~v + p k . C ~ T -



Choosing the x~* frame to coincide with the ~j coordinate system, to*-=--0
and T* = T(z), as strated by HILL [1]. The elastic stress-strain rate equations
relative to the arbitrary x i reference frame are properly expressed (to the same
order of approximation of infinitesimal lattice strains)
i~ = C T

-- CtoT

-t- C T e )


wherein C is the fourth order elastic compliance tensor and e is the infinitesimal
elastic strain tensor (e = @). Equivalently, @(z) = C(~)T(L)- This is in contrast

to the elastic constitutive equation given in [2] which, in the present notation,
C(~) (T(~) -- Yk
T(z) -~ 7k T(~),O-~L)).

would be @(~)

4. An Application to Single Crystal Plastic Deformation

As a simple example of the importance of choosing the Hill (or lattice corotational) stress rate of equation (10) over the Jaumann-Zaremba stress rate,
consider a single crystal specimen deforming via quasi-static single slip, as
illustrated in Fig. 1. We assume a specimen orientation such that the tension axis
(nominal stress a), the glide plane normal, and the slip direction all lie in the plane
of the diagram. For convenience, initial and subsequent positions of the deforming
crystal are depicted as viewed from the lattice (i.e., from the ~j coordinate system)
rather than from a reference frame fixed relative to the loading axis @1, say).
Let T~ denote the critical shear stress (crystal shear strength) in the slip system
and i ~ denote its rate. (~k is a p h e n o m e n o l o g i c a l crystal property and a scalar.)
and 2 are the angles between the loading axis and the unit normals n ~, b ~,
respectively, with ~ v - 2

A Thus (Schmid-Taylor law)

~ = a cos ~v0 cos ~ = tn sin A cos A


and, upon differentiation,

T/r = -'~ ill sin 2A -~ tll COS 2 ~ ,



K.S. H~v~R:


Fig. 1. Deformation of crystal under uniaxial ~ension due to glide in a single slip system

in which tn is the true stress. Alternatively, from (9), (10) and (13)

(wherein t r denotes the trace of the tensor product). I t is easily shown t h a t (15)
is equivalent to (14), as follows. Since our canonical representation of the stress
tensor (i.e., tll = a c o s % / c o s g , all other components zero) corresponds to
an xl direction always coincident with the loading axis, both the lattice and the
macroscopic "material" are rotating relative to the reference frame. (The axes 0i
of the figure are convected material "lines".) The associated rate of rotation
tensors are readily found to be





--4-P - i

~- + 1


with ~ and i related through the kinematics of the deformation as


i = --~ sin ~4.




(10) and (16)


On Hill's Stress l~ate in the Continuum Mechanics of Polycrystals


and from the figure and the definition of N ~

N ~~

sin 2A



--sin 24



Thus, substituting (19) and (20) into (15), the result ia (14) immediately
follows. In contrast, taking ~ ---- t r (N ~~v) would give, from (17), a quite different
and incorrect result far the rate of change of the crystal shear strength during
continued slip.

[1] HILL,1~.: Generalized constitutive relations for incremental deformation of metal crystals
by multislip, g. Mech. Phys. Solids 14, 95 (1966).
[2] TEo~As, T. Y. : Constitutive equations for elastic-plastic flow in cubic crystals. J. Math.
Mech. 16, 147 (1966).
[3] Sc~wrID,E. and W. BoAs: Kristallplastizit~t. Berlin: Springer 1935; Plasticity of Crystals
(translation). London: Chapman & Hall. 1968.
[4] The Scientific Papers of Sir G~orrR~Y I ~ a n ~ TxYLOR, Vol. I, Mechanics of Solids
(BATc~ELO~,G. K., ed.). Cambridge: University Press. 1958.
[5] T~VESD~.:Z~,C. and W. Nor,L: Encyclopedia of Physics, Vol. III/3 (FLi)OGE, S., ed.).
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer. 1965.
Pro]. Dr. Kerry S. Havner
Department o/Civil Engineering
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27607, U.S.A.

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