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Class: Form 2
Date: 7/5/2015
Day: Thursday
Week: 11
Time: 7.40 a.m
No. of Pupils: 30
Level of Proficiency: Mixed abilities
Topic: People
Skills: Writing a short letter (with guidance) to a friend about ones hopes and ambitions.
Language Aspect: 1) Vocabulary Nouns involving occupation, e.g. teacher, soldier
2) Verbs (Auxiliary verb) - relating to the different occupations, e.g. will, do
3) Adjectives - Description of occupations, e.g. perfect
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
1) use the appropriate vocabulary, verbs and adjectives associated with
2) provide comprehensible and well-organized explanations
3) write an informal letter with the correct format
Previous knowledge: 1) Pupils learn the different types of occupations.
Moral Values

: 1) Instill positive motivation in pupils towards achieving their dreams.

2) Encourages a sincere friendship bond by the act of sharing their hopes
and ambitions with their friends

Teaching Aids: 1) Task sheet 1

2) Task sheet 2
3) Task sheet 3
4) Video
5) Stickers

Presentation/Set Induction
(5 minutes)

Teaching/Learning Activities
1. Pupils are given task sheet
containing blanks to be filled.
2. Pupils will watch a video on
occupation and fill in the blanks in
Task sheet 1.
3. They will identify different
occupations with the description of
each occupation shown in the video
provided by the teacher which is
downloaded from YouTube.
4. The teacher will then discuss the
answers with them.

Teaching Aids
Task sheet 1,

Stage 1(10 mins)
Explaining and Answering
(This is the explanation

1. Pupils will discuss their ambitions

with the teacher.
2. Afterwards, they will be instructed to
provide a description on the
occupation that they have chosen
and to whom would they like to talk
to about their ambition and on the
appropriate way of conveying their
message; whether it should be done
in an informally or formally.

Stage 2 (15mins)
Blank Filling activity

1. Each pupil will be given an Task sheet 2

incomplete informal letter and they
will be instructed to fill in the blanks
with the appropriate answers
2. After they have completed the task,
they will discuss the answers with
the teacher. The teacher will then
elaborate on the structure or the
format of an informal letter that they
will write in the production stage
based on the sample letter given.
This will serve as a guide for the
pupils in the next stage.

Stage 3 (35 mins)

Letter to My Friend activity
(This is the production

1. Pupils will be given a writing prompt Task sheet 3

by the teacher.
2. Next, the teacher will provide
guidance on how to write their letter
by helping them to brainstorm for
words related to an example of an

occupation, how to cluster and

categorize those ideas as well as on
how to write an outline.
3. Pupils will undergo these stages of
writing and complete their informal
essay while the teacher monitors
necessary correction when needed.
Closure (10 mins)
Parking lot activity

1. Pupils are asked to paste (park)

their essays onto the designated
places (parking lot) around the
2. The teacher will distribute 2 stickers
to each student, the students will
paste one sticker (great job sticker)
on the essays that they think are
good and the other sticker (good
effort sticker), on the essay that they
think needs more improvement,
after reading all of the essays.
3. The teacher will then pick the essay
with the most number of great job
sticker and good effort sticker.
4. Next, the teacher will discuss with
the pupils on the strengths and
weakness of the essays.
5. The teacher will also suggest ways
for pupils to improve their writing
skills as an encouragement for

Extended Activity

1. Pupils will be divided into pairs and

are instructed to discuss with their
partners the things that they need to
do or prepare in order to achieve
their hopes and ambitions.

(5 mins)

NAME: _________________________________

CLASS :_______________

Instruction: Watch the video and complete the table below.


Description of the occupation

______________ people for safe swimming
______________ water pipes in the buildings
______________ crime
_____________________ in science industry
______________ clothes
______________ in the school
______________ photographs
______________ in plays and movies
______________ houses and buildings
______________ food in hotels and restaurants
______________ problems with your teeth
______________ your health or body
______________ fire

NAME: _____________________________


Instruction: Complete the following passage by choosing appropriate words and phrases from
the list given below.
322C, Taman Danau Maluri
53300 Kuala Lumpur.
20 August 2013.
Dear Yusuf,
How are you? I... Please send. to your family. Today I would like to
share with you about .. and what I hope...
Every person has his own dream or ambition in life. Some would want to become a
soldier; others would want to become doctors, engineers or politicians and so on. Others aspire
.. of authors, actors or singers. But my ambition is to in my future life.
In the drill class in my school, I was very .. the rules of parade as
perfectly as possible because I wanted to become a member of the police force. A police officer
has to be . in the society. He is also expected to possess an attitude of
help and rescue towards the deserving cases with a selfless mind.
When I grow and become a police officer, my motto . with an impartial
attitude by saving the distressed persons and punishing the culprits. I will definitely try to infuse
the sense of duty and an essence of discipline into the minds of the common man in the society.
I promise not.and soil my hands with corruption. I shall obey my superiors and
give protection to my subordinate staff. That is how I shall try to prove myself as a perfect police
How..Yusuf? What do you hope to become in the future? I hope . about
your ambition in your next letter soon.
Yours sincerely,

serious and always

tried to follow and

hope you are fine

disciplined, honest and

maintain the law and

my regards

will be to serve the


my ambition

about you

to achieve in the future

you would share with me

for the careers

to misuse my power

to become a police officer

NAME: ___________________________________

CLASS: __________

What I Want To Do When I Grow Up

Instruction: Write a short letter to your friend, describing your ambition and what you
hope to accomplish when you grow up as well as on how you are planning to achieve

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