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Turbocapitalisim, Hiperconsumers, Hiperindividualisim

Fairer society?
All those concepts belongs to the 21 century, it has become important to
understand them becaouse they explain part of the social behaviour nowadays.
Since the beginning of the informatic revolution and the reinforcement of
the globalization, the power of the markets has became bigger and bigger.
At the same time social liberties are broader and deeper than a few years
ago, but that it means that that our society has become fairer?
Following Gilles Lipovetsky review of the hypermodernisim, the turbocapitalisim has created new consumers that are not searching anymore to get into
the social classes through the consume, they seek to reaffirm eigenvalues as
hiperindividuals, they want to life the present satisying the fake hedonist
feeling, a fake carpe diem, by the ethernal consum of non-durable material
things, they demand permanently the newest products, youthness and vitality
becomes products or values linked to the products. At the end the most developed societies in the world has been crushed under a huge anxiety created
by non satisfactory jobs and a new individualist research of happines only
and partially satisfied by an ethernal consum of new products, what is actually the main engine of the capitalisim nowadays. So that is the contradiction in our society (created/stimulated by the capitalisim) we has more liberty than ever, but at the same time, we are slaves of the anxiety of not
getting this happines us an individual, we are more connected than ever
through the internet all arround the world but classical social networks are
weaker than ever, the economy and the wellness has been growing faster
than the happiness detriment of society.
Some authors would grant some victories by capitalisim, like the wellness
that the developed countries has, or the liberty that we got through the
democracy supported by the capitalisim, and in adition they just wanted to
change capitalisim into something less agresive but, who died to get this
freedom aginst the authoritarian models? Why has two people that works in
the same company to earn different salaries? Why can they affirm that fake
freedom is not that bad, when is the resaoult and the reason of this unfair
system? And what is more, did they notice how many population in the world
is living out of this system? And why are they out of those awsome progress?
In my opinion, (as many time in the history) a few are taking advantage over
the remaining population, we over exploit resources just to keep our non
stopable way of living, just to keep the machine working. So just the radical criticism, will at less expose the main problem.

By the moment we live in an small and limited material world, if we dont

want to end saturating thisplanet (as a population of baterias on a petri
dish without resorces) before creating the technology to get out of it, we
should re-think the way we coexist because we will need as much brains or
human power as posible to survive, and capitalisim is no longer a solution
to ALL the population. As a designers we has de responsability to transform
our products in the most efficient material-object that we can create and
at the same time link to them some values that, for example, stimulates the
awareness of the users as a useful individual into a comunity by themselves,
offering at the same time a greatful visual and user experience.

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