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5th April 2016

Reading lesson
Time: 11.00 a.m-12.00 p.m
Class: 3 Hijau
Issues/ challenges being focused on:
Using stories to teach animals to my pupils
Incorporating role playing the lesson
Pupils participation in the reading lesson
Analysis of focuses/issues

The use of story for this lesson was quite exciting. First, by using the jigsaw puzzle, I
was able to establish my pupils interest on the topic. I had my pupils guess the title of
the story before I start my storytelling lesson. Because of this, my pupils were eager to
know and were excited to listen to the story.
My pupils were very excited when I told them the story. I also used stick puppets to
make the story clearer for my pupils. In addition, the use of the puppet had also made
the lesson more interactive and fun. There were literally rooting for either animal to win
the race. Besides that, the role pay I conducted during the while-reading stage was very
successful. The pupils were all actively involved not just the pupils who were role playing
the characters but also the pupils who were reading. The active involvement of the
pupils might be because they wanted to see the role play carried out. The activity was
done in a way that only when the pupils start to read then the characters would start to
role play. So the pupils quickly read because they wanted to watch their friends role
play. Furthermore, the use of animal masks had helped in making the activity much more

1. Although the lesson was fun but there were a lot of things that went wrong. The most
obvious weakness that can be seen from this lesson would be my classroom
management. The nature of this activity requires the pupils cooperation and adjustment



5th April 2016

of classroom properties. This created a problem because some of the pupils were not
cooperating but instead started to disrupt the class. Other than that, when I gave the
instructions to move the table and chairs, it took longer than I thought. This was mainly
because my pupils were playing with their friends and some were quarrelling with each
During the storytelling activity, it was getting hard to control the classroom. Some
were not listening to my instructions and some were doing something else entirely. This
might due to the fact that my pupils are getting too comfortable with me and I might have
become soft to them. They were reluctant to hear my instructions and did not care
whether I was angry at them. Furthermore, they were some who were disturbing their
friends. For example, during the storytelling and the role play, some of the pupils would
play with their friends and some were pushing chairs around.
New awareness related to experiences outside the classroom or daily life
I realized that plans are not fixed and sometimes it can go wrong. People could also
react and give unexpected response and its not good to assume their behaviours are
Suggestions and improvements:

For my next lesson, I need a change of venue. This step could help in changing the
situation in which my pupils can respond better. Furthermore, a more conducive place
could also prove to be efficient for my storytelling. Other than that, I should rethink my
pupils participation in my lesson. I should prepare beforehand the names of the pupils
that would be the characters inside my story to prevent my pupils fighting for my
attention and also prevent some of my pupils being left out.

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