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For Macintosh and Windows



NOTE: Unauthorized use of this software or related materials can result in civil damages and criminal penalties.
andtypeSubscribe Alex-Netinthebodyofthemessage.


Table of Contents
Welcome to Alexandria! ..................................................................... 1
Special Note to Existing Alexandria Users .............................................. 4
Communication Protocols ....................................................................... 4
Where is My Alexandria Data Folder Located? ....................................... 4
Note and Warning Alerts ......................................................................... 4

Preparing for Alexandria.................................................................... 5

Automating Your Library Overview .......................................................... 5
Archiving Your Data ................................................................................. 5
Backing Up Your Data ............................................................................. 6
What to Backup ....................................................................................... 6
Why You Must Backup Your Data ........................................................... 6
Determining a Backup Strategy............................................................... 7
Backup Hardware .................................................................................... 7
Sample Backup Strategy ......................................................................... 8
Barcode Your Collection.......................................................................... 9
Guidelines for Choosing Barcode Numbers ............................................ 9
Sample Barcode Numbering Scheme ................................................... 10
Classes of Barcode Labels .................................................................... 11
One and Two-Part Labels ...................................................................... 11
Where to Place Barcode Labels ............................................................ 12
When to Label Items .............................................................................. 12
Barcode Readers ................................................................................... 12
Enter Item Data ...................................................................................... 13
Enter Patron Data .................................................................................. 14
Set Your Library Preferences................................................................. 14
Develop a Machine Maintenance Strategy ............................................ 14
Develop an Alexandria Maintenance Strategy....................................... 14
Evaluate the Security of Your Data Station............................................ 14

Installing Alexandria......................................................................... 15
Hardware and Operating System Recommendations ........................... 15
Alexandria Communication Systems..................................................... 16
Installation Summary (read this first)...................................................... 17
Installing Alexandria for Macintosh........................................................ 18
Installing Alexandria for Windows.......................................................... 22
Installing Alexandria Clients................................................................... 28
Configuring Alexandria Web .................................................................. 31
Installing NetLink III................................................................................ 32

Alexandria Users Manual iii

Table of Contents
Installing Z39.50 Server ......................................................................... 32
Transferring data from Alexandria v3 .................................................... 33

Alexandria Basics............................................................................. 37
Macintosh & Windows Command Differences......................................
Alexandria Help .....................................................................................
Help Menu .............................................................................................
File Menu ...............................................................................................
Edit Menu ..............................................................................................
Show Menu............................................................................................
Reports Menu ........................................................................................
Links Menu ............................................................................................
District Menu .........................................................................................
Window Menu........................................................................................
Management Command Menus ............................................................
Finding Records ....................................................................................
Browsing Records .................................................................................
Unlocking Records ................................................................................
Adding Records.....................................................................................
Duplicating Records ..............................................................................
Removing Records ................................................................................
The Alexandria Word Processor............................................................
Show: Bulletin Board .............................................................................
Show: Circulation Statistics...................................................................
Show: Dictionary Window .....................................................................
Show: Email Manager............................................................................
Email Service Manager: Email tab .........................................................
Email Service Manager: Status Message Log tab.................................
Show: Map Editor ..................................................................................


Introduction to Preferences ............................................................ 61

What Are Global and Local Preferences? ............................................. 63

Administration Preferences............................................................. 65
Users Tab ..............................................................................................
Activating Security.................................................................................
Accessing Alexandria as a Different User .............................................
Adding Users .........................................................................................
Removing Users ....................................................................................
Edit Users ..............................................................................................
Security Tab...........................................................................................
Adding, Editing, and Removing Custom Security Levels ......................
Address Books Tab ...............................................................................
Updates Tab ..........................................................................................
Performing Software Updates ...............................................................

iv Alexandria Users Manual


Table of Contents
Services Tab .......................................................................................... 92

Advanced Booking Preferences ..................................................... 95

Settings Tab........................................................................................... 96
Notices Tab............................................................................................ 97
Exceptions Happen, What Can We Do?.............................................. 102

Authority Control Preferences ...................................................... 103

Calendar Preferences .................................................................... 105
Checkpoint ILS Preferences ......................................................... 109
Circulation Preferences ................................................................. 111
Circulation Tab..................................................................................... 111
Receipts Tab........................................................................................ 114
Textbook Tracker Tab.......................................................................... 116
Circulation Tab..................................................................................... 117
Miscellaneous Tab ............................................................................... 119
Barcodes Tab ...................................................................................... 120

Display Settings Preferences ........................................................ 123

Display Settings Tab ............................................................................ 123
Miscellaneous Tab ............................................................................... 124

Item Management Preferences..................................................... 127

Items Tab ............................................................................................. 127
Mitinet Tab ........................................................................................... 129
In Transit Tab ....................................................................................... 130
Items Tab ............................................................................................. 131
Leading Articles Tab ............................................................................ 133
Default Item Pictures Tab .................................................................... 134
Auto-Hide Tab...................................................................................... 135

Library Information Preferences ................................................... 137

Library Information Tab........................................................................ 137
Email Settings Tab ............................................................................... 139
Search Add-ons Tab............................................................................ 141
Public Library Z39.50 Info Tab............................................................. 143
SIP2 Tab .............................................................................................. 144
Localization Tab................................................................................... 145

MARC Search Preferences............................................................ 147

Orders Preferences ........................................................................ 149
Orders & Budgets Tab ......................................................................... 149
Letters Tab........................................................................................... 150

Alexandria Users Manual v

Table of Contents
Orders & Budgets Tab......................................................................... 151

Patron Management Preferences................................................. 153

Patron Management Tab.....................................................................
Lexile tab .............................................................................................
Patron Management Tab.....................................................................
Default Patron Pictures Tab ................................................................
Grade Tab............................................................................................


Policies Preferences ...................................................................... 161

Why Do We Need Policies?.................................................................
How to Use the Policy Window ...........................................................
Patron Policies.....................................................................................
Patron Policies: Check Out Tab ..........................................................
Patron Policies: Overdue Tab..............................................................
Patron Policies: Hold Tab ....................................................................
Patron Policies: Reservation Tab ........................................................
Patron Policies: SIP2 Tab ....................................................................
Patron Policies: All Tab........................................................................
Items Policies ......................................................................................
Item Policies: Check Out Tab ..............................................................
Item Policies: Overdue Tab .................................................................
Item Policies: Reservation Tab ............................................................
Item Policies: All Tab ...........................................................................
Circulation Policies ..............................................................................
Circulation Policies: Overdue Tab .......................................................
Circulation Policies: Hold Tab .............................................................
Circulation Policies: Reservation Tab ..................................................
Circulation Policies: SIP2 ....................................................................
Circulation Policies: All Tab .................................................................


Researcher Preferences................................................................ 181

Researcher Tab ................................................................................... 181
Results & Details Tab........................................................................... 185
Researcher Tab ................................................................................... 186

Routes Preferences ....................................................................... 189

SIF Preferences .............................................................................. 191
What is SIF? ........................................................................................
How does SIF work? ...........................................................................
Connection Tab ...................................................................................
Message Handling Tab........................................................................
Messages Tab .....................................................................................

vi Alexandria Users Manual


Table of Contents
Scheduled Events Preferences ..................................................... 199
Archive Tab .......................................................................................... 199
How Archiving Works........................................................................... 200
Rebuild Tab.......................................................................................... 202
Export Tab ........................................................................................... 203
Notification Tab.................................................................................... 204

Sounds Preferences....................................................................... 205

Web Preferences ............................................................................ 207
Web Tab............................................................................................... 207
Web Tab............................................................................................... 208
Search Tab........................................................................................... 210
Patron Tab ........................................................................................... 212
Links Tab ............................................................................................. 214

Word Processor Preferences ........................................................ 215

Patron Management....................................................................... 217
Using the Patrons Menu ...................................................................... 218
Finding Patrons.................................................................................... 219
Modifying Patron Information .............................................................. 220
Adding New Patrons ............................................................................ 221
Removing a Patron .............................................................................. 222
Take Patron Picture ............................................................................. 223
Show Details ........................................................................................ 223
Show History........................................................................................ 223
Special/System Patrons ...................................................................... 224
Patron Information Fields..................................................................... 225
Primary Patron Information.................................................................. 225
Personal Info tab.................................................................................. 227
Notes tab ............................................................................................. 229
Statistics tab ........................................................................................ 230
Attachments tab .................................................................................. 230
Lexile tab.............................................................................................. 231

Item Management .......................................................................... 233

About MARC records........................................................................... 233
Item Management Window.................................................................. 234
Using the Items Menu.......................................................................... 235
Finding Records................................................................................... 235
Adding New Titles................................................................................ 238
Removing a Title or Copy .................................................................... 238
Show Details ........................................................................................ 239
Item Information Fields ........................................................................ 240

Alexandria Users Manual vii

Table of Contents
Primary Item Information .....................................................................
Title and Author Editor.........................................................................
Title Editor............................................................................................
Author Editor........................................................................................
Title Publication Tabs ..........................................................................
Item Management Window: Publication tab .......................................
Item Management Window: Subjects tab ...........................................
Item Management Window: Categories tab ........................................
Item Management Window: Notes tab................................................
Item Management Window: Summary tab ..........................................
Item Management Window: Statistics tab...........................................
Item Management Window: Attachments tab .....................................
Item Management Window: SP tab.....................................................
Item Management Window: Miscellaneous tab ..................................
Item Copy Data Window......................................................................
Item Copy Window: Copy Information tab ..........................................
Item Copy Window: Copy Notes tab...................................................
Item Copy Window: Copy Statistics tab .............................................
Item Copy Window: Transit History tab...............................................
MARC View Editor ...............................................................................


Circulation....................................................................................... 265
Modes, Commands and Help..............................................................
Current Patron and Current Item Information......................................
Using the Circulation Window .............................................................
Circulation Window Tabs.....................................................................
Holds ...................................................................................................
Placing a Hold Request .......................................................................
Holds tab: Patron Hold Queue ............................................................
Holds tab: In Stock Patron Holds ........................................................
Holds tab: Item Hold Queue ................................................................
Holds tab: In Stock Item Holds ...........................................................
Reservations ........................................................................................
Placing a Reservation ..........................................................................
Alexandrias Reservation Commands .................................................
Reservation on Any Copy ....................................................................
Reservation on Specific Copy .............................................................
Reservation by Patron .........................................................................
Reservations Check Out, by Item........................................................
Reservations check out, by Patron .....................................................
Reservations tab: Patron Reservations ...............................................
Reservations tab: Item Reservations...................................................
Handling Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits ..........................
Fee Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits ..................................

viii Alexandria Users Manual


Table of Contents
Charging a Fee..................................................................................... 285
Charges tab: Payments ....................................................................... 291
Charges tab: Refunds .......................................................................... 293
Charges tab: Credits............................................................................ 296
Circulation Window: Support tab......................................................... 300
Support tab: Email Tech Support ........................................................ 300
Support tab: System Info..................................................................... 301
Support tab: License Information ........................................................ 301
Support tab: FTP ................................................................................. 302
Using the Circulation Menu ................................................................. 303
Checking Items Out and In .................................................................. 305
Checking Items Out ............................................................................. 305
Special Conditions When Checking Out Items.................................... 306
Checking Items In ................................................................................ 308
Overdue Check In ................................................................................ 308
Temporary Items.................................................................................. 309
Setting Up Temporary Check Out Items.............................................. 309
Checking Out Using Temporary Items................................................. 309
Same Day Check Outs......................................................................... 309
Special/System Patrons ...................................................................... 311
Show All Patron Notes......................................................................... 313
Append General Patron Note............................................................... 313
Replace General Patron Note .............................................................. 313
Append Patron Alert Note.................................................................... 313
Replace Patron Alert Note ................................................................... 313
Show All Item/Item Copy Notes........................................................... 314
Append Item Copy Note ...................................................................... 314
Replace Item Copy Note...................................................................... 314
Append Item Copy Alert Note.............................................................. 314
Replace Copy Alert Note ..................................................................... 314
Print Transaction log............................................................................ 315
Put Comment in Transaction log ......................................................... 315
Import Script/File ................................................................................. 315
Importing Portable Laser Scanner Inventory Files............................... 316
Clear Override Date ............................................................................. 317
Set Override Due Date ......................................................................... 317
Clear Circulation Mode ........................................................................ 318
Change Barcode Number .................................................................... 318
Set Self-Service Checkout Mode ........................................................ 319
Set Self-Service Bookdrop Mode ........................................................ 319
Bookdrop Mode................................................................................... 319
Discard Mode ...................................................................................... 320
Receive Subscription ........................................................................... 321
Inventory Control ................................................................................. 322

Alexandria Users Manual ix

Table of Contents
Taking Inventory ..................................................................................
Notes about Inventory .........................................................................
Inventory Reports ................................................................................
Locating Patrons and Items ................................................................
Locate an Item by Call Number...........................................................
Locate a Patron by Last Name ............................................................
Locate a Patron by First Name............................................................
Locate an Item by Title ........................................................................
Homeroom Commands .......................................................................
Show Homeroom Window(s) ...............................................................
Patron Homeroom Window .................................................................
In Transit Window ................................................................................
In Transit Destination Window.............................................................
Reserving an Item................................................................................
Recall Immediately ..............................................................................
Recall Immediately With Email Notification .........................................
Recall Immediately With Print Notification ..........................................
Issue Routing Slip................................................................................
Change Copy Location........................................................................
Change Copy Shelving ........................................................................
Change Copy Library...........................................................................
Change Patron School ........................................................................
Change Patron Homeroom..................................................................
Change Patron Second Location ........................................................
Same Day Check Out ..........................................................................
Make a Patron Current ........................................................................
Checking Patron and Item Status .......................................................
Renew Query .......................................................................................
Renewing an Item ................................................................................
Renew All Items ...................................................................................
Change Item Policies...........................................................................
Change Patron Policies .......................................................................
Restore Previous Policy.......................................................................
Start Classification Mode ....................................................................
Make Item/Patron Current ...................................................................
Clear Current Patron/Item Mode .........................................................
Start Statistics Mode ...........................................................................
Clear the Transaction log ....................................................................


Authority Control ............................................................................ 339

MARC Authority Control ......................................................................
MARC Authority Window.....................................................................
See and See Also ................................................................................
Adding and Removing MARC Authority Entries ..................................

x Alexandria Users Manual


Table of Contents
Custom Authority Control .................................................................... 346
Adding and Removing Custom Authority Entries ................................ 346

MARC Search & Mitinet ................................................................. 349

MARC Search ...................................................................................... 349
Mitinet .................................................................................................. 352
AccessMARC....................................................................................... 353
MARC on Demand ............................................................................... 354
Mitinet Status....................................................................................... 355
Sent Tab............................................................................................... 355
Received Tab ....................................................................................... 359
Imported/Archived ............................................................................... 360
Account Info......................................................................................... 361

Alexandria Lexiles .......................................................................... 363

Assigning A Patron Lexile .................................................................... 365
Assigning An Item Lexile...................................................................... 368
Alexandria Researcher Lexiles............................................................. 369
Alexandria Web Lexiles........................................................................ 370
Importing Item Lexiles ......................................................................... 371

Alexandria Researcher................................................................... 373

Boolean Search, Overview................................................................... 374
Researcher Window Control Icons ...................................................... 376
Result List Printing Options ................................................................. 377
Boolean Search ................................................................................... 378
Using Boolean Operators .................................................................... 380
Using Browse Buttons ......................................................................... 380
Simple Search...................................................................................... 381
Explore Search..................................................................................... 382
Browse Search..................................................................................... 383
Study Program Search ........................................................................ 384
Z39.50 Search...................................................................................... 385
Standard Search Results List .............................................................. 386
Creating your own Custom Results Lists ............................................ 387
Simple Search Results List .................................................................. 389
Placing Holds and Making Reservations ............................................. 390
Displaying Patron Details..................................................................... 392
Viewing Item Details from a Standard Search Results List ................. 393
Viewing Item Details from a Simple Search Results List ..................... 394
Changing Patron Information............................................................... 395

Alexandria Explore ......................................................................... 397

Alexandria Explore Preferences........................................................... 398
Searching with Alexandria Explore ...................................................... 406

Alexandria Users Manual xi

Table of Contents
Alexandria Web............................................................................... 407
Connecting to Alexandria Web............................................................
Using Alexandria Web .........................................................................
Using Alexandria Web Librarian ..........................................................
Searching With Alexandria Web ..........................................................
Alexandria Web Specific Searching ....................................................
Placing Holds and Reservations..........................................................


Remote Control .............................................................................. 427

Central Union.................................................................................. 431
Preferences Affecting Central Union ...................................................
Advanced Bookings Affecting Central Union ......................................
Circulation Affecting Central Union .....................................................
Reports & Utilities ................................................................................
Item Management................................................................................
In Transit and Interlibrary Loans ..........................................................


Alexandria WAN Searching ........................................................... 437

Configuring Your System for WAN Access ......................................... 437
Alexandria WAN Searching ................................................................. 438

Z39.50 Client ................................................................................... 439

Configuring Your System For Z39.50 Access ..................................... 439
Z39.50 Address Book.......................................................................... 441

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors...................................................... 443

Orders Management............................................................................
Primary Orders Window Information ...................................................
Orders Window: Order tab ..................................................................
Orders Window: Notes tab ..................................................................
Orders Window: Summary tab ............................................................
Line Item Details ..................................................................................
Receiving Your Order ..........................................................................
Orders Menu........................................................................................
Budgets Management .........................................................................
Budgets Window: Total Budget tab ....................................................
Budget Menu .......................................................................................
Vendors Management .........................................................................
Primary Information .............................................................................
Vendors Window: Contact Info tab ....................................................
Vendors Window: Notes tab...............................................................
Vendors Menu .....................................................................................

xii Alexandria Users Manual


Table of Contents
Subscriptions & Routes ................................................................. 461
Subscriptions Management................................................................. 461
Subscriptions Primary Information ...................................................... 462
Subscriptions Window: Subscription Info tab ..................................... 463
Subscriptions Window: Item Info tab................................................... 464
Subscriptions Window: History tab............................................................ 465
Routes Management............................................................................ 466
Routes Primary Information ................................................................. 466
Routes Window: Route List tab ........................................................... 467
Routes Window: Instructions tab......................................................... 468

Introduction to Reports ................................................................. 469

How to Create a Report ....................................................................... 469
Adaptive Dates..................................................................................... 472
Quick Reports ...................................................................................... 473
Super Summary Template Editor......................................................... 475

Special Reports .............................................................................. 483

Preparing Special Reports ................................................................... 483
Policy List............................................................................................. 484
Library Calendar .................................................................................. 485
Calendar Notes .................................................................................... 486
Manual Checkout Sheet ...................................................................... 487
Command Barcodes............................................................................ 488
Preferences Report .............................................................................. 488
Custom Barcode Labels ...................................................................... 489
Authority Reports ................................................................................. 491
System Analysis................................................................................... 492
Statistics .............................................................................................. 493
Unused Barcodes ................................................................................ 494

Cross Data Station Reports .......................................................... 495

Preparing Cross DS Reports ............................................................... 495
Preparing Cross DS Reports ............................................................... 495
Loaned Items ....................................................................................... 496
Overdue Listings .................................................................................. 497
Hold Requests ..................................................................................... 499
Reservations ........................................................................................ 500
Overdue Notices .................................................................................. 501
Item Hold Queue.................................................................................. 503
Item Reservations ................................................................................ 504
Charges and Overdue Fines ................................................................ 505
Reserved Items .................................................................................... 506
Special Item Lists................................................................................. 507

Alexandria Users Manual xiii

Table of Contents
Patron Reports ............................................................................... 509
Preparing Patron Reports....................................................................
Patron List ...........................................................................................
Patron Desk Reference........................................................................
Patron Lexile........................................................................................
Patron Payment History.......................................................................
Refunds and Forgiven Amounts ..........................................................
Charges Forgiven ................................................................................
Payment Summary Statistics ..............................................................
Monthly Usage.....................................................................................
Patron Counts......................................................................................
Barcode Labels....................................................................................
Mailing Labels......................................................................................
Rolodex Cards.....................................................................................
Overdue List ........................................................................................
Patron Status.......................................................................................
Suspended Patrons .............................................................................
Account Information ............................................................................
Patron History......................................................................................
Saved Lists ..........................................................................................
SIF Updates.........................................................................................


Item Reports ................................................................................... 529

Preparing Item Reports .......................................................................
Item List ...............................................................................................
Catalog Format....................................................................................
Copy List .............................................................................................
Publication Date Summary ..................................................................
Usage ..................................................................................................
Item Analysis .......................................................................................
Inventory ..............................................................................................
Barcode Labels....................................................................................
Spine Labels ........................................................................................
LOC Style Spine Labels.......................................................................
Catalog Cards......................................................................................
Super Summary...................................................................................
Super Summary: Formats....................................................................
Super Summary Statistics Groups ......................................................
Study Programs...................................................................................
Reordering Details ...............................................................................
Pull Pending Holds ..............................................................................
State Reports.......................................................................................

xiv Alexandria Users Manual


Table of Contents
Circulation Reports ........................................................................ 551
Preparing Circulation Reports.............................................................. 551
Loaned Items ....................................................................................... 552
Overdue Listings .................................................................................. 553
Hold Requests ..................................................................................... 554
Reservations ........................................................................................ 555
Overdue Notices .................................................................................. 556
Item Hold Queue.................................................................................. 558
Patron Notices ..................................................................................... 559
Charges and Overdue Fines ................................................................ 560
Credits ................................................................................................. 561
Reserved Items .................................................................................... 562
Special Item Lists................................................................................. 563
Due Dates ............................................................................................ 564
In Transit .............................................................................................. 565

Statistics Records Reports ........................................................... 567

Preparing Statistics Records Reports ................................................. 567
Usage by Period .................................................................................. 568
Return Statistics................................................................................... 569
Usage by Item Policy ........................................................................... 570
Usage by Patron Policy ....................................................................... 571
Usage by Patron-Item Policy ............................................................... 572
Usage by Item-Patron Policy ............................................................... 573
Usage by Item-Patron Policy Report Formats..................................... 573

Statistics Reports ........................................................................... 575

Usage by Copy Library ........................................................................ 576
Usage by Copy Location ..................................................................... 577
Usage by Copy Shelving ..................................................................... 578
Usage by Patron Homeroom ............................................................... 579
Usage by Patron 2nd Location ............................................................ 580
Usage by Patron School ...................................................................... 581
Usage by Patron Grade ....................................................................... 582
System Activity .................................................................................... 583
Web Activity ......................................................................................... 584

Order Reports ................................................................................. 585

Order List ............................................................................................. 586
Order Form .......................................................................................... 587
Claim Letter.......................................................................................... 588
Patron Receipt Letter........................................................................... 589
Vendor List........................................................................................... 590
Budget List........................................................................................... 591

Alexandria Users Manual xv

Table of Contents
Subscription Reports ..................................................................... 593
Subscription List..................................................................................
Subscription Due Dates.......................................................................
Subscription History ............................................................................
Claim Letter .........................................................................................
Routing Slip .........................................................................................


Route Reports................................................................................. 599

Sort By Options .............................................................................. 601
Select By Options........................................................................... 607
Item Utilities .................................................................................... 621
Items: Verify .........................................................................................
Items: Replace Information..................................................................
Items: Replace Multiple .......................................................................
Items: Modify Call Numbers ................................................................
Items: Remove Title .............................................................................
Items: Remove Copy ...........................................................................
Items: Remove Archived Copies .........................................................
Items: Remove Lost Copies ................................................................
Items: Remove Discarded Copies .......................................................
Items: Remove Copy Transactions .....................................................
Items: Remove NetLink II ....................................................................
Items: Remove NetLink III....................................................................
Items: Match Title to Copy Call Numbers ...........................................
Items: Match Copy to Title Call Numbers ...........................................
Items: Match Title Policies...................................................................
Items: Import Item Pictures .................................................................
Items: Remove Item Pictures ..............................................................
Items: Check Out.................................................................................
Items: Convert ISBN ............................................................................
Items: Import Lexiles ...........................................................................
Items: Flag Items Also in Public Library ..............................................
Items: Clear Items Also in Public Library.............................................
Items: Mitinet Mechanic Express ........................................................
Items: Clear Mitinet Information ..........................................................


Patron Utilities ................................................................................ 649

Patrons: Verify .....................................................................................
Patrons: Replace Information ..............................................................
Patrons: Remove Patron .....................................................................
Patrons: Clear Patron History..............................................................
Patrons: Advance Levels .....................................................................

xvi Alexandria Users Manual


Table of Contents
Patrons: Renew Patron Cards ............................................................. 656
Patrons: Import Patron Pictures .......................................................... 657
Patrons: Remove Patron Pictures........................................................ 658
Patrons: Export Patron Pictures .......................................................... 659
Patrons: Keep Patron History .............................................................. 660
Patrons: Remove All Transactions....................................................... 661
Patrons: Create Saved List .................................................................. 662
Patrons: Remove Saved List ............................................................... 663
Patrons: Clear Saved List .................................................................... 664
Patrons: Remove Lexile Scores........................................................... 665
Patrons: SIF Synchronize..................................................................... 666

Vendor Utilities ............................................................................... 669

How to Initiate a Vendor Utility ............................................................ 669
Vendor: Verify....................................................................................... 671
Vendor: Remove .................................................................................. 672

Circulation Utilities ......................................................................... 673

How to Initiate a Circulation Utility....................................................... 673
Circulation: Verify................................................................................. 675
Circulation: Update .............................................................................. 676
Circulation: Fix Due Date ..................................................................... 677

Check for Update Utilities ............................................................. 679

How to Initiate a Check for Update Utility ........................................... 679
Check for Updates: Check for Updates .............................................. 681
Available Updates ................................................................................ 682
Check for Updates: Get Resources..................................................... 683

Authority Control Utilities .............................................................. 685

How to Initiate an Authority Utility ....................................................... 685
Authority Control: Build from Existing Records ................................... 687
Authority Control: Remove Duplicates................................................. 688

Database Utilities ........................................................................... 689

How to Initiate a Database Utility......................................................... 689
Database: Rebuild ............................................................................... 691
Database: Rebuild and Backup ........................................................... 692

Data Station Utilities ...................................................................... 693

How to Initiate a Data Station Utility .................................................... 693
Data Station: Restart............................................................................ 695
Data Station: Quit Data Station............................................................ 696

Logs Utilities ................................................................................... 697

How to Initiate a Logs Utility ................................................................ 697

Alexandria Users Manual xvii

Table of Contents
Logs: View Server Log......................................................................... 699
Logs: View Release Notes ................................................................... 700

Catalog Utilities .............................................................................. 701

How to Initiate a Catalog Utility ...........................................................
Catalog Utility Type .............................................................................
Catalog Utilities: New ..........................................................................
Catalog Utilities: Modify ......................................................................
Catalog Utilities: Remove ....................................................................
Catalog Utilities: Switch Tag # ............................................................


Verify Utilities.................................................................................. 709

Verify: Verify All ....................................................................................
Verify: Verify Budgets ..........................................................................
Verify: Verify Orders.............................................................................
Verify: Verify Routes ............................................................................
Verify: Verify Subscriptions..................................................................
Verify: Verify Vendors ..........................................................................


Data Import ..................................................................................... 715

Global Settings ....................................................................................
Item Settings........................................................................................
Patron Settings ....................................................................................
Importing Data Files ............................................................................
Computerized Records........................................................................
Tab-Delimited Records........................................................................
Alexandrias Tab-Delimited Import File Format...................................
Import File Example.............................................................................
Field Mapping Window........................................................................
Importing Patron Information ..............................................................
Rules for Importing Patron Information ...............................................
Uses for Patron Import and Export .....................................................
Patron Fields by Field Number ...........................................................
Importing Item Information ..................................................................
Rules for Importing Item Information...................................................
Item Fields by Field Number................................................................
Importing Transaction Files .................................................................
Address Book Fields by Field Number ................................................


Data Export ..................................................................................... 735

Export Items ........................................................................................
Export Patrons.....................................................................................
Export Fines.........................................................................................
Export Statistics ..................................................................................

xviii Alexandria Users Manual


Table of Contents
Export Other ........................................................................................ 743
Export Field Mapping Window............................................................. 744
Patron Export Fields: (Field Name, Field Number)............................... 745
Item Export Fields: (Field Name, Field Number) .................................. 746

MARC/MicroLIF Records............................................................... 747

What Are MARC & MicroLIF Records?................................................ 747
Saving MARC/MicroLIF Records......................................................... 747
Conversion Rules................................................................................. 748
Conversion Help .................................................................................. 748
A Shortcut ............................................................................................ 748
MARC/MicroLIF Record Definition ...................................................... 749
A Sample MARC Record ..................................................................... 751
A Sample MicroLIF Record.................................................................. 751

District Librarian............................................................................. 753

Using the District Menu ....................................................................... 754
Configuring the District Librarian ......................................................... 755

Alexandria Controller ..................................................................... 757

Installing Alexandria Controller ............................................................ 759
Adding or Creating Alexandria Data Stations ...................................... 762
Activating Alexandria Data Stations..................................................... 763
Installing Client Workstations .............................................................. 764
The Alexandria Controller Interface ..................................................... 768
File Menu ............................................................................................. 771
Edit Menu............................................................................................. 772
Controller Menu ................................................................................... 773
Window Menu ...................................................................................... 774
Alexandria Controller Preferences ....................................................... 775
Administration Preferences.................................................................. 776
Users Tab............................................................................................. 776
Security Tab......................................................................................... 780
Adding, Editing, and Removing Custom Security Levels .................... 781
Updates Tab ........................................................................................ 785
Performing Software Updates ............................................................. 786
Library Information Preferences........................................................... 787
Scheduled Events Preferences............................................................ 788
Archive Tab .......................................................................................... 788
Archiving and Rebuilding with Alexandria Controller........................... 791
Alexandria Controller Utilities............................................................... 792
Check for Updates............................................................................... 792
What Happens When the Alexandria Controller Time-outs? ............... 793

Alexandria Users Manual xix

Table of Contents
Technical Details ............................................................................ 795
Shortcut Keys ................................................................................. 797
Windows Shortcut Keys ......................................................................
Windows Circulation Shortcut Commands .........................................
Macintosh Shortcut Keys ....................................................................
Macintosh Circulation Shortcut Commands .......................................

xx Alexandria Users Manual


Welcome to Alexandria!
Congratulations on selecting Alexandria v5.5 as the information management system for your library.
Alexandria is a powerful application that helps you to manage your library collection and allows your
patrons to fully access your librarys resources.
The Alexandria Users Manual is divided into chapters that correspond to the major areas of the program.
By reading this users manual in its entirety, you will gain the insight required to run Alexandria, and thus,
your library, more efficiently. You can also find this manual electronically on the installation CD or as a
downloadable.pdf from our website:

So, lets begin!

The Alexandria library automation system consists of a main information server called the Alexandria
Data Station (or Data Station for short). The Data Station is the central repository for all your library
system information; it stores all of your Alexandria data and processes all the information and command
requests from networked Alexandria clients. There is only one Data Station for each Alexandria license.
The Data Station can perform all the functions that the Librarian and Researcher Workstations
(i.e. clients) are capable of performing. However, youll know its the Data Station when you launch
Alexandria because the splash screen will contain the text Alexandria Data Station 5.5. The machine
where Alexandrias Data Station is installed will also be home to the Data folder, where all your crucial
patron, item, and library information (data) is saved.
Alexandrias clients communicate with the main Alexandria Data Station to perform specific library
functions. Multiple clients can easily access the same Alexandria Data Station. Your Alexandria license
determines which clients you can use and how many can be simultaneously connected.
There are a variety of expanded Alexandria client programs that can access the information on your Data
Station. Your license allows a fixed number of simultaneous users, no matter which client you are running.
Your Data Station does not count as a client unless you have purchased a single user license; this license
doesnt allow any other clients. Depending on your Alexandria license, clients are available for both the
Macintosh and Windows operating systems.

Alexandria Users Manual 1

Welcome to Alexandria!

Alexandria Clients
Alexandria Researcher is used by patrons to access and search your library catalog. If
authorized, it also allows patrons to place holds and reservations on items in the collection.
Alexandria Explore can be added as an option.
Alexandria Librarian is used by the librarian to perform library functions such as circulation,
cataloguing and all other administrative functions. Since Alexandria Librarian capabilities are
contained in the Data Station, many libraries will choose to use the Data Station to perform
these functions. You may use as many Alexandria Librarian clients as your license permitsbut
you will always only have one Data Station.
Alexandria Web is purchased as an Alexandria option. When activated on your Data Station,
it allows the searching of your Alexandria collection using a standard World Wide Web browser
such as America Online, Netscape Navigator, or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Alexandria WAN (wide area network) allows you to access library collections on other Data
Stations connected to your network.
Alexandria Explore provides a childrens interface to your Alexandria collection. The interface
uses graphics and icons to help patrons who do not yet read proficiently find what they need in
the collection.
Z39.50 Searching allows users to search numerous collections simultaneously, enhancing
research, reference, and much more. You can access public libraries, academic libraries, and
other collections using an extremely friendly, built-in interface.
Z39.50 Server is a built-in server, making it easy to share your own resources with others in your
district or community. Patrons can access your data from community locations running Z39.50
clients. Alexandria Z39.50 capabilities give your patrons seamless access to data.

2 Alexandria Users Manual

Welcome to Alexandria!

Alexandria Modules
SIF ensures that K-12 instructional and administrative software applications work together more
effectively. SIF is an industry-supported blueprint that enables diverse applications to interact
and share data seamlessly; now, and in the future. SIF reduces the redundancy of data entry and
allows data to be efficiently exchanged among different applications using a standard set of
SIP2 allows you to utilize SIP2 hardware (e.g. Checkpoint, 3M, etc.) by supporting the SIP2
protocol. Make your library more efficient with enhanced inventory and security features.
Empower your patrons with self-service check-in and -out modes, allowing you more time to
focus on patron information needs.
Advanced Bookings provides a valuable extension to the reservation capabilities that come
standard with Alexandria. This useful module streamlines the management of centralized media
centers that process numerous requests each day.
NetLink is COMPanions collection of catalogued websites in MARC/MARC 21 format.
NetLink helps patrons find clearly organized and recognizable library information by increasing
your collection with thousands of professionally catalogued websites.
netTrekker, unlike ordinary search engines, contains only academic-focused websites that are
organized around K-12 curricula. A team of 400 educators and librarians evaluate websites for
academic integrity and age appropriateness before they are considered for inclusion in
netTrekker. Using netTrekker, students can safely search the internet for school projects and get
high quality, contextual results every time. netTrekker provides a complete K-12 academic
search tool for your entire district with content customized for Elementary (K-5) or Secondary
Sneak Peek users will enjoy title reviews, summaries, and cover art all from within Alexandrias
research interfaces. Hyperlinks connect patrons to this enhancement resource, displayed within
your chosen web browser. Alexandria Sneak Peek offers a wealth of descriptive information and
cover images relating to all types of books, from juvenile chapter books to conference
proceedings. Various elements of content are added to update the information on a weekly basis.
With Sneak Peek, youll have access to more than 1.4 million ISBNs that all have data elements
associated with them.
SearchALL accesses unlimited numbers and types of information sources, which may be
searched simultaneously with a single user query and are displayed in one, organized results
window. With Alexandria SearchALL, theres no need to submit and resubmit searches and
sources. The sources SearchALL can access simultaneously include, but are not limited to, other
library collections, search engines such as Google and Yahoo, databases like Ebsco and
ProQuest, The Library of Congress, online encyclopedias and much more!
Alexandria Web Router is an efficient and secure solution to manage the Web access and
interface of multiple library collections. Web Router enables administrators to limit access to a
single machine or IP address as the Web access point for multiple Data Stations.

Alexandria Users Manual 3

Special Note to Existing Alexandria Users

Welcome to Alexandria!

Special Note to Existing Alexandria Users

Due to changes in Reservations, Preferences, Orders, and other essential program areas, once an older
Alexandria version data file has been imported or rebuilt into 5.5, it can not be downgraded. Therefore, it
is essential to archive and backup your data prior to installing the 5.5 upgrade. For more information on
archiving and backup, please refer to the Preparing for Alexandria chapter, starting on page 7.

Communication Protocols
Alexandria workstations always communicate with the Data Station using TCP/IP communications
protocols. Alexandria does not support Macintoshs AppleTalk protocol.

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the protocol used for the internet and is supported as part of the basic operating systems for both Macintosh and Windows.

Where is My Alexandria Data Folder Located?

Your Alexandria Data folder is stored in your operating systems shared application support folder.
On Macintosh OSX machines, this folder is located in the following directory:
Hard Drive > Users > Shared > Library > Application Support
> Alexandria Support

On a Windows machine, the shared application folder should be kept here:

Hard Drive (typically C:) > Documents and Settings > All Users > Documents
> Alexandria Support

Note and Warning Alerts

- N


Look for a box like this for special notes or comments that should be carefully
examined by the user!


Look for a box like this for warning messages or important comments that should not
be ignored!

4 Alexandria Users Manual

Preparing for Alexandria

This chapter provides information about how to prepare for the automation of your library collection.

Automating Your Library Overview

Use the following steps to prepare your library for automation with Alexandria.
Step 1.

Develop a secure backup strategy.

Step 2.

Determine a strategy for entering your item information.

Step 3.

Determine a strategy for entering your patron information.

Step 4.

Barcode your collection.

Step 5.

Install Alexandria.

Step 6.

Set your library preferences.

Step 7.

Add your item information.

Step 8.

Add your patron information.

Step 9.

Develop a machine-maintenance strategy.

Step 10.

Develop an Alexandria maintenance strategy.

Step 11.

Evaluate the security of your Data Station.

Archiving Your Data

Alexandria has a built-in archiving utility (see Scheduled Events Preferences on page 199) that can be
configured to make complete, regular copies of your valuable Alexandria Data and store them in a folder
on your hard disk.
The major difference between a backup and an archive is that backups are made on removable media that
can be physically stored away from the library. Archiving provides a quick and automatic method of saving
your database before you perform large changes (e.g. importing, updates, utilities, or upgrades).

Alexandria Users Manual 5

Preparing for Alexandria

Backing Up Your Data

Backing Up Your Data

Backups are duplicated computer files that should be saved to an external source. You should have a
backup strategy in place to ensure that you always have a current backup of your Alexandria data files.

Daily backup of your Alexandria data is highly recommended!

What to Backup
Your data files change every time you use the Alexandria system. For example, each time you update an
item record or a patron, check an item in or out, or perform any other transaction in Alexandria, the data
files change to reflect your updates.
All Alexandria information is stored in the Data folder (see page 4 to find out where your Data folder is
stored); this makes it easy to backup your data on a regular basis.

Why You Must Backup Your Data

Inevitably, sometime during the life of your computer, you will suffer hardware malfunction. When this
happens, your data can be irreparably corrupted or lost. Although you can reinstall the Alexandria
application from your original CD, doing so will not retrieve your data files.
Your only options for recovering data when you have suffered a hardware malfunction are to either re-enter
all of your data by hand or to recover your most recent data from a backup copyand then update only
the data that has changed since the last backup was made. The more current the backup copy of your data,
the less data you will have to re-enter.
You should have a backup strategy in place to ensure that you always have a current backup of your
Alexandria data files. With adequate backup procedures in place, only small amounts of information will
be lost, even after the worst conceivable failure.
Your backup procedure for Alexandria should copy the entirety of the Data folder. Some automation
systems only backup your transactions on a daily basis. Although this technique results in a fast backup, its
not complete, and recovery can take much longer than a full backup.
If you make a backup copy of the Data folder at the end of every day, youll be able to recover all the
changes youve made through the end of each day. You can then recover the data quickly and easily, should
it be required.
For the purpose of backups, there are two kinds of files.
Program Files are the files that make your applications run. These files are sent to you on CD
or are downloaded from the internet, and you install them. In case of a failure in your system,
you can reinstall these program files. For this reason, you are allowed to make one backup copy
of the original CDs to archive before storing both the original and backup copy in a safe place.
Data Files are where your system information is stored. When you input and change
information using Alexandria, your data files are updated. Because these files can change every
time you use the application, and because losing all the data you have entered can be a major
loss, you must make backup copies of your data on a regular basis.

6 Alexandria Users Manual

Backing Up Your Data

Preparing for Alexandria

Determining a Backup Strategy

A backup strategy is a schedule for performing backups at regular intervals. It is highly recommended that
you use the following guidelines in your backup strategy.
Before using a new system, perform an initial backup to create a permanent archive of your data.

Backup your Data folder at the end of every day.

Make additional backups before and after you make any major changes in your system. For
example, after you perform an inventory and use Utilities to update your records at year-end,
you should backup your data.

Daily backups of your
Alexandria data are highly

To minimize data loss due to bad backup devices (such as damaged tape) avoid using the same
tape, disk, or CD-RW for consecutive backups.
Make more than one backup copy of data and keep copies off-location. This protects your data
in case of fire or theft in the library. Some institutions will choose to take backup copies offlocation each week; others daily, and others monthly. Remember, the more recent the backup,
the less information that will need to be re-entered.
Test your backup strategy and recovery procedures to make sure they work and that you know
how to recover data. Do this before you have a problem so youll know that you can recover data
in an emergency.

Backup Hardware
Although you can use any computer mass storage device for backups, the most reliable and cost-effective
choices are tape (DAT, DLT, etc.) and removable media (Zip, Jaz, CD-R, CD-RW, etc.). COMPanion
recommends that you DO NOT backup on any hard disks connected to your computer. For reliabilitys
sake, backup media should be stored away from your computer in case of theft, fire or other physical loss.
If you have a large amount of data, tape backup is the most reliable, cost-effective and efficient method.
With tape drives, you can set backup procedures to run at a predetermined day and time without operator
interaction. Modern tape drives hold several gigabytes of data on a single tape cartridge. If you have smaller
amounts of data, removable media devices, such as COMPanions Workstation Backup, provide ease of use
and security.
Your choice of backup hardware will depend on your budget, the amount of data you need to backup, and
the policies and procedures within your district or library.

Alexandria Users Manual 7

Preparing for Alexandria

Backing Up Your Data

Sample Backup Strategy

The following is a sample strategy for routine backup during normal operations. It requires a minimum of
eight tapes or cartridges.
Step 1.

Label four tapes: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Step 2.

Label four additional tapes: Friday-1, Friday-2, Friday-3, and Friday-4.

Step 3.

Backup Monday through Thursday at the end of the day, using the assigned tape. Use the
same tape for the same day of each week. For example, use the Monday tape every Monday, copying over last weeks Monday backup with this weeks Monday backup.

Step 4.

Backup Friday at the end of the day using a new tape every Friday. Use the tapes labeled
Friday-1, Friday-2, and so on. Do not copy over the previous Fridays backup.

Step 5.

If you have more tapes or cartridges available, use these to keep more than four Friday
backup tapes.

Step 6.

Store your Friday backup tapes or cartridges in a location other than the library. This
guards against loss of data in case of fire or theft.

8 Alexandria Users Manual

Barcode Your Collection

Preparing for Alexandria

Barcode Your Collection

Each item and patron in your library is assigned a unique number that Alexandria uses for identification.
These numbers appear as barcode numbers on library items and patron library cards.




A typical barcode label consists of three pieces of information:

The name of the library, school, or company
The barcode, usually printed in the middle of the label
The barcode number written in numerals at the bottom of the label
A barcode can be read quickly by powerful, low-cost scanning devices that you can purchase from
COMPanion Corporation. Using a barcode reader makes your job easier and reduces the chance for errors.
If you dont have a scanner, you can type the user-readable number in the command line.
The format of the barcode is called its symbology. The symbology COMPanion uses, Code 39 (also known
as Code 3 of 9), is the industry standard for industrial and commercial applicationsincluding libraries.
This symbology provides a high level of data security with error rates between 1 in 3 million and 1 in 70
million characters scanned. Code 39 does not require a check character in normal commercial and
industrial applications. It is also bi-directional, which means it can be scanned from left to right or from
right to left.
You will need barcode labels on all of the items in your library that are to be managed with Alexandria. You
may also want to barcode objects such as audio-visual equipment, computers, desks, and tables, so you can
use Alexandria to inventory these items.
You can also keep temporary records of items such as magazines and newspapers. Temporary items can be
assigned a barcode number and then circulated like permanent items. A barcode number is assigned to a
temporary item only while its checked out.

Guidelines for Choosing Barcode Numbers

You can set up barcode numbers (according to your needs) using up to fourteen digits. The following are
general guidelines for determining your barcode numbering:
Use the same number of digits for items and patrons.
Consider using an employee ID or student number for patron barcodes (be sure employee IDs
or student numbers do not coincide with item numbers).
If you have more than one library in your system, use a unique barcode numbering scheme for
each librarys collection. This will make it easier to manage a central catalog with holdings from
all libraries within the system. If items are moved between collections, the barcodes will remain
unique and do not interfere with existing item barcodes.
Use the simplest numbering scheme possible that still meets your needs.

Alexandria Users Manual 9

Barcode Your Collection

Preparing for Alexandria

Sample Barcode Numbering Scheme

The following is a sample library barcode numbering scheme. This scheme supports management of up to
899 libraries with each library having up to 300,000 patrons and 700,000 items. You can vary this scheme
to handle more libraries, groups within a library, or independent items.

- N


It is recommended that you avoid starting barcodes with zero (0) as the first digit.
Barcodes can contain letters and numbers; spaces and punctuation are not allowed.
This sample scheme uses a 9-digit barcode number for items and patrons.
Digits 1 to 3 identify the library. For example, 100 is Eastside Library, 200 is Westside Library,
and so forth.
You can use the three digits within this group to further breakdown the libraries. For example:
110 Eastside Elementary Schools library
130 Eastside Middle Schools library
150 Eastside High Schools library
210 Westside Elementary Schools library
230 Westside Middle Schools library
...and so on
If you have more than one library in your system, using unique barcodes for each librarys
collection makes it easier to manage a central catalog with holdings from all libraries in the
district. All barcodes are unique and do not interfere with barcodes for existing items.
Digit 4 can tie a barcode to a patron group such as students or staff, to a medium type or vendor,
or to an item group such as fiction or reference. For example, if you use 0 through 2 for patrons
and 3 through 9 for items, you will have unique barcode numbers for 3 patron groups and 7
item groups.
Digits 5 through 9 identify the individual patrons or items in the group.

The spaces between numbers
in the barcode example to the
right are for readability.
The actual barcode would be
entered as:

Using the above scheme, you would have barcodes similar to the following. The bold digits identify the
library, the underlined digit identifies the patron or item group, and the remaining digits identify the
particular patron or item.

110 2 00361

110 identifies the library

2 identifies the patron or item group
00361 is the specific patron or items number

If you have a smaller number of patrons, you can choose a simpler code with fewer digits. The main
objective is to keep the number of digits the same for items and patrons to ensure that each library in a
district has a unique range of barcode numbers and to use the most straightforward numbering scheme as
possible, while still meeting your needs.

10 Alexandria Users Manual

Barcode Your Collection

Preparing for Alexandria

Classes of Barcode Labels

There are two classes of barcode label.
Photocomposed labels are made using a photographic process to create high-quality, longlasting labels. Rather than printing ink on paper, the photocomposed process makes the barcode
image an integral part of the label. These labels usually come with high-quality lamination and
adhesives that make them durable and easy to attach. You should use photocomposed labels on
all permanent items.
Printed labels are made using a printing process that places the ink on top of the label. These
labels require protection of some kind to keep the ink from rubbing off. An extra protection
label of transparent Mylar can be placed on these to extend their lives. Although the cost of these
labels is less than photocomposed labels, the protection and labor they require can cause them,
in some cases, to cost more. Printed labels without extra protection are most cost-effective when
printed by you in your library and used for temporary items such as magazines and newspapers.

One and Two-Part Labels

You can purchase either one or two-part barcode labels, depending on how you plan to use them. One-part
labels include the library name, barcode, and written number.


If you want to place a barcode label in two different locations on an item, you can order two copies of
these one-part labels.
Two-part labels include the same information as the one-part label. The two-part labels also include a
second portion on the label, which display the written barcode number.



The second part of the label is useful to attach to a shelf list card or to place on the book in a different
location than the upper portion.
Two-part labels provide the benefit of having two labels for each item, at a lower overall cost.

Alexandria Users Manual 11

Preparing for Alexandria

Barcode Your Collection

Where to Place Barcode Labels

You can place barcode labels on the inside or outside of items. A label on the outside is easy to locate, but
is subject to much greater wear and tear, therefore shortening its life.
Most Alexandria users place their labels on the inside back cover of books and on the outside of items such
as records, tapes and CDs.
If you plan to place barcode labels under a transparent jacket cover, test your barcode reader to make sure
it can read the labels through the jacket cover.
Placing barcodes vertically on the back cover next to the spine can make inventory easier since you
wouldnt need to fully remove the books from the shelf to scan them with a barcode reader.

When to Label Items

You can label items either before or after you enter your item information.
For an existing library collection, its usually easier to purchase your barcode labels early and place them on
items before the item information is entered into the computer. Use two-part labels for this method. As
you place the barcode on the item, place the second label on the shelf list card that will be used for entering
item data into the computer.
If you are starting a new library, be sure to purchase bibliographic information for your items in a
computer-readable format (MARC or MicroLIF). Either order your books with barcode labels attached, or
tell your supplier which numbers to assign (in the MARC/MicroLIF records). Have the numbers assigned
in call number order so its easy for you to locate the item for each barcode label you have to apply.

Barcode Readers
Your computer requires a special device designed to read a barcode number and enter the corresponding
value into the computer. This device is called a barcode reader or scanner.
There are a number of different types of barcode readers available, including light-pen readers, laser readers
and portable readers. The device you choose depends on your budget and the librarys requirements.
Wand or pen-type readers are the least expensive devices for reading barcodes. CCD wedge or laser
scanners are more expensive but do a better job reading the labels (especially in those hard-to-reach item
Portable readers give you the freedom of going to your bookshelves to scan labels, rather than having to
take the books to the computer to be scanned. Portable readers are especially useful during inventory.

12 Alexandria Users Manual

Barcode Your Collection

Preparing for Alexandria

Enter Item Data

The process of taking existing catalog information (usually on catalog cards) and converting the
information into a machine-readable format is called retrospective conversion. This process takes time and
effort. If you have an existing collection, now is a good time to examine your collection and remove
unused and outdated items.
There are several methods of converting your data for Alexandria.
Retrospective Conversion:
You can hire a retrospective conversion company to create MicroLIF and MARC records for all
items in your collection.
Before sending your shelf list to the conversion company, assign barcode numbers to the items
in your collection and record the barcode and other local information on the catalog cards. The
MARC records you receive and import into Alexandria will be complete, and you will have no
additional data to enter.
This process can be time-consuming and expensive, but it is the most complete retrospective
conversion method available.
COMPanions SmartMARC software:
COMPanion offers SmartMARC, a software program that can access hundreds of Z39.50
collections using a standard internet collection. SmartMARC can also be purchased with
AccessMARCs database of MARC records. You input minimal information (e.g. title, author,
ISBN and/or LCCN) and then SmartMARC searches for MARC records matching that
Once the process is complete, you can add local information such as call number (tag 852_h),
barcode number (tag 852_p), price (tag 852_9), item type (tag 949_a), special funds (tag
852_1), and volume (tag 092_v) to your MARC records.
This process can save many hours of retrospective conversion. If you plan to do your own
retrospective conversion, this is the best alternative.
Import item records into Alexandria from another source:
You can enter information using any database program that can create a text file in a tabdelimited format.
Enter the information directly into Alexandria:
This direct approach is more time-consuming, but moderately more cost-effective.
Many book vendors offer MARC/MicroLIF records on disks or CD-ROMs for the items they sell.
Conveniently, Alexandria can read MARC or MicroLIF records directly, saving you the time and energy of
typing item information directly into the computer. If you are automating a new library, ask for these
records when you order items.

Alexandria Users Manual 13

Preparing for Alexandria

Enter Patron Data

Enter Patron Data

In the same way that you must enter item information into Alexandria, you must also enter information
about the patrons who use your library. Patron information can be entered one patron at a time using the
Patrons window or imported from another source.
Imported patron data can come from any source that provides a tab-delimited file format. In many cases,
patron data is available in machine-readable format from your schools office or from the district office.
Check with your school or district office to find out how patron data is stored.

Set Your Library Preferences

There will always be rules that govern how patrons use the library, how items are managed and how the
library operates. Alexandria uses preferences to establish and apply these rules.
School libraries, for example, can set preferences that allow tenth grade students to check items out for a
longer period of time than second grade students. The check out period for reference items can be set for
one day, while fiction and non-fiction works can be set for two weeks.
Alexandria collects statistics on each group of patrons, such as the types of items they borrow and when
they are returned. These statistics are generally used to determine usage patterns for the library so that
management can schedule staff accordingly and make educated administrative decisions.
Each group of patrons and items (for which usage statistics are collected) can be assigned a separate policy.
For example, if each grade level of students has its own policy, the statistics generated are more useful and
accurate than if you have only one policy for all students.
See the related preference chapters for information about how to apply and set rules for your library.

Develop a Machine Maintenance Strategy

Although computers today are very useful tools, they can experience damage through excessive use, power
fluctuations, crashes, and incorrect operations. To discover or postpone such damage, you should run
maintenance utilities such as Scandisk or Disk Defragment on Windows and Norton Disk Doctor on
Macintosh. Alexandria should not be running during any maintenance operations.
In addition, you should regularly perform a virus scan with products such as Norton Anti-Virus or
McAfee Virus-Scan. Again, Alexandria should not be running when performing such virus scans.

Develop an Alexandria Maintenance Strategy

Corruption can occur to any database of information via hardware or operating system error. It is
recommended that you use Alexandrias Rebuild Utility on a regular basis (once a month is usually
sufficient). However, hardware or system failure may necessitate using this utility more often. The Rebuild
Utility disables all services while it is cleaning your data and can take several hours depending on the size of
your data and speed of your machine. You should backup or archive prior to running Rebuild, just as you
should with any other utility.

Evaluate the Security of Your Data Station

Some libraries may not have the funds or hardware necessary to have a dedicated Data Station. If your
Data Station is accessible to the general public, you may want to enable additional security that would
prevent unauthorized users from deleting, renaming, or moving your Alexandria application or Data
folder. Some file security may be built into your operating system; some operating systems have no such
security and would require purchasing third party software to provide that file security.
If you dont have file security on your Data Station, you should be extra vigilant in backing up your Data

14 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria
This chapter will teach you how to install the Alexandria Data Station and other standard Alexandria
clients. The instructions in this chapter assume that you have a basic working knowledge of your
computers operating system.
Before you install Alexandria, make sure that you have the registration letter that came with your program.
This letter contains essential information that is required during the installation process.

Hardware and Operating System Recommendations

Alexandria has been developed to work under both Windows and Macintosh-based operating systems.
With the exception of subtle differences between the controls at the tops of windows and minor differences
in operating system functionality, the program operates identically across both platforms.
Here are the minimal recommended hardware and operating system requirements for Alexandria:

Recommended Hardware & System Requirements

Data Stations &
Librarian Workstations

Macintosh Data Stations - MacOS 10.4 or higher.

G5 or X86, Dual Processor/Core or better.
4 GB RAM suggested, 2 GB RAM minimum.
Minimum resolution 1024x 768, 256 colors.
PC Data Stations - Windows 2000, NT, or XP.
Pentium 4 or better (AMD).
4 GB RAM suggested, 2 GB RAM minimum.
Minimum resolution 1024 x 768, 256 colors.

District Librarian

A fixed TCP/IP address is required

Alexandria Web

Alexandria Web requires a web browser for remote access and

TCP/IP active on the Data Station.
Use the Data Stations TCP/IP address in your web browser to
search your collection.


Macintosh Researchers - MacOS 10.4 or higher.

G3 Power PC or higher.
256 MB RAM suggested, 128 minimum.
Minimum resolution 1024x 768, 256 colors.
PC Researchers - Windows 2000, NT, or XP.
Pentium III or Pentium 4, 500 MHz processor.
256 MB RAM suggested, 128 minimum.
Minimum resolution 1024x 768, 256 colors.

(single user systems do not require networking).

Alexandria Users Manual 15

Alexandria Communication Systems

Installing Alexandria

Alexandria Communication Systems

Alexandria uses TCP/IP (see Communication Protocols on page 4 for more information) to communicate
between the Data Station and its clients.


If you use clients, the Alexandria Data Station must have a fixed TCP/IP address. The
address for the Alexandria Data Station cannot be dynamically allocated and must be
If you have questions or problems during installation, contact COMPanion's Technical Support Service at
(800) 347-4942 or (801) 943-7277, by fax at (801) 943-7752, by toll-free fax at (888) 515-3883, or by
email via:
If you have a persistent internet connection (i.e. you dont have to dial-up to establish a connection) and a
personalized return email address, you can send email directly to COMPanion from Alexandria (see
Information on page 138). To email Technical Support, choose Tech Support under the Apple Menu
on Macintosh, or under the Help menu on Windows (see Tech Support on page 38 for more information).

16 Alexandria Users Manual

Installation Summary (read this first)

Installing Alexandria

Installation Summary (read this first)

If one doesnt already exist, the installer will create an Alexandria folder and extract the Alexandria
program there. All of your library information (data) will be stored in a folder located in the system shared
application directory (see Where is My Alexandria Data Folder Located? on page 4 for more information).
Once installed, the Alexandria program (also called the Data Station) will facilitate the installation of other
The Data Station is where all your library data is saved. The Data Station can perform all the functions of
an Alexandria Librarian and Alexandria Researcher client.
If youve purchased a single-user license, youll only be using the Data Station and no further clients can be
If you only have a couple of computers, you may want your main circulation machine to also be your Data
Station. In this case, you wouldnt typically install another Alexandria Librarian. Your Data Station will
be used by the Librarian for circulation and reporting.
In a middle-sized configuration, you may have a machine in the back room or server closet that is only
used for infrequent librarian maintenance. Install the Data Station on this machine and the Alexandria
Librarian and Alexandria Researcher on other machines.
If you are planning to have a large number of clients, youll want to install your Data Station on a
dedicated machine (i.e. a machine that will only run the Data Station and will not typically be used by an
operator). In this configuration, youll be running Alexandria Librarians and Alexandria Researchers
on other machines.
Detailed below are the general steps required to install Alexandria. Individualized instructions (depending
on your operating system) can be found throughout the remaining sections of this chapter.
Step 1.

On the machine you are going to use for your Data Station, visit COMPanions website
( and download the latest Alexandria Installer. You can
also insert the Alexandria CD-ROM and double-click on the Alexandria folder. The
Alexandria Installer is located inside this folder.

Step 2.

Once Alexandria has been installed, double-click on the Alexandria program icon. Enter
your registration information. If your system doesnt have the necessary resources to allow
for client installation, Alexandria will attempt to download them from COMPanions
update server. In this case, installations may not be possible until the next time you
attempt to launch Alexandria.

Step 3.

To install an Alexandria Researcher or Librarian client over the web, youll need to open
an internet browser on the machine where you wish to install the client. In the address bar
of the browser window, type in the IP address of your main Alexandria Data Station
followed by /install (Windows or Macintosh OSX) or /install_mac (Macintosh OS9) depending on your operating system. Follow the instructions that appear on
the browser page and youll be able to install your clients. For more information on installing clients from the web, see Installing Alexandria Clients on page 28.

Step 4.

If youve licensed use of Alexandria Web, your registration code will activate itall you
need to do is set your Alexandria Web preferences.

Step 5.

If youve licensed use of Alexandria WAN capabilities, your registration code will activate
itall you need to do is set up your Address Books in the Administration preferences.

Step 6.

If youve licensed use of Alexandria Explore, your registration code will activate itall
you need to do is set your Alexandria Researcher Explore preferences.

Step 7.

If youve licensed use of the Z39.50 Server or the Z39.50 Client, your registration code
will activate themall you need to do is set up your Address Books in the Administration preferences.

Alexandria Users Manual 17

Installing Alexandria

Installing Alexandria for Macintosh

Installing Alexandria for Macintosh

If you are installing Alexandria or an Alexandria District Librarian on a Macintosh OSX machine for
the very first time, please use these easy-to-follow steps. If you are installing the Alexandria District
Librarian, follow these directions using the District Librarian Installer.dmg instead.
Step 1.

Insert the COMPanion CD and double-click on the Alexandria v5 folder. The installers
for your operating system will be located inside this folder. You can also visit COMPanions web site and download the latest Alexandria installer (
Remember, the first machine that you install Alexandria on will be used as your Data

Step 2.

Double-click on the file called Alexandria CD Installer.dmg. Doing so will mount the
Alexandria CD Install icon on your desktop. When you double-click on the Alexandria CD Install icon, the following window will appear.

Step 3.

Double-click on the Alexandria CD Installer icon located inside this window. When the
installers Alexandria Setup window appears, click on Continue.

18 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria for Macintosh

Installing Alexandria

Step 4.

Next, the COMPanion Corporation Electronic End User License Agreement appears.
Read the license carefully and once you have finished, click on Continue. A License
Agreement drop-down menu will appear. Click on the Agree button if you accept the
terms of the license. If you do not accept the terms of the license, click the Disagree button.

Step 5.

When the following window appears, verify the destination disk where youd like Alexandria installed. The default is the hard drive where the currently active System Folder is
located. Unless special circumstances apply, this is usually the best location to install Alexandria. Select the icon of the hard drive so that a green arrow appears above it. Click

Alexandria Users Manual 19

Installing Alexandria

Installing Alexandria for Macintosh

Step 6.

During installation, the License Agreement window will reappear, showing you the
installations progress.

Step 7.

When the installation is complete, a confirmation window will appear. Click Quit.

Step 8.

If you installed using a CD-ROM, eject the CD by dragging its icon to the Trash Can
located on the desktop or the Eject icon in your OSX Dock. Store the CD-ROM in a safe
place for future use

Step 9.

Note: The Alexandria Users Manual is included on the Alexandria CD-ROM (in .pdf
format) but is not installed with the application. You can double-click on the documentation icon on the CD-ROM to open it directly or you can copy it to your hard drive and
open it there.
If you dont have Adobes Acrobat Reader installed on your machine, an installer is
included in the Utilities folder of your COMPanion CD-ROM or from Adobes web site:

20 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria for Macintosh

Step 10.

Installing Alexandria

Locate the newly installed Alexandria v5 Folder on your hard drive. If you see fit, you
may now move the Alexandria v5 Folder to an alternate location on your hard drive.
Inside the folder, double-click the Alexandria icon to start the program.


If you have PPP installed, but not running, the Alexandria Data Station may try to
connect through PPP. If the connection window appears, click Stop to keep the Data
Station from connecting through PPP.
Step 11.

When you start Alexandria, the following window appears. If you have not yet registered
Alexandria, a registration window will appear shortly after (described in Step 12). Otherwise, the Circulation window will appear.

Step 12.

The first time you start the Data Station, the following registration window will appear.
Enter your Registered To name, Product Codes, Serial Number and Validation
Code from your registration letter and click OK.

Step 13.

Thats it! Youve installed your Alexandria Data Station. If youve purchased a single-user
license, youre finished installing. If youve licensed additional clients, see Installing Alexandria Clients on page 120.

Alexandria Users Manual 21

Installing Alexandria for Windows

Installing Alexandria

Installing Alexandria for Windows

Use the following instructions to install Alexandria or Alexandria District Librarian on Windows. If
you are installing the Alexandria District Librarian, follow these directions using the District Librarian
Installer.exe instead.
Step 1.

On the machine you are going to use for your Data Station, insert the COMPanion CDROM. If it doesnt auto-play, you may locate it using the My Computer icon on your
desktop. Double-click the CD icon and then double-click on the Alexandria folder. The
Alexandria installer (Alexandria Installer.exe) is located inside this folder. You may also
go to COMPanions website ( and download the latest Alexandria Installer.

Step 2.

Double-click the Alexandria Installer.exe icon. When the Alexandria Setup splash
screen appears, click Next to continue.

22 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria for Windows

Installing Alexandria

Step 3.

On the Welcome window, click Next to continue.

Step 4.

The COMPanion Corporation Electronic End User License Agreement appears. Read the
license carefully and click the Yes button if you accept the terms of the license. If you do
not accept the terms of the license, click the No button.

Alexandria Users Manual 23

Installing Alexandria

Installing Alexandria for Windows

Step 5.

Verify that the Destination Directory correctly indicates the location where you want
Alexandria installed. The default is the Program Files directory. This is typically the best
location to install Alexandria. Click Next.

Step 6.

On the Ready to Install window, click Next to continue.

24 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria for Windows

Installing Alexandria

Step 7.

During installation, a window similar to the following will show the installers progress. To
abort the installation, click the Cancel button.

Step 8.

When the installation is complete, a confirmation window will appear. Click Close.

Step 9.

Eject the CD-ROM and store it in a safe place for future use.

Alexandria Users Manual 25

Installing Alexandria for Windows

Installing Alexandria
Step 10.

An Alexandria folder is now installed. Below is an example of the window that appears
when you install a site license.

Step 11.

Note: The Alexandrias User Manual is included on the Alexandria CD-ROM, but is not
installed with the application. You can double-click the documentation icon on the CDROM to open it directly or you can copy it to your hard drive and open it there. If the
documentation is copied into the Link Menu folder, you can access it from within Alexandria.
If you dont have Adobes Acrobat Reader installed on your machine, an installer is
included in the Utilities folder of the COMPanion CD or from Adobes website:

Step 12.

Double-click the Alexandria icon to start the program.


If you have PPP installed, but not running, the Alexandria Data Station may try to
connect through PPP. If the connection window appears, click Stop to keep the Data
Station from connecting through PPP.

26 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria for Windows

Installing Alexandria

Step 13.

When you start Alexandria, the following window appears. If you have not yet registered
Alexandria, a registration window appears (described in Step 14). Otherwise, the Circulation window appears.

Step 14.

The first time you start the Data Station, the following registration window appears. Enter
your Registered To name, Product Codes, Serial Number and Validation Code from
your registration letter and click OK.

Step 15.

Thats it! Youve installed your Alexandria Data Station. If youve purchased a single-user
license, youre finished installing. If youve licensed additional clients, continue to the next

Alexandria Users Manual 27

Installing Alexandria Clients

Installing Alexandria

Installing Alexandria Clients

If you have a license that supports multiple users, you can install Alexandrias Researcher and Librarian
clients on other computers in your library. Alexandria will install clients over the World Wide Web.
To install clients over the World Wide Web, make sure that you have an Administrator User Name and
Password set up in the Administration preferences of your the Data Station. You must also have the
latest Java applet installed on your computer. If you dont, the following steps will instruct you on
download and installation procedures.

If your browser is having
problems running the
Java applet, you can use
the alternative
to download the
pre-installed client
application to your

Step 1.

Your main Alexandria Data Station must be running in order for you to install clients.

Step 2.

Determine which computer the client will be installed on. On that machine, open an
internet web browser (e.g. an Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator web-browsing

Step 3.

In the browser Address field (located in the upper-left corner of the window), type the IP
address of your Alexandria Data Station followed by /install (for Windows users
or those running Macintosh OSX) or /install_mac (for those running Macintosh
OS 9.2.2).

28 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria Clients

Installing Alexandria

If you are not sure what IP address your Data Station uses, it appears on your Transaction
log each time Alexandria is launched. It is located approximately three or four lines down
and will display TCP Is Active, IP address is: [your IP address here].

If you have problems locating your IP address, please contact your network administrator
for further assistance. If your network administrator is not available, feel free to contact
the COMPanion Technical Support team.
Step 4.

If you performed the latter step correctly, the Alexandria Web Installer page should

Step 5.

If you dont have the correct Java applet installed on your computer (in this case, Java
Plug-in 1.3 or higher), you will be required to install it before you can download clients.
Your browser should automatically detect whether you have the correct Java version
installed. If it does not, follow the links and install instructions that the web page provides.

Alexandria Users Manual 29

Installing Alexandria

Installing Alexandria Clients

Step 6.

If your Java plug-in is up-to-date or you have just installed it, click the Grant this session button on the Java page to begin your Web Install session. Alexandria allows you to
download a Windows or Macintosh Workstation.

Step 7.

A pop-up dialog box will require you to input your Login User Name and Password.
Your user name and password are the same found on the Administration preferences window of your Alexandria Data Station.

Step 8.

The client installer will be downloaded to your machine. After it has finished downloading, an Alexandria folder will appear on your operating system desktop with the appropriate installation files inside (this folder can be moved anywhere on your machine, its
only installed on the desktop to make it easier to find).

Step 9.

Double-click on the Alexandria installer icon to begin installation.

30 Alexandria Users Manual

Configuring Alexandria Web

Installing Alexandria

Client Installer Resources

If you have a persistent internet connection (i.e. you dont have to dial-up to establish a connection),
Alexandria will automatically verify that you have the necessary client Installer Resources. If any are
missing, they will be automatically downloaded from our COMPanion server or created by the Data
However, if this process fails, youll have to manually place these resources into your Alexandria folder. If
this is necessary, please contact our Technical Support team and follow their guided step-by-step
instructions. Installer Resource files can be found on COMPanion CD-ROMs or downloaded from the
COMPanion website:

Configuring Alexandria Web

Alexandria Web is an optional feature of Alexandria. This feature is activated by information you enter
into the Registration window during installation.
Step 1.

Under the Edit menu, select Preferences.

Step 2.

In the Preferences window, select Web from the first drop-down menu in the top lefthand corner of the window (make sure that the second drop-down menu is set to Global).

Step 3.

Set the Alexandria Web preferences for users who will be accessing Alexandria over the
internet (see Alexandria Web on page 407).

Step 4.

To use Alexandria Web, launch your web browser (for example, Netscape Navigator or
Microsofts Internet Explorer).

Step 5.

In the address field of your browser window, enter the IP address of your Data Station (the
IP address is displayed in Alexandrias transaction log when you first launch the Data Station) or DNS name assigned to that IP address by your system administrator. The address
field is usually located at the top of the browser window. On a Netscape Navigator window, the field is labeled either Location or Go To.

Step 6.

If you changed the port value when setting the Web preferences, type a colon followed by
the port number at the end of your WWW address. For example, if the location of your
Data Station is ( and you changed the port value to 81, type in the Address field (without the quotation marks).

- N


If you are not familiar with browsers, domain names, IP addresses or other
information mentioned above, see your system administrator or other qualified
individuals in your organization to help you get set up.

Alexandria Users Manual 31

Installing Alexandria

Installing NetLink III

Installing NetLink III

NetLink III is a set of catalog websites available in MARC format. If youve purchased this additional
function, here are some of its features:
Additional utilities are enabled, allowing you to remove all NetLink III records if you no longer
want to use them.
Additional NetLink III Reports are available so you can save and view data in a standard
COMPedit word processing document.
The ability to install or update your NetLink III records over the internet. To do this, select
Utilities under the File menu. Under the Utility Type drop-down menu, select Check For
Updates and then under Operation drop-down menu, select Get Updates. To install or
upgrade your NetLink III records, click on the Run button to finish installation.
Updated records are available once a month. You can choose to update your database at any time
its convenient for you.
Please note that if your NetLink III subscription is not current, you will not be able to upgrade
your records. However, you will be able to continue using your existing records.
If youve purchased the additional NetLink III function, youll need to import the NetLink III
records into your Alexandria Data Station. Drag and drop these files onto your Circulation
window. Alexandria will recognize them as NetLink III records and automatically import them.
There is no need to adjust any of the import preferences. NetLink III records are imported
without copy information and are displayed in results lists as Web rather than checked IN
or OUT.
You will not be able to export NetLink III records. Alexandria will always filter them out during
any export operation.
NetLink III records are only licensed for use on one Data Station at a time. If you are running
two Alexandria Data Stations, you need to purchase two NetLink III licenses.

Installing Z39.50 Server

If youve purchased the Z39.50 server option, your Alexandria Data Station will accept Z39.50 queries
from standard Z39.50 clients. Use the IP address of your Data Station for the Z39.50 server address. The
Z39.50 server will use Port 210.
There are no other Z39.50 preferences or settings that you will need to configure.

32 Alexandria Users Manual

Transferring data from Alexandria v3

Installing Alexandria

Transferring data from Alexandria v3

If you are upgrading from Alexandria v3, follow these simple instructions to transfer all your data into
Alexandria v51.
Step 1.

Backup your Alexandria v3 Data.

Step 2.

Start Alexandria v3 in single-user mode by holding down the <shift> key when Alexandria is launching. Confirm you are using Alexandria version 3.89 or later for the best conversion results. If not, update to the latest version of Alexandria v3 before converting data.

Step 3.

Just to be sure your Alexandria v3 data is in perfect condition, following the instructions
in your Alexandria v3 Users Manual, perform the Reorganize and Optimize procedure
on all files.

The confirmation dialog should indicate you are optimizing 20 files. If you didnt select all
the files, click NO and try again.
Step 4.

Once youve reorganized your data, run the Verify Patron Status, Verify Item Status,
and Verify Transactions utilities.

1.COMPanion offers an Alexandria v3 to v5 conversion service. Send you Alexandria v3 data to COMPanion with a PO for part number D7316 (this number is subject to change) and well convert your data for a
fee. This includes full conversion from v3 to v5youll receive back a CD-ROM via Federal Express with
an Alexandria v5 folder ready to drag to your desktop. Your data will be imported and your system registered;
all you have to do is drag an icon.

Alexandria Users Manual 33

Transferring data from Alexandria v3

Installing Alexandria
Step 5.

Select Utilities from the File menu.

Step 6.

Select Transfer Data to v4.0 and click on the Continue button.

Step 7.

During export, a window will display the status of your data export.

Step 8.

When the export is complete the window will announce Finished Exporting Record.
Press OK to Continue. Click OK.

Step 9.

All your v3 data has been exported and can be found in the same folder as your Alexandria
program with the name Alexandria v3 Data.

Step 10.

Copy this file to your Alexandria v5 folder (or whatever you have named it).

Step 11.

Drop the file on top of the Alexandria Data Station Circulation window or program
icon. Or, select the Alexandria v3 Data file using Import from the File menu.

34 Alexandria Users Manual

Transferring data from Alexandria v3

Installing Alexandria

Step 12.

The Data Import window is displayed.

Step 13.

Click on the Start Import button to begin the data transfer process. As your data is being
imported, youll see the transaction log updated. For the best performance, dont use your
computer for any other activities until the import is complete.

Step 14.

You should save your Alexandria v3 Data and v3 backup file for archive purposes.

Step 15.

Congratulations! When the import is completed, you are ready to use Alexandria v5 to
manage your library.

Step 16.

It is recommended that you review and renew all of your preferences, as there are several
new options, calendars, and passwords that do not transfer from Alexandria v3.

Alexandria Users Manual 35

Installing Alexandria

36 Alexandria Users Manual

Transferring data from Alexandria v3

Alexandria Basics
This chapter describes the menus and basic operational rules used in Alexandria.
Alexandria menus follow operating system standards for Macintosh and Windows. For example, the File
and Edit menus in Alexandria are very similar to the File and Edit menus in other applications. Additional
menus have purposes specifically related to library management.
Alexandria looks and operates almost exactly the same on both Macintosh and Windows. However, these
operating systems are different, therefore, there are some minor dissimilarities between environments. For
example, on the Macintosh you press the <cmnd> key for menu shortcuts and in Windows you select the
<ctrl> key. Windows and Macintosh have different controls for minimizing, closing, and resizing
windows. In order to keep our documentation as clear as possible, our manuals will generally discuss
actions rather than operating system-specific commands or controls.
Rather than click the close box at the upper right of your window, this manual will read close the
window, and allow the user to select the operating system-specific commands required to control
This manual contains images from both Windows and Macintosh versions of Alexandria.

Macintosh & Windows Command Differences

Macintosh Command Key

Windows Command Key




Perform Menu shortcuts.



Perform Authority Control.



Display Tool Tip.



Used to modify commands.

The following sections describe the basic operational elements found in Alexandria.

Alexandria Users Manual 37

Alexandria Basics

Alexandria Help

Alexandria Help
Almost every Alexandria window will have a special Help button.
On Alexandrias main Circulation window, clicking on the round Help button to the right of the
command line will access the Alexandria Help windows. These help windows contain information
directly related to the window you are using and then explain, in detail, how to use them.

Help Menu
On Macintosh, there is an Alexandria drop-down menu that contains the About Alexandria and Tech
Support selections. There is also a Help menu that contains Alexandria Help, Open Release Notes,
Munge Resources for Windows and Export Resources selections.
On Windows, all these selections are located under the Help menu.

About Alexandria
Shows copyright and version information.

Tech Support
This opens the Email Tech Support option under the Support tab of the Circulation window,
allowing you to send email to COMPanion if you are connected to the interneteven if you
dont have your own SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) address configured (see Support tab:
Email Tech Support on page 300).

Alexandria Help
If the Alexandria Help documents are installed on your system, this selection brings up the
Help Index.vwp document. Alexandria Help documents are installed in the Help folder
inside your Alexandria folder. To download the latest Alexandria Help files, run the Get
Help Files utility under Check for Update (see Check for Updates: Check for Updates on
page 681).

Open Release Notes

If the Alexandria release notes are available, this selection displays them. If available, this document is located in your Alexandria folder with the name Alexandria Release Notes.txt.

Update Registration
This will open Alexandrias Registration window, allowing you to update your registration information. Alexandria will require a restart once your registration information has been updated.

38 Alexandria Users Manual

File Menu

Alexandria Basics

File Menu
The Alexandria File menu provides the following selections.
New DocumentOpens a new COMPedit document; COMPedit is Alexandrias integrated
word processor (see The Alexandria Word Processor on page 51).
OpenOpens the standard operating system explorer window used to locate files. When you

select a document from this window, Alexandria will open it (if it is able). Use this command to
open COMPedit documents, TEXT documents, MARC documents, MicroLIF documents and
other files for viewing.
Close WindowCloses the top window.
Close AllCloses all windows except for the Circulation window.
SaveSaves the contents of the top window.
Save As TextSaves a copy of the currently visible word processing document as a TEXT file.
Save As RTFSaves a copy of the currently visible word processing document as a RTF file.
Save AsAllows you to save .vwp documents to specific locations on your hard drive.
Save as AttachmentThis allows you to save text from a COMPedit document as a Patron,
Item, or Tech Support Message.
RevertChanges made to the current record are discarded and the original record is displayed in
the window.
ImportOpens the standard operating system explorer window used to locate files. Import files
can also be dropped onto the Circulation window.

The Import and Open commands are different. The Import command assumes you want to
import the selected data file (if it is valid). The Open command assumes you want to view the
selected data file, even if its a file than could easily be imported into Alexandria (see Data
Import on page 715).
Import Transaction ScriptIf you use a portable laser scanner for specific library duties and

have downloaded the data to your hard drive, use this command to import your data into Alexandria (see Importing Portable Laser Scanner Inventory Files on page 316).
ExportOpens the Export utility, allowing you to export items, patrons, or other miscellaneous
data from the Alexandria database.
UtilitiesUtilities are used to make global changes on batches of information in the Alexandria
data file (see Item Utilities on page 621).

Alexandria Users Manual 39

Alexandria Basics

File Menu

Archive NowPerforms an immediate backup of your valuable Alexandria Data. For more
information on archiving, please review How Archiving Works on page 200.
Rebuild NowPerforms an immediate Rebuild of your valuable Alexandria Data. Before
rebuilding, a Rebuild Database window will ask if you would like to perform an archive before
rebuilding (strongly recommended) and then ask if you would like to restart Alexandria after a
successful rebuild.
Page SetupOperating system standard function that sets the page up for printing.
PrintPrints the information contained in the window with focus (topmost window). For exam-

ple, if the Patron window is current, information for the Current Patron is printed when this
command is selected. If the Circulation window has focus, then the transaction log is printed.
Print to PDFThis allows you to save any finished reports or COMPedit world processor docu-

ments as Adobe PDF files (Macintosh only).

Log OutThis command closes the Circulation window and disallows anyone without proper
authorization to access Alexandria. Instead, an Alexandria Login window appears, awaiting a
correct User Name and Password. If a high-level user steps away from the Data Station and
doesnt want to quit or restart Alexandria, the Log Out function provides this security. The
Require User Login box in Administration Preferences must be checked for this option to

RestartLogs out the current users, closes all windows, restarts the Alexandria program, and if
Passwords/Security is turned on, brings up the Login window. If no security has been activated, Alexandria just restarts to the Circulation window.
Quit/Exit AlexandriaQuits the Alexandria program.

40 Alexandria Users Manual

Edit Menu

Alexandria Basics

Edit Menu
This menu includes standard editing functions. You can cut, copy and paste text, clear a field, select all
text, and paste from a file. Information about commands which are specific to Alexandria are included
UndoThis command only undoes typing or cut-and-paste operations in individual fields or in

the word processor. It does not undo operations from other menus, commands and controls.
RedoAn undo for the undo.
Cut, Copy and PasteYou can cut, copy, and paste text from certain fields to others within
Alexandria. For example, you can cut text from the Title field and place it in the Notes field. You

cannot cut and paste entire library records. If you need to transfer entire records into another
application, use the Export function to save the records you need in a format compatible with
other programs.
ClearClears the selected text or selected list elements.
Select AllSelects all the text in the current edit field, current word processor document, or list.
FindThis selection opens the Find window. Dependant upon which window has focus, Find

can be used to locate a specific record from your database or text in a word processing file.
Find AgainFinds the next matching record or data in the word processor.
Paste From FileAllows the user to paste information from a file.
PreferencesThis selection opens the Preferences window. Preferences are used to customize
Alexandria to suit your needs (see Introduction to Preferences on page 61).

Alexandria Users Manual 41

Alexandria Basics

Show Menu

Show Menu
Use this menu to move between various Alexandria modules such as Patrons, Items, and Circulation. For
example, if you need to manage patron information, select Patrons from the Show menu. To check items
out or perform other transactions, select Circulation.
Each option in the Show menu has a corresponding chapter in this manual. Refer to the specific chapter for
detailed information about each function.
Authority ControlOpens the Authority Control window. Select this command if you would like

to find, add, duplicate, remove, or view the authority-controlled fields in your library database (see
Authority Control on page 339).
Bulletin BoardUsed to create an electronic library bulletin board. Librarians can post items on
the Bulletin Board, which all patrons can view via Alexandria Researcher. The Bulletin Board also

allows the librarian to associate notes or library maps with item call numbers. Thus, when circulated
item details are displayed, if an associated note or library map is available, its automatically included
(see Show: Bulletin Board on page 53).
Circulation StatisticsShows the Statistics window. This window allows users to view a quick list

of useful circulation statistics (see Show: Circulation Statistics on page 55).

Dictionary WindowOpens Alexandrias built-in Dictionary. This window allows users to look

up word spelling or definitions using an assortment of internet sources and search options (see
Show: Dictionary Window on page 56).
Email ManagerManually opens the Email Service Manager window; see page 58 of this chap-

ter for more information.

Map EditorOpens the Map Editor window and allows you to attach a picture or map of your
library to Alexandria Bulletin Boards (see Show: Dictionary Window on page 56).

42 Alexandria Users Manual

Show Menu

Alexandria Basics

CirculationShows the Circulation window. Select this command if you want to check out,

check in, place holds, charge fines, place reservations, accept payments, or perform inventory and
other circulation functions. The Circulation window is always open while Alexandria is running
(unless logged in for Researcher-only privileges); use this menu command to bring it to the forefront.
ItemsShows the Item window. Select this command to examine, add, modify, or remove
items, titles, or copy records from your library.
PatronsShows the Patron window. Select this command to examine, add, modify, or remove

patron records.
ResearcherShows the Researcher window. Select this command to search your library col-

OrdersShows the Orders management window. Select this command to examine, add, mod-

ify, or remove order records.

BudgetsShows the Budgets management window. Select this command to examine, add,
modify, or remove budget records.
VendorsShows the Vendors management window. Select this command to examine, add,

modify, or remove vendor records.

SubscriptionsShows the Subscriptions management window. Select this command to exam-

ine, add, modify, or remove subscription records.

RoutesShows the Routes management window. Select this command to examine, add, modify, or remove route records.
Run Textbook TrackerIf a Textbook Tracker Data Station is installed on the same computer,
Alexandria is able to quickly launch it if you select Run Textbook Tracker from the Show
menu. In order to use this feature, you must first provide the correct directory path information
in the Textbook Tracker Application Location field located on the Textbook Tracker tab of
the Local Circulation Preferences window (see Textbook Tracker Tab on page 116).

Alexandria Users Manual 43

Alexandria Basics

Reports Menu

Reports Menu
Use the Reports menu to select a report category such as Patron Reports, Item Reports, or Circulation
Reports. To learn more about reports, please review:
"Introduction to Reports" starting on page 469.
"Special Reports" starting on page 483.
"Cross Data Station Reports" starting on page 495.
"Patron Reports" starting on page 509.
"Item Reports" starting on page 529.
"Circulation Reports" starting on page 551.
"Statistics Records Reports" starting on page 567.
"Statistics Reports" starting on page 575.
"Order Reports" starting on page 585.
"Subscription Reports" starting on page 593.
"Route Reports" starting on page 599.
"Quick Reports" starting on page 473.
When you make a selection from this list, the Report window will appear, containing a list of all the
available reports in that category.
To access a list of frequently used reports that do not require you to choose any sorts or search values,
choose Quick Reports from the Reports menu.
You create the reports that are shown in the Quick Reports window. To create a quick report, choose a
report (with options) and then click on the Create Quick Report button (see Quick Reports on
page 473).

44 Alexandria Users Manual

Links Menu

Alexandria Basics

Links Menu
The Links menu provides an easy way for you to quickly jump to other programs and World Wide Web
resources that you may need for your work.

The Link Menu folder is automatically created in the same folder as your Alexandria program. Any
document, program, URL, shortcut, or alias you place in this folder gets displayed in the Links menu.
When you make a selection from this menu, that linked document, program, URL, shortcut, or alias is
The contents of the Link Menu folder on the Data Station are automatically copied to the Link Menu
folder of Alexandria Workstations the very first time the workstation client is run. After the Link Menu
folder has been initially created, any changes made to a particular Workstation are for that Workstation
If the Link Menu folder is deleted, the Workstation will create a new one the next time Alexandria is
launched and the default documents, programs, URLs, shortcuts, or alias will again be automatically
copied from the Data Station.
URL links (pictured above) are generally little icons found just before the http address in the address bar
field of your standard internet browser. Drag and drop any program shortcut (alias) or URLs into the Link
Menu folder to make them appear in the Links menu.

- N


If you are licensed to use Alexandrias netTrekker and SearchALL functionality,

hyperlinks to their respective websites will automatically appear in the Links menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 45

Alexandria Basics

District Menu

District Menu
The District menu allows the user to choose which Data Station they would like to connect to. When the
District Librarian is connected to a Data Station, it operates exactly like a Librarian Workstation installed
for that Data Station (see District Librarian on page 753).

Window Menu
As you open new windows in Alexandria, the Window menu will display a list of all currently active
windows. The example Window menu in the margin shows that the Circulation window is open and
active and the Preferences and Patrons windows are also open.
To choose a window, select it from this menu. The window you select gets focus and becomes the active
If you select Bring all windows into view, all minimized windows will appear, with focus placed on the
Circulation window.
When you close a window, it is removed from this menu.

Management Command Menus

When each management window (Patrons, Items, Circulation) is selected, a separate command menu
becomes available. The commands contained within these drop-down menus are not always the same for
every function. The following section describes how to use the standard functions in most of the
management command menus.
The following section describes how to use the Patrons command menu, which is active when the Patron
management window has focus (i.e. in the forefront). Use these menus to browse, find, add, and remove
records. The other management windows have similar controls.
The First, Previous, Next, and Last commands will cycle through the indicated records based on the order
that theyre shown in the Browse By field. The arrows to the left of the Browse By field perform the same
action as the Next and Previous commands.
FirstShows the first record according to the current Browse By order.
PreviousShows the previous record according to the Browse By order.
NextShows the next record according to the Browse By order.
LastShows the last record according to the Browse By order.

46 Alexandria Users Manual

Finding Records

Alexandria Basics

Finding Records
The Find command can be used to locate a specific record. Alexandria searches for a record that matches
information you enter and shows the complete record in the main window.
For example, if you search for a patron with the name Anderson, Alexandria finds the first patron record
with that name and shows it as the Current Patron in the Patrons window. The Browse By selection is
automatically set to match your Find field.
When you select the Find command, the Find Record window appears.

Click the arrows

at the end of the Last Name field to choose to search other fields1. Click the arrows
at the end of fields to choose to search for an item that starts with the information you enter or exactly
matches the information you enter. If no record can be located, Alexandria will sound an audio alert and
the current record will not be changed.
Click the Find button to locate the record, or click the Cancel button or close window box to cancel the
Find operation.

1.NoteBecause the terms shown in this menu can be customized by the user, your choices may have different names.

Alexandria Users Manual 47

Alexandria Basics

Browsing Records

Browsing Records
To help you locate records, an alternative to the Find command is the Browse command (located under
Show, Patrons, Patrons command menu, Browse). The initial window shows records before and after
the currently selected record.
Use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to move through the list. To display more items, click
on the More buttons at the top right of the window.
To make another search, enter text in the empty field to the left of Go and then click the Go button. For
example, if you enter Sch for a patron name, a list of names that begin with Sch will be displayed. You
can then select a specific record from the list.

To select an item from the list, either double-click on the item or click the item once then click on Select,
or press <enter> | <return> on your keyboard.
When you select a record from the Browse window, the information in that record is displayed. To exit
the Browse window without changing the current record, click the close box or Cancel.
The Browse window displays entries in the order specified by the Browse By: setting of the initial record
management window.
In this example, records displayed in the window are sorted by Name, the value selected in the Browse
By: field at the top of the Patron window.
Changing the Browse By: field also changes the index drop-down menu on the Find Record window.

48 Alexandria Users Manual

Unlocking Records

Alexandria Basics

Unlocking Records
Before records can be modified, they must be unlocked. Use the Unlock Record command in the control
menu or click the icon of the lock to Unlock the current record. Display Setting preferences can be set to
automatically lock or unlock records for modification ("Display Settings Preferences" starting on page 123).

Adding Records
Use the New Title command from the Items menu to add records to your Alexandria database.
When you select this command, a fresh Items window appearsprompting you for information; an
example of a New Title window is shown below.

Type over the grayed-out (watermarked) data entry fields in the window (such as Title, Author, and so
forth in the example above) to add a new record.
To move to the next data entry field, drop-down menu or button, press the <tab> key. To move to the
previous data entry field, drop-down menu or button, press <shift-tab>. To edit information in a data
entry field, click in the corresponding field. To change a selection in a drop-down menu using only your
keyboard, use the <up> and <down> arrow keys when the drop-down menu is outlined. When a button is
outlined and you wish to perform that action, press the <spacebar>.
When you enter any type of specially-formatted information such as dates, phone numbers, or social
security numbers, you can enter values in a wide range of formats. For example, you can enter the date
December 1, 2010 as: Dec 1, 2010 or 12/1/04 or 12.1.10 or 12 1 10. If using the current
year, you can just enter 12/1. If the current month is December, you can just enter 11.

1.When you enter a two digit date, values between 0-30 are assumed to be 2000-2030 and values between 31-99 are assumed to be

Alexandria Users Manual 49

Duplicating Records

Alexandria Basics

When you have entered all the information for this record, click the Save button at the upper right-hand
of the window. The record has now been saved. If you want to disregard the information you have entered,
click the Revert button and the previous record information will be restored.
If you try to select another record or leave the window without saving your changes, the following warning
message will be appear:

If you click on Cancel, youll return to the previous window with your newly entered information still
intact. Click the Discard button if you want to disregard the data you just entered. Otherwise, click the
Save button to save your input.

Duplicating Records
Use this command to duplicate information from the current record into a new record. You can then
modify the record to create a new one. This can save time when adding records that are similar.

Removing Records
Use this command to permanently delete a selected record.
In most cases, a warning window will ask you to verify that you want the record permanently removed.

Click the Remove button to permanently remove the record or the Keep button to ignore the request to
remove the record.


You cannot undo a remove!

When a record is removed, all associated information is also removed. For example, removing a patron also
removes any holds or reservations that the patron has pending.

50 Alexandria Users Manual

The Alexandria Word Processor

Alexandria Basics

The Alexandria Word Processor

Integrated into Alexandria is a powerful word processor. These days, everyone owns at least one word
processor. Why, then, is the Alexandria approach to an integrated Word Processor any different? Well, here
are a few reasons:
The word processor is used throughout Alexandria to display reports and other informational
windows. In most programs, this information is displayed in a standard system window.
Allows users to save reports for future reference. Alexandrias word processor documents can be
viewed, saved and printed.
Allows users to customize reports. You can pick the font, eliminate unwanted information, enter
notes, change the font size, update the heading, and much more. You can have your reports done
your way.
Quickly create your own reports by cutting and pasting disparate information from different
Alexandria reports.
Send reports to others via email attachmentssince you can save reports electronically, you can
electronically send them.
The Alexandria word processor can open huge files that many word processors cant. Therefore,
you can view large import files before you import themeven 100MB files!
Since all reports are created as word processor documents, you can preview each report before
you print them. Other word processors might allow you to view reports on-screen, but usually
only one page at a time, or a very limited page range. With COMPedit, you can see it all.
COMPedit can provide your institution with a standard cross-platform tool for creating and
exchanging reports. All documents are supported across Macintosh and Windows systems.
Alexandria can prepare several reports for printing simultaneously. Most systems wont let you
print more than one report at the same timeafter all, in what order would the pages come out
of the printer? With the Alexandria approach, all reports are prepared in COMPedit and can
be printed at a later time.
The Alexandria word processor is named COMPedit and uses a highly efficient virtual memory scheme,
which allows it to support very large documents in a limited amount of memory.
COMPedit is available integrated within Alexandria, and as a stand-alone product. COMPedit is available
for both Macintosh and Windows-based operating systems. COMPedit documents are fully cross
platforma document created on one system can be viewed on the other.
COMPedit has the ability to support picture files created in drawing or paint programsjust paste them
into your document.
Special support is specifically provided for code 39 barcodes so that they are printed at the highest possible
resolution your printer is capable of handling. Therefore, with barcodes, what you see isnt exactly what
youll get. When printed, barcodes are output at the highest possible quality setting.

Alexandria Users Manual 51

Alexandria Basics

The Alexandria Word Processor

To create a new word processor document, select New Document from the File menu. Youll see a
window similar to this one.

As you move your cursor over interface controls, tool tips are displayed on the top-right of the window.
Since most people are familiar with word processors, COMPedits basic operations will not be
documented. However, heres a quick overview of some of the special features available with COMPedit.
Use the icon above the vertical scroll bars to hide/show the word processor tools or show/hide
the graphical ruler.
Click on the lock icon to lock or unlock the document. Locked documents can not be modified.
Use the other icon controls to find text, save a document, print your document, set a page break,
insert the date, insert the time, insert the current page number.
Indents, margins, left, right, center and decimal tabs are supported.
Left, Center, and Right aligned paragraphs are supported.
Font, Size, and Style controls are available for any character. Style includes colored text.
Paragraph keep together controls are supported.
Supports headers and footers. To create a header or footer, drag the controls above and below
the vertical scroll bars to create a header or footer area.
Supports restricted column viewing for tabbed columns. When this is turned on, text that might
overflow into another column is visibly truncated so that printed columns look nice. Since the
data is still in the report, adjusting column width will expose more data. This is a very useful
feature for viewing tabular-type reports.
Supports URL links; <cmnd>-click on a URL in COMPedit to open the link in your selected
Supports internal hot links for URL, COMPedit links and multi-media display. This capability
is only currently available for documents created by Alexandria. Its mentioned here because its
a valuable capability of COMPedit word processing that makes using Alexandria much more
enjoyable and powerful.

52 Alexandria Users Manual

Show: Bulletin Board

Alexandria Basics

Show: Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board is a place to store and share information among your library users. A librarian creates
a new bulletin on a Librarian workstation, which students can then view on Researcher workstations.
Bulletins are stored on and retrieved from the main Alexandria Data Station.
Select Bulletin Board from the Show menu to view the electronic bulletin board.

The top section of the Bulletin Board window contains a list of current bulletins. Selecting (highlighting)
a bulletin from this list will display the contents of the bulletin in the section on the bottom half.
To remove a bulletin from the Bulletin Board, select (highlight) one from the list and click on the Delete
Bulletin Board documents are generally used to share information and can be created to include an
optional expiration date. However, bulletins can be any COMPedit word processing document. You can
even post Alexandria reports as bulletin board entries. Thus, rather than posting an overdue report to the
wall of the library, you could post it to the Alexandria Bulletin Board.

To print the contents of a bulletin, select Print from the File menu, or click on the printer icon in the
COMPedit control bar.

Alexandria Users Manual 53

Show: Bulletin Board

Alexandria Basics

Adding New Bulletins

To add a new bulletin entry, click the Add button.

Enter the Bulletin Name of the new bulletin document and an optional Expiration Date. If you enter an
expiration date, the item will be automatically removed on that date.
Click Save to post your new bulletin or Revert to discard it.

- N


Bulletin board documents are standard COMPedit word processing documents. They
may contain text and/or graphics.
Although bulletin board documents are standard word processing documents, they are transmitted
frequently over the networkyoull want to limit yourself to short documents.
Only Librarian Workstations can Add or Remove entries from the bulletin board. Alexandria
Researchers can only view entries. However, since bulletin board documents are standard Alexandria word
processing documents, librarians can easily accept postings from students who have created their own
bulletins using Alexandria Researcher.

54 Alexandria Users Manual

Show: Circulation Statistics

Alexandria Basics

Show: Circulation Statistics

The Statistics window can be viewed by selecting Circulation Statistics from the Show drop-down
menu. Alexandria keeps a number of general circulation statistics for your library. These counters can be
reset at any time; most libraries will reset these on a yearly basis. Counters will increment as follows:
Total ActivityThis counter will increment with every successful transaction.
Total Copy ActivityThis counter will increment every time that a new item is made current
on the Circulation window.
Total New Items AddedThis counter will increment every time that a new item (title) is
added through the Items window or by import.
Total New Copies AddedThis counter will increment every time that a new item copy is
added through the Items window or by import.
Items Lost from InventoryThis counter will increment every time that an item which has the
status of available is checked out to the Lost Patron.
Total Items Lost by PatronsThis counter will increment every time that an individual patron

is held accountable for a lost item.

Items FoundThis counter will increment every time that an item which was once lost becomes
found and is returned to the database.
Total Items Removed CountThis counter will increment every time an item (title) is

removed from the Alexandria database.

Total Copies RemovedThis counter will increment every time an item copy has been
removed from the Alexandria database.
Total Patron ActivityThis counter will increment every time that a new patron is made current on the Circulation window.
Total New PatronsThis counter will increment every time that a new patron is added to the

Alexandria database.
Total Patrons RemovedThis counter will increment every time that a patron is removed

from the Alexandria database.

Total Copies Checked OutThis counter will increment every time that an item copy is

checked out to a patron.

Total Copies RenewedThis counter will increment every time that a patron makes a renewal

on an item copy.
Total Copies Checked InA total count of all the available (checked in) item copies located

within your library.

Total Holds PlacedThis counter will increment every time that a patron places a hold on an
item copy (including Alexandria Web or Explore interfaces).
Total Reservations MadeThis counter will increment every time a patron places a reservation on an item copy (including Alexandria Web or Explore interfaces).
Total Lost Book CountThis counter will increment every time that a copy is checked out to
the Lost Patron.
Counters Last Reset OnThe date the counters were last reset to zero.
Reset CountersThis button will clear all the counters to zero.
Refresh CountersChecks to make sure that all tallies are accurate by recalculating all the
applicable informational fields.
Generate ReportThis button displays the Circulation Statistics information in a report for-


Alexandria Users Manual 55

Alexandria Basics

Show: Dictionary Window

Show: Dictionary Window

Alexandria users will be pleased to discover that Alexandria contains a built-in, on-line dictionary. You can open Alexandrias dictionary server by selecting Dictionary Window from the
Alexandria standard Show drop-down menu.
When you have successfully connected to the selected server, a window similar to the one below
will appear. It is in this window that you can set search parameters, perform your search, and
receive search results.

56 Alexandria Users Manual

Show: Dictionary Window

Alexandria Basics

Word to LookupIn this field, type in the word you would like to search for. Using the checkboxes contained in the Options section of the Dictionary window, you can search for a word
definition or for an exact match (spelling). When you are ready to have your search performed,
click the Lookup button.

Your text may not include spaces or special characters (i.e. ! % $ #).

DatabaseThe information provided in this drop-down menu is retrieved from the specified

dictionary server. Each server will include its own database search options. Therefore, using this
drop-down menu, select the search method that you would like to have performed.
Search TypeAgain, the information provided in this drop-down menu is retrieved from the
specified dictionary server. Each server will include its own search type options. Therefore,
using this drop-down menu, select the search type that you would like to have performed.
Search DefinitionBy checking this box, any searches that are performed will return word definitions to the Results section of the Dictionary window. This is the Dictionary windows
default search option; when it is selected, the Exact Match search option (located directly below

it) will be grayed out.

Exact MatchBy checking this box, any searches that are performed will return an exact match
to the Results section of the Dictionary window. You may also use this search option if you are

unsure about the spelling of a particular word; just enter your best approximation and several
varieties (including, hopefully, the correct one) will be returned. When Exact Match is selected,
the Search Definitions search option (located directly above this one) will be grayed out.
Clear Search Results on New LookupIf you would like your old search results to be cleared
from the Results section of the Dictionary window with every new word Lookup, check this


This portion of the Dictionary window will display any Exact Match or Search Definitions search
results. If you would like this section of the Dictionary window cleared with every new search, mark the
Clear Search Results on New Lookup box located directly above this field.

Alexandria Users Manual 57

Alexandria Basics

Show: Email Manager

Show: Email Manager

Alexandria comes equipped with several conveniently-integrated email services. Some of these services
include the Circulation windows Email Support tab (page 188) and the Overdue Notice reports
Email format (page 556). Emails are also routinely sent to anyone with Administrative-level security
access1 (defined in your Alexandria Users list; page 65). For example, Administrators are sent a
notification email every time an Archive or Rebuild has finished successfully.
The Email Service Manager window, therefore, will appear every time one of Alexandrias email services
encounters an error. You may also manually open the Email Service Manager window by selecting
Email Manager from the Show menu (as shown in the margin).

The Email Service Manager contains two tabs; the Email tab and the Status Message Log tab.

1. You must have provided a correct Administrator email address in the Email Address field of the Add/Edit User window in
order for this to work (see Edit Users on page 58).

58 Alexandria Users Manual

Show: Email Manager

Alexandria Basics

Email Service Manager: Email tab

The information supplied on the Email tab includes of a list of all currently queued emails. This list is
dynamic (i.e. constantly changing) and reflects all of Alexandrias email service activity. When an email
from the list is selected (highlighted), the three fields below the list are populated with information.
These fields include the SMTP parameters field, the Error field (displaying the emails most recent error
message), and the Email field itselfcontaining the complete, original, email source text.
Alexandrias email service will continuously attempt to resend queued emails, so you might find several
simple mail transfer protocol (STMP) messages associated with one, individual email. You might also
have messages from the Email Service Manager (e.g. this message was deleted).
These messages will appear in the Status field at the top of the Email and Status Message Log tabs.
The information provided here is usually enough to trouble-shoot any general email problems. However,
if you are unable to resolve your conundrum and are still encountering email errors, please feel free to
contact COMPanions award-winning Technical Support staff.
Dont Bother MeErroneous emails will cause the Email Service Manager to pop up in front

of all other windows. If you dont wish this window to appear while you are working, check the
Dont Bother Me boxthe Email Service Manager window will not appear again until you
select it from the Show menu.

Removing Emails From the Queue

At some time or another, you may want to remove problematic emails from the queue. Please keep in
mind, however, that all the information provided on the Email Service Manager window is dynamic
(i.e. constantly changing and being updated in real time). Therefore, you must first use the Pause button
in order to remove emails or edit email information.
Use the Pause button, which then becomes the Continue button, to enable the previously grayed-out
Remove button.

Email Service Manager: Status Message Log tab

The Email Service Manager will report on the following email failures:
bad email address
bad mail server
bad port #
failure to connect or bad login (for authenticated connections)

There are any number of simple mail transfer protocol (STMP) messages that might appear in the log, but
they all basically result from one of these four basic failures.

- N


If your email port # is not 25, the Email Service Manager will use secure
connections. If secure connections are used, and a login/password is provided, it will
attempt a couple of different authentication protocols (i.e. logins.)

Alexandria Users Manual 59

Alexandria Basics

Show: Map Editor

Show: Map Editor

The Map Editor allows the librarian to associate notes or maps with item call numbers. Thus, when item
details are displayed, if a note or map is available, its automatically included.
Maps are associated with call number ranges and will be displayed when the user selects details about a
particular item that falls within that range.
Select Map Editor from the Show menu to view and/or create a new map.

You can browse through your existing maps by Resource ID, Resource Name, Sequence #, or
Modification Date.

Enter the Call Number Range for which you would like to associate with this map.

Resource Tab
Design your map in a program outside of Alexandria, such as Microsoft Paint, MacPaint, or Adobe
Photoshop. When you are finished, Copy or Cut the image you have drawn to your operating system
standard clipboard. When you open the Map Editor window, you can just Paste the image you have
drawn into the Resource tab. The COMPedit world processor supports a majority of simple image file
types, such as .PICT, .JPEG, and .GIF. Regardless of your operating system, COMPanion recommends
that you have the most recent version of Apples QuickTime installed on your computer.

Description Tab
If you want to add additional text with rules or hints on locating items, click on the Description tab. Use
the Description and Notes fields to include any additional information that you desire.

60 Alexandria Users Manual

Introduction to Preferences
Preferences are used to customize Alexandrias security settings, colors, sounds, default values for
barcodes, settings for cataloguing, and restrictions for Researchers and Librarian Workstations.

With Preferences, you can also configure your library policies (i.e. the rules that dictate how your library
is used). You can set policies that determine how each item in your collection circulates and how certain
patron types are allowed to use your library. You can also configure policies that determine how long an
item can be checked out to a patron, how long a hold request can be kept, etcetera.
The top portion of every preference window consists of two drop-down menus and two standard
Alexandria buttons. The drop-down menu on the left is the Preference selection menu. Use this menu to
shuffle through Alexandrias various preference windows. For more information on an individual
Alexandria preference window, please review its corresponding chapter in this Users Manual.

The drop-down menu on the right is the Local/Default Local/Global menu. For more information on
Global/Local preferences, please see page 63.
On the far top-right of every preference window are two Alexandria standard buttons. The first button is a
preference specific Restore Defaults button. This button will restore Alexandria preference windows to
their original, factory settings; reinstating any information or fields that were supplied via registration
The second button is the Alexandria standard Help button. For more information on how to use this
button, please review page 38 of the Alexandria Basics chapter.
The preference chapters that follow this one will describe, in detail, each preference window and then
demonstrate how to use them.
To set up or change Alexandria preferences, you must first activate the Preferences window from the Edit
menu. You may also use the Ctrl+; (Windows) or Cmnd+;(Macintosh) shortcut command. Once
the Preferences window appears, click on the drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of the window
to view your available preferences.

Alexandria Users Manual 61

Introduction to Preferences

Alexandria Preferences

Alexandria Preferences
The following is a summary of all available Alexandria preferences.
Please keep in mind that certain preferences may not be available for certain clients. An Alexandria Data
Station will have more available preferences than will a Librarian Workstation. However, a Librarian
Workstation will have more than a Researcher Workstation. Some preferences will only become active after
you have licensed them (e.g. Web Librarian, Advanced Bookings). If you have not licensed a particular
feature, the corresponding preference will not appear in the Preference drop-down menu (shown to the
AdministrationSet up users and access levels; activate passwords. Configure address books for widearea or multi-collection access; see Administration Preferences on page 65.
Advanced BookingsOnly available for those who have licensed the Advanced Bookings module.
This feature is documented in the Advanced Bookings chapter; see Advanced Booking Preferences on
page 95.
Alexandria ResearcherDefine initial settings for your Alexandria Researchers; see Researcher Preferences on page 181.
Archive & RebuildAlexandria will automatically create a copy of your data at pre-determined times
throughout the week; see Scheduled Events Preferences on page 199.
Authority ControlThis preference is used to configure local authority controls for Alexandria; see
Authority Control Preferences on page 103.
CalendarsSet up calendars for use in your library. Calendars are used to schedule open days, closed
days, period due dates and notes; see Calendar Preferences on page 105.
Checkpoint ILSUsed to enhance the SIP2 protocol. It should only be enabled if Checkpoint SIP2
hardware is in use; see Checkpoint ILS Preferences on page 109.
CirculationConfigure information about temporary barcodes and determine how often the transaction
log is saved. Create text for inclusion in the body of patron notices; see Circulation Preferences on page 111.
Display SettingsChoose color schemes for Alexandrias appearance and individual window settings; see
Display Settings Preferences on page 123.
Item ManagementConfigure information about library items, such as: barcode ranges, barcode leaders, default policies, terminology, and catalogue settings (including leading articles to automatically ignore).
See Item Management Preferences on page 127 for more information.
Library InformationConfigure general information about your library; see Library Information Preferences on page 137.
OrdersSet defaults for the Orders Management window; see Orders Preferences on page 149.
Patron ManagementConfigure information about library patrons, such as: barcode ranges, barcode
leaders, default policies, and terminology; see Patron Management Preferences on page 153.
PoliciesSet guidelines for library operation; see Policies Preferences on page 161.
RoutesAdd default settings for your routes; see Routes Preferences on page 189.
SIFEnables and configures the Schools Interoperability Framework agent; see SIF Preferences on
page 191.
SoundsAssign Alexandria sounds for events such as check out, check in and program shutdown; see
Sounds Preferences on page 205.
WebDetermine settings for Alexandria Web; see Web Preferences on page 207.
Word ProcessorAdd default settings for new word processor documents; see Word Processor Preferences on page 215.

62 Alexandria Users Manual

What Are Global and Local Preferences?

Introduction to Preferences

What Are Global and Local Preferences?

Alexandria users are able to switch between Global, Local, and Default Local preference settings.
Global and Default Local preferences are saved and stored on the Alexandria Data Station. For this
reason, in the diagram below, the Data Station contains the words Global and Default Local. After
installation, any Local preference information you configure on a LWS or RWS will be saved and stored to

that individual client workstation only.

In the diagram above, there are two Librarian Workstations (LWS) and three Researcher Workstations
(RWS) connected to the main Alexandria Data Station.
To reiterate, Local preferences basically start out the same as Default Local preferences and can later be
overridden locally (i.e. on the individual client workstation).
For instance, in the example above, Researcher Workstation-A has their Local Alexandria Researcher
preference set to Simple Search. Researcher Workstation-B has their Local Alexandria Researcher
preference set as Explore and Researcher Workstation-C has been set up to use the Boolean search interface
as default.
In the same way, Librarian Workstation-A can have a different local color scheme, different sound events,
forced authority control options, or word processor defaults than Librarian Workstation-B.
Users with the appropriate Administration permissions (see page 65) can access and change the Data
Stations Global/Default Local preferences using a remote client (e.g. a Librarian Workstation). If
changes are made to the Global/Local preferences, the Data Station will immediately broadcast those
changes to all connected clients.

- N


Any changes that are made to the Global/Default Local preferences from a remote
client (e.g. via Researcher or Librarian workstation) will be saved and stored on the
main Alexandria Data Station.

Alexandria Users Manual 63

Introduction to Preferences

What Are Global and Local Preferences?

GlobalAlexandrias Global preferences are configured and stored on the Alexandria Data Station. However, users may also configure Global preferences remotely, using an Alexandria client
(e.g. Librarian or Researcher workstation) that has been accessed by someone with the proper
administrator privileges.

The Global preferences on the Data Station will be the same Global preferences for every single
client (i.e. workstation) thats connected to your Data Station.
Hence, any changes you make to your Data Stations Global preferences will automatically (and
instantly) change the Global preferences for every client within your Alexandria system network.
For example, your temporary barcode range (set in the Circulation Preferences) will be exactly
the same on all the computers throughout your district.
Default LocalWhen you install a new Alexandria client (Researcher or Librarian), they will
automatically import the Default Local preferences from the Data Station. However, these pref-

erences can later be overridden on a machine-by-machine basis. This is accomplished by adjusting the Local preferences (described below) of an individual workstation. Any client machines
Set Local preferences will automatically override its Default Local preferences, but only for the
machine whose Local preferences were changed.
Like Global preferences, Default Local preferences are configured and stored on the Alexandria
Data Station. However, they too can be remotely configured on an Alexandria client that has
been accessed by one with administration privileges.
The Default Local preferences on the Data Station will be the same Default Local preferences
for every single client (i.e. workstation) thats connected to your Data Station. Hence, any
changes you make to your Data Stations Default Local preferences will automatically (and
instantly) change the Default Local preferences for every client connected to your Alexandria
system network.
Changes to the Default Local preferences will only affect an Alexandria client machine (i.e.
workstation) if it doesnt have any Local preference overrides established.
LocalThese preferences are local meaning that they can override the Default Local prefer-

ences of an individual Alexandria client workstation (i.e. Librarian or Researcher).

Local preferences were created in response to the needs of a local environment, where each client workstation in an Alexandria library system could be set up differently to reflect different
needs. For example, your library might set up three Researcher Workstations, all with different
default search interfaces and color schemes.

Dont worry about filling in every field in the Local preference windows; especially if youve
already filled in most of the pertinent, static information in the Data Stations Default Local
preferences. Just supply information to the fields where you would like to elicit individual
change. Alexandria workstations will automatically download any missing Local information
from the Data Stations pre-defined Default Local preferences.
Unless theyre the Data Stations own Local preferences, Local preferences are not configured or
stored on the Data Station. All Local preferences will be stored on the individual client machine
and will not update any other client workstation connected to your Alexandria Data Station.

64 Alexandria Users Manual

Administration Preferences
Global Administration Preferences: Users
There are no available Local or Default Local Administration preferences. Global preferences apply to
all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global
Administration preferences will affect all workstations.

Users Tab
The Users tab of the Global Administration preference window allows you to setup and create any
number of Alexandria users, each with their own unique (or identical) security level. Although you may
have users with duplicate security levels, you can not have duplicate user names.

This window contains a large Alexandria Users field, which is basically a list that contains the Name and
Security Level(s) of your existing Alexandria users; you may select (highlight) any of the users contained
within this field in order to edit their information or remove them completely.
This preference tab also contains the Add User, Remove User, and Edit User buttons (located at the
bottom-left corner of the window); these buttons allow you to create, remove, and edit Alexandria users.
The subsequent pages will further detail the usage of these buttons.1
1.For more information on Security, please see Activating Security on page 66.

Alexandria Users Manual 65

Administration Preferences

Users Tab

Activating Security
Check the Require User Login box on the Global Administration Users preference window to activate
Alexandrias Log In security. When this box is checked, Alexandria will require a username and optional
password1 every time that the program is launched; also, when this box is checked, Alexandria will force
you to create an Administrator-level user that may be edited, but never removed. For new libraries, the
default setting for the Require User Login checkbox is OFF (i.e. unchecked).
Use the Require Password to Quit From Log In Window checkbox to force users to provide an
acceptable password when attempting to Quit from the Log In window.
To immediately activate the Alexandria Log In security window (or to access Alexandria as a different
user), choose Restart or Log Out from the File menu.
When the Alexandria Log In (or Permission Override2) window appears, enter the appropriate
Username and optional Password and click Log In (or OK) to access Alexandria.
The username that you enter during log in will be recorded to the Transaction log as well as any failed
login attempts.

Accessing Alexandria as a Different User

There are times when you will need to access Alexandria as a user other than the one who is currently
logged into the program; especially if you are required to perform a specific task that the current user does
not have the security permissions to accomplish.
For example, on a Librarian Workstation that is currently being used by a Student Aide, you may need
to log in as the District/Library Administrator to change a Local preferencea task for which the
Student Aide does not have authorization.
There are two ways to access Alexandria as a different user:
Make sure that the Require User Login checkbox is marked in the Global Administration
preference window and then choose Restart or Log Out3 from the File menu. When the Log
In window appears, enter the appropriate Username and optional Password and click Log In
to access Alexandria as an entirely new user (see Activating Security on page 66).
If the user who is currently logged into Alexandria doesnt have the security permissions to access
or change a specific option or preference window, you may supersede their authority (for a set
duration) using the Permission Override window (see Permission Override on page 67).

1.If a password was not supplied when creating a new user in the Add User window (page 69), then this field will not be required.
2.If you are restricted to Alexandria Researcher-type security privileges, attempting to Log Out or Restart from the File menu will open
the Permission Override window. For more information about Permission Override and how its used, please see the information contained on page 67.
3.Some security levels require the proper permissions to perform a Restart.

66 Alexandria Users Manual

Users Tab

Administration Preferences

Permission Override
If the user who is currently logged into Alexandria doesnt have the proper authority to change or access the
options within a particular Preference window, then the Permission Override lock icon and a brief
description (as shown below) will appear.

To override the current users permissions, click on the lock icon. Doing so will open the Permission
Override window. You can also access the Permission Override window by selecting an Alexandria
menu option that is asterisked (e.g. * Cross DS Reports in the Reports menu); these menu options will
only appear asterisked if the current user doesnt have the proper authority to access the specific menu

Alexandria Users Manual 67

Administration Preferences

Users Tab

When the Permission Override window appears, you are required to input an appropriate Username
and optional Password1 in order to access Alexandria as the new user.
If you are the Alexandria user without the necessary security permissions to complete a required action,
you must find someone who has the authority to override your permissions and who is willing to permit
the action.
From the Duration section of the Permission Override window, choose the duration of the user override.
You can override the specific action for one time only, or for the duration of the current login.
This Time OnlyChecking this radio button will allow the user to enter the otherwise locked
Alexandria function for one time only. The moment that the user exits the window, the function
will be re-locked and the asterisk or lock icon will reappear the next time the current user
attempts to access this feature. For example, if you allow your user to access Alexandria Utilities
using the This Time Only option, then they wont be able to open the Utilities window again after
it has been closed.
This Login OnlyChecking this radio button will temporarily unlock the specified Alexandria

function for the current users entire session. The selected window will remain unlocked until the
next time Alexandria is restarted. For example, if you allow your user to access Alexandria Utilities
using the This Login Only option, then users will be able to access the Utilities window (even
after this window has been closed) for the duration of the current users login.
After you have input your username, optional password, and specified a duration, click OK to access
The username that was used to override the permission will be recorded to the Transaction log.

1.If a password was not supplied when creating a new user in the Add User window (page 69), then this field will not be required.

68 Alexandria Users Manual

Users Tab

Administration Preferences

Adding Users
Click the Add User button (the red + icon), or use <cmnd+N> (Macintosh) or <ctrl+N> (Windows),
to add a new user to Alexandria. The Add User window will appear, requesting that you provide specific
new user information.

Enter the username1, a password2, confirmation password, email address, security Level for the new user,
and then check any libraries that they will be permitted to access. If you have not previously created any
users, the Level drop-down menu will be set to District/Library Administrator and you will be unable to
change it. Once you have created a District/Library Administrator, you can add other new users with
access levels other than Administration.
The District Administrator security level is only meaningful for multi-library collection licenses (Central
Union, WAN, etc.); for all other licenses, District Administrator security is identical to Library
If you would like to add an users picture at this time, you can import a GIF, BMP, PIC, JPG (or any other
standard image file); here are some ways that you can do this:
Drag and dropOpen the picture with your systems default picture viewer. Drag the graphic
from the desktop or program onto the Add User window in Alexandria. As you drag the picture,

a box outline shows where the picture is to be placed to help you align it properly.
Paste and Copy User Picture3Open the picture with your systems default picture viewer.

Select the graphic and copy it to your operating system clipboard (this is usually done with commands such as Select All, Copy, and Cut under the Edit menu in the program). Go back to
your Alexandria Add User window and choose Paste Patron Picture by right-clicking (or ctrlclicking using a one-button mouse) in the patron picture field. The picture should now appear in
the area located to the right of information fields.
1.If you choose a username that is already in use, Alexandria will ask you to choose another.
2.Passwords are not case sensitive. Upper and lowercase characters match. Although you may leave the Password field blank (meaning
that a user requires no password upon Log In), it is strongly recommended that this is not done.
3.Windows users are required to have Apples QuickTime installed to view some picture formats.

Alexandria Users Manual 69

Administration Preferences

Users Tab

When you click the OK button, the new user Name and Security Level will appear in the Alexandria
Users field of the Global Administration preference windows Users tab.

Removing Users
To remove an Alexandria operator, select (highlight) the user Name from the Alexandria Users field and
click the Remove User button (the red minus icon). If you have Alexandria Users with security levels
other than Administrator (e.g. Librarian or Aide) you will be unable to remove the District/Library
Administrator unless you have an additional District/Library Administrator.

Edit Users
You may edit the username, password, email address, and security level of any existing Alexandria user. To
edit an existing users information, double-click on a users name in the Alexandria Users field.
Alternately, you may select (highlight) the users name from the Alexandria Users field and click the Edit
User button (located at the bottom left-hand side of the window). Doing this opens the Edit User window
(similar to the Add User window described on page 69); using this window, you may change any of the
user information fields. If you have Alexandria Users with security levels other than Administrator (e.g.
Librarian or Aide) you will be unable to change or remove the District/Library Administrator security
level unless you have an additional District/Library Administrator.

70 Alexandria Users Manual

Security Tab

Administration Preferences

Global Administration Preferences: Security

There are no available Local or Default Local Administration preferences. Global preferences apply to
all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global
Administration preferences will affect all workstations.

Security Tab
The options contained on the Security tab of the Global Administration preference window allow an
administrator to modify existing or create custom security levels for Alexandria users. A users security level
determines what Alexandria operations the user is allowed to perform.

Alexandria comes standard with several default security levels; from District Administrator to
Researcher, including two Self-Service security levels. District Administrator is the least restrictive and
allows unlimited access to Alexandria preferences and settings. Researcher is the most restrictive security
level, only allowing users to search the database.
Alexandria also allows users to create their own custom security levels by manipulating a list of permissions
(see page 73 for more information on customizing security levels).
Until you set up a District or Library Administrator user and enable Require User Login, Alexandria will
launch with full administrative privileges. An Administrator is the only security level that allows you
create new Alexandria users. Once youve established an Administrator, if no other security level is
selected, then Administrator-level access will be the default upon launch.
If the Require User Login box is checked (see Activating Security on page 66 for more information), you
may select Restart or Log Out from the File menu to access Alexandria as a user with a different security

Alexandria Users Manual 71

Administration Preferences

Security Tab

Default Security Levels

Below are the default security levels available within Alexandria. Each of these default security levels can be
edited; however, they can not be deleted or renamed.
Usernames and passwords
are not case sensitive.

District AdministratorFull access to every control and setting within Alexandria, including the
ability to examine and change registered users. Users at this level can edit district level preferences
and have access to all library preferences. All other access levels can only modify records from
their assigned library collections. The District Administrator security level can not be modified.
Library AdministratorFull access to every control and setting within Alexandria, including the

ability to examine and change registered users. Users with this security level can only edit preferences for their assigned collection.
LibrarianFull access to every control and setting within Alexandria except the ability to examine registered users and Address Books.
Library StaffAccess to all system functions and reports except Preferences, Import and Utilities.
Library AideAccess to Alexandria Researcher capabilities and standard circulation commands, with the authority to allow restricted actions. For example, if a patron has too many
books issued, a warning message appears when the patron tries to check out another book. With
this security level, the library aide can override the message and allow the patron to check out
another book.
Student AideAccess to Alexandria Researcher capabilities and standard circulation commands, but no authority to allow restricted actions. See the description of Library Aide (listed
above) for an example of a restricted action.
ResearcherAccess to Bulletin Board and Search under the Show menu. The Reports menu
is disabled. Preferences under the Edit menu are disabled. Import and Utilities under the File
menu are disabled. The Circulation menu and Circulation window commands are disabled.
Self-Service Check OutSupports Researcher privileges with the addition of Check In and
Bookdrop circulation commands (see Modes, Commands and Help on page 266).
Self-Service BookdropSupports Researcher privileges with the addition of the bookdrop
capability. The Circulation window is allowed for Bookdrop mode only (see Modes, Com-

mands and Help on page 266). At this security level, overdue fines are automatically recorded
with no opportunity to accept payment, or forgive/adjust fines. Fines are still displayed in the
transaction log.

72 Alexandria Users Manual

Security Tab

Administration Preferences

Adding, Editing, and Removing Custom Security Levels

Users with the appropriate authority can add, edit, or remove any of Alexandrias security levels with the
exception of the default security levels, which can be edited, but not removed or renamed.
By default, only the
District and Library
Administrator can add
custom of edit existing
security levels.

AddThis button (the red plus icon located in the lower-left corner of the Global Administration preference window) opens the Create New Security Level window; this window is

documented on page 74.

RemoveUsers with the appropriate authority can remove a user-created security level by highlighting (selecting) the level from the Security Levels section of the Global Administration
Security window and clicking the Remove button (the red minus icon). Users will be asked if
they are sure they would like to remove the selected security level; click OK to proceed or Cancel
to abort the removal. Users will not be able to remove any of Alexandrias default starting security
EditThis button (located on the lower-left corner of the Global Administration preference
window) opens the Edit Security Level window; this window is documented on page 75.

Alexandria Users Manual 73

Administration Preferences

Security Tab

Creating A New Security Level

This window, which allows users to create their own custom security levels, can be accessed by clicking on
the Add button (the red plus icon located on the lower-left corner of the Global Administration
preference windows Security tab).

If you would like to create a new security level based on an existing security level and its list of enabled and
disabled security options, select (highlight) the security level that you would like to have duplicated from
the Based On field, enter a new Security Level Name, and click the OK button.
You may also choose to create a new security level that isnt based on any that currently exist in your
system. In this instance, you would want to choose All Permissions On or All Permissions Off from the
Based On field; some users will find it easier to have all of their security options enabled or disabled when
creating a new security level from scratch.
After you have successfully created/duplicated a new security level using the Create New Security Level
window, it will appear in the Security Levels field of the Global Administration preference windows
Security tab.
From this point on, you may treat the newly created/duplicated security level as you would any existing
security level; it may be edited, its name changed, or it may be completely removed from the system.

74 Alexandria Users Manual

Security Tab

Administration Preferences

Editing A New Security Level

This window, which allows users to edit an existing (custom or default) security level, can be accessed by
selecting (highlighting) one of the Security Levels on the Security tab of the Global Administration
preference window and then by clicking on the Edit button (located in the lower-left corner).

You may toggle1 between any of Alexandrias existing security levels using the drop-down menu located at
the top-left corner of the Edit Security Level window. You can use this drop-down menu as a quick
reference to see how other security levels operate or to quickly change a specific permission on several
different security levels.
You may edit the name of the current security level by clicking on the Edit Name button (the blue a
icon). Doing so will open the Query window (shown below). Input the new security level name and click
OK when you are satisfied with your changes. Users will be unable to change the names of Alexandrias
default starting security levels and each security level name must be unique.

You may add a new security level from the Edit Security Level window by clicking on the Add button
(the red plus icon). This button opens the Create New Security Level window; this window is
documented on page 74.
1.In technical terms, toggle means to alternate between two or more electronic, mechanical, or computer-related options, usually by
the operation of a single switch, drop-down menu, or keystroke (e.g. toggled back and forth between two windows on the screen).

Alexandria Users Manual 75

Administration Preferences

Security Tab

You may remove the current security level by clicking on the Remove button (the red minus icon).
Users will be asked if they are sure they would like to remove the selected security level; click OK to
proceed or Cancel to abort the removal. Users will not be able to remove any of Alexandrias default
starting security levels. Once a security level has been deleted, it can not be restored.
The blue Enable All icon located in the upper-right corner of the window will activate (enable) all of the
permissions for the current security level. The red Disable All icon located next to it will disable all of the
permissions for the current security level.

Alexandria security permissions are categorized and compartmentalized into groups of similar permissions
(e.g. Preferences, Data, Circulation, Utilities, etc.). You may toggle1 between these categories of
permissions using the Categories drop-down menus and tabs provided in the Edit Security Level

If you would like more
information on a specific
security permission, you
can examine their Tool Tips
by holding down the
<ctrl> (Windows) or
<option> (Macintosh)
key and moving over the
permission names.

Each selection in the Categories drop-down menu refers to a particular set of permissions. For example,
the Data category (shown as selected above) contains security permissions that pertain to items, item
copies, patrons, orders, budgets, vendors, subscriptions, and routes.
By clicking on the checkboxes contained within the tabs and menus of the Edit Security Level window,
you can enable or disable specific security permissions for the existing security level. For example, if you are
creating a custom security level that would enable users to import orders, then select Import & Export
from the Categories drop-down menu and check the Can Import Orders box located on the Import
When you have finished editing all of your security permissions, click Save to keep your changes or
Revert to discard them. You will be required to Save or Revert before toggling between any other
security levels or closing the Edit Security Level window.
1.In technical terms, toggle means to alternate between two or more electronic, mechanical, or computer-related options, usually by
the operation of a single switch, drop-down menu, or keystroke (e.g. toggled back and forth between two windows on the screen).

76 Alexandria Users Manual

Address Books Tab

Administration Preferences

Global Administration Preferences: Address Books

There are no available Local or Default Local Administration preferences. Global preferences apply to
all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global
Administration preferences will affect all workstations.
Please keep in mind that the Global Address Book preference is only available to users with a District
Administrator security level.

Address Books Tab

Address Books allow your Librarian or Researcher Workstations to communicate with other Alexandria
Data Stations in your district. With the optional Z39.50 or wide area network (WAN) feature of
Alexandria, you are granted access to these interconnected library collections. If the only library collection
you require access to is the one stored on your main Data Station or you dont have a WAN or a Central
Union license, you wont need to set up any address booksAlexandria defaults will be set to the
appropriate configuration.

In order to host or use
wide-area access (WAN),
you must have purchased a
wide area network license.
Once youve purchased this
license, all your Alexandria
Researcher workstations
can search outside
Every Data Station has an address book called the Standard Address Book. This Address Book
contains all the items that are inventoried in your collection. You may not edit or remove the Standard
Address Book.

Authorized workstations
with a wide area network
license will also be able to
search your collections.

Using Alexandria Researcher Preferences, you will be able to select the default Address Book that
will be searched by all of the Researcher Workstations connected to your Data Station (see the Search
Address Book command described on page 181). Furthermore, each Researcher Workstation that is
connected to your Data Station can be individually customized to search a specified address book.
On a Researcher Workstation, the local collection (Standard Address Book) will always be shown at the
top of the Address Books list, followed by groups and individual entries (listed alphabetically). If you
dont want an Address Book to appear in this list, select Hide on Researcher or Hide Everywhere
from the Availability drop-down menu (when you Add or Edit an Alexandria Address Book).

Alexandria Users Manual 77

Administration Preferences

Address Books Tab

Adding New Address Books

You may add as many different address books as you need to manage your library collections. Since you
can specify which address books your Researcher Workstations will use by default, additional address
books can be used for more extensive searches. Click on the New (+) button under the Address Books
field to add a new address book. Your Data Stations local library collection is represented as the Standard
Address Book.
Address books may contain other address books; you can copy (add) an existing address type (e.g. Data
Station, Dictionary Site, Z39.50 Site) to an existing address book by dragging an address line from the
Addresses1 field onto one of the address books contained within the Address Book field. In the
example below, the Dictionary Site address type is being added to the Standard Z39.50 Address Book;
a helpful red navigation arrow has appeared to the left of the Standard Z39.50 Address Book name to
help guide your selection.

1.When you drag an Address from one Address Book to another, the Address is always copied. If you want an address removed from
the Address Book which is was copied, use the Remove button.

78 Alexandria Users Manual

Address Books Tab

Administration Preferences

How to Create a New Address Book

Using the Address Books tab of the Global Administration preference window, you can create an
Address Book (which can then contain a group of Addresses). When a patron searches for an item
under a selected Address Book, all of the addresses contained in that Address Book are searched. This
makes it easy for patrons to search multiple address types and collections. For example, you could select an
Address Book containing every high school in the district, or every high school within a certain zip code
(as long as they have WAN codes).

Institutions and schools
that are behind a firewall
will need to open ports
1025 and 30427
in order to make their
collections accessible.

To create a new address book, do the following:

Step 1.

Click the Add Book (+) button on the bottom-left of the Address Book preference
window or <cmnd+N> on Macintosh, <ctrl+N> on Windows.

Step 2.

Enter the name of the new Address Book you want to add.

Step 3.

You can now add Addresses to your newly created Address Book by following the subsequent instructions.

Alexandria Users Manual 79

Administration Preferences

Address Books Tab

Adding Addresses to an Address Book

Step 1.

Click on (select or highlight) an address book name in the Address Books field; preferably the one for which youd like to add a new Address. This new address will appear
in the Addresses section of the Global Address Books preference window.

Step 2.

Click the Add Address button (the red plus symbol) located below the Addresses
section of the Global Administration windows Address Books tab.

Step 3.

The Add Address window will appear (as shown below):

Step 4.

Using the Add Site Address window, choose the type of address youd like to add from
the Address Type drop-down menu. The Add Site Address window options will vary
depending on the Address Type you choose.
These different Address Types will be described on the following pages.

Note: Some Address Type(s) may not be available if your data is not registered for a particular feature or module (e.g. Z39.50 Site).
Step 5.

If you are going to be adding an additional address after you have finished the one you are
currently working on, check the Keep window open after adding box.

Step 6.

You may continue to add addresses to your address book as necessary. Click Add
when you are done, or Cancel to close the Add Site Address window without applying
any of your changes.

Step 7.

Once all Address Book changes have been made, click the Add button. Then, click the
Save button on the Global Address Book window to save all your changes or Revert to
undo them all.

80 Alexandria Users Manual

Address Books Tab

Administration Preferences

Data Station Addresses

Address TypeChoose Data Station as the address youd like to add from the Address Type
drop-down menu. The text fields and drop-down menus of the Add Site Address window will
vary depending on the Address Type you choose.
AvailabilityUse this drop-down menu to determine whether this address will be available to
everyone, hidden from every connected Researcher Workstation, or hidden from everyone altogether.
NameUse this field to name your new address book (e.g. Central Library or My Data
IP AddressUsing this field, supply the IP address of the machine to which you are trying to
connect. Leave this field blank if you only want to search your local collection (i.e. your Data Station).
LibraryA Central Union Data Station can house multiple collections under one static IP
address. Those who are licensed users of Alexandrias Central Union can use the Library ID
Code field to specify a single, searchable library collection within that database.

For example, lets say that there are ten different library collections all stored on one Central
Union Data Station. If you would like to create an individual address for each of these ten collections, you will need some way to distinguish one from another. Because these collections all use
the same IP address, you will need to supply each address that you create with a specific Library
ID Code (page 138). When you choose to search an address that has a specified Library ID
Code, then only that library will be searched (instead of every collection contained on the Central Union Data Station).
AuthenticationAn Authentication Code is an optional, added level of security for Alexandria users. If you only want specific, pre-determined Data Station(s) connecting to your Data
Stations library collection, you can require them to have an Authentication Code that you create and enter into this field. This code may be changed at any time and must match the Data Stations Authentication Code in order for outside systems to search the indicated Data Station or
Keep window open after addingIf you are going to be adding multiple Data Station
addresses, check this box to keep the Add Site Address window open after you have successfully
added an address.

Alexandria Users Manual 81

Administration Preferences

Address Books Tab

Textbook Tracker Data Station

Address TypeChoose Textbook Tracker Data Station as the address youd like to add from
the Address Type drop-down menu. The text fields and drop-down menus of the Add Site
Address window will vary depending on the Address Type you choose.
AvailabilityUse this drop-down menu to determine whether this address will be available to
everyone, hidden from every connected Researcher Workstation, or hidden from everyone altogether.
NameUse this field to name your new address book (e.g. Central Library or My Data
IP AddressUsing this field, supply the IP address of the machine to which you are trying to
connect. Leave this field blank if you only want to search your local collection (i.e. your Data Station).
LibraryA Central Union Data Station can house multiple collections under one static IP
address. Those who are licensed users of Alexandrias Central Union can use the Library ID Code

field to specify a single, searchable library collection within that database.

For example, lets say that there are ten different library collections all stored on one Central
Union Data Station. If you would like to create an individual address for each of these ten collections, you will need some way to distinguish one from another. Because these collections all use
the same IP address, you will need to supply each address that you create with a specific Library
ID Code (page 138). When you choose to search an address that has a specified Library ID
Code, then only that library will be searched (instead of every collection contained on the Central Union Data Station).
AuthenticationAn Authentication Code is an optional, added level of security for Alexan-

dria and Textbook Tracker users. If you only want pre-determined Textbook Tracker Data Stations connecting to your Alexandria Data Stations library collection, you can require them to
have an Authentication Code that you create and enter in this field. This code may be changed
at any time; however, the Textbook Tracker Data Station Authentication Code must match in
order to search the indicated Alexandria Data Station or library.
Keep window open after addingIf you are going to be adding multiple Textbook Tracker
Data Station addresses, check this box to keep the Add Site Address window open after you

have successfully added a Textbook Tracker Data Station address.

82 Alexandria Users Manual

Address Books Tab

Administration Preferences

Z39.50 Addresses

Address TypeChoose Z39.50 as the address youd like to add from the Address Type dropdown menu. The text fields and drop-down menus of the Add Site Address window will vary
depending on the Address Type you choose.
AvailabilityUse this drop-down menu to determine whether this address will be available to
everyone, hidden from every connected Researcher Workstation, or hidden from everyone altogether.
NameName your new address book using this field (such as Central Library or My Data
IP AddressUsing this field, supply the IP address of the machine to which you are trying to
connect. Leave this field blank if you only want to search your local collection (i.e. your Data Station).
DatabaseUsers will be routed to the Z39.50 database that they have indicated in this field.
PortThis is the port required by Alexandria in order to successfully search the indicated Z39.50
database. Default is 210.
Username and PasswordSome Z39.50 servers will require a username and password. If they

are required and you know them, provide them in the allotted spaces. Please keep in mind the
case sensitivity of usernames and passwords.
Keep window open after addingIf you are going to be adding multiple Z39.50 Site
addresses, check this box to keep the Add Site Address window open after you have successfully

added an address.

Alexandria Users Manual 83

Administration Preferences

Address Books Tab

Dictionary Site

Address TypeChoose Dictionary Site as the address youd like to add from the Address
Type drop-down menu. The text fields and drop-down menus of the Add Site Address window will vary depending on the Address Type you choose.
AvailabilityUse this drop-down menu to determine whether this address will be available to
everyone, hidden from every connected Researcher Workstation, or hidden from everyone altogether.
NameName your new address book using this field (for example, Dictionary Website).
IP AddressUsing this field, supply the IP address of the machine to which you are trying to
connect. Leave this field blank if you only want to search your local collection (i.e. your Data Station).
PortThis is the port required by Alexandria in order to successfully search the indicated Z39.50
database. Default is 210.
Username and PasswordSome dictionary sites will require a username and password. If they
are required and you know them, provide them in the allotted spaces. Please keep in mind the
case sensitivity of usernames and passwords.
Keep window open after addingIf you are going to be adding multiple Dictionary Site
addresses, check this box to keep the Add Site Address window open after you have successfully

added an address.

84 Alexandria Users Manual

Address Books Tab

Administration Preferences

District Librarian Addresses

Address TypeChoose District Access as the address youd like to add from the Address
Type drop-down menu. The text fields and drop-down menus of the Add Address window will
vary depending on the Address Site Type you choose.
AvailabilityUse this drop-down menu to determine whether this address will be available to
everyone, hidden from every connected Researcher Workstation, or hidden from everyone altogether.
NameName your new address book using this field (such as Central Library or My Data
IP AddressUsing this field, supply the IP address of the machine to which you are trying to
connect. Leave this field blank if you only want to search your local collection (i.e. your Data Station).
LibraryA Central Union Data Station can house multiple collections under one static IP
address. Those who are licensed users of Alexandrias Central Union can use the Library ID Code

field to specify a single, searchable library collection within that database.

For example, lets say that there are ten different libraries all stored on one Central Union Data
Station. If you would like to create an individual address for each of these ten libraries, you will
need some way to distinguish one from another. Because these libraries all use the same IP
address, you will need to supply each address that you create with a specific Library ID Code
(page 138). When you choose to search an address that has a specified Library ID Code, then
only that library will be searched (instead of every library contained on the Central Union Data
AuthenticationAn Authentication Code is an optional, added level of security for Alexan-

dria users. If you only want specific, pre-determined Data Station(s) connecting to your Data
Stations library collection, you can require them to have an Authentication Code that you create and enter into this field. This code may be changed at any time and must match the Data Stations Authentication Code in order for outside systems to search the indicated Data Station or
Username and PasswordIf the Data Station you are trying to connect to has Require User
Login checked, the District Librarian will not be able to access their Data Stations without a
valid Username and Password. These fields will automatically log you in at the security level

required for that Data Station.

Alexandria Users Manual 85

Administration Preferences

Address Books Tab

Embedded Book Addresses

Embedded Book addresses can be used two ways. Users can drag and drop address books into the

addresses windows of existing address books to create submenus.

Address TypeChoose Embedded Book as the address youd like to add from the Address
Type drop-down menu. The text fields and drop-down menus of the Add Site Address window will vary depending on the Address Type you choose.
AvailabilityUse this drop-down menu to determine whether this address will be available to
everyone, hidden from every connected Researcher Workstation, or hidden from everyone altogether.
Treat As Search GroupIf you have Treat As Search Group checked, then searches are performed across all the Data Stations contained within the address book fields (including submenus and groups).
Keep window open after addingIf you are going to be adding multiple Embedded Book
addresses, check this box to keep the Add Site Address window open after you have successfully

added an address.

86 Alexandria Users Manual

Address Books Tab

Administration Preferences

Duplicating An Address Book

Select (highlight) an address book in the Address Books field by clicking on it once. Once an address
book has been selected (highlighted), click on the Duplicate Address Book button located near the
bottom of the Address Books field. A Duplicate Book window will appear. At this time, enter a unique
name for your duplicate address book and click OK. Your duplicated address book will appear
alphabetically in the Address Books field.

Copying An Existing Address to a Different Address Book

If an address has already been entered into an Address Book, you can copy it into another address book
by selecting (highlighting) it and dragging it from the Addresses field and dropping it onto an address
located in the Address Books field (documented on page 78).

Editing the Name of an Address Book

You are only allowed to edit the names of non-system address books. You can do this by double-clicking on
an address book in the Address Books field. A Query window will appear, asking you to enter a new
name for the selected address book. Please remember that you will be unable to change the name of system
address books (i.e. Standard Address Book).

Removing a Data Station from an Address Book

To remove an address book, select (highlight) one from the Address Books field by clicking on it once.
You may click the Remove button (the red minus symbol) on the bottom-right hand side of the
Address Books field. A Message will appear, asking if youre sure you want to remove the selected book.
Click Yes if you are sure and No if you are uncertain. Once you have finished, press Save to keep the
changes or click Revert to undo them.

Alexandria Users Manual 87

Administration Preferences

Address Books Tab

Duplicating an Address
Select (highlight with a click) an address from the Addresses field by clicking on it once. After an address
has been selected (highlighted), click on the Duplicate Address button located near the bottom of the
Addresses field. A Duplicate Site Address window will appear. Specify a name for your duplicate
address and click OK. The new address will appear at the bottom of the Addresses field.

Editing an Address
Edit an address from the Addresses field by double-clicking on it; you may also edit an address by
selecting (highlighting) one from the Addresses field and clicking on the Edit Address button, located
near the bottom of the Addresses tab. An Edit Address window will appear. This window is similar to
the address type windows that are documented on pages 81-86. Make the changes you desire, then click
OK to keep the changes or press Cancel to restore them to their previous settings.

Removing an Address
To remove a specific address, select (highlight) the corresponding address book from the Address Books
field by clicking on it once. You may then select (highlight with a click) the address you want removed
from the Addresses field and click the Remove Address (the red minus symbol) button, located on
the bottom-right hand side of the Address field. Press Save to keep the changes or click Revert to restore
the deleted address.

88 Alexandria Users Manual

Other Address Book Commands

Administration Preferences

Other Address Book Commands

ImportThis button opens an operating system standard explorer window, allowing users to import

COMPanion .axd address book export files. Once you have directed Alexandria to the location of your
.axd data file, you may import it by double-clicking on it or selecting (highlighting) it and clicking Open.
If an existing address books name matches the one being imported, you will be asked if you would like to
Create a New book, Merge the two books, or Overwrite the existing book.
ExportThis button allows users to export their Alexandria address books as an importable .axd file.
When the export window appears, select whether you would like All or just a few Selected address books
to be exported. Next, direct the Save: Alexandria window to the location where you would like your

export file saved. Your exported file will be saved in the COMPanion standard .axd format and can then be
imported into Alexandria systems using the Import command described above.

Export Tab-DelimitedCheck this box if you would like to export your address book(s) information as
an importable, tab-delimited .txt file. Next, click the Export button. Alexandria will ask if you would like
to export All the address books or just the ones you have selected. When the Export Field Mapping
window appears, change any of the field orders that you would like and click OK to continue or Cancel

to quit.
Finally, direct the Save: Alexandria window to the location where you would like your export file saved.
Your exported file will be saved in a standard .txt format and can then be imported into Alexandria systems
using the Import command described above.

Alexandria Users Manual 89

Administration Preferences

Updates Tab

Global Administration Preferences: Updates

There are no available Local or Default Local Administration preferences. Global preferences apply to
all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global
Administration preferences will affect all workstations.

Updates Tab
Alexandria can be updated automatically over the World Wide Web. For convenience, larger
organizations may license the use of an Alexandria Update Server; contact your sales representative at
(800) 347-6439 for information and pricing.

Automatically Check for Program UpdatesIf this box is checked, Alexandria will automatically
check for product updates on start-up. If newer versions of the program are available, an entry will be
placed in the log. You can also download updates via the Check for Updates utility.
Automatically Download Missing ResourcesIf this box is checked, Alexandria will automatically
verify on start-up that you have the latest versions of the client resources. Status entries will be placed in
the log, and if any resources are missing, they will be automatically downloaded.
Check for Program Updates NowClicking this button will immediately check for available
Alexandria updates from the update server. If they are available, you will be able to download them.
Check Resource Configuration NowClicking this button will immediately check your Alexandria

installation for any missing resources. If you are missing resources, you will be able to download them.
StatusThis will display a status report of update and resource information. It will not download any

resources or updates, or modify your configuration in any way.

Update Server AddressThis is the IP address of the Alexandria Update Server (usually Normally, this will only be changed if you are behind a
firewall. The Reset button will revert to the default update server address. Changes will not take effect

until the next time that Alexandria is restarted.

Maximum Simultaneous Client UpdatesThis allows you to set the number of connected clients that
may download updates. The remaining clients will be placed in a queue while other clients finish

90 Alexandria Users Manual

Performing Software Updates

Administration Preferences

Performing Software Updates

There are several ways you can perform software updates from within Alexandria. If you have an internet
connection, you can check for Alexandria updates using COMPanions Update Server. If you select File,
Utilities, Check For Updates, and an update is available, a description of the update is shown under the
Get Read-Me selection. From there, you can choose to update your Alexandria Data Station or wait for a
future date. If you are sure you want to update to the newest version of Alexandria, an easier method is to
use the Updates tab in the Administration preference window under Edit, Preferences.
You can also download the newest COMPanion and Alexandria software updates from the official website
( Just follow the Products and Software Updates hyperlinks. You must
enter your Alexandria registration name, email address, school/company and serial code in order to
proceed with the download; these can be found on the registration letter you received when you purchased
Alexandria or when you renewed your support contract.

Make sure to read the
Read-Me file thoroughly
for important information
regarding the update.

If you have accidentally misplaced your registration letter, COMPanions 24 hour Technical Support team
will be able to assist you.
If you dont have a reliable internet connection (or are unable to download the newest updates), you can
contact COMPanion (via email or Tech Support at 800-347-4942) and request that an Alexandria
Update CD-ROM be sent to your location.

Alexandria Users Manual 91

Administration Preferences

Services Tab

Global Administration Preferences: Services

There are no available Local or Default Local Administration preferences. Global preferences apply to
all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global
Administration preferences will affect all workstations.

Services Tab
This preference allows the District Administrator or Library Administrator to disable registered
Alexandria services.

Only the services that youve licensed can be enabled (or disabled). If they are not licensed, they will
appear as grayed-out. Changes will not take effect until Alexandria has been restarted. Default is to have all
licensed services, with the exception of Disable v4 Service, enabled.

92 Alexandria Users Manual

Services Tab

Administration Preferences

There are some services you may want to take special note of:
Disable Alexandria WebThis will disable/enable Alexandrias Web services (i.e. Web and
Web Librarian and Alexandria Web installations).
Disable Z39.50 ServerWhen this box is checked, your Alexandria Data Station cannot be

used as a Z39.50 server and remote Data Stations will not be able to search your collection via
Z39.50, however, you will still be able to use other services.
Disable SearchALL ServerWhen this box is checked, the SearchALL search feature of Alexandria Web will be disabled.
Disable SIP2 ACSChecking this box will disable Alexandrias Standard Interchange Protocols

Automated Circulation System.

Disable Advanced Error CheckingThis should only be checked if the SIP2 hardware

doesnt use checksum validation. Enabling this when unnecessary will cause Alexandria not to
work with the SIP2 hardware.
Remote service timeout in ?? secondsChoose the timeout for the remote service. Note
that if 0 seconds are chosen, the remote service progress window of multiple users will not offer
\cancel\ and \use current time\ options.
Run Alexandria as a ServiceThis option automatically launches Alexandria and runs it in
the background every time your computer is started. Users will be unable to access program
menus or make changes to patrons or items while Alexandria is running as a service. You will
need to deactivate the service and then re-launch Alexandria in order to access your library data.
Running Alexandria as a service does not take effect until you restart your computer. Unless you
are absolutely sure you want Alexandria to run as a service, do not select this option.

This option is Microsoft-specific and will only appear on Windows 2000, NT, XP, and Vista

Alexandria Users Manual 93

Administration Preferences

94 Alexandria Users Manual

Services Tab

Advanced Booking Preferences

This chapter describes Alexandrias Advanced Bookings feature, available as a separately priced
Alexandria module.

- N


Advanced Bookings is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased

an Advanced Bookings license in order to use this feature.
Advanced Bookings is activated by Alexandria registration codes. If you recently
added Advanced Bookings to your existing user license, you must re-register
Alexandria before the Advanced Bookings module becomes available.
Advanced Bookings greatly enhances Alexandrias reservations capabilities and is valuable when
managing centralized media centers that process hundreds of requests each day. When you purchase the
Advanced Bookings module, two distinct changes will be made to Alexandria:

1. Advanced Bookings preferences will be activated. As part of the Advanced Bookings

enhancement, these preferences allow administrators to customize reservation notices and email
2. Two new selections will appear at the bottom of the Circulation system drop-down menu.
These selections (Advanced Bookings and Process Pending Bookings) provide users with
the advanced capabilities of the Advanced Bookings option.
Advanced Bookings will also affect each of these Alexandria preferences:

Policies (see Policies Preferences on page 161)

Calendars (see Calendar Preferences on page 105)
Circulation (see Circulation on page 265)
Library Information (see Library Information Preferences on page 137)
Web (if purchased; Web Preferences, on page 207)
Alexandria Researcher (if used; Researcher Preferences, on page 181)
To use Advanced Bookings, place a reservation as you normally would (see Placing a Reservation on
page 277). Patrons can place their own reservations, or librarians can place them at a central location.
The library administrator will run the Advanced Bookings process once each day. They will also run the
Process Pending Bookings function to catch bookings that could not be processed.

Alexandria Users Manual 95

Advanced Booking Preferences

Settings Tab

Global Advanced Bookings Preferences: Settings

There are no available Local or Default Local Advanced Booking preferences. Global preferences
apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global
Advanced Booking preferences will affect all workstations.
The Advanced Bookings preference window can be opened after you have purchased COMPanions
Advanced Bookings license.

Settings Tab
This preference window contains all the general Advanced Bookings settings in Alexandria.

Email Return AddressAlexandria will use the email address you supply here as the return email address
for all Advanced Bookings email notifications. This will generally be the email address of the person

who handles advanced bookings requests and issues.

Email Reservation Return RequestsCheck this box if youd like to have reservation return requests

automatically emailed to patrons by an indicated number of days before an item is due. Email notification
must be enabled (see page 139).
Days Before Item is Due to Send Out NoticesSet the number of days before the items due date that

the return request email should be sent (referenced above).

Email Reservation Shipping NoticesCheck this box if youd like to automatically send an email to a

patron when their requested item has been checked out to them. Email notification must be enabled (see
page 139) and the patron must have a valid email address in their record. This email will contain the
Reservation Shipping text you created in the Advanced Bookings Notices preference window (see
Notices Tab on page 97).
Allow Patrons to Send Notes with ReservationsWhen checked, a Reservation Note field will
appear on both the Alexandria Web and on the Researcher Workstations Hold or Reservation window.
Any note that a patron provides in the Reservation Note field will be entered into the transaction log and

sent to the specified email return address (referenced above).

96 Alexandria Users Manual

Notices Tab

Advanced Booking Preferences

Global Advanced Bookings Preferences: Notices

There are no available Local or Default Local Advanced Booking preferences. Global preferences
apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global
Advanced Booking preferences will affect all workstations.

Notices Tab
This preference allows Administrators to customize the text used on various booking notices. If you click
the Restore Default button, Alexandrias Advanced Bookings default notice is restored.

Packing List NoteThis note is placed at the top of the Advanced Bookings packing list. It is entirely

up to you to customize. Default is blank.

Reservation Return RequestThis notice is used in the body of the Reservation Return Request

notification. When email notification is turned on, these requests are automatically sent via email. Default
is: This item will be due soon. Please return it to the library.
Reservation PlacedThis notice is used in the body of the notification sent to patrons who have placed
reservations. Default is: Your reservation has been placed.
Reservation ShippingThis notice is used in the body of the notification sent to patrons who have
reservations pending. This notice is sent out when a reservation has been filled. Default is: Your
reservation is being shipped.

Alexandria Users Manual 97

Advanced Booking Preferences

The Advanced Bookings Window

The Advanced Bookings Window

Every day that reservations begin, the administrator will select Advanced Bookings from the
Circulation menu. Observe the window below.

Reports are prepared
based on reservation
requests. Once an item
has been checked out to
a patron, it will not
appear in these reports.

Advanced Bookings will process reservations that begin on or between two selected dates. In order for

Alexandria to know that items have been returned, all returned items must be checked in before they are
put away. Use Alexandrias Bookdrop (see Bookdrop Mode on page 319) function to return items.
Check the desired boxes and click the Process button to begin. Once the process has been completed,
reports can be examined, saved, and/or printed. If youre unsure about which reports you need, prepare
them all until you find one that works best for you.
The following pages provide a brief description of the selection options available for the Advanced
Bookings window.

98 Alexandria Users Manual

The Advanced Bookings Window

Advanced Booking Preferences

Sort Picking Lists by

Call Number OrderThis option prepares a list of reservations in call number order. Use this

list to quickly retrieve items from your collection.

Patron Homeroom / Call Number OrderThis option prepares a list of reservations by
patron location, call number order, and then by patron. This report is useful for large operations
where more than one person may be filling orders. It also helps with sorting reservations for
Patron 2nd Location / Call Number OrderThis option prepares a list of reservations by

patron sublocation, call number order, and then by patron. This report is useful for large operations where more than one person may be filling orders. It also helps with sorting reservations for
Patron School / Call Number OrderThis option prepares a list of reservations by patron
school, call number order, and then by patron. This report is useful for large operations where
more than one person may be filling orders. It also helps with sorting reservations for delivery.

Prepare Packing Lists for

Each PatronThis option prepares a packing list for each patron with reservations between

specified dates. If customers often place reservations on several items, then packing lists help
make sure that each patron receives their requested items. The packing list also contains a Packing List Note, configured in the Advanced Bookings preference window (see Notices Tab on
page 97).
Each HomeroomThis option prepares a packing list for each patron location. Each location

begins on a new page and is then further sorted by patron. Central sites can then collect items for
shipping to common locations.
Each 2nd LocationThis option prepares a packing list for each patron sublocation. Each

location begins on a new page and is then further sorted by patron. Central sites can then collect
items for shipping to common locations.
Each SchoolThis option prepares a packing list for each patron school. Each location begins

on a new page and is then further sorted by patron. Central sites can then collect items for shipping to common locations.

Alexandria Users Manual 99

Advanced Booking Preferences

The Advanced Bookings Window

Booking Labels
Prepare Booking LabelsThis option prepares booking labels; attached to each item shipped.
Standard Alexandria labels are supported to reduce confusion and cost. Booking labels are prepared in this three-across format:
Address Label Item Info Patron Info

Booking labels are used to address items for delivery to requesting patrons. Each row of labels
contains unique information. The first label contains delivery information (e.g. patron, location,
and address).
The second label contains item information, call number, barcode number, barcode image, reservation begin/end dates. The third label contains patron information, name, location, barcode
number, barcode image, item barcode number, item reservation begin/end dates.

Format Options
Page Break Between SortsCheck this box if you would like to have a full page break
between each chosen sort (see Sort Picking Lists by on page 99 for more information).

Standard Reservation Labels

By NameThis option will print a standard reservation label (by name) for each reservation
within a given date range.
By HomeroomThis option will print standard reservation labels (by homeroom) for each res-

ervation within a specified date range.

By 2nd LocationThis option will print standard reservation labels (by sublocation) for each
reservation within a specified date range.
By SchoolThis option will print standard reservation labels (by school) for each reservation

within a specified date range.

Standard Reservation Lists

By Call NumberThis option will print standard reservation lists by call number within a spec-

ified date range.

By NameThis option will print standard reservation lists by name within a specified date

By HomeroomThis option will print standard reservation lists by homeroom within a speci-

fied date range.

By 2nd LocationThis option will print standard reservation lists by sublocation within a spec-

ified date range.

By SchoolThis option will print standard reservation lists by school within a specified date


100 Alexandria Users Manual

The Advanced Bookings Window

Advanced Booking Preferences

Check Out Options

Automatically Check Out Items to Requesting PatronsWhen selected, Alexandria auto-

matically checks out each available reservation to the appropriate patron.

Once a reservation has been checked out, its no longer a reservation; it becomes loaned. Alexandria doesnt differentiate between items that have been loaned via reservation, walk in, satisfied
hold, or any other way that an item can be borrowed.
If Alexandria checks out a copy reservation that should be in inventory but cant be located (overdue, for instance), then an alternative copy will be used if one is available. If no other copies can
be located, then a warning window will appear and a note will be made in the transaction log.

Be sure to run

If these exceptions happen frequently, another way to process reservations is to print out all
reports, and once items are physically allocated to a patron, check them out using Alexandrias
standard circulation commands (see Reservations Check Out, by Item on page 280).

Reservation Reports
under Circulation
Reports before you run
Advanced Bookings
with the Automatic
Check Out option

Substitute CopiesIf Automatically Check Out Items to Requesting Patrons is checked


and the copy with the reservation is not available, then Alexandria may try to find a substitute
copy to fill the reservation. If Never is selected, then no substitution attempt will be made. If
Local Copies is selected, then only copies that are available at that particular library may be
used. If Any Copies is selected, then copies at all other libraries may be used, however, local copies will be given priority.

Alexandria Users Manual 101

Advanced Booking Preferences

The Advanced Bookings Window

Exceptions Happen, What Can We Do?

As with any automated process, things will always go wrong. The following section addresses these
If the item is not available at the time of processing or the system shows the requested copy is not available for
reservation, the previous patron may not have returned it. Or perhaps it was returned, but not checked in.
In any event, Alexandria doesnt know anything other than the item is not available.
If an item is unavailable when your lists are prepared, Alexandria will indicate all unavailable items. When
you run the Process Pending Bookings command, Alexandria checks to see if any of the unavailable items
have recently become available. If they have, theyre automatically assigned to the requesting patron.
If an item doesnt become available and no alternatives are located, there is nothing Alexandria can do but
wait. The reservation will remain pending until its end date; after which, its removed by the system.
Another problem occurs when an item is not physically located at the time of reservation. Alexandria thinks
the item is available, but its not. This will only be discovered when someone tries to locate the physical item
for the requesting patron. The item could be misfiled, lost, or borrowed without having been checked out
(i.e. stolen). In any case, the item should be checked in so that the requesting patron isnt responsible for
returning something they never received; then the item should be declared Lost so that other patrons will not
place reservations on it. Hopefully, an alternative selection can be located for the patron.

102 Alexandria Users Manual

Authority Control Preferences

Local Authority Control Preferences: Authority Control
There are no available Global Authority Control preferences. Local preferences are used for a single
machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local preferences are used for new client
applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden. Changing a Default Local
preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local override for that preference.

Authority Control Tab

Use this preference to configure which fields that Alexandria will Authority Control. For more
information on how to use Alexandrias Authority Control, please review the Authority Control chapter,
starting on page 339.

Alexandria Users Manual 103

Authority Control Preferences

Authority Control Tab

Force Individual Authority Controls

By placing checkmarks next to the information field names (e.g. Series, State, Grade), users are selecting
which fields that they would like Alexandria to authority control. If one of these information fields has
been checkmarked and a user tries to <ctrl-tab> out of that field, they will discover that its authoritycontrolled. The actions that take place when a field is authority-controlled depend on the Authority
Control Window Updates option you selected (see Authority Control Window Updates on page 104).
Use the Disable and Enable All buttons to enable/disable all the possible fields that Alexandria can
authority control.

Authority Control Window Updates

Updating authority controlled information can sometimes be a very lengthy process. You may not want to
do this automatically if you have a large data set.
Never update authority-controlled informationAny changes made to information in the
Authority Control window will not affect your data.
Ask before updating authority-controlled informationAlexandria will ask permission

before making any changes to corresponding authority-controlled data

Automatically update authority-controlled informationAlexandria will automatically

make changes to corresponding authority-controlled data.

Update Authority Control records on importWhen importing data into Alexandria, all
authority-controlled fields within the import record are automatically added to the appropriate
authority control lists.

Users should take special note that this option will not ask you for update confirmation on
selected import records. So unless you explicitly trust all of your Authority Control entries, you
should not select this option.
Authority Control See AlsoAllows authority control of the See Also tab in the MARC
Authority Control window.

104 Alexandria Users Manual

Calendar Preferences
Global Calendars Preferences: Calendars
There are no available Local or Default Local Administration preferences. Global preferences apply to
all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global Calendar
preferences will affect all workstations.

Calendars Tab
Use this preference to create custom calendars for your library.
You can assign a separate calendar to each patron or circulation policy. This lets you set up calendars for
groups of patrons who may be operating on different school levels and/or schedules.

The month and year of the current calendar are shown in the two fields directly under the Calendars tab.
To change the month or year, use the corresponding drop-down menus.
You can also use commands to change the month or year. Press <cmnd-]> (Macintosh) or <ctrl-]>
(Windows) to go forward a month and <cmnd-[> (Macintosh) or <ctrl-[> (Windows) to go back a
month. Alexandria includes a calendar for the current year, previous year, and three years in the future.

Alexandria Users Manual 105

Calendar Preferences

Calendars Tab

You can mark days on the calendar as Period Due dates and as Closed dates by clicking on the actual day.
The choices cycle from Open (nothing displayed), Closed, Period Due, and then back to Open.
Period DueA period due date forces an item (on a particular calendar) to be due on that day;
check your Circulation Policy to Apply Period Due Dates. For example, if you set a period

due date of September 30, 2007, all books checked out before September 30th (that normally
would have had a due date after the 30th), will be assigned a due date of September 30th.
ClosedThese are dates on which the library is closed. Due dates are computed so that they
never fall on Closed dates (only on Open or Period Due dates). However, please note that
there are some exceptions to Closed dates when using Override Dates (see Override Dates on

page 317 for more information). For instance, you can change your preferences to stop fines from
accruing on closed days.
You can change the settings for the same day each week for the month by clicking on the day buttons (Sun
through Sat) at the top of the calendar. You can change the settings for all the days of an entire year by
holding the <alt>(Windows)|<option> (Macintosh) key down and clicking on the days button at the
top of the calendar.
<shift-click> on a date to add a note. Notes can be used to display automatic reminders on both
Librarian and Researcher Workstations, as well as provide private notes for the librarian and patrons.

When youve created a note, an icon will appear on the calendar day. Alert notes are only active for the
Standard calendar and are ignored on other calendars. General Notes are available for all calendars.

106 Alexandria Users Manual

Calendars Tab

Calendar Preferences

Changes to the calendar are saved when you leave the Calendar preference window. You can also use the
Save and Revert commands in the File menu to save or ignore changes.
To create a new calendar, click the New button, enter the name of the calendar that you want to add and
click OK.

If you want to duplicate an existing calendar as a template for a new one, click the Duplicate Current
Calendar checkbox.

To delete a calendar, make it the current calendar and click the Remove button. Any policies using the
deleted calendar will be reassigned to the standard calendar. You cannot delete the standard calendar.

Alexandria Users Manual 107

Calendar Preferences

108 Alexandria Users Manual

Calendars Tab

Checkpoint ILS Preferences

Global Checkpoint ILS Preferences: Checkpoint ILS
There are no available Local or Default Local Checkpoint ILS preferences. Global preferences apply to
all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global Checkpoint
ILS preferences will affect all workstations.

- N


Checkpoint ILS (SIP2) is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased
a Checkpoint ILS license in order to use this feature.

Checkpoint ILS Tab

Checkpoints ILS (Intelligent Library System) enhances the SIP2 protocol and should only be enabled if
Checkpoints SIP2 hardware is in use (SIP2 hardware is not interchangeable between manufacturers).
Make sure all SIP2 settings are correct and that you have an FTP server running on the same machine as
your Alexandria Data Station. The ILS server will place an inventory file on your Data Station. If you are
not running an FTP server on your Data Station, the inventory file will need to be placed manually.

Alexandria Users Manual 109

Checkpoint ILS Preferences

Checkpoint ILS Tab

ILS Server AddressThis is the web address of the ILS FTP server youd like to connect with.

An FTP address looks a lot like an HTTP (website) or IP address, except it uses the prefix
ftp:// instead of http:// and can be any combination of letters and numbers.
ILS FTP PathThis is the directory path (on the ILS FTP server) where Alexandria will send its
data. Having the wrong FTP path is one of the most common connection errors. If you get an
error message when trying to connect, be sure to check your FTP path. Default is /.
FTP User NameThe login user name used to access the ILS FTP server.
FTP User PasswordThe login password used to access the ILS FTP server.
Inventory FileThe directory that the ILS server places the inventory file it creates. If the ILS

server has not yet created an inventory file, an empty file (of the same name and path) should be
created and Alexandria then directed to it using the Browse button.
Synchronization FolderAs part of the Checkpoint ILS system Alexandria creates a synchro-

nization file that contains a list of barcodes for each item that is currently outside of the library
(checked out). This synchronization file (named co_cache.txt) is placed inside the synchronization folder that is user-specified in this field.

110 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Preferences
Local Circulation Preferences: Circulation
The Circulation preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Circulation Tab
Use the Circulation preference window to determine how Alexandria handles new barcodes assigned to
patrons and/or items.

Barcode Incrementing
Increment Rightmost NumericsWhen this option is selected, new barcodes should only

increment the rightmost numeric digits (even when using alphanumeric barcodes). In other
words, when incrementing rightmost numerics, the barcode increments to the right and grows to
the right. For example, the barcode following aaa999 should be aaa1000. This is the default
Increment Entire Barcode Including AlphasWhen this option is selected, new barcodes
modify both alpha and numeric characters, increment to the right, and grow to the left. For
example, the barcode following aaa999 would be aab000. The barcode zzz999 becomes
1aaa000, then 1aaa001, then 1aaa002, and so on and so forth; eventually becoming
1zzz999, which then turns to 2aaa000. Remember that, with this formula, (Z + 1 = 1A).
Display Patron LexileFor more information on displaying a patrons lexile measurement in
the Circulation window, please review page 365.

Alexandria Users Manual 111

Circulation Preferences

Circulation Tab

Default Temporary Item PolicyDefault Temporary Item PolicyUse this drop-down
menu to select the default policy that Alexandria should use when calculating due dates and fines
on temporary items. See page 169 for more information on Standard/System Item policies.
Default is Standard Item.
Check Out OptionsThis drop-down menu allows users to change the functionality of Alexandrias Check In/Out mode. When Allow check in with confirmation during check out is
selected, Alexandria will not allow a book to be checked in during Check In/Out mode without
user confirmation. When set to Dont allow check in during check out, Alexandria wont

allow any items to be checked in. However, this setting only applies when the Current Patron
has already checked the item out and processing the same barcode would check it back in; it does
not apply when another patron has the item checked out. Default is Allow check in during
check out.
Allow check in during check outIf Alexandria is in Check Out mode, this option
allows items to be checked-in or bookdropped using the Circulation window.
Allow check in with confirmation during check outIf you try to check in an item (or
items) while the Circulation window is in Check Out mode, Alexandria will require verifi-

cation before checking-in any items.

Dont allow check in during check outThis selection will not allow items to be
checked in while Alexandrias Circulation window is in the Check Out mode. For example, your library may require separate Data Stations, some that only allow items to be
checked in and others that only allow items to be checked out.

112 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Tab

Circulation Preferences

Use this section to customize the body text of the letters (patron notices) sent from the library. To
guarantee that your email notifications are being sent correctly, please check the list of requirements that
are located under the Enable Email Notifications section on page 139.
Use the Restore Default Letter button to restore your text with the default text. If you use the Restore
Defaults button located in the upper-right corner of the window, it will restore all of the default letters at
once. Default text is as follows:
Overdue NoticeThe following items are overdue. Please return them to the
library as quickly as possible so that others may use these resources.
In-Stock HoldAn In-Stock item is being held for you. Please pick it up by the
specified date or it will be returned to general circulation.
RecallThe following item is required at the library. Please return it as
quickly as possible.
Reservation NoticePlease note that you have a reservation on the following
items. Reserved items should be picked up in the morning of the reservation
start date and returned by the evening of the due date.
Overdue Suspension NoticeYour library privileges have been suspended
because the following item has been overdue.
Patron Suspension NoticeThe library has suspended this account. Until the
suspension is cleared, items cannot be checked out and holds and reservations cannot be placed. If you have any questions, please contact your
Account Access InformationHere is your barcode, username, and password for
accessing the library catalog. This information is necessary for accessing
your patron status details which includes a list of items you have checked
out and their due dates, holds and reservations you have placed and their
expiration dates, and any charges you owe the library. You will need this
information to place holds or reservations if you are allowed to do so. You
may change your username and password using the Alexandria Researcher
application or using the Alexandria Web Catalog.
Email SignatureThe default is left blank. Usually, this is the name, address, and phone num-

ber of the school library or institution.

Subscription Claim LetterOur library has yet to receive one or more issues of
the indicated periodicals. Approximate dates for the missing issues are
listed below. Please send us the missing issues in a timely manner.

Alexandria Users Manual 113

Circulation Preferences

Receipts Tab

Local Circulation Preferences: Receipts

The Circulation preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Receipts Tab
Local Receipt circulation preferences.

Always Print Receipts on Check OutWhen checked, Alexandria will automatically print a
receipt for every item that is checked out. This receipt contains information similar to that which
is displayed when you click on the Current Items Details button. When OFF, receipts can be
printed manually using the D command in the Circulation window at the end of a transaction.
Default is Print for In-Stock Hold ReceiptsWhen checked, Alexandria will automatically
print a receipt when an item becomes an in-stock hold.
Default is Print for Payments and Refunds ReceiptsWhen checked, Alexandria will auto-

matically print receipts for payments and refunds.

114 Alexandria Users Manual

Receipts Tab

Circulation Preferences

*Use Slip PrinterHaving this option checked indicates that this Data Station or Librarian
Workstation is connected to a slip printer. Your default paper size must be US Letter Width x
Long Receipt.

The slip printer will produce receipts for Alexandria events in the same fashion that a normal
printer would, depending on the print triggers you have selected above. The slip printer option is
only available for Macintosh OS 10.3 (or higher) and all current Windows operating systems.
This is an optional feature of Alexandria; you must be purchase a Slip Printer registration license
in order to use this feature.
*Optional additional text for slip printer receiptsThis is a user-defined text header that
appears before the general header (or after the patron name on in-stock hold receipts). This
header will be centered horizontally and can be as many lines as are required by the user. This
field is most often used to house the name and address of your school or library.

This is an optional feature of Alexandria; you must be purchase a Slip Printer registration license
in order to use this feature.

Alexandria Users Manual 115

Circulation Preferences

Textbook Tracker Tab

Local Circulation Preferences: Textbook Tracker

The Circulation preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Textbook Tracker Tab

Alexandria can gather information from a Textbook Tracker Data Station and/or launch it directly from
the Show menu using information you supply.

Remote Textbook Tracker Server

Textbook Tracker Server AddressEnter your Textbook Tracker Data Stations remote IP

address (e.g.

Include Textbook Tracker in Patron DetailsIf this box is checked, the Q command will
automatically include Textbook Tracker patron details. If not, use the QT command to include

Textbook Tracker patron details.

Textbook Tracker Application LocationClick the Browse button to open a standard operating system explorer/finder window. Guide Alexandria to the directory folder containing your
Textbook Tracker application. Once you have supplied a working directory and selected the
Textbook Tracker application, the Run Textbook Tracker option appears in Alexandrias Show
menu (see Show Menu on page 42 for more information).

116 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Tab

Circulation Preferences

Global Circulation Preferences: Circulation

The Circulation preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections. Global
preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the
Global Circulation preferences will affect all users.

Circulation Tab
Use this window to set all the preferences that relate to Alexandrias circulation.

Log Settings
Transaction Log Save FrequencySelect Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Never. Archived logs are placed
in the Log folder, which is located in Alexandrias shared application support folder (see page 4 for more
information). Default is Weekly.

The Librarian Workstation that connects to the main Data Station will also create a Log folder, where
archived logs are saved. The transaction log will contain everything that is displayed in the Circulation
window, and any additional special notes that may be useful. Every Alexandria machine will keep a
transaction log that contains a history of everything that has occurred. It can be a valuable document if you
want to examine any workstations history.
The following choices are available.
DailyThe transaction log is archived at the beginning of each day and is placed in the Log
folder with a name such as Circ Log for day 20050120 (yyyymmdd).
WeeklyThe transaction log is archived every week (a week starts on Monday) and is placed in
the Log folder with a name such as Circ Log for week 20050120 (yyyymmdd).
MonthlyThe transaction log is archived at the beginning of every month and is placed in the
Log folder with a name such as Circ Log for month 200501 (yyyymm).
NeverThe transaction log is saved, but never archived. Under this option, the transaction log
can grow to be very large; this can cause difficulty when attempting to search for a certain transaction.

Alexandria Users Manual 117

Circulation Preferences

Circulation Tab

Charge Late Fees on Lost BooksIf this option is ON, then late fees continue to accumulate
on lost books up to the max fee limit that is set in that items Items policy preference. To stop
charging fees on a particular item, Remove the copy or assign it as Discarded. Default is OFF.
Charge Late Fees on Found BooksIf this option is checked, when a lost item has been
located, the patron who last had the book is charged an overdue fine for the period between
when the item was lost and when it was found (up to the Maximum fine for an overdue item;
see page 174). When this box is checked, the Refund Lost Item Payment, Charge Overdue
Fine window appears when a lost item with an overdue fine is found (see Refund Lost Item Payment, Charge Overdue Fine on page 295 for more information).
Enable Deferred RefundsIf this option is checked, when lost items are located, there will be

an option in the dialog box to defer payment of the refund by creating a credit.
Enable Payment Note OnlyIf this option is checked, when a lost item is checked in and

there is a payment due or refund due and the current Alexandria operator does not have payment
or refund permissions, they will be allowed to enter a note.
Commands Require SpacesChecking this box will require that all Alexandria Circulation

window commands (or remote transaction import scripts) have spaces between the actual command and any additional command information. For example, if this box is checked, Alexandria
wont be able to recognize the command F4.50 (a charge of four dollars and fifty cents). However, if you enter F 4.50, with a space between the F and the 4, then Alexandria will be able to
process the command. This preference exists for school who use barcodes that start with letters of
the alphabet; that in case they are imported, they are not misinterpreted as Alexandria commands. This preference will be automatically activated (and grayed out) if the Require User
Login preference has been checked (see page 66 for more information).
Alert for Copies from Different LibrariesIf checked, a warning message will appear when
copies from different libraries are checked in or inventoried.
Repair Trailing Alpha Check DigitIf this box is checked, items that would match a scanned

barcode (if they had the exact same trailing alpha check digit) are repaired so that their barcodes
match exactly. If you need to enable/disable this option, please contact COMPanions Technical
Support team.
Repair Trailing Numeric Check DigitThis option is the same as above, only for numeric

check digits. If you need to enable/disable this option, please contact COMPanions Technical
Support team.
Ignore Leading Zeros on BarcodesIf you need to enable/disable this option, please contact

COMPanions Technical Support team.

118 Alexandria Users Manual

Miscellaneous Tab

Circulation Preferences

Global Circulation Preferences: Miscellaneous

The Circulation preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections. Global
preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the
Global Circulation preferences will affect all users.

Miscellaneous Tab
Additional Global Circulation preferences.

Holds and Reservations Settings

Allow Renewals When Holds Are PendingWhen checked, this option allows users to renew

books that have hold requests pending. Default is unchecked.

Show Patron Name in Reservations WindowWhen unchecked, patron barcodes are dis-

played in the reservations window. When checked, the patrons last name is shown in the reservations window. Default is checked.
Allow Reservations to Begin on Closed DatesWhen checked, this option allows users to
place reservations that begin on closed library dates. Default is unchecked.
Allow Reservations to End on Closed DatesWhen checked, this option allows users to

place reservations that end on closed library dates. Default is unchecked.

Days to Look Ahead When Checking Out ReservationsThis sets the number of calendar
days that Alexandria looks ahead for reservations when items are checked in. During check-in, if
a reservation is detected within this specified time period, Alexandria displays a notice for the
user. The GG and GPP circulation commands also take this date into account before checking
reservation items out to patrons. Default is set to 5 days.

Alexandria Users Manual 119

Circulation Preferences

Barcodes Tab

Global Circulation Preferences: Miscellaneous

The Circulation preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections. Global
preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the
Global Circulation preferences will affect all users.

Barcodes Tab
Additional Global Circulation preferences dealing with your librarys barcode scheme.

Temporary Item Settings

Beginning Temporary Barcode NumberEnter the first number of the barcode range that
you want as dedicated to temporary items. Alexandria will treat any barcodes entered within this
range as a temporary item (if it hasnt previously been assigned to a patron or item). Default is
Ending Temporary Barcode NumberEnter the last number of the barcode range you want
dedicated to temporary items. Alexandria will treat any barcodes entered within this range as a
temporary item (if it hasnt previously been assigned to a patron or item). Default is 99999999.

120 Alexandria Users Manual

Barcodes Tab

Circulation Preferences

Special Handling
Look for Follett Interleaved 2 of 5If you have any items with Follett interleaved 2-of-5 bar-

code labels, check this box. This setting looks for all barcodes that are exactly 10 digits long and
removes the last three digits that Follett uses as check digits. Default is OFF.
Has Mangled BarcodesIf checked, when scanning 13- or 14-digit barcodes, Alexandria will

strip off the first 5 characters, take the next 8 digits and ignore any remaining characters. Default
is OFF.
Keep the first fiveIf this box is checked, the first five digits will not be stripped when using
Has Mangled Barcodes. Default is OFF.
/ in Patron BarcodesIf checked, patron barcodes that begin with the / character may be
used. The Change Barcode command will only be available if Commands Require Spaces
is checked. However, barcodes may be changed in the Items and Patrons window.

Alexandria Users Manual 121

Circulation Preferences

122 Alexandria Users Manual

Barcodes Tab

Display Settings Preferences

Local Display Setting Preferences: Display Settings
There are no available Global Display Setting preferences. Local preferences are used for a single
machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local preferences are used for new client
applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden. Changing a Default Local
preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local override for that preference.

Display Settings Tab

To customize Alexandrias color settings, double-click on the description of the Alexandria window that
you want to change. A standard operating system color change window will appear.

After you leave the
Display Settings

preference window, the

color scheme you select
will not be applied until
Alexandria has been

Customize your Alexandria colors as you see fit, then click Save.
Use the Pre-Defined Color Scheme drop-down menu to choose a default from a selection of pre-created
color schemes. Once a color scheme has been selected, they can be further customized. The default color
scheme is General.
Color schemes are local for each Workstation (Researcher or Workstation). When a Workstation is first
launched, it will borrow the Default Local preferences from the Data Station. Any future changes to that
Workstation will be applied solely for that local workstation.

Alexandria Users Manual 123

Display Settings Preferences

Miscellaneous Tab

Local Display Settings Preferences: Miscellaneous

There are no available Global Display Setting preferences. Local preferences are used for a single
machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local preferences are used for new client
applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden. Changing a Default Local
preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local override for that preference.

Miscellaneous Tab
Use these controls to further customize the look of your Alexandria Data Station or workstation.

Tool Tip Settings

Tool Tip DelaySelects delay time for tool tips (those short pieces of descriptive text that appear

when you move your mouse cursor over buttons). Tool tips can also be viewed instantaneously
by holding down the <ctrl> (Windows) or <option> (Macintosh) key and moving over buttons and fields. Default is Medium.

124 Alexandria Users Manual

Miscellaneous Tab

Display Settings Preferences

Automatically Save when Closing/Deactivating a WindowWhen this box is checked,
changes made in Alexandria can be saved automatically when closing/deactivating windows or
switching records. Default is OFF.
Database Management Windows Locked by DefaultWhen this box is checked, all win-

dows are locked to prevent unwanted changes. When not checked, changes can be made without
unlocking the window. Use this option cautiously; default is ON.

Tabbing Behavior
Reverse Normal Tabbing BehaviorOn the Macintosh, if this box is not checked, it will
allow users to <tab> through all of a given windows tabs quickly without having to also tab
through all the drop-down menus and editable fields contained within that window.

If this box is checked (on the Macintosh), then <tabs> will scroll through every drop-down window and editable field contained within that window.
On Windows, the above checkbox order is completely reversed.
Holding down <ctrl> while tabbing will temporarily reverse this preference (i.e. the tab order).

Transaction Log
Transaction Log Font SizeUse this drop-down menu to set how large (or how small) you
would like the text to appear in the Circulation windows Transaction Log (see Transaction
Log tab: Transaction Log on page 269). You may choose from 18, 16, 14, 12, or 10 point size.
Default is 12.

Alexandria Users Manual 125

Display Settings Preferences

126 Alexandria Users Manual

Miscellaneous Tab

Item Management Preferences

Local Item Management Preferences: Items
The Item Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all clients who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Items Tab

Barcode Settings
Next BarcodeThis field contains the next available item barcode number. When you enter a

new copy record, Alexandria will automatically assign the next available barcode (unless you
assign a number manually). You should set this field when you first configure Alexandria, so that
any copies you add are assigned an item barcode number that agrees with your numbering strategy. Default is 1300000.

Policy and Medium

Default PolicyUsing this drop-down menu, you can set the default item policy for newly
added records. The default is Standard. If you assign an item policy that is later removed from
the system, the Default Policy will return to Standard.
Default MediumUsing this drop-down menu, you can set the default item medium for newly
added records. Default is Book.

Alexandria Users Manual 127

Item Management Preferences

Items Tab

Other Settings
Local Call Number TagDuring import, if your call numbers are not kept in the customary
location within the MARC record, use this preference to configure where Alexandria should
check first for the call number.

If you enter a valid tag_subfield, Alexandria will scan that point in the MARC record to find
the call number. If your call numbers are typically in tag 900a, enter 900a in this field. The
default setting is blank.
Preserve Existing Call NumbersWhen this checkbox is set, existing call numbers will never
be modified during an import or during automatic SmartMARC record updating. Default is ON.
Require Matching Library Code on ImportWhen this box is checked, only copy information with your library code (or no library code) in the 852_a tag is imported (must match
Library ID Code set in the Library Information window, page 139). All other library codes are
ignored. Default is OFF.

Some districts keep a central union catalog with all district holdings. When these records are
transferred to an individual library, each title may contain holding information for other libraries
in the district. This option allows each library to import the holding records that belong only to
that library. Other holding records are automatically removed from the MARC record before its
Prefer LC Call NumbersWhen this checkbox is set, Alexandria looks first for a Library of
Congress Call Number when looking for call numbers in an imported MARC record. Default is
Show Statement of Responsibility in the Title Field of the Items WindowWhen this box is
checked, Alexandria shows the Statement of Responsibility tag 245_c in the title field of the
Item Management window. Default is OFF.

128 Alexandria Users Manual

Mitinet Tab

Item Management Preferences

Local Item Management Preferences: Mitinet

The Item Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Mitinet Tab
Mitinet is an additional module for Alexandria, allowing you to easily manage and update your MARC
records. Use this tab to enter your Mitinet account information, including your Mitinet-provided
username and password.

Set Mitinet OptionsThis button opens the Sent tab of the Mitinet Status Window, allowing
you to set your Firewall and Mechanic Express options.

Alexandria Users Manual 129

Item Management Preferences

In Transit Tab

Local Item Management Preferences: In Transit

The Item Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

In Transit Tab
Use the In Transit tab to set the default time period (in days) to allow for items to in transit or in-stock
before showing up in the Late In Arriving Circulation report (see In Transit on page 565).

Average In Transit PeriodUse this field to set the time period (in days) that you wish to allow
items to be delivered from one school to another. Default is 7.
In-Stock Hold PeriodFor items sent to a school for the In Transit patron, the time period
(days) that items will be held on In-Stock hold after they have been delivered. This does not
apply to items sent to a school to be placed on In-Stock hold for other patrons. Default is 7.

130 Alexandria Users Manual

Items Tab

Item Management Preferences

Global Item Management Preferences: Items

The Item Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station.
Changing the Global Item Management preferences will affect all users.

Items Tab
Use this preference to configure general information about your item barcode(s), default item policies, and
other general catalogue settings.

Barcode Settings
Ignore Barcode Leader ofIf you are using barcode numbers not designed for Alexandria,
you can specify that Alexandria automatically ignore leading characters. For example, your item
barcodes may have the text ITM in front of each barcode, enter ITM in the Ignore Barcode
Leader of field. Alexandria will ignore the ITM at the beginning of the barcode label. If you
have no need of this feature, leave the field blank.
Unused BarcodesCreates a list of all the unused barcodes in a specified range. Barcode range
cannot exceed 10,000.

Alexandria Users Manual 131

Item Management Preferences

Items Tab

Other Settings
Caption for Special FundsThis field allows you to customize the term used for your special
funds. Because you can customize this term, this users manual will use the generic term
Funds. This field allows you to keep better track of where special funding for an item came
from. For example, if you have to report the status of items purchased using government grants
or special funds, enter the grant number or special fund name in this field. You can then generate
reports using this field. Default setting is Funding Source.
Caption for Shelving LocationInput the terminology youd like to for shelving, an
alternative location field that goes into the 852_c tag.

Catalog Defaults
These options tell Alexandria which subject headings you want catalogued. Since cataloguing only occurs
during an import or modification of records, your changes will only be reflected in new records unless you
rebuild your database. If you do not understand these settings, please talk to a qualified MLS librarian or
MARC expert.
Catalog LC Subject HeadingsDefault is ON.
Catalog LC Juv HeadingsDefault is ON.
Catalog National Library of Medicine HeadingsDefault is OFF.
Catalog National Agricultural Library HeadingsDefault is OFF.
Catalog Source Not Specified HeadingsDefault is ON.
Catalog Canadian Subject HeadingsDefault is OFF.
Catalog French Subject HeadingsDefault is OFF.
Catalog Sears HeadingsDefault is ON.
Index 700_t as a TitleDefault is OFF.

132 Alexandria Users Manual

Leading Articles Tab

Item Management Preferences

Global Item Management Preferences: Leading Articles

The Item Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station.
Changing the Global Item Management preferences will affect all users.

Leading Articles Tab

This preference window allows users to specify which leading articles (e.g. the, an, a) should be ignored
during cataloguing and searching. Since leading articles vary from language to language, this preference
gives the librarian total control over how they are defined.

Where is this preference used?

Titles beginning with these leading articles will be sorted by the next available word. The second
indicator of the 245 tag is automatically set to the correct MARC standard value for the skipped
leading article.
Series beginning with these leading articles are sorted by the next available word. The second
indicator of the 440 tag is automatically set to the correct MARC standard value for the skipped
leading article.
When Alexandria searches for titles, queries that begin with a leading article will automatically
have that term skipped. Thus, the query for The Cat in the Hat will actually search for Cat
in the Hat.
When searching for a series, queries beginning with a leading article will automatically have that
term skipped. Thus, the query The Wizard of Oz will actually search for Wizard of Oz.

Alexandria Users Manual 133

Item Management Preferences

Default Item Pictures Tab

Global Item Management Preferences: Default Item Pictures

The Item Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station.
Changing the Global Item Management preferences will affect all users.

Default Item Pictures Tab

The Default Item Pictures preference window allows users to apply pictures to individual items or default
mediums by dragging and dropping their own GIFs, BMPs, PICs, JPGs (or most standard image files)
onto the Medium Picture field. Once this is done, a new medium picture will be applied. Users can reset
to the default medium picture by left-clicking in the Medium Picture or Default Picture section and
selecting Reset Default Item Picture.
If you have a pictureless medium (e.g. in the case of a newly created medium), the Default Picture field is
applied to any and all mediums lacking an individual Medium Picture.
The default medium picture will appear on the Circulation window every time there is an item current
unless an item has an individual picture applied to it from within the Item Management window (see
Item Information Fields on page 240).

Here are the steps to apply a new default medium picture:

Step 1.

Select which mediums picture you would like to change from the Medium Types field
on the left-hand side of the window. Alternately, if youd like to apply a Default Picture to
all the mediums that currently lack one, follow the steps below.

Step 2.

Drag and drop your medium image on to the Medium or Default Picture fields on the
right-hand side of the window. Images can also be pasted into the Medium or Default
Picture field from your operating system standard clipboard.

Step 3.

Click Save to apply your changes or Revert to discard them.

134 Alexandria Users Manual

Auto-Hide Tab

Item Management Preferences

Global Item Management Preferences: Default Item Pictures

The Item Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station.
Changing the Global Item Management preferences will affect all users.

Auto-Hide Tab
Items can be automatically hidden in the Researcher and made visible again based on changes in their
status. For example, if the Lost status box is checked (see below), an item designated as lost will be hidden;
if it is found and checked back in at a later date, it will be made visible again. Items whose Dont Show in
Researcher flags have already been set will not be affected.

Titles can be automatically hidden in the Researcher when all associated items are hidden (automatically
or not). Automatically hidden titles will be shown if any associated items also become shown, but
manually hidden titles will not, unless Auto-Show Titles is checked.
Auto-Hide TitlesAuto-hide titles if all associated items are hidden; automatically hidden titles
will be shown if any associated items are shown. Auto-Hide Titles is effective whether items are

hidden/shown automatically or manually, but manually hidden titles will stay hidden unless
Auto-Show Titles is checked.
Auto-Show TitlesIf checked, even manually hidden titles will be shown automatically when an
associated item is shown. Auto-Show Titles is effective whether items are shown automatically or


Alexandria Users Manual 135

Item Management Preferences

136 Alexandria Users Manual

Auto-Hide Tab

Library Information Preferences

Local Library Information Preferences
The Library Information preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Library Information Tab

Local preferences are used for this machine only, regardless of who is logged in.

Library Address
Enter the name of your library. The default is your library license name. You must enter your address, city,
state, postal code, country, telephone and fax; this data is used for return addresses on patron notices, for
information shown on Alexandria Web, and is included in emails sent to COMPanions Technical
Support team.
This address information will also be used as defaults when creating a new patron if no city, state, postal
code, or country information was specified or added to the new patron record (see Adding New Patrons
on page 221).

Alexandria Users Manual 137

Library Information Preferences

Library Information Tab

Library Hours
Any text you enter in this field will be displayed in the Library Information section of your Alexandria
Web page. Describe your library hours (e.g. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday) with any
combination of numbers and hours. If you decide to leave this field blank, the text Library Hours Not
Specified will appear in the Alexandria Library Information section of your web page.

Library ID CodeThis is the library location identification code. This is a short code that is
used for the MARC location code at 852_a in the Copy Collection field. The default is the first

four characters of your library name. If you change this value, all matching copy records are automatically updated to the new value. This preference is absolutely critical to Central Union circulation.
LibrarianThis is the name that appears at the bottom of form letters. Enter the librarians name
here. Default is Librarian.
Librarian TitleThe librarians title. For example, Librarian, Director of Media or Library Spe-

cialist; this title can also be included on form letters. Default is blank.
Library Email AddressThis is the librarys email address, which is used as the return mail

address for overdue notices and other email messages sent by Alexandria. To guarantee that your
email notifications are being sent, please check the list of requirements located under Enable
Email Notifications on page 139. You must enter a valid email address to use most email services, including COMPanions Technical Support services. Default is blank.
Filter results by Library ID CodeFilter the counts for system patrons and the results for
reports and utilities by your Library ID Code.

Local Settings
LanguageSelect a default language from the list of available languages. Default is English

unless otherwise set by activation codes1.

Currently, Alexandria only supports the English and Spanish language.

1.The default language preferences can be controlled by your Alexandria registration information.

138 Alexandria Users Manual

Email Settings Tab

Library Information Preferences

Global Library Information Preferences

The Library Information preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station.
Changing the Global Library Information preferences will affect all users.

Email Settings Tab

Use the Email Settings tab to configure how Alexandria handles your librarys mail server.

SMTP ServerThis is the TCP/IP or DNS address of your librarys mail server. Typically, this
will be mail. followed by your domain name. You must enter a valid SMTP Server address to

use email services. Default is blank.

Alexandria Users Manual 139

Library Information Preferences

Email Settings Tab

STMP Settings
The SMTP Server is used for out-bound email. The Test Server button will send a test email using the
following STMP settings. Please contact COMPanions Technical Support if you have additional
questions about setting up your mail server.
PortSupply the port number that your email server uses.
Use AuthenticationCheck this box to use authentication with this SMTP server. Checking
this box will make the Log In and Password fields editable.
Log InEnter the login (user identification) for the email server.
PasswordEnter the password for the email server.
Use SSLCheck this box to use Secure Sockets Layer security protocols.

Use the COMPanion mail server to send support emailCheck this to use the COMPan-

ion mail server when sending email to (for example) technical support.
Send email from Data StationSet this to send emails from the Data Station instead of the

Enable Automatic Email NotificationsCheck this box if you want Alexandria to automati-

cally send email confirmations and notices to patrons. If selected, Alexandria will send email to
patrons that have a valid email address when the following events occur: hold placed, hold
expires, in-stock hold available, in-stock hold expires, item becomes overdue, and recall issued.
To make this option available and to guarantee that your email notifications are being sent, you
must have a valid Library Email Address (page 138), a valid patron email address (page 225),
text in your Overdue Notice letter field (page 113), and this Enable Email Notifications box
checked. Default is OFF.

140 Alexandria Users Manual

Search Add-ons Tab

Library Information Preferences

Search Add-ons Tab

The information that you supply in this tab allows you to search additional, licensed resources.

- N


Sneak Peek, netTrekker, and SearchALL are optional features of Alexandria. You

must purchase subscription licenses to use these features. When you have licensed use
of any of these search interfaces (there are three), these preference options will become

Sneak Peek
Sneak Peek CodeIn this field, enter the code that activates Sneak Peek. This code should
be made available to you if you have a Sneak Peek subscription.

Alexandria Users Manual 141

Library Information Preferences

Search Add-ons Tab

For more information on netTrekker, please review the corresponding section on page 423.
Show netTrekker IconChoose whether or not to display the netTrekker icon in the Search

window (see Alexandria Researcher on page 373).

netTrekker URLIf necessary, and only if necessary, the URL used to access the netTrekker website can be modified here. Please contact COMPanions Technical Support team if you are
required to change your netTrekker URL.

Show netTrekker Counts in Search Results

Use this radio button to inform patrons on how many netTrekker resources are available about
their topic; it also allows users to choose whether they would rather return Elementary Search
Results (K-5) or Secondary Search Results (6-12)1. Choosing None will temporarily disable
netTrekker functionality in Alexandria.
The number of results that are returned for each search will be displayed on top of the netTrekker
icon, which can be located near the top of the Researcher window (see Alexandria Researcher
on page 373).

Show SearchALL IconChoose whether or not to display the SearchALL icon in the Search

window (see Alexandria Researcher on page 373).

SearchALL URLIf necessary, the URL that is used to access the SearchALL website can be pro-

vided here.

Show Big6 IconThis preference will display the Big6 program icon on the search screen.
Show Links in Search DetailsChoose whether or not to display links to at the bottom of the Researcher Details window. If a search is successfully per-

formed, clicking on the graphic link (shown to the left) will open an web browser
with the closest possible match.

1.This option will effect searches that are performed from the Researcher window and those that are done from Alexandria Web.

142 Alexandria Users Manual

Public Library Z39.50 Info Tab

Library Information Preferences

Public Library Z39.50 Info Tab

The Z39.50 information you supply in this tab is used to determine if an item in your collection is also
available in a public library for which your students have access. The Flag Items Also in Public Library
utility will use this information to determine if an item is available using the items ISBN. After
performing the utility, if an item in your collection was also found at the public library you provided in the
Public Library Z39.50 Info tab, a note will appear in search item details to inform the patron.

Public Library Z39.50 Information

NameEnter the name of the public library here.
AddressInternet Protocol (IP) address for the Z39.50 server (e.g.
PortPort number to the Z39.50 server (e.g. 210).
DatabaseName of the Z39.50 server (e.g. INNOPAC).
UsernameUsername required to access your Z39.50 server. If a username is not required,
please leave blank.
PasswordPassword required to access your Z39.50 server. If a password is not required, please

leave blank.

Alexandria Users Manual 143

Library Information Preferences

SIP2 Tab

SIP2 Tab
The options in this window deal with miscellaneous SIP2 functions.

Hold Pick Up LocationThis is posted to SIP2 machines when a hold is available and is the

location where patrons can retrieve available items.

Terminal Screen MessageThis is the welcome message that appears on self-service SIP2 terminals when a patron logs in. Default is the library name.
Terminal Receipt HeaderThis appears at the top of printed SIP2 receipts when a patron has

completed their hold or check out. Default is the library name.

Default Terminal Screen WidthThe number of characters that are able to be displayed on a

single line on the SIP2 hardware. Users should refer to their SIP2 hardwares documentation for
this number. This field is enabled and set to 255 characters when users have indicated that they
are using Checkpoint hardware.
Default Terminal Receipt WidthThe number of characters able to be printed on receipts

given by the SIP2 hardware. Users should refer to their SIP2 hardwares documentation for this
number. Default is 40.
Terminal PasswordThis field is required for the SIP2 machine to validate itself to Alexandria.
By default, the terminal password is your Alexandria serial number.
Log SIP2 in Transaction LogWhen checked, all transactions on SIP2 machines are logged to
the transaction log of the Alexandria Data Station. All SIP2 transactions are logged to the log file
whether this box is checked or not.

144 Alexandria Users Manual

Localization Tab

Library Information Preferences

Localization Tab
This tab allows those who use Alexandria outside of the United States to have complete customization over
their local currency standards.

LocalizeCheck this box only if you wish to change your localized currency standards; doing so
will enable the previously grayed-out Use System Settings option. Leaving this box unchecked

means that Alexandria will maintain United States currency settings (e.g. the dollar symbol, etc).

Currency Settings
Use System SettingsIf checked, local currency standards will be automatically imported (and

implemented) from the Data Stations operating system. These standards will be displayed in the
Currency Setting fields and appear uneditable. However, if this box is unchecked, you may edit

the currency settings manually. Keep in mind that this will only change your Alexandria currency
standards, it will not affect your operating system settings.
Implied DecimalsThis value, which must be between 0 and 4, determines how many implied

decimals (numbers after the decimal point) are used for your local currency standards. For example, 2 is the correct value for United States currency. Default is 2.
Currency SymbolCurrently, only a single-character currency symbol is supported (e.g. as in
$ for United States currency). Default is $.
Decimal SymbolSpecify the symbol used as the decimal point (e.g. as in . for United

States currency).
Grouping SymbolSpecify the symbol used as the grouping separator (e.g. as in , for thou-

sands in United States currency). Currently, only 3-digit groupings are supported.
Get from O/SPressing this button will automatically import localized currency settings from

your Data Stations operating system.

Alexandria Users Manual 145

Library Information Preferences

146 Alexandria Users Manual

Localization Tab

MARC Search Preferences

Local MARC Search Settings Preferences: Marc Search Options
There are no available Global MARC Search Settings preferences. Local preferences are used for a
single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local preferences are used for new client
applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden. Changing a Default Local
preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local override for that preference.

MARC Search Options Tab

These preferences govern how Alexandrias MARC Search window behaves.

Timeout (seconds)This drop-down menu tells MARC Search how long it should wait for a
response from the Z39.50 server or Alexandria v5 Data Station (during communications) before
it assumes that the database isnt available.
Max ResultsThis drop down-menu allows you to specify the maximum number of records
that will be returned for each search and then displayed on the MARC Search Results window.
You can select 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500, or 1000. Default is 50.
Search for booksYou can force MARC Search to only search for books by checking the
Search for books box. One of these two options (Search for books or Search for nonbooks) must be checked or MARC Search will never locate any matching records.
Search for non-booksYou can include items that are not books by selecting the Search for
non-books checkbox. One of these two options (Search for books or Search for nonbooks) must be checked or MARC Search will never locate any matching records.

Alexandria Users Manual 147

MARC Search Preferences

148 Alexandria Users Manual

MARC Search Options Tab

Orders Preferences
Local Orders Preferences: Orders & Budgets
The Orders preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Orders & Budgets Tab

billing address for your orders. If you fail to specify an address, when you
print an order, the library address will be used.

Bill ToEnter the

shipping address for your orders. If you fail to enter an address, when you
print an order, the library address will be used.

Ship ToEnter the

Sales Tax%Enter the default sales tax rate for your orders. Default is 0%.
Add Items to Collection on ReceiptCheck this box to add items to inventory upon receipt
of order. Leave unchecked if using MARC records from vendor. Default is OFF.
Sort Order Line Items by TitleUse this preference to set the default sorting order of line items
by title. Uncheck to sort in the order that the items were added. Default is OFF.

Alexandria Users Manual 149

Orders Preferences

Letters Tab

Local Orders Preferences: Letters

The Orders preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Letters Tab
Enter text for patron receipts and order claim letters in this window. Claim letters can be printed by the
librarian for incomplete orders. A claim notice is addressed to your vendor and includes the claim letter
text below and a list of items that have not been received for the order in question. Claim letters are only
printed for Issued orders; Open or Closed orders can not generate claim letters.

You can Restore Default Claim Letter to:

The following items were ordered but not delivered. If you cannot deliver
them within four weeks, consider them removed from the order.
You can Restore Default Patron Letter to:
The item you requested was ordered and received. It is now available in the
library. Please contact the librarian if you have any further questions or
need assistance.

150 Alexandria Users Manual

Orders & Budgets Tab

Orders Preferences

Global Orders Preferences: Orders & Budgets

The Orders preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections. Global
preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the
Global Orders preferences will affect all users.

Orders & Budgets Tab

Enter the beginning and ending date of the current financial year.

Financial Year fromUse this preference to configure the financial range for which your budget falls. Budgets are computed only for the current financial period provided in this window.
Default is blank. A blank financial period will include all dates for the current year.

The financial year is also used for computing Lost and Discarded items in the standard Super
Summary. Only items that are Lost or Discarded within this financial year are counted on the
Super Summary (see Super Summary on page 542).
Automatically adjust dates when year endsCheck this box if you would like Alexandria
to adjust the beginning and ending dates for the financial year when the end date has elapsed.

Alexandria Users Manual 151

Orders Preferences

152 Alexandria Users Manual

Orders & Budgets Tab

Patron Management Preferences

Local Patron Management Preferences: Patron Management
The Patron Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Patron Management Tab

Default PolicyThis drop-down menu displays what the default patron policy will be for

newly-added members. Use the drop-down menu to select a different default patron policy. If
you later remove a patron policy, the Default Policy will revert to Standard Patron.
Next BarcodeThe next available patron barcode number. When you create a new patron,

Alexandria will assign them the next available barcode (unless you assign them a number manually). You should set this field when you first configure Alexandria so that any new patrons are
assigned a patron barcode number that coincides with your numbering strategy.

Alexandria Users Manual 153

Lexile Tab

Patron Management Preferences

Local Patron Management Preferences: Lexile

The Patron Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station.
Changing the Global Patron Management preferences will affect all users.

- N


The Lexile tab is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased the
Lexile module license in order to use this feature.

Lexile Tab
Licensed use of the Lexile module allows Alexandria users to approximate the Expected Growth level
that every patron should reach for each grade. A Default Lexile line will appear in particular Patron
Lexile reports (see page 512for more information).
In order to assign a Lexile measurement for each grade level, double-click on the corresponding Grade
field and a Lexile window will appear. Enter the proper value in the Lexile field and click OK.

Reading to Learn LexileThe Expected Growth (i.e. Learning To Read) lexile measurements are quite different from the single Reading to Learn value that is set in this field. The
Reading to Learn line appears above the x-axis as a single, horizontal benchmark in particular
Lexile reports (see page 512for more information).
Color Lexile GraphsCheck this box if you would like to use color in lexile progress graphs.

Graphs without color are easier to read when printed.

154 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Management Tab

Patron Management Preferences

Global Patron Management Preferences: Patron Management

The Patron Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station.
Changing the Global Patron Management preferences will affect all users.

Patron Management Tab

Use the Patron Management preferences to configure next patron barcodes, default patron policies,
terminology, and other general information about your patrons.

There are Clear / Keep
Patron History utilities
than can perform history
operations en masse (see
page 649 for more

Unused BarcodesCreates a list of all unused patron barcodes within a specified range. The
selected barcode range cannot exceed 10,000.
Ignore Barcode Leader ofIf you are using barcode numbers not designed for Alexandria,
you can have Alexandria automatically ignore leading characters. For example, if your patron barcodes have the text PAT in front of each barcode, enter PAT in this field. Alexandria will
ignore the PAT at the beginning of each barcode label. If you dont require use of this feature,
leave the field blank.
Keep History for all PatronsCheck this box if you want Alexandria to keep a transaction history for all the patrons who use your library. Default is OFF.
Disable Expiration DatesWhen checked, Alexandria will ignore a patrons Card Expiration
Date (see Personal Info tab on page 227 for more information).
Mandatory Authority ControlThis makes Authority Control active and mandatory when
you add new patrons or change fields that are authority controlled. Location, 2nd location, and
Grade are all authority controlled (see MARC Authority Control on page 342).

Alexandria Users Manual 155

Patron Management Preferences

Patron Management Tab

This preference lets you customize terms for use in Alexandria.
Term for Institution FieldThis preference lets you configure the term used for the Institution
field. For example School instead of Institution.
Term for Location FieldThis preference lets you configure the term used for the Location
field. For example, you may want to use the term Homeroom rather than Location. The
term you choose appears on the Personal Info tab in Patron Management and wherever else
the Location term is used.

Although you can change this term, this manual will refer to it as Location.
For school libraries, this defaults to Homeroom; for other libraries, this defaults to Location.

If numeric ranges are going to be used in this field, they need to be padded with zeros in order to
be sorted and selected correctly. For example, instead of a 1, 2, 402, youd insert 001,
027, 402. Basically, in order to sort properly, all entries with a numeric range need to have the
same number of characters.
Term for Sublocation FieldThis preference lets you configure the term used for the 2nd Location field. The 2nd Location field appears under the Personal Info tab of the Patron Management window.

You can use this field for whatever extra information you may need to enter. For example, you
may want to use the term Last Period to identify an alternate location below the primary
Location field. The term you choose will appear wherever Alexandria uses the Sublocation
Although you can change this term, this manual will refer to it as 2nd Location. Default
value is 2nd Location.
Term for Level FieldThis preference lets you configure the term used for the Level field. For
example, you may want to use the term Grade rather than Level. The term you choose
appears under the Personal Info tab of the Patron Management window and wherever else the
Level term is used.

Although you can change this term, this manual will refer to it as Level.
For school libraries, this defaults to Grade. For other libraries, this defaults to Level.
Term for Government IDThis field is used for national ID numbers. In the United States, this
is typically the Social Security Number. Default value is SSN.
Term for Community IDThis field is used for community or local ID purposes. For school
libraries, this defaults to Student #; for other libraries, this defaults to ID #.
Term for Login Name FieldThis field changes the terminology anywhere that a user identification number is required. Generally, this is simply Login or User ID.
Term for Additional ContactThis field is used to change the terminology for emergency or
secondary contacts. Default is Parent/Guardian.
Term for Optional Date FieldIf you would like to change the terminology for the optional
date field, supply it here. Default is Graduation Date.

156 Alexandria Users Manual

Default Patron Pictures Tab

Patron Management Preferences

Global Patron Management Preferences: Default Pictures

The Patron Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station.
Changing the Global Patron Management preferences will affect all users.

Default Patron Pictures Tab1

If your school or library doesnt have individual pictures attached to patrons within the Patron
Management window, you can apply generic Male, Female, or Unknown identifiers to patrons based
on the Gender field (see Patron Information Fields on page 225).
The Default Patron Pictures preference window allows users drag and drop their own GIFs, BMPs,
PCTs, JPGs (or most standard image files) onto the default Patron Picture field. Once this is done, a new
default patron picture is applied. Users can reset to the default patron picture by left-clicking the patron
picture and selecting Reset Patron Picture.

Here are the steps to apply a new default patron picture:

Step 1.

Select which picture you would like to change from the Gender Types field on the lefthand side of the window.

Step 2.

Drag and drop your patron image on to the Default Patron Picture field on the righthand side of the window. Images can also be pasted into the Default Patron Picture field
from your operating system standard clipboard.

Step 3.

Click Save to apply your changes or Revert to discard them.

1.You will need to have Apples QuickTime installed in order to properly display patron pictures.

Alexandria Users Manual 157

Patron Management Preferences

Grade Tab

Global Patron Management Preferences: Grade

The Patron Management preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference selections.
Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station.
Changing the Global Item Management preferences will affect all users.

Grade Tab
Existing Alexandria users may be surprised to discover that Alexandria 5.5.3 has divorced grade level from
graduation date. Understandably, forcing users to advance grades/levels manually means that some
previous functionality is lost. However, in order to advance patrons correctly in pre-Alexandria 5.5.3
builds, users had to change the Last Day of School preference each year anyway. The new Grade table
and Advance Grade processes have been made simple and intuitive.
Most grading and attendance software is capable of exporting Grade/Level. Those who are unable to
import using Grade/Level can still assign grades by graduation date using the Replace Information
Utility (see Patrons: Replace Information on page 652 for more information).

The Grade field is a simple list where the user can enter each grade level for their school in the order they
should be sorted and incremented. This field is also drag-and-drop enabled so that users can change the
grade/level order as necessary when new grades are added or existing grades are eliminated.

158 Alexandria Users Manual

Grade Tab

Patron Management Preferences

The top element in the Grade field will be the first grade level, the second will be the next grade level, etc.
The terms in the Grade table are fully customizable, allowing administrators to use whatever import
terms they desire.
Advance GradeThis button moves patrons with a grade/level defined in the Grade table up
one level each time it is pressed. COMPanion recommends that you perform an Archive before
using the Advance Grade button. Patrons whose grade/level are not found or defined in the
Grade field will not advance.
Last Advanced DateWhen the last advance operation was performed; date is updated when

the advance process has completed.

As previously stated, Alexandria no longer automatically advances your patrons Grade levels. Instead,
grades/levels can be advanced manually at the end of each school year by using the Advance Grade
button or Advance Levels Patron Utility (see Patrons: Advance Levels on page 655 for more information).
Using this functionality, you can advance patrons to the next grade level until they reach graduation.
Click on the red Add button (the red plus symbol) located at the bottom of the window to add a new
grade to the grade table.

If you would like to remove a grade from the table, highlight (select) the grade that you want removed and
click on the red Remove button (the red minus symbol) located at the bottom of the window.
If you would like to edit an existing grade on the table, highlight (select) the grade that you want edited
and click on the blue Edit button (the a symbol) located at the bottom of the window.
Last LevelThis user-defined field indicates your patrons highest (and final) level of advancement. Default is Graduated and the field cannot be left blank.
Last day of schoolUsed to compute the grade when importing StudentPersonal objects
using SIF. Never rearrange the grade table if you are importing with SIF. Changing the Last day
of school (graduation date) no longer advances a Grade; changing a Grade no longer changes
the graduation date. There are no longer any calculations between the two.

Alexandria Users Manual 159

Patron Management Preferences

160 Alexandria Users Manual

Grade Tab

Policies Preferences
Why Do We Need Policies?
Alexandrias policies help to establish rules on how patrons can use your library, how items circulate, and
how circulation periods are computed. Policies are important for the purposes of circulation, reports, and
Use the Policies preferences to customize these rules for your library. The Policies preference window
allows you to customize policies for patrons, items, and circulation.
To choose preferences for Patrons, Items, or Circulation, click on the appropriate radio button located in
the Policy section near the top of the window. The preference selections for each category will appear
below. The remaining sections of this chapter will describe each category of preferences in further detail.

Alexandria Users Manual 161

Policies Preferences

Why Do We Need Policies?

How to Use the Policy Window

Alexandrias policies may seem over-complicated to use at first, so lets better explain how Patron and Item
Policies work. If a patron exceeds one of the values that you supply in the Patron or Item Policy window,
a warning message will appear on the Circulation window. For example:
If a patron tries to check out more books than the value indicated in the Maximum number
of items checked out field (Patron Policy window), a warning message will appear on the
Circulation window.
If a patron tries to renew more times than the value you have entered in Number of times item
can be renewed (Item Policy window), a warning message will appear.
When a warning message appears, some users will have the option to override the policy based on their
security level.

To change the settings for an existing policy, you will need to change values in the fields and tabs of the
Patron / Item Policy preferences window. Here is a short list that will explain the fields located at the top
of the Policies preference window.
Browse Previous PolicyClick these arrows to browse to the previous policy; alternately, you

can use Cmnd+[.

Browse Next PolicyClick these arrows to browse to the previous policy; alternately, you can

use Cmnd+].
CodeThese are short names for policies. These are used in reports and other places where long
names dont fit well. Codes should be between 2-4 characters and must be unique. Default is the
first 4 characters of the Policy Nameadjusted to make it unique (in case two policies start

with the same 4 letters).

PolicyThis drop-down menu shows the currently selected policy. Click in the drop-down
menu to select other policies youve defined for your library. You can edit this name by clicking
on the Edit Name buttonlocated right beside it.

162 Alexandria Users Manual

Why Do We Need Policies?

Policies Preferences

Creating A New Patron or Item Policy

To add a patron or item policy, click on the New or Duplicate button. The Add Policy window appears,
requesting information for the new policy.

Enter a Policy Name and Policy Shortcode (between 2-4 characters) then click OK to create the new
policy (patron or item) using these values.
If you click on Duplicate, the currently selected policy rules are copied and a Policy Shortcode is
automatically created. Otherwise, the Standard Patron or Standard Item rules are copied. You can then
edit these values to customize the newly duplicated policy to meet your needs. Policy Shortcode(s) and
Policy Name(s) must be unique.
To remove a policy, click the Remove button. You can not remove a policy that is being used by an
existing patron or item. Note that the Remove and Edit Name buttons are hidden for the Standard and
System Patron / Item policiesas they cannot be removed or renamed.

Alexandria Users Manual 163

Policies Preferences

Patron Policies

Global Policies Preferences: Patrons

There are no available Local or Default Local Policy preferences. Global preferences apply to all
Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global Policy preferences
will affect all users.

Patron Policies
Patron policies are the general rules that govern how patrons can use your library. For example, eighth
grade students can be given more privileges than second grade students can. Use the Patron Policies
preference window to customize these rules for your library.
Alexandria automatically creates two patron polices: a System Patron policy (SYS) and a Standard
Patron policy (STD). These policies cannot be removed from the system. The system policy is for
special patrons with barcodes under fifty. If you dont assign a policy to a patron, Alexandria uses the
Standard Patron policy unless otherwise defined in the Patron Management preferences.

164 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Policies

Policies Preferences

Patron Policies: Check Out Tab

Number of days patrons card is activeThis value is used as the default card expiration

date for newly added patrons.

Total fines alert valueIf the patrons total fines exceed this value, an alert will appear when
this patron becomes the Current Patron. If you want an alert for any patron with fines, set this
value to $00.01. If you want alerts for patrons with larger fines, determine that value here.
Maximum number of items checked outThis is the maximum number of items that

patrons (under this policy) can check out. COMPanion recommends not setting this number
above 50. However, this number corresponds directly to and is determined by the power of your
computer system.
Apply period due datesChoose whether to apply period due dates to patrons under this
policy. If you decide to apply period due dates, due dates for items are automatically adjusted
during checkout.
Items are due onUse this drop-down menu to select Any day (meaning item due dates are
based on the Number of days these items can be loaned option) or Monday through Sunday. If you select a day of the week from this menu, all loaned items are due back that same day
each week. If the day of the week you select happens to fall on a Closed day, then Alexandria will
try the specified due on date again in a week. If next weeks due on date also happens to be
Closed, Alexandria will make the item due on the next available Open date.
ForceIf a due on date falls on a Closed day, this checkbox forces the item to be due on the
next open day specified in the Items are due on drop-down menu described above. Therefore,
if a due on date is Thursday, items will always be due on a Thursday.
Use calendarThis field shows the calendar used under this policy. Use the drop-down menu
to choose a different calendar for this policy. If you remove a calendar that is being used by a policy, the Standard calendar automatically replaces it.
Policy notesThis field is used to enter a short note about the policy. This is for librarian use
only, as Alexandria doesnt use this information.

Alexandria Users Manual 165

Policies Preferences

Patron Policies

Patron Policies: Overdue Tab

Maximum number of items overdueThis is the maximum number of items that patrons

(under this policy) can have overdue and still be allowed to check out additional items.
Maximum fine for an overdue itemThis value limits the maximum fine that can be charged for
an overdue item. If you mark the Fines limited by item cost checkbox, the maximum fine will be
either this value or the book cost (whichever is lower). Otherwise, this value alone is used. If you
want to allow unlimited fines, enter a large value here.
Fines limited by item costIf you check this box, a fine for a particular item is limited to its
Replacement Cost (if available), Copy Cost (if available), or the policy average cost (if available).
Otherwise, an items value is set at $20.00. If you dont set this, fines can exceed the cost of the

Charge fines on closed daysCharge fines for overdue items when the library is closed.
Days Suspended per Overdue DayNumber of days that circulation privileges are suspended,
per overdue days. For example, if the value in this field is set as 2, then for each day an item is overdue, the patron will have circulation privileges suspended for two days. If the item were three days
late, privileges would be suspended for six days, beginning with the first overdue day.
Maximum Days SuspendedThe maximum number of days that a patron can be suspended.
This is only active if Days Suspended per Overdue Day is greater than zero.
Suspend on closed daysDays suspended includes days that the institution is closed. This is
only active if Days Suspended per Overdue Day is greater than zero.
Send suspended email notificationSend email notification to suspended patrons. This is only
active if Days Suspended per Overdue Day is greater than zero and the library email address has

been set, the library SMTP server has been set, and email notification is enabled.

166 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Policies

Policies Preferences

Patron Policies: Hold Tab

Maximum number of Items placed on holdThis is the maximum number of pending hold

requests that patrons (under this policy) can have active at any one time.
Number of days to keep a hold requestHold requests that exceed this given time limit are

automatically removed from the system.

Number of days to keep an in-stock hold requestIn-stock hold requests that expire are
automatically removed at the beginning of each day. A notice is prepared so that items may be
returned to the shelves, or held for another patron.
Only fill holds by Copy LibraryWhen checked, patrons are only allowed to place holds on
items from their librarys local collection. An alarm will sound and a warning message will appear
if an item is checked in from another library (i.e. items with different library identifications).

Alexandria Users Manual 167

Policies Preferences

Patron Policies

Patron Policies: Reservation Tab

Maximum number of reservationsThis is the maximum number of reservations that a

patron is allowed (under this policy).

Only allow reservations by copy libraryIf checked, patrons may only place reservations on

copies that are located in their library.

Patron Policies: SIP2 Tab

Self-service check out (SIP2 only)When checked, patrons under this policy are allowed to

check out at SIP2 stations.

Self-service payment (SIP2 only)When checked, patrons are allowed to make payments at

SIP2 stations. If this is unsupported by your SIP2 hardware, then this field is ignored.

Patron Policies: All Tab

This tab provides a brief summary of all your patron policies.

168 Alexandria Users Manual

Items Policies

Policies Preferences

Global Policies Preferences: Items

There are no available Local or Default Local Policy preferences. Global preferences apply to all
Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global Policy preferences
will affect all users.

Items Policies
Item policies are the general rules that govern how items are circulated in your library. For example, you
can set policies to allow fiction works to be checked out longer than reference works. Use the item policies
preference to customize these rules.
Alexandria automatically creates a Standard Item policy (STD) for items. The Standard Item policy is
the default item policy. If you dont assign a policy to an item, it is assigned the Standard Item policy.
Click the Item tab on the Policies preference window to edit item policies.

Alexandria Users Manual 169

Policies Preferences

Items Policies

Item Policies: Check Out Tab

Loan PeriodThis drop-down menu lets you select the number of days (under this policy) that
items can be loaned. No Loan Period means that items can never be checked out or taken from
the library. Same Day Check Out means that items are due back the same day that they are
borrowed. If you select Loan Period, be sure to specify a number of days in the corresponding
field (directly following the Loan Period drop-down menu). For example, if you would like a
loan period of three weeks, enter 21.
Amount of loan feeIf you charge your patrons a fee for checking out an item, this is the field

where you set the fee amount for items using this policy. This fee is charged automatically when
the item is checked out. The fee is recorded as Loan Fee for {item title}.
Default replacement/Purchase valueSet the average replacement cost for items with this

policy. This policy is used as the default replacement cost for items if they dont have an individual replacement cost specified in their copy record.
Number of times item can be renewedSet the number of times that items, under this pol-

icy, can be renewed. If you dont allow items to be renewed, set the number to 0.
If a patron tries to renew an item that has already been renewed the maximum number of times,
a warning message will appear on the Circulation window indicating that the patron has
exceeded the policy limit for renewals.
Hard due dateUsing this policy, you can set a fixed due date for all items. If the date entered
here is after todays date, it is used as your due date. Otherwise, Alexandria computes a due date
according to other policy settings.
Pay Alert on Check In/Check OutPlays a sound when an item with this policy is checked

in or checked out.
Call# MappingClicking this button opens a small Call Number Range window. This win-

dow allows users to input lists of call number ranges which can be used to link import items (i.e.
on import only) to certain policies within your library. You can enter a value to indicate any call
numbers beginning with letters of the alphabet (e.g. ABC) or a numeric range to indicate any
call numbers beginning with a numeric range (e.g. 300-310). In this example, values like 300,
300.12, 305.8, and 310.324 would be matched.
Policy notesEnter notes about this policy. Notes are only for the librarians use, they are not
used for any policy calculations.

170 Alexandria Users Manual

Items Policies

Policies Preferences

Item Policies: Overdue Tab

Fine rate for these itemsSet the fine rate for items with this policy. The fine rate is computed
daily. If you dont charge fines, enter $0.00.
Grace period allowed before item is subject to fine and suspensionSet the grace
period allowed for overdue items before fines begin to accrue. For example, if you set the grace
period for two days, patrons are not charged fines until the third calendar day an item is overdue.
At this point, they are charged fines for three overdue days. Unless Only Count Open Days is
checked, it doesnt matter if the library is open or closed on those days, the grace period is only
computed on calendar days.

For easy check-in, set the grace period one day longer than your commonly closed periods. For
example, if you are commonly closed on Saturday and Sunday, set the grace period for three days.
Therefore, if the book is due on Friday, and its turned in through the bookdrop on Saturday,
when you check it in on Monday, no fines will be charged.
Only Count Open DaysWhen this box is checked, only open days are used in determining

the grace period before an overdue fine is charged.

Alexandria Users Manual 171

Policies Preferences

Items Policies

Item Policies: Hold Tab

Hold requests for these items are allowedCheck this box to allow patrons to place hold

requests on items. If you dont check this box, patrons cannot place hold requests on items under
this policy. Default is ON.

Item Policies: Reservation Tab

Maximum reservation period for these itemsSet the maximum number of days an item
can be reserved. If items arent allowed for reservation, set the period to 0 days. If none of the
copies allow reservations, the Reservation window will not open and a note will be made to the
transaction log. If some copies allow reservations and some dont, the Reservation tab of the Circulation window will open, but only copies that allow reservations are shown in the copies dropdown menu.
Open days required between reservationsIf your library requires time to process an item
that has been returned, this setting will enforce the processing time between reservations. For
example, certain equipment may need to be calibrated after each use. If the calibration time takes
two days, and you enter the value 2 in this preference, Alexandria will make sure that reservations are separated by at least two days.

172 Alexandria Users Manual

Items Policies

Policies Preferences

Item Policies: SIP2 Tab

Self-service check out (SIP2 only)When checked, items under this policy are allowed to be

checked out at SIP2 stations.

Self-service renewal (SIP2 only)When checked, items under this policy are allowed to be

renewed at SIP2 stations.

Item Policies: All Tab

This tab provides a brief summary of all your item policies.

Alexandria Users Manual 173

Policies Preferences

Circulation Policies

Global Policies Preferences: Circulation

There are no available Local or Default Local Policy preferences. Global preferences apply to all
Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global Policy preferences
will affect all users.

Circulation Policies
Circulation policies are the specific rules that are used when patron transactions are performed. Alexandria
creates a circulation policy for every combination of patrons and items, using the values that have been
entered into individual patron and item policy windows.
Use the Circulation Policies preference to customize these settings with your circulation exceptions. For
example, you can configure a circulation policy to allow teachers to check out reference books, but not
Click the Circulation radio button on the Policies preference window to change circulation policies.
You can edit a Circulation policy by selecting a Patron and Item policy from the corresponding dropdown menus. For example, you can select Standard Patron and Standard Item to create a circulation
policy for this combination. This policy will contain the rules that are used when a standard patron
performs a transaction on a standard item.
Each circulation policy is a combination of one patron and one item policy. The original settings for a
circulation policy come from combining these patron and item policies.
If you change a patron or item policy, the default circulation policy (which is a combination of
these two policies), is changed to match unless youve made an exception into the Circulation
Policy window. If you create an exception, it will be used rather than the standard patron or
item policy values.
If you modify settings in a circulation policy, those values are used until you change them back
to the default values. Patron and item policies are not affected by any changes you make to the
circulation policy.
The following examples show how a policy change takes effect:

Example 1A loan period is fourteen days under a particular item policy and you have not
changed this value in the Circulation Policies window. If you change the setting in the Item
Policy window from fourteen to twenty-one, all circulation policies using this item policy will be

Example 2A loan period is fourteen days under a particular item policy but you changed this
value in the Circulation Policies window to a custom setting that allow teachers a loan period of
thirty days. If you change the setting in the Item Policy window from fourteen to twenty-one,
the thirty-day setting remains in the customized circulation policy; only those records you didnt
customize would be changed.

Circulation Policies Selection Menus

PatronUse this drop-down menu to modify circulation policies for these specific patron types.

Users need only modify settings that are exceptions to the normal policy settings.
ItemUse this drop-down menu to modify circulation policies for this particular item type.

Users need only modify settings that are exceptions to the normal item policy settings.

174 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Policies

Policies Preferences

Circulation Policies: Check Out Tab

Number of days a patrons card is activeHow long (in days) that patron library cards are

valid. Usually, this is one year.

Total fines alert valueThe total amount of fines that a patron can accrue before an alert window will appear during checkout.
Maximum number of items checked outThe maximum number of items that the patron
type (specified in the Patron drop-down menu above) can have out at one time.
Apply period due datesSet up a Period Due date in the Calendars Preference window
(by clicking twice on an empty calendar day). Period Due dates are fixed due dates that require
items to be returned to the library, regardless of the loan period or any other circumstances. You
may have as many Period Due dates as you require for your library.
Items are due onUse this drop-down menu to select Any day (meaning item due dates are
based on the Number of days these items can be loaned option) or Monday through Sunday. If you select a day of the week from this menu, all loaned items are due back that same day
each week. If the day of the week you select happens to fall on a Closed day, then Alexandria will
try the specified due on date again in a week. If next weeks due on date also happens to be
Closed, Alexandria will make the item due on the next available Open date.
ForceIf a due on date falls on a Closed day, this checkbox forces the item to be due on the
next open day specified in the Items are due on drop-down menu described above. Therefore,
if a due on date is Thursday, items will always be due on a Thursday.
Use calendarThis is the calendar used for the options below. All changes made (closed dates,

period due dates, etc.) will be generated by Alexandria using this specific calendar.

Alexandria Users Manual 175

Policies Preferences

Circulation Policies

Loan PeriodThis drop-down menu lets you select the number of days (under this policy) that
items can be loaned. No Loan Period means that items can never be checked out or taken from
the library. Same Day Check Out means that items are due back the same day that they are
borrowed. If you select Loan Period, be sure to specify your loan period in the corresponding
field (directly following the Loan Period drop-down menu). For example, if you would like a
loan period of three weeks, enter 21. Default is 14 days.
Amount of loan feeIf your library charges a fee to check out items (i.e. renting), specify the
price here. Default is $0.00.
Default Replacement / Purchase cost for these itemsAverage cost for this specific item
type. This price is only used if the replacement cost and purchase cost fields are left blank.

This is the amount charged to a patron when an item is lost, never returned, or irrecoverably
damaged. This amount can be changed individually per item. Your Items preferences determine
whether fees/fines are allowed to exceed this value. Default is $20.00.
Number of times item can be renewedUse this field to specify the number of times a

patron can renew the same item.

Hard due dateDate on which all items (i.e. everything) is required back to your school or

library. Generally, this date is set for the end of a school year, end of semester, or quarter changes.
When you enter any type of specially-formatted information such as dates you can enter values in
a wide range of formats. For example, you can enter the date December 1, 2010 as: Dec 1,
2010 or 12/1/10 or 12.1.10 or 12 1 10. If using the current year, you can just enter
12/1. If the current month is December, you can just enter 1.
Pay Alert on Check In/Check OutUsing this policy, you can play a sound when an item
with this policy is checked in or checked out.
Policy NotesEnter any general information or reminders for your set of combined policies.

176 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Policies

Policies Preferences

Circulation Policies: Overdue Tab

Maximum number of items overdueThe maximum number of items that patrons can have

overdue before new item check out is disallowed.

Maximum fine for an overdue itemThis is the total amount that an overdue item can reach

before it no longer accrues fees.

Fines limited by item costWhen checked, fines for a particular item can not exceed its total

purchase cost.
Charge fines while the library is closedIf checked, item fines will continue to accrue even

on library closed dates (e.g. weekends and holidays).

Days Suspended per Overdue DayThis is the maximum number of days that a patron may

be suspended for overdue days.

Maximum Days SuspendedThe maximum number of days a patron can be suspended.
Suspend on closed daysDays suspended includes days that the library is closed. This is only
active if the Days Suspended per Overdue Day value is set to anything greater than zero.
Send suspended email notificationThis is only active if Days Suspended per Overdue
Day value is greater than zero and the library email address has been set, the library STMP server

has been set, and email notification is enabled.

Fine rates for these itemsThe fine amount that is charged to the patron for every day that

the item is overdue.

Grace period allowed before the item is subject to fineSpecify the number of days this

item type can be borrowed past its loan period (see above) before fines begin to accrue.
Only count open daysCheck this box if you want the grace period (see above) to only count
open days. For example, if a patron returns an item after hours on the last of his grace days, fines
will begin to accrue the following day, regardless if this day is Closed (e.g. a holiday or weekend)
or not.

Alexandria Users Manual 177

Policies Preferences

Circulation Policies

Circulation Policies: Hold Tab

Maximum number of items placed on holdThe total number of items that patrons can

have placed on hold.

Number of days to keep a hold requestThe number of days a patrons hold request will

stay active.
Number of days to keep an in-stock hold requestThe number of days a patrons in-stock

hold will stay active.

Only fill holds by Copy LibraryIf checked, patrons may only place holds on items from their

local collection. An alarm will sound and a warning message will appear if an item is checked in
from another library (i.e. items with different library identifications).
Hold requests for these items are allowedClick on this box to allow hold requests on items

with this policy.

178 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Policies

Policies Preferences

Circulation Policies: Reservation Tab

Maximum number of reservationsThe total number of items for which patrons may place

Only allow reservations by copy libraryIf checked, patrons may only place reservations on

items from their local collection. An alarm will sound and a warning message will appear if an
attempt is made to place an item from another library (i.e. items with a different library identification) on reserve.
Maximum reservation period for these itemsSet the maximum number of days patrons

can make reservations for these specific item types.

Open days required between reservationsSets a buffer period of open days before a reservation so that items are processed and ready to distribute to the next patron in waiting. If a
patron tries to check out a book whose reservation period coincides with their loan period, a
warning message will appear and that patrons loan period will be cut short.

Alexandria Users Manual 179

Policies Preferences

Circulation Policies

Circulation Policies: SIP2

Self-service check out (SIP2 only)When checked, SIP2 self-service check out will be

allowed for this patron group. Default is checked.

Self-Service payment (SIP2 only)When checked, self-service payment will be allowed for

this patron group at SIP2 stations. Default is checked.

Self-service check out (SIP2 only)When checked, SIP2 self-service check out will be

allowed for this patron group. Default is checked.

Self-service renewal (SIP2 only)When checked, self-service renewal will be allowed for this

item type at SIP2 stations. Default is checked.

Circulation Policies: All Tab

This tab provides a brief summary of all your circulation policies.

180 Alexandria Users Manual

Researcher Preferences
Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher
The Alexandria Researcher preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Researcher Tab
Use these preferences to set your local Alexandria Researcher workstation defaults.

Unless overridden in an individual Researcher workstations local preferences, the Alexandria

Researcher Default Local preferences will be used as default for every Researcher workstation connected
to the Data Station. If you change these settings locally on any given Researcher (i.e. by using the Local
preferences), these preferences will be changed only for that workstation.

Alexandria Users Manual 181

Researcher Preferences

Researcher Tab

Researcher TimeoutYou can select the number of minutes it takes for the Alexandria
Researcher to time out. If a patron walks away from the workstation, the Researcher will continue to contain their research until this counter runs out and resets the window to its initial
state. The default setting is Three Minutes.

Thirty seconds before resetting, a warning window will appear, allowing the patron to cancel the
reset. If the patron fails to respond, the reset will occur as scheduled. If the patron cancels the
reset, the timer is restarted.
If you do not wish the Alexandria Researcher workstation to reset when idle, select Never from
this drop-down menu.
Researcher Configuration PasswordThis password restricts a patrons access to Preferences on an Alexandria Researcher. If no password is entered, Alexandria Researcher preferences

can be configured on a workstation-by-workstation basis. If a password is set in this field and a

patron selects Preferences from the Edit menu in an Alexandria Researcher, a window appears,
asking the patron to enter this password. If the user does not know this password, the user cannot
change preferences on the Alexandria Researcher. The default password is Configure.
Researcher Quit PasswordEnter a password in this field to restrict patrons from shutting
down an Alexandria Researcher. If a password is set in this field and the patron chooses Quit or
Log Out from the Edit menu on an Alexandria Researcher, a window appears, asking the patron

to enter this password. There is no default password, thus allowing all users to shut down an
Alexandria Researcher.
Search Address BookThis drop-down menu lets you select the default address book that will
be used for a Researcher workstation. The default selection is always the Standard Address
Local CollectionThis drop-down menu lets you select the default collection that an Alexan-

dria Researcher workstation will search.

Z39.50 Address BookThis drop-down menu allows you to select the default Z390.50 server

used during a Z39.50 search on an Alexandria Researcher.

Default LanguageThis setting allows you to set the language used when the Researcher
workstation starts up or is reset. The default is set by your activation code; in the United States,
its set to English.
Maximum HitsSpecifies the maximum number of titles to return during a search.

182 Alexandria Users Manual

Researcher Tab

Researcher Preferences

Details Display
These settings determine the amount of detail displayed for a search on an Alexandria Researcher
workstation. You can select one of three display types; you may also show citation references and MARC
records. In order to view any changes you may have made to your display, the Researcher workstation
must be restarted.
Brief DisplayShows only minimal title information.
Standard DisplayShows all useful title information. This is the default setting.
Full DisplayShows all title information, which is sometimes more than most patrons will need

to see.
Show Citation ReferencesShows citation references for creating quick bibliographies.

Default is ON.
Show MARC DisplayShows a hyperlink to the titles MARC record. Default is OFF.
Display Maximum User ErrorsThis preference will only be available to users with a limited
user license. Since users with full site licenses have no limits on connected workstations, to them,
this option will not be shown as available. If the box is checked, however, and the Data Station
has met its maximum user limit, notes will be placed in the transaction log detailing any client
refusals that take place.

Alexandria Users Manual 183

Researcher Preferences

Researcher Tab

User Options
These settings determine what actions a user may perform from an Alexandria Researcher workstation.
Sounds Like PromptCheck this box if you want a window to appear when a search finds no
matches. The window will remind the patron of the Sounds Like search, which sometimes finds

matches when other searches do not.

Allow HoldsAllows patrons to place hold requests from an Alexandria Researcher workstation.
Users have to enter their barcode number and password to place a hold. The default setting is ON.
Allow ReservationsAllows patrons to make reservations from an Alexandria Researcher wrk-

station. Users have to enter their barcode number and password to place a reservation.
Allow PrintingAllows patrons to print from an Alexandria Researcher workstation. Generally,
youll allow printing for patrons outside the library and then customize Researcher workstations
within the library to disable printing.
Allow Patron to Check Status and Patron DetailsThis checkbox allows patrons to check
their status from Alexandria Researchers. The patron status report includes information about
what items they have checked out, have on hold, or reserved. If this setting is enabled, patrons
will be able to change their own password.
Allow Patron to Edit Personal InformationAllows patrons to modify their home address and

phone number.
Allow Patron to Edit Email AddressAllows patrons to modify their email address.
Allow Patron to Renew ItemsAllows patrons to renew items they have checked out.
Hide DesktopHides the operating system desktop on an Alexandria Researcher workstation.

This keeps users from accessing other applications located on the computer operating system
Allow Patron to Edit PasswordWhen checked, patrons who have successfully logged into the

Alexandria Researcher are able to change their password.

Allow Patron to Request PasswordAllow patrons to request a forgotten password via email.
Default SearchThis drop-down menu sets the default search interface. This is the search

interface that patrons will see when performing a library catalogue search. However, this is just
the default search interface that appears; patrons are not limited to using it.
Default Study ProgramThis drop-down menu sets the default study program when patrons
perform a study program search.
Show Item ImagesThis drop-down menu determines whether or not an items applied or
default image will appear in the Results window when a search on the Researcher is successful
(page 393). Selecting Always will display a user-applied image if theres one available; if not,
then Alexandrias default item image will be displayed (page 131). Selecting Non-Default will
only display a user-applied item image; Alexandrias default item image will never be shown.
Selecting Never will never display any item image on the Researcher Results window.
Show Lexile SearchThis menus allows you to choose Lexile/Help un-checked, Lexile/
Help checked, Hide Lexile/Help.

184 Alexandria Users Manual

Results & Details Tab

Researcher Preferences

Local Researcher Preferences: Results & Details

The Alexandria Researcher preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference
Local preferences are used for a single machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local
preferences are used for new client applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden.
Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local

override for that preference.

Results & Details Tab

Users can select how search results are displayed for every individual search window in Alexandria. You
have two search formats: Standard or Simple.

Standard Results uses a smaller font and allows the creation of saved lists since a single-click will select

the title and a double-click will display the full details of the title.
Simple Results show fewer titles on each window in a bigger font and requires only a single-click to view

the item details.

Since each title in Simple Results becomes a button, you cannot create a saved list of selected titles.
Standard Details uses a smaller font and includes more information. The Simple Results and Details are
intended for small children.
You may also keep a certain type of search interface from appearing by removing the checkmark next to its
name. Please note, removing this checkmark will disable this Researcher search interface!
Filter Copy Availability by Library ID CodeCheck this box if you only want to show results
from your Researchers Local Collection as available.
Sort Search Results ByThis sets the default search results order. You can sort your results by
Title, Author, or Call Number.

Alexandria Users Manual 185

Researcher Preferences

Researcher Tab

Global Researcher Preferences: Researcher

The Alexandria Researcher preferences contain Local, Default Local, and Global preference
selections. Global preferences apply to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data
Station. Changing the Global Advanced Booking preferences will affect all workstations.
If you are not licensed to use Alexandria Explore, the Global Alexandria Researcher preference tab
will not be available for configuration.

Researcher Tab
If youve purchased the Alexandria Explore option, an Explore tab will appear in the Alexandria
Researcher Global preference window. This tab allows you to fully configure the Explore interface. To
fully configure your Alexandria Explore interface, please see Alexandria Explore on page 397.

Researcher Web Installation PasswordIf you set a password in this field, it will be required when

you attempt to install an Alexandria Researcher workstation over the World Wide Web. If you decide to
leave this field blank, users need only click OK on the web installation page (without specifying a
password) to install a Researcher workstation.
Dont Show Title AvailabilityCheck this box if youre using Central Union and dont want to show

your collections title availability in the search results list. For example, a student searching for a particular
book at Rochester Elementary School might see that its available, but not know that its located at
Eddington Elementary School without further investigation.

186 Alexandria Users Manual

Researcher Tab

Researcher Preferences

The Alexandria Explore interface consists of a series of panes that contain several icons/buttons. Each
icon has a text label and an action associated with it. The text label is shown below each icon and actions
are performed when the icon is clicked.
When you license Alexandria Explore, you receive a fully configured iconic interface with sample icons
you can use to create your very own interface. To create an interface for your library you can:
Remove the sample panes and start with a clean slate. Build the entire interface from scratch by
Use the sample interface as a starting point, and then customize it to meet your librarys specific
Import a ready-made Alexandria Explore interface created by someone else.
Import panes created by someone else and use them to quickly configure your own custom
Do any combination of the above.

Alexandria Users Manual 187

Researcher Preferences

188 Alexandria Users Manual

Researcher Tab

Routes Preferences
Local Routes Preferences: Routes
There are no available Global Routes preferences. Local preferences are used for a single machine only,
regardless of who is logged in. Default Local preferences are used for new client applications and any
Local preferences that have not been overridden. Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users
who have not already established a Local override for that preference.

Routes Tab
Allows the librarian to specify default Route preferences. You can also create new and individual route lists
with different instructions (see Routes Management on page 466).

Default Route InstructionsThe default text for new routes. Default is The attached
materials are being supplied as a service of this library. To ensure that all
patrons can be serviced on a timely basis, please review these attached
materials and pass them on as quickly as possible.
Default Route Period (Days)Sets the new default route period. Default is 14 days.
Use Simple Routing SlipChecking this box allows you to choose between having your default
routing slip appear as Complete or Simple (see page 598 for more information) when, and only
when, using the Receive Subscription function in the Subscriptions window (see page 462) or
the Routing Slip command (see page 330). These two formats are essentially the same as those
that appear in the Routing Slip Subscription Reports. Basically, Simple routing slips dont
include patron pictures or patron/item barcodes; Complete includes patron pictures and

patron/item barcodes for every item in slip.

Alexandria Users Manual 189

Routes Preferences

190 Alexandria Users Manual

Routes Tab

SIF Preferences
Global SIF Preferences
There are no available Local or Default Local SIF preferences. Global preferences apply to all Alexandria
users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global SIF preferences will affect all

- N


The SIF protocol is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased a SIF
license in order to use this feature.

What is SIF?
One of the biggest challenges facing the K-12 community is the lack of software interoperability (i.e.
sharing of database information). In other words, most school districts have a series of software
applications which all require the same data, but have no way to talk to each other. Educators and
administrators consistently lament the fact that their financial management, administration, library
automation, transportation routing, telephone messaging, and cafeteria software applications dont work
together (i.e. communicate or share data formats). For example, a school district might need to create a
report using data from multiple school software applications and deliver this report over the internet,
confident that their information remains secure. SIF solves these problems by allowing different third
party software applications to communicate, dramatically reducing the redundancy of data entry so that
administrators can maximize staff and faculty time and are able to better focus on education.
The Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) is not a product and will not be sold as such, rather, its
an industry-supported technical protocol that ensures that diverse primary and secondary (K-12)
instructional and administrative software applications share information (data formats) and work together
seamlessly, saving tremendous amounts of time and productivity. When different third party software
applications can communicate with each other, access one anothers database, resources, and tools, a
school district can more effectively serve the needs of its users1.

1.Information on this page was sourced and adapted from the following internet resources:,,
and These on-line resources were valid as of May, 2005.

Alexandria Users Manual 191

How does SIF work?

SIF Preferences

How does SIF work?

A critical component of SIF is the Zone Integration Server (ZIS) which serves as the data integration
broker (or hub) between disparate1 software applications that support the SIF protocol. The ZIS is an
invisible courier that reliably delivers information from one source to several destinations. The ZIS does
not do this blindly, it is aware of the data formats that are of interest to these differing applications, aware
of what they're privileged to send and receive, and aware of the security requirements for each and every
application, delivering secure and reliable message broker services.


Third party vendors can connect their applications to one another via the ZIS by writing agents. These
agents perform the task of brokering communications between existing applications and the ZIS. These
agents are the boundary where translation between the application's internal data format and SIF format
occurs. SIF is not limited to a particular operating system or platform2.

1.Disparate1) Fundamentally distinct or different in kind; entirely dissimilar. 2) Containing or composed of dissimilar or opposing
2.Information on this page was sourced and adapted from the following internet resources:,,
and These on-line resources were valid as of May, 2005.

192 Alexandria Users Manual

Connection Tab

SIF Preferences

Connection Tab
Any changes made to the SIF Connection tab fields will not take place until Alexandria has been

Enable the SIF AgentThis will disable/enable Alexandrias SIF services. Without the SIF agent
enabled, there won't be any communication with the ZIS system resources (e.g. the SIF agent
port, RAM, CPU, etc).
Use Pull ModeAlexandria will use Pull Mode instead of Push Mode for message retrieval

from the ZIS.

VersionSelect the version of SIF that you would like to use.
Agent NameThe name that the Alexandria SIF Agent is known by to all other SIF agents and

the Zone Integration Server (ZIS). For multiple libraries in the same zone, name should be
unique; otherwise, there is no need to change it from the default.
Agent HTTP(S) Port NumberThe TCP/IP port that Alexandria listens with. This is the port
that the ZIS will connect to. Under OSX, the default port requires that the user has administrative privileges on the computer (usually requires logging in as root).
ZIS AddressThis is the internet address when the ZIS is located. This can be either an IP or

resolvable address. The protocol header should be left out. Refer to your ZIS installation notes
for this address.

Alexandria Users Manual 193

SIF Preferences

Connection Tab

Run SIF Without EncryptionSIF can run in two modes: with encryption or without encryp-

tion. However, since it can't run in both modes at the same time, use this check box to decide if
you will disable/enable encryption. Unless necessary, running SIF without encryption is not recommended; whatever the ZIS is doing, Alexandria should be doing as well.
Disable TLS EncryptionHowever unlikely, it is possible for there to be communication errors
with TLS encryption. Unless the user experiences these types of errors, they should always keep
TLS encryption enabled (obviously this preference is ignored if the Run SIF Without Encryption
feature is disabled).
Filename of Certificate to UseThis should point to a directory containing the certificate (in
PEM format) that is trusted by the ZIS. Only certificates in PEM format are recognized.
Filename of trusted certificateThis should point to a directory containing the ZIS certificate and any other certificates in its certificate chain. Only certificates in PEM format are recognized.
Re-register SIF AgentEach agent sends a SIF_Register message to become part of the zone.
The ZIS then sends an acknowledgement (or SIF_ACK) message to confirm the registration.
Ping the ZISSends a request to the ZIS and awaits an answer to make sure that it is on-line and


194 Alexandria Users Manual

Message Handling Tab

SIF Preferences

Message Handling Tab

Any changes made to the SIF Connection tab fields will not take place until Alexandria has been

Show SIF error messagesThis preference will archive all the error messages that Alexandria
receives from the ZIS in the Circulation windows Transaction Log. Even if this box remains
unchecked, error messages will be saved to the transaction log file that is kept inside the Alexandria Logs folder.
School Name or Subzone used in SIFTo ignore students from other schools, indicate in this
field the school name or subzone that will be embedded into the OtherID of type ZS in the
StudentPersonal object.

Alexandria Users Manual 195

SIF Preferences

Message Handling Tab

Ignore messages for students in other schoolsCheck this box if you have multiple Data

Stations running within a zone (e.g. one Data Station per school in a school district). Using SIF,
if a student is created, deleted, or changed, a message will go out to every SIF agent that is configured to receive student messages. However, if this box is checked, any student whose school (or
subzone) doesnt match the School Name or Subzone used in SIF field (see below) will ignore
the incoming message.
Default student policyWhen a student is added via SIF, this is the policy that they will be

Barcode location in StudentPersonal messageCurrently there are multiple ways for SIF
implementers to put a student ID in the SIF message. Any one of these could be the barcode.
This field allows the technical personnel who install the SIF zone to tell Alexandria which is the
correct one. If an OtherID of type ZA is in the SudentPersonal objects, this is seen as the
school for that student1.
Homeroom location in StudentPersonal messageThis should be the prefix tag inside the
OtherId of type ZZ in the StudentPersonal message.
Grade location in StudentPersonal messageThis should be the prefix tag (without the
colon) inside the OtherId of type ZZ in the StudentPersonal message.

Ignore messages for staff members in other schoolsCheck this box if you have multiple
Data Stations running within a zone (e.g. one Data Station per school in a school district). Using
SIF, if a staff member is created, deleted, or changed, a message will go out to every SIF agent that
is configured to receive staff member messages. However, if this box is checked, any staff member
whose school (or subzone) doesnt match the School Name or Sub Zone used in SIF field (see
below) will ignore the incoming message.
Default staff policyWhen a staff member is added via SIF, this is the policy that they will be

Barcode location in StaffPersonal messageCurrently there are multiple ways for SIF

implementers to put a staff member ID in the SIF message. Any one of these could be the barcode. This field allows the technical personnel who install the SIF zone to tell Alexandria which is
the correct one. If an OtherID of type ZA is in the Staff_Personal objects, this is seen as the
school for that staff member1.
Homeroom location in StaffPersonal messageThis should be the prefix tag inside the
OtherID of type ZZ in the StaffPersonal message.

1.Format: Element/subelement/sub-subelement@attribute=value. Attribute is optional. The text of the matching element is used for the
barcode. Default is OtherID@type=ZB.

196 Alexandria Users Manual

Messages Tab

SIF Preferences

Messages Tab
Any changes made to this window will not take place until Alexandria has been restarted.

Disabled (grayed out) checkboxes indicate that certain message attributes are not currently supported by
either Alexandria or the SIF standard.
Please make sure that Alexandria has been given the necessary permissions on the ZIS.

Alexandria Users Manual 197

SIF Preferences

Messages Tab

Terminology Explanations
ProvideAlexandria is the single provider of this message and all requests for this object within

the SIF zone will be directed to Alexandria. Checking this box indicates that Alexandria wishes to
serve as the provider of a data object and sends a SIF_Provide message to the ZIS. The ZIS
enters this information into the Access Control List (ACL).
SubscribeChecking this box means that Alexandria wishes to subscribe to a certain data
object and sends a SIF_Subscribe message to the ZIS. In other words, events published by the

provider (usually the SIS) are received by Alexandria.

EventsAlexandria will create event messages when local data pertaining to this message is

changed, added, and deleted. For an example, lets say that the SIS application is the new provider of the Student_Personal data object and the other applications are subscribers. When a
new student is added to the SIS application, a SIF_Event is generated. The SIF_Event
informs all of the subscribing applications about the addition, and each application in turn processes the new student into their database
RequestAlexandria will make requests for updated information about this message. Alexan-

dria must be subscribing to this message for this to work. For an example, lets say that the SIS
application is the provider of the Student_Personal data object and the other applications
are subscribers. Now lets suppose that Alexandria has just been installed and needs to be populated with existing students in the SIS. Alexandria, through its Agent, sends a request to obtain all
student records.
RespondAlexandria will respond to request for information made for this message. Alexandria
must be providing this message for this to work. For example, upon receiving an SIF_Request,
the SIS application sends a SIF_Response to the ZIS containing all of the student record infor-

mation. The ZIS forwards the request to the requester (Alexandria, in this instance). Alexandria
is now synchronized with the SIS without the need for manual re-entry of all the student records.

198 Alexandria Users Manual

Scheduled Events Preferences

Global Scheduled Events Preferences: Archive
There are no available Local or Default Local Scheduled Events preferences. Global preferences apply
to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global Scheduled
Events preferences will affect all users.

Archive Tab
The Archive tab allows you to schedule automatic backup copies of your valuable Alexandria Data. The
default settings are Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri at 2PM at :01 minute after the hour. This default keeps
three backups inside your current Archive folder, which is typically located in your Alexandria shared
system support folder. Clicking on the Open Archive Folder button will open the directory where all
your Alexandria data is stored.

When its time for an archive, all information in the Data folder is copied the Current Archive Folder.
you have set. During archiving, all library services on the Data Station are disabled and if any clients are
connected, the Remote Control window will appear (see Remote Control on page 427).

Alexandria Users Manual 199

How Archiving Works

Scheduled Events Preferences

Although you can disable the automatic archiving function, this is not recommended. Your most recent
archives (combined with your off-site backup) are invaluable in securing the safety of your library data (see
page 4 for more information).

- N


The Data Station must be turned on and running when you have the archive
scheduled to take place. Thus, if the administrator doesnt want to leave their
computers running overnight, they should change the default time(s) that the
program is set to archive.

How Archiving Works

Archives are not a backup!
Keeping an offsite backup
is highly recommended.
Archives come in handy
when trying to fix a bad
import, but are entirely
useless in the event of a
system crash.

If the Archives To Keep drop-down menu is set to anything below four (including zero), the Archive
First checkbox (page 716) and the Archive Now button (page 199) will keep five manual archives (as
though the Archives To Keep preference was set to 5) and when a sixth manual archive is requested,
Alexandria will first create a new data archive before removing the oldest archive in the Application
Support Archive folder.
In other words, every time you click the Archive Now1 button or have the Archive First checkbox
marked during import, Alexandria will perform a manual archive (even if your Archives To Keep is set to
zero). However, if your Archives To Keep preference is set higher than 5, then the Archive Now1 and
Archive First selections will no longer ignore the Archives To Keep preference; in other words, manual
archives will now be restricted to the specified Archives To Keep value.
Alexandria will perform an automatic archive based on the value specified in the Archives To Keep dropdown menu. Therefore, if your Application Support Archive folder contains more archives than the
Archives To Keep preference states, Alexandria will remove all of the surplus archives (oldest archives
first) after it creates a new automatic archive.
For example, if you have the Archives to Keep preference set to 2 and Alexandria has already created two
automatic archives in the Application Support Archive folder, you will be able to add three additional
manual archives to the folder, equalling five total archives.
If the Archives to Keep preference is set to 10 and Alexandria has already created four automatic archives
in the Application Support Archive folder, you will be able to add six additional manual archives to the
During an automatic archive, if the Archives to Keep preference is set to 2 but you have manually created
three additional archives, Alexandria will create a new automatic archive before deleting the three oldest
archives in the Application Support Archive folder. This way, the number of remaining archives will
match the value specified in the Archives to Keep preference (in this instance, two).
Use the Refresh button to update the dates and times for the Next Scheduled Archive, and Last

1.Clicking the Archive Now or Restore From Archive buttons can initiate the Remote Control window (see Remote Control on
page 427).

200 Alexandria Users Manual

How Archiving Works

Scheduled Events Preferences

Restore From Archive

If you would like to restore your data from a previously created archive, click on the Restore From
Archive1 button. The Restore From Archive window will appear.

Select (highlight) the archive that youd like to restore from; data archives are listed in oldest-to-newest
Once you have selected the correct archive to restore, click the Restore button. Your current data will be
replaced by the selected archive folder. A warning window will appear, asking if youre positive that would
like to continue. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.

You may also check the Delete the archived data after restoring box if you would like to remove the
selected archive from your archive folder upon successful restoration.

1.Clicking the Archive Now or Restore From Archive buttons can initiate the Remote Control window (see Remote Control
on page 427).

Alexandria Users Manual 201

Scheduled Events Preferences

Rebuild Tab

Global Scheduled Events Preferences: Rebuild

There are no available Local or Default Local Scheduled Events preferences. Global preferences apply
to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global Scheduled
Events preferences will affect all users.

Rebuild Tab
The Rebuild tab allows you to schedule automatic rebuilds of your Alexandria Data. The default settings
are Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri at 4PM at :27 minutes after the hour. The Rebuild tab will show the
date of your next scheduled rebuild and also display the date of your last automatic or manual rebuild.

Use the Refresh button to update the dates and times for the Next Scheduled Rebuild, and Last

202 Alexandria Users Manual

Export Tab

Scheduled Events Preferences

Global Scheduled Events Preferences: Export

There are no available Local or Default Local Scheduled Events preferences. Global preferences apply
to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global Scheduled
Events preferences will affect all users.

Export Tab
The Export tab allows you to schedule automatic exports/imports of your patron data. Depending on if
you would rather export or import your data, choose between the two Export Schedule and Import
Schedule tabs. There, you can select the day(s), hour(s), and minute(s) for which you would like to
schedule an export/import.

Export LocationThe directory in which your exports will be saved

Export NameThe filename for your exports; please include the filename extension, if neces-

Import LocationThe directory from which your patrons will be imported.
Import NameThe filename for your imports; please include the filename extension, if neces-

Set Export FieldsThis button opens an Export Field Mapping window, allowing you to
determine the particular patron fields that you would like exported.
Export PatronsUse this button to test that your export operation is working correctly or to

perform an immediate patron export. Export will fail if you have not supplied a specific filename
and/or location.
Import PatronsUse this button to test that your import operation is working correctly or to
perform an immediate patron import. Import will fail if you have not supplied a specific filename
and/or location.

Alexandria Users Manual 203

Scheduled Events Preferences

Notification Tab

Global Scheduled Events Preferences: Notification

There are no available Local or Default Local Scheduled Events preferences. Global preferences apply
to all Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Global Scheduled
Events preferences will affect all users.

Notification Tab
Alexandria has the ability to send email notification to users when a scheduled archive or rebuild has
completed its work. Supply the appropriate email addressees in the fields shown below to enable email

Notify when archive finishesEnter the email address of those who should be informed when
an archive operation finishes. Multiple addresses should be separated by commas.
Notify when rebuild finishesEnter the email addresses of those who should be informed

when a rebuild operation finishes. Multiple addresses should be separated by commas.

Go To SMTP SettingsFor email to work, you must first indicate your SMTP server under Global Library Information preferences, and your library email address under Local Library Information preferences. Click the Go To STMP Settings button to update these settings.

204 Alexandria Users Manual

Sounds Preferences
Local Sounds Preferences: Sounds
There are no available Global Sounds preferences. Local preferences are used for a single machine only,
regardless of who is logged in. Default Local preferences are used for new client applications and any
Local preferences that have not been overridden. Changing a Default Local preference will affect all users
who have not already established a Local override for that preference.

Sounds Tab
Use this preference to select what sounds will play when a certain event occurs.

Click on an event to select (highlight) it, then click on the sound that you want to play when that event
occurs. For example, if you want the sound of a saxophone to play when a book is checked in, choose
Check In from the Event column and choose Saxes in the Sound to Play column.

- H


If you dont want Alexandria to play sounds, remove the check from the Enable
Event Sounds checkbox. Default is ON.
Use the Restore Defaults button in the upper right corner to reset all sounds to their default values.

Alexandria Users Manual 205

Sounds Preferences

206 Alexandria Users Manual

Sounds Tab

Web Preferences
Global Web Preferences: Web
There are no available Local or Default Local Web preferences. Global preferences apply to all
Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Web preferences will affect
all users.

- N


Alexandria Web is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased a

separate license to use this feature.

Web Tab
If you have licensed Alexandria Web, all of these preference options will become available to help
customize your librarys web interface.

Alexandria Users Manual 207

Web Preferences

Web Tab

Web Tab
Port ID (usually 80)Sets the port number used for web interface (this is usually 80).

Default is 80.
Institution LogoType the name of an image file contained in the Web folder of your main
Alexandria directory (e.g. logo.gif ). If entered correctly, this image will appear on the top

left-hand side of your Alexandria Web browser window. This is useful if you want to display your
school mascot or library insignia on your Alexandria Web page.
Institution Logo LinkEnter the URL that youd like your Institution Logo (detailed above)
hyperlinked to (e.g.
Institution Link DescriptionThe friendly name of your institutions web page, hyperlinked
using the Institution URL listed below.
Institution URLEnter the URL for your institutions home page (for example, http://
Heading TextAllows you to customize the text shown at the top center of your Alexandria
Web page (for example, COMPanions School Library).
Footing TextAllows you to customize text shown at the bottom left-hand side of your Alexandria Web page, directly below your Institution URL hyperlink.
Configuration PasswordAllows you to set a default search server when using Alexandria
Web. Next to the Language drop-down menu on an Alexandria Web page will be an option to
set the default search server (for Central Union only). When a user selects this option, they are
required to supply this configuration password before being able to set the default server.
Librarian TimeoutThis drop-down menu allows you to set how many minutes the Alexandria
Librarian can remain idle before logging out the current user. Default is 20.
RWS TimeoutThis drop-down menu allows you to set how many minutes the Alexandria Web
browser can remain idle before logging out the current user and resetting the web browser homepage. Default is 20.
Web Utilities DefaultWhen Enhanced is selected, an Enhanced Utilities option will appear
in the Web Librarian section of the Alexandria Web interface (see page 411 for more information). When Standard is selected, the DS Utilities and DS Status options will appear instead (see
page 411 for more information).
Display Log MessagesLog all remote commands (from Alexandria Web) into the main Data
Stations Circulation windowjust as commands that are typed into the command line are
logged. If left unchecked, results of commands will be logged in the log file only.

For example, lets say that your Web license only allows 5 simultaneous patron connections; if an
additional patron tries to log on to Alexandria Web while there are already five connected, then
their connection will be refused. When this box is checked, if a patron is refused, a note will be
made to the Transaction Log. When this box is not checked, the patron will still be refused, but
a note in the log will not be made.
This checkbox will only be available if you have a limited Alexandria Web user license.

208 Alexandria Users Manual

Web Tab

Web Preferences

Display Sneak Peek in a new windowWhen this box is checked, clicking on the Sneak
Peek logo in an item Details window (Web Researcher only) will open Syndetics information

in a brand new window. If this box is not checked, Syndetics information will appear in the same
window, requiring you to navigate Back in order to return to the Web Researcher.
Clear Web StatisticsClear the webs statistical database.

Quick Links
If licensed, these services will be available from your web browser at the indicated http addresses.
Alternately, you can click on the addresses themselvesthey act as hyperlinks, taking you immediately to
the indicated address using your default web browser.
To access Web LibrarianClick on this quick link to launch the Web Librarian client in your

default web browser (see page 407 for more information).

To access Web ResearcherClick on this quick link to launch the Web Researcher client
in your default web browser (see page 407 for more information).
To install a client via the webClick on this quick link to launch the Alexandria Web
Installer in your default web browser (see page 28 for more information). The provided http

address is what you should use on all of the machines for which you would like to install an Alexandria Librarian or Researcher.

Alexandria Users Manual 209

Web Preferences

Search Tab

Global Web Preferences: Search

There are no available Local or Default Local Web preferences. Global preferences apply to all
Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Web preferences will
affect all users.

Search Tab

Default SearchUse this drop-down menu to select the default search interface for Alexandria
Web searching. Your choices are Simple, Boolean, Browse, Study Program, Z39.50 and
Maximum Search ResultsThis drop-down menu allows you to set the maximum number of

items to return during an Alexandria Web search. Valid ranges are from 50 to 500.
Default Study ProgramThis drop-down menu allows you to choose the default study group

that patrons will use during an Alexandria Web search.

Max Results/PageThis drop-down menu allows you to set the maximum number of search

results to display per page during an Alexandria Web search. Valid ranges are from 10 to 100.
Show Item ImagesWhen Always is selected, an image will always be shown in Alexandria
Webs item Details window; if the item doesnt have its own image, the default item image will
be used (see page 134 for more information). If Non-default is selected, the item details window
will only display an image if its original; the default item image will not be shown. If Never is
selected, then an item image will never be shown in the item details window.

210 Alexandria Users Manual

Search Tab

Web Preferences

Lexile Search InformationUse this drop-down menu to determine whether youd like to
show Lexile search information:
Lexile/Help un-checkedAllows patrons to use the Help Me Find a Book feature, but

defaults it to unchecked.
Lexile/Help checkedAllows patrons to use the Help Me Find a Book feature, but

defaults it to checked.
Hide Lexile/HelpMake this selection if you do not wish to use the Help Me Find a
Book Lexile feature; those who dont use Lexiles may not want this feature to appear avail-

ablethat way, it will not confuse their students.

Sort Search Results ByThis drop-down menu sets the default Search Results order for the
Web Researcher. You can choose between Title, Author, and Call Number.
Show Item Images in Search ResultsDepending on whether this box is checked or not,
item images will be shown in the Web Researchers Search Results.
Show Available at Local Library in Saved ListsIf this box is checked, then the simple print
option for saved lists in the Web Researcher will include a symbol to denote that the item in

the is also available at a local library.

Show Lexile Indicator in Saved ListsIf this box is checked, an indicator will appear next to

each title, showing whether is above, equal to, or below, the Current Patrons lexile.

Viewable Interfaces
Allow BrowseChecking this box allows the patron to utilize the Browse functionality.
Allow Study SearchChecking this box allows the patron to utilize the Study search function-

Allow Explore SearchesChecking this box allows the patron to utilize the Explore search

Allow Z39.50 SearchesChecking this box allows the patron to utilize the Z39.40 search func-


Alexandria Users Manual 211

Web Preferences

Patron Tab

Global Web Preferences: Patron

There are no available Local or Default Local Web preferences. Global preferences apply to all
Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Web preferences will affect
all users.

Patron Tab
The Patron Web preference tab determines how patrons are able to use the Alexandria Web browser for
searching and general circulation purposes. You may also keep a certain search interface from appearing on
Alexandria Web; do this by removing the checkmark next to its name from the Viewable Interfaces
field. Please note, this will disable this search interface and remove its search tab from the top of the
Alexandria Web browser window.

212 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Tab

Web Preferences

Patron Options
Require ID/PasswordIf checked, Alexandria Web access will require a patron barcode and pass-

word. When unchecked, every internet user in the world has the ability to search your catalog collection via your IP address.
Sounds Like PromptCheck this box if you want a Sounds Like button to appear when a search
finds no matches. The sounds like search sometimes finds matches when other searches do not.
Allow View MARC RecordsWhen unchecked, the View MARC Record hyperlink that appears
on the bottom of a successfully searched items detail window is disabled.
Allow HoldsWhen unchecked, hold requests over the web are disabled. Alexandria Web hold

requests will require a patron barcode and password.

Allow ReservationsWhen unchecked, reservation requests over the web are disabled. Alexandria
Web reservation requests will require a patron barcode and password.
Allow Patrons to Edit or Remove ReservationsWhen checked, users can edit or remove their

own reservations.
Allow Save BasketWhen unchecked, the web Save Basket is disabled.
Allow Patron To View Patron DetailsThis checkbox allows patrons to check their status from an

Alexandria Web browser. The patron status report includes information about what items they have
checked out, on hold, and reserved.
Allow Patron to Edit Personal InformationWhen unchecked, patrons are unable to edit their
personal information using Alexandria Web. Patron editing require a patron barcode number and
password. If this setting is enabled, patrons will be able to change their own password, address,
phone number, and email address.
Allow Patron Renew ItemsWhen unchecked, patron renewals (of any items that the patron has

checked out) will be disabled over the web. Patron renewals require a patron barcode number and
Allow Patron to change their user nameWhen checked, a patron can change their user name

to something unique.
Allow Patron to Edit PasswordWhen checked, a patron (once logged in) can change their pass-

Allow Patron to Request PasswordAllow patrons to request a forgotten password via email.

Alexandria Users Manual 213

Web Preferences

Links Tab

Global Web Preferences: Links

There are no available Local or Default Local Web preferences. Global preferences apply to all
Alexandria users and applications connected to the Data Station. Changing the Web preferences will
affect all users.

Links Tab
Use the Links tab to give patrons specific URL (http://) links to material they might be interested in.
These links can be accessed directly from your Alexandria Web browser. Using the menu located on the
left-hand side of your Alexandria Web page, click the Web Links hyperlink. A new internet browser
window will open and contain all the weblinks that youve supplied in from the preference window below.

Click the Add New Link button to input your URL (http://) addresses. The Edit Web Link window
will then appear. From this window, you may add as many websites as you desire. For your convenience,
the window will remain open until you click the Cancel button.
To change an erroneously entered link, select (highlight) it from the Link Description field and click the
Edit Link button. Alternately, you can double-click on a link description to open the Edit Web Link
window. Make changes to the link as you see fit. When you are finished, click Save. To exit the window
without saving your changes, click Cancel.
To remove an unwanted link, select (highlight) it from the Link Description field and click the Delete
Link button. There is no undo for link deletion. Make sure you are certain that you want the link
permanently erased before clicking delete.

214 Alexandria Users Manual

Word Processor Preferences

Local Word Processor Preferences: Word Processor
There are no available Global Word Processor preferences. Local preferences are used for a single
machine only, regardless of who is logged in. Default Local preferences are used for new client
applications and any Local preferences that have not been overridden. Changing a Default Local
preference will affect all users who have not already established a Local override for that preference.

Word Processor Tab

This preference window is used to set defaults when a new word processor document is opened. These
preferences apply only to new COMPedit documents and do not affect Reports.

Default FontSelects the default font selection. Default is Geneva.

Default SizeSelects the default font size. Default is 12 point.
All margins are from the edge of the paper. Since most printers cant print to the very edge of the paper
(called full-bleed), you should use a margin of at least .25 inches.
Left Margin (inches)Sets the default left margin. Default is 1 inch.
Right Margin (inches)Sets the default right margin. Default is 1 inch.
Top Margin (inches)Sets the default top margin. Default is 1 inch.
Bottom Margin (inches)Sets the default bottom margin. Default is 1 inch.

Alexandria Users Manual 215

Word Processor Preferences

216 Alexandria Users Manual

Word Processor Tab

Patron Management
This chapter includes a general description of managing patrons using the Patrons window and how to
add, remove, modify, browse, find, and display patron information (see Patron Management Preferences
on page 153).

Patron Management Window

The Patrons window displays information about patrons in your library. To display the Patrons window,
select Patrons from the Show menu.

The top portion of the window contains primary information about the Current Patron. This includes the
patron Barcode, Policy, Status, Sex, the patrons sequence number, as well as name and address
information and an optional picture of the patron.
More information about the patron is contained on the bottom-half of the window under individual tabs.
Click on the tabs to reveal more patron information.
The patron you are presently viewing is called the Current Patron. Switching from Patrons window to the
Circulation window will make the patron current in the Circulation window. Likewise, if you have a
patron current on the Circulation window and select the Patrons window, that patrons record
information will be displayed.

Alexandria Users Manual 217

Patron Management

Using the Patrons Menu

Using the Patrons Menu

You can view, modify, add, and remove patron information using the Patrons window and the commands
in the Patrons menu. When the Patrons window has focus, a Patrons menu becomes available in the
menu bar.
The First, Previous, Next, and Last commands will cycle through indicated records (first, previous, next,
or last) based on the order of the records shown in the Browse By field.
The arrows to the left of the Browse By field perform the same action as the Next and Previous
FirstDisplays the first record according to the Browse By order.
PreviousDisplays the previous record according to the Browse By order.
NextDisplays the next record according to the Browse By order.
LastDisplays the last record according to the Browse By order.

Browsing Patrons
Use the Browse command under the Patrons menu to view a quick list of patrons starting with the
currently patron that is highlighted.

Use the <up> and <down> arrow keys to move through the list. To display more patrons, click on the
More buttons on the top right of the window or press the <up> or <down> arrow key to move upwards or
downwards at the ends of the list. To position the browser at another patron, enter information in the
empty field to the left of Go and then click on the Go button.
To select a patron from the list, either double click on the patron or click the patron once and click Select
or press the <enter>|<return> key on your keyboard.
When you select a record from the Browse window, the selected record is activated and displayed. To leave
the Browse window without changing the current record, select Cancel.

218 Alexandria Users Manual

Finding Patrons

Patron Management

Finding Patrons
The Find command under the Patrons menu can be used to locate a specific patron. For example, if you
are looking for a patron with the last name Anderson, Alexandria finds the first patron record with that
name and selects it as the Current Patron in the Patrons window.

The first drop-down menu allows you to select where to search for the data. The second drop-down allows
you to select Closest Match or Exact Match.
Click on Find to locate the record, or click Cancel to stop the Find operation and return to the most
recent patron record. If a Find is performed, the Browse By selection on the Patrons window (see
page 218) is automatically set to the same selection as the Find drop-down menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 219

Modifying Patron Information

Patron Management

Modifying Patron Information

You can edit information directly in the Patrons window or in any of the tabs in the window. You can edit
information in these windows the same as you would elsewhere in Alexandria. For example, you can place
the cursor in a field with existing value and type additional values or you can highlight a value in a field
and type over it. Before records can be changed, they must be unlocked by using the Unlock command
(see Unlocking Records on page 49).

- N


If your preferences are set to lock records, youll have to unlock the record first by
clicking on the lock icon or selecting Unlock from the Preferences menu before
you can make changes to the record.
To move to the next data entry field, press the <tab> key. To move to the previous data entry field, press
<shift-tab>. To select a data entry field to edit, click in the same field. To select from a drop-down
menu, <tab> until the drop-down menu you desire is highlighted and use the <up> and <down> arrow
keys to make your selection.
When you have modified all the information you want in the record, click the Save button in the upperright of the window. The record is saved. If you want to ignore the information you have entered, click the
Revert button to restore the previous record and discard your changes.
If you try to select another record or try to close the window without saving your changes, the following
warning message appears.

Click the Cancel button to return to the window with your changes intact. Click the Discard button if
you want to ignore the data you entered. Click the Save button or the <enter> key to save your changes.
If you try to save a record with a barcode that is already in use (e.g., 1001), the following window appears.
You will have to change the barcode to a unique barcode or discard all changes.

If you want to modify the information for a group of patrons, use the appropriate utility (see Patron
Utilities on page 649).

220 Alexandria Users Manual

Adding New Patrons

Patron Management

Adding New Patrons

Use the New Patron command to add a new patron to your database. When you select the New Patron
command, the Patrons window will appear with blank fields where you will need to add information.

Fill in all the data fields in the window (such as first, last, address, and so forth) to add a new record.
Alexandria automatically copies the City, State, Postal Code and Country from your library address (see
Local Library Information Preferences on page 137) for the new patron.
To move to the next data entry field, press the <tab> key. To move to the previous data entry field, press
<shift-tab>. To select a data entry field to edit, click in the field. To select from a drop-down menu,
<tab> until the drop-down menu you desire is highlighted and use the <up> and <down> arrow keys to
make your selection.
The Barcode, Last Name, Policy, Status, Expiration Date, Gender, and Password fields are required
to add a new patron. All fields except for Password and Last Name will be defaulted. Alexandria
automatically displays a barcode number based on the value you entered in the Next Barcode field in the
Patron Management Preference window (documented on page 153). You may type over this value to
change it.
When you have added all the information you need for this patron, click the Save button in the upperright corner of the window. If you want to ignore the information you have entered, click the Revert
button and the previous patron will be displayed.
You can add many patrons quickly if you have their data in electronic format (see Data Import on
page 715).

Alexandria Users Manual 221

Duplicating a Patron

Patron Management

Duplicating a Patron
Use the Duplicate command to make a copy of an existing patron. You can then modify the information
to create a new patron. This will save data entry time when you add patrons that have similar information
such as location, graduation date, policy, and status.
When you select the Duplicate command, the Patrons window appears with copied information from
the last selected patron. This window will have automatically selected the Next Barcode (see Patron
Management Preferences on page 153) rather than duplicating the barcode from the previous record. Type
over any information on the window with information that is specific to the new patron.

Removing a Patron
At times you may need to remove a patron from your system. Removing patrons who no longer use your
library will help to ensure the accuracy of your reports.


Before you remove a patron, backup your data files. Removing patrons is permanent
and cannot be undone! If you erroneously remove a patron, you will have to re-enter
all their information or recover the information from a backup copy of your data.
Use the Remove command to permanently remove the Current Patron.
When a record is removed, all associated information is also removed. For example, removing a patron also
removes any holds or reservations that the patron has pending. A patron with items checked out cannot be
removed until all items have been returned to the library or are recorded as Lost.

222 Alexandria Users Manual

Take Patron Picture

Patron Management

Take Patron Picture

If a compatible FireWire camera is plugged in the appropriate port and turned on, real-time
video should automatically begin streaming in the Video window. Use the Take Picture button
to take a snapshot of the patron. You may also use the ZOOM scroll bars to manually adjust the
pictures composition. Hit the Cancel button to close the Video window.

Paste Patron Picture

If you have a picture on your operating system clipboard, this command will paste it into the
patron picture field. For more information on adding, copying, or removing patron pictures,
please see the patron picture section of page 226.

Remove Patron Picture

Clears the Current Patron picture.

Show Details
Shows details for the Current Patron; this essentially displays the same information as clicking
the Details button on the Circulation window.

Show History
Shows the history of patron transactions. When the Keep Patron History checkbox (see Statistics tab on page 230) is not checked, only payment and fine history are archived and stored for
future evaluations.

Alexandria Users Manual 223

Patron Management

Special/System Patrons

Special/System Patrons
When you start Alexandria, it creates several special (sometimes called system) patrons using barcodes 1
through 6. These patrons are used to track items with a special status such as Lost, Archived, On Order
or Out For Repair. Barcodes numbered 1-20 are reserved for Alexandria Special Patron usage. If you
attempt to add barcodes in these ranges, they will automatically be reassigned by the system. You can not
add, remove or modify records in this range.
Special patrons are generally not shown in browse lists, reports or other areas of the program. In order to
view them, they must be selected via barcode number in either the Circulation window, or Patron Find
Barcode numbers 21-49 are reserved for the librarians special usage, and (similar to barcodes 1-20) are not
generally shown to the user unless specifically requested. However, unlike barcodes 1-20, the librarian is
able to add, remove, or modify these records.
For example, when you send an item out to be repaired, you can check the item out to the On Repair
(Barcode 4) system patron. This leaves the item inventoried but prohibits another from checking it out
when its not available. When the item is returned, you simply check it back into the library and its
available for circulation again.
If you accidentally assign some of your patrons a system barcode, all you need to do is go back and change
their barcodes so that they fit into your specified barcode range.
The following is a summary list of the special patrons that Alexandria creates. You may also create your
own special patrons for tracking particular items.
Lost Copies (Barcode 1) to identify items you cannot find in your collection.
Discarded Copies (Barcode 2) to identify items you no longer want used in your library.
For Library Use (Barcode 3) to assign items for use within the library.
On Repair (Barcode 4) to track items you have sent out of the library for repair.
On Order (Barcode 5) to track items you have on order but have not yet been received or
Archived Copies (Barcode 6) to identify items kept in the library and generally not checked
In Transit (Barcode 9) to track items returning to their home library.

224 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Information Fields

Patron Management

Patron Information Fields

The following section describes all the data fields in the Patrons window for each and every tab. When a
field has an obvious meaning or use (such as City or Phone), it will not be included in the explanation
unless there are special circumstances about how it cam be used.

Primary Patron Information

The top portion of the Patrons window contains information about the patron. This includes the patron
barcode, policy, status and sex, as well as name and address information, and a picture of the patron.

These are fields that cross the top of the Patrons window:
Patron BarcodeEach patron will have a unique barcode number that is either assigned by the

system or entered manually. This barcode can contain up to 15 digits and must be unique. It may
contain numbers or letters, but no punctuation characters or spaces.
However, if you attempt to manually enter a patron barcode number that is less than three alphanumeric characters, Alexandria will display a warning message and disable the Save feature until
the user has changed the barcode.
Patron PolicyThe policy that you assign to a patron determines the library rules that this
patron must follow. To select a policy for a patron, click the arrow at the end of the Policy dropdown menu and choose a value. The default policy for new patrons is automatically assigned
based upon the Patron Management preferences (see Policy Preferences on page 161 for more

Alexandria Users Manual 225

Patron Management

Patron Information Fields

Patron StatusThe second drop-down menu from the right at the top of the Patrons window is the
Patron Status field. A patrons status identifies active patrons and those with special circumstances such as

a lost card, suspended, or transferred.

To select a status for a patron, click on the patron status drop-down menu. The following values are
ActiveA patron whose status is set to Active can use the library (check-in and checkout)
according to the rules of the assigned patron policy.
Lost Card or SuspendedThis status causes a warning message to display on the Librarian

workstation when the student ID/barcode is entered. The message window requires the librarian
to verify that its okay to continue with this patron.
Transferred, Inactive, OtherThese options are for generating reports for patrons with a status

other than active. For example, you could generate a list of all patrons that have transferred or are
inactive. These statuses cause an alert message on the Librarian workstation when the student
ID/barcode is entered.
GenderUse this drop-down menu to select the patrons sex. The default is set to Unknown until the
patrons sex has been identified.
FirstEnter the patrons first name or the first name and middle initial.
LastEnter the patrons last name. This field is required, you cannot save a patron record without a last

Address, City, State, Postal Code, and CountryEnter the patrons mailing address; notices and letters
will be sent to this address.
Patron PictureYou can use GIFs, BMPs, PICs, JPGs (or most standard image files) as viable formats to

add patron pictures to the patron record. The picture will appear in the box under the gender menu in the
Patron window and in the Current Patron section of the Circulation window. There are several ways to
add a picture to the Patrons window:
Take Patron PictureSee page 223 for more information about this command.
Drag and dropDrag the patron picture from the desktop onto the Patrons window in Alex-

andria. As you drag the picture, a box outline shows where the picture is to be placed to help you
align it properly.
Paste and Copy Patron PictureOpen the picture of the patron in the application where it
was created. Select the graphic and copy it to your operating system clipboard (this is usually
done with commands such as Select All, Copy, and Cut under the Edit menu in the program).
Go back to your Alexandria Patrons window and choose Paste Patron Picture from the
Patrons drop-down menu at the top of the window (or by right-clicking in the patron picture
field). The picture appears in the area under the Gender button.
Patron UtilitiesIf you would like to import patron pictures en masse from a CD-ROM or
other such storage device, please see Patrons: Import Patron Pictures on page 657.
Sequence #A unique number assigned to new patrons by Alexandria. This number is useful for
browsing by order of entry.

226 Alexandria Users Manual

Personal Info tab

Patron Management

Personal Info tab

Here is a brief description of the fields located on the Personal Info tab:

Government ID(shown as SSN in the example above) In the United States, the government
ID is typically the social security number (SSN); other countries may use other formats.
Community ID1(shown as Student # in the example above) Community ID is designed to be

used for your local ID. This could be a student code, phone number, parcel number or any other
unique identification code.

- N


A Note About Community and Government ID

These are alternate unique ID codes you may want to use with Alexandria. If you plan
on updating patron information automatically from a central administration system
(or you want to locate patrons by alternative codes, enter data in these fields).
Duplicate values are not allowed; if a duplicate code is entered, Alexandria will give
you an error message, notifying you that you need to make your code unique.
SchoolThe name of the school that the patron attends. To ensure the accuracy of reports, be
consistent when entering information in this field. Reports can be generated and sorted by this
field. For example, you may print an overdue list of all students in a school.
Location1(shown as Homeroom in the example above) The location of a patron in a school is

typically the students homeroom or first period class. You can change the name of this field in
the Patron Management preference window. To ensure the accuracy of reports, be consistent
when entering information in this field. Reports can be generated and sorted by this field. For
example, you may print an overdue list of all students in a homeroom with overdue items.
If numeric ranges are going to be used in this field, they need to be padded with zeros in order to
be sorted and selected properly. For example, instead of a 1, 2, 402, youd insert 001,
027, 402. Basically, all entries within a numeric range need to have the same number of characters.

1.This item can be customized by the librarian (see Patron Management Preferences on page 153).

Alexandria Users Manual 227

Patron Management

Personal Info tab

Sublocation1(shown as 2nd Location in the example above) Use this field to group patrons

by a second location or to track any other useful data. You can enter letters, numbers, as well as
spaces in this field.
Anyone can view a patrons
password at any time by
hold down the <alt> or
<option> key while their
mouse cursor is in
the password field.
The password will appear
in the Tool Tip.

Reports can be generated and sorted by this field. Therefore, to ensure the accuracy of reports, be
consistent when entering information in this field. You could, for example, use this field to classify
the ethnicity of patrons for government or internal reports.
PasswordAn optional password can be entered for the patron. For security reasons, passwords
are shown as * characters and are used by the patron to identify themselves when performing
remote transactions. The password will default to the patrons Last Name without spaces or

EmailEnter the email address for the patron if you plan to use email for notification purposes

such as overdue notices. If you choose email as the type of report when printing overdue notices,
the notice is sent to the specified email addresses. If you dont enter a valid address or leave the
field blank, email messages will not be sent to patrons. To guarantee that your email notifications
are being sent, please check the list of requirements located under Enable Email Notifications
on page 118.
LexileFor more information on how to use this field, please see Assigning A Patron Lexile on
page 365.
Graduation DateEnter the date that the patron will graduate. This field is used to compute
the patrons current grade. Patrons automatically graduate to the next grade level on the date you
enter as the last day of school on the Library Information preference window. Graduated patrons
are given the grade level of graduated.
Level2(shown as Grade in the previous example) This field identifies the patrons level in

school. If the school library and graduation date have been entered, Alexandria will assign the
level based on your preferences. If you enter a level and a school library, Alexandria will calculate
the graduation date for you. Alexandria will advance patrons by one level after the last day of
school if the level is set to either JK (junior/kindergarten), PS (pre-school), K (kindergarten), or 1-12.
Card Exp. DateEnter the date that the patrons library card expires. If you leave this field

blank, Alexandria will calculate the expiration date based on the patrons policy when the patron
record is first added to the system. For example, if a Patron Policy in Preferences is set for 365
days, the card will expire 365 days from the date the patron was entered.
BirthdateEnter the patrons birth date. This information is used solely for reference.
Parent/GuardianEnter the patrons parent or guardian. This information is used solely for ref-

Phone and FaxEnter the phone number and fax number that should be used to notify the
patron of special events, overdue items, in-stock holds, and other official library business.
SuspensionIf the patron status is Suspended and a date is set in this field, the suspension
will expire on that date.
1.Authority Control is available for Location and 2nd Location by pressing <option-tab> on Macintosh or <ctrl-tab> on Windows.
2.This term can be customized by the librarian (see Patron Management Preferences on page 153).

228 Alexandria Users Manual

Notes tab

Patron Management

Notes tab
The Notes tab includes information about the patrons emergency contacts as well as groups the patron
belongs to and general notes about the patron.

Contact NotesIdentifies the parent or guardian you need to contact in case of emergency.

Enter the contact name, address, and phone number if it is different from the patrons address
and phone number. You may enter more than one name and address.
CategoriesEnter information about groups the patron belongs to. Such as, special reading

programs, at-risk students, special education students, gifted students, library contest students, or
any other groups that you find useful. The categories can be used to select patron records for
Alert NoteThis field is used to make the librarian aware of special circumstances regarding a

patron. For example, you can create an alert note so that you may pass on certain information to
the patron the very next time that patron is in the library. The alert message will automatically
appear on the Circulation window when you enter the patrons barcode number.
General NotesThis field is used for additional comments about a patron. These comments
can be viewed only from the Librarian workstation. When notes exist for a patron, a Notes button appears under the patrons picture on the Circulation window when he/she is the Current
Patron. Click the Notes button to view the notes for this patron.

If any notes exist for a
patron, a plus sign (+)
appears next to the patrons
name on the Circulation
window. You can enter a
plus sign <+> in the
command line in the
Circulation window to
display the note when the
patron is the Current

Alexandria Users Manual 229

Patron Management

Statistics tab

Statistics tab
The Statistics tab includes statistics about the patrons library use. Alexandria automatically generates this
information and you cannot modify it.

Keep Patron HistoryWhen this box is checked, Alexandria keeps a history of this patrons
transactions. You can view the transaction history data by selecting the Show History option
from the Patrons menu or by clicking on the button that appears when this option is checked
(activated). This option can be set for all patrons by using the Keep Patron History utility (see
Patrons: Keep Patron History on page 660).

Attachments tab
You can associate web pages, multimedia, and other documents with a patron record using the
Attachments tab. To add attachments, use the icons on the right of the window, or drag and drop
documents into the attachment list. To edit an attachment from the list, double-click on its name. To view
the attachment, <option>-double click on its name contained in the list.

Attachments are shown in the Patron Details window.

230 Alexandria Users Manual

Lexile tab

Patron Management

Lexile tab
This tab is made up of tables that contain the following lexile score data: grade (K-13), lexile value, testing
source for the lexile value, and last recorded lexile date. The information contained in these tables are used
to track your students reading progress as they move from kindergarten through high school.
For more information on the importance and increasing permeance of lexile scoring, please review the
Alexandria Lexiles chapter starting on page 363.

If you know your Current Patrons lexile scores (per grade), you can provide them here by clicking on the
corresponding Grade table. Once you do so, the Lexile window will appear, allowing you to provide the
Lexile score (e.g. zero through 2000), the testing Source (e.g. PSAT, TAKS, Aprenda), and the Date that
their last lexile test was performed.

- N


The Lexile tab only appears in the Patron Management window if you are licensed
to use COMPanions Lexile Student module.

Alexandria Users Manual 231

Patron Management

232 Alexandria Users Manual

Lexile tab

Item Management
This chapter explains how to manage the item information for your library.

- N


If you are using a multi-collection license for Alexandria, all libraries share title
information, thus, all other libraries can view the changes you make.
The Alexandria Librarian workstation allows you to view and edit titles from every
collection in your district, but only your title statistics and copy information may be
modified from your workstation.
The District Librarian workstation allows viewing and editing of all database
information across all collections.

About MARC records

All Alexandria item data is saved in MARC1 (MAchine-Readable Cataloging) record format, the standard
for bibliographic data around the world. If you dont know MARC standards, Alexandria has an easy entry
editor that lets you view and edit MARC data without any technical MARC knowledge.
For those who are familiar with MARC standards, a powerful MARC Editor is available for viewing and
editing your data. You can switch between the two editors using a menu selection or keystroke.
Although its hidden from you, Alexandria saves additional information in the MARC record for
performing its library automation duties. This information is Alexandria-specific and is not included in
the MARC editor. However, if you export data to transfer into another Alexandria system, the export
functions will include this Alexandria-specific information.
The MARC standard is complex and ever-changing. Thus, there may be information in your MARC
records that is valid MARC data, but unused by Alexandria. It may be that new versions of Alexandria will
use this data, so its carefully saved with the rest of the MARC data. If you have MARC information that
youd like Alexandria to process, send a written request to:
Alexandria MARC Suggestion
COMPanion Corporation
1831 Fort Union Blvd.
SLC, UT 84121

Or, send an email to:

Your request will be examined and youll receive a response.

1.To learn more about MARC tags and subfields, visit the Library of Congress website:

Alexandria Users Manual 233

Item Management

Item Management Window

Item Management Window

The Items window displays information about items in your library. All items that circulate (books,
magazines, audio video media) are accessible through the Items window.
The term item can also mean title, issue, or copy depending on the context. An item can be a book,
video, filmstrip, newspaper, or any other form of media in your collection. Each title can have multiple
copies. Title Information consists of data that is identical for all copies of a particular item, including
author, publication, and notes. Copy Information consists of data that is specific to a given copy.
To open the Item Management window, select Items under the Show menu.

The top third of the items window contains the primary information about the Current Item. This
includes the call number, item policy, medium, title, author, and other publishing information. Additional
item information is maintained on the bottom third of the window on individual, separate tabs. Click on
the corresponding tabs to show this additional item information.

234 Alexandria Users Manual

Using the Items Menu

Item Management

Using the Items Menu

You can view, modify, add, and remove item information using the commands located under the Items
menu. When the Items window has focus, an Items menu is available in the menu bar.
The First, Previous, Next, and Last will cycle through records based on the order selected from the
Browse By drop-down menu (first, previous, next, or last).
The arrows to the left of the Browse By field perform the same function as the Next and Previous
FirstDisplays the first record according to the Browse By order.
PreviousDisplays the previous record according to the Browse By order.
NextDisplays the next record according to the Browse By order.
LastDisplays the last record according to the Browse By order.

Finding Records
The Find command under the Edit menu can be used to locate a specific item. For example, if you are
searching for an item titled Biographical, Alexandria finds the first item record that most closely matches
the search parameters and selects it as the Current Item, shown in the Items window.

The first drop-down menu allows you to specify the type of data you are searching for. The second dropdown menu allows you to select Closest match or Exact match.
Click the Find button to locate the record, or click the Cancel button to stop. The Find window is
automatically set to the same selection as the Items windows Browse By drop-down menu (see Browsing
Records on page 236). If a Find is performed, the Browse By selection is automatically set to whatever
options you entered into the Find Record field.
The Browse By commands (First, Previous, Next, and Last) and the Find command change depending
on the information being viewed. With items, browsing and finding options appear in the drop-down
menu when the Title Information tab is active. Copy-specific options are available when the Copy
Information tab is active. With copies, browsing and finding is limited to the Title displayed in the
primary information portion of the Items window. When the Copy Information tab is active, you can
use the Browse command to move between items.

Alexandria Users Manual 235

Item Management

Browsing Records

Browsing Records
Use the Browse command from the Items menu to view a list of items starting with the currently selected
item record.

Use the <up> and <down> arrow keys on your keyboard to move the selection bar through the list. To
display a new page of items, click on the More buttons on the top right of the window or use the <up>
and <down> arrow key at the ends of the list. To position the browser at another item, enter text that
approximates the item or copy you would like to view in the empty field to the left of the Go button and
then click Go.
To select an item from the list, either double-click on the item or highlight (select) the item and click
Select (or press <enter>|<return> on your keyboard).

When you select a record from the Browse window, the selected record is displayed in the Items window.
To leave the Browse window without changing the current record, use the close window button or click
the Cancel button.
The records displayed in the Browse window are sorted by the value selected from the Browse By dropdown menu located at the top of the Items window. To change the order in which the records are
displayed, choose a different value from the Browse By drop-down menu.

236 Alexandria Users Manual

Changing Item Information

Item Management

Changing Item Information

You can edit information directly on the Items window or in any of the tabs within the window. For
example, you can place the cursor in an existing value and type additional information. You can also
highlight the entire value and type over it. Before records can be changed, they must be unlocked using the
Unlock command (see Unlocking Records on page 49).

- N


If your preferences are set to automatically lock records, youll have to unlock the
record by manually clicking on the lock icon from the upper left-hand side of the
window or selecting Unlock from the Items menu before you can make changes to
the record.
To move to the next data entry field, press the <tab> key. To move to the previous data entry field, press
<shift-tab>. To select a data entry field to edit, click in the same data field. To select from a drop-down
menu, <tab> until the drop-down menu you desire is highlighted and use the <up> and <down> arrow
keys to make your selection.
To modify copy information, click on the Copy Information tab and Browse or Find the copy to modify.
When you have modified all the record information you want, click the Save button in the upper right of
the window. The record is now saved. If you want to ignore the information you have entered, click
Revert to discard your changes.
If you try to select another record or leave the window without saving your changes, the following warning
message window appears.

Title changes must be
saved before you can view
or modify copy

Click the Cancel button to return to the window with your changes still intact. Click the Discard button
if you want to ignore all of the information youve entered. Click the Save button or <enter> to save
your changes.

Alexandria Users Manual 237

Adding New Titles

Item Management

Adding New Titles

Use the New Title command to add a new title to your database. When you select the New Title
command, the Items window appears with blank fields for you to add information.
Type over the prompts in the window (such as call number, title, and so forth) to add a new record.
To move to the next data field, press the <tab> key. To move to the previous data entry field, press <shifttab>. To select which data entry field to edit, click on the field. To select from a drop-down menu, <tab>
until the drop-down menu you desire is highlighted and use the <up> and <down> arrow keys to make
your selection.
Title, Ignore Leading Characters, Medium, and Policy are all required in order to add a new item. Of
these fields, all but Title are defaulted. Items may be added with or without copies.

Adding New Copies

Use the Add Copy command to open the Copy Data window and add new copies to this title.
Remember, copies are part of the title record and cannot be added until the item is saved.
When you have added all the necessary information for this item, click the Save button in the upper-right
of the window. Add any additional copies you desire and then click the Save button. If you want to
discard the information you have entered, click the Revert button.
See page 256 for more information on the Item Copy Data window.

Removing a Title or Copy

Items that have been discarded, given to other libraries, sold, or permanently lost must be removed from
the system to keep reports and searches from becoming cluttered with obsolete information. However, be
certain that the items you are removing from the system have been permanently expunged from your
For example, a lost item may eventually be found or returned. In this case, it is better to record those items
as Lost, Discarded, On Repair, On Order, Archived, or Unknown. These special item categories allow
you to keep track of items that may eventually return to your library (see Special/System Patrons on
page 311). Only remove those items that will never return to your collection.
Use the Remove Title command to permanently remove the current title and all its copies.
Remove Copy is only available when there are copies listed in the Copy Information field. Selecting this

option will remove the current active copy whether it is lost or available.
When a title is removed, all associated information is also removed. A title that has a copy checked out to a
patron can not be removed. However, copies that are checked out to the Lost, Discarded, On Repair, On
Order, Archived, or Unknown patrons can be removed. The Remove Copy command only removes
the selected copy record.


Removing items is permanent and cannot be undone. If you remove an item in error,
you will have to re-enter the information or recover it from a backup copy of your
data. If you need to report on items that are lost or discarded for the year, you should
check those items out to the corresponding special patron. Run all necessary reports
(such as Super Summary or Special Item lists) before removing these items. Once
they are removed, they are unavailable for any future reports.

238 Alexandria Users Manual

Move Copy to this Title

Item Management

Move Copy to this Title

Use this feature when a copy is mistakenly imported (or added) to the wrong title. Enter the barcode of the
copy you wish to move under the Current Item and click More. If the copy being moved is the last copy
of the previous title and you would like that title to be removed automatically after the move has been
completed, leave the Remove source titles with no copies box checked.

Duplicating an Item
Use the Duplicate command to make copies of existing titles. You can then modify this information for
the newly created item. This saves precious data entry time when you are adding items that have similar
information (such as author, publisher and series).
After selecting the Duplicate command, the Duplicate Item window appears.

Select whether you want to add a Duplicate Title or Duplicate Copy.

Alexandria automatically displays a Beginning barcode number based on the value you entered in the
Next Barcode field of the Item Management preference window (see Item Management Preferences on
page 127). Choosing Duplicate Copy changes the Number of volumes field to Number of copies.
Enter the number of additional copies you need for this title. You can type over this value to change it.
Type over the value in the Number of volumes field if the title you are duplicating has more than one
volume. Each new title will be assigned a new volume number that will display on the screen. Type over
the values that differ to create your new title.
After you enter the number of items you would like duplicated, click OK. A progress window appears to
show the record is being duplicated.
If you chose to duplicate the title, the Items window appears with your new duplicate title. Type over the
values in this window to modify your new title.
If you chose to duplicate a copy, the Items window appears with your new duplicate copy added. Doubleclick on a new item copy in the copies field (below the Author field) if there are values you need to modify.
Be sure you modify all the fields with the correct information for your new item. If you forget to modify a
particular field, it will retain the same information as the item that was duplicated.

Show Details
The Show Details selection in the Items menu is essentially the same as clicking the Details button on
the Circulation window.

Alexandria Users Manual 239

Item Information Fields

Item Management

Item Information Fields

The Items window contains three major sections: the Primary Item Information, the Copy
Information, and additional tabs of related information

- N


Alexandria updates MARC records with the information you enter on the Items

Primary Item Information; The top portion of the window shows primary item information such as
call number, policy, medium, title, and author. This portion of the Items window is visible regardless of
the tab you have selected at the bottom of the window.
Copy Information; The middle portion of the window shows information about each copy of the title.
Additional Tabs; Below this are tabs that you click on to display or edit additional information about
this item.
The following sections describe fields contained within the Primary Item Information area of the
Items window. When a field has an obvious meaning (such as city or phone) it is not documented unless
there are special circumstances about how it is used.

240 Alexandria Users Manual

Primary Item Information

Item Management

Primary Item Information

The top third of the Items window contains primary information about the item. This includes the call
number, policy and medium type, as well as title, author, volume, edition, LCCN, and ISBN.

The fields at the top of the Items window are as follows.

Title Call NumberEach title is assigned a call number. The call number designates the location

of an item in the library. Because call numbers are site-specific rather than universal (such as
LCCN and ISBN), you must enter call numbers that are specific to your library. The title call
number is saved in MARC field 900_a.
Depending on their source, imported MARC records may or may not include a call number for
your items. Alexandria formats call numbers to remove control characters and double spaces, thus
correcting incorrectly formatted numbers.
Copies inherit title call numbers unless a specific copy call number is changed.
Item PolicyThe policy determines the circulation rules for a particular group of items. Every
title is given a policy. In addition to specifying circulation rules, the item policy is used to group
items for statistical analyses and reporting purposes.

Copies inherit the title policy unless a specific policy is assigned.

Alexandria Users Manual 241

Primary Item Information

Item Management

MediumThe medium identifies the media type or physical format of the item. The dropdown menu lets you choose from existing mediums that have been used so far in your library.
The default is Book. The medium is saved in MARC field 245_h. You can create a new medium
by selecting Add NEW medium in the drop-down Medium menu.

If you would like to remove a medium from this list, you must replace the unwanted media
type in all records that use it; it will then completely disappear from the list.

VolumeThe Volume field distinguishes multiple-volume works such as encyclopedias, certain

periodicals, and books. Only volumes that are catalogued as separate titles are valid in this field
(the word Volume automatically appears when volume is referenced on an Alexandria window).

If the item isnt part of a multiple-volume work, leave the field blank. The volume is saved at
MARC tag 092_v or 440_v.
EditionEnter edition information as you want it to appear in reports. For example, 2nd Ed.
or 2nd rev. Ed. Edition information is saved in MARC field 250_a.
LCCNEnter the items Library of Congress Control Number. The LCCN is a unique 8-digit
identifier assigned to an items bibliographic record. You may enter the LCCN with or without
punctuation, however, only numeric digits are saved. LCCN is saved in MARC field 010_a.
ISBNEnter the items International Standard Book Number. The ISBN is a unique identifier. A
title may have more than one ISBN (e.g., the ISBN for the hardback edition differs from the
paperback edition). Alexandria only displays the first ISBN found in the MARC record. Saved in
MARC field 020_a.

You can enter an ISSN rather than an ISBN. If the number you enter is 8 digits, Alexandria
assumes the number is an ISSN and saves it at MARC tag 022_a. If it has 10 digits, Alexandria
assumes it is an ISBN.

- N


If you enter an invalid ISBN number, a question mark (?) appears at the beginning of
the number to indicate it is not a valid ISBN number. Any punctuation, dashes, or
spaces are not valid and will be removed by Alexandria.

242 Alexandria Users Manual

Title and Author Editor

Item Management

Title and Author Editor

Alexandria includes a Title and Author Editor under the Items window. This feature allows MARC-savvy
librarians to easily select what tags and subfields they would like to use to enter information (without
having to use an actual MARC editor). The subsequent sections first explain how to enter MARC record
information in the Title and Author fields, and then is followed with a description on how to use the Title
and Author Editor.
TitleA title is required; the record will not be saved unless a value is entered in the Title field.
The title is saved under MARC field 245_a.

In the Title field, if you enter a title that is longer than the line, the text wraps to the next line. To
enter a subtitle, press <return> on the keyboard and enter a colon (:) followed by the subtitle. When you save the record, it is displayed with the colon and subtitle on the second line. This
is saved under MARC field 245_b. You can also use the equals sign (=) in the 245_b tag to designate a subtitle. However, the (=) is mainly for multilingual titles.
For example:

If you want to continue manually entering or editing MARC information from the Title field,
you can enter statements of responsibility and general material designation. Begin a statement of
responsibility (245_c) with a front slash (/) and enclose the medium in brackets ([]). All
subfield information must begin on a new line in the Title field.
If you enter a medium, it will be saved (but not shown in the title field), only in the drop-down
If you enter a statement of responsibility, and preferences are set to not show this, it will be saved,
but not displayed.
If you enter title information and then <option-tab> (Macintosh) or <ctrl-tab> (Windows) out of the Title field (or if you have Enable Authority Control checked in the Miscellaneous, Display Settings preference window), an Authority Control Title Search window will
appear, allowing you to see if this title is already in your collection. If it is, the Authority Control
window will not display.
Underneath the Title field is the # of Non-Filing Characters drop-down menu with the digits
0-9. Use this drop-down menu to specify the number of characters in the title to ignore when
indexing the title. Thus, the title The Wizard of Oz should have a 4 selected so the book is
sorted (indexed) as Wizard of Oz. The final character to ignore must be either a space or punctuation character. If this indicator is set incorrectly, Alexandria will revert the # of Non-Filing
Characters setting to zero rather than ignore a partial word.
AuthorEnter Last name, First name in the author field. This is the primary author saved
in MARC tag 100_a. To add/edit additional authors, use the Author or MARC Editor and add
them as repeating 700_a or other appropriate tags.

If you <option-tab> (Macintosh) or <ctrl-tab> (Windows) out of this field (or have
Authority Control checked in the Miscellaneous, Display Settings preference window), an
Authority Control Author Search window will appear, allowing you to see if this author is
already in your collection. If they are, the Authority Control search window will not appear.

Alexandria Users Manual 243

Item Management

Title Editor

Title Editor
Title Editor

If you want a quicker, easier method of editing MARC title fields, click the Title Editor icon to
the left of the Title field. The following window will appear:

Add Tag

Delete Tag

Add Subfield

Using the tag terminology learned from the previous page, enter or edit your MARC record
information. The Title Editor allows you to easily enter multiple detailed subfields and add new
tags to any item title. This method of entering information is far superior to that of the Title
field. Click on the icons to the left of the tag field to Delete or Add Tag and Subfield.
The order you have for Subfields within a tag is saved as displayed. Tags will be saved in numerical order.
The yellow arrows move the selected field up or down one position.
Any empty subfield will be removed when saved.

244 Alexandria Users Manual

Author Editor

Item Management

Author Editor
When you have more than one author (or person responsible for publication), click on the Show
Author Editor option under the Items menu or click the Author Editor icon. Use this editor to
add, modify or remove authors. Please note, the first author is stored at MARC tag 100, additional authors are usually stored in the MARC field 700.

Author Editor

When you click on the Author Editor, the following window will appear:

Add Tag

Delete Tag

Add Subfield

Quick Add

The Author Editor allows you to easily enter multiple detailed subfields and add new tags to any
item author. Click on the icons to the left of the tag field to Delete or Add Tag and Subfield.
Librarians unfamiliar with MARC editing can also use the simple Quick Add button.
The yellow arrows move the selected field up or down one position.
The Quick Add button puts everything in the 100_a tag, so its not recommended to use for
anything other than attaching an authors name.

Alexandria Users Manual 245

Item Management

Title Publication Tabs

Title Publication Tabs

For now, well skip the middle section of the Item Management window (the copies) and move on to the
bottom-third of the Items window; this is where additional information for each item you have in your
collection is contained.
You cannot view or edit copy information until the item information is saved.

Item Management Window: Publication tab

The data fields in the Publication tab contain item publication information.

PlaceEnter the place of publication. Saved in MARC field 260_a.

PublisherEnter the name of the publisher. Saved in MARC field 260_b.
YearEnter the year of publication. Omit ending punctuation. Estimated dates are enclosed in
brackets. Saved in MARC field 260_c.
ExtentEnter physical information about the item (e.g. number of pages, total playing time,

number of slides, illustration information). You can specify which subfield the extent data is
saved in by following AACR2 rules of punctuation.
300_a (Extent), has no proceeding punctuation.
300_b (Other Physical Details, such as illustration info), preceded by a colon.
300_c (Dimensions), preceded by a semicolon.
300_e (Accompanying Material), preceded by a plus sign.

For example: 300_aFilmstrip_bColor_c35mm_eSound cassette.

is shown as: Filmstrip: Color; 35mm +Sound cassette.
Another example: 300_a161 pp._c22 cm._e161 pages with ills.
is shown as: 161 pp.; 22 cm.+161 pages with ills.
SeriesIf the item is part of a series, enter the series name here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Saved in MARC field 440_a1.
LexileFor more information on how to use this field and the From Title Match checkbox,
please see Assigning An Item Lexile on page 368.

1.If you <option-tab> (Macintosh) or <ctrl-tab> (Windows) out of this field (or you have Enable Authority Control turned on
in Miscellaneous, Display Setting preference window), and Authority Control Series Search check dialog will appear, allowing you to
see if this series is already in your collection. If it is, the Authority Control window will not appear.

246 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Management Window: Subjects tab

Item Management

Item Management Window: Subjects tab

This tab leads to the Subject Editor and defines subject entries.

Add Tag

Delete Tag

Add Subfield

Quick Add

The Subjects tab allows the user to catalog these subjects:

Each new subject you add will default to the 650 _a_x_y_z. You can change the tag only to those listed
above. Any others can only be added from the MARC View window. You can also change any tag or
subfield as desired. Tags will always sort in numerical order when the title is saved. Subfields save in the
order they are displayed or entered. There is no sorting for subfields.

Alexandria Users Manual 247

Item Management Window: Subjects tab

Item Management

Information that you enter in this window is used when patrons search the collection. For example, if you
add Mythology in the 650_a column, users can search the collection for Mythology and these
items will be included in the results.
The subjects you enter must be at least two characters long and can be a single word or phrase. Click in
different subject subfields in order to edit them.
To remove a subject, highlight it and press the <delete> key on your keyboard or use the Delete Tag
icon to the left side of the Tag# field.
Users unfamiliar with MARC editing can also quickly add numerous subject entries by clicking on the
green Quick Subject Entry icon (Q). Users will be able to type in multiple subjects quickly. When they
have finished, clicking the OK button will add these subjects to the _a subfield of the 650 tag.
The Subjects tab allows the librarian to edit and create any subject-related tag. For each tag you add, a
separate line is created with default subfields. General 650 subjects will default with the topical data in _a,
the general data in _x, chronological data in _y and geographic data in _z.
General Topic (_a)
Geographic (_x)
Chronological (_y)
Geographic (_z)

- N


Every term in MARC subject fields are cataloged by Alexandria and can be searched
by Alexandria Researcher and used for reports.

248 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Management Window: Subjects tab

Item Management

Item Management Window: Categories tab

This tab provides a way to group items into custom categories specific to your location. Category
groupings make it easier to access related items in your collection.

When you add text to the categories in this window, patrons can search the text and find items in your
collection. For example, you can create groups in the Curriculum column for a particular teachers class.
You can then catalog the books for that class with that Curriculum value. When students search the
curriculum group, the search results will display all books required for that teachers class.
BibliographyUsed to create bibliographies of interest to patrons. An item may belong to several different bibliographic categories. Bibliography data is saved in the MARC tag 653_a.

This is also called an Uncontrolled Index Term by the Library of Congress and is shown as that
in the MARC editor.
CurriculumContains curricula information for a title. For example, items that Mrs. Andres is
using in her Geography 212 class can include curriculum categories such as Geography 212
and Mrs. Andres. From an Alexandria Researcher, students can search for items by teacher or
course name. Reports can be sorted by curriculum. The curriculum code data is stored in the
MARC tag 658_a.
Interest CodeContains information regarding the items intended audience. Be consistent in
how you enter the values in this field and be sure your patrons know what values to search for
(e.g. if you enter 8th grade as an interest category, be sure your patrons know to enter 8th
grade rather than Eighth Grade)1. Interest level data is saved in MARC tag 521_a2.

1.The interest code is not always so specific. Another example would be 7-10 (meaning age) or Junior High School to College
2.Depending on the MARC indicator, it can be more specific. 521 00_a could be reading level [3.4]. 521 10_a could be interest age
level [7-10]. 521 20_a could be interest grade level [K-3].

Alexandria Users Manual 249

Item Management

Item Management Window: Notes tab

Item Management Window: Notes tab

This tab contains content and summary notes.

Content NotesContains notes about the items content; for example, a content note for an
anthology may list the works included within the anthology.

You may separate contents by pressing the <return|enter> key after a content entry; this will
automatically create the proper MARC content separator (in this case, <space>--<space>) in
the MARC tag. Only the first 505_a content note in the MARC record is displayed in this window.
General NotesContains the general information for this title; for example, these general
notes can read Translated from Greek or Includes Index. Only the first 500_a note in the

MARC record is displayed in this window.

250 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Management Window: Summary tab

Item Management

Item Management Window: Summary tab

Contains a summary of the title.

The summary appears in the Item Details window and can be viewed for easy reference. If a patron knows
what a book is about but not the title or author, they can search for the item by words in the summary.
Only the first 520_a summary note in the MARC record is displayed in this window.

Item Management Window: Statistics tab

The Statistics tab shows information that is collected automatically during circulation. This information
helps assess library and item usage. It can be used for ordering additional copies of items in high demand
or weeding out infrequently used items. The information displayed is a summary for all copies, and cannot
be modified.

If you have a multi-collection Alexandria License and are using the District Librarian client, an additional
window will be visible showing all the collections available in your database. Each collection has its own
statistics information.
Dont Show in Alexandria ResearcherUse this checkbox if you dont want an item to show when a
patron performs a search. When you search from a Librarian workstation and this item is found, it appears
in the results window followed by an asterisk (*). This indicates that its in the collection, but patrons are
unable to see it in their Search results. This setting applies to all copies in all collections within the

Alexandria Users Manual 251

Item Management Window: Attachments tab

Item Management

Item Management Window: Attachments tab

The Attachments tab shows documents, videos, URLs and other items that are attached to the title
record. Attachments also appear on the Details window when an item is found through a search. The
patron can click an attachment to view or launch it from the Details window.

You may attach URLs, files, sounds or movies by dragging their icons to the attachment list or clicking on
the associated icon and selecting the file. To add an URL, click on the icon and enter the full URL
Location (e.g. and URL Name (Description) (e.g. COMPanion Corps

Double-click on any item in the list to edit the attachment specifications. <Option>-double-click
(Macintosh) or <ctrl>-double-click (Windows) on any item in the list to view the original document or
When you have added an attachment, click Save at the top of the Items window to save the attachments.
To remove an attachment, highlight (select) the attachment from the list and click Remove or press the
<delete> key.
Please remember that in order for file, sound, and movie attachments to be available on Researcher and
Librarian workstations, the drive or folder where they are stored must allow file sharing and be mounted
on the client machines attempting to access them. Only URL attachments are available on the web. To
make all files available from all workstations and the web, post them on a separate web server and use a
URL attachment.

- N


Make sure that the applications required to open particular attachments are installed
on your machine. For example, QuickTime is required for .avi movies, some image
formats require the proper image manager, .pdf documents need Adobe Reader,
and so on. Be certain to have the appropriate programs installed.

252 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Management Window: SP tab

Item Management

Item Management Window: SP tab

The SP (Study Program) tab is used to record information for special programs such as Accelerated
Reader and Reading Counts. For example, if you are using the Accelerated Reader program, select it
from the drop-down menu and edit data for this entry. This data is stored in the 526 tag according to
MARC standards for study programs. If you are using a study program other than Accelerated Reader
or Reading Counts, you can create your own by selecting Other from the drop-down menu and filling in
the study program name in the box provided.

Program NameChoose either a default study program or select Other to create a title for

your own study program.

Interest CodeThis field can be used to represent the interest level for any number of study

programs. If you need to express a range, you can do this with smaller numbers only and they
must be separated by a hyphen. The maximum range would be entered as 1-15.
Reading LevelThis is the estimated reading level of the item (e.g. 3.4 would mean 4th month

of the 3rd grade)

Point CountEnter the Study Program point value here; in other words, the number of points
received for passing a test on an item.
Test NumberEnter the Study Program test number here.
Holding CodeThe institution using the Study Program (i.e. the Library Code).
IndexedThis checkbox allows you to indicate that you have the current test for this item and
want this information to be searchable.

Alexandria Users Manual 253

Item Management

Item Management Window: Miscellaneous tab

Item Management Window: Miscellaneous tab

This tab is used to identify whether the item is a magnetic medium (i.e. cassette tape), or has any kind of
magnetism that could be damaged when swiped through an automated desensitization security device.

Generic Medium TypeUse this drop-down menu to select the items medium type. If you
already have a medium type specified from the primary information section of the Items window, the Generic Medium Type field will automatically try to match them by making an edu-

cated guess. If the medium you have selected is usually a magnetic medium (e.g. a VHS tape or
cassette tape), then the Magnetic Medium checkbox (see description below) will automatically
be checked. However, this can be further customized depending on the title. If you have a
medium type of Video Tape, and youre applying it to a reel-to-reel film, you can uncheck the
Magnetic Medium box because it cant be demagnetized going through an automated desensitization security device.
Magnetic MediumUse this checkbox to indicate if the medium of this item is magnetic to

prevent your security hardware from erasing the data contained within.

254 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Copy Data Window

Item Management

Item Copy Data Window

The middle portion of the Items window contains copy information for each copy of the current title you
have selected from your collection. To view detailed information about each copy, double-click on a copy
from the list.

Alternately, you may select Modify Copy or Add Copy from the Items menu to open the Item Copy
Data window.
Any of these actions will cause the Item Copy Data window to appear.

This window contains four tabs of copy information; click on the Copy Info, Copy Notes, Copy Stats,
or Transit History tabs to view the fields contained within.
The remainder of this chapter will detail all of the information that can be supplied on each tab of the
Item Copy Data window.

Alexandria Users Manual 255

Item Management

Item Copy Window: Copy Information tab

Item Copy Window: Copy Information tab

BarcodeEach copy has a unique barcode number and a barcode number is required for every

copy. Barcodes can be up to 15 digits. Alexandria assigns these numbers based on the value you
enter in the Item Management preference window. You can highlight and type over numbers
in the field to change them. The copy barcode is shown at 852_p in the MARC tag.
However, if you attempt to manually enter an item barcode number that is less than three alphanumeric characters, Alexandria will display a warning message and disable the Save feature until
the user has changed the barcode.
Copy#Alexandria assigns each copy a number when it is added. You can type over the copy

number to change it. Duplicate copy numbers are allowed. The copy number is simply an alternative identification number for the librarys use. Alexandria uses the barcode number to
uniquely identify copies. If you import items, the copy number will not change, even if the number is already used by another copy in the system. The copy number is shown at 852_t in MARC
VolumeA copys volume is inherited from the titles volume number, unless its replaced with
a copy-specific volume number. The copy volume number is shown at 852_v in MARC records.
Call#A copy call number is inherited from the titles call number, unless its replaced with a
copy-specific call number. The copy call number is shown at 852_h in MARC records.
PolicyThe copy policy is inherited from the title policy unless its manually changed by the
ConditionAllows the librarian to specify a condition for the copy. You can create a report to
track copies by their condition. Default conditions are Unknown, New, Excellent, Good, Fair,
Damaged, and Unusable.
VendorAllows the librarian to specify the vendor from which the copy was received.
Accession DateThis is the date the copy was entered into Alexandria. The default for this

field is the current date. You can generate reports and search based on this accession date.
Last LibraryThis indicates the last library where the copy was book-dropped, checked in, or

inventoried. Typically, this is used only for multi-collection systems.

256 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Copy Window: Copy Information tab

Item Management

LibraryThis code specifies which collection a copy is associated with. Typically, this is used
only for multi-collection systems. The collection code is shown at 852_a in MARC records.
When this value matches the collection code for your library, its considered part of your library
collection. The Library ID Code on the Local Library Information preference window is used
as the collection (library) code for all copies in your library.
LocationThis information appears on the Researcher workstations to help patrons find items.
Patrons look for items in your library by call number. If you have items outside the library or in
an unusual place in the library, enter that location here. For example, you might enter Computer Lab for computer disks or Music Room for audio tapes. Location is shown at 852_b
in MARC records.
ShelvingA second location indicator option if you want to further detail the location of items

on specific shelves at your location.

Purchase CostUsed for archiving the original purchase cost of the copy. If you do not enter a

price, Alexandria uses the item policy default average for determining the cost of an item. Copy
cost is shown at 852_9 in MARC records.
Replacement CostIn many libraries, patrons are charged a replacement cost for a lost item
rather than the librarys purchase cost. The replacement cost defaults to the purchase cost, but
can be modified later by the librarian as replacement costs change.

When the value of a copy is required, Alexandria first checks to see if a replacement cost is
available. If the replacement cost is $0.00, then Alexandria checks to see if a Purchase Cost is
available, if thats also $0.00 then Alexandria tries to use the Average Replacement Cost of
the copys Items policy. If that value is also $0.00, then a value of $20.00 is used.
Funding SourceThis identifies the funding source for the copy. It can be used when you gen-

erate reports, including reports that list all items purchased from a specific funding source.
Inventory DateThis is the date that the copy was last inventoried, circulated, or marked used

in the system. Alexandria automatically inventories items when they are circulated. You can print
a report of all items that havent been circulated since you last inventoried your collection, then
inventory only those items. The inventory date is automatically set to the date the copy was
imported and added to the collection.
Security DeviceIndicate the type of security tag this copy uses so that it can be sensitized and
desensitized correctly. Default is None.
DesensitizeWhen checked, the self-service terminals will desensitize the indicated Security
Device during checkout and re-sensitize it on check-in. You should not use this option on items

that can be potentially damaged by magnetic desensitization (i.e. videocassettes, cassette tapes,

Alexandria Users Manual 257

Item Management

Item Copy Window: Copy Notes tab

Item Copy Window: Copy Notes tab

If a copy has any notes at all, a note icon will appear below the default item picture in the Current Item
section of the Circulation window. Enter the ++ command in the command line to view notes for that

Copy NotesEnter general comments about this copy. When a copy has notes, a Notes icon
will appear in the Current Item section of the Circulation window. For example, if a copy is
damaged, you can document the damage in this field. Click the Notes button to view the copy
notes. Copy notes are shown at 852_z in MARC records.
Alert NotesThis field is used to make the librarian aware of any special circumstances regarding a specific copy. When a copy circulates with multiple parts, the Alert Notes can remind you
(on check out and check in) that it includes multiple parts (if that information is entered). When
the copy is accessed from the Circulation window, an Alert Note window appears. Alert notes
are shown at 852_x in MARC records.

258 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Copy Window: Copy Statistics tab

Item Management

Item Copy Window: Copy Statistics tab

The Copy Stats tab includes item usage statistics. Alexandria automatically generates this information
and you cannot modify it. This screen also includes copy history, the names and barcodes of the patrons
who borrowed this copy, and the last user who modified it (requires the proper security to be activated; see
Administration Preferences on page 65.)

Item Copy Window: Transit History tab

For use with Central Union, the Transit History tab allows users to track the movement history of the copy
as it is circulated and moved from one school to another. The history is modified when the copy is
bookdropped, checked in, inventoried, or the last school is changed in the Items window.

Alexandria Users Manual 259

MARC View Editor

Item Management

MARC View Editor

Select Switch to MARC View in the Items menu. When you do this, youll see a window like the one
below and the Items menu will now appear as shown to your left.

The MARC View editor is designed to allow MARC-savvy librarians the ability to modify information in
the MARC record. You can edit, add or remove tags, indicators, and subfield data. The MARC editor
confirms that any changes you make are syntactically correct (i.e. that they are still in a valid MARC
format). However, the editor provides no checking for MARC standards in the data you enter. Although
Alexandria will allow you to enter any data you like, only specific MARC data is used by Alexandria. Any
additional information is retained for reference or future purposes only.
Before records can be changed, they must be unlocked by using the Unlock button or command (see
Unlocking Records on page 49).

- N


Changes to the MARC record are only saved if you press the Save button at the top of
the window. If you select Revert, all changes are discarded and the record reverts to its
previous state.

260 Alexandria Users Manual

MARC View Editor

Item Management

To add a new tag, click on the red plus button located at the top-left of the MARC View
window. The following window will appear:

Using the drop-down menu, select the MARC tag you would like to add to the item record.
When you are satisfied that you have selected the correct record, click on OK. If you are unsure,
click Cancel. In this example, a new 246 tag would be created, if the user were to click OK.
To remove an existing tag, select (highlight) the tag number from the MARC field and then click
on the red minus remove button. You will be asked if you are sure you would like to remove
the tag. If you choose Yes, the tag will be removed.
Subfields are shown in the third column and are limited to a single letter or number. Use the
blue a button at the top of the MARC View window to add a new subfield. A window similar
to the following will appear:

Using the drop-down menu, select the MARC field you would like to add to the item record.
When you are satisfied that you have the correct subfield, click on OK. If you are unsure, click
Cancel. In this example, a new 6Linkage subfield would be created if the user were to click
All pertinent data for the subfield is shown and can be edited or entered in the fourth column.
To edit a tags indicator, click on an indicator from the indicator column (second column from
the left in the MARC View window). This will highlight the indicator in question and allow
you to type a new value over the existing.
Tags between 001 and 009 have no indicators or subfields. They can be edited as a stream of
characters. A special editor is available for the 008 tag.

Alexandria Users Manual 261

Item Management

MARC View Editor

To edit the 008 tag, click on it. If the record type is a then the following editor is available to
make syntactically correct changes.

262 Alexandria Users Manual

MARC View Editor

Item Management

If the MARC record type is not specified as Language Material, then this alternative 008
editor is displayed.

You may change MARC Leader information by clicking on the 000 or LDR field in the MARC.

Alexandria Users Manual 263

Item Management

264 Alexandria Users Manual

MARC View Editor

This chapter describes how to use the Circulation window and how to complete daily activities within
your library.

The Circulation Window

Use the Circulation window (the main window of the Librarian workstation) to enter library transactions.
You can also issue books, place hold requests and reservations, process fees, fines, payments, and renew
books. You can also complete special functions such as inventory, cataloging, record updating and viewing.
Use any of the following methods to display the Circulation window.
Select Circulation from the Show menu.
Press <cmnd-t> on the keyboard.
Select Circulation from the Windows menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 265

Modes, Commands and Help


Modes, Commands and Help

The top portion of the Circulation window shows the active mode, the command line, the Homeroom
button, and the Help button.

A mode is simply a function for which you may want to process many patrons or items. For
example, Bookdrop, Check In/Out, Hold, and Renew are all modes.
The Command Line is where you enter a barcode for a patron or item, or you may enter a
command. If you enter only a barcode, the current mode (shown to the left of the command
line) will determine the action that is performed.
Click the Homeroom button to open the Homeroom Selection window. For more
information about the Homeroom button (essentially the same thing entering the HWL
command), see page 325.
Click the round Help button to open the Command Help tab on the bottom of the
Circulation window, detailing a list of available commands and an explanation of how to use
each one (see Circulation Window: Command Help tab on page 271).

266 Alexandria Users Manual

Current Patron and Current Item Information


Current Patron and Current Item Information

Just below the Modes, Commands, and Help section of the Circulation window is where general
information about the Current Patron and Current Item is displayed.

- N


Many Alexandria functions depend on the Current Patron or Item. For example, you
must have a Current Patron to check out, hold, or reserve an item.
Depending on preferences, the Current Patron section can display the patrons current Lexile
score; also shown: number of items checked out and fines or credits they have accrued.
If available, click the Details button in the Current Patron or Item section to view more detailed
information about the patron/item.
If available, click the Notes button in the Current Patron or Item section to view notes entered
for a particular patron/item. You enter the notes for a patron in the Notes tab of the Patrons
window (see page 229). You enter notes for an item in the Copy Notes tab of the Items window
(see page 258).
You can also select Show Patron Details or Show Item Details from the Circulation menu to
view the same information as the Details button.

Alexandria Users Manual 267

Using the Circulation Window


Using the Circulation Window

This section describes how to use the Circulation window tabs and Circulation menu to complete
transactions in your library.

Using the Command Line

There are several ways to use the command line.
1) Enter a barcode.

You may enter a barcode manually by typing the number and then pressing <enter>, or scan a barcode
using a barcode reader.
When you enter a barcode, the action that takes place depends on the current mode (which is displayed to
the left of the command line). For example, if your current mode is Check In/Out and you enter barcode
13456, item 13456 is checked out to the Current Patron.
If you enter the same barcode number twice in a row, this warning message appears.

- N


When you enter barcodes via portable readers, Alexandria will ignore duplicate entries
that appear side by side.
Enter a command and a barcode.
For actions other than those displayed in the mode field, enter a command followed by the
barcode and press <enter>. Doing so will apply that action to the individual barcode you
enter. It does not change the mode. Therefore, if youre in Check In/Out mode, entering the
command of B 13456 performs a bookdrop for item 13456.
Enter a command without a barcode.
If you enter a command without a barcode, the current mode will change. For example, if you
enter H and press <enter>, the mode is set to Hold. You can then enter (or scan) a barcode
for each item that you want placed on hold for the Current Patron.

- S


An equal sign = is used as a shortcut for the Current Item barcode. For example, if
you have a Current Patron, H= will place a hold on the Current Item.

268 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Window Tabs


Circulation Window Tabs

The bottom half of the Circulation window contains a series of tabs that are helpful for daily circulation
activities and the management of your library information.

Transaction Log tab: Transaction Log

On the Transaction Log tab of the Circulation window, clicking on the log icon (shown in the left
margin) will display the transaction log. The transaction log stores all pertinent information, including
each transaction that you complete and any operations that you perform.

While in this section, you may select Print from the File menu to print the log. The transaction log is
automatically saved by Alexandria according to the preferences youve selected (see Circulation Preferences
on page 111). Logs are saved inside the Log folder, located in the Alexandria program directory.

Alexandria Users Manual 269

Circulation Window Tabs


Transaction Log tab: Status

Shows a quick count of how many transactions have been performed in your library and how many
concurrent downloads are taking place.

Cash DrawerIf your school or library uses a cash drawer, enter the starting balance for the
drawer and the date range duration that the register stays open.

Transaction Log tab: Activity Monitor

Activity ListThis section contains a list of all the reports and utilities that are currently running
on all of the Librarian workstations connected to the Data Station. For example, if a Super Summary report is being compiled on a client workstation, you will be able to see that clients name,

IP address, a description of the utility they are performing, and the time that they began.
Click on the Refresh button to refresh the activity list.

270 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Window: Command Help tab


Circulation Window: Command Help tab

Click the round Help button to the right of the command line on the Circulation window to access the
Command Help tab (or you can simply click on the Command Help tab). This tab contains
information about Alexandria commands and how to use them.
There are three colored question marks in the Command Help tab that represent different types of help
The green question mark will open Common command information.
The blue question mark will open Data Manipulation commands information.
The red question mark will open All Commands information.

When you select a command from the list in any of the Command Help fields, it describes the
functionality of that command and also contains the command letter and a blank field where you may
enter the barcode and any additional information for that command.
At this time, you may type or scan a barcode; this executes a command for the barcode that you enter. The
Circulation window then appears.
If you select a command and click Enter without entering a barcode, the action taken depends
on the command you selected. For example:
If the command you select is a mode, Alexandria changes the current mode and displays the
Circulation window under this mode.
If you select the locate command (see Locating Patrons and Items on page 324), a Lookup
browse window will appear. You may then make a selection from the Browse window.
If the command you select performs a circulation function, then that function is performed, the
Circulation window will appear, and the transaction log records the results. For example, if you
select the Hold Request command and enter a barcode, Alexandria puts a hold on the item
and the Circulation window will appear, appropriately logging the entry.

Alexandria Users Manual 271



When an item is not available, a patron can place a hold request for it. When that item is returned to the
library, a message appears on the Librarian workstation asking to hold that item for the requesting patron.
An item waiting to be claimed is shown in the hold queue as an in-stock item1.

- N


Hold requests differ from reservations. A hold request puts your name in a hold queue
(a waiting list) to check out an item when it becomes available. A reservation checks
out a specific copy in advance for a set time.
If more than one patron requests a hold for a particular item, Alexandria keeps a list of those patrons in the
order that they requested the item. This is called a hold queue.
Your circulation policies determine how long a hold request may stay active (see Circulation Policies on
page 174). An expiration date for the hold is shown in the transaction log when the hold is placed.
Alexandria will update the hold queue each day. If a hold item is not claimed by the expiration date, it is
reassigned to the next patron in the hold queue. If no other patrons are waiting for the item, then it is
released for general circulation. This activity is also recorded in the transaction log.
You can print a list of in-stock items using Circulation Reports in the Reports menu.

Placing a Hold Request


H {item barcode}

Placing a Hold RequestUse the H command to place a hold on an item for the Current Patron or to

begin Hold mode.

To hold an item for the Current Patron, type H and then type (or scan) the items barcode number and
press <enter>.
If you do not know the items barcode number, locate it using one of the find commands (see Locating
Patrons and Items on page 324).
To start Hold mode, type H and press <enter>. A hold request is placed on each item whose barcode
you type (or scan) while in Hold mode. To exit Hold mode, type (or scan) a new patron barcode number
or use the X or . command. A Current Patron is required.

- S


An equal sign = is used as a shortcut for the Current Item barcode. For example, if
you have a Current Patron, H= will place a hold on the Current Item.

1.An in-stock hold is actually a special type of checkout. To remove an in-stock hold, either check out the item to a requesting patron,
or bookdrop the item. When performing a bookdrop, if other hold requests are pending, an in-stock hold is created for the next patron
in the hold queue.

272 Alexandria Users Manual

Holds tab: Patron Hold Queue


Holds tab: Patron Hold Queue

The Holds tab has four modes: Patron Hold Queue, In Stock Patron Holds, Item Hold Queue, and In
Stock Item Holds. You can access these different modes by clicking on the colored icons listed vertically
to the left of the holds field.

Adding or Removing Patron Holds

To remove a patron hold, select Remove Patron Holds from the Circulation menu. Alternately,
you can click the Holds tab on the Circulation window and then click on the Patron Holds
Queue or In-Stock Patron Hold buttons. Removal of all Current Patron hold requests is done
from these two fields.
To remove a patron hold request, select (highlight) the hold you want to remove from the Patron
Hold Queue or In-Stock Patron Holds fields and click Remove. The hold will vanish from
the window and be permanently deleted.


When you remove a hold request, you cannot undo it. The only way to restore an
incorrectly removed hold is to place a new hold for the patron.

Alexandria Users Manual 273

Holds tab: In Stock Patron Holds


Holds tab: In Stock Patron Holds

The Holds tab has four modes: Patron Hold Queue, In Stock Patron Holds, Item Hold Queue, and In
Stock Item Holds. You can access these different modes by clicking on the colored icons listed vertically
to the left of the holds field.
An in-stock hold is actually a special type of checkout. To remove an in-stock hold, either check out the
item to a requesting patron, or bookdrop the item. When performing a bookdrop, if other hold requests
are pending, an in-stock hold is created for the next patron in the hold queue.

Adding or Removing In Stock Patron Holds

To remove an in stock patron hold, select Remove Patron Holds from the Circulation menu.
Alternately, you can click the Holds tab on the Circulation window and then click on the In
Stock Patron Holds button. Removal of all Current Patron in stock hold requests are done
from this section.
To remove an in stock hold request, select (highlight) the in stock hold you want to remove from
the In Stock Patron Holds section and click Remove. The in stock hold will vanish from the
window and be permanently deleted.

274 Alexandria Users Manual

Holds tab: Item Hold Queue


Holds tab: Item Hold Queue

The Holds tab has four modes: Patron Hold Queue, In Stock Patron Holds, Item Hold Queue, and In
Stock Item Holds. You can access these different modes by clicking on the colored icons listed vertically
to the left of the holds field.
The Item Holds tabs shows items that are checked out, but have holds placed on them by other patrons.

Adjusting or Removing Item Holds

To adjust or remove hold requests for the Current Item, use the Adjust Item Holds option from
the Circulation menu. Alternately, you can click the Holds tab on the Circulation window and
then click on the Item Holds Queue or In-Stock Item Hold buttons. Removal of all Current
Item hold requests is done from these two fields.
To remove an item hold request, select (highlight) the item hold you want to remove from the
Item Hold Queue section and click Remove. The hold will vanish from the window and be

permanently deleted.
To change the order of the hold requests in the Item Hold Queue, click on a patron name and
drag their selection up or down. To keep your changes, click Save. To discard any changes, click
the Cancel button.

Alexandria Users Manual 275

Holds tab: In Stock Item Holds


Holds tab: In Stock Item Holds

The Holds tab has four modes: Patron Hold Queue, In Stock Patron Holds, Item Hold Queue, and In
Stock Item Holds. You can access these different modes by clicking on the colored icons listed vertically
to the left of the holds field.
An in-stock hold is actually a special type of checkout. To remove an in-stock hold, either check out the
item to a requesting patron, or bookdrop the item. When performing a bookdrop, if other hold requests
are pending, an in-stock hold is created for the next patron in the hold queue

Adding or Removing In Stock Item Holds.

To adjust or remove in stock hold requests for the Current Item, you can either use the Adjust
Item Holds option from the Circulation menu. Alternately, you can click the Holds tab on the
Circulation window and then click on the In Stock Item Holds icon. Removal of all Current
Item hold requests is done from this section.
To remove an in stock item hold, select (highlight) the item hold you want to remove from the
In-Stock Item Holds fields and click Remove. The hold will vanish from the window and be

permanently deleted.

276 Alexandria Users Manual



Use reservations when patrons want to check out items from the library for specified future dates. When
patrons have item reservations, they are only available for checkout by the requesting patron during their
specified dates. If another patron tries to check out an item during its reservation period, Alexandria
rejects the request or adjusts the date range to accommodate the reservation.

- N


Reservations differ from hold requests. A reservation checks out a specific copy in
advance for a particular time. A hold request puts your name in a hold queue (a
waiting list) to check out an item when it becomes available.
Reservations are shown on patron and item status reports. Unlike hold requests, reservations are placed on
specific copies. If you have multiple copies of an item, you must place the reservation on one copy.
Alexandria will automatically remove expired reservations.
Patrons can have unlimited numbers of reservations. Your circulation policies determine the maximum
number of days allowed for a copy reservation (see Circulation Policies on page 174). To deactivate
reservations, set the maximum number of days to zero.
When making reservations using the calendar, you can also select more than one set of dates for new
reservations. If these new reservations (or their buffer days) touch, then they are combined into one
You can also use reservations with the For Library Use patron (barcode 3) to ensure that an item is
available for use in the library during a specified date range. For example, you can use the For Library Use
patron to make reservations for all Thanksgiving books on November 15th through the 30th. No other
patrons can check out Thanksgiving books while those reservation dates are active.

Placing a Reservation

G {item barcode}

Place a ReservationCurrent patron places a reservation on an item or activates Reservation mode.

To place a reservation on an item (if you have a Current Patron), type G and then type (or
scan) the barcode of the item; press <enter>.
If you do not know the items barcode number, locate it using one of the find commands (see Locating
Patrons and Items on page 324).
To activate Reservation mode, type G and press <enter>. A reservation for the Current Patron
is placed on every item whose barcode you type (or scan) while in this mode. To exit
Reservation mode, enter a patrons barcode number or use the X or . command.

Alexandria Users Manual 277



When you enter the G command, Alexandria opens a calendar for you to mark the days you want
reservations placed on (for the Current Patron). The calendar will show the current month.

You cannot make reservations on days marked with the lock icon.
Heres how the calendar will mark days:
Days that the library is closed show the word Closed in red. In the example above, the library
is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
Days that have existing reservations are marked with a locked book icon. The barcode number
or name of the patron who has an item reserved for that day that will be shown in red. Items
that are checked out or have in-stock holds placed on them are also shown in red. New
reservations will be shown as blue.
You may select different months or days or select another copy of the title (if available) from
the drop-down menu in the upper left-hand side of the calendar.
If the item you are trying to place a reservation on is currently overdue, it will be shown as red
in the middle of the calendar day and prefaced with an asterisk. Only days after the item was
due back will be marked as overdue.

278 Alexandria Users Manual



To make a reservation for the Current Patron, click on the day (or click and drag across multiple days) for
which youd like to reserve the item. Days you select will be marked with the patrons barcode number or
name in blue. To omit a day you have mistakenly selected, click on it again.

You can select any available days as long as you dont exceed the number of days allowed in your circulation
policies for patron and item. If preferences allow, you can select closed days to start and end reservations
When you have selected your reservation days, click Save. You can make more than one reservation on the
calendar for single or multiple copies.
Use the Cancel button if you want to exit the window without placing a reservation.
To print reports for copies with reservations, select Circulation Reports from the Reports menu and
choose the Reservations report (see Reservations on page 555). Using the selection options, you can
specify which reservations to print.

Make sure the reservation
dates are correct before you
Save. They cannot be
changed later. To change
dates, you must delete the
incorrect reservation and
place the correct one.

Alexandria Users Manual 279

Alexandrias Reservation Commands


Alexandrias Reservation Commands

Reservation on Any Copy
GA {copy barcode} {begin date} {end date}
Reservation on Any CopyUse this command to place a reservation on any available copy of the
current title. If you have a Current Item on the Circulation window, you may alternately use a = in

place of the current copys barcode number. If you do not specify a begin date, Alexandria will use a date
close to the current date. If you do not specify an end date Alexandria will calculate a date based on the
specified copy's policy.

Reservation on Specific Copy

GB {copy barcode} {begin date} {end date}
Reservation on Specific CopyUse this command to place a reservation on the Circulation windows
Current Item. If you have a Current Item on the Circulation window, you may alternately use a = in

place of the current copys barcode number. If you do not specify a begin date, Alexandria will use a date
close to the current date. If you do not specify an end date Alexandria will calculate a date based on the
specified copy's policy

Reservation by Patron
GP {patron barcode}
Reservation by PatronUse the GP command to place reservations on a Current Item for several

different patrons. The Current Item wont be cleared and each command you enter will bring up the
Reservations window. This command is useful when you have a popular item that many patrons want to
place a reservation on (e.g. the latest Harry Potter book).

Reservations Check Out, by Item

GG {item barcode}
Reservations Check Out by ItemUse the GG command to check out items that have reservations

close to the current date. In this mode, all you need to do is scan the barcodes of the reservation copies. If
there is a pending reservation, Alexandria will issue the item to the correct patron. The close to preference
is Days to look ahead when checking in reservations in your Circulation preferences.

Reservations check out, by Patron

GPP {patron barcode}
Reservations Check Out by PatronThe GPP command takes a patron barcode and attempts to find

pending reservations that begin close to the current date. If a reservation is found, its checked out to the
Current Patron. The close to preference is Days to look ahead when checking in reservations in
Circulation preferences.

280 Alexandria Users Manual

Reservations tab: Patron Reservations


Reservations tab: Patron Reservations

The Reservations tab has two modes: Patron Reservations and Item Reservations. You can access
these different modes by clicking on the colored icons listed vertically to the left of the reservations field.

Removing Patron Reservations

Use Patron Reservations from the Circulation menu to remove reservations for the Current Patron.
Alternately, you can click the Reservations tab on the Circulation window and then click on the Patron
Reservations icon. A list of reservations for the Current Patron will be shown in the Patron
Reservations section of the Reservations tab.

To remove a reservation, select (highlight) the line you want to remove and click Remove.


You cannot undo a remove you made to reservation in this window. The only way to
restore a reservation that was incorrectly removed is to place a new reservation for the

Alexandria Users Manual 281

Reservations tab: Item Reservations


Reservations tab: Item Reservations

The Reservations tab has two modes: Patron Reservations and Item Reservations. You can access
these different modes by clicking on the colored icons listed vertically to the left of the reservations field.

Removing Item Reservations

Use Remove Item Reservations from the Circulation menu to remove reservations for the Current
Item. Alternately, you can click the Reservations tab on the Circulation window and then click on the
Item Reservations icon. A list of patrons who have reservations for this copy will be shown in the Item
Reservations section of the Reservations tab.

To remove a reservation, select the line you want to remove and click Remove.

You will be asked if you are sure that you want to remove the reservation. Click Yes or No.

282 Alexandria Users Manual

Handling Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits


Handling Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits

Use the Charges tab on the Circulation window to view charges assigned to a patron for overdue items
or fees assigned for special circumstances (such as lost items or loan fees). Alexandria calculates the
amounts for overdue charges and loan fees based on your circulation policies.
You can also use the Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits options of the Charges tab to charge
miscellaneous fees to a patron, record the payments a patron makes, amounts you have forgiven, or
refunded payments.

Fee Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits

Fee Charges and PaymentsTo view charges and payments or refunds and credits for the Current
Patron, type F in the command line and press <enter>, or choose Make Charges/Payments from
the Circulation menu. These commands will open the Charges tab of the main Circulation window (as

shown below):

This tab window has four modes: Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits. You can access these
different modes by clicking on the four colored icons listed vertically to the left of the Charges field.

- N


To charge a patron for a damaged book after it has been checked in, use the F {book
amount} {description} command in Circulation window with a Current
Patron. For example, if patron 1621 bookdropped a damaged item, the librarian can
later enter patron 1621 into the Circulation window and assess them a fee by typing
F 20.00 Charles scribbled in index into the command line to charge them
a $20.00 fee.

Alexandria Users Manual 283

Fee Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits


The Charges mode contains all the charges that are issued against the Current Patron. Alexandria
allows operators to charge patrons for the following reasons:

OverdueA charge for an overdue book that is still checked out. These charges are updated
daily and the fine amount increases for every additional day the book is overdue. You can enter a
payment against this kind of charge without checking the book in.

FeeThis can be a charge for loan fees specified in your circulation policies, an overdue book
that has been returned, or any additional charge such as a reading club membership, damage to a
library book, etc.

LostThis is a charge fine for losing a library book. This can be accomplished my checking a
book out to the Lost Special Patron (see page 311 for more information).
The Payments mode contains all of the payments that have been received from this patron.
The Refunds mode shows a complete record of the refunds received by this patron.
The Credits mode allows operators who would normally issue a refund upon the return of a lost item to
redirect it to become a credit. This is helpful when an operator may not be able to refund a monetary
amount immediately or when cash refunds require administrator approval.
The Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits modes share some similar functionality. For instance,
each mode has the ability to Print detailed lists of totals for all of the Current Patrons charges, payments,
refunds, and credits; this includes the ability to Print Receipts. Each mode also has an Edit button, which
opens the Edit Fee window, allowing you to change a charge amount or payment fee, or refund and credit
amounts and descriptions (see Charges: Edit Charges on page 290).

284 Alexandria Users Manual

Charging a Fee


Charging a Fee
F {charge amount} {comment}
Charging a FeeUse the F command with an amount and optional comment to issue a charge against
the Current Patron. For example, to assign a $4.50 charge for a library Reading Club membership, type F
4.50 Reading Club and press <enter>.

Charges: Charge Fee

You may charge a fee to the Current Patron by clicking on the Charge Fee button. When you click the
Charge Fee button, the following window appears:

Use the following steps to forgive a charge or a portion of the charge:

Step 1.

Enter a Fee Comment, Fee Amount, and optional Payment. If you supply a Payment
amount, the Payment Method drop-down menu becomes selectable; you may then
choose from Cash, Check, Charge, or Other.

Step 2.

If the Current Patron has a credit balance on their account, you may choose to make a
payment against the fee From Credit. If credit is available, the From Credit field becomes
modifiable and their current credit balance is shown between the parenthesis.

Step 3.

When you are satisfied with the fee you have charged, click the OK or Charge Fee/Print
Receipt button to charge the fee, make an optional payment, and print a receipt. These
receipts can either be given to the patron at time of charge or filed by the library for safekeeping. If you are not satisfied with the your charge, click Cancel.

Once you enter a charge, you can edit it if you made a mistake. In the Charges mode (and tab) of the
Circulation window, select (highlight) the charge from the list and click on the Edit Charges button. You
can modify either the Fee Comment or the Fee Amount (except on overdue fees which are still
accruing). Editing fees is further detailed on page 290.

Alexandria Users Manual 285

Charging a Fee


Lost Book Charge

When an item that is checked out to a patron is declared Lost (i.e. checked out to the Lost Item patron),
the Lost Book Charge window appears, allowing you to fine the patron who has lost the item.

Use the following steps to charge a Lost Item fee:

Step 1.

Step 2.

The Total Patron Fines Due is pulled from the item copy Replacement Cost field (see
page 256) or your Default Replacement / Purchase Value policies field (see page 170).
You may enter any additional charges or processing fees in the Additional Charge field.
If applicable, enter an amount of the accrued fine or lost book charge to be forgiven in the
Forgiven Amount field.

Step 3.

If the Current Patron has a credit balance on their account, you may choose to make a
payment against the charge From Credit. If credit is available, the From Credit field
becomes modifiable and their current credit balance is shown between the parenthesis.

Step 4.

If you supply a Payment amount, the Payment Method drop-down menu becomes
selectable; you may then choose from Cash, Check, Charge, or Other.

Step 5.

When you are satisfied with the fee you have charged, click the Charge Fine or Charge
Fine and Print Receipt buttons to charge the fee and print an optional receipt. These
receipts can either be given to the patron at time of charge or filed by the library for safekeeping. If you would like to forgive the current charge (plus any additional amounts)
minus the amount of payment, click Forgive Fine.

286 Alexandria Users Manual

Charging a Fee


Overdue Fine
If the item you check in is overdue and carries a fine, the Overdue Fine window appears, allowing you to
charge the patron who returned the overdue item.

Use the following steps to charge an Overdue Fine:

Step 1.

Step 2.

The Total Patron Fines Due are pulled from your Overdue policies (see page 166, 171,
and 177). You may enter any additional charges or processing fees in the Additional
Charge field.
If applicable, enter an amount of the accrued fine or overdue charge to be forgiven in the
Forgiven Amount field.

Step 3.

If the Current Patron has a credit balance on their account, you may choose to make a
payment against the charge From Credit. If credit is available, the From Credit field
becomes modifiable and their current credit balance is shown between the parenthesis.

Step 4.

If you supply a Payment amount, the Payment Method drop-down menu becomes
selectable; you may then choose from Cash, Check, Charge, or Other.

Step 5.

When you are satisfied with the fee you have charged, click the Process or Process and
Print Receipt buttons to charge the fee and print an optional receipt. These receipts can
either be given to the patron at time of charge or filed by the library for safekeeping. If you
would like to forgive the current charge (plus any additional amounts) minus the amount
of payment, click Forgive Fine.

Alexandria Users Manual 287

Charging a Fee


Charges: Forgive Charge

Use the following steps to forgive a charge or a portion of the charge. Please keep in mind that you have
only chosen one fee to forgive; the Current Patrons total charges is a tally of all their fees combined.

Step 1.

To forgive a charge, select (highlight) the charge description from the Charges tab in the
Circulation window and click the Forgive Charge button.

Step 2.

The above window will appear. Enter the dollar amount in the Amount to Forgive field.
You can forgive the entire charge, or a portion of the charge.

Step 3.

In the Forgive Notes field, you may want to enter a note explaining why you forgave the

Step 4.

When you are satisfied with the charge amount you have forgiven, click the Process or
Process With Receipt button to forgive the charge. These receipts can either be given to
the patron or filed by the library for safekeeping. If you are not satisfied with the forgiven
charge, click Cancel.

288 Alexandria Users Manual

Charging a Fee


Charges: Make Payment

Use the following steps to process a payment or to pay a portion of a charge.

Step 1.

Select the fee/charge that you wish to make a payment on from the Charges tab and click
the Make Payment button. The Payment window appears (as shown above).

Step 2.

In the Payment Notes field, enter any applicable notes concerning the payment.

Step 3.

Enter the amount the patron is paying in the Payment Amount field. If the Current
Patron has a credit balance on their account, they may choose to make a payment against
their fee From Credit. If credit is available, the From Credit field becomes modifiable and
their current credit balance is shown between the parenthesis.

Step 4.

After you supply a Payment amount, the Payment Method drop-down menu becomes
selectable; you may then choose from Cash, Check, Charge, or Other.

Step 5.

Click Process With Receipt to record the payment and print a patron friendly receipt.

Step 6.

Click Process to record the payment or click Cancel to stop.

Alexandria Users Manual 289

Charging a Fee


Charges: Edit Charges

Use the following steps to edit the total amount of a fee and/or change its descriptive Fee Comment.

Step 1.

To edit a fee, select (highlight) the charge description from the Charges tab in the Circulation window and double-click on it (or click the Edit Charges button).

Step 2.

The above window will appear. Change the dollar amount in the Fee Amount field. You
can also edit the Fee Comment; this will appear in the Charges tab of the Circulation

290 Alexandria Users Manual

Charges tab: Payments


Charges tab: Payments

The Payments mode of the Charges tab will list all payments that the Current Patron has made on
various charges and fees. You also use the Payments mode of the Charges tab to refund payments to
patrons. The Print Payments button prints the contents of the Payments list while the Print Receipt
button prints a receipt for the Current Patrons selected payment.

Payments: Refund
Use the following steps to refund a payment or refund a portion of the payment.

Step 1.

To refund a payment, select (highlight) the payment description from the Payments
mode of the Charges tab in the Circulation window and click the Refund button.

Step 2.

The window below will appear. Enter the amount to refund in the Refund Amount field.
You can also enter a description in the Refund Comment field, explaining why you are
issuing a refund to the Current Patron.

Step 3.

When you are satisfied with your refund, click OK to process the refund, or click Refund
and Print Receipt to refund the payment and print a receipt. These receipts can either be
given to the patron at time of refund or filed by the library for safekeeping. If you are not
satisfied with the refund, click Cancel.

Alexandria Users Manual 291

Charges tab: Payments


Payments: Edit Payments

Use the following steps to edit the payments descriptive Payment Comment.

Step 1.

To edit a payment, select (highlight) the payment description from the Payments mode
(and Charges tab) in the Circulation window and double-click on it (or click the Edit
Payments button).

Step 2.

The above window will appear. Change the Payment Comment; this will appear in the
Payments mode (and Charges tab) of the Circulation window.

292 Alexandria Users Manual

Charges tab: Refunds


Charges tab: Refunds

The Refunds mode of the Charges tab will list all refunds made to the Current Patron. You also use the
Refunds mode of the Charges tab to edit refund descriptions.

Refunds: Edit Refunds

Use the following steps to edit the refunds descriptive Refund Comment.

Step 1.

To edit a refund, select (highlight) the refund description from the Refunds mode (and
Charges tab) in the Circulation window and double-click on it (or click the Edit
Refunds button).

Step 2.

The above window will appear. Change the Refund Comment; this will appear in the
Refunds mode (and Charges tab) of the Circulation window.

Alexandria Users Manual 293

Charges tab: Refunds


Refund Payment Window

When a patron makes a payment on an item that was declared Lost and that item is later found and
bookdropped, Alexandria will notify the user by immediately by opening the Refund Lost Item Payment
window, allowing them to refund a payment for a lost item charge.

Use the following steps to issue a payment refund:

Step 1.

First, enter the total amount that youd like to refund in the Amount to Refund field; if
you only want to refund a portion of the original Lost charge, specify here. The difference
between this amount and the Maximum Refund amount will be forfeited.

Step 2.

Next, in the Cash Out field, enter the amount of cash that is being disbursed to the Current Patron. Rather than returning money, an Alexandria operator can enter $0.00 in
the Cash Out field and the lost item fee will be refunded to the patron as a Credit.

Step 3.

Supply an optional (or additional) Refund Comment and press the Process or Process
With Receipt buttons to issue the refund.

Step 4.

Note: Some Alexandria operators dont have the proper security authorization to issue a
refund or a credit. Therefore, these Unaccepted* credits will not impact a patrons balance in any way until they have been approved by an authorized user (see page 299).

294 Alexandria Users Manual

Charges tab: Refunds


Refund Lost Item Payment, Charge Overdue Fine

This double-window will only appear if you have the Charge Late Fee on Found Books preference
checked (see Global Circulation Preferences: Circulation on page 117 for more information), allowing you
to refund a payment for a lost item fee while charging the Current Patron an overdue book fine.
When an item that was declared Lost is later found and bookdropped, the patron who last had the book is
charged an overdue fine for the period between when the item was lost and when it was found (up to the
Maximum fine for an overdue item; see page 174).

The Refund Lost Item Payment, Charge Overdue Fine window is a combination of the Refund
Payment window (page 297) and the Overdue Fine window (page 287). Since they are essentially the
same windows, please refer to those two sections to learn more about the fields and sections of the Refund
Lost Item Payment, Charge Overdue Fine window.

Alexandria Users Manual 295

Charges tab: Credits


Charges tab: Credits

The Credits mode of the Charges tab will contain a list of all the current credits for your Current
Patron. You also use the Credits mode of the Charges tab to accept, remove, refund or delete credits and
edit refund descriptions.

When a patron makes a payment on an item that was declared Lost and that item is later found and
bookdropped, Alexandria will notify the user immediately by opening the Refund Lost Item Payment
window, allowing them to refund a payment for a lost item charge. However, the patron who initially lost
the book may not be available at that time to receive the refund. Further, every school district follows
different procedures for issuing refunds; in some, the school librarian may be able to take care of it
whereas, in others, the refund must be issued by a cashier at the front office. Add to that the need to verify
if the refund should be issued to the patron or to their parents or guardians.
Some Alexandria operators wont have the proper security permissions to issue a refund or a credit.
Therefore, credits must first also be approved (e.g. by using the Accept button) before they can be deleted
or issued as a refund; credits will not impact a patrons balance in any way until they have been approved
by an authorized user.
The Refund Lost Item Payment window will only appear upon bookdropping a Lost item.
Credits can be used to pay for other lost items, fines, or fees. If the Charge Fee or Make Payment
buttons are selected from the Charges tab, an authorized user can choose to apply credit to any
outstanding charge transactions using the From Credit field in the Payment or Charge Fee windows.

296 Alexandria Users Manual

Charges tab: Credits


Credits: Delete Credit

When you have a credit highlighted/selected, clicking on the Delete Credit button will open a message
window, asking if youre sure you would like to remove a credit amount from the Current Patron. Press
Yes to proceed with the removal, or No to cancel.
Clicking the Delete button is essentially the same as if you opted to refund $0.00 when the initial
Refund Payment window appeared. The deleted credit will be logged in the Refunds section of the
Charges tab as Deleted.

Credits: Refund
You will be unable to refund Unaccepted* credits, which appear as red in the log section of the Credits
tab. Unaccepted credits only appear in the Credits tab if the Alexandria operator at the time doesnt have
the security authorization to issue a refund. If the credit has been accepted and the Refund button is
clicked, a Refund Payment window appears where you can indicate how much will be refunded.

Use the following steps to issue a refund:

Step 1.

If you would like to refund a payment to your Current Patron, select/highlight the
credit and click the Refund Credit button. The Refund Payment window will appear.

Step 2.

Supply the correct Refund Comment and amount youd like to refund in the Refund
Amount Field and press OK or Refund and Print Receipt.

Alexandria Users Manual 297

Charges tab: Credits


Credits: Edit Credits

Use the following steps to edit a credits descriptive Credit Comment.

Step 1.

To edit a credit, select (highlight) the credit description from the Credit mode (and
Charges tab) in the Circulation window and double-click on it (or click the Edit Credit

Step 2.

298 Alexandria Users Manual

The above window will appear. You will be able to edit the Credit Comment; this will
appear in the Charges tab in the Credits section of the Circulation window.

Charges tab: Credits


Credits: Accept
You will be unable to refund Unaccepted* credits, which appear as red in the log section of the Credits
tab. Unaccepted credits only appear in the Credits tab if the Alexandria operator at the time doesnt have
the security authorization to issue a refund. If you have the proper authorization, you can use the Accept
button to approve Unaccepted* credits.
If you dont have the proper authorization, a Permission Override window will appear when you click the
Accept button.

Use the following steps to approve an Unaccepted* patron credit.

Step 1.

To approve a credit, select (highlight) the credit description from the Credits selection in
the Charges tab of the Circulation window and click the Accept button.

Step 2.

The Accept Credit window will appear. You may accept the entire Unaccepted
Amount or a portion of the Unaccepted Amount. The amount that is not accepted
will be completely forfeited.

Step 3.

You will be able to edit the History Notes; these will appear as the description in the
Credits tab in the Charges section of the Circulation window.

Step 4.

Press OK to accept this credit or Cancel to exit.

Alexandria Users Manual 299

Circulation Window: Support tab


Circulation Window: Support tab

The Support tab of the Circulation window has four modes: Email Tech Support, System
Information, License Information, and FTP. You can switch between these modes by clicking on the
buttons aligned vertically on the left-hand side of the Support tab.

Support tab: Email Tech Support

If you have an open connection to the internet, you can use the Email Tech Support mode to send
questions to COMPanions Technical Support team. Include a title in the Subject field and describe the
nature of the problem you need help with or the question you need answered in the Email Message field.
If you would like to send an email to a division of COMPanion Corporation other than Technical
Support, use the Send Email To drop-down menu (located to the right of the Subject field) to select the
location where you would like your email sent. For example, if you happen across a software bug while
using Alexandria, you can notify COMPanions Quality Assurance department by selecting Bugs from the
Tech Support drop-down menu. Additionally, if you come across a passage in this (or any other
COMPanion) users manual that seems too convoluted to understand, you can select Documentation
from the Send Email To drop-down menu to deliver your questions or concerns to COMPanions
Technical Writer.
You can add attachments to send along with your email message by clicking the Attachments button.
This will open an Email Attachments window. All you need to do is point Alexandria in the direction of
your file (or files) using the add and remove attachment buttons. The red number to the right of the Send
Email To drop-down menu indicates the number of attachments you have affixed to the email.
When you are ready, click Send to email the notice to the party you have specified in the Send Email To
drop-down menu.

If you havent entered an email address in your Library Information preference window (see Email
Settings Tab on page 139), you will not be able to send email to the Technical Support team.
Alexandria wont check to see if your email address is valid, so any address that seems legitimate will be
accepted. If you are using this technique to fool Alexandria, dont forget to explain why in your message
and provide correct return contact informationotherwise, Technical Support will respond to your
fabricated email address and you wont receive the help you need.

300 Alexandria Users Manual

Support tab: System Info


Support tab: System Info

This tab contains information about your system. This information is automatically attached to your
email messages so that our Technical Support team has as much of the basic information as possible to help
solve your problems and answer your questions.

Support tab: License Information

This tab contains information about your Alexandria license. This information shows what you are
registered to use, and then your subscriptions expire.

Alexandria Users Manual 301

Support tab: FTP


Support tab: FTP

The FTP mode allows users to Send or Get data from COMPanions FTP site. The Send and Get buttons
should only be used when COMPanions Technical Support team requests a copy of your data or informs
you that your repaired data is available for download. Tech Support will supply you with the authorization
number that is required for entry when either the Send or Get data icons are selected.

Send DataSends your Alexandria data to COMPanions FTP site for Technical Support to
review and (in case of problems) repair or modify.
Get DataUsed to retrieve repaired or modified data from COMPanions FTP site.

302 Alexandria Users Manual

Using the Circulation Menu


Using the Circulation Menu

Additional circulation commands are available from the Circulation menu. This menu appears at the top
right of the menu bar across the Circulation window. You can either select a command directly from this
menu or use the hot-keys (shown on the right-hand side of the menu) to execute commands (page 797).
Some of the commands in this menu require a Current Patron or Current Item. For example, you must
have a Current Patron to select Show Patron Status.
The Circulation menu shows available commands in bold text. For example, if the Current Patron does
not have any holds or reservations, the Remove Patron Holds and Remove Patron Reservations
selections are grayed-out in the menu and therefore, non-selectable.
The following commands are available in the Circulation menu.
Start BookdropSets the current mode to Bookdrop. In Bookdrop mode, you enter barcodes
for items you want to check in. This option will toggle between Start Bookdrop and Start
Check In/Out mode.
Start Check In/OutSets the current mode to Check In/Out. This menu will toggle between
Start Bookdrop and Start Check In/Out modes.
Make Charges/PaymentsOpens the Charges tab on the Circulation window; you may
add or remove fines, accept payments for fines incurred, and issue refunds for payments made.
You must have a Current Patron to select this item (see Handling Charges, Payments, Refunds,
and Credits on page 283).
Show Patron DetailsShows the Current Patrons complete details; including all transactions,
fines, requests, and so forth. You must have a Current Patron to select this option. Performs the
same function as the Details icon.
Remove Patron HoldsOpens the Holds tab on the Circulation window and shows which
items the Current Patron has on hold. You must have a Current Patron with hold requests to
select this item (see Holds on page 272).
Remove Patron ReservationsOpens the Reservations tab on the Circulation window and

shows items with reservations pending for the Current Patron. You must have a Current Patron
with reservations to select this item (see Reservations on page 277).

Alexandria Users Manual 303

Using the Circulation Menu


Show Item DetailsShows the Current Items complete details; including the status for all copies of that title. You must have a Current Item to select this command. Performs the same function as the Details icon.
Adjust Item HoldsShows all patrons who have hold requests for the Current Item. You can

remove a request from the queue or change its order. You must have a Current Item with hold
requests displayed to select this item.
Remove Copy ReservationsShows all forward reservations for the Current Item. To remove
reservation requests, click on the reservation and click on Remove Reservation. You must have
a Current Item with reservations to select this item.
Renew Patron ItemsShows everything currently checked out to the Current Patron. Either
click on the Renew All button to renew all items or highlight certain items to renew and click
the Renew button. The Current Patron must have items checked out.
Broadcast Message to ClientsA query window will appear with a text box for entering and

sending messages to other Librarian and Researcher workstations connected to the Data Station.
This message will only appear to currently-connected clients.
Display All Connected ClientsLists, in the transaction log all the Librarian and Researcher
workstations that are currently connected to your Data Station. The type of client and the
machines IP address are visible in the log.
Advanced BookingsEvery day that reservations begin, the administrator should select the
Advanced Bookings from option from the Circulation menu (see The Advanced Bookings

Window on page 98).

Process Pending BookingsWhen you select the Process Pending Bookings menu option,
Alexandria checks to see if any of the unavailable items have recently become available. If they
have, theyre automatically assigned to the requesting patron (see Exceptions Happen, What Can
We Do? on page 102).

304 Alexandria Users Manual

Checking Items Out and In


Checking Items Out and In

Alexandria makes it easy to check items in and out. Alexandria automatically determines whether a
barcode you enter belongs to a patron or an item and whether that item is already checked out. Because of
this, Alexandria can usually determine the appropriate course of action.
In addition, while you are performing transactions, Alexandria automatically computes due dates, adjusts
for closed dates, verifies policies, and collects statistics.
The following sections provide steps for checking in and out. The remaining sections in this chapter will
describe special kinds of checkouts, such as: same-day check outs, temporary items, renewing, reserving,
and making reservations. They also cover special status items such as lost, archived, and on order.

- N


You can use the equal sign instead of the barcode for the Current Item in any
command. For example, if the Current Item is 3000, then H= is the same command
as H3000.

Checking Items Out

Use the following steps to check an item out.
Step 1.

Type or scan the barcode of the patron who is checking an item out. This makes the
patron current.

If you do not know the patrons barcode, use the locate command (see Locating Patrons and Items on
page 324) to find the patron and their barcode.
Step 2.

Alexandria uses the item due date established in your Circulation Policies. To enter a different due date, use the Set Override Date command (see Set Override Due Date on
page 317).

As you check items out, the item will become current and appear on the Circulation window; a line will
be added to the transaction log to show what items have been checked out.
Step 3.

Type or scan the barcode for the item you want to check out to the Current Patron.

Alexandria Users Manual 305

Checking Items Out and In


Special Conditions When Checking Out Items

When you are checking items out, Alexandria will alert you to special conditions that may affect checkout.
If you enter a barcode for a book that is already checked out, a warning message will appear.

You can choose to check this book in, or cancel the request to check it out.
If checking an item out to a patron violates a set policy, Alexandria will alert you. For example,
if a patron exceeds the number of items they can check out or exceeds the overdue limit, a
warning message will appear. If more than one policy setting is violated, the messages will appear
in a single window.

If you have the authority to override policies, the window will include the Override option. You can allow
the patron to check the item out (even though it exceeds the specified limit) or cancel their request to
check it out. If you dont have the authority to override policies, a warning message will appear, and you are
left without the ability to override or check out the item to the patron.
If you decide to check the item in instead of Override the policy problem, the item will still be checked
If the item barcode you enter is not assigned to an existing item (and is not in the temporary barcode range
that you defined in your preferences), the Unknown Barcode window appears.
You can choose Ignore Barcode if you entered it incorrectly, or you can select one of the other options.
If a copy is designated as an in-stock hold for another patron, an error message will appear. If you have the
authority, Cancel / Override buttons will appear at the bottom of the window. Clicking Override will
check the copy out to the Current Patron with the in-stock hold back to the top of the hold queue. If you
dont have any authority, no override options will be available and item checkout will be denied.

306 Alexandria Users Manual

Checking Items Out and In


Checking Items Out To the Discarded Items Special Patron

When checking an item out to the Discarded Items Special Patron (see page 311 for more information on
Special/System Patrons) you are allowed to specify a reason for the items disposal.

You may choose three different options from the drop-down menu of the Discarded Item Window.
Click OK or press <enter> when the correct reason for item disposal is selected.
DamagedIf the damaged item is not checked out to a patron, you may check it out to the
Discarded Items patron (Special Patron #2) with the Reason as Damaged. Nothing will happen to the item other than it is marked as Discarded-Damaged. This is similar to declaring

an item lost that was not checked out to a patron.

However, if the damaged item is checked out to a patron and is then checked out to the Discarded Items patron without being checked in first, then the Discarded Items Window will
change to display the items Replacement Cost and allow you to charge a fine to the patron
who last borrowed the book (and presumably damaged it). Clicking on Charge Fine and Print
Receipt or Charge Fine will charge a fine to the offending patron and places a note in the
transaction log. However, you may also choose Forgive Fine if you do not wish to charge the
offending patron for the replacement cost.
WeededIf your library is removing a certain book (or series of books), this option will check
books out to the Discarded Items Special Patron and apply the disposal reason as weeded.
OtherSelecting this option allows you to add a short piece of descriptive text that specifies the

reason for the items removal.

These reasons for removal will be displayed when you select Discarded Items as your report Format
when running the Special Items Lists Circulation Report (see page 563 for more information on
Circulation Reports).

Alexandria Users Manual 307

Checking Items Out and In


Checking Items In
Use the following steps to check in items:
Step 1.

Type or scan the barcode of the patron who has the item checked out. This makes that
patron the Current Patron.
If you do not know the patrons barcode, use the locate command (see Locating Patrons
and Items on page 324) to find the patrons barcode.

Step 2.

Type or scan the barcode of the item you are checking in.

If you are checking-in a number of items, use the Bookdrop mode described on page 319.

Overdue Check In
If the item you check in is overdue and contains a fine, the Overdue Fine window appears with
information about the fine.

From the Charges tab you can enter a payment, forgive a fine, forgive a portion of a fine, or
record a fine to the patrons permanent record to be processed later.
If you want to forgive part (or the entire amount) of the fine, enter the value in the Amount to
Forgive field in the Forgive Charge window, accessed by clicking on the Forgive Charge
If you want to charge an additional amount, double-click on a fee description listed on the
Charges field to open the Edit Fee window; you may then enter an edited value in the Total
To record a payment, click the Make Payment button to open the Payment window; you may
then enter a total in the Payment Amount field.
To charge a fine, click on the Charge Fee button (see Fee Charges, Payments, Refunds, and
Credits on page 283).

308 Alexandria Users Manual

Temporary Items


Temporary Items
You can use Alexandrias temporary item checkout function to keep track of items in your library that can
be loaned, yet, you dont want entered as part of your permanent inventory. For example, you may want to
keep track of when newspapers, brochures, magazines, and other items that are loaned and returned, but
not inventory them because of their limited shelf life.
A temporary item is checked out and checked in the same as any other item. Temporary items may be
renewed and have fines charged against them. However, once the item is checked in, the transaction record
and temporary item information is removed from Alexandria without a trace.
While they are checked out, temporary items show on loaned item reports, overdue lists, fine lists, and lost
item lists. Because they are not inventoried, they do not show on inventory reports or shelf list reports. A
temporary item cannot be searched using the catalog. If these items circulate frequently, it may be better to
catalog them in Items Management; otherwise they will need to be re-entered each time they circulate.

Setting Up Temporary Check Out Items

See page 120 for information on setting up temporary default barcodes.

Checking Out Using Temporary Items

There are a number of ways to checkout temporary items.
You can prepare several temporary checkout cards with temporary barcode numbers established in your
preferences. When a temporary item is going to be checked out, attach one of these cards. When the item
is returned, remove the card and return it to a stack of temporary checkout cards to be reused again for
other temporary items.
Another way to use temporary checkout is to place a temporary barcode (within the range you specified in
your preferences) on all temporary items that might be checked out. The barcode is then used only for that
item, but never permanently entered into Alexandria. For example, as newspapers are received, you put a
temporary barcode number on the newspapers.

- N


You can print temporary barcode labels using Alexandria. Choose Special Reports
from the Reports menu, then select Custom Barcode Labels.

Same Day Check Outs

See page 332 for information on checking out items that are due same day.

Alexandria Users Manual 309

Same Day Check Outs


When you enter a temporary barcode number in the command line, Alexandria checks the following:
Alexandria checks to see if the number is being used by an existing item.
If it is not being used, Alexandria checks to see if the number is being used by an existing patron.
If it is not being used by an existing patron, Alexandria checks to see if the number is within the
range determined for temporary items in Circulation preferences (on page 120). If the number
is well within range, the following window appears:

Follow these steps to check out the temporary items.

Enter a description of the item in the Description box.
If you want to specify a due date, enter it in the Due Date field. If you do not enter a due date,
Alexandria computes a due date based on the policies you have assigned for temporary items.
Click Save.

310 Alexandria Users Manual

Special/System Patrons


Special/System Patrons
There are several special patrons that Alexandria creates. You can use these patrons to track items with a
special status, such as lost, archived, or out-for-repair. For example, to track items that have been lost, you
can check them out to the Lost Patron, (barcode #1).
Special patrons use the System policy, which has no restriction on the number of items that may be
checked out at one time. You can check items out to special patrons just as you would with any other
Here are Alexandrias special patrons:
Lost Items (barcode 1)To keep track of items that have been lost, check them out to this
patron. Unlike other items, an item that is checked out to the Lost Item patron does not have its
inventory date renewed. If the item is ever found, simply check it in and its available for checkout again.

If the item is already checked out a real patron, when you check it out to the Lost Item patron, a
window appears so you can charge a fine to the patron who has lost the item. The lost item will
appear on the patrons status report.
Although you may permanently remove an item from the Alexandria system when its lost, lost
items are quite often found again later. Checking an item out to the Lost Item patron makes it
easier to return it to the system because you simply check the item back in when its found.
Using the Lost Item patron also makes it easy to keep track of which items have been lost so you
can order new copies.
There are Utilities available to remove lost items according to your policies and the criteria you
Discarded Items (barcode 2)To track items in the library that are not to be circulated, but
have not yet been permanently removed, check them out to this patron. To return a discarded
item back to in-stock, simply check it in.

To permanently remove discarded items, use the corresponding Item Utility.

For more information on checking items out to the Discarded Item special patron, please
review page 307 of this Users Manual.
For Library Use (barcode 3)To keep items available for use only within the library, check the

items out to this patron. For example, you may want to keep holiday books available in the
library and not allow them to be checked out during the holiday season. Check these items out or
place a reservation on them using the For Library Use patron.

Alexandria Users Manual 311

Special/System Patrons


On Repair (barcode 4)To keep track of items sent for repair and not available to patrons,
check them out to this patron. When the item has been returned and repaired, check them in to
make them available again.
On Order (barcode 5)To keep track of items on order, permanently add them to your collec-

tion when you order them and then issue them to this patron. Enter an override date that
matches the scheduled delivery date for these items. When you receive these items, check them in
to make them available.
Archived Items (barcode 6)To archive certain items and make them unavailable to patrons,
check them out to this special patron. For example, issue items to this patron if they are kept in a
special room and not generally available for circulation.
Unknown Patron (barcode 8)Used for items with special circumstances or whose status you
do not know (e.g. items on display or temporarily misplaced items that you know arent permanently missing).
In Transit (barcode 9)To keep track of items that are in transit, assign them to patron. When

you receive these items, check them in to make them available.

Reasons For Creating Your Own Special/System Patrons

You can create and remove your own special patrons to track items with a unique status as needed for
your library. Use barcodes 50 or under for special patrons. These patrons are assigned the System policy,
which does not restrict the number of items they can check out.
The following are examples of uses for special patrons you create:
Instead of using the Library Patron to reserve holiday books, create a holiday patron and check
out holiday books to this patron.
Instead of using the On Repair Patron, create a special patron for each vendor that repairs your
items. When you send an item to that vendor, check it out to them for the period of time they
will have the item.
Instead of using the On Order Patron, create a special patron for each vendor from whom you
order items. When you order items from that vendor, check them out to that vendor and enter an
override date that matches the scheduled delivery date.

312 Alexandria Users Manual

Show All Patron Notes


Show All Patron Notes

Show Patron NotesYou may enter several different types of Notes for a patron under the Notes tab in
the Patron Management window. When any of the Patron Management notes fields contain text, a
Notes button will appear in the Current Patron area of the Circulation window. To view a patrons
Contact, Alert, Category, or General Notes, click on the Notes button or enter the + on the

command line.

Append General Patron Note

+ {text}
Append a Patron NotesYou can add more General Notes to the Current Patron from the
Circulation command line rather than having to go into the Notes tab of the Patron Management


Replace General Patron Note

+# {text}
Replace Patron NotesUse this command to completely replace the Current Patrons General Notes
with any text that follows the command. Entering the +# command without any subsequent text will
clear the Current Patrons General Notes.

Append Patron Alert Note

! {text}
Append a Patron Alert NotesYou can add more Alert Notes to the Current Patrons from the
Circulation command line rather than having to go into the Notes tab of the Patron Management


Replace Patron Alert Note

!# {text}
Replace Patron Alert NotesUse this command to completely replace the Current Patrons Alert
Notes with any text that follows the command. Entering the !# command without any subsequent text
will clear the Current Patrons Alert Notes.

Alexandria Users Manual 313

Show All Item/Item Copy Notes


Show All Item/Item Copy Notes

Show Item Copy NotesYou can enter notes for an item copy under the Copy Notes tab. This tab will
appear on the Item Copy Data window that is selected by double clicking on an item copy contained
within the Copy section of the Item Management window. You can add, remove, or replace an items
Copy Notes or Copy Alert Notes from the command line of the Circulation window.

When notes have been entered for a copy, a Notes button will appear in the Current Item area of the
Circulation window.

Enter two plus signs ++ on the command line, or click the Notes button to view all notes for the
Current Item copy.

Append Item Copy Note

++ {text}
Append a Copy NoteYou can add more Copy Notes to the Current Item from the Circulation
command line rather than having to go into the Copy Notes tab of the Item Copy Data window.

Replace Item Copy Note

++# {text}
Replace Copy NotesUse this command to completely replace the Current Item Copy Notes with
any text that follows the command. Entering the +# command without any subsequent text will clear
the Current Items Copy Notes.

Append Item Copy Alert Note

!! {text}
Append a Copy Alert NoteYou can add more Alert Notes to the Current Item copy from the
Circulation command line rather than having to go into the Copy Notes tab of the Item Copy Data


Replace Copy Alert Note

!!# {text}
Replace Copy Alert NoteUse this command to completely replace the Current Item copy Alert
Notes with any text that follows the command. Entering the !!# command without any subsequent
text will clear the Current Items Alert Notes.

314 Alexandria Users Manual

Print Transaction log


Print Transaction log

Print the Transaction LogThe transaction log is a list of every action you have performed in Alexandria.
This log appears at the bottom of the Circulation window. Use the +++ command to print the
transaction log. On the Circulation window, you can also select Print from the File menu to print the

transaction log.

Put Comment in Transaction log

# {comment}
Put Comment in the Transaction logUse this command to put a note in the transaction log. Notes

can be very useful for making a permanent record of special events that happen in the library. For example,
enter # Lights flickered, battery backup saved our machine! when the power goes down
or # Fire Drill started.. You then have a permanent record of when this event occurred. When
you return to the library, its clear if there has been any activity while you were gone!

Import Script/File
Read Transaction FileIn addition to entering transactions by typing or scanning them into the

command line, Alexandria allows users to process commands saved in text files. These text files can be
created by COMPanions portable laser scanners or by any program that creates text files.
Use this command to open the Import Transaction Scripts window; this window allows you to select the
file to read. When the file is imported, Alexandria automatically processes all the commands within it as if
the user had entered them one at a time.

- N


While processing commands via a transaction file, Alexandria does not alert you to
unusual circumstances. Instead, Alexandria takes whatever action it deems most
appropriate. After reading a transaction file, be sure to check the transaction log for
any possible complication alerts.
Since this function is typically used for inventory scans, Alexandria defaults all transaction files to begin
with the Inventory command. If you are using a transaction file for purposes other than inventory, you
must use the appropriate command in the header file.
You can also drag and drop these files onto the Circulation window or use the Import command if they
have the proper file header1. Alexandria will recognize them as transaction files and process them

1.Alexandria headers being with ### for example, SmartScan files begin with ### SmartScan...

Alexandria Users Manual 315

Importing Portable Laser Scanner Inventory Files


Importing Portable Laser Scanner Inventory Files

If youre using a portable laser scanner for inventory purposes and have HotSynced (downloaded)
inventory data to your hard drive, use the following steps to import that data into Alexandria (refer to your
SmartScan Users Manual for more details).
Step 1.

Make sure to backup your current Alexandria data.

Step 2.

Use the * command followed by <enter> in the Circulation window to open the
Import Transaction Scripts window.

Step 3.

Use the Add File button to add inventory files to the Transcription Script to process
field. If you have downloaded several inventory files before importing them (see the example below), make sure you are renaming the files or moving them to different directories so
that they do not have the same file name and do not get replaced1.

Step 4.

Once the inventory file you want imported from the Transcription Script to process
field is highlighted, click the Run button to begin import.

Step 5.

Your data is now imported into the Alexandria database.

1.SmartScan will rename the files according to when they were downloaded, but there may be issues with some of the older portable

316 Alexandria Users Manual

Clear Override Date


Clear Override Date

Clear Override Date ModeUse this command to clear the Override Date and reset the Circulation
window to Check In/Out.

Set Override Due Date

Set an Override DateTypically, due dates are computed based on the policies you define in your
Preferences. You can use this command to set different due dates for items you are checking out, book-

dropping, showing used, or performing inventory on. For example, to set the due date to June 3, 2010,
type .Jun 3 10 (including the period) and press <enter>.
Until you clear or reset the due date using either . or x, the changes below will be performed.
Books you check out will be due on June 3, 2010.
When you bookdrop, the system will record the book as having been checked in on June 3, 2010.
When you perform Inventory, the inventory date used will be June 3, 2010.
When you are in Statistics mode, this date is used.
The Override Date you set is shown on the top-right corner under the transaction log of the
Circulation window. A transaction log entry will also show that this date was manually set.
The Override Date you set is in effect until you clear it. To clear the Override Date, type a period into
the command line without a date. The . command will also clear any special modes (such as Bookdrop
or Inventory) that were in effect. The period command . without a date is a quick way to prepare the
Circulation window for Check In/Out.
Checking out items under an Override Date forces them to be due on that day, regardless if that date is
Closed in your Calendar Preference (see Calendar Preferences on page 105).

Alexandria Users Manual 317

Clear Circulation Mode


Clear Circulation Mode

Reset ModeUse this command to clear any special mode in effect and reset the Circulation window to
Check In/Out. This does the same thing as the period command, except that it clears the Current
Patron/Item and doesnt clear the Override Date setting.

Change Barcode Number

/ {old barcode=new barcode}
Change Barcode NumberUse this command to change barcode numbers for patrons or items in any
mode within Alexandria. For example, if you are in Check In/Out mode, you can change item barcode

numbers as you check them out. If you are performing inventory, you can change the barcodes as you
inventory the items.
This command changes the old barcode number and then enters the new barcode number you specified
from the command line. This means you can change barcode numbers and continue with the activities
you were performing.
For example, suppose you are checking in items and come across one with barcode number 3009, but the
barcode label is damaged. You can place a new barcode label on the item with the barcode number of
9000. To do this, while still in Check In/Out mode, type /3009=9000 in the command line.
Alexandria changes barcode 3009 to 9000 and enters 9000 into the command line, which will check the
book in.
Please keep in mind that you cannot perform the change barcode number command in combination
with any other commands. For instance, typing h/3009=9000 in an attempt to place a hold and
change the barcode number will be recognized as an unknown command. However, you can be in Hold
mode and type /3009=9000 in the command line to change a barcode number.
You can use this command to change patron barcodes as well as item barcodes.

318 Alexandria Users Manual

Set Self-Service Checkout Mode


Set Self-Service Checkout Mode

Set Self-Service Checkout ModeThis command logs out the user (you) and sets the mode to SelfService Check Out. To exit this mode and security level, select Restart from the File menu and log in

under the correct security level. This command is a shortcut to change user levels, therefore, this mode can
not be exited by using the . command.

Set Self-Service Bookdrop Mode

Set Self-Service Bookdrop ModeThis command logs out the user (you) and sets the mode to SelfService Bookdrop. To exit this mode and security level, select Restart from the File menu and log in

under the correct security level. This command is a shortcut to change user levels, therefore, this mode can
not be exited by using the . command.

Bookdrop Mode
B {optional barcode}
Using Book-drop ModeUse the bookdrop command to check in items for one or for many patrons. In
Bookdrop mode, all the item barcodes you scan (or enter) are checked in. This allows you to check in a

large number of books without worrying about the patrons. For example, this mode provides a quick way
to check in the large number of books returned at the end of the year.
To check in one item, type B followed by that items barcode number and press <enter>.
To check in many items, type B and then press <enter>. This activates Bookdrop mode.
You can also start Bookdrop mode by selecting Start Bookdrop from the Circulation menu.
While in Bookdrop mode, Alexandria assumes you are only checking items in. If you type or
scan a barcode for an item that is not checked out, an error message will appear in the
transaction log. If you enter a patron barcode, Alexandria switches to Check In/Out mode and
makes this patron the Current Patron.

Alexandria Users Manual 319

Discard Mode


Discard Mode
DM {optional reason}
Discard ModeUse the discard command to move several items to the Discarded Items patron (see

Special/System Patrons on page 311) and provide a note for each on why they are being discarded. This
mode is mainly used when you are discarding several items during the same session. To discard an item (or
items), type DM followed by an optional reason and press <enter>.
Alternately, you may just type DM and press <enter> and the Start Discard Mode window will appear,
allowing you to specify the reason for discard.

Select a reason from the drop-down menu (default is Weeded). If you select Other, a Reason field will
appear where you may add your own, short description on why the item (or items) are being discarded.
Click on the OK button or press <enter> when you have selected the corresponding reason.
If you place a check mark in the Remember this reason box, Alexandria will remember this reason for all
future discarded items. The reason that you specify will appear in the Discarded Items list, which is a
report that can be located from under the Circulation Reports Special Items List (see Special Item Lists
on page 563).

320 Alexandria Users Manual

Receive Subscription


Receive Subscription
E {subscription name}
Receive SubscriptionUse this command to document that the library has received a subscription. If
the subscription name doesnt exactly match the name you used in the Subscription window, youll see the
Select Subscription window:

In this example, ALEX is selected.

This item is recorded as Received and we can see how many issues remain in the subscription by reading
the transaction log. If Inventory On Receipt is checked in the Subscription window, the subscription
item will be added to your inventory and assigned a barcode number.
Using the Receive Subscription command is the best way to record that youve received a subscription.

Alexandria Users Manual 321

Inventory Control


Inventory Control
Use this function in Alexandria to keep track of your collection. An inventory identifies what items are
contained in your library collection, which have been lost, and which have been found.
Every item in your collection with a barcode number has an associated inventory date. This is the date on
which you last noted that the item was located in your library.
Alexandria automatically updates the inventory date for an item every time it is checked out or checked in.
The I command inventories but does not check in items and is good to use when items are on long-term
checkout (i.e. where they may not be returned for years, but must still be inventoried and accounted for).
The IB command bookdrops all lost, borrowed, discarded, and other items with a special status as they
are encountered.

Taking Inventory
I{B} {inventory date}
InventoryUse the I command to update the inventory date on items. You can use the current date or

you can enter a different date.

To update items with todays date, type I, then <enter>. To Inventory items, scan the
barcode for the item or type the barcode and press <enter>. Each item whose barcode you
scan or type is updated with todays date.
To update items with a date other than the current date, type I and the date you want to use
for the inventory, followed by the <enter> key. For example, to update items with an inventory
date of September 1, 2010, enter I 9/1/10. Each item barcode you type or scan is updated
with the date you specified.
To perform an automatic bookdrop on all checked out items scanned during inventory, use the
optional B parameter. Thus, IB performs inventory using todays date. If a checked out item
is inventoried, its automatically bookdropped.
As you enter barcode numbers during Inventory mode, the transaction log records the item and call
number. If a call number is out of call number order, the transaction log marks those items with an Inv
??--> before the call number.
To exit Inventory mode, use the . command (type a period and press <enter>).

322 Alexandria Users Manual

Notes about Inventory


Notes about Inventory

You can inventory portions of the library over a course of days. When you run inventory reports,
specify the date range which you took inventory. All items inventoried during this date range
will be included.
For example, if you take inventory over Spring Break (April 21st through 25th), specify this date range
when you run an inventory report. All items inventoried between April 21 and 25 will be included in the
report. If you dont specify a date range, the reports will return all items regardless of when they were
You do not have to close the library to take inventory. Because the inventory date for an item is
updated when the item is checked out, items checked out while you are taking inventory will
have dates within the inventory date range. This is also true for items checked in during
Items returned after you have completed inventory will automatically have their inventory date
adjusted to the check in date, which will be after the inventory date. If you prepare an inventory
report for all items with dates on or after the date you took inventory, these items will be
To identify items missing from your collection, prepare an inventory report of non-inventoried
items with the dates when you performed inventory.
If you are not using a portable reader when taking inventory and you enter an item barcode that
Alexandria does not recognize, a window appears to let you add the new item.
Enter the title and any other desired fields and click Save. This provides a quick way to add the new item
and continue with your inventory. You can add additional information for this item later using the Items

Inventory Reports
You can prepare inventory reports based on the inventory date and other criteria (see page 536 for a list of
Inventory reports). For example, you can generate an inventory report showing:
Items inventoried or not inventoried within a specified date range.
Lost items inventoried (which means the item is actually in the library even though it is marked
as lost). This report will only work for lost items that are inventoried when using the I
command. If you are using the Inventory Bookdrop command (IB), the status of any
previously lost books will be changed from Lost to Available and therefore not appear in this
Items within a specific section of your library.
Items with a specific funding source.

Alexandria Users Manual 323

Locating Patrons and Items


Locating Patrons and Items

Use the commands in this section to locate patrons and items for which you dont know the barcode
number. For example, if you want to check out a book to a patron, but you dont have that patrons
barcode, you can use the locate commands to find the patron by name.
When you enter a locate command, the Browse window appears starting with the patron name or item
that is the closest match to the name you specified or the value you entered. When you select a patron or
item from the list, they become the Current Patron or Item and appear on the Circulation window.
Use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to scroll through the list.
Double-click a name in the list or highlight (select) it and press the <enter> key. When you select a name
from this window, it becomes the Current Patron and appears in the Circulation window.
You can enter new names in the Browse From field at the top of the window and press <enter> to search
If your search results have more patrons than can be viewed on one window, use the More buttons (located
at the upper right-hand side of the window) to examine additional patrons.

Locate an Item by Call Number

C {call number}
Find an Item by Call NumberUse this command to locate a copy, searching by the copys call number.
For example, to locate a title with call number 150, type C 150 and press <enter>. The Item Lookup

browse by window appears, starting with the item in the collection that most closely matches the call
number you specified.

Locate a Patron by Last Name

L {patron last name}
Locate a Patron by NameUse this command to locate a patron by last name and make them the
Current Patron. For example, to find a patron with the last name Smith, enter L SMITH.

Locate a Patron by First Name

LF {patron first name}
Locate a Patron by NameUse this command to locate a patron by first name and make them the
Current Patron. For example, to find a patron with the first name Darla, enter LF DARLA.

Locate an Item by Title

T {title}
Find Item by TitleUse this command to search for an item copy by title or a portion of the title. For
example, to locate an item with a title beginning with Foundation, type T foundation and press
<enter>. The Browse window appears starting with the item in your collection that most closely

matches the title you specified.

324 Alexandria Users Manual

Homeroom Commands


Homeroom Commands
Show Homeroom Window(s)
Show Homeroom WindowsUse this command (or button; see below) to open the Homeroom
Selection window. Typing HWL into the command line command will also bring all currently open
Homeroom Selection windows to the forefront; the most recently used Homeroom Selection window

will have focus.

You are also able to open the Homeroom Selection window by clicking on a button that is located in the
top-right corner of the main Circulation window.

When the Homeroom Selection window opens, it will contain a list of all your patrons homerooms.
Double-clicking on a homeroom selection or highlighting a homeroom and clicking the OK button will
open the Patron Homeroom window (see Patron Homeroom Window on page 326). By doing this, you
will be able to see all the students that belong to a particular homeroom.

Alexandria Users Manual 325

Patron Homeroom Window


Patron Homeroom Window

HW {patron barcode} or {patron last name}
Patron Homeroom WindowUse the HW command to open the Patron Homeroom window; this
window contains a list of all the patrons that belong to a particular homeroom. If you type HW into the
command line followed by an optional patron barcode number or homeroom name, then the Patron
Homeroom window opens, displaying a list of all the patrons belonging to the homeroom.

If you type HW by itself (or with a partial name) into the command line, then the Homeroom Selection
window will open (see Show Homeroom Window(s) on page 325).

When the Patron Homeroom window opens, it will contain a list of all the patrons that belong to a
particular homeroom. Double-clicking on a patron or highlighting a patron and clicking the OK button
will make that patron the Current Patron on the main Circulation window.

326 Alexandria Users Manual

In Transit Window


In Transit Window
IT {destination} : {note}
In Transit WindowThe IT Circulation command allows copies to be sent to a library other than the

owning institution. In addition, an optional computerized message can be attached to the copy to inform
the receiving library the reason for its arrival (e.g. the books author is visiting, Mrs. Smith needs it for her
career unit, or Bob Jones is doing a book review).

Items that are sent using the IT command become an in-stock hold under the In Transit System Patron
(barcode 9) when they arrive and are bookdropped at their destination; the expiration date is determined
by the Number of days to keep an in-stock hold request policy preference (see Global Policies
Preferences: Circulation on page 174).
The computerized note will be shown in the resulting dialog window and be printed on any resulting
receipts. Such items will be shown in the Expired In-Stock Hold reports (see page 499 and page 554 for
more information) if they are not picked up and checked out before the expiration date.

Alexandria Users Manual 327

In Transit Destination Window


In Transit Destination Window

NT {destination}
In Transit WindowThe NT command allows the destination to be changed for an item that is currently
In Transit. This is useful if an item being returned to its parent institution is required immediately at

another library; this command is also helpful if an item is filling a patrons hold, but the patron switches

For more information about Central Unions In Transit functionality, please review Alexandrias Central
Union chapter in further detail (see In Transit and Interlibrary Loans on page 434).

328 Alexandria Users Manual

Reserving an Item


Reserving an Item
Reserves are special types of checkouts. Use the Reserve command when you want to keep items available
for use only within the library. You may also use the reserve function when you want specific items
available for certain patrons such as teachers or department managers. For example, a teacher may want to
place a number of items on reserve for students in a class. Another example would be a librarian who wants
to create a special group of items temporarily available for use in the library, but not available for checkout.
An item that has been issued using the Reserve command has a due date in the far future, is never charged
fines, and does not count as checked out. However, the system does record summary information on
reserves, which is displayed in the Patrons, Statistics window and in every Patron Transaction report.
If you want to reserve items for a short period of time, use the Reservations command.
J {item barcode}
Reserve an ItemReserve an item for the Current Patron or to start Reserve mode.

To reserve an item for the Current Patron, type J then type (or scan) the barcode number for
the item that the Current Patron wants to reserve and press the <enter> key.
If you do not know the item barcode, use one of the find commands (see page 324) to find the item and its
To start Reserve mode, type J and press <enter>. All item barcodes you type (or scan) while
in this mode are reserved for the Current Patron. To exit Reserve mode, enter a patron barcode
number or use the X or . command. Reserved items can only be checked in while the patron
who checked them out is the Current Patron and Alexandria is in Check In/Out mode. This
makes it more difficult for a reserved book to be checked out by another patron or accidentally
checked in with the Bookdrop command.

- N


The For Library Use (barcode #3) is the only special patron who may place reserves
on items.

Alexandria Users Manual 329

Recall Immediately


Recall Immediately
K {item barcode}
Issue Routing SlipThis command issues a recall request for a specified item copy. If the item copy isnt

checked out, a recall request can not be processed.

For example, the command K 3000 will immediately recall copy 3000.

Recall Immediately With Email Notification

KM {item barcode}
Recall Immediately With Email NotificationThis command issues a recall request for a specified item

copy and automatically sends an email notification to the patron. If the patron in possession of the item
copy does not have an email address, the recall will be processed, however, an error message will appear,
notifying you that the recall notice could not be sent via email. If the item copy isnt checked out, a recall
request can not be processed.
For example, the command KM 3000 will immediately recall copy 3000 and automatically send email
notification to the borrowing patron.

Recall Immediately With Print Notification

KP {item barcode}
Recall Immediately With Print NotificationThis command issues a recall request for a specified item

copy and a recall letter will be printed. Be sure that your printers are turned on and set up correctly in
order for the recall notification letter to be printed. If the item copy isnt checked out, a recall request can
not be processed.
For example, the command KP 3000 will cause copy 3000 to be recalled and a recall letter to be printed.

Issue Routing Slip

Since this command prints
a routing slip, you should
have your printer turned
on when you use this

M {route name}={item barcode}
Issue Routing SlipThis command will issue a routing slip with a given route name. Thus, the command
M STAFF=3092 will issue the STAFF routing slip for item 3092. In other words, Alexandria will check
out item 3092 to the responsible patron and print a STAFF routing slip. If you dont include an item

barcode number, a TOC (Table of Contents) routing slip will be printed.

This command can be used to print a routing slip for any item in your collection. Normally, routing slips
are only issued when a new subscription is received. With this command, you can print a routing slip for
any item.
For example, youve been asked to route a number of items on a particular topic. You would first create a
route with the appropriate people assigned. You can then locate all the items and use the Routing Slip
command for each item.

330 Alexandria Users Manual

Change Copy Location


Change Copy Location

NC {new location code}
Change Copy LocationUse this command to change the copy location code for several copies.

For example, to change a group of copies to location LibLab, type NC LibLab and press <enter>.
This will activate Change Copy Location mode. You can now enter barcodes for all the copies whose
location code you want to change.
The transaction log will record all copies whose location code youve changed.
When you have entered all the items whose location you wanted to change, use the . command to
deactivate the Change Copy Location mode.

Change Copy Shelving

ND {new shelving code}
Change Copy Shelving LocationUse this command to change the copy shelving code for several

For example, to change a group of copies to the shelving location Biology, type ND Biology and press
<enter>. This will activate the Change Shelving Location mode. You can now enter barcodes for all
the copies whose shelving code you want to change.
The transaction log will record all copies whose shelving code youve changed.
When you have entered all the items whose location you wanted to change, use the . command to
deactivate the Change Copy Shelving mode.

Change Copy Library

NO {new library code}
Change Copy LocationUse this command to change the library code for a number of copies.

For example, to change a group of copies to library MainBranch, type NC MainBranch and press
<enter>. This will begin Change Copy Library mode. You can now enter barcodes for the copies
whose library code you want changed.
The transaction log will record all copies for whose library code youve changed.
When you have entered all the items for whose library code you wanted to change, use the . command to
exit the Change Copy Library mode.

Alexandria Users Manual 331

Change Patron School


Change Patron School

Change Patron SchoolUse this command to change the school code for several patrons.

For example, to change a group of patrons to school code EastSide, type NP EastSide and press
<enter>. This activates Change Patron School mode. You can now enter all the patron barcodes
whose school code you want to change.
The transaction log will record the patrons whose school code youve changed.
When you have entered all the patrons school code you wanted to change, use the . command to exit
Change Patron School mode.

Change Patron Homeroom

NP {new homeroom code}
Change Patron HomeroomUse this command to change the homeroom code for several patrons.

For example, to change a group of patrons to homeroom code Brown, type NP Brown and press
<enter>. This activates Change Patron Homeroom mode. You can now enter all the patron barcodes
whose homeroom code you want to change.
The transaction log will record the patrons whose homeroom code youve changed.
When you have entered all the patrons homeroom code you wanted to change, use the . command to
exit Change Patron Homeroom mode.

Change Patron Second Location

NS {new 2nd location code}
Change Copy LocationUse this command to change the 2nd location code for several patrons.

For example, to change a group of patrons to 2nd location code Smithers, type NP Smithers and press
<enter>. This activates Change Patron 2nd Location mode. You can now enter all the patron
barcodes whose 2nd location code you want to change.
The transaction log will record the patrons whose 2nd location code youve changed.
When you have entered all the patrons 2nd location code you wanted to change, use the . command to
exit Change Patron 2nd Location mode.

Same Day Check Out

OS {barcode}
Checking Patron and Item StatusThis command performs a same day checkout for a specified item

copy. This command works the same as a normal checkout, but the due date will be set for the end of the
current day.
For example, the command OS 3000 will check item copy 3000 out with the current date as the due

332 Alexandria Users Manual

Make a Patron Current


Make a Patron Current

P {patron barcode}
Make a Patron CurrentUse this command to make a specific patron the Current Patron. For example,
to make patron 100 the Current Patron, enter P100. This command is useful if you have an overlap in

patron and item barcode numbers. Alexandria will check the item barcodes before the patron barcodes.
Therefore, if you enter the patron barcode on the command line or use the X {barcode} command,
Alexandria will find the item rather than the patron.

Checking Patron and Item Status

Q {barcode}
Checking Patron and Item StatusPatron status includes information such as loaned items, due dates,
reserved items, reservations, and library card expiration dates. Item status includes the circulation status,

holds queue, and reservations queue for all copies of the specified title. This makes it very easy to find the
status of a particular copy or the total status of the title.
Use the Q command to display the status of a patron or item.
To view the status of a patron, type Q followed by the barcode number for the patron (typed
or scanned) and press <enter>. If you do not enter a barcode, the status of the Current Patron
is displayed.
If you dont know a patrons barcode, use the locate command (see Locating Patrons and Items
on page 324) to find the patron and their barcode.
To view item details, type Q followed by the barcode number (typed or scanned) for the item
and press <enter>.
If you do not know an item barcode, use one of the find commands (see Locating Patrons and Items on
page 324) to locate an item and its barcode.
There are two other ways to view the status of the Current Patron or Item:
Use the Show Patron Details and Show Item Details commands on the Circulation menu.
Click the Details icons in the Current Patron or Current Item section of the Circulation

Alexandria Users Manual 333

Renew Query


Renew Query
Renewing an ItemDisplays a list of all books checked out to the Current Patron, allowing you to

choose which books to renew or declare lost (both are also menu options).

The *Renew All button will fail to renew items that have holds placed on them if your policy preferences
indicate that renewing items with holds is disallowed. If you want the override this and renew them all
anyway, highlight all of the items by clicking on the first item in the list while holding down the <shift>
key and then proceed to click on the last item in the list. Then, click the Renew button. The renew option
will generate any override dialogues as appropriate and allow authorized users to override them as desired.
BarcodeInput the patron barcode number here.
PasswordInput the password for the patron here.
*Renew AllRenews all of the Current Patrons items.
Declare LostThe selected (highlighted) items will be assigned to the Lost System Patron. All
items you have selected will be then registered as lost.
RenewRenews one item at a time; also renews a range of selected (highlighted) items.

334 Alexandria Users Manual

Renewing an Item


Renewing an Item
R {item barcode}
Renewing an ItemUse this command to renew an item or activate Renew mode. You can specify the
number of times an item can be renewed in your Circulation Policies (see Policies Preferences on

page 161).
To renew an item, type R and scan (or type) the barcode number for the item and press
<enter>. If your Circulation Policies allow, this item is renewed to the patron who has it
checked out. That patron also becomes the Current Patron.
If you do not know the item barcode, use one of the find commands (see Locating Patrons and Items on
page 324) to find the items barcode.
To start Renew mode, type R and press <enter>. All item barcodes you type or scan while
in this mode are renewed. To exit Renew mode, enter a patron barcode number or use the X
or . command.
If renewal is not allowed, a message will appear to inform you. A renewal is not allowed when the
Circulation Policy is set to disallow renewals or when renewing an item would take it into a reserved date

Renew All Items

Renewing an ItemWhen you have a Current Patron, this command renews all items for that patron.
The Renew All command is different from the Renew command in that it overrides every policy

restriction except for renews with holds on the item.

Change Item Policies

UI {new policy code}
Change Item PoliciesUse this command to quickly change the policy codes for a number of copies.

For example, suppose you want to mark a number of copies for overnight check out exclusively during the
next two weeks. You can quickly create a policy for overnight checkout and then use this command to
change the policy for those copies.
Alexandria saves the old policy so you can restore it later using the Restore Previous Policy command.
Therefore, in the above example, at the end of the two weeks, you can restore the original policy.

Change Patron Policies

UP {new policy code}
Change Patron PoliciesUse this command to quickly change the policy codes for a number of
patrons. This command works for patron policies exactly like the UI command (explained above) works

for copy policies.

Restore Previous Policy

Restore Previous PolicyUse this command to quickly change patron or copy policies back to their

previous policy.

Alexandria Users Manual 335

Start Classification Mode


Start Classification Mode

V {type} {keyword}
Start Classification ModesUse this command to quickly add searchable terms to items that you scan.

Lets say you want to create a reading list on Olympic skiing. You would enter the command V B
Olympic Skiing in the command line and press <enter>. Alexandria would display B*Olympic
Skiing above the command line. Any item you scan or enter when in this mode would have the
bibliographic keyword Olympic Skiing assigned to it. To end the Classification mode, enter the .
command in the command line. Once an item is classified, it can be searched for using the Researcher
If you would like to delete searchable classifications from item records, you may do so one at a time from
the Bibliography, Curriculum, and Interest Code fields located under the Categories tab on the
bottom half of the Show, Items window.
You can further delete, examine, and manipulate keywords en masse using the Utilities, Catalog Utilities
command under the File menu.
Valid types include:
S Subject

R Study Program

C Curriculum

P Point Count

I Interest/reading level

T Test Number

B Bibliography

H Holding Code

Select Search from the Show menu to search for the items youve classified using this command. In fact,
if a patron were searching for items on Olympic skiing, those items would appear on any search
performed after you classify the item.

336 Alexandria Users Manual

Make Item/Patron Current


Make Item/Patron Current

X {barcode}
Make a Patron or Item CurrentUse this command to make an item or patron barcode the Current
Item or Current Patron. For example, X100 makes patron 100 the Current Patron and X110034
makes item 110034 the Current Item. If you enter an X without a barcode, Current Items and Patrons
are cleared and the window is restored to Check In/Out mode.

Clear Current Patron/Item Mode

Clear Current Patron/Item ModeUse this command to clear the Current Patron, Current Item and
the Override Date.

Start Statistics Mode

Y {optional date}
Start Statistics ModeUse this command to record items as being used without checking them out. If

certain items in your collection are often used without being checked out, use this command to collect
better statistics about library usage.
Alexandria counts a check out as usage of an item. However, there are many times when an item is used,
but is not checked out. For example, books left on tables in the library at the end of the day were probably
used even though they were not checked out. You can enter these item barcodes before re-shelving them
and they will be marked as used for the purpose of collection statistics.
When you enter a barcode under this command (followed by an optional usage date), the item usage
statistics and time-based statistics are updated, and the item is marked as used in the transaction log.
To use a portable reader to record used items, enter Y on the command line and then scan the item

Clear the Transaction log

Clear the Transaction logThis command removes all entries in the visible transaction log. However,

all the transaction log entries saved to disk are not affected by this command.

Alexandria Users Manual 337


338 Alexandria Users Manual

Clear the Transaction log

Authority Control
When Authority Control is enabled, every time the user <tabs> out of an editable, authority-controlled
field, Alexandria will check to see if the newly-entered data already exists within the Alexandria database. If
the newly-entered data is an exact match against previously-existing data, the cursor will move to the next
editable field without incident (unless you have your preferences set to force authority control1). If it has
not, an Authority Control selection list appears. The user may choose to add the new and current entry or
select a previously-existing entry from the selection list.
When Authority Control is not enabled, the user can still check an editable field entry by exiting the field
with an <option-tab> on Macintosh or <ctrl-tab> on Windows. If the information contained
within a specific field is not authority controlled, an Authority Control selection list will appear. If the
information has been controlled, the cursor will move to the next editable field without incident.

The example shown above is a Title Search Authority Control window. It contains a list of title record
tags that most closely resemble the information that has been provided in the current entry field. The user
can select previously-existing information from the list by double-clicking on it or by selecting
(highlighting) an item and clicking the OK button. If the newly-entered information is valid, but doesnt
already exist in your Alexandria database, the user may add it by clicking on the Add to List button.
If the Strip Leading Articles checkbox is available, it tells Alexandria to ignore leading articles (e.g. the,
an, a) in the search results window.

1.To learn even more ways of controlling Authority Control, please review the Authority Control Preference chapter, starting on
page 103.

Alexandria Users Manual 339

Authority Control

Automatically Building Your Authority Control Records

In most cases, after the initial Alexandria program installation, the users first step will be to import all their
patron and item record information. When Alexandria launches and notices that no authority controlled
records exist, the following message will appear:

Clicking the Cancel or No button will close the Message window until the next time Alexandria is
launched; clicking the Cancel button will ignore whether or not you have placed a check in the Do not
ask this question again box.
If you check the Do not ask this question again box and then click No, Alexandria will not create
authority-controlled records based on your program data and will not ask to do so ever again. If you
accidentally select this combination but would like to create authority-controlled records from your
existing data, please use the Build From Existing Records Utility (see Authority Control: Build from
Existing Records on page 687).
If you click Yes, Alexandria will create authority-controlled records based on your existing database
information; it will also ignore whether or not you have placed a check in the Do not ask this question
again box.
This Message window (shown below) will also appear during launch after you have performed an
Alexandria program update.

- N


Due to COMPanions migration to new MARC Authority standards (see page 342),
pre-Alexandria v5.5.3 users may be forced to rebuild their existing (bibliographic)
authority-controlled records and subfields.
Older authority-controlled records (Title, Subject, Series and Author) will be
converted to the new MARC Authority-type on rebuild and unconverted records will
be removed from the database.

340 Alexandria Users Manual

Authority Control Window

Authority Control

Authority Control Window

To open the Authority Control window, select Authority Control from Alexandrias Show drop-down
menu. The top of the Authority Control window contains two drop-down menus and five specialized

If you have created any authority-controlled data, the Authority Control Selection drop-down menu will
allow you to view all the entries you have for these fields: Title (or Series), People (Authors or
Subjects), Corporations (Author or Subjects), Meetings (Authors or Subjects), Subject Headings,
Subject Subdivisions, Curriculum, Interest Code, Bibliography, Medium, Location, Shelving,
Library, Publisher, Funding Source, Homeroom, 2nd Location, School, Grade, City, and State (see
Authority Control Preferences page 103 for setting these controls).
The authority-controlled fields that appear below the line in the Authority Control Selection drop-down
menu affect data in Alexandria that is stored in our own custom format. These fields have no relation to
MARC Authority standards although they are set up and shared similarly. Some of these fields
(Curriculum, Interest Code, Bibliography, and Publisher) are actually stored in a MARC format, but
aren't part of the MARC Authority standard.
The button depicting a file with the magnifying glass locates an entry in the current authority control list.
Clicking on this button will open up a Query window. Enter the text (or a close approximation) of the
term you are looking for and Alexandria will find the closest listed match.

The buttons that resemble files with (blue) up and (red) down arrows (located to the far-right of the
Authority Control window) allow you to view the next ten entries that come either before or after the

current authority control list. For example, clicking on the red file down button will append your current
authority control list with the next ten (in order) entries.
Review the following sections to learn how to use the add, quick-add, and remove buttons.

Alexandria Users Manual 341

Authority Control

MARC Authority Control

MARC Authority Control

Pre-Alexandria v5.5.3 users may be surprised to find that Title, Author, Subject and Series are now
authority-controlled using the MARC Authority standard. This new standard allows users to add and edit
the MARC Authority fields 100 to 185these include uniform names, titles, and terms used in headings
or subdivisions to headings.
In previous versions of Alexandria, it was possible to create an authority-controlled MARC tag that could
be shared by several different items. If you updated any information in that tag, then all the items that
shared that tag would also be changed. However, this method of authority control allowed for duplicate
bibliographic tags and was only applicable to the exact tag that you were manipulating; for example,
author tags would only affect other author tags, subject tags would only affect other subject tags.
With MARC Authority, you can create a uniform tag that is not only shared by many items, but by many
different MARC tags as well. For example, if you create an authority-controlled person named Twain,
Mark, this tag can be shared by several different items as an author or as a subject. Now, if you update a
single MARC Authority-controlled record, all the authors and subjects that share this tag will be
automatically updated.
MARC Authority also allows for the editing of the 4xx range (i.e. See) and the 5xx range (i.e. See Also).

MARC Authority Window

To access the MARC Authority window, select one of the following seven MARC Authority1 fields from
the Authority Control Selection drop-down menu: Title (or Series), People (Authors or Subjects),
Corporations (Author or Subjects), Meetings (Authors or Subjects), Subject Headings, Subject
Subdivisions (see Authority Control Preferences page 103 for setting these controls).
The MARC Authority window consists of three different tabs, Main Entries (1xx), See (4xx), and See
Also (5xx). Users have the ability to quickly add or remove MARC Authority-controlled entries from
within the MARC Authority window (see See and See Also on page 343 for more information).
Main Entries (1xx)Information about titles is stored in the 130 tag for MARC Authority
records. It can be used for several tags in item records: 130 (title main entry), 240, 242, 243,
245 (title), 246, 247 (variant title), 630 (subject - title), 730 (additional title), 740, 440 (series
title), 490, or 830 (additional series title). Please visit the Library of Congress website
( for specifications on this tag.
See (4xx)This browses the records in alphabetical order of the information contained in the
400-499 tags. These tags are used to refer users from a bad search term in the 4xx tags to the
good term in main entry 1xx tag. Please visit the Library of Congress website
( for specifications on this tag.
See Also (5xx)This browses the records in alphabetical order of the information contained in
the 500-599 tags. These tags are used to refer users from the main entry 1xx tag to related
search terms in the 5xx tags. Please visit the Library of Congress website ( for
specifications on this tag.

1.The authority-controlled fields that appear below the line in the Authority Control Selection drop-down menu affect data in Alexandria
that is stored in our own custom format. These fields have no relation to MARC Authority standards although they are set up and shared
similarly. Some of these fields (Curriculum, Interest Code, Bibliography, and Publisher) are actually stored in a MARC format, but aren't
part of the MARC Authority standard.

342 Alexandria Users Manual

See and See Also

Authority Control

See and See Also

Subjects are a fixed vocabulary, defined in order to standardize terms across libraries and make it easier for
patrons to find itemsregardless of the library they frequent. However, in any language, there may be
multiple words with similar meanings and patrons need to be directed to the correct term or shown related
terms. The MARC Authority format allows for invalid or related terms to be connected to valid subjects or
The MARC Authority fields for invalid or related terms are commonly referred to as See and See Also.
Entries that are referred to as See (or 4xx) are usually invalid, uncataloged entries that can direct users to
the proper entry. For example, a See (4xx) entry would refer a user who incorrectly entered the text
Twaine, Mark to the correct entry of Twain, Mark.
Entries that are referred to as See Also (or 5xx) are valid entries that are essentially valid synonyms of an
existing Main Entry (or 1xx). For example, a search for Harley might also bring up Harley
Davidson or motorcycle.

When you create a new entry or a change an existing entry in an authority-controlled field, the Authority
Control window will retrieve existing records that are in a range both above and below the new entry.
Additionally, See Also tags will be shown alongside each authority-controlled record that was retrieved.
For example, entering Harley in an authority-controlled field would also include See: Hurley and
See Also: motorcycle in the search results.
If Alexandria does not find a sufficiently close match to the original search text, it will perform an
additional search for See or See Also recordsthese can direct you to a proper entry.

When browsing on a Researcher, Alexandria requests a range of Bibliographic (i.e. Item) records in a
range both above and below the specified search entry; each record is also searched for a corresponding
MARC Authority record.
When Alexandria discovers a MARC Authority-controlled record, it also pulls its See Also (5xx) records,
which are displayed alongside the bibliographic entry.
If Alexandria does not find a sufficiently close match to the original search entry, it will perform an
additional search for See or See Also recordsthese can direct you to a proper entry.
It should be noted that all search results are dependant upon a bibliographic match and will not be shown
if there is not a corresponding entry.

In an items Details pane, the subjects See Also records (if available) are retrieved and displayed. These
records are not bibliographic-dependant and may possibly result in an empty search when followed.

Alexandria Users Manual 343

Authority Control

See and See Also

Adding and Removing MARC Authority Entries

To add a new MARC Authority-controlled entry, select one of the following seven MARC Authority fields
from the main Authority Control windows Authority Control Selection drop-down menu:

Next, click on the red + Add Entry button on the main Authority Control windowthis opens the
MARC Authority window.
Using one of the three tabs on the MARC Authority window (Main Entries 1xx is the default), add an
authority-controlled entry and click OK. In the Main Entry drop-down menu, the numbers or letters to
the left of the descriptive text are the MARC tags, and the text to the right of the MARC tags describe
what the field is used for in the MARC standard. .

344 Alexandria Users Manual

See and See Also

Authority Control

To add a new subfield entry, click on the blue a button. Doing so will open Fields window. Using the
sole drop-down menu located on this window, select the subfield type that you would like to add to the
record and click OK. Once you have selected a subfield from the drop-down menu, the subfield tag will be
added to the MARC record. The subfields contained within the drop-down menu will change depending
on the selection you made for your main entry.

The yellow up and down arrows will change the position of the selected (highlighted) subfield within the
record; thus, a particular records subfield hierarchy can be changed.
When you have finished adding all your title and subfield information, click the OK button located at the
bottom-right of the MARC Authority window. You will be returned to the Authority Control window,
with your new entry added to the current authority control list. Click Save to keep your changes or click
Revert to discard them.
To delete a MARC Authority entry, select (highlight) the item that you could like to remove from the
main Authority Control and click the red - Remove Entry button. While this removes an entry from
the Authority Control list, it will not remove the entry from an item record, even if the Automatically
Update Authority Control preference is checked.
Click the Save button to keep your changes or the Revert button to undo them.

Alexandria Users Manual 345

Authority Control

Custom Authority Control

Custom Authority Control

The authority-controlled fields that appear below the line in the Authority Control Selection drop-down
menu (shown in the margin) affect data in Alexandria that is stored in our own custom format. These
fields have no relation to MARC Authority1 standards although they are set up and shared similarly.
Further, some of these fields can be used in patron records (e.g. City, State, Homeroom).
Custom Authority control is available for the following information: Curriculum, Interest Code,
Bibliography, Medium, Location, Shelving, Library, Publisher, Funding Source, Homeroom, 2nd
Location, School, Grade, City, and State (see Authority Control Preferences page 103 for setting these


Adding and Removing Custom Authority Entries

Users have the ability to quickly add or remove Custom Authority-controlled entries from within the
Authority Control window.
To add a new Custom Authority-controlled entry, select one of the following fifteen Custom Authority
fields from the main Authority Control windows Authority Control Selection drop-down menu:
Curriculum, Interest Code, Bibliography, Medium, Location, Shelving, Library, Publisher,
Funding Source, Homeroom, 2nd Location, School, Grade, City, and State
Next, click on the red + Add Entry button on the main Authority Control windowthis opens a New
Custom Authority Entry window.

Using the text-entry field located on this window, input the text that you would like to have authoritycontrolled, and then click OK. You will be returned to the Authority Control window with your new
entry added to the current authority control list. Click Save to keep your changes or click Revert to
discard them.
To delete a Custom Authority entry, select (highlight) the item that you could like to remove from the
main Authority Control window and click the red - Remove Entry button. While this removes an
entry from the Authority Control list, it will not remove the entry from an item record, even if the
Automatically Update Authority Control preference is checked.
Click the Save button to keep your changes or the Revert button to undo them.
1.Some of these fields (Curriculum, Interest Code, Bibliography, and Publisher) are actually stored in a MARC format, but aren't part of
the MARC Authority standard.

346 Alexandria Users Manual

Custom Authority Control

Authority Control

Authority Control Quick Entry

For those who are not comfortable with the complexities of MARC records, Alexandria features an
additional way to quickly add entries to the Authority Control window.
You can use this window to quickly add several authority-controlled records; however, you do not have the
option of adding additional or individual subfields.
To open the Authority Quick Entry window, click on the green Q Quick Add button on the main
Authority Control window.

A cursor will appear in the blank field on the Authority Quick Entry window. Type the Title (or Series),
People (Authors or Subjects), Corporations (Author or Subjects), Meetings (Authors or
Subjects), Subject Headings, Subject Subdivisions, Curriculum, Interest Code, Bibliography,
Medium, Location, Shelving, Library, Publisher, Funding Source, Homeroom, 2nd Location,
School, Grade, City, or State you would like to have authority controlled and press enter. When you
have successfully added all the information you require, click OK; click Cancel to discard any
information that you have entered in this window. Please keep in mind that this window will force
everything youve entered into one subfield of that particular tag instead of placing each separate part into
the appropriate subfield.
Clicking OK will return you to the Authority Control window, with your new entry added to the current
authority control list. Click Save to keep your changes or click Revert to discard them.

Alexandria Users Manual 347

Authority Control

348 Alexandria Users Manual

Custom Authority Control

MARC Search & Mitinet

Use this chapter to learn how to search for up-to-date MARC records using Alexandrias MARC Search
and Mitinet modules.

- N


The MARC Search module is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have
purchased an additional license to use this feature.

MARC Search
With MARC Search, users can easily clean, complete, and update their bibliographic records by searching
from a number of on-line resources. Using MARC Search, you are able to access public Z39.50 databases
from all around the world, or subscribe to Mitinets specialized AccessMARC server (see page 353).
Matched bibliographic records will be checked for accuracy and updated from a user-selected Z39.50
server1. You can retrieve bibliographic information for a new title record and then save the updated record
to your Alexandria database.
In order to use MARC Search in Alexandria, please follow these steps:
Step 1.

First, set up your MARC Search preferences (see page 147 for more information).

Step 2.

In the Address Books tab of the Global Administration preference window, configure
connection information for all the Z39.50 servers that you wish to use for bibliographic
record matching (see Z39.50 Addresses on page 83)this includes Mitinets specialized
AccessMARC Z39.50 server (see page 353).
You will be required to provide a valid Name, Address (usually an IP address), Port,
Database identifier, Username, and Password for each Z39.50 serverbe sure to set
these to Available or else MARC Search will not function.

Step 3.

Select Show from Alexandrias main menu bar and choose Items.

Step 4.

Either Find an item (from the Edit menu) for which you want an updated MARC record
or add a New Title (from the Items menu).

Step 5.

After the most basic MARC information2 has been entered into the item record, select
MARC Search3 from the Items menu.

1.Public Z39.50 servers may not be as accurate as Mitinets AccessMARC server.

2.MARC Search will return more accurate bibliographic information if you provide the title, author, and publisher; to get the most accurate results, include the ISBN.
3.The Item record must be unlocked and you must be registered for legitimate Z39.50 Services (page 92) for this option to be available.

Alexandria Users Manual 349

MARC Search & Mitinet

MARC Search

Step 6.

The MARC Search Information window appears, providing information about your search,
including the total amount of records found and how many seconds are left until time-out.

Step 7.

When a search is successful, all matching bibliographic records located by MARC Search will
be displayed in the MARC Search Results window (shown below).

350 Alexandria Users Manual

MARC Search

MARC Search & Mitinet

Along with the Matching Title List, the Results window will also display the Medium, the match Score
and the Source where the record information was located.

A bibliographic record Score is a relative number that indicates the comparative closeness of a matched
record. Although a higher score is better, the actual number means nothing about the quality of the
record. A record that receives a score of 100 isnt necessarily twice as good as a record that scores a 50. If
you are particular about your bibliographic records, you should manually check every high-scoring match
and hand-pick the records you like best.
You can use the slider bar or the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through matching
As you scroll through the Matching Title Lists selections, if you select (highlight) a record title, its
bibliographic information will be displayed1 in the Details section of the MARC Search Results window;
you can change how the results are displayed using the Character Set drop-down menu.
Once youve located the record information that you would like to keep, double-click on it or select
(highlight) it from the list and press <enter/return> (or click the Save button). If you are not satisfied
with any of the search results, close the window, click Cancel.
Any AccessMARC records that appear in your search results are pre-accepted by Mitinet and ready for
immediate download. The MARC On Demand button, another feature of the Mitinet service, will
actually send your record(s) to Mitinet; the record(s) will be updated according to the preferences you have
set on their website. For more information on how to use MARC On Demand, please review page 354 of
this chapter.


You can drag a bibliographic record from the results window onto your operating system desktop or any software application that supports drag and
drop. You can also copy the bibliographic record by highlighting all the text and selecting Copy from the Edit menu. This can be very handy if you
want to email a bibliographic record to a friendjust look it up, copy it, and paste it into an email message.

Alexandria Users Manual 351


MARC Search & Mitinet

- N


The Mitinet module is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased a
separate license to use these features.
Several Mitinet features that have been integrated into Alexandria v5.53; these include:
AccessMARCSee page 353 for more information.
MARC on DemandSee page 354 for more information.
FirewallSee page 356 for more information.
Mechanic ExpressSee page 357 for more information.

Set up Alexandria to use Mitinet features

Step 1.

Within Alexandria, select Edit from the main menu bar.

Step 2.

Select Preferences.

Step 3.

Change the drop-down menus at the top of the preference window to Local and Item

Step 4.

On the Items tab, enter your Mitinet account information, including your Username
and Password.

Step 5.

Click on Save.

Step 6.

Click on Mitinet Options to set your catalogue and classification settings for Mitinet
Mechanic Express and Firewall features.

Step 7.

Follow the instructions in the AccessMARC section (see page 353) to setup Z39.50
access to Mitinets database of MARC records.

352 Alexandria Users Manual


MARC Search & Mitinet

AccessMARC is Z39.50 access to Mitinets database of MARC records. This features requires a username
and password.
To use AccessMARC from MARC Search:
Step 1.

Within Alexandria, select Edit from the main menu bar.

Step 2.

Select Preferences.

Step 3.

Change the drop-down menus at the top of the preference window to Global and Administration.

Step 4.

On the Address Books tab, select (or highlight) Standard Z39.50 Address Book from
the Address Books list on the left.

Step 5.

Click on the + icon under the Addresses list on the right.

Step 6.

Enter the address information for AccessMARC.

Name: AccessMARC
IP Address:
Port: 210
Database: AccessMARC
Address Type: Z39.50 Site
Availability: Hide on Researcher (although Available is also acceptable, it means
normal patrons would have access to searching this database which is useless for them.)

Step 7.

Enter your Mitinet account Username and Password (sent to you by COMPanion).

Step 8.

Click Add to temporarily save this information and return to the Preferences window.

Step 9.

Now, you must click the Save button to save your new AccessMARC address.

Step 10.

Finally, follow steps 3 through 7 from the MARC Search section (see page 349).

- N


Since Mitinets AccessMARC uses standard Z39.50 client features, the only way to
determine that you are accessing it correctly is by performing a search and viewing the
Source of the returned records at the top of the MARC Search Results window. It
should show something similar to Z39.50 - AccessMARC.

Alexandria Users Manual 353


MARC Search & Mitinet

MARC on Demand
When a Z39.50 AccessMARC search fails to locate an acceptable record, you may use this feature to
submit basic bibliographic information to Mitinet; associates there will attempt to locate a record for you.
Alexandrias MARC on Demand features can be accessed when selecting MARC Search from the main
Items menu1 (the Item Management window must first be unlocked). If you have your Mitinet
preferences properly set in the Local Item Management preference window (see Mitinet Tab on
page 129), a MARC On Demand button will be available next to the Cancel and Save buttons.
Clicking on the MARC On Demand button will open the Mini Item Window, allowing you to add or
edit the minimum information necessary to submit a MARC on Demand request.

Fields with an * are required; however, the more information that is provided, increases the accuracy of
a match. You must save the record within Alexandria before it can be submitted to Mitinet.
After submitting a MARC request, you can monitor its progress using the Mitinet Status window (see
page 359), which is accessed from the Item Management windows main Items menu.
The Sent tab (see page 356) contains a MARC On Demand section which tells you whether you have
access to MARC on Demand, how many records you have sent, how many are available for import, and a
complete list of sent records.
You can retrieve a completed request by double-clicking it or by highlighting (selecting) it from the list
and clicking the Retrieve button. Once the files have been retrieved, click on the Received tab (see
page 359). Highlight (select) the desired files with the <cmnd> or <ctrl>-key and click the Import File

- N


Only the users that submit MARC on Demand requests may retrieve and import
their results. This limitation exists to help ensure that each user knows when their files
are retrieved and imported. In a Central Union situation, confusion could result if
people forget that others are also submitting and importunes files. For this reason,
each person must retrieve and import their own files.
Regardless of whether you perform this action from an Alexandria Client or the main Data Station, the
Mitinet record must be imported immediately upon download or else it will be lostrecords are removed
from the main Mitinet Server the instant they are retrieved.
1.You must first have set up a Standard Z39.50 Address Book (in your Global Administration preferences; see page 77 for more information) before you are able to access the MARC Search window.

354 Alexandria Users Manual

Mitinet Status

MARC Search & Mitinet

Mitinet Status
In order to utilize the features of the Mitinet Status window, you must first enter valid Mitinet account
information, including Username and Password, in the Local Mitinet tab of the Item Management
preferences window (see page 134 for more information).
To open the Mitinet Status window and view any outstanding submissions:
Step 1.

Select Show from the menu bar and choose Items.

Step 2.

Select Mitinet Status from the Items menu.

Sent Tab
The Sent tab of the Mitinet Status window details which files have been submitted to Mitinet for
processing and is broken down into three major sections. The MARC on Demand1 section details each
individual request. The Firewall and Mechanic Express sections only allow you to have one file pending
at a time.

MARC Mechanic Express has more features and a higher item limit to allow for standardization of your
entire collection at once. MARC Firewall has a 500 item limit and is meant for maintaining established
signalizations; Firewall jobs may only be submitted to Mitinet during the import process. Additionally,
there may only be one submitted (or outstanding) Firewall or Mechanic Express job at a time, per
1.The functionality of the MARC on Demand section was previously covered in this chapter (see page 354 for more information).

Alexandria Users Manual 355

MARC Search & Mitinet

Mitinet Status

Firewall is accessed from the Import window (see Data Import on page 715 for more information).

If youve correctly set your Mitinet account information, including a valid Username and Password,
then a Use Firewall checkbox should appear in the Item Settings tab of the Data Import window.
Further, you must set your Mitinet Firewall settings before submitting a Firewall job, this can be done by
clicking on the Set Mitinet Options button next to the checkbox. Click OK to import your items.
If Use Firewall is checked, Alexandria will first check to make sure that the import file is 500 records or
less (five-hundred is the limit for a single Firewall entry). Next, Alexandria will check whether your
account is ready to accept a Firewall request (only one Firewall job is allowed at a time). After the import
is complete, the files are exported to a temporary file which is then automatically uploaded to Mitinet.

After submitting a Firewall job, you can monitor its status in the Firewall section of the Mitinet Status
window. There are three different Firewall statuses that can appear:
No Current JobWaiting for the Alexandria client to upload a file.
In ProgressFiles are being processed by Mitinet.
Job CompletedThe Alexandria client can download the newly updated records.
The Retrieve button will appear selectable when the job is complete. When you retrieve the job, it will be
downloaded from the Mitinet server and be accessible from the Received tab of the Mitinet Status
window (see Received Tab on page 359 for more information).
Since MARC Firewall is limited to a single file being submitted to Mitinet at a time, anyone with
appropriate authority may download outstanding Firewall jobs and import them.
You will need to set your Custom Cleanup Options on the Mitinet website before uploading your
Firewall records.

356 Alexandria Users Manual

Mitinet Status

MARC Search & Mitinet

Mechanic Express
Mechanic Express is accessed from the Utilities (see page 621) window or from the Export (page 735)
window. In both cases, it is labeled Mitinet Mechanic Express under the Operation drop-down

menu(s), and is only available if you have correctly set your Mitinet account information, including a valid
Username and Password.

Further, you must set your Mitinet Mechanic Express settings before submitting a Mechanic Express
job, this can be done by clicking on the Preference Window Setting button in the Account Info tab of
the Mitinet Status window (see Account Info on page 361 for more information). Click Run to export your
As the Mechanic Express operation beings, it will check whether your account is ready to accept a
Mechanic Express request (only one Mechanic Express job is allowed at a time). After the export is
complete, your entire collection will be uploaded to Mitinet for processing.

After submitting a Firewall job, you can monitor its status in the Firewall section of the Mitinet Status
window. There are seven different Firewall statuses that can appear:
No Current JobWaiting for the Alexandria client to upload a file.
In ProcessUsers wait while Mitinet looks at the records and sets their options.
Set OptionsUsers need to set their options on the Mitinet website
In ProcessUsers wait while Mitinet looks over the options that the user set and verifies that
they are correct.
Confirm OptionsUsers need to confirm their options on the Mitinet website.
In ProgressFiles are being processed by Mitinet.
Job CompletedThe Alexandria client can download the newly updated records.
After submitting a Mechanic Express job, you can monitor its status in the Mechanic Express section
of the Mitinet Status window. There are three different Mechanic Express statuses that can appear:
Waiting for Upload (meaning there is no current job), In Progress, and Complete.
The Retrieve button will appear selectable when the job is complete. When you retrieve the job, it will be
downloaded from the Mitinet server and be accessible from the Received tab of the Mitinet Status
window (see Received Tab on page 359 for more information).
Since Mechanic Express is limited to a single file being submitted to Mitinet at a time, anyone with
appropriate authority may download outstanding Mechanic Express jobs and import them.

Alexandria Users Manual 357

MARC Search & Mitinet

Mitinet Status

Mechanic Express / Firewall Standardizations

MARC Mechanic Express and Firewall perform the following standardizations:
Adds Award Notes for National and/or State awards.
Changes text to proper case in fields that are all uppercase.
Removes or merges duplicate records (Mechanic Express only).
Moves Study Program information to the 526 tag (can add Study Program information for
an additional fee).
Updates outdated Sears headings and updates politically sensitive subject headings to more
currently acceptable versions.
Moves Fiction to subfield V from prior standards.
Removes Juvenile Literature and Juvenile Fiction.
Removes Sears from subfield 2.
Reorders subject tags into proper tag order.
Removes redundant subject headings (select to keep either Sears or LC).
Adds kid-friendly subjects.
Removes 9xx tags.
Moves articles to the beginning of titles and updates non-filing characters.
Follows commas with a space.
Removes double-spaces and slashes.
Standardizes prefixes for call numbers (Mechanic Express only).
Removes slashes from call numbers.
Fixes unusual punctuation for Dewey Call Numbers.
Truncates Dewey Call Numbers.
Standardizes cutters.
Standardizes suffixes (Mechanic Express only).

358 Alexandria Users Manual

Mitinet Status

MARC Search & Mitinet

Received Tab
The Received tab contains a list of all files that have been downloaded from Mitinet to your Alexandria
Data Station; received files are files that still need to be imported. Using the features of the Received tab,
you may view the Mitinet report for each file, view the file itself, or import said file.

Jobs are labeled according to their type (Firewall or Mechanic Express Import) and the date and time of
their download.
You can import a downloaded job by double-clicking it or by highlighting (selecting) it from the list and
clicking the Import File button.
A report, generated by Mitinet, detailing what changes were made, is available for every processed Firewall
and Mechanic Express job. These reports are accessed by highlighting (selecting) a job from the list and
clicking the View Report button. You may also view the file itself (always in MARC format) by
highlighting (selecting) a job from the list and clicking the View File button.
All received files are located on your Alexandria server; if you access them from a client they will be
downloaded to that machine. The experience is identical on both client and server except for the
Downloading File progress bar that appears when downloading a file on the client.
After a job has been imported it will be moved to the Imported/Archived tab, which behaves similarly to
the Received tab.

Alexandria Users Manual 359

MARC Search & Mitinet

Mitinet Status

The Imported/Archived tab shows all files that have been downloaded from Mitinet and imported into
your Alexandria Data Station. Using the features of the Imported/Archived tab, you may view the
Mitinet report for each file or view the file itself.

A report, generated by Mitinet, detailing what changes were made, is available for every processed Firewall
and Mechanic Express job. These reports are accessed by highlighting (selecting) a job from the list and
clicking the View Report button. You may also view the file itself (always in MARC format) by
highlighting (selecting) a job from the list and clicking the View File button.
All Mitinet-related files are located in the Mitinet Downloads directory of the Alexandria Support
folder. After a job has been imported, it is moved from the Downloaded to the Imported directory.
Both the client and the server populate their Received and Imported/Archived tabs from these
directories. When a client chooses to use one of these files, it is downloaded from the server and stored in
the same directory structure on the client machine, but the list is always populated from the server.

360 Alexandria Users Manual

Mitinet Status

MARC Search & Mitinet

Account Info
The Account Info tab contains general Mitinet account information, including which features your
Mitinet Username and Password activate. This tab also includes the Preference Window Settings
button, which opens the Local Mitinet tab (see page 129 for more information) in the Item Management
preference window, allowing you to set your account information for Mitinet processing.

- N


If your licensed Mitinet account does not provide access to certain features, you will
be unable to use them.

Alexandria Users Manual 361

MARC Search & Mitinet

362 Alexandria Users Manual

Mitinet Status

Alexandria Lexiles
Lexiles have become the most widely accepted reading measurement in use today; renown as the most
accurate way of matching readers to suitable text. Before high-school graduation, more than 19 million
students will receive a Lexile measurement.

- N


The Lexiles module is an optional features of Alexandria. You must have purchased a
Lexiles license in order to use these features.

What Are Lexiles?

Developed by MetaMetrics, Inc., a Lexile is a scientifically-based reading measurement that can be used to
match a patrons reading ability to the overall difficulty of a specified text. This provides educators with a
standardized system of measurement, allowing them to better monitor the reading progress of their
Educators and librarians are also able to better match readers to titles with similar Lexile measurements. In
this way, students will be able to have more enjoyable reading experiences and are less likely to become
frustrated by unfamiliar vocabulary or complex sentence structures.

How Are Lexiles Measured?

Using MetaMetrics Lexile Analyzer software, titles are measured based on word frequency (semantic
difficulty) and sentence length (syntactic complexity); the resulting Lexile value is numeric, rated on a scale
between 0 and 2000. Generally, the larger the Lexile measurement, the more complex the sentence
structureas well as the frequency with which difficult words are used.
Additionally, the same Lexile measurement scale can be applied to identify a patrons reading
comprehension. A readers Lexile level indicates that they are expected to have a 75% comprehension score
for a title with the same Lexile measurement. For example, a reader who has a Lexile measurement of 840
should be able to comprehend at least 75% of a title that also has a Lexile measurement of 840.

What Materials Have Been Lexiled?

Currently, there are more than 100,000 books and more than 70 million newspapers and magazines
articles which have been Lexiled, including some on-line databases.
Of those 100,000, there are some that can not be properly measured, and are, therefore, given a Lexile code
as opposed to a Lexile measurement.
For example, beginning reader materials often have one or two words per page and no discernible
sentences; therefore, instead of scoring a 0 or a negative number, they are assigned a Lexile code of BR
(beginning reader).
Poetry and screenplays often use unorthodox punctuation and unconventional paragraphs and line-breaks.
These make it difficult for the Lexile Analyzer to determine where a sentence begins and ends. Therefore,
these are assigned a code of NP (non-prose).

Alexandria Users Manual 363

Alexandria Lexiles

Who Uses Lexiles?

Reading Counts, one of the major study programs, uses Lexiles for student interest levels. Many other
programs, however, use Lexiles as their standardized method for measuring reading comprehension.

Reading Counts and Lexiles

If you use Reading Counts, and your vendor includes that information in your MARC records, the Lexile
information particular to Reading Counts is kept in the 526 tag under subfield _b.
Reading Level is kept in subfield _c and the study program name Reading Counts is located in subfield
_a. This information can also be found at Scholastics website1 where you can look up titles individually.
It is not recommended that you enter Reading Counts information unless your school or institution also
owns the accompanying tests; patrons who see such information may mistakenly think that they can get
Reading Counts credit for reading that title.

Where can I get Lexile measurements for my titles?

Depending on your vendor, the MARC records that you purchase along with your books may already
contain Lexile information. If not, they may become available by simply changing your profile with the
vendor or by paying an additional charge.
Lexile information is usually stored in the 521 tag with the _a as the Lexile measurement and _b as the
indicator of the Lexile.
You can also get Lexile information manually by searching the Lexile Book Database website2. The Lexile
Book Database is updated regularly, so if you have an item which lacks a Lexile score and can not be
located in the database, be sure to check back frequently. What isnt measured today may be measured
If you have the full text of an item that is not contained in the Lexile Book Database, you can use
MetaMetrics on-line Lexile Analyzer to score your item.
However, to help make these processes easier, COMPanion has created a Lexile utility for Alexandria that
compares your titles to those contained within the Lexile Book Database. If Lexile measurements are
found missing from your titles, they will be added to your data.
For more information about the Alexandria Lexile module, contact your COMPanion sales representative
at (800)-347-6439.


364 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Lexiles

Assigning A Patron Lexile

Alexandria allows you to import and export patron Lexile measurements, regardless if Alexandrias Lexile
module has been licensed. Furthermore, even if youre not licensed to use Alexandrias Lexile module, you
can apply a patron Lexile measurement via the Lexile field in the Patrons window.
If you would like to know how you can obtain patron Lexile measurements, please remember that all
major standardized reading tests and many popular instructional reading programs can report student
reading scores in Lexiles1.

1.This information was sourced from

Alexandria Users Manual 365

Alexandria Lexiles
Once youve specified a patrons Lexile measurement, and you are licensed to use the Alexandria Lexile
module, it can be displayed in the Current Patron section of the Circulation window if you have your
preferences set correctly.
In the Local Circulation preferences window (see Circulation Tab on page 111), youll notice the Lexile
section. This section contains the Display Patron Lexile checkbox. When this box is checked, a patrons
Lexile measurement will be displayed in the Current Patron section of the Circulation window.

As shown in the example above, once the Display Patron Lexile box has been checked, Lonnie Ann
Amsteads Lexile measurement (1192) becomes displayed in Current Patron section of the Circulation
window (if you dont see it, check the bottom-left corner).
For privacy reasons and security issues, the Display Patron Lexiles checkbox will not be checked by
If you have licensed use of Alexandrias Lexile module, the Lexile measurement in the Current Patron
section of the Circulation window will also include testing source information and an optional indicator
that compares your patrons Lexile level to the average for his/her grade (e.g. above + or below -).

Clicking on the Current Patrons Lexile Score creates a quick report that contains all of that patrons
stored Lexile information, including a short summary of the Lexile Framework for Reading.

366 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Lexiles
If the Keep Patron History box is checked under the Statistics tab of the Patrons window (see Statistics
tab on page 230), a patrons Lexile history will be kept. For example, if a patrons Lexile measurement
changes over time, these will be documented beneath the Lexile History section of the Patron History
window. To access a patrons history, click on the Show History button located on the Statistics tab of the
Patrons window.

In the example above, Lonnie Ann Amsteads Lexile measurement was changed five times. Each time it was
changed, it was recorded to her patron history. Alexandria will track the last twenty-five (25) changes made
to a patrons Lexile score.

Alexandria Users Manual 367

Alexandria Lexiles

Assigning An Item Lexile

Alexandria allows you to import and export item Lexile measurements, regardless if Alexandrias Lexile
module has been licensed. Furthermore, even if youre not licensed to use Alexandrias Lexile module, you
can apply an item Lexile measurement via the Lexile field in Publication tab of the Items window.

When you run the Import Lexiles utility (see Items: Convert ISBN on page 643),you can choose to be
either very strict and match only by ISBN or you can allow it to match on title, author, and publisher if
there isnt an ISBN match. When the utility performs the less strict matching, it will mark the From Title
Match checkbox so that librarians can later verify the Lexile measurement.
If a Lexile measurement has been applied to an item, and you are licensed to use the Alexandria Lexile
module, it will be displayed in the Current Item section of the Circulation window.

As shown in the example above, the item has its Lexile measurement (920) displayed in Current Item pane
of the Circulation window (if you dont see it, examine the bottom-left corner).

368 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Lexiles

Alexandria Researcher Lexiles

If you are licensed to use Alexandrias Lexile module, you may notice that a new section containing a
checkbox and a text field has appeared at the bottom of the Researcher window.

Help Me Find A BookWhen this box is checked and you have provided a search term in the
Search All Words field and a valid numeric measurement in the corresponding Lexile field,

Alexandria will attempt to find a random selection of books within the given Lexile range.
For example, if you check the Help Me Find a Book box and enter 900 into the Lexile field, the
Researcher will attempt to locate books in the database that have Lexile measurements from
750 to 950 (fifty above and one-hundred and fifty below). If a sufficient number of books within
that Lexile range are found, seven will be randomly selected; two that are up to fifty above and
three that are up to one-hundred and fifty below. If you are dissatisfied with the random selection
of books that your search has provided and there are still sufficient titles remaining to pull from,
you may click on the Show Me Others button to pull another random sampling. Note: because
this is a totally random sampling, some titles may appear more than once.
If there is not a sufficient number of books found within that range, anything that is close in
range will be selected.
If a patron uses the Log In option located at the bottom-right of the Researcher window, their
individual Lexile measurement (if one exists) will be pulled from their patron record, and the
need to provide a value in the Lexile field will be unnecessary (hence its disappearance from the
Researcher window when a patron is logged in).

Alexandria Users Manual 369

Alexandria Lexiles

Alexandria Web Lexiles

If you are licensed to use Alexandrias Lexile module, you may notice that a new section containing a
checkbox and a text field has appeared at the bottom of the Alexandria Web window.

Help Me Find A BookWhen this box is checked and you have provided a search term in the
Search All Words field and a valid, numeric measurement in the corresponding Lexile field,

Alexandria will attempt to find a random selection of books within the given Lexile range.
For example, if you check the Help Me Find a Book box and enter 900 into the Lexile field,
Alexandria Web will attempt to locate books in the database that have Lexile measurements
from 750 to 950 (fifty above and one-hundred and fifty below). If a sufficient number of books
within that Lexile range are found, seven will be randomly selected; two that are up to fifty above
and three that are up to one-hundred and fifty below. If you are dissatisfied with the random
selection of books that your search has provided and there are still sufficient titles remaining to
pull from, you may click on the Show Me Others button to pull another random sampling.
If there is not a sufficient number of books found within that range, anything that is close in
range will be selected.
If a patron uses the Log In option located at the top-left of the Alexandria Web window, their
individual Lexile measurement (if one exists) will be pulled from their patron record, and the
need to provide a value in the Lexile field will be unnecessary (hence its disappearance from the
Alexandria Web window when a patron is logged in).

370 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Lexiles

Importing Item Lexiles

If you are licensed to use Alexandrias Lexiles module, you will be able to use this utility to download Lexile
measurements for all the items in your database.
This utility is located under Alexandrias Items Utilities.

First, input a functioning Lexile Server Address (default is The Allow Title Matches
checkbox works in two separate ways; if you dont make any Select By options, Alexandria will only
match items by ISBN. If you make a Select By option, Alexandria will search first by ISBN, and if that is
not found it will next look for Title, Author, and the Publisher (if author and title is similar). All newly
Lexiled items will be recorded to the Transaction log.

Alexandria Users Manual 371

Alexandria Lexiles

Lexile Field Numbers for Import/Export

The field number for a Lexile Student is 1060. All of a patrons lexile information (per grade) is contained
in a single string; cells are separated by || and rows are separated by //.
For instance, the Lexile tab in your Patron Management window might look like this:

Or, for simplification purposes, the information contained in the Lexile tab can also be represented by the
following table:


Testing Source



TestO ne






The information exemplified above is stored as a single string in the Alexandria database as such:
K||200||Test One||1/20/05//1//2||400||Test Two||1/20/07

Keep in mind that a Lexile Student import is on a per-row basis, so rows missing from the import will not
be affected. Therefore, to properly clear an entire table, you would need to import an entry as follows:

372 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Researcher
This chapter explains how to search Alexandria library collections. By using the Researcher window
(found under the Show menu), users can search local collections or authorized locations over a wide area
Searching is available for Alexandria Data Stations, Librarian workstations, Researcher workstations, and
Alexandria Web2.
The Help Me Find A Book, Lexile, and Log In features will appear at the bottom of these windows if you
are licensed to use Alexandrias Lexiles module. For more information about Lexiles and how to use these
fields, please review the Alexandria Lexiles chapter, starting on page 363.

The Researcher Window

Because patrons have different skill levels and requirements, the Alexandria Researcher window has
numerous interfaces for searching. You can choose a default search interface using the Alexandria
Researcher preference window that best fits the needs of your patrons (see Researcher Preferences on
page 181).
Using the Boolean interface, patrons can choose the collection to search, the search type (e.g.
subject or title), enter a search value, and use Boolean operators to narrow the search. This is
Alexandrias primary catalog search tool. Experienced users will typically use Boolean for all
their searching (see Boolean Search on page 378). Boolean is the only interface used for
Alexandria WAN.
The Simple interface is for younger patrons or those who dont have strong English language
skills. It requires the user to enter a search value, then click an index-type icon to perform the
search (see Simple Search on page 381).
The Explore interface provides a completely iconic interface that can be customized by the
librarian for quick access to specific library resources. Since this option must be purchased
separately, its documented in Alexandria Explore starting on page 397.
The Browse interface is useful for patrons who want to browse categories for things that
interest them; it is also useful to patrons who are unsure how to spell a specific search term.
Enter a search value, even if its only the first few letters, click on the Search button, then select
the terms you want from the results list (see Browse Search on page 383).
The Study Program interface is useful for patrons who are using study programs such as
Accelerated Reader or Reading Counts. It allows the user to search the collection based on the
study program name, reading levels, points, subject, and interest code (see Study Program
Search on page 384).
The Z39.50 interface provides access to Z39.50 collections provided you have an internet
connection and the collections you are trying to connect to have Z39.50 server capabilities. The
librarian must configure a Z39.50 selection for each library (see Global Administration
Preferences: Address Books on page 77).
1.Access to wide area network locations requires an Alexandria WAN license and must be configured on your Data Station.
2.If youve purchased an Alexandria Web license, your patrons can search collections over the internet by entering the IP address of
the Data Stations default browser address field.

Alexandria Users Manual 373

Boolean Search, Overview

Alexandria Researcher

Boolean Search, Overview

Use the Boolean tab to search your collection or remote collections for which you have access. To view
the Boolean tab, select Search from the Show menu.

The following steps are for general Boolean searches. The remaining sections of this chapter provide
detailed information about other searching procedures.
Step 1.

Choose the collection to search.

The drop-down menu in the upper left-hand corner of the window defaults to Local
Collection. To search a different collection, use the drop-down menu to make another
selection. Unless youve purchased the Alexandria WAN option (or are using a multi-collection license), only your library (Local Collection) will be available in the drop-down

Step 2.

Choose the type of search.

Use the Search All Words drop-down menu on the left side of the window to choose the
kind of search you want to perform. You can choose to search from a multitude of choices,
including Authors, Titles, or Series.

Step 3.

Enter a search word or phrase.

In the field next to the Search All Words drop-down menu, enter a search value. For
example, if you want to search by title, enter all of the title (or first part of the title) that
you want to search for. You can use special characters or Boolean operators (And, Or, and
And Not) to narrow your search. You may also use the Browse button to show a list of
items in the collection that match your search values.

374 Alexandria Users Manual

Boolean Search, Overview

Step 4.

Alexandria Researcher

Use the results of the search.

The search results are shown in the Researcher window.

If you notice that you have
some mistakes in a title or
record, you can hold down
the <alt> (Windows) or
<option> (Macintosh) key
and double-click the title
to have the Item
Management window

To change how the results list is sorted, click on the column heading (e.g. Call#, Title, Author,
Media, etc).
To view details for an item (including attachments), double-click on an item in the results list
or select (highlight) an item and press the <enter> key or click the Details button.
To save items from the results list, select (highlight) them and click the Save List icon shown
below (see Creating your own Custom Results Lists on page 387).

To place a hold or reservation on an item, select (highlight) it and click the Hold / Reservations
icon shown below (see page 390 for more details).

To print the search results list, click the Print icon shown below or select Print from the File menu
(see Result List Printing Options on page 377).

Alexandria Users Manual 375

Researcher Window Control Icons

Alexandria Researcher

Researcher Window Control Icons


Clears and resets the window for a new search.

Big 6 information

Displays information on the Big 6 information

problem-solving process.

Opens a website that allows users to search netTrekker.

This icon will only appear if you are a registered
netTrekker user.

Opens a website that allows users to search SearchALL.

This icon will only appear if you are a registered SearchALL user.

Prints the contents of the Search Results window.

Duplicate Window

Duplicates the current window.

Save List

Creates a Save List for the selected titles of a results

Hold or Reservation

Use this icon to place a Hold or Reservation on

selected items.

Shows Searching Help information.


Returns to the previous window.

Previous - Next
Shows Details for the Previous or Next record in the

results list.

376 Alexandria Users Manual

Researcher Window Control Icons

Alexandria Researcher

Result List Printing Options

When you select Print from the File menu or click the Print icon when a search results list is showing, the
following window appears:

If youve selected items from the results list, you have the option of choosing the Selected Results Only
button if you want your report to include only the items selected from the results list. Otherwise, your
report will include All Results from the result list. Printing formats include:
StandardShows only the data in the results list.

Simple ListShows only simplified data in the results list.

Bibliographic FormatShows a numbered bibliography.
Citation FormatShows titles in a bibliographic format.
Short Search Results DetailsShows key data for each title.
Full Search Results DetailsShows all title information.
NotesThis report includes the citation for the title as well as the project name, all given notes,
and other questions or issues to research; this report prints one page for each item in the Results
MARC RecordsShows MARC records for each title. These MARC records may be saved and
imported into Alexandria.

Alexandria Users Manual 377

Alexandria Researcher

Boolean Search

Boolean Search
Use the Search All Words drop-down menu on the left of the window to choose the type of search you
want to perform. For example, you can choose to search by Authors, Titles, or Series, etc.

Alexandria searches the values of MARC records saved for each title. For example, when you choose to
search Authors, Alexandria searches for authors in the 100 and 700 tags.
A search returns a maximum of 500 items unless holding down the <alt> (Windows) or <option>
(Macintosh) key when clicking the Search button. If the item you are looking for isnt found in the results
list, you may have to narrow your search criteria (see page 186 for information on changing this preference).
Use the More and Fewer Options buttons to increase or decrease your Boolean search values; Alexandria
supports up to six levels of Boolean searching.

378 Alexandria Users Manual

Boolean Search

Alexandria Researcher

When searching with single words or phrases, you can use the following special characters to narrow the
search criteria:
End a word with a period (.)this tells Alexandria to perform an exact search for the word.
Start a word with a question mark (?)this tells Alexandria to look for words that sound like
the word youve entered.

The Through option is not
If you enter a single word, Alexandria searches for words or phrases that begin with the text you enter. available for use with an
All Words search.
However, if you end the text with a period (.), Alexandria only searches for data that matches your text
exactly. For example, if you enter child, Alexandria searches for all words beginning with child
(including child or children). If you enter child., Alexandria only searches for the word child.
If you dont know how to spell a word, enter the word preceded by a question mark. Alexandria will
perform a sounds-like (phonetic) search.
You can set preferences in the Librarian Workstation to automatically prompt patrons to do a sounds-like
search, if the initial search fails to find results (see Researcher Preferences on page 181).
When you enter more than one word as an All Words search, Alexandria does the following:
Step 1.

Alexandria will search with each word of the phrase, looking for any item that includes all
of the words. If the preference is selected and no match is found, Alexandria asks if you
would like to perform a sounds-like search. If selected, Alexandria performs a phonetic
search for all the words youve entered.

When performing searches other than Search All Words, Alexandria will search for items that begin with
the value youve entered. If no match is found, Alexandria will then ask you if youd like to perform an All
Words search. If you answer Yes, Alexandria will look for records that contain all of the words in your
query. Finally, if your Alexandria Researcher preferences allow, it will prompt you for a sounds-like

Alexandria Users Manual 379

Alexandria Researcher

Boolean Search

Using Boolean Operators

Alexandria supports Boolean operators (And, Or, and And Not) for all selections; and a range operator
It is recommended that you start with the most general searches first (usually joined with Or) and more
specific searches last (usually connected with And).

Using Browse Buttons

To the right of the search value field is a Browse button (or buttons depending on your Boolean
Click the Browse button to browse a list of items in your collection that most closely match the search
values you entered. If you have not yet entered values in the search value field, the browse list will begin
with the first item in your collection.

To copy a selection from the Browse window to the search value field in the Researcher window, doubleclick on a selection.
For example, if you double-click Asimov, Issac (Author) from the window above, the Researcher
window reappears with Asimov Issac in the search value field.
Only entries of particular index types appear in the Browse window. For example, if you are searching
Subjects, only Subjects index types appear.

380 Alexandria Users Manual

Simple Search

Alexandria Researcher

Simple Search
Use the Simple tab to easily search your collection, using a simplified interface.

Enter a search value in the Search For field, then click on one of the giant graphics to choose the search
index type. The results list appears with all the items in your collection that closest match your search value
and index type. The Simple Search results list can be set to either a Simple or Standard result-format
depending on your Alexandria Researcher preference settings.
If you type a value in the Search For field and press <enter>, Alexandria performs an All Words search.

Alexandria Users Manual 381

Alexandria Researcher

Explore Search

Explore Search
If youve purchased the Alexandria Explore option, your Researcher window will contain an additional
Explore tab. Click this tab to view your default Explore pane.

To search using the Alexandria Explore interface, click on one of the icons. Some pictures will take you
to new panes; others perform an Alexandria search. Some will open a website using your systems default
web browser; others will open files on your local hard drive. The entire interface can be customized to meet
the needs of your library.
When users are exploring panes beyond the default pane, they can navigate by using the Back button or
return to the default pane window by clicking the Home icon.
For more information, please see Alexandria Explore starting on page 397.

382 Alexandria Users Manual

Browse Search

Alexandria Researcher

Browse Search
Use the Browse tab to search your collection using specific terms.

To perform a Browse search, use the following steps:

Step 1.

Enter a search value in the provided field. In the example above, Asimov was entered.

Step 2.

Click on an index type button. In the above example, Author was clicked.

Step 3.

Examine the results. Alexandria shows a list of terms centered around the one you
selected. In the above example, Authors are shown with Asimov in the middle.

Step 4.

Highlight the term (or terms) you want to search by clicking on its line. You can <cmnd>click (Macintosh) or <ctrl>-click (Windows) multiple lines.

Step 5.

To perform a search, press <enter> on your keyboard, click the Author button again, or
double-click one of the selected terms.

Step 6.

Alexandria will perform the search and display a Simple results list (see Simple Search
Results List on page 389).

Browse searching is useful when you dont know the exact terms that you want to search for. It allows you
to view available values before performing a search.

Alexandria Users Manual 383

Study Program Search

Alexandria Researcher

Study Program Search

Use the Study Program tab to search your collection for items that have been classified in a study
program (such as Accelerated Reader).

To perform a Study Program search, use the following steps:

Step 1.

Select a Study Program name from the Program Name drop-down menu. Any selects all
items with study program tags. Other selects programs other than Accelerated Reader
or Reading Counts.

Step 2.

Select a range of interest codes. If you dont care about interest codes, select None.

Step 3.

Enter a range of reading levels. If you enter only one value, only that single value will be

Step 4.

Enter a range of point counts. Only items within that point count range will be chosen.

Step 5.

You can additionally narrow study program item results with a specific Subject value.
Alternately, you may enter any Other Words you want to find in selected Study Program

Step 6.

Click the Search button or press <enter>.

Step 7.

Alexandria will perform the search and show a results list containing all records containing
the search values youve provided (see Simple Search Results List on page 389).

384 Alexandria Users Manual

Z39.50 Search

Alexandria Researcher

Z39.50 Search
The Z39.50 search interface is nearly identical to the Boolean search interface. The main difference,
however, is that while Boolean only searches the Alexandria databases found within your district, a
Z39.50 search can delve into hundreds of hand-picked Z39.50 servers.

To choose a Z39.50 server to search from, select one using the drop-down menu that is located near the
top of the Researcher window.
If you get an error message when you click on the Z39.50 tab saying that there are no Z39.50 servers
available to search from, you will need to activate a few in your Global Administration Address Book
preferences (page 77).
Make sure that any Standard Z39.50 Address Book you want to search have their Availability (for more
information, please see page 83) set to Available. This will activate the servers address in the drop-down
menu located at the Z39.50 Search tab. If the Z39.50 server you would like to search has their availability
set to Hide Everywhere, you will be unable to perform a search from the Alexandria Z39.50 window.
Because the Z39.50 search interface so closely resembles the Boolean search interface, please refer to this
chapters section on Boolean searching (starting on page 378) for more information on how to use the
Search All Words and Browse drop-down menus, or any other information that pertains to Boolean
operators or searching.

Alexandria Users Manual 385

Alexandria Researcher

Standard Search Results List

Standard Search Results List

Depending on the type of search youve performed and your Alexandria Researcher preferences,
Alexandria will show a Results window when your search has completed. The top portion of the window
provides a summary of your search, followed by the number of items found. Alexandria may display the
results list before it has completely added all results to the list.

The results list window above is shown when performing a Boolean search. The results list shows the
Call#, Title, Author, Media and Availability for all titles that match your search value. This window
shows the results of your search in the order that they were located. Click the column headers to
alphabetically sort the list.
Use the <up> and <down> arrow keys or click on items to select (highlight) them. To remove a result from
the list, highlight it and select Cut from the Edit menu (or press <delete> on the keyboard). To select
multiple items, hold down <shift> while you click on items, or select the first and the last item you
want. To select multiple non-sequential items, hold down the <ctrl> (Windows)|<cmnd> (Macintosh)
while you click on items.
To print the contents of the results list or saved list, chose Print from the File menu or click on the Print
If you are using Alexandria Librarian, hold down <alt> (Windows)|<option> (Macintosh) and
double-click on an item in the list to quickly go to the Items Management window with that item you
If you are using Alexandria Librarian, an asterisk symbol (*) appears at the end of the title when an
item is marked as Dont Show in Alexandria Researcher.

386 Alexandria Users Manual

Standard Search Results List

Alexandria Researcher

Creating your own Custom Results Lists

To create a list of items from the results list, select the items in the list you want to save and click the Save
List icon. In the example below, the highlighted (in gray) items were saved from the results list.

Alexandria Users Manual 387

Alexandria Researcher

Standard Search Results List

When you click the Save List icon with selected (highlighted) items, a new Save List window appears
containing the items you have selected to save.

You can move items from list to list by highlighting them and using standard operating system editing
functions (i.e. drag and drop, Cut, Copy, and Paste). You can also copy lists into word processing
Use <ctrl>-click (Windows) or <cmnd>-click (Macintosh) to select non-adjacent items and <shift>click to select groups of items. Use <delete> or the Clear command from under the Edit menu to
remove items. You can also use the Cut/Copy/Paste commands under the Edit menu to move items from
list to list, or to a word processor. You may also drag and drop items or item groups between lists.

388 Alexandria Users Manual

Simple Search Results List

Alexandria Researcher

Simple Search Results List

Depending on your Alexandria Researcher preferences, you may get the following Simple results

To view more results, click on the large up and down arrows.

To sort the list, click on the word Title, Author, or Call# in the Sort Results By area located in the
upper right-hand side of the Researcher window. The current sort order is shown in bold.
To view details for one of the items, click it once. The Simple Details window will appear (see Viewing
Item Details from a Simple Search Results List on page 394).

Alexandria Users Manual 389

Simple Search Results List

Alexandria Researcher

Placing Holds and Making Reservations

Patrons can place holds or make reservations on items from Researcher Workstations if youve set the
Allow Holds and Reservations preference (see Researcher Preferences on page 171). Holds and
reservations can be placed from the results list, or Details window.
Use the Hold or Reservation icon to place a hold or reservation. If you have highlighted more than one
item, Alexandria only processes the first selected item. On the Details window there is also a Place Hold
and/or Place Reservation link at the bottom.
Hold requests are placed on titles rather than individual copies. A patron who places a hold on
an item is alerted when a copy of the title becomes available. If an item is currently available,
an in-stock hold is placed. Otherwise, a standard hold request is placed.
Reservations are placed on individual copies. Patrons must find copies that are available on the
days they want to reserve.

To place a Hold, do the following:

Step 1.

Select the Hold icon from the results list, or Place Hold from a selected items Details

Step 2.

Mark the Place Hold radio button.

Step 3.

Enter your Patron Barcode and Password.

Your password must match the master record, or access will be denied. The default password is the patrons last name. Patrons can change their password (if preferences allow)
using the Change Password window in Alexandria Researcher. No spaces or punctuation are allowed in the password. Therefore, if a patrons last name is hyphenated, enter
the name as one long word.
Step 4.

390 Alexandria Users Manual

If you choose OK, your hold is placed and a COMPedit confirmation document is shown.
You may print or save it just like any other Alexandria COMPedit document by selecting
Print or Save from the File menu. To cancel, close the window using your operating system standard close box or click the Cancel button.

Simple Search Results List

Alexandria Researcher

To place a Reservation, do the following:

Step 1.

Select the Reservation icon from the results list, or Place Reservation link on a Details

Step 2.

Mark the Place Reservation radio button.

Step 3.

Enter your Patron Barcode and Password.

Step 4.

Your password must match the master record, or access will be denied. The default password is the patrons last name. Patrons can change their password (if preferences allow)
using the Change Password window in Alexandria Researcher. No spaces or punctuation are allowed in the password. Therefore, if a patrons last name is hyphenated, enter
the name as one long word.

Step 5.

Select the Reservation Beginning and Ending dates and click OK. Alexandria attempts
to locate a copy that will be available during the date range. If none are available, another
selection window will appear.

Step 6.

Once a reservation has been placed, a COMPedit confirmation word processing document appears, you may print or save it just like any other COMPedit word processing
document by selecting Print or Save from the File menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 391

Displaying Patron Details

Alexandria Researcher

Displaying Patron Details

Patrons can view the status of items they have checked out, holds and reservations they have placed, and
other information from an Alexandria Researcher.
Patrons may only check their own titles status, not that of other patrons. This is also where patrons can
change their password (if allowed) by using the Change Password button. You must enter the new
password twice to confirm the change. Passwords are never shown on the screen, all you will see are
Patrons use the following steps to check their status:
Step 1.

Select Patron Details from the Show menu.

Step 2.

Enter your Patron Barcode and Password, then click Get Status. Your password must
match your master record, or access will be denied.

Step 3.

A Patron Details window appears with patron information. The user may print or save it
just like any other COMPedit word processing document.

392 Alexandria Users Manual

Viewing Item Details from a Standard Search Results List

Alexandria Researcher

Viewing Item Details from a Standard Search Results List

To view detailed information for an item in the results list, highlight and double-click an item. Alternately,
you can select a line item and click the Details button.
If you use the Duplicate icon in an items Details window, the information is copied into a standard
COMPedit word processing window. You can print it, save it, or copy information into any other word
processing window using standard operating system editing functions from the Edit menu.
To launch an item attachment, click on the Details window.

- N


On a Macintosh, you must have INTERNET.CONFIG installed to launch a URL

attachment. This is part of the standard Macintosh OS. QuickTime is required to
launch video or image multimedia files.
To view an attachment, click on the attachment name.
You can set an Alexandria Researcher preference to determine how much detail appears on the Details
window (see Researcher Preferences on page 181).
If your preferences allow viewing MARC records, a View MARC Record link is available. In the same
way, if Holds or Reservations are allowed, links are shown at the bottom of the item Details window.
Furthermore, if you are a registered Sneak Peek subscriber, then an Additional Item Details
(customizable term) and View Cover Art link will become available in the item Details window. For
more information on setting your Sneak Peek preferences, please see page 141.

Alexandria Users Manual 393

Alexandria Researcher

Viewing Item Details from a Simple Search Results List

Viewing Item Details from a Simple Search Results List

To view item information in the Simple results list, click on the line of the item you want to view. The
Simple Details window is a simplified version of the Standard Details window.

Use the large arrows at the bottom of the window to view details for each Title in the Simple results list.
If you are a registered Sneak Peek subscriber, then an Additional Item Details (customizable term) and
View Cover Art link will become available in the item Details window. For more information on setting
your Sneak Peek preferences, please see page 141.
Clicking on the Additional Item Details or View Cover Art links will open the Sneak Peek website,
providing supplementary information about the book you are researching.

394 Alexandria Users Manual

Changing Patron Information

Alexandria Researcher

Changing Patron Information

Although librarians can quickly change patron information using the Patron Management window (see
Patron Management Preferences on page 153), its often necessary for patrons to make changes to their
own records. However, the following interface also provides librarians with an easy way to change some
patron information. Depending on your preference settings (see Researcher Preferences on page 181),
patrons may be restricted from making changes.
There are two primary ways to activate this interface. The fastest way is to click the Edit Patron
Information link at the bottom of the Patron Details window. You may also select Simple Patron Edit
from the Show menu.
First, identify yourself. If you havent already, enter the patron Barcode and Password.

Personal Info
Once youre identified as someone authorized to change a patrons data, youll see the Patron Edit window.
The Personal Info tab allows you to change or update a patrons name, address, and contact information.

Alexandria Users Manual 395

Alexandria Researcher

Changing Patron Information

Change Password
Click the Change Password tab to change the patrons password.

To change the password, enter the Old Password once, and the New Password twice. If the Old
Password you enter matches the current password, and if both the New Password and Verify Password
fields are identical, the password will be updated. If the information isnt entered correctly, Alexandria will
not change the password.

This interface also allows the user to renew some (or all) of their items. Click the Renewals tab.

To renew an item, highlight it and then click the Renew button. To renew all items, click the Renew All
button. If a renewal is allowed, a new Due Date appears in the renewal list. If the renewal was not allowed,
a window appears explaining why the renewal failed. Renewals are rejected if the patron has reached their
renewal limit, if there is a hold pending for the title, or if a reservation is pending for that specific copy;
preferences must be set to disallow renewals when a hold or reservation is pending.

396 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Explore
This chapter explains how to configure, create, and search Alexandria collections using the Alexandria
Explore interface.

- N


Alexandria Explore is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased a

separate license to use this feature.

Alexandria Explore provides a fun and attractive iconic interface which patrons can use to search local
collections and other such activities.

Each button in the iconic interface can be arranged with an attractive picture and short text label.
Alexandria Explore supports multiple languages, so labels shown below the icons will dynamically change
depending on your language settings.
Each button (icon) can be configured to do one of the following actions.
NoneA picture will appear, but the button does nothing.
Display a messageClicking on a button will display a message. Use this function to
configure simple messages for library patrons.
SearchSearch using the Alexandria Boolean interface, so any search can be performed by
clicking on a button.
Go to another paneOpens a different pane in the Explore search window. This allows you
to create a powerful iconic interface tree.
Launch a URLPerhaps you have cataloged a number of useful websites for your patrons. These
sites can be entered into Explore so that clicking on an icon will take users to that site.
Launch a file or applicationAny files or applications that can be opened in your standard
operating system can be launched when you click on an Alexandria Explore icon. Use this
function to show pictures, play movies, play soundtracks, open utility programs, mount file
servers, or almost anything else you can imagine.
Open a help fileProvide an additional help button from within Alexandria Explore. Any
Alexandria help document can be opened.

- T


The Alexandria Explore interface allows users to import and export Explore panes.
Thus, you can share your creations with other librarians who have licensed Alexandria
Explore in your district, or, around the world.

Alexandria Users Manual 397

Alexandria Explore

Alexandria Explore Preferences

Alexandria Explore Preferences

If youve purchased Alexandria Explore, new options will appear in the Global and Local Alexandria
Researcher preferences window. These options will allow you to fully create and configure the Explore

The Explore panes interface consists of panes that contain a number of iconic buttons. Each icon has an
associated text label and action. The text label is shown below the icons and the action is performed when
the icon is clicked by patrons.
When you license Alexandria Explore, youll receive a fully pre-configured sample iconic interface with
sample icons you may use to create your very own interface. To create an interface for your library you can:
Remove the default pane set and start with a clean slate and build the entire interface from
scratch by yourself.
Use the default set as a starting point, then customize it to meet your librarys specific needs.
Import a ready-made pane set created by someone else.
Import panes created by someone else, then use them to quickly configure your own custom
Do any combination of the above.

398 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Explore Preferences

Alexandria Explore

Add PaneCreate a new pane by clicking the Add Pane button. Enter a name for your new pane
(required). The name can be changed later. If you are configuring your Explore interface for multiple
languages, youll need to provide a Pane name for each Language you are supporting. If you dont
specify names for other languages, the name youve entered will be used as your Default language.

Remove PaneThis button deletes the selected pane.

- N


There is no undo for recovering deleted panes! You may want to use the Export pane
button to archive panes for backup purposes.

Alexandria Users Manual 399

Alexandria Explore Preferences

Alexandria Explore

Edit PaneIf you have an existing pane that you would like to edit, double-click on the pane name or
click the Edit Pane button.

Click on a button to select it. To edit the button, double-click on it or click Edit Button. You can drag
buttons to blank button locations. If theres another button at the destination location, the buttons will
trade places. If you hold the <option> (Macintosh) or <ctrl> (Windows) key down during the drag,
the button will be copied.
You can also modify buttons using contextual menus. Contextual menus (as shown to the left) let you
perform all iconic-button commands. For Macintosh, hold the <ctrl> key down and click a mouse
button; Windows users should click the right mouse button.

- N


An icon is the picture shown on a button. You can Cut, Copy, and Paste icons. A
button consists of an icon, a text label and an action. When you copy or move a
button, these attributes move along with them.
For convenience, you can drag, drop, or paste images directly onto buttons.

- H


When viewing panes, place the cursor over a button and wait for the tool tip to
appear. The tool tip describes which action is performed when that button is clicked
by library patrons. To force the tool tip to appear, use the <option> key (Macintosh)
or the <ctrl> key (Windows).

400 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Explore Preferences

Alexandria Explore

To configure the pane for another language, select a language in the Language drop-down menu.

- N


When you switch languages you can customize the Pane Name (the text label below
a button), and the message for the Display Message action. If you dont provide a
new label text in a new language, the Default language text label will be used.
Actions do not change per language.
Set Default PaneWhen you click on this button, the currently selected (highlighted) pane will become
the default pane. The default pane is always shown in bold. The default pane is the first pane shown when
patrons use the Explore interface in an Alexandria Researcher.

Alexandria Users Manual 401

Alexandria Explore Preferences

Alexandria Explore

Import PaneClick this button to import an exported pane. A pane can also be imported by dragging
and dropping it onto the Panes field. Each pane has an unique internal ID. If you are importing a pane
with an ID that already exists, youll get this message:

If you Skip the pane, it wont be imported. If you select New ID, the pane will be imported and assigned a
new ID. If you select Overwrite, the imported pane will replace the existing pane with the same ID.

- N


Alexandria Explore uses the internal ID to link panes to one another. If you change a
panes ID, existing panes wont be able to link. If you are building a new interface
from pieces of others, its worth checking each button to verify its working correctly.
However, if you Overwrite a pane during import, all imported panes that are linked
to the old ID are automatically updated.
Export PaneClick this button to export the currently selected (highlighted) pane.
Export All PanesClick this button to export the entire pane framework. The entire set of panes can be
imported back into Alexandria using the Import Pane button, or by dragging the file to the Panes field.
This is useful when configuring the Alexandria Explore interface for a large number of users (e.g. all
libraries in your district). Create and configure the interface in one central location and share it with others
by exporting the panes and then sending the export file (*.epm) to those who want to use your
Remove All PanesClears the entire Panes field. Removes all traces of existing Alexandria Explore
interfaces. This can not be undone, so take great consideration before using this button.
Download Default SetDownloads COMPanions pre-configured demonstration set of Alexandria
Explore panes. You may use these as your default set, or rearrange and reconfigure them as you like.

402 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Explore Preferences

Alexandria Explore

Placing and configuring button

Each pane can hold a fixed number of buttons in a 5 x 3 grid pattern. An empty button is shown for each
unused position on the grid. To edit a button, double-click it or select (highlight) it and click Edit Button.

The Define Explore Button Action window appears. Paste or drag a picture (image) into the icon holder
field located on the top left-hand side of the window. If you enter text in the Button name field, its
shown directly below the icon in the pane.
If you have a picture on your operating system standard clipboard, you can add an icon by clicking on the
icon holder field and using Paste from under the Edit menu. Alternately, you can use the icon contextual
menu, or drag and drop picture files onto the icon holder field.
When this button is clicked by your patrons, Alexandria Explore will perform the action youve selected
from the Action drop-down menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 403

Alexandria Explore

Alexandria Explore Preferences

Button Actions
NoneNo action is performed. The button does nothing. Nothing at all.
Display a messageThe button will show a message in a Query window. Enter the message you want
shown when this button is clicked.

SearchThe button will perform an Alexandria Boolean search. Specify your search criteria (see
Boolean Search on page 378 for more information).

404 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Explore Preferences

Alexandria Explore

Go to another paneThe button causes Alexandria to link to another Alexandria Explore pane


Launch a URLThe button will open a specified website using your systems default internet browser.

Launch a file or applicationThe button will launch any specified file or application. Alexandria will
open up a standard operating system Browse/Explore window, allowing the user to select the file or

application desired for launch. On the Macintosh, if you are trying to open a file remotely using an
Alexandria Researcher, it is imperative that the drive where the file is located be locally mounted.
Open a help documentThe button will open an Alexandria help document if you select one from a
list of currently installed help documents.

Alexandria Users Manual 405

Alexandria Explore

Searching with Alexandria Explore

Searching with Alexandria Explore

If youve purchased the Alexandria Explore option, your Researcher window will contain an additional
Explore tab. Click this tab to view your default Explore pane.

To search using the Alexandria Explore interface, click on one of the icons. Some pictures will take you
to new panes; others perform an Alexandria search. Some will open websites using your systems default
web browser; others will open files on your local hard drive. The entire interface can be customized to meet
the needs of your library.
When users are exploring panes beyond the default pane, they can navigate by using the Back button or
return to the default pane window by clicking the Home icon.

406 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Web
This chapter explains how to search Alexandria collections using the Alexandria Web interface.
Alexandria Web performs several Researcher functions using a standard World Wide Web browser such as
Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

- N


Alexandria Web is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased a

separate license to use this feature.

Connecting to Alexandria Web

Search for items in your Alexandria collection using the following steps.
Step 1.

To connect to your Alexandria Web interface, enter the IP address of the machine running
your Alexandria Data Station (or click on a link containing this address).

Step 2.

Follow the instructions on the Alexandria Web page. Searching with Alexandria Web is
almost identical to searching on an Alexandria Researcher (see page 373).

Depending on your licenses, Alexandria Web supports a Simple, Boolean, Browse, Study, Explore,
Z39.50, netTrekker, and SearchALL search (just like Alexandria Researcher). You can place holds,
reservations, and view patron details. You can even configure the Alexandria Web interface to display in
foreign languages.
Of course, whether you choose to utilize all of these functions depends on your Alexandria Web and
Data Station preferences (see Web Preferences on page 207 for more information).

Alexandria Users Manual 407

Alexandria Web

Using Alexandria Web

Using Alexandria Web

The Alexandria Web interface consists primarily of a navigation menu (located on the left side of the page)
and your search interface tabs (located across the top middle of the page).

Although the Alexandria Web browser interface is fairly intuitive, the following pages will document some
of its more obscure functionality.

Log In/Log OutToggles between the Log In and Reset/Log Out window. Depending on your
Require ID/Password Web preference, patrons may be required to log in before searching your

collection. However, any circulation commands (holds, reservations, or renewals), patron details,
or editing will require a patron to be logged in.

Log In requires a patron barcode and password (default is the patrons last name). Administrators
will also need to log in on this screen using the username and password specified in their Data
Stations Administration preference window. Reset/Log Out logs the current user out and clears
all the information on the Alexandria Web window.
Patron DetailsIf you have Allow Patron Status Checks checked in your Web Patron preferences, then this hyperlink will be available to Current Patrons. Once clicked, a Patron Details
window will open, allowing patrons to view the items they have checked out, on hold, and
reserved. Administrators, once logged in, will be able to view any patrons status information.
Patron EditIf you have Allow Patron Edit checked in your Web Patron preferences, then this
hyperlink will be available to patrons who have logged in. Once clicked, an edit window will
open, allowing patrons to edit their own Personal information (e.g. First and Last Name,
Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country, Phone Number, and Email), change their Password, and Renew any or all loaned items. Administrators, once logged in, will be able to edit
any patrons information.

Last 5 Searches
Last 5 SearchesThis section of the Web interface automatically records the last five successful

user searches and provides links to return to those items.

Last 5 Items
Last 5 ItemsThis section of the Web interface automatically records the last five items viewed
by the user and provides links to return to those items.

408 Alexandria Users Manual

Using Alexandria Web

Alexandria Web

Saved Lists
When a patron has logged into the Web Researcher, they have access to a default saved listotherwise
known as the Temp Basket; however, they may also create a new saved list for which they can name or
rename, add or remove items, or remove entirely (as long as its not Administrator-created).

The creation and management of patron saved lists is limited to the Web Researcher1. The items stored
in a patrons saved list can be records from their Data Station or any other Alexandria Data Station(s) or
Z39.50 servers contained in the Address Book (see page 77 for more information).
Each patron will have a default saved list (i.e. Temp Basket) attached to their record which cannot be
deleted; it can, however, be cleared by the patron or by the Clear Saved List Utility (see Patrons: Clear
Saved List on page 664 for more information).
Administrators can create Admin Type saved lists for students which cannot be modified (i.e. added to,
removed from, cleared, deleted, or renamed) by the students themselves. There are Patron Utilities that
can create empty saved lists (page 662), remove existing saved lists (page 663), or clear specific saved lists
(page 664).
Patrons can choose to print their saved lists from a multitude of format options by clicking on the printer
icon located in their saved basket.
Temp BasketStores items for future reference. An item can be added to the Temp Basket by
clicking on the associated blue 'plus' symbol located to the left of the item title. If the 'plus' symbol is gray, the item is already located in the user's Temp Basket. If there are no associated 'plus'
symbols with items, the Temp Basket feature has been disabled by the library Administrator.
Clicking on the Temp Basket hyperlink opens the Temp Basket Results page, containing all
your saved items.

1.Web Researcher saved lists, however, are similar to standard Researcher saved lists (see Creating your own Custom Results Lists on
page 387 for more information).

Alexandria Users Manual 409

Alexandria Web

Using Alexandria Web

Bulletin Board
BulletinsIf your Data Station contains any electronic bulletins, posts, notes, or library maps,
clicking on the Bulletins hyperlink opens a Bulletin Board window containing a list of selectable

bulletins and notices (see Show: Bulletin Board on page 53 for more information).

Web Links
Web LinksIf you set web links in your Web Links preference window (see Links Tab on
page 214 for more information), clicking on the Web Links hyperlink opens a Web Links window
containing a list and description of all customized web links.

Library Information
Library InformationThis hyperlink pulls all pertinent information from fields in your Library
Information preference window and displays them on an Alexandria Web page. Take special
notice of the Library Hours field (see Local Settings on page 138 for more information).

Help PageClick on the Help Page link if you dont understand a certain value or definition
of a field. The Help Page succinctly summarizes the bulk of the Alexandria Web interface.

Web Client Configuration

LanguageUsers can select the language of the website at any time by choosing from the dropdown menu in the left menu bar. The language defaults to whatever is set in your Library Information preference window (see Library Information Preferences on page 137 for more information).
Set Default Search LibraryAllows you to set a default search server when using Alexandria
Web (for Central Union only). When a user selects this option, they are required to supply the
configuration password (see Port ID (usually 80)Sets the port number used for web interface
(this is usually 80). Default is 80. on page 208 for more information).

410 Alexandria Users Manual

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Alexandria Web

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Users who have licensed use of Alexandrias Web Librarian will have the ability (if their access level
permits) to run certain utilities, reports, and change preferences for the Data Station over the World Wide
Web. However, users attempting to access these features must have permissions on the Administrator level.

In order for an administrator to access Web Librarian, they must log in by entering their username and
password into the patron Log In section of the Alexandria Web browser window (see the Log In/Log
Out explanation on the previous page). After the initial log in you will see the Web Librarian window; it
is remarkably similar to Alexandrias Circulation window.
For the most part, the Web Librarian follows the same basic functionality as Alexandrias main Circulation
window (e.g. you can remotely bookdrop, check out, etc). To learn some of the basic operations of the
Web Librarian, please review The Circulation Window on page 265.

Using the tabs found on the Web Librarian window, users are able to remotely check out books to
patrons, perform bookdrops, run a selected range of reports, perform Data Station utilities (e.g. rebuild,
archive, upgrade, check resources), check Data Station status reports (e.g. number of connected users,
system analysis, database statistics), and change your Alexandria Web preferences (see Web Preferences on
page 207 for more information).
Having the ability to access these vital Data Station utilities, statistics, and preferences from any computer
with internet capabilities proves invaluable in times of crisis.

Alexandria Users Manual 411

Alexandria Web

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Web Librarian Circulation Tab: Transaction Log

The Web Librarians Transaction Log section follows the same basic functionality as Alexandrias
Transaction Log section on the Data Stations main Circulation window. To learn the basic operations of
this window, please review Transaction Log tab: Transaction Log on page 269.
Clicking on the notepad icon will open the Transaction Log section; this allows you to view the last 10
transaction log entries made on the Data Station.
Clicking on the status bars icon will open the Status section; this allows you to view the number of total
connections, how much free space is left on the Data Stations hard drive, and the location of the Data
Stations Data folder.

412 Alexandria Users Manual

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Alexandria Web

Web Librarian Circulation Tab: Command Help

The Web Librarians Command Help section follows the same basic functionality as Alexandrias
Command Help section on the Data Stations main Circulation window. To learn the basic operations of
this window, please review Circulation Window: Command Help tab on page 271.

Alexandria Users Manual 413

Alexandria Web

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Web Librarian Circulation Tab: Holds

The Web Librarians Holds section follows the same basic functionality as Alexandrias Holds section on
the Data Stations main Circulation window. To learn the basic operations of this window, please review
Holds on page 272.

414 Alexandria Users Manual

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Alexandria Web

Web Librarian Circulation Tab: Reservations

The Web Librarians Reservations section follows the same basic functionality as Alexandrias
Reservations section on the Data Stations main Circulation window. To learn the basic operations of
this window, please review Reservations on page 277.

Alexandria Users Manual 415

Alexandria Web

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Web Librarian Circulation Tab: Charges

The Web Librarians Charges section follows the same basic functionality as Alexandrias Charges
section on the Data Stations main Circulation window. To learn the basic operations of this window,
please review Handling Charges, Payments, Refunds, and Credits on page 283.

416 Alexandria Users Manual

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Alexandria Web

Web Librarian Circulation Tab: Support

The Web Librarians Support section follows the same basic functionality as Alexandrias Support section
on the Data Stations main Circulation window. To learn the basic operations of this window, please
review Circulation Window: Support tab on page 300.

Alexandria Users Manual 417

Alexandria Web

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Web Librarian Management Tab: Items

The Web Librarians Item Management section follows some of the same basic functionality as
Alexandrias Item and Copy Management windows. To learn most of the basic operations of
this window, please review Item Information Fields on page 240 and Item Copy Window:
Copy Information tab on page 256.

Web Librarian Management Tab: Patrons

The Web Librarians Patron Management section follows some of the same basic functionality
as Alexandrias Patron Management window. To learn most of the basic operations of this window, please review Patron Information Fields on page 225.

Web Librarian Search Tab

Searching with Web Librarian is virtually identical to Boolean searching using Alexandria Web or
a Researcher workstation (see Boolean Search on page 378).
Use the Library Search drop-down menu to select which library youd like to search; this is most
useful to those who have a District Librarian license.
Clicking on the Open Web Researcher opens a standard Alexandria Web researcher window.

418 Alexandria Users Manual

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Alexandria Web

Web Librarian Reports Tab

Allows you to run a small selection of item and statistic reports over the internet.

Choose a library (for District Librarian users) and a report to generate from the drop-down menu
and click Run to continue.
The Web Librarians Reports section follows the same basic functionality as most of Alexandrias
report windows. To learn about some of the basic report operations, please review Introduction to Reports on page 469

Web Librarian Utilities Tab: Enhanced Utilities

By selecting Enhanced as the Web Librarian Default in Alexandrias Web preferences
(page 208), the Enhanced Utilities selection will appear first when you click on the Utilities tab.

Enhanced Utilities can show up-to-the-minute statistics and real time progress during utilities,
rebuilds, archives, and upgrades. Enhanced Utilities also shows up-to-the minute connection,
data, and Data Station statistics.

Because Enhanced Utilities are up-to-the-minute, they use Java; please be patient if it takes
some time to retrieve your Data Station information.

Alexandria Users Manual 419

Alexandria Web

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Web Librarian Utilities Tab: Standard Utilities

By selecting Standard as the Web Librarian Default in Alexandrias Web preferences
(page 208), the Data Station Utilities (Force Database Rebuild, Force Database Archive, Force
Data Station Upgrade, Force Data Station Resource Check) and Data Station Status (Number
of Users Connected, Quick Database Statistics, Data Station Status) selections will appear in the
Web Librarian section of Alexandria Web.

Standard, unlike Enhanced, will just ask you to wait before retrying the web service; no real
time progress is displayed.

420 Alexandria Users Manual

Using Alexandria Web Librarian

Alexandria Web

Web Librarian Preferences Tab: Patron

If you are logged in as an Administrator, you are able to remotely change your Data Stations
Patron Web Preferences. Administrators are given options similar to those found in the Web
preferences (see Global Web Preferences: Patron on page 212).

Web Librarian Preferences Tab: Web

If you are logged in as an Administrator, you are able to remotely change your Data Stations Web
preferences. Administrators are given the same options as those found in the Web preferences (see Global
Web Preferences: Web on page 207).

Alexandria Users Manual 421

Alexandria Web

Searching With Alexandria Web

Searching With Alexandria Web

Using the tabs located across the top of the Alexandria Web browser window, click on the search interface
you would like to use. Default is Simple. (this can be modified in Alexandrias Web preferences; see
page 207).

If you are licensed for Explore, Z39.50, netTrekker, and SearchALL searching, these tabs will appear as
Searching with Alexandria Web is virtually identical to searching on an Alexandria Researcher.
Therefore, to find more information on Web searching, refer to Alexandria Researcher starting on
page 373; this chapter provides a abundance of basic Search information, interfaces, and procedures.
Heres where specific Search interface information can be found:
Simple Search on page 381
Boolean Search on page 378
Browse Search on page 383
Study Program Search on page 384
Explore Search on page 382
Z39.50 Search starting on page 385
netTrekker starting on page 423
SearchALL starting on page 424

422 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Web Specific Searching

Alexandria Web

Alexandria Web Specific Searching

Users will happily discover that Alexandria Web also supports two additional add-on search interfaces,
netTrekker and SearchALL.

- N


netTrekker is an optional feature of Alexandria Web and Alexandria Explore. You

must have purchased a separate license to use this feature. When you have licensed use
of this search interface, a netTrekker tab will appear in the Alexandria Web browser
and as a button in the Alexandria Explore search interface.

netTrekker is a trusted search engine for schools, providing fast and easy access to more than 180,000 highquality, pre-screened, and educationally-relevant K-12 on-line resources. These on-line resources also align
with each states academic standards and benchmarks and can be used in the classroom to stimulate
instruction and learning.

Clicking on the netTrekker tab will automatically log you into the netTrekker website where students
and researchers may perform web searches that yield educator-approved (and rated) websites without
worrying about having less scrupulous search results returned.
In order to successfully access the netTrekker website and fully utilize its capabilities, you must have the
correct username and password entered in the Library Information tab of the Global Library
Information preference window (see page 142 for more information).

Alexandria Users Manual 423

Alexandria Web

Placing Holds and Reservations

Placing Holds and Reservations

If your Alexandria Web preferences allow, patrons may place holds or make reservations on items in
your collection1. You must have a valid Current Patron logged in to process holds and reservations.

Web Holds
If your Allow Patron Holds box is checked (see Patron Tab on page 212), a blue Place Hold hyperlink
will appear near the bottom of the item details page (i.e. the item you are currently viewing).
When you click on this button, the item will be placed on hold for the Current Patron (i.e. the one who is
currently logged in). If youre a Current Patron who hasnt logged in, you may not place a hold.

Web Reservations
If your Allow Patron Reservations box is checked (see Patron Tab on page 212), a blue Place
Reservation hyperlink will appear near the bottom of the item details page (i.e. the item you are currently
When you click on this button, you will be asked to enter a Start and Ending Date for the item you are
placing a reservation on.
When you enter any type of specially formatted information such as dates you can enter values in a wide
range of formats. For example, you can enter the date December 1, 2010 as: Dec 1, 2010 or 12/1/
10 or 12.1.102 or 12 1 10. If using the current year, you can just enter 12/1. If the current
month is December, you can just enter 1.

1.Holds and reservations both depend upon Data Stations Circulation and Policies preferences, make sure that these are set properly
to guarantee the results you desire (see Introduction to Preferences on page 61).
2.When you enter a two digit date, values between 0-30 are assumed to be 2000-2030 and values between 31-99 are assumed to be

424 Alexandria Users Manual

Placing Holds and Reservations

Alexandria Web

If the item you wish to place a reservation on is available during the date range you specify, an Alexandria
Web calendar will appear, showing the Current Patrons reservation dates highlighted in red.

Alexandria Users Manual 425

Alexandria Web

426 Alexandria Users Manual

Placing Holds and Reservations

Remote Control
As technology advances, many school districts have adopted a Central Union (see page 431 for more
information) approach to library management, storing their entire districts valuable collection information
on a single Data Station. These Data Stations are often housed off-location in the district techs server
closet, inaccessible to individual school librarians.
However, there are still several school districts that prefer to have one Data Station per library collection or
location. Even in this scenario, there may be a technical support individual who feels it inadvisable and
imprudent to allow librarians to have access to the main Data Station, even if its on-location.
Unfortunately, certain Alexandria processes can only be performed on the Data Station and there are
possibilities that a busy tech may be unable to complete a requested procedure, such as a manual rebuild,
in a timely fashion.
These types of scenarios can prevent a librarian from performing the functions necessary to keep their
collection data clean, safe, organized and uncorrupted.
With the proper security (see Security Tab on page 71), Alexandrias Remote Control functionality
makes Data Station only procedures available on Librarian workstation clients, allowing librarians to
perform mandatory tasks such as rebuilding data, checking for updates, or sending information to
Remote Control is particularly important for those who use Central Union; when important system
utilities are performed on the Data Station (e.g. rebuilds and archiving), all connections to networked
Alexandria clients are put on temporary hiatus. The Remote Control window will notify every Librarian
and Researcher workstation client that a loss of connection is imminent and that they should quickly
complete any tasks that they are working on.

Users on connected Librarian workstations will have the option to cancel the upcoming system utility
(with a justifiable explanation), quit the client completely, request additional time in order to complete
their tasks, or proceed with the request.

Alexandria Users Manual 427

Remote Control
If any of the following activities/utilities are initiated by the Data Station or by one of the Librarian
Workstations, the current user will be asked to supply an appropriate username and password1.
If the security check is successful and there are no Librarian Workstations connected to the Data Station,
the selected activity/utility is allowed to run without the need of the Remote Control window (see The
Remote Control Window on page 429).
If the security check is successful and there are Librarian Workstations connected to your main Data
Station, the Remote Control window (see The Remote Control Window on page 429) will appear on the
Data Station and on all connected Librarian Workstations.
Here is a list of activities and utilities that will trigger the Remote Control window:
Scheduled Rebuild
(see Global Scheduled Events Preferences: Rebuild on page 202)
Manual Rebuild
(see Database: Rebuild on page 691)
Scheduled or Manual Archive
(see Global Scheduled Events Preferences: Archive on page 199)
Alexandria Update Utility
(see Check for Updates: Check for Updates on page 681)
Data Station Quit
(see File Menu on page 39)
Data Station Restart
(see File Menu on page 39)
Restore From Archive
(see Global Scheduled Events Preferences: Archive on page 199)
FTP data to COMPanion
(see Support tab: FTP on page 302)
Backup data to COMPanion
(see Database: Rebuild and Backup on page 692)

1.This is only if Require User Login (see Users Tab on page 65 for more information) has been enabled and these security measures
are applicable for the current user.

428 Alexandria Users Manual

The Remote Control Window

Remote Control

The Remote Control Window

The Remote Control window will appear on the Data Station and any connected Librarian Workstations
when a specific activity or utility (see page 428 for a full list of activities) is performed. You will be alerted to
its presence by the Very Serious Alert tone (see Sounds Preferences on page 205 for more information).

The main Remote Control window is broken up into three separate sections. The top portion of the
Remote Control window includes the timer, which indicates the time remaining before the requested
action is to take place. You can adjust the default amount of time that you are allowed in the
Administration Services preferences (see Services Tab on page 92 for more information).

The middle section contains two tabs, the Service Log and the Activity List.
Service LogThis tab includes the type of utility that was requested, the machine where the
utility was requested (by IP address), and any information that relates to the particular utility.
Clicking on the I am ready to continue now button will be recorded to the Service Log,
indicating that you are ready to proceed with the utility and then display the status of the remaining connected users.
Activity ListThis tab contains a list of all the reports and utilities that are currently running on
all of the Librarian Workstations connected to the Data Station. For example, if a Super Summary report is being compiled on a client workstation, you will be able to see that clients name,

IP address, a description of the utility they are performing, and the time that they began.
The third part of the Remote Control window includes a list of selectable options. These options are
further detailed on page 430.

Alexandria Users Manual 429

Remote Control

The Remote Control Window

I am ready to continue now1This option informs the Data Station that you are ready for this utility
and that the operation can proceed when all other users are ready. When selected, the Remote Control

window will remain open and monitor the progress of the Data Station. After the utility is complete, the
connection with the Data Station will be re-established, the Remote Control window will close and the
user will be returned to Alexandrias Circulation window2.
I need to finish this work first. Only show the timer windowThis option informs the Data Station
that you need the remaining time (shown in the top-left section of the Remote Control window) to finish
anything that you were previously working on. When selected, the Remote Control window will change
into the Timer window, which displays your remaining time. When the timer hits zero, all the other
options (with the exception of Quit Alexandria) will be disabled. The Remote Control window will

remain open and monitor the progress of the utility. After the utilities are complete, the connection with
the Data Station will be re-established, the Remote Control window will close and the user will be
returned to Alexandrias Circulation window2.

I have to cancel this operation since something important is runningYou may sometimes find

yourself in the middle of an activity that requires more time to complete than you have been allotted; this
operation will halt the activity/utility from running. When selected, the Cancel Explanation Window
appears. You are required to explain in the text field why you have decided to cancel this activity/utility.
When you have supplied an explanation, click Send to notify the Data Station and all other connected
clients. Otherwise, you may click Cancel to return to the Remote Control window2.

Quit AlexandriaThis option is not available on the Data Station. Basically, this selection allows a
Librarian Workstation to quit Alexandria without waiting for any of the selected utilities or processes to
complete. If the Require User Login security measures have been enabled, it will be mandatory that you
have the appropriate security levels to proceed with this operation2.
1.When this option is selected, all the other options (with the exception of Quit Alexandria) will be disabled.
2.The school identification number, IP address, current user (if Require User Login has been enabled), and selected action / utility will
be recorded to the Remote Control Service Log.

430 Alexandria Users Manual

Central Union
A Central Union catalog holds all of your districts library collection information in one centralized data
filehoused on a district server. This gives management control to one district librarian, which means
that all updates, upgrades, data backups, and other management procedures are performed for the entire
district at a centralized location. Even though all data is centralized on one main server, librarians and
patrons will only see the data for their site (location), with the option to view other locations in real-time,
if desired.

Preferences Affecting Central Union

Dont Show Title AvailabilityThis option is housed in the Global Alexandria Researcher
preference window (see Global Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 186 for more
information). When the Dont Show Title Availability checkbox is enabled, a titles availability
will not be shown in the search results of a Researcher client; at a Data Station or a Librarian
Workstation, you will still be able to see the availability. When a search is performed in
Alexandria, however, the results will show a title's availability across all collections, regardless
of which library's holdings were used as a filter. If a patron is not properly made aware of this,
they can incorrectly assume that a title is available at their local library. This preference allows
Central Union users to turn off the availability so that patrons are required to look at the item
details to see if it is available in their library.
Address Books tabThis tab, found in the Global Administration preferences, is available
for Central Union users regardless of the presence or absence of other Address Book codes (e.g.
WAN, Z39.50 Search). Address Books are used in Central Union systems to add search filters
for each library or groups of libraries; patrons can then use these filters when searching (see
Global Administration Preferences: Address Books on page 77 for more information).
Alert for Copies from Different Libraries This option can be found in the Global
Circulation preferences, under the Circulation tab (see Global Circulation Preferences:
Circulation on page 117). If you are a Central Union user, the Alert for Copies from Different
Libraries box will be checked by default. When an item copy is checked in at a different library
(i.e. when the copys library setting does not match the workstations Library ID preference), an
alert window will appear to inform you that it must be returned to the proper library or, if a
hold exists for that title or copy, it will inform the user where the copy must be sent.
Filter results by Library ID CodeThis option is kept in the Local Library Information
preferences. When this box is checked, patron and item selections in Reports and Utilities are
limited by the workstations local Library ID Code (see Local Item Management Preferences:
Items on page 127 for more information).
This setting is also used as a filter for Current Patron status information. For example, when
this preference is set, the number of checkouts and overdues applied to a System Patron (e.g.
the Lost or Discarded Patron; see page 311 for more information) will be limited to the local

Alexandria Users Manual 431

Advanced Bookings Affecting Central Union

Central Union

library collection; specified by the local Library ID Code. The details for a System Patron will
also be limited by the Local ID Code.
Average In Transit PeriodThis option can be found under the In Transit tab of the Local
Item Management preferences (see In Transit Tab on page 130 for more information). Once
you specify an average in transit period, it will be used to determine if copies are late in arriving.
If an item is late, it will appear in the Late in Arriving In Transit report.
In-Stock Hold PeriodThis option can be found under the In Transit tab of the Local Item
Management preferences (see In Transit Tab on page 130 for more information). This
preference indicates how long an item that is sent via the IT command should remain on the
shelf before it expires and should be pulled and returned to its parent library.

Advanced Bookings Affecting Central Union

If you are a registered Central Union user, the Advanced Bookings window (see The
Advanced Bookings Window on page 98 for more information) will offer the Any Copies and
Local Copies selections, contained within the Substitute Copies drop-down menu. If you
are not registered for Central Union, the Substitute Copies drop-down menu will only contain
the If Available selection.

Circulation Affecting Central Union

Central Union users have the ability to set items to an In Transit status when they are moved
between libraries. The commands that affect this functionality are: IT (In Transit Mode) and
NT (Change Destination Mode). See In Transit and Interlibrary Loans on page 434 for
more information.
During startup, the Data Station and any connected Librarian Workstations will play an alert
sound and add an entry to the Transaction Log if the Library ID Code (see Local Item
Management Preferences: Items on page 127 for more information) does not match any Copy
Library (page 256) in the item database. If this error is not corrected, all items that are
bookdropped thereafter will have their status set as In Transit in an attempt to be returned to
their parent institution.
When placing a reservation, the Reservation Calendar (see Reservations on page 277)
includes the copy library for each copy in the Copy Barcode/Library drop-down menu.
The Circulation windows Current Patron pane filters the checkouts and overdue counts for
Alexandrias System Patrons when the Filter results by Library ID Code box is checked in the
Local Library Information preferences. The System Patrons details are also filtered to only
show copies that are owned by the library.
The Patron Renewals window (accessed by entering QE into the command line of the
Circulation window) will contain a Library column. This column informs the librarian of
which libraries books theyre renewing. This is very important when considering whether or
not a policy should be overridden for another renewal. For more information on the QE
command; see page 277.
Based on your Policy preferences (see Policies Preferences on page 161), item holds can be
restricted to a particular library in the Central Union.

432 Alexandria Users Manual

Reports & Utilities

Central Union

Reports & Utilities

Circulation Reports and Utilities now support either the patrons 3rd Location (i.e. School)
selection, Copy Library selection, or both.
Circulation and Cross DS reports for Central Union Data Stations now include the patron 3rd
Location (i.e. School) selection.
Central Union users will have Circulation reports available for In Transit items.
An Expired In-Stock Holds report is available for items that need to be returned to their parent
library (see page 499 and page 499 for more information).
A Pull Pending Holds report has been added to Alexandrias Item Reports (see Pull Pending
Holds on page 548 for more information). This report is used to pull and fill interlibrary loan

Item Management
The Item Copy Data window has a Last Library field (see Item Copy Window: Copy
Information tab on page 256).
You are allowed to export data by a copy's Last Library field (see Data Import on page 715).
The Item Copy Data window contains a Transit History tab, detailing the copys transit history
(see Item Copy Window: Transit History tab on page 259).
In the following places, Alexandria will sort copies by Library ID with the current (or local)
librarys copies displayed first: Search Item Details , Circulation Item Details , Item
Management Copy List, and after you make a title current using the T command.

Alexandria Users Manual 433

In Transit and Interlibrary Loans

Central Union

In Transit and Interlibrary Loans

Central Union customers may find that holds become problematic. Where will those holds be picked up?
How will users know which copies need to be sent where? After they are checked in, when will they
actually arrive back at their own library?
For this reason, several new transit features have been added to Alexandria in order to help accomplish
interlibrary tasks. The following pages account for them in detail.

The In Transit Status

An In Transit status has been added to indicate that copies are not currently at a physical location.
When items have an In Transit status, they are currently moving between libraries; this also
relates to holds and returns.

The In Transit System Patron

Also, theres now an In Transit System Patron (barcode 9) that can be used to send items back
to their owning institution; this is useful if items are found at the wrong library (a simple
bookdrop will accomplish the same thing).
The In Transit System Patrons details are not filtered by Library ID, even if your preferences
are set to do so. This is because the In Transit System Patron details both copies that are
returning to their owning institution and copies that are going to a different destination to fill
hold requests.

In Transit Commands
The IT Circulation command allows copies to be sent to a library other than the owning
institution. In addition, a computerized note will be attached to the copy to inform the library
of its reason for arrival (e.g. the author is visiting, Mrs. Smith needs it for her career unit, or
Bob Jones is doing a book review).
Items that are sent using the IT command become an in-stock hold under the In Transit
System Patron (barcode 9) when they arrive and are bookdropped at their destination; the
expiration date is determined by the Number of days to keep an in-stock hold request
policy preference (see Global Policies Preferences: Circulation on page 174).
The computerized note will be shown in the resulting dialog window and be printed on any
resulting receipts. Such items will be shown in the Expired In-Stock Hold reports (see page 499
and page 554 for more information) if they are not picked up and checked out before the
expiration date.
The NT command allows the destination to be changed for an item that is currently In Transit.
This is useful if an item being returned to its parent institution is required immediately at
another library; this command is also helpful if an item is filling a patrons hold, but the patron
switches schools/libraries.

434 Alexandria Users Manual

In Transit and Interlibrary Loans

Central Union

When In Transit items arrive at their destination library, they should be immediately
bookdropped. When bookdropped, their status will either become Available (if it has been
returned to its parent library), change to an In-Stock Hold for a particular patron (or for the
In Transit System Patron), or be set back to In Transit if it did not arrive at the proper
destination or has now filled another hold and is required to go to a new library.
Each copy contains a record of the Last Library where it was scanned (uses the Library ID
preference from the Local Library Information preferences; see page 137) and a Transit
History. The Transit History tracks both the date and the library where it was last scanned.
These statistics can be useful; you can see if an item was sent or delivered to the wrong
institution and when it arrived. They are also beneficial if a multipart item was returned to its
parent library with missing piecesthe Transit History list can then be used by the librarian to
contact other libraries and verify if they have the missing pieces.
When a hold is placed, the items pickup location defaults to the patrons School (i.e. 3rd
Location; see page 227 for more information). If a patron does not have a School indicated
in their record, the Library ID (see Local Library Information Preferences on page 137) of the
Librarian Workstation that was used to place the hold will be used instead. If a hold is placed
from a Researcher Workstation or Alexandria Web, the pickup location will use the Default
Local Library ID (again, see page 137).
If copies are available when a hold is placed, but none of the copies are available at the requesting
patrons local school library, it will not automatically convert an available copy to an In-Stock
Hold; the hold will remain as a hold request. Each library should run the Pull Pending Holds
Items Report (see Pull Pending Holds on page 548) to get a list of copies that are currently
available in their library and can be used to fill holds at other schools. If there are copies
available, they should be immediately pulled and bookdropped. When they are bookdropped,
their copy status will be set to In Transittheir transit destination will be the library that needs
a hold request filled. When the copy arrives at its destination and is bookdropped, it will then
become an In-Stock Hold for the requesting patron.
If an In-Stock Hold expires, the transaction will not be deleted if the copy belongs to a library
that is different than its last known location. Instead, it will remain so that an Expired In-Stock
Holds report (see page 499 and page 554 for more information) can be performedindicating
which expired holds need to be returned. After the report has been performed and the copies
have been pulled from your in-stock hold shelf , they should be bookdropped immediately.
When they are bookdropped, they will be sent to a requesting library in order to fill a hold or
be returned to their parent (owning) institution.
When an item that was checked out is returned to a different library (different based on its
Library ID preference; see page 127 for more information) and there are no other outstanding
holds that can be filled by the item, then it will not automatically become available, but will
instead go In Transit to its parent library.
There are several enhanced transit reports, including hold reports, loaned items, and overdue
notices (see page 495, page 551, and page 529 for more information).
Several new transit reports have been created; copies to fill holds, expired copies to be returned,
and copies in transit (see page 495, page 551, and page 529 for more information).

Alexandria Users Manual 435

Central Union

436 Alexandria Users Manual

In Transit and Interlibrary Loans

Alexandria WAN Searching

Use this chapter to learn how to search Alexandria collections using Alexandria WAN (wide area network)

- N


Alexandria WAN is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased a

separate license to use this feature. If you have not purchased this option, Alexandria
WAN capabilities will not be active in your system.

Configuring Your System for WAN Access

With Alexandria WAN (wide area network), you can access library collections on Data Stations connected
through your network (district).
Below are general steps required to gain access to your remote Data Stations (see Installing Alexandria
Clients on page 28).
Step 1.

Step 2.

Create an address book that contains a list of IP addresses for machines running a Data
Station that you wish to connect to (see Global Administration Preferences: Address Books
on page 77).
Configure Researcher Workstations preferences from the Alexandria Research Preferences window (see Researcher Preferences on page 181).

Step 3.

Choose a Data Station from the Researcher Workstation or from a Researcher window (see The Researcher Window on page 373).

Step 4.

Perform a search (detailed in the following section).

Alexandria Users Manual 437

Alexandria WAN Searching

Alexandria WAN Searching

Alexandria WAN Searching

To perform a WAN search, do the following:
Step 1.

Select a particular collection (or location) to search from the drop-down menu located on
the top left-hand side of the Researcher window.

Step 2.

In the example above, the first group of entries refers to individual collections (e.g. Elementary School, High School, and Middle School). If you Search one of these Data Stations, the results will look the same as searching the Local Collection.

Step 3.

If youve selected a group (e.g. Search All Libraries, Standard Ze9.50 Address Book)
search, an intermediate results window (shown below) is displayed.

Step 4.

To view results for one of these collections in the list, double-click on the collection. An
Alexandria Results window will appear.

Step 5.

To examine the results from another collection, double-click on a different collection


438 Alexandria Users Manual

Z39.50 Client
This chapter explains how to search collections using the Alexandria Z39.50 server interface.

- N


The Z39.50 server is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must purchase a separate
license to use this feature.

Configuring Your System For Z39.50 Access

Z39.50 is an international standard for communication between computer libraries and information
related systems. Z39.50 has become increasingly important to the development and deployment of
interlinked library systems.
If youve purchased the Z39.50 server option, your Alexandria Data Station will accept Z39.50 queries
from standard Z39.50 clients.
Below are the general steps required to gain access to Z39.50 servers.
Step 1.

Select Preferences from the Edit menu.

Step 2.

Once in the Preferences window, select the Address Books tab from under the Global
Administration preference window.

Alexandria Users Manual 439

Configuring Your System For Z39.50 Access

Z39.50 Client
Step 3.

If youve licensed use of Z39.50 servers, there will be a Standard Z39.50 Address Book
selection in the top left field of the Address Book window. Click on it. When you click
on it, a list of all available Z39.50 servers is displayed.

Step 4.

The following window appears, allowing you to select and edit individual Z39.50 servers
or add an entirely new one.

Step 5.

If the Z39.50 server you are looking for is not displayed in the list, you may add it (if you
know its access information) by clicking the Add New (+) button. For additional
information on adding Z39.50 address books, see Z39.50 Addresses on page 83.

440 Alexandria Users Manual

Z39.50 Address Book

Z39.50 Client

Z39.50 Address Book

Below are your options for configuring a Z39.50 server. Remember that you need to Save after adding or
changing information for each server. Click the Revert button to discard any changes youve made.
NameThe friendly name of the Z39.50 server; usually institution name and/or location.
IP AddressThe IP address of the Z39.50 server. This field is required to connect to specific

Z39.50 servers.
PortDefault is Port 210. Most Z39.50 servers require use of this port.
DatabaseThe server directory location where Z39.50 files are stored. Default is usually /

Use the TCP/IP address of
your Data Station for your
Z39.50 server address.
Your Z39.50 server will use
Port 210.

UsernameSome Z39.50 servers require an access username.

PasswordSome Z39.50 servers require an access password.
AvailabilityAllows the user to determine whether they want this Z39.50 address to be available to everyone, hidden in any connected Researchers, or hidden everywhere altogether.

Alexandria Users Manual 441

Z39.50 Client

442 Alexandria Users Manual

Z39.50 Address Book

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

This chapter describes how to use Alexandrias Orders, Vendors, and Budgets windows.
OrdersYou can easily order existing items and automatically add received items to your
BudgetsYou can create as many budget categories as you need. As you process orders,
Alexandria keeps track of the remaining amounts in your various budgets.
VendorsYou can create as many vendors as you need. As you process orders, Alexandria keeps
track of how much youve ordered from each vendor.
The following sections provide overviews of how to use these functions in Alexandria.

Alexandria Users Manual 443

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Orders Management

Orders Management
Access the Orders window from the Show menu. The Orders window (shown below) contains powerful
features that help you quickly and easily manage ordering and budgeting.

The ordering process works like this:

Step 1.

Create a new Order. Its status is Open. Enter the items you want to order. You may have
as many open orders as you like to help keep track of purchase requests.

Step 2.

Once youve completed an order, use the Print command from the File menu to print the
current purchase order and mark it as Issued. When the order is issued, budgets are then
Committed to the amounts on the purchase order. You cannot modify line items of
issued orders.

Step 3.

Wait to receive your order. If the entire order arrives in one shipment, use the Receive
Entire Order menu command. If you receive a partial order, receive each line item separately.

Step 4.

If you get impatient with your vendor, print a Claim Letter demanding that outstanding
items be delivered on a timely basis.

Step 5.

If all the items in your order are received, the order is automatically Closed. However, if
you believe that some items will never be received, you may manually Close the order.
Items that are not received are removed from the Budget and Vendor Total Purchases

444 Alexandria Users Manual

Primary Orders Window Information

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Primary Orders Window Information

Order Sequence NumberAlexandria assigns a number in the order that you create new orders. Its

displayed in the top right-hand side of the window and can not be modified by the user. In the window
above, the sequence number is 4.
PO NumberYour

purchase order number can contain up to 25 alphanumeric characters. Use it to

identify your orders.

VendorUse the Vendor field to select a vendor to order from. The vendors address will be entered
automatically into the Order tab. You may modify the vendor address if necessary. Add new vendors in
Vendor Management (see Budgets Management on page 453).
Order StatusThe order status is displayed in a drop-down menu to the right of the PO Number field.
New orders have the status of Open. You may make changes to an Open order. Once the order has been
printed or an item received, the status is automatically changed to Issued. Issued orders may not be

modified except to receive items and adjust discounts or shipping charges. Once an order is complete, its
given the status of Closed; Closed orders cant be modified.
Orders can be removed manually using the Orders menu. When an order is Closed, its assumed that any
remaining items will never be received. The amounts are removed from the committed budgets.
You may change the status of a Closed order to Issued, or Open. If you do this, your budgets are
adjusted to reflect the change. If you havent received any items of an order, its status may be reverted back
to Open so that you can make changes. However, these types of changes should be done with great care,
since the original order may have already been sent to the vendor.
Alexandria automatically keeps track of various statistics for you. As you add items to an order, your
budgets are updated to reflect a commitment of funds. When an order is Closed, the spent amount is
updated for the associated budget and is added to the vendor record to keep track of total purchases.
Add Items on ReceiptClick this box if you want Alexandria to automatically add items to the
inventory when received. When items are added, you can assign them barcode numbers and other
information. If you receive a CD-ROM of MARC records for items purchased, do not check this option.

Alexandria Users Manual 445

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Primary Orders Window Information

Orders Window: Order tab

Click the Order tab to view or modify the vendors address.

Vendor Address

You must enter your vendors name, address, city, state, postal code, and country. This data is used for
purchase orders and other order information used in Alexandria.
OpenedDate the order was first created. You can not modify this date.
IssuedDate the order was issued to the vendor. This date is set automatically when an Open
order is printed. You can print an Issued or Closed order without modifying this date.
ClosedThe date the order was Closed. If a Closed orders status was changed to Issued or
Opened, when you Close it again, this date is updated with the new Closed date. A Closed

order is considered complete. Any items that were not received are assumed to never be received
and are removed from budgets and vendor totals.

Orders Window: Notes tab

Click the Notes tab to enter notes about the order.

Notes to VendorThese special instructions will be printed at the top of the purchase order.

For example, specify beginning barcode numbers or please close order after 90 days.
CommentsThese notes are for library use only and are not printed on the purchase order. Use
this field to make notes to yourself regarding a particular order.

446 Alexandria Users Manual

Primary Orders Window Information

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Orders Window: Summary tab

The Summary tab displays summary information about the order.

SubtotalThe total amount of all the line items in your order. You can not modify this value.
Shipping/MiscIf additional costs are involved, enter them here.
DiscountIf the order is discounted, enter the amount of the discount. This value will be subtracted from the Subtotal. If you want your discounts itemized, enter them as line items with

negative costs.
Sales TaxThe sales tax rate charged. The rate from the Order Preferences window is automatically entered (see Orders Preferences on page 149). You may change it from order to order.
TaxThe sales tax on this order; computed as: Sales Tax% x Sub Total.
Order TotalThe total amount of the order; this is calculated as: Sub Total - Discount + Shipping/Misc + Tax.

Order Budget Allocations

When an order status is changed from Open to Issued, the line item totals are Committed for each
associated budget. Thus, if you have three items each worth $30.00 on order from your Books budget,
when the order is Issued, your Books budget committed value will increase by $90.00 (3 x $30).
When an order status has changed to Closed, budgets are updated using the following rules.
Committed funds are removed.
The subtotal is updated to match Received Line items only. Since you will not pay for
unreceived items, they are removed from the total.
A new Order Total is computed as: Sub Total - Discount + Shipping/Misc + Tax.
Each received items cost is adjusted by the ratio Order Total/Sub Total and this value is recorded
as Spent for each associated budget.
To summarize, when an order is issued, the line item costs associated with each budget are Committed.
When an order is Closed, the cost for each received item is adjusted to reflect discounts, shipping costs,
and taxes before they are recorded as Spent in the appropriate budget category.

Alexandria Users Manual 447

Primary Orders Window Information

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Orders Window: Line Items tab

Click the Line Items tab to view information about particular line items on an order.

This tab is used to add, remove, receive, and examine ordered items. To view individual line item details,
either double-click on the line or highlight the line and select Modify Line Item from the Orders menu.
Depending on the status of your order, certain commands may be disabled in the Orders menu. You can
sort line items by the order they were created, or by title. Simply click on the corresponding column header
to sort.
If the order is Open, you may use the Remove button to remove a selected (highlighted) line item. The
Add button can be used to order another item. If the order is Open or Issued, you can use the Receive
button to receive items from the order. You can use the Transfer button to transfer a line item to a new
Other buttons wont be active because you cant modify an Issued order. If you receive an item from an
Open order, its status is automatically set to Issued. If you make a mistake receiving a line item,
Alexandria allows you to specify a negative Quantity Received to undo the receipt of items1. If the
order is Closed, none of these buttons are active.

Once youve received an item, Alexandria will not allow you to modify or remove that line item. If you
erroneously receive an item, you can receive a negative quantity to reverse the entry.

- N


If you hold down the <alt>(Windows)|<option>(Macintosh) key and select a line

item, it will be recorded as received, just as if you clicked the Receive Line Item

1.You can only unreceive as many items as you have already received. Therefore, if you receive 10 of the 15 items and then discover
an erroneous entry, you can receive -10 of these items to undo the erroneously recorded receipt.

448 Alexandria Users Manual

Line Item Details

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Line Item Details

When an order is Open, double-click an item from the Line Items tab to view that items details.
This window is used to enter information for each item of your order. With the exception of the title, the
rest of the fields are optional.

If you want to order a second copy of an item in your collection, use the Order Existing Title button to
locate the item you wish to order. Alexandria brings up the Item Lookup by Title window; this is helpful
in locating titles that you want to order. After selecting one, Alexandria will automatically fill in most of
this windows missing information. You should always use this technique when you are ordering duplicate
copies of items in your collection. This way, Alexandria knows youve ordered multiple copies and can add
new item information correctly when theyre received.

Alexandria Users Manual 449

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Line Item Details

When you add a new item to an order, you can specify the following information:
TitleEnter the title of the ordered item. You must enter something in this field, otherwise ven-

dors wont know what youre ordering. As you <tab> out of this field, Alexandria checks your
local database, and if the title already exists, assumes you are adding additional copies to your
library. You can also locate existing titles by using the Order Existing Title button.
AuthorEnter the author of the ordered item.
QuantityThe number of copies youre ordering. Default is one.
Unit CostThe cost of each individual copy.
TotalCost of all copies (as computed by Alexandria). You cant modify this number.
BudgetSelect the budget code you want for this line item purchase.
PolicyThe policy code for this item once its added to the collection. The Standard policy is
default, but you may select any policy from the policy drop-down menu.
PublisherThis field is used to enter the publisher of this item.
Vendors Order #The vendor order number for the item youre ordering.
ISBNThe International Standard Book Number. Many vendors use this number for ordering
purposes; however, its optional for your ordering purposes.
LCCNThe Library of Congress Control Number. Some vendors use this number for ordering
purposes; however, its optional for your ordering purposes.
Requesting PatronIf there is one, enter the barcode number of the requesting patron. When

the order is received, Alexandria will print a receipt letter (see Letters Tab on page 149 and
Patron Receipt Letter on page 589) for the patron, informing them that the library has received
their item. If the item is placed into inventory, the system will automatically place an in-stockhold on that specific item for the requesting patron. If you dont know the barcode of the patron,
you can use the Find Patron button to search for the patron.
NotesComments for the line item. These are not printed on the order. The librarian uses these
for additional information.

450 Alexandria Users Manual

Line Item Details

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Receiving Your Order

If you checked Add Items on Receipt in the Order Entry window, Alexandria will automatically open
the Items management window so you can add additional information for received titles. If you dont
want to add the item shown, click the Cancel button rather than OK.
If you dont check the Add Items on Receipt option, received items are not added into Alexandrias


If you are receiving MARC records for these items, add them via import routines
rather than this window (see Data Import on page 715).
If you are receiving an entire order, this window will appear for each title in the order. If you click Cancel,
youll only be cancelling the addition of the current title, the other titles will still remain active. If you
realize that you made some mistakes after the order has already been received, you can use the Items
management window to modify the information youve entered.
If you are receiving an order for a title that already exists in your collection, the Items management
window will appear with the existing title selected and Alexandria will automatically add the newly
received item as another copy.
The vendor will be automatically entered into each copy, so its not necessary to specify in this window.
Alexandria automatically places the Order Price as the items Cost.

Alexandria Users Manual 451

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Orders Menu

Orders Menu
The Orders menu at the top of this window includes commands to browse through your orders and to
add or remove orders.
See page 48 for information about the browsing commands: First, Previous, Next and Last.
BrowseBrings up the Browse Orders window.
FindBrings up the Find Record window so users can locate specific order records.

Unlock/Lock RecordToggles between unlocking and locking the current record for modifica-

New OrderSelect this command to create a new order.
DuplicateSelect this command to duplicate an existing order. This is a very useful command.

For example, if you want to split one order into several, duplicate it and then remove any line
items you dont want from each order.
Remove OrderSelect this command to remove an entire order. If the order is within the current financial year, budget and vendor statistics are immediately updated. In general, for more
accurate reporting, you should only remove orders outside the current financial year.
New Line ItemSelect this command to add a new line item to an order.
Modify Line ItemsSelect this command to modify a selected line item. Performs the same
action as double-clicking on a line item.
Remove Line ItemSelect this command to remove a selected line item.
Receive Line ItemSelect this command to receive the selected line item.
Receive Entire OrderSelect this command to receive all items in a current order.

452 Alexandria Users Manual

Budgets Management

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Budgets Management
You may access the Budgets window from under the Show menu. This window is used to manage budget
records. You can select as many different budget categories as you require for your library. The total library
budget is always displayed at the bottom of the window for reference purposes.

Budget records consist of the following information:

Budget Sequence NumberAlexandria assigns this number in the order that you create new
budgets. Its displayed in the top-right side of the window and can not be modified by the user. In
the example above, its shown as 5.
Budget CodeEnter a short name for the budget. This is the name that is displayed in drop-

down menus throughout the system for the selection of budgets. Budget codes must be unique;
that is, they may not be repeated for other budgets.
Budget NameA full description of the budget. For example, if money comes from an individual, enter the individuals name here. If the money comes from the general fund, type in General Fund.
StatusBudgets that you are currently using should have an Active status. If a budget has an
Inactive status, its code will not be displayed in any of the budget selection drop-down menus

used (i.e. you wont be able to refer to this budget record).

Alexandria Users Manual 453

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Budgets Management

Budgets Window: Budget tab

Budget AmountThe total dollar amount for the current budget. The percentage displayed
below this number represents the portion of the total library budget that this entry uses.
CommittedThe total dollar amount of the current budget committed. Money is committed
when purchase orders are Issued. This number cannot be modified from this window. The percentage displayed below it is the percentage of its budget that is currently Committed.
SpentThe total dollar amount of the budget that has been spent. When an order is Closed, all
the committed values for received items from this order are moved to Spent. This number cannot be modified from this window. The percentage displayed below it is the percentage of its
budget that is currently Spent.
BalanceThe remaining amount in the budget category. Its computed by taking the budget

amount minus the amount committed and spent. The percentage displayed below it is the percentage of the budget remaining (for more details on how these values are computed, see Order Budget Allocations on page 447).

Budgets Window: Notes tab

Enter any comments or notes regarding the budget entry.

454 Alexandria Users Manual

Budgets Management

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Budgets Window: Total Budget tab

The total budget for your library is displayed at the bottom of the Budget window. Typically, your library
budget is set oncebut can be changed at any time.

The Total Budget tab includes the following information.

Total BudgetThe total dollar amount of the library budget. You may change this value at any
time. The percentage displayed below is the percentage of budget that is currently allocated to
budget categories.
Total CommittedThe total dollar amount committed by all purchase orders. This amount is
automatically updated as purchase orders are Issued. This number cannot be modified from this

window. The number displayed below is the percentage of your total budget that is currently
Total SpentThe total dollar amount spent. This amount is automatically updated as purchase
orders are Closed. This number cannot be modified from this window. The percentage dis-

played below this is the percentage of your total budget that is currently spent.
Total BalanceThe remaining amount in the library budget. Its computed by taking the
library budget minus the amount committed and spent. The percentage displayed below is the
percentage of the total budget that is currently remaining.

Click on the Recalculate All Budgets button to force Alexandria to rebuild all budget values
from orders within the specific financial year (see Orders Preferences on page 149). Typically,
budget calculations are automatically updated as orders are added, modified or removed. However, in the event that these values are wrong, this button forces a recomputation of all values.

Alexandria Users Manual 455

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Budgets Management

Budget Menu
The Budgets menu at the top of the window includes commands to browse through your budgets and to
add or remove budgets1.
BrowseBrings up the Browse Budgets window.
FindBrings up the Find window so that the user can locate a specific Budget record.

Lock/Unlock RecordLocks or unlocks the current record for modification.

New BudgetSelect this command to add a new budget.
DuplicateSelect this command to add a new budget based upon information from the current
budget. Committed and Spent balances will not be copied.
Remove BudgetSelect this command to remove an existing budget. Budgets that are used by
existing Subscription or Order records can not be removed.

1.See page 48 for information about the browsing commands: First, Previous, Next, Last.

456 Alexandria Users Manual

Vendors Management

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Vendors Management
Under the Show menu, access the Vendors window for managing vendor records. You can setup as many
different vendors as you require.

Primary Information
A vendor record consists of the following information:
Vendor Sequence NumberAlexandria assigns this number in the order that you create new
vendors. Its displayed in the top right side of the window and cannot be modified by the user.
Vendor CodeEnter a short name for this vendor. This is the name that is displayed in dropdown menus throughout the system for the selection of vendors. Vendor codes must be unique;
that is, they may not be repeated for other vendors.
Company NameThe full name of the vendor company.
AddressThe vendor order street address. This is the address that all purchase orders are
addressed to.
CityThe city where the vendor is located.
StateThe state or province where the vendor is located.
Postal CodeThe vendors postal code.
CountryThe country where the vendor is located.

Alexandria Users Manual 457

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Vendors Management

StatusVendors that you are currently using should have an Active status. If a vendor has an
Inactive status, its code will not be displayed in any of the vendor selection drop-down menus

used in the system. Please note; you wont be able to refer back to this vendor record except from
this window.
Start DateThe date from which the Purchases value is computed. This contains the date
when a vendor was first added. However, should you ever clear vendor purchase statistics, this
date will be reset to the date the purchase statistics were cleared.
PurchasesThe dollar amount of the completed (i.e. Closed) purchases (using the Closed
date) since the Start Date. You can not modify this field except by using the Recompute button
or placing orders. Thus, when an order is Closed, and its Closed date is after the purchased
Start Date, the received total is added to the vendor Purchases total.

Use the Recompute button to force Alexandria to examine all Closed orders for this Vendor
and total the values since the Start Date. Typically these calculations are performed automatically
as orders are added or removedand when the Start Date value is changed. However, in the
event that these calculations could be wrong, the Recompute button forces Alexandria to compute new values.

Vendors Window: Contact Info tab

This tab contains information about the person to contact at the Vendor site.

Contact NameThe name of your contact person.

TitleThe title of your contact person.
PhoneThe contact persons phone number.
FaxThe contact persons fax number.
EmailThe contact persons email address.

Vendors Window: Notes tab

This tab contains additional vendor information. Enter as much information as necessary regarding the
salespeople, managers, product quality, specialization, and ordering information.

458 Alexandria Users Manual

Vendors Management

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

Vendors Menu
The Vendors menu at the top of the window includes commands to browse through your vendors and to
add or remove them1.
BrowseBrings up the Browse Vendors window.
FindBrings up the Find window so the user can locate a specific vendor record.

Lock/Unlock RecordLocks or unlocks the current record for modification.

New VendorSelect this command to add a new vendor.
DuplicateSelect this command to add a new vendor based upon the same information from
the current vendor. Please note; Start Date and Purchases will not be copied.
Remove VendorSelect this command to remove an existing vendor. Vendors that are used by
Order or Subscription records can not be removed.

1.See page 48 for information about the browsing commands: First, Previous, Next, Last.

Alexandria Users Manual 459

Orders, Budgets, and Vendors

460 Alexandria Users Manual

Vendors Management

Subscriptions & Routes

Most libraries have subscriptions to periodicals. Alexandrias subscription management helps keep track of
your librarys subscriptionsincluding their cost, frequency, and location.

Subscriptions Management
From the Show menu, select Subscriptions. The Subscriptions window is used to keep track of
subscriptions for your library.
When a subscription is received, Alexandria records it; if youve selected Inventory on Receipt,
Alexandria automatically adds the item to your current inventory and automatically prints a routing slip
for the item.
Every time an item is received, Alexandria reduces the number of issues remaining and keeps the receipt in
the subscriptions history. You can confirm receipts for all issues by examining the History tab.

Alexandria Users Manual 461

Subscriptions & Routes

Subscriptions Primary Information

Subscriptions Primary Information

Subscription CodeEnter a short name for the subscription. If you receive more than one

copy of a particular subscription, number each one. For example, if you receive two subscriptions
of National Geographic, number them NGeo1 and NGeo2. This code is used by Alexandria
when selecting subscriptions. Subscription codes must be unique.
Subscription DescriptionThis field contains the full description for the subscription. The
librarian may enter additional information regarding the subscription. This information is used
as the initial title when you inventory.
FrequencyUse this drop-down menu to select the subscriptions frequency. Default is Irregular.
Receive SubscriptionClick this button to receive your subscription. Typically, youll receive
subscriptions from the Circulation window; this control is only available for convenience (see
Receive Subscription on page 321 for more information).

462 Alexandria Users Manual

Subscriptions Window: Subscription Info tab

Subscriptions & Routes

Subscriptions Window: Subscription Info tab

The Subscription Info tab contains general information about the subscription.

The Last Receipt Date is
most likely not the same as
the issue date of the item

Starting DateEnter the starting date of the subscription here. This information is used solely
for your reference; it is not used by Alexandria for any reports or calculations.
Last Receipt DateThis field displays the date the last issue was received. This is updated when
the Receive Subscription command is used. Alexandria uses this date to determine if an issue is

past due.
Issues RemainingThis field contains the number of issues remaining in the subscription. As

you receive issues, this number decreases to reflect the correct number of issues remaining. If you
renew a subscription early, add the number of issues purchased to the Issues Remaining number.
Renewal DateEnter the date that you renew your subscription. Alexandria uses this date in
reports as a reminder of when subscriptions need to be renewed.
Renewal CostEnter the cost of subscription renewal. Use this cost to help manage library

budgets. This information is used solely for your reference and is not used by Alexandria for any
Expiration DateEnter the date the subscription expires. This information is used solely for
your reference, it is not used by Alexandria for any reports or calculations.
Next Issue ExpectedThis field contains a date based on your subscription frequency and
determines when your next issue is expected. This information is used solely for your reference; it
is not used by Alexandria for any calculations.

Alexandria Users Manual 463

Subscriptions & Routes

Subscriptions Window: Item Info tab

Subscriptions Window: Item Info tab

Click the Item Info tab to view more information about a particular subscription item.

The Policy can only be
changed after the item is

LibraryWhen an issue is received, it is assigned this library code.

LocationWhen an issue is received, it is assigned this location code.
ISBN / ISSNEnter the ISBN or ISSN for the periodical here. This information is used solely for

librarian reference and is not used by Alexandria for any calculations.

CostWhen an issue is received, you can assign it a default replacement cost.
Inventory on ReceiptWhen this box is checked, Alexandria will ask to add the received items

to inventory. If you dont have this box marked, received items are not automatically inventoried
when they are received. Many libraries dont inventory high frequency items. Instead, they use
the temporary item check out capability. Alexandria will automatically place the dated receipts
after the subscription name when the new record is added.
PolicyUse this drop-down menu to select which policy will be assigned to an issue when its

VendorUse this drop-down menu to select the vendor from which the subscription was
received. Use it to order and renew subscriptions. If you dont want to track the vendor, select
None. If you wish to add a new vendor, select Add New Vendor from the drop-down menu
and a window appears from which you can add new vendors to your system.
RouteSelect the routing slip you want printed when the issue is received. If you dont want a
routing slip printed, select None. The issue is automatically checked out to the Routes
Responsible Patron when the routing slip is printed.
TOC RoutePrints a Table of Contents routing slip when an issue is received. This is used to
attach a photocopy of the items Table of Contents (or for any other purpose the library would

need a routing slip). Its assumed that the item isnt circulating, so the item is not checked out to
the Responsible Patron.
MediumMedium code assigned to this record.

464 Alexandria Users Manual

Subscriptions Window: History tab

Subscriptions & Routes

Subscriptions Window: History tab

Click the History tab to view the subscriptions receipt history. The receipts are listed with the most current
at the top of the list.

History information includes the date received, the Alexandria user who received it, and the number of

remaining issues. To edit the history, double-click on the history line item entry to change.
You can clear history lines by selecting them and pressing the <delete> key on the keyboard. Use the
Clear History button to clear all History lines. Alexandria will ask if you are sure that you want to delete
the selected history before doing so.
Clicking on the Add History Item button allows you to add a new history note to the subscription. These
special notes can encompass anything from Sent claim letter about missing subscriptions
to talked with district manager about reduced pricing if we purchase two
You may also right-click (Windows) or <ctrl>-click (Macintosh) in the subscription history field to select
the Add History Item option.

Alexandria Users Manual 465

Subscriptions & Routes

Routes Management

Routes Management
Select Routes from under the Show menu to access the Routes window, used for managing routing
records. You can add as many routes as required for your library. Routing lists are used to direct items
(supplied by the library) to a specified list of readers.
At times, librarians will need to route items to a number of different patrons. Alexandrias Routing List
Manager helps librarians keep track of these various lists. Every routing list has a responsible patron
associated with it. When items are routed, Alexandria checks the item out to the responsible patron.
Routes are also assigned a routing period, a time period the librarian expects the item to be circulating
before its returned to the library.
Routes contain a routing period, which includes names and addresses of patrons on the route list. An
Instructions tab is included so that the librarian can enter additional instructions for the route.
Routes can be assigned to subscriptions so that they are issued when subscriptions are received. However,
any collection item can be routed using the Circulation window (see Issue Routing Slip on page 330).

Routes Primary Information

The top section of the Routes window consists of the following information:
Route NameThe friendly name youve selected for this route.
Responsible PatronThe Responsible Patron is the barcode number of the patron responsible for this route. When an item is distributed, its checked out to the Responsible Patron.
Default is For Library Use Patron (barcode 3); however, items routed with this patron will be
filtered off all reports unless explicitly requested. Use the Lookup button to locate patron barcodes based on their names.
Route PeriodThe Route Period is used to compute a due date for the route. If something
that is routed is not returned to the library, it is reported as an overdue item for the Responsible

466 Alexandria Users Manual

Routes Window: Route List tab

Subscriptions & Routes

Routes Window: Route List tab

Click the Route List tab to view and edit the list of patrons on the route list.

Use the Find / Add Patron button to add patrons to the route list. When you click this button, the Pick
Route Patrons window appears. Double-click on a patron in the list or select (highlight) them and click
on the Add button to add them to the route list. As you add patrons, they appear in the bottom of this
window. When you have finished, click the Done button to add all the selected patrons to the routing list.

Once added, you can remove patrons from the routing list by selecting (highlighting) them and pressing
the <delete> key, or clicking the Remove button.
To add a patron who is not in the Alexandria system, use the Add Manual Entry button.
The Add Route Member window will appear. Specify a patron Name and Location. The new patron
will appear in the Route List.

Alexandria Users Manual 467

Subscriptions & Routes

Routes Window: Instructions tab

Routes Window: Instructions tab

Use the Instructions tab to add special instructions to your routes. Instructions are printed at the top of
the route form.

Routing forms are automatically printed when the library receives a subscription with a specified route.
However, you can print the current form at any time by selecting Print from the File menu. If you want to
print more than one routing list, use Subscription Reports from the Reports menu.

468 Alexandria Users Manual

Introduction to Reports
Alexandria provides a simple-to-use interface to generate hundreds of reports for nearly all of the data
saved within the program.
This chapter provides an overview of the report preparation process and instructions on how to create and
use Quick Reports. For specific report information, please review the subsequent report chapters.

How to Create a Report

To generate a customized report in Alexandria, choose the report type you want from the Reports menu.
In the example below, Patron Reports was selected from the Reports menu. This sample demonstrates a
generalized form of the report window for all types of reports. The specific fields and drop-down menus on
every report window vary depending on the report and format you have selected.

Alexandria Users Manual 469

How to Create a Report

Introduction to Reports
Use the following general steps to prepare a report.
Step 1.

Select a specific report type from Alexandrias Reports menu.

Step 2.

Once the specific report window has opened, select a report type from the Report Name
drop-down menu.

Step 3.

If the report you have selected has more than one format, a Format drop-down menu will
appear (e.g. some reports have a 1-Line and Detailed format). Make a selection from the
Format drop-down menu.

Step 4.

Select a sort order from the Sort By field1. The Sort By order determines the hierarchy of
the information included in the report (e.g. Patron Reports can be sorted by name, barcode, policy, and other values). Some sort selections sort by two values (e.g. Patron Lists
can be sorted by Grade/Name, resulting in patrons being sorted by grade and then by

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menus to select which type of information is to be included
in the report. You can make up to six selections using And, Or, and And Not (Boolean
logic) for your report. You are limited to six selection ranges and may need a large monitor
to accommodate them as the report window grows larger with every choice. In addition,
the order the selections are processed are from the top down and will affect the results if
you are using both And and Or operators at the same time.
When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear and
prompt you for required information (e.g. if you select Activity in the Select By dropdown menu, Date Range fields will appear, allowing you to enter a starting and ending
date value).
If you enter only a Starting with selection, Alexandria will select all records where the
Grade begins with the entered text. For example, entering GR1 would select GR100,
GR10 and GR1B37.
To do an exact match for a text field range, enter an Ending With value that matches the
Starting With value followed by space and exclamation point. For example, Starting With
GR1 and Ending With GR1 ! (unless you really have data named GR1 !).

Step 6.

Click the Print button. As Alexandria builds your report, the status of the report appears at
the top of the Report Results window.

Step 7.

As the report is processing, you can perform other tasks, check items in and out or even
prepare other reports within Alexandria. If necessary, click the Cancel button to stop the
report from processing.
If the Report window becomes hidden behind other windows, find it again under the
Alexandria Windows menu.

1.Since Alexandria allows you to customize certain terms for Patrons and Items, the term names you use may not be reflected in this
manual. For purposes of illustration, the sample library weve used in this manual is a School Library and thus Community ID = Patron
Number, Location = Homeroom, Level = Grade and so forth.

470 Alexandria Users Manual

How to Create a Report

Introduction to Reports

When the report is complete, it appears in Alexandrias standard COMPedit word processing window.
Since the report is a word processing document, you can:
View and edit the report on the screen using COMPedits word processing commands.
Choose Save from the File menu to save the report.
Highlight text in the window and copy it to other programs or onto your desktop.
Select Print from the File menu to send this report to the printer. Due to operating system
limitations, you may only print one report at a time.

The settings for every
report window are initially
set to locked so you cant
mistakenly modify the

Alexandria Users Manual 471

Introduction to Reports

Adaptive Dates

Adaptive Dates
An adaptive date can be substituted for an actual date anywhere within Alexandria. Adaptive dates are
especially helpful when creating and running Quick Reports.
In the past, a Quick Report that required a Date Range selection would use the dates that had originally
been entered every time the report was performed. Now, you can supply an adaptive date in any Date
Range selection field so that the next time the Quick Report is performed, it will correctly use the proper
date, whether it be today, tomorrow, yesterday, etc.
Here are the terms you can substitute for an actual date in the Alexandria Date Range selection fields:
%today or %td Entering these commands into a date field is the same as entering todays
date. For example, if todays date is April 7th, 2010, then entering %td or %today is the same as
entering 4/7/2010.
%yesterday or %yd Entering these commands into a date field is the same as entering yesterdays date. For example, if yesterdays date was April 6th, 2010, then entering %yd or %yesterday is the same as entering 4/6/2010.
%tomorrow or %tm Entering these commands into a date field is the same as entering tomorrows date. For example, if tomorrows date is April 8th, 2010, then entering %tm or %tomorrow
is the same as entering 4/8/2010.
%lastweek or %lw Entering the %lw or %lastweek command will subtract seven days from
todays date. For example, if the current date is April 7th, 2010, then entering %lw or
%lastweek is the same as entering 3/31/2010 (March 31st, 2010).
%nextweek or %nw Entering the %nw or %nextweek command will add seven days from
todays date. For example, if the current date is April 7th, 2010, then entering %nw or %nextweek is the same as entering 4/14/2010 (April 14th, 2010).
%lastmonth or %lm Entering the %lm or %lastmonth command will subtract thirty days
from todays date. For example, if the current date is April 7th, 2010, then entering %lm or
%lastmonth is the same as entering 3/8/2010 (March 8th, 2010).
%nextmonth or %nm Entering the %nm or %nextmonth command will add thirty days
from todays date. For example, if the current date is March 8th, 2010, then entering %nm or
%nextmonth is the same as entering 4/7/2010 (April 7th, 2010).
%lastyear or %ly Entering these commands into a date field is the same as entering todays
date, but last year. For example, if todays date is April 7th, 2010, then entering %td or %today
is the same as entering 4/7/2009.
%nextyear or %ny Entering these commands into a date field is the same as entering todays
date, but next year. For example, if todays date is April 7th, 2010, then entering %td or %today
is the same as entering 4/7/2011.
Also, you are allowed to add or subtract a number of days from each adaptive date selection. For example,
%td - 5 will take todays date and subtract five days. Further, %tm + 20 will take tomorrows date and add
twenty days.

472 Alexandria Users Manual

Quick Reports

Introduction to Reports

Quick Reports
Creating Quick Reports
Alexandria includes the Quick Report ability, making it very easy to save the most frequently-used
reports. Please note that Quick Reports only save the specifications that were used to create the report and
do not save the results of a generated report. However, since all reports are standard word processing
documents, you can save the actual report like any other COMPedit document.
Use the following steps to create a Quick Report.
Step 1.

Select a report from the Reports menu.

Step 2.

Select all the options you want to save for this report template.

Step 3.

Click on the Create Quick Report button. When the following window appears, name
the Quick Report format you just created.

You can not change the
name of a Quick Report
although you can remove
the one with the bad
name and create another.
Step 4.

Click on OK to save the Quick Report you just created, otherwise click Cancel.

Step 5.

To view your saved report formats/templates, select Quick Reports from the Reports

Alexandria Users Manual 473

Introduction to Reports

Using Quick Reports

Using Quick Reports

Use the following steps to use the Quick Reports youve saved.

Select Quick Reports from the Reports menu.

Double-click on one of the report names or select a report and click Print or select Print from the File
menu to prepare the saved report. To remove a Quick Report, select it and click the Remove Report
To edit a Quick Report, select it and click the Edit Report button. Make the necessary changes and click
For label reports, you can check Skip Some Labels if you dont want the labels to print starting on the
upper-left corner or if you dont want them to print consecutively. A window will appear, displaying the
label sheet layout; click on the labels that you want to skip.

474 Alexandria Users Manual

Super Summary Template Editor

Introduction to Reports

Super Summary Template Editor

Alexandria customers have long requested the ability to modify reports, citing that Super Summary
reports often contained too much unnecessary information. Consistent appeals for subtle report variations
led us to develop the Super Summary Template Editor; this editor gives our customers the ability to
specify which rows and columns they would like to include in their Super Summary report.
The Super Summary Template Editor can be selected under Alexandrias main Reports menu.

The interface consists of a series of tabs: Templates, Sections, Rows, and Columns.
You should first perform a standard Super Summary / Missouri Super Summary before deciding how
they need to be changed to meet your needs. We advise working from the bottom upstarting with
Columns, then Rows, and finally, Sections. Once each of these have been defined, youll have the
building blocks necessary to create a Template.
In addition, you may be required to save information in the Columns, Rows, Sections, or Templates
tabs in order to proceed. For example, you wont be able to copy sections to the Templates tab without
having first saved the Rows, Columns and Sections.
It is important to note that none of the default Templates, Sections, Rows, or Columns may be edited
or removed at any time. This is to ensure that our normal Super Summary reports remain available to
our award-winning Technical Support team in case of inquiry.

Alexandria Users Manual 475

Introduction to Reports

Super Summary Template Editor

Columns tab
The left-side of the Columns tab contains a list of the columns available for selection and the description
of those columns is contained in the fields located to the right side of the screen. Any column names
followed with an asterisk * are Composite columnsgroups of columns that logically go together.
There are several columns that make no sense to customize, while others do.

When creating a new column, the Name field will contain the text that appears in the column list of the
Columns and Sections tab. The Description field allows you to explain the reason for the columns
existence (i.e. what it is used for). The Column Heading setting is the label that will appear on the
printed report. There is also a Type drop-down menu:
Label Only will only contain the Row Headings in its column.
Counter can total or calculate the statistics designated in the Accumulator setting.
Composite contains a list of all previously-defined columns that you want grouped together.
When selecting Composite, other Composite columns (marked with an asterisk) can be
dragged or copied from the from the column list on the left into the box at the bottom of the tab.
Custom Date Ranges is for tracking publication dates as specified; it is a specialized type of
Composite column. This could be used in something like a Missouri Super Summary varia-

tion where newer books are considered to be less than 13 years old.
The controls at the bottom of the window allow you to Add a new column definition, Remove a nondefault column definition, Edit a selected non-default definition, or Duplicate a selected column
definition. See Alexandrias Super Summary Template Help file for step-by-step instructions for adding
new columns.

476 Alexandria Users Manual

Super Summary Template Editor

Introduction to Reports

Rows tab
The Rows tab has a similar interface to the Columns tab. The list of rows is contained on the left-hand
side of the window while the definitions are stored on the right. The controls at the bottom of the window
allow you to Add, Remove, Edit, or Duplicate a selected (non-default) row definition.

The Row definition pane includes the Name field, which appears in the row list and description. It also
contains several checkboxes that enable certain types of preset configurations.
Dewey BreakdownRecognizes Dewey call numbers and provides the statistics based on the
ranges specified in the Breakdown drop-down menu.
Dewey BiographiesWhen checked, the Dewey call numbers 920, 921, and 92 appear on
their own, separate line as opposed to being included with the 900s or 920s (this is dependant
upon the Breakdown drop-down settings).
BreakdownThis drop-down menu allows the user to configure the level of breakdown desired
for Dewey call numbers. Dewey 100s categorize the statistics based on 000s, 100s, 200s, etc.
Dewey 10s separate them by 000, 010, 020, . . . 100, 110, 120, . . . 200, 210, 220, etc.
Dewey 1s divide them into 000, 001, 002, . . . 100, 101, 102, . . . 200, 201, 202, etc. The
Missouri groupings are based on pre-2005 standards. The Missouri Elementary and Secondary groups follow the standards established by the Missouri Department of Education.
Prefix BreakdownWhen this box is unchecked, each prefix (grouping of letters at the beginning of the call number, separated by a space from the rest of the call number) will appear on a
single line of the report.

Alexandria Users Manual 477

Super Summary Template Editor

Introduction to Reports

Group NamesWhen this box goes unchecked, each prefix will appear unchanged on a single
line of the report. This means that F and FIC will appear on two separate lines. When checked,
Alexandria groups and identifies common prefixes by a recognizable name; for example, F and
FIC get grouped into a single line named Fiction. Some prefixes (such as P) might be ambiguous; therefore, it may be advantageous to click the Show Group Names button to view how
Alexandria groups prefixesthis will help determine whether it is beneficial to use the Group
Names feature. Prefixes that Alexandria doesnt recognize get grouped as Other.
Subdivide DeweyWhen unchecked, each prefix appears on a single line, regardless of

whether there are any Dewey call numbers that follow. When checked, prefix numbers without
trailing Dewey call numbers are shown subdivided in a single line. They will appear on a separate
line for each Dewey category specified in the Breakdown drop-down menu (shown to the right
of the Subdivide Dewey setting).
Policy BreakdownWhen checked, each policy will appear on a separate line with totals and

Medium BreakdownWhen checked, each medium will appear on a separate line with totals

and statistics.
EntireWhen checked, the grand total for all the items selected for the report will be displayed,

ignoring call numbers, mediums, and policies.

- C


Checking multiple categories within the same row definition may be detrimental. A
single item will be counted once for either the Dewey or Prefix Breakdown, once
for Policy Breakdown, once for Medium Breakdown, and once for Entire. It is
best to have each type in its own row definition. Most default types have already been
provided, except Dewey Breakdown by 10s or 1s and their variations

478 Alexandria Users Manual

Super Summary Template Editor

Introduction to Reports

Sections tab
The information stored in the Sections tab are combinations of rows and columns. When making
sections, consider the size of the paper that you will be using and its orientation (i.e. portrait or landscape).
Be careful not to create a section that is too full of information or else it will fall off the page.

Unlike defining rows and columns, when you define a section, a Section Editor window will appear. The
reason this happens is because you are required to access the Rows and Columns tabs in order to copy and
paste or drag and drop rows and columns into the appropriate boxes on the Section Editor window.
As for the individual settings of the Section Editor window, the Name field contains the text that appears
in the section list of the Sections tab and in the Sections field of the Template Editor window. The
Description field allows you to better detail the reasons for which the section was intended. Heading is
the name that appears on the report. Each section may also contain a subtotal at its end if the Sub-Total
After Section checkbox is marked.
When arranging rows and columns, the first column in each section should generally be the Label-type in
order for you to know what each row means. Also, its best to only have one type of row per section for
things to make more sense. If you place both a Medium and a Policy row in the same section, each item
will be counted twice (once for medium and once for policy) but the sub-total (if checked) will only count
it onceit will appear as if the totals are wrong when, technically, they arent. Therefore, by only having
one type of row per section, each section of statistics may be properly named in a descriptive way to better
understand what each total means.
See Alexandrias Super Summary Template Help file for step-by-step instructions on adding a section.

Alexandria Users Manual 479

Super Summary Template Editor

Introduction to Reports

Templates tab
When adding or editing a new template, a Template Editor window will appear so that sections from
other tabs may be copied and pasted or dragged and dropped into the Sections box located at the bottom
of the Template Editor.

In addition to specifying the sections and the Format name to be used in the Item Reports drop-down
menu, the Template Editor window also contains a field for providing a more complete Description of
the report and indicating the Heading that should be printed on the report.
Once the sections and other information have been specified, change the View By drop-down menu at the
top of the Template Editor window from Content to Layout. The settings specified in this window allow
you to configure your new reports default orientation (Normal or Landscape). In addition, you may
also specify the Size and Font to be used for the headings (section names / column names) and the body
(row information).

- N


If you decide to use Landscape, it is beneficial to include the word Landscape

somewhere in the Format name in order to remind yourself (and other users) to
change the orientation in your systems default Page Setup before printing.
Alexandria in unable to change the orientation in your systems Page Setup window
for you.

480 Alexandria Users Manual

Super Summary Template Editor

Introduction to Reports

Running Your Super Summary

After creating your new template, you may run it by following these steps:
Step 6.

From Alexandrias main menu bar select Reports.

Step 7.

Then, select Item Reports.

Step 8.

Set the Report Name drop-down menu to Super Summary.

Step 9.

Set the Format to the name (definition) you have given to your new template.

Step 10.

Set the Sort as desiredchoose No Sort for one cohesive report or Library for statistics
broken down by each individual library.

Step 11.

Set the appropriate Inventory Start Date to be used by various columns.

Step 12.

Specify which items should be examined and reported on for this report using the Select
By drop-down menu.

Step 13.

Click Print to send the report to the screen.

Alexandria Users Manual 481

Introduction to Reports

482 Alexandria Users Manual

Super Summary Template Editor

Special Reports
These reports are special because they dont seem to fit into any other report categories. They are used for
displaying and printing information about your policies, calendars, and barcode labels.

Preparing Special Reports

Step 1.

Choose Special Reports from the Reports drop-down menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose how you want your report Format displayed.

Step 4.

Select the Sort By option for your report.

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to set options for the report.

Step 6.

Click the Print button to prepare the report.

Step 7.

Make any changes to the formatting.

Step 8.

Choose Print from the File menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 483

Special Reports

Policy List

Policy List
Use this report to document all the policies youve defined.

Policy List: Formats

Patron PoliciesGenerates a report that includes all patron policies sorted by full policy name.
Item PoliciesPrepares a report that includes all item policies sorted by full policy name.
Circulation PoliciesGenerates a report that includes all circulation policies sorted by full pol-

icy name.

Policy List: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Policy List: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

484 Alexandria Users Manual

Library Calendar

Special Reports

Library Calendar
This report prints calendars in a month-per-page format over a specified date range. Only the month of
the Starting or Ending Date is used, although the program requires you enter a full date.

There are no available Library Calendar Sort By options.

Library Calendar: Formats

StandardThis Format generates reports for the Standard calendar. When you create your
own calendars, more selections will appear under this Format drop-down menu (see Calendar
Preferences on page 105).
Monday & Thursday DeliveryThis Format generates
Tuesday & Friday DeliveryThis Format generates

Library Calendar: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 485

Special Reports

Calendar Notes

Calendar Notes
This report prints the selected library calendar notes throughout a specified date range.

There are no available Calendar Notes Sort By options.

Calendar Notes: Formats

StandardThis Format generates reports for the Standard calendar. When you create your
own calendars, more selections will appear under this Format drop-down menu (see Calendar
Preferences on page 105).

Calendar Notes: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

486 Alexandria Users Manual

Manual Checkout Sheet

Special Reports

Manual Checkout Sheet

Prints manual checkout sheetssimple forms that can be used to record transactions when a computer or
portable scanner is not available. These sheets can later be manually entered into Alexandria. You can also
use one of COMPanions portable laser scanners to perform transactions when the computer system isnt

There are no Format, Sort By, or Select By drop-down menu options for this report selection.

Alexandria Users Manual 487

Special Reports

Command Barcodes

Command Barcodes
Prepares a sheet of barcodes used to scan commands into the Circulation window.
To perform a specified command in the Circulation window, just scan the command with your scanner.
Print this sheet and attach it to your desk for quick-entry of circulation commands.

Printed command
barcodes can be used with
the portable laser reader to
enter circulation
commands into the reader.

There are no Format, Sort By, or Select By drop-down menu options for this report selection.

Preferences Report
A report of all library preferences not available through other reports.

There are no Format, Sort By, or Select By drop-down menu options for this report selection.

488 Alexandria Users Manual

Custom Barcode Labels

Special Reports

Custom Barcode Labels

This report prints barcode labels, sorted by number, over a specified range. This report will only work with
sheet-feed printers. It will print Code 3 of 9 labels (30 per page) on special laser-printer paper available
from COMPanion.

This report uses

COMPanions V0055
barcode labels.

There are no available Format options for Custom Barcode Labels reports.
You can check Skip Some Labels if you dont want the labels to print starting on the upper left
corner or if you dont want them to print consecutively. A window will appear, displaying the
label sheet layout; click on the labels that you want to skip.
You can check the Custom Lines on Top if you would like to print custom lines above the barcode or one above and one below.
In the Number of Duplicates field, indicate how many copies of the same record should be

Custom Barcode Labels: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Custom Barcode Labels: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 489

Custom Barcode Labels

Special Reports

You can use these labels for any purpose. Typically, youll use them for printing temporary barcode labels
and creating new item and patron labels; however, the advantage of printing labels from other barcode
printing reports is that patron labels will have the patrons name on them and item labels will have the title
and call number printed on them.
When you click Print, youll see the following window:

This window allows you to enter the text that will be printed on the top and bottom of the barcode labels.

- N


If you are planning on using label protectors, test your scanners before placing label
protectors over your labels. Some combinations of protectors/scanners dont work well
together and you dont want to be forced to replace your scanners or labels if there is a

490 Alexandria Users Manual

Authority Reports

Special Reports

Authority Reports
This report provides information on the terms created in your catalog. This report includes the full tag
entry with all subfields and indicators.

There are no Sort By, or Select By drop-down menu options for this report selection.

Authority Reports: Formats

TitleOnly title entries are included.
AuthorOnly author entries are included.
Full SubjectOnly full subject entries are included. Please note that subject entries are for subject tags only, not for subject subfields.
SeriesOnly series entries are included.
Curriculum CodeOnly Alexandria curriculum codes are included.
Interest CodeOnly interest codes entries are included.
Bibliographic CodeOnly Alexandria bibliographic codes are included.
MediumOnly medium types are included.
LocationOnly location entries are included.
ShelvingOnly shelving location entries are included.
LibraryOnly library location entries are included.
PublisherOnly publisher name entries are included.
Funding SourceOnly funding source entries are included.
Patron SchoolOnly patron school entries are included.
Patron HomeroomOnly patron homeroom entries are included.
Patron 2nd LocationOnly patron 2nd location entries are included.
Patron GradeOnly patron grade entries are included.
CityOnly city location entries are included.
StateOnly state location entries are included.

Alexandria Users Manual 491

Special Reports

System Analysis

System Analysis
This report shows information about your computer system and Alexandria Data files.

There are no Format, Sort By, or Select By drop-down menu options for this report selection.

492 Alexandria Users Manual


Special Reports

This report shows the number of items that were used (checked in/out) by patrons in each homeroom per
quarter. It goes on to show the total amount and value as a district. On a district level, it is helpful to see
which items that patron groups are using and when they are being used during the year.

In order for statistics reports to work, you need to check the Keep History for all Patrons under
the Patron Management preference window (see Patron Management Preferences on page 153)
or check the Keep Patron History box for each individual patron whose history you want to
track under the Statistics tab on the Patron Management window (see Statistics tab on
page 230).
There are no available Sort By options for Statistics reports.

Statistics: Formats
Cesa #10Allows you to print a report based on Cesa #10 statistics.
Advanced BookingsAllows you to print a report based on Advanced Bookings statistics.

Statistics: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 493

Special Reports

Unused Barcodes

Unused Barcodes
This report will prepare a list of all unused patron/item barcodes within your Alexandria database.

There are no available Sort By options for Unused Barcodes reports.

Unused Barcode Formats

Current List FormatThis format supplies a list of barcode numbers that are currently not in
use by Alexandria (within the specified barcode range).
Custom Barcode FormatThis format allows users to print barcodes (within a specified
range) that are not already in use by Alexandria.

Unused Barcodes Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

494 Alexandria Users Manual

Cross Data Station Reports

Preparing Cross DS Reports
Similar to Alexandrias Circulation reports, the Cross Data Station reports allow users to build
comprehensive reports for multiple Alexandria or Textbook Tracker Data Stations.
This feature is useful for Central Union school districts that want the benefit of being able to run all
comprehensive reports from a single Data Station location, yet still want each library to run their
collections autonomously.
In addition, users who run both Alexandria and Textbook Tracker often want to give their patrons a single
overdue notice at the end of the year that contains all of the overdue items, fees, and fines for both

Preparing Cross DS Reports

To prepare a Cross DS Report, follow these steps:
Step 1.

Choose Cross DS Reports from the Reports menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose how you want your report Format displayed.

Step 4.

Choose the Sort By order for this report.

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records to include in the report.

Step 6.

Click the Print button to prepare the report.

Alexandria Users Manual 495

Cross Data Station Reports

Loaned Items

Loaned Items
These reports prepare lists for library use. Only loaned items are included in the report. Items loaned to
special patrons (barcode numbers between 1 and 50) or inactive patrons are not included in this report.

Loaned Items: Formats

1 LineIncludes primary transaction information for each loaned item. The report includes each
patrons name and barcode, and each items title, call number, barcode and due date. An asterix
indicates overdue items.
1 Line LandscapeThis report is the same as the 1 Line report, but is in a landscape format.
This allows more room for displaying the title.
DetailedIncludes full transaction information for each loaned item. All available information

is included in this report.

CompleteThis report format allows the librarian to include charges, fees, and fines that might
be owed by the student.

Loaned Items: Collections

Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionBy default, this is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher
Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Loaned Items: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Loaned Items: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

496 Alexandria Users Manual

Overdue Listings

Cross Data Station Reports

Overdue Listings
These reports prepare lists for library use. Only overdue items are included in the report. Items loaned to
special patrons (barcode numbers between 1 and 50) or inactive patrons are not included in these reports.
This report includes an implicit selection of any overdue item. If you use a selection that uses the Due
Date, that selection will be used rather than the implicit values.

When the Include Charges, Fees, Fines box is checked, notices and entries will print for overdue fines on returned items, miscellaneous fees, and lost of damaged charge; the box is checked
by default.

Alexandria Users Manual 497

Cross Data Station Reports

Overdue Listings

Overdue Listings: Formats

1 LineIncludes primary transaction information for each patron with overdue items. It displays

the patrons name, barcode and phone number along with the number of overdue items, those
currently checked out and the patrons current fine balance.
Detailed with CostIncludes full transaction information for each overdue item. All available
information is included. This report includes each patrons name and barcode number, phone
number, each items title, barcode number, call number, cost, due date, and the number of days
the item is overdue.
Detailed with ChargesIncludes full transaction information for each overdue item. All available information is included. This report includes each patrons name and barcode number,
phone number, each items title, barcode number, call number, cost, due date, and the number of
days the item is overdue.
Posting ListIncludes name, number of overdue items and charges due. This report can be

posted in the library to inform patrons that have overdue items and charges.
Posting List - DetailedThis format allows you to actually see the title of the items that are
overdue as compared to the Posting List, which only shows the number of items that are overdue.
It also shows the homeroom of the patron and the due date of the item, as well as the reason the
patron owes a fee.

Overdue Listings: Collections

Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionThis is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Overdue Listings: Sort By

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Overdue Listings: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

498 Alexandria Users Manual

Hold Requests

Cross Data Station Reports

Hold Requests
These reports prepare hold request and in-stock hold lists.

Hold Requests: Formats

Pending HoldOnly includes hold requests that are currently pending. For pending holds, the
request date is the date on which the hold was placed. The expiration date is the date the request
expires. Alexandria automatically removes expired hold requests at the beginning of each day.
In-StockA report that lists selected items being held for patrons. Only in-stock requests are
selected. For in-stock requests, the in-stock date is the date on which the item first became available for a patron. The expiration date is the date on which the request expires. Alexandria automatically removes expired requests at the beginning of each day.

Hold Requests: Collections

Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionThis is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Hold Request: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Hold Request: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 499

Cross Data Station Reports


For reservations, the request date is the date on which the reservation was placed and the Reservation
Begin Date is the date on which the reservation begins. For a listing of the reservations scheduled for
today, select this report and Select by a Reservation Begin Date of todays date.

Reservations: Formats
1 LinePrepares a tabular report with all reservation information.

Reservations: Collections
Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionThis is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Reservations: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Reservations: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

500 Alexandria Users Manual

Overdue Notices

Cross Data Station Reports

Overdue Notices
These notices are sent to patrons to inform them that they have overdue items and should return them to
the library. You can change the text of these notices using the Letters preference on the Circulation tab of
the Local Circulation preference window.
Overdue notices are generated for all overdue items unless you limit them by selecting a range of due dates.
For example, you can set the date range to generate overdue notices only for items overdue by more than a

If you select Include Charges, Fees, Fines, notices and entries will print for overdue fines on
returned items, miscellaneous fees, and lost or damaged charges. Otherwise, they are ignored.
If you select Calculate Overdue Fines, then overdue fines (calculated by day) are included in
the reports. Otherwise, they are ignored.
If you select Show Replacement Cost, then the items replacement cost is included in the
reports. Otherwise, they are ignored.

Overdue Notices: Formats

The following are the formats for overdue notices:
4 per PageOverdue slips are printed 4 per page. One slip is printed for each overdue item or

charge. This is a good format to use when each patron has only 1 or 2 overdue items. The slip
includes the patrons name, barcode number, location, level, 2nd location, government ID,
library balance, and the items title, barcode number, author, call number, replacement cost, due
date, return date, daily fine/fee rate, and fine balance for each item.
2 per PageOverdue slips are printed 2 per page. One slip is printed for each patron with an

overdue item. Up to 4 items can be included on each slip. If patrons have several overdue items,
this format is preferable over the 4 per page formatas it saves paper. The slip includes the
patrons name, barcode number, location, 2nd location, government ID, level, policy, and library
balance, and the items title, barcode number, call number, date, fine/fee amount by item,
amount paid by item, fine/fee balance by item, and replacement cost. It also includes the total
number of items the patron has overdue and the fine/fee amount due on the slip.

Alexandria Users Manual 501

Cross Data Station Reports

You must have your email
preferences correctly
configured for this to

Overdue Notices

Self MailerAn overdue notice in letter format designed to be folded and mailed without an
envelope. If there are several overdue items, the letter runs onto a second page. The letter includes
the patrons name, address, location, and barcode number, and each items title, barcode number,
due date, return date, number of fine/fee days calculated, fine/fee rate, total balance by item and
replacement cost. This format is excellent if notices are mailed. Just fold, staple and stampthe
return and patron addresses are automatically printed on the mailer.
Overdue Letters with SummaryAn overdue notice in letter format. This letter includes all
items a patron has overdue. If there are several overdue items, the letter runs onto a second page.
The letter includes the patrons name, address, barcode number, and each items title, author, barcode number, call number, due date, return date, daily fine/fee rate, the number of fine/fee days
totaled, the total balance due by item, and the total balance due for all items. After the last letter,
a summary is displayed.
Overdue LettersSame as the previous report, but without the summary page at the end.
Overdue Letters, to ParentsSame as the previous report, but is addressed To the Parents
or Guardian of rather than the actual patron.
Mailing Labels - One AcrossThis format prints overdue notice mailing labels on a page with

labels printed in one column at a time and down.These labels can be created for the patron or for
the patrons guardian (if you check the Address to Parent/Guardian box).
Mailing Labels - Three AcrossThis format prints overdue notice mailing labels on a page

with three labels across and ten down. These labels can be created for the patron or for the
patrons guardian (if you check the Address to Parent/Guardian box). Use the Skip Some
Labels checkbox to indicate areas on the label sheet not to be printed.

Overdue Notices: Collections

Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionThis is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Overdue Notices: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Overdue Notices: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

502 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Hold Queue

Cross Data Station Reports

Item Hold Queue

Item Hold Queue: Formats

Pending HoldOnly includes hold requests that are currently pending. For pending holds, the
request date is the date on which the hold was placed. The expiration date is the date the request
expires. Alexandria automatically removes expired hold requests at the beginning of each day.
In-StockA report that lists selected items being held for patrons. Only in-stock requests are
selected. For in-stock requests, the in-stock date is the date on which the item first became available for a patron. The expiration date is the date on which the request expires. Alexandria automatically removes expired requests at the beginning of each day.

Item Hold Queue: Collections

Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionThis is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Item Hold Queue: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Item Hold Queue: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 503

Cross Data Station Reports

Item Reservations

Item Reservations

There are no available Formats for the Item Reservations report.

Item Reservations: Collections

Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionThis is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Item Reservations: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Item Reservations: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

504 Alexandria Users Manual

Charges and Overdue Fines

Cross Data Station Reports

Charges and Overdue Fines

Reports that include both fines and overdue records with fines, within specified ranges; only fines and
other charges will be printed. Use these reports to see who owes the library money. Only circulation
records where an actual fine is due are included. Thus, an overdue item without a fine will not be included.

Charges and Overdue Fines: Formats

StandardDisplays transactions for currently overdue items and unpaid fines/charges issued

against a patron.
Charges OnlyOnly displays transactions where a charge is due (charges are fees that have

reached their maximum limit and are no longer accruing). Does not include fines for currently
overdue items.
Fines OnlyOnly displays transactions where a fine is due (fines are fees that are still accruing).
Does not include other charges, such as charges for previously overdue items that have been

Charges and Overdue Fines: Collections

Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionThis is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Charges and Overdue Fines: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Charges and Overdue Fines: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 505

Cross Data Station Reports

Reserved Items

Reserved Items
Prints a list of reserved items. These are the items checked out using the J circulation command (see
Reservations on page 277 for more information).

There are no Reserved Items report formats.

Reserved Items: Collections

Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionThis is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Reserved Items: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Reserved Items: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

506 Alexandria Users Manual

Special Item Lists

Cross Data Station Reports

Special Item Lists

These reports are designed to show items with special status codes.

From PatronThis checkbox allows you to narrow your Lost and Discarded special item list.
If you only want to view items marked as lost or discarded by patrons, check this box. If you want
a complete special item list, leave both checked.
From InventoryThis checkbox allows you to narrow your Lost and Discarded special item

list. If you only want to view items marked as lost or discarded from inventory, check this box.
If you want a complete special item list, leave both checked.

Special Item List: Formats

Lost CopiesAll items that are checked out to special patron barcode #1.
Discarded CopiesAll items that are checked out to special patron barcode #2.
Library Use CopiesAll items that are checked out to special patron barcode #3.
On Repair CopiesAll items that are checked out to special patron barcode #4.
On Order CopiesAll items that are checked out to special patron barcode #5.
Archived CopiesAll items that are checked out to special patron barcode #6.

Special Item Lists: Collections

Use the More Servers button to add an additional Collections selection drop-down menu and the
Fewer Servers button to remove one. The address books contained in the Collections drop-down
menu(s) can be customized in your Data Stations Global Administration preferences.
Local CollectionThis is the Data Station thats defined in your Local Researcher Preferences (see Local Researcher Preferences: Researcher on page 181).

Special Item List: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Special Item List: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 507

Cross Data Station Reports

508 Alexandria Users Manual

Special Item Lists

Patron Reports
Preparing Patron Reports
Patron reports give you immediate access to information about the patrons who use your librarythey are
used to create lists, notices, cards, and labels.

To prepare a Patron Report, follow these steps:

Step 1.

Choose Patron Reports from the Reports drop-down menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose whether you want to have your report Detailed, 1-Line, or any other format
thats available from the Format drop-down menu.

Step 4.

Choose how you want this report sorted using the Sort By drop-down menu.

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select what patron record information to include
in this report.

Step 6.

Click on the Print button to prepare the report.

Step 7.

Make any desired changes using COMPedit tools.

Step 8.

To send the report to the printer, either click on the Printer icon or choose Print from the
File drop-down menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 509

Patron Reports

Patron List

Patron List
This report prepares a wide range of information about the patrons using your library.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Patron List: Formats

1 LineThis format provides minimal information for each patron you select, including only

the patrons name, level, barcode, community ID, and location.

DetailedThis format includes all available information for the patrons that you select. This

includes name, address, phone number, status, card expiration date, date of last use, policy,
patron ID, birth, sex, location, level, 2nd location, graduation year, contact, and contacts phone
number. If you would like to include your patrons picture as an extra measure of identification,
check the Include Patron Pictures box when selecting this format.
Patron CardsThis format prints patron library cards. If you would like to include your
patrons picture as an extra measure of identification, check the Include Patron Pictures box
when selecting this format.

Patron List: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Patron List: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

510 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Desk Reference

Patron Reports

Patron Desk Reference

This report acts as a desk reference for the librarian. It contains a printed barcode and patron information
for each user-specified patron. This includes name, address, location, and phone number. This report is
useful if patrons do not have (or have lost) a library card with a printed barcode. The printed barcode on
the desk reference can be scanned to make the patron current.
You can use the Sort By options on this report to make it more useful. For instance, if patrons visit your
library by location (e.g. Homeroom), you can sort the desk reference by location. As children visit the
library, you can quickly locate them on the desk reference under their location and scan their barcode

There are no available Format options for Patron Desk Reference reports.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Patron Desk Reference: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Patron Desk Reference: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 511

Patron Reports

Patron Lexile

Patron Lexile
Patron Lexile reports can include a patrons name, level, location, and lexile. When sorted by location, it
allows librarians to preview the reading levels for a class before they come to the library; by doing this, they
can make more appropriate recommendations, eliminating some of the frustration that patrons feel when
they check out an item that is too difficult for them. These lists can also be given to a teacher so that they
can review what levels their students are at and make more informed decisions when assigning a particular
book as a reading assignment.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.
Page break between major sortsIf your Sort By options allow this option, set whether or
not you would like to have a page break between major sorts in reports.

Patron Lexile: Formats

1 LineThis provides a 1-line summary of selected patrons most current lexile measurement.

This report includes each patrons name, grade, homeroom, and current lexile number.
DetailedThis provides a complete and detailed summary of the selected patrons lexile history.

Report includes each patron, their entire lexile history, grade, testing source, and testing date(s).
GraphThis format creates a single page-per-patron graph that plots your students complete

lexile progress; lexile measurements are shown along the y-axis and grades along the x-axis. If
youve provided values in the Expected Growth and Reading to Learn fields of the Patron
Management Lexile tab (see page 154), additional benchmarks will appear on the graph.

Patron Lexile: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Patron Lexile: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

512 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Payment History

Patron Reports

Patron Payment History

The Patron Payment History is a detailed list of all payments made to the library by patrons. It includes
the patrons name, barcode number, and information regarding each payment date, type of payment,
amount of payment, and the barcode number of the item against which the payment was made.

There are no available Format options for Patron Payment History reports.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Patron Payment History: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Patron Payment History: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 513

Patron Reports

Refunds and Forgiven Amounts

Refunds and Forgiven Amounts

This report is similar to the Patron Payment History report (which only reports on payments). However,
the Refunds and Forgiven Amounts report provides the librarian with a list of refunds that have been
issued and amounts that have been forgiven.

There are no available Format options for Refunds and Forgiven Amounts reports.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Refunds and Forgiven Amounts: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Refunds and Forgiven Amounts: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

514 Alexandria Users Manual

Charges Forgiven

Patron Reports

Charges Forgiven
This report includes the patrons name and barcode, the date the charge was forgiven, the amount, and the
item it was for, if any. Use this report to track all the money forgiven by the library. This can be very useful
when determining how much money a patron has been forgiven and when, especially if history is not
being kept for patrons.

There are no available Format options for Patron Forgiven Charges reports.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Charges Forgiven: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Charges Forgiven: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 515

Patron Reports

Payment Summary Statistics

Payment Summary Statistics

This report is used to track incoming money. It includes the date, patron barcode, patron name, the type
of fee or charge, the description of what the payment is for, and the amount that has been paid.
Use the Date Range selection to ascertain how much money that your library has taken in during a
certain time period. This is useful for balancing the cash drawer and for book keeping purposes.
This report does not include refund information.

There are no available Format or Sort By options for Payment Summary Statistics reports.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see page 311 for more information) will be included in the Patron reports.

Patron Summary Statistics: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

516 Alexandria Users Manual

Monthly Usage

Patron Reports

Monthly Usage
This report shows the patrons life-to-date library usage by month. Use this report to see the usage pattern
for all patrons or a group of patrons. For example, to compare the library usage of eighth graders against
that of the ninth graders, choose Policies as the Select By option and run a report for each policy.

There are no available Sort By options when using the 1-Line report format; please refer to page 528s
detailed Sort By options when using the Detailed report format.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Monthly Usage: Formats

1 LineThis provides a 1-line summary of selected patrons life-to-date library usage by month

and totals all the usage for the selected patrons.

DetailedThis provides a detailed summary of the selected patrons library usage by month and

their total life-to-date usage. The report includes each patrons name, barcode number, patron
ID, and monthly usage total for the past year, and a life-to-date usage total.

Monthly Usage: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 517

Patron Reports

Patron Counts

Patron Counts
This report can provide you with an exact number of patrons who are suspended, how many patrons have
expired cards, or how many patrons fall under a particular policy depending on the Select By criteria used
in creating the report.

There are no available Format or Sort By options for Patron Counts reports.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Patron Counts: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

518 Alexandria Users Manual

Barcode Labels

Patron Reports

Barcode Labels
This report prints a barcode label for each selected patron. The label includes the patrons name, the
barcode number, and barcode.
This report uses COMPanions V0055 barcode labels; contact COMPanion for paper pricing and stock.

Skip Some LabelsWhen checked, a diagram of the label format will appear (see margin);

using this template, you can indicate which labels you would like to have skipped.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

This report uses

COMPanions V0055
barcode labels.

Barcode Labels: Formats

First Name, Last NamePrints patron barcode labels with the patrons name above the barcode
in first name, last name order (e.g. Darla Anderson).
Last Name, First NamePrints patron barcode labels with the patrons name above the barcode
in first name, last name order (e.g. Anderson, Darla).

Barcode Labels: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Barcode Labels: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 519

Patron Reports

Mailing Labels

Mailing Labels
This report prints a mailing label for each selected patron. The Mailing Labels form is designed for page
printers with three labels across and ten down.
This report uses COMPanions V0055 barcode labels; contact COMPanion for paper pricing and stock.

This report uses

COMPanions V0055
barcode labels.

Address to Parent/GuardianBy checking this box, the mailing label will be addressed to the
patrons parent or guardian.
Skip Some LabelsWhen checked, a diagram of the label format will appear (see margin);
using this template, you can indicate which labels you would like to have skipped.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Mailing Labels: Formats

One AcrossThis format prints patron mailing labels on a page with labels printed in one col-

umn at a time and down.

Three AcrossThis format prints patron mailing labels on a page with three labels across and
ten down. This report Format will force the Skip Some Labels checkbox to appear.

Mailing Labels: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Mailing Labels: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

520 Alexandria Users Manual

Rolodex Cards

Patron Reports

Rolodex Cards
This report prints a rolodex card for each selected patron. The rolodex cards show the patrons name,
barcode, barcode number, level, location, phone number, and address.
This report uses COMPanions V0062 rolodex cards; contact COMPanion for paper pricing and stock.

There are no available Format options for Rolodex Cards reports.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

This report uses

COMPanions V0062
rolodex cards.

Rolodex Cards: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Rolodex Cards: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 521

Patron Reports

Overdue List

Overdue List
This report prints an overdue book list. This list includes the patron name, location, item call number,
item barcode, item title, date due, and fine amount.

There are no available Format options for Overdue List reports.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Overdue List: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Overdue List: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

522 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Status

Patron Reports

Patron Status
This report is a version of the Patron Details obtainable from the Circulation window with some slight

There are no available Format options for Patron Status reports.

Only Include Patrons With TransactionsCheck this box to limit the patrons that appear in
this report to those whom have items checked out, on hold, reservation, or owe fines.
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.
Page break between major sortsSet whether or not to page break between major sorts in

patron reports.

Patron Status: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Patron Status: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 523

Patron Reports

Suspended Patrons

Suspended Patrons
This report generates a list of patrons who have been suspended, regardless if the suspension occurred from
overdue items or whether it was manually assigned. The report includes the patrons name, patrons
policy, patrons barcode, and the start and end dates of the suspension.
If patrons have had their status changed to Suspended, but have not been assigned a suspension date in
their patron record, then this report will not be able to provide a suspension end date. For more
information on how to set a patron suspension date, please review the corresponding information on
page 227.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.

Suspended Patrons: Formats

1 LineThis format provides a one line summary for suspended patrons, including the patrons
name, policy, barcode, and the beginning and end date of the suspension.
Letter to ParentsThis format prints the Suspended Patrons report as a letter addressed to

the Parent or Guardian of the suspended patron. A description of the suspension and the
beginning and end dates of the suspension are also included.
LetterThis format is similar to the one above, only not addressed to the Parent or Guardian.
Self MailerThis format only includes the name of the offending patron, a short explanation of
their suspension, and the beginning and end dates of the suspension.

Suspended Patrons: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Suspended Patrons: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

524 Alexandria Users Manual

Account Information

Patron Reports

Account Information
The Account Information report is actually a notice, dependant upon the selected Format type. This
report is used to inform patrons of their barcode, username, and passwordused for accessing Alexandria.
They will need this information to view their details, place holds or reservations, and renew items.

Account Information: Formats

EmailThis will send email account information notification to patrons in the selected range;
each patron must have a valid email address attached to their Personal Info.
2 Per PageThis will print patron account information (two per page) for the range of selected

4 Per PageThis will print patron account information (four per page) for the range of selected

LettersThis will print patron account information (one per page) in a mailing-type format for

the range of selected patrons.

Account Information: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Account Information: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 525

Patron Reports

Patron History

Patron History
The Patron History report contains the history of patron transactions; if the Keep Patron History
checkbox (see Statistics tab on page 230) is not checked, only payment and fine history are archived and
stored for future evaluations. Essentially, this report is similar to selecting Show History from the Patrons
menu (see Show History on page 223 for more information).

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.
Page break between major sortsSet whether or not to page break between major sorts in

patron reports.

Patron History: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Patron History: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

526 Alexandria Users Manual

Saved Lists

Patron Reports

Saved Lists
Patrons create Saved Lists on the Web or librarians create Saved Lists for patrons using the Create
Saved List utility (or ISL command). Librarians can then print out Saved Lists in either a Detailed or
Letter format which can then be used as a Summer Reading List for students.
Choose the Saved List from the Name drop-down menu and be sure to choose whether the report
should include only Admin Type or Patron Type Saved Listsor whether it should select the Default
Saved Lists.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the Patron reports.
Show Available at Local Library FlagIf this box is checked, items that are available at a

local library will be marked with a @.

Show Lexile IndicatorShow indicator next to each title as to whether it is above, equal to, or

below, the patrons lexile.

Saved Lists: Formats

DetailedCreates a printable, detailed list of items from a chosen Saved List.
LettersCreates a printable, mailable-type list of items from a chosen Saved List.

Saved Lists: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Saved Lists: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 527

Patron Reports

SIF Updates

SIF Updates
The SIF Updates report includes information about each patron, including their barcode, their unique
SIF-specific RefID (used by the ZIS to distinguish one patron from another), and when the patron was
last updated via SIF.

SIF Updates: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

SIF Updates: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

528 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Reports
Preparing Item Reports
Item reports give you immediate access to information about the items in your collection.

To prepare an item report, follow these general steps.

Step 1.

Choose Item Reports from the Reports drop-down menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose whether you want to have your report Simple, Detailed, or any other format
thats available from the Format drop-down menu.

Step 4.

Choose how you want this report sorted using the Sort By drop-down menu. A complete
list of item report sorting options can be located on

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select what item record information to include in
this report. A complete list of patron report selection options can be located on page 607.

Step 6.

Click on the Print button to prepare the report.

Step 7.

Make any desired changes using COMPedit tools.

Step 8.

To send the report to the printer, either click on the Printer icon or choose Print from the
File drop-down menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 529

Item List

Item Reports

Item List
These reports are used to view title information for the records in your collection.

Item List: Formats

1 LineThe report contains basic information about each selected title. Use this report when

minimal information is required.

SummaryA simple report compiled in a compact format with one or two lines per title. The
report contains everything found in the 1-line report, but the information is easier to read. Use
this report when minimal information is required.
DetailedA report with full title information, including each items call number, title, author,

place of publication, publisher, date of publication, sequence number, LCCN, ISBN, and policy.
This format also includes information for each copy, including copy number, barcode number,
accession date, vendor, cost, and location. Two or three item records can fit on each page. Use
this report to verify data entry or as a substitute to your card catalog.
MARCA report showing each selected titles MARC record in MicroLIF format.
Brief BibliographyThis is a simple report which contains only a title, call number, and sum-

mary. Use this format when a reading list with summary is desired.
Lexile ScoreThis report creates a list of items that have an assigned Lexile score. Titles without a Lexile score are automatically removed from the list. This Format includes the items call
number, title, author, and Lexile score.
Lexile Not EnteredThis report creates a list of items that have no assigned Lexile score. Titles

with a Lexile score are automatically removed from the list. Format includes call number, title,
and author.

Item List: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Item List: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

530 Alexandria Users Manual

Catalog Format

Item Reports

Catalog Format
These reports are formatted for creating item catalogues (usually used for audio visual materials).

Catalog Format: Formats

1 LineA summary title list in a column format. This report includes each copys title and barcode number.
TitlesA single-line summary title list in a three-column format that includes title information;

title, publication, year, publisher, extent, summary, series, interest codes, and call number.
CopiesA summary title list in a three-column format that includes title information and the
copy barcode number.

Catalog Format: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Catalog Format: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 531

Copy List

Item Reports

Copy List
These reports are used to display copy-specific information.

Copy List: Formats

1-LineA simple report with one line of information for each selected copy. The report includes
each copys call number, title, copy number, barcode number, life-to-date use, and date of last
Simple, with BarcodesA two-column report that includes each copys title and call number

in the first column, and author and barcode number in the second.
with SummaryA simple report that includes each copys call number, title, copy number, and

barcode number. Under each title, this report also shows the item summary.
DetailedA detailed report that includes the following information for each selected copy: call

number, title, author, copy number, barcode number, vendor, cost, (purchase & replacement),
collection, funding, location, and accession date. This report is similar to the detailed item list,
but includes information for each copy of a title.
Weeding ListA detailed report that includes each copys call number, title, publication year,
barcode, year to date use, and last date used. This format is useful for librarians to quickly look
and see what items are being used and how old they are. This can help them determine whether
an item should be removed from the collection.

Copy List: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Copy List: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

532 Alexandria Users Manual

Publication Date Summary

Item Reports

Publication Date Summary

A report that includes the number of items published each selected year, and the number of times these
items have been checked out during the current year and life-to-date. Use this report to determine the age
of the items in your collection.

Publication Date Summary: Formats

StandardCreate a report that includes the publication year, how many titles and copies, and
the life-to-date and year-to-date usage of selected copies.
Super Summary ClassificationsCreate a report that includes Super Summary classifications.
Ignore Super Summary ClassificationsCreate a report that ignores Super Summary classifi-


Publication Date Summary: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Publication Date Summary: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 533


Item Reports

Reports on usage levels of individual copies in the collection. This can help determine how much each
copy has been used.

Usage: Formats
1 LinePrepares a summary report over the selected range of the title usage within the past

twelve months. Use this report to get a summary of how often titles in this range are getting used.
For example, if your management or administration is trying to decide where to spend additional
funds for new items, you might prepare a report showing that certain areas of the collection are
experiencing heavy usage and, therefore, should get further development funds.
DetailedPrints all the statistical details for the Monthly Usage report. Where the summary

report only prints the totals for the entire range, this report prints raw data for every title within a
selected range.
Item Copy UsageThis format shows how many times the copies of each item were used.
Super Summary ClassificationsThis format shows month-by-month how many items were
checked out separated by Super Summary classification.
Ignore Super Summary ClassificationsThis format shows month-by-month how many
items were checked out, ignoring the Super Summary classification.
Year to Date UsageThis format shows an items total year-to-date usage.

Usage: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options. There are no
Sort By options available for this report when using 1-Line and Super Summary Classifications formats.

Usage: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

534 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Analysis

Item Reports

Item Analysis
Counts the items/copies within a selected range. Use this report to determine how many items/copies you
have within selected areas of your collection. It helps answer questions like, How many fiction books do
we have? or How many books in the 100s do we have?

There are no Format or Sort By options for this report type.

Item Analysis: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 535


Item Reports

These reports are used for inventory purposes. An inventory date range is generally required to run these
reports. Items with an inventory date in the past month are considered inventoried.

Inventory: Formats
Inventoried ItemsA report listing all items whose inventory date falls between a specified date

range. The report includes each items call number, title, barcode number, inventory date, transaction status, and funds.
Not Inventoried ItemsA report of items that have not been inventoried within a specified
date range. Every copy has an inventory date that specifies when it was last physically known to
have been in the library. Performing inventory and checking in (or out) renews this date. For best
results, be sure to enter todays date as the Ending Date. You can generate reports for any given
date range, but keep in mind that items have only one (most recent) inventory date. Therefore, if
an item that was missing three months ago has recently been found, it will not appear as missing
in any reports you generate for that time period. This report includes each items call number,
title, barcode number, inventory date, transaction status, and funds.
Lost Items InventoriedA report listing all items within a specified inventory date range (i.e.
checked out to Special Patron #1). If the item was inventoried, it should be somewhere in the
Inventory Statistics SummaryAll items within the selected range are counted, and a singlepage report specifies how many items have been inventoried, how many have not, and how many
lost items have been located. Use this report to determine your current inventory status.

Inventory: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Inventory: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

536 Alexandria Users Manual

Barcode Labels

Item Reports

Barcode Labels
This prints a barcode label for each selected item. You can only print barcode labels for items already in
your collection. To print barcode labels for temporary items, select Special Reports under the Reports
menu (see Special Reports on page 483). Other information on the label includes the items title, barcode
number, and call number. This report is designed for sheet feed printers. Use COMPanions Laser
Labels for perfect results. If you want to print many copies of the same record, enter the number you want
in the Number of Duplicates field.
You can check Skip Some Labels if you dont want the labels to print starting on the upper left corner or
if you dont want them to print consecutively. A window will appear, displaying the label sheet layout; click
on the labels that you want to skip.

This report uses

COMPanions V0055
barcode labels.

Barcode Labels: Formats

Laser LabelsPrints barcode labels on a three across format (starting from 0 unless otherwise

specified). This format allows you to add one custom line of text to the top of your report.
2 Custom Line Laser LabelsPrints barcode labels on a three across format (starting from 0

unless otherwise specified). This format allows you to add two custom lines of text to the top of
your report.
Smart BarcodePrint barcode labels with call number, title, and author, but does not show the
library name like the Laser Labels format.

Barcode Labels: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Barcode Labels: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 537

Item Reports

Spine Labels

Spine Labels
These reports are designed for sheet feed printers. Paper stock for these forms can be purchased from

More than one copy of a spine label can be printed at a time; enter the number you want in the Number
of Duplicates checkbox. If you want to include the item barcode number, mark the Include Barcodes
checkbox. If you would prefer the page be printed in a landscape format, mark the Landscape
This report uses
COMPanions V0032
barcode labels.

Use the New line at . checkbox if you have, lets say, a label that is 123.45; when it prints, the period
acts as a carriage return and will print everything that comes after the . on a new line.
You can check Skip Some Labels if you dont want the labels to start printing at the upper-left corner or
if you dont want them to print consecutively. A window will appear, displaying the label sheet layout; click
on the labels that you want to skip.

This report also uses
COMPanions V0034
barcode labels.

538 Alexandria Users Manual

Spine Labels

Item Reports

Spine Labels: Formats

Spine Only, LeftSpine labels with the label text left-justified.
Spine Only, CenteredSpine labels with the label text center-justified.
Spine Only, Left (Large)Exactly the same as the Spine Only, Left format, only in a larger

Spine Only, Centered (Large)Exactly the same as the Spine Only, Centered format, only

in a larger font.
Envelope and Spine, LeftCombination envelope and spine labels with the text left-justified.
Barcodes will only appear on the spine label.
Envelope and Spine, CenteredCombination envelope and spine labels with the text center-

justified. Barcodes will only appear on the spine label.

Envelope and Spine, Left with Scannable BarcodeCombination envelope and spine

labels with the text left-justified and a scannable barcode.

Envelope and Spine, Left with Control NumberCombination envelope and spine labels

with the text left-justified and a control number.

Horizontal Spine LabelsSpine labels with the label text running horizontal across the spine.

Spine Labels: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Spine Labels: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 539

LOC Style Spine Labels

Item Reports

LOC Style Spine Labels

These labels insert carriage returns between the call number prefix, major classification, subclassification,
cutter and publication date and copy number.
You can check Skip Some Labels if you dont want the labels to print starting on the upper-left corner or
if you dont want them to print consecutively. A window will appear, displaying the label sheet layout; click
on the labels that you want to skip. If you would prefer the page be printed in a landscape format, mark
the Landscape checkbox.

This report uses
COMPanions V0032
barcode labels.

LOC Style Spine Labels: Formats

Normal SizePrints to standard spine label stock.
Barcode Label SizePrints barcode labels in a landscape orientation.

LOC Style Spine Labels: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

LOC Style Spine Labels: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

This report also uses
COMPanions V0034
barcode labels.

540 Alexandria Users Manual

Catalog Cards

Item Reports

Catalog Cards
Catalog card printing requires sheet-feed printers such as laser and inkjet printers. Paper stock for these
forms can be purchased from COMPanion. More than one catalog card can be printed at a time; enter the
number you want in the Number of Duplicates field.

Catalog Cards: Formats

Catalog Card SetPrints title, author, subject, series, and shelf list cards for each title selected.
Shelf List CardOnly prints the shelf list card for the specified titles. If there are several copies

of the title, additional cards will automatically be printed.

Title CardOnly prints the title card for the specified titles.

This report uses

COMPanions V0062
catalog cards.

Author CardOnly prints the author cards for the specified titles. A separate card will be
printed for each name entered into the Author field.
Subject CardOnly prints the subject cards for the specified titles. A separate card will be
printed for each subject listing.
Series CardOnly prints the series card for the specified titles. If there is no data in the Series

field, no card will be printed.

ISBD AuthorsThese catalog cards will be printed following ISBD (International Standard
Book Description) punctuation rules and AACR2R (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd
Revision) cataloging rules.
ISBD TitleThese catalog cards will be printed following ISBD (International Standard Book

Description) punctuation rules and AACR2R (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd Revision)
cataloging rules.
ISBD SubjectThese catalog cards will be printed following ISBD (International Standard

Book Description) punctuation rules and AACR2R (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd
Revision) cataloging rules.

Catalog Card: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 541

Super Summary

Item Reports

Super Summary
This report performs a comprehensive analysis of your collection. The default entries are called Regular
Super Summary, Ignore Alexandria Call Number Policies, and Missouri Super Summary.

Typically, youll want to perform the analysis on your entire collection.

Super Summary: Formats

Super Summary reports are used to perform a detailed analysis of all the items in your collection.
RegularThe Regular Super Summary performs a detailed analysis of the items in your collection. Statistics are collected based on the financial date range, the last calendar month, and the
last twelve months. It collects the following pieces of information:
Title-Based StatisticsOnly collected for titles with copy records. Title records without
copy records are counted separately. Copies that are Lost or Discarded are not included in

the calculations except for the lost and discarded counts of the current financial year (see
Orders Preferences on page 149).
Date range for Lost and
Discarded and New is
specified in Financial Year
preferences under your
Global Orders


Title CountTotal number of titles in the selected group.

No CopiesCount of titles that have no copies.
Copyright 2yrCount of copies in copyright range of 0-2 years.
Copyright 3-5yrCount of copies in copyright range of 3- 5 years.
Copyright 6-10yrCount of copies in copyright range of 6-10 years.
Copyright 11-20yrCount of copies in copyright range of 11-20 years.
Copyright 20+yrCount of copies in copyright range of 20+ years.
No DateCount of copies with no copyright date.
Jan-Dec UsageMonthly title usage counts for each month. These counts come from the

title statistics information record (twelve columns of data, one for each month of statistics).
YTD UsageTitle year-to-date usage over the last 12 months.
LTD UsageLife-to-date usage counts for each title.
CopiesTotal count of copies in a groupexcept copies which are lost or discarded.
NewCount of items with accession dates within a specified date range.
New ValueTotal value of new copies totaled above.

542 Alexandria Users Manual

Super Summary

Item Reports

InventoriedCount of items inventoried within a specified date range. Date range for

inventoried is the last calendar month.

ValueTotal value of inventoried copies above.
LostCount of items lost within a specified date range. Since this statistic is only over the
specified date range, more lost items may be in your inventory.
Lost ValueTotal value of lost copies counted above.
DiscardedCount of items discarded within a specified date range. Since this statistic is
only over a specified date range, more Lost or Discarded items may be in your inventory.
Discarded ValueTotal value of discarded copies counted above.
Regular - Ignore Super Summary Call NumbersThis format ignores the categories that Alexandria

assigns to items based on prefixes within a certain prefix range.

MissouriThe Missouri Super Summary collects the following pieces of information1.
HoldingsA count of the number of copies in a selection group.
OlderA count of the number of copies with publication dates that are 13 years old (or
older) from the end of the current financial year.
NewerA count of the number of copies with publication dates that are less than 13 years

old from the end of the current financial year.

% NewerThe percentage of items that are newer.
Missouri Ignore Super Summary Call NumbersUses the Missouri Super Summary Dewey Decimal
groupings, but does not use the Super Summary call number prefix naming schemes. In other words,
Super Summary naming schemes assume that the call number prefixes of CAS or CASS are Cassette and
R or REF are Reference; however, P could be Picture, Periodical, or some other indicator.

When using Ignore Super Summary Call Numbers, call number prefixes are displayed just as they are
in the data and no interpretation or naming is used. So instead of seeing Fiction, Reference, or
Periodical, one will see F, FIC, R, REF, P, MAG, PER, etcetera on the report.
CollapsedThe normal Super Summary divides anything with a call number prefix followed by a

Dewey Decimal number by the same Super Summary divisions of the 100s (000s, 100s, 200s, etc.). It
also names the call number prefixes as mentioned above (i.e. R and REF show as Reference). This
means, in the normal Super Summary, that reference materials will show as Reference 000's, Reference
100's, Reference 200's, etc. In addition, the normal Super Summary also includes additional statistical
breakdowns based on policies and mediums.
The Collapsed Super Summary does not subdivide call number prefixes by Dewey Decimal ranges nor
does it name the call number prefixes (it ignores the Super Summary Call Numbers). Thus, there would
only be one line for R call numbers and another line for REF call numbers. In addition, there is no
breakdown by policy or medium.
Collapsed Brief LandscapeThe Regular and the Collapsed Super Summary include valuable
information for inventoried, lost, and discarded items. They also have a breakdown of publication date
ranges so that one can have an idea of the span of ages represented. They also include the monthly
circulation for the last year. None of this information is included in the Collapsed - Brief - Landscape
report. The call number breakdowns follow the same formatting as the Collapsed format.
1.This data is NOT collected for copies that are Lost or Discarded.

Alexandria Users Manual 543

Super Summary

Item Reports

Super Summary Statistics Groups

Statistics are collected based on call number and item policy over the entire selection. For call number
statistics, numeric sub-divisions are grouped into the following categories for each call number prefix.
Numbers with no prefix are shown below.
If you are setting up
Alexandria to work like a
library, then fiction items
that do not have a call
number prefix before the
cutter (first three letters of
the authors last name)
cause the Super Summary
to be unaffected for a call
number analysis.

Standard Super Summary uses these numeric selections:

000-099 (less 092s)


092 Only


920 Only







900-999 (less 920s)

Missouri Super Summary uses these numeric selections:

















If the call number begins with a numeric character, the following is performed.
All non-numeric characters are removed.
The first three numeric characters are kept (up to a decimal point).
If fewer than three digits remain, zeros are padded to the front.
The following values are considered Numeric Call Codes; thus 45.24 and 100.437 will
become 045 and 100.
The Numeric Call Code is then updated to match the ranges in the selection groups shown
on the previous page. Thus, 045 would map to 000-099 in the Standard Super Summary,
but in the Missouri Super Summary it gets grouped as 000-319.

544 Alexandria Users Manual

Super Summary

Item Reports

Super Summary Call Number Prefix definitions

If the call number begins with an Alpha character, the call number prefix is computed based on the prefix
of the call number.
First, all leading Alpha characters are collected from the beginning of the call number.
These characters are examined and classified according to the following table (e.g. if there is an E or EZ, its
turned into Easycall this the Group Name). If the numeric characters follow the Alpha characters,
they are extracted using the numeric character extraction rules shown above. The full Group Name is
then created by appending the Group Name with the Numeric Call Code.
Thus reference books with a call number of REF 100.000 fall into the analysis group of Reference
100-199. If no code exists for an Alpha call number prefix, the group Other is used. Call numbers that
are counted under No Text and call numbers with no prefix (such as 100.34) fall into group 100199.

Call Number Statistic
Groups do not overlap. A
copy is only included in
one group.
Thus, REF 100 goes into
group RED 100-199 but
is not added to group

A call number prefix is assigned a name based on a group of prefixes that are mapped into the named
group. Call number prefixes are not case sensitive. These following groups are defined for all Super
Summary reports. Thus, call numbers that begin with C or CAS are added to the statistics group
Audio VisualAV, AUD
BiographyB, BIO, BI
Cassette PlayerCP
CassettesC, CAS
Compact DiskCD
Computer SoftwareCS
Data DisplayDDP
EquipmentEQ, EQU, EQUIP
FictionF, FIC
Film ProjectorFP
FilmstripFSP, FS, FSK, FSS
Head PhoneHP
Juvenile FictionJF
Juvenile Non FictionJN, JNF
Laser DiskLD, LSD
Listening StationLS
NewspapersNEW, NEWS

Non FictionNF, NFC, N

Opaque ProjectorOPQ
Overhead ProjectorOHP
OversizedO, OS, BIG, LG, L
PaperbackPBK, PB
PeriodicalMAG, M, PER, P, J, JOr
PictureP, PIC
ProfessionalPRO, PROF
Record PlayerRP
ReferenceR, REF
Slide ProjectorSLP
Story CollectionS, ST, STO, SC
Study PrintSPR
Vertical FileVF, V, PAM
Video Cassette RecorderVCR
Video Disc PlayerVDP
Video DiskVD
VideoV, VC, VID, VT, VTC
Young AdultY, YA
No Textempty call numbers.

At the same time that call
number statistics are
collected, the Super
Summary examines the
policy of each copy and
updates statistics across
each policy.
In the same way, a group
exists which includes all
sub-groups, thus resulting
in a total count over the
item selection criteria.

Alexandria Users Manual 545

Study Programs

Item Reports

Study Programs
This report generates a list of items that are used as part of a study program for your library or school.

Study Program: Formats

This report uses

COMPanions V0032
barcode labels.

Spine LabelsPrints up a spine label that can be used to mark reading program books (such as
Accelerated Reader) with the name of the reading program, reading level, interest level, and test
number. They are center justified.
Reading Level Spine LabelPrints up a spine label that indicates the items reading level.
These can be printed on adhesive labels, available from COMPanion.
1 LineThis simple, one-line report format lists books by reading program, call number, title,
author, points, and reading level.

Study Program: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Study Program: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

546 Alexandria Users Manual

Reordering Details

Item Reports

Reordering Details
Run the Reordering Details report at the end of the year to obtain the necessary publication information
required for reordering replacement items such as Discarded and Lost items (or anything checked out to
a Special Patron).

Reordering Details: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 547

Pull Pending Holds

Item Reports

Pull Pending Holds

The Pull Pending Holds report is for Central Union users only; Alexandria will not automatically fill
holds for patrons if a copy that is not available at their school (copy library must exactly match the patron's
school) is available at another library.
Use this report to generate a list of shelved copies that can fill holds. Check the Use local library only
option to generate a list of copies that are located at your specific library (copy library ID must exactly
match the one that is specified in your Local Library Information preferences). If you dont check the Use
local library only box or provide an appropriate selection, the report will generate a list of available copies
throughout your entire library system and can be used by the district administrator to determine how
many holds are outstanding and can be filled. This report can also be used to discover which libraries are
not filling holds or sharing materials.

Use local library onlyChecking this box will generate a report that only contains items available in the library specified by the local workstations Library ID Code field (see Information on

page 138).

Pull Pending Holds: Formats

1 LineThis simple, one-line report format lists books by reading program, call number, title,
author, points, and reading level.

Pull Pending Holds: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Pull Pending Holds: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

548 Alexandria Users Manual

State Reports

Item Reports

State Reports
Missouri, New York, and Iowa require specific information for their yearly reports; Alexandria attempts to
compile this information based on the librarys catalogued items. Missouri reports are still under Super
Summary (see page 542).

There are no Sort By options available for this report type.

Accession End DateThis is used for the NY BEDS report format only; see below for more


State Reports: Formats

NY BEDSRequired report format for New York school libraries. Includes the total number of
copies, the total number of copies added within the indicated year (end date is entered in the
Accession End Date field), the number of discarded copies, and the total number of active
periodicals and magazine subscriptions that the library subscribes to.
IowaRequired report format for Iowa school libraries. This report includes the number of
titles with copies (titles without copies are not included) and average publication date for Fiction
(uses Super Summary Fiction call number prefixes), Non-Fiction (000-999 call numbers) and
Reference (uses Super Summary Reference call number prefixes). It also provides the information
separately for each call number prefix; this way, if a different call number prefix is used for Fiction
or Reference, the necessary information is available so that the user can do their own calculations.

State Reports: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 549


Item Reports

These are the same reports that are available on Alexandrias Researcher workstations. They have been
made accessible in the Items Reports so that all item selections are available and none of the Researchers
limitations prevent a librarian from retrieving and viewing all the desired information.

Bibliography: Formats
StandardContains the data that would be shown in a Researchers Standard Results list.
SimpleContains information that would be shown in a Researchers Simple Results list.
Bibliographic FormatShows a numbered bibliography.
Citation FormatShows titles in a bibliographic format.
Short DetailsShows key data for each title.
Full DetailsShows all title information.
NotesThis report includes the citation for the title as well as an area for a patron to include the
project name, the patrons notes, and other questions or issues to research. This report prints one
page for each item selected.
MARC RecordsShows MARC records for each title.

Bibliography: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Bibliography: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

550 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Reports
Preparing Circulation Reports
Circulation reports gather information from Alexandrias transactions and statistics records and presents it
in a number of different formats. You can get lists of loaned items, overdue items, fines, requests,
reservations, lost items, and much more. In Alexandria, circulation lists are designed for use by the
librarian and circulation notices are designed for distribution to patrons.

To prepare a Circulation Report, follow these steps:

Step 1.

Choose Circulation Reports from the Reports menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose how you want your report Format displayed.

Step 4.

Choose the Sort By order for this report.

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records to include in the report.

Step 6.

Click the Print button to prepare the report.

Alexandria Users Manual 551

Circulation Reports

Loaned Items

Loaned Items
These reports prepare lists for library use. Only loaned items are included in the report. Items loaned to
special patrons (barcode numbers between 1 and 50) or inactive patrons are not included in this report.

Loaned Items: Formats

1 LineIncludes primary transaction information for each loaned item. The report includes each
patrons name and barcode, and each items title, call number, barcode, and due date. An asterix
indicates overdue items.
1 Line LandscapeThis report is the same as the 1 Line report, but is in a landscape format.
This allows more room for displaying the title.
DetailedIncludes full transaction information for each loaned item. All available information

is included in this report.

CompleteThis report format allows the librarian to include charges, fees, and fines that might
be owed by the student.

Loaned Items: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Loaned Items: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

552 Alexandria Users Manual

Overdue Listings

Circulation Reports

Overdue Listings
These reports prepare lists for library use. Only overdue items are included in the report. Items loaned to
special patrons (barcode numbers between 1 and 50) or inactive patrons are not included in these reports.
This report includes an implicit selection of any overdue item. If you use a selection that uses the Due
Date, that selection will be used rather than the implicit values.
The Include Charges, Fees, Fines box is checked by default.

Overdue Listings: Formats

1 LineIncludes primary transaction information for each patron with overdue items. It displays
the patrons name, barcode, and phone number along with the number of overdue items, those
currently checked out, and the patrons current fine balance.
1 Line with ChargesDetails which items are overdue but doesn't show overdue fines. If the
Include Charges, Fees, Fines box is checked, this format will also include the reason for the

charge and the balance due. No overdue fines will ever appear when using this report format.
Detailed with CostIncludes full transaction information for each overdue item. All available
information is included. This report includes each patrons name and barcode number, phone
number, each items title, barcode number, call number, cost, due date, and the number of days
the item is overdue.
Detailed with Overdue FinesIncludes full transaction information for each overdue item. All

available information is included. This report includes each patrons name and barcode number,
phone number, each items title, barcode number, call number, cost, due date, and the number of
days the item is overdue.
Posting ListIncludes name, number of overdue items and charges due. This report can be

posted in the library to inform patrons that have overdue items and charges.
Posting List - DetailedThis format allows you to actually see the title of the items that are
overdue as compared to the Posting List, which only shows the number of items that are overdue.

It also shows the homeroom of the patron and the due date of the item, as well as the reason the
patron owes a fee.

Overdue Listings: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Overdue Listings: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 553

Circulation Reports

Hold Requests

Hold Requests
These reports prepare hold request and in-stock hold lists.

Hold Requests: Formats

Pending HoldOnly includes hold requests that are currently pending. For pending holds, the
request date is the date on which the hold was placed. The expiration date is the date the request
expires. Alexandria automatically removes expired hold requests at the beginning of each day.
In-StockA report that lists selected items being held for patrons. Only in-stock requests are
selected. For in-stock requests, the in-stock date is the date on which the item first became available for a patron. The expiration date is the date on which the request expires. Alexandria automatically removes expired requests at the beginning of each day.
Expired In-StockThis report format is only available for Central Union users; if an item that

has an in-stock hold (placed on it) is not at its parent library and the in-stock expiration date
passes, the in-stock hold is removed from the requesting patrons record and placed in the In
Transit Patrons record. This report will generate a list of items that have expired and need to be
returned to their parent library. If an item is already at its parent library, then the item will
become available as normal.

Hold Request: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Hold Request: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

554 Alexandria Users Manual


Circulation Reports

For reservations, the request date is the date on which the reservation was placed and the Reservation
Begin Date is the date on which the reservation begins. For a listing of the reservations scheduled for
today, select this report and Select by a Reservation Begin Date of todays date.

This report can use

COMPanions V0055
barcode labels.

Reservations: Formats
1 LinePrepares a tabular report with all reservation information.
LabelsPrepares Reservation Labels using the label stock available from COMPanion.
Includes reservation dates, item barcode, title, and patrons name and address.
ItemsThis format includes the title, the copy barcode that has the reservation, the patron's
barcode, name, location, as well as the starting and ending dates of the reservation.

Reservations: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Reservations: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 555

Circulation Reports

Overdue Notices

Overdue Notices
These notices are sent to patrons to inform them that they have overdue items and should return them to
the library. You can change the text of these notices using the Letters preference, located in the
Circulation tab of the Local Circulation preference window (see Circulation Preferences on page 111).
Overdue notices are generated for all overdue items unless you limit them by selecting a range of due dates.
For example, you can set the date range to generate overdue notices only for items overdue by more than a

This report can use

COMPanions V0055
barcode labels.

If you select Include Charges, Fees, Fines, then charges, fees, and fines are included in the
reports. Otherwise, they are ignored.
If you select Calculate Overdue Fines, then overdue fines are included in the reports. Otherwise, they are ignored.
If you select Show Replacement Cost, then the replacement cost is included in the reports.
Otherwise, they are ignored.
If you select Show Patrons Barcode, then the patrons barcode is included in the reports. Otherwise, they are ignored.
If you select Show Patrons Locations, then patrons homeroom and 2nd location are included
in this report. Otherwise, they are ignored.

556 Alexandria Users Manual

Overdue Notices

Circulation Reports

Overdue Notices: Formats

The following are the formats for overdue notices:
4 per PageOverdue slips printed 4 per page. One slip is printed for each overdue item or

charge. This is a good format to use when each patron has only 1 or 2 overdue items. The slip
includes the patrons name, barcode number, location, level, 2nd location, government ID,
library balance, and the items title, barcode number, author, call number, replacement cost, due
date, return date, daily fine/fee rate, and fine balance for each item.
2 per PageOverdue slips printed 2 per page. One slip is printed for each patron with an over-

due item. Up to 4 items can be included on each slip. If patrons have several overdue items, this
format is preferable over the 4 per page formatas it saves paper. The slip includes the patrons
name, barcode number, location, 2nd location, government ID, level, policy, and library balance,
as well as the items title, barcode number, call number, date, fine/fee amount by item, amount
paid by item, fine/fee balance by item, and replacement cost. It also includes the total number of
items the patron has overdue and the fine/fee amount due on the slip.
Self MailerAn overdue notice in letter format designed to be folded and mailed without an

envelope. If there are several overdue items, the letter runs onto a second page. The letter includes
the patrons name, address, location, and barcode number, as well as each items title, barcode
number, due date, return date, number of fine/fee days calculated, fine/fee rate, total balance by
item and replacement cost. This format is excellent if notices are mailed. Just fold, staple and
stampthe return and patron addresses are automatically printed on the mailer.
Overdue Letters with SummaryAn overdue notice in letter format. This letter includes all

items a patron has overdue. If there are several overdue items, the letter runs onto a second page.
The letter includes the patrons name, address, barcode number, and each items title, author, barcode number, call number, due date, return date, daily fine/fee rate, the number of fine/fee days
totaled, the total balance due by item, and the total balance due for all items. After the last letter,
a summary is displayed.
Overdue LettersSame as the previous report, but without the summary page at the end.
Overdue Letters, to ParentsSame as the previous report, but is addressed To the Parents
or Guardian of rather than the actual patron.
Mailing Labels - One AcrossThis format prints overdue notice mailing labels on a page with

labels printed in one column at a time and down.These labels can be created for the patron or for
the patrons guardian (if you check the Address to Parent/Guardian box).
Mailing Labels - Three AcrossThis format prints overdue notice mailing labels on a page

with three labels across and ten down. These labels can be created for the patron or for the
patrons guardian (if you check the Address to Parent/Guardian box). Use the Skip Some
Labels checkbox to indicate areas on the label sheet not to be printed.

You must have your Email
preferences correctly
configured for this to

EmailAn overdue notice sent to the patron using the email address in the patron record. A
summary report is prepared so you have record of which patrons were sent email notification.

Overdue Notices: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Overdue Notices: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 557

Circulation Reports

Item Hold Queue

Item Hold Queue

Item Hold Queue: Formats

Pending HoldOnly includes hold requests that are currently pending. For pending holds, the
request date is the date on which the hold was placed. The expiration date is the date the request
expires. Alexandria automatically removes expired hold requests at the beginning of each day.
In-StockA report that lists selected items being held for patrons. Only in-stock requests are
selected. For in-stock requests, the in-stock date is the date on which the item first became available for a patron. The expiration date is the date on which the request expires. Alexandria automatically removes expired requests at the beginning of each day.

Item Hold Queue: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Item Hold Queue: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

558 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Notices

Circulation Reports

Patron Notices
These reports will print patron notices. You can change the text of these notices using the Letters
preference, located in the Circulation tab of the Local Circulation preference window (see Circulation
Preferences on page 111).

Patron Notices: Formats

Hold In-StockA notice sent to a patron to inform them that a book they have on hold is available in the library.
Recall LettersA notice sent to a patron, asking that they return a book they have checked out.

Patron Notices: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Patron Notices: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 559

Circulation Reports

Charges and Overdue Fines

Charges and Overdue Fines

These are reports that include both fines and overdue records with fines. Within a specified range, only
fines and other charges will be printed. Use these reports to see who owes the library money. Only records
where an actual fine is due are included. Therefore, overdue items without fines are not included.

Charges and Overdue Fines: Formats

StandardDisplays transactions for currently overdue items and unpaid fines/charges issued
against a patron.
Charges OnlyOnly displays transactions where a charge is due; i.e. charges are fees that have

reached their maximum limit and are no longer accruing. This format does not include fines for
currently overdue items.
Fines OnlyOnly displays transactions where a fine is due (fines are fees that are still accruing).
Does not include other charges, such as charges for previously overdue items that have been

Charges and Overdue Fines: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Charges and Overdue Fines: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

560 Alexandria Users Manual


Circulation Reports

The Credit report includes the patron, patron barcode, credit description, credit amount, and date in
which the credit was issued.
This report (using the Unaccepted Format) is most useful when performed after an inventory or
transaction importthis is when most Lost books are usually found and when Alexandria operators are
working away from the desk, missing any notifications that may have appeared on the Circulation
It is also useful to perform the Credits report occasionally if users unauthorized for making credits and
refunds are the ones who are usually performing your check in and check out procedures.

Credits: Formats
AcceptedThis Format includes the credits that have been approved for a patrons account by

authorized users; the credits that appear in this report may be refunded, applied towards outstanding charges, edited, or deleted.
UnacceptedThis Format lists the credits that Alexandria believes are owed to patrons
(because a lost copy was found and returned) but remain unauthorized because they have not yet
been approved (i.e. accepted) by an authorized Alexandria operator.

Credits: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Credits: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 561

Circulation Reports

Reserved Items

Reserved Items
Prints a list of reserved items. These are the items checked out using the J circulation command.

There are no Formats available for the Reserved Items report.

Reserved Items: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Reserved Items: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

562 Alexandria Users Manual

Special Item Lists

Circulation Reports

Special Item Lists

These reports are designed to show items with special status codes.
From PatronThis checkbox allows you to narrow your Lost and Discarded special item list.
If you only want to view items marked as lost or discarded by patrons, check this box. If you want
a complete Special Item List, leave both checked.
From InventoryThis checkbox allows you to narrow your Lost and Discarded special item

list. If you only want to view items marked as lost or discarded from inventory, check this box. If
you want a complete special item list, leave both checked.

Special Item List: Formats

Lost CopiesAll items considered Lost and are checked out to Special/System Patron barcode

Discarded CopiesAll copies considered Discarded and are checked out to Special/System

Patron barcode #2.

Library Use CopiesAll copies to be used in the library and are checked out to Special/System

Patron barcode #3.

On Repair CopiesAll copies to be repaired that are checked out to Special/System Patron bar-

code #4.
On Order CopiesAll copies which have been ordered and are checked out to Special/System

Patron barcode #5.

Archived CopiesAll copies which have been archived and are checked out to Special/System

Patron barcode #6.

Special Item List: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Special Item List: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 563

Circulation Reports

Due Dates

Due Dates
Use this report to print due date stickers or slips for patrons who borrow from your library.

Due Dates: Formats

LabelsPrepares the report in a label format so that librarians can easily adhere labels to their

collection items.
SlipsPrepares and prints the due dates in a slip printer report format.

Due Dates: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Due Dates: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

564 Alexandria Users Manual

In Transit

Circulation Reports

In Transit
The In Transit report is only available for Central Union users. This report generates a list of items that are
in the process of moving from one library to another; either to fill a hold or to be returned to their parent
library. This report includes the barcode, title, last library (origination library), destination library, and the
date they were set to in transit status.

Select Show Expected Arrival Date to show the date by which the item should arrive at its destination;
the default is to show the date when the item was placed in transit.

In Transit: Formats
StandardThis report format shows all the items that are in transit; those that are filling holds
and those that are returning home.
HoldsThis report format will only include items that are in transit and are destined to fill a

patron's hold request.

Late In ArrivingThis report format will only include items that have not arrived to their destination within the time period specified in your Local Item Management preferences (see In
Transit Tab on page 130). These items may not have been shipped properly by the sending
library (i.e. accidentally shelved or misdirected by the destination library) or may not have been
properly received by the destination library. All items that are marked as in transit must be
bookdropped upon receipt to clear their status. Both the last library and destination libraries
should check their shelves. If items remain in this report too long, they should be declared lost.

All libraries should run this report on a regular basis, so that they may locate these late arriving
materials, especially if an inventory is performed every year.

In Transit: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

In Transit: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 565

Circulation Reports

566 Alexandria Users Manual

In Transit

Statistics Records Reports

Preparing Statistics Records Reports
Statistics Records Reports give you insight on how your library is being used, return rates, usage by
item, and patron policies. Time and group-based statistical reports can be created.

Of course, no single institution will use all of these reports, so experiment with your choices to determine
which reports are applicable to your institution.
Statistics are collected on an hourly basis for each patron/item transaction that occurs. Therefore, there
may be thousands of statistical records saved for your institution. For example, when a patron on policy
STU borrows an item on policy FIC during the 10th hour of June 1, 2002, a statistics record is created. If
more STU patrons borrow more FIC items during this hour, the statistic counts are updated. Also, if a
FAC patron borrows an item, additional statistical records are created for this policy. Therefore, not only
are statistic records time-based, but they can provide information on which patron groups are using which
types of items and which item groups are getting used most.
Many statistics reports are available. After using Alexandria for a few months, you might gain some
interesting insights into the operation of your library by examining these reports.
To prepare usage statistics reports follow these steps.
Step 1.

Choose Statistics Records from the Reports menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose how you want your report Format displayed.

Step 4.

Choose the Sort By order.

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records to include in this report.

Step 6.

Click the Print button to prepare the report.

Alexandria Users Manual 567

Statistics Records Reports

Usage by Period

Usage by Period
Allows the user to examine item usage over different time periods. Use these reports to answer questions,
such as: Which months have the most activity? or Are some days of the month busier than others?

Usage by Period Report Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this
report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the month.

Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.
by Hour by DayPrints a grid with hours down the left side and days of the week across the

top, displaying usage in every cell. Use this report to determine which hours of the day are busiest
on which days of the week.

Usage by Period Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Period Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

568 Alexandria Users Manual

Return Statistics

Statistics Records Reports

Return Statistics
Prints a summary report on how close to the due date items are returned. A negative number indicates that
items are returned before the due date, a positive number indicates that items are returned after the due
date. This information can be used to help determine if your librarys loan period matches the actual
return rate of your patrons.

There are no available Formats for Return Statistics reports.

Return Statistics Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Return Statistics Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 569

Statistics Records Reports

Usage by Item Policy

Usage by Item Policy

Allows you to see if items with a specific policy are used during different periods.

Usage by Item Policy Report Formats

by Day of WeekPrints a grid with item policies down the left side and days of the week across
the top. Item usage is printed in each cell. Use this report to determine which item groups are
being used on which days of the week. This information can be used for budgeting, staffing and
other uses.
by MonthPrints a grid with item policies down the left side and months of the year across the

top. Item usage is printed in each cell. Use this report to determine which item groups are being
used during which months of the year. This information can be used for budgeting, staffing, and
other uses.
by Patron PolicyFor each item policy, patron policies are listed along with the types of activities performed. Use this report to determine what items patrons are using.

Usage by Item Policy Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Item Policy Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

570 Alexandria Users Manual

Usage by Patron Policy

Statistics Records Reports

Usage by Patron Policy

Allows the user to see which types of patrons are using the library during different periods.

Usage by Patron Policy Report Formats

by Day of WeekPrints a grid with patron policies down the left side and days of the week
across the top. Item usage is printed in each cell. Use this report to determine which patron
groups are checking out items on which days of the week. This information can be used for budgeting, staffing and other uses.
by MonthPrints a grid with patron policies down the left side and months of the year across
the top. Item usage is printed in each cell. Use this report to determine which patron groups are
being issued items during which months of the year. This information can be used for budgeting,
staffing and other uses.
by Item PolicyUse this report to determine what library items patrons are checking out.

Usage by Patron Policy Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Patron Policy Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 571

Statistics Records Reports

Usage by Patron-Item Policy

Usage by Patron-Item Policy

Allows the user to examine combinations of patron and item policies.

Usage by Patron-Item Policy Report Formats

by DayPrints a grid with patron/item policy pairs down the left side and days of the week

across the top. Item usage is printed in each cell. Use this report to determine which circulation
groups are checking out items on which days of the week.
by MonthPrints a grid with patron/item policies down the left side and months of the year

across the top. Item usage is printed in each cell. Use this report to determine which patron
groups are checking out what item types during which months of the year.

Usage by Patron-Item Policy Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Patron-Item Policy Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

572 Alexandria Users Manual

Usage by Item-Patron Policy

Statistics Records Reports

Usage by Item-Patron Policy

Allows the user to examine combinations of item and patron policies.

Usage by Item-Patron Policy Report Formats

by DayPrints a grid with item/patron policies down the left side and days of the week across
the top. Item usage is printed in each cell. Use this report to determine which items are being
checked out by which patron groups on which days of the week.
by MonthPrints a grid with item/patron policies down the left side and months of the year

across the top. Item usage is printed in each cell. Use this report to determine which item groups
are being checked out and by whom during which months of the year.

Usage by Item-Patron Policy Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Item-Patron Policy Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 573

Statistics Records Reports

574 Alexandria Users Manual

Usage by Item-Patron Policy

Statistics Reports
The difference between the Statistics and the Usage Statistics reports is that Usage Statistics can collect
and report information based on both the patron and item policy while Statistics only tracks one of these
types at a time. Statistics reports are not able to generate cross-sections of patrons that check out particular
item typessomething that Usage Statistics does.
However, in order to generate a Usage Statistics report, it is necessary that your policies have been setup
and assigned to the appropriate patrons and/or items in order to collect the requested statistics; to generate
a Statistics report, no additional setup is required.

To prepare usage statistics reports follow these steps.

Step 1.

Choose Statistics from the Reports menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose how you want your report Format displayed.

Step 4.

Choose the Sort By order.

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records to include in this report.

Step 6.

Click the Print button to prepare the report.

Alexandria Users Manual 575

Statistics Reports

Usage by Copy Library

Usage by Copy Library

This report generates general circulation statistics; the number of items checked out, checked in, renewals,
holds, and reservations are tracked by hour, date, and by copy library.
They can be reported by hour of the day (find the busiest times of the day), day of the week (find the
busiest times of the week), or by month of the year (find the busiest times of the year).

Page break between sectionsWhen sorting by anything other than an entire range, a page
break is inserted between each new occurrence of the primary sort. So when sorting by Library,
each new library starts on a new page. When sorting by Month/Library, each new month is on a

new page, etc.

Usage by Copy Library Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this
report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during a specific day of the month.

Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.

Usage by Copy Library Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Copy Library Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

576 Alexandria Users Manual

Usage by Copy Location

Statistics Reports

Usage by Copy Location

This report generates general circulation statistics; the number of items checked out, checked in, renewals,
holds, and reservations are tracked by hour, date, and by copy location.
They can be reported by hour of the day (find the busiest times of the day), day of the week (find the
busiest times of the week), or by month of the year (find the busiest times of the year).

Page break between sectionsWhen sorting by anything other than an entire range, a page
break is inserted between each new occurrence of the primary sort. So when sorting by Library,
each new library starts on a new page. When sorting by Month/Library, each new month is on a

new page, etc.

Usage by Copy Location Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this

report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during a specific day of the month.

Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.

Usage by Copy Location Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Copy Location Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 577

Statistics Reports

Usage by Copy Shelving

Usage by Copy Shelving

This report generates general circulation statistics; the number of items checked out, checked in, renewals,
holds, and reservations are tracked by hour, date, and by copy shelving.
They can be reported by hour of the day (find the busiest times of the day), day of the week (find the
busiest times of the week), or by month of the year (find the busiest times of the year).

Page break between sectionsWhen sorting by anything other than an entire range, a page
break is inserted between each new occurrence of the primary sort. So when sorting by Library,
each new library starts on a new page. When sorting by Month/Library, each new month is on a

new page, etc.

Usage by Copy Shelving Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this
report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during a specific day of the month.

Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.

Usage by Copy Shelving Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Copy Shelving Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

578 Alexandria Users Manual

Usage by Patron Homeroom

Statistics Reports

Usage by Patron Homeroom

This report generates general circulation statistics; the number of items checked out, checked in, renewals,
holds, and reservations are tracked by hour, date, and by patron homeroom.
They can be reported by hour of the day (find the busiest times of the day), day of the week (find the
busiest times of the week), or by month of the year (find the busiest times of the year).

Page break between sectionsWhen sorting by anything other than an entire range, a page
break is inserted between each new occurrence of the primary sort. So when sorting by Library,
each new library starts on a new page. When sorting by Month/Library, each new month is on a

new page, etc.

Usage by Patron Homeroom Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this

report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during a specific day of the month.

Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.

Usage by Patron Homeroom Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Patron Homeroom Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 579

Statistics Reports

Usage by Patron 2nd Location

Usage by Patron 2nd Location

This report generates general circulation statistics; the number of items checked out, checked in, renewals,
holds, and reservations are tracked by hour, date, and by patron second location.
They can be reported by hour of the day (find the busiest times of the day), day of the week (find the
busiest times of the week), or by month of the year (find the busiest times of the year).

Page break between sectionsWhen sorting by anything other than an entire range, a page
break is inserted between each new occurrence of the primary sort. So when sorting by Library,
each new library starts on a new page. When sorting by Month/Library, each new month is on a

new page, etc.

Usage by Patron 2nd Location Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this
report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during a specific day of the month.

Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.

Usage by Patron 2nd Location Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Patron 2nd Location Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

580 Alexandria Users Manual

Usage by Patron School

Statistics Reports

Usage by Patron School

This report generates general circulation statistics; the number of items checked out, checked in, renewals,
holds, and reservations are tracked by hour, date, and by patron school.
They can be reported by hour of the day (find the busiest times of the day), day of the week (find the
busiest times of the week), or by month of the year (find the busiest times of the year).

Page break between sectionsWhen sorting by anything other than an entire range, a page
break is inserted between each new occurrence of the primary sort. So when sorting by Library,
each new library starts on a new page. When sorting by Month/Library, each new month is on a

new page, etc.

Usage by Patron School Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this

report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during a specific day of the month.

Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.

Usage by Patron School By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Patron School Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 581

Statistics Reports

Usage by Patron Grade

Usage by Patron Grade

This report generates general circulation statistics; the number of items checked out, checked in, renewals,
holds, and reservations are tracked by hour, date, and by patron grade.
They can be reported by hour of the day (find the busiest times of the day), day of the week (find the
busiest times of the week), or by month of the year (find the busiest times of the year).

Page break between sectionsWhen sorting by anything other than an entire range, a page
break is inserted between each new occurrence of the primary sort. So when sorting by Library,
each new library starts on a new page. When sorting by Month/Library, each new month is on a

new page, etc.

Usage by Patron Grade Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this
report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during a specific day of the month.

Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.

Usage by Patron Grade Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Usage by Patron Grade Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

582 Alexandria Users Manual

System Activity

Statistics Reports

System Activity
Use this report to determine how efficient your Data Station is when responding to commands during a
slow period compared to a very busy period. Such activity information can prove beneficial if youre
trying to negotiate new machines or upgrade your RAM.

Page break between sectionsWhen sorting by anything other than an entire range, a page break is
inserted between each new occurrence of the primary sort. So when sorting by Library, each new library
starts on a new page. When sorting by Month/Library, each new month is on a new page, etc.

System Activity Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this

report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during a specific day of the month.
Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.

System Activity Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

System Activity Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 583

Statistics Reports

Web Activity

Web Activity
Alexandria keeps immaculate Web statistics; tracked for each hour of every day.
Using these statistics, Alexandria can report on which IPs are searching a Data Station most frequently,
what the top searches are for any given time frame, what are the most frequently failed searches (useful for
determining what materials and topics are highly desired and if additional search training is required).
They can be reported by hour of the day (find the busiest times of the day), by day of the week (find the
busiest times of the week), and by month of the year (find the busiest times of the year).

Page break between sectionsWhen sorting by anything other than an entire range, a page
break is inserted between each new occurrence of the primary sort. So when sorting by Library,
each new library starts on a new page. When sorting by Month/Library, each new month is on a

new page, etc.

Web Activity Formats

by Hour of the DayProvides statistics on transactions during certain hours of the day. Use this
report to determine what hours of the day are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the WeekProvides statistics on transactions during specific days of the week. Use

this report to determine which days of the week are the busiest for your library.
by Day of the MonthProvides statistics on transactions during a specific day of the month.

Use this report to determine which days of the month are the busiest for your library.
by Month of the YearProvides statistics on transactions during specific months of the year.

Use this report to determine which months of the year are the busiest for your library.

Web Activity Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Web Activity Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

584 Alexandria Users Manual

Order Reports
Order reports contain report options for orders, vendors, and budgets.

Preparing Order Reports

Order reports give you immediate access to information about the orders processed in your library. To
prepare order reports, follow these steps:

Step 1.

Choose Order Reports from the Reports menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose how you want to have your report displayed, under the Format drop-down

Step 4.

Choose the Sort By order for this report

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which order records to include in this

Step 6.

Click on the Print button to prepare the report.

Step 7.

Make any desired changes using COMPedit tools.

Step 8.

To send to the printer, either click on the Printer icon or choose Print under the File

Alexandria Users Manual 585

Order List

Order Reports

Order List
Order reports provide order information in various formats along with printing claim letters and other
management reports.

Order List Report Formats

1 linePrints a one-line summary for each order that includes the PO number, order number,

date ordered, date received, current status, number of line items, and the total amount of the
CompletePrints all information for the selected orders, including all line item details.

Order List Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Order List Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

586 Alexandria Users Manual

Order Form

Order Reports

Order Form
Prints a complete order form for each order. Only Open and Issued orders are used for the report, unless
youve specified an order status selection. If an order is Open, its status is updated to Issued. Closed
orders are generally not printed unless specifically selected.

There are no Formats available for Order Forms.

Order Form Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Order Form Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 587

Claim Letter

Order Reports

Claim Letter
Prints claim letters for unreceived items on all the selected orders. Only Issued orders are used for the
report unless youve specified an order status selection.

There are no Formats available for Claim Letter.

Claim Letter Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Claim Letter Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

588 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Receipt Letter

Order Reports

Patron Receipt Letter

This report will print customizable receipt letters for patrons who have requested an on-order item (see
page 450 for more information on requesting patrons).

There are no Formats available for Patron Receipt Letter.

Claim Letter Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Claim Letter Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 589

Vendor List

Order Reports

Vendor List
Vendor reports provide vendor information in various formats.

Vendor List Report Formats

1 lineVendor information is printed on a brief one-line per vendor format. The company

name, vendor code, contact, telephone, and status are printed for each vendor.
CompleteAll vendor information is displayed on the report.

Vendor List Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Vendor List Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

590 Alexandria Users Manual

Budget List

Order Reports

Budget List
Budget reports list budget information in various formats.

Budget List Report Formats

1 lineBudget information is printed on a brief one-line per budget format. The budget code,

description, status, and amount committed and spent amounts are printed.
CompleteAll budget information is displayed on the report.

Budget List Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Budget List Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 591

Order Reports

592 Alexandria Users Manual

Budget List

Subscription Reports
These reports print information from the Subscription management window. Subscription Reports
provide reference lists of subscription and renewal lists. Reports include summary statistics that provide
additional information for budgeting within the library. Route Reports provide lists of routes in
summarized or detailed formats.

Preparing Subscriptions Reports

Subscription reports give you immediate access to information about the subscriptions used in your
library. To prepare a subscription report, follow these steps.
Step 1.

Choose Subscription Reports from the Reports menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose how you want your report Format displayed.

Step 4.

Choose the Sort By order for this report.

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which subscription records to include in
this report.

Step 6.

Click on the Print button to prepare the report.

Step 7.

Make any desired changes using COMPedit tools.

Step 8.

To send to the printer, either click on the icon of the printer or choose Print under the
File menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 593

Subscription Reports

Subscription List

Subscription List
This report prints lists and descriptions of all subscriptions received within your library.

Subscription List Report Formats

1 lineA brief one-subscription-per-line report is printed. The subscription name, title, and fre-

quency are shown.

CompleteAll subscription information is included on this report.
Renewal ListA brief one-subscription-per-line report is printed, including the subscription
name, title, renewal date, and cost. A total cost is printed at the bottom of the report. Use this
report to review subscriptions that are due for renewal, or estimate the budgets required for subscriptions.

Subscription List Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Subscription List Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

594 Alexandria Users Manual

Subscription Due Dates

Subscription Reports

Subscription Due Dates

This report allows you to track when subscriptions are to be received by your library or are past due.

There are no Formats available for Subscription Due Date reports.

Subscription Due Date Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Subscription Due Date Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 595

Subscription Reports

Subscription History

Subscription History
Lists the date when each issue was received and the number of issues remaining. There is a page break
between each subscription.

There are no Formats available for Subscription History reports.

Subscription History Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Subscription History Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

596 Alexandria Users Manual

Claim Letter

Subscription Reports

Claim Letter
Use Claim Letter reports to notify subscription/periodical vendors when issues of magazines or journals
are missing and replacements must be sent.

Claim Letter: Formats

LetterThis will print a mailing-type claim letter addressed to your vendor.
EmailThis Format will email your vendor your claim letter.

Claim Letter: Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Claim Letter: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 597

Subscription Reports

Routing Slip

Routing Slip
This report gives a user the ability to print a routing slip at any time. Routing slips include the routing slip
name, patrons' names, barcodes, and locations along with any instructions specified for the indicated
routing slip.

Routing Slip Format Options

CompleteAll routing information is included on this report.
Single LineThis format will print the routes that are being used for certain subscriptions, what
patrons are responsible for the material, and if it was routed today, what the due date would be.

Routing Slip Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Routing Slip Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

598 Alexandria Users Manual

Route Reports
These reports print information from the Routing management windows. Route Reports provides lists of
routes in summarized or detailed formats.

Preparing Subscriptions Reports

Subscription reports give you immediate access to information about the routes used in your library. To
prepare a route report, follow these steps.
Step 1.

Choose Route Reports from the Reports menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of report you want from the Report Name drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Choose how you want your report Format displayed.

Step 4.

Choose the Sort By order for this report.

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which route records to include in this

Step 6.

Click on the Print button to prepare the report.

Step 7.

Make any desired changes using COMPedit tools.

Step 8.

To send to the printer, either click on the icon of the printer or choose Print under the
File menu.

Alexandria Users Manual 599

Routes List

Route Reports

Routes List
This report prints lists and descriptions of all route lists.

Routes List Report Formats

1 lineA brief one-route-per-line report is printed. The subscription name, title and frequency

are shown.
CompleteAll route information is included on this report.

Routes List Sort By Options

See page 601 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Sort By options.

Routes List Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this reports Select By options.

600 Alexandria Users Manual

Sort By Options
Use Sort By drop-down menus to select the order in which you want the patrons and/or items listed in
your report. For example, you can sort the report by name, barcode number, alphabetic list, or by title. If
you want further monthly subtotals (providing the date range spans more than one month), select the Sort
By option By Month, or else select the Entire Range option.

Alexandria Report Sort By Options

2nd LocationThis selection will sort the report by sublocation (i.e. 2nd Location) in alpha-

numeric order.
2nd Location / MonthThis selection will sort the report by sublocation (i.e. 2nd Location)

and then by specified months of Alexandria usage statistics data in alphanumeric order.
2nd Location / NameThis selection will sort the report by sublocation (i.e. 2nd Location)
and then by patrons last name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric

Accession DateThis selection will sort the report by accession date (the date the copy was

entered into Alexandria) and then by copy call number in alphanumeric order.
AuthorThis selection will sort the report by author in alphabetical order. To ensure that the

author names sort correctly, make sure all author names are entered using the same format:
Last Name, First Name. If a title has more than one author, the title will appear once for
each authors listing.
BarcodeThis selection will sort the report by patron/item barcode in alphanumeric order.
Barcode NumberThis selection will sort the report by item barcode number in alphanumeric

Budget CodeThis selection will sort the report by budget code and then by order issue date

in alphanumeric order.
Budget NameThis selection will sort the report by budget name in alphanumeric order.
Call NumberThis selection will sort the report by copy call number, then primary author, and
then title; this Sort By selection makes it easier to search the library for returned items that
havent been recorded as returned by Alexandria. Call numbers sort from left to right; therefore,
a call number of 100 is sorted before 20. To ensure that numerical sorting behaves properly,
some call numbers must contain leading zeros. For example, a call number of 020 would be correctly sorted before 100. This sort selection will not include titles that lack copies.
CategoriesThis selection will sort the report by the patrons Categories notes in alphanu-

meric order (see Notes tab on page 229 for more information). Patron records that do not contain
Categories notes will not appear in the report.

Alexandria Users Manual 601

Sort By Options

Alexandria Report Sort By Options

Copy Call NumberThis selection will sort the report by copy call number, then primary author, and
then title. Call numbers sort from left to right; therefore, a call number of 100 is sorted before 20. To
ensure that numerical sorting behaves properly, some call numbers must contain leading zeros. For
example, a call number of 020 would be correctly sorted before 100. This sort selection will not include
titles that lack copies.
Due DateThis selection will sort the report by due date in chronological order and then by patrons last
name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphabetical order; this Sort By selection makes it
easier to find transactions in due-date order. However, a due date has different meanings depending on the
type of transaction involved. For an item checked out, the due date is the date an item is due back to the
library. For a hold request, the due date is the date on which the request expires. For a reservation, the due
date is the date a reservation begins.
Entire RangeThis selection will sort the report using the entire range of Alexandria usage statistics data.
First NameThis selection will sort the report using the patrons first name, alphabetically, in Last
Name, First Name order.
Full SubjectThis sorts by the entire subject heading.
Funding SourceThis selection will sort the report by a copys Funding Source and then call number in
alphanumeric order. This terminology can be customized in your Global Item Management
preferences under Caption for Special Funds.
GradeThis selection will sort the report by the patrons level (i.e. Grade) in alphanumeric order.
Grade / MonthThis selection will sort the report by the patrons level (i.e. Grade) in alphanumeric
order and then by specified months of Alexandria usage statistics data.
Grade / NameThis selection will sort the report by individual level (i.e. Grade) and then by patrons
last name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric order.
HomeroomThis selection will sort the report by individual location (i.e. Homeroom) in alphanumeric

Homeroom / MonthThis selection will sort the report by individual location (i.e. Homeroom) and
then by specified months of Alexandria usage statistics data.
Homeroom / NameThis selection will sort the report by individual location (i.e. Homeroom) and
then by patrons last name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric order.
Inventory DateThis selection will sort the report by inventory date (the date the copy was last
inventoried) and then by copy call number in alphanumeric order.
Issue DateThis selection will sort the report by order issue date in chronological order.
Last NameThis selection will sort the report using the patrons last name, alphabetically, in Last
Name, First Name order.
Last SIF UpdateThis selection will sort the report by the date the copy was last updated via SIF in
chronological order.
LexileThis selection will sort the report by item Lexile measurements (e.g. 350, 420, 500, etc) in
numerical order (see Alexandria Lexiles on page 363).

602 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Report Sort By Options

Sort By Options

Lexile / NameThis selection will sort the report by patron Lexile scores (e.g. 300, 330, 420, 500, 610,
etc) and then by patrons last name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric order.
LibraryThis selection will sort the report by library (i.e. Library ID Code) and then by call number in

alphanumeric order.
Library / MonthThis selection will sort the report by library (i.e. Library ID Code) and then by
specified months of Alexandria usage statistics data.
LocationThis selection will sort the report by copy location (i.e. where, inside the library, particular

items are held) and then by call number in alphanumeric order.

Location / MonthThis selection will sort the report by copy location (i.e. where, inside the library,

particular items are held) and then by specified months of Alexandria usage statistics data.
MonthThis selection will sort the report using specified months of Alexandria usage statistics data.
Month / 2nd LocationThis selection will sort the report using specified months of Alexandria usage
statistics data and then by sublocation (i.e. 2nd Location) in alphanumeric order.
Month / GradeThis selection will sort the report using specified months of Alexandria usage statistics
data and then by the patrons level (i.e. Grade) in alphanumeric order.
Month / HomeroomThis selection will sort the report using specified months of Alexandria usage
statistics data and then by individual location (i.e. Homeroom).
Month / LibraryThis selection will sort the report using specified months of Alexandria usage statistics
data and then by library in alphanumeric order.
Month / LocationThis selection will sort the report using specified months of Alexandria usage

statistics data and then by copy location (i.e. where, inside the library, particular items are held).
Month / SchoolThis selection will sort the report using specified months of Alexandria usage statistics
data and then by institution (i.e. School) in alphanumeric order.
Month / ShelvingThis selection will sort the report using specified months of Alexandria usage

statistics data and then by copy shelving location.

No SortThis selection will not sort the report in any specific order.
Patron 2nd LocationThis selection will sort the report by sublocation (i.e. 2nd Location) in

alphanumeric order.
Patron 2nd Location / NameThis selection will sort the report by sublocation (i.e. 2nd Location)
and then by patrons last name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric order.
Patron HomeroomThis selection will sort the report by the patrons location (i.e. Homeroom) in

alphanumeric order.
Patron Homeroom / NameThis selection will sort the report by individual location (i.e. Homeroom)
and then by patrons last name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric order.
Patron GradeThis selection will sort the report by the patrons level (i.e. Grade) in alphanumeric


Alexandria Users Manual 603

Sort By Options

Alexandria Report Sort By Options

Patron Grade / NameThis selection will sort the report by individual level (i.e. Grade) and then by
patrons last name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric order.
Patron NameThis selection will sort the report using the patrons last name, alphabetically, in Last
Name, First Name order.
Patron SchoolThis selection will sort the report by institution (i.e. School) in alphanumeric order.
Patron School / NameThis selection will sort the report by individual institution (i.e. School) and
then by patrons last name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric order.
PO NumberThis selection will sort the report by purchase order number in alphanumeric order.
Policy / Call NumberThis selection will sort the report alphabetically by item policy name and then by

title/copy call number.

Policy / NameThis selection will sort the report by individual patron policies and then by patrons last
name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric order.
Policy NameThis option arranges all patron policies by policy name.
Publication YearThis selection will sort the report by publication year in chronological order. This sort

selection is useful if you want to compile a list of when items in the collection were published.
Reading LevelThis selection will sort the report by study program and then by reading level in

alphanumeric and/or descending numerical order.

Reading Level / Point CountThis selection will sort the report by study program and then by point
counts in alphanumeric and/or descending numerical order.
Ref IDThis selection includes patrons that can be identified by a RefID, a unique number assigned by
your providing agent (which is not COMPanion). Although StudentPersonal and StaffPersonal
objects can have the same numberit should be avoided. Alexandria stores RefID numbers in the patron
record, but does not display them in the main Patrons management window. However, RefIDs are
displayed in SIF reports and can be exported.
Responsible Patron BarcodeThis selection will sort the report by the responsible patrons barcode

number in alphanumeric order. You may use this sorting option to find all the routes for which a specific
patron is the responsible patron. This is beneficial if the responsible patrons are the department heads or if
a personnel change necessitates changing the responsible patron.
Responsible Patron NameThis selection will sort the report using the responsible patrons last name,
alphabetically, in Last Name, First Name order. You may use this sorting option to find all the routes

for which a specific patron is the responsible patron. This is beneficial if the responsible patrons are the
department heads or if a personnel change necessitates changing the responsible patron.
Route NameThis selection will sort the report by route name in alphanumeric order.
SchoolThis selection will sort the report by institution (i.e. School) in alphanumeric order.
School / MonthThis selection will sort the report by institution (i.e. School) in alphanumeric order
and then by specified months of Alexandria usage statistics data.

604 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Report Sort By Options

Sort By Options

School / NameThis selection will sort the report by individual institution (i.e. School) and then by
patrons last name (using Last Name, First Name format) in alphanumeric order.
ShelvingThis selection will sort the report by copy shelving location and then by call number in
alphanumeric order. Shelving is a second location indicator option for those who want to further detail
the location of items on specific shelves at your library. This terminology can be customized in your
Global Item Management preferences under Caption for Shelving Location.
Shelving / MonthThis selection will sort the report by copy shelving location and then by specified
months of Alexandria usage statistics data.
Social Security Number (SSN)This selection will sort the report by Government ID (i.e. SSN) in

alphanumeric order.
Student #This selection will sort the report by Community ID (i.e. Student #) in alphanumeric order.
Subscription CodeThe report will be sorted by the subscription code.
Subscription DescriptionThis selection will sort the report by the subscriptions description, starting

in alphanumeric order.
Subscription Short NameThis selection will sort the report by subscription short name in

alphanumeric order.
Subscription TimeThe report will be sorted by the subscription title.
Timeframe UsageThis selection will sort the report by Alexandrias top 10-100 titles between a
specified Starting Month and Ending Month date range.
TitleThis selection will sort the report alphabetically by title. Articles such as A, An, or The are
ignored when specified as such in the MARC record. For example, The Wizard of Oz will be sorted under
Title Call NumberThis selection will sort the report by title call number, then primary author, and then
title. Call numbers sort from left to right; therefore, a call number of 100 is sorted before 20. To ensure
that numerical sorting behaves properly, some call numbers must contain leading zeros. For example, a call
number of 020 would be correctly sorted before 100.
Title Sequence #This selection will sort the report by title sequence number (the order in which items
were added to the system) in numerical order.
VendorThis selection will sort the report by the order vendor name in alphanumeric order.
Vendor CodeThis selection will sort the report by vendor code in alphanumeric order.
Vendor Company NameThis selection will sort the report by the name of the vendor company in

alphanumeric order.
Vendor NameThis selection will sort the report by vendor name in alphanumeric order.

Alexandria Users Manual 605

Sort By Options

606 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Report Sort By Options

Select By Options
Use Select By drop-down menus to select which patrons, items, transactions, and/or information you
want included in your report. For example, you can select items of a specific barcode number (or range) or
you can select patrons from a certain homeroom or those who have expired library cards.
Most reports have their own Select By options; however, you may specify additional selection filters to
further restrict the number of records examined and displayed in your report. For example, by default, a
Loaned Items report will only include loaned itemsbut you can further restrict the report to include
loaned items from a specific location using additional Select By options.
You can enter up to six values for selection criteria using And, Or, and And Not (Boolean Logic). When
you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields appear, asking you for Starting With and
Ending With values.

Alexandria Report Select By Options

2nd LocationThis selection includes patrons with a second location (i.e. Sublocation)
between a specified Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one
sublocation, enter the name in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If

you enter no text, the selection is ignored.

2nd Location ListThis selection allows you to enter (and receive statistics for) multiple sublocations (i.e. 2nd Location). Duplicate entries will only print once. When this option is selected,
a List field will appear on the report window. Manually enter all the sublocations you would like
to include. The information contained in the List field can be selected using <ctrl>+A or
<cmnd>+A (or by using the Select All command under the Edit menu) and copied into other
2nd Location RangeThis selection allows you to enter sublocations within a specified Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one sublocation, enter the
name in the Starting With field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will
be A through Z.
Active BudgetsThis selection includes budgets that currently have an Active status.
Active VendorsThis selection includes vendors that currently have an Active status.
ActivityThis selection includes patrons who have used your institution between a specified
Starting Date and Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a

far future datewhich is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter
only an Ending Date, the Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you
dont enter any date, the Starting Date is set for one year in the past.
All Active PatronsThis selection includes all patrons that have Status of Active, including
those with barcode numbers under 50.

Alexandria Users Manual 607

Select By Options

Alexandria Report Select By Options

All BudgetsThis selection includes all existing Alexandria budgets (see Budgets Management on
page 453 for more information).
All ItemsThe report includes each and every item contained within Alexandrias database.
All OrdersThis selection includes all existing Alexandria orders (see Orders Management on page 444
for more information).
All RoutesThis selection includes all existing Alexandria routes (see Routes Preferences on page 189 for
more information).
All StatisticsThis selection includes all recorded library statistics.
All SubscriptionsThis selection includes all existing subscriptions (see Subscriptions Management on
page 461 for more information).
All TransactionsThis selection will include all existing patron transactions in the report.
All VendorsThis selection includes all of Alexandrias vendors (see Vendors Management on page 457
for more information).
Archived on DateThis selection includes items that were archived between a specified Starting Date
and Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future date
which is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the
Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting
Date is set for one year in the past.
AuthorThis selection includes authors between a specified Starting With and Ending With range. If you
only want information for one author, enter their name in the Starting With field and leave the Ending
With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z
Balance AmountThis selection includes patrons who have a fine, credit, and/or zero balance between
a specified Starting With and Ending With monetary range. For example, to select patrons who owe
money (i.e. Charges) up to ten dollars, use 00.01 to 10.00. If you want to select patrons who are
owed money (i.e. Credits) up to ten dollars, use -00.01 to -10.00. Otherwise, you will also include
all patrons who have a zero balance.

If you want to select patrons with a zero balance, then a $0.00 amount should appear in both the
Starting With and Ending With fields.
If you enter only an Ending With value, the Starting With value is assumed to be zero; if you enter only an
Starting With value, the Ending With value is also assumed to be zero.
Barcode ListThis selection allows you to enter or scan non-sequential barcodes; in this way, you can

print a list of specified barcodes. This also allows you to include barcodes that might not otherwise appear
in the report. Duplicate barcode entries will only print once.
When this option is selected, a Barcode List field will appear on the report window. Manually enter all
the barcode labels you would like printed; you can also use a hand-scanner to manually input barcodes
labels. The information contained in the Barcode List field can be selected using <ctrl>+A or
<cmnd>+A (or by using the Select All command under the Edit menu) and copied into other reports.

608 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Select By Options

Barcode RangeThis selection includes items and/or patrons with barcodes between provided Starting
With and Ending With ranges. If you only want information for one item or patron, enter the barcode
number in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. Also, if you dont specify

otherwise, only barcodes greater than the number 50 are included in the report.
Bibliographic CodeThis selection includes items that have Bibliography notes between a specified
Starting With and Ending With alphanumeric range (see Item Management Window: Notes tab on
page 250 for more information). If you only want notes for one item, enter the Bibliography text in the
Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through
BirthdateThis selection includes patrons that have birthdays between a provided Starting Date and
Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria will include birthdays from that date to
the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the selection will include every birthday on or before

that date.
Budget CodeThis selection includes budgets with codes between a specified Starting With and Ending
With range. If you only want information for one budget, enter the code in the Starting With field and
leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Budget NameThis selection includes budgets with names between a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one budget, enter the name in the Starting With
field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
CategoriesThis selection includes patrons that have Categories notes between a specified Starting
With and Ending With alphanumeric range (see Notes tab on page 229 for more information). If you only
want notes for one patron, enter the Categories name in the Starting With field and leave the Ending
With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
ClassificationThis selection is specific to CESA #10 reports and includes your Patron History Level
(i.e. Grade) fields. If the Keep Patron History box (see Statistics tab on page 230) is not checked, then

there will be no data for the report.

Copy Accession DateThis selection includes copies that have been acquired or added between a
specified Starting Date and Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a
far future datewhich is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an
Ending Date, the Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any
date, the Starting Date is set for one year in the past.
Copy BarcodeThis selection includes copies with barcodes between a provided Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one copy, enter the barcode number in the Starting
With field and leave the Ending With field blank. Also, if you dont specify otherwise, only barcodes

greater than the number 50 are included in the report.

Copy Call NumberThis selection includes copies with call numbers between a provided Starting With
and Ending With range. Call numbers are ordered from left to right, so 100 comes before 20, but 020
comes before 100. If you only want information for one copy, enter the call number in the Starting With
field and leave the Ending With field blank.

Alexandria Users Manual 609

Select By Options

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Copy Last Used DateThis selection includes copies that have been used between a specified Starting
Date and Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future
datewhich is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date,
the Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the
Starting Date is set for one year in the past.
Copy LocationThis selection includes items with copy locations between a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one copy, enter the Copy Location in the Starting
With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, then the selection is ignored.
Copy LTD UsageThis selection includes items with a life-to-date usage (i.e. the number of times the
copy has been circulated) between a specified Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want
information for a specific number of times the item has been circulated (e.g. 4), enter the number in the
Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, then the selection is
ignored. The Starting With and Ending With ranges for this selection only accept numerical characters.
Copy PolicyThis option includes policies for copies between a user-selected From and Through range.
Alexandria automatically populates the From and Through drop-down menus with copy policies created
from your Policy Preferences (see page 169). If you only want information for one policy, select an
identical From and Through value (i.e. Fiction).
Copy Sequence #This selection includes copies with sequence numbers between a specified Starting
With and Ending With range. This option is helpful in identifying new records or records added to the

system in a particular order. If you only want information for one copy, enter the sequence number in the
Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the selection is ignored.
Copy StatusThis selection includes copies with a user-specified status. If you dont specify a particular
status, only Available items are included in the report. You may also select Checked Out, On Reserve,
In-Stock Hold, Lost, Discarded, and In Transit.

This allows you to limit the report to items that are unavailable, lost, discarded, checked out, on reserve, or
on in-stock hold.
Curriculum CodeThis selection includes items that have Curriculum notes between a specified
Starting With and Ending With alphanumeric range (see Item Management Window: Notes tab on
page 250 for more information). If you only want notes for one item, enter the Curriculum text in the
Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through
Date RangeThis selection allows you to specify an Ending and Starting Date range. If you enter only
a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future datewhich is the first of January, thirty years from
the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e.
the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting Date is set for one year in the past.

Using December 1, 2010 as an example, an acceptable date entry would be: Dec 1, 2010 or 12/01/
10 or 12.1.10 or 12 1 10. If the year is 2010, you can just enter 12/1. If the current month is
December, you can just enter 1.
When you enter a two digit year (e.g. 76 in lieu of 1976), values between 0-30 are assumed to be 20002030 and values between 31-99 are assumed to be 2031-2099.

610 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Select By Options

Days OverdueThis selection includes transactions with due dates between a specified Starting With
and Ending With range of overdue days. If you enter only a Starting With number, Alexandria will assume
a very large ending value (246,411 years). If you enter only an Ending With value, the Starting With
value is assumed to be zero. For example, to select items that are at least seven days overdue, enter 7 in
the Starting With field. To find items that are seven or fewer days overdue enter an Ending With value of
7. To locate items that are due in the next seven days, enter a Starting With value of -7 and an
Ending With value of 0. The results of this selection are exactly the same as if you put dates into the Due
Date selection criteria.
DestinationThis selection includes In Transit item destinations between a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one destination, enter the name in the Starting With
field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Discarded NoteThis selection includes items that have an indicated Reason for discard between a
specified Starting With and Ending With range (see Checking Items Out To the Discarded Items Special
Patron on page 307 for more information). If you only want information for one item, enter the Reason
(e.g. Weeded) in the Starting With field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will
be A through Z.
Discarded on DateThis selection includes items that have been discarded between a specified Starting
With and Ending With range. If you enter only a Starting With date, Alexandria will assume an Ending
With date in the far future. If you enter only an Ending With value, the Starting With value will be

assumed to be in the very far past.

DistrictThis selection is specific to CESA #10 reports and includes your Patron History Location (i.e.
Homeroom) fields. If the Keep Patron History box (see Statistics tab on page 230) is not checked, then

there will be no data for the report.

Dont Show in Alexandria ResearcherThis selection includes items/copies that are designated as
either Visible or Invisible to your Alexandria Researcher or Web. There are two locations for the Dont
Show in Researcher checkbox; one is located in the Copy Info tab of the Item Copy Data window (see
page 256) and the other in the Statistics tab of the main Items management window (see page 251).
Due DateThis selection includes transactions that have due dates between a specified Starting and
Ending Date. A due date has different meanings depending on the type of transaction involved. For an

item checked out, the due date is the date an item is due back to the library. For a hold request, the due
date is the date on which the request expires. For a reservation, the due date is the date a reservation
If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future datewhich is the first of January,
thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the Starting Date defaults to
January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting Date is set for one year in
the past.
Expired CardThis selection includes patrons whose cards will expire between a specified Starting Date
and Ending Date range. If you dont enter any date, the Ending Date defaults to the beginning of the

next month; therefore, your report would include all patrons whose cards will expire at the end of the
current month.

Alexandria Users Manual 611

Select By Options

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Full SubjectThis selection includes items with legitimate, recognized subject fields (usually MARC tags
600-651) between a provided Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for
one item, enter the subject name in the Starting With field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no
text, the range will be A through Z
Funding SourceThe selection includes sources of funding between a provided Staring With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one funding source, enter the name in the Starting
With field and leave the Ending With field blank.
GradeThis selection includes patrons with grades (i.e. Level) between a specified Starting With and
Ending With range (see Personal Info tab on page 227 for more information). If you only want levels for
one patron, enter the grade name in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you
enter only an Ending With value, Alexandria will select all levels before and up to the selected level.
Grade ListThis selection allows you to enter (and receive statistics for) multiple grades (i.e. Level).
Duplicate entries will only print once. When this option is selected, a List field will appear on the report
window. Manually enter all the levels you would like to include. The information contained in the List
field can be selected using <ctrl>+A or <cmnd>+A (or by using the Select All command under the Edit
menu) and copied into other reports.
Grade RangeThis selection allows you to enter levels within a specified Starting With and Ending
With range. If you only want information for one level, enter the name in the Starting With field and leave
Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z
Graduation DateThis selection includes patrons with graduation dates between a specified Starting
Date and Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future
datewhich is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date,
the Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the
Starting Date is set for one year in the past.
Has EmailThis selection includes patrons that have or do not currently have email addresses stored in
their personal information (see Personal Info tab on page 227 for more information). Select Yes to choose
patrons who currently have an email address; select No to choose patrons that do not currently have a

stored email address.

HomeroomThis selection includes patrons who have a homeroom (i.e. Location) between a Starting
With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one patron, enter the location in the
Starting With field and leave Ending With blank. For example, entering HR1 would select HR100,
HR10 and HR1B37. If you enter no text, the selection is ignored.

If your report is being sorted incorrectly, you may have not entered your numeric ranges correctly in the
Patron Management Location field (see page 227). They must be padded with zeros in order to be
sorted and selected correctly. For example, instead of a 1, 2, 402, youd insert 001, 027, 402.

Basically, all entries within a numeric range need to have the same number of characters.
Homeroom ListThis selection allows you to enter (and receive statistics for) multiple homerooms (i.e.
Location). Duplicate entries will only print once. When this option is selected, a List field will appear on

the report window. Manually enter all the locations you would like to include. The information contained
in the List field can be selected using <ctrl>+A or <cmnd>+A (or by using the Select All command
under the Edit menu) and copied into other reports.

612 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Select By Options

Homeroom RangeThis selection allows you to enter homerooms within a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one location, enter the name in the Starting With
field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Inactive BudgetsThis selection includes budgets that currently have an Inactive status.
Inactive VendorsThis selection includes vendors that currently have an Inactive status.
In-Stock Expiration DateThis selection includes in-stock holds that expire between a specified
Starting and Ending Date. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future date
which is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the
Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting
Date is set for one year in the past.
Interest CodeThis selection includes items that have Interest Code (i.e. interest level or reading level)
notes between a specified Starting With and Ending With alphanumeric range (see Item Management
Window: Notes tab on page 250 for more information). If you only want notes for one item, enter the
Interest Code text in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text,
the range will be A through Z.
Inventory DateThis includes items that have been inventoried between a specified Starting Date and
Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future datewhich is
the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the Starting
Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting Date is set

for one year in the past.

Item BarcodeThis selection includes items with barcodes between a specified Staring With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one item, enter the barcode number in the Starting
With field and leave the Ending With field blank. Also, if you dont specify otherwise, only barcodes

greater than the number 50 are included in the report.

Item Call NumberThis selection includes items with call numbers between a provided Starting With
and Ending With range. Call numbers are ordered from left to right, so 100 comes before 20, but 020
comes before 100. If you only want information for one copy, enter the call number in the Starting With
field and leave the Ending With field blank.
Item PolicyThis option includes policies for items between a user-selected From and Through range.
Alexandria automatically populates the From and Through drop-down menus with item policies created
from your Policy Preferences (see page 169). If you only want information for one policy, select an
identical From and Through value (i.e. Audio Visual).
Item TitleThis selection includes items with titles between a provided Starting With and Ending With
range. If you only want information for one item, enter its title in the Starting With field and leave the
Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the selection is ignored.
Last NameThis selection includes patrons with last names between a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one patron, enter their last name in the Starting
With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.

Alexandria Users Manual 613

Select By Options

Alexandria Report Select By Options

LexileThis selection includes patrons with lexiles between a specified Starting With and Ending With

range. Use this selection to compile reports for all patrons within a particular lexile range. If you only want
information for one lexile, enter the lexile score in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field
blank. If you enter no text, then the selection is ignored.
LibraryThis selection includes alpha and/or numeric Library ID Codes within a specified Starting With
and Ending With range. If you enter only a Starting With (or Ending With) selection, Alexandria will select

all libraries where the identification code begins with the entered text. If you enter no text, then the
selection is ignored.
Library ListIn some districts, one librarian is responsible for managing multiple libraries; this selection
allows you to enter multiple Library ID Codes (see Information on page 138) to receive the statistics for
those combined libraries. It can also be used with Central Union to obtain statistics for all secondary
schools and elementary schools and generate the results in one report. Duplicate entries will only print

When this option is selected, a List field will appear on the report window. Manually enter all the Library
ID Codes you would like to include. The information contained in the List field can be selected using
<ctrl>+A or <cmnd>+A (or by using the Select All command under the Edit menu) and copied into
other reports.
Library RangeThis selection allows you to include libraries within a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one library, enter the name in the Starting With field
and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
LocationThis selection includes items with copy locations between a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one copy, enter the Location in the Starting With
field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, then the selection is ignored.
Location ListThis selection allows you to enter multiple copy locations to receive statistics for items.
Duplicate entries will only print once. When this option is selected, a List field will appear on the report

window. Manually enter all the copy locations you would like to include. The information contained in
the List field can be selected using <ctrl>+A or <cmnd>+A (or by using the Select All command under
the Edit menu) and copied into other reports.
Location RangeThis selection allows you to enter copy locations within a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one copy, enter the location name in the Starting
With field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Lost on DateThis selection includes items that have been lost between a Starting Date and Ending
Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future datewhich is the first
of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the Starting Date
defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting Date is set for

one year in the past.

MediumThis selection includes items according to their medium. Alexandria automatically populates
the Medium drop-down menu with formats created and maintained using the main Items management
window (see page 254).

The report will include items classified with the medium code you specify.

614 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Select By Options

Missing SubscriptionsThis selection includes all subscriptions that have not been received as expected
and is helpful to ensure that the library is receiving all items.
No ActivityThis selection includes patrons who have not used the library between a specified Starting
Date and Ending Date. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future date
which is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the
Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting
Date is set for one year in the past.
No Last Used DateThis selection includes item copies that have either never circulated or have no

recorded transaction history.

Not Inventoried DateThis includes items that have not been inventoried between a specified Starting
Date and Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future
datewhich is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date,
the Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the
Starting Date is set for one year in the past.
Note TypeThis selection will group your Calendar Notes by either General Date, Librarian Alert,
or Researcher Alert Notes.
Number of CopiesThis selection includes items that have a number of copies between a specified
Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for a specific number of copies (e.g.
9), enter the number in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text,
then the selection is ignored. The Starting With and Ending With ranges for this selection only accept

numerical characters.
Order Issue DateThis selection includes dates for orders between a specified Starting Date and
Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future datewhich is
the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the Starting
Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting Date is set

for one year in the past.

Order StatusThis selection includes orders with a user-specified status. If you dont specify a particular
status, only Open orders are included in the report. You may also select Issued Orders and Closed
OriginThis selection includes items that have an origin (contained in a copys Transit History; see
page 259) between a specified Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one
item, enter the origin name in the Starting With field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text,
the range will be A through Z.
Patron 2nd LocationThis selection includes patrons with sublocations (i.e. 2nd Location) between
specified Starting With and Ending With ranges. If you only want information for one patron, enter the
sublocation in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the
range will be A through Z.
Patron BarcodeThis selection includes patrons with barcodes between a provided Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one patron, enter the barcode number in the
Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. Also, if you dont specify otherwise, only

barcodes greater than the number 50 are included in the report. If you enter no text, the selection is

Alexandria Users Manual 615

Select By Options

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Patron GradeThis selection includes patrons with grades (i.e. Level) between a specified Starting With
and Ending With range. If you only want information for one patron, enter their level in the Starting With
field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Patron HomeroomThis selection includes patrons with homerooms (i.e. Location) between a
specified Starting With and Ending With range. Typically, this is used for preparing overdue listings for a
group of patrons in a specified homeroom. If you only want information for one patron, enter their
homeroom in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range
will be A through Z.
Patron IDThis selection is specific to CESA #10 reports and includes Patron IDs (i.e. Patron
Barcodes) between a specified Staring With and Ending With range. If you only want to include one
patron, enter their barcode in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If the Keep
Patron History box (see Statistics tab on page 230) is not checked, then there will be no data for the

Patron NameThis selection includes patrons with last names between a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one patron, enter their last name in the Starting
With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Patron PolicyThis option includes policies for patrons between a user-selected From and Through
range. Alexandria automatically populates the From and Through drop-down menus with item policies
created from your Policy Preferences (see page 164). If you only want information for one policy, select
an identical From and Through value (i.e. System Patron).
Patron SchoolThis selection includes patrons who have schools (i.e. Institution) between a specified
Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one patron, enter their school
name in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will
be A through Z.
Patron StatusThis selection includes patrons with a user-specified status. If you dont specify a
particular status, only Active patrons are included in the report. Select All Statuses to choose every
available status code.
PO NumberThis selection includes purchase order numbers between a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one purchase order, enter the number in the
Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through
PolicyThis option includes policies for patrons between a user-selected From and Through range.
Alexandria automatically populates the From and Through drop-down menus with item policies created
from your Policy Preferences (see page 164). If you only want information for one policy, select an
identical From and Through value (i.e. System Patron).
Publication YearThis selection includes items with publication years between a specified Starting With
and Ending With range; publication years must be specified by a four-digit number such as 1979 or 2002.
If you only want information for one item, enter its publication year in the Starting With field and leave
the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range defaults to January 1st, 1904 through the first
of January, thirty years from the current date. The Starting With and Ending With ranges for this selection

only accept numerical characters.

616 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Select By Options

PublisherThis selection includes items with publishers between a specified Starting With and Ending
With range. If you only want information for one item, enter their publisher name in the Starting With
field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Renewal DateThis report includes renewal dates between a specified Starting Date and Ending Date
range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future datewhich is the first of
January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the Starting Date defaults
to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting Date is set for one year

in the past.
Replacement CostThis selection includes items that have a replacement cost between a specified
Starting With and Ending With monetary range. For example, to select items that cost up to twenty
dollars to replace, use $0.00 to $20.00. If you leave the Starting With and Ending With fields at
$0.00, then the selection is ignored. The Starting With and Ending With ranges for this selection only

accept numeric, monetary values.

Request Expiration DateThis selection includes requests that expire between a specified Starting With
and Ending With range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future date
which is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the
Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting
Date is set for one year in the past.
Reservation Begin DateThis selection includes reservations that begin during a specified Starting
With and Ending With date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future
datewhich is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date,
the Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the
Starting Date is set for one year in the past.
Responsible Patron BarcodeThis selection includes route-responsible patrons with barcodes between
a specified Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one patron, enter their
barcode in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no barcode, the
selection is ignored.
Responsible Patron NameThis selection includes route-responsible patrons with last names between a
specified Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one patron, enter their
last name in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range
will be A through Z.
Route NameThis selection includes routes with names between a specified Starting With and Ending
With range. If you only want information for one route, enter the name in the Starting With field and
leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
SchoolThis selection includes patrons with Schools (i.e. Institutions) between a specified Staring With
and Ending With range. If you only want to include one institution, enter the school name in the Starting
With field and leave the Ending With field blank.
School ListThis selection allows you to enter (and receive statistics for) multiple schools (i.e.
Institution). Duplicate entries will only print once. When this option is selected, a List field will appear on

the report window. Manually enter all the institutions you would like to include. The information
contained in the List field can be selected using <ctrl>+A or <cmnd>+A (or by using the Select All
command under the Edit menu) and copied into other reports.

Alexandria Users Manual 617

Select By Options

Alexandria Report Select By Options

School RangeThis selection allows you to enter institutions within a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one institution, enter the name in the Starting With
field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Sequence #This selection includes patrons/orders with sequence numbers between a specified
Starting With and Ending With range. This option is helpful in identifying new records or records added

to the system in a particular order. If you only want information for one patron/order, enter the sequence
number in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the selection
is ignored.
SeriesThis selection includes items that belong to a series between a specified Starting With and Ending
With range. If you only want information for one series, enter the series name in the Starting With field
and leave Ending With blank (i.e. Harry Potter). If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Server's IP AddressThis selection allows you to include server IP addresses within a specified Starting
With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one IP address, enter the number in the
Starting With field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
ShelvingThis selection includes items with shelving locations between a Starting With and Ending
With range. If you only want information for one item(s), enter the shelving location in the Starting With
field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Shelving ListThis selection allows you to enter (and receive statistics for) multiple shelving locations.
Duplicate entries will only print once. When this option is selected, a List field will appear on the report
window. Manually enter all the shelving locations you would like to include. The information contained
in the List field can be selected using <ctrl>+A or <cmnd>+A (or by using the Select All command
under the Edit menu) and copied into other reports.
Shelving RangeThis selection allows you to enter shelving locations within a specified Starting With
and Ending With range. If you only want information for one copy, enter the shelving location name in
the Starting With field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
SIF Any UpdateThis selection includes patrons whose records have been updated at some time in the

past via SIFincludes the last date and time the patron record was updated.
SIF No UpdateThis selection includes patrons whose records have never been updated via SIF or if their
SIF update field was cleared or empty.
SIF RefIDThis selection includes patrons that can be identified by a RefID, a unique number assigned
by your providing agent (which is not COMPanion). Although StudentPersonal and
StaffPersonal objects can have the same numberit should be avoided. Alexandria stores RefID
numbers in the patron record, but does not display them in the main Patrons management window.
However, RefIDs are displayed in SIF reports and can be exported.
SIF UpdateThis includes patrons that have been updated via SIF between a specified Starting Date and
Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future datewhich is
the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date, the Starting
Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the Starting Date is set

for one year in the past.

StatusThis selection includes patrons with a user-specified status. If you dont specify a particular status,
only Active patrons are included in the report. Select All Statuses to choose every available status code.

618 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Select By Options

Study ProgramsThis selection includes items that have been assigned to special reading programs.
Using the drop-down menu, you may choose between three defaults: Any (which includes every indicated
study programs), Accelerated Reader, or Reading Counts.

Selecting Other, Interest Code, Reading Level, Point Count, or Lexile opens an additional From and
Through field for which you can specify a range. If you only want information for one item, enter the
study program name in the From field and leave Through blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A
through Z.
Subscription Short NameThis selection includes subscriptions with short names between a specified
Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one subscription, enter the short
name in the Starting With field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A
through Z.
Subscription VendorThis selection includes subscription vendors between a specified Starting With
and Ending With range. If you only want information for one vendor, enter the name in the Starting With
field and leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Temporary ItemsThis selection includes transactions for all temporary items. Because reservations and

hold requests cannot be performed on temporary items, this selection should not be used for those types of
TitleThis selection includes items with titles between a Starting With and Ending With range. If you
only want information for one item, enter the title in the Starting With field and leave the Ending With
field blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Title Accession DateThis selection includes items that have been acquired or added between a
specified Starting Date and Ending Date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a
far future datewhich is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an
Ending Date, the Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any
date, the Starting Date is set for one year in the past.
Title Sequence #This selection includes items with sequence numbers between a specified Starting
With and Ending With range. Titles are assigned a sequence number in the order they were entered into

the system; this option is helpful in identifying new records or records added to the system in a particular
order. If you only want information for one title, enter the sequence number in the Starting With field and
leave the Ending With field blank. If you enter no text, the selection is ignored.
Transaction DateThis selection includes transactions that were performed between a specified Starting
With and Ending With date range. If you enter only a Starting Date, Alexandria generates a far future
datewhich is the first of January, thirty years from the current date. If you enter only an Ending Date,
the Starting Date defaults to January 1st, 1904 (i.e. the far past). If you dont enter any date, the
Starting Date is set for one year in the past.
VendorThis selection includes item vendors between a specified Starting With and Ending With range.
If you only want information for one vendor, enter their name in the Starting With field and leave Ending
With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.

Alexandria Users Manual 619

Select By Options

Alexandria Report Select By Options

Vendor CodeThis selection includes vendors with codes between a specified Starting With and
Ending With range. If you only want information for one vendor, enter their code in the Starting With
field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A through Z.
Vendor Company NameThis selection includes names of vendor companies between a specified
Starting With and Ending With range. If you only want information for one vendor, enter their company
name in the Starting With field and leave Ending With blank. If you enter no text, the range will be A
through Z.

620 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Utilities
Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate an Item Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run an item utility.

Step 1.

Select Items from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Alexandria Users Manual 621

Item Utilities

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing. This is, however, not recommended.

Step 7.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 8.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

622 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Verify

Item Utilities

Item Utility Types

Item utilities are used to modify groups of items in your collection. These utilities let you easily and
quickly add, modify, and remove information for large groups of items. For example, you can remove
groups of items, replace copy locations for groups of items, and change call number prefixes for a group of
To make changes to a group of items, that group must have something in common for Alexandria to select.
For example, you can change the location for all items in a certain medium type.
Items utilities can be performed on many different groups of items. The Select By options available are
the same as Item Reports (see Select By Options on page 607).

Items: Verify
Use this utility to verify the internal status of item groups. This procedure reviews statistical information
and the internal data relations of your items. If problems are found, they are automatically fixed. If youve
had your data damaged due to power outages or hardware failures, you should run this utility to repair any
You should only use the Verify utility if you are instructed to do so by one of COMPanions awardwinning technical support staff.

Verify Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 623

Items: Replace Information

Item Utilities

Items: Replace Information

Use this utility to change an existing value to a new value for a group of items.

Replace Information: Replace Menus

Item PolicyReplaces the policy for the selected copies. If you select Titles & Copies, all copies

for that title are also updated. Use the drop-down menu to specify which policies are modified.
LibraryReplaces an items (or range of items) library data with whatever data you specify.
LocationReplaces an items (or range of items) location data with whatever data you specify.
ShelvingA second location indicator option if you want to further detail the location of items
on specific shelves at your location (note: this terminology can be customized in your Item Management preferences under Caption for Shelving Location; see page 131).
Show in ResearcherSets the Dont Show in Alexandria Researcher checkbox to OFF for
all selected titles (see Item Management Window: Statistics tab on page 251).
Dont Show in ResearcherSets the Dont Show in Alexandria Researcher checkbox to
ON for all selected titles (see Item Management Window: Statistics tab on page 251).
Funding SourceReplaces an items (or range of items) funding source with whatever data you

Replacement CostReplaces an items (or range of items) replacement cost with whatever data

you specify.
VendorSets or changes the vendor field for the indicated copies. Use this to standardize vendors for better reporting. (e.g. sometimes the vendor is listed as BTSB and other times as
Bound to Stay Bound, this can be used to change records to fir the desired format.)

624 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Replace Information

Item Utilities

Replace Information: With Menu

Use this menu to select the policy that you would like to replace the old one with.
Standard ItemReplaces information in Standard items only.
System ItemReplaces information in System items only.

Replace Information: Modify Menu

The Modify drop-down menu will only appear when you have an item policy selected from the Replace
drop-down menu. You can choose to replace the policy (selected from the With drop-down menu) on
titles, copies, or both titles and copies.
Titles & CopiesReplaces a specified value in both titles and copies.
Titles OnlyReplaces information for titles only.
Copies OnlyReplaces specified value for copies only.

Replace Information Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 625

Items: Replace Multiple

Item Utilities

Items: Replace Multiple

The Replace Multiple Utility accomplishes the same thing as the Replace Information Utility except
that it allows you change several different information fields at one time. Librarians often need to change
the Policy and Library at the same timeor Vendor and Funding Source. Previous to Replace
Multiple Utility, a user would have to run the Replace Information Utility twice to change two pieces of
information. Now, users may change several information fields all in the same run through.

Replace Multiple Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

626 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Modify Call Numbers

Item Utilities

Items: Modify Call Numbers

Use this utility to modify call numbers for titles and/or copies. Only the records selected using the Select
By drop-down menu are examined or modified.

Modify Call Numbers: Operation Menu

Add PrefixAdds a specified prefix to selected items. Selection of this Operation opens the
New Prefix data-entry field.
Replace PrefixReplaces a specified prefix with a new value. Selection of this Operation
opens the Replace Prefix and With data-entry fields.
Remove PrefixRemoves a specified prefix in matching records. Selection of this Operation
opens the Remove Prefix data-entry field, allowing you to input the prefix value that you would

like removed.
Change CaseChanges the specified case in titles or copy call numbers. Selection of this
Operation opens the To drop-down menu where you may select First Letter Uppercase, All
Letters Uppercase, or All Letters Lowercase.
Remove SlashesRemoves slashes within title or copy call numbers (e.g. ).

Modify Call Numbers: Modify Menu

Titles & CopiesModifies user-specified values in both titles and copies.
Titles OnlyModifies title call number information only.
Copies OnlyModifies copy call number information only.

Modify Call Numbers Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 627

Items: Remove Title

Item Utilities

Items: Remove Title

Use this utility to remove groups of titles. All the titles you select are permanently removed from

This utility does not remove titles that currently have copies checked out. Only titles that have no copies
checked out are removed. When a title is removed, all pending holds are also removed. When titles are
removed, all reservations for its copies are removed.

Remove Title Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

628 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Remove Copy

Item Utilities

Items: Remove Copy

Use this utility to remove a group of item copies. All the selected copies are permanently removed from
Alexandria. This utility does not remove copies that are checked out.

Remove titles without copiesIf all the copies for a title are removed, the title will also be
removed if the Remove titles without copies checkbox is marked.

Remove Copy Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 629

Items: Remove Archived Copies

Item Utilities

Items: Remove Archived Copies

This utility removes all copies that had their status set to Archived between the Starting and Ending
dates specified. If you leave the Starting Date blank, Alexandria uses January 1, 1900. If you leave
the Ending Date blank, Alexandria uses January 1, 2050. Thus, if you leave both dates blank, all
archived copies will be removed.
The title record will also be removed if the Remove titles without copies checkbox is marked and there
are no remaining copies for that title.

Remove Archived Copies Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

630 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Remove Lost Copies

Item Utilities

Items: Remove Lost Copies

This utility removes all copies which had their status set to Lost between the Starting and Ending dates
specified. If you leave the Starting Date blank, Alexandria uses January 1, 1900. If you leave the
Ending Date blank, Alexandria uses January 1, 2050. Thus, if you leave both dates blank, all lost
copies are removed.
The title record will also be removed if the Remove titles without copies checkbox is marked and there
are no remaining copies for that title.

From PatronWhen selected, running this utility will only remove copies that have been designated as Lost from patrons.
From InventoryWhen selected, running this utility will only remove copies that have been
designated as Lost from inventory.
BothWhen selected, all copies that have been a status of Lost or Discarded will be removed.

Remove Lost Copies Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 631

Items: Remove Discarded Copies

Item Utilities

Items: Remove Discarded Copies

This utility removes all copies which had their status set to Discarded between the Starting and Ending
dates specified. If you leave the Starting Date blank, Alexandria uses January 1, 1900. If you leave
the Ending Date blank, Alexandria uses January 1, 2050. Thus, if you leave both dates blank, all
discarded copies are removed.
The title will also be removed if the Remove titles without copies checkbox is marked and there are no
remaining copies for that title.

Remove Discarded Copies Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

632 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Remove Copy Transactions

Item Utilities

Items: Remove Copy Transactions

This utility removes all user-specified copy transactions. This is useful when the librarian has a problematic
item that just wont check in or when they want to remove an item but they can not because it is checked
out or has other transactions that prevent it from being removed.


Do not run this utility unless you are completely aware that you will lose the
Circulation status and details for all of the selected copies!

Remove Copy Transactions Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 633

Items: Remove NetLink II

Item Utilities

Items: Remove NetLink II

This utility removes all records from your collection that are part of the NetLink II add-on package.

Remove NetLink II Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

- N


Netlink is an optional feature of Alexandria; this Utility will only appear if you are
licensed to use the Netlink module.

634 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Remove NetLink III

Item Utilities

Items: Remove NetLink III

This utility removes all records from your collection that are part of the NetLink III add-on package.

Remove NetLink III Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

- N


Netlink is an optional feature of Alexandria; this Utility will only appear if you are
licensed to use the Netlink module.

Alexandria Users Manual 635

Items: Match Title to Copy Call Numbers

Item Utilities

Items: Match Title to Copy Call Numbers

This utility is meant to make title information match copy information instead of allowing the title call
number to be completely different from all of its copies.
If the title call number doesnt match any of its copys call numbers, then this utility will change the titles
call number to match the first copys call number. If the title call number already matches one of its copys
call numbers, then nothing will be changed.

Match Title to Copy Call Numbers Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

636 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Match Copy to Title Call Numbers

Item Utilities

Items: Match Copy to Title Call Numbers

This utility is meant to make copy call number information match title call number information instead of
allowing copies to be completely different from their title.
If a copys call number doesnt match its titles call number, then this utility will change the copys call
number to match the title. If the copy call number already matches the title call number, then nothing will
be changed.

Match Copy to Title Call Numbers Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 637

Items: Match Title Policies

Item Utilities

Items: Match Title Policies

This utility is meant to make title information match copy information instead of allowing the title to be
completely different from all of its copies.
If the title policy doesnt match any of its copys policies, then this utility will change the titles policy to
match the first copys policy. If the titles policy already matches one of its copys policies, then nothing will
be changed.

Match Title Policies Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

638 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Import Item Pictures

Item Utilities

Items: Import Item Pictures

This utility imports title and copy pictures from a user-specified selection range.

Import Item Pictures Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 639

Items: Remove Item Pictures

Item Utilities

Items: Remove Item Pictures

This utility removes title and copy pictures from a user-specified selection range.

Remove Item Pictures Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

640 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Check Out

Item Utilities

Items: Check Out

This utility checks items out from a specified selection to a System Patron. It also transfers items from
one System Patron status to another.

Check Out To System Patron Selections

1-Lost ItemsChecks out or transfers items to the Lost Items System Patron.
2-Discarded ItemsChecks out or transfers items to the Discarded Items System Patron.
3-Library Use ItemsChecks out or transfers items to the Library Use Items System Patron.
4-On Repair ItemsChecks out or transfers items to the On Repair Items System Patron.
5-On Order ItemsChecks out or transfers items to the On Order Items System Patron.
6-Archived ItemsChecks out or transfers items to the Archived Items System Patron.
9 - In Transit ItemsChecks out or transfers items to the In Transit Items System Patron.

Alexandria Users Manual 641

Items: Check Out

Item Utilities

Check Out From Options

SelectionChecks out based on your selection from the Select By drop-down menu.
1-Lost ItemsChecks out from the Lost Items System Patron.
2-Discarded ItemsChecks out from the Discarded Items System Patron.
3-Library Use ItemsChecks out from the Library Use Items System Patron.
4-On Repair ItemsChecks out from the On Repair Items System Patron.
5-On Order ItemsChecks out from the On Order Items System Patron.
6-Archived ItemsChecks out from the Archived Items System Patron.
9- In Transit ItemsChecks out from the In Transit Items System Patron.

Check Out Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

642 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Convert ISBN

Item Utilities

Items: Convert ISBN

By the year 2007, all existing 10-digit ISBNs will become 13 digits longthe Library of Congress has
even started implementing some 13 digit ISBNs. Regardless, every existing 13-digit ISBN has a
corresponding 10-digit ISBN and vice versa. This utility allows Alexandria users to convert ISBNs from 10
digits to 13 digits or from 13 digits to 10 digits.
Regardless of which conversion operation is performed, a new, additional ISBN of the desired length is
added to the MARC record only if the following conditions are met:
There exists a corresponding ISBN and it is not already available in the record.
The new ISBN appears as the last ISBN in the MARC view or ISBN editor.

Convert ISBN Operation Selections

From 10 to 13Converts existing 10-digit ISBNs to 13-digit.
From 13 to 10Retrogrades 13-digit ISBNs to 10-digit.

Alexandria Users Manual 643

Items: Import Lexiles

Item Utilities

Items: Import Lexiles

If you are licensed to use Alexandrias Lexiles module, you will be able to use this utility to download
Lexile measurements for all the items in your database. All newly Lexiled items will be recorded to the
Transaction log.

Lexile Server AddressUse this field to input a functioning Lexile Server Address; (default
is Do not include http://.
Allow Title MatchesThis checkbox works in two separate ways; if you dont make any Select
By options, Alexandria will only match items by ISBN. If you make a Select By option, Alexan-

dria will search first by ISBN, and if that is not found it will next look for title, author, and the
publisher (if author and title is similar).

Import Lexiles Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

- N


Alexandria Lexiles are an optional feature of Alexandria; this Utility will only appear if
you are licensed to use the Lexiles module.

644 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Flag Items Also in Public Library

Item Utilities

Items: Flag Items Also in Public Library

The Flag Items Also in Public Library Utility is used to help indicate which items in the Alexandria Data
Station can also be found at your local library (specified in your Library Information preferences; see page
page 137). Once flagged, a patron will be notified in the Web Researcher and Saved Lists if items can
also be found at their local libarary.

Flag Items Also in Public Library: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 645

Items: Clear Items Also in Public Library

Item Utilities

Items: Clear Items Also in Public Library

The Clear Items Also in Public Library utility performs the opposite of the Flag Items Also in Public
Library utilityit clears the local library flag from item records. It is useful to clear the local library flag
periodically and re-run the Flag Items Also in Public Library utility to obtain the most accurate
information. This utility is also useful if your local library shuts down or a newer library opens up closer.

Clear Items Also in Public Library: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

646 Alexandria Users Manual

Items: Mitinet Mechanic Express

Item Utilities

Items: Mitinet Mechanic Express

The Mitinet Mechanic Express utility exports your selected item record MARC data and sends it to
Mitinet for updating. Please refer to the Mitinet chapter of this users manual for more information (see
Mechanic Express on page 357 for more information).

Mitinet Mechanic Express: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 647

Items: Clear Mitinet Information

Item Utilities

Items: Clear Mitinet Information

When Mitinet records are returned, they contain some special information in local tags so that Alexandria
can correctly update your MARC records and correctly print new spine labels and the Call Number
Changes report (which print automatically after the import). The Clear Mitinet Information utility will
erase this information from the local tags.

Clear Mitinet Information: Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

648 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Utilities
Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate a Patron Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run a patron utility.

Step 1.

Select Patrons from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Alexandria Users Manual 649

Patron Utilities

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing. This is, however, not recommended.

Step 7.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 8.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

650 Alexandria Users Manual

Patrons: Verify

Patron Utilities

Patron Utility Types

Use Alexandrias utilities to change or remove groups of patrons. For example, there are utilities to change
patron policies, renew expired cards, and update expiration dates. Patrons may be selected from the same
criteria as Patron Reports (see Select By Options on page 607).

Patrons: Verify
Use this utility to verify and review the data and status of a group of patrons. This procedure reviews all the
circulation information and statistics for the selected patrons and ensures that it is accurate. This
procedure also examines the graduation year for each patron and adjusts the grade to match.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Verify Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 651

Patrons: Replace Information

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Replace Information

Use this utility to change existing values to a new value for a group of patrons.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Replace Information: Replace Menu

Patron PolicyReplaces the policies for the selected patrons.
HomeroomReplaces the location field for selected patrons. In schools, this field is typically the

2nd LocationReplaces the second location field for selected patrons.
SchoolReplaces the school name field for selected patrons.
GradeReplaces the grade field for selected patrons.
Card ExpirationUpdates and replaces the card expiration date with a specified date.
Graduation DateReplaces the graduation date with a specified date.

Replace Information: With Menu

These options will change and grow as you create more policies. What will appear in this drop-down menu
also depends on which Replace option you select.
Standard ItemReplaces information in Standard items only.
System ItemReplaces information in System items

Replace Information Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

652 Alexandria Users Manual

Patrons: Remove Patron

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Remove Patron

Use this utility to remove a group of patrons. Use the Select By drop-down menu to select the patrons
you want to remove. This utility does not remove patrons who have items checked out or have a current
balance due unless you have selected the Remove Patrons with Checkouts, Fines, Fees checkbox.
When a patron is removed, all their holds, reservations, and in-stock holds are also removed. If there are
any Patron History records, all but Payment History is removed.

Always RemoveIf you select this checkbox, items checked out to patrons who removed are
marked as Lost and any pending fines or charges are forgiventhe patron is then removed.
Clear Patron HistoryIf you check this box, when a patron is removed, their complete history

will be removed as well.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Remove Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 653

Patrons: Clear Patron History

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Clear Patron History

This utility removes all Patron History records that were created between the Starting and Ending dates
specified. If you leave the Starting Date blank, Alexandria uses January 1, 1900. If you leave the
Ending Date blank, Alexandria uses January 1, 2050. Thus, if you leave both dates blank, all lost
copies are removed.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Clear Patron History: For Menu

SelectionClears a patrons history for an indicated date range.
Removed PatronsUnless you have Clear Patron History checked when you use the
Remove Patron utility, a patrons complete history will remain even if the patron is deleted.

Select this option to clear the complete history for a removed patron.

Clear Patron History Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

654 Alexandria Users Manual

Patrons: Advance Levels

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Advance Levels

The Advance Levels utility moves patrons with grades in the Grade table (see Global Patron
Management Preferences: Grade on page 158) up one level for each time the utility is performed.
COMPanion recommends that you make an Archive of your data before performing this utiltiy.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Advance Levels Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 655

Patrons: Renew Patron Cards

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Renew Patron Cards

Renews any patrons whose cards have expired or will expire in the next two weeks. Card is renewed for the
period specified in the patron policy.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Renew Patron Cards Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

656 Alexandria Users Manual

Patrons: Import Patron Pictures

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Import Patron Pictures

Use this utility to import patron pictures into Alexandria. Running this utility opens up a standard
operating system explorer window. Guide Alexandria to the directory folder, CD-ROM, or storage media
device containing your patron pictures. Alexandria will attempt to match your pictures to your patrons
depending on the image filenames.
For example, lets say that you have a student named John Doe whose barcode in Alexandria is 1080 and
you would like to import a jpeg picture of him. His picture file must be named 1080.jpg so that
Alexandria can match it to Johns barcode. If all your patron image files were created using patron barcode
numbers (e.g. 1080.jpg), then Alexandria will individually import each picture into your patron data,
accessible through Patron Management.
The Import Patron Pictures utility will first attempt to match the filename by Barcode, then Govt ID,
and finally Community ID (see page 227 for more information about Govt ID and Community ID). If
Alexandria is unable to match your filename to a patron using the above criteria, the picture will be
ignored and reported in the Transaction log.
You can import most standard image files into Alexandria (i.e. GIF, JPEG, BMP, PICT).

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Import Patron Pictures Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 657

Patrons: Remove Patron Pictures

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Remove Patron Pictures

Use this utility to remove pictures from a selection of patrons.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Remove Patron Pictures Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

658 Alexandria Users Manual

Patrons: Export Patron Pictures

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Export Patron Pictures

Exports your patron pictures to a Patron Pictures folder located in Alexandrias support folder. Each
patron picture is named with the patron's barcode number and is exported in .jpg format.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Remove Patron Pictures Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 659

Patrons: Keep Patron History

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Keep Patron History

This utility will activate or deactivate the Keep Patron History checkbox (which is located in the Patron
Managements Statistics window; see page 230) for a selected range of patrons. When the Keep Patron
History box is checked, Alexandria keeps a history of that patrons transactions.
To activate the patron history from a range of selected patrons, check the Keep Patron History box on this
window, choose your Select By options and click Run; to deactivate patron histories, perform the same
procedure, only deselect the Keep Patron History box.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Keep Patron History Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

660 Alexandria Users Manual

Patrons: Remove All Transactions

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Remove All Transactions

This utility removes all transactions for selected patrons.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Remove All Transactions Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.


Do not run this utility unless you want to lose Circulation details for the selected

Alexandria Users Manual 661

Patrons: Create Saved List

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Create Saved List

This utility allows administrators to create Admin or Patron Type saved lists that appear in the Web
Researcher (see Saved Lists on page 409). An Admin Type saved list cannot be deleted by users while a
Patron Type saved list can.
To create a new Admin or Patron Type saved list, first select the type you would like to add to the Saved
List section of the Web Researcher. Next, supply the name of the saved list in the Name field (e.g.
Summer Reading List). Finally, select the patron, or range of patrons, for which you will be adding this
new saved list. Click the Run button to perform this utility.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Create Saved List Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

662 Alexandria Users Manual

Patrons: Remove Saved List

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Remove Saved List

This utility allows administrators to remove Admin or Patron Type saved lists that appear in the Web
Researcher (see Saved Lists on page 409). An Admin Type saved list cannot be removed by students or
patrons while a Patron Type saved list can.
To remove an existing Admin or Patron Type saved list, first select the type that you would like to remove
from the Saved List section of the Web Researcher. If you would like to remove a saved list from both
the Admin or Patron Type, select Both.
Next, supply the name of the saved list in the Name field (e.g. Summer Reading List). Finally, select
the patron, or range of patrons and click the Run button to perform this utility.
If a saved list with a particular Name (e.g. Summer Reading List) occurs in both the Admin and
Patron Type and Both was selected, they will be removed from either type.
If you wish to remove all saved lists of a particular type, select either Admin or Patron Type (or Both)
without specifying a Name. Next, select All Patrons (or a range of patrons) and Run the utility.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Remove Saved List Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 663

Patrons: Clear Saved List

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Clear Saved List

This utility allows administrators to clear the contents of Admin or Patron Type saved lists1. To clear the
contents of an Admin or Patron Type saved list, first select the type that you would like to clear; if you
would like to clear all of your saved lists, select Both.
You may also supply the name of the saved list in the Name field (e.g. Summer Reading List). Finally,
select the patron, or range of patrons and click the Run button to perform this utility. If a saved list with a
particular Name (e.g. Summer Reading List) occurs in both the Admin and Patron Type and Both
was selected, they will be both be cleared.
If you wish to clear all saved lists of a particular type, select either Admin or Patron Type (or Both)
without specifying a Name. Next, select All Patrons (or a range of patrons) and Run the utility.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Clear Saved List Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

1. Saved lists appears in the Web Researcher (see Saved Lists on page 409).

664 Alexandria Users Manual

Patrons: Remove Lexile Scores

Patron Utilities

Patrons: Remove Lexile Scores

This utility completely removes lexile measurements for patrons within a selected range.

Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50When this box is checked, all of Alexandrias Special Patrons (see Special/System Patrons on page 311) will be included in the utility.

Remove Lexile Scores Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.


Do not run this utility unless you want to completely erase Lexile measurements for
selected patrons within your database!

Alexandria Users Manual 665

Patrons: SIF Synchronize

Patron Utilities

Patrons: SIF Synchronize

The SIF: Synchronize utility is used to import student and staff data from the ZIS (Zone Integration
Server) into Alexandria. This utility can be used to initially import data into a blank Alexandria data folder
or can be used to synchronize your student and staff data each year (e.g. update graduation dates and grade
level increases, etc). Before using the SIF: Synchronize utility, you must first make sure that all your SIF
Preferences have been correctly setup and are functioning properly (see SIF Preferences on page 191).

- N


The SIF protocol is an optional feature of Alexandria. You must have purchased a SIF
license in order to use this feature.
The main SIF: Synchronize utility window is rather unassumingyou wont see any selectable options
aside from the Cancel and Run buttons. Click Run to open the secondary SIF: Synchronize window.

Before the secondary SIF: Synchronize window appears, you will be asked to archive your data before
continuing. Click Yes to archive or No to continue without archivingpress Cancel to abort the utility.

666 Alexandria Users Manual

Patrons: SIF Synchronize

Patron Utilities

SIF: Synchronize
After choosing whether to archive your data or not, the secondary SIF: Synchronize utility window will
appear. This utility window contains a number of selectable options described in detail below.

Synchronize With (School)This field contains the ZIS sites (i.e. schools) in which Alexandria
will synchronize student/staff data. The synchronization process, once initiated, can take an indeterminate amount of time.
Available Sites (School)This field contains a complete list of sites (i.e. schools) found by
requesting the SchoolInfo from the ZIS. This list can be refreshed by selecting the Refresh
button. Please note that ZIS-related schools will only appear in the Available Sites field if you
have properly set up your SIF Preferences (see SIF Preferences on page 191).
AddYou may add schools to the Synchronize With field by selecting (highlighting) a school
from the Available Sites field and clicking the Add button. Alternately, you may click the Add
All button to add all the available schools to the Synchronize With field.
RemoveTo remove a school, select (or highlight) the school name from the Synchronize
With field and click the Remove button. Alternately, you may click the Remove All button to
remove all the schools from the Synchronize With field.

Alexandria Users Manual 667

Patrons: SIF Synchronize

Patron Utilities

RefreshIf you select this button, then the ZIS will be queried for all SchoolInfo objects and
the Available Sites list will be refreshed. Due to the nature of SIF, this may take a few minutes
or, sometimes, days.
Include StudentsIf this box is checked, students will be imported from the selected sites that
are contained in Available Sites field. This box is checked by default.
Include StaffIf this box is checked, staff will be imported for the selected sites that are contained in Available Sites field.
Do not use Staff AssignmentThis option will appear unselectable (i.e. grayed out) if the ver-

sion of SIF that you are running is less than 1.5. However, you may check this box if your version
of SIF is 1.5 or higher and you do not wish to use the StaffAssignment object.
Reset patron SIF datesIf you check this box then all newly imported patron records will have
the date that they were last changed via SIF cleared. During (or after) synchronization, you can
run the synchronization report to see how many patrons have been imported since the date was
last cleared.
Clear StudentPersonal and StaffPersonal RefIdsIf you check this box, all StudentPersonal and StaffPersonal RefIDs will be cleared. The type of the object will also be cleared.
Last RequestedThis field contains the date and time that the most recent request for Available Sites was last generated. The request is made when clicking the Refresh button. It may

take a few minutes for this field to be updated after you have requested a refresh. Default time is
12:00 am.
Last RefreshedThis is the last time that a SchoolInfo message was received from the ZIS to

fill a refresh request. It takes an indeterminate amount of time depending on the number of messages in the queue and due to the asynchronous nature of SIF communications. Default is 12:00
ProceedClick the Proceed button to send the synchronize request to the agent and begin

the SIF synchronization process. The successful completion of this utility may take some time.
CancelClose this window without sending a synchronize request. Please keep in mind that
this will not cancel or undo any requests that have already been sent.

668 Alexandria Users Manual

Vendor Utilities
Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate a Vendor Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run a vendor utility.

Step 1.

Select Vendors from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Alexandria Users Manual 669

How to Initiate a Vendor Utility

Vendor Utilities
Step 6.

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.

Any significant change to your Alexandria data will open the Archive First window. Be
sure to make an archive of your valuable collection data before proceeding with the utility.
While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing.
If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 7.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

670 Alexandria Users Manual

Vendor: Verify

Vendor Utilities

Vendor Utility Types

Use Alexandrias Vendor utilities to make important changes to your vendor information.

Vendor: Verify
Checks the vendor records to ensure that each one contains the proper data (i.e. makes sure the number
fields only contain numbers, money fields have correct monetary amounts, etc).

Verify Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 671

Vendor Utilities

Vendor: Remove

Vendor: Remove
Use this utility to remove all or several vendors at the same time.

Remove Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

672 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation Utilities
Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate a Circulation Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run a circulation utility.

Step 1.

Select Circulation from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).
When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Step 4.

Any significant change to your Alexandria data will open the Archive First window. Be
sure to make an archive of your valuable collection data before proceeding with the utility.

Alexandria Users Manual 673

How to Initiate a Circulation Utility

Circulation Utilities
Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing.

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.
Step 7.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

674 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation: Verify

Circulation Utilities

Circulation Utility Types

Use Alexandrias Circulation utilities to make important changes to your circulation policies; verify and
update your circulation records and correct batches of incorrect due dates.

Circulation: Verify
Use the Verify utility to examine all of your circulation records for internal consistency. Bad circulation
records will either be fixed or removed, depending on the type of problem that is detected. This utility does
not update circulation records with policy changes.

There are no Select By options available for the Verify Circulation utility.

Alexandria Users Manual 675

Circulation Utilities

Circulation: Update

Circulation: Update
The Update utility performs the same functions as the Verify Circulation utility (see page 675) for all
circulation records, but also updates any changes that were made to policies since the last transaction. For
example, you would use the Update utility if youve set new fine rates and want them applied to existing
Please remember that using the Update utility will only apply policy changes retroactively, meaning that
you are holding someone responsible for a policy or fine increase that they may not have been accountable
for at the time.

Update will NOT modify
a manual (period or hard)
due date!

There are no Select By options available for the Update Circulation utility.

676 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation: Fix Due Date

Circulation Utilities

Circulation: Fix Due Date

The Fix Due Date utility allows you to change a selection of incorrect due dates if those dates get entered
incorrectly, fall on an unreported holiday, or any other unforeseeable circumstance.

Use the To Date field to provide the new due date for the selected, loaned items.
When you enter any type of specially-formatted information such as dates you can enter values in a wide
range of formats. For example, you can enter the date December 1, 2010 as: Dec 1, 2010 or 12/1/10
or 12.1.10 or 12 1 10. If using the current year, you can just enter 12/1. If the current month is
December, you can just enter 1. Default is blank.

Fix Due Date Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 677

Circulation Utilities

678 Alexandria Users Manual

Circulation: Fix Due Date

Check for Update Utilities

Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate a Check for Update Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run an update utility.

Step 1.

Select Check for Updates from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Alexandria Users Manual 679

How to Initiate a Check for Update Utility

Check for Update Utilities

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing.

Step 7.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 8.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

680 Alexandria Users Manual

Check for Updates: Check for Updates

Check for Update Utilities

Check for Updates Utility Types

Alexandrias Check for Updates utility downloads important updates to your software.

Check for Updates: Check for Updates

This utility will check for any available Alexandria updates. If there are any available, they will be presented
and you will have the option of choosing which you would like installed. You should archive your data
before performing an update; we recommend that you read the release notes thoroughly beforehand to
ensure that your hardware meets the minimum system requirements and so that you are aware of any
major software changes that were made.

There are no Select By options available for the Check for Updates utility.

Alexandria Users Manual 681

Check for Update Utilities

Check for Updates: Check for Updates

Available Updates
Use this window to choose from a list of available updates. Select (highlight) the update that you would
like to download and click the Update button to download it. Hit the Cancel button to close the
Available Updates window.

Since not everybody is allowed to update to the newest version (and some may not want to), the
Available Updates window will only contain versions which meet your machine and version

requirements. Users may select which update they would like to download and then install. The
Available Updates window also includes updates for Help files and NetLink records.

682 Alexandria Users Manual

Check for Updates: Get Resources

Check for Update Utilities

Check for Updates: Get Resources

This utility will check for any missing Alexandria resources. If there are any missing, they will be
automatically downloaded. You should archive your data before performing an update.

There are no Select By options available for the Check for Resources utility.

Alexandria Users Manual 683

Check for Update Utilities

684 Alexandria Users Manual

Check for Updates: Get Resources

Authority Control Utilities

Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate an Authority Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run an authority control utility.

Step 1.

Select Authority Control from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Alexandria Users Manual 685

How to Initiate an Authority Utility

Authority Control Utilities

Step 5.

Press the OK button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing.

Step 7.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 8.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

686 Alexandria Users Manual

Authority Control: Build from Existing Records

Authority Control Utilities

Authority Control Utility Type

These utilities help to create and clear your authority control entries.

Authority Control: Build from Existing Records

This utility will create authority-controlled records based off your existing database information. For more
information on the procedures of this utility, please review the section that begins on page 340.

There are no Select By options available for the Build from Existing Records Authority Control utility.

Alexandria Users Manual 687

Authority Control Utilities

Authority Control: Remove Duplicates

Authority Control: Remove Duplicates

This utility will re-verify all of your current authority-controlled fields and remove any duplicate entries.

There are no Select By options available for the Remove Duplicates Authority Control utility.

688 Alexandria Users Manual

Database Utilities
Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate a Database Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run a database utility.

Step 1.

Select Database from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Alexandria Users Manual 689

How to Initiate a Database Utility

Database Utilities
Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing.

Step 7.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 8.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

690 Alexandria Users Manual

Database: Rebuild

Database Utilities

Database Utility Type

Database utilities allow you to correct problems with the record structures saved on disk. Unlike the Verify
utility type, these utilities dont look at individual pieces of datathey look at entire records. If youve had
a power outage (or other serious problems with your hardware), you may need to run this utility.
Please keep in mind that the mini-rebuilds which occur during the launch of Alexandria after a system
failure or during certain upgrades are not the same as this full Rebuild and do not supervent the need for
running this utility.

Database: Rebuild
The Rebuild utility rebuilds all data files and then runs all Verify (Patrons and Items) routines. If data
damage is detected, its automatically fixed. Some records may be deleted if they are irreparably damaged.
If unrecoverable damage is detected, youll be notified and will have to restore from a backup before you
can continue. Alexandria tries very, very hard to recover your data. If it cant be done, there is nothing
COMPanion can further do to restore the data. Your best protection are frequent backups of your valuable
data. Run this utility once a month to keep your data in good order.

the Rebuild utility.

There are no Select By options available for the Rebuild database utility.

Alexandria Users Manual 691

Database Utilities

Database: Rebuild and Backup

Database: Rebuild and Backup

This utility will rebuild your Alexandria data, compress it, and send it to COMPanion's server as an offsite backup. It is recommended that you perform an archive before running this utility. Your FTP ports
must be open through your firewall to successfully complete the backup. Only one backup will be kept per
Data Station, so re-running this utility will delete the previous backup and replace it with the newest one.

There are no Select By options available for the Rebuild and Backup database utility.

692 Alexandria Users Manual

Data Station Utilities

Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate a Data Station Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run a Data Station utility.

Step 1.

Select Data Station from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Alexandria Users Manual 693

How to Initiate a Data Station Utility

Data Station Utilities

Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing.

Step 7.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 8.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

694 Alexandria Users Manual

Data Station: Restart

Data Station Utilities

Data Station Utility Type

Use Alexandrias Data Station utilities to execute Data Station operations remotely.

Data Station: Restart

This option is only available from Alexandria Librarian workstations. It allows the user to restart the Data
Station remotely. During the restart, services will be unavailable for all users.
If the Require User Login checkbox is checked in the Global Administration preferences, then you will
be shown the Alexandria Login window and a user with the proper authorization will have to login to
perform circulation or cataloging functions.
Remote Control services will send out a warning to all users and every Librarian workstation will have to
approve in order for the Data Station to be restarted.

Alexandria Users Manual 695

Data Station Utilities

Data Station: Quit Data Station

Data Station: Quit Data Station

This option is only available from Alexandria Librarian workstations. It allows the user to shut down the
Data Station remotely.
If the Require User Login checkbox is checked in the Global Administration preferences, then you will
be shown the Alexandria Login window and a user with proper authorization will have to login to perform
circulation or cataloging functions.
Remote Control services will send out a warning to all users and every Librarian workstation will have to
approve in order for the Data Station to be shut down.

696 Alexandria Users Manual

Logs Utilities
Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate a Logs Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run a log utility.

Step 1.

Select Logs from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Alexandria Users Manual 697

How to Initiate a Logs Utility

Logs Utilities
Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing.

Step 7.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 8.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

698 Alexandria Users Manual

Logs: View Server Log

Logs Utilities

Logs Utility Type

These utilities are only available from an Alexandria Librarian workstation.

Logs: View Server Log

View Server Log will open a copy of the Data Station's Transaction log. This allows the user to see all of

the transactions and activities that have occurred on the main Data Station.

Alexandria Users Manual 699

Logs Utilities

Logs: View Release Notes

Logs: View Release Notes

View Release Notes allows a user to see all of the release notes that are available on the Data Station. If

there are no release notes available, the user is given the option of downloading them.

700 Alexandria Users Manual

Catalog Utilities
Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate a Catalog Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run a catalog utility.

Step 1.

Select Catalog Utilities from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Alexandria Users Manual 701

How to Initiate a Catalog Utility

Catalog Utilities

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing.

Step 7.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 8.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

702 Alexandria Users Manual

Catalog Utility Type

Catalog Utilities

Catalog Utility Type

Catalog Utilities allow the user to add New, Modify, Switch Tag#, or Remove any information within

a MARC record stored in your collection. Only records within a selected range are examined for
modification. When an asterix * appears next to a selection in the Select Tag_Subfield drop-down
menu, it means that only one (of the selected) is allowed per item. For example, you can only have one
Main Author* per title and there can be only one Medium* type.


Catalog Utilities permanently modify groups of records. If you are unsure (or just
want to be safe), perform an Archive of your data before you perform this utility. In

the event of a huge mistake, you can restore your old data. Be extra careful when you
use these routines!
Since Alexandria stores data in a MARC format, making changes involves modifying data in your MARC
tags and subfields. The utility allows you to specify a specific subfield, or specify multiple subfields within
the same tag.
When checking for data to modify, you can specify wildcard characters for matching purposes. Use the *
character to specify any number of characters, and the ? character to specify a wildcard match for only
one (or no) character.
If you specify only a tag in the Tag_Subfield area, then you must specify subfields in the other fields.
Thus, to remove all subfields in the 260 tag, enter only 260 in the Tag_Subfield field, and in the Value
to Remove field enter _a*_b*_c* The wildcard character, *, causes Alexandria to match all values,
and since this is a Remove operation, it will remove all the specified subfields. When all subfields are
removed from a tag, the tag itself is automatically removed. Use _? to specify any subfield.

Alexandria Users Manual 703

Catalog Utility Type

Catalog Utilities

Thus, to look for all author listings that begin with Asimov, enter Asimov* as we do in the following

In this example, the user wants all author entries for Isaac Asimov to have the same format.
Step 1.

Set the selection to only examine records where the author is Asimov1.

Step 2.

Specify that we want to modify only data in the 100_a tag.

Step 3.

Just to be sure, check to see that the author begins with Asimov.

Step 4.

We replace matching 100_as with Asimov, Isaac.

Step 5.

Click Run to change your data.

Click Cancel to abort the utility.


Once a change has been performed, it can not be undone! Only unprocessed records
are cancelled. Any record that was modified by the utility will remain modified.

1.In this example, the utility would also change author Janet Asimovs entries to Issac. We should have specifically selected the author
as Isaac Asimov. Use this utility with great care!

704 Alexandria Users Manual

Catalog Utilities: New

Catalog Utilities

Catalog Utilities: New

Use this feature to add new MARC tags and subfields to records. This can be especially useful for adding
local interest subjects or additional subjects such as Native Americans to anything with the subject
Indians of North America.

Tag_SubfieldIndicate the tag and subfield that should be added (e.g. 650_a).
Value to addEnter the data that should be stored in the new tag or subfield.

New Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 705

Catalog Utilities

Catalog Utilities: Modify

Catalog Utilities: Modify

Use this utility to change specific subfield information.

Tag_SubfieldIndicate the tag and subfield that should be modified (e.g. 650_a).
Value to modifyEnter the data that should be modified in the tag or subfield.
New ValueEnter the new value that will be replacing the old in this field.

Modify Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

706 Alexandria Users Manual

Catalog Utilities: Remove

Catalog Utilities

Catalog Utilities: Remove

Use this utility to remove specific tags and subfields. This could be used to remove tags such as the 650_x
that says Juvenile Fiction or Juvenile Literature.

Tag_SubfieldIndicate the tag and subfield that should be removed (e.g. 650_x).
Value to removeEnter the information that should be removed. This field supports wildcards
so entering Juvenile * (the term followed by an asterix) will delete all of the indicated tag and
subfields that start with Juvenile.

Remove Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

Alexandria Users Manual 707

Catalog Utilities

Catalog Utilities: Switch Tag #

Catalog Utilities: Switch Tag #

Use this utility to change tag numbers globally. This should be used cautiously as tags follow a very
standardized formatting and only similar tags should be changed (100, 700, 800, 600, etc).

ReplaceEnter the tag number you want replaced; for example, you could enter 490 (untraced

WithEnter the tag number that the one above should be changed to; for example, you could
enter 440 (traced series).

Switch Tag # Select By Options

See page 607 for complete and detailed descriptions of this utilitys Select By options.

708 Alexandria Users Manual

Verify Utilities
Most of the circulation operations in Alexandria are designed to modify individual pieces of data one entry
at a time. Utilities can change large amounts of information in your Alexandria database with a single

How to Initiate a Verify Utility

From the File menu, select Utilities.

Use the following steps to run a verify utility.

Step 1.

Select Verify Utilities from the Utility Type drop-down menu.

Step 2.

If the utility youve selected has more than one option, an Operation drop-down menu
appears. Select an Operation from the drop-down menu. Some operations will require
additional information. Fill in the specific information as required by the utility.

Step 3.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select which records are to be processed by the
utility. You can make up to six selections with And, Or, and And Not (Boolean logic).

Alexandria Users Manual 709

Verify Utilities

Users may perform tasks
while some utilities are
processing. However,
DO ANYTING during the
Rebuild utility.

Step 4.

When you choose values in the selection drop-down menus, other fields may appear, asking for additional information.

Step 5.

Press the Run button. As Alexandria performs the utility, a Status window appears. You
can abort the utility by clicking Cancel. Note, this will only stop the utility in its tracks;
any records modified before you stop the utility will remain modified.

Step 6.

While some utilities are processing, you may perform other tasks within Alexandria. For
example, you may circulate items or prepare a report. Some utility operations execute at
lower priorities than other Alexandria processes. Thus, if you run a Report, the utility will
rest while the report is processing.

Step 7.

If the utility status window is hidden behind other windows, select it from the Windows
menu to bring it to the forefront.

Step 8.

When the utility is complete, the Status window automatically closes and a utility complete entry is placed in the Transaction log. Most of Alexandrias utilities create entries
in the log so you can view which records have been modified.


Before you use any Utility, you need to Archive your data. Thus, if you discover that
youve performed an operation that has damaged your data, you can recover from a
previous archive.

710 Alexandria Users Manual

Verify: Verify All

Verify Utilities

Verify Utilities Utility Type

Verify utilities are used to verify Alexandria data files and that internal relationships are valid and logical.
When bad relationships are identified, they are corrected. Verification does not rebuild database structures
or indexes.

Verify: Verify All

Verifies all data files (including patrons, items and circulation), with one command.

There are no Select By options available for the Verify Utilities.

Alexandria Users Manual 711

Verify Utilities

Verify: Verify Budgets

Verify: Verify Budgets

Examines all budgets, making sure that they are computed correctly and that all statistics are valid.

There are no Select By options available for the Verify Utilities.

Verify: Verify Orders

Examines all orders for accuracy. The system confirms that all related data exists in your system.

There are no Select By options available for the Verify Utilities.

712 Alexandria Users Manual

Verify: Verify Routes

Verify Utilities

Verify: Verify Routes

Examines all routes, confirming that the responsible patron exists and that patrons in your route lists exist
in the system.

There are no Select By options available for the Verify Utilities.

Verify: Verify Subscriptions

Examines all subscriptions, confirming that related data exists and that internal information is logically

There are no Select By options available for the Verify Utilities.

Alexandria Users Manual 713

Verify Utilities

Verify: Verify Vendors

Verify: Verify Vendors

Examines all vendors, making sure that vendor statistics are accurate and logical.

There are no Select By options available for the Verify Utilities.

714 Alexandria Users Manual

Data Import
There are times when youll want to add information into Alexandria from other sources (such as MARC
records from a book purchase or patron information from a central database). The process of adding
information into Alexandria from other sources is called importing.
Alexandria supports importing of patron, item, and transaction command information.

The Data Import Window

There are two ways of importing patron or item data into Alexandria. The first is to select Import from the
File menu and then guide Alexandria to the location of your import file. The second way is to drag the
import file onto the Circulation window.
When importing patrons or items, youll see the following window appear.

The window above is shown for special format, tab-delimited, MARC and MicroLIF imports. The
following pages show you how to set your import preferences.

Alexandria Users Manual 715

Global Settings

Data Import

Global Settings
There are two check boxes available as your Global Settings.
Archive FirstWhen this option is selected, Alexandria will Archive your data before the

import is performed. This is useful when bad data is imported and its necessary to go back to a
previous database. Default is ON. The archive that is created will be placed in the folder specified
in your Archive Preferences (see Scheduled Events Preferences on page 199).
Strip Leading AlphasWhen this option is selected, leading alpha characters on imported barcode are ignored. For example, XYZ100 would be turned to100 if this option is ON. Default
is OFF.

On the bottom left-hand side of the Data Import window are three buttons directly related to the import
file queue field.
View FileTo view the file before its imported, highlight it and click on this button. It will
open the import file in COMPedit, Alexandrias integrated word processor and allows you to
view its contents.
AddAllows you to place more import files in the queue through an operating system standard
explorer window. You can also add more files by dragging them into the File Import List field,
Alexandria program icon, or Circulation window.
RemoveHighlight an import file and click this button to remove it from the File Import List


716 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Settings

Data Import

Item Settings
Item Settings determine what changes to make to an item data file on import. During import, if
Alexandria detects an item barcode that is less than three alphanumeric digits, it will pad the beginning of
the barcode with Xs. For example, if you are importing an item with the barcode of 7, then Alexandria
will automatically import it as XX7.

Starting Item BarcodeIf a new item barcode number is required, Alexandria will assign num-

bers beginning with the value you enter in this field. Alexandria always checks to see if a barcode
is already in use, and if it is, a new barcode number is automatically selected. Default is
LibraryIf the collection code for the record youre importing isnt specified, this collection value
will be placed into the 852_a tag. Default is blank.
LocationIf the location code for the record youre importing isnt specified, this location value
will be placed into the 852_b tag. Default is blank.
ShelvingIf the second location code for the record youre importing isnt specified, this location value will be placed into the 852_c tag. Default is blank.
Funding SourceIf the funding code for the record youre importing isnt specified, this location value will be placed into the 852_1 tag under a specially-formatted subfield. Default is

VendorIf the vendor code for the record youre importing isnt specified, this location value
will be placed into the 852_1 tag under a specially-formatted subfield. Default is blank.
Item PolicyIf the record youre importing doesnt have an item policy defined, this policy you
select from this drop-down menu will be used. Default is Standard Item.

Alexandria Users Manual 717

Item Settings

Data Import
CopiesSpecifies how copies are managed on import. Default is Always Add Copies.

Always Add CopiesWhen importing, any copies that exist in the import file are imported to
either Add New Copies or Update Existing Copies. If the title record being imported doesnt
contain any copies, then a new default copy is added to the imported title record even if Alexandria already has a matching title that has a copy.
Never Add CopiesCopies from imported records are essentially ignored. Only the title infor-

mation is imported.
Add Found CopiesIf youre updating titles and a match is made, add or update the copy as
appropriate. If youre not updating titles, simply add a new title for every record imported and
add all copies that are included in the import record (there is no matching; any barcodes that are
duplicates of barcodes that already exist within your Alexandria database will be reassigned).
Use Existing BarcodesWhen this option is selected, barcode numbers found in imported records are
used as is during import. When this option is unchecked, all item barcodes are reassigned using the
Starting Item Barcode number (detailed on the previous page). Default is checked.

If you know for sure that your vendor assigned dummy barcode numbers with your MARC records,
youll want to turn this option Off to force Alexandria to assign new barcode numbers according to your
system preferences.
Allow Title UpdatesWhen this option is checked, imported data will update existing titles if specific

key fields match. When this option is not checked, only new records are added. Default is checked.
Typically, youll want Alexandria to add new copies to existing titles, or use the import function to update
brief records. If, however, you want Alexandria to create new title records for each MARC record
imported, uncheck this option.
OnIf the title or copy data is matched, existing title record is modified (whether that means

adding copies or updating copy and title info).

OffExisting titles are never modified by import. If a barcode matches another, it is reassigned.

Title records are addedcopies may (or may not be) added.
Require Exact Title MatchWhen checked, information will only be imported if there is an exact title
Require Matching Library CodeWhen checked, copy data is ignored where the 852_a library code
doesnt match the current library code specified on the Library Information preferences window (see
Information on page 138). When there is no 852_a information, it is assumed to be the local collection
code. When unchecked, all copies are importedno matter what the 852_a tag contains. Default setting

is unchecked.
Require Matching LocationWhen this box is checked, only copy information with your data stations
location code (or no location code) is imported. All other library codes are ignored. Default is OFF.
Use Call# MatchingWhen checked, any call numbers within the call number range specified in your
Item Policies preference window will be assigned to that particular item policy. See Item Policies on
page 169 for more information on Call# Mapping.

718 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Settings

Data Import

Patron Settings
Patron Settings determine what changes to make to a patron data file on import. During import, if
Alexandria detects an item barcode that is less than three alphanumeric digits, it will take the Next
Barcode specified in your Patron Preferences (page 157) and assigns that barcode to the patron being

Starting Patron BarcodeIf a new patron barcode number is required, Alexandria will begin
assigning numbers beginning with this value. Alexandria always checks to see if a value is already
in use, and if it is, a new number is automatically selected. Default is 1100000.
Patron SchoolIf the patron youre importing doesnt have a school defined in their import file,

this field will apply a school in their patron record. Default is blank.
Patron PolicyIf the patron youre importing doesnt have a policy defined in their import file,
this policy will be applied as the default. Default is Standard Patron.
Allow Patron UpdatesWhen this box is checked, imported data is used to update existing
patrons if specific key fields match. When this box is not checked, only new records are added.
Default is checked.
Use Existing BarcodesWhen this box is checked, barcode numbers found in imported
records are used as is during import. When this option is not checked, all barcodes are reassigned
using your Starting Patron Barcode number. Default is checked.

Alexandria Users Manual 719


Data Import

Browse through the import file, make changes to the character sets, or select a range of records to import.

First RecordAllows you to specify the first record to import from this file.
Last RecordAllows you to specify the last record to import from this file.
Character SetAlexandria tries to detect what character set a file is using and by default it

imports a file with that set. However, if for some reason you find it necessary to use a character set
other than the one specified, you can change it here and browse through the records in this file to
make sure the results will be what you expect.
Diacritics are the little marks or squiggles often found above or below certain letters of the alphabet to indicate special phonetic pronunciation. If you are importing an item or patron file into
Alexandria that contains alphanumeric characters with diacritics, they will be correctly preserved
upon import.
There are several different ways to insert diacritics when cataloguing; usually determined by your
operating system (Windows or Macintosh) and what standard character set you use. More often
than not, diacritics can be entered using a series of keyboard commands.

720 Alexandria Users Manual

Importing Data Files

Data Import

Importing Data Files

Click the Start import button to begin the import. Use the Pause import button to halt import
temporarily. Use the Stop import button to end the import. During import, status is shown on the top
left-hand side of the Data Import window.


Importing Statistical Information

Be careful when importing statistical information. The numbers you import (such as
Copies Available or January Usage) will replace the current Alexandria library
statistics and could result in loss of information. For example, if the program
calculates 25 as the January Usage, and you import the number 12, the system will
now show 12 although 25 is correct.

Computerized Records
Before we go further, it will help to understand some basic concepts about computerized records. In order
to exchange information between different programs (or even between different computer systems), one
needs to get the information into a format that many different programs can understand. The standard,
called ASCII1, is widely used to exchange information between different programs and operating systems.
Sometimes an ASCII file is called a text file (*.txt) because all it contains is textual information.
ASCII files contain two types of characters: standard visible characters such as numbers and letters of the
alphabet, and special characters that are called Control Characters2. Control Characters are used for
special purposes to control the display or interpret the information in the file. If you have computerized
data, you may be familiar with the <tab> and <return> control characters that are used to make text
more legible.
When dealing with computerized information systems, you often hear the terms field, record, and file. A
field is the smallest unit of information stored. An example of a field is a books title. A record is a related
group of fields. Many records of the same type saved together are called a file. For example, in a file of
names, a record consists of the fields First Name and Last Name. A more complex file may include
records with other fields such as Phone Number and Address. In other words, records contain fields
filled with information, and files contain many records.
In the library world, there is a fairly well-defined method of exchanging bibliographic information
between computers. This format is called MARC (for MAchine-Readable Cataloguing). Another format
of the MARC is called MicroLIF (for Microcomputer Library Information Format). Alexandria has
been programmed to recognize both MARC and MicroLIF files automatically during import. Alexandria
can also export in both formats.
In addition to importing and exporting MARC and MicroLIF records, Alexandria is capable of importing
and exporting files in a tab-delimited format. This format can be used to exchange information with
other programs that utilize more complex MARC standards. Most database, spreadsheet, and wordprocessing programs on personal computers support files in a tab-delimited format.
1.American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII).
2.Since TAB and RETURN characters arent visible, they are represented in this document as <tab> and <return>.

Alexandria Users Manual 721

Tab-Delimited Records

Data Import

Tab-Delimited Records
A very common method of exchanging record information between programs is the tab-delimited ASCII
file. In the tab-delimited format, fields are separated by the <tab> control character and the end of the
record contains the <return> control character.
John <tab> Smith <return>
Bill <tab> Jones <return>
My First Name <tab> My Last Name <return>

Using tab-delimited patron import files, you can transfer information about patrons stored in other
computer systems. For example, a school can use this capability to transfer student information from the
school administration computer system into Alexandria (or transfer library information back to the
administration system).

Alexandrias Tab-Delimited Import File Format

In Alexandria, weve enhanced the tab-delimited format by adding special information on the first line of
the file, used to interpret the data in the file. This first line is called a header because its at the head (or
beginning) of the file. The header allows programs to figure out where the data in the file belongs.
Alexandria headers look like this:
###*FileCode/FieldCode/FieldCode/FieldCode/ <return>

The ###* doesnt mean anything, but is a rather unusual character combination, unlikely to be found at
the beginning of most files. If Alexandria discovers ###* at the beginning of a file, it assumes that the file
is in a familiar format.

- N


The Field Code numbers (shown above) don? have any special meaning other than
acting as unique identifiers for each of the fields that can be imported or exported.
The header is optional. If its present, Alexandria will automatically sort and organize the information and
place it into the correct, specified fields. If there is no header, Alexandria displays a window, which allows
you to specify the order and type of data getting imported. A header is automatically created for all export
Since the header is automatically created on export, the information can be transferred to another copy of
Alexandria and automatically imported without the user knowing anything about the file structure. This
makes it easy for central administrators to transfer information to Alexandria users. In order to be
consistent, Alexandria assumes that the first line of any import file is a header. However, it only knows how
to process headers in the format stated above.
Some fields allow multiple lines of information (such as patron notes). Any <return> located in a field is
converted into the \ character on export and on import, the \ character is restored to a <return>.
Generally, you dont need to know about this; however, if you were to examine an exported file, youd see
these characters. Also, if you wanted to add a <return> into a file that is getting imported, you can use the
\ character to make it happen.

722 Alexandria Users Manual

Import File Example

Data Import

Import File Example

A sample patron import or export file might look like this:
###*PT01/1000/1007/1006/ <return>
1100000 <tab> Bill <tab> Smith <return>
1100001 <tab> John <tab> Jones <return>

In the example above, the header field codes 1000, 1007, 1006 specify that the fields are ordered by
barcode, first name, and last name. An item record will be in a similar format, except that different field
codes are used and different types of field information are entered (e.g. title or author of the item).
A simple way to study these formats is to export a few records, then examine the export file with
COMPedit, Alexandrias integrated word processor.
If you export from Microsoft Works, youll notice that Works also places a header at the beginning of its
files. The header contains the titles of the columns in the file youve exported. If you want, you can open
your export file with Works and replace the Works header with a valid Alexandria header. If you dont do
this manually, youll have to make sure you select the correct fields in the Field Mapping window in

Alexandria Users Manual 723

Data Import

Import File Example

Field Mapping Window

When there is no header on a tab-delimited file, the Field Mapping window appears so that the user can
specify which data in the import file goes into what Alexandria field.

Use the Field Type drop-down menu to specify Patron or Item fields. The data from the import file is
shown on the left of the window. Alexandria field names are shown on the right-hand side.
Use the arrow buttons on the bottom-left of the window to examine different records in the import file. If
you want to skip some of the records in the import file, you can specify an Initial records to skip value.
Default is zero.
To adjust the order of the Alexandria fields, highlight and drag the field names. Put the Alexandria field
names in the correct order for your imported data. To skip a field, double click on its line and the arrow
will change to a big, red X. This means the data for this field is ignored and will NOT be imported.
Once the field order has been established, click the OK button to import the data. Click Cancel to stop
Special note should be made of the Full Name field during Patron data import. If you have a patron with
a combined first and last name (one that has not been separated by tab delimination), use this field to split
the name into First and Last Name on import.

724 Alexandria Users Manual

Importing Patron Information

Data Import

Importing Patron Information

Importing is the process of moving information into Alexandria from outside sources. Typically, this is a
quick and easy method to getting information into Alexandria, rather than entering it manually.
Using Alexandrias import function, you can move patron information from other computer applications
directly into Alexandria. For example, you might be able to get patron information from the
administrative office student database and import it into Alexandria. When students graduate from
elementary to middle school, you can provide patron records that the middle school can import into its
Alexandria system.
Alexandria can import patron information files in tab-delimited format. Most word-processing and
spreadsheet applications support files in tab-delimited format.

Rules for Importing Patron Information

When importing patron records, Alexandria first checks if barcode numbers and ID numbers are being
imported. If they are, Alexandria makes sure these numbers are unique and not already in use by another
Alexandria looks for a header that contains a file designation of PT011 to specify patron
###*PT01/fieldcode/fieldcode.../ <return>

During import, Alexandria attempts to locate an existing record that matches the newly
imported record. If an existing Alexandria record is located (and Allow Patron Updates is
selected), the existing record is updated with the imported information. If Allow Patron
Updates is unchecked, the matching import records are ignored. If no records in the system
match, a new record is added.
In looking for matching records, Alexandria first checks the patron barcode, then the community
ID, and government ID. If no matches exist, the import record is considered a new record. New
records are assigned barcodes and policies based on the preferences youve entered in the Import
Alexandria 5.5.0 supports Alexandria v3 patron headers for compatibility with older data transfer

Uses for Patron Import and Export

The patron import/export routine allows the library to share patron information with other computer
systems. A city library can get a list of residents from the local utility company, or a school library can get a
list of patrons from the school administration system. Thus, library patron information can be transferred
from Alexandria to other programs. For example, a school may hold a final report card if the student owes
fines to the library. By giving fine information to the school administration program, others may benefit.
Another use for export/import is to modify information in a group of records. Patron information can be
exported, opened in another computer program, modified, then returned to Alexandria. Sometimes this is
much easier than modifying records (one at a time) in Alexandria.
1.The file designator consists of two letters followed by two numbers. The letter will never be an O so you can be sure that 0 means

Alexandria Users Manual 725

Patron Fields by Field Number

Data Import

Patron Fields by Field Number



Community ID Code


Government ID Code






2nd Location


Last Name


First Name


Middle Initial










Postal Code




Phone Number






Contact Notes


General Notes


Alert Notes




Separate category terms with \



1=Active, 2=Card Lost, 3=Usage Blocked, 4=Transferred,

5=Inactive, 6=Other

Library Code


For multi-collection databases



Uses policy short code

Previous Policy


Uses policy short code

Total Fines


*Export Only

Total Payments


*Export Only

Sex (Gender)


Unknown=0 or U, Male=1 or M, Female=2 or F

726 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Fields by Field Number

Data Import

Life-to-Date Usage Count


*Export Only

Number of items currently checked out


*Export Only

Life-to-Date Overdue Count


*Export Only

Number of items currently overdue


*Export Only

Number of items currently on hold


*Export Only

Current Reservations Count


*Export Only

In Stock Holds Count


*Export Only

Reserves Count


*Export Only

Keep Patron History


Yes or No

Last Use Date


*Export Only

Last Validation Date


*Export Only

Next Validation Date


*Export Only



Patron Accession Date


Card Expiration Date


Optional Date


Additional Contact (Parent/Guardian)


3rd Location


Lexile Number


User Name


Lexile Table


All grades contained in single string,

cells separated by || and rows by //



*Export Only

Unaccepted Credits


*Export Only

Patron RSN


*Export Only

In Transit Hold Count


*Export Only

Patron SIF Info


*Export Only

Patron SIF Info 2


*Export Only

Patron Barcode


*Fine Information

Patron Name


*Fine Information



*Fine Information



*Fine Information



*Fine Information



*Fine Information

Alexandria Users Manual 727

Importing Item Information

Data Import

Importing Item Information

Importing is the process of moving information into Alexandria from another source. This is a quick and
easy method to get information into Alexandria.
Using Alexandrias import function, you can move item information from other computer applications
directly into Alexandria. For example, you might receive item information from vendors and want to
import it into Alexandria. If you move library items from one collection to another, you can provide an
item record that the new location can import into its Alexandria system.
Alexandria can import item information in industry-standard MARC or MicroLIF format (also in tabdelimited format). Most word-processing or spreadsheet applications support files in tab-delimited format.

Rules for Importing Item Information

When importing item records, Alexandria first determines if the item is a new record or an existing record
that needs updating.
Alexandria looks for a header that contains a file designation of FT011 to specify item
###*FT01/fieldcode/fieldcode.../ <return>

During import, Alexandria attempts to locate an existing record that matches the newly
imported record. If an existing record is located (and Allow Title Updates is selected), the
existing Alexandria is updated using the imported information. If Allow Title Updates is
unchecked, matching records from the import file are ignored. If no records in the system
match, a new record is added.
In looking for matching records, Alexandria first checks the copy barcode, then the ISBN, and
LCCN. If Alexandria finds an exact match for the barcode, ISBN, or LCCN, then the matching
record is updated. If the previous check fails, Alexandria then checks for matching title, author,
medium, call number, publication year, publisher, extent and volumeif a matching record is
located, its updated.
For updated records, if the imported record is MicroLIF or MARC and doesnt contain copy
information, a new copy is added to the updated record if Always Add Copies is selected for
Item Import Settings.
Alexandria performs an analysis on each and every MARC record imported so that information is correctly
imported from a wide number of vendors. If you find records that dont import correctly, send them to
COMPanion and well reprogram Alexandria to properly import them.
Alexandria correctly imports records from the following sources:
1987 MicroLIF
1991 MicroLIF
US MARC Communication & MARC 21
SunLink, WisCAT
Laser Cat
Dynix, Follett
Canadian MARC
...and many others since the printing of this document.
1.The file designator consists of two letters followed by two numbers. The letter will never be an O so you can be sure that 0 means

728 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Fields by Field Number

Data Import

Item Fields by Field Number




Copy Last Used Date


*Export Only

Copy Check Out Count


*Export Only

Copy Days in Circulation


*Export Only

Copy Last Modified Date


*Export Only

Prior Patron Barcode


*Export Only

Previous Prior Barcode


*Export Only

Before Previous Patron Barcode


*Export Only

Inventory Date



Accession Date






Replacement Cost


Purchase Cost


Current Policy


Previous Policy


*Export Only

Copy Status


*Export Only




Copy Condition



Copy Notes



Copy Alert






Copy Number



Funding Source


Copy Collection



Copy Location



Copy Call Number



Copy/Title Volume



Shelving Field


Bibliographic Codes/Keywords



Separated by \

Alexandria Users Manual 729

Item Fields by Field Number

Data Import

Curriculum Keywords


Separated by \

Dont Show in Alexandria Researcher


Yes or No

Copy Count


*Export Only

Available for Checkout


*Export Only

Title Life-to-Date Usage Count


*Export Only

SmartMARC Matching Score


*Export Only

Title Accession Date


*Export Only

First Use Date


*Export Only

Last Use Date


*Export Only

Last Modified Date


*Export Only

Last Modified User ID


*Export Only

Title Current Policy


*Export Only

Title Previous Policy Short Code


*Export Only

Last Validation Date


*Export Only

Checked Out To


*Export Only

Title Call Number


Copy Volume


Title RSN


*Export Only

Primary Author


From: 100_a

Full Title


Title: SubtitleExport Only







Statement of Responsibility









Publisher Place






Publisher Year





Full descriptionExport Only

Physical Description



Other Physical Details



730 Alexandria Users Manual

Item Fields by Field Number

Data Import




Accompanying Material






General Note



Content Note





Target Audience Note



Review Source



Before Previous Patron Barcode 2


*Export Only

Before Previous Patron Barcode 3


*Export Only

First Subject



Second Subject



Third Subject



Fourth Subject



Fifth Subject



Author List


*Export Only

Study Program Name


Study Program Interest Code


Study Program Reading Level


Study Program Point Count


Study Program Test Number


Study Program Holding Code


Last Library




Lexile Code


*Export Only

Alexandria Users Manual 731

Importing Transaction Files

Data Import

Importing Transaction Files

Transaction files are used to enter transactions using text files rather than typing them in manually.
Portable barcode readers create transaction files for import into Alexandria. Transaction files can be
imported by dropping them onto the Circulation window if they have a recognized header. Alternatively,
the user can use the Read Transaction File transaction command (see Importing Portable Laser Scanner
Inventory Files on page 316).
To automatically recognize a transaction file, Alexandria looks for these headers:
Palm Laser scannerHeader begins with: ### SmartScan...
Heavy Duty Light penHeader begins with: ### VidexDownload...
Heavy Duty (Rugged) Laser ScannerHeader begins with: ###VIDEX-LL...

When Alexandria is asked to import files with these headers, it will think its a transaction file and start
processing the contents as transactions.

732 Alexandria Users Manual

Address Book Fields by Field Number

Data Import

Address Book Fields by Field Number

Address Book / Site List








Authentication Code


IP Address














Treat As Search Group


Alexandria Users Manual 733

Data Import

734 Alexandria Users Manual

Address Book Fields by Field Number

Data Export
Exporting is the process of moving information out of Alexandria and preparing it for use in other
software applications. You can export records for all (or a specified group) of patrons or items.
Exporting item and patron records does not affect the data that exists in your Alexandria Data folder.
Only a copy of that information is exported; the original record remains intact. You can export copy, title,
patron, and other records from Alexandria in MARC, MicroLIF and Tab Delimited formats.

Exporting Data Files

To export your data, follow these general steps:
Step 1.

Select Export from the File drop-down menu.

Step 2.

Choose the type of export you would like from the Export Type drop-down menu.

Step 3.

Decide how you would like to have your data exported; you may choose Tab Delimited,
MARC, MicroLIF, or any other format thats available from the Operation drop-down

Step 4.

Data can be sorted before export by selecting the Sort By selection. Only data for the
selected copies is exported.

Step 5.

Use the Select By drop-down menu to select what record information to include in your

Step 6.

If available, use the Select Fields button to open the Export Field Mapping window (see
Export Field Mapping Window on page 744).

Step 7.

Click the Run button or select Print from the File menu to export your data.

Step 8.

You can use COMPedit to view any file youve exported. To view an exported Alexandria
file, use Open from the File menu to select the file (for more information on import
formats, see Importing Item Information on page 728).

Step 9.

When the Run button is selected, the export will begin and a dialogue window will
appear, asking where you would like it saved.

Step 10.

To import it into another Alexandria database, import as you would any other import file.
Alexandria will recognize the data and import it correctly.

Alexandria Users Manual 735

Export Items

Data Export

Export Items
Use Export Items to archive your schools item information, create catalogs for selected items, or modify
item information using outside applications before importing it back into Alexandria.

Export Items: Operation

Select the format of the export in the Operation drop-down menu.

MicroLIF and MARC are standard bibliographic formats. Please keep in mind that a MARC
export only supports about 1,000 single title records with a maximum length of 10,000
characters. Anything more than this will break the export file. If you have records with many
copies and lots of information, it is preferable to use a MicroLIF export.

If youve selected MicroLIF or MARC, you will be able to choose the Use _1 instead of | in
852 tag option.

The Tab Delimited format only exports one-copy-per-line. Thus, if you export a title with ten
copies, youll end up with ten tab delimited records getting exported.
If youve selected the Tab Delimited format, you can use the Select Fields button to open the
Export Field Mapping window (see Export Field Mapping Window on page 744).
Otherwise, you may choose the Texas Library Connection format.

736 Alexandria Users Manual

Export Items

Data Export

To submit a collection file through MARC Mitinet Mechanic Express:

Step 1.

Set up your Mitinet Options if you havent already.

Step 2.

From the File menu, select Export.

Step 3.

Set the drop-down on the upper left to Export Items.

Step 4.

Set the operation drop-down to Mitinet Mechanic Express.

Step 5.

Leave the selection set to All Items to standardize your entire collection.

Step 6.

Click Run to export your items and submit them to Mitinet.

Export Items: Sort By

The Export Items Sort By options are the same as the Item Reports Sort By options (for a
complete listing, review the Sort By Options chapter starting on page 601).

Export Items: Character Set

You may change how your copy information is exported using the Character Set. This is used
if, for some reason, you find it necessary to use a specialized character set. This way youre sure to
get the results you expect. You may select between Mac Standard (ASCII), Window Standard
(ANSI), or MARC-8.
Diacritics are the small marks written above or below certain letters of the alphabet to indicate
special phonetic pronunciation (e.g , , , , ). If you are exporting copy information from
Alexandria that contains alphanumeric character with diacritics, they will be correctly preserved
upon export.

Export Items: Select By

The Export Items Select By options are the same as the Item Reports Select By options (for a
complete listing, see the Select By Options chapter starting on page 607).

Alexandria Users Manual 737

Export Patrons

Data Export

Export Patrons
Use Export Patrons to export records for all (or a specified group) of patrons. Exporting patron records
will not effect the original Alexandria record in your database. Only a copy of this information is exported;
the original record will remain the same.

Export Patrons: Operation

You can export patron records from Alexandria in standard Tab Delimited (also known as
ASCII) format. You can examine this kind of file with almost any word processor, spreadsheet or
database application.
With the Tab Delimited format, you can use the Select Fields button to open the Export Field
Mapping window (see Export Field Mapping Window on page 744).

Export Patrons: Sort By

The Export Patrons Select By options are the same as the Patron Reports Sort By options (for
a complete listing, Patron Report Sort By Options starting on page 528).

738 Alexandria Users Manual

Export Patrons

Data Export

Export Patrons: Character Set

You may change how your patron information is exported using the Character Set. This is used
if, for some reason, you find it necessary to use a specialized character set. This way youre sure to
get the results you expect. You may select between Mac Standard (ASCII), Window Standard
(ANSI), or MARC-8.
Diacritics are the small marks written above or below certain letters of the alphabet to indicate
special phonetic pronunciation (e.g , , , , ). If you are exporting patron information from
Alexandria that contains alphanumeric character with diacritics, they will be correctly preserved
upon export.

Export Patrons: Select By

The Export Patrons Select By options are the same as the Patron Reports Select By options
(for a complete listing, review the Select By Options chapter starting on page 607).

Alexandria Users Manual 739

Export Fines

Data Export

Export Fines
Use Export Fines to export transaction data for all (or a specified group) of patrons. Exporting transaction
data will not effect the original records in your database. Only a copy of this information is exported; the
original records will remain untouched.

Mark the Ignore overdue fines checkbox if youd like to exclude overdue fines on export; overdue fines
are for items that are still checked out and have fines still accruing.

Export Patrons: Operation

You can export transaction information from Alexandria in standard Tab Delimited (also known
as ASCII) format. You can examine this kind of file with almost any word processor, spreadsheet
or database application.
With the Tab Delimited format, you can use the Select Fields button to open the Export Field
Mapping window (see Export Field Mapping Window on page 744).

Export Fines: Sort By

The Export Fines Sort By options are the same as the Circulation Reports Sort By options (for
a complete listing, review the Sort By Options chapter starting on page 601)

Export Fines: Select By

The Export Fines Select By options are the same as the Circulation Reports Select By options
(for a complete listing, review the Select By Options chapter starting on page 607)

740 Alexandria Users Manual

Export Statistics

Data Export

Export Statistics
This utility allows the administrator to export other Alexandria data.

Export Statistics: Operation

You can export statistical information from Alexandria in standard Tab Delimited (also known
as ASCII) format. You can examine this kind of file with almost any word processor, spreadsheet
or database application.

Export Statistics: Sort By

Entire RangeExports using the entire range of Alexandria usage statistics data.

Alexandria Users Manual 741

Export Statistics

Data Export

Export Statistics: Character Set

You may change how your statistical information is exported using the Character Set. This is
used if, for some reason, you find it necessary to use a specialized character set. This way youre
sure to get the results you expect. You may select between Mac Standard (ASCII), Window
Standard (ANSI), or MARC-8.
Diacritics are the small marks written above or below certain letters of the alphabet to indicate
special phonetic pronunciation (e.g , , , , ). If you are exporting patron information from
Alexandria that contains alphanumeric characters with diacritics, they will be correctly preserved
upon export.

Export Statistics: Select By

All StatisticsYou can instruct Alexandria to export all pertinent statistical data or only statistics
over a specified Date Range (see below).
Date RangeEnter a Starting and Ending Date range. If you enter ONLY a Starting Date,
the ending date is assumed to be in the far future. If you enter ONLY an Ending Date, the
Starting Date is assumed to be in the far past. If you dont enter any date, the Starting Date is
set for one year in the past.

Alexandria recognizes many different formats for entering a date. For example, you can enter the
date December 1, 2010 as: Dec 1, 2010 or 12/01/10 or 12.1.10 or 12 1 101. If
using the current year, you can just enter 12/1. If the current month is December, you can
just enter 1.

1.When you enter a two digit date, values between 0-30 are assumed to be 2000-2030 and values between 31-99 are assumed to be

742 Alexandria Users Manual

Export Other

Data Export

Export Other
Use Export Other to export miscellaneous data not covered by the other export types. Exporting other
data will not effect the original records in your database. Only a copy of this information is exported; the
original records will remain untouched.

Export Other: Operation

Using the Operation drop-down menu, select the data you want exported.
You may choose to export All Preferences, Calendars, Policies, Preferences, Address
Books, Patrons, Patron Pictures, Items, Vendors, Routes, Budgets, Orders, Subscriptions,
Users, and Super Summary.

Alexandria Users Manual 743

Export Field Mapping Window

Data Export

Export Field Mapping Window

Clicking on the Select Fields button, when available in participating Export windows, will open the
Export Field Mapping window show below.

Click on a line to exclude it from export (clicking on a line will change the blue check mark to a
red X). Click and drag lines to change the order of their export.
See Patron/Item Export Fields: (Field Name, Field Number) on page 746 for a description of
the fields which can be exported. Alexandria automatically creates a file header that can be used
by any COMPanion product to import exported files without the user knowing anything about
the contents of the data.
Selecting Print from the File menu will print a report of your selections.

744 Alexandria Users Manual

Patron Export Fields: (Field Name, Field Number)

Data Export

Patron Export Fields: (Field Name, Field Number)

Current Total Fine Balance


Total Fine Payments


Life-to-Date Usage Count


Number of items currently checked out


Life-to-Date Overuse Count


Number of items currently overdue


Number of items currently on hold


Current Reservations Count


In Stock Hold Count


Reserves Count


Last Use Date


Last Validation Date


Next Validation Date




Unaccepted Credits


Patron RSN


In Transit Hold Count


Patron SIF Info


Alexandria Users Manual 745

Item Export Fields: (Field Name, Field Number)

Data Export

Item Export Fields: (Field Name, Field Number)

746 Alexandria Users Manual

Copy Last Used Date


Copy Check Out Count


Copy Days in Circulation


Copy Last Modified Date


Prior Patron Barcode


Previous Prior Barcode


Before Previous Prior Barcode


Previous Policy Shortcode


Copy Status


Copy Count


Available for Checkout


Title Life-to-Date Usage Count


SmartMARC Matching Score


Title Accession Date


First Use Date


Last Use Date


Last Modified Date


Last Modified User ID


Title Current Policy


Title Previous Policy Short Code


Last Validation Date


Checked Out To


Title RSN


Full Title


Before Previous Patron Barcode 2


Before Previous Patron Barcode 3


Author List


Last Library


MARC/MicroLIF Records
Alexandria can read and write MARC or MicroLIF records. Alexandria will automatically recognize which
type of record you are reading. Therefore, you dont have to worry about the format of the bibliographic
data you receive.

What Are MARC & MicroLIF Records?

MARC (MAchine-Readable Catalogue) records are designed for computers to communicate with each
other. For the casual users, these records are difficult to read. Even if you have the proper training, they can
be hard to decipher. Most users/patrons of your library wont know what a MARC record is, let alone
know how to read one. Alexandria takes the information in the MARC record and converts it for human
usage within the program. Alexandria can save a copy of the MARC record for transfer to other computer
users. The format that Alexandria displays is called MicroLIF.
MicroLIF (Microcomputer Library Information Format) records can contain the same information as
MARC records, but they are much easier for you to read. There are some examples of this at the end of this

Saving MARC/MicroLIF Records

Although the MARC/MicroLIF formats are industry standards, the type and location of some information
located within the MARC record varies from vendor to vendor. In order to be compatible with as many
different vendors as possible, Alexandria automatically analyzes the MARC record in order to extract the
information required for your library.

Alexandria Users Manual 747

MARC/MicroLIF Records

Conversion Rules

Conversion Rules
During import, Alexandria takes an entire MARC record into memory and then searches for matching
information to use with Alexandria. Some vendors place information for multiple copies of an item within
the same MARC record. Alexandria will locate the information pertinent for each copy, as long as the
information is in a format that Alexandria recognizes.
During import, Alexandria will automatically match existing items with new items. First, if a barcode
matches, Alexandria replaces old title and copy information. Second, if the ISBN and title match,
Alexandria replaces the old title with the new information. Third, if the LCCN and title match,
Alexandria replaces the old title with the new information. Fourth, if all previous options fail, Alexandria
matches a title, author, publisher, publication date, medium, extent, and edition. When a match is
detected, information in the imported record is used to update the existing record. The assumption is that
newer records contain more accurate information.
Note that if you import new information, then any information you may have modified in existing records
is lost. For example, let us say you have a title and you add some title notes of your own. Then, you get a
MARC record for that title and import it. If that MARC record includes a series statement, then that series
statement will replace the one you have entered. As with all imported data, blank data never replaces
existing data, therefore, if the imported record had no series statement, your data would not be disturbed.
If the input file contains records that do not conform to the published standards for that format, the record
will be skipped. Alexandria utilizes a sophisticated system that attempts to decode incoming records, even
when they dont conform to the published standards. If you find records that dont work with Alexandria,
please send copies of them to COMPanion and we will update our engine to correctly interpret the nonstandard records.

Conversion Help
If you have any problems with your data, send COMPanion a diskette with your sample MARC or
MicroLIF data, a note with the nature of your problem, and the source of the records. We will work with
the supplier of your data to ensure compatibility with Alexandria and report our findings to you directly.

A Shortcut
If your import files are named something similar to: MARC001, MARC002, MARC003 (i.e. they end in
three digits), then Alexandria will automatically continue reading additional files. That is, once MARC001
is read, Alexandria will continue with MARC002 and so on. This trick works for MARC, MicroLIF and
custom import formats. Using this trick, you can read up to 100 files with one import command.

748 Alexandria Users Manual

MARC/MicroLIF Record Definition

MARC/MicroLIF Records

MARC/MicroLIF Record Definition

For MARC records created by Alexandria
When you type bibliographic information into Alexandria, it automatically creates a MARC record based
upon the information you enter.
A MARC header is created.
The LCCN is placed into subfield 010_a
The ISBN is placed into subfield 020_a
The word Alexandria is placed into 040_u to identify this as a record exported from Alexandria.
The version of Alexandria is placed in 040_v. This coding allows Alexandria to correctly recognize Alexandria proprietary MARC extensions without interfering with non-Alexandria systems.
The Author is placed into subfield 100_a
The Title is placed into subfield 245_a, Subtitle in 245_b, Statement of Responsibility in 245_c
and the Medium in 245_h.
The Edition is placed into subfield 250_a
The Place is placed into subfield 260_a
The Publisher is placed into subfield 260_b
The Publication Year is placed into subfield 260_c
The Extent is placed into subfield 300_aif AACR2 punctuation is used, its parsed into the
correct Tag 300 subfields.
The Series is placed into subfield 440_a
The Content Notes are placed into subfield 505_a
The Summary is placed into subfield 520_a
The Title Call Number is placed into subfield 900_a
The Volume is placed into subfield 092_v.
Bibliographic Codes are not exported.
Curriculum Codes are not exported.
Interest Codes are placed into 521_a.
Alexandria Statistics are currently not included in the MARC export.
Only URL Attachments are currently included in the MARC exported (856_u).
If a Title has copies, Alexandria will create a MARC standard 852 tag for each copy.
The Library ID code is placed into subfield 852_a.
The Copy Location is placed into subfield 852_b.
The Copy Call Number is placed into subfield 852_h.
The Copy Barcode Number is placed into subfield 852_p.

Alexandria Users Manual 749

MARC/MicroLIF Records

MARC/MicroLIF Record Definition

The Copy Condition is placed into subfield 852_q.

The Copy Alert Note is placed into subfield 852_z.
The Copy Number is placed into subfield 852_t.
The Copy Volume is placed into subfield 852_v.
The Copy Note is placed into subfield 852_x.
The Copy Cost is placed into subfield 852_9.
Propriety Copy Information for which the US MARC Corporation has not assigned a MARC
tag is stored in the 852_1. This tag requires special formatting. For example:
The Copy Funding Source is placed into subfield 852_1 Funds: (funds).
The Copy Accession Date is placed into subfield 852_1 Accession Date: (date).
The Copy Inventory Date is placed into subfield 852_1 Inventory: (inventory date).
The Copy Policy Code is placed into subfield 852_1 Policy: (policy code).
The Copy Condition Code is place into subfield 852_1 Condition: (condition code).

750 Alexandria Users Manual

A Sample MARC Record

MARC/MicroLIF Records

A Sample MARC Record

Note how difficult it is to read MARC formatted records:
00826cam 2200217 a
0002400464852010600488900001400594-870120s1987 nyua j 00010 eng- a87000565- a0396089259- -aCCSM5.0.3-cCCSM5.0.3- -aPZ 8.1.B755-bGo 1987- 219-aE- -aBrett, Jan-d1949-- 0aGoldilocks and the three bears-cretold and illustrated by Jan Brett-dBook-h[book]- -aNew York-bDodd,
Mead-cc1987- -a[32] p.-bcol. ill.-c29 cm.- -aLost in the woods, a tired and hungry girl finds the house of
the three bears where she helps herself to food and goes to sleep.- aFolklore- -aBears-xFolklore- -xJuvenile
literature- -aCDL-h398.2 BRE-p3083t1-90.001Accession:02/03/2000|Inventory:02/03/
2000|Policy:NF|Condition:Unknown|- a398.2 BRE-

A Sample MicroLIF Record

It is much easier to read this MicroLIF formatted record than the equivalent MARC record:
LDR00000cam 2200000 a 4500^
008870120s1987 nyua j 00010 eng^
010 _a87000565^
020 _a0396089259^
040 _aCCSM5.0.3_cCCSM5.0.3^
050 _aPZ 8.1.B755_bGo 1987^
082 _219_aE^
100 _aBrett, Jan_d1949-^
245 0_aGoldilocks and the three bears_cretold and illustrated by Jan Brett_dBook_h[book]^
260 _aNew York_bDodd, Mead_cc1987^
300 _a[32] p._bcol. ill._c29 cm.^
520 _aLost in the woods, a tired and hungry girl finds the house of the three bears where she
helps herself to food and goes to sleep.^
650 _aFolklore^
650 _aBears_xFolklore^
650 _xJuvenile literature^
900 _a398.2 BRE^
991 _aNon Fiction^`

Alexandria Users Manual 751

MARC/MicroLIF Records

752 Alexandria Users Manual

A Sample MicroLIF Record

District Librarian
If youve purchased the District Librarian license, youll benefit from some additional capabilities for your
Alexandria Data Stations. The District Librarian workstation has all the features of a Single User
Alexandria license plus the ability to access and modify any Data Station in the District Address Book.

- N


The District Librarian capabilities are an optional feature of Alexandria. You must
purchase a separate license to use this feature.
The District Librarian is installed similar to an Alexandria Data Station, with several slight differences.
The installer is called District Librarian Installer.
The program is called Alexandria District Librarian.
Youll need separate District Librarian registration codes.
The District Librarian program creates an empty data folder during startup. This data folder can
be used to store local District Librarian data, however, most of the time the program will be
connected to a remote Data Station as if it were a Librarian workstation for that Data Station.
The District Librarian works exactly like an Alexandria Data Station, with the following differences.
A new District Address Book selection appears in the Administration Preference Address
Books window (see Configuring the District Librarian on page 755).
A new District menu item appears in the Circulation window menu bar.

Alexandria Users Manual 753

Using the District Menu

District Librarian

Using the District Menu

The District menu allows the user to choose which Data Station they would like to connect to. When the
District Librarian is connected to a Data Station, it operates exactly like a Librarian Workstation installed
for that Data Station.

- N


In order to use the District menu, you must be logged into the District Librarian at
the Administrator password level.
When you change Data Stations with the District menu, you may have to identify
yourself by entering a User Name and Password. Make sure youre configured as an
Administrator or District Librarian on all the systems youll be accessing.
When the District Librarian has Local selected, the program works exactly like a single user
Alexandria license.
To move between collections, go to the District menu and select the collection and/or location
to connect with.
You may be requested to give a username and password in order to connect to a Data Station.
You must have a valid username and password on the remote Data Station. When adding your
name to the user list, be sure to select District Librarian as your security level. Try to use the
same password and same username to make logging onto the District Librarian program easier.

754 Alexandria Users Manual

Configuring the District Librarian

District Librarian

Configuring the District Librarian

Before you can use District Librarian to examine or control other library Data Stations, youll need to
configure the District Address Book under the Address Books tab of the Administration Preference

Step 1.

Select Preferences from the Edit menu.

Step 2.

Click on the Address Books tab of the Administration preference window.

Step 3.

For each Data Station that you want to connect to, you will have to manually add it by
clicking on the Add (+) button at the bottom of the Administration window. A window will appear similar to the one below.

Alexandria Users Manual 755

Configuring the District Librarian

District Librarian
Step 4.
Step 5.

From the Address Type drop-down menu, select District Librarian.

Set your District Librarians Availability to Available, Hide on Researcher, or Hide

Step 6.

Enter the Friendly Name of the Data Station you want to add. The Friendly Name is
the name you will see in the new District menu; it doesnt have to match the name of the
controlling library.

Step 7.

Enter the IP Address of the Data Station you want to add. If you are not sure what IP
address your Data Station uses, it appears on your Data Stations Transaction log each
time Alexandria is launched. It is located approximately three lines down and will display
TCP Is Active, IP address is: [your IP address here].

If you have problems locating your IP address, please contact your network administrator
for further assistance. If your network administrator is not available, feel free to contact
the COMPanion Technical Support team.
Step 8.

Enter the name of the controlling Library (optional).

Step 9.

Enter an optional Authentication Code. The Authentication Code is an added level

of security for Alexandria users. If you only want a specific handful of Data Stations connecting to your library IP address, you can create an Authentication Code and distribute it only to the Data Stations for whom you allow access. You may change and
redistribute this Authentication Code at any time.

Step 10.

Enter an optional Username and Password for your Data Station. If Passwords and
Security in the Administration preference window is checked, then users will need to
enter a specified username and password to connect to your location and/or collection.

Step 11.

The Keep window open after adding checkbox allows you to keep the window open
after each new address is configured. When you are finished, click on the Cancel button
or close the window.

756 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Controller
COMPanion offers our users the Central Union, Distributed Union, and single-site systems for library
management; however, there are times when even this variety of system models cannot conciliate specific
needs. Therefore, the Alexandria Controller, a new model based on Multi-Data Station technology,
provides yet another solutioncontinuing to make Alexandria the perfect system to fit everyones needs!

A Solution To A Technological Headache

Multi-Data Station technology provides an answer to the problem of growing hardware and software
requirements that have faced district technical staff, school district administrators, and librarians.
District information technicians are faced with increasing demands as more and more computers and
programs are amassed. In order for districts to efficiently use their technical support staff, administrators
are constantly looking for ways to cut back on activities that consume unbounded amounts of time. Some
districts experiment with consolidating servers and software in attempt to reduce their technicians travel
time. Many information technicians prefer Alexandrias Central Union library system because maintaining
a program with a single database housed on a single server is preferable to having one server for every
database for each library.
School district administrators are also constantly faced with budgetary shortages. Therefore, they must
make the best use of the funds available for staffing and resources. Increased technological demands means
increased need for servers, computers, and technical staff for maintenance.
School librarians want to provide what is best for the students and staff that they serve. Within a district,
the needs of elementary and secondary schools vary greatly. The needs of students in an affluent area of a
district will differ from those in recognized lower-income areas. In addition, librarians feel the autonomy
that they have in setting policies and purchasing materials to fit the needs of their school population is
crucial in providing the best service possible. While librarians can appreciate the benefits of sharing
materials and being part of one centralized library systemwhen all policies and resources are
standardized, it may actually be a far more inferior method of servicing the needs of their schools.

Alexandria Users Manual 757

Alexandria Controller

Welcome to the Alexandria Controller!

Now, with the Alexandria Controller, the technical staff, district administrators, and librarians can have a
system that meets all of their collective needs.
Multi-Data Station technology saves time!

Running numerous Data Stations on a single server saves your information technicians time.
Instead of having to go from school to school to maintain individual library systems, all Alexandria Data Stations can be housed on a single server. This server may be located in a district location rather than a school. This enables the technical staff to have easy access to the server and to
save travel time as well as the maintenance time required when multiple servers are needed.
Fewer machines saves money!

Purchasing fewer servers will save the district money and provide a more cost-effective use of
technical staffcircumventing the need to hire additional technical support.
Librarians retain autonomy!

Librarians will be able to customize their library systems and services to best serve the needs of
their students and staff. Policies, purchases, etcetera, will be made on the local level for a better,
more individualized service.
Each collection is completely autonomous and will be managed and searched separately, just as if
they were separate servers running on separate machines.

758 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria Controller

Alexandria Controller

Installing Alexandria Controller

This section will help guide you through the Alexandria Controller installation process.1 Make sure to
have the registration letter that came with your softwareit contains essential product code information
required during installation.
If you have questions or problems during installation, contact COMPanion's 24-hour Technical Support
Service at (800) 347-4942 or (801) 943-7277 or by email via:

Hardware and Operating System Requirements

The Alexandria Controller has been developed to work under both Windows and Macintosh-based
operating systems. With the exception of subtle differences between the controls at the tops of windows
and minor differences in operating system functionality, the program operates identically across both
Here are the minimal hardware and operating system requirements for an Alexandria Controller:
System Requirements for Alexandria Controller


Mac OS 10.4, Windows 2000+

Mac OS 10.4 Server, Windows 20003 Server

G5 or X86, Dual Processor/Core

G5 or X86, Dual Processor/Core

2GB of RAM

4GB of RAM (or more)

20GB of free HD/100,000 Items

20GB of free HD space/100,000 Items

TCP/IP Network

TCP/IP Network

Alexandria Controller Communication Systems

The Alexandria Controller requires TCP/IP to communicate between managed Data Stations and their


The address for each Alexandria Data Station cannot be dynamically allocated and
must have a fixed TCP/IP address.

1.During instruction, COMPanion assumes that you have a basic working knowledge of your computers operating system.

Alexandria Users Manual 759

Installing Alexandria Controller

Alexandria Controller

Installation Summary (read this first)

Make sure that the machine on which you will be installing and running the Alexandria Controller meets
the minimum recommendations for both hardware and operating system software.
Step 1.

Before you run the Alexandria Controller, you will need to have a unique and static IP
address assigned to each collection or Data folder that you wish to manageincluding an
additional IP for the Controller component itself. You can configure and add additional
IP addresses to your existing (or secondary) ethernet controller using your operating
systems standard network settings.
On Windows, these settings can be found under the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
connection properties for your network connections. On Macintosh these settings can be
located and configured from your Network system preferences.1
The Alexandria Controller does not need to be restarted in order to find IP addresses that
were newly added using your operating systems network configurations.

Step 2.

Download the most current version of the Alexandria Controller

( COMPanions Technical Support staff recommends that this
file be saved to your operating system desktop.

Step 3.

Run the Alexandria Controller installer by double-clicking on the Installer.exe

executable (Windows) or the Installer.dmg disk image (Macintosh).2 To proceed with
the installation of the Controller, follow the on-screen prompts and accept the terms of
the COMPanion Corporation Electronic End User License Agreement.

Step 4.

After completing the installation, close the installer application (if applicable) and launch
the Alexandria Controller by double-clicking on the newly created desktop shortcut.
Alternatively, you can open the Alexandria Controllers program folder (i.e. installation
directory) and launch it from there.
On Windows, the Alexandria Controller executable will be located, by default, at:
Hard Drive (typically C:) > Program Files > Alexandria Controller
On Macintosh, the Alexandria Controller application package can be found at:
Hard Drive > Alexandria Controller
Make sure that any other COMPanion software applications that may be running on this
machine (e.g. Textbook Tracker, eLunchroom) have been shut down before attempting
to run the Alexandria Controller.

1.If you are inexperienced with TCP/IP protocols, please have your Information Systems Technician (or Information Technician; IT
for short) set up multiple IP addressesone for each data set. Otherwise, feel free to call COMPanions Technical Support team at
(800) 347-4942 or (801) 943-7277 or by email via:
2.These files will most commonly be called Alexandria Controller Installer.exe and Alexandria Controller Installer.dmg.

760 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria Controller

Alexandria Controller

Assigning the Controller an IP Address

The first time you launch the Alexandria Controller, you will be asked to select the IP address that you
wish the Controller to permanently use.

Select the desired address from the Choose from List window and then click OK.

Registering the Controller

Proceed to register the Alexandria Controller using the information provided on the product registration
letter that came with your program. Enter the Registered To name, Product Codes, Serial Number
and Validation Code from your registration letter and click OK.

After the successful entry of your registration codes, you will be presented with Alexandria Controllers
user interface (documented on page 768).

- N


The first time that you launch the Alexandria Controller, a series of progress bars will
appear at the bottom of the interface while the program rearranges some essential
client resources and builds client applications. Please allow these processes to finish
before proceeding. After these utilities have completed, you are ready to import
existing or create brand new data collections.

Alexandria Users Manual 761

Alexandria Controller

Installing Alexandria Controller

Adding or Creating Alexandria Data Stations

There are two methods available for importing an existing Alexandria Data folder into the Controller.

Alexandria Controller
creates a new
.acf file in the
Client Applications

folder for each new

Data Station you add.
When a Data Stations IP
address is changed, its
.acf files are recreated.

Once registered, the
Alexandria Controller
will omit its own IP
address from the

First, you may drag-and-drop an existing Data Stations Data folder onto the main Controller window;
otherwise, you can click the Add button on the main Controller window. Clicking this button will give
you the choice of adding an existing Data folder or creating a new one. If you choose to Add an existing
Data folder, a standard operating system explorer (i.e. finder) window will appear, allowing you to guide
the Controller to the directory folder containing your existing data collection.1
If you choose to Create a new Data folder set from scratch, you must be prepared to complete the
required registration information for the newly created Data Station. Attempting to add a Data set whose
Serial Number already matches that of a Data Station managed by the Controller will cause a warning
message to appear.
Before the final importation/creation of new data can be implemented, you will need to select a static IP
address for every individual Data Stationjust as you did for the Alexandria Controller (see page 761).

Choose from List

window as a
viable option.

Select the desired address for the new Data Station from the Choose from List window and then click
OK. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the main Alexandria Controller interface window.
Now that youve added a new Data Station, the first thing you should do is Edit [that] Data Stations
Preferences (see page 773) and add your administrative-level users so that they can remotely install client
workstations; also, if required, you can change your Data Stations available web ports.

1.The Alexandria Controller will not move an existing Data folder. Instead, a copy of the selected Data folder is made so that your
original collection information is left untouched. The Alexandria Controller is able to work around set file permissions; the Controller
can copy any application bundle, even when its set to Read only.

762 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Alexandria Controller

Alexandria Controller

Activating Alexandria Data Stations

The Alexandria Controller has the ability to Start and Stop the individual Alexandria Data Stations that it
manages. When you Add an existing or Create a new Data Station, they will initially appear as Stopped
in the main Controller interface window.

From the list, select (highlight) the Data Station you would like to activate and click the Start button.
You are only allowed to activate one Data Station at a time However, if the Alexandria Controller is shut
down and then restarted, all of the individual Data Stations will be automatically activated.1 If, for some
reason, one of your Data Stations fails to auto-start on launch, an unable to start error message will
be recorded in the log.
Once a Data Station in your list has been activated, you should see a green-colored icon and the word
Running, along with the web port that its using, located under the name of the collection.

At this point, an activated Data Station is broadcastingawaiting web connections on Web Port 80 (set as
default), and ready to communicate with your Alexandria client workstations.2

- N


As stated on the previous page, the very first thing you should do after adding and
activating a new Data Station is edit their essential Preferences (see page 773). Please
refer to pages 61-215 for detailed preference information.

1.This can be overridden if you hold down the <shift> key while launching the Alexandria Controller.
2.The Alexandria Controller acquires root privileges before it launches each Data Station so that it can listen on restricted ports.

Alexandria Users Manual 763

Installing Client Workstations

Alexandria Controller

Installing Client Workstations

If an individual Data Station license supports multiple users, you can install Alexandrias Researcher and
Librarian clients on remote computers over the World Wide Web.
In order to install clients over the World Wide Web, make sure that you have an Administration User
Name and Password set up in the Administration preferences of your selected Data Station. You must
also have the latest Java applet installed on your computer. If you dont, the following steps will instruct
you on download and installation procedures.
Step 1.

Make sure that the Data Station from which youd like to install the client is Running
(i.e. activated) in the Alexandria Controller management list.

Step 2.

Open an internet web browser (e.g. an Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari web-browsing window) on the machine where the client is to be installed.

Step 3.

In the browsers Address field (located in the upper-left corner of the window), type the
IP address of your Alexandria Controlled Data Station followed by /install.

764 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Client Workstations

Alexandria Controller

If you are unsure which IP address your Data Station uses, it can be located to the right of
the Registered To name and Serial Number in the Alexandria Controller management

If you still have problems locating your IP address, please contact your network administrator for further assistance. If your network administrator is not available, feel free to contact the COMPanion Technical Support team.
Step 4.

If you performed that step correctly, the Alexandria Web Installer page should appear.

Step 5.

If you dont have the correct Java applet installed on your computer (in this case, Java
Plug-in 1.3 or higher), you will be required to install it before you can download clients.
Your browser should automatically detect whether you have the correct Java version
installed. If it does not, follow the links and install instructions that the web page provides.

Step 6.

If your Java plug-in is up-to-date or you have just installed it, click the Grant this session button on the Java page to begin your Web Install session. You are allowed to download a Windows or Macintosh Workstation.

Alexandria Users Manual 765

Alexandria Controller

The very first thing you
should have done after
adding a new Data Station
to the Controller is to use
the Edit Data Stations
Preferences (see page 773)
menu selection to add your
administrative-level users.

Installing Client Workstations

Step 7.

A pop-up dialog box will require you to input your Login User Name and Password.
Your user name and password are the same as those that are found on the Administration
preferences window of your Alexandria Controlled Data Station (see note in margin).

Step 8.

The client application will be downloaded to your machine. After it has finished downloading, an Alexandria folder will appear on your operating system desktop with the
appropriate application files inside (this folder can be moved anywhere on your machine,
its only downloaded to the desktop to make it easier to find).

Please refer to page 69 for

more information on
creating users

766 Alexandria Users Manual

Installing Client Workstations

Alexandria Controller

Manual Installation of Client Workstations

Alternately, Researcher and Librarian workstations can be installed manually by moving a copy of the
client application to a permanent location on the hard disk drive of the machine where it is to be installed.
These client applications can be found in the Alexandria Controller Support folder.
On Macintosh OSX machines, this folder is located in the following directory:
Hard Drive > Users > Shared > Library > Alexandria Controller Support
On a Windows machine, the shared application folder should be kept here:
Hard Drive (typically C:) > Program Files > Alexandria Controller

You can locate the Librarian and Researcher workstation installers in the Client Applications folder.
Be sure to copy the entire folder for each client you wish to install.

- N


When a Data Station is running under the Alexandria Controller, be aware that you
will need an Administrator Username and Password when installing or configuring
new client workstations.

Alexandria Users Manual 767

Alexandria Controller

The Alexandria Controller Interface

The Alexandria Controller Interface

Now that youve added all of your managed Data Stations and installed all of your client workstations, the
Alexandria Controller is fully operational and ready to go!
Now, lets delve a little deeper into some of the more technical details of the Controller and its interface.

The main Controller interface window is easily broken down into two distinct sections.
The top half of the main Controller window contains your list of managed Data Stations. This list
contains information about which Data Stations are active or stopped, their names, serial numbers, IP
address, and port numbers.
The list of managed Data Stations can be rearranged and reordered by selecting (highlighting) the desired
Data Station and dragging it above or below other existing Data Stations.
You may right-click (Windows) or <ctrl>-click (Macintosh) on any Data Station in this list to open the
Controller menu (see Controller Menu on page 773 for more information). The Controller menu allows
you to Add or Remove a Data Station, assign an IP address, or edit the Data Stations preferences.

768 Alexandria Users Manual

The Alexandria Controller Interface

Alexandria Controller

If you select (highlight) a specific Data Station from the list, it will turn blueallowing you to use the
Start button to activate the Data Station (if it is stopped) or use the Stop button to deactivate a Data
Station (if it is running).

You may also click on the Add button, causing a message window to appear. You will be given a choice to
Add a new Data folder or Create a new one. If you wish to do neither, click Cancel.
For more information on importing or creating new Data Stations, please review Adding or Creating
Alexandria Data Stations on page 762.

The Controller Log

The bottom half of the main interface window contains the controller log. The controller log captures and
stores all pertinent Controller information, including when each Data Station is stopped or started, and
any special operations (e.g. archive or rebuild) that have been performed.

While in this section, you may select Print from the File menu to print the log. The controller log is
automatically saved by the Controller. Logs are saved inside the Log folder, located in the Alexandria
Controller Support program directory.

Alexandria Users Manual 769

Alexandria Controller

The Alexandria Controller Interface

Alexandria Controller Menus

The Alexandria Controller menus follow operating system standards for Macintosh and Windows. For
example, the File and Edit menus in Alexandria Controller are very similar to the File and Edit menus in
other applications. Additional menus have purposes specifically related to Data Station management.

Alexandria Controller/Help Menu

If you are using Macintosh, there is an Alexandria Controller drop-down menu that contains
the About Alexandria Controller and Quit Alexandria Controller selections. There is also a
Help menu that contains Alexandria Help and Open Release Notes selections.
On Windows, all these selections are located under the Help menu.

About Alexandria Controller

Shows copyright and version information.

Alexandria Help
If the Controller Help documents are installed on your system, this menu selection opens them.

Open Release Notes

If the Alexandria Controller release notes are available, this menu selection will display them.

Quit Alexandria Controller

Quits the Alexandria Controller program.

770 Alexandria Users Manual

The Alexandria Controller Interface

Alexandria Controller

File Menu
The Alexandria Controller File menu provides the following selections.
New DocumentOpens a new COMPedit document. COMPedit is the Alexandria Controllers integrated word processor.
OpenOpens the standard operating system explorer window used to locate files. When you

select a document from this window, the Controller will open it (if it is able). Use this command
to open COMPedit documents, TEXT documents, and other files for viewing.
Close WindowCloses the top window.
Close AllCloses all windows except for the main Controller interface window.
SaveWhen enabled, saves the contents of the top window.
Save As TextSaves a copy of the currently visible COMPedit document as a TEXT file.
Save As RTFSaves a copy of the currently visible document in a rich text format1.
Save AsAllows you to save .vwp documents to specific locations on your hard drive.
RevertChanges made to the current document are discarded and the original document is displayed in the COMPedit word processor.
UtilitiesUtilities are used to check for updates and download the newest resources for your

Alexandria Controller (see Alexandria Controller Utilities on page 792).

Page SetupOperating system standard function that sets the page up for printing.
PrintPrints the contents of the COMPedit window or any other window that has focus.
Print to PDFThis allows you to save any finished reports or COMPedit documents as Adobe

PDF files (Macintosh only).

1.An RTF file is basically just an ASCII file with special commands to indicate formatting information, such as fonts and margins.

Alexandria Users Manual 771

Alexandria Controller

The Alexandria Controller Interface

Edit Menu
This menu includes standard editing functions. You can cut, copy and paste text, clear a field, select all
text, and paste from a file. Information about commands which are specific to the Alexandria Controller
are included below.
Undo TypingThis command only undoes typing or cut-and-paste operations in individual
fields or in the word processor. It does not undo operations from other menus, commands and
Redo/Cant RedoAn undo for the undo.
Cut, Copy and PasteYou can cut, copy, and paste text from certain fields to others within

the Alexandria Controller.

ClearClears the selected text or selected list elements.
Select AllSelects all the text in the current edit field, current word processor document, or list.
FindThis selection opens the Find window. Dependant upon which window is open, Find can

be used to locate specific information or text in a word processing file.

Find AgainFinds the next piece of matching information in a COMPedit document.
Paste From FileAllows the user to paste information from a file.
PreferencesThis selection opens the Preferences window. Preferences are used to customize
the Alexandria Controller to suit your needs (see Alexandria Controller Preferences on page 775).

772 Alexandria Users Manual

The Alexandria Controller Interface

Alexandria Controller

Controller Menu
This menu only appears when the main Alexandria Controller interface window has focus. You can also
right-click (Windows) or <ctrl>-click (Macintosh) anywhere on the Controller interface window to
force this menu to appear.
Add Data StationThis selection does the same thing as clicking the Add button on the Controllers main interface window (see Adding or Creating Alexandria Data Stations on page 762).
Remove Data StationThis selection does the same thing as clicking the Remove button on
the Controllers main interface window. If you have a Data Station selected (highlighted) in the
management list, this selection will become available.1 Use caution; once youve removed a Data
Station from the Alexandria Controller, it can not be restored.
Set Data Stations IP AddressIf you created a new Data Station but had no IP addresses
available during its inception, the Data Station will still be added to the Controller list. However,
it will appear as Stopped until youve supplied it with a working IP address.

Once youve set up additional IP addresses using your operating systems network configuration
tools, you can use this selection to assign the highlighted (selected) Data Station one of the newly
created IP address (see Adding or Creating Alexandria Data Stations on page 762).
If only one IP address is available, the Controller will automatically skip the Choose from List
window and assign the last remaining IP to an addressless Data Station.
After the Data Station has been assigned an IP address, it is immediately activated.
Edit Data Stations PreferencesThe Alexandria Controller is allowed to edit the preferences
of every Data Station it manages. After a Data Station is up and Running in the Controllers
management list, you may choose to remotely edit all of that Data Stations Preferences. The
Controller will ignore the Data Stations auto-save settings when its preferences are being edited.

Please refer to Alexandrias Preference chapters (pages 61215) for complete and detailed
Edit Data Stations RegistrationThis will open the Data Stations Registration window,

allowing you to update your registration information. The Alexandria Controller will require a
restart once your registration information has been updated.2

- N


Some of the selections in the Controller menu (e.g. Remove Data Station or Edit
Data Stations Preferences) will appear grayed-out and disabled until you have
Stopped the selected Data Station from running.

1.The Remove Data Station selection is disabled until the selected Data Station you wish to remove has been Stopped.
2.This menu selection will only become available after youve Stopped the selected Data Station from running.

Alexandria Users Manual 773

Alexandria Controller

The Alexandria Controller Interface

Show Menu
Use this menu to move between various Controller modules (if available).

Window Menu
As you open new windows in the Alexandria Controller, the Window menu will display a list of
all currently active windows. The example Window menu in the margin shows that the Alexandria Controller window is open and active and the Preferences and Utilities windows are also
To choose a window, select it from this menu. The window you select gets focus and becomes
the active window.
If you select Bring all windows into view, all minimized windows will appear, with focus placed
on the Controllers main interface window.
When you close a window, it is removed from this menu.

774 Alexandria Users Manual

Alexandria Controller Preferences

Alexandria Controller

Alexandria Controller Preferences

Although youre required to make changes to the individual Data Station preferences that your Alexandria
Controller managesthe actual Controller also contains some preferences of its own. However, these
preferences are limited to just a few panes containing globally-based settings.
The Alexandria Controllers Preferences are used to customize security settings, email information, and
scheduled events for all managed Data Stations.

The top portion of every preference window consists of a drop-down menu and two standard Alexandria
Controller buttons. The drop-down menu on the left is the Preference selection menu. Use this menu to
shuffle through Alexandria Controllers various preference windows. For more information on an
individual Controller preference window, please review its corresponding section in this document.
On the far top-right of every preference window are two Alexandria Controller standard buttons. The first
button is a preference specific Restore/Revert button. This button will restore the Alexandria Controller
preference windows to its original settings; reinstating any information or fields that were supplied via
registration codes.
The second button is the Alexandria Controller standard Help button.
The sections that follow will describe, in detail, each preference window and then demonstrate how to use
To set up or change Alexandria Controller preferences, you must first activate the Preferences window
from the Edit menu. You may also use the Ctrl+; (Windows) or Cmnd+; (Macintosh) shortcut
command. Once the Preferences window appears, click on the drop-down menu in the upper-left corner
of the window to view your available preferences.

- N


Since the Alexandria Controller and Web Router only contain global-based
preferences, they will not show Local/Default Local drop-down menus.

Alexandria Users Manual 775

Alexandria Controller

Administration Preferences

Administration Preferences
Set up Alexandria Controller users and access levels; activate passwords.

Users Tab
The Users tab of the Administration preference window allows you to setup and create any number of
Alexandria Controller users, each with their own unique (or identical) security level. Although you may
have users with duplicate security levels, you can not have duplicate user names.

This window contains a large Alexandria Users field, which is basically a list that contains the Name
and Security Level(s) of your existing Alexandria Controller users; you may select (highlight) any of the
users contained within this field in order to edit their information or remove them completely.
This preference tab also contains the Add User, Remove User, and Edit User buttons (located at the
bottom-left corner of the window); these buttons allow you to create, remove, and edit Alexandria
Controller users. The subsequent pages will further detail the usage of these buttons.1

1.For more information on Security, please see Activating Security on page 777.

776 Alexandria Users Manual

Administration Preferences

Alexandria Controller

Activating Security
Check the Require User Login box on the Administration Users preference window to activate the
Controllers Log In security. When this box is checked, the Alexandria Controller will require a username
and optional password1 every time that the program is launched.
Even if you havent yet logged in, the Alexandria Controller will be running from the moment you see the
Alexandria Log In windowall Data Stations will have already been activated.

Use the Require Password to Quit From Log In Window checkbox to force users to provide an
acceptable password when attempting to Quit from the Log In window.
When the Alexandria Controller Log In window appears, enter the appropriate Username and optional
Password and click Log In to access the Alexandria Controller.
The username that you enter during log in will be recorded to the Controller log as well as any failed
login attempts.

1.If a password was not supplied when creating a new user in the Add User window (page 778), then this field will not be required.

Alexandria Users Manual 777

Alexandria Controller

Administration Preferences

Adding Users
Click the Add User button (the red + icon), or use <cmnd+N> (Macintosh) or <ctrl+N> (Windows),
to add a new user to the Controller. The Add User window will appear, requesting that you provide
specific new user information.

Enter the username1, a password2, confirmation password, email address, security Level for the new user.
If you have not previously created any users, the Level drop-down menu will be set to District
Administrator and you will be unable to change it. Once you have created a District Administrator, you
can add other new users with access levels other than Administrator.
If you would like to add an users picture at this time, you can import a GIF, BMP, PIC, JPG (or any other
standard image file); here are some ways that you can do this:
Drag and dropOpen the picture with your systems default picture viewer. Drag the graphic
from the desktop or program onto the Controllers Add User window. As you drag the picture, a

box outline shows where the picture is to be placed to help you align it properly.
Paste and Copy User Picture3Open the picture with your systems default picture viewer.

Select the graphic and copy it to your operating system clipboard (this is usually done with commands such as Select All, Copy, and Cut under the Edit menu in the program). Go back to the
Controllers Add User window and choose Paste Patron Picture by right-clicking (or ctrl-clicking using a one-button mouse) in the patron picture field. The picture should now appear in the
area located to the right of information fields.
1.If you choose a username that is already in use, the Controller will ask you to choose another.
2.Passwords are not case sensitive. Upper and lowercase characters match. Although you may leave the Password field blank (meaning
that a user requires no password upon Log In), it is strongly recommended that this is not done.
3.Windows users are required to have Apples QuickTime installed to view some picture formats.

778 Alexandria Users Manual

Administration Preferences

Alexandria Controller

When you click the OK button, the new user Name and Security Level will appear in the Alexandria
Users field of the Users tab.

Removing Users
To remove an Alexandria Controller operator, select (highlight) the user Name from the Alexandria
Users field and click the Remove User button (the red minus icon). If you have Alexandria Users
with security levels other than Administrator (e.g. Librarian or Aide) you will be unable to remove the
District Administrator unless you have another existing District Administrator.

Edit Users
You may edit the username, password, email address, and security level of any existing Alexandria
Controller user. To edit an existing users information, double-click on a users name in the Alexandria
Users field. Alternately, you may select (highlight) the users name from the Alexandria Users field and
click the Edit User button (located at the bottom left-hand side of the window). Doing this opens the Edit
User window (similar to the Add User window described on page 778); using this window, you may
change any of the user information fields.

Alexandria Users Manual 779

Alexandria Controller

Administration Preferences

Security Tab
The options contained on the Security tab of the Administration preference window allow an
administrator to modify existing or create custom security levels for Alexandria Controller users. A users
security level determines what Alexandria Controller operations the user is allowed to perform.
Usernames and passwords
are not case sensitive.

The Alexandria Controller comes standard with several default security levels; from District Administrator
to Researcher, including two Self-Service security levels. District Administrator is the least restrictive
and allows unlimited access to Alexandria Controller preferences and settings. Researcher is the most
restrictive security level.
Alexandria Controller also allows users to create their own custom security levels by manipulating a list of
permissions (see page 781 for more information on customizing security levels).
Until you set up a District Administrator user and enable Require User Login, Alexandria Controller will
launch with full administrative privileges. An Administrator is the only security level that allows you
create new Alexandria Controller users. Once youve established an Administrator, if no other security
level is selected, then Administrator-level access will be the default upon launch.

780 Alexandria Users Manual

Administration Preferences

Alexandria Controller

Adding, Editing, and Removing Custom Security Levels

Users with the appropriate authority can add, edit, or remove any of Alexandria Controllers security levels
with the exception of the default security levels, which can be edited, but not removed or renamed.
By default, only the
District Administrator

can add custom or edit

existing security levels.

AddThis button (the red plus icon located in the lower-left corner of the Administration
preference window) opens the Create New Security Level window; this window is docu-

mented on page 782.

RemoveUsers with the appropriate authority can remove a user-created security level by highlighting (selecting) the level from the Security Levels section of the Administration Security
window and clicking the Remove button (the red minus icon). Users will be asked if they are
sure they would like to remove the selected security level; click OK to proceed or Cancel to
abort the removal. Users will not be able to remove any of the Controllers default starting security levels.
EditThis button (located on the lower-left corner of the Administration preference window)
opens the Edit Security Level window; this window is documented on page 783.

Alexandria Users Manual 781

Alexandria Controller

Administration Preferences

Creating A New Security Level

This window, which allows users to create their own custom security levels, can be accessed by clicking on
the Add button (the red plus icon located on the lower-left corner of the Administration preference
windows Security tab).

If you would like to create a new security level based on an existing security level and its list of enabled and
disabled security options, select (highlight) the security level that you would like to have duplicated from
the Based On field, enter a new Security Level Name, and click the OK button.
You may also choose to create a new security level that isnt based on any that currently exist in your
system. In this instance, you would want to choose All Permissions On or All Permissions Off from the
Based On field; some users will find it easier to have all of their security options enabled or disabled when
creating a new security level from scratch.
After you have successfully created/duplicated a new security level using the Create New Security Level
window, it will appear in the Security Levels field of the Administration preference windows Security
From this point on, you may treat the newly created/duplicated security level as you would any existing
security level; it may be edited, its name changed, or it may be completely removed from the system.

782 Alexandria Users Manual

Administration Preferences

Alexandria Controller

Editing A New Security Level

This window, which allows users to edit an existing (custom or default) security level, can be accessed by
selecting (highlighting) one of the Security Levels on the Security tab of the Administration preference
window and then by clicking on the Edit button (located in the lower-left corner).

You may toggle1 between any of the Controllers existing security levels using the drop-down menu
located at the top-left corner of the Edit Security Level window. You can use this drop-down menu as a
quick reference to see how other security levels operate or to quickly change a specific permission on
several different security levels.
You may edit the name of the current security level by clicking on the Edit Name button (the blue a
icon). Doing so will open the Query window (shown below). Input the new security level name and click
OK when you are satisfied with your changes. Users will be unable to change the names of the Controllers
default starting security levels and each security level name must be unique.

You may add a new security level from the Edit Security Level window by clicking on the Add button
(the red plus icon). This button opens the Create New Security Level window; this window is
documented on page 782.
1.In technical terms, toggle means to alternate between two or more electronic, mechanical, or computer-related options, usually by
the operation of a single switch, drop-down menu, or keystroke (e.g. toggled back and forth between two windows on the screen).

Alexandria Users Manual 783

Alexandria Controller

Administration Preferences

You may remove the current security level by clicking on the Remove button (the red minus icon).
Users will be asked if they are sure they would like to remove the selected security level; click OK to
proceed or Cancel to abort the removal. Users will not be able to remove any of the Controllers default
starting security levels. Once a security level has been deleted, it can not be restored.
The blue Enable All icon located in the upper-right corner of the window will activate (enable) all of the
permissions for the current security level. The red Disable All icon located next to it will disable all of the
permissions for the current security level.

Alexandria Controller security permissions are categorized and compartmentalized into groups of similar
permissions. You may toggle1 between these categories of permissions using the Categories drop-down
menus and tabs provided in the Edit Security Level window.
If you would like more
information on a specific
security permission, you
can examine their Tools
Tips by holding down the
<ctrl> (Windows) or
<option> (Macintosh)
key and moving over the
permission names.

By clicking on the checkboxes contained within the tabs and menus of the Edit Security Level window,
you can enable or disable specific security permissions for the existing security level.
When you have finished editing all of your security permissions, click Save to keep your changes or
Revert to discard them. You will be required to Save or Revert before toggling between any other
security levels or closing the Edit Security Level window.

1.In technical terms, toggle means to alternate between two or more electronic, mechanical, or computer-related options, usually by
the operation of a single switch, drop-down menu, or keystroke (e.g. toggled back and forth between two windows on the screen).

784 Alexandria Users Manual

Administration Preferences

Alexandria Controller

Updates Tab
The Alexandria Controller can be updated automatically over the World Wide Web.

Automatically Check for Program UpdatesIf this box is checked, the Controller will automatically
check for product updates on start-up. If newer versions of the program are available, an entry will be
placed in the log. You can also download updates via the Check for Updates utility.
Automatically Download Missing ResourcesIf this box is checked, the Controller will automatically

verify on start-up that you have the latest versions of the client resources. Status entries will be placed in
the log, and if any resources are missing, they will be automatically downloaded.
Check for Program Updates NowClicking this button will immediately check for available
Alexandria Controller updates from the update server. If they are available, you can download them.
Check Resource Configuration NowClicking this button will immediately check your Alexandria

Controller installation for any missing resources. If you are missing resources, you can download them.
StatusThis will display a status report of update and resource information. It will not download any
resources or updates, or modify your configuration in any way.
Update Server AddressThis is the IP address of the COMPanion Update Server (usually Normally, this will only be changed if you are behind a
firewall. The Reset button will revert to the default update server address. Changes will not take effect

until the next time that the Controller is restarted.

Maximum Simultaneous Client UpdatesThis allows you to limit the number of connected clients

that may download updates. The remaining clients will be placed in a queue while other clients finish

Alexandria Users Manual 785

Alexandria Controller

Administration Preferences

Performing Software Updates

Make sure to read the
Read-Me file thoroughly
for important information
regarding the update.

There are two ways you can perform software updates from within the Alexandria Controller. If you have
an internet connection, you can check for Alexandria Controller updates using COMPanions Update
Server. If you select File, Utilities, Check For Updates, and an update is available, a description of the
update is shown under the Get Read-Me selection. From there, you can choose to update the Alexandria
Controller or wait for a future date. If you are sure you want to update to the newest version of the
Controller, an easier method is to use the Updates tab in the Administration preference window under
Edit, Preferences.
You can also download the newest COMPanion and Alexandria Controller software updates from the
official website ( Just follow the Products and Software Updates
hyperlinks. You must enter your Alexandria Controller registration name, email address, school/company
and serial code in order to proceed with the download; these can be found on the registration letter you
received when you purchased the Controller or when you renewed your support contract.
If you have accidentally misplaced your registration letter, COMPanions 24 hour Technical Support team
will be able to assist you.
If you dont have a reliable internet connection (or are unable to download the newest updates), you can
contact COMPanion (via email or Tech Support at 800-347-4942) and request that an Alexandria
Controller Update CD-ROM be sent to your location.

786 Alexandria Users Manual

Library Information Preferences

Alexandria Controller

Library Information Preferences

Use these preferences to configure technical district email information.

Library Information Tab

Email notifications are sent to all District Administrators who have supplied email addresses. If, for some
reason, a Data Station unexpectedly stops running, the Alexandria Controller will send an email notice to
all of the District Administrators.

SMTP ServerThis is the TCP/IP or DNS address of your librarys mail server. Typically, this
will be mail. followed by your domain name. You must enter a valid SMTP Server address to

use email services. Default is blank.

Test ServerThis button tests the SMTP mail server by sending a test email.
Log InEnter the log in or user identification for the email sever.
PasswordEnter the password for the email server.
Use SSLShort for Secure Sockets Layer; check this box if you would like to apply another protocol for transmitting data securely over the World Wide Web. While SSL provides for higher
security email transfers, it is not compatible with all email servers.
Use the COMPanion mail server to send support emailCheck this box to use the COMPanion mail server when sending emails to (for example) Technical Support.

Alexandria Users Manual 787

Scheduled Events Preferences

Alexandria Controller

Scheduled Events Preferences

Archive Tab
The Archive window allows you to schedule automatic backups of all your valuable Alexandria Data
Station information. This preference keeps three backups inside the Archive folder, which is located in
your Alexandria Controller Support system folder. Clicking on the Open Archive Folder button will
open the application support directory where all your archived data is stored.

When its time for an archive, all information in your Data Stations Data folder is copied to a
subdirectory in the Archive folder. All services on the Data Station being archived are disabled.1
Although you can disable the automatic archiving function, this is not recommended. Your most recent
archives (combined with your off-site backup) are invaluable in securing the safety of your library data.

- N


The Data Station must be Running when you have the archive scheduled to take
place. Thus, if the administrator doesnt want to leave their computers running
overnight, they should change the default time(s) that the program is set to archive.
1.This feature will archive all of your managed and active Data Stations.

788 Alexandria Users Manual

Scheduled Events Preferences

Alexandria Controller

How Archiving Works

If the Archives To Keep drop-down menu is set to anything below four (including zero), the Archive
Now button will keep five manual archives (as though the Archive To Keep preference was set to 5) and
when a sixth manual archive is requested, the Controller will first create a new data archive before
removing the oldest archive in the Alexandria Controller Support > Archive folder.

not a backup!
In other words, every time you click the Archive Now button, the Controller will perform a manual
Keeping an offsite backup
archive (even if your Archives To Keep is set to zero). However, if your Archives To Keep preference is
is highly recommended.
set higher than 5, then the Archive Now selection will no longer ignore the Archives To Keep
preference; in other words, manual archives will now be restricted to the specified Archives To Keep Archives come in handy
when trying to fix a bad
import, but are entirely
The Alexandria Controller will perform an automatic archive based on the value specified in the Archives useless in the event of a
To Keep drop-down menu. Therefore, if your Alexandria Controller Support > Archive folder
system crash.
contains more archives than the Archives To Keep preference states, the Controller will remove all of the
surplus archives (oldest archives first) after it creates a new automatic archive.
For example, if you have the Archives to Keep preference set to 2 and the Controller has already created
two automatic archives in the Alexandria Controller Support > Archive folder, you will be able to add
three additional manual archives to the folder, equalling five total archives.
If the Archives to Keep preference is set to 10 and the Controller has already created four automatic
archives in the Alexandria Controller Support > Archive folder, you will be able to add six additional
manual archives to the folder.
During an automatic archive, if the Archives to Keep preference is set to 2 but you have manually created
three additional archives, the Controller will create a new automatic archive before deleting the three
oldest archives in the Alexandria Controller Support > Archive folder. This way, the number of
remaining archives will match the value specified in the Archives to Keep preference (in this instance,
Use the Refresh button to update the dates and times for the Next Scheduled Archive, and Last

Alexandria Users Manual 789

Alexandria Controller

Scheduled Events Preferences

Rebuild Tab
The Rebuild tab allows you to schedule automatic rebuilds for all of your managed Data Stations. The
Rebuild tab will show the date of your next scheduled rebuild and also display the date of your last
automatic or manual rebuild.

Use the Refresh button to update the dates and times for the Next Scheduled Rebuild, and Last

790 Alexandria Users Manual

Scheduled Events Preferences

Alexandria Controller

Archiving and Rebuilding with Alexandria Controller

Using the Alexandria Controller, you can schedule archives and rebuilds for all your managed Data
Stations. The actual rebuilds and archives, however, are performed individually by each Data Station.
While an archive or rebuild is taking place on a controlled Data Station, its progress is shown on the
Controllers interface window.

When your Data Station is managed by the Alexandria Controller, client workstations will no longer have
the ability to directly edit their Data Stations Archive location. Instead, this location is Set for all your
managed Data Stations in the Archive preferences of the Controller itself.
Furthermore, when an Alexandria Controlled Data Station is forced to rebuild on startup, its Data folder
is also archived to the location Set in the Controller's Archive preferences.
If the Archive folder is removed, the Controller will recreate the folder. If it cant recreate the folder, it
will revert back to the standard, default location. This way, your Data Station will always have its archives
saved in the correct location.

Alexandria Users Manual 791

Alexandria Controller

Alexandria Controller Utilities

Alexandria Controller Utilities

The Controllers Check for Updates utility downloads important updates to your software.

Check for Updates

Check for Updates

This utility will check for any available Alexandria Controller or Data Station updates. If there
are any available, they will be presented and you will have the option of choosing which you
would like installed. You should Archive your Data Stations before performing an update; we
recommend that you read the release notes thoroughly beforehand to ensure that your hardware
meets the minimum system requirements and so that you are aware of any major software
changes that were made.

Get Resources
This utility will verify that you have the latest versions of the client resources. If any resources are
missing or there are new resources available, they will be downloaded.

792 Alexandria Users Manual

What Happens When the Alexandria Controller Timeouts?

Alexandria Controller

What Happens When the Alexandria Controller Timeouts?

The Alexandria Controller contains advanced Multi-Data Station technologies. Although its not
necessary to understand how the Controller does what it does, this section is for the technical person who
wants to know a little more about what happens when the Alexandria Controller quits or times out.
Quitting the Alexandria Controller causes all of the Data Stations to quit. Non-responsive Data
Stations are forcibly terminated after five seconds with an additional five seconds for each active
Data Station.
When the Alexandria Controller is shutdown, Remote Control procedures on the client
workstation are ignored and anyone working on that workstation will be instantly disconnected.
Before the Alexandria Controller quits after downloading an update, it will forcibly terminate
all of the active Data Stations first.
When the Alexandria Controller needs to quit, it will time-out after eight seconds with an
additional two seconds per active Data Station.
Remote Control is ignored when the Alexandria Controller performs an update, checks for
updates, or performs an archive.


COMPanion recommends that all maintenance to your Alexandria Controller or

managed Data Stations be done after business hours as the Alexandria Controller
ignores Remote Control procedures for some actions

Alexandria Users Manual 793

Alexandria Controller

794 Alexandria Users Manual

What Happens When the Alexandria Controller Timeouts?

Technical Details
Alexandria v5 contains several advanced technologies. Although its not necessary to understand how
Alexandria does what it does, this chapter is for the technical person who wants to know more about the
inner workings of Alexandria.

Alexandria v5 is Unique
Alexandria v5 is built on top of a proprietary cross-platform (Windows and Macintosh)
development system designed specifically for Alexandria. The core components of this system
consist of these unique technologies:
A prioritized multi-threaded scheduling system that schedules and manages all the executable
components of the program. All processes within Alexandria are prioritized and queued
automatically by our scheduler.
A powerful communications system that supports TCP/IP communications protocols and
addressing. This system can handle thousands of simultaneous messages. All messages are
encrypted for communications confidentiality. Only authorized messages are processed by the
An integrated Web Server provides many Researcher options via standard Web browsers across
all platforms that support Web protocols.
A powerful relational database optimized for storing and accessing library information. Saved
data is encrypted for added data security. The database is very high performanceon a highend G3 processor with a quick disk drive, it can fully catalog up to 15 MARC records per
A powerful word processor that uses its own virtual memory manager to support very large
documents with a small amount of physical memory. Documents can be freely moved between
supported platforms.
A class library for developing cross-platform human interfaces.
A proprietary toolbox of code used by all subsystems.
Integrated debugging tools. Integrated diagnostic and debugging systems are used throughout
all our tools.
A fully distributed transaction-based client/server architecture. The server (Data Station)
processes requests from all clients. Only information necessary for processing is moved between
clients and the data station. This places very low demands on already overloaded wide-area

Alexandria Users Manual 795

Technical Details

Alexandria v5 is Unique

How do the workstations communicate with the Data Station?

When the Data Station creates installer folders, the TCP/IP address of the Data Station is saved
inside that folder. When the installer creates a workstation, this same addressing information is
placed inside the workstation application. This addressing information is saved in an encrypted
format that can only be read by Alexandria.

What happens if the Data Stations address changes?

If the address of the Data Station is changed, none of the workstations will be able to
communicate with it and all workstations will have to be installed again. To force the Data
Station to build new installers, quit the Data Station, remove the installer folders and restart the
Data Station. New installers are automatically created.

Can I move my COMPedit (Alexandria Word Processor) documents to

other word-processing programs?
Yes, COMPedit has a Save As Text option. However, youll lose all document formatting.

Can I move my other word-processing documents into Alexandrias

Word Processor?
Yes, with your other word processor, use the Save as Text option. COMPedit can open TEXT
documents. However, youll lose all document formatting.

796 Alexandria Users Manual

Shortcut Keys
Accelerator and Hotkey Commands
HotkeysHotkeys are the underlined characters in a menu item or dialogue box that allow users to access
the item or control by pressing that character's key on the keyboard. In the case of dialogue controls, the
user may have to hold down the <alt> key before pressing the hotkey. Hotkeys are sometimes referred to
as shortcut keys, access keys, or mnemonic keys.

Windows Shortcut Keys


New Document




Close Window


Close All




Save As Text






Log Out


Exit Alexandria












Select All




Find Again













Alexandria Users Manual 797

Accelerator and Hotkey Commands

Shortcut Keys

Windows Circulation Shortcut Commands

These shortcut commands allow you to quickly perform Circulation actions.

798 Alexandria Users Manual


Start Bookdrop


Make Charges/Payments


Show Patron Details


Remove Patron Holds


Remove Patron Reservations


Show Item Details


Adjust Item Holds


Remove Copy Reservations


Renew Patron Items

Accelerator and Hotkey Commands

Shortcut Keys

Accelerator keysAn accelerator key is a keyboard shortcut that is accessed by holding down modifier
keys (<shift>, <ctrl>, <alt>, or combinations of these) and pressing another key on the keyboard.
Accelerator shortcuts appear to the right of a menu item text.

Macintosh Shortcut Keys


Hide Alexandria (Carbon)


Hide Others (Carbon)


New Document




Close Window



Close All
Save As Text


Print to PDF




Log Out/Quit Alexandria












Select All




Find Again











Alexandria Users Manual 799

Accelerator and Hotkey Commands

Shortcut Keys

Macintosh Circulation Shortcut Commands

These shortcut commands allow you to quickly perform Circulation actions.

800 Alexandria Users Manual


Start Bookdrop


Make Charges/Payments


Show Patron Details


Remove Patron Holds


Remove Patron Reservations


Show Item Details


Adjust Item Holds


Remove Copy Reservations


Renew Patron Items

A Note About Community and
Government ID, 227
A Solution to the Technology
Headache, 757
About Alexandria, 38
About Alexandria Controller, 770
About MARC records, 233
Accelerated Reader, 253, 384
Accelerator and Hotkey Commands, 797
Accelerator keys, 799
Access Control List, 198
Accessing Alexandria as a Different User, 66
Accession Date, 256
Accession End Date, 549
Accession End Date, 549
Action, 403
Activating Alexandria Data Stations, 763
Activating Security, 66, 777
Active, 226, 453, 458
Active, 226
Active Vendors, 607
Activity, 470
Activity List, 429
Activity List, 270, 429
Activity Monitor, 270
Adaptive Dates, 472
Add, 54, 58, 7475, 77, 159,
448, 467, 755, 762763, 768
769, 773, 782783
Add, 73, 716, 781
Add Book, 79
Add Copy, 238, 255
Add Data Station, 773
Add File, 316
Add Found Copies, 718
Add History Item, 465
Add Items on Receipt, 451
Add Items on Receipt, 445
Add Items to Collection on Receipt, 149
Add Manual Entry, 467
Add New, 440
Add New Copies, 718
Add New History Item, 465
Add New Link, 214
Add NEW medium, 242

Add New Vendor, 464

Add Pane, 399
Add Pane, 399
Add Patron, 467
Add Policy, 163
Add Prefix, 627
Add Route Member, 467
Add Subfield, 244245, 247
Add Tag, 244245, 247
Add to List, 339
Add User, 6566, 6870, 776
Adding Addresses to an Address
Book, 80
Adding and Removing Authority
Control Entries, 342, 346
Adding New Address Books, 78
Adding New Bulletins, 54
Adding New Patrons, 221
Adding New Titles or Copies, 238
Adding or Creating Alexandria
Data Stations, 762
Adding Records, 49
Adding Users, 69, 778
Adding, Editing, and Removing
Custom Security Levels, 73, 781
Additional Item Details, 393394
Address, 28, 31, 78, 80, 88, 226,
408, 743, 764
Address, 457
Address Book, 7780, 87, 431,
Address Books, 17, 72, 7780,
87, 431, 439, 755
Address Books Tab, 77
Address Books tab, 431
Address Label Item Info Patron
Info, 100
Address to Parent, 502, 557
Address to Parent/Guardian, 520
Address Type, 756
Address Type, 8286
Address Types, 80
Addresses, 7880, 149
Adjust Item Holds, 275276
Adjust Item Holds, 304
Adjusting or Removing Item
Holds, 275
Administration, 17, 28, 30, 63,
69, 408, 755756, 764, 766,
776, 780781
Administration, 62

Administration Preference, 755

Administration Preference Address Books, 753
Administration Preferences, 40,
65, 776
Administration Services, 429
Administration User Name, 764
Administration Users, 777
Administrator, 58, 66, 7071,
409, 754, 767, 778780
Administrator User Name, 28
Adobes Acrobat Reader, 20, 26
Advanced Booking Preferences,
Advanced Bookings, 3, 62, 95,
101, 432, 493
Advanced Bookings, 62, 304
Advanced Bookings Affecting
Central Union, 432
Agent HTTP(S) Port Number, 193
Agent Name, 193
Agree, 19
Aide, 70, 779
Alert, 313
Alert for Copies from Different Libraries, 431
Alert for Copies from Different Libraries, 118, 431
Alert Note, 258
Alert Note, 229
Alert Notes, 258, 313314
Alert Notes, 258
Alexandria, 1718, 2122, 26,
3031, 34, 38, 40, 199, 269,
Alexandria 5.5.0, 269
Alexandria Basics, 37, 61
Alexandria CD Install, 18
Alexandria CD Installer, 18
Alexandria CD Installer.dmg, 18
Alexandria Clients, 2
Alexandria Communication Systems, 16
Alexandria Controller, 757, 760,
770, 774
Alexandria Controller Communication Systems, 759
Alexandria Controller Log In, 777
Alexandria Controller Preferences, 775
Alexandria Controller Support,
767, 769, 788789

Alexandria Users Manual xxiii

Alexandria Controller Utilities, 792

Alexandria Controller/Help Menu, 770
Alexandria Data Station, 17, 28, 30
Alexandria District Librarian, 18, 22,
Alexandria Explore, 2, 17, 186187,
382, 397, 402403, 405406
Alexandria Explore Preferences, 398
Alexandria folder, 17, 38
Alexandria Help, 38, 770
Alexandria Installer, 17
Alexandria Installer.exe, 22
Alexandria Lexiles, 363, 373
Alexandria Librarian, 2, 17, 386
Alexandria Librarians, 17
Alexandria Library Information, 138
Alexandria Log In, 66
Alexandria Login, 40
Alexandria Modules, 3
Alexandria Preferences, 62
Alexandria Release Notes.txt, 38
Alexandria Research Preferences, 437
Alexandria Researcher, 2, 17, 95, 181,
185186, 373, 379, 381, 386, 389,
392393, 398, 401, 405, 422
Alexandria Researcher, 62
Alexandria Researcher Configuration
Password, 182
Alexandria Researcher Default Local,
Alexandria Researcher Explore, 17
Alexandria Researcher Global, 186
Alexandria Researcher Lexiles, 369
Alexandria Researcher Preferences, 77
Alexandria Researcher Quit Password,
Alexandria Researcher Timeout, 182
Alexandria Researchers, 17
Alexandria Setup, 18, 22
Alexandria Support, 4
Alexandria Users, 65, 70, 776, 779
Alexandria v3, 35
Alexandria v3 Data, 3435
Alexandria v5, 18, 34
Alexandria v5 Folder, 21
Alexandria WAN, 2, 17, 373
Alexandria WAN Searching, 437438
Alexandria Web, 15, 17, 55, 93, 96,
137, 142, 207208, 370, 373, 407,
411, 423424, 435
Alexandria Web Installer, 29, 765
Alexandria Web Lexiles, 370
Alexandria Web Router, 3
Alexandria Web Specific Searching,
Alexandria Web, 2
Alexandria Data Station 5.5, 1
Alexandrias Tab-Delimited Import File
Format, 722

xxiv Alexandria Users Manual

AlexandriaData Stations &Librarian

Workstations, 15
AlexandriaDistrict Librarian, 15
AlexandriaResearchers, 15
All, 89
All Budgets, 608
All Commands, 271
All Items, 608
All Letters Lowercase, 627
All Letters Uppercase, 627
All Patrons, 608
All Permissions Off, 74, 782
All Permissions On, 74, 782
All Result, 377
All Statistics, 608
All Transactions, 558, 608
All Users, 4
All Words, 379, 381
Allow check in during check out, 112
Allow check in with confirmation during
check out, 112
Allow Holds, 184, 213
Allow Holds and Reservations, 390
Allow Patron Edit, 408
Allow Patron Holds, 424
Allow Patron Renew Items, 213
Allow Patron Reservations, 424
Allow Patron Status Checks, 408
Allow Patron to Check Status and Patron
Details, 184
Allow Patron to Edit Email Address,
Allow Patron to Edit Personal Information, 184, 213
Allow Patron to Renew Items, 184
Allow Patron To View Patron Details,
Allow Patron Updates, 725
Allow Patron Updates, 719
Allow Patrons to Send Notes with Reservations, 96
Allow Printing, 184
Allow Renewals When Holds Are Pending, 119
Allow Reservations, 184, 213
Allow Reservations to Begin on Closed
Dates, 119
Allow Reservations to End on Closed
Dates, 119
Allow Save Basket, 213
Allow Title Matches, 371
Allow Title Matches, 644
Allow Title Updates, 728
Allow Title Updates, 718
Allow View MARC Records, 213
Alpha, 545
Always, 184, 210
Always Add Copies, 728
Always Add Copies, 718

Always Print Receipts on Check Out,

Always Remove, 653, 142
Amount of loan fee, 170, 176
Amount to Forgive, 288, 308
And, 374, 380, 470, 621, 649, 669,
673, 679, 685, 689, 693, 697, 702, 709
And Not, 374, 380, 470, 621, 649,
669, 679, 685, 689, 693, 697, 702, 709
And Not (, 673
Any, 384
Any Copies, 101, 432
Any day, 165, 175
Append a Copy Alert Note, 314
Append a Copy Note, 314
Append a Patron Alert Notes, 313
Append a Patron Notes, 313
Append General Patron Note, 313
Append Item Copy Alert Note, 314
Append Item Copy Note, 314
Append Patron Alert Note, 313
Apple Menu, 16
Apples QuickTime, 60
Application Support, 4
Application Support Archive, 200
Apply Period Due Dates, 106
Apply period due dates, 165, 175
Archive, 58, 199, 622, 650, 670, 674,
680, 686, 690, 694, 698, 702703,
710, 716, 788789, 791792
Archive & Rebuild, 62
Archive & Rebuild Preferences, 199
Archive First, 200, 670, 673
Archive First, 716
Archive Now, 200201, 789
Archive Preferences, 716
Archive Tab, 199, 788
Archive To Keep, 789
Archived, 224, 238, 630
Archived Copies, 224
Archived Copies, 507, 563
Archived Items, 507, 563
Archived Items (barcode 6), 312
Archived Items System Patron, 641
Archived on Date, 608
Archives To Keep, 200, 789
Archives to Keep, 200, 789
Archiving and Rebuilding with Alexandria Controller, 791
Archiving Your Data, 5
Asimov, 383
Ask before updating authority controlled
information, 104
Assigning A Patron Lexile, 365
Assigning An Item Lexile, 368
Assigning the Controller an IP Address,

atron Management Preference, 221

Attachments, 230, 252, 300
Authentication, 8182, 85
Authentication Code, 8182, 85, 756
Author, 49, 239, 243, 341342, 347,
371, 380, 383, 386, 389, 541
Author, 243, 450, 491, 608
Author Card, 541
Author Editor, 243, 245
Authority Control, 42, 103104, 243,
246, 339, 341342, 345347, 685,
Build from Existing Records, 687
Remove Duplicates, 688
Authority Control, 42, 62
Authority Control Author Search, 243
Authority Control Preference, 339
Authority Control Preferences, 103
Authority Control Quick Entry, 347
Authority Control Series Search, 246
Authority Control Tab, 103
Authority Control Title Search, 243
Authority Control Utilities, 685
Authority Control Utility Type, 687
Authority Control Window, 341
Authority Control Window Update, 104
Authority Control Window Updates,
Authority Quick Entry, 347
Authority Report Formats, 491
Authority Reports, 491
Authors, 374, 378, 383
Automatic Check Out, 101
Automatically Building Your Authority
Control Records, 340
Automatically Check for Program Updates, 90, 785
Automatically Check Out Items to Requesting Patrons, 101
Automatically Check Out Items to Requesting Patrons, 101
Automatically Download Missing Resources, 90, 785
Automatically Save when Closing/Deactivating a Window, 125
Automatically update authority controlled information, 104
Automating Your Library Overview, 5
Autosave, 125
Availability, 77, 385386, 756
Availability, 8186, 441
Available, 323, 385, 435, 756
Available Updates, 682
Average In Transit Period, 130, 432
Average Replacement Cost, 257

B, 336
B*Olympic Skiing, 336
Back, 376, 382, 406
Backing Up Your Data, 6
Backup Hardware, 7
Balance, 454
Barcode, 217, 221, 395, 657
Barcode, 256, 334
Barcode Incrementing, 111
Barcode Label Size, 540
Barcode Labels, 519, 537
Barcode Labels Report Formats, 537
Barcode Labels Select By Options, 519,
Barcode Labels Sort By Options, 519,
Barcode List, 608
Barcode List, 608
Barcode location in StaffPersonal message, 196
Barcode location in StudentPersonal
message, 196
Barcode Readers, 12
Barcode Settings, 127, 131
Barcode Your Collection, 9
Barcodes Tab, 120
Based On, 74, 782
Beginning barcode, 239
Beginning Temporary Barcode Number,
Bibliographic Code, 491, 609
Bibliographic Format, 377, 550
Bibliography, 336, 341, 346347, 550
Bibliography, 249
Bibliography Select By Options, 550
Bibliography Sort By Options, 550
Big 6, 376
Big 6 information, 376
Bill To, 149
Birthdate, 228, 609
blue, 271
BMP, 657
Book, 127, 242
Bookdrop, 72, 98, 266, 303, 308, 317,
319, 329
Bookdrop Mode, 319
Booking Labels, 100
Books, 743
Boolean, 63, 210, 373374, 385386,
397, 404, 407
Boolean Search, 378
Boolean Search, Overview, 374
Both, 631
Bottom Margin, 215
Brief Bibliograph, 530

Brief Display, 183

Bring all windows into view, 46, 774
Broadcast Message to Clients, 304
Browse, 48, 110, 210, 218, 235237,
271, 324, 373374, 380, 383, 385,
405, 407, 720
Browse, 452, 456, 459
Browse Budgets, 456
Browse By, 4648, 218219, 235
, 48
Browse by, 219, 235
Browse From, 324
Browse Next Policy, 162
Browse Orders, 452
Browse Previos Policy, 162
Browse Search, 383
Browse Vendors, 459
Browsing Patrons, 218
Browsing Records, 48, 236
Budget, 444, 455456
Budget, 450
Budget Amount, 454
Budget Code, 453, 609
Budget Commands, 456
Budget Details, 454455
Budget List, 591
Budget List Report Formats, 591
Budget List Select By Options, 591
Budget List Sort By Options, 591
Budget Name, 453
Budget Sequence Number, 453
Budgets, 43, 443, 453, 456, 743
Budgets, 43, 443
Budgets Management, 453
Bugs, 300
Build from Existing Records, 687
Build From Existing Records Utility,
Bulletin Board, 42, 53, 60, 72, 410
Bulletin Board, 42
Bulletins, 410
Bulletins, 410
Button Actions, 404
Button name, 403
By 2nd Location, 100
By Call Number, 100
by Day, 572573
by Day of the Month, 568, 576584
by Day of the Week, 568, 576584
by Day of Week, 570571
By Homeroom, 100
by Hour by Day, 568
by Hour of the Day, 568, 576584
by Item Policy, 571
By Month, 601
by Month, 570573
by Month of the Year, 568, 576584
By Name, 100
Alexandria Users Manual xxv

by Patron Policy, 570

By School, 100

C, 336
Calculate Overdue Fines, 501, 556
Calendar, 107
Calendar Notes, 486
Calendar Notes Report Formats, 486
Calendar Notes Select By Options, 486
Calendar Notes Sort By, 486
Calendar Preference, 317
Calendar Preferences, 105
Calendars, 95, 105, 743
Calendars, 62
Calendars Preference, 175
Calendars Tab, 105
Call Number Order, 99
Call Number Range, 170
Call#, 375, 386, 389
Call#, 256
Call# Mapping, 718
Call# Mapping, 170
Can Import Orders, 76
Cancel Explanation Window, 430
Cancel to, 88
Caption for Shelving Location, 624
Caption for Shelving Location, 132
Caption for Special Funds, 132
Card Exp. Date, 228
Card Expiration, 652
Cash Drawer, 270
Cassettes, 545
Catalog, 336
Catalog Canadian Subject Headings,
Catalog Card Select By Options, 541
Catalog Card Set, 541
Catalog Cards, 541
Catalog Cards Report Formats, 541
Catalog Defaults, 132
Catalog Format, 531
Catalog Format Report Formats, 531
Catalog Format Report Select By Options, 531
Catalog Format Report Sort By Options,
Catalog French Subject Headings, 132
Catalog LC Juv Headings, 132
Catalog LC Subject Headings, 132
Catalog National Agricultural Library
Headings, 132
Catalog National Library of Medicine
Headings, 132
Catalog Sears Headings, 132
Catalog Source Not Specified Headings,

xxvi Alexandria Users Manual

Catalog Utilities, 701, 703

Modify, 706
New, 705
Remove, 707
Switch Tag #, 708
Catalog Utility Type, 703
Categories, 76, 246247, 249254,
336, 784
Categories, 229
Category, 313
Center, 52
Centered, 539
Central Union, 77, 138, 186, 328, 427,
Central Union (Everything), 743
Cesa #10, 493
Change Barcode, 121
Change Barcode Number, 318
Change Barcode Number, 318
change barcode number, 318
Change Case, 627
Change Copy Library, 331
Change Copy Location, 331
Change Copy Location, 331332
Change Copy Shelving, 331
Change Copy Shelving Location, 331
Change Destination Mode, 432
Change Item Policies, 335
Change Item Policies, 335
Change Password, 390392, 396
Change Patron 2nd Location, 332
Change Patron Homeroom, 332
Change Patron Homeroom, 332
Change Patron Policies, 335
Change Patron Policies, 335
Change Patron School, 332
Change Patron School, 332
Change Patron Second Location, 332
Change Shelving Location, 331
Changing a Default Local, 185
Changing Item Information, 237
Changing Patron Information, 395
Character Set, 737, 739, 742
Character Set, 720
Charge Fee, 285, 288, 308
Charge Fine, 307
Charge Fine and Print Receipt, 307
Charge fines on closed days, 166
Charge fines while the library is closed,
Charge Late Fees on Found Books, 118
Charge Late Fees on Lost Books, 118
Charges, 283285, 288, 290293,
296, 303, 308, 416
Charges and Overdue Fines, 505, 560
Charges and Overdue Fines Collections
Options, 505
Charges and Overdue Fines Report Formats, 505, 560

Charges and Overdue Fines Select By

Options, 505, 560561
Charges and Overdue Fines Sort By Options, 505, 560561
Charges Only, 505, 560
Charging a Fee, 285
Charging a Fee, 285
Check for Program Updates Now, 90,
Check for Update, 38
Check for Update Utilities, 679
Check For Updates, 32, 91, 786
Check for Updates, 90, 679, 681, 683,
785, 792
Check for Updates, 681
Check for Updates Utility Types, 681
Check In, 72, 205, 268, 318319, 329,
Check In/Out, 266, 268, 303, 317318
Check Out, 112, 413
Check Out From Options, 642
Check Out Options, 101
Check Out Select By Options, 642
Check Out To System Patron Selections,
Check Resource Configuration Now,
90, 785
Checking Items In, 308
Checking Items Out, 305
Checking Items Out and In, 305
Checking Items Out To the Discarded
Items Special Patron, 307
Checking Out Using Temporary Items,
Checking Patron and Item Status, 333
Checking Patron and Item Status, 332
Checkpoint, 144
Checkpoint ILS, 109
Checkpoint ILS, 62
Checkpoint ILS (SIP2), 109
Choose from List, 761762
Chronological (_y), 248
Circ Log for day 20050120, 117
Circ Log for month 200501, 117
Circ Log for week 20050120, 117
Fix Due Date, 677
Update, 676
Verify, 675
Circulation, 43, 62
Circulation Affecting Central Union,
Circulation Item Details, 433
Circulation Policies, 174, 305, 335
Hold, 178
Reservation, 179
SIP2, 180
Circulation Policies, 484

Circulation Policy, 106, 174, 335

Circulation Preferences, 64, 111
Circulation Report, 551
Circulation Reports Special Items List,
Circulation Reports, 44, 101, 272, 279,
433, 551
Circulation Reports Select By, 740
Circulation Statistics, 55
Circulation Statistics, 42
Circulation Tab, 111, 117, 174
Circulation Utilities, 673
Circulation Utility Types, 675
Citation Format, 377, 550
City, 221, 225226, 341, 346347,
City, 457, 491
Claim Letter, 444, 588
Claim Letter Select By Options, 588
Claim Letter Sort By Options, 588589
Classes of Barcode Labels, 11
Classification, 336
Clear, 337, 388
Clear, 41, 772
Clear / Keep Patron History, 155
Clear Circulation Mode, 318
Clear Current Patron/Item Mode, 337
Clear Current Patron/Item Mode, 337
Clear History, 465
Clear Override Date, 317
Clear Override Date Mode, 317
Clear Patron History, 654
For Menu, 654655
Clear Patron History, 653
Clear Patron History Select By Options,
Clear Search Results on New Lookup,
Clear Search Results on New Lookup,
Clear the Transaction log, 337
Clear the Transaction log, 337
Clear Web Statistics, 209
Client Applications, 762, 767
Client Installer Resources, 31
Close, 25, 444, 446
Close All, 39, 771
Close Window, 39, 771
Closed, 106, 150, 165, 175, 177, 278,
317, 444448, 454455, 458, 587
Closed, 106, 446
Closest Match, 219
Closest match, 235
Code, 162
Codes, 162
Collapsed, 543
Collapsed, 543
Collapsed - Brief - Landscape, 543

Collapsed Brief Landscape, 543

Collections, 496, 498500, 502507
Command Barcodes, 488
Command Help, 266, 271, 413
Command Line, 266
Commands, 267
Commands Require Spaces, 121
Commands Require Spaces, 118
Comments, 446
Committed, 444, 447, 454456
Committed, 454
Common, 271
Communication Protocols, 4
Community ID, 657
Community ID, 227
COMPanions Laser Labels, 537
Company Name, 457
Complete, 496, 552, 586, 590591,
594, 598, 600
Computerized Records, 721
Condition, 256
Configuration Password, 208
Configuring Alexandria Web, 31
Configuring Your System for WAN Access, 437
Configuring Your System For Z39.50
Access, 439
Connecting to Alexandria Web, 407
Connection Tab, 193
Contact, 313
Contact Info, 458
Contact Name, 458
Contact Notes, 229
Content Notes, 250
Continue, 1819, 34, 59
Control Characters, 721
Controller, 767768, 773
Controller Help, 770
Controller log, 777
Controller Menu, 773
Copies, 531, 542, 718
Copies Available, 721
Copies Only, 625, 627
Copy, 60, 69, 226, 314, 351, 388, 400,
Copy Alert Notes, 314
Copy Barcode, 432
Copy Call Number, 609
Copy Collection, 138
Copy Cost, 166
Copy Data, 238
Copy Info, 255
Copy Information, 234235, 237238,
240, 256, 258259
Copy Information, 240
Copy Last Used Date, 610
Copy Library, 432433
Copy List, 532
Copy List Format Options, 532

Copy List Select By Options, 532

Copy List Sort By Options, 532
Copy LTD Usage, 610
Copy Management, 418
Copy Notes, 255, 258, 267, 314
Copy Notes, 258
Copy Policy, 610
Copy Sequence #, 610
Copy Statistics, 259
Copy Stats, 255, 259
Copy Status, 610
Copy#, 256
Copying An Existing Address to a Different Address Book, 87
Copyright 11-20yr, 542
Copyright 20+yr, 542
Copyright 2yr, 542
Copyright 3-5yr, 542
Copyright 6-10yr, 542
Cost, 451
Cost, 464
Counters Last Reset On, 55
Country, 221, 408
Country, 226, 457
Create, 89, 762763, 769
Create New Security Leve, 75, 783
Create New Security Level, 7374,
Create Quick Report, 44, 473
Creating A New Patron Policy, 165
Creating A New Security Level, 74, 782
Creating Quick Reports, 473
Creating your own Custom Results
Lists, 387
Cross Data Station, 495
Cross Data Station Reports, 495
Cross DS, 433
Cross DS Report, 495
Cross DS Report Select By Options, 507
Cross DS Reports, 67, 495
Current Item, 239, 258, 268, 272, 368
Current List Format, 494
Current Patron, 40, 47, 217, 219, 229,
Curriculum, 249, 336, 341, 346347
Curriculum, 249
Curriculum Code, 491, 610
Custom Barcode Format, 494
Custom Barcode Labels, 309, 489
Custom Barcode Labels Select By Options, 489
Custom Barcode Labels Sort By Options, 489
Custom Lines on Top, 489
Cut, 60, 69, 226, 386, 388, 400, 778
Cut, Copy and Paste, 41, 772

Alexandria Users Manual xxvii

Daily, 117
Daily, 117
Damaged, 256, 307
Damaged, 307
Data, 1, 46, 14, 76, 199, 412, 492,
762, 788, 791
Data Files, 6
Data Import, 35, 716, 721
Data Import and Export, 715
Data Manipulation, 271
Data Station, 78, 81, 407, 693, 695,
764, 766
Quit Data Station, 696
Restart, 695
Data Station Addresses, 81
Data Station Status, 420
Data Station Utilities, 420, 693
Data Station Utility Type, 695
Data Stations Preferences, 762
Database, 349, 689
Rebuild, 691
Rebuild and Backup, 692
Database, 57, 83, 441
Database Management Windows
Locked by Default, 125
Database Utilities, 689
Database Utility Type, 691
Date Range, 470, 472, 516, 742
Date Range, 610, 742
Days Before Item is Due to Send Out
Notices, 96
Days Overdue, 611
Days Suspended per Overdue Day, 166,
Days Suspended per Overdue Day, 166,
Days to look ahead when checking in
reservations, 280
Days to Look Ahead When Checking
Out Reservations, 119
Declare Lost, 334
Default, 186, 399, 401
Default Font, 215
Default is Print for In-Stock Hold Receipts, 114
Default is Print for Payments and Refunds Receipts, 114
Default Item Pictures, 134
Default Item Pictures Tab, 134135
Default Language, 182
Default Local Administration, 65, 71,
Default Local Advanced Booking, 96
Default Local Archive, 199, 202204

xxviii Alexandria Users Manual

Default Local Checkpoint ILS, 109

Default Local Library ID, 435
Default Local Policy, 164, 169, 174
Default Local SIF, 191
Default Local Web, 207, 210, 212, 214
Default Medium, 127
Default Patron Picture, 157
Default Patron Pictures, 157
Default Patron Pictures Tab, 157
Default Picture, 134
Default Policy, 127, 153
Default Policy, 127, 153
Default Replacement / Purchase cost for
these items, 176
Default replacement/Purchase value,
Default Route Instructions, 189
Default Route Period (Days), 189
Default Search, 184, 210
Default Security Levels, 72, 781
Default Size, 215
Default staff policy, 196
Default student policy, 196
Default Study Program, 184, 210
Default Temporary Item Policy, 112
Default Terminal Receipt Width, 144
Default Terminal Screen Width, 144
Defaults, 155
Define Explore Button Action, 403
Delete, 244245
Delete Link, 214
Delete Tag, 244245, 247248
Delete the archived data after restoring,
Description, 310
Desensitize, 257
Destination Directory, 24
Detailed, 470, 509, 517, 529
Detailed, 496, 510, 512, 517, 530,
532, 534, 552
Detailed with Charges, 498, 553
Detailed with Cost, 498, 553
Detailed with Overdue Fines, 553
Details, 114, 185, 223, 239, 252, 267,
303304, 333, 351, 375376, 390
391, 393394
Details Display, 183
Determining a Backup Strategy, 7
Develop a Machine Maintenance Strategy, 14
Develop an Alexandria Maintenance
Strategy, 14
Dictionary, 42, 57
Dictionary Site, 78, 84
Dictionary Window, 56
Dictionary Window, 42
Digit 4, 10
Digits 1 to 3, 10
Digits 5 through 9, 10

Disable, 104
Disable Advanced Error Checking, 93
Disable Alexandria Web, 93
Disable All, 76, 784
Disable SearchALL Server, 93
Disable SIP2 ACS, 93
Disable TLS Encryption, 194
Disable v4 Service, 92
Disable Z39.50 Server, 93
Disagree, 19
Discard, 50, 220, 237
Discard Mode, 320
Discard Mode, 320
Discarded, 118, 151, 238, 507, 542
543, 563, 631632
Discarded, 543
Discarded Copies, 224
Discarded Copies, 507, 563
Discarded Item, 311
Discarded Item Window, 307
Discarded Items, 307, 320
Discarded Items, 507, 563
Discarded Items (barcode 2), 311
Discarded Items System Patron, 641
Discarded Items Window, 307
Discarded on Date, 611
Discarded Patron, 431
Discarded Value, 543
Discount, 447
Disk Defragment, 14
Display a message, 397, 404
Display All Connected Clients, 304
Display Log Messages, 208
Display Maximum Connection Errors,
Display Maximum User Errors, 183
Display Message, 401
Display Patron Lexile, 366
Display Patron Lexile, 111
Display Patron Lexiles, 366
Display Setting, 49, 246
Display Settings, 123, 243
Display Settings, 62
Display Settings Preferences, 123
Display Settings Tab, 123, 147
Displaying Patron Details, 392
District, 46, 66, 6971, 73, 753754,
District Access, 85
District Address Book, 753, 755
District Administrator, 69, 71, 778
District Administrator, 72
District Librarian, 753754, 756
District Librarian Addresses, 85
District Librarian Installer, 753
District Librarian Installer.dmg, 18
District Librarian Installer.exe, 22

Do not ask this question again, 340

Documentation, 300
Documents, 4
Documents and Settings, 4
Dont allow check in during check out,
Dont Bother Me, 59
Dont Bother Me, 59
Dont Show in Alexandria Researcher,
386, 611, 624
Dont Show in Alexandria Researcher,
Dont Show in Researcher, 624
Dont Show Title Availability, 431
Dont Show Title Availability, 186, 431
Done, 467
Download Default Set, 402
Drag and drop, 69, 226, 778
DS Status, 208, 420
DS Utilities, 208, 420
Due, 106
Due Date, 310, 396, 497, 553
Due Date, 611
Due Dates, 564
Due Dates Report Formats, 564
Due Dates Select By Options, 564
Due Dates Sort By Options, 564
due on, 165, 175
Duplicate, 163, 222, 239, 393
Duplicate, 452, 456, 459
Duplicate Address, 88
Duplicate Address Book, 87
Duplicate Book, 87
Duplicate Copy, 239
Duplicate Current Calendar, 107
Duplicate Item, 239
Duplicate Site Address, 88
Duplicate Title, 239
Duplicate Window, 376
Duplicating a Patron, 222
Duplicating an Address, 88
Duplicating An Address Book, 87
Duplicating an Item, 239
Duplicating Records, 50
Duration, 68

Each 2nd Location, 99
Each Homeroom, 99
Each Patron, 99
Each School, 99
Edit A Fee, 290, 292293
Edit Address, 88
Edit Button, 400, 403
Edit Data Stations Preferences, 766,
Edit Data Stations Preferences, 773

Edit Data Stations Registration, 773

Edit Fee, 284, 308
Edit Link, 214
Edit Menu, 41, 772
Edit Name, 75, 162163, 783
Edit Pane, 400
Edit Pane, 400
Edit Patron Information, 395
Edit Report, 474
Edit Security Level, 73, 7576, 781,
Edit User, 58, 65, 70, 776, 779
Edit Users, 70, 779
Edit Web Link, 214
Editing A New Security Level, 75, 783
Editing an Address, 88
Editing the Name of an Address Book,
Edition, 242
Eject, 20
Elementary Search Results, 142
Email, 5859, 408
Email, 228, 458, 557
Email Address, 58
Email Attachments, 300
Email Manager, 58
Email Manager, 42
Email Message, 300
Email Reservation Return Requests, 96
Email Reservation Shipping Notices, 96
Email Return Address, 96
Email Service Manager, 42, 5859
Email tab, 59
Status Message Log tab, 59
Email Support, 58
Email Tech Support, 38, 300
Embedded Book, 86
Embedded Book Addresses, 86
Enable All, 76, 104, 784
Enable Authority Control, 243, 246
Enable Automatic Email Notifications,
Enable Email Notifications, 113, 138,
140, 228
Enable Event Sounds, 205
Enable the SIF Agent, 193
Ending, 391, 630632, 654
Ending Dat, 632
Ending Date, 424, 485, 536, 612, 630
631, 654, 742
Ending Temporary Barcode Number,
Ending With, 470
English, 138, 182
Enhanced, 208, 419420
Enhanced Utilities, 208, 419
Enter, 271
Enter a barcode., 268
Enter Item Data, 13

Enter Patron Data, 14

Entire Range, 601
Entire Range, 741
Envelope and Spine, Centered, 539
Envelope and Spine, Left, 539
Envelope and Spine, Left with Control
Number, 539
Envelope and Spine, Left with Scannable Barcode, 539
Error, 59
Evaluate the Security of Your Data Station, 14
Event, 205
Events, 198
Exact Match, 57, 219
Exact Match, 57
Exact match, 235
Excellent, 256
Exceptions Happen, What Can We Do?,
Expiration Date, 54, 221
Expiration Date, 463
Expired Card, 611
Expired In-Stock, 554
Expired In-Stock Hold, 327, 434
Expired In-Stock Holds, 433, 435
Explore, 55, 63, 186, 210, 373, 382,
397399, 401, 405407, 422423
Explore Search, 382
Export, 39, 41, 89, 735
Export, 39, 89
Export All Panes, 402
Export Billing Information, 740
Select By, 740
Sort By, 740
Export Billing Information Select By,
Export Copies Select By, 737
Export Field Mapping, 89, 735736,
738, 740, 744
Export Field Mapping Window, 744
Export Fields
(Field Name, Field Number), 744
Export Item Information, 736
Character Set, 737
Operation, 736
Select By, 737
Sort By, 737
Export Item Information Sort By, 737
Export Other, 741
Operation, 743
Export Pane, 402
Export pane, 399
Export Patrons, 738
Character Set, 739
Operation, 738, 740
Select By, 739
Sort By, 738
Export Patrons Select By, 738739
Alexandria Users Manual xxix

Export Resources, 38
Export Tab-Delimited, 89
Export Type, 735
Exporting Data Files, 735
ext Scheduled Rebuild, 202
Extent, 246

Fair, 256
Fax, 228, 458
Fee, 284
Fee Amount, 285
Fee Charges and Payments, 283
Fee Charges, Payments, and Refunds,
Fee Comment, 285
Female, 157
Fewer machines saves money!, 758
Fewer Options, 378
Fewer Servers, 496, 498500, 502
field, 721
Field Mapping, 723724
Field Mapping Window, 724
Field Type, 724
File Import List, 716
File Menu, 39, 771
Filename of Certificate to Use, 194
Filter results by Library ID Code, 432
Filter results by Library ID Code, 138,
Financial Year from, 151
Find Again, 41, 772
Find an Item by Call Number, 324
Find Item by Title, 324
Find Patron, 450
Find Record, 47, 235, 452
Finding Patrons, 219
Finding Records, 47, 235
Fine rate for these items, 171
Fine rates for these items, 177
Fines limited by item cost, 166
Fines limited by item cost, 166, 177
Fines Only, 505, 560
Finished Exporting Record. Press OK to
Continue, 34
Firefox, 764
First, 46, 218, 235, 408, 452, 724
First, 46, 218, 226, 235
First Letter Uppercase, 627
First Name, Last Name, 519
First Record, 720
Fix Due Date, 677
Fix Due Date Select By Options, 677
Font, 52
Footing Text, 208
For Library Use, 224, 277, 311

xxx Alexandria Users Manual

For Library Use (barcode #3), 329

For Library Use (barcode 3), 311
For Library Use Patron (barcode 3), 466
Force, 165, 175
Force Individual Authority Controls,
Forgive Charge, 288, 308
Forgive Fine, 307
Forgive Notes, 288
Forgive Payment, 308
Frequency, 462
Fri, 199, 202
Friendly Name, 756
From 10 to 13, 643
From 13 to 10, 643
From Inventory, 507, 563, 631
From Patron, 507, 563, 631
From Title Match, 246, 368
FTP, 300, 302
FTP User Name, 110
FTP User Password, 110
Full Details, 377, 550
Full Display, 183
Full Name, 724
Full Search Results Details, 377
Full Subject, 491
Funding, 341, 346
Funding Source, 132, 347
Funding Source, 257, 491, 612, 624,

Gender, 157, 221, 226
Gender, 226
Gender Types, 157
General, 123
General Notes, 106, 313
General Notes, 229, 250
General Topic (_a), 248
Generate Report, 55
Generic Medium Type, 254
Generic Medium Type, 254
Geneva, 215
Geographic (_x), 248
Geographic (_z), 248
Get, 302
Get Data, 302
Get Help Files, 38
Get Read-Me, 91, 786
Get Resources, 792
Get Status, 392
Get Updates, 32
GIF, 657
Global Address Book, 80
Global Administration Address Book,
Global Administration Preferences

Address Books, 77
Security, 71
Updates, 90
Users, 65
Global Administration Users, 66
Global Advanced Booking, 9697, 186
Global Advanced Bookings Preferences
Notices, 97
Settings, 96
Global Alexandria Researcher, 186, 431
Global and Local Preferences, 63
Global Archive, 199, 202204
Global Archive Preferences
Archive, 199
Rebuild, 202
Global Authority Control, 103
Global Calendar, 105
Global Calendars Preferences
Calendars, 105
Global Checkpoint ILS, 109
Global Circulation, 117, 119120, 431
Global Circulation Preferences
Circulation, 117
Miscellaneous, 119120
Global Display Setting, 123124, 147
Global Item Management, 131, 133
135, 158
Global Item Management Preferences
Default Item Pictures, 134135
Items, 131
Leading Articles, 133
Global Library Information, 139, 423
Global Library Information Preferences,
Global Orders, 151, 542
Global Orders Preferences
Orders & Budgets, 151
Global Patron Management, 154155,
Global Patron Management Preferences
Default Pictures, 157
Grade Table, 158
Patron Management, 155
Global Policies Preferences
Circulation, 174
Items, 169
Patrons, 164
Global Policy, 164, 169, 174
Global preference, 129130
Global Researcher Preferences
Researcher, 186
Global Routes, 189
Global Settings, 716
Global SIF, 191
Global SIF Preferences, 191
Global Sounds, 205
Global Web Preferences
Links, 214
Patron, 210, 212

Web, 207
Global Word Processor, 215
Global/Default Local, 63
Global/Local, 61, 63
Go, 48, 218, 236
Go To, 31
Go to another pane, 397, 405
Good, 256
Government ID, 227
Govt ID, 657
Grace period allowed before an item is
subject to fine, 171
Grace period allowed before the item is
subject to fine, 177
Grade, 104, 155, 228, 341, 346347,
Grade, 652
Grade in, 228
Grade Table Tab, 158
Grade/Name, 470
Graduation Date, 228, 612, 652
Grant this session, 30, 765
green, 271
Group Name, 545
Guardian, 502, 557
Guidelines for Choosing Barcode Numbers, 9

H, 336
Handling Charges, Payments, and Refunds, 283
Hard Drive, 4, 760, 767
Hard due date, 170, 176
Hardware and Operating System Recommendations, 15
Hardware and Operating System Requirements, 759
Has Mangled Barcodes, 121
Has Mangled Barcodes, 121
Heading Text, 208
Heavy Duty (Rugged) Laser Scanner,
Heavy Duty Light pen, 732
Help, 16, 38, 61, 266267, 271, 376,
410, 682, 770, 775
Help Index.vwp, 38
Help Me Find A Book, 373
Help Me Find A Book, 369370
Help Me Find a Book, 211, 369370
Help Menu, 38
Help Page, 410
Help Page, 410
Hide Desktop, 184
Hide Everywhere, 77, 385, 756
Hide Lexile/Help, 184
Hide Lexile/Help, 211

Hide on Researcher, 77, 756

History, 461, 465
Hold, 96, 266, 268, 272, 318, 375
376, 390
Hold In-Stock, 559
Hold or Reservation, 376, 390
Hold Pick Up Location, 144
Hold Request, 271
Hold Request Select By Options, 499,
Hold Request Sort By Options, 499, 554
Hold Requests, 499, 554
Hold Requests Collections Options, 499
Hold requests for these items are allowed, 172, 178
Hold Requests Report Formats, 499,
Holding Code, 253
Holdings, 543
Holds, 272276, 303, 393, 414
Holds, 565
Holds and Reservations Settings, 119
Home, 376, 382, 406
Homeroom, 227, 266, 341, 346347
Homeroom, 652
Homeroom Commands, 325
Homeroom location in Staff Personal
message, 196
Homeroom location in Student Personal
message, 196
Homeroom Selection, 266, 325326
Horizontal Spine Labels, 539
Hotkeys, 797
How Archiving Works, 200, 789
How Are Lexiles Measured?, 363
How does SIF work?, 192
How to Create a New Address Book, 79
How to Create a Report, 469
How to Initiate a Catalog Utility, 701
How to Initiate a Check for Update Utility, 679
How to Initiate a Circulation Utility, 673
How to Initiate a Data Station Utility,
How to Initiate a Database Utility, 689
How to Initiate a Logs Utility, 697
How to Initiate a Patron Utility, 649
How to Initiate a Vendor Utility, 669
How to Initiate a Verify Utility, 709
How to Initiate an Authority Utility, 685
How to Initiate an Item Utility, 621

I, 336
I am ready to continue now, 429
I am ready to continue now, 430
I have to cancel this operation since

something important is running, 430

I need to finish this work first. Only
show the timer window, 430
If Available, 432
Ignore Alexandria Call Number Policies, 542
Ignore Barcode, 306
Ignore Barcode Leader, 131
Ignore Barcode Leader of, 131, 155
Ignore Leading Characters, 238
Ignore Leading Zeros on Barcodes, 118
Ignore messages for staff members in
other schools, 196
Ignore messages for students in other
schools, 196
Ignore Super Summary Call Numbers,
Ignore Super Summary Classifications,
ILS FTP Path, 110
ILS Server Address, 110
Import, 34, 39, 72, 76, 89, 315, 715
Import, 39, 89
Import & Export, 76
Import Commands, 316
Import File Example, 723
Import Item Pictures Select By Options,
Import Lexiles, 368
Import Lexiles Select By Options, 644
Import Pane, 402
Import Pane, 402
Import Patron Pictures, 657
Import Patron Pictures Select By Options, 657
Import Script/File, 315
Import Transaction Script, 39
Import Transaction Scripts, 315316
Importing Data Files, 721
Importing Item Information, 728
Importing Item Lexiles, 371
Importing Patron Information, 725
Importing Portable Laser Scanner Inventory Files, 316
Importing Statistical Information, 721
Importing Transaction Files, 732
In Stock Item Holds, 273276
In Stock Patron Holds, 273276
In Transit, 130, 224, 328, 432435,
In Transit (barcode 9), 312
In Transit and Interlibrary Loans, 434
In Transit Commands, 434
In Transit Destination Window, 328
In Transit Items System Patron, 641
In Transit Mode, 432
In Transit Patron, 554
In Transit Patrons, 554
Alexandria Users Manual xxxi

In Transit Report Formats, 565

In Transit Select By Options, 565
In Transit Sort By Options, 565
In Transit System Patron, 327, 434435
In Transit System Patrons, 434
In Transit Tab, 129130
In Transit Window, 327
In Transit Window, 327328
Inactive, 226, 453, 458
Inactive Budgets, 613
Inactive Vendors, 613
Include Barcodes, 538
Include Charges, Fees, Fines, 497, 501,
553, 556
Include Patron Pictures, 510
Include Special Patrons, Barcodes 1-50,
510524, 526527, 651665
Increment Entire Barcode Including Alphas, 111
Increment Rightmost Numerics, 111
Index 700_t as a Title, 132
Indexed, 253
Information, 138
Initial records to skip, 724
Install, 19
Installation Summary (read this first),
17, 760
Installer Resource, 31
Installer Resources, 31
Installer.dmg, 760
Installer.exe, 760
Installing Alexandria, 15
Installing Alexandria Clients, 28
Installing Alexandria Controller, 759
Installing Alexandria for Macintosh, 18
Installing Alexandria for Windows, 22
Installing Client Workstations, 764
Installing NetLink III, 32
Installing Z39.50 Server, 32
Institution, 156
Institution Link Description, 208
Institution Logo, 208
Institution Logo, 208
Institution Logo Link, 208
Institution URL, 208
Institution URL, 208
In-Stock, 499, 503, 554, 558
In-Stock Expiration Date, 613
In-Stock Hold, 435
In-Stock Hold, 113
In-Stock Hold Period, 130, 432
In-Stock Item Hold, 275
In-Stock Item Holds, 276
In-Stock Patron Hold, 273
In-Stock Patron Holds, 273
Instructions, 466, 468
Interest Code, 336, 341, 346347
Interest Code, 249, 253, 491, 613
Internet Explorer, 28, 31, 764

xxxii Alexandria Users Manual

Introduction to Preferences, 61
Introduction to Reports, 469
Inventoried, 543
Inventoried Items, 536
Inventory, 315, 317, 322, 536
Inventory, 322
Inventory Bookdrop, 323
Inventory Control, 322
Inventory Date, 257, 613
Inventory File, 110
Inventory On Receipt, 321
Inventory on Receipt, 461
Inventory on Receipt, 464
Inventory Report Formats, 536
Inventory Reports, 323
Inventory Select By Options, 536
Inventory Sort By Options, 536
Inventory Statistics Summary, 536
Iowa, 549
IP Address, 349, 756
IP Address, 8185, 441
Irregular, 462
ISBD Authors, 541
ISBD Subject, 541
ISBD Title, 541
ISBN, 464
ISBN, 242, 450
ISSN, 464
Issue Routing Slip, 330
Issue Routing Slip, 330
Issued, 150, 444448, 454455, 587
Issued, 446
Issues Remaining, 463
Issues Remaining, 463
Item, 39, 43, 163, 169, 174, 333, 418,
724, 744
Item, 174
Item Analysis, 535
Item Analysis Select By Options, 535
Item Barcode, 613
Item Call Number, 613
Item Copy Data, 238, 255, 314, 433
Item Copy Usage, 534
Item Details, 251
Item Export Fields
(Field Name, Field Number), 746
Item fieldsField Numbers, 729
Item Hold Queue, 273276, 503, 558
Item Hold Queue Collections Options,
Item Hold Queue Report Formats, 503,
Item Hold Queue Select By Options,
503, 558
Item Hold Queue Sort By Options, 503,
Item Holds, 275
Item Holds Queue, 275276

Item Info, 464

Item Information Fields, 240
Item List, 530
Item List Report Formats, 530
Item List Report Select By Options, 530
Item List Report Sort By Options, 530
Item Lookup, 324
Item Lookup by Title, 449
Item Management, 127131, 133135,
233234, 239, 246, 256, 314, 375,
418, 433, 624
Item Management, 62
Item Management Copy List, 433
Item Management Preferences, 127
Item Management Window, 234
Item Policies, 162, 718
Check Out, 170
Item Policies, 484
Item Policy, 162, 174
Item Policy, 241, 613, 624, 717
Item Reports, 44, 433, 529, 623
Item Reservations, 281282, 504
Item Reservations Collections Options,
Item Reservations Select By Options,
Item Reservations Sort By Options, 504
Item Settings, 717
Item Title, 613
Item Utilities, 621
Item Utility, 311
Item Utility Types, 623
Check Out, 641
Convert ISBN, 643
Import Item Pictures, 639
Import Lexiles, 644
Match Copy to Title Call Numbers,
Match Title Policies, 638
Match Title to Copy Call Numbers,
Modify Call Numbers, 627
Remove Archived Copies, 630
Remove Copy, 629
Remove Copy Transactions, 633
Remove Discarded Copies, 632
Remove Item Pictures, 640
Remove Lost Copies, 631
Remove NetLink II, 634
Remove NetLink III, 635
Remove Title, 628
Replace Information, 624
Verify, 623
Items, 43, 555
Items are due on, 165, 175
Items are due on, 165, 175
Items Found, 55
Items Lost from Inventory, 55

Items Management, 309, 386

Items Tab, 127, 131, 169
Items Utilities, 371

Jan-Dec Usage, 542
January Usage, 721
Java, 2830, 764765
Java Plug-in 1.3, 29, 765
JPEG, 657

Keep, 50
Keep History for all Patrons, 493
Keep History for all Patrons, 155
Keep Patron History, 223, 230, 367,
493, 526, 660
Keep Patron History, 230
Keep Patron History Select By Options,
Keep the first five, 121
Keep window open after adding, 80,
Keep window open after adding, 81
84, 86

Labels, 555, 564
Landscape, 538, 540
, 538, 540
Language, 208, 399, 401
Language, 138, 410
Language Material, 263
Laser Labels, 537
Laser Labels, 537
Last, 46, 218, 235, 452
Last, 46, 218, 226, 235
Last 5 Items, 408
Last 5 Items, 408
Last 5 Searcher, 408
Last 5 Searches, 408
Last Archive, 200, 789
Last Library, 433, 435
Last Library, 256
Last Name, 47, 221, 228, 408, 724
Last Name, 613
Last Name, First Name, 519
Last Rebuild, 202, 790
Last Receipt Date, 463
Last Receipt Date, 463
Last Record, 720
Late In Arriving, 565
Late In Arriving Circulation, 130
Late in Arriving In Transit, 432

Launch a file or application, 397, 405

Launch a URL, 397, 405
LCCN, 242, 450
LDR, 263
Leading Articles Tab, 133
Left, 52, 539
Left Margin, 215
Letter, 524
Letter to Parents, 524
Letters, 113, 501, 556, 559
Letters Tab, 150
Level, 69, 156, 778
Level, 228
Lexile, 365366, 368370, 373
Lexile, 228, 246, 614
Lexile History, 367
Lexile Not Entered, 530
Lexile Score, 530
Lexile Server Address, 371, 644
Lexile Server Address, 644
Lexile/Help checked, 184
Lexile/Help checked, 211
Lexile/Help un-checked, 184
Lexile/Help un-checked, 211
Lexiles, 363, 373, 644
Librarian, 17, 28, 70, 106, 138, 764,
767, 779
Librarian, 72, 138
Librarian Title, 138
Librarian Workstation, 66, 379
Librarian Workstations, 61
Librarians retain autonomy!, 758
Library, 4, 341, 346347, 432, 576
584, 756, 767
Library, 8182, 85, 257, 464, 491,
624, 717
Library Address, 137
Library Administrator, 66, 6971, 73
Library Administrator, 72
Library Aide, 72
Library Aide, 72
Library Calendar, 485
Library Calendar Report Formats, 485
Library Calendar Select By Options,
Library Calendar Sort By, 485
Library Email Address, 140
Library Email Address, 138
Library Hours, 138, 410
Library Hours Not Specified, 138
Library ID, 431, 433435
Library ID Code, 8182, 85, 128, 138,
257, 431432, 548
Library ID Code, 138
Library Information, 95, 128, 137
139, 228, 300, 410, 423, 718
Library Information, 62, 410
Library Information Preferences, 137,

Library Information Tab, 137, 139

Library List, 614
Library Patron, 312
Library Range, 614
Library Search, 418
Library Staff, 72
Library Use Copies, 507, 563
Library Use Items, 507, 563
Library Use Items System Patron, 641
License Agreement, 1920
License Information, 300
Line Item Details, 449
Line Items, 448449
Link Description, 214
Link Menu, 26, 45
Links, 45, 214
Links Menu, 45
Links Tab, 214
Loan Period, 170, 176
Loan Period, 170, 176
Loaned Items, 496, 552
Loaned Items Collections Options, 496
Loaned Items Report Formats, 496, 552
Loaned Items Select By Options, 496,
Loaned Items Sort By Options, 496, 552
LOC Style Spine Labels, 540
LOC Style Spine Labels Report Formats, 540
LOC Style Spine Labels Select By Options, 540
LOC Style Spine Labels Sort By Options, 540
Local Alexandria Researcher, 63
Local Authority Control Preferences
Authority Control, 103
Local Call Number Tag, 128
Local Circulation, 366, 501, 556, 559
Local Circulation Preferences, 43
Circulation, 111
Miscellaneous, 114, 116
Local Collection, 374, 438
Local Collection, 182, 496, 498500,
Local Copies, 101, 432
Local Display Setting Preferences
Display Settings, 123
Local Display Settings Preferences
Miscellaneous, 124
Local ID Code, 432
Local Item Management, 432, 565
Local Item Management Preferences
In Transit, 129130
Items, 127
Local Library Information, 257, 431
432, 435, 548
Local Library Information Preferences,

Alexandria Users Manual xxxiii

Local Orders Preferences

Letters, 150
Orders & Budgets, 147, 149
Local Patron Management Preferences
Patron Management, 153, 365
Local Researcher Preferences, 496,
498500, 502507
Researcher, 181
Results & Details, 185
Local Routes Preferences
Routes, 189
Local Settings, 138
Local Sounds Preferences
Sounds, 205
Local Word Processor Preferences
Word Processor, 215
Local/Default, 61
Local/Global, 61
Locate a Patron by First Name, 324
Locate a Patron by Last Name, 324
Locate a Patron by Name, 324
Locate an Item by Call Number, 324
Locate an Item by Title, 324
Locating Patrons and Items, 324
Location, 31, 155156, 227228, 341,
346347, 467
Location, 257, 464, 491, 624, 717
Lock/Unlock Record, 456, 459
Log, 117, 269, 769
Log In, 66, 369370, 373, 408, 411,
Log In, 787
Log In r, 408
Log In/Log Out, 408
Log Ou, 66
Log Out, 40, 66, 71, 182, 408, 411
Log Out, 40
Log Settings, 117
Log SIP2 in Transaction Log, 144
Login, 40, 695696
Login User Name, 30, 766
Logs, 195, 697
View Release Notes, 700
View Server Log, 699
Logs Utilities, 697
Logs Utility Type, 699
Look for Follett Interleaved 2 of 5, 121
Lookup, 57, 271, 466
Lost Card or Suspended, 226
Lost Copies, 224
Lost Copies, 507, 563
Lost Item, 311
Lost Items, 507, 563
Lost Items (barcode 1), 311
Lost Items Inventoried, 536
Lost Items System Patron, 641642
Lost on Date, 614
Lost Patron, 55, 311
Lost System Patron, 334

xxxiv Alexandria Users Manual

Lost Value, 543

LTD Usage, 542

Mac Standard (ASCII), 737, 739, 742
Macintosh & Windows Command Differences, 37
Macintosh Circulation Shortcut Commands, 800
Macintosh Shortcut Keys, 799
Magnetic Medium, 254
Magnetic Medium, 254
Mailing Labels, 520
Mailing Labels - One Across, 502, 557
Mailing Labels - Three Across, 502,
Mailing Labels Report Formats, 520
Mailing Labels Select By Options, 520
Mailing Labels Sort By Options, 520
Main Author*, 703
Make a Patron Current, 333
Make a Patron Current, 333
Make a Patron or Item Current, 337
Make Charges, 283
Make Charges/Payments, 303
Make Item/Patron Current, 337
Make Payment, 289, 308
Making a Payment, 289
Male, 157
Management Command Menus, 46
Mandatory Authority Control, 155
Manual Checkout Sheet, 487
Manual Installation of Client Workstations, 767
MARC, 735736
MARC, 530
MARC Editor, 243
MARC Records, 377, 550
MARC View, 247, 260261
MARC View Editor, 260
MARC/MicroLIF Records, 747
MARC-8, 737, 739, 742
Match Copy to Title Call Numbers Select By Options, 637
Match Title Policies Select By Options,
Match Title to Copy Call Numbers Select By Options, 636
Matching Title Lists, 351
Max Results/Page, 210
Maximum fine for an overdue item,
118, 295
Maximum fine for an overdue item,
166, 177
Maximum Hits, 182
Maximum number of items checked out,

Maximum number of items checked out,

165, 175
Maximum number of items overdue,
166, 177
Maximum number of Items placed on
hold, 167
Maximum number of items placed on
hold, 178
Maximum number of reservations, 168,
Maximum reservation period for these
items, 172, 179
Maximum Search Results, 210
Maximum Simultaneous Client Updates, 90, 785
McAfee Virus-Scan, 14
Media, 375, 386
Medium, 124, 134, 238, 242, 341,
Medium, 242, 464, 491
Medium Picture, 134
Medium Types, 134
Medium*, 703
Merge, 89
Message, 87, 340
Message Handling Tab, 195
Messages Tab, 197
MicroLIF, 735736
Microsoft Internet Explorer, 407
Minimum, 759
Miscellaneous, 149, 243, 246, 254
Miscellaneous Tab, 114, 119, 124
Missing Subscriptions, 615
Missouri, 543
Missouri Ignore Super Summary Call
Numbers, 543
Missouri Super Summary, 542
Modes, 267
Modes, Commands and Help, 266
Modify, 625, 703
Modify Call Numbers Modify Options,
Modify Call Numbers Operation Selections, 627
Modify Call Numbers Select By Options, 627
Modify Copy, 255
Modify Line Item, 448
Modify Line Items, 452
Modify Select By Options, 706
Modifying Patron Information, 220
Mon, 199, 202
Monday, 165, 175
Monday & Thursday Delivery, 485
Month/Library, 576584
Monthly, 117
Monthly, 117
Monthly Usage, 517, 534
Monthly Usage Report Formats, 517

Monthly Usage Select By Options, 517

More, 48, 218, 236, 239, 324, 378
More Servers, 496, 498500, 502507
Move Copy to this Title, 239
Multi-Data Station technology saves
time!, 758
Munge Resources for Windows, 38
My Computer, 22

Name, 48, 54, 65, 70, 349, 467, 776,
Name, 8185, 441
NetLink, 3, 682
NetLink II, 634
NetLink III, 635
Netscape Navigator, 28, 31, 407
netTrekker, 3, 45, 141142, 376, 407,
netTrekker URL, 142
netTrekker, 376
Never, 101, 117, 182, 184, 210
Never, 117
Never Add Copies, 718
Never update authority controlled information, 104
New, 78, 89, 107, 163, 256, 542, 703
New, 542
New Budget, 456
New Bulletin, 54
New Document, 52
New Document, 39, 771
New ID, 402
New line at ., 538
New Line Item, 452
New Order, 452
New Password, 396
New Patron, 221
New Prefix, 627
New Select By Options, 705
New Title, 49, 238
New Value, 542, 706
New Vendor, 459
Newer, 543
Next, 2224, 46, 218, 235, 376, 452
Next, 46, 218, 235
Next Barcode, 221222, 239, 719
Next Barcode, 127, 153
Next Issue Expected, 463
Next Scheduled Archive, 200, 789
Next Scheduled Rebuild, 790
NO, 33
No, 23, 87, 201, 282, 340
No Activity, 615
No Copies, 542
No Date, 542
No Loan Period, 170, 176

Non-Default, 184
Non-default, 210
None, 142, 257, 384, 464
None, 397, 404
non-numeric, 544
Normal Size, 540
Norton Anti-Virus, 14
Norton Disk Doctor, 14
Not Inventoried Items, 536
Note and Warning Alerts, 4
Notes, 41, 229, 250, 258, 267, 313
314, 446, 458
Notes, 377, 450, 550
Notes about Inventory, 323
Notes Tab, 454
Notes to Vendor, 446
Notices, 96
Notices Tab, 97
NT, 93
Number of copies, 239
Number of days a patrons card is active,
Number of days patrons card is active,
Number of days these items can be
loaned, 165, 175
Number of days to keep a hold request,
167, 178
Number of days to keep an in-stock hold
request, 327, 434
Number of days to keep an in-stock hold
request, 167, 178
Number of Duplicates, 489, 537538,
Number of times item can be renewed,
Number of times item can be renewed,
170, 176
Number of volumes, 239
numeric, 544
Numeric Call Code, 544545
Numeric Call Codes, 544
NY BEDS, 549
NY BEDS, 549

Old Password, 396
Older, 543
ON, 132, 205, 624, 716
On, 718
On Order, 224, 238
On Order (barcode 5), 312
On Order Copies, 507, 563
On Order Items, 507, 563
On Order Items System Patron, 641
On Order Patron, 312

On Repair, 224, 238

On Repair (barcode 4), 312
On Repair Copies, 507, 563
On Repair Items, 507, 563
On Repair Items System Patron, 641
On Repair Patron, 312
One Across, 520
One and Two-Part Labels, 11
Only allow reservations by Copy Library, 179
Only allow reservations by copy library,
Only Count Open Days, 171
Only count open days, 171, 177
Only fill holds by Copy Library, 167,
Only Include Patrons With Transactions, 523
Open, 39, 89, 106, 150, 165, 175,
444449, 587, 735
Open, 39, 771
Open a help document, 405
Open a help file, 397
Open Archive Folder, 199, 788
Open Days required between reservations, 172
Open days required between reservations, 179
Open Release Notes, 38, 770
Open Web Researcher, 418
Opened, 446
Optional additional text for slip printer
receipts, 115
Options, 57
Order Budget Allocations, 447
Order Entry, 451
Order Existing Title, 449450
Order Form, 587
Order Form Select By Options, 587
Order Form Sort By Options, 587
Order Forms, 587
Order Issue Date, 615
Order List, 586
Order List Report Formats, 586
Order List Select By Options, 586
Order List Sort By Options, 586
Order Preferences, 447
Order Price, 451
Order Reports, 585
Order Sequence Number, 445
Order Status, 445
Order Total, 447
Order Total, 447
Orders, 4, 43, 149151, 443445,
448, 452, 743
Orders, 43, 62, 443
Orders & Budgets Tab, 149, 151
Orders Management, 62, 444
Alexandria Users Manual xxxv

Orders Menu, 452

Orders Preferences, 149
Orders, Vendors, and Budgets, 443
Other, 253, 320, 384
Other, 226, 307
Other Address Book Commands, 89
Other Settings, 128, 132
Other Words, 384
Out, 268, 318319, 329, 337
Out For Repair, 224
Overdue, 284
Overdue Letters, 502, 557
Overdue Letters with Summary, 502,
Overdue Letters, to Parents, 502, 557
Overdue List, 522
Overdue List Select By Options, 522
Overdue List Sort By Options, 522
Overdue Listings, 497, 553
Overdue Listings Collections Options,
Overdue Listings Report Formats, 498,
Overdue Listings Select By Options,
498, 553
Overdue Listings Sort By, 498
Overdue Listings Sort By Options, 553
Overdue Notice, 58, 140
Overdue Notice, 113
Overdue Notices, 501, 556
Overdue Notices Collections Options,
Overdue Notices Report Formats, 501,
Overdue Notices Select By Options,
502, 557
Overdue Notices Sort By Options, 502,
Overdue Suspension Notice, 113
Override, 306
Override and check this item out anyway?, 306
Override Date, 317318, 337
Override Dates, 106
Overwrite, 89, 402

P, 336
Packing List Note, 99
Packing List Note, 97
Page break between major sorts, 512,
523, 526
Page break between sections, 576584
Page Break Reports between Major Item
Sorts, 512, 523, 526
Page Setup, 40, 771
Palm Laser scanner, 732

xxxvi Alexandria Users Manual

Pane Name, 401

Pane name, 399
Panes, 402
Parent/Guardian, 228
Password, 8485, 228, 334, 441, 787
Password Web, 408
Passwords and Security, 756
Passwords/Security, 40
Paste, 60, 388, 400, 403
Paste and Copy Patron Picture, 226
Paste and Copy User Picture, 69, 778
Paste From File, 41, 772
Paste Patron Picture, 69, 223, 226, 778
Patron, 174
Patron / Item Policy, 162
Patron 2nd Location, 491, 615
Patron 2nd Location / Call Number Order, 99
Patron Barcode, 390392
Patron Barcode, 225, 615
Patron Cards, 510
Patron Counts, 518
Patron Counts Select By Options, 518
Patron Desk Reference, 511
Patron Desk Reference Format, 511
Patron Desk Reference Select By Options, 511
Patron Desk Reference Sort By Options,
Patron Details, 230, 392, 395, 408, 523
Patron Details, 408
Patron Edit, 395
Patron Edit, 408
Patron Export Fields
(Field Name, Field Number), 745
Patron FieldsField Number, 726
Patron Find, 224
Patron Forgiven Charges, 514515
Patron Forgiven Charges Format, 514
Patron Grade, 491, 603, 616
Patron History, 367, 653654
Patron Hold Queue, 273276
Patron Holds, 273274
Patron Holds, 303
Patron Holds Queue, 273274
Patron Homeroom, 325326
Patron Homeroom, 491, 616
Patron Homeroom Window, 326
Patron Homeroom Window, 326
Patron Homeroom/Call Number Order,
Patron Information Fields, 225
Patron Lexile, 512
Patron Lexile Select By Options, 512,
Patron Lexile Sort By Options, 512,
Patron List, 510

Patron List Report Formats, 510

Patron List Select By Options, 510
Patron List Sort By Options, 510
Patron Lists, 470
Patron Managemen, 395
Patron Management, 153158, 164,
217, 225, 227, 313, 395, 418, 493, 657
Patron Management, 62
Patron Management Location, 612
Patron Management Preference, 221
Patron Management Preferences, 153
Patron Management Tab, 153, 155
Patron Management Window, 217
Patron Name, 616
Patron Notices, 559
Patron Notices Report Formats, 559
Patron Notices Select By Options, 559
Patron Notices Sort By Options, 559
Patron Options, 213
Patron Payment History, 513
Patron Payment History Format, 513
Patron Payment History Select By Options, 513
Patron Payment History Sort By Options, 513
Patron Picture, 157
Patron Picture, 226
Patron Pictures, 659
Patron Policies, 162, 164
All Tab, 168
Check Out Tab, 165
Hold Tab, 167
Overdue Tab, 166
Reservation Tab, 168
SIP2 Tab, 168
Patron Policies, 484
Patron Policy, 228
Patron Policy, 225, 616, 652, 719
Patron Preferences, 719
Patron Receipt Letter, 589
Patron Renewals, 432
Patron Report, 509
Patron Report Sort By Options, 528
Patron Reports, 44, 469470, 509, 651
Patron Reports Select By, 739
Patron Reports Sort By, 738
Patron Reservations, 281282
Patron Reservations, 303
Patron School, 491, 616, 719
Patron School / Call Number Order, 99
Patron Settings, 719
Patron Status, 226, 523
Patron Status, 226
Patron Status Select By Options, 523
Patron Status Sort By Options, 523
Patron Summary Statistics Select By
Options, 516
Patron Tab, 212
Patron Transaction, 329

Patron Utilities, 649

Patron Utilities, 226
Patron Utility Types, 651
Patron Web, 212
Clear Patron History, 654
Export Patron Pictures, 659
Import Patron Pictures, 657
Keep Patron History, 660
Remove All Transactions, 661
Remove Patron, 653
Remove Patron Pictures, 658
Renew Patron Cards, 656
Replace Information, 652
Verify, 651
Patrons, 43
Patrons Policy, 162
Patrons Tab, 164
Pause, 59, 721
Pay Alert on Check In/Check Out, 170,
Payment, 285, 289, 308
Payment Amount, 289, 308
Payment Forgiven Charges, 515
Payment History, 653
Payment Notes, 289
Payment Summary Statistics, 516
Payments, 283284, 291
Pending Hold, 499, 503, 554, 558
Performing Software Updates, 91, 786
Period Due, 106, 175
Period Due, 106
Permission Override, 6668, 777
Personal, 408
Personal Info, 156, 227, 395
Phone, 225, 228
Phone, 458
Phone Number, 408
Photocomposed labels, 11
Pick Route Patrons, 467
PICT, 657
Ping the ZIS, 194
Place, 246
Place a Reservation, 277
Place Hold, 390, 424
Place Reservation, 390391, 424
Placing a Hold Request, 272
Placing a Hold Request, 272
Placing a Reservation, 277
Placing and configuring button, 403
Placing Holds and Making Reservations, 390
Placing Holds and Reservations, 424
PO Number, 445
PO Number, 445, 616
Point Count, 253
Policies, 95, 161162, 169, 174, 424,
517, 743
Policies, 62

Policy, 161, 217, 221, 225, 238, 432,

Policy, 162, 256, 450, 464, 616
Policy and Medium, 127
Policy List, 484
Policy List Report Formats, 484
Policy List Select By Options, 484
Policy List Sort By Options, 484
Policy Name, 162163
Policy Notes, 176
Policy notes, 165, 170
Policy Preferences, 161
Policy Shortcode, 163
Port, 349
Port, 8384, 441
Port ID (usually 80), 208
, 538, 540
Postal Code, 221, 226, 408
Postal Code, 457
Posting List, 498, 553
Posting List, 498, 553
Posting List - Detailed, 498, 553
Pre-Defined Color Scheme, 123
Prefer LC Call Numbers, 128
Preferences Affecting Central Union,
Preferences Report, 488
Prepare Booking Labels, 100
Prepare Packing Lists for, 99
Preparing Circulation Reports, 551
Preparing Cross DS Reports, 495
Preparing for Alexandria, 45
Preparing Item Reports, 529
Preparing Order Reports, 585
Preparing Patron Reports, 509
Preparing Special Reports, 483
Preparing Statistics Records Reports,
Preparing Subscriptions Reports, 593,
Preserve Existing Call Numbers, 128
Previous, 46, 218, 235, 376, 452
Previous, 46, 218, 235
Previous - Next, 376
Primary Information, 457
Primary Item Information, 240241
Primary Item Information, 240
Primary Orders Window Information,
Primary Patron Information, 225
Print Receipt, 285, 288
Print Receipts, 284
Print the Transaction Log, 315
Print to PDF, 40, 771
Print Transaction log, 315
Printed labels, 11
Printer, 509, 529, 585
Process, 98, 289

Process Pending Bookings, 95, 102,

Process Pending Bookings, 304
Process With Receipt, 289
Product Codes, 21, 27, 761
Products, 91, 786
Program Files, 6, 24, 760, 767
Program Name, 384
Program Name, 253
Provide, 198
Publication, 246, 368
Publication Date Summary, 533
Publication Date Summary Select By
Options, 533
Publication Date Summary Sort By Options, 533
Publication Year, 616
Publisher, 341, 346347, 371
Publisher, 246, 450, 491, 617
Pull Mode, 193
Pull Pending Holds, 433, 548
Pull Pending Holds Items Report, 435
Pull Pending Holds Report Formats, 548
Pull Pending Holds Select By Options,
Pull Pending Holds Sort By Options,
Purchase Cost, 257
Purchase Cost, 257
purchase cost, 176
Purchases, 458459
Purchases, 458
Push Mode, 193
Put Comment in the Transaction log,
Put Comment in Transaction log, 315

Quantity, 450
Quantity Received, 448
Query, 75, 87, 341, 404, 783
Quick Add, 245, 247
Quick Report, 472474
Quick Reports, 44, 469, 472474
Quick Subject Entry, 248
Quit, 20, 66, 182, 777
Quit Alexandria, 430
Quit Alexandria, 430
Quit Alexandria Controller, 770
Quit/Exit Alexandria, 40, 771

R, 336
Read only, 762
Read Transaction File, 732
Read Transaction File, 315

Alexandria Users Manual xxxvii

Reading Counts, 253, 384

Reading Counts and Lexiles, 364
Reading Level, 253
Reading Level Spine Label, 546
Ready to Install, 24
Reason, 307, 320
Reasons For Creating Your Own Special/System Patrons, 312
Rebuild and Backup, 692
Rebuild Tab, 202, 790
Rebuild Utility, 14
Recalculate All Budgets, 455
Recall, 113
Recall Immediately, 330
Recall Immediately With Email Notification, 330
Recall Immediately With Email Notification, 330
Recall Immediately With Print Notification, 330
Recall Immediately With Print Notification, 330
Recall Letters, 559
Receipts, 114
Receive, 448
Receive Entire Order, 444
Receive Entire Order, 452
Receive Line Item, 448
Receive Line Item, 452
Receive Subscription, 321, 463
Receive Subscription, 321, 462
Received, 321
Received Line, 447
Receiving Your Order, 451
Recommended, 759
Recompute, 458
Record, 48
record, 721
red, 271
Redo, 41
Redo/Cant Redo, 772
Reference 100-199, 545
Refresh, 200, 202, 270, 789790
Refresh Counters, 55
Refund, 291
Refund Amount, 291
Refund and Print Receipt, 291
Refund Comment, 291
Refunding A Payment, 291
Refunds, 283284, 293, 296
Registered To, 21, 27, 761, 765
Registering the Controller, 761
Registration, 31, 38, 773
Regular, 543
Regular, 542
Regular - Ignore Super Summary Call
Numbers, 543
Regular Super Summary, 542
Remember this reason, 320

xxxviii Alexandria Users Manual

Remote Control, 199201, 427430,

695696, 793
Remote Control Service Log, 430
Remove, 73, 716, 781
Remove Address, 88
Remove All Panes, 402
Remove All Transactions Select By Options, 661, 665
Remove Archived Copies Select By Options, 630
Remove Budget, 456
Remove Bulletin, 53
Remove Copy, 238
Remove Copy Reservations, 282
Remove Copy Reservations, 304
Remove Copy Select By Options, 629
Remove Copy Transactions Select By
Options, 633
Remove Data Station, 773
Remove Data Station, 773
Remove Discarded Copies Select By
Options, 632
Remove Duplicates Authority Control,
Remove Item Pictures Select By Options, 640
Remove Item Reservations, 282
Remove Line Item, 452
Remove Lost Copies Select By Options,
Remove NetLink II Select By Options,
Remove NetLink III Select By Options,
Remove Order, 452
Remove Pane, 399
Remove Patron, 654
Remove Patron Holds, 273274, 303
Remove Patron Holds, 303
Remove Patron Picture, 223
Remove Patron Pictures Select By Options, 658659, 662664
Remove Patron Reservations, 303
Remove Patron Reservations, 303
Remove Patrons with Checkouts, Fines,
Fees, 653
Remove Prefix, 627
Remove Prefix, 627
Remove Report, 474
Remove Reservation, 304
Remove Select By Options, 653, 672,
Remove Slashes, 627
Remove source titles with no copies,
Remove Title, 238
Remove Title Select By Options, 628
Remove titles without copies, 629632

Remove titles without copies, 629

Remove User, 65, 70, 776, 779
Remove Vendor, 459
Removed Patrons, 654
Removing a Data Station from an Address Book, 87
Removing a Patron, 222
Removing a Title or Copy, 238
Removing an Address, 88
Removing Copy Reservations, 282
Removing Emails From the Queue, 59
Removing Patron Holds, 273
Removing Patron Reservations, 281
Removing Records, 50
Removing Users, 70, 779
Renew, 266, 304, 334335, 396, 408
Renew, 334
Renew All, 304, 335, 396
Renew All Items, 335
Renew Patron Cards Select By Options,
Renew Patron Items, 304
Renew Query, 334
Renewal Cost, 463
Renewal Date, 463
Renewal List, 594
Renewals, 396
Renewing an Item, 335
Renewing an Item, 334335
Reorganize and Optimize, 33
Repair Trailing Alpha Check Digit, 118
Repair Trailing Numeric Check Digit,
Replace, 625, 652
Replace, 708
Replace Copy Alert Note, 314
Replace Copy Alert Note, 314
Replace Copy Notes, 314
Replace General Patron Note, 313
Replace Information
Replace Menu, 652
With Menu, 652
Replace Information Modify Menu, 625
Replace Information Replace Selections, 624
Replace Information Select By Options,
625626, 652
Replace Information With Menu, 625
Replace Item Copy Note, 314
Replace Patron Alert Note, 313
Replace Patron Alert Notes, 313
Replace Patron Notes, 313
Replace Prefix, 627
Replace Prefix, 627
Replacement Cost, 166, 307
Replacement Cost, 257, 624
replacement cost, 176
Report Results, 470
Reports & Utilities, 433

Reports Menu, 44
Request, 198
Request Expiration Date, 617
Requesting Patron, 450
Require Exact Title Match, 718
Require ID, 408
Require ID/Password, 213
Require Matching Library Code, 718
Require Matching Library Code on Import, 128
Require Matching Location, 718
Require Password to Quit From Log In
Window, 66, 777
Require User Login, 40, 66, 71, 85,
118, 428, 430, 695696, 777, 780
Re-register SIF Agent, 194
Researcher, 43, 62, 72
Researcher Details, 142
Researcher Preferences, 181
Researcher Save Lists, 409
Researcher Tab, 181, 186
Researcher Web Installation Password,
Researcher Window Control Icons, 376
Researcher Workstation, 437
Researcher Workstations, 106, 390
Researchers, 61
Reservation, 96, 172, 277, 376, 391
Reservation Begin Date, 500, 555
Reservation Begin Date, 617
Reservation Beginning, 391
Reservation by Patron, 280
Reservation by Patron, 280
Reservation Calendar, 432
Reservation Labels, 555
Reservation Note, 96
Reservation Notice, 113
Reservation on Any Copy, 280
Reservation on Any Copy, 280
Reservation on Specific Copy, 280
Reservation on Specific Copy, 280
Reservation Placed, 97
Reservation Reports, 101
Reservation Return Request, 97
Reservation Return Request, 97
Reservation Shipping, 96
Reservation Shipping, 97
Reservations, 4, 277, 279282, 303,
329, 375, 393, 415, 500, 555
Reservations Check Out by Item, 280
Reservations Check Out by Patron, 280
Reservations Check Out, by Item, 280
Reservations check out, by Patron, 280
Reservations Collections Options, 500
Reservations Report Formats, 500, 555
Reservations Select By Options, 500,
Reservations Sort By Options, 500, 555
Reserve, 329

Reserve an Item, 329

Reserved Items, 506, 562
Reserved Items Collections Options,
Reserved Items Select By Options, 506,
Reserved Items Sort By Options, 506,
Reserving an Item, 329
Reset, 90, 408, 785
Reset All Item Pictures, 134
Reset Counters, 55
Reset Default Item Picture, 134
Reset Mode, 318
Reset Patron Picture, 157
Respond, 198
Responsible Patron, 464, 466
Responsible Patron, 466
Responsible Patron Barcode, 617
Restart, 66, 71, 319
Restart, 40
Restore, 201, 775
Restore Default, 97
Restore Default Claim Letter, 150
Restore Default Letter, 113
Restore Default Patron Letter, 150
Restore Defaults, 61, 113, 205
Restore From Archive, 200201
Restore Previous Policy, 335
Restore Previous Policy, 335
Result List Printing Options, 377
Results, 57, 184, 351, 377, 386, 438
Results & Details Tab, 185
Return Statistics, 569
Return Statistics Select By Options, 569
Return Statistics Sort By Options, 569
Reverse Normal Tabbing Behavior, 125
Revert, 39, 771
Right, 52
Right Margin, 215
Rolodex Cards, 521
Rolodex Cards Select By Options, 521
Rolodex Cards Sort By Options, 521
Route, 189
Route, 464
Route Instructions, 468
Route List, 467
Route Name, 466, 617
Route Period, 466
Route Period, 466
Route Reports, 593, 599
Routes Responsible Patron, 464
Routes, 43, 466, 743
Routes, 43, 62
Routes List, 600
Routes List Report Formats, 600
Routes List Select By Options, 600
Routes List Sort By Options, 600
Routes Management, 466

Routes Preferences, 189

Routes Primary Information, 466
Routes Tab, 189
Routing, 599
Routing List Manager, 466
Routing Period, 466
Routing Period, 466
Routing Slip, 330, 598
Routing Slip Format Options, 598
Routing Slip Select By Options, 598
Routing Slip Sort By Options, 598
Rules for Importing Item Information,
Rules for Importing Patron Information,
Run Alexandria, 43
Run Alexandria, 43
Run Alexandria as a Service, 93
Run SIF Without Encryption, 194
Run SIF Without Encryption, 194
Running, 763764, 773, 788

S, 336
Safari, 764
Sales Tax, 447
Sales Tax%, 149
Same Day Check Out, 170, 176, 332
Same Day Check Outs, 309
Sample Backup Strategy, 8
Sample Barcode Numbering Scheme,
Save, 39, 771
Save As, 39, 771
Save as Attachment, 39
Save As RTF, 771
Save As Text, 796
Save As Text, 39, 771
Save as Text, 796
Save Basket, 213, 409
Save Basket, 409
Save Basket Results, 409
Save List, 375376, 387388
Saxes, 205
Scandisk, 14
Scheduled Events Preferences, 788
School, 341, 346347, 433, 435
School, 227, 617, 652
School Name or Sub Zone used in SIF,
School Name or Subzone used in SIF,
School Name or Subzone used in SIF,
Schools Interoperability Framework,

Alexandria Users Manual xxxix

62, 191
Score, 351
Script files to process, 316
Search, 72, 142, 251, 336, 373374,
378, 384, 422, 438
Search, 397, 404
Search Add-ons Tab, 141
Search Address Book, 77
Search Address Book, 182
Search All Words, 369370, 374, 378
379, 385
Search Definition, 57
Search Definitions, 57
Search For, 381
Search for books, 147
Search for non-books, 147
Search Item Details, 433
Search Results, 376
Search Type, 57
SearchALL, 3, 45, 93, 141142, 376,
407, 422423
SearchALL URL, 142
SearchALL, 376
Searching, 376
Searching with Alexandria Explore, 406
Searching With Alexandria Web, 422
Secondary Search Results, 142
Security, 65, 71, 7375, 776, 780783
Security Device, 257
Security Device, 257
Security Level, 65, 70, 776, 779
Security Level Name, 74, 782
Security Levels, 7375, 781783
Security Tab, 71, 780
Select, 48, 218, 236
Select All, 69, 226, 778
Select All, 41, 772
Select by, 500, 555
Select Fields, 735
Select Record, 344
Select Subscription, 321
Select Tag_Subfield, 703
Selected, 89
Selected Results Only, 377
Selection, 642, 654
Self Mailer, 502, 524, 557
Self-Service, 71, 780
Self-Service Bookdrop, 319
Self-Service Bookdrop, 72
Self-Service Check Out, 319
Self-Service Check Out, 72
Self-service check out (SIP2 only), 168,
173, 180
Self-Service payment (SIP2 only), 180
Self-service payment (SIP2 only), 168
Self-service renewal (SIP2 only), 173,
Send, 300, 302, 430
Send Data, 302

xl Alexandria Users Manual

Send Email To, 300

Send suspended email notification, 166,
Sequence #, 226, 618
Serial Number, 21, 27, 761762, 765
Series, 104, 374, 378, 541
Series, 246, 491, 618
Series Card, 541
Service Log, 429
Service Log, 429
Services Tab, 92
Session Timeout, 208
Set, 791
Set an Override Date, 317
Set Data Stations IP Address, 773
Set Default Pane, 401
Set Default Search Library, 410
Set Local, 64
Set Override Date, 305
Set Override Due Date, 317
Set Self-Service Bookdrop Mode, 319
Set Self-Service Bookdrop Mode, 319
Set Self-Service Checkout Mode, 319
Set Self-Service Checkout Mode, 319
Set Your Library Preferences, 14
Setting Up Temporary Check Out Items,
Settings Tab, 96
Sex, 217
Shared, 4, 767
Shelf List Card, 541
Shelving, 341, 346347
Shelving, 257, 491, 618, 624, 717
Ship To, 149
Shipping/Misc, 447
Short Code, 164
Short Details, 377, 550
Short Search Results Details, 377
Shortcut Keys, 797
Show All Item/Item Copy Notes, 314
Show All Patron Notes, 313
Show Links in Search Details, 142
Show Author Editor, 245
Show Circulation Statistics, 55
Show Citation References, 183
Show Details, 223, 239
Show Dictionary Window, 56, 58
Show Expected Arrival Date, 565
Show History, 223, 230, 367
Show Homeroom Window(s), 325
Show Homeroom Windows, 325
Show in Researcher, 624
Show Item Copy Notes, 314
Show Item Details, 267, 333
Show Item Details, 304
Show Item Images, 184, 210
Show Lexile Search, 184
Show Lexile Search Information, 211

Show MARC Display, 183

Show Me Others, 369370
Show Menu, 42
Show netTrekker Counts in Search Results, 142
Show netTrekker Icon, 142
Show Patron Details, 267, 333
Show Patron Details, 303
Show Patron Name in Reservations
Window, 119
Show Patron Notes, 313
Show Patron Status, 303
Show Patrons Barcode, 556
Show Patrons Locations, 556
Show Replacement Cost, 501, 556
Show SearchALL Icon, 142
Show SIF error messages, 195
Show Statement of Responsibility in the
Title Field of the Items Window, 128
SIF, 3, 191, 193, 666
SIF, 62
SIF Connection, 193, 195
SIF Preferences, 191
Simple, 185, 210, 373, 381, 383, 389,
394, 407, 422, 529
Simple, 550
Simple Details, 389, 394
Simple List, 377
Simple Patron Edit, 395
Simple Results, 185, 550
Simple Search, 63, 381
Simple Search Results List, 389
Simple, with Barcodes, 532
Single Line, 598
SIP2, 3, 109
SIP2 Tab, 143
Size, 52
Skip, 402
Skip Some Labels, 474, 489, 502, 519
520, 537538, 540, 557
Skip Some Labels, 519520
Slip Printer, 115
Slips, 564
Smart Barcode, 537
SmartMARC Results, 351
SMTP, 59
SMTP Server, 139, 787
Sneak Peek, 3, 141, 393394
Sneak Peek Code, 141
So, lets begin!, 1
Software Updates, 91, 786
Sort Order Line Items by Title, 149
Sort Picking Lists by, 99
Sort Results By, 389
Sound to Play, 205
Sounds, 62
Sounds Like, 184, 213
Sounds Like Prompt, 184, 213
Sounds Preferences, 205

Sounds Tab, 205

Source, 341, 346, 351
SP, 253
Special Conditions When Checking Out
Items, 306
Special Handling, 121
Special Item, 238
Special Item List Report Formats, 507,
Special Item List Select By Options,
507, 563
Special Item List Sort By Options, 507,
Special Item Lists, 507, 563
Special Item Lists Collections Options,
Special Items Lists Circulation Report,
Special Note to Existing Alexandria Users, 4
Special Patron, 224
Special Patrons, 510524, 526527,
653660, 662664
Special Reports, 309, 483, 537
Special/System Patrons, 224, 311
Spent, 447, 454, 456
Spent, 454
Spine Labels, 538
Spine Labels, 546
Spine Labels Report Formats, 539
Spine Labels Select By Options, 539
Spine Labels Sort By Options, 539
Spine Only, 539
Spine Only, Centered, 539
Spine Only, Centered (Large), 539
Spine Only, Left, 539
Spine Only, Left (Large), 539
SSN, 227
STAFF, 330
Staff, 196
Standard, 106, 112, 127, 163, 165,
185, 208, 381, 420, 450, 485486,
625, 652
Standard, 377, 485486, 505, 533,
550, 560, 565
Standard Address Book, 7778, 87,
Standard Details, 185, 394
Standard Display, 183
Standard Item, 112, 169, 174, 717
Standard Item, 625, 652
Standard Patron, 153, 163164, 174,
Standard Reservation Labels, 100
Standard Reservation Lists, 100
Standard Result, 550
Standard Results, 185
Standard Search Results List, 386
Standard Utilities, 420

Standard Z39.50 Address Book, 385,

Start, 424, 721, 763, 769
Start Bookdrop, 303, 319
Start Bookdrop, 303
Start Check In/Out, 303
Start Check In/Out, 303
Start Classification Mode, 336
Start Classification Modes, 336
Start Date, 458459
Start Date, 458
Start Discard Mode, 320
Start Import, 35
Start Statistics Mode, 337
Start Statistics Mode, 337
Starting, 485, 630632, 654, 742
Starting Date, 630632, 654, 742
Starting Date, 463
Starting Item Barcode, 718
Starting Item Barcode, 717
Starting Patron Barcode, 719
Starting Patron Barcode, 719
Starting With, 470
Starting with, 470
State, 104, 221, 226, 341, 346347,
State, 457, 491
State Reports, 549
State Reports Report Formats, 549
State Reports Select By Options, 549
Statistics, 42, 55, 230, 251, 317, 329,
367, 493, 575
Statistics Formats, 493
Statistics Records, 567
Statistics Records Reports, 567
Statistics Reports, 575
Statistics Select By Options, 493
Status Message Log, 5859
Stop, 21, 26, 721, 763, 769
Stopped, 763, 773
Strip Leading Alphas, 716
Student #, 227
Student Aide, 66
Student Aide, 72
Students, 196
Study, 407
Study Program, 210, 373, 384
Study Program Report Formats, 546
Study Program Search, 384
Study Program Select By Options, 546
Study Program Sort By Options, 546
Study Programs, 546
Study Programs, 619
Style, 52
Sub Total, 447
Subfield, 244245
Subfields, 244
Subject, 300, 384

Subject Card, 541

Subject Editor, 247
Subjects, 247248, 380
Sublocation, 156
Sublocation, 228
Subscribe, 198
Subscription, 321, 456, 459, 593
Subscription Code, 462
Subscription Description, 462
Subscription Due Date, 595
Subscription Due Date Select By Options, 595
Subscription Due Date Sort By Options,
Subscription Due Dates, 595
Subscription History, 596
Subscription History Select By Options,
Subscription History Sort By Options,
Subscription Info, 463
Subscription List, 594
Subscription List Report Formats, 594
Subscription List Select By Options,
Subscription List Sort By Options, 594
Subscription Reports, 468, 593
Subscription Vendor, 619
Subscriptions, 43, 461
Subscriptions, 43
Subscriptions & Routes, 461
Subscriptions Management, 461
Subscriptions Primary Information, 462
Substitute Copies, 432
Substitute Copies, 101
Subtotal, 447
Subtotal, 447
Summary, 251, 447
Summary, 530
Sun, 106
Sunday, 165, 175
Super Summary, 238, 270, 429, 534,
542, 549
Super Summary Call Number Prefix definitions, 545
Super Summary Classifications, 534
Super Summary Classifications, 533
Super Summary Report Formats, 542
Super Summary Statistics Groups, 544
Support, 38, 299300, 417
Suspend of closed days, 166
Suspend on closed days, 177
Suspended, 228, 524
Suspended Patrons, 524
Suspended Patrons Select By Options,
Suspended Patrons Sort By Options,

Alexandria Users Manual xli

Suspension, 228
Switch Tag # Select By Options, 708
Switch Tag#, 703
Switch to MARC View, 260
Synchronization Folder, 110
System, 311312, 625, 652
System Activity, 583
System Activity Formats, 583
System Activity Select By Options, 583
System Activity Sort By Options, 583
System Analysis, 492
System Info, 301
System Information, 300
System Item, 112
System Item, 625, 652
System Patron, 163164, 431, 641
System Patron / Item, 163

T, 336
Tab Delimited, 735736, 738, 740
Tabbing Behavior, 125
tab-delimited, 721
Tab-Delimited Records, 722
Table of Contents, 464
Tabs, 240
Tag#, 248
Tag_Subfield, 703
Tag_Subfield, 705707
Take Patron Picture, 223
Take Patron Picture, 226
Take Picture, 223
Taking Inventory, 322
Tax, 447
TCP Is Active, IP address is
, 29, 756, 765
, 762
Tech Support, 16, 38
Tech Support Message, 39
Technical Details, 795
Temporary Item Settings, 120
Temporary Items, 309
Temporary Items, 619
tems are due on, 165
Term for Community ID, 156
Term for Government ID, 156
Term for Institution Field, 156
Term for Level Field, 156
Term for Location Field, 156
Term for Sublocation Field, 156
Terminal Password, 144
Terminal Receipt Header, 144
Terminal Screen Message, 144
Terminology, 156
Terminology Explanations, 198

xlii Alexandria Users Manual

Test Number, 253

Test Server, 787
Textbook Tracker Data Station, 82
The In Transit Status, 434
The In Transit System Patron, 434
The Advanced Bookings Window, 98
The Alexandria Controller Interface,
The Alexandria Word Processor, 51
The Circulation Window, 265
The Controller Log, 769
The Data Import Window, 715
The Remote Control Window, 429
The Researcher Window, 373
This Login Only, 68
This Login Only, 68
This Time Only, 68
This Time Only, 68
three, 544
Three Across, 520
Three Minutes, 182
Through, 379380
Thu, 199, 202
Timer, 430
Title and Author Editor, 243
Title Call Number, 241
Title Card, 541
Title Count, 542
Title Editor, 244
Title Information, 234235
Title Publication, 246
Title Search Authority Control, 339
Title Sequence #, 619
Title, Author, 375
Title-Based Statistics, 542
Titles, 374, 378
Titles, 531
Titles & Copies, 624
Titles & Copies, 625, 627
Titles Only, 625, 627
To, 627
To Date, 677
To place a Hold, do the following
, 390
To place a Reservation, do the following
, 391
TOC Route, 464
Tool Tip, 228
Tool Tip Delay, 124
Tool Tip Settings, 124
Tool Tips, 76
Tools Tips, 784
Top Margin, 215
Total, 308
Total, 450
Total Activity, 55
Total Balance, 455
Total Budget, 455
Total Budget, 455

Total Committed, 455

Total Copies Checked In, 55
Total Copies Checked Out, 55
Total Copies Removed, 55
Total Copies Renewed, 55
Total Copy Activity, 55
Total fines alert value, 165, 175
Total Holds Placed, 55
Total Items Lost by Patrons, 55
Total Items Removed Count, 55
Total Lost Book Count, 55
Total New Copies Added, 55
Total New Items Added, 55
Total New Patrons, 55
Total Patron Activity, 55
Total Patrons Removed, 55
Total Reservations Made, 55
Total Spent, 455
Transaction, 644, 699
Transaction Date, 619
Transaction Log, 125, 195, 208, 269,
Transaction Log Font Size, 125
Transaction Log Save Frequency, 117
Transcription Script to process, 316
Transfer, 448
Transfer Data to v4.0, 34
Transferred,, 226
Transferred, Inactive, Other, 226
Transferring data from Alexandria v3,
Transit History, 255, 259, 433, 435
Trash Can, 20
Treat As Search Group, 86
Treat As Search Group, 86
Trusted Certificates Folder, 194
Tue, 199, 202
Tuesday & Friday Delivery, 485

Uncontrolled Index Term, 249
Undo, 41
Undo Typing, 772
Unit Cost, 450
Unknown, 157, 226, 238, 256
Unknown Barcode, 306
Unknown Patron (barcode 8), 312
Unlock, 49, 220, 237, 260
Unlock Record, 49
Unlock Record, 456, 459
Unlock/Lock Record, 452
Unlocking Records, 49
Unusable, 256
Unused Barcode Formats, 494
Unused Barcodes, 494
Unused Barcodes, 131, 155
Unused Barcodes Select By Options,

Update, 676, 682
Update Authority Control records on import, 104
Update Existing Copies, 718
Update Registration, 38
Update Server, 90
Update Server Address, 90, 785
Updates, 91, 786
Updates Tab, 90, 785
URL Location, 252
URL Name (Description), 252
Usage, 534
Usage by Copy Library, 576
Usage by Copy Library Formats, 576
Usage by Copy Library Select By Options, 576
Usage by Copy Library Sort By Options,
Usage by Copy Location, 577
Usage by Copy Location Formats, 577
Usage by Copy Location Select By Options, 577
Usage by Copy Location Sort By Options, 577
Usage by Copy Shelving, 578
Usage by Copy Shelving Formats, 578
Usage by Copy Shelving Select By Options, 578
Usage by Copy Shelving Sort By Options, 578
Usage by Item Policy, 570
Usage by Item Policy Report Formats,
Usage by Item Policy Select By Options,
Usage by Item Policy Sort By Options,
Usage by Item-Patron Policy, 573
Usage by Item-Patron Policy Report
Formats, 573
Usage by Item-Patron Policy Select By
Options, 573
Usage by Item-Patron Policy Sort By
Options, 573
Usage by Patron 2nd Location, 580
Usage by Patron 2nd Location Formats,
Usage by Patron 2nd Location Select By
Options, 580
Usage by Patron 2nd Location Sort By
Options, 580
Usage by Patron Grade, 582
Usage by Patron Grade Formats, 582
Usage by Patron Grade Select By Options, 582
Usage by Patron Grade Sort By Options,
Usage by Patron Homeroom, 579

Usage by Patron Homeroom Formats,

Usage by Patron Homeroom Select By
Options, 579
Usage by Patron Homeroom Sort By
Options, 579
Usage by Patron Policy, 571
Usage by Patron Policy Report Formats,
Usage by Patron Policy Select By Options, 571
Usage by Patron Policy Sort By Options,
Usage by Patron School, 581
Usage by Patron School By Options,
Usage by Patron School Formats, 581
Usage by Patron School Select By Options, 581
Usage by Patron-Item Policy, 572
Usage by Patron-Item Policy Report
Formats, 572
Usage by Patron-Item Policy Select By
Options, 572
Usage by Patron-Item Policy Sort By
Options, 572
Usage by Period, 568
Usage by Period Report Formats, 568
Usage by Period Select By Options, 568
Usage by Period Sort By Options, 568
Usage Report Formats, 534
Usage Select By Options, 534
Usage Sort By Options, 534
Usage Statistics, 575
Use calendar, 165, 175
Use Call# Matching, 718
Use Existing Barcodes, 718719
Use local library only, 548
Use local library only, 548
Use Pull Mode, 193
Use Slip Printer, 115
Use SSL, 787
Use the COMPanion mail server to send
support email, 787
User Name, 40, 754
User Options, 184
Username, 66, 68, 8485, 349, 756,
767, 777
Username, 441
Username and Password, 83
Users, 4, 65, 70, 767, 776, 779
Users Tab, 65, 776
Uses for Patron Import and Export, 725
Using Alexandria Web, 408
Using Alexandria Web Librarian, 411
Using Book-drop Mode, 319
Using Boolean Operators, 380
Using Browse Buttons, 380
Using Quick Reports, 474

Using the Circulation Menu, 303

Using the Circulation Window, 268
Using the Command Line, 268
Using the Items Menu, 235
Using the Patrons Menu, 218

Validation Code, 21, 27, 761
Value, 543
Value to add, 705
Value to modify, 706
Value to Remove, 703
Value to remove, 707
Vendor, 445, 671
Remove, 672
Verify, 671
Vendor, 256, 445, 464, 624, 717
Vendor Address, 446
Vendor Code, 457, 620
Vendor Commands, 459
Vendor Company Name, 620
Vendor List, 590
Vendor List Report Formats, 590
Vendor List Select By Options, 590
Vendor List Sort By Options, 590
Vendor Management, 445
Vendor Sequence Number, 457
Vendor Total Purchases, 444
Vendor Utilities, 669
Vendor Utility Types, 671
Vendors Order #, 450
Vendors, 43, 443, 457, 459, 669, 743
Vendors, 43, 443
Vendors Management, 453
Verify, 623, 675676, 691, 711
Verify All, 711
Verify Budgets, 712
Verify Orders, 712
Verify Routes, 713
Verify Subscriptions, 713
Verify Vendors, 714
Verify Circulation, 675
Verify Item Status, 33
Verify Password, 396
Verify Patron Status, 33
Verify Select By Options, 623, 651,
Verify Transactions, 33
Verify Utilities, 709, 711714
Verify Utilities Utility Type, 711
Very Serious Alert, 429
Video, 223
Video Tape, 254
View Cover Art, 393394
View File, 716
View MARC Record, 213, 393
View Release Notes, 700

Alexandria Users Manual xliii

View Server Log, 699

Viewable Interfaces, 212
Viewing Item Details from a Simple
Search Results List, 394
Viewing Item Details from a Standard
Search Results List, 393
Virtual Word Processing, 471
Virtual Word Processor, 509, 529, 585,
593, 599
Volume, 242
Volume, 242, 256

WAN, 77, 431
Web, 62
Web Activity, 584
Web Activity Formats, 584
Web Activity Select By Options, 584
Web Activity Sort By Options, 584
Web Client Configuration, 410
Web Holds, 424
Web Install, 30, 765
Web Librarian, 62, 93, 208, 411, 420
Web Librarian Default, 419420
Web Librarian Default, 208
Web Links, 214, 410
Web Links, 410
Web Patron, 408
Web Port 80, 763
Web Preferences, 207, 421
Web Reservations, 424
Web Tab, 207
Web Utilities Default, 208
Wed, 199, 202
Weeded, 320
Weeded, 307
Weeding List, 532
Weekly, 117
Weekly, 117
Welcome, 23
Welcome to Alexandria!, 1
Welcome to the Alexandria Controller!,
What Are Lexiles?, 363
What is SIF?, 191
What Materials Have Been Lexiled?,
What to Backup, 6
When the Alexandria Controller Timeouts..., 793
When to Label Items, 12
Where is My Alexandria Data Folder
Located?, 4
Where to Place Barcode Labels, 12
Who Uses Lexiles?, 364
Why Do We Need Policies?, 161
Why You Must Backup Your Data, 6

xliv Alexandria Users Manual

Window, 46, 774

Window Menu, 46, 774
Window Standard (ANSI), 737, 739,
Windows 2000, 93
Windows Circulation Shortcut Commands, 798
Windows Shortcut Keys, 797
With, 625, 627
With, 708
with Summary, 532
Word Processor, 62
Word Processor Preferences, 215
Word Processor Tab, 215
Word to Lookup, 57
Workstation, 30, 765

XP, 93

Year, 246
Year to Date Usage, 534
Yes, 23, 87, 201, 261, 282, 340, 379
YTD Usage, 542

Z39.50, 83, 210, 373, 385, 407, 422
Z39.50 Address Book, 441
Z39.50 Address Book, 182
Z39.50 Addresses, 83
Z39.50 Client, 17, 439
Z39.50 Search, 385, 431
Z39.50 Searching, 2
Z39.50 Server, 2, 17
Z39.50 Site, 78, 80, 83
ZIS Address, 193
ZOOM, 223

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