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Bullying can be physical.

Bullying (also known as bullying, school bullying, school bullying, school
bullying abuse or English) is any form of physical psychological abuse, verbal
or produced between schools repeatedly over a specified time in the
classroom such as through social networks specific name of cyberbullying.
Statistically, the dominant type of violence is emotional and occurs mainly in
the classroom and playground schools. The protagonists of cases of bullying
are often children in process of entry into adolescence, being slightly higher
percentage of girls in the profile of victims.
Bullying is a characteristic and extreme form of school violence.
Bullying is a form of torture, methodically and systematically, in which the
aggressor join the victim, often with silence, indifference or complicity of
other compaeros.1
This kind of school violence is characterized therefore by a reiteration aimed
at achieving the intimidation of the victim, implying an abuse of power as is
exercised by a stronger aggressor (whether real or perceived strength
subjectively) than that . The subject is abused and physically exposed and
emotionally abusive to the subject, generating as a result a number of
psychological consequences (although these are not part of diagnosis); it is
common for the living harassed terrified with the idea of attending school
and who show very nervous, sad and lonely in their daily lives. In some
cases, the severity of the situation can lead to thoughts of suicide and even
their realization, own consequences of harassment of people of any age.
Usually more prone to bullying children who have functional diversity, among
which can be counted as Down syndrome, autism, Asperger's syndrome, etc.

Types of bullying
Social locking
Groups the bullying actions that seek to block the victim socially. They all
seek social isolation and marginalization imposed by blocking these
Examples are prohibitions of playing in a group, to talk or communicate with
others, or anyone talking or relating to it, they are indicators that suggest an
attempt by others to break the social network of child support.
Included within this group shares the mess with the victim to make you
mourn. This conduct aims to present the child socially, among the peer
group, as someone lazy, worthless, weak, helpless, stupid, sniveling, etc.
Mourn the child doing socially in their environment triggers a phenomenon
known as secondary stigmatization scapegoat mechanism. Of all forms of
bullying is the most difficult to combat as far as is too often unseen
performance and leaves no trace. The child does not identify itself more than
the fact that nobody speaks or nobody wants to be with him or that others
systematically excluded from the games.

Groups bullying behaviors those consisting of acts of harassment and
bullying that manifest disregard, disrespect and disregard for the dignity of
the victim. Contempt, hatred, ridicule, mockery, contempt, nicknames,
cruelty, gestural expression of contempt, the travesty are the indicators of
this scale.

Social manipulation

Groups bullying behaviors those seeking to distort the social image of the
child and "poison" others against him. With them it is presenting a negative,
distorted and negatively charged on the victim image. The inks are loaded
against everything he does or says the victim or against whatever has not
said or done. No matter what I do, all is used and serves to induce the
rejection of others. Because of this manipulation of the social image of the
beleaguered victim, many other children join the group of harassment
involuntarily, sensing that deserves harassed harassment received, incurring
a mechanism called "basic error of attribution".

Groups bullying behaviors those who claim that the victim perform actions
against their will. Through these behaviors who harass the child seeking to
exercise a domain and a total submission of his will.
Which the victim do these things against his will provides that force or twist
that will different benefits, but especially to social. Those who harass are
perceived as powerful, especially for others who witness the doblegamiento
of the victim. The constraints often mean that the child is a victim of
harassment, abuse and unwanted sexual behavior that should silence for
fear of reprisals against themselves or their siblings.

Social exclusion
Groups bullying behaviors that seek to exclude from participation in the
bullied child. "You no", is the center of these behaviors with the group
harassing the child socially segregated. At ningunearlo, treat as if there were,
isolate, prevent its expression, prevent their participation in games, the
social vacuum occurs in the environment.

Groups bullying behaviors those pursuing intimidated, intimidate, belittle or
emotionally consuming a child by an intimidating action. Who they harass
them seek to induce fear in the child. Your indicators are acts of intimidation,
threats, physical harassment, intimidation, harassment at the exit of the

Threat to the integrity

Groups bullying behaviors seeking intimidated by the threats against the
physical integrity of the child or his family, or through extortion.

The aggressor: psychological characteristics and family environment
Feature article:

El_acosador_escolar: A binary problem

One of the important parts that must attend the school bully is the education
of their parents or guardians, adding that social ideas were polite and a
sexist context in which they say the following phrases: .- If they hit - hit. .Men do not cry. .- Do not be silly. Girls are also linked to gender phrases: .- Do
not let them touch you. .- The girls do not do that. .- The girls are good, they
should be good and beautiful.
If we think that these ideas are the parents of our parents have the concept
of a good education, the problem of aggression from our point of view begins
here. Often the bully and the bullied are expressing through bullying history
of family violence, and issues that revolve around family, eg overprotection
of parents entering the school environment makes the beleaguered selfgenerate aggression, then this situation could not always be attributed to
physical, psychological or verbal violence that has family. Or anyone near or
far this binomial. Although the harasser does not have to be suffering from
mental illness or personality disorder usually has some type of problem in the
areas in which it moves: psychological, social, cultural, ethnic and emotional,
without being required to submit all or that a more important than the other
is. It has an aggressive model in conflict resolution, difficulty to get in the
other's lives a little emotional family relationships in many cases and has
little empathy. It is thought that children receive an education unsupervised
fixed and clear rules, without parental control their behavior and friends fall
into this problem, but we think it's not always the case, the situation we face
has a wide range of variables . Building on these ideas, we see that a child is
educated in an overly permissive way, believing that all your wishes will be
fulfilled and that their misdeeds will not have negative consequences for him,
have trouble learning, socialization and management their environment;
normally the aggressor has a provocative and intimidating behavior
permanently. A child may be the author of bullying when only expect and
want to always do his will, when likes to try the feeling of power when you do
not feel well or enjoy with other children. The child harassed, "could" be the
generator of violence and at the same time you can avoid, for example, if a
child who has little skill in sports, to commit aggression generated errors "to
upset" to their peers; on the other hand, the child gets good grades assaults
less pricing to peers who fail to achieve a certain level, with this we can
consider that bullying not only given to people who have had aggression but
can also occur in apparently passive form and unconscious.
One of the effective interventions in bullying in order to reduce or even stop
this problem is to address the bully and the bullied and their families,
because both have to learn a healthier behavior.
It is desirable to meet the family, the purpose is to stop this cycle of violence,
so that this will gradually break and finish, should also extend to society in
each of the roles you play will represent either master, managerial,

administrative, or mere observer of the problem, to find a healthier

environment for this pairing.
The SEP presented 15 measures to combat bullying, strikes us as follows:
Point 4. develop protocols for principals, teachers, pupils and to assist
parents in order to prevent, and if necessary properly prosecute violent
situations in school settings and encouraging that immediately provide the
support required in each case, and the point 13. encourage the participation
of parents and other social factors in daily life schools, to develop a
continuous and effective communication that promotes the prevention and
treatment of school violence and accompany the educational careers of

The school environment

It may be the case that the absence in class (or in general, at school) in a
climate of coexistence can favor the occurrence of bullying. Responsibility for
this figure ranges from a few teachers who have not received specific
training on issues of conflict mediation in school situations, and declining
profile of authority within society today.

Bullying as well as other forms of psychological abuse produces biological
sequelae (gene expression) and mental. Specialists of the Center for Studies
on Human Stress (CSHS) of the Louis-H Hospital. Lafontaine in Canada

suggest that harassed victims are more vulnerable to mental problems such
as PTSD, 4 depression and mood disorders as envejecen.

Gay bashing
Main article: gay bashing
Homophobic bullying or gay bashing refers to any kind of damage to people,
therefore psychological, physical and moral to have or appear to have a
different sexual orientation. Insulation obstacles and define school violence says Angela Gabs Chiffon in "The phenomenon of social exclusion" "the
obstacles faced by certain individuals to fully participate in social life, still
deprived of one or more of the options considered as fundamental to human
development ".

Tips to prevent bullying

The aid can be grouped into information for parents, 6 profesores7 and

Parents with daughters / os victims of bullying

Observe the child or the child, listen and dialogue, keep calm, Should be a
victim, tell him he is not guilty, strengthen their self-esteem and report the
situation to the school, also give the opportunity to expand their circle of
friends or friends , maintain good communication based on trust, block the
sender. Specific activities to raise awareness on the issue of violence and
Recommendations to give your son / daughter:

Not respond to attacks

Save messages in case of cyberbullying

Teachers with students both victims and bullies

For the prevention of bullying involvement and participation of the whole
community and dialogue with the boys / girls, families, teachers and other
social agents in the neighborhood where the college or school is inserted it is
Understanding the mechanisms of child protection and rights to educate girls
/ os prevent peer violence, promoting both identifying and overcoming
stereotypes and prejudices. Encourage empathy and cohesion among
partners and relationships based on solidarity and mutual respect. Should not
conceal what happens in these situations is assertive. Express emotions and
to be free from suffering and find people to help them find and help. Verify
that the courts have adequate surveillance and cooperative games. Defend
the rights without infringing those of others, not to minimize the seriousness
of the assault, systematically observe the child in all areas so informing the
school management through an observation sheet, where the facts are
collected and concerned as accurately as possible, trying to act as
immediately as possible, by individual interventions with those involved,
victims, perpetrators and observers, do as mediator, because being a
situation in which there is an imbalance of power, criticize one another, you
can increase the intimidation and cause resentment. Intervene with the
whole group to negative attitudes and behaviors are rejected by
todos.Respete the right of the boy or girl to choose the person you want to
tell the problem is important to have a reference person and that you are not
required that has several times what happens to prevent revictimization.

Students, both the victim, bully and observer

If you see a case of bullying: You may feel fear or rejection of that situation, if
you see that you just can not curb or stop, ask an adult. This is not snitching,
it is to show solidarity with those in need. You have to support the partner
who is being bullied, because nobody deserves to be treated badly.
If assaulting, uncomfortable hit or a mate: Ask yourself, "What is wrong with
me ?, why it's funny and I feel stronger when annoying to others," and think
how to feel the person you're doing the damage .You discuss this behavior
with an adult, someone who will listen and help you. You have to control your
emotions so that they do not control you. Violence is not a good way to
respond to the situations that cause you disgust or anger. When this
happens, physically get away from the person with whom you feel violent,
breathe deeply several times and imagine the anger becomes a paper and
throw it into the trash.
If a partner hurts you often: You may feel sad, scared, ashamed and guilty
because you suffer an unfair situation. Do not keep the secret and you do not
streets. Telling is not tattling, it is demanding respect we all deserve, tell your
parents or a trusted adult but it is also important that you tell at school.
While seeking not be solved alone and avoid situations or places that could
be risky and do not respond in the same way, that is attacking, in the time
you get hurt creates an imaginary shield around you to protect you.
everything they are telling you bounces off the shield as a ball. Breathe and
think you're strong, remembering that everyone is entitled to be protected
against any form of violence and to be treated with respect.

Realizado por:
Estefana Allauca

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