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110 Unique 13th Age Traits

1. I am a fallen star. If I dont return to the heavens,

one-hundred and one prophecies will fail to come
2. My wooden leg is made of an aged treant whose
spirit still resides in it.
3. Because of what my father did, I bleed ink.
4. The schematics of an ungodly machine are
tattooed on my back. If it is built, the current era will
5. I am the best farmer in the world. If it werent for
this wanderlust, I could really get something done.
6. I was raised by owlbears and they regard me as
one of their own.
7. My dance moves have been outlawed in three
8. I was born in a hurricane and my cry calms the
9. A miniature planet orbits my head. The
inhabitants have yet to make contact.
10. My cloak is made of live bats.
11. I have the birthmark on my right foot that
denotes iconhood; however, no one is certain
whether I am the Fool or the Earthshaker.
12. I have written fourteen courtly romances under
the name of an assumed noble.
13. I look exactly like the emperor, only ten years
14. A shard of Eternal Winter is lodged in my
heart. My romantic feelings are frozen.
15. I am the last survivor of an ill-fated journey to
the Palace of Eternal Delights. All I have to show for
it is this music box.
16. My old gang stole a powerful artifact from a
vengeful icon. Now Im left holding the bag while
they lay low.
17. A powerful wizard has seeded the world with
identical copies of me.
18. A youthful encounter with the fae has left me
with a tree growing from my head. Its fruits are like
none on this plane.
19. My tattoos shift to match my moods--even the
hidden ones I dont know about.
20. I once held my breath for ten straight minutes.

Paul Bruton (order #6534426)

21. The King of the Dwarves has named me his

royal taster.
22. My familys ancestral weapons are forged of
dragonbone and elemental greed, which shimmers
like oiled obsidian.
23. I conned my first windfall from an elderly ally of
one of the icons.
24. I prophecize in my sleep. Loudly.
25. Im the subject of a popular ballad that defines
one of the virtues of the age.
26. The second-most-common swear word on the
continent is named after me.
27. The Queen of the Elves spurned by advances,
but spared my life. I hope to learn if it was our
shared history, or if she has greater plans for me.
28. My mind hosts telepathic symbiotes, which eat
loose thoughts and excrete secrets.
29. My jams and pickles have yet to be bested by
man or god.
30. I am a patchwork suit of armor. I communicate
through masks and pantomime; most people are too
polite to mention this.
31. When I die, it will rain until waves lap the heels
of the Western Colossus.
32. Im getting tired of telling stories about
legendary swords, but I cant deny Im a natural!
33. No one must know why I smell of cinnamon and
34. My former paramours go on to great success,
but no in fields of their chosing.
35. I ate the Troll Platter at Bugsys in under five
36. Ive never had an annoying song fragment
caught in my head and I never will.
37. Im afraid of the sea, but its just as scared of
38. Nine times out of ten, being the third-friendliest
gnome in the world is a blessing. The other time, Im
glad Im not the second-friendliest gnome!
39. Fire reveals the unveiled path, free from
corruption and want. It is a beautiful song that
is both fierce and soothing. I am guided by the
melody of flame.

40. My uncles home remedies are the bane of

ailments ignored by modern magic: crystal cobbles,
skin-figs, and screaming fever. This knowledge is
now mine and mine alone.
41. I grew up in a cursed valley, untouched by the
Daystar. I am the first to escape home in over a
42. My shield protected a great icon at the Siege of
Kaldor. My arm and torso retain a burnt sunburst
scar from the blow.
43. Im the last survivor of seven siblings who stole
the sky. You dont believe me? It didnt use to be
blue--not this blue. Now where did we hide it?
44. I have a perfect memory for nicknames and
45. Im a demon bound to mortal flesh for a slight
against the Goddess. If I die, my hellish coup will
have been for naught!
46. Every day I experience one unexpected
blessing, no matter how small.
47. The Shadowthief stole my memories and
replaced them with those of a young nobleman.
Whatever I knew must have been important--or
theres something in my new memories that I dont
48. Prophecy decays around me. I am that which is
49. Ever since I was exiled by my sister, two
opposing philosophies have been looking for
me. Both are interested in reclaiming their lost
50. I have a blood relative in every town and thorp
in the empire.
51. My hands weep blood for something I will do
in the future.
52. Ill never be the Chosen One, but Ive weaseled
my way into half a dozen prophecies so far. All
it takes is moxie, a convincing disguise, and my
cursed bloodstone.
53. I dont dream.
54. Horses kneel at my approach often enough that
people are starting to talk.
55. The shattered sword around my neck brought
an end to the last era.
56. I dont want to talk about what I saw as a child.
The red in my nails and eyes tell you enough.
57. I spent ten years chained to the back of a
gargantuan eagle. My view of nature is complex.

Paul Bruton (order #6534426)

58. I wake up every morning to find an apple next

to my head.
59. I saved the last of the eye tyrants from
extinction for purely selfish reasons. It owes me a
troubling boon.
60. I am the Queen of Cats.
61. When Im depressed, I carve demonic
woodcarvings. They dont mean anything, but
the travelers who offer top silver for them arent
convinced. Those people are strange.
62. I know the sinister truth behind a beloved icon;
sharing it could kill thousands.
63. A new color was created when I was born. It
causes poets to weep and drunkards to sing. Its
64. My tears are delicious.
65. Before I found my current calling, I was an
icons personal cobbler.
66. Upon reaching adulthood, I burnt off my
tentacles and made my first journey to the Quiet
67. My grandmother built traps for priests and
kings. She left a message for me scattered across
their tombs.
68. My noble parents sold me, their firstborn, to a
wizard as house for his aged soul. I learned a lot
during my youth--including how to escape.
69. So long as my glorious beard is unshaven, I
cannot lie.
70. I remember when my race could fly.
71. I traded my immortality to protect an
undeserving lover.
72. This cursed mask will not remove itself from my
face unless I am slain by one of my blood. Why
would an icon do this to me?!
73. Im the last survivor of a cult devoted to
elevating an icon to godhood. Their hopes and
their curse rest in me.
74.Im the only slave to ever escape from the phase
spider webs. I saw their grand plan, and now I
need to do something before they tear down the
75. I traded my noble title for these three magic
76. Someday soon, Ill tell someone about the
ghostly women who I see in mirrors and hear in
breaking bells.
77. My fire elemental heritage has blessed me with
burning blood and flame-flecked eyes.

78. A youth of intense training has left me with an

encyclopedic knowledge of my masters extensive
library; however, the library was poorly indexed
and compiled according to his esoteric whims.
79. I once made the Skeleton King laugh, for which
he is eternally vengeful.
80. I have no interest in living up to my
heroic relatives legacy, in spite of my familys
81. Ive discovered the answer to the unsolvable
Sultans Riddle. I just need to find the wizard-king
who first posed it and three wishes will be mine!
82. My hat cannot be destroyed. From which dead
relic was it hewn?
83. I am one of five survivors of the expedition to
the Chasm of Bones, and the only one not to have
lost my mind. Yet.
84. A dark knight saved my village at great cost
to himself. One day soon, I must grant him a dire
boon, or he will return to finish the job.
85. I ate the heart of my tribal chief after ritual
combat. His wisdom and his rage are my rewards.
86. I am an eternal soul. With each death, I lose
more of myself, but gain a new form.
87. For years, my stomach was used as a living
alembic by a crooked alchemist. I hope those auras
I see are harmless.
88. Im the incarnation of a legendary heros squire.
This time its my turn to shine.
89. Without my hallucinogenic mushroom pills, I will
transform into a monster.
90. Ive been to the Inner Moon and will do
anything to avoid returning.
91. Blood split by the cursed spear Bringer of
Monsters transforms into chimeric aberrations. Why,
then, did it create me?
92. Demons show up to my performances, observe
politely, and leave. They look amused, hungry.
93. Some days Im the good twin. Some days Im
the evil one. Our lost triplet was the key and the
94. Im taller than I look, except when Im furious.
95. You cannot hide clams from me! Yum! Yum!
96. My spirit is a prison for angry ghosts. Pray that I
do not waver in my duty.

97. I was the first gnome to be recognized as

Dwarfbrother. My statue in the Hall of the Mountain
King proves it.
98. Im annoyingly cautious because a crazy plan of
mine left my estranged soulmate bereft of hands. My
conservative fashion holds surprising flourishes from
my old life.
99. I used to be a smuggler of magical secrets.
I didnt dip into them myself. Its too dangerous,
really. Anyway, some powerful folks are calling on
me for one last score. Maybe I even have it in me.
As for not using those secrets, I lied.
100. Undead are unerringly polite to me. It doesnt
stop their hunger or subsequent violence, but they
still know something I dont.
101. I am not myself. I am a doppelganger under
deep cover. Were I to drop cover before the arrival
of Yeons Comet, I would invite the Death of Six
102. The tastes of blood and wine are reversed for
103. Im a recruiter for a secret society of
mercenaries and kingmakers.
104. The sages agree: my tail is either a blessing,
a curse, or a sign of spiritual infidelity in my family
105. My body is an incubator for the eggs of gross,
necessary insects. Without them the local ecology
would be in shambles.
106. I am the prayers of a volcano given flesh, but
my thoughts are my own.
107. Everybody knows I killed the lieutenant of an
icon. No one but me knows I pushed her off a cliff-or why.
108. I came to adulthood in the shadow of a fallen
dragon. Its battered body wrapped around my
village, and its meat fed me in the harsh winters. To
this day, I smell like dragon.
109. Im an elven carnivore, like some kind of
jungle cat.
110. Everybody in my village was scarred by a rain
of dragons blood. We share the dragons dreams.

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Paul Bruton (order #6534426)

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document
Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.
13th Age Archmage Engine
Copyright 2013, Fire Opal Media. Author: Chad Dylan Long, based on material by Jonathan Tweet and Rob Heinsoo. Edited by Cal Moore
and Simon Rogers.
13th Age
Copyright 2013, Fire Opal Media. Authors: Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet. Edited by Cal Moore. Additional editing by Simon Rogers.
The 13th Age RPG and supplements are published under exclusive license to Pelgrane Press.

Paul Bruton (order #6534426)

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