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Who is the forest giant? Tom asked .

Everybody else in the village knew about the forest giant. He lived in the forest. He often attacked travelers. Sometimes he stole
food from the villagers at night. Everydoy was afraid from him because he was so big and so cruel. But Tom was not afraid. He
was not really afraid of anything.
One day Tom was pulling the cart when he stopped for rest. The cart was very hevy because it was full of patatoes, carrots and
I will sit under this tree for a few minutes , Tom said to himself. Tom soon fell asleep.
Suddenly the forest giant came out of the trees. He was very big and ugly. He saw the potatoes in the cart. The giant is favorite
food was potatoes. He started to take them. Tom woke up and shouted,
Stop thief, put those potatoes back in the cart.
The giant was furious. He pulled out this sword and ran towards Tom .
Tom was very angry too, but he had not got a sword. He threw some of the biggest potatoes and turnips at the giant. The giant
caught them and laughed. The giant ran forward again, and waved his sword at Tom. Tom needed a shield to protect him. He
pulled a wheel off the cart.
You can not hurt me, stupid boy, the giant shouted. Nobody can hurt the forest giant. I am the strongest giant in the world. Then
Tom had a very good idea.
Tom pulled the axle from the wheel. he hit the giante over the head with it.
The giant dropped his sword and fell to the ground. Tom picked up the sword and soon killed the giant.
The villagers were very happy when they heard about tom is fight with the giant.
The forest giant will never trouble us again. Thank you, Tom they said. Hurray for axle Tom they cheered.
The villagers gave tom and his mother a big bag of gold. Tom did not need to work anymore. Perhaps he was not so stupid, after

Quin es el gigante de los bosques? Pregunt Tom.

Todo el mundo en el pueblo saba sobre el gigante de los bosques. Viva en el bosque. A menudo atac los
viajeros. A veces le rob comida de los habitantes del pueblo por la noche. Todos los das tena miedo de l
porque era tan grande y tan cruel. Pero Tom no tena miedo. l no era realmente miedo de nada.
Un da Tom estaba tirando del carro cuando se detuvo para descansar. El carro era muy hevy porque estaba lleno
de papas, zanahorias y nabos.
Me sentar bajo este rbol durante unos minutos, Tom dijo a s mismo. Tom pronto se qued dormido.
De repente, el gigante del bosque sali de los rboles. l era muy grande y feo. Vio las patatas en el carrito. El
gigante es comida favorita era la papa. l comenz a tomarlos. Tom se despert y grit:
Deje de ladrn, poner esas patatas de vuelta en el carro.
El gigante se puso furioso. Sac la espada y corri hacia Tom.
Tom estaba muy enojado tambin, pero l no haba conseguido una espada. Lanz algunos de los ms grandes
papas y nabos en el gigante. El gigante de los cogi y se ri. El gigante corri de nuevo hacia delante, y agit su
espada a Tom. Tom necesitaba un escudo para protegerlo. Sac una rueda del carro.
Usted no puede hacerme dao, muchacho estpido, el gigante grit. Nadie puede hacer dao al gigante de los
bosques. Yo soy el gigante ms fuerte del mundo. Entonces Tom tena una muy buena idea.
Tom sac el eje de la rueda. golpe el GIANTE en la cabeza con ella.
El gigante dej caer su espada y cay al suelo. Tom cogi la espada y luego mat al gigante.
Los habitantes del pueblo estaban muy contentos cuando se enteraron de tom se lucha con el gigante.
El gigante de los bosques nunca se nos preocupan de nuevo. Gracias, Tom se dijo. Hurra por eje Tom se alegr.
Los pobladores dieron tom y su madre una gran bolsa de oro. Tom no tena necesidad de trabajar ms. Tal vez no
era tan estpido, despus de todo.

Who was the tallest boy in the village?

Was tom clever?
Why did Tom take the vegetables from the cart
What did Tom pull off from the cart?
When did tom come back from te market?
Where did the giant live?
Did Tom fall asleep under the cart?
What was the giant is favorite food?
Did Tom have a sword?
What did the giant say to Tom?
How did Tom kill the giant
What did the villagers say?

Quin era el chico ms alto en el pueblo?

Fue Cleverley tom?
Por qu Tom tomar las verduras de la compra
Qu dijo Tom tirar fuera de la carreta?
Cundo tom volver de te de mercado?
Dnde viva el gigante?
Acaso Tom dormirse bajo el carro?
Cul fue el gigante es comida favorita?
Acaso Tom tiene una espada?
Qu hizo el gigante decir a Tom?
Cmo Tom matar al gigante
Qu dijeron los aldeanos?
Who was the tallest boy in the village?
he forest giant
Was tom clever?
He was clever and not afraid of anything
Why did Tom take the vegetables from the cart
Because The giant was furious. He pulled out this sword and ran towards Tom
What did Tom pull off from the cart?
the first time he pulled a wagon wheel
When did tom come back from the market?
He stopped for rest, because the cart was very hevy because it was full of patatoes, carrots and turnips. He sits under this tree for
a few minutes
Where did the giant live?
In the forest
Did Tom fall asleep under the cart?
The forest giant came out of the trees and took the vegetables
What was the giant is favorite food?
The favorite food giant was the potatoes
Did Tom have a sword?
No, he had not a sword
What did the giant say to Tom?
you can not hurt me, stupid boy. Nobody can hurt the forest giant. I am the strongest giant in the world
How did Tom kill the giant
Tom pulled the axle from the wheel. he hit the giante over the head with it. Tom picked up the sword and soon killed the giant.

What did the villagers say?

The forest giant will never trouble us again. Hurray for axle Tom they cheered.

Quin era el chico ms alto en el pueblo?

l gigante del bosque
Tom era inteligente?
Era inteligente y no tiene miedo de nada
Por qu Tom tomar las verduras de la compra
Debido a que el gigante se puso furioso. Sac la espada y corri hacia Tom
Qu dijo Tom tirar fuera de la carreta?
la primera vez que hizo una rueda de carro
Cundo tom volver del mercado?
Se detuvo para descansar, porque la compra fue muy hevy porque estaba lleno de papas, zanahorias y nabos. Se
sienta debajo de este rbol durante unos minutos
Dnde viva el gigante?
En el bosque
Acaso Tom dormirse bajo el carro?
El gigante del bosque sali de los rboles y se llev las verduras
Cul fue el gigante es comida favorita?
El gigante de la comida favorita era las patatas
Acaso Tom tiene una espada?
No, l no tena una espada
Qu hizo el gigante decir a Tom?
usted no puede hacerme dao, muchacho estpido. Nadie puede hacer dao al gigante de los bosques. Yo soy el
gigante ms fuerte del mundo
Cmo Tom matar al gigante
Tom sac el eje de la rueda. l golpe al gigante en la cabeza con ella. Tom cogi la espada y luego mat al
Qu dijeron los aldeanos?
El gigante de los bosques nunca se nos preocupan de nuevo. Hurra por eje Tom se alegr.

My name is Fernando. I am 37 years old. I live in azogues. I work in the university of cuenca. Cuenca is an excelente city to
study, because there are many universities that are very good.
I studied chemical engineering, my career is somewhat difficult because you have to study many mathematics, physics chemistry
and more.
Currently, I am a professor at the University of Cuenca, I teach Physics, quality and water treatment.
I like the city of Cuenca, because the people are very friendly.
At school my children, I can meet other parents there
I can also meet people in meetings, parties with friends
There are many people in the parks, there could make friends
I can meet people on the internet
In my work there are many meetings in which I make academic reports.
is very stressful having to qualify tests, homework, work and above all exams.
It is also very stressful when I have to prepare new classes for students.

I like to eat fries with sausage and mayonnaise served with a glass of soda. Weekends often eat this fast food with my kids and
I also like chicken burgers and hot dogs.
There is a substantial increase in trade.
There is a growing international trade and investment.
The purchase of new goods is facilitated, and technology.
A stimulus of competition is created.
Try the economic progress of a country.
It makes life easier because it is modified technology, and offers improvements, which are also readily available.
There is an exchange of culture between countries.
Only the most prepared countries are receiving more wealth.
It is very selfish, since the resources generated are not for people who need it.
Riches are only for the elite members of the system.
As wealth increases only for a few, also it increases poverty and marginalization.
The various companies cause pollution, because of different gases and by the exploitation of mineral resources, there is
logging, leaving us poor soil and water pollution in the atmosphere
Isaac Newton was an English scientist, born on Christmas Day in 1642. His mother prepared a farmer future for him. But then I
became convinced that his son had talent and sent him to the University of Cambridge. In 1668 designed the first reflecting
telescope, which is a type that is currently used in most astronomical observatories. he discovered the theory on the law of
gravity. According to the story that tells us that was suggested by the fall of an apple from a tree.
Lionel Messi is an Argentinian footballer widely regarded as the one of the greatest players of the modern generation. He plays
for FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team. He has won FIFA world player of the year four times (a record already). He
has often been described as Diego Maradonas successor because of his prolific goal scoring record and ability to dribble past
What do you think about technology today?
The technology as such has an enormous impact on society. That impact can be expressed both as good as wrong. On the one
hand, technology has opened the doors to a world of possibilities and discoveries. It has allowed us to evolve as a society:
communicating wherever they are, giving us comfort that we as human beings need, satisfying our needs every day and even
allowed us to find cures for diseases that in the past we thought impossible to be treated. On the other hand, technology it has
also affected us in several ways: isolating the world around us, making itself dependent, polluting the environment and
unemployment, as the technology increased and evolved, has grown significantly. It has become totally dependent on society

Mi nombre es Fernando. Tengo 37 aos de edad. Yo vivo en Azogues. Yo trabajo en la Universidad de Cuenca.
Cuenca es una ciudad excelente para estudiar, porque hay muchas universidades que son muy buenos.
Estudi ingeniera qumica, mi carrera es un poco difcil porque hay que estudiar muchas matemticas, qumica
fsica y mucho ms.
Actualmente, soy un profesor de la Universidad de Cuenca, doy clases de Fsica, calidad y tratamiento del agua.
Me gusta la ciudad de Cuenca, porque la gente es muy amable.
En la escuela de mis hijos, puedo conocer a otros padres no
Tambin puedo conocer gente en reuniones, fiestas con los amigos
Hay mucha gente en los parques, podra hacer amigos
Puedo conocer gente en Internet
En mi trabajo hay muchas reuniones en las que hago informes acadmicos.
es muy estresante tener que calificar las pruebas, tareas, trabajo y en especial los exmenes.
Tambin es muy estresante cuando tengo que preparar nuevas clases para los estudiantes.

Me gusta comer papas con chorizo y mayonesa servido con un vaso de refresco. Los fines de semana a menudo
comen esta comida rpida con mis hijos y mi mujer.
Tambin me gusta hamburguesas de pollo y hot dogs.
Hay un aumento sustancial en el comercio.
Hay un creciente comercio internacional y la inversin.
La compra de productos nuevos se facilita, y la tecnologa.
Se crea un estmulo de la competencia.
Pruebe el progreso econmico de un pas.
Se hace la vida ms fcil, ya que se modific la tecnologa, y ofrece mejoras, que tambin son de fcil acceso.
Hay un intercambio de la cultura de un pas.
Slo los pases ms preparados estn recibiendo ms riqueza.
Es muy egosta, ya que los recursos generados no son para gente que lo necesita.
Las riquezas son slo para los miembros de la lite del sistema.
A medida que aumenta la riqueza solamente para unos pocos, tambin aumenta la pobreza y la marginacin.
Las distintas empresas causan contaminacin, a causa de diferentes gases y por la explotacin de los recursos
minerales, no est registrando, dejndonos pobres la contaminacin del suelo y el agua en la atmsfera
Isaac Newton fue un cientfico Ingls, nacido el da de Navidad en 1642. Su madre prepara un futuro agricultor
para l. Pero entonces me convenc de que su hijo tena talento y lo envi a la Universidad de Cambridge. En
1668 diseado el primero telescopio reflector, que es un tipo que se utiliza actualmente en la mayora de los
observatorios astronmicos. descubri la teora de la ley de la gravedad. De acuerdo con la historia que nos
cuenta que fue sugerido por la cada de una manzana de un rbol.
Lionel Messi es un futbolista argentino ampliamente considerado como el uno de los ms grandes jugadores de
la generacin moderna. l juega para el FC Barcelona y la seleccin de Argentina. Ha ganado Jugador Mundial
de la FIFA en cuatro ocasiones (un registro ya). A menudo se ha descrito como el sucesor de Diego Maradona,
debido a su rcord goleador prolfico y habilidad para driblar oponentes anteriores.
La tecnologa, como tal, tiene un enorme impacto en la sociedad. Ese impacto se puede expresar tanto en lo
bueno como malo. Por un lado, la tecnologa ha abierto las puertas a un mundo de posibilidades y
descubrimientos. Se nos ha permitido evolucionar como sociedad: la comunicacin donde quiera que estn, que
nos da la comodidad que nosotros, como seres humanos necesitamos, satisfaciendo nuestras necesidades cada
da e incluso permitido encontrar curas para enfermedades que en el pasado que creamos imposible tratar. Por
otro lado, la tecnologa tambin nos ha afectado de varias maneras: aislamiento del mundo que nos rodea, por lo
que s depende, contaminando el medio ambiente y el desempleo, ya que la tecnologa aumenta y evolucionado,
ha crecido de manera significativa. Se ha vuelto totalmente dependientes de la propia sociedad.
One of my favorite vacations, went the I had last year, because my family and I went to Puerto Lopez. Puerto
Lopez is a small village located along the sea. We arrived on a Monday at 8am, immediately we went to a hotel
that and had booked in advance, we stayed and take breakfast. Then we went to a nature reserve, here we could
to enjoy nature in the Machalilla National Park, in this place there are a variety of plants and a beautiful beach
called Los Frailes. On the night we visited the city center, my kids wanted to ride a motorbike taxi.
On Tuesday morning, we went to the sea, there we saw humpback whales, also we saw people dedicated to
fishing. In the afternoon we went to a place where there are hot springs healing according to the people who
live around them.
On Wednesday we visited a place where there are sick animals, but they are being cured for then return them
to their natural habitat. During the afternoon we walked along the beach watching the boats that fished, also we
visited parks downtown.

On Thursday morning we prepare all the luggage to return. All went fun especially for my children because
they had never been there.
Weekends I have make breakfast for my family.
Supan (sliced bread), 8 bread
8 sliced cheese
4 sliced ham
50 grams of Butter
10 oranges
pint of milk
4 teaspoons of coffee
4 teaspoons sugar
To prepare toast, took Supan (sliced bread), I put cheese and ham on bread, I make four sandwiches, I have to spread the butter
in the bread and it puting in the toaster until toasted.
With oranges, I make juice, for which I put oranges in the extractor and finally cierno juice.


A healthy diet provides a variety of benefits. Some reasons why we should have a healthy diet, are:
1. well be more productive
Eating a healthy, balanced diet to make sure your brain has the fuel it needs means more energy and increased
productivity at work.
2. well be happier
3. we will be less stressed
4. Youll control your weight
Eat side salad in place of fries not only will help you lose weight, it also can help you save money.
5. well eat less
6. well think it tastes better
7.we not will age as quickly
8. well be healthier
Unhealthy eating especially over the long term can be a risk factor for chronic diseases such as cancer,
diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
9. Well live longer
Healthy eating can help you avoid diseases that may lower your life expectancy.
10. well save money
we will have fewer medical bills to pay.
If I have a healthier diet, I will be in better shape.
If I continue eating food fast, I will become obese

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