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OUMH 1103














The purpose of this task is to assess your ability to:

search for information;

make notes from the reading material;

acknowledge other authors work, and

demonstrate logical arguments/discussions with supporting facts and evidences.

ACTIVITY 1 (30%)
Teaching students how to study is as important as teaching the subject matter of a course.
Study skills help students achieve their goals, not only while in school/college or university,
but also in their daily lives.
Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
In 300-350 words, discuss relevant reasons to support your stand.

ACTIVITY 2 (30%)
Irrespective of your aim of furthering your studies, whether for pleasure, career advancement,
gaining a qualification or acquiring knowledge and skills, a study skills course offers good
opportunity for self-advancement. Reviewing and developing your study skills will not only
boost your confidence and help you succeed, but will also enable you to study more
effectively in the time available to you.
In an essay of 300-350 words, elaborate on how the time management skills that you have
learnt assist your planning in your studies. Support your answer with relevant examples.

ACTIVITY 3 (30%)
Read an essay on Memorization (refer to Attachment 1 of the assignment question). Based
on the essay, prepare:

(a) an annotation; and

(b) a mind map (can be done in handwriting or computer typing) of the essay that you
have read.

*Note: For this activity you are required to scan your annotation notes and mind map (if
written) and submit them via online.

ACTIVITY 4 (10%)
Share your experiences and describe how you make use of myVLE to help you in learning?
Note: Write an essay of 150-200 words for the above activity.

[Total: 100 marks]


Nowadays, provide instruction to students is a major challenge to the teacher. The

need to provide continuous training to students to help students more competitive in the

future. As a teacher, the best of success for them is when their student manage to independent
and contribute to their society. But as we already mentioned before, the challenge to make
this dream reality is too tough.
Teaching students how to learn is one of the important things that need to be
emphasized during learning process. it is important as teaching a subject matter of a course.
Sometimes students really take this lightly. As a result of the convergence and focus on
developing students' knowledge is also limited to existing knowledge. It's also include not
only the knowledge that want to be delivered to student, but also the way how the knowledge
can be represent. As a result of weaknesses in the teacher focuses on student cause adverse
effects will be received by the students.
Besides that, study skills also can help student in enhance their soft skills. the way
student are nowadays being thought about their self management and self assessment as one
of criteria to developed soft skills. According to Brian Tracy (2013), the way teachers
delegate and describe the paper work or assignment to student basically helping student to
improve themselves. Unintentionally, teachers already provide student with a little of
knowledge to student. Self-improvement skills can help students more competitive with
Another purpose of teaching student is it will help student to set their goal. As when
student are given some assignment in their courses, they will always more focused on the
objectives and goals of the course until they may fulfilled it. As they stay focused on their big
picture, their objective, they can come out with two or more plan so they can really manage
to finished their assignment. if we take this analogy in our daily life, basically we will do the
same. If we want to achieve our goal to became success person, we should plan wisely and
take some two or three steps forward to expect the unexpected. As a result, student will learn
how to manage the source and organize a better plan to achieve their goal.
As we come to the conclusion, all discussion we made on the main topic and preview
the structure of paper with all the fact, then I agree that study skills help student achieve their
goals, not only in college/schools or university but also in their daily life.

(422 words)


Most students find that their greatest challenge in adjusting to college life and to

succeeding in the classroom is in managing their time effectively. This is especially true for
community college students who often work long hours. Fail to plan with efficient time

management will consider as a failure. Sometimes, this happen upon a certain reason. Besides
that adult students deal with the additional issues of child care and family and home
responsibilities. All of this reason will cause so much burden and failure in time management
that we want to discuss on up rise matter.
First of all, after identifying the main problems in the management of time, we need
to plan our schedule, rearranging the table by putting the needs of learning, personal
and management. According to Brian Tracy (2013), it is important to overcome the stress that
causes our failure time management. For example, by putting the important work for example
the class and assignment over our routine and social life is a way to maximize our time
management. Postpone tasks or routines that can be put off until your school work is finished.
This can be the most difficult challenge of time management. As learners we always meet
unexpected opportunities that look appealing, then result in poor performance on a test, on a
paper, or in preparation for a task. Distracting activities will be more enjoyable later without
the pressure of the test, assignment. Hanging over your head. Think in terms of pride of
accomplishment. Instead of saying "no" learn to say "later".
Besides that, by understood the real goal of our life, we can construct back our
mentality and put things important and urgent than things important and not urgent. We
already know if we will be given with a new assignment at the beginning of each school term,
certainly we will identify some resources that can help us in meeting the needs of the subject.
Hence the need to find a good source as tutor to meet more often to understand the needs of
the course and revision of a book in the library is an important factor to the success of
managing time well. So, in order to maximize the capacity of student with full of
responsibility as workers also, we need to well manage all of our recourses.
Last but not least, the important thing is to how to improve decision-making ability.
As a student who is also an employee, we will be charged with the duties and responsibilities
that come at the same time. The need for us to make the right decisions in a short time can be
driven by a high sense of accountability. For example, to fulfill coursework requirement
compared to routine job, both of it are important but the most important work to do is depend
on when the work should be handed to authorized person. If we manage to do this then at the
same time can reduce the feeling of pressure as a result of our failure to manage time well.

In conclusion, the three reasons and arguments given above helped me to manage
time well in addition to maximizing the time that belongs to me. Even in busy time at work,
at the same time I also can arrange courses given task well.
(549 words)



How we Remember:

1. Memory itself probably cannot be developed; however, improvement in remembering

comes from correcting certain habits or thoughts so that we use our memory to its
fullest potential. Remembering is like seeing; improvement in either function does not
depend upon how much we use it, but, rather, how we use it.
2. The first and most important rule for remembering is: cultivate the habit of close
attention to the thing you wish to remember. Be sure you have a clear, sharp
impression of the face, name, date, or facts, which you will need to know at a future
time. If you wish to remember a fact, make it meaningful to you.
3. When we are learning, we should try not only to get a strong impression, but also to
obtain as many different kinds of impressions as possible. Some people can
remember colours distinctly, but have a poor memory for shapes. But anyone, by
putting together and using all of the impressions our sense organs bring us about one
thing, allows us to remember it much more clearly than if we were to rely on sight or
sound alone. For example, try reading your lesson aloud. In doing this, your eye takes
on the appearance of the printed word, your ear passes the sound of the words to your
brain, and even the tension of the muscles of your throat add their bit to the total
impression which your mind is expected to store away.
4. Try to visualize it. Either remember a diagram or a picture of the material to be
remembered, or take short notes about it, which help you to visualize.
5. Intend to remember. The mere intention to remember puts the mind in a condition to
remember, and if you will make use of this fact in studying you will be able to recall
between 20 and 60 percent more of what you read and hear than you would if you
were not actively trying to remember.
6. Think about it. A fact doesn't belong to you until you have used it. In making use of
this principle, plan to spend not more than one-half of your study period in reading
your lesson. Use the other half in doing something with what you learn. Think about
what you have studied, write down notes on it, and explain it to somebody else.
7. Logical memory. One of the most important of all aids to the remembering process is
the habit of associating a new idea immediately with facts or ideas that already firmly
lodged in your mind. This association revives, and strengthens the old memories and
prevents the new one from slipping away by anchoring it to the well-established
framework of your mental world.

8. Remembering by brute force. We will forget more, on the average, during the first
hour after learning than during the next 24 hours; and we will forget more, on the
average, during the first day than we will during the next thirty days. Whatever is left
after thirty days time, we will probably be able to hold on to without much further
loss for years to come.
9. Reviewing is much more effective if carried out before memories have entirely
escaped than it is after considerable time has elapsed. Repetitions should be strung out
over as long a time as is available. We remember better if we pause a little between
periods of study.
10. How much to study? You should study more than just enough to learn your
assignment. Experiments have proven that 50% more study resulted in 50% better
retention. After a week had passed, it was found that extra work had salvaged six
times as much of the material as in the case when it was barely learned.

Mind Map.




The development of technology in today proves the effectiveness of the learning

process before. in line with the country's education system has also progressed with the
introduction of self-learning system called myVLE. This self-learning process is seen as a
new shift in the education system because of several factors which we will discuss on the
matter arise.
The first factor is the ease of access to information. By using myVLE, I was able to
get the information easily at the fingertips easily as access to a virtual library that is contained
in this system. By using this virtual library I can access the latest information for studies and
my job. According to Stella Cottrell and Neil Morris(2012), It also helps in studying and also
obtain these questions from past year that there are in the virtual library. Hence my use of the
VLE has helped me not only to get information but also provide experience in answering the
questions last year.
In addition, the use of myVLE in can help me in closing the gap between lecturers
and students. I can exchange information and views with the lecturer on the course and
assignments through the column forum appearing in myVLE. not only that, I also can share
information with colleagues in respect of tasks assigned by the lecturer. as well as discuss the
virtual assignment.
The last factor is the cost and time saving. with myVLE, I can communicate directly
with faculty and colleagues through cyberspace in forum discussions. This also have been
discuss by Bin Zou, Minjie Xing, et al(2013). This not only helped me in learning, but also to
save time and cost me. Generally, we note that we were burden through all of our
commitment. As a teacher who is also a student of the same time, the need to maximize time
and minimize costs should also be taken into account. Therefore, using this myVLE very
helpful and lighten my load.
In conclusion, based on the argument that given the proof of use myVLE in learning
has provided many positive effects. And to assist me in carrying out my responsibilities as a
student with effective and efficient.
(360 words)

Stella Cottrell and Neil Morris(2012), Study Skills Connected Using Technology to Support
Studies, Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2012, London.
Bin Zou, Minjie Xing, et al(2013), Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Teaching and
Learning: Technological Advances, IGI Global, United States.
Brian Tracy (2013), Time Management, AMACOM American Management Association,
United States of America.
Christ Croft(1996), Time Management, Management Bournemouth Business School,
John Adair (2009), Effective Time Management: How to save time and spend it wisely, The
Talbot Adair Press, United Kingdom.


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