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Marketing Literature



Western Carolina University


This section is based on a selection of articie abstracts from a comprehensive business literature database. Marketing-related abstracts from
1.1 Consumer Behavior
over 125 journals (both academic and trade) are reviewed by JM staff.
91, 94, 99, 100, 101, 103, HI, 112, 113, 115,
Descriptors for each eritry are assigned byM staff. Each issue of this sec142, 144, 147, 150, 159, 161, 166, 171, 178, 186, 189, 196, 199,
tion represents three months of entries into the database. JM thanks UMI
200, 201, 202, 205, 206, 219, 220, 224, 232
for use of the ABI/INFORM business database.
Play Dough. Jeff Brazil, American Demographics, 21 (December
1999), pp. 56-61. [Trends, Youth market. Weekly allowances.
Impacts, Region, Religion. Shopping behavior. Market strategy.
Investment decisions. Value conscious. Brand names. Popularity,
The following article abstracts are available online from the ABI/INFORM Examples.]

Each entry has an identifying number. Cross-references appear immediately under each subject heading.

database, which is published and copyrighted by UMI. For additional information about access to the database or about obtainirig photocopies of
the articles abstracted here, please call (800) 626-2823 or write to UMI,
300 N Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, Ml 48106.


Consumer Behavior
Legal, Political, and Economic Issues
Ethics and Social Responsibility

2.1 Management, Planning, and Strategy
2.2 Retailing
2.3 Channels of Distribution
2.4 Physical Distribution
2.5 Pricing
2.6 Product
2.7 Sales Promotion
2.8 Advertising
2.9 Personal Selling
2.101 Sales Management
3.1 Industrial
3.2 Nonprofit, Political, and Social Causes
3.3 International and Comparative
3.4 Services
4.1 Theory and Philosophy of Science
4.2 Research Methodology
5.1 Educational and Professional Issues
5.2 General Marketing

110/ Journal of Marketing, October 2000

A Home of Their Own. Kendra L. Darko, American Demographics,2\ (September 1999), pp. 35-38. [Trends, Single young adults.
Home buyers. Impacts, Lifestyles, Income levels. Tax credits.
Men, Women, Statistical data.]
Don't Miss the Bus. Lisa Goff, American Demographics, 21
(August 1999), pp. 49-54. [Trends, Echo boomers (now aged 5 to
22), Enthusiasm, Intelligence, Maturity, Buying power. Shopping
behavior. Convenience, Personalization, Market strategy. Cultural
aspects. Statistical data.]
In the Eye of the Beholder. Joe Mandese, American Demographics, 2\ (December 1999), pp. 26-29. [Study, Consumer perceptions
of media. Rankings, Networks, Correlation between brand perception and usage. Brand differentiation. Media consumers want to be
associated with. Statistical data.]
Mother's Work Is Never Done. Cristina Merrill, American Demographics, 21 (September 1999), pp. 29-32. [Study, Market segments (different types of moms). Self-fulfillment, 'Tug-of-War,"
"Strong Shoulders" mothers, "Mothers of Invention, " June
Cleaver types. Brand loyalty. Advertising, Examples.]
Reaping What They've Sown. Kendra Parker, American Demographics, 21 (December 1999), pp. 34-38. [Trends, 60-plus market. Financial services. Market strategy. Assistance, Investment
behavior. Standard of living improvement. Examples.]
Generacion Latino. Helene Stapinski, American Demographics,
21 (July 1999), pp. 62-68. [Trends, Hispanic teens. Shopping
behavior. Brand loyalty. Cultural aspects. Entertainment, Fashion,
Celebrities, Statistical data.]
Gen X Homes In. Alison S. Wellner, American Demographics, 21
(August 1999), pp. 56-62. [Trends, Home ownership. Steady rise
in income. Wealth transfers. Single lifestage. Race, Immigrants,
Statistical data.]
Brain Dominance and the Interpretation of Advertising Messages. Nessim Hanna, John Wagle, and A.H. Kizilbash, International Journal of Commerce and Management, 9 (No. 3 and 4,
1999), pp. 19-32. [Literature review. Hypotheses, Experiment.
Journal of t\/tart<eting
Vol. 64 (October 2000), 110-121

Effects of "informational" versus "visual" appeals used in print

advertisements. Discriminate analysis.]
Relationships Between Acculturation, Attitude Toward the
Advertisement, and Purctiase Intention of Asian-Indian Immigrants. Durriya Z. Khairullah and Zahid Y. Khairullah, tnternational Journal of Commerce and Management, 9 (No. 3 and 4.
1999), pp. 46-65. [Literature review. Experiment, Low and moderate acculturated respondents can be more effectively reached by
developing advertisements depicting Indian cultural themes.] 10
CITect of Archetypal Embeds on Feelings: An Indirect Route to
Affecting Attitudes? Andrew B. Aylesworth, Ronald C. Goodstein, and Ajay Kalra, Journal of Advertising, 28 (Fall 1999), pp.
73-81. [Literature review. Subliminal messages. Hypotheses,
Experiment, Attitudes, Feelings (upbeat, negative, warm). Judgments (evaluation, activity, gentleness). Assessment, ANCOVA.]
The Influence of Consumer Socialization Variahles on Attitude
Toward Advertising: A Comparison of African-Americans and
Caucasians. Alan J. Bush, Rachel Smith, and Craig Martin, Journal of Advertising, 28 (Fall 1999), pp. 13-24. [Literature review.
Hypotheses, Survey, Impacts, Parental and peer communication.
Mass media. Gender, Race.TV viewing. Statistical analysis. Implications.]
A Six-Segment Message Strategy Wtieel. Ronald E. Taylor,
Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (November/December 1999),
pp. 7-17. [Literature review; Transmission (ration, acute need, routine) and ritual (ego, social, sensory) models of communication;
Kotler's buying models; Foote, Cone, and Belding Grid; Model
testing; Applications.]
Providing the Human and Cultural Context for Brands: Using
"Memories of the Future" to Create Future Narratives. Richard
Woods, Journal of Brand Management {UK}, 1 (September 1999),
pp. 10-18. [Discussion, Scenarios, Fast Show, Kaleidoscope,
Fortress Society, Virtual Village, Gaining consumer insights (provoking consumers, taken-for-granted commonsense assumptions,
actual experience of brands). Assessment.]
Comparison Effects on Preference Construction. Ravi Dhar,
Stephen M. Nowlis, and Steven J. ShcTman, Journal of Consumer
Research, 26 (December 1999), pp. 293-306. [Literature review.
Hypotheses, Five studies. Impacts, Difference comparisons on
preferences for focal alternative. Initial similarity/difference compari.son on choice deferral and choice satisfaction. Adding common
features. Initial dissimilarity judgments on choices involving real
consequences. Assessment.]

Trying to Be Cosmopolitan. Craig J. Totnpson and Siok Kuan

Tambyah, Journal of Consumer Research, 26 (December 1999),
pp. 214-41. [Historical discussion. Personal interviews (expatriate
professionals). Narratives (traveling, dwelling), Idiographic complexities and contradictions. Postmodern consutnption. Implications, Singapore.]
An Investigation of Gender Differences in On-Line Privacy
Concerns and Resultant Behaviors. Kim Bartel Sheehan, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 13 (Autumn 1999), pp. 24-38. [Literature review. Survey, Demographic characteristics. Behaviors,
Reading unsolicited e-mail. Notifying service provider. Requesting
removal from mailing lists. Sending a "(lame, " Registering for
Web sites. Providing incomplete or inaccurate information. Assessment, Implications.]
Measuring the Influence of Individual Preference Structures in
Group Decision Making. Neeraj Arora and Greg M. Allenby,
Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (November 1999), pp. 476-87.
[Discussion, Model development and testing. Survey of married
couples, Demographic characteristics. Individual estitnates. Group
tasks. Product attributes. Predictions, Statistical analysis.]
Investigating Household State Dependence Effects Across Categories. P.B. Seetharaman, Andrew Ainslie, and Pradeep K. Chintagunta. Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (November 1999), pp.
488-500. [Literature review. Multinomial probit model. Scanner
panel data. Impacts, Lapse of time. Shopping behavior variables.
Marketing mix sensitivities. Statistical analysis.]
Assessing a Place to Live: A Quality of Life Perspective. Glen
Riecken, Don Shemwell, and Ugur Yavas, Journal of Nonprofit
and Public Sector Marketing, 6 (No. 4, 1999), pp. 41-52. [Consumer survey. Importance-performance analytical technique.
Matrix, Factors, Statistical analysis, Irnplications.]
A Relationship Customer Typology. Kristy E. Reynolds and
Sharon E. Beatty, Journal of Retailing, 75 (Winter 1999), pp.
509-23. [Literature review. Customer survey. Retail clothing.
Clusters, Variables (shopping enjoyment, shopping confidence,
social needs, time poverty). Statistical analysis. Recommendations.]
1.2 Legal, Political and Economic Issues
See also 149, 175
DMA Seeks Big Role Setting Weh Policy. Laura Loro. Business
Marketing, 84 (June 1999), pp. 3, 34. [Pending legislation. Tax
issues. Acquisitions and mergers, Internet alliance. Impacts, Online
advocacy. Business-to-business policy initiatives.]

Avoidance or Vigilance? The Psychology of False-Positive Test

Results. Mary Frances Luce and Barbara E. Kahn, Journal of Consumer Research, 26 (December 1999), pp. 242-59. [Literature
review,, Four laboratory experiments. Effects, Perceptions of vulnerability and test inaccuracy. Planned compliance. Statistical analysis. Public-policy implications.]

Economic Development from Capital Investment in Transportation Systems. M.D. Salim, Ali E. Kashef, and Harald J.
Barry, Jjournal of Nonprofit and Puhlic Sector Marketing, 6 (No. 4,
1999), pp. 53-68. [Discussion, Cost/benefits, Impacts, Per capita
income. Highway transportation. Consumer spending. Population
growth. Examples.]

The Social Uses of Advertising: An Ethnographic Study of

Adolescent Advertising Audiences. Mark Ritson and Richard
Elliott, Journal of Consumer Research, 26 (December 1999), pp.
260-77. [Literature review; Advertising meanings possess social
uses related to textual experience, interpretation, evaluation, ritual
use, and metaphor; Theoretical and managerial implications.] t7

Ads and Marketing Materials Can Lead to Liahility. Frank J.

Giliberti, Marketing Management, 8 (Winter 1999), pp. 53-56.
[Uniform Commercial Code, Provisions, Implied warranties. Lawsuits, Court decisions. Manufacturers' defenses. Assessment.] 27

Heart and Mind in Conflict: The Interplay of Affect and Cognition in Consumer Decision Making. Baba Shiv and Alexander
Fedorikhin. Journal of Consumer Research, 26 (December 1999),
pp. 278-92. [Literature review. Conceptual framework. Hypotheses, Two experiments. Alternatives evaluation. Impacts, Mode of
presentation. Personality, Impulsivity, Low versus high processing
resources. Statistical analysis. Theoretical and managerial implications.]

1.3 Ethics and Social Responsibility

See also 20, 63, 109, 148, 151
Do American and Mexican Purchasing Managers Perceive
Ethical Situations Differently? An Empirical Investigation.
Raghu Tadepalli, Abel Moreno, and Salvador Trevino, Industrial
Marketing Management, 28 (July 1999), pp. 369-80. [Literature
review. Hypotheses, Survey, Cultural dimensions (collectivism,
power distance, uncertainty avoidance). Statistical analysis. Implications.]

Marketing Literature Review /111

Corporate Ethics and the New Commercial Paradigm.

Jonathan Hall, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 1 (September
1999), pp. 38-47. [Discussion, Consumer attitudes. Multinationals,
Consumer choice. Pressure groups. Brand names. Environmental
performance. Examples.]
When the Cause Is Just. Harvey Meyer, Joumal of Business
Strategy, 20 (November/December 1999), pp. 27-31. [Cause marketing. Social responsibility. Benefits, Image enhancement. Customer loyalty. Problems, Measuring effectiveness. False accusations. Long-term commitment. Examples.]
Taking Aim at Internet Fraud. Patricia A. Murphy, Stores, 81
(October 1999), pp. 23-24, 26. [Web credit card abuse, Softgood
risks. Software packages. Customer authentication. Neural networks. Examples.]
2.1 Management, Planning, and Strategy
See also 56, 59, 61, 66, 70, 71, 72, 75, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 90, 92,
93, 95. 96, 97. 98, 108, 122. 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141,
143, 145, 146, 153, 154, 155, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167,
168, 172, 173, 175, 176, 181, 182, 188, 208, 209, 213, 214, 215,
Team Empowerment in New Product Development. Donald
Gerwin, Business Horizons, 42 (July/August 1999), pp. 29-36.
[Field survey. Transfers (delegation, expansion, interference, escalation). Impacts, Performance, Work problems. Management support. Assessment, Recommendations.]
Financial Management and Planning with the Product Life
Cycle Concept. David R. Rink, Dianne M. Roden, and Harold W.
Fox, Business Horizons, 42 (September/October 1999), pp. 65-72.
[Model extension. Stages, Optimal flnancial decision making.
Relationships (intradepartmental, intracompany, external). Assessment.]
How to Frame a Message: The Art of Persuasion and Negotiation. Lyle Sussman, Business Horizons, 42 (July/August 1999), pp.
2-6. [Discussion, Strategies, Specific objective, SWOT analysis of
the other party's current status. Other party's core values. Link
Business-to-Buslness Marketing and the World Wide Web:
Planning, Managing, and Assessing Web Sites. Joel R. Evans
and Vanessa E. King, Industrial Marketing Management, 28 (July
1999), pp. 343-58. [Discussion, Opportunities, Obstacles, Assessment tool categories and factors (home page, site design and performance, text content, audiovisual elements, interaction/involvement). Applications, Managerial implications.]
Patterns in Mid-Market Companies. Ken Hardy, Ivy Business
Journal (Canada), 63 (September/October 1999), pp. 52-53. [Discussion, Business growth. Factors, Niche products for world markets. Industry consolidations. Use of new technology. Acquisition
of business skills. Assessment.]
Demystifying Competitive Intelligence. Estelle Metayer, tvy
Business Journal (Canada), 63 (November/December 1999), pp.
70-74. [Discussion, Impacts, New competitors. Industry consolidation. New tools and sources of information. Comparisons, Traditional marketing. Tactical and strategic orientations. Ongoing
and crises-mode analyses. Success, Guidelines.]
Financial and Planning Implications for Small Business Entrepreneurship. Brian D. Fitzpatrick, Richard Hunt, and David
Adams, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 11 (October
1999), pp. 27-40. [Literature review. Hypotheses, Comparison,
Amount of start-up capital. Preparation of business plans. Effects,
Personal characteristics, Start-up decisions. Changes in market
strategy. Statistical analysis.]

112 / Journal of Marketing, October 2000

How to Avoid the Ten Biggest Mistakes in CRM. Meryl Davids,

Journat of Business Strategy, 20 (November/December 1999), pp.
22-26. [Customer relationship management. Impacts, Customer
service. Profits, Market strategy. Data collection. Cross-company
involvement. Outsourcing, Becoming operational. Starting small.
Testing, Estimating change. Examples.]
It's the Third Millennium: Do You Know Where Your Competitor Is? John A. Nolan III, Journal of Business Strategy, 20
(November/December 1999), pp. 11-15. [Discussion, Models,
Competitive intelligence, Counterintelligence cycle. Assessing
vulnerabilities, Countermeasures, Analysis and dissemination.
Have You Made a Wrong T\irn in Your Approach lo Market?
Robert Waggoner, Journal of Business Strategy, 20
(November/December 1999), pp. 16-21. [Discussion, Market segmentation. Aligning organizational capabilities. Management
requirement. Examples, Recommendations.]
Growing a Business: Challenges Facing a Young Entrepreneur.
Newell D. Wright, Reginald R Foucar-Szocki, Paula Daly. Thomas
Wood, and Robert Jerome, Journal of the International Academy
for Case Studies, 4 (No. I and 2, 1998), pp. 9-18. [Discussion,
Management styles. Financial management. Personnel problems.
Expansion, Landscape design. Case study.]
Strategic Foretelling: Communication-Based Antecedents of a
Firm's Propensity to Preannounce. Roger J. Calantone and Kim
E. Schatzei, Journal of Marketing, 64 (January 2000), pp. 17-38.
[Literature review. Conceptual model. Hypotheses, Survey of highlevel executives. Impacts, First-mover predisposition. Firm information interactivity. Competitive equity building. Industry
dynamism. Statistical analysis. Future research directions.]
Strategic Marketing Planning for Radically New Products. Lee
G. Cooper, Journal of Marketing, 64 (January 2000), pp. 1-16.
[Literature review. Open-systems model, Bayesian networks. Critical issues grid (political, behavioral, economic, social, technological). Applications.]
An Examination of Organizational Factors Influencing New
Product Success in Internal and Alliance-Based Processes.
Eugene Sivadas and F. Robert Dwyer, Journal of Marketing, 64
(January 2000), pp. 31-49. [Literature review. Model presentation.
Hypotheses, Survey of semiconductor firms. Measures, Cooperative competency. Governance structure. Administrative mechanisms. Partner type. Mutual dependence. Innovation type. Institutional support. Complementarity, Confirmatory factor analysis.] 45
Sustained Spending and Persistent Response: A New Look at
Long-Term Marketing Profitability. Mamik G. Dekimpe and
Dominique M. Hanssens, Joumal of Marketing Research, 36
(November 1999), pp. 397-412. [Strategic scenarios resulting from
temporary versus permanent effort/response. Positive and negative
consequences, Multivariate persistence measures. Empirical illustrations, Pharmaceutical and packaged-food industries.]
Strategic Planning for Puhlic and Nonprofit Organizations:
Rethinking the Strategic Market Analysis Sections. Roger Gomes
and Patricia A. Knowles, Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector
Marketing, 6 (No. 4, 1999), pp. 3-22. [Literature review. Strategic
planning outline formats. Situation analysis. Strategic alternatives.
Evaluation, Decision, Implementation, Monitoring.]
A Strategic Approach to Enhance Management and Marketing
Effectiveness: Utilizing the SOAR Leadership Model to
Improve Communication for Puhlic Sector and Not-for-Profit
Organizations. Dewey E. Johnson and Douglas A. Cords, Journal
of Nonproftt and Public Sector Marketing, 6 (No. 4, 1999), pp.
23-39. [Literature review. Goal-oriented behavior. Situation-organization interaction. Leadership, Feedback, Assessment, Application.]

Practices That Support Team Learning and Their Impact on

Speed to IVIarket and New Product Success. Gary S. Lynn,
Richard B. Skov, and Kate D. Abel, Journal of Product Innovation
16 (September 1999), pp. 439-54. [Literature
review. Hypotheses, Survey of technical managers. Variables,
Recording, Filing, Reviewing, Goal clarity and stability. Vision,
NPD process. Information acquisition and implementation. Speed,
Success, Statistical analysis.]
Journat of Small Business Management, 38 (January 2000), pp.
1-85. [Four articles on small business performance. Effects of
after-hours accessibility. Environmental scanning. Market orientation. Community values.]
Finance and Strategy: Time-to-Wait or Time-to-Marliet? Onno
Lint and Enrico Pennings. Long Range Planning (UK), 32 (October 1999), pp. 4 8 3 - 9 3 . [Literature review. Technology-based products. Optimal timing. Market entry. Uncertainty, Comparisons,
Finance and marketing theory. Company should invest when the
value of a project passes a certain threshold.]
Pattern Thinking: Cutting Through the Chaos. David J. Morrison and James A. Quella. Marketing Management, 8 (Winter
1999). pp. 16-23. [Strategic planning. Change. Pattern types
(mega, value chain, customer, channel, product, knowledge, organizational). Applications.]
Marketing in 3-D. David Court. Thomas D. French. Tim I.
McGuire, and Michael Partington, McKinsey Quarterly, (No. 4,
1999), pp. 6-17. [Discussion, Market segmentation. Benefits
(functional, process, relationship). Branding, Investment flows.
Profits, Changing marketing mixes. Examples.]
Despite Attempts to Break Them, Functional Silos Live On.
Brian Milligan, Purchasing, 127 (November 4, 1999), pp. 24-26.
[Survey. Attitudes. Functional organization structure. Promoting
integration and teamwork among departments. Functions that provide greatest level of cooperation. Impacts. Communication. Top
management support. Examples.]


2.2 Retailing
III, 121. 149. 169. 198

Pent-Up Spending Energy. Kendra Parker. American Demographics, 21 (November 1999), pp. 40-42. [Inner cities. Target
markets. Income levels. Site selection. Access. Surrounding buildings. Ethnic groups. Buying patterns. Merchandise to suit local
needs. Examples.]
Power Retail. Larry Stevenson, Joe Shiesinger, and Michael
Pearee. Ivy Business Journal (Canada), 63 (September/October
1999), pp. 27-29. [Discussion; Factors; Customer driven, superior
Retail Value Proposition; Dominate geographic markets, categories, and channels; Execute better than competitors; Continually
reinvent themselves.]
Retailers'Adoption Decision of New Consumer Durables. Erik
Jan Hultink. Jurg M. Tholke. and Henry S.J. Robben, Journal of
Product Innovation Management, 16 (September 1999). pp.
483-90. [Literature review. Survey, Adoption criteria. Differences
among product categories. Dimensions underlying decisions (manufacturer pressure, early product impact, slow turnaround time,
manufacturer competencies, new product strategy). Statistical
analysis. The Netherlands.]
Journal of Retailing, 75 (Fall 1999), pp. 295-424. [Six articles on
assortment planning. Selection and pricing. Ambience, Buyer preferences. Strategies, Assortment overlap. Merchandise planning.
Regional and product assortment difterences.]
Marketing Program Planning, Process Benefits, and Store Performance: An Initial Study Among Small Retail Firms. Jeffrey
S. Conant and J. Chris White, Journal of Retailing, 75 (Winter
1999). pp. 525-41. [Literature review. Survey of owners/operators.

Computer and software stores. Impacts, Formal planning. Strategic

clarity. Extent of segmentation. Rapid market response. Market
knowledge. Marketing program effectiveness. Financial performance. Statistical analysis. Implications.]
On the Relationship Between Inventory Costs and Variety
Benefits in Retail Assortments. Garrett van Ryzin and Siddharth
Mahajan, Management Science, 45 (November 1999), pp.
1496-1509. [Literature review. Multinomial logit and newsboy
models. Optimal assortment problem. Defining fashion using
majorization ordering. Assessment.]
You Want Profits with That? John D. Calkins, Jevin S. Eagle,
Michael J. Farello, Michelle B. Horn, and Mark A. Loch, McKinsey Quarterly, (No. 4, 1999), pp. 13443. [Competition, Revenues,
Concept renewal. Labor equation. Consolidation, Examples, Quick
service restaurant industry.]
2.3 Channels of Distribution
5eea/.jo20. 25. 31,35, 39, 85, 96, 120, 127, 130, 135, 138, 151,
159, 161, 169, 174, 179, 180, 198,216
The Power of Opt-In. Kendra L. Darko./4men'6an Demographics,
21 (October 1999), pp. 4 0 ^ 3 . [Direct Marketing Association's
Mail Preference Service. Choice Mail program. E-mail list brokers.
Customer interests. Examples.]
Strategies for Combating Gray Market Activity. Matthew B.
Myers and David A. Griffith, Business Horizons, 42 (Novetnber/December 1999), pp. 2-8. [Study, Exporters, Global, Unauthorized distribution. Factors, Coordinate distribution channel horizontally. Stay apprised of changing regulations. Differentiated
products across markets. Restrict autonomy to set prices. Communicate with distributors.]
Business Marketing, 84 (October 1999), pp. 21-22, 24-25. [Four
articles on digital direct. Trends, Internet. Direct-to-customer
access. Sales presentations. Catalogs, Customer service. E-mail
lists. Privacy issues. Impacts, Direct mail. Examples.]
Back-End Inefficiency: Despite Hype, E-Commerce Far from
Being Truly Automated. John Evan Frook, Business Marketing,
84 (December 1999), pp. 37, 40. [Electronic data interchange.
Costs, Finding a standard way to describe products and code them.
Supply chain cooperation. Examples.]
Getting Real About Virtual Commerce. Philip Evans and Thomas
S. Wurster. Harvard Business Review, 77 (November/December
1999), pp. 84-94. [Discussion, Consumer search. Competitive
advantage. Transformation, Product information. Navigational
tools. Reach, Affiliation, Richness, Examples.]
Industrial Marketing Management, 28 (September 1999), pp.
413-564. [Eleven articles on business relationships and networks.
Capabilities needed. Decision-making actions. Organizational learning. International production networks. Buyer-supplier relationships. Adaptive behavior. Managing interfaces with suppliers. Customer partnerships. Internal marketing relationships in high-tech
tlrms. Relationship promoters. Relationship marketing terms.] 67
Creating Effective International Marketing Channels. Chris
Vandersluis. Ivy Business Journal (Canada), 63 (November/
December 1999), pp. 13-15. [Matching product to location, Internet resources. Language and legal issues. Getting international
partners started. Assessment.]
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28 (Winter 2000).
pp. 9-174. [Fifteen articles on serving customers and consumers
effectively in the twenty-first century. Conceptual fratnework.
Relationships (brands, consumers, resellers, markets). Customercentric marketing. Customer satisfaction and retention. Economic
worth. Loyalty program memberships and service experiences.
Disagreements with suppliers. Intelligence generation and cus-

Marketing Literature Review/113

totner value. Service brand equity. Technology infusion, Quaiityvalue-ioyaity chain. Agency and trust mechanisms.]
How Leading-Eklge Companies Are Marketing, Selling, and
Fulfilling over the Internet. Chad Quinn, Journal of Interactive
Marketing, 13 (Autumn 1999), pp. 39-50. [Business ecosystem.
Customer relations. Integration, Market strategy. Web initiatives.
Value, Supply chains, Extranets, Assessment.]
Buyer-Seller Relationships in Business Markets. Joseph P. Cannon and William D. Perreault Jr., Journal of Marketing Research,
36 (November 1999), pp. 439-60. [Literature review. Data collection (relationship profiles). Numerical taxonomy. Measures, Operational linkages. Information exchange. Legal bonds. Cooperative
norms. Buyer and seller adaptations. Antecedent market and purchase situations. Customer evaluations. Statistical analysis.]
Pie-Expansion Efforts: Collahoration Processes in BuyerSupplier Relationships. Sandy D. Jap, Journal of Marketing
Research, 36 (November 1999), pp. 461-75. [Literature review.
Model estimation. Hypotheses, Longitudinal survey of buyers and
suppliers. Facilitating conditions. Environmental factors. Organizational properties. Interpersonal states. Strategic outcomes. Statistical analysis.]
A Taxonomy of Relationship Approaches During Product
Development in Technology-Based, Industrial Markets. Gerard
A. Athaide and Rodney L. Stump, Journal of Production Innovation Management, 16 (September 1999), pp. 469-82. [Literature
review. Data collection (seller-buyer dyads). Impacts, Buyer
knowledge. Prior relationship history. Rate of regulatory change.
Product customization. Statistical analysis. Managerial implications.]
Build It, and They Will Come. Philip E. Hendrix, Marketing
Management, 8 (Winter 1999), pp. 31-35. [E-commerce, Impacts,
Shopping behavior. Pricing, Branding, Channels, Advertising,
Can You Leap Across the E-Business Band Gap? Ralph A.
Oliva, Marketing Management, 8 (Winter 1999). pp. 48-52. [The
"band gap" separates genuine e-business from less potent forms of
online commerce. E-business stages (add-on, transition, beyond
the gap). Success, Guidelines.]
Purchasing, 127 (October 21, 1999), pp. S1-S93. [Eighteen articles on the Internet as a purchasing tool. Survey, Commodities
buying. Projections, Buy-side systems. Online auctions. Sell-side
Web sites. Communication with suppliers. Government, E-commerce, Transportation, Careers, Electronics sites. Energy sites.
Exchange and catalog sites. Federal bills. Web searches. Examples.]
Purchasing, 127 (November 18, 1999), pp. 17-58. [Eleven articles
on what buyers want from suppliers. Metals, Chemicals and plastics. Electronics, Electronics manufacturing. Computer equipment.
Office products and business systems, MRO distribution. Transportation/logistics, Packaging, E-commerce systems. Examples.]
Purchasing, 127 (December 16, 1999), pp. S6-S66. [Sixteen articles on what buyers want from Web sites, Internet survey. Producers and third-party exchanges. Supplier readiness for e-procurement. Buyer solutions. E-commerce for trading partners.
Third-party hosted Web sites. Benefits, Internet profile. Favorite
sites. Economic data and analysis. State tax offices. Chemical and
metals buyers. Office supplies, PCs and Software, MRO buyers.
Peace Offering. Michele Marchetti, Sales and Marketing Management, Part 1, 151 (September 1999), pp. 58-60, 62, 64, 66, 68.
[Channel strategies. Motivating dealers. Support, Communication,
Training, Examples.]

114 / Journal of Marketing, October 2000

Shifting Gears. Michele Marchetti, Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (December 1999), pp. 3 8 ^ 2 , 44, 46, 48. [E-commerce,
Data warehousing. Automobiles, Customer relations. Creative,
Management styles. Pricing, No-haggle, Examples.]
Internet Channel Conflicts. Susan Reda, Stores, 81 (December
1999), pp. 24-26, 28. [Web site launches. Brand-centric, Decision
to sell direct over Internet, Retailers' competitive concerns. Consumer attitudes. Convenience, Stores as distribution points. Examples.]
2.4 Physical Distribution
Seealso95, 139, 141,162, 173, 191, 192, 194,195,211,213,229
Many Happy Returns. Harvey Meyer, Journal of Business Strategy, 20 (July/August 1999), pp. 27-31. [Discussion, Reverse logistics. Problems, Opportunities, Centralized returns centers. Bar
codes. Examples.]
Purchasing Pros Stumhie Toward Strategic Supply Management. Purchasing, 127 (September 16, 1999), pp. 20-21. [Survey,
Attitudes, Top management support. Long-term agreements. Organizational change. Minimizing transactional buying. Assessment.]
Just-in-Time: What's It Going to Take to Make It Work? Brian
Milligan, Purchasing, 127 (September 2, 1999), pp. 40-41,43^W.
[Discussion, Problems, Implementation, Communication gaps, Inplant supply representatives. Accepting the system. Transporting
the goods. Emergency situations. Examples.]
Voice Recognition Systems Find Growing Uses in Warehouses
and Distribution Centers. Karen M. Kroll, Stores, 81 (November
1999), pp. 77-78, 80. [Discussion, Techniques, Cost savings.
Speed, Returns processing. Integration with real-time location systems. Examples.]
2.5 Pricing
See also 58, 74. 80. 99, 161, 195, 197, 198
Role of Market Turbulence in Shaping Pricing Strategy.
Michael F. Smith, Indrajit Sinha, Richard Lancioni, and Howard
Forman, Industrial Marketing Management, 28 (November 1999),
pp. 637-49. [Literature review. Hypotheses, Survey of purchasing
managers. Measures, Product life cycle. Reference prices. Price
premiums. Statistical analysis. Managerial implications.]
The Limits of Price Leadership: Needs-Based Positioning
Strategy and the Long-Term Competitiveness of Europe's Low
Fare Airlines. Thomas C. Lawton, Long Range Planning (UK), 32
(December 1999), pp. 573-86. [Discussion, Passenger and breakeven load factors. Adopting a strategic position. Leveraging organizational capabilities. Offering better value, European expansion.
Case study.]
2.6 Product
See also 14, 21, 22, 27, 31, 32, 33, 44, 45, 49, 57, 58, 73, 74, 81,
86,99, 104, 114, 121, 144, 154, 161, 183, 194, 196,204,206
Strategic Brand Valuation: A Cross-Functional Perspective.
Karen S. Cravens and Chris Guilding, Business Horizons, 42
(July/August 1999), pp. 53-62. [Accounting information and marketing decisions. Costing techniques. Projections of future incomes
and cash flows. Communication, Information sharing. Assessment,
Cutting-Edge Players Push Weh Branding Beyond the Banner.
Sean Callahan, Business Marketing, 84 (July 1999), pp. 1, 35.
[Companies prefer to show their brands in action. Notion that
branding should move away from banners to Web sites. Impacts,
Customer relations. Examples.]
The New Meaning of Quality in the Information Age. C.K. Prahalad and M.S. Krishnan, Harvard Business Review, 77 (Septem-

ber/October 1999), pp. 109-18. [Information infrastructure. Portfolios, Software packages. Risks, Domains, Characteristics, Customer
dialogue. Changes in technology. Expectations, Examples.]
What High-Tech Managers Need to Know About Brands. Scott
Ward, Larry Light, and Jonathan Goldstine, Harvard Business
Review, 77 (July/August 1999), pp. 85-95. [Discussion, Misconceptions, Realities, Market shares. Value, Promises, Persistence,
Consistency, Equity, Success, Guidelines.]
Key Factors in Increasing Speed to Market and Improving
New Product Success Rates. Gary S. Lynn, Kate D. Abel, William
S. Valentine, and Robert C. Wright, Industrial Marketing Management, 28 (July 1999), pp. 319-26. [Literature review. Model proposal. Survey of managers. Effects, Vision, NPD process. Longterm view. Product refinement. Regression analysis. Implications.]
Brand Stretch. Allan J. Magrath, Ivy Business Journal (Canada),
63 (July/August 1999), pp. 10-12. [Discussion; Factors; Horizontally, across assortments, categories, and markets; Vertically, by
price/quality association; Extending brand reach through globalization. World Wide Web, or cobranding partnerships; Update
brands and continually reestablish their relevance.]
The Impact of Brand Extensions on Parent Brand Memory
Structures and Retrieval Processes. Maureen Morrin, Journal of
Marketing Research, 36 (November 1999), pp. 517-25. [Literature
review. Hypotheses, Two experiments. Effects, Parent brand categorization and dominance. Extension fit and number. Recall,
Recognition, Statistical analysis.]
Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (November 1999),
pp. 509-68. [Four articles on new product launch. Strategy, Tactics, Demand outcomes. Success factors. Skills and resources.
Market information gathering. Managerial decisions in The
Netherlands, Managing product introduction risk through
response-based logistics.]
First, Fast, and On Time: The Path to Success. Or Is It? Denis
Lambert and Stanley F. Slater, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (September 1999), pp. 427-38. [Literature review.
New products. Development cycle times. Schedule performance.
New market-focused principles. Effective market introduction timing. First to mindshare. Managed responsiveness. Market windows
(imposed, controllable, emergent). Examples.]
Creativity -t- Business Discipline = Higher Profits Faster from
New Product Development. Greg Stevens, James Burley, and
Richard Divine, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16
(September 1999), pp. 455-68. [Literature review. Hypotheses,
Study of chemical company's NPD projects. Measures
(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Creativity Index and NPD effectiveness). Relationships, NPD stages. Personality traits. Opportunity identification. Assessment.]
The Soft Side of Telecoms. Finn Persson, Jorgen Rosengren, and
Michael J. Wilshire, McKinsey Quarterly, (No. 4, 1999), pp.
122-33. [Discussion, Software packages. Focal points. Impacts,
Operating systems for mobile devices. Access gateway. Core network architecture. Network management and control. User interface. Examples.]
2.7 Sales Promotion
S e e also I I I , 193
The Role of Retail Promotion in Determining Future Brand
Loyalty: Its Effect on Purchase Event Feedhactc. Karen Gedenk
and Scott A. Neslin, Journal of Retailing, 75 (Winter 1999), pp.
433-59. [Literature review. Model estimation. Hypotheses, Data
collection (Nielsen and GFK, Germany), Comparisons, Price versus nonprice promotions. Statistical analysis. Managerial implications.]

Short- or Long-Duration Coupons: The Effect of the Expiration Date on the Profitability of Coupon Promotions. Aradhna
Krishna and Z. John Zhang, Management Science, 45 (August
1999), pp. 1041-56. [Literature review. Model presentation.
Propositions, Free-standing-insert and market-level analysis.
Coupon duration has been decreasing over time. Larger market
share firms give shorter coupon duration. Assessment.]
2.8 Advertising

See also 5,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17,27,64,74,89, 160, 199,206
Comparative Analysis of Advertising Information in a U.S. and
Mexico Edition of a Men's Magazine. Louis K. Falk, Robert W.
Jones, Dawn E. Foster, and Sharaf Rehman, International Journal
of Commerce and Management, 9 (No. 3 and 4, 1999), pp. 33-45.
[Literature review, Mexican magazine advertisements are more
informative than those in the U.S. editions. Information cues are
markedly different with respect to frequency within the advertisements of the two countries.]
Advertising on the Web. Natia English and Michael Pearee, Ivy
Business Journal (Canada), 63 (July/August 1999), pp. 38-41.
[Discussion, Presence sites. Sponsorships, Banner and pop-up ads,
Internet penetration by age and gender. Connection speed. Households with personal computers, Internet ad spending. Examples.]
Flaming, Complaining, Abstaining: How Online Users
Respond to Privacy Concerns. Kim Bartel Sheehan and Mariea
Grubbs Hoy, Journal of Advertising, 28 (Fall 1999), pp. 37-51.
[Literature review; Hypotheses; Survey; More likely to provide
incomplete information to Web sites, notify Internet service
providers about unsolicited e-mail, request removal from mailing
iists, and send a "flame" to online entities that send unsolicited
e-mail and less likely to register for Web sites that request information; Implications for online advertisers.]
Brand Endorsement, Popularity, and Event Sponsorship as
Advertising Cues Affecting Consumer Pre-Purchase Attitudes.
Dwane Ha\ Dean, Journal of Advertising, 2S(Fa\\ 1999), pp. 1-12.
[Literature review. Hypotheses, Experiment, Variables, Quality,
Unique, Manufacturer esteem. Corporate citizenship. Statistical
analysis. Implications.]
Advertising Agency Compensation: An Agency Theory Explanation. Deborah F. Spake, Giles D'Souza, Tammy Neal Crutchfield, and Robert M. Morgan, Journal of Advertising, 28 (Fall
1999), pp. 53-72. [Discussion, Hypotheses, Survey of client advertising managers. Likelihood of outcome-based contracts. Effects,
Measurability, Goal conflict. Risk averseness. Relationship age.
Statistical analysis.]
The Portrayal of African-Americans in Business-to-Business
Direct Mail: A Benchmark Study. Thomas H. Stevenson and
Linda E. Swayne, Journal of Advertising, 28 (Fall 1999), pp.
25-35. [Content analysis. Industrial advertising. Frequency of
appearance. Occupational portrayals. Racial composition. Assessment, Implications.]
Influences on the Purchase of Yettow Page Display Advertisements. Avery M. Abernethy and David N. Laband, Journal of
Advertising Research, 39 (September/October 1999), pp. 15-25.
[Literature review. Study of Yellow Page listings for selected professional services. Effects, Clutter, Prices, Proportion of new residents. Statistical analysis. Implications.]
Client-Agency Perspectives of Information Needs for Media
Planning. Russell Abratt and Deanna Cowan, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (November/December 1999), pp. 37-52. [Literature review. Two samples. Types of information. Budget, Communication planning and strategy. Consumer behavior. Competitive.
Creative, Historical, Market size. Media, Objectives, Product,

Marketing Literature Review /115

Brand, Reach and frequency. Sales, Segmentation and target markets. Timing, Statistical analysis. Implications, South Africa,] 108

intraelement saccades. Statistical analysis. Implications, The


Enhancing the Detection of Misleading Comparative Advertising. Michael J, Barone, Randall L, Rose, Paul W, Miniard, and
Kenneth C. Manning, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (September/October 1999), pp, 43-50, [Literature review. Framing correspondence hypothesis. Measurement recommendations. Problems (encoding frames). Illustrative applications,]

Do Franchised Chains Advertise Enough? Steven C, Michael,

Journal of Retailing, 75 (Winter 1999), pp. 461-78, [Literature
review. Hypothesis, Study of restaurant and hotel chains, Ad-tosales ratio. Quality, Market strategy. Organizational form. Statistical analysis.]

Sales Response to Outdoor Advertising. Mukesh Bhargava and

Naveen Donthu, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (July/August
1999), pp, 7-18, [Literature review. Two field experiments.
Effects, Temporal, Spatial, Promotional, Marketing plan. Assessment,]
Exposure to Sates Flyers and Increased Purchases in Retail
Supermarkets. Scot Burton, Donald R, Lichtenstein, and Richard
G, Netemeyer, Journai of Advertising Research, 39 (September/
October 1999), pp, 7-14, [Discussion, Hypotheses, Two studies.
Measures, Price sensitivity. Value consciousness. Sale and coupon
proneness. Demographic characteristics. Statistical analysis. Implications,]
Attitude Toward the Site. Qimei Chen and William D, Wells,
Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (September/October 1999),
pp, 27-37, [Literature review. Scales, Study of Web sites. Dimensions, Entertainment, Informativeness, Organizational profile. Statistical analysis. Practical applications,]
Magazines' Secret Weapon: Media Selection on the Basis of
Behavior, as Opposed to Demography. Theodore F, D'Amico,
Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (November/December 1999),
pp, 53-60, [Discussion, Criticisms of traditional method, Defming
target audiences, Inappropriateness of indices. Ignoring nontarget
members. Hypothetical example.]

T\irning Up the Volume on Branding. Stores, &\ (October 1999),

pp, 30-32, [Retail advertisitig campaigns, TV expenditures. Network, Spot, Syndicated, Cable, Statistical data,]
In, Out, or In-Between? Sorting Solutions for Success. Susan
Reda, Stores, 81 (October 1999), pp. 18-20, [In-house advertising.
Outsourcing, Factors, Speed, Expertise, Cost, Control, Creativity,
2.9 Personal Selling
See also 125, 131
What Sales Taught Them. Christine Galea, Sales and Marketing
Management, 151 (August 1999), pp, 63-66, 68, 70. [Salespeople
who find new professions. Skills, Discipline, Persistent, Sell-motivated, Honesty, Efficient preparation. Listening, Promoting yourself. Examples,]
The Ten Traits of Top Salespeople. Erika Rasmusson, Sales and
Marketing Management, 151 (August 1999), pp, 34, 36-37, [Survey, Attributes, Ego strength. Sense of urgency, Egodrive,
Assertiveness, Willingness to take risks. Sociable, Abstract reasoning. Healthy skepticism. Creativity, Empathy,]

See also 64,19,

2.10 Sales Management

, 156

Factors Affecting In-Market Recall of Food Product Advertising. Michael Ewing, Julie Napoli, and Erik du Plessis, Journal of
Advertising Research, 39 (July/August 1999), pp, 29-38, [Literature review; Hypotheses; Analysis of commercials; Comparisons
based on gender, liking, verified recall, commercial length, media
weight, and flighting; Statistical analysis; South Africa,]

Impact of Joh Formalization and Administrative Controls on

Attitudes of Industrial Salespersons. Sanjeev Agarwal, Industrial
Marketing Management, 28 (July 1999), pp, 359-68, [Literature
review. Hypotheses, Survey of salespeople. Output- versus processbased controls. Effects, Role ambiguity. Role conllict. Organizational commitment. Statistical analysis. Implications,]

"Subtle Servant": A Theme for the Next Decade. Betsy D, Gelb,

Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (September/October 1999),
pp, 51-54, [To emphasize a service, the advertising shows a buyer
unburdened and someone else taking responsibility; Examples;

Measuring Upseliing Potential of Life Insurance Customers:

Application of a Stochastic Frontier Model. Byung-Do Kim and
Sun-Ok Km, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 13 (Autumn 1999),
pp, 2-9, [Model estimation. Data collection. Mathematical equations. Customer specific selling inefficiency. Impacts, Market strategy. Assessment,]

"Mass Customization" Is Not an Oxy-Moron. Robert J,

Lavidge. Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (July/August 1999),
pp, 70-72, [Historical discussion. Niche marketing. Online shopping. Individuals, Disaggregated data. Examples,]
Advertising Wearout: What and How You Measure Matters.
David W, Stewart, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (September/October 1999), pp, 39-42. [Commentary on two 1998 JAR articles by Blair and Rabuck and Scott and Solomon, Focus is different units of analysis (single executions versus advertising
campaigns) and different measures (choice-based measure of persuasiveness versus verbal measures of memory and attitude). Articles illustrate problems inherent in advertising evaluation,]

Fast Approximation Methods for Sales Force Deployment.

Andreas Drexl and Knut Haase, Management Science, 45 (October
1999), pp, 1307-23. [Literature review. Nonlinear mixed-integer
programming model. Experiment, Sales force sizing. Sales representative location. Sales territory alignment. Sales resource allocation. Application, Distribution of beverages, Germany,]
Are Consultants Worth It? Andy Cohen, Sales and Marketing
Management, Part 1,151 (September 1999), pp, 32-36, 38,41-42,
[Survey of executives. Impacts, Satisfaction, Technology,
Accountability, Follow-up, Trust, Revenues, Large versus small
companies. Assessment,]

The Use of Rhetorical Devices in Advertising. Gail Tom and

Anmarie Eves, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (July/August
1999), pp, 3 9 ^ 3 , [Discussion. Date collection (pairs of advertisements in which at least one used a rhetorical figure). Performance
measures (recall, persuasion). Assessment,]

Caution: Glohal Selling Can Be Hazardous to Your Health.

Lambeth HochwaM, Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (July
1999), pp, 80-84, 86-87, [Discussion, Impacts, Political climate.
Regulation, Market strategy. Market research. Partnerships, Examples,]

Visual Attention to Repeated Print Advertising: A Test of Scanpath Theory. Rik Pieters, Edward Rosbergen, and Michel Wedel,
Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (November 1999), pp, 424-38,
[Literature review. Model presentation. Hypotheses, Two experiments. Measures, Attention duration and wear-out. Inter- and

You've Got Sales. Chad Kaydo. Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (October 1999), pp, 28-32, 34, 36, 38-39, [E-commerce,
Business-to-business, Impacts, Saves time. Relationship selling.
Targeting specific segments. Providing a new service. Examples.]

116 / Joumal of Marketing, October 2000

You Bet Your Life. Sarah Lorge, Sates and Marketing Management, 151 (December 1999), pp. 68-70, 72, 74-76. [Discussion,
Salespeople, Gambling addictions. Warning signs (irregularities
around the use of credit cards, expenses that do not make sense,
excessive borrowing, advances on commission checks). Success,
Ctiarting a Course. Erin Strout, Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (August 1999), pp, 46-48, 50, 52-53, [Trends, Mapping
software. Territory alignment. Plotting customers by Zip code.
Costs, Web-based systems. Examples.]
Growing Pains. Erin Strout, Sales and Marketing Management,
151 (November 1999), pp, 78-79, 81, 83-84. [Compensation
plans. Salespeople, Goals, Change, Communication, Rewards,
3.t Industrial
See also 43, 49, 51, 54, 67, 73, 76, 77, 78, 83, 84, 86, 92, 97, 106,
125, 152, 195,203,204
Internet Use Within the U.S. Plastics Industry. Brett A, Boyle
and Linda F, Alwitt, Industrial Marketing Management, 28 (July
1999), pp, 327-41. [Discussion, Survey of firms. Communication
flows. Information acquisition. Communication mode. Users versus nonusers. Impacts on marketing. Statistical analysis. Managerial implications,]
The Determinants of Choice Set Structure in High-Technology
Business Markets. Paul G, Patterson and Philip L, Dawes, Industrial Marketing Management, 28 (July 1999), pp. 395-411. [Literature review. Hypotheses, Survey of firms. Impacts, Buyer's past
relationship with vendor. Degree of external technical consultant
involvement. Purchase situation variables (importance, complexity, novelty). Statistical analysis. Managerial implications, Australia,]
Purchasing: A New and Critical Role. Rod Sherkin, Ivy Business
Journal (Canada), 63 (July/August 1999), pp, 12-15, [Discussion,
Overlooked potential. Comparisons, Compensation, Amount of
training received. Success, Guidelines,]
Factors That Affect Performance of U.S. Small and Medium
Sized Technology-Based Enterprises: Does Multinationality
Matter? Gongming Qian and Denis Wang, Journal of Business
and Entrepreneurship, II (October 1999), pp. 119-31, [Model presentation. Data collection. Variables, Firm size. Firm age, R&D
spending. Advertising expenditures. Debt level. Regression analysis. Managerial implications,]
Behind Successful IT Strategy Is a Powerful Purchasing Operation. Susan Avery, Purchasing, 127 (October 21, 1999), pp.
50-51, [Survey, Involvement in technology purchases. Involvement of other departments. Supplier selection criteria. Where purchased (value-added resellers, direct from manufacturer). Examples,]
Leave the Buying of MRO Supplies to Users! Susan Avery, Purchasing, 127 (September 2, 1999), pp, 49, 51-52. [Survey, Supply
management strategies. Integrated supply. Procurement cards,
Internet, Benefits (reduced acquisition costs, lower inventory levels, customer service). Management change. Examples,]
Profile of the Purchasing Professional. Kevin R, Fitzgerald, Purchasing, 127 (July 15, 1999), pp. 74-75, 78-79, 82, 84, [Survey,
Personal information. Responsibilities, Career information.
Push Is On to Shorten Leadtimes for Custom Car Orders.
Brian Milligan, Purchasing, 127 (October 7, 1999), pp, 74, 76, 78.
[Production scheduling. Competitive advantage. Software packages. Logistics Continuous Improvement, Reduced supply inven-

tory. Increased pickup frequency at cross docks. Computer component. Examples,]

3.2 Nonprofit, Political, and Social Causes
See also 29, 30, 47, 48, 170, 171
Charity Begins Online. Kendra Parker, American Demographics,
21 (December 1999), pp. 39-41, [Study, Market potentials.
Socially engaged Internet users. Demographic characteristics.
Impacts, Immediacy, Online auctions. Examples,]
Philanthropy's Agenda: Creating Value. Michael E, Porter and
Mark R, Kramer, Harvard Business Review, 77 (November/
December 1999), pp. 121-30, [Discussion, Foundations, Effectiveness, Social benefits. Factors, Selecting best grantees. Signaling
other funders. Improving performance of grant recipients. Creating
and disseminating new ideas. Market strategy. Examples,]
Charity Involvement and Customer Preference for Charity
Brands. Roger Bennett and Helen Gabriel, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 7 (September 1999), pp, 49-66. [Theoretical discussion. Product's overt charity affiliation. Hypotheses, Consumer
survey. Impacts, Product involvement. Donation activity. Statistical analysis. Implications for brand management, UK,]
Entrepreneurial Inclination and the Marketing of Very Small
Charities: Implications for Fund-Raising Performance. Roger
Bennett, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 11 (October
1999), pp, 59-75, [Literature review. Propositions, Survey of small
charity directors. Impacts, Marketing orientation. Environmental
turbulence. Planning, Flexibility, Fund-raising performance. Promotional methods. Educational background. Personality, Statistical
Strategic Orientation and Firm Performance in an Artistic
Environment. Glenn B, Voss and Zannie Giraud Voss, Journal of
Marketing, 64 (January 2000), pp, 67-83. [Literature review.
Hypotheses, Survey of managers. Performance measures, Quality
of productions. Seating capacity. Orientations (product, competitor, customer), Interfunctional coordination. Regression analysis.
Managerial implications. Nonprofit professional theater industry,]
Motives Behind Charitable Bequests. Cyril F, Chang. Albert A,
Okunade, and Ned Kumar, Journal of Nonproftt and Public Sector
Marketing, 6 (No, 4, 1999), pp, 69-85, [Literature review. Model
presentation. Effects, Residence tenure status. Personal beliefs and
attitudes. Employment status. Personal attributes. Profile development. Recommendations,]
Hoping to Enhance a Local Funding Relationship: Exploring
Private Sector Business Preferences When Contributing to
Nonprofit Organizations. Jennifer Mullen, Journal of Nonprofit
and Public Sector Marketing, 6 (No, 4, 1999), pp, 87-99, [Literature review. Survey of companies. Perceptions, Current giving
behavior decisions. Benefits, Efforts that would encourage more
willingness to give. Opinions about local nonprofit organizations.
Reasonahle Access for Mobility-Disahled Persons Is More
Than Widening the Door. Carol Kaufman-Scarborough, Journal
of Retailing, 75 (Winter 1999), pp, 479-508. [Literature review.
Title III, Americans with Disabilities Act, Simulation of disabilities. Retailer interviews and surveys. Observations, Problems,
Access framework development. Implications for retailers,] 149
Differentiating Donors. Carmine A, Grande and Terry G, Vavra,
Marketing Health Services, 19 (Fall 1999), pp, 33-38, [Psychographic analysis. List of Values technique. Survey, Motivations,
Comparisons, Nondonors, Children's versus adult hospitals. Influence of income. Recommendations,]

Marketing Literature Review /117

3.3 International and Comparative

See also 10, 19, 2 8 , 5 7 , 6 3 , 6 8 , 8 7 , 9 5 , 1 0 1 , 1 0 8 , 1 1 4 , 119, 1 2 7 ,
129, 137,205,212.228,231
At tlie Crossroads of Distribution Reform: China's Recent Ban
on Direct Setting. Ricky Y.K, Chan, Business Horizons, 42 (September/October 1999). pp, 41-46, [Economic development.
Growth factors. Cultural aspects. Problems, Fraud, Pyramid
schemes. Impacts, Foreign investment. Examples.]
Reverse Marlteting in Asia: A Korean Experience. Thomas Choi,
Business Horizons, 42 (September/October 1999), pp, 34-^0, [Discussion, Supplier development. Technical capability. Investment,
Education and training. Comparisons, United States,]
Organizationat Cutture in Russia: Ttie Secret to Success. Carl
F, Fey, Claes Nordahl, and Heike Zatterstrom, Business Horizons,
42 (November/December 1999), pp, 47-55, [Study of companies.
Cultural dimensions. Employee empowerment. Training, Team orientation. Coordination and integration. Implicit business behavioral norms. Customer focus. Strategy, Assessment,]
Ttie Lure of Gtobat Branding. David A, Aaker and Erich
Joachimsthaler, Harvard Business Review, 11 (November/December 1999). pp, 137-44, [Personal interviews. Executives, Leadership, Factors, Sharing insights and best practices across countries.
Planning, Assigning responsibility. Leverage global strengths with
the need to recognize local differences. Examples, Europe, United
States, Japan,]
Ttie Rigtit Way to Restructure Conglomerates in Emerging
Markets. Tarun Khanna and Krishna Paiepu, Harvard Business
Review, 11 (July/August 1999), pp, 125-34, [Building a market
infrastructure. Business groups. Value added, Govemment assistance. Case study, Chile,]
Selecting and Training tlie International Sales Force: Comparisons of China and Slovakia. Earl D, Honeycutt, Jr., John B, Ford,
Robert A, Lupton, and Theresa B, Flaherty, Industrial Marketing
Management, 28 (November 1999), pp, 627-35, [Discussion; Survey of domestic and global companies; Global firms are more marketoriented in their training focus, devote more time to training, evaluate training at higher levels, and focus on useful measures of
training effectiveness,]
Customer Attitude Toward Marketing Mix Elements Pertaining to Foreign Products in an Emerging International Market.
Shahid N, Bhuian and David Kim, International Journal of Commerce and Management, 9 (No, 3 and 4, 1999), pp, 116-37, [Literature review; Model presentation; Hypotheses; Survey; Preference for products from Japan and United States, followed by those
from Germany and the least preferred ones from Italy, United
Kingdom, and France; Assessment; Qatar,]
Comparing the Entry Mode Strategies of Large U.S. and
Japanese Firms, 1987-1993. Som Kiat Mansumitrchai, Michael
S, Minor, and Sameer Prasad, International Journal of Commerce
and Management, 9 (No, 3 and 4. 1999). pp, I-I8, [Literature
review. Hypotheses, Data collection. Effects, Acquisitions, Joint
ventures. Start-ups, Statistical analysis. Implications,]
Cultural Value Orientations and Buyer-Seller Interaction: An
Organizing Framework. Irena Vida. International Journal of
Commerce and Management, 9 (No, 3 and 4, 1999), pp, 66-11.
[Literature review; Model presentation. Cultural value orientations. Individual and company characteristics. Effectiveness of
buyer-seller interaction process. Future research implications,]
Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (November/December 1999),
pp, 19-35, 61-69, [Three articles on international advertising.
Standardization, Strategies in China, Cultural determinants. Advertising appeals in Taiwan tend to be dominated by westernized cultural values,]

118 / Journal of Marketing, Octotwr 2000

The Consumer Meets the Euro: Likety Effects and Impticatiotts. Linda Caller, Journal of Brand Managemenl (UK), 1 (September 1999). pp, 21-1)1. [Discussion, Consumer attitudes. Perceived effects. Pricing (sensitivity, psychological price points,
price transparency, and convergence). Distribution and purchasing.
Brands and communications. Assessment, Many countries,] 161
Gtobal E-Commerce, Local Problems. Sunny Baker, Journal of
Business Strategy, 20 (;july/August 1999), pp, 32-38, [Discussion,
Effects, Supply chain. Software packages. Data access and control.
Standards and cross-border operational consistency. Cultural differences. Examples,]
Journal of International Business Studies, 30 (Fourth Quarter
1999), pp, 655-812, [Nine articles on new trends in international
and multicultural management. Work values. Computer-use ethics.
Measure of export market orientation. Expatriate trainability.
Leadership behavior and organizational commitment. Managerial
choice. Organizational justice. Culture assessment, Intracultural
variation. Many countries,]
Knowledge Transfer in International Acquisitions. Henrik Bresman, Julian Birkinshaw, and Robert Nobel, Journal of International Business Studies, 30 (Third Quarter 1999), pp, 439-62, [Literature review. Regression models. Hypotheses, Survey of
companies and case studies. Factors (technological know-how,
patents, communication, visits and transfers, articulability of
knowledge, elapsed time, R&D employees). Assessment, Sweden,]
International Corporate Visual Identity: Standardization or
Localization? T.C, Melewar and John Saunders, Journal of International Business Studies, 30 (Third Quarter 1999), pp, 583-98,
[Literature review. Hypotheses, Survey of multinationals. Factors,
Product markets. Corporate profile. Entry strategy. Local issues.
Language, Statistical analysis, Implications,]
Nigerian Consumer Attitudes Toward Foreign and Domestic
Products. Chike Okechuku and Vincent Onyemah, Journal of
International Business Studies, 30 (Third Quarter 1999). pp,
611-22, [Consumer survey. Country of manufacture was significantly more important than price and other product attributes. The
"Made in Nigeria" label was rated lower than labels from more
economically developed countries. Conjoint analysis. Implications,]
Dimensions, Determinants, and Differences in tbe Expatriate
Adjustment Process. Margaret A, Shaffer, David A, Harrison, and
K, Matthew Gilley, Journal of International Business Studies, 30
(Third Quarter 1999), pp. 557-81, [Literature review. Hypotheses,
Survey, Adjustment, Factors (job, organizational, nonwork. individual, positional). Moderating relationships (previous international experience, language fluency, hierarchical level, functional
area, assignment). Statistical analysis,]
Transfer of Marketing Know-How in International Strategic
Alliances: An Empirical Investigation of the Role and
Antecedents of Knowledge Ambiguity. Bernard L, Simonin,
Journal of International Business Studies, 30 (Third Quarter
1999), pp, 463-90. [Literature review. Theoretical model.
Hypotheses, Survey of multinationals. Variables (tacitness, specificity, complexity, experience, partner protectiveness, cultural distance, organizational distance). Effects, Collaborative experience.
Firm size. Alliance duration. Statistical analysis,]
The Persistent Competitive Advantage of Traditional Food
Retailers in Asia: Wet Markets' Continued Dominance in Hong
Kong. Arieh Goldman, Robert Krider, and S, Ramaswami, Journal
of Macromarketing, 19 (December 1999), pp, 126-39, [Literature
review. Modernization strategies. Wet markets' superiority. Dimensions (consumer, supply, operations, economic). Developments,
Assessment, Implications,]

Gender Inequity and Quatity of Life: A Macromarketing Perspective. Ronald Paul Hill and Kanwalroop Dhanda, Journal of
Macromarketing, 19 (December 1999), pp, 140-52, [Literature
review. International, Consumption inequities and social justice.
United Nations data. Comparisons, Gender-related development
index. Empowerment measures. Statistical data. Recommendations,]

Building Client Centered Systems of Care: Choosing a Process

Direction for the Next Century. Curtis P, McLaughlin and Arnold
D, Kaluzny, Health Care Management Review, 25 (Winter 2000),
pp, 73-82, [Literature review. Model presentation. Stages (craft,
mass production, process enhancement, mass customization, coconfiguration). Relationship between delivery mode and disease
knowledge. Control issue. Example,]

Postmodernism Perspectives for Macromarketing: An Inquiry

into the Gtobal Information and Sign Economy. Alladi
Venkatesh, Journal of Macromarketing, 19 (December 1999), pp,
153-69, [Discussion, Conditions (sign system, hyperreality, particularism, fragmentation, symbolic nature of consumption). Applications, Contemporary macromarketing topics,]

Managing Service Quality with Internal Marketing Schematics. Ian N, Lings, Long Range Planning (UK), 32 (August 1999),
pp, 452-63, [Customer satisfaction. Service blueprinting. Internal
and external eustomer-visible processes, Interaetions, Motivating
employees. Application,]

Antecedents and Consequences of Marketing Managers' Contiict-Handting Betiaviors. X, Michael Song, Jinhong Xie, and
Barbara Dyer, Journat of Marketing, 64 (January 2000), pp. 50-66,
[Literature review. Model development and testing. Hypotheses,
Survey of nonservice firms. Measures, Goals incongruity. Management support for integration. Participative management. Early
involvement. Job rotation. Avoiding and collaborating behaviors.
Cross-functional integration. Performance. Cross-national differences. Japan, China (Hong Kong), United States, United Kingdom,]
Restructuring European Supply Chains hy Implementing
Postponement Strategies. Remko I, van Hoek, Bart Vos, and
Harry R, Commandeur, Long Range Planning (UK), 32 (October
1999), pp, 505-18, [Deferring process in which products are transformed according to unique customer specifications. Impacts,
Visioning. Logistics strategic analysis and planning. Managing
change. Case studies,]
Bypassing Barriers to Marketing in Japan. Michael R, Czinkota
and Masaaki Kotabe. Marketing Management, 8 (Winter 1999),
pp, 36-43, [Expert opinion. Identifying change. Market impediments. Expected structural changes. Methods to improve foreign
penetration (trade negotiations, business strategy). Implications,]
Getting to Global. Lowell L, Bryan and Jane N, Fraser, McKinsey
Quarterly, (No, 4, 1999), pp, 68-81, [Economic integration. Market potentials. Business growth. Market entry. Access, Capital.
Technology, Intangibles. Examples,]
Think Glohal, Hire Local. Tsun-yan Hsieh, Johanne Lavoie, and
Robert A.P Samek, McKinsey Quarterly, (No, 4, 1999), pp,
92-101, [Multinationals, Expatriate executives. Emerging markets.
Recruitment, Training, Advancement, Retention, Examples,] 176
3.4 Services
5eea/,so6,39,42,6l,62,69,87, 107, 120, 126, 128, 146, 150,229
Taking the High Road. Kendra L, Darko, American Demographics,2\ (October 1999), pp, 36-39, [Business travel. Survey, Stress,
Personal services. Freestanding Net Stations, Customer databases.
Happy Campers. John Fetto, American Demographics, 21 (July
1999), pp, 46-47. [Residential camps. Special interests, 15- to 18year-olds, Costs, Activities, Examples.]
Weh Savvy for Hire: Marketers Turning to Consultants for
E-Commerce Expertise. Sean Callahan, Business Marketing, 84
(November 1999), pp, I, 52, [Discussion, Effectiveness, E-business
strategy. Web design and marketing support. Information technology. Examples,]
Banks Hit the Net As Traditional Efforts Fail. Philip Clark,
Business Marketing, 84 (November 1999), pp, 1,51, [Personalization in a large-scale, paper-based environment is difficult to attain;
Banks are planning portal launches, tailored e-mail campaigns, and
industry specific Web sites; Examples,]

Customer Satisfaction for Financial Services: The Role of

Products, Services, and Information Technology. M,S, Krishnan, Venkatram Ramaswamy, Mary C, Meyer, and Paul Damien,
Management Science, 45 (September 1999), pp, 1194-209, [Literature review. Model presentation. Survey, Attitudes, Branch service. Automated telephone service. Product line. Financial report,
Bayesian analysis,]
Health Care Communications Approaches for an Online
World. Marketing Health Services, 19 (Fall 1999), pp, 25-30,
[Interview with communications expert. Trends, Opportunities,
Skill requirements. Web sites. Impacts on traditional marketing
channels. Management of relationships. Information flows. Projections,]
Trends in Health Care Marketing. Marketing Health Services,
19 (Fall 1999), pp, 42-44, [Survey of hospitals. How marketers are
employed. Marketing expenditures. Priorities of organizations and
marketers. Assessment,]
Marketing Assisted-Living Facilities. Kenneth E, Clow, David
O'Bryan, and Jane O'Bryan, Marketing Health Services, 19 (Fall
1999), pp, 44-46, [Survey of households. Attitudes, Age groups.
Medical condition. Needs, Involvement, Market segmentation.
Providing information. Assessment,]
Patient Satisfaction and the Role of Choice. Dennis O, Kaldenberg. Marketing Health Services, 19 (Fall 1999), pp, 39-42, [Survey, Perceptions, Choice limits by type of treatment. Region of
country. Type of insurance. Assessment. Managerial implications,]
Benchmarking in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Jorg Krutten,
Marketing Health Services, 19 (Fall 1999), pp, 15-22, [Discussion;
Situation and object analysis; Survey design; Information collection and analysis; Reconfiguration, implementation, and control;
Ohstetrical Care and Patient Loyalty. James W. Peltier, Thomas
Boyt, and John A, Schibrowsky, Marketing Health Services, 19
(Fall 1999), pp, 5-12, [Survey of patients. Attitudes, Physician and
nurse care. Overall satisfaction versus overall quality. Performance
assessment. Strategic implications,]
4.1 Theory and Philosoptiy of Science
Seeaiso 13,51,60, 100, 105, 119, 127
Some Late Nineteenth-Century Antecedents of Marketing Theory. Donald F, Dixon, Journal of Macromarketing, 19 (December
1999), pp, 115-25, [Discussion, Contributions, Alfred Marshall
and the Austrians, Consumers, Production and exchange. Marketing effort. System structure. System and environment. Assessment,]
Competitive and Cooperative Inventory Policies in a Two-Stage
Supply Chain. Gerard P, Cachon and Paul H. Zipkin, Management
Science, 45 (July 1999), pp, 936-53, [Literature review. Game the-

Marketing Literature Review /119

ory, Muitiechelon inventory. Incentive contracts, Nash equilibrium, Stackelberg equilibria. Assessment,]
Decentralized Supply Ctiains Subject to Information Delays.
Fangruo Chen, Management Science, 45 (August 1999), pp.
1076-90, [Literature review. Models, Teams, Cost centers. Incentive compatibility. Irrational behavior. Example,]
A Periodic Review Inventory Model with Demand Influenced by
Promotion Decisions. Feng Cheng and Suresh P. Sethi, Management Science, 45 (November 1999), pp, 1510-23, [Markov decision
process. Dynamic programming. Mathematical equations. Finite
horizon. Base-stock and threshold policies. Assessment,]
The Effects of Selling Packaged Goods on Inventory Decisions.
Ricardo Emst and Panagiotis Kouvelis, Management Science, 45
(August 1999), pp. 1142-55, [Literature review. Model presentation. Inventory with substitution. Bundling policies, Newsvendor
problem. Retail inventories. Product line design. Assessment,] 194
Coordinating Investment, Production, and Subcontracting. Jan
A, Van Mieghem, Management Science, 45 (July 1999), pp, 954-71,
[Literature review. Analytic models. Outsourcing, Supply contracts.
Supply chain. Capacity, Transfer pricing. Assessment,]
Endogeneity in Brand Choice Models. J, Miquel Villas-Boas and
Russell S, Winer, Management Science, 45 (October 1999), pp.
1324-38. [Discussion, Error structures. Scanner panel data. Marketing mix variables. Impacts, Purchasing probabilities. Assessment,]
Estimating Price Elasticities witb Theory-Based Priors. Alan L,
Montgomery and Peter E, Rossi, Journal of Marketing Research,
36 (November 1999), pp, 413-23. [Prior information based on
restrictions imposed by additive utility models. General substitution parameter and brand-specific expenditure elasticities. Differential shrinkage approach. Store-to-store variations. Expenditure
elasticities. Applications,]
A Characterization of Retailer Response to Manufacturer
Trade Deals. Rajeev K, Tyagi, Journal of Marketing Research, 36
(November 1999). pp, 510-16, [Model presentation. Demand
functions. Retail pass-through. Elasticity, Pricing, Marginal revenue. Marginal cost. Optimal, Profit maximization,]
4.2 Research Methodology
Seeaiso 1 . 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, II, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18,21,22,
23,24,37,46,55,57,59,71,72,94,99, 100, 103, 104, 105, 107,
109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 126, 147, 148,
149, 177, 183, 188, 189, 197, 219, 220
Tbe Plunge into Prime Time. Deirdre Dolan, American Demographics, 21 (September 1999), pp, 48-52, 54, 56, [Trends, Target
audiences. Market shares. Show types. Typical advertisers.
Impacts, Age groups. Gender, Race, Example.]
Keeping Up witb Teens. Christina MerriW, American Demographics, 21 (October 1999), pp, 27-31, [Trends, Magazines, Target
markets. Fragmentation, Reading habits. Boys, Girls, Choices,
Titles, Online, Examples,]
Got Questions? All You Have to Do Is Ask. Kendra Parker, American Demographics, 21 (November 1999), pp. 36-39. [Internet surveys. Customer satisfaction. Retail Web sites. Pricing, Service,
Shopping behavior. Privacy concerns. Demographic characteristics. Problems, Costs, Response rates. Examples,]
Sometbing in the Way We Move. Glenn Thrush, American Demographics, 2\ (November 1999), pp, 48-52,54, [Trends, Movement
to nonmetro rural counties. Western states. Rating scale. Natural
appeal. Labor market considerations. Problems, Lower pay.
Remoteness, Connections to the outside world. Examples.]
Industrial Marketing Management, 28 (May 1999), pp, 201-317,
[Ten articles on researching business and high-technology markets.

120 / Journal of Marketing, October 2000

Business-to-business case studies, Degrees-of-freedom analysis.

Monitoring customer satisfaction. Organizational buying theories.
Response rate and response bias. Structure of industrial buying
centers. Aggregation approaches for second-order data. Disk-bymail surveys. Creativity management,]
Survey of New Product Forecasting Practices in Industriat

High Technology and Low Technology Businesses. Gary S,

Lynn, Steven P. Schnaars, and Richard B. Skov, Industrial Marketing Management, 28 (November 1999), pp, 565-71, [Study of project successes and failures. Successful high-tech projects relied
more on internal qualitative techniques, whereas low-tech projects
relied more on conventional quantitative market-based techniques,]
A Comparison of U.S. and Canadian Consumers. Stephen Ferley, Tony Lea, and Barry Watson, Journal of Advertising Research,
39 (September/October 1999), pp, 55-65, [Data collection
(research studies). Social value differences. Selected product usage
patterns. Leisure activity data, Geodemographic approach to analyzing product consumption differences. Cluster profiles. Assessment,]
Children and Attitude Toward the Brand: A New Measurement Scale. Claude Pecheux and Christian Derbaix, Journal of
Advertising Research, 39 (July/August 1999), pp, 19-27, [Literature review. Data collection. Dimensions (hedonic, utilitarian).
Measures (like, like very much, fun, great, useful, practical/handy,
useless). Assessment,]
Response Variation in E-Mail Surveys: An Exploration. Kim
Bartel Sheehan and Sally J, McMillan, Journal of Advertising
Research, 39 (July/August 1999), pp, 45-54, [Literature review.
Hypotheses, Three studies. Issue salience has a positive effect on
response rates. Impacts, Prenotification, Implications,]
Application of GIS in Small and Medium Enterprises. Sanjay S,
Metha, Mark Leipnik, and Balasundram Maniam, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, II (October 1999), pp, 77-88, [Discussion, Geographic information systems. Uses, Spatial analysis.
Optimal locations. Trade areas. Distribution, Competition. View
and query of locations. Buffer zone generation. Polygon overlay.
The Strategic Power of Consensus Forecasting: Setting Your
Organization Up to Win. Katy Fosnaught, Journal of Business
Forecasting, 18 (Fall 1999), pp, 3-7, [Discussion, Factors, Onenumber monthly forecasting process. Use of appropriate tools and
techniques. Organizational infrastructure. Change management.
Six Ways to Make Sales Forecasts More Accurate. Michael D.
Geurts and David B, Whitlark, Journal of Business Forecasting, 18
(Winter 1999-2000), pp, 21-23, 30, [Discussion, Find new leading
indicators. Improve data quality. Reduce variance in sales pattern.
Use marketing research. Draw on knowledge of supply chain.
Manage bias. Assessment,]
Multi-tier Forecasting: A Way to Improve Accuracy. Larry
Lapide, Journal of Business Forecasting, 18 (Winter 1999-2000),
pp, 12-14, [Discussion, Supply chain volatility. Data sources.
Assembling and collecting data. Model development. Forecast
sales and inventories. Implementation,]
Forecasting Creditworthiness: Logistic vs. Artificial Neural
Net. Timothy H, Lee and Sung-Chang Jung, Journal of Business
Forecasting, 18 (Winter 1999-2000), pp, 28-30, [Model comparisons. Study of credit unions. Estimation criteria. Two-sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic. Information value. Coefficient
of Separation, Percentile analysis. South Korea,]
Bayesian Modeling Enhances Supply Chain Forecasting and
Planning. J.D. Picksley and G.J, Brentnall, Journal of Business
Forecasting, 18 (Fall 1999), pp, 19-23, [Dynamic linear modeling.

Advantages, Impacts, Nonroutine sales patterns. Default settings.

Comparisons, Traditional models, Suecess, Guidelines,]
tntegration of Different Forecasting Models. Wei Zhou, Journal
of Business Forecasting, 18 (Fall 1999), pp, 26-28, [Discussion,
Factors, One-number monthly torecasting process. Use of appropriate tools and techniques. Organizational infrastructure. Change
management. Assessment,]
Divide and Conquer. Sunny Baker and Kim Baker, Journat of
Business Strategy, 20 (September/October 1999), pp, 16-19,
[Trends; Data visualization technologies; Mapping software (geographic information systems); Integrating marketing, operations,
and customer service; Example,]
Ridge Regression and Direet Marl^eting Scoring Models.
Edward C. Malthouse, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 13
(Autumn 1999), pp, 10-23. [Discussion, Techniques, Alternative to
variable subset selection methods to control the bias-variance
trade-off of the estimated values. More variables can be included
in a scoring model without danger of overtltting the data,]
HINoV: A New Model to Improve Market Segment Definition
by Identifying Noisy Variabtes. Frank J, Carmone, Jr,, Ali Kara,
and Sarah Maxwell, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (November 1999), pp, 501-509, [Literature review. Robustness demonstration with artificial data. Evaluation using two real marketing
data sets. Statistical analysis,]
l\irning Marketing Researcb Higb Tecb. Fareena Sultan and
Gloria Barczak, Marketing Management, 8 (Winter 1999), pp,
24-30, [Survey of managers. Attitudes, Marketing research methods used in stages of new product development process. Value of
methods. Dissemination of information. Assessment, Recommendations,]
5.1 Educational and Professional Issues
Seeaiso 106. 117
Going tbe Distance. Ron Feemster, American Demographics, 21
(September 1999), pp, 58-62. 64, [Trends, Number of people who
have some college experience but lack a diploma. Skill profiles.
Aptitudes. Experience. Income. Consumption behavior. Expenditures. Statistical data,]
Consumer Socialization of Children: A Retrospective Look at
Twenty-Five Years of Researcb. Deborah Roedder John, Journal
of Consumer Research, 26 (December 1999). pp, 183-213, [Literature review. Conceptual framework. Stages, Empirical findings.
Children's knowledge of products. Brands, Advertising, Shopping,
Decision-making and parental influence strategies. Consumption
motives and values. Implications,]
Interactive Distance Learning: Impact on Student Course
Evaluations. Kenneth E, Clow, Journal of Marketing Education,
21 (August 1999). pp, 97-105, [Literature review; Comparisons;
Noninteractive distance learning; Graduates versus undergraduates; Most evaluation differences dealt with the instructor's teaching methodology, style, and interaction with students; Better suited
for graduate programs,]
Marketing Department Leaderstiip: An Analysis of Team
Transformation. Roger Gomes and Patricia A, Knowles, Journal
of Marketing Education, 21 (December 1999), pp, 164-74, [Literature review. Model development. Propositions, Personal interviews. Tenured professors. Department chair characteristics.
Implementation strategies,]
But Tbat's Not Fair! An Exploratory Study of Student Perceptions of Instructor Fairness. Mark B, Houston and Lance A, Bettencourt. Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (August 1999), pp,
84-96, [Literature review. Survey. Factors, Professor conduct in

interpersonal interactions. Flexibility, Implementation of course

grades and policies. Interactions with professor regarding grades.
Course and exam content. Assessment, Implications,]
Faculty Perceptions and Experiences of Student Bebavior:
Does Gender Matter? Kathleen J. Kelly and Linda R, Stanley,
Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (December 1999), pp,
194-205, [Literature review. Survey, Class workload and policies.
Teaching environment. Instructor descriptors. Classroom situation.
Teaching style. Requests, Complaints, Statistical analysis,]
Undergraduate Marketing Students, Group Projects, and Teamwork: Tbe Good, the Bad, and the Ugly? Denny E, McCorkle.
James Reardon, Joe F, Alexander, Nathan D, Kling, Robert C, Harris, and R, Vishwanathan Iyer, Joumal of Marketing Education, 21
(August 1999). pp, 106-17, [Literature review. Survey of students.
Group work impressions. Specialization of labor. Collective actions.
Teamwork skills development. Administrative problems. Preferences for group work. Assessment, Implications,]
Implementing an Interdisciplinary Marketing/Engineering
Course Project: Project Format, Preliminary Evaluation, and
Critical Factor Review. Kim McKeage, Deborah Skinner, R,M,
Seymour, Darrell W, Donahue, and Tom Christensen, Journal of
Marketing Education, 21 (December 1999). pp, 217-31, [Literature review. Interdisciplinary teams of instructors. Relationship of
process and content to overall evaluation,]
Tbe Second Course in Business Statistics and Its Role in
Undergraduate Marketing Education. Sarath A, Nonis and Gail
I, Hudson, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (December 1999),
pp, 2 3 2 ^ 1 , [Discussion, Decision-making emphasis. Preparation
for marketing research course. Communication, Problem solving.
Computer use. Assessment,]
Accessibility: An Alternative Metbod of Ranking Marketing
Journals? Michael Jay Polonsky, Gary Jones, and Megan J, Kearsley. Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (December 1999), pp,
181-93, [Discussion, Traditional ranking methods. Problems,
Study of journal characteristics and their relationship to library
holdings. Impacts, Initial publication date. Perceived importance in
the United States. Regression analysis. Australia,]
A Customer Service Course: Bringing Marketing and Logistics
Togetber. Elise Truly Sautter, Arnold Maltz. and Kevin Boberg,
Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (August 1999). pp, 138-45,
[Literature review; Supply chain management as an organizing
concept; Customer identification and expectations; Product,
process, and system design; Service encounter; Intermediary relationships; Future course development,]
Marketing Education in tbe Year 2000: Cbanges Observed and
Cballenges Anticipated. Denise T, Smart. Craig A, Kelley, and
Jeffrey S, Conant, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (December
1999), pp, 206-16, [Literature review. Survey of marketing faculty.
Class style and course management issues. Technology. Changes in
students. Skill development. Projections, Assessment,]
Tbe International Marketing Curriculum: Views from Students. L,W, Turley and J, Richard Shannon. Journal of Marketing
Education, 21 (December 1999), pp, 175-80, [Literature review.
National sample. Attitudes, Future importance. Level of preparation. Foreign language choices. Statistical analysis. Implications,]
5.2 General Marketing
See also 53, 157, 170, 185, 190. 230
Tbe Early Development of Purcbasing Roles in tbe American
Housebold, 1750 to 1840. Terrence H, Witkowski, Journal of
Macromarketing, 19 (December 1999), pp, 10414, [Discussion;
Marital authority; Home production and the division of labor;
Household decision-making influences; Ordering, shopping, and
purchasing; Examples,]

Marketing Literature Review/121

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