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ID : ww-8-Olympiad [1]

Grade 8
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Answer the questions


Pointing to a man on the stage, George says, "His son is my son's uncle". How is the man related
to George ?


The total population of a village is a perfect square. The number of men in the village is 34681, and
the number of women in the village is 62556.
If we know that the number of children in the village is also a perfect square and is more than
19040, then what is the smallest possible number of children in the village?


Which is largest among 21/2, 31/3, 81/8 and 91/9.


Elizabeth's roll number is a two digit number. Her friend Charles's roll number has the same digits
as Elizabeth's roll number, but with digits interchanged. If they add their roll number, and divide the
sum by 11. Find the remainder of this division.


Brian wants to print some brochures for his business. If he goes for one style, it will cost him $ 69
plus $ 0.25 per brochure. If he goes for the other style, it will cost him $ 25 plus $ 0.35 per
brochure. For how many brochures will the price for both styles be the same?


The difference between two natural numbers is 60. If the larger number is divided by the smaller
one, then the quotient is 4 and the remainder is 6. Find the larger number.


The numbers 1 to 19 are written on 19 pieces of paper and dropped into a box. Three of them are
drawn at random. What is the probability that the three pieces of paper picked have numbers that
are in arithmetic progression?


If a rhombus is re-shaped such that one of its diagonal increases by 2%, while other diagonal
decreases by 2%. Find the percentage change in the area of rhombus.

Choose correct answer(s) from given choice


Train X takes 48 hours to travel from station A to station B, while train Y takes 16 hours to travel
from station B to station A. If train X and Y starts at same time from stations A and B respectively,
after what time will they cross each other? (Assume trains travel with uniform speed)
a. 14 hours

b. 12 hours

c. 20 hours

d. 8 hours

(10) If a number is divided by 5, remainder is 3. What should be the last digit of the number?
a. 3 or 8

b. 3

c. 3 or 7

d. 8

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ID : ww-8-Olympiad [2]

(11) There are two numbers such that sum of the numbers is 14 and the sum of their squares is 100.
Find their product.
a. 48

b. 47

c. 51

d. 57

(12) If f(x) = 2 x - 5 and f(b) = -1, find the value of b.

a. 4

b. 0

c. 3

d. 2

(13) Laura says, "If Linda gives me $ 45 she will have half as much as Kevin. But if Kevin gives me $ 45
then three of us will have the same amount. What is the total amount of money that Laura, Linda
and Kevin have among them?
a. $ 495

b. $ 315

c. $ 405

d. $ 450

Fill in the blanks


The smallest perfect square that can be divided by 33 and 6 is

(32.6)2 - (17.4)2

(Solve using standard identities).


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ID : ww-8-Olympiad [3]


Step 1
Pointing to a man on the stage, George says, 'His son is my son's uncle'.
Step 2
or we can say that the man's son is the brother of George.
Step 3
or we can say that the man is the father of George.
Step 4
Therefore the relation of the man to George is: Father.


Step 1
Total population of the village is a perfect square.
Number of men in the village = 34681
Number of women in the village = 62556
Step 2
It is given that the number of children in the village is also a perfect square, and is more than
19040. Let us first find the values of perfect squares more than 19040.
Step 3
Square root of 19040 = 137.985506485 and the perfect squares more than 19040 will be the
squares of all integers more than 137.985506485, ie 1382, 1392, 1402, etc.
Step 4
The population of children will be the smallest value out of 1382, 1392, 1402, etc, for which the
total population of the village is a perfect square.
Step 5
Let us see if the population of the children can be 1382 (= 19044). In this case, the total
population of the village = 34681 + 62556 + 1382
= 34681 + 62556 + 19044
= 116281
Since the square root of 116281 is 341, which is an integer, the total population of the village
in this case is indeed a perfect square.
Step 6
Therefore, the smallest possible number of children in the village is 1382 = 19044.



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ID : ww-8-Olympiad [4]


Step 1
Let Elizabeth's roll number be xy . Another way of depicting this is 10x + y .
Step 2
So the roll number of Charles will be yx . Another way of depicting it is 10y + x .
Step 3
So the sum of their roll numbers would be 11x + 11y or 11(x+y),which is a multiple of 11.
Step 4
So the remainder will always be 0 when divided by 11.





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ID : ww-8-Olympiad [5]


Step 1
This is a little complicated, so follow carefully
Step 2
For making the explanation and the equations simpler, think of the number on the pieces of
paper in the form of (2n+1)
Here, we can see from the equation 2n+1 = 19, so n=9
Step 3
The probability of getting 3 numbers in an A.P by selecting 3 numbers randomly between 1
and 19 is the ratio of
- Number of ways we can get an A.P from 3 random numbers between 1 to 19, and
- Number of ways to select 3 random numbers between 1 to 19
Step 4
Let's look at the second part first. Three tickets can be drawn from (2n+1) numbers is in [(2 x
n) + 1] C 3 ways
i.e. Number of ways 3 tickets can be drawn =


Simplifying this, we get the number of ways to draw 3 numbers between 1 and 19 =


Here n = 9, so we can simplify it as 969

Step 5
Now for the ways we can get an A.P from 3 numbers bwetween Arithmetic Progressions of 3
numbers would be a sequence of 3 numbers that are separated by a common interval e.g.
1,2,3 or 3,5,7 etc.
They are in the form (a, a+d, a + 2d), where a is an integer from 1 to (19-2), and d is another
So it's helpful to think of the solution in terms of this interval.
So we'll think of all the sequences that have an interval 1, then sequences with interval 2, and
so on
Step 6
So what are the possible sequences with interval 1. They are
There are therefore 2n-1 such possible sequences
Step 7
Similarly, let's look at A.P with interval 2 between the terms. They are
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ID : ww-8-Olympiad [6]

There are 2n-3 such possible sequences
Step 8
We can generalize this to say that the number of such sequences with interval 'd' is (2n-(2d1))
Obviously the largest possible integer is d=n, with just one sequence (1, n+1, 2n+1)
Step 9
So the total number of such sequences is
(2n-1) + (2n-3) + (2n-5) + ... + 5 + 3 + 1
This is itself an AP with n terms and d=2
The sum of this sequence is


[2 + (n-1)2]

Simplifying, we get n2
Here n=9, so this is 81
Step 10
So the probability is


0.04 % decrease


b. 12 hours


Step 1
Train X takes 48 hours to reach from A to B that is 1 side . So in 1 hour it will reach 1/48 of the
distance .
So in 'x' hours it will reach x/48 of the distance .
Step 2
Train Y takes 16 hours to reach from B to A that is 1 side . So in 1 hour it will reach 1/16 of the
distance .
So in 'x' hours it will reach x/16 of the distance .
Step 3
So the equation formed is x/48 + x/16 = 1 (When both trains will meet at a point , so the total
distance between the two stations is covered )
Step 4
Solving this we get x = 12 hours

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ID : ww-8-Olympiad [7]

(10) a. 3 or 8
Step 1
This solution can be explained by an example .
If 13 is divided by 5 , the remainder is 3 . If 18 is divided by 5 then the remainder is also 3 .
Step 2
So the last digit could be 3 or 8
Step 3
A simple way of remembering it is that the last digit when a number is divided by 5 could be
the remainder itself (3) or the 5 + remainder(8) .
(11) a. 48
(12) d. 2
f(b) = -1
2 b - 5 = -1
b = (-1 + 5)/2 = 2
(13) c. $ 405

Step 1
We have been asked to find the value of

(32.6)2 - (17.4)2

using standard identities.

Step 2
(32.6)2 - (17.4)2

(32.6 + 17.4)(32.6 - 17.4)



[By using the identity a2 - b 2 = (a + b)(a -

b) in the numerator]

50 15.2

= 50
Step 3
Therefore, the value of

(32.6)2 - (17.4)2

is 50.


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