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Product and Quotient Laws
of Logarithms
Recall the exponent laws that you have already learned. How do
you think these laws relate to logarithms, given that a logarithm
is the inverse of an exponent?

The power law of logarithms introduced in Chapter 6 states that

logb xn  n logb x, b  0, b 苷 1, x  0

What do the laws of logarithms have to do with music?

Investigate What is an equivalent expression for the logarithm

of a product or of a quotient?

Tools A: Common Logarithm of a Product: Make Geometric and

• computer with The Geometer’s Algebraic Connections
® 1. Evaluate the following.
a) log 1 b) log 10 c) log 100 d) log 1000 e) log 10 000
• graphing calculator
or 2. a) Graph the following family of functions on the same grid.
• computer algebra system (CAS) f(x)  log x
g(x)  log (10x)
h(x)  log (100x)
i(x)  log (1000x)
j(x)  log (10 000x)
b) Describe how these graphs are related to each other using vertical
translations. To help recognize the translation, consider what happens
to the points (1, 0) and (10, 1) in each case.
3. a) Copy and complete the table. Write each function in three different
ways, as shown in the first row. The entry in the third column is found
by converting the translation coefficient into a common logarithm.

Function Vertical Translation of f(x) Sum of Common Logarithms

g(x)  log (10x) g(x)  log x  1 g(x)  log x  log 10
h(x)  log (100x)
i(x)  log (1000x)
j(x)  log (10 000x)

b) R e f l e c t Describe any pattern you observe between the first and last

378 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 7

B: Extend the Pattern to Logarithms of Any Base
Does the pattern observed in part A apply to logarithms of any base?

1. Copy and complete the table.

a b log2 a log2 b log2 a ⴙ log2 b log2 (a ⴛ b) Technology Tip s

1 2 log2 1  0 log2 2  1 011 log2 (1  2) Spreadsheets, computer algebra
 log2 2 systems, and graphing calculators
are all useful tools for performing
2 4 repeated calculations.
4 4
8 16
Create at least two of your own examples.

2. Look at the pattern of results in the table. What does this suggest about
the base-2 logarithm of a product?
3. Make a conjecture about how a logarithm of a product with any base
can be written in terms of a sum.
4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for logarithms of various bases. Compare your
results to your prediction in step 3, and determine whether your
prediction is correct.
5. R e f l e c t
a) Is there a product law for logarithms? Write it down, using
i) algebraic symbols
ii) words
b) Are there any restrictions or special considerations? If so, state them using
i) algebraic symbols
ii) words

C: Explore the Common Logarithm of a Quotient

1. Is there a quotient law for logarithms? Design and carry out an
investigation that addresses this question using tools and strategies of
your choice. Carry out the investigation.
2. R e f l e c t Compare your results with those of your classmates. Write a
brief report of your findings that includes
• a quotient law for logarithms, written using words and symbols
• three examples that illustrate the law
• the values of the base for which the law holds true

7.3 Product and Quotient Laws of Logarithms • MHR 379

The product law of logarithms can be developed algebraically as follows.

Let x  logb m and y  logb n.

Write these equations in exponential form:

bx  m and by  n
mn  bxby
mn  bx  y Use the product law of exponents.
logb mn  x  y Write in logarithmic form.
logb mn  logb m  logb n Substitute for x and y.

You will prove the quotient law in question 20.

Product Law of Logarithms

logb (mn)  logb m  logb n for b  0, b 苷 1, m  0, n  0.

Quotient Law of Logarithms

( )
m = log m  log n for b  0, b 苷 1, m  0, n  0.
logb _
n b b

The product and quotient laws of logarithms, as well as the power law, are
useful tools for simplifying algebraic expressions and solving equations.

Example 1 Simplify by Applying Laws of Logarithms

Write as a single logarithm.
a) log5 6  log5 8  log5 16
b) log x  log y  log (3x)  log y

a) log5 6  log5 8  log5 16  log5 __
16 ( ) Apply the product and quotient
laws of logarithms.
 log5 3
b) log x  log y  log (3x)  log y

Method 1: Apply Laws of Logarithms Directly

log x  log y  log (3x)  log y  log __y (

) Apply the product and quotient
laws of logarithms.
 log (3x2), x  0, y  0
The power law of logarithms cannot be applied here, because the
exponent 2 applies only to x, not to 3x. Therefore, this is the simplest
form of the expression.

380 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 7

Note the restrictions that must be placed on the variables, based on the
nature of the original expression log x  log y  log (3x)  log y. The
simplified expression is only defined for values of x and y for which each
logarithmic term in the original expression is defined.

Method 2: Simplify First, and Then Apply the Product Law

log x  log y  log (3x)  log y  log x  log (3x) Collect like terms and simplify.
 log [(x)(3x)] Apply the product law of logarithms.
 log (3x ), x  0, y  0

Example 2 Evaluate Using the Laws of Logarithms

a) log8 4  log8 16
b) log3 405  log3 5
1 log 16
c) 2 log 5  _
a) log8 4  log8 16  log8 (4  16) Apply the product law of logarithms.
 log8 64
2 82  64

b) log3 405  log3 5  log3 _( )

Apply the quotient law of logarithms.

 log3 81
1 log 16  log 52  log 16 _21
c) 2 log 5  _ Apply the power law of logarithms.
 log 25  log √16
 log 25  log 4
 log (25  4) Apply the product law of logarithms.
 log 100

7.3 Product and Quotient Laws of Logarithms • MHR 381

Write the Logarithm of a Product or Quotient
Example 3
as a Sum or Difference of Logarithms
Write as a sum or difference of logarithms. Simplify, if possible.
a) log3 (xy) b) log 20 c) log (ab2c) d) log _ uv
a) log3 (xy)  log3 x  log3 y, x  0, y  0 Apply the product law of logarithms.

b) Method 1: Use Factors 4 and 5 Method 2: Use Factors 2 and 10

log 20  log 4  log 5 log 20  log 10  log 2
 1  log 2
c) log (ab2c)  log a  log b2  log c
 log a  2 log b  log c, a  0, b  0, c  0 Apply the power
law of logarithms.

( )
uv  log u  log v  log
d) log _
w Apply the product
and quotient laws
of logarithms.
 log u  log v  log w 2 Write the radical
in exponential form.
1 log w, u  0, v  0, w  0
 log u  log v  _ Apply the power
law of logarithms.

Example 4 Simplify Algebraic Expressions


( )
a) log _

b) log ( √x )3  log x2  log √

c) log (2x  2)  log (x  1)

a) Method 1: Apply the Quotient Law of Logarithms

( )
log _
 log √x
  log x
Apply the quotient law of logarithms.

 log x 2  log x2 Write the radical in exponential form.

_1 log x  2 log x Apply the power law of logarithms.
1 4
 _ log x  _ log x
2 2
3 log x, x  0
 Collect like terms.

382 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 7

Method 2: Apply the Quotient Law of Exponents

( )

( )
√x x2
log _ 2
 log _ Write the radical in exponential form.
x x2
1 2
 log x 2 Apply the quotient law of exponents.
 log x 2

  _ log x, x  0 Apply the power law of logarithms.
_ 1
x )3  log x2  log
b) log( √ √
x  log x 2  log x2  log x 2

( )
(x )(x )
2 2
 log __ Apply the product and quotient
(x ) 1
2 laws of logarithms.
3 2_
_ 1
 log x 2 2 Apply the product and quotient
laws of exponents.
 log x3

 3 log x, x  0 Apply the power law of logarithms.

2x  2
c) log(2x  2)  log(x2  1)  log __
x2  1 )
 log ___ (
2(x  1)
(x  1)(x  1) ) Factor the numerator
and denominator.

 log __
x1 ) Simplify by dividing
common factors.

To determine the restrictions on the variable x, consider the original

log (2x  2)  log (x2  1)
For this expression to be defined, both logarithmic terms must be defined.
This implies the following:
2x  2  0 x2  1  0 CONNECTIONS
2x  2 x2  1 A more concise way to write
x1 x  1 or x  1 x > 1 or x < 1 is to use
absolute value notation: x > 1.
For both logarithmic terms to be defined, therefore, the restriction x  1
must be imposed.
log (2x  2)  log (x2  1)  log __ (
2 ,x1
x1 )
Note that this restriction ensures that all logarithmic expressions in the
equation are defined.

7.3 Product and Quotient Laws of Logarithms • MHR 383

The product law of logarithms states that logb x  logb y  logb (xy)
for b  0, b 苷 1, x  0, y  0.
The quotient law of logarithms states that logb x  logb y  logb _x
y( )
for b  0, b 苷 1, x  0, y  0.
The laws of logarithms can be used to simplify expressions and solve

Communicate Your Understanding

C1 Does log x  log y  log (x  y)? If so, prove it. If not, explain why not.
Use examples to support your answer.
log a
C2 Does log _
b ( )
a _
log b
? If so, prove it. If not, explain why not.
Use examples to support your answer.
C3 Refer to the final line in the solution to Example 4. Why is the restriction
on the variable x  1 and not x  1?
C4 Summarize the laws of logarithms in your notebook. Create an example
to illustrate each law.
C5 Reflect on the domain and range of y  log x. Why must x be a positive

A Practise
For help with questions 1 to 3, refer to Example 1. For help with questions 4 to 6, refer to Example 2.
1. Simplify, using the laws of logarithms. 4. Evaluate, using the product law of logarithms.
a) log 9  log 6 a) log6 18  log6 2
b) log 48  log 6 b) log 40  log 2.5
c) log3 7  log3 3 c) log12 8  log12 2  log12 9
d) log5 36  log5 18 d) log 5  log 40  log 5
2. Use Technology Use a calculator to evaluate 5. Evaluate, using the quotient law of logarithms.
each result in question 1, correct to three a) log3 54  log3 2
decimal places.
b) log 50 000  log 5
3. Simplify each algebraic expression. State any c) log4 320  log4 5
restrictions on the variables.
d) log 2  log 200
a) log x  log y  log (2z)
6. Evaluate, using the laws of logarithms.
b) log2 a  log2 (3b)  log2 (2c)
a) 3 log16 2  2 log16 8  log16 2
c) 2 log m  3 log n  4 log y
1 log w 1 log 125
b) log 20  log 2  _
d) 2 log u  log v  _
2 3

384 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 7

For help with questions 7 and 8, refer to Example 3. 8. Reflect on your answer to question 7f). Is there
7. Write as a sum or difference of logarithms. more than one possibility? Explain. Which
Simplify, if possible. solution gives the simplest result?
a) log7 (cd) b) log3 _m
n ( )
c) log (uv3)
a √
d) log _
( )

e) log2 10 f) log5 50

B Connect and Apply

For help with questions 9 and 10, refer to 12. a) Explain how you Reasoning and Proving
Representing Selecting Tools
Example 4. can transform the
9. Simplify. State any restrictions on the variables. graph of f(x)  log x Problem Solving

to produce
( x )
Connecting Reflecting
a) log _ g(x)  log (10nx), Communicating

for any n  0.
b) log ( _
m )
m √
m )7
3 b) Create two examples to support your
explanation. Sketch graphs to illustrate.
c) log √ k )3  log √
k  log ( √
13. Refer to question 12 part a). Can this process
d) 2 log w  3 log √w_ 1 log w2
2 be applied when n is an integer? Explain.
10. Simplify. State any restrictions on the variables. 14. Use Technology
a) log (x2  4)  log (x  2) a) Graph the functions f(x)  2 log x and
b) log (x2  7x  12)  log (x  3) g(x)  3 log x.
c) log (x2  x  6)  log (2x  6) b) Graph the sum of these two functions:
d) log (x2  7x  12)  log (x2  9) p(x)  f(x)  g(x).
c) Graph the function q(x)  log x5.
11. Chapter Problem A certain operational
amplifier (Op Amp) produces a voltage output, d) How are the functions p(x) and q(x) related?
V0, in volts, from two input voltage signals, What law of logarithms does this illustrate?
V1 and V2, according to the equation
V0  log V2  log V1.
You will learn more about the sums of functions in Chapter 8.
a) Write a simplified form of this formula,
expressing the right side as a single logarithm.
b) What is the voltage output if Technology Tip s

i) V2 is 10 times V1? To distinguish two graphs on a graphing calculator screen, you can
alter the line style. Cursor over to the left of Y2 and press e.
ii) V2 is 100 times V1? Observe the different line styles available. Press e to select a style.
iii) V2 is equal to V1?
You can change colours and line thicknesses in The Geometer’s
Sketchpad by right-clicking on the curve.
Op Amps are tiny integrated circuits that can be used to perform various
mathematical functions on voltage signals. Engineers combine Op
Amps with other electronic circuit elements to create useful equipment
such as electric guitar amplifiers, effects pedals, and signal processors.

7.3 Product and Quotient Laws of Logarithms • MHR 385

15. Use Technology Reasoning and Proving 18. Renata, a recent business school graduate,
Representing Selecting Tools
Refer to question 14. has been offered entry-level positions with
a) In place of Problem Solving two firms. Firm A offers a starting salary
g(x)  3 log x use Connecting Reflecting of $40 000 per year, with a $2000 per year
g(x)  4 log x. increase guaranteed each subsequent year.
How should the function q(x), in step c), Firm B offers a starting salary of $38 500,
change in order to illustrate the same with a 5% increase every year after that.
property as in question 14? a) After how many years will Renata earn the
b) Graph the functions p(x) and q(x). same amount at either firm?
c) You should observe something unusual b) At which firm will Renata earn more after
about the graph of q(x). Explain what is i) 10 years? ii) 20 years?
unusual about this graph and where the c) What other factors might affect Renata’s
unusual portion comes from. choice, such as opportunities for promotion?
16. Use Technology Create a graphical example Explain how these factors may influence
that illustrates the quotient law of logarithms her decision.
using a graphing calculator with CAS or
other graphing technology. Explain how your ✓Achievement Check
example works.
19. Express each as a single logarithm. Then,
17. Use the power law of logarithms to verify the evaluate, if possible.
product law of logarithms for log 102. a) log4 192  log4 3
b) log5 35  log5 7  log5 25
c) loga (ab)  loga (a3b)
d) log (xy)  log _

C Extend and Challenge

20. Prove the quotient law of logarithms by 24. Math Contest A line, l1, has slope 2 and
applying algebraic reasoning. passes through the point (r, 3). A second
line, l2, is perpendicular to l1, intersects l1 at the
21. a) Given the product law of logarithms, prove
point (a, b), and passes through the point (6, r).
the product law of exponents.
What is the value of a?
b) Given the quotient law of logarithms, prove 2r 5r
the quotient law of exponents. A r B _ C 1 D 2r  3 E _
5 2
22. Math Contest For what positive value of c 25. Math Contest A grocer has c pounds of coffee
does the line y  x  c intersect the circle divided equally among k sacks. She finds n
x2  y2  1 at exactly one point? empty sacks and decides to redistribute the
23. Math Contest For what value of k does the coffee equally among the k  n sacks. When
parabola y  x2  k intersect the circle this is done, how many fewer pounds of coffee
x2  y2  1 in exactly three points? does each of the original sacks hold?

386 MHR • Advanced Functions • Chapter 7

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