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Draft Agenda

Day 1 - 10 am to 7:30 pm

10:00-11:00 Introductions, Overview, and Contextualizing Sustainability –A

discussion about the definitions, applications, and relevance of sustainability as a field
and concept. Impressions of Sherman piece.

11:00-12:00 Case Studies in Sustainability – Participants will examin ways to frame

sustainability in higher education and other sectors (public, private, and nonprofit). Case
studies and discussion of readings explored.

12-1:15 Sharing Experiences -- Over lunch, last year’s workshop participants will share
their experience and thoughts.

1:15-2:30 Teaching and Intergration Approaches. An examination of approaches for

teaching/integrating sustainability into a course, or a new course. This will include time
for small group discussions to brainstorm initial ideas. Discussion of background
readings included.

2:30 pm Break

2:45-4:00 pm Campus Tour and Experience (part 1): Place as a Sustainability

Learning Tool. A sustainability “walkabout” with discussions about how to use the
campus as a laboratory.

4:00-10 Break

4:10-45 Individual Reflection of Place-Based Teaching

4:45 – 6:00 Group Reflection of Curriculum and Sustainability – Participants will

share initial thoughts and plans about modifying or creating new curricula integrating
sustainability. Provide feedback and ideas.

6:00-7:30 pm Furman’s/Middlebury’s Approach to Sustainability – Over, dinner, an

opportunity to talk with LIST HERE about Campus Efforts…. By close of supper,
participants will submit additional questions in a box that evening for organizers to
address on day two…

7:30 pm Adjourn

Day 2 – 9 am to 4:00 pm

9:00 -10:15 Campus Tour and Experience (part 2): Living/Learning Laboratories as
a Sustainability Lesrning Tool. Use of the Middelbury Organic Garden and
Willows/Furman Farm as a way to experience sustainability. Working “in the field”.

10:15-25 Break

10:25 -11:45 Sustainability Learning Outcomes What are the important learning
outcomes for a sustainability related course? Review and revise/expand on list from last
year’s groups. What do students need to know about sustainability? What skills do they
need in order to apply it? Small group discussion and share out.

11:45-1 Lunch -- Sustainability and Community Perspectives. Russell Stall, Greenville

Forward/ XX VT

1:00-1:45 Individual Modification Reflection – Syllabi and Class Projects.

1:45-2:45 Group Modification Reflection -- Meet in small groups to discuss what

course modifications/creations you are planning and continue to outline. What learning
outcomes are you trying to achieve? Share results and discuss.

2:45-3:00 Break

3:00-4:00 Establishing the Learning Community for Sustainability. A discussion of

next steps and short and long term connections.

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