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Why Your Phone Number

Can SkyrocketOr Ruin

Your Career!

Blair Gorman


Numerology is the occult study of numbers and their esoteric significance in your life.
You have probably already heard about the four esoteric numbers, based on your
birthday, and the name given to you on your birth certificate. But did you know that
other, lesser numbers, such as your telephone number and your street address can also
exert influences on your life? Even ephemeral numbers, like the number of the hotel
room you stay in for a business trip or vacation can have an effect on what happens while
you're there.

Many people nowadays can be contacted through multiple phone numbers. People have
telephones in their homes, on their office desks, connected to fax machines, and carried
on their person, in the form of a cell phone or pager. Additionally, the address where you
work, or even the number on your office door can affect your work life in subtle and
mysterious ways. Have you noticed that there is one office where your coworkers tend to
congregate for social interaction? Is there another office that seems focused on work?
The vibrational energies contained in their esoteric number may be the reason.

Simple calculations can provide you with the seed number (from 1 through 9) of any of
these place numbers.

Performing numerological calculations requires that you convert letters to numbers (if
there are letters involved) and then reduce the numbers to a single digit. The accepted
method of reducing the numbers is to add up each individual digit in a number. If that
sum is more than 1 digit, you then further reduce the resulting number by adding all of its
digits together. If this number is more than 1 digit, repeat until the result is only one digit.
Exception: if your resultant number is 11, 22, 33, or 44, do not reduce it further. These
are Master Numbers and have special power and significance.

Calculating the esoteric Number for your phone number is straightforward and easy. If
your phone number is composed solely of digits, you just add them up, and reduce the
total to one digit. For example,

2 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 26
2+6 = 8

If your phone number contains words, like CALL-ME-HERE, then you must first convert
the letters to numbers. The esoteric conversion would be carried out exactly like if you
were determining the number for a name -- you do not want to just jot down the number
associations from your telephone keypad. You have changed the esoteric flavor of the
telephone number by using words. To convert an alphabetical phone number, you must
use the Pythagorean conversions, as shown below:

So, the phone number CALL-ME-HERE would translate to

3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 8 + 5 + 9 + 5 = 46
4 + 6 = 10

If you converted the alphabetical phone number to it's dialed digits you will usually get a
completely different number.

CALL-ME-HERE is actually 225-563-4373

2 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 7 + 3 = 40

You may want to calculate the esoteric number for both "versions" of your phone number
(the numerical and the alphabetical) and see which gives you better results.
Once you have the esoteric number for your phone number, house number, office number
or other place number, look it up in the table below to see how this number affects your

1 is a very beneficial number for someone who is a manager, group leader, or

who aspires to that role. Expect incoming phone calls from other managers and
subordinates asking for information or advice. If your office or address yield 1,
you can expect to host meetings, both formal and informal, in your office. You

will be able to perform leadership functions efficiently and make decisions

affecting you, your business and your employees.
Keywords: original, independent, aggressive, individualistic, creative,
dominant; the first in a series, the start of any operation or activity, the
leader, the pioneer, the boss who likes authority. "He who goes forth."

2, being the complement to 1 (the yin to 1's yang), provides a more passive
energy. It is well suited for businesses and jobs that are in-between two other
entities: like agents, diplomats, and brokers. 2 tries to bring unity through
compromise, and achieving a meeting of the minds. In that context, it could be
a good energy for a law office, or an administrator. Because of the receptive
nature of 2, it is also a good energy for administrative assistants, secretaries
and interns.

If you are ambitious and desire advancement in your current job, and your
phone or office number yield 2: work toward advancement by cooperation and
achieving consensus among difficult coworkers. The 2 energy will help you on
this path to a promotion, and relocation to a new office with a new (and
hopefully more auspicious) phone number.
Keywords: adaptable, tactful, understanding, gentle, cautious; a follower
rather than a leader.

3 combines the qualities of 1 and 2. The 3 energy is very enthusiastic and

creative. It is ideal for someone who makes their living from their creativity:
artists, graphic designers, musicians, writers, actors and other performers

would do well with 3 for their number. The 3 energy is very sociable,
extroverted and friendly.
Keywords: expansive, sociable, dramatic, communicative, diversified,

4 is stability, a 4-square consciousness, the symbol of law, systems and order.

It is firmness, security, stability and conservatism. 4 is nature and relates to the
earth. 4 develops a practical nature, and through self-discipline, binds itself to a
conventional routine exercise of its energy. 4 is a wonderful energy for
builders, contractors, and tradesmen (carpenters, plumbers and electricians), as
well as for businesses that work directly with the earth, such as farms and

landscape and lawn care businesses. Jobs that relate to law and order also fall
under these energies, so lawyers, bureaucrats, law enforcement and judicial
personnel would do well with 4 for their number. This is also an acceptable
energy for bankers, stock brokers, and conservative politicians (although they
would do better with 8 or 22).
Keywords: form, work, order, practicality, construction, stability,
endurance, discipline

5 is freedom, change and adventure. Curiosity and constant activity produce a

resourceful, adaptable and versatile energy always ready to take a chance. This
is a good number for a creative professional, especially someone involved in
advertising or promotion. Travel agents would also benefit from the 5 energy.
For many other careers, the 5 energy tends to draw the party animals to you -

either through distracting phone calls, or non-work socializing in your office.

The exuberance of the 5 energy may become distracting in some job settings.
If this happens to you, you will have to exhibit some self-control and start
screening calls and closing your office door to visitors so you'll be able to get
your work done.
Keywords: versatility, resourcefulness, adaptability, change, activity,
travel, adventure, promotion, speculation.

6 is conscientious; it desires to bring harmony, truth, justice and a sense of

balance into its environment. Love and compassion are uppermost in its mind.
Others are drawn to it because of the understanding which emanates from it. 6
is an ideal energy for teachers, body workers, medical offices, child care

businesses, schools, social workers, counselors, and social services. 6 is a

domestic and artistic vibration that adjusts to the needs of others. 6 is also
gifted in the arts, and can be an auspicious number for fine artists in a number
of fields. Architects that specialize in residential design would especially
benefit from bringing the 6 energy into their practice.
Keywords: family and social responsibility, service, love, compassion,
counseling, healing, creativity.

7 seeks answers. It tries to establish a philosophy by which to live and attempts

to penetrate the mystery behind its existence which it had never questioned to
this point. Because solitude is necessary for analysis, the 7 feels the need to
spend time alone, away from the crowds, in touch with nature. It looks for
friendship with those of an elevated consciousness that can match its own. This
is not a fantastic energy for a high visibility business or practice, but it is suited

to professions where discerning contact is desired. This phone will not be

ringing off the hook with constant calls, and visits to the 7 office will be rare
but meaningful. The person with the 7 phone will be contacted with questions,
because the caller knows you have the answers they seek.
Keywords: quiet, introspective, intuitive, analytical, inspirational,
reclusive, philosophical, mystical.

8 will assume power, for it now has achieved control and responsibility in its
own chosen field. Recognition and financial rewards are bestowed, and
expansion and growth in the business would take place. Under 8, karma is
king, and you reap what you have sown. Power is the quality associated with 8.
Ardor, zeal, steadfastness and the ability to see in broad terms give it the

ambition and added qualities needed to achieve material goals. This number is
perfect for the entrepreneur and the executive. Politicians work well with the 8
energy, as do people who work in finance: bankers, stock brokers, and so forth.
Keywords: power, responsibility, financial rewards, good judgement,

9 is selflessness and compassion. 9 is ready to give back to the universe some

measure of what it has learned through the eight previous steps of they cycle.
The law of cyclicity allows for no waste, and demands input for output. When
this is done willingly, the completion experienced under 9 brings only joy at
the gift of life and the freedom with which to enter the next cycle
unencumbered. The fact that the 9 energy encompasses endings makes it a
problematical number in a work context. The 9 energy seems to attract pink

slips and layoffs, especially if it's associated with an office number. It would
be best suited for non-profit work; work that promotes tolerance and
compassion. Charities would benefit from this energy. The spiritual aspect of
the 9 energy is also well suited to religious organizations, as well as work that
involves death: life insurance, cemeteries and funeral homes.
Keywords: love, compassion, patience, universality, tolerance, selfless
service, endings.

11 is the first Master Number, a higher vibration of 2. Its keywords are

altruism and community. It is one of the most difficult vibrations because the
demand for high standards is constant. 11 is an esoteric master number of
spiritual import. It bestows courage, power and talent with strong feelings of


leadership. This is a difficult energy to handle: sometimes you may feel

overwhelmed with the amount and nature of issues that come to you over the
phone, or through your office door. If you can remember that true mastery is
service, and remain modest in the face of fame and recognition, you will be
able to deal with whatever comes your way.
Keywords: altruism, community, spiritual revelation, idealism,
emotionalism, future vision.

22 is the second Master Number, a higher vibration of 4. 22 gives the promise

of success. 22 wants to accomplish big things in a big way, preferably with a
lot of people, as in dealings with a big corporation. Great at taking ideas and
putting them to practical use. This is a fantastic number for entrepreneurs,
aspiring executives and politicians, and people who have to deal with large


projects or groups. It is also auspicious for large construction companies, and

civil engineers and architects: people who design and build skyscrapers,
bridges, roads, and other large, public-works projects.
Keywords: Master extrovert, power on both planes, financial stability,
complete control

33 is the third Master Number, a higher vibration n of 6. The need to serve and
protect others is very strong. 33 is auspicious for people working with nature,
including forestry, environmental advocacy, and large-scale agriculture; the


arts - music, painting or literature; doctors and other healthcare professionals;

or law and justice, including lawyers, policemen, judges, and lawmakers.
Keywords: Responsibility, self-sacrifice, courage, Master Teacher, worldly
success, skill and fame, perfect relationships

44 is the fourth and final Master Number, a higher vibration of 8. As such, the
44 energy can bring you rewards for your efforts in any field of endeavor. If
you have been productive, you can expect an increase in status and finances. If


you have not been giving it your "best shot," you may receive unwanted and
restricting burdens instead. It may be time for a change in office location,
phone number, or even your job or career.
Keywords: Karma, re-evaluation, opportunity

You may not be able to move your house or office location, but you may be able to
change your phone number pretty easily. If you have a numeric phone number and the
esoteric number is not favorable for your business or career path, try to come up with an
alphabetical equivalent for your phone number that would give you a more beneficial

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