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The effects of social development on gender and wealth inequality

Social development can be defined as the gradual advancement of the society structure
which leads to the improvement of peoples livelihood. This can be observed in all spheres of life
ranging from the product and service delivery and the increased advancement in creativity and
innovation. Social development has adversely affected gender and wealth equality inversely.
Social developments impact on gender equality is clearly visible today. Development is
triggered by the realization of ones true potential. This realization is based on ones attitude,
education al background, skill sets and social expectations. Despite living in the 21st century
women are still expected by society to mother children at one stage in their life. Many companies
and firms thus deny women the opportunity to hold high offices. This is the glass ceiling effect
which is believed to be due to womens other social obligations. Nowadays there is an increased
number of women who are working. Despite this, research shows that unlike men who put in 12
minutes a day for house work women put in 18 hours a week. Following their education and
professional choices women still find themselves been unequal to their male counterparts.
Research shows that majority of women opted for occupations traditionally regarded as


feminine. These occupations are generally looked down upon and hence women receive low pay.
Women access to the male dominated occupations is restricted to acts of discrimination leading
to a higher demand for women jobs. This in turn leads to lower wages (Brukner, p14).
Research on gender inequality in the work place has shown that the income difference
between men and women is decreasing. Men and women having the same education and
occupation have been observed to have varying income. The major reason for this has not been
established. Other studies disclose that women still concentrate majorly on low paying jobs and
enter the jobs at low paying levels (Eitzen, p272).
The role of social development in increasing wealth inequality can be attributed to
various reasons. Current economic trends play a major role one of them being
financialization.This occurs when leverage surpasses innovative and productive investment as a
means to generate wealth. People with investments thus get richer due to huge returns, despite
the economy growing at a lower rate leading to an increased wealth gap. Due to societal
development, literacy levels have increased drastically. This has led to a high supply of skilled
labor force which exceeds the demand for the respective occupations .As a result, the workers
receive low wages hence an increase in wealth inequality. The theory of wealth concentration
states that people who hold wealth have the means to re invest it and create more wealth further
increasing the gap. Inheritance is also significant though not pronounced in determining wealth
inequalities (Welch, p96).
In conclusion, as social development advances some critical moral values such as wealth
and gender equality continue to deteriorate.

Works Cited
Brukner, Hannah..Gender Inequality in the Life Course: Social Change and Stability in West
Germany, 1975-1995.Newjersey: Transaction publishers, 2004.Print.
Eitzen, Stanley D. Social problems 8th .Boston: Allyn &Bacon, 1999.Print.
Welch, Finis. The Causes and Consequences of Increasing Inequality. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2001.Print.

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