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With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,

Onder, and of course to my colleagues
By Price
LIAPIS Panagiotis

With lots of love dedicated, to my parents, to EL_lines in Natalia, Olga,

Onder, and of course to my partners
By Price
LIAPIS Panagiotis

При большом количестве посвященный, любви мои родители

Греки, В Наталья, Οльга, и Ондер, к моим коллегам

По цене
LIAPIS Panagiotis


Δ/νση Κ.Βάρναλη 12, 15121 Πεύκη, Αθήνα
Τηλ. 210-6149149
Κιν. 6937097443
ΔΙΑΘΕΣΗ 210.8065618 6937097443
Author LIAPIS Panagiotis
Addr K. Varnali 12 15121 Pine Athens
Tel 210-6149149
Mob. 6937097443
SUPPLY 210.8065618 6937097443

A few words from the author

My Friends in this textbook, take the
knowledge that until now store it in
dusty Greek manuscripts of Plato,
Aristotle and other ancient fotodoton
in damp basements monasteries and
private libraries disekatomyriouchon. We revealed through
masterfully blended events of economy, religion, Greek history
and mythology, the confirmations of Medicine and the
multidimensional social structures, the Greek discovery of
ether for which spoke Platonas and Aristotle, the mineral
krystalyka and electrical properties, their initiatory secret
caves, history, radiation and their effects on human health,
MIND CONTROL is the technical control of the mind legends
and myths, travel guides, the history of Russia and Mongolia,
Dynasty RURIC, the Greek supremacy, The Secret of the
Living Water, forecasts in recent days, the establishment of the
4th Reich, well read, and its organization, methods of
prevalence of the 4th Reich, Geostrategic, The Secrets of the
Parthenon, The stolen works of art, naturally leads business
survival in difficult times. There are missing from my literary
work of literature, prayer and research on photovoltaic
technology in whose threshold of energy is free. Also
presented a series of investigations on a series of error events
for the signs, and possible manipulation of cosmogony,
incidents involving the Nazis and the possible bases in space,
President Obama, and the new doctrine Panthriskeias
launched in conjunction with the Worship infernal beings are a
new mirror through which can be seen the current scene of the
enormous progress in the areas of MIND CONTROL, the chip
EMV of Bill Gates on bank credit cards, the emerging banking
system in relation to economic crashes of America The
SIONISMOS and the New World Order of the 4th Reich, and
PEOPLE CLONES - Men in Black, and the CIA in connection
with the anti-government slogans and reactive walls define a new reality, which
leads to control police forces in Use of Sound for centuries hidden weapons
ancient Greeks developed from the Greek National Nuclear epistimoina C. Gkiolva.
The creations of the Plan "Arrow" (sound rule) and the sound "Artemis", as are
sources on the web are presented in detail below in relation to biological warfare
aircraft from the US-spray from chemical and microbial air over cities. Trying to
minimize the harmful effects that using genetics Industry, extensive fires, building
new towns in the concentration camps of D Reich, apply geostrategic
implementation plan new war in the Balkans because of Kosovo, where the project
"Blue Ray" at the upcoming mayhem by the end of 01/2010 will chrisimopoiithoun
new weapons bass Police with physical effects of radiation on the human organism
By Price
LIAPIS Panagiotis

1. This project is a bottomless MYTHISTORIMA Reality

2. Clarifies Developed Fiction
3. Any resemblance to actual persons, locations and events are imaginary,
purely accidental, not existing in the present reality and past it.
4. Copyrights on works protected by the current constitution, laws and
5. Prohibited the reproduction and distribution of all or part of the
document without the prior written permission of the author and an award
identifying figures and in words of the author's remuneration, rights and
remuneration of the Greek state, the duration of the contract and the
6. The document bears a registered trademark
7. The project is only available for private use, prohibited the reading
public all or part of it.
8. The work donate to the library of the Greek state request and complied
with the legislation providing for the process.
9. For Greek citizens: To book not sold through bookstores and other retail
outlets. KNOWLEDGE donors.
10. The book takes seeker typing costs and expenses of this mission.
11. The Writer LIAPIS Panagiotis receive no remuneration (money)
making a work available
12. The book has no subversive of the system concept, but instead Net
conglomerate of all the Greeks of Planet Earth, 120,000,000 Greeks to
create well-governed society as defined by the democratic, elected
Parliamentary Antiptosopous People (primary form of power)
13. The GREECE Fri all the problems exist because of the scandalous
LIGHT, AS NO ONE GREEK even no hope, no justice. Amen.

Copyright by Panagioti Liapi





(From Dialogues of Diomidis with Alexander the Great )

GREECE: The richest country in Europe

• Mytilene - Lesvos, 04/02/2010

IN EVERY Greek equivalent $

That is why "claiming" the Albanian nationalists Continent, the Skopjans
Macedonia, Turkish Thrace and the Aegean! (Because behind them are
Americans who want to loot and rob our national wealth)
In February 1998 came to public investigation with the largest
concentration of radon in the Greek market in the village Fairy Thesprotia.
The measurement was 9550 becquerels per square meter and the 150
threshold alert! Similar measurements have high and Serres, Thessaloniki,
Mykonos, Kavala, Ikaria, Lesvos, Fthiotida, Loutraki Nigrita, Souroti (1),
etc. Radon is naturally occurring radioactive element, and for those who
know, is an indication of the existence of these underground areas than
uranium. Mount PANGAIO KavalaOlympiada in Halkidiki has already
begun exploiting the subsoil there from the TVX Gold (known anti-Hellenic
propaganda sponsor of Skopje) George Soros, which contains some gold
and uranium!. also there is already strong interest from foreign investors
for the mining of vast deposits of gold. In
A confidential report came to light in the newspaper "Investor" on 23/2/96,
report on the results of measurements of IGME (Institute of Geology and
Mineral Exploration). Around EUR 100 trillion drachmas assess the value
of deposits of uranium and other rare metals for satellites and rockets. The
text of the survey signed by seven distinguished Greek scientists and
refers to uranium deposits containing 300 million tonnes of uranium
concentrate 16% and other rare minerals like rutile, loutesio and
lanthanum, which have very specific uses in the manufacture of missile
systems. Refers only to the region of Mount symbol of Kavala. It is one of
the largest uranium deposits INTERNATIONALLY. The value of enriched
uranium 235 in the world market (1998) is $ 20,000 a gram!.
O Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and chairman of the department of
chemical engineering Vassilios Papageorgiou, held a lecture on "Heavy
industry in Greece, which had to do with the results and his research 30
years. Impressive was that all the points the survey agreed with the results
of relevant investigations oldest of the 1940s who accidentally had
reached his hands. This teacher wondering how it is possible that Greece
has not currently been set-up heavy industry at the time that not only have
ALL of the necessary raw materials (strategic minerals) and even in
abundance, but some of them are unique producing country in the
European Union. Namely: Lignite: The fossil energy production by burning
with little environmental pollution. Greece has so much lignite, if you ran
early, it would save many billions to import petrelaiou.Alouminio: For
several years France has reduced its production of aluminum and Greece
is now first in production of aluminum with thousands efarmoges.Voxitis:
Greece is the largest voxitoparagogos European Union country. Bauxite is
used in aircraft manufacture, electrical equipment, steel structures and
allou.Manganio: Greece is the only country in the European Union
contained in underground deposits of manganese. The main deposits are
found in the county Dramas.Nikelio: And for this strategic mineral as Mr
Papageorgiou, Greece is the only country in the European Union with
substantial deposits of nickel in the subsoil. There is a nickel plant, the
largest in the European Union, but also exported abroad, like almost all
others as exoryssontai.Smiktites: Greece is the second country in the
world after the United States in the mining smiktiton who have a wide
range of applications, such as waste disposal, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics
and alla.Magnisio: The magnesite exported by our country, covering 46%
of total production in Western Evropis.Chromitis: Greece is the only EU
country that contains underground significant chromite deposits of
exploitable. The most important deposits are located on Mt Kozani mainly
used to produce stainless chalyva.Ouranio: As mentioned above, the
ouranioucha ores have been discovered in Central Macedonia and Thrace.
The issue of April 28, 1999 the newspaper "Athens" was entitled "Treasury
of Northern Greece" and refer to this very issue. Thrace is therefore a
strategic hub, because in addition to the rich deposits of uranium, gold and
oil, in addition there will be passed to future gas pipeline and oil "Burgas -
Alexandroupolis" pipeline to transport fuel from the Caspian to
dysi.PETRELAIO: There's plenty in the Aegean. In the same lecture on the
main strategic minerals
Papageorgiou was extensive talk about the oils in the Aegean. No
government had yet the courage to admit the existence
wealthiness oil in the Aegean and the game with Turkey
actually played there. There are passages of the ancient
historian Herodotus, which refers to the "flammable tar. It is
also known fact that the Germans were already in possession
of mapping the whole of Greece, as directly interested, and
then any sources for its military machine. With the fall of Hitler,
the relevant maps and information arrived in the hands of
Americans at the time. In recent years, with the help of special
satellite photography is that existing safety data for the
existence of rich oil deposits in the Aegean. A former American
ambassador to Greece Nicholas Burns in a live broadcast on
channel MEGA and he was officially admitted that there is
indeed oil in the Aegean and this basically creates tension
between Greece and Turkey. According to research results
were based on satellite maps are now an undisputed fact that:
The richest deposits of oil in the Greek area are east of the
island of Thassos, in the Gulf of Thessaloniki, in the
Dodecanese and in particular in the vicinity of Imia, in
Zakynthos and Florina. Official statement of nuclear physics
professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Mr.
Papastefanou states inter alia: "Historically perceived that, as
in the case of oil in the Aegean, so in the case of uranium, it
might not ever given to the Greek government full results of
geological surveys done in Drama and Thrace, the American
researchers ... " A reasonable question is why Greece has
significant oil and minerals in such quantities. In this reply
geologists say the following. As far as oil is known to
geologists that almost the entire current Aegean Sea was once
a vast lush valley which is the way to create katepontisthi after
thousands of years the current Aegean Sea. Hydrocarbons
forests were oil. As regards the rare metals, and this is easily
explained once known as the tectonic plates of Africa falls
below that of Europe, including creating appropriate conditions
for the creation of such ores. Reasonable suspicion, and other
"weird" and expensive components in the underground, like
osmium, red mercury, etc. for which the investigation
continues. Shutting down the oil issue in the Aegean, quoting
the allocation of places responsibility on oil cartel over Greece,
as agreed in 1975: a ') east of Thassos (OXYDENTAL, the Texan
A. Hummer), b) the Cretan Sea between Kassos and Crete
(CHEVRON, interests Rokfeller), c) Katakollo Zakynthos (ESSO,
also of Rokfeller), d) Epanomi - Sithonia - distinguished service
(American and angloollandiki TEXACO SHELL). Sources:
press, Forum EIAS , IOANNIS
Gold: It can generate government revenue of 500 million euros
annually and provide over 7,000 jobs.
Geothermal fields: If exploited energy that would result would
be 160000 tons of oil annually.
Oil: A billion barrels are possible apolipsima crude in the north
Uranium 10,000 tonnes in the subsurface of northern Greece.
Unspent billions waiting in ypedafosTou Euclid Karagiannidis
(Newspaper "MAKEDONIA)
Northern Greece is the region that was hit perhaps more than
any other from the international crisis, the nature of the
economy and in particular the strong outward operations.
Thousands of padlocks SMEs, implementing flexible work
arrangements on large industries, reduction or abandonment
of traditional agricultural crops, decline in tourism make up a
"nightmare" scenario, the consequences of which according to
analysts prove the end of summer and then, compounding the
already bad image. At the same time in the subsoil of the
region there are hidden treasures, which are almost entirely left
untapped mainly due to reactions among local communities to
create the political costs, which no government wants to pay.
And we mean petroleum, gold, geothermal energy, including
uranium, which remains a taboo subject for the Greek reality.
The numbers are indeed impressive: a huge geothermal energy
potential of around 150 megawatts per year, equivalent to
114,000 tonnes of oil equivalent, with a value exceeding EUR
33,455,000, remains untapped for many years in Northern
The three gold investments can deliver, directly or indirectly,
more than 7,000 jobs and revenue for 500 million less from
direct taxes to the Greek state annually while flying foreign
capital amounting to at least EUR 1 billion in the country.
Experts argue that the country could fully cover the needs of
oil, whereas deposits of Greece and especially in the northern
may contain one to three billion barrels of oil.
As for uranium, experts say that using part of established
reserves Paggeo could solve the problem of "the country
overnight. It seems particularly odd in an era when everyone
talks about using renewable energy and abandonment of
mineral to raise such a question. On the other hand think that
would be useful to consider what we missed, what we lose and
what we could win even today with the least possible cost in
terms of quality of life and environment. Just wondering if time
has come for a comprehensive approach to this huge issue,
which is both legitimate and necessary to the proper actions
and reactions to northern Greece and the country as a whole
can exploit even a part of this huge hidden treasures.
GREEK YELLOW-employment growth in 1500 primarily
individuals and at least 6,000 secondary down the investment
in gold mines Greek Kassandra. -For the establishment of gold
mining in the area of iron Lakkos, Greek Gold plans to invest
800 mil, while many others will spend the first 20 years of
mining in wages. -The delays that have occurred since 2006,
when the project was tabled at the Ministry of Development,
and the Preliminary Environmental Impact Ministry have led the
whole project has exceeded two years schedules and
contractual provisions. Gold mines of Thrace, the creation of
200 direct jobs and 800 indirect investment provides the gold
mines of Thrace in Perama, which is on the verge of Rodopi
and Evros. The proposed direct-investment is estimated at 100
mil and deepen the decade will be invested in additional 158
mil. 70% of these funds will be invested in the region of Thrace,
estimated that the Greek government will have input from
direct taxation of the company over 200 mil. -The project
reached "hopefully" to 9 years behind the schedule. MINING-
Thrace One hundred and thirty jobs with the operation and 200
during its construction provides the investment plan of Thrace
Mining for gold deposits in the region of the prefecture of
Rodopi Sapes. Investment-90 ekat.dol. is now at the point
where it was nine years ago, when it had received preliminary
approval for the siting of. The managers then thought that in
2004 with 2005, the unit will be ready to operate. Today virtually
the investment starts from scratch. Minerals and ores
According to Mr Chris Kavalopoulo, General Director of Mining
Enterprises Association, the Greek nature and particularly in
Northern Greece has considerable mineral wealth, which is a
great variety of minerals, with significant industrial interest and
multiple applications . Typical examples that describe the
dynamic presence of mining in northern Greece are: lignite,
Magnesite, Magnesia, Mixed sulphides, Marble Limestone
aggregates feldspars Attapoulgitis Olivinitis Pozzolana Huntite
Quartz Gold. Furthermore, significant uranium deposits,
estimated to reach 10,000 tons, identified by the Institute of
Geology and Mineral Exploration in the subsoil of the
prefectures of Drama and Serres, but in other areas of Northern
Greece. According to the study of IGME, uranium ore deposits
in Drama, Serres and other areas of northern Greece is
estimated at 10,000 tonnes, while proven reserves are 1525
1. Ores and minerals

The islands have been since antiquity a special interest in

respect of their natural wealth, given the wide variety of useful
minerals hidden in the subsoil. It is known obsidian quarries
position Nails Milos, where ancient Workers Precision quarried
pieces of obsidian tools and manufacturing, as evidenced by
the piles and quarrying products retained until today.

Also known from antiquity are the marbles of Paros, Naxos,

Thassos, Chios and Tinos. The Parian marble, known as
untouchables in ancient stone and garnet, because the
operation took place in underground tunnels to light the lamp.
This white marble, homogeneous, with typical aftoaktinovolia
and great penetration by sunlight. Of Parian marble, built some
of the masterpieces of ancient Greek sculpture and plastic (eg
Victory Paeoniou Hermes of Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Milos,
The marble of Naxos, which occurs mainly in the western part
of the island, known in antiquity and in quality that rivaled the
neighboring island of Paros. Used in large scale buildings and
sculptures of the holy places of Delos and Delphi, and the
famous terrace of the lions of Delos is made of marble of
Naxos. The white marble of Thassos metamorphic rocks
belonging to the unity Paggaio Rhodope mass covering most
of the island. The systematic exploitation of marble began in
the early 7th century. BC settlers from Paros. Today, the
marble of Thassos, mainly dolomitic marbles are in the north,
is much in demand.

Sifnos are no known minerals from prehistoric times and the

importance of the island was in great antiquity, having
functioned as a major mining centers argentiferous deposits of
lead, zinc and copper.
Today, despite the fact that the improved farming methods and
scopes of metals and other minerals are increasing, sometimes
the technical economic terms of the exploitation of resources,
ie the conditions related to the composition, texture, stocks,
and and transport the ore substantially lessen the potential
exploitation in the Aegean.
Exploitable deposits are mainly industrial minerals and
aggregates, such as plaster of kaolin, the perlite of bentonite
and others which are mined from various islands. Significant
use is made and barite deposits (Milos, Mykonos) and iron
Here is a brief attempt to record the major deposits in the
Aegean islands with reference to which has been found that
this deposit.
Paros, near Thapsana, encountered significant hydrothermal
manganese deposit genesis. Also in Apple, in Vani, manganese
mineralization occurs associated with recent volcanic activity
on the island.
Bauxite, which is the only ore from which aluminum is
received, it appears on small-scale deposits in Amorgos,
Skopelos, southern Chios and Samos.
Large deposits of gypsum found mainly in Crete (Sitia, Chania,
Ierapetra, etc.) and sos, as well as Rhodes and Karpathos.
Skyros copper mineralization occurs at an average copper
content of about 6%.
In various parts of the Aegean are found sedimentary deposits
of organic origin, which is little known to the layman: Coal in
Chios, major lignite deposits in Crete, lignite minor Kos,
Rhodes, Lesbos and Alonissos.
Deposits resulting from chemical alteration and quarry
products are found on islands that are either recently or
previously experienced strong volcanic activity. In this part
perlite Milos and Kos. Coal deposits also exist in the glass
Nisyros, Lesvos and Antiparos. Bentonite has been found in
Milos and Kimolos, and minor deposits are also found in
Lesvos and Chios. These deposits formed by the alteration of
volcanic rocks.
The largest deposits of kaolin have been found in apple and
views and we have islands of Lesvos and chalk. Pumice
(pumice) and Theran land consists of pumice and volcanic ash
found in the hunting. Theiochomata with a significant holding,
as well as significant deposits of alunite (styptiriatis) are in
Apple. The appearance of sulfur is the result of intense
hydrothermal activity that is active today in the island. Seen in
the surface temperature measurements that are close to
In Naxos, as well as the nearby islands appear in this major
reserves Emery. It is rich in corundum formation and
transformation from old radiators karst bauxite. The bodies of
emery are usually irregular lenticular shape and are within the
marble metamorphic rock system of the island. The
transformation of bauxite and the corresponding formation of
Emery took place in two different metamorphic events listed
for the island during the Eocene and Oligocene in the end,
respectively, and were greenschist phase. From a chemical
point of view there are three types of Naxos emery - the
marketable type consists mainly of corundum and iron oxide
and titanium (rutile, hematite, magnetite, ilmenite) and is rich in
poor in Al2O3 and SiO2.
Minor chromite deposits have been found in Rhodes, while
sulphide deposits of nickel, copper and iron are in Skyros.
Molybdenite is found in the village of the island alum, while the
area of Achladeri Lesbos, in the ultramafic rocks of ophiolite
cover the island, there Magnesite deposits (magnetite), which
developed in the form of veins. As evidenced by abandoned
tunnels and piles of magnesite in the area were exploited
previously for magnesite, used as feedstock for the production
of synthetic products of magnesium metal and magnesium,
and also uses the spread in all the building and metallurgical
industries. The magnesite veins occupying brittle zones of
ultramafic rocks and derived from decomposition of
serpentinite during metamorphic events.
Views mixed sulfide ores galena, Sphalerite, pyrite found in
many islands of the southern Aegean, and to Thasos and
Samothrace, without taking advantage of these. Thassos ore
appears in the form of veins and pockets of relief and consists
smisthoniti, imimorfiti, ydrozigkiti, Sphalerite, vourtsiti, galena,
kerousiti, barytes and anglesiti. The quality of the ore varies.
The content of zinc in local reaches very high values, up to
40% and lead as well as 26%.
Manganiometallefmata there Lesvos, Samos, Ikaria, Paros and
Major ore found at Thasos, Serifos and western Crete, while
minor deposits are found in many islands of the Cyclades.
Serifos found most impressive skarn type mineralization in
Greece. This important show was formed by the infiltration of a
magma body (granodiorite) in a series of metamorphic
sediments (marmarygiakoi slates, marbles and gneisses),
causing intense contact metamorphism. The main minerals
found in skarn garnets are Serifos, diopsidios, magnetite,
wollastonite and skapolithos. Of the metallic minerals in skarns
of Serifos financial interest in the past showed that magnetite.
Characteristic also is the existence of a form of quartz, green
quartz (prasios), which is unique in Greece.
Antimonite identified areas of Chios - more specifically in the
village of Keramos have instances that have been exploited in
the past. This vein type ore which consists of antimonite and
Large deposits of barite are Milos, Kos, Kimolos, Mykonos and
Dragonisi. Of those holding them is the island and the island.
Asbestos found in Samos and Anafi.
On the northern island of Lesbos, in volcanic rocks developed
a system of quartz veins, which hosts an epithermal gold and
silver mineralization. In these areas took place during the
Byzantine era limited exploitation of base metals, particularly
lead, zinc and copper mineralization associated with gold and
silver, as evidenced by some abandoned tunnels. Also on the
west side of Thassos found deposits of lead and zinc in the
northeastern and eastern sides of gold deposits.
The seabed of the Aegean remains relatively unexplored and
unknown, except the oil wealth opportunities in minerals and
useful materials. Since 1938, when it began oil exploration in
the Aegean have been several successful efforts to date only in
regard to the possibilities of working in this area south of
Prinos Kavala.

2. Biogeography of Aegean

2. 1. Flora

With regard to the biogeography of the Aegean, noted that the

largest extent of the Aegean islands and the coast of mainland
Greece are covered by Mediterranean ecosystems, and maquis
shrubland, with special and typical Mediterranean plants are
adapted to long periods of drought, low winter temperatures in
the brief period of rain to bright sunshine in shallow soil and in
The maquis vegetation is a dense and almost impenetrable
forest of tall shrubs and small trees, dominated by holm
Quercus coccifera L., Phillyrea latifolia to fyllirea and Phillyrea
media L., the kokorevythia Pistacia terebinthus L. P. lentiscus
and Pistacia lentiscus. Where soils are poorer and there is
intense grazing meet the firewood which was named by
Theophrastus. Many of these species are aromatic and each
has a smell like thyme, sage, oregano, wild lavender, etc.
In another large percentage of the islands covered by
agricultural ecosystems, natural terrestrial or aquatic
ecosystems in which humans act, or by cultivating the land
groves, vineyards, pastures with bushes, arable (= plow tillage)
crops such as granaries, vegetables, potatoes etc. or by
grazing. A smaller percentage of pine found in coniferous
trees, such as various species of pine, cypress and cedar for
the area. Sometimes in areas where conifers are widely found
toast or maquis. Less commonly encountered terrestrial
wetlands streams, rivers, lakes, swamps with armyrithres,
reeds, rushes, trees, willows and among the plants are insects,
molluscs (worms, shellfish, etc.), crustaceans (crabs, shrimp),
fish, reptiles, mammals and numerous birds. The birds that
visit the wetlands, because of abundant food, nesting sites for
rest and may be permanent or passing migrants. Many of these
birds are rare or protected species. Along the streams formed
more dense vegetation and paracheimarria features
hydrophilic plants dominate in the formation, as osier Vitex
agnus - castus, the oleander Nerium oleader, and blackberry-
padded Rudus fruticosus, plane Platanus orientalis, poplar
Populus sp., ivy Hedera helix, myrtle Myrtus communis, etc.
Important ecosystems are also the coast. Sometimes where
there are sandy particular conditions of salinity, temperature
and humidity, and starring shrubs or herbs Salicornia
europaea, Suaeda maritima, Salsola soda, Spergularia marina,
Aster tripolium, Polypogon monspeliensis, Limonium sp.,
Hordeum marinum, Atriplex hastata, Eryngium maritimum,
Cynodon dactylon etc. and often adapted to these conditions
and many other rare and endemic species. Sometimes the
coast is rocky and the cliffs rise several meters above the sea.
The lack of land, increased salinity and isolation create special
conditions for plants and animals. In this category, and
numerous islets. In these areas meet the chasmophytes grown
in cavities of rocks which held the minimum ground. Also in
the cliffs many species nesting raptors such as hawks, eagles,
etc. and seabirds that need rugged and isolated places for
nesting and high places to help find food.
2. 2. Fauna

As for the fauna of the Aegean meet terrestrial mammals:

- Carnivores such as fox, marten, weasel, badger, otter, etc.
- Artiodactyla such as deer, wild goat, wild goats, wild boar
- Insectivores such as hedgehogs, shrew, mole
- Lagomorphs such as rabbits and hares
- Rodents like squirrels, mice, rats, moles, etc.
- Bats
Ecosystems mentioned above many living birds of prey, grain-
eating, waders, etc., while the islands are channels for
relaxation of migratory birds. Amphibians and reptiles are an
important part of the fauna in the region and include toads,
pilovates, frogs, salamanders, newts, snakes, lizards, etc.
The waters of the Aegean sea are generally poor in a variety of
animals, but still found both species in the Mediterranean and
Black Sea, the Red and Indian Ocean. Recorded 447 species
and thousands of species of other organisms such as starfish,
sea urchins, clams, mussels, oysters. Also recorded 15
species of marine mammals such as seals, dolphins, whales.
The geographic location, climate and wide variety of habitats in
the Aegean compose the character of the fauna, characterized
by high biodiversity

Natural History Collection Vrissa

The region-Vatera Vrisa fortunate enough to host some of the territory

from the most impressive animal, paleontological finds have been
discovered in Europe, thus transforming the island of Lesvos, in
conjunction with world renowned fossil forest Sigri an indispensable
destination for fans not only of Natural History.

View photos from the Collection.

Excavations and Museum

Fossils in Vatera come to light in 1980 after a small-scale excavations carried out
by Professor of Geology and Paleontology, National University of Athens profits. D.
Dermitzakis. Several years later, several residents of the area is discovered in
some rural locations many fossils. So begins the 1997 regular palaeontological
research and excavations across the region. To carry out the excavation and study
of fossils together the team of the University of Athens under the supervision of
Prof. Dermitzaki an international group of paleontologists.
The University of Athens, thus helping to develop tourism in the region and largely
contributing to environmental awareness among visitors proceeded to create a local
Natural History Collection at the former girls' school in Vrissa, allocated for this
purpose by the municipality Polichnitos Lesbos . The inauguration took place in
September 1999 and so far has received positive response and enthusiasm on the
part of residents. Person appointed because of his huge contribution, the tutor
Physics, Mr. Constantine. Journey.
The Natural History Collection Vrissa include vertebrate and invertebrate fossils
found in the area, samples of minerals, rocks and minerals of the island,

Department of Zoology, with typical species of the fauna of the island, and part
botanical specimens in modern and fossilized flora of that region.
Certain of these fossils have been selected to create the exposure of fossil
vertebrates, which is organized so that the visitor gets a general impression of the
kinds of animals lived in the area before 2 million years. Representative samples
are monkeys, horses, carnivores, deer and cattle, rhinos and giraffes, the
proboscides and turtles.
Thus, the study findings of fossilized fauna Vatera obtained interesting conclusions
regarding the age of the fauna, the reasons for the disappearance of nykterefton
and giant turtles and the way of walking paradolichopithikou. The study of skeletal
material from Vatera paradolichopithikou will help to better understand how the
primate gait and contribute substantially to the scientific study and research on the
origins of man.

The goal now is to build a new Museum of Natural History in Vrisa, which will be
housed and Annex University of Athens, which will be used both for further highlight
the findings and scientific research on them. This enormous for the region, a project
initiated by the Prefecture of Lesvos and an impetus for growth throughout the
southern island.

Within the Gulf of Kalloni, Agia Paraskevi, Klopedi in place are the ruins of
buildings, wind speed (6th century BC), unique in Greece. Close to Agia Paraskevi
excavations revealed the ruins of the ancient temple of instruments belonging to the
3rd BC century. It is assumed that there was a sanctuary in which when I first came
the Achaeans, have established joint worship three gods, Zeus, Hera and
Dionysos. There is, and the famous' Bull Festival.

Three miles northwest of St. Paraskevi survives in very good condition, the bridge
of Kremasti, a medieval arched bridge built by Gatelouzon (Genoese), who ruled
the island for the period 1355-1432. For the construction of materials from the
ancient temple of Klopedi the church of St. Therapontas. The legend of the bridge
of Arta repeated at this bridge - even the locals show the exact point at which it is
built, the wife of the bridge collapsing Kremasti: a flat white plate on top with a small
incised cross
H Eressos the western part of the island is home to the "tenth muse" of Sappho, M
and the naturalist Theophrastus. A physical visit to the Petrified Forest, near Sigri M
the huge petrified trees following volcanic eruptions over several million years, but w
the Geopark Natural History Museum of the Petrified Forest, with rare fossils of o
plants and volcanic rocks. The spectacle will leave you speechless a
At Molyvos (Mythimna or), where a Byzantine castle overlooks the 14th
century, we will enjoy the typical oriental architecture. Here was born poet
Alcaeus and-said-buried Patroclus. In Eftalou will see the home of writer
Elias Venezis and the grave of poet Argyris Eftalioti. East of Mythimna
"perched" on the rocks is the traditional village of Sykamnias with beautiful
public fountains, and magnificent views of the Aegean Sea and Asia Minor.
There he saved the home of writer Stratis Myrivili.

In Mantamado is one of the most important shrines of the island, the

Monastery of the Archangel ", the protector of the island, with its unique
tactile image Taxiarches Michael. Take a walk in the village, famous for its
pottery - is worthwhile.

But summer is bathrooms do! Countless are the beaches and the choices
you offer: Xaramida near Mytilene, Thermi in Cannon, the Tsonia
Mantamado, Stone, Phaneromene Sigri, Skala Eressos, the sandy
beaches of Bateron in length and 8 km width from 10 to 30 measures
Beach Eftalou in Molyvos, the incomparable beauty Tarti beach in the Gulf
of Gera and San Isidoros Plomari. Good diving!

A walk to museums

* Archaeological Museum: In the old building out figurines, pottery and

jewelry from the prehistoric to Roman times, while the premises and the
yard will find unique wind capitals of temples Clopedi, great markings,
inscriptions, reliefs, statues and coins . Just above the old, the new
building of the Archaeological Museum houses the permanent exhibition
"Lesvos from the Hellenistic to the Roman era" with mosaic floors and
frescoes from the luxurious Roman villas of Mytilene from the 2nd century

* Theophilos Museum: It was erected in 1964 in a suburb of Mytilene, the

Varia, where he was born and spent his childhood pop artist at the
expense of Stratis Teriade, who in 1965 donated to the municipality of
Mytilene, with 86 tables Theophilos from his private collection. Built Mytilini
stone-colored pomegranate slain, that fits perfectly with the deep grove
that surrounds it. In the four halls will see works of Theophilus with themes
from history, mythology and folklore.

* Museum of Modern Art Teriade: Next to the Museum of Theophilos is the

famous Museum-Library Teriade. The famous critic Stratis Eleftheriades-
Teriade (1889-1983) bequeathed to his hometown (for the establishment
of the Museum) called Great Books, a product of "collaboration" with the
leading artists of the 20th century.

* Byzantine Ecclesiastical Museum of Mytilene: You'll find it opposite the

church of Saint Therapon in the heart of the city, and in this out-
embroidered vestments, books, incunabula, church utensils, etc.

* Vrissa Natural History Collection: Here you will find fossils of vertebrate
and invertebrate samples of minerals, rocks and minerals of the island.
Among the findings distinguish bones from rhinos, camels, antelopes,
gazelles, elephants and turtles shells

reach a length of 2.5 meters!

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