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Second HUGE list MUST SEE documentary videos

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READ 'A Truth Soldier"
"In a Void of Truth All There Is, Is Insanity. For The Opposite Of Truth Is Insa
www.iamthewitness Daryl Bradford Smith(Radio)
"If the people do not control the production of money then you do not have a dem
ocracy.For money controls everything"
PLEASE READ "Are you ready for the truth?"
"When the seeds of truth are sown,
the grassroots truth revolution
will blossom from the enlightenment"
"Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication
is a duty."Anne Louise Germaine de Stael-(1766-1817) French author
"The world is a dangerous place to live in,not because of the people who
are evil, but because of the people who do nothing about it.
Do you want to be free? Are you brave? You can't be free without the truth....An
d do yourself a big favor. Tune out corporate medias and tune in to the internet
while its still free.
Here's freedom to him who would speak,
Here's freedom to him who would write;
For there's none ever feared that the truth should be heard,
Save him whom the truth would indict!
ROBERT BURNS (1759-96)

"A closed mind sees nothing but knows everything"

AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview. - 36:49 - Jun 8, 2006
America from freedom to fascism
Historic Interview with Aaron Russo on the Agenda of the Global Elite
Was he murdered?
New Film Chronicles Civilian Slaughter In Afghanistan
The footage you are about to see is poignant, heart-wrenching, and often a direc
t result of U.S. foreign policy. We must help the refugees whose lives have been
shattered by U.S. foreign policy and military attacks. Support the Revolutionar
y Association of the Women of Afghanistan, an organization dedicated to helping
women and children, human rights issues, and social justice. Then, become a Peac
emaker. Receive up-to-the-minute information through our new mobile alert system
whenever there are Afghan civilian casualties from this war, and take immediate
action by calling Congress.
TheAntiTerrorist on Corporate Revenue Collection
TheAntiTerrorist on Corporate control
"I Was Tortured"
Sister Ortiz relates her personal experiences and tell us that U.S. personnel we
re present in interrogation and torture rooms, in Guatemala in 1989 when she was
kidnapped, taken to a secret prison and repeatedly raped and tortured by troops
commanded by General Hector Gramajo (a CIA asset and graduate of the U.S. Army S
chool of the Americas).
Sabra and Shatila massacre
Rihab Kanaan, a Palestinian poetess, born in Beirut 1959, she used to recite her
Patriotic Palestinian poems on Arab T.V. statons, the Intifadah and the Zionist
occupation brutal manner to curbing it were the theme of her poems. She was cal
led after the old Arab poetess Al-Khansaa that spent her life lamenting her kill
ed brother with her poems. During the Lebanon Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra
and Shatila massacre in 1982 Rihab lost 54 of her family members and relatives.
It happened that Rihab's baby daughter. Maimanah, escaped the massacre, and was
raised up by her neighbors. Maimanah grew up in a Palestinian refugee camp. Poe
tess Rihab didn't know that Maimanah was one of the few survivors of the massacr
e, also no body knew that the mother survived too.
A Genocidal War On Gaza
2 Minute Video Report From Mar 1 2008
American Justice - To the Dark Side
We are all torturers now This is the America that our leaders want us to be prou
d of? This is the America we have built? This is who we are?
http://This is who we are
Ararat (2002)
A film within a film, this is a contemporary story of the making of a historical
epic about the Armenian genocide claims between 1915 and 1918. The story line f
ollows how making the film transforms the life of an 18-year-old man hired as a
driver on the production. The Armenian genocide claims are not accepted by the T
urkish side. Turkey calls Armenians to prove their claims by scientific historic
al documents.
Attorney General Nominee Mukasey Compares U.S. Torture to Nazi Tactics
Weren't Republicans apoplectic when Sen. Dick Durbin said something similar two
years ago?
CIA Involved In The Murder Of Robert Kennedy
Film-maker Shane O'Sullivan has spent the last three years investigating the ass
assination of Bobby Kennedy in 1968. He has uncovered new evidence that at least
three CIA agents were in the hotel the night he died. Tonight we show the findi
ngs and ask could CIA agents have had something to do with the murder of RFK?
CIA Torture Jet wrecks with 4 Tons of COCAINE
Free Palestine
Full House of Animal Cruelty Horrors
PETA has created the amusing and disturbing video to your right, which mixes foo
tage from old episodes of Full House with footage of horrifying animal abuse. Wh
y? Because former Full House stars, The Olsen Twins, are infamous for among othe
r things, their love of wearing fur on a regular basis in public and using it fo
r their clothing lines. PETA has launched a whole campaign to confront the Olsen
s and to educate the public about the awful tactics that are used to produce fur
clothing. Check out the video to your right for more.
Gaza's Reality
Would you be able to live like this
Harvest Of Despair (Ukranian Famine)
Few people know of the atrocities committed by the communists in Ukraine. The Ho
lodomor, the Soviet engineered famine of 1933 was directed by Stalin agains the
Ukrainian people, in a savage attempt to crush their will. Millions of people ha
ve died of hunger in one of the most shameful pages of human history. This film
documents the Ukrainian terror famine of 1932--33, which caused the deaths of 7,
000,000 people. Using interviews with survivors and scholars to supplement rare
photographic evidence, it established that the terror famine was deliberately cr
eated by the Soviet Government as part of Stalin's decades-long effort to destro
y the Ukrainian peasantry, who resisted the forced collectivization of their lan
ds. Since its original release, it has received many international awards (inclu
ding an Academy Award nomination) and has been featured on William F. Buckley's
Firing Line program on the PBS television network. A powerful film, Harvest of D
espair provides rare insight into one of this century's least-known but most vic
ious genocides.
High Schoolers Who Confronted Bush On Torture Tell Their Story
If the Libby commutation and the ongoing war in Iraq and well everything being p
erpetrated by our president and his goons has you in a bummer of a mood on this
Fourth of July, than the video to your right should cure what ails you. Like man
y progressives, I was thrilled and moved by the actions taken by 50 brave and bo
ld high school scholars, who seized an opportunity to confront the president wit
h a letter calling for an end to our policy of torture, during what was supposed
to be a routine photo op. With their simple, eloquent plea they gave voice to t
he millions of Americans who Bush ignores and managed to be more direct and conf
rontational then many of the congressmen and congresswomen who were elected in 2
006 specifically to take the Administration to task on issues such as these have
History Channel Admits Antrax Inside Job
Anthrax Attacks explaining how the weaponized strain could only come from the Un
ited States BioDefense Program.
Eight relatives and a neighbor on their way to a homecoming party for a detainee
released from Camp Bucca were shot and killed by American soldiers as they wait
ed on the road outside the neighborhood. American soldiers were conducting raids
in the area, so neighbors had warned the family to stay away from the area unti
l the patrol was over. As the two car convoy was waiting nearby, an American hel
icopter nearby opened fire on the vehicles. As the vehicles were hit, the driver
s attempted to seek cover, but both vehicles were repeatedly shot and disabled.
The helicopter landed but instead of assisting those shot and needing medical he
lp, the American soldiers killed any survivors and then wrote numbers on the for
eheads of some. Several children including a young girls body are clearly visibl
e, and the wounds suffered by the men are horrific. The vehicle is clearly shot
with many rounds and the seats and road is covered with blood. Iraqi police were
called to the scene to remove the bodies, and some video footage was taken. It
is clear that these people were unarmed civilians...
ISRAELI Army Kills whole family on beach in Palestine
Is Torture A Good Idea? 49 min
Clive Stafford Smith is a British lawyer who has represented American prisoners
on Death Row and, more recently, detainees in Guantanamo Bay. In this program, h
e reveals the abuses suffered by Guantanamo detainees and talks to experts in th
e field of torture, including CIA and US Army veterans. The program examines cas
es of false confessions extracted under torture, suggesting that torture is usel
ess as well as being repugnant and illegal.
Jennifer Harbury Presentation on U.S. Involvement in Torture 23 min
Presentation by Jennifer Harbury of TASSC on U.S. involvement in Torture and pra
ctices she has discovered over years of research. Her own husband was a torture
Jessie Lee Williams Beating Death by Police
Learn more here
Jimmy Carter says US does torture
When asked if Bush is lying about torture, Carter said, "The president is self-d
efining what we have done and authorized in the torture of prisoners. Yes."
Kidnap and Torture American Style
Kidnap and Torture American Style follows the stories of terror suspects. Some o
f them are British residents, who have been snatched from streets and airports t
hroughout the world before being flown to the Middle-East and Africa. In countri
es such as Syria and Egypt, they undergo agonising ordeals before being incarcer
ated, without ever facing an open trial.
Kidnap and Torture American Style
Kidnap and Torture American Style follows the stories of terror suspects. Some o
f them are British residents, who have been snatched from streets and airports t
hroughout the world before being flown to the Middle-East and Africa. In countri
es such as Syria and Egypt, they undergo agonising ordeals before being incarcer
ated, without ever facing an open trial.
Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Disappearances in the "War on Terror"
Palestine Girl
Palestinian farmer kidnapped, bound and abused by settlers
On the 5th of July, Palestinian farmer Medhat Abu Karsheh, 30 years old, was att
acked on his land by armed settlers from the illegal outpost of Asaeel, south of
Rape By Any Other Name
Guantanamo Comes to Main Street U.S.A.
Taxi to the Dark Side
Must Watch Award-Winning Video Documentary The film documents how Rumsfeld, toge
ther with the White House legal team, were able to convince Congress to approve
the use of torture against prisoners of war. Taxi to the Dark Side is the defini
tive exploration of the introduction of torture as an interrogation technique in
U.S. facilities, and the role played by key figures of the Bush Administration
in the process.
The Debate Is Over Waterboarding Is Torture
The U.S. government continually claims that it does not torture people, yet it a
dmits to using waterboarding as a method of interrogation. If there was ever a deb
ate about whether or not waterboarding was a form of torture then it has now bee
n definitively answered.The Debate Is Over: Waterboarding Is Torture
The Horror of Iraq Goes Graphic
Shooting War, a graphic novel set in Iraq in the year 2011, has been chilling re
aders and making headlines about its vivid and surreal depiction of the war zone
Torture Inc. America's Brutal Prisons 50 min
The scandalous treatment of prisoners offshore may be a lot like business as usu
al right here at home. Is prison is a place for violent offenders, or a place to
be violently offended? This broken system must be addressed, but first it must
be exposed. Thank goodness for the BBC; we'd never know about it otherwise. Orig
inal air date May 2005.
Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons
Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals
Tortured American Citizen Tells his Story
Please watch this video and then take action.
Torturing Democracy
even though it is comparatively "mild", a "softer" version of what actually happ
ened in reality - but I would still like to keep a hard copy of it, for my docum
ents, for my files, for the "historical record", albeit an ongoing one... http:/
Two survivors from the Sabra & Shatila massacre
Rihab Kanaan, a Palestinian poetess, born in Beirut 1959, she used to recite her
Patriotic Palestinian poems on Arab T.V. statons, the Intifadah and the Zionist
occupation brutal manner to curbing it were the theme of her poems. She was cal
led after the old Arab poetess Al-Khansaa that spent her life lamenting her kill
ed brother with her poems. During the Lebanon Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra
and Shatila massacre in 1982 Rihab lost 54 of her family members and relatives.
It happened that Rihab's baby daughter. Maimanah, escaped the massacre, and was
raised up by her neighbors. Maimanah grew up in a Palestinian refugee camp. Poe
tess Rihab didn't know that Maimanah was one of the few survivors of the massacr
e, also no body knew that the mother survived too.
We Are All Tortures Now
This is only a small part of what the word "torture" means
We Are Trained Killers
June, the Department of Defense Task Force on Mental Health acknowledged "daunti
ng and growing" psychological problems among our troops: Nearly 40 percent of so
ldiers, a third of Marines and half of National Guard members are presenting wit
h serious mental health issues.
war in palestine
Bush Administration's 935 Lies to Iraq War Part 1 of 3
Bush Family Fortunes (2003)
by Greg Pallast
Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud
Flynt Leverett worked as a senior director for Middle East affairs at the Nation
al Security Council, the NSC, and he was a CIA analyst.
High Society 1 hr 9 min
From Pot TV a very informative look at the history and connections of the bush c
lan going back to grand daddy bush and up to gw. Well done and packed with facts
, interesting clips and some great music. Some of the topics touched on: WW1, Sk
ull & Bones, WW2, the CIA, Operation Zapata, 11/22/63, Operation Chaos, Charles
Manson, Altamont, Ely Lilly, Iran Contra, the Panama Invasion, Barry Seal & Worl
d War 3.
Meet the Bush Family
Nazis Crooks and Murderers Well worth watching. Very illuminating. 22 min
The Terrible Reality Bush Guilty Of Murder
Must Watch 6 Minute Video. Vincent Bugliosi's opening statements during the Hous
e Judiciary Committee hearing on the constitutional limits of executive power.
A Look At Bill Cooper [2008]
Behold a Pale Horse [4.5hours] JFK [1991]
William Cooper, a former military intelligence officer and world renowned lectur
er and writer, was killed in a suspicious 2001 police shootout in his Arizona ho
me. Author of the best selling underground book of all time, "Behold A Pale Hors
e," his top secret intelligence document discoveries provide proof positive the
Illuminati intends mass destruction of half the world's population, reaching its
diabolical goal in what the author terms 'the age of
Exposes The Illuminati & The Secret Government
William Cooper exposes the dark side of the United States Government. THIS IS A
MUST SEE!(William Cooper was murdered on 5th. Nov 2001) WRITE THE TRUTH ON THE M
ONEY!! Only write on the light border of all your bills, as not to deface them,
subsequently keeping them in circulation. Use their own control and tyranny agai
nst them. Allow our founding fathers to speak of freedom once again and the pape
r will leave your hand carrying true value, knowledge. Write things like, 9/11 wa
s an inside job , etc. anything to get the message out and inspire people to open
their eyes. Do not deface the bills as they will be destroyed
JFK Assasination Unmasked
William Cooper Murdered!! William Cooper Author of Behold a Pale Horse Shot Dead
in a Shootout With Police ..Bill Cooper, former United ... all » States Naval I
ntelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from t
he public eye. This information has been kept in Top Secret government files sin
ce the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassi
nation of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the Secret Government, and UFOs.
The Secret Governmnet & UFO's
William Cooper exposes the dark side of the United States Government. THIS IS A
MUST SEE!(William Cooper was murdered on 5th. Nov 2001) ... all » WRITE THE TRUT
H ON THE MONEY!! Only write on the light border of all your bills, as not to def
ace them, subsequently keeping them in circulation. Use their own control and ty
ranny against them. Allow our founding fathers to speak of freedom once again an
d the paper will leave your hand carrying true value, knowledge. Write things li
ke, 9/11 was an inside job , etc. anything to get the message out and inspire peopl
e to open their eyes. Do not deface the bills as they will be destroyed.
Behind the Big News
Most people are beginning to recognize that our mainsteam news media is not tell
ing the truth. This hour long documentary will show you that it's worse than you
suspect. Get your news from England, Canada, or almost anywhere in the world bu
t here. Because if you want to be informed, you won't get it from the establishm
ent mainstream media.
Center for Media and Democracy
The nonprofit Center for Media and Democracy strengthens participatory democracy
by investigating and exposing public relations spin and propaganda, and by prom
oting media literacy and citizen journalism, media "of, by and for the people."
Our programs include PR Watch, a quarterly investigative journal; six books by C
MD staff; Spin of the Day; the Weekly Spin listserv; and, Congresspedia and Sour
ceWatch, part of our wiki-based investigative journalism collaborative to which
anyone, including you, can contribute.
Control Room 1 hr 26 min
Propaganda is absolutely necessary to propagate war and sell it to the people wh
o will have to die in it and finance it all. War never brings anything back to t
he people for all they have to pay in life and financial cost, but it does bring
back fantastic wealth and power to those who plan and sell the wars to the peop
le. Many things are in play behind the scenes that the people are never made awa
re of, from politics to power plays to grudges, paybacks, and long range goals o
f imperialism. Money and power through death and destruction, a ship that must b
e sailed on a sea of lies. Cringe as you watch the military press relations spin
things from their single minded perspective. The corporate media is literally e
mbedded in the military perspective, and they are the ones who stay alive over t
here. Connect the dots. See the picture.
Disinformation Through the Media, via the CIA and FBI
Eight-Part YouTube Playlist
Jeff Cohen Speaks about the Media
Jeff Cohen addresses the problems with contemporary media consolidation..
Norman Solomon: War Made Easy 1 hr 26 min
Media critic Norman Solomon gives an excellent lecture on how big media makes it
so easy for the government to make war. It seems to be a symbiotic relationship
. Unfortunately, it gets a lot of people killed and we get lied to as usual. He
has done his homework and will bring up obscure, nearly forgotten invasions as w
ell as more current ones that they've talked us into, and it's always for such f
amiliar, noble sounding reasons, that are always pure bull. It's time we started
to catch on.
Operation Hollywood
You must glorify war in order to get the public to accept the fact that your goi
ng to send their sons and daughters to die." Never let the absurdities of histor
y get in the way of a box-office blockbuster. The inside story of the cozy relat
ionship between big box office American war movies and the Pentagon
http://If you find a link to it please let me know
Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
Documentary on reported Conservative bias of the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox News C
hannel (FNC), which promotes itself as "Fair and Balanced". Material includes in
terviews with former FNC employees and the inter-office memos they provided.
Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land 1 hr 20 min
A thorough look at how the news media portrays the middle east conflict to the U
SA. It looks at the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict. Several prominent
voices lend credibility. The movie starts a bit slowly in my humble opinion but
as it continues it gets more and more interesting.
Peter Phillips: Propaganda and the US Media
Peter Phillips is a Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University and Direct
or of Project Censored, WeAreChangeLA is joined by Dr.Phill
ips for Breakfast and fascinating conversation.
An open source video compilation, Propaganda offers a critical look at the "main
stream" media, featuring interviews and lectures by Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, A
my Goodman and much more. Click to view
Propaganda - Behind Big Media
This should wake you up and piss you off at corporate media
Using the 1992 presidential election as his springboard, documentary filmmaker B
rian Springer captures the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of politicians and new
scasters in the early 1990s. Pat Robertson banters about "homos," Al Gore learns
how to avoid abortion questions, George Bush talks to Larry King about halcyon
-- all presuming they're off camera. Composed of 100% unauthorized satellite foo
tage, Spin is a surreal expose of media-constructed reality. "Artist Brian Sprin
ger spent a year scouring the airwaves with a satellite dish grabbing back chann
el news feeds not intended for public consumption. The result of his research is
SPIN, one of the most insightful films ever made about the mechanics of how tel
evision is used as a tool of social control to distort and limit the American pu
blic's perception of reality. Take the time to watch it from beginning to end an
d you'll never look at TV reporting the same again. Tell your friends about it.
This extraordinary film released in the early 1990s is almost completely unknown
. Hopefully, the Internet will change that. "
Television Under The Swastika
Documentary on television broadcasting in Third Reich Germany. Runtime: 54:44 mi
ns. Includes portions of broadcasts from the 1936 Berlin Olympics, entertainment
, propaganda, and more. The world's first regularly scheduled television broadca
sting begin in Berlin on March 22, 1935. It continued, with steady improvements
in broadcast quality, until the fall of 1944.
War Made Easy [1hr10min]
War Made Easy exposes a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin t
hat has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Ira
q. Narrated by actor and activist Sean Penn, the film exhumes remarkable archiva
l footage of official distortion and exaggeration from LBJ to George W. Bush, re
vealing in stunning detail how the American news media have uncritically dissemi
nated the pro-war messages of successive presidential administrations.
War Made Easy [5 Part Film]
How Presidents & Pundits Are Spinning Us to Death
War is Sell
How do you sell a war? How do the techniques of government propagandists, public
relations consultants and commercial advertisers work, and why are they so effe
ctive? How did the United States become a master of domestic war propaganda over
the course of the twentieth century?
Weapons of Mass Deception 1 hr 38 min
Think you can trust the media? Think again. This excellent documentary by Danny
Schechter shows two different concurrent wars - the one on the ground and the on
e shown on your television set.
Interesting Barak Obama video
This video takes 13 minutes to watch. This enlightened me about Barak Obama's pa
st and present beliefs, behavior, words and associations which are very damning.
The REAL McCain
We at Brave New Films are becoming increasingly concerned that the real John McC
ain story is not being told. Many in the media are in love with the "maverick" d
espite his changing positions, and obvious political pandering. We HAVE to do so
mething about this! So we did some extensive research on his flip-flopping, and
can now proudly
The REAL McCain 2
Since we first released The Real McCain a year ago, our REAL McCain series has g
arnered close to 2 million views, with over 13,000 comments and tens of thousand
s more in petition signatures! Clearly, John McCain's record is something the pu
blic wants to discuss, and yet the corporate media is doing NOTHING to present t
he truth. We feel obliged to continue countering the mainstream media's love of
McCain. And so we thought it was high time for a sequel: The Real McCain 2.
The Real McCain [2]
Project Camelot interviews David Icke
live at the Oxford Union Debating Society
This is a two hour presentation
Did we land on the moon?
Fox TV network aired a program called ``Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Mo
on?'', hosted by X-Files actor Mitch Pileggi. The program ... all » was an hour
long, and featured interviews with a series of people who believe that NASA fake
d the Apollo Moon landings in the 1960s and 1970s. The biggest voice in this is
Bill Kaysing, who claims to have all sorts of hoax evidence, including pictures
taken by the astronauts, engineering details, discussions of physics and even so
me testimony by astronauts themselves. The program's conclusion was that the who
le thing was faked in the Nevada desert (Area 51). According to them, NASA did n
ot have the technical capability of going to the Moon, but pressure due to the C
old War with the Soviet Union forced them to fake it.
Did we really land Men on the Moon?
Greatest hoax yet, see astronauts refuse to swear on the bible they flew to the
1961 speech Eisenhower Warns us of New World Order
Rare video 1961 speech President & WWII General Dwight D Eisenhower warns us of
the New World Order aka Military Industrial Complex.
Charles Lindbergh's - September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech
Charles Lindbergh's speech to the America First Committee on September 11, 1941
(same day as the ground-breaking ceremony for the Pentagon). Hidden history repe
Founding Fathers: The Threat of Tyranny
The Founding Fathers on the sanctity of Liberty and the threat of Tyranny in the
United States.
George Bush worst Freudian Slip in history on TV! must see!
JFK - Exposing the New World Order
JFK-Secret societies PT1 - Unedited
Recorded at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, New York before the American
Newspaper Publishers Association. Running time is 19:12. Kennedy asks the press
for their cooperation in fighting communism by applying the same standards for p
ublishing sensitive materials in the current Cold War that they would apply in a
n officially declared war.
JFK-Secret societies PT2 - Unedited
John F. Kennedy 'President and the Press' Speech April 4, 1961
Kennedy Assassination - showing driver did it
Thomas Jefferson warned us about the evil of central banks
Founding father Thomas Jefferson predicted exactly the inflation of the past 50
years that is slowly making the average american a pauper.
Angels And Demons Revealed
Who are the Illuminati? What is their history? What do they have planned for hum
anity? Veteran British actor Patrick MacNee narrates the history of the illumina
ti and reveals their plan for world domination in this interesting and informati
ve documentary. See these pages for further, more in-depth information:
The Hidden Agenda for World Government - VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO
Open Your Mind - Illuminati Symbolism - It's All Around You!
The Illuminati - Our Secret Masters
I watched this last week and I thought that the interviewer Wallace was taking t
he PISS out of Alex and company But I came to the conclusion that the show was g
ood for the following reasons : 1. Was shown on SKY TV in the UK & Ireland (offi
cially) 2. Large audience (maybe open to the REAL TRUTH) 3. My mum in Ireland mi
ght have seen it and believe some of it and then started to see what her son has
been on about
Visual Proof That Illuminati Bloodlines Control The Planet!
"Look": The First Major US Film Made Entirely With Surveillance Footage
"Who is watching this footage and who is keeping it safe from public distributio
n? Who has access to it and for how long? What safeguards exist to make sure hig
hlights of YOUR ass are not making it onto the most viewed list on YouTube?"
Big Brother is watching you 9 min
Every email is intercepted by the NSA.
Cell Phones As Bugging Devices
Cell Phones are being used as bugs, taps, tracking, spying Dr. Alfred Adams Author
of the books Nearing Midnight has put together some clips about how it works. a
nd what you can do to stop it.
Cell Phones used to spy on YOU
U.S. "Law Enforcement" Agencies are not spying on themselves, 'the Mafia'. [Fact
: The US Government IS the Mafia] ...
Check this out..facebook is a government spying and data collection agency
Taking a close look at Facebook
Over 200,000,000 people have Facebook entries. Facebook claims over 100,000,000
access their accounts every day. The CIA is one of the backers. So is the Depart
ment of Defense. Corporate and government surveillance has never been easier.
A New World Order Special Edition
Part 1 of 5
CFR - The News Definers
Emergency Broadcast: New World Order Ahead!
Please do everything you can to circulate this video far and wide. Post it in bl
ogs, bulletins, forums, emails
Free Masons
Mini Documentary
Nwe World Order ~ Introduction Clip No.2
Shadows in motion - Exposing the New World Order 57 min
Taking a look at all of this from the perspective of a different continent and p
revailing religion. This is a very smart film. It's packed with honesty, relevan
t history, fingers the masons, and makes plain that the whole world can see what
we seem to be so blind to. Don't miss the irony at the very beginning where the
film is rated PG and you're told why this is good. Do we really need any govern
ment deciding what's okay and what's not okay for us or for our children? I thin
k not, we can handle that, but thanks just the same.
The New World Order Wants You To Stay Asleep 2.0
Clips of Bush Senior and other g men talking about NWO
Warning Signs! - a short film. SHARE IT!!!
WACO The rules of engagement 911 Call
WACO The rules of engagement Infrared footage
WACO The rules of engagement PART 1
The first full-length documentary film to present the complete picture of the se
ries of events outside Waco, Texas during 1993 that resulted in the shooting of
4 federal agents and the deaths of 86 men, women, and children of the Branch Dav
idian religious sect.
WACO The rules of engagement PART 2
A highly detailed examination of the interaction between David Koresh, his membe
rs, and Federal Law Enforcement. It shows how the FBI misled the public and Amer
ican political leaders in order to focus overwhelming force on a group whose div
ersity of race, national origin, and apocalyptic religious beliefs made its memb
ers easy targets for lethal abuse of civil and human rights. Gripping and deeply
thought provoking, the film provides America with something it truly needs - an
opportunity to review the historical record of events at Waco. The findings rai
se doubts about the FBI's version of the story and their larger role in similar
instances of law enforcement.
Waco - A New Revelation Part 2
Waco - A new revelation part 1 [1999]


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