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“Testim onies”

“I w alked w ith a cane for 7 years due to an accident on the job. A fter Jill w orked on m e I didn’t have
to use m y cane anym ore. She is very professional and I recom m end her service to all w ho hurt.” – D enise

“I w as diagnosed w ith Parkinson’s disease and after just a few visits w ith Jill I have already benefited. The
stiffness and pain have been significantly reduced. I am also not shaking as m uch as before I began to visit her. I
am m ore flexible and also m ore hopeful as a result of her care. A nother benefit of Jill’s therapy is that I been able
to reduce the dosage of m y Parkinson’s m edication. She is alw ays very careful to leave m edical m atters to the
doctors. She know s w here the lines are. I believe m y neurologist w ill be very pleased w ith m y progress w hen I see
her again in four m onths.

In addition to tangible physical benefits, it is truly enjoyable to be in her com pany. She is generous w ith help-
ful nutrition and exercise inform ation. It is obvious that she is a capable, considerate therapist w ho really cares
about her clients. It w ould be m y pleasure to recom m end her.” – Jackie Lew is

“II am vice president of m arketing for a national television netw ork. M y w ife, G ail, and I have been going to Jill
H ayden for m ore than eight m onths. W e first heard about her from a doctor w e w ere seeing w ho had been im -
pressed w ith Jill’s treatm ents. A lthough w e had gone to another m assage therapist, w e had not been satisfied
w ith the results. In Septem ber 2001, G ail decided to see Jill, largely because of the positive recom m endation w e
had received. She w as very im pressed w ith Jill, and her treatm ent.

A few w eeks later a doctor reported that I needed “serious body w ork,” because of high levels of stress. I w as
told that I needed to im prove m y relaxation. G ail felt that Jill could help m e. I started going to Jill D ecem ber
2001, and im m ediately w as im pressed w ith her treatm ents. I had been to chiropractors, several m assage thera-
pists, and doctors, but none of them helped m e as m uch as Jill did. H er treatm ents w here thorough, and unlike
other m assage therapists I had visited. I did not m erely feel better for a short period of tim e, but I felt the result
long after treatm ents them selves.

O ne of the things that im pressed m e the m ost w as that I felt that Jill provided practical solutions that helped
m e throughout the w eek. She gave m e exercises and m ade recom m endations for an exercise video series w e could
w atch, and helped m e find w ays to m ake changes in m y lifestyle. I felt that she really cared about m e and m y
health. W e found that her advice w as consistently solid and that her approach w as professional. W hen I w as
retested, m y doctor reported that m y condition had im proved dram atically and that m y levels of stress had dim in-
ished considerably. I attributed m uch of this to the treatm ents I received from Jill H ayden

W e w ere so pleased w ith the results that w e began to tell other people about Jill. D uring the follow ing
m onths, w e brought several friends and fam ily m em bers to her for treatm ents, including several people w ho
w here visiting out of area from other states. A ll of them w ere im pressed. In particular, G ail’s sister experi-
enced a dram atic change in a spinal condition after one treatm ent.” – John R oos

I had a file cabinet fall on m y head tw o years before I had seen Jill. I w as in loads of pain. I w as taking
pain killers around the clock, plus seeing a chiropractor, but nothing w as helping. A fter 1 1/2 hours of treatm ent
from head- to - toe, learning exercises and having m y TM J w orked on, I w as 90% better! A fter just one treat-
head - to-
m ent!” – R obyn G lantz

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