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Jade Angelo Kalaw

I-CSsR the New Testament

FR. Martin S.V.D

Whats new in the New Testament?

New Testament is a collection of the books of the Bible that were produced by the
Early Christian church, comprising the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles,
And the Revelation of St. John the Divine. The covenant between God and humans
In which the dispensation of grace is revealed through Jesus Christ. There's one
Thing that will always be true -- people will believe what they want about the
Will cling to certain scripture, manipulate the messages, and come to their own
Clearly, however, there is a difference in the Old and New Testaments. The OT of
Course covers creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Moses, Samson,
And Gomorrah, Lot and his wife, and a lot of historical stories. There are a lot of
Laws in the OT that seem very strange to us today, for example: not shaving your
Beards or killing disobedient children.
We all know the NT is about the coming of Jesus and His dying for our sins. But
Jesus was here for roughly 33 years and spent several of those years teaching
Multitudes of people, including the twelve disciples to one day become apostles, so
There was a lot more to it than just dying on the cross.

Where many Christians become confused is in what this all means as far as living a
Righteous life today and following the NT messages of Jesus. Some religious
Will tell you that the OT is still to be followed today. That becomes really
Considering the odd and violent nature of many of the ceremonial laws of the time.
Some religious leaders will tell you that it's only the moral laws that apply from the
OT, and that the definition of sin has not changed at all. What was a sin then is a
sin now.
I agree with that. In fact, if anything, Jesus added sins, or at least made them
To avoid. During the Sermon on the Mount, He said that not only is murdering
Someone a sin, but now just being angry with someone is a sin. He said not only is
Having an affair a sin, but now just thinking about it is as well.
But none of these things warrant the visit from Jesus and his subsequent dying on
The cross. All of these things He could have phoned in. So why the visit? What
The message that He spent years delivering? What are we supposed to do
As Christians today that the people of the OT did not have to do?
Believe it or not, the answer can be summed up in one word. Unfortunately it is the
Most misunderstood word in the English language. It is simultaneously the most
Fragile and the most enduring trait of human nature. It is... Love.

The New Testament is the second major part of the Christian biblical canon, the
Part being the old testament, based on the Hebrews bible. The Greek new
Discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events in first-century
Christianity. A testament is a statement of belief. The most famous testament are
Two parts of the Christian bible: the old and new testaments. A testament states a
Belief or gives some kind direction. The document people leave behind at death is
Known as the last will and testament. The New Testament, as usually received in
The Christian Churches, is made up of twenty-seven different books attributed to
Eight different authors, six of whom are numbered among the Apostles (Matthew,
John, Paul, James, Peter, Jude) and two among their immediate disciples (Mark,
Luke). More Bible. New Jerusalem Bible.
The New Testament is the principal and almost the only source of the early history
Christianity in the first century. All the lives of Jesus Christ have been composed
From the apostles, as narrated by Renan, Farrar, Fouard, and le Camus, is based on
The acts of epistles. The theologies of the new testament, of which so many have
Been written during the 19th century are a proof that we can with canonical texts
Up a compact and complete doctrinal system. But what is the worth of these
Narrations and syntheses? In what measure do they bring us in contact with the

Facts? It is the question of the historical value of the New Testament which today
Preoccupies higher critism.

Journey: new Testament
Catholic pastoral edition

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