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16 Odober 16.


Vicente Villalba
big companies charging roughly $80 an
Community- hour per interpreter, Villalba could easily
charge $1,300 for a three-hour meeting.
minded individual But he's chosen not to - at least not for
his community. "I'd charge them $400
turns talent borne for that same meeting," said Villalba.
"The interpreting field is very important
to our community and it brings me pride
of necessity into to be able to do this. It doesn't say much
for my pocket, but maybe one day."
career and business And this desire to be seen as a
by Dorkys Ramos community resource is why he's decided
to do everything he can to lower prices
Plenty of people in Northern Manhattan for community-based clients and others
remember translating for their non-
'" who come into the community.
English speaking parents, but how many He doesn't charge for use of his
of them went on to make a career of it? I equipment, knocks down the hourly rate
Vicente Villalba, owner of Vincent's ~ per interpreter and will even go so far as
Simultaneous Interpreting, Translations to do events by himself if it means saving
and Sound, for one, did. He remembers his clients more money.
interpreting for his mother whenever they "For community events I charge 60-
went to social services agencies when he to 70-percent off the regular price. I'm
was II years old. In fact, social workers in it for the satisfaction that the people
would enlist his help to translate for from my community are getting the
all those who had been there for hours
waiting for a Spanish-speaking social
, information that they need."
Still, not everyone is happy with this
worker to become available. decision and has ruffied a few feathers
"Whenever my mother and I went among close friends and family who feel
anywhere, whatever she needed, I would Villalba should stop giving quality work
be her translator," Villalba said. "And away.
that was something that I really enjoyed." Especially if he plans to expand his
And thus, a love for being bicultural was business, which he started in 2004. His
born. core team currently consists of four main
Villalba, 44, began working with the '~'; interpreters with four others he can call

" upon for bigger jobs.
Board of Education at the age of 19 as a
school aide interpreting for parents and He's also in the process of opening
a storefront in West Harlem as well as
translating brochures, holding various
positions as time went on. "With every
title I held, my skills were always used
_.- --. - developing his registered non-profit
organization, Dynamics Multilingual
Vicente VIllalbabegan working with the Board 01Education atthe 8Oeol19 asa school aide interpreting
because people felt that I was very forparentsandtranslatingbrochures.(photoLandaM.Towns) Community Services.
And with a contract with the National
bilingual and that I had very good Head Start Association that has Villalba
command of both languages," he said. "It
was something I was proud of." and his team flying around the country
MotherCabl~ni High School
:\ I 1'l1lf1110J/or t'x(<'ii~'J/(t' sill(t' /1'9'<)...
Then in 2000, he came across an ad
that would lead him to what he called
"one of the most special experiences" of
for the organization's conferences, the
company seems ready to take off.
Overtheyears, Villalba has accumulated
his life. New York-Presbyterian Hospital an impressive list of clients including
was searching for people interested City Council Members Robert Jackson
Theeateway to your future... in joining their volunteer interpreter
program. The hospital provided free
and Miguel Martinez, Assembly Member
Adriano Espaillat, Mayor Michael
training so volunteers could help the Bloomberg and Manhattan Borough
OPEN HOUSE community with much-needed translation
services for doctors and patients. It was
President Scott Stringer.
Add to that his current full-time position
Sunday, October 19,2008 a job Villalba became infatuated with, with Columbia Uuiversity's Office of
1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. running over to the hospital every chance Government and Community Affairs -
he had. And as the ball kept rolling, so serving as the liaison between the school
Featuring Campus Tour, did the opportunities, with a job as a and the Northern Manhattan area - that

Presentations, Drum Corp simultaneous interpreter for Community allows him to provide language services
Board 12 meetings in 200 I. to the university as well as oversee any
Review, and Refreshments. And now that's what he specializes in. outside interpreters who come to the
TACHS # 208 Eighty percent of his company's business school.
-- is conference simultaneous interpreting,
which means interpreting as the presenter
speaks, never staying more than mere
Villalba feels it's his deep desire to
help the people whom have enabled him
to be successful.
seconds behind the speaker. "You have to have a natural desire to
Unfortunately, many of the groups that work and help people," he said. "That
need these interpreting services, such as has to be in the heart, and you have to
non-profits and agencies, cannot afford feel it to be really good. If you have that
it, says Villalba. With sound equipment everything else becomes easier."
going for at least $2,500 a system and

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October 16. 2008 17

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Carmen Garcia, a chlldcare provider own group family day care since 2001
at the Northern Manhattan In Washington Heights.
Improvement Corporation's Happy Garcia was nominated by Anltta Rulz.
Faces Family Day Care Network. the director of Happy Faces Family
was honored as a finalist In Channel Day Care Newtwork. That program
I' 13/WNETOutstanding Child Care
Providers contest which features and
trains women in Northern Manhattan
to operate registered. home-
Vicente ViHalba IXXTI8fIZO
a /rabajar con /a Junta de EducaciOn a /a edad de 19 alios como ayudante esmIar episode of winning providers on the based family daycare businesses.
interpretando para padres y traduciendo foIlelos, leniendo varias posiciones mienlIas eIliempo pasaba. program "A Place of Our Own~ The program has trained over 200
According to a press release from residents, many of them former public

Secretos de sus exitos NMIC,though not the tlnalist

chosen for the program, Garcia and
five other providers were honored
assistance recipients. Those trainees
have gone on to create 540 much-
needed child care opportunities.
Vieent Villalba at a ceremony at the Providence For more Information about NMIC's
restaurant and lounge in the Theater prorgams call: 212-822-8332 or visit
Por Dorkys Ramos District as a 'Recognized Child Care http-J/
"Usted tiene que ten- Provider." Garcia Is native to the
Dominican Republic and started her
Muchaspersonas enel Nortede Manhattan er un deseo natural
recuerdan habertraducidoparasuspadres
quenohablaban ingles,I.perocuantosdealios
pasarona hacerunacarreradeello?
de trabajar y ayudar
VicentVillalba,duellode'Vincenfs a las personas."
Simultaneous Interpreting, Tranlations and 'VIcenteVillalba - Free financial planning semina,
80000'10hizo.B recuerdainterpretar parasu America'sfinancialstabilityIs &AllocatingResources)Isa non-
madresiemprequeibana agencias deservicio paranuestracomunidad y metraeorgullo
socialcuaOOo tenia11aftosdeedad. el poderhaceresto.Nodicemuchoparami collapsing.shouldyours?DONAR profitorganizationcommittedto
Dehecho,lastrabajadoras sociales bolsillo,peroa 10majoralgundia'. invitesyou to attend a freetwo- empoweringcommunitiesInthe
reclutaban suayudaparatraducirfe a todos Y estedeseodeservistocomounrecurso dayfinancialplanningseminarto Americasto enable them to become
aquellosquehabianestadoaliiporhoras comunalesel porqueel hadecididohacer understand today'scrisisand learn strong, self-sufficientand capable of
esperaOOo queunatrabajadora quehablara todo10quepuedaparabajar!ospreciospara how to keep yourmoneysafe. meetingthe needs of their citizens.
espanolestuvieradisponible. 'Siemprequemi !osclientesconbasescomunales y olmsque Theseminarsruns both Sat. Oct.18 RSVPrequired.ContactF~thimaP.
madrey yoibamosa cualquierparte,10queella lIegana Iacomunidad. and Sat..Oct.25from 11amto 2pm at Tonesat 646-764-9980or Info@
necesitara, yoseliasu traductor", dijoVillalba. B nocobrapot'ubTlZar suequ/po,quitaei GalleriaRioII,583RiversideDriveat W.
'Y esoeraalgoqueyo realmente disfrutaba'. promedio pot'harapot'interprete Yhastapodrla 135'"5t..7th floor.lunch and seminar Informationat:www.donaramerlcas.
Ydeesamaners,naci6unamorpot'ser ir masiejoscomoel hacereventoseImlsmo materialwillbe provided. org.
bicultural. si estosignificaahorrarle a susclientesmas DONAR(DeterminingOverallNeeds
Villalba,de44aftos,comenz6a trabajarcon dinero.'Poreventocomunales yocobrodel60 BUSINESS
la JuntadeEducaci6n a laedadde 19ailos al 70porcientodel precioregular.Yoestoyen
comoayudante escolarinterpretando para elloporla satisfacci6n dequelaspersonas de W180s
padresy traduclendo folletos,teniendovarias micomunidad estanreabiendola informaciOn BUSINESSFORSALE
posiciones mientraseItiempopasaba. queellosnecesitan'.
'Concadatituloqueposeis,misdestrezas AunquenotodoeImundoestacontentocon TURNKEYLAUNDROMAT
siemprefuaronutirrzadas porquelaspersonas estadecisiOn y haagitadoalgunasplumas +/- 1400 sq ft. In a non-
sentlanqueyoerabienbilingOe y quetenia entreamlgosC91canos y familiaquesienteque competitive. residential
muybuencomando deambosidiomas',dijoaI. Villalbadeberla detenerse dedartrabajode Audubon & commercial location,
'Eraalgode10queyoestabaorgulloso'. claridad.
Entonces enel2Ooo,pot'casualidad Especlalmente si el planeaexpandir50 Partnership Northern thriving business.
encontr6unanuncioque10IIevariaa 10queeI negocIo, eIcualcomenz6 eneI2004.Su for Economic Manhattan growth potential all -
Uam6:'unadelasexperienclas masespeclales' nUcieodetrabajoactualmente consiste Development LDC Coalition for necessary equipment
desuvida.B HospitalNewYork-Presbyterian decuatrointerpretes prlncipales conolios (APED) Economic
cuatroquepuedelIamarparatrabajosm~ PRICEUPONREQUEST
estababuscando personasinteresadas en 513 W. 207 St Development
unirseasu programa deInterpretes voluntarios. grandes.B lambienestaeneIprocesode New York, NY 10034 (NMCED)
B hospitalsuministraba entrenamiento aOOr unatiendaenWestHarlemcomotamblen TEL 212.544.2400 Call 212-928-51 00
600 W. 185th St, 2nd Fl.
gratuitoparaqueasiiosvoluntarios pUdieran desarrollar suorganizaci6n sinfinesdelucro FAX 212.544.0248 TEL:212-543-0010 SimoneSong Properties
ayudarla comunidad conlostannecesitados inscrita,'Dynamics Munmngual Community Fax:212-543-1308
serviciosdetraducci6n paradoctoresy Services'. Yconel contratoconIaAsociaci6n
pacientes. FueuntrabajodelcualVillalba
qued6enamorado, corriendo al hospital
Nacional de HeadStarqueVillalbatieney su
equipovolandoalrededor delpaisparalas
looking for work? Ifso,
visit our office and ask
about our employment

cualquieroportunidad quetenia.Y mientras conferenclas deIaorganizaci6n. Iacompaftia program Jobs To Build
la bolaseguiacorriendo, asimismo!as parecelistaparapartir. and Training: FINANCIALPLANt'IiNG
On (moJ, which will
oporfunidades, conuntrabajocomointerprete DuranteIosailos,Villalbahaacumulado una ESl level I & II
provide you with the Smell Businesses
simuitimeo paralasreunlones dela Junta impresionante listadeclienlesincluyendo !os Computers level I & II
Comunal12 ene12oo1. tools to help you find Save money on taxes,
miembros delconcejoRobertJacksony Miguel
Y ahoraenesoesqueel seespecializa. B Martinez.eIasambleista AdrianoEspaillat,eI and retain employment. Civic education and compound your
ochentapot'cientodelnegoclodesucompaftia alcaldeMichaelBloomberg y eIpresidente del money tax free, with
The course provides General E!juivalency
esinterpretacion simultanea deconferenclas, 10 condadode Manhattan ScottStringer. Mada a Mlaosoft Office Diploma fixed rates (satel). 5.E.P,
cualsignificainterpretar segimeIpresentador esosuactualposiOOn atiempocompletoenIa training (Word, Excel 401 (k), profit sharing
OficinadeGobiemoy AsuntosComunales de Academic & Career or defined benefit
habla,nuncaqUedandose amasdesimples
segundos detrasdelorador. la Universidad Columbia sirviendo como un - and PowerPointJ and
career development
plans. Build your
Desaforfunadamente, muchosdeIosgrupos enlaceentrela escuelay eJareadelNortede workshops Including: Resume Building retirement nest egg
quenecesitan estosserviciosde interpretaci6n, Manhattan - esoIepermileproveerserviclos resume and cover Chlldcare Provider from your buslnessi
talescomosinfinesdelucroy agenclas, no de lenguajea la universidad comotambien Training
letter writing. job
puedencostearfo, diceVillalba. supervlsar cualquierinterprete deafueraque Call Ken 50lway at
vienea IaescueIa. search techniques, Customer Service
ConeIequipode8OOido conunvalorde 212-544-7641
interviewing skills Training
pot'10menos$2.500eIsistemay !asgrandes VillaJbasiantequeessumasprofundo deseo
compaftias cobrandomas0 menos$80Iahora eIayudara !aspersonas queIehanpennitido and job placement Pension
assistance. Graphic Design
porinterprete, Villalbafaciimente puedecobrar el serexitoso. ' Ustedtienequetenerundeseo Internet 101 Provisions, Inc
$1,300porunareuniOn detreshoras. naturaldetrabajary ayudara !aspersonas', To register, contact 80 Seaman Ave.. 5C
Pero el ha escogido no hacerfo- por 10 dijoel.'Esotienequeestarenel coraz6n,y Mr. Fernandez. Culinary Arts N.Y.C.,NY10034
menosnoparasucomunidad. 'Yolescobro usled10tienequesentirfoquesearealmente 212.544.2400 x20.
$400poresamismareunion',dijoVillalba.'EI bueno.Siustedtieneesotodo10demasse Jewelry Making
campodela interpretaciOn esbienimportante hacefacii'.

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