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8 Manhattan limes Auaust 28.


. ~,
"If you tum your back on this business it's over.
-David Hunt

Secretsof theirSuccess:Coogan's adapts to a (;hanging demographic

about Coogan's was that you perks. "Everyday is entirely
by Dorkys Ranws
Coogaa's Restaurant, situated can get inside, be safe aad you different tram beginning to
on the corner of W. 169th Street wouldn't have to worry," Hunt end," he said. "It's never boring
and Broadway, has been a said. "Now the neighborhood and you constantly meet new
Washington Heights staple for has changed to the point where people. Everyone wants to be
decades. Established in 1985, people want to sit outside and be fiiendly with the saloonkeeper."
the restaurant was named after seen.77 Some of these people include
Coogan's Bluff, the hill located The owners aren't ones to idly celebrities such as Derek Jeter,
on Edgecombe Avenue between sit back and rest on their laurels Bill Murray, Milly Quezada
W. 155th aad W. 160th Streets though. They make sure to give and Alicia Keys and politicians
which overlooks the site of two back to the community Hunt such as Al Gore and Dominican

incarnations of the former Polo said has embraced them. For the Republic President Leonel
Grounds where the New York past 10 years, Coogan's has held Fernandez. And, of course, there
Metropolitans and New York the Salsa, Blues and Shamrocks are Coogan's faithful customers
Giaats played. The Mets also 5K Run and so far has raised who keep coming back year

played there prior to 1964 while close to half a million dollars after year.
Shea Stadium was being built. for the Armory Track and Field Friends Lee Steinberg, Les
When NewYork-Presbyteriaa Center located around the comer Shelton and his wife Pat Shelton
on Ft. Washington Avenue. "The have been regulars for over
Hospital, which owns the
bnilding Coogaa's is in, waated I f Armory is such a great place twenty years. Apart tram its
because every high school kid convenience and quality of the
a nearby eatery for its staff aad
visitors, Coogaa's four original gets a chance to participate in a food, Les Shelton attributed
owners jumped at the chaace sport in a world class facility," the restaurant's success to
when few others were willing Hunt said. its owners' good business
to take that risk. Though owners Over the years the restaurant sense. "I think the real issue is
have come aad gone over the has become deeply involved they've actually watched the
years, the current team of David with the running community neighborhood, looked at the
Hunt, Peter Walsh and Tess and the walls of its back change in demographics and
McDade has been together since
... L;;.."""'"
-co-owner David Hunt in the back room
L:.or' _.
of his restaurant, which Is
room are dedicated to runners responded to it in a way that
with a showcase of magazine made each group of people
When it comes to running a dedicated to the sport of IUnnlng. covers, newspaper articles and come in and feel welcome," he
successful business, the owners photographs. "It's good business said. "They've been a positive
magazines to find out what But their improvements don't to be involved in the community, influence in any way you can
of Coogaa's see the importance restaurants in other parts of end in the kitchen. They've
in gathering information from to have your fingers on the pulse think of for a business."
both customers and other the country are doing. They recently added two large flat of the community," he said. And Yet Hunt has another reason
establishments. also update their menus and screen TVs in the bar area this Irish business has blended in why he thinks the business has
"The restaurant business is no specials to keep things tresh. "A (bringing their grand total up beautifully in the predominantly done so well. "Coogan's is as
restaurant has to do two things," to seven) as well as a new draft Hispanic neighborhood. "The successful as it is because its
longer a business that can run he added. "It has to supply beer system. And as of Aug.
by itself," Hunt said. "If you great thing about aa Irish place is three owners are here," he said.
the demands of the customer 17, customers can enjoy those that ail ethnic groups throughout "Whencustomershaveaproblem,
turn your back on this business and it also has an obligation beers outside in the restaurant's
it's over. You have to constantly the world associate the Irish with they come to us. Sometimes we
to introduce new ideas to the new outdoor cafe, a feature the hospitality so that works very caa solve them, sometimes we
be monitoring it, updating owners were toying with for can't and sometimes we have
and presenting new things to public." Some of these new ideas well," said Hunt, who considers
include a growing selection of many years. "Originally when himself an honorary Dominican. the chance to explain why it has
people. " Washington Heights was a much
Therefore, Hunt and his healthy items while making sure It can take hard work to run to be the way it is. 1 think that
partners keep up with restaurant those seeking a meaty burger are rougherperceivedneighborhood, a successful restaurant, but helps a lot and we try very hard
associations and read trade not disappointed. people thought the nice thing Hunt also mentioned the job's to make things work."

Hebrew Tabernacle Congregation


to 1 p.m. Northern Manhattan

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job search techniques,
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'l1tesday.. SePltmb",3D'" III 9:00 a.m.
job placement assistance. Potluck. dairy lunch follows at approximately 1:30 p.m.
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Civic Education
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Beth Am Havurah
Au!!ust 28, 2008 Manhattan TlITI6s 9

Secretos de su exito:
Coogan's Adaptflndose a una demografia cambiante
-"" -
''" ""
~ ~. .

Por Dorkys Ramos
EIRestaurante Coogan's,
dela Calle169y Broadway,
situadoenla esquinadeloeste
Heightspordecadas.Establecldo eneI1985,el
- .
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entreel oestedelasCalles
t~ ~...

r """'~'
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155y 160lacualtienevistahaciaellugardedosencamaciones . ~'\t~' ....
Yorky losGiantsde NuevaYorkjugaban.LosMetstambilm
jugaronahiantesdesdee11964cuandoel EstadioSheaestaba
de Nueva
." .. - ..::
/ -- ..
siendoconstruido. Cuandoel HospitalNewYorkPresbyterian,
el cualesduenodeledificio,queriaunlugarcereaparacomer
..~ ,.
parasusempleados y visitantes, loscuatroduenosoriginales
deCoogan'sbrincaron a la oportunidad dondeotrospocos
estabandispuestos a tomarseel riesgo.EIactualequipode
DavidHunt,PeterWalshy TessMcDade hanestadojuntos
losduenosdeCoogan'svenfaimportancia dereunirinformaciOn
tantodeclienlescomodeotrosestablecimienlos. 'EI negocio
dereslauranle yanoesunnegocioquepuedecorrersolo',dijo
Hunt.'SIIedesuidas enestenegocio,seacab6.Tutianesque
moniloreario conslantemente, poniendoaldiay presentando
nuevascasasa laspersonas'.Deahi,Hunly sussociosse
mantienen conasociaciones de restaurantes y leenrevislas
doscasas',anadi6el. "Tienequeproporeionar
susmenusy especiales
" l :;

de Recientemente Coogan~ abri6 su caf(JaI airefibre.

losclientesy tambientieneunaobligacl6n deintroducirnuevas
ideasal publico'.Algunasdeestasnuevasideasincluyenuna
granselecci6ndecasassaludables aunqueasegurandose que
aquellosbuscando unahamburguesa decamederesnose
Perosusmejorasnoterminanenlacocina.Recientemente Harlem YMCA
ellosanadieron dospantallas delelevisorplanasenel areade
la barra(lievando sugrantotala siete)comolambienunnuevo
slslemadecerveza.Y desdeel17 deagoslo,loscllenlespueden
disfrutaresascervezasafueradelrestaurante ensunuevocafe

al airelibre,unaideaconlaquehablanestadojugandopor
muchosanos.'Originalmente cuandoWashington Heightsera
pereibido comounvecindario muchomaspeligroso, la genie
pensabaque10buenoacercadeCoogan's eraquepodiasestar

adentro,seguray noleniasquepreocuparte', dijoHunt.'Ahora
el vecindario hacambiadohastael puntoquelaspersonas
quierensentarseafueray servistas',
Aunquelosduenosnosonde sentarseociosamenle y
descansar ensuslaureles.Ellosseaseguran dedevolverie a
la comunidad dijoHunt.Porlospasados10afios,Coogan's ha
lIevadoa cabolacarrera'Salsa,BluesandShamrocks 5K'y
hastaahoraharecaudado cercademediomill6nded61ares
el CentrodePistay CampodelArmorylocalizado
en la Calle
Sept. 1 - Oct. 25, 2008
169y FortWashinglon. 'EIArmoryes unlugartanmaravilloso Mon-Thurs:10am -1pm & 6pm. 9pm
porquecadaninodeescuelasuperiortieneunaoportunidad de
Sat: 10am -1pm
dijoHunt.B restaurante hapasadoa estarprofundamente
y elcomedor,
deesto.'Eslarenvueltoen lacomunidad
y foIografias
.......................................... .
dijoel.Yestenegocioiriandesse hamezclado
enel vecindario predominantemenle
hispano.'La buenoacerca
Offering the following classes
mundoasocianlosiriandeses conhospitalidad aslesqueeso ~Basic Literacy
funcionamuybien',dijoHunt.quienseconsideraa si mismo
comodominicano honorario.
~ ESL - Beginner & Intermediate

peroHunttambienmencion61as proyecciones deltrabajo,
'Cadadlaesenteramenle diferenledesdeelcomienzo hastael
finar, dijo el.'Nunca es aburrido,y lu constanlementeconoces : ~::::;::::p
personasnuevas.Todoel mundoquiereseramistoso coneI
dela barra'.Algunasdeestaspersonasincluyencelebridades
talescomoDerekJeter,BillMurray,MillyQuezaday AliciaKeys
f ~~
y politicostalescomop.jGorey el presidenle
Dominicana LeonelFemandez.
dela Republica

Yclaroesti, hayfielesclientesdeCoogan'squesiguen
~ Language Skills
?-.e~'\ .:
LosamigosLeeSteinberg, LesSheltony suesposaPal
Sheltonhansideclienlespormasdeveinleanos.Apartedesu '9ung photo 10
conveniencia y calidaddelacomunidad, LesSheltonatribuyeel 'Imm.grahon support available by appointment
exilodelrestauranle al buensenlidodenegociodesusduenos.
'Yopiensoqueel asuntorealesqueellosverdaderamenle
miranel vecindario, miranelcambioenla demografia y
responden a elde unamaneraquehacea cadagrupode
personasveniry sentirsebienvenido', dijoel.'Elloshansidouna For informationcall: 212..690.4024

1 Harlem YMCA I Outreach Center

negociohaidotanbien.'Coogan'ses tanexilosocomoes ~ YHCA
porquesusIresduenoseslAnaqui',dijoe1.'Cuandolosclientes OI'e"A1'I.~~ 2627 Atlnm CI..ylan Pow'" J.. Blvd {7th Avo,",,,..) @ '51~! SIJ~..t
lianenunproblema, ellosvienendondenosotros. Algunasveces M'~ New York NY 10039
podemosresolverios, algunasvecesnoy algunasveceseso
ayudamuchoy nosotrostratamosbienduroparahacerquelas

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