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The mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large

audience via mass communication. The technologies through which this

communication takes place include a variety of outlets.

Broadcast media transmit information electronically, via such media as film, radio,
recorded music, or television. Digital media comprises both Internet and mobile
mass communication. Internet media comprise such services as email, social media
sites, websites, and Internet-based radio and television. Many other mass media
outlets have an additional presence on the web, by such means as linking to or
running TV ads online, or distributing QR Codes in outdoor or print media to
direct mobile users to a website.

Types of Mass Media

Print Media
Print media encompasses mass communication through printed material. It
includes newspapers, magazines, booklets and brochures, house magazines,
periodicals or newsletters, direct mailers, handbills or flyers, billboards, press
releases, and books.
Newspapers enjoyed the position of the most preferred medium to reach a wider
audience until electronic communication emerged on the media scene. In the early
days, newspapers were the only medium that masses at large depended on, for

daily news. A newspaper carries all kinds of communication related to a variety of

topics like politics, socialism, current affairs, entertainment, finance, stocks, etc.
Magazines are another type of popular culture print media. They usually cater to a
specific type of audience who are looking for information based on a particular
subject. Magazines cover a plethora of topics, like current affairs, business,
finance, consumers, gadgets, self-help, luxury, lifestyle, beauty, fashion,
entertainment, travel, etc. Magazines like TIME and Reader's Digest include
information, which is all-pervasive.
Booklets and Brochures
Booklets and brochures are a part of the promotional literature of a product, or an
organization. There are two types of booklets and brochures.
House Magazines, Periodicals, or Newsletters
Many organizations today invent various platforms, like house magazines,
periodicals, or newsletters to keep the stakeholders posted about the news related
to the company. Usually, the house magazines include data about a company's
achievements, employee engagement activities, and information about the
offerings. A periodical or newsletter, is more or less, designed on similar lines but
its size is restricted to a few pages only. Mostly, it includes similar information, but
in a very short format.
Billboards or hoardings are huge advertisements that are put up at a height in
strategic locations to fetch more attention. They usually attract the targeted

audience by their bold colors, attention-grabbing headlines, creativity, designs,

special effects, etc. Initially, billboards started by hand painting huge boards, and
eventually graduated to putting up printed sheets. Later came a trend for
incorporating neon signs, videos, and graphic cut-outs, etc.
A family listening to a crystal radio in the 1920s
The sequencing of content in a broadcast is called a schedule. With all
technological endeavours a number of technical terms and slang have developed.
Please see the list of broadcasting terms for a glossary of terms used.
Radio and television programs are distributed over frequency bands that in the
United States are highly regulated. Such regulation includes determination of the
width of the bands, range, licencing, types of receivers and transmitters used, and
acceptable content.
The term 'film' encompasses motion pictures as individual projects, as well as the
field in general. The name comes from the photographic film (also called
filmstock), historically the primary medium for recording and displaying motion
pictures. Many other terms exist: motion pictures (or just pictures and "picture"),
the silver screen, photoplays, the cinema, picture shows, flicks, and commonly
Audio recording and reproduction
Sound recording and reproduction is the electrical or mechanical re-creation and/or
amplification of sound, often as music. This involves the use of audio equipment

such as microphones, recording devices, and loudspeakers. From early beginnings

with the invention of the phonograph using purely mechanical techniques, the field
has advanced with the invention of electrical recording, the mass production of the
78 record, the magnetic wire recorder followed by the tape recorder, the vinyl LP
record. The invention of the compact cassette in the 1960s, followed by Sony's
Walkman, gave a major boost to the mass distribution of music recordings, and the
invention of digital recording and the compact disc in 1983 brought massive
improvements in ruggedness and quality. The most recent developments have been
in digital audio players.
The Internet (also known simply as "the Net" or less precisely as "the Web") is a
more interactive medium of mass media, and can be briefly described as "a
network of networks". Specifically, it is the worldwide, publicly accessible
network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet
switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It consists of millions of
smaller domestic, academic, business, and governmental networks, which together
carry various information and services, such as email, online chat, file transfer, and
the interlinked web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web.
The Important Role of Mass Media in the Society
Mass communications is one of the most popular college majors in the country,
which perhaps reflects a belief in the importance of communications systems in
society. The communications system, consisting of radio, television, film,
newspapers and magazines, effects how we think, how we feel, and how we live.
Therefore, we must ask ourselves, "Is media 'mere entertainment,' or are there
serious side effects of the national preoccupation with the media?

Mass media have a great importance in our society. All people around the world
are curious and want to be informed about the worlds events. Thats the reason
why they read newspapers, listen to the radio or watch television. Press Press is the
oldest way of distributing information. It can be divided into several groups. Most
common are newspapers, which are issued daily. The second group are magazines
and they are issued weekly, monthly or in another period. Newspapers in Britain
are published on every day except Sunday. On Sunday special Sunday newspapers
are published, which are different from the dailies. British people are the worlds
third biggest newspaper buyers - nearly 80% of all households buy a copy of one
of the main national newspapers every day. Some people offer papers to be
delivered into the house. This work is done by teenagers who want to earn a bit of
extra pocket money. The Daily papers can be divided into two large groups. The
first are the broadsheets (the quality press) and the second are the tabloids (popular
press). The only common thing for these newspapers is sport and the weather
forecast, which are almost identical. The broadsheets are papers, in which there is
only serious information. These newspapers are mainly old, some with more than a
hundred-year tradition. They contain political, industrial and cultural news and
they devote pages to finance matters and international news. The articles are
mostly long and they have not large headlines.
Most important daily broad-sheets are: The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The
Independent, The Times and The Financial Times (listed in the order of daily
circulation - The Daily Telegraph sells more than twice as many copies as any of
the other broad-sheets).
Most important Sunday broadsheets are: The Sunday Times, The Sunday
Telegraph, The Observer and The Independent on Sunday (listed in order of daily
circulation). The tabloids are newer than the broadsheets - the first one The Daily

Mail was established in 1896. They are printed on papers twice smaller than
broadsheets and they use colours. Word tabloid was originally a pharmaceutical
term, used for substances which were compressed into pills. So tabloids try to say
information in minimal words. They contain sensational stories about famous
people. The tabloids use large headlines and many pictures. The daily tabloids are:
The Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The Star and The
Today (listed in order of daily circulation).
"We cannot study the media apart from the context of their economic, political,
historical, [technological] and cultural relationships. (Grossberg et al 1998:7).
Today the media plays a massive role in our lives. Yet we do not often question the
ideologies that are put forth. In studying the media it is imperative we take into
account the political and economic relationships operating. As this essay will
discuss, it is the relationships between these two, namely governments and media
conglomerates that closely shape the media we receive. This inter relation is
constantly influencing the media as they struggle for power and control. We cannot
study the media today without taking into account both economics and politics.
As governments have privatised the media they have introduced laws and
regulations in order for them to maintain some control over the industry. In the
case of many television and radio stations, by ensuring licenses are needed to
operate they are exercising power over media companies. These laws are a way for
the government to regulate the industry and ensure that the messages disseminated
through these media support their ideas. For example, television stations have to
adhere to rules regarding offensive language.

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