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Diploma in Business Studies


AACS3763 Managing Information Systems

Assignment Questions

AACS3763 Managing Information Systems

This assignment is a partial fulfillment of requirements leading to Diploma in Business Studies, for
students taking the course in AACS3763 Managing Information Systems. The assignment will be done
by students in suitable group size of about 4 to 5 members, which is to be approved by the
lecturer/tutor in-charge.
In this assignment, students will be assigned a business-based information system on which the
students are required to perform a number of activities, show and explain relevant deliverables. The
activities have been designed based on the various phases of a Systems Development Life Cycle
(SDLC). This assignment consists of a number of activities where the students are required to carry out
and fulfilled in groups formed. The activities or questions have been designed and scheduled fairly in
tandem with the sequence of lectures proper.
The deliverables from the activities submitted will be evaluated by the respective tutors based on some
prescribed criteria. Students are also required to understand the case given by providing their opinions
and to identify information systems which are related to students field of study, analyze, assess, and
evaluate the system concerned. Essentially, the students will be evaluated based on their ability to
apply concepts learnt to practical aspects of the case study organization or system.

Learning Outcomes
Upon the completion of the assignment, student should be able to:


Know the concepts or theories learned in the course.

Identify various functions of respective information system.
Recommend necessary improvement for respective information system
Prepare a written assignment in a proper, clear, and logical manner.

Formation of Groups
Students will be divided into groups of 4 5 students, depending on the class size. Each of the group
members should be responsible for an individual activity, depending on the task allocation by group
leader. Every member in the team is expected to contribute and participate actively in the entire process
of completing the assignment.
In order to avoid confusion, the group members formed for this assignment must be same formed for
the tutorial group.

Assignment Length
The length of assignment report should be followed as specified below (excluding acknowledgement,
table of contents, appendices, and reference lists).

2 (a)
2 (b)
3 (a) & (b)

Length / Expected page(s)

1 to 2 page(s)
1 to 3 page(s) for each student
1 page for each student
1 to 2 page(s)

AACS3763 Managing Information Systems

Format of Report
The report should be written in the format of the following requirements.

Students are required to submit a hardcopy - well written and proper

formatted report (in Word format).

Font Size

A body text of font size 11 is required while for headings and subheadings
a larger font size must be used.

Font Style

Use Times New Roman for body text. Main headings and sub-headings
should be clearly explained using suitable styles (e.g. Arial).

Line Spacing
Headers and Footers

Typed material should be single-line spaced.

Use Justify for alignment.
Appropriate footers and headers should be used to enhance clarity and
presentation of the assignment report.
AACS3763 Managing Information Systems - Coursework

Page numbering
Paper Size

Prepared by XXX, XXX, XXX
[pg. no.]
Ensure that all pages (except cover page) are numbered.
Use A4 paper.
All pages should be comb-bind.

Method of Delivery
The assignment may require students to surf Internet sites, acquire further information from reference
books, and obtain additional ideas from other resources. Thus, students are advised to distribute the
tasks equally and to take active part in discussions.

Award of Marks
This assignment is worth 50% of the course assessment. The assignment mark for each member under
the same group will be different from one to another due to the individual mark allocation for
individual reports.
Students will be assessed on the ability to apply concepts of theories learnt in the lecture to practical
aspects of the case study organization. The assessment is therefore on quality, relevance and accuracy
of the answers and not on quantity though a well presented answers with quantitative attributes would
definitely warrant higher marks.

Important Dates
Distribution of Assignment Question
Oral Presentation
Final submission
(Question 1, 2 & 3)

Feedback to students

AACS3763 Managing Information Systems


Week 1
Week 5 and Week 6
Week 6

Week 7

Assignment Tasks
In todays business landscape, the competitive rules are changing at an unprecedented pace. When the
business trends are constantly being reshaped, the technological change plays a key role to support this
Information systems define todays business landscape. Interaction with colleagues, clients, suppliers,
business partners, peers and information sources is constant and pervasive. Organizational productivity
and effectiveness depends on 24 x 7, online, real-time access from any location and any device like
personal computer, laptop or mobile phone.
In Malaysia, many corporate businesses and government divisions had provided computer based
information systems or/and online services to their loyalty customer and citizen to improve their
services especially in recent years. Most of the information systems have undergone a continuous
evolution in the recent years.
There are examples of computer-based or online- based information systems are used by various
companies and government in Malaysia are shown below.
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College: College E-Learning System (CEL), TARC Library
Malaysia Airlines: Malaysian Airline System
Maxis Communications Berhad : Maxis Customer Service System
Malaysia Government : E-filling, E-Welfare System
Each group of students should choose one computer-based or online-based information system
which is available in Malaysia or related to the computer program that they study currently.
Students can visit to Website of the respective / selected company, explore and use the companys information
system. Or, students can also online to download freeware system, such as accounting system, payroll system,
Supply chain management system and etc.

1. Introduce a computer-based information system which you have chosen. Discuss the
objectives and the users of the respective information system.
(10 marks)
Note: All the group members should cooperate and complete this question. The mark given for the
Question1 is shared among the group members. The footer of the pages should be entitled with
prepared by whole group member.

2. (a) Each member should identify at least ONE (1) function which provided by the system you
have chosen. For each function, a student must describe it in detail. The assignment
report the user interfaces for the function she/he have specified and also discuss the
inputs a user should key in and outputs which will be produced by the function of the
information system.
(8 marks)
(b) Each member should suggest an improvement for the functions or any new
services/functions to be added to the system.
(8 marks)
Note: For the Question 2, the marks are given to a student will be different from one another. The marks
are allocated based on individual student reports which describe her/his in charge functions and
suggestions for improvements. The footer of the pages should be entitled with prepared by XXX XXX
(name of student who prepared the reports).
AACS3763 Managing Information Systems

3. With the consent from the board of management, the company (as chosen by your group) is
seeking for your advice on the economic feasibility study for management decision on
whether to approve your suggested improvement (as given in Question 2.)
(a) Complete the Table 1 below. Differentiate between the tangible costs and tangible
Tangible Costs

Tangible Benefits

(b) Give TWO (2) examples for each category with the justification.


Tangible costs




(ii) Intangible costs


(iv) Tangible


(vi) Intangible


Table 1
(Note: You are require to copy the Table 1 into your assignment report for submission.)
(10 marks)
Note: All the group members should cooperate and complete this question. The mark given for the
Question 3 is shared among the group members. The footer of the pages should be entitled with prepared
by whole group member.

AACS3763 Managing Information Systems

Assessment Criteria
The assessment of this assignment work is made based on the below criteria:







Professional format and


and structure, although
occasionally unclear.

Little attempt to use the

appropriate format or to
structure content.

Question 1

Very clear about the
objectives and users of
the information system
they have chosen.

recognizable format
with an adequate
logical structure.
Clear about the
objectives and users
of the information
system they have

Brief introduction on
objectives and users of
the information system
they have chosen.

Very brief or no proper

Able to identify and
describe the functions
provide user interfaces
for the functions.

Most of the answers
given are ambiguous
and not clear. In fact,
the specified functions
and user interfaces are
not provided by the
information system they
have chosen

Question 2 (a)

Question 2(b)

Question 3
(10 %)

Able to provide extra

which related to the
information system
Able to identify and
describe the functions
in very detail, and
Speficied functions are
more than 2.
clear explanations.
Able to suggest good
examples with detail

But some part of

Able to identify and
functions in detail,
and provide clear
and appropriate user
interfaces for the
Able to suggest
improvements with
fair explanations.

relevant. However, the
explanation is quite
ambiguous and limited.

Able to suggest

The suggested examples
justification is quite
ambiguous and limited.

improvements are not
explanations are not
clear or not provided.
(0% - 2%)
The suggested examples
are not relevant and
justifications are not
clear or not provided.
(0% - 2%)

Minimal evidence of
originality of work.

Lacks or no evidence of
originality of work.

Some difficulty
communicating ideas,
due to voice projection,
lack of preparation, or
incomplete work.

(0% - 1%)
Great difficulty
communicating ideas.
Poor voice projection.
Little preparation or
incomplete work.


Presentation Skills

Adequate evidence of
proving appropriate &
relevant of research &
Communicates ideas
with enthusiasm, proper
voice projection,
appropriate language,
and clear delivery.

Sufficient evidence
of originality of
ideas with proper
voice projection.
preparation and

AACS3763 Managing Information Systems


Report Requirements
Students are required to adhere to the following sequence of presentation requirements:

1. Front Cover
The front should be a clear transparency.

2. Front Cover Sheet

The front cover sheet should be professionally laid out and should contain the following details.

AACS3763 Managing Information Systems

3. Coursework Declaration Form


Course Code & Title:


I/We confirm that I/we have read and shall comply with all the terms
and condition of TAR Colleges plagiarism policy.
I/We declare that this assignment is free from all forms of
plagiarism and for all intents and purposes is my/our own properly
derived work.
I/We further confirm that the same work, where appropriate, has
been verified by anti-plagiarism software ________________________
(please insert).
Name (Block Capitals)

Registration No.

1. _____________________________ ____________________


2. _____________________________ _____________________ ______________

3. _____________________________ _____________________ ______________
4. _____________________________ _____________________ ______________
5. _____________________________ _____________________ ______________
Date: ___________________

4. Table of Contents
It should indicate the various headings or sub-headings covered in the assignment and page numbers.

5. Acknowledgement
Students should express their appreciation towards any 3rd party for assistance & provision of
information used in the report.

6. Body (Answers)
Students are required to write their answers and comments from Question 1 to Question 3.

7. Appendices (Optional)
As far as possible students should include all directly relevant materials, figures or diagrams in the
main body rather than in the Appendix in order to enhance better understanding of the assignment. This
section is reserved for items which may not be directly relevant or essential to enhance a readers
understanding of the assignment or which may interrupt the smooth reading of the assignments main

8. References
Students should include a list of references that the students have used or cited only. Simply including
details of reference books, magazine, articles or Internet sources is not allowed. Students should only
include as a list those references that the students have used or cited.
AACS3763 Managing Information Systems

(Reference: refer to Harvard Referencing System)

9. Assessment Criteria Form

A copy of such a form should be attached with the assignment. (Please download from College ELearning (CEL) System).

10. SafeAssign Report

Attach the first page of the SafeAssign report which shown the detailing percentage and
ensure that the matching percentage not more than 30%.

11. Back Cover

The back cover of the written assignment should be a hard cover.

Submission of Assignments
In submitting an assignment, students are required to fill up the details at the top page and attach it
with the assignment. This assignment should be bind and submitted separately and NOT to be bind
with other assignments under the same module or course (if there is any).

SafeAssign is used to prevent plagiarism and to create opportunities to help you identify how
to properly attribute sources rather than paraphrase. SafeAssign compares your submitted
assignments against a set of academic papers to identify areas of overlap between the
submitted assignment and existing works.
You can only submit a SafeAssignment once. If you want to edit, delete, or resubmit a
SafeAssignment, contact your tutor and request to clear your first submission. Once a
document has been submitted to the database, any resubmission will result in a 100% match,
so know when to submit as a draft and when to submit as a final document.
After an assignment has been submitted, print the first page of the report which shown the
detailing percentage of text in the submitted assignment that matches existing sources and
make sure that the matching percentage not more than 30%.

Late Submissions
All assignments should be submitted by the stated due date unless as revised and approved by the
lecturer. Marks will be deducted for late submissions of the written paper at 5% per working day late,
unless valid reasons or application for extension and approval is given before the due date of the
assignment. Therefore the responsibility is upon you to ensure that an assignment is substantially
prepared prior to the submission date. Late submissions for more than 7 working days (from due
date) will not be accepted.
As a general rule, no extension of time will be granted. The assignments and its due dates are normally
given in advance to students in order that they will be able to organize their study program.

Students are required to redo of the entire assignment or to give presentation (depends on the
seriousness of inaccuracy of the answer) if the contents of any part of the assignment is not comply
with the requirements of the assignment as requested by the course lecturer/tutor.

AACS3763 Managing Information Systems

Assignment Policy
All work presented for this assessment is expected to be the students own and original work. The
lecturer expects of all students, honest and meticulous acknowledgement of all sources of materials

Plagiarism Policy

All work submitted must be original and not previously submitted for assessment at this College or
elsewhere. All information from other sources must be duly acknowledged. In particular, you need to
cite sources discovered on the Internet or any other publications. Plagiarism is a breach of the College
regulations and may result in a mark of zero being given for the work containing plagiarism.
Plagiarism includes copying from another source without acknowledging that source, whether it can be
the work of another student, an author or of your own assignment for another unit. Students found to
have plagiarized other works will record a failure in the course.
Given the explosion of electronic publications in recent years, students need to be careful that their
assignments do not become an exercise in cutting and pasting existing abstracts or portions of World
Wide Web pages. Rarely will such an approach produce acceptable results.

A less well-defined issue is that of group work. As this assignment is considered as a group
assignment, the forming of a group to share ideas and assist in the development of assignments or
projects is an accepted and encouraged practice. However, it is NOT acceptable for members of one
group to submit identical answers to assignments, by simply copying the work done from another
group and cosmetically disguised it with some modifications.
All assignments must be submitted individually as a group and the lecturer is entitled to consider
identical layout, identical mistakes, identical argument and identical presentation to be prima facie
evidence of collusion.

There is no excuse for or sympathy given to students who cheat. A student found guilty of cheating in
examination or assignment, e.g. copying from another students assignment or from an assignment
submitted in a previous year either in part or in total, or let another student copy his or her assignment,
will be dealt with seriously. In less serious cases, students marks might be reduced or required to
resubmit another assignment while in most serious cases, they might be referred to the Board for
disciplinary action which may include suspension from the College.

---------------------------------- End of Assignment ----------------------------------

AACS3763 Managing Information Systems


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