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Game Design Document


Copyright Wowzers LLC 2012

1. Index
2. Game Design
a. Summary
b. Gameplay
c. Mindset
d. Target Audience
3. Technical
a. Screens
b. Controls
c. Features
4. Game Flow
5. Graphics
a. Style Attributes
b. Graphics Needed
6. Sounds/Music
a. Style Attributes
b. Sounds Needed
c. Music Needed

Game Design
Mathsteroids is a top-down arcade-style scrolling shooter designed to drill multiplication
facts, and reinforce the distributive property of multiplication . The player controls a defense
satellite that fires missiles to destroy asteroids to clear a safe path for the Explorer.

The player controls a stationary missile satellite positioned at the bottom of the screen.
Asteroids start entering from the top of the screen and scrolling toward the bottom. Each
asteroid is labeled with a multiplication problem. Before firing a missile, the player player must
input a number into their launcher. They then click/tap the asteroid they want to destroy. If the
answer they input matches the problem on the asteroid the missile hits, the asteroid is
destroyed, otherwise, the missile is a dud, and the player will have to try again.
In higher grades, with two digit factors, the player has the option to fire a splitter missile
instead. A splitter breaks the asteroid in two, and splits the multiplication problem by place
value.( i.e. 5 x 18 splits into 5x10 and 5x8). This makes it easier to figure out the question, but
there are now 2 to destroy in stead of 1.
Asteroids will continue to come, gradually increasing in number and speed. If an asteroid
makes it past the defense satellite, the player loses a life. The player has 3-5 lives depending on
grade level. At the end the player receives a score for the time they lasted and the asteroids
they destroyed (with bonuses for not splitting large ones).

The player is focused and working at a gradually more and more hectic pace. They're
working to prioritize their moves based on the position of the asteroids and their confidence with
the various multiplication facts. In higher grades, they are considering whether they can use
their knowledge of the distributive property to do the larger problems in their head without
resorting to a splitter missile.

Target Audience
Grade 4-8.


Loading screen (standard Wowzers loader)

Title Screen
Mathsteroids logo and splash image
How To Play
Start Game
How to Play Screen
Standard motion comic style tutorial (2 versions)
Game Play Screen
A gameplay and controls appear on this screen.
Game Over Screen
Final Score
Asteroids destroyed
Splitters used
Restart Button
Quit Button


Keyboard input for numbers
Click on asteroids to aim and fire.

Onscreen number pad for entering numbers.
Tap asteroids to aim and fire.


Grade, Section, and Day mapped multiplication problem sets.

Grade level mapped number of starting lives.
Grade level based feature restriction. (Splitter missile)
Procedurally generated scrolling asteroids.
Collision triggered expression checking.
Click and fire missiles.
Switching between explosive and splitter missiles.
Expression splitting by place value up to 3 digits.
5 x 126 (split) 5 x 100 and 5x26(split again) 5x 20 and 5x6

Onscreen number pad for mobile.

Progress based music blending, so intensity can match progress.
Algorithm for determining final score.

Game Flow

Title Screen
Start New Play Session
Game Play Screen
Asteroids begin streaming
Satellite awaits input. Player types a number or clicks to switch to a splitter
Player clicks with the mouse or taps the screen to fire the missilie toward that
When the missile hits the asteroid, the value input before firing is checked
agains the expression on the asteroid. Correct = asteroid destroyed, false=
not destroyed. If the player fired a splitter missile, the asteroid splits into two if
Asteroids gradually increase in number and speed until the player is
Game Over Screen
Restart (if time allows)
Quit (Moves on to next activity)

Style Attributes
This game is set in WowzSpace as depicted in over-world quests. Art work for asteroids and sky
should match previously established are work. Design of defense satellite should match general
Club Wowzers tech esthetic with standard green/orange color scheme.

Graphics Needed

Splash image for title screen

Standard Asteroids (at least three variations)
Large Asteroids for longer expressions(at least three variations)
Asteroid explosion animation
Asteroid splitting explosion
Defense satellite, with text read out
Satellite firing animation
Standard missiles
Rocket animation
Impact animation
Splitter missiles
Rocket animation
Impact animation
Game Over screen with final score display (UI)
Onscreen Number pad input for mobile devices (UI)
Mouse cursor reticle for desktop version (UI)

Style Attributes
Music should should consist of a series of driving loops that can grow in intensity as the
player continues to play.

Sounds Needed
1. Effects
a. Standard Missile shoot
b. Splitter missile shoot
c. Standard missile explosion
d. Splitter missile explosion
e. Missile fizzle explosion
2. Feedback
a. Click/Tap feedback on number pad keys.
b. Click/Tap feedback when firing a missile.

Music Needed
Music should scale up from mildly tense and atmospheric to frantic. Could be accomplished by
layering tracks or with separate loops. Audio engineer can determine the best method for
accomplishing this in conjunction with the programmer.

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