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Environmental studies (CHY104)
1) To teach students the basic principles and concepts of unit operations and processes
involved in water and wastewater treatment.
2) To develop a students skill in the basic design of unit operations and processes
involved in water and wastewater treatment.
3) To develop a students skill in evaluating the performance of water and wastewater
treatment plants.
Student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an ability to recognize the type of unit operations and processes
involved in water and wastewater treatment plants.
2. Recognize that water supply and sanitation is an important professional and ethical
responsibility of civil and environmental engineer.
3. Demonstrate an ability to choose the appropriate unit operations and processes
required for satisfactory treatment of water and wastewater.
4. Demonstrate an ability to design individual unit operation or process appropriate to
the situation by applying physical, chemical, biological and engineering principles.
5. Involve in mega projects where water and wastewater treatments are essential.
6. Prepare the layout of water and wastewater treatment plants.
7. Demonstrate ability in monitoring of water and wastewater treatment plants.
8. Demonstrate ability in design of water and wastewater treatments units in a cost
effective and sustainable way and evaluate its performance to meet the desired
health and environment related goals.
9. Recognize the importance of wastewater treatment to protect the water resources
which is facing a continuous degradation in water quality.

Water treatment
Population forecast and water demand Water treatment Objectives Unit operations and processes in
surface water treatment Principles, functions and design of flash mixers, flocculators, sedimentation
tanks and sand filters Aeration iron and manganese removal, Defluoridation and demineralization
water softening Disinfection, Water treatment Typical layouts and water distribution.
Primary Waste Water Treatment
Characteristics of sewage, Quantity and flow variation, Primary treatment: Principles, functions and design
of screen, grit chambers and primary sedimentation tanks.
Secondary Treatment of Waste Water
Activated Sludge Process and Trickling filter; Other treatment methods Stabilisation Ponds and Septic
tanks Advances in Sewage Treatment, waste water reuse and recycling
Sources and characteristics of Sludge
Thickening Sludge digestion Biogas recovery - Drying beds Conditioning and Dewatering Sludge
disposal, Sewage treatment Typical layouts.
Waste Water Disposal Methods
Dilution Self purification of surface water bodies Oxygen sag curve disposal to lakes and sea, Land
disposal Sewage farming Deep well injection Soil dispersion system.
Text Books
1. Droste R.L., (1997)., Theory and Practice of water wastewater treatment, John Wiley & sons
2. Garg S.K., (2001), Environmental Engineering, Vols. I and II, 12th Edition, Khanna Publishers, New
1. Peavy H.S.,.Rowe D.R and George Tchobanoglous (2001), Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill
Company, New Delhi.
2. Metcalf and Eddy (2003), Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and reuse, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition,
Fourth edition.
3. Rangwala (1999), Water supply & Sanitary Engineering, Charotar Publishing House, Anand-16th
Mode of Evaluation: Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 13/11/2010
Date of approval by the Academic Council: 30.11.2010

Proceedings of the 21st Academic Council of VIT [30.11.2010]



1. To understand the concepts estimating different parameters of the water quality
2. To identify the ill effects of environmental pollution
3. To understand different parameters governing the sanitary and drainage system
Expected Outcomes
Student will be able to:
1. Estimate the parameters of the water quality
2. Implement new environmental techniques to avoid pollutants
List of Experiments:
01. Determination of pH, Turbidity and conductivity (IS 3025 Part 11, 10 and 14)
02. Determination of Hardness (IS 3025 Part 21)
03. Determination of Alkalinity (IS 3025 Part 23)
04. Determination of Chlorides (IS 3025 Part 32)
05. Determination of Sulfates (IS 3025 Part 24)
06. Determination of fluoride (Standard Methods for examination of Water & Wastewater, APHA)
07. Determination of Optimum Coagulant
08. Determination of residual chlorine and available chlorine in bleaching powder (IS 3025 Part 25 and
09. Determination of Oil, and Grease (IS 3025 Part 39)
10. Determination of suspended, settleable, volatile and fixed solids (IS 3025 Part 15,17, 18 and 19)
11. Determination Dissolved Oxygen and BOD for the given sample (IS 3025 Part 38 and 44)
12. Determination of COD for given sample (IS 3025 Part 58)
13. Determination of SVI of Biological sludge
14. Determination of MPN index of given water sample (IS 5401 Part 1)
1. Environmental Engineering Lab Manual Prepared by VIT Staff.
2. Standard Methods for examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA, AWWA and WPCF, 20th
3. KVSG Muralikrishna (1997), Chemical analysis of water and soil - a laboratory manual,
Environmental Protection Society
Mode of Evaluation: Experiments/Record Work/Oral/Practical Examinations.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 31.10.09
Date of Approval by the Academic Council: 21.11.09

Proceedings of the 21st Academic Council of VIT [30.11.2010]


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