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Pretexts & Contexts.

Lecture 1 Tue 22nd September 2015.

What does pretexts vs contexts really mean? Looking at the whole world as a piece of writing.
With any worries or queries please put them to Natasha who is the convenor. Laura, evelyn, will and
aquil are the GTAs for this programme. There is a list
This is a theoretical module, you have the theory that tells you how to do something. But that is not
what we mean. It comes from the ancient greek theoron (envoy) would travel for different reasons and
so people trael for this. You should report on what happened there. We talk and discuss to everntually
find a conclusion. We should come back with a changed view that is why we theorise. A mental
gymnasium, its changing and training and working with the knowledge that you are given. A lot of work
and a lot of material in a short time.
From next week the reading must be done. Must complete it and it may be quite ense and hard. Need
to read 2-3 times on its own and ensure that you understand things. Always look things uo and keep a
reading diary. Bring the things that you dont understand and try to understand it. The lecture is
always here on Tuesdays in LT2. At the end of the lecture you can put your hand up and ask. Also will be
around at the queens caf afterwards with any further queries. Should discuss and put the two together
at the reading group. The lecture vs the reading do two different things that complement each other.
Must organise the reading group as a separate thing on its own. The seminar is a place where you can
discuss and work through the big and whole programme.
You need to have your own state of mind to be awake.
The first essay is due very soon. Details are all on the module handout.
A lovers discourse is something that you should just read the introduction and a few sections from. Not
what is written but more about how it is written.
Gives you a plan and has the information that you can use and need to follow through the info for what
needs to be done for each of the weeks.

Semiotics comes from the greek semeiosis and it is meaning, its a production of meaning. How do we
as humans interpret meaning? - emotions, reading a situation, our need to understand (curiosity), our
natural logic, animals use instinct whereas we also have an empathetic approach, we are always
looking for an overall meaning, we always find that to be a habit for us. We use language. What is
language? Its a tool of communication that allows us to communicate ideas. Language is an
expression. Focuses on signs, and is about the communication and relationship between different signs.
Nerdy glasses, what does it mean? Sterotype. A social sterotype, and a fashion statement, a sign of
intelligence. It shows that they have been used a lot, can represent the clumsiness, they could have
been bullied. We are living in the time of cognitive capitalism. The Americanism, ned is the new sexy.
People like to consider themselves outside the norm, (very must within the norm now). What do the
glasses do to a cool guy. Makes him look more intelligent, the glasses are seeming to be something that
hes not. Its a juxtaposition.
Ferdinand de Saussure. < semiotics.

We also have the word dog / chien / cane / perro / hund represents the creature we see as a dog.
Saussure says that a sign comes trom two things. It has the signified mental image but the signifier is
physical / sensusal. Rene decart, says that the human consists of the spirit and the body. The lingusist
sign unites not a thing and a name but more the concept and a sound image. A sign consists of the
signified concept and the signifying image.
There is no intrinsic relation between signs and the world. Part of a very specific structure. Meaning is
relational and structural. All signs are part of a system of signs, a culture. Meaning is relational and
structural. A sign has a different meaning in a different culture or context. It all depends on the epoch
(the meaning is always context and epoch related. Must always situate analysis within the different
context. mores (custom) if you tip in Japan then its almost like its rude but if you do the same in
America its expected. Public displays of affection also. The meaning will also depend on the codes.
Triadic, (Charles sanders pearce)
You have 3 elements the object (or the speakers mind), interpretant = signified the element that

Semiotics is all about how meaning is created and conveyed in text and understanding. Also applied to
all sorts of contexts.
Reading Groups Tasks:
-Discuss the reading
-Identify any foggy areas
-write a report
-send it to your seminar group by midnight and cc Natasha in.

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