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In this recap, put the verbs in the passive form and find the connecting

words . Choose from the box below and mind the tenses !

such as - because of

- although -

And yet - since due to as -

On February 1st, 1960, in Greensboro, after four college

students (deny) service at a
lunch counter ----------- their skin colour and refused to
leave, non-violent means of protest
(organize) to fight
discrimination. -------------, sit-ins at lunch counters
spread quickly to more than fifty towns. Black people
decided to organize sit-ins at cafeterias too, read-ins at
libraries, kneel-ins at churches which
racially (segregate) , wade-ins at all-white
beaches to protest against segregation. ------------these peaceful movements of protest
immediately (support) by famous
organizations ------------- the NAACP or people like
Martin Luther King Jr., many black students
(arrest) . ------------ at the end of the
article the tone is quite optimistic, ------ the journalist
says politicians and businessmen
(force) to take the
black community into account and to deal with their
demands. The journalist thinks a favourable decision is
about to (take).

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