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George Slivka
Mrs. Holbrook
17 November 2015
Controversial Issue Essay
In he history of America, many problems have arisen with the conception of the word
race, and the grouping of the word race with negative stereotypes and beliefs. One prevalent
political issue today is the topic of illegal immigration, and the tying of it with Hispanics and
more discriminately, he Mexican people. Many stances have been taken on this topic, from
people from all sides of the political spectrum.
One of these stances lies with Hillary Clinton. She believes that all immigrants should be
given a chance to assimilate, and that it would be unreasonable to deport them all. She does
believe that those who any types of crime commit crime such as those related to drugs, murder,
and armed robbery should be deported. This is instead just putting them in jail; the problem run
into with this system is that criminals just continue to return to the United States, committing
crimes, and being arrested again without limit. Hillary stands as a liberal democrat and wants to
give all people a chance, These beliefs are very popular very popular with the minority vote, who
tend to make connections with people who are often deported for numerous reasons. In Hillarys
words, But the vast majority of people who are here, we will give you a path to legalization if
you meet the following conditions: pay a fee because you entered illegally, be wiling to pay back
taxes over time, try learn English, and wait in line. She wants everyone to have a chance to be
successful and prosper in America; holding on to our belief that we accept, the tired, the poor,
the huddled masses yearning to breathe free-found on the statue of liberty. She truly believes in

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the American Dream and wants to give that opportunity to everyone in the world, disregarding
the affect that this would have on Americans who were born here, ad those who put the time and
effort in to immigrate here legally. The Cost of Hillarys plan lies in the hidden expenses of
assimilating all of the immigrants. While the government would pay very little money to carry
out the plan, once all of these immigrants are assimilated, with a majority of them being low
income, they would begin to receive services such as Social Security, Unemployment, Medicare,
welfare benefits, and subsidized services such as Public education, and local services such as
fire, police, and transportation. With 11 million illegal immigrants, and with the average
American household receiving $31,000 in government services, we are looking at a deficit of
upwards of $341,000,000,000. Hillarys plan seems cheap and expensive, but ultimately it will
cost every American thousands.
Donald Trump holds a stance, to the other extreme. He believes that all illegal immigrants
should be deported to their country of origin. The most infamous statement the Trump is know
for is Im going to build a big wall on the Mexican border to stop illegal immigrants from
coming over. Some of the specifics of this plan include, first overturning a law that grants babies
born from illegal immigrants, commonly known as anchor babies in the United States,
citizenship, in hopes to decrease the desire to come over. He then wants to deport the 11 million
people that are currently residing in America by tracking down those who have over stayed their
visas and increasing the number of custom enforcement agents. He also wants to put a pause on
green cards, forcing employers to hire only current immigrants and domestic workers. His new
policy paper also goes into depth about how he plans on paying for the wall. He plans on
charging additional fees on visas of people coming into America from Mexico, especially those
of CEOs and Diplomats, as well as raising tariffs of goods entering through Mexico: The

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Mexican government has taken the United States to the cleaners. They are responsible for this
problem, and they must pay to clean it up, we will not be taken advantage of. Trump plans of
giving few chances to illegal immigrants and focus instead on the people who are already in
America, striving to make the American Dream more accessible for the people already here. He
hopes to Make America Great Again. His plan would cost an estimated $500,000,000,000, but
he plans on forcing Mexico to pay for a majority of it over 20 years, so it could potentially cost
less for American than Hillarys.
As political tensions rise, cultural aspects have begun to rise as well. People with
different beliefs on this topic have begun to discriminate and profile people involved. Among
those who dont agree with illegal immigration, some are starting to hate on Hispanic people as a
whole. Statistics are used like There are approximately 7.7 million illegal immigrants that are
employed in the US and 80 percent of illegal immigrants have committed serious crime in
addition to immigration and 40 percent have committed violent crimes. Because of these
statistics growing groups people have begun to show hatred against the Hispanic population as a
whole and discriminate against them. Studies show that Hispanics make up for 30 percent to
school related arrests and on average, arrested Hispanics serve two more years for the same
crime, when compared to those of other races. These negative beliefs towards the Hispanic
communities has made their lives harder, even those of legal citizens. The other grouping that
occurs is to call all Hispanic people Mexican, which is extremely offensive to people of other
heritages who take pride and honor in their ancestry. The topic of illegal immigration grows and
adds negativity to the stereotypes, and profiles profiling of people of Hispanic decent, making
their lives more difficult, and squandering their chances to fulfill the American Dream.

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Another view that has been brought up is one of sympathy. Many people, especially
people in California and Texas, have relatives, or close family friends who are illegal
immigrants, and theyve heard their stories, not only of the difficult journey in getting to
America, but also how bad they had it where they came from. Many people broke free from
horrible situations and came to America for a fresh start, and jut like those with negative
stereotypes, they hear a few stories and correlate them with all those in the situation. They want
all people to be able to come to America, and they disagree with government restrictions on
immigration. They believe that America is dependent on the labor of these immigrants to do the
manual labor that domestic Americans would never do. Many people become easily defensive
when opposed because they have such close ties to the people involved, that its hard to step back
and look at the bigger picture. Their passion leads to anger on the other side ending with heated
debates and ignorant arguments.
The topic of illegal immigration has become very active in the political world, as well as
in everyday American discussion. The opposite positions of political leaders such as those of
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has caused uproar in America and the negative beliefs of
Hispanic people have lead to profiling and discrimination of Hispanic people.

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