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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "ICSVParser"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' CLASS PURPOSE: Parse CSV files and allow user to respond to each record parsed
' 1) Declare instance of this class at top of your form/class using: WithEvent
i.e., Private WithEvents CSVparser As ICSVParser
' 2) Initiate: CSVParser.InitializeParser and pass user-defined options
' 3) Read entire file into memory or read single lines from the CSV in a loop
pass that read information to CSVParser.ParseRecord
' 4) Respond to the only event this class passes. Parsed records are passed to
that event.
That event allows you to abort processing, it also where you would use t
he parsed
field information, i.e., listview, ADO recordset, etc, etc.
' 5) Clean up: CSVParser.TerminateParser
Public Enum ProcessStateEnum
csvRecordParsed = 0
csvFieldNamesStatic = 1
csvFieldNamesGeneric = 2
End Enum
Public Event ProcessRecord(ByVal State As ProcessStateEnum, Record As String, _
ByVal FieldDifferential As Long, ByVal HeaderCount A
s Long, _
ByVal RecordNumber As Long)
' the above event is triggered each time a complete CSV record has been processe
' The HeaderCount parameter will always return the number of fields expected in
the CSV
' The RecordNumber will be zero when header row is passed & increments at that p
oint for each call
' State = csvRecordParsed
' Record parameter = vbNullChar delimeted CSV record
' FieldDifferential parameter is difference from number of fields in record vs
' zero indicates match, < 0 indicates lesss records, > 0 indicates more record
' State = csvFieldNamesStatic
' Record parameter = vbNullChar delimeted Field names. HeaderCount parameter i
s number of fields
' The field names are retrieved from the CSV file. FieldDifferential will be z
' State = csvFieldNamesGeneric
' Record parameter = vbNullChar delimeted Field names. HeaderCount parameter i
s number of fields


The field names are like: Field 1, Field 2, etc. You should change these, at
this time,
to any preferred format you wish. FieldDifferential will be zero
' Notes: If during any event, the FieldDifferential is non-zero, it is likely th
e CSV format
' is corrupted or possibly that trailing empty fields are not delimited (techn
ically corrupted)
' Strongly recommend aborting processing... If not, you have a couple of choic
' -- if FieldDifferential > 0 then increase your header row for the extra fiel
' -- if FieldDifferential < 0 then know you will not 'fill up' your record
' -- To abort processing, return the Record parameter as a null/empty string..
. Example
On Error GoTo ExitRoutine
' open target CSV file as file number x
myCSVParser.InitializeParser True
Do Until EOF(x) = True
Line Input #x, strRecord
If myCSVparser.ParseRecord(strRecord) = False Then
' aborted from myCSVparser_ProcessRecord, inform user of problem
Exit Do
End If
Call myCSVParser.TerminateParser
' handle any malformatted final reco
If Err Then
' notify user of possible corrupt or invalid CSV format
End If
Close #x
Private Sub myCSVparser_ProcessRecord(ByVal State As ProcessStateEnum, R
ecord As String, ByVal FieldDifferential As Long, ByVal HeaderCount As Long, ByV
al RecordNumber as Long)
Select Case State
Case csvRecord
If FieldDifferential Then
Record = vbNullString ' <<< this forces ParseRecord() to r
eturn False
' vbNullChar delimited CSV record. Split/Process as needed
End If
Case csvFieldNameStatic
' vbNullChar delimited CSV header row. Split/Process as needed
Case csvFieldNameGeneric
' Split/Process as needed. May want to replace with custom field
End Select
End Sub
Private m_DelimFld As Long
Private m_DelimQuote As Long

' user-provided field delimeter. Default is:

' user-provided quote delimeter. Default is:

Private m_DelimQuoteStr As String ' string version of m_DelimQuote
Private m_NullFieldValue As String ' user-provided default value for null field
s: Default: null string
Private m_Escape As Long
' optional Escape character
Private m_EscapeStr As String
' string version of m_Escape
Private m_Fields As Long
' number of fields processed from 1st record
Private m_Tokens As Long
' number of fields processed from each recor
Private m_Record As String
' a reusable string holding the current reco
Private m_RecordPos As Long
' write-position within the m_Record string
Private m_RecordCount As Long
' number of records processed
Private m_State As Long
' flags used during processing records & fie
' 0x0001 start of token is with a quote
' 0x0002 currently processing stuff within quotes
' 0x0004 last token ended on delimiter (at least 1 more token to be proc
' 0x0008 start of token determined
' 0x0010 cached portion of token includes leading quote to be stripped o
' 0x0020 cached portion of token includes trailing quote to be stripped
' 0x0040 escape character (next character is literal)
' 0x0080 partial token being written
' values > 0xFFF are relative to entire file else relative to current reco
' 0x1000 has header row
' 0x2000 trim leading/trailing spaces
Public Sub InitializeParser(ByVal HasHeaderRow As Boolean, _
Optional FieldDelimeter As String = ",", _
Optional QuoteDelimeter As String = """", _
Optional EscapeCharacter As String = vbNullString, _
Optional NullFieldValue As String = vbNullString, _
Optional TrimLeadingTrailingSpaces As Boolean = Fals
' must be called before any CSV is initially processed
' Parameters:
' HasHeaderRow: If passed as True, the 1st processed record is forwarded a
s the header row
Otherwise, the header row is created as static field names like Fiel
d 1, Field 2, etc
' FieldDelimiter: Cannot be null else ParseRecord method will abort
Can use any character you wish, comma is common
' QuoteDelimiter: Must be provided if the CSV is formatted with quote deli
If not provided, quotes are treated no differently than any other ch
More on this a tad later
' EscapeCharacter: Optional. Not very common at all.
When provided, the Escape character is not included in parsed data a
nd the
character immediately following the EscapeCharacter is treated as an
y other character.
To escape an escape character, double them up.
' NullFieldValue: Optional. What to pass as the CSV field value if it is b


TrimLeadingTrailingSpaces: If true, then VB's Trim() function will be ap

' Quote Delimited CSVs

' Typically, if a CSV field contains a field delimiter, then the entire fi
eld will use
a quote as both a prefix/suffix for the field, i.e., "Yes, you can"
' It is not uncommon for every 'text datatype' field of a CSV to be delimi
ted by quotes
' It is not uncommon to quote-delimit fields that contain leading/trailing
' It is standard to quote-delimit fields that contain carriage returns or
non-printable characters
' Ok, how are quotes within a quote-delimited field handled?
Properly: each quote becomes a double quote. This does not apply to
the prefix/suffix
i.e., Print #n, Chr$(34); Replace(myData, Chr$(34), Chr$(34) & Chr$(
34); Chr$(34);
' Escape Characters
' Very similar to quoted fields. Escapes can be used within quoted fields
or not
' Here are some examples, let's say our escape character is: \
As in CSV
After Processing
Yes\, you can
Yes, you can
"Yes\, you can"
Yes, you can
QuoteDelimiter = "
"Yes, you can"
QuoteDelimiter not provided
' Note that typically, either Quotes or Escape characters are used, not comm
on for both to be used
m_State = 0&: Call Me.TerminateParser
If Not FieldDelimeter = vbNullString Then m_DelimFld = AscW(Left$(FieldDelim
eter, 1))
If QuoteDelimeter = vbNullString Then
QuoteDelimeter = -1&
' quotes are handled as just any other chara
m_DelimQuote = AscW(Left$(QuoteDelimeter, 1))
m_DelimQuoteStr = ChrW$(m_DelimQuote)
End If
If EscapeCharacter = vbNullString Then
m_Escape = -1&
' no optional Escape character
m_Escape = AscW(Left$(EscapeCharacter, 1))
m_EscapeStr = ChrW$(m_Escape)
End If
m_NullFieldValue = NullFieldValue
If HasHeaderRow Then m_State = &H1000
If TrimLeadingTrailingSpaces Then m_State = m_State Or &H2000
End Sub
Public Function TerminateParser() As Boolean
' Should be called after finishing processing the CSV file.
' If the final record did not complete, it is still cached in this class.
' By calling this method, the class will forward whatever it has cached and
return False
' True return value means no left-over data found and/or entire file process
ed ok

If (m_State And &HFF) Then ' after a full record processed, these bytes are
always zero
TerminateParser = pvNotifyClient()
TerminateParser = True
End If
' Clear all class-level variables
m_DelimFld = 0&: m_DelimQuote = 0&
m_DelimQuoteStr = vbNullString
m_NullFieldValue = vbNullString
m_Record = vbNullString
m_RecordPos = 0&: m_State = 0&
m_Fields = 0&: m_Tokens = 0&
m_Escape = 0&: m_EscapeStr = vbNullString
m_RecordCount = 0&
End Function
Public Function ParseRecord(CSVrecord As String) As Boolean
' The passed parameter must be one of these two cases
' 1) Entire CSV file. Must have rows delimited by both or either: vbCr, vb
' 2) One or more complete lines of the CSV file, as within a loop, reading
line by line
The line, in this case, is assumed terminated by a carriage return o
r line feed
and therefore, it is not necessary to include carriage returns for s
ingle lines
' This parser fails in these three specific cases
' 1) InitializeParser not called
' 2) Passed record contains vbNullChar (ASCII byte 0)
' 3) User makes the ProcessRecord event return null Record parameter; abor
ted by user
If m_DelimFld = 0& Then Exit Function ' InitializeParser not called
Dim c As Long, lChar As Long, lStart As Long
If CSVrecord = vbNullString Then
' empty string = carriage return only
' if processing quoted text, add this to the record
If (m_State And 8) Then pvAddField vbCrLf, 1&, 3&, False
ParseRecord = True
Exit Function
End If
For c = 1 To Len(CSVrecord)
lChar = AscW(Mid$(CSVrecord, c, 1))
If lChar = m_Escape Then
If (m_State And 8) = 0& Then
' start of field?
lStart = c: m_State = (m_State And &HFFFFFF00) Or 8&
End If
c = c + 1&
' move pointer along & adjust if nece
If c > Len(CSVrecord) Then c = Len(CSVrecord)
'/// Check #2: Field delimeter?
ElseIf lChar = m_DelimFld Then
If (m_State And 2) = 0 Then

' not inside quoted text

If (m_State And 8) = 0& Then

' no field data
pvAddField vbNullString, 0&, 0&, ((m_State And &H80) = 0&)
pvAddField CSVrecord, lStart, c, ((m_State And &H80) = 0&)
End If
' ensure m_State not null
m_State = (m_State And &HFFFFFF00) Or 4&
End If
'/// Check #3: Processing quoted field?
ElseIf lChar = m_DelimQuote Then
If (m_State And 8) = 0& Then
lStart = c: m_State = (m_State And &HFFFFFF00) Or &H1B ' &H1 or
&H2 or &H8 or &H10
m_State = m_State Xor 2
' toggle quote flag
If (m_State And 1) Then m_State = m_State Xor &H20 ' toggle whet
her trailing quote is applicable
End If
'/// Check #4: Record delimeter?
ElseIf lChar = 10 Or lChar = 13 Then
If (m_State And &HE) > 2& Then
' else inside quoted text or not
processing field
If (m_State And 8) = 0& Then
pvAddField vbNullString, 0&, 0&, True
pvAddField CSVrecord, lStart, c, True
End If
If pvNotifyClient() = False Then Exit Function
End If
'/// Check #5: Start of record found?
ElseIf (m_State And 8) = 0& Then
Select Case lChar
Case 32 ' white space. Add other character codes as needed
If (m_State And &H2000) = 0& Then
lStart = c: m_State = (m_State And &HFFFFFF00) Or 8&
End If
Case Is < 0, Is > 31
lStart = c: m_State = (m_State And &HFFFFFF00) Or 8&
Case 0: Exit Function ' abort
Case Else
' Is < 32; control characters?
' ignored as start of a field
End Select
ElseIf lChar = 0& Then
Exit Function
End If

' abort

' finish off the passed field data
If (m_State And 2) Then
' within quoted text, add this parit
al to the field data
pvAddField CSVrecord, lStart, c, ((m_State And &H80) = 0)
m_State = (m_State And Not &H10) Or &H80 ' flag for partial record & rem
ove flag for leading quote
pvAddField vbCrLf, 1, 3, False
' append carriage return
ParseRecord = True

ElseIf (m_State And &HFF&) Then

If (m_State And 8) = 0 Then
' no field data
pvAddField vbNullString, 0&, 0&, ((m_State And &H80) = 0&)
' else add field data
pvAddField CSVrecord, lStart, c, ((m_State And &H80) = 0&)
End If
ParseRecord = pvNotifyClient()
' done with the record
ParseRecord = True
End If
End Function
Private Function pvNotifyClient() As Boolean
' inform client a record has been processed
Dim sRecord As String
If m_Fields = 0& Then

' 1st record, no header processed y

m_Fields = m_Tokens
If (m_State And &H1000&) = 0 Then

' no header? provide default field

For m_Tokens = 1& To m_Tokens - 1&
sRecord = sRecord & "Field " & CStr(m_Tokens) & vbNullChar
' forward the event
sRecord = sRecord & "Field " & CStr(m_Tokens)
RaiseEvent ProcessRecord(csvFieldNamesGeneric, sRecord, 0&, m_Fields
, m_RecordCount)
If Not sRecord = vbNullString Then
pvNotifyClient = pvNotifyClient()
Exit Function
End If
' forward the header row
sRecord = Left$(m_Record, m_RecordPos)
RaiseEvent ProcessRecord(csvFieldNamesStatic, sRecord, 0&, m_Fields,
End If
If m_Tokens = 0& Then
' prevent passing null string
sRecord = vbNullChar
' extract current record
sRecord = Left$(m_Record, m_RecordPos)
End If
' pass to user & check for abort fla
RaiseEvent ProcessRecord(csvRecordParsed, sRecord, m_Tokens - m_Fields,
m_Fields, m_RecordCount)
End If
m_Tokens = 0&: m_RecordPos = 0&
' reset record-related flags & index
m_State = m_State And &HFFFFFF00
m_RecordCount = m_RecordCount + 1&
pvNotifyClient = Not (sRecord = vbNullString)
End Function
Private Sub pvAddField(FieldValue As String, StartOffset As Long, EndOffset As L
ong, AddDelimeter As Boolean)

' add the passed field info to the current record

Dim lSize As Long, sRecord As String
If StartOffset > EndOffset Then EndOffset = 0& ' sanity check; should never
If EndOffset Then
' else null field data
If StartOffset = 0& Then StartOffset = 1&
If (m_State And &H2000) Then
' trim leading/trailing spaces?
' but must be ignored, entirely or in part, if saving a partial reco
rd within quoted text
If (m_State And 2) Then
' within quoted text
If AddDelimeter Then
' saving 1st portion of partial reco
rd, trim left edge
sRecord = LTrim$(Mid$(FieldValue, StartOffset, EndOffset - S
' no trimming at all
sRecord = Mid$(FieldValue, StartOffset, EndOffset - StartOff
End If
ElseIf AddDelimeter = False Then ' saving final portion of record, t
rim right edge
sRecord = RTrim$(Mid$(FieldValue, StartOffset, EndOffset - Start
sRecord = Trim$(Mid$(FieldValue, StartOffset, EndOffset - StartO
End If
' no trim option
sRecord = Mid$(FieldValue, StartOffset, EndOffset - StartOffset)
End If
If Not m_DelimQuote = -1& Then
' replace double quotes with quote
If InStr(sRecord, m_DelimQuoteStr & m_DelimQuoteStr) Then
sRecord = Replace(sRecord, m_DelimQuoteStr & m_DelimQuoteStr, m_
End If
End If
If Not m_Escape = -1& Then
' remove escape characters after rep
lacing double escapes
If InStr(sRecord, m_EscapeStr) Then
If InStr(sRecord, m_EscapeStr & m_EscapeStr) Then
sRecord = Replace(sRecord, m_EscapeStr & m_EscapeStr, Chr$(8
sRecord = Replace(sRecord, m_EscapeStr, vbNullString)
sRecord = Replace(sRecord, Chr$(8), m_EscapeStr)
sRecord = Replace(sRecord, m_EscapeStr, vbNullString)
End If
End If
End If
StartOffset = 1&: lSize = Len(sRecord)
If (m_State And &H30) Then
' handle leading/trailing quote
If (m_State And &H10) Then StartOffset = StartOffset + 1: lSize = lS
ize - 1&
If (m_State And &H20) Then lSize = lSize - 1&
End If
ElseIf m_Fields = 0& And (m_State And &H1000&) Then ' deal with null header

' if header row exists & an empty field is retrieved, create a unique he
ader field
sRecord = "Unknown " & CStr(m_Tokens + 1&)
lSize = Len(sRecord): StartOffset = 1&
lSize = Len(m_NullFieldValue)
End If
If Len(m_Record) < lSize + m_RecordPos + 1& Then ' resize general use string
larger than needed
m_Record = m_Record & Space$(500& + lSize)
End If
If m_RecordPos > 0& Then
' not the 1st field for this
If AddDelimeter Then
' append delimeter?
m_RecordPos = m_RecordPos + 1&
Mid$(m_Record, m_RecordPos, 1&) = vbNullChar
End If
End If
If EndOffset Then
' non-null field
Mid$(m_Record, m_RecordPos + 1&, lSize) = Mid$(sRecord, StartOffset, lSi
ElseIf lSize Then
Mid$(m_Record, m_RecordPos + 1&, lSize) = m_NullFieldValue
End If
m_RecordPos = m_RecordPos + lSize
' update current record size
& token count
If AddDelimeter Then m_Tokens = m_Tokens + 1&
End Sub

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