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4.- He _____________ (just, go) out.

1.- I _____________ (go) to bed at 11.30 every day

5.- She _______________(be, already) there when he went in.

2.- Listen!! Your baby ________________ (cry) at the moment

6.- Juan began to study after he ____________(sleep) all morning

3.- ______________________(Mary, go) home yet?

7.- Mara ____________________(already, have) lunch

4.- My son _____________ (work) hard for the last two weeks

8.- Someone __________(use) my bicycle: the chains fallen off

5.- She __________________(have) a cold bath every day

9/10.- When we __________________(start)

6.- I _______________(know) her since 2002

7.- They __________________(usually, pick) the apples in October

talking, I realised that we

__________________________(meet) before.

8.- This car __________________ (frequently, break down)

9.- The post _________________ (just, come)


10.- __________________(you, often,

1.- He ___________(stay) at the Grand Hotel tomorrow night

watch) TV in the morning?


1.- I am so tired now because I ______________(run) today
2.- She told me his boyfriends name after he ___________(leave)
3.- I ___________________(play) football since I was 5 years old

2.- Please, dont call Carmen tomorrow.She _________(study)

3.- If you leave any food on the table,the dog _________(eat) it
4.- Can I use your car this afte
rnoon, or _________(you,use) it?
5.- I dont want to go jogging myself. I think I __________ (ask)
Anne to join me.

6.- By next year, I ___________ (study)

2/3.- I _____________ start the car. ___________ you give me a lift?

all the literature in the syllabus

4.- Women __________________not vote a long time ago

7.- Dont call me tomorrow: I ______________(attend) a meeting

5.- ________________ you pass me the salt, please?

8.- I ______________(not, got) to the concer

6.- Im not sure but Mark ________________ pass the exam

t tonight because Ive got a headache

7.- She _____________ probably go abroad next month

WILL >< GOING TO-future

8.- I think I _____________ not go to the party

1.- When can we meet? I ________ (meet) you at 2 pm

2.- He ___________(not, be) at the office in the morning
3.- She cant borrow my car today because I ___________ (go) to
the supermarket.

Modal Verbs:
MUST, NEEDNT, HAVE TO (Present/Past/Future)
1.- This exercise is compulsory. You ___________ do it

4.- I think this asummer _______ (be) much hotter than last year

2.- You _____________ park here:

5.- We ____________(have) a drink with Peter tonight.

there is a double yellow line

3.- People ____________ take guns on a plane

Modal Verbs:
1.- Im not sure what to do after univesity. I ____________ travel
for a year or look for a job

4.- You _____________ listen to this

radio programme: its great
5.- You _____________ try to make your applicat
ions a bit neater if you want to find a job

6.- We ____________ open the window: its not very hot here

1.- London is the ____________ (large) city in England

7.- Who left the door open? It _________________ be Jane because

she left after me

2.- The weather today is much______(warm) than it was


8.- You _____________ wear a helmet when you drive a motorbike

3.- My brother gets up _____________(early) than I do

4.- David is the ___________(funny) person I know


5.- A book is usually _____________ (expensive) than a magazine

1.- Youll need a short holiday, ______ ______?

6.- Whats the ______________(good)

2.- She can speak French and Russian, ______ _______?

way to get to Rogers house?

3.- He came by bus, _______ ________?

7.- I can sing ___________(badly) than you

4.- Youre not going to arrest me, ________ _________?

8.- This gallery is not _____________(intere

5.- Your sister is a bus-driver, __________ __________?

sting) as the one we saw in Florence

6.- She doesnt come home by tube, ________ ________?

7.- John didnt buy the ticket, _______ _______?
8.- Youve never been to Portugal; _______ _______?

COMPARISON of Adjectives and Adverbs

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