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No. s57,5so. -;



" ff- Speci?cation efmtiteirs?ratent.


Application.?ledoetober 5,1;904. $511.; No. 227.215.

, To all whom it may concern~




rateatea June 25, i907.v . - '


paraffin. ' This is van extremely/powerful ex

plosive as is shown by a comparison of the
'KINS BOWEN, a subject of the King of Great results
obtained by the 'Trauzl test with it
Bri.tain,_residing at 6 Newcastle st'reet,_,F'ar
_ Be it kn'own-thatI, FRANK'EUSTAoE'WLL

and with alike charge of a dynamite contain 60

ringon street, 'London,- England, engineer, ' ing
75%- of ,nitroglycerin. . The_ dynamite.
illhave invented certain new, and useful Im


aresult of 360'cubic centimeters where

royements in Explosives", of which-the fol gave
as. the new explosive gave a result of 525
.' owing isa speci?cation.
cubic centimeters: The result of the explo
TlllS invention relates to explosives "suit sion
is shown by the formula:
able for use in shells and torpedoes, and for
blasting p

oses. '




- It'is-well _ own that the potential energy

' of an explosive, is dependent on the volume

is to say, that 1 kilogram of the explo
of gases generated, and on the temperature of that
sive gives rise to no less than 868 liters of gas. .70
This explosive is scarcely sensitive enough
' The purpose of this present invention is to
purposes. A suitable one is a,
' produce an explosive, of high potential en for
'- 1 ergy, which at 'the same time possesses the mixture of:' 71.47% perchlorate of am
monia. ' 10.99% aluminum.



17.54% nitro~
qualities of stability ,'-and safety, both' in
naphthalinn This explosive gives 460 cubic 75
'manufacture and use.

_In order to produce this explosive I com

blne three different elements namely ':


centimeters in a test under like conditions to

the test above mentioned. ' The result of the

1st. A combustible body which on- de explosionis shown by the formula: ~

composition gives rise to lar 'e volumes of2
gases. '_. Preferably I usea hy ocarbon such
as para?in but by the term combustible there
- is to, be also understood such substances as that is to say,~i1 kilogram of the explosive

carbon, carbohydrates, or organic nitro-com

gives rise to 726 liters of gas.

I do not con

. pounds, the latter for nnning purposes where ?ne myself to these proportions but may
30 suchgre'at immunity from shock or concus-' ' vary them in-accordance with the results it 85
be desired Ito obtain,,but the carbon
sion-is not so material as in the, case of shells may
andtorpedoes, in which case I preferably em should be present in such quantities as to

v combine, in conjunction with the aluminum,

p105r the former substances.

the oxygen present, or at all events with

2nd. As .to the second element I employ with
portion of the oxygen the prod 9O
perchlorate of ammonia, which is rich in uct 00., being
mainly formed. .
oxygen, stable, very slightly soluble, and
non-hygroscopic, and its components, are all
in the combination for every one atom of,
gases, advantages which not many salts ent
carbon in the combustible and for every two
4o. 3rd. A metal whose oxid has a high. heat atoms of the metal, approximately, respec
tively, two and three atoms only of oxygen. 915
of formation. Preferably



I employ alumi-' - Explosives made in accordance with this

num as the metal, butother metals, such as invention
are exceedingly powerful and
~' magnesium, whose oxids have a high heat. of

and are characterized by great safety

formation .may'also be employed. Although stable,
from explosion by CODCIISSIOII.
sohds are produced on combustion the caloric.

value 1s so great that the gases roduced by "

the two other elements are great y expanded

and the power of the explosive greatly -en~







I have found that the combination of the

three elements as
described above produces
a very owerful and safe explosive with very
, desirable results, and is very stable.
'. A-_n_explos1:ve very suitable for shells con
sists in a mixture of:~77.85% perchlorate

oflwammonia. 7.2% aluminum. 14.95%

What I_ claim is :


_ .

-1. An explosive compbund,-conta1nmg a

combustible, whiolron ignltion gives rise'to

large volumes of gas, ammonium perchlorate,

and a metal whose oxid has a high heat of 105

formation, combined in such proportions

vthat the amount of oxygen present is sub
stantially sufficient to combine only with the
metal and with the carbon to form the 02nd
of the metal and carbon dioxid.

I v

" 2. An explosive compound, containing a

combustible, which on ignition gives ,r1s'e- to



approximately resent, respectively, two I5

large \volumes of as; ammonium erchlo- ' are
and three atoms on y of oxygen.
rate and a metal w ose oXid has ahlgh heat

4. An explosive compound, containing

of formation, combined insuch pro ortions

that for every one atom of carbon in't e com paraffin, perchlorate of ammonia and alu

minum combined in such proportions that v

bustible and for every two atoms of the for
one atom of carbon and for every
metal,\there are a proximately present, re- twoevery
of aluminum, there are approxi
spectively, two an three atoms only of oxy mately present,
respectively, two and three

3. An explosive com ound, containin atoms only of oxygen.

paraffin, ammonium perc crate and a meta
whose oxid'has a hlgh heat of formation,
combined in such proportions that for every
one atom of carbon contained in the araf?n



and for every two. atoms of the meta , there


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