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Your prakrti, the physical constitution with which you were born, is a mix of Va
ta and Kapha, with Vata slightly predominant. This is an unchanging characterist
ic and represents your natural, normal state of being. Let's take a look at some
of the common qualities of Vata-Kapha individuals.
Physically, Vata individuals tend to be thin and wiry, with small, light bones a
nd uneven development. Kaphas tend to be big, heavy, and thick. In fact, Vatas a
nd Kaphas are at opposite ends of the spectrum. This makes them hard to identify
on a test, especially with the Vata tendency toward indecisiveness. Lots of com
binations are possible, but typically the Vata-Kapha will have a Vata body with
the laid-back attitude of a Kapha.
Vatas tend to have uneven or underdeveloped features, including small frames; bo
ny, protruding joints, thin, spindly fingers; crooked noses and teeth; etc., but
your Kapha influence may moderate those characteristics. Thus, you are probably
better proportioned, stronger, and a less flighty and high-strung than your pur
e Vata friends.
The Kapha influence has slowed you down a bit, but at the price of a slower or i
rregular digestion. On the plus side, Vata-Kaphas usually spend and save more wi
sely than their pure Vata counterparts. And Kapha tends to moderate the fear and
anxiety that Vatas often feel when under stress.
Vatas usually have a hard time gaining weight and lose it easily. Kaphas have ex
actly the opposite problem. Where you fall on this continuum depends on the prop
ortions of Vata and Kapha in you, but hopefully the overall effect is to moderat
e the two extremes.
This is the physical constitution (prakrti) with which you were born. It gives y
ou some idea of your tendencies, and your physical strengths and weaknesses. Now
let's take a look at your current dosha state to see if you are balanced or imb
Vikrti: Vata Imbalance
Vikrti is a state of imbalance in which one of the three bodily humors or doshas
is excessive. In your case, you have an excess of the Vata dosha. Vata is the a
ir dosha (a mix of air and space).
Because Vata is the most powerful of the doshas, an imbalance of Vata is not to
be taken lightly. Ayurveda lists eighty diseases that are caused by aggravated V
ata. Worse, because Vata controls movement through the body, an imbalance in Vat
a can, if left untreated, cause imbalances in the other two doshas as well.
Vata ailments include:
Insomnia and sleep disorders
Muscle twitching
All types of stiffness, pain, and numbness in muscles and joints, including
Muscle atrophy
All types of paralysis
Fainting, giddiness, yawning, hiccuping, delirium, convulsions, and weakness
Earache, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and deafness

Essentially, the drying, windy aspect of Vata and its action as the agent of mov
ement in the body give rise to diseases that are related to excessive movement (
twitching and convulsions) or lack of movement (constipation). And Vata's contro
l of the nervous system means that aggravated Vata usually results in a painful
condition, though lack of nerve impulse (numbness, atrophy, and paralysis) can a
lso occur.
Vata is aggravated by activities that involve movement or excessive wind. Among
Excessive exercise
Exposure to cold winds
Excessive travel or movement
Irregular schedule and resting/eating habits
Even chewing gum can aggravate Vata.
The best treatment for aggravated Vata is to refrain from overly active behavior
s and repetitive motions, to avoid drafts and cold air, and to seek moisture, wa
rmth, and light. Eat warm foods with sweet, salty, or sour tastes. Use plenty of
vegetable oil in your food; it acts as both a lubricant and protection from dry
ing influences. A daily massage with sesame oil laced with the appropriate essen
tial oils will also help.
Keep your meals small and frequent to reduce the burden on your digestive system
. Avoid bitter, pungent, or astringent foods, dry foods, and cold food or drink.
Make sure you get enough to eat.
Slow down. Avoid excessive travel, movement, and stimulation. That means less TV
, less talking, less thinking. Meditate or practice yoga forms that enhance tran
quility. Get some sun; wear light colors. Jade will help, as will gold.
Vata is most potent between 2-6 p.m. and 2-6 a.m. and during autumn months. A na
p between 2 and 4 p.m. and early bedtimes in the fall can help alleviate Vata im
For more help, enter your name and email address in the spots provided at the en
d of this page. Pressing the Send button will send a copy of these results to us
. We'll take a look at it, and respond with further suggestions for ways to rega
in your doshic balance. For now, read on.
Mind Type: Vata
Your mental characteristics are pure Vata.
Vata, being the air dosha, is windy and changeable. Vatas have restless, active
minds. They are curious and can be very creative. They tend to speak quickly and
gesture actively. The overall impression they give can be a bit chaotic. Vata i
s movement.
Compared to the solid, slow-moving Kapha, Vata individuals seem flaky and insubs
tantial. In fact, they usually compare unfavorably with both the down-to-earth K
apha and the energetic, rational, focused Pitta. This comparison is superficial,
however. The Vata energy derives not only from air, but also from space. Space,
or ether, is the most refined of the elements and the only one that does not un
dergo transformation when it manifests itself in physical reality. In this sense
, Vata is the closest of the three doshas to pure consciousness (Brahman).

Thus Vatas have the most spiritual of the three vital energies. As Vatas grow, t
hey tend to shed their material and physical desires and to concentrate on the s
piritual. It is wise to remember that the doshas are also related to the ages. K
apha is the child, Pitta the adolescent, and Vata the mature adult. Vatas should
not permit their fears and anxieties to push them into conforming to Pitta or K
apha ideals, for they would be regressing. Vatas are mobile, and must remain so.
The weaknesses of Vata stem from this mobile rootlessness. Without grounding, Va
tas can become fearful and anxious. It is important for Vata individuals to find
time each day for grounding activities.
When Vatas are in their Sattvic (balanced and harmonious) state, they tend to be
adaptable, enthusiastic, eloquent, energetic, and perceptive.
When Vatas are in their Rajasic (turbulent and disturbed) state, they tend to be
hyperactive, unreliable, overly talkative, restless, disturbed, indecisive, and
When Vatas are in their Tamasic (inertial and darkened) state, they tend to be s
ecretive, dishonest, self-destructive, and fearful. At these times they are susc
eptible to sexual perversions, mental illness, drug addictions, and suicide.
To see where you stand emotionally, take a look at the next section.
Guna: Rajasic
Imbalance: Vata
Your answers in this section fall into one of three gunas: Sattvic, Rajasic, or
Tamasic. Within each of these gunas, your answers are further subdivided into Va
ta, Pitta, and Kapha. Please understand that this test uses only three questions
in each of these areas to determine your guna and your psychological imbalance,
if any. That's a pretty small sample, so don't take these results as anything m
ore than a very general indication of your current psychological state.
If you would like a more detailed analysis of your psychological state, please c
heck the more information box on the form below and submit it along with your na
me and email address. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.
According to your responses in the fourth section of the self-test (Qualities of
Emotion), your current guna (psychological state) is Rajas. This is the most co
mmon psychological state. After all, who among us is perfect? Still, there's no
reason you can't improve your condition. Unlike the ancient Hindus, who believed
that your guna was set at birth, we believe you can change. They also created t
he caste system and locked people into a specific class for life, remember. We h
ave made a few advances in the last 2500 years.
The Vata Rajasic mind is typically indecisive, hyperactive, and filled with anxi
ety. We're talking about a person who is often flighty, superficial, and talkati
ve. If this sounds like you, how about that? This test works. Now get to work. A
more enlightened mental state is within your reach if you will only try for it.
On the other hand, if this doesn't sound at all like you, maybe you checked the
wrong boxes. You can use the Show Checked Items link below to display a list of
your test responses. Skim down to section four, Qualities of Emotion, and check
your answers. Did you make an error? If so, use your browser back button to retu
rn to the Questions page and change your answers accordingly. Then press the Eva
luate button to recalculate your results.
Fortunately, your psychological imbalance is in the same dosha as your physical
imbalance. This means that the steps you take to reduce or eliminate your physic

al imbalance should take care of your psychological imbalance, too. Try it and s
ee how things come out. If you run into problems, feel free to contact us. You c
an also return to this site as often as you like to recheck your current balance
A summary of your emotional responses is as follows:




Get More Info

Want to know more? Enter your name and email address in the form below, then pre
ss the Send button. Within a few minutes you should receive a detailed report by
Included in the report will be the above results, plus suggestions for diet and
lifestyle changes to regain or maintain your doshic balance. We'll also take a l
ook at your test results, and if we have any other suggestions that we feel will
be of use to you, we'll send them along personally.
Thanks for trying our tridosha self-test. Please feel free to add any comments o
r suggestions you may have.

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