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Guatemala, June 8, 1990




My beloved children, I bless you in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
My beloved children, the Bless virgin, the Mother of God, is speaking to you.
Dear children, I am here again to help you during your afflictions, to take away the darkness
that now reigns in the world, and to take away from your hearts the confusion that the Devil has spread
on the earth.
Dear children, today I come as the Mother of Sorrows, as a Mother Who suffers and cries,
because Her sons don't want to understand because Her children are lost in the emptiness of false
Yes, dear children, I am here as the Mother of Sorrows and Anguish, when I see that My
children withdraw from Me and My Divine Son, Jesus Christ. This is why We come to the world to take
away the darkness, so that you can see the light, because We want to save you, dear children, because
We want to give you salvation. This is why We come to the earth, to communicate with man.
And the subject today, dear children, is about a very great sin, one which My sons have not given
sufficient importance, and which is the reason why many are lost. The subject which I am going to

explain today is called LUKEWARMNESS, because many have confused the significance of this
dear children. And lukewarmness in your hearts is a great evil, because remember that My Divine Son,
Jesus Christ, stated in the Bible: "I know your works, and you are neither cold nor hot. God grant that
you are either cold or hot, but, because you are lukewarm, I will vomit you from My mouth."
I want you, dear children, to understand this word, because when My Divine Son, Jesus Christ,
says that He is going to vomit you, this means to say, that He will send you to Hell, if you don't stop
being lukewarm.
Look dear children, I am going to explain the significance of being lukewarm. To be lukewarm
is when a person does not want to walk the way of the Cross, and believes that walking with Jesus is only
roses and well-being. But no, dear children, no.
"God grant that you are either cold or hot." But to be lukewarm, dear children, to be lukewarm
is a great evil, because a person who is lukewarm in his faith, a person who doesn't realize his
lukewarmness concerning his faith sins gravely.
Don't be frightened, dear children, to hear these words, because lukewarmness is a great sin.
And I am going to explain to you why, so that it is made very clear to you, to your hearts, and to your
Yes, dear children, you sin, because the person surrounds himself with a feeling of well-being,
and doesn't allow anything to inconvenience him. He doesn't want to fight to enter the way of
perfection, and he is content with everything that is easy.
Many of My sons were prone to evil, because they were lukewarm. And, because they were
lukewarm, they adopted new doctrines. And they accepted them, because they were easier to follow,
because they were easier to comprehend.
Yes, dear children, it's with great sorrow that I tell you this. But there are many, very many who
are in grave sin, and say: "I don't steal, I don't kill, I don't do anything wrong." This is fine. But just as
they don't do anything bad, they also don't do anything good. And this is the problem, because by not
doing anything good for the health of your soul and your neighbor's soul, you are sinning the sin of
omission, because all of the good that you could have done, you didn't do, because all of that which My
children should have done for the good of their brothers, they didn't do. And why didn't they do it ?
Because they didn't want to suffer, because they didn't want the world to laugh at them. And because
of this, and for not doing good, they sin.
There are very many souls that are lost, because My children are lukewarm. And when they are
lukewarm, they don't want to talk because they don't want any problems. And they do not tell the truth,
because they are afraid. They didn't want to tell the truth at that moment when the soul could have been
saved and because of this, it was lost. Many souls are lost, and many also lose their own souls, because
they didn't do anything.
Dear children, I want you to understand My words very well, because there are many in this
grave error. And they believe that, because they don't do anything bad, everything is fine. But it doesn't
consist in this, but in not doing all of the good which would serve for the good of their own souls and
the souls of others.
How many people are lost and go to Hell, because their brothers did not want to help them by

talking about their souls, because they did not speak the truth, because they did not make them change
course, if they were in sin !
There is much evil in lukewarmness, dear children, because it's a monster that doesn't let My
children act. And it converts them into weak, timid, and lukewarm beings. And Our Lord said that He
would vomit the lukewarm from His mouth. And why ? Because they didn't do the good that Our Lord
asked them to do, the good of saving souls, of helping each other, so that they would not fall into the
pains of Hell.
Yes, dear children, lukewarmness is a great evil, because it impedes people from acting, because
they don't want to suffer, because they don't want to guide their brothers on the right road. And they
don't care, if they are lost or not, and say: "It's not my problem, I'm fine here. I do everything that they
ask of me. I go to church, I receive Communion, and I don't do anything bad'" And they enclose
themselves in a lukewarmness that doesn't let them act, that doesn't let them move forward. And My
children, who are transformed into lukewarmness, are those people who don't care whether his brother
is saved or not.
And they begin to acquire a very big hypocrisy, the hypocrisy that makes them feel that they are
good. And this is the only thing that matters to them, that they are good, and that they don't harm
anyone. They enclose themselves with this, and make a great hypocrisy of their religious life. And for
being hypocrites, the Lord will vomit them from His Mouth, because by being lukewarm they didn't want
to do good. And not doing good, as I have repeated, is a grave sin, because lukewarmness goes together
with hypocrisy, the hypocrisy, dear children, of showing your brothers a goodness which is not true, and
a charity which is not charity.
You must, dear children, understand My words very well, so that you don't fall into this error,
because, when the moment which We have announced so often arrives, you will really know in which
position you are, whether you are cold, whether you are hot, or simply lukewarm. And the lukewarm
don't fight, the lukewarm don't make any effort, the lukewarm don't want any problems. And this is why
they like being lukewarm. And they don't want to change their way of living, because they feel very
comfortable the way they are: They go to Mass, receive Communion, but that's all. And if Our Lord asks
more from them, "Well, ... better not, because I don't like having problems, because I don't want my
friends to laugh at me, because I don't want to change this peaceful life that I have."
Dear children, you must understand this very well, so that, when the moment of death arrives,
you are not surprised, and found in a state of mortal lukewarmness.
Oh ! Dear children ! How I suffer to see you like this, held captive by a lukewarmness which will
take you to your death, if you don't free yourselves from it ! You must, dear children, make an effort,
and fight for your own salvation, and for the salvation of your brothers, so that they also can be saved,
so that your brothers will acquire the happiness of Heaven.
Dear children, comprehend My words very well, so that the Devil does not ensnare you in this
state, in the one where you only want to be happy, and do not want to be preoccupied about your
brothers. Look Our Lord said: "Love your neighbor," but as you should. And the way it should be is
wanting that he be saved. And if they are going to be saved, because you told the truth, because you
learned to be a light for their souls, then it will be when you will truly be the light in the middle of the
darkness, which now covers the face of the earth.
Yes, dear children, to be a light is what causes many of My children problem, because how
many times, because My sons or My daughters did not talk when they should have, many souls were

lost ? How many times, for being silent, the Devil gains ground ? How many times, for not wanting to.
talk, you submerged them into the abyss of sin ?
For this reason, dear children, you must understand that, in order to save your own souls, and
those of the others, it does not only consist in not doing anything bad, but in not doing all the good
which would be useful for your own souls, and those of the others, in order to be saved.
It consists in being silent, when you should talk because, if you, knowing the truth, hide the
light, the darkness will continue. If you keep silent, the confusion will continue. And all of those who
don't want to accept the truth and the life will be rejected by My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, because the
lukewarm say: "I don't need anything, I'm rich, I don't need anything else." And Our Lord says to them:
" You are an indigent, an unfortunate, blind and naked. I therefore counsel you to buy white vestments
to cover your nakedness, and eyewash for your eyes. And with this eyewash, you will be able to see.
Look, I am at the door, and I call. And all of those who hear My voice, and open the door to Me, I will
enter and eat with them. And they will sit on My throne, just as I did, because I conquered the world.
And if I conquered, they will also conquer it."
But for this to happen, you must listen to My voice, and the voice of My Divine Son, Jesus
Christ, Who waits, waits, waits for Our sons to open the door, so that He can enter, and eat with you,
and live in your hearts. But, if you don't leave the lukewarmness, dear children, you will not have the
courage to open the door to your God.
And this is why lukewarmness is a great evil, because it does not let you act, it doesn't let you
discern. Look the times are being shortened, the times are ripe. And all of those who remain lukewarm
will be vomited by My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and will be rejected, because He Himself said this in
the Bible. You must, dear children, change, and not be content with a little. But always try to go higher,
always by the way of perfection, even though this causes you tears and sufferings.
This is what you must comprehend, that the way of the Cross is not easy, when you are trapped
by lukewarmness. For many, it is very difficult. And because of their lukewarmness, they do not dare
to enter, because they see everything so difficult, and they don't want so suffer this pain.
Dear children, I want you always to look at the model of perfection, Who was, Who is for
everyone My Divine Son, Jesus Christ. He died for you. He died, so that you could obtain Heaven. And
He taught you that first He died on the Cross, in order to have a glorious resurrection afterwards. And
by doing this, He conquered evil. You will also conquer evil, if you leave this lukewarmness, if you leave
this mortal lukewarmness, which binds you to the earth, to your things to all those earthly things that
do much harm to your souls.
And this is the reason, dear children, that I come again to talk to you, so that you really
understand why We always come to earth, to tell you that you must change, you must leave sin, and try
to acquire virtues. But this, My children, is very difficult, when you are trapped in lukewarmness, and
you don't want to suffer. You don't want to walk the way of the Cross, because you are satisfied with
very little, you are content with those things that don't cause you problems, and make you fight, the
problem of having to advance based on the tears and sufferings of the way of the Cross.
And this is the reason, dear children, why you must not fall into the sin of lukewarmness,
because lukewarmness will lead you on the road to hypocrisy, on the road of pride, on the road of evil,
because you say that you have everything, that you don't need anything. And when you become aware
that you are naked, and that you really have nothing, you will cry and lament. But it will be much too
late. This is why I come to warn you now: Don't be satisfied with saying that you are good, and that you

don't harm anyone. Yes, this is very good. But if you don't do good, you are sinning, because due to
omission many souls are lost.
How many of My children, because of the sin of omission, for the sin of not defending, for the
sin of not speaking at the proper time, allow the people to condemn themselves ! And they leave the
people die in sin ! And they don't speak because they don't want the person to get angry at them, and
say that, it is none of their business. And if the person is in sin, "That's his or her affair." still he lives
tranquilly and in peace. But they are sinning by the sin of omission.
Now, the Devil, dear children, has gained much ground, very much ground, because there are
so many of My children who are lukewarm, and don't lift a finger to save their brothers. And in their
lukewarmness, they don't speak. And by not speaking, they let the Devil continue with the confusion and
with the darkness in the world.
Yes, dear children, by not avoiding sin, by not avoiding evil, by not avoiding death, they commit
the sin of omission.
Yes, dear children, I suffer and cry, when My children are afraid to defend their faith, when they
are afraid to defend the Doctrine, the true Doctrine of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ. And they hurl
themselves into such a terrible lukewarmness that they do not avoid sin, even though they see it. And
even though they themselves feel it, they don't want to change, they don't want to suffer the ridicule of
their friends, or the ridicule of their family.
How many of My children that go to Mass, receive Communion, and receive My Divine Son,
Jesus Christ, in a lukewarmness so big that, after a few minutes, they forget that they have received
God ! And when they arrive at their homes, they insult and fight. And if someone needs help, they refuse
it, because it's very convenient not to look for problems, and it's very convenient not to help those who
are having difficulties.
They don't want people to say that they are crazy, or say that they are wrong for defending the
truth and their faith. They don't want to undergo any grief for saying things that the people don't want
to see or hear.
Yes, dear children, this is the great evil which reigns in the world, the lukewarmness of My
children. And because of their lukewarmness, they let evil advance, and gain strength in the hearts of
My children.
Oh ! Dear children ! How much I suffer, because you don't want to obey, because you don't
to understand that the way of perfection is painful and bitter ! But afterwards, you will triumph,
afterwards, you will be seated on the throne of My Son, of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ.
And this is why I have come to talk to you, so that you will understand that there are many
devilish traps in the world. And the world falls into these traps, into these nets, without realizing it. And
its for this reason that I come now, to explain this to you, so that you comprehend your error, and that
you keep going forward, always forward removing from your path the obstacle of being lukewarm. And
in that way, you can follow My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, on the Cross, just as He wants you to follow
Therefore, dear children, you must comprehend this, and make others understand it, so that they

also can get rid of this error, and begin now to work, to gain the Kingdom of Heaven, and in that way,
avoid, dear children, the pains of Hell.
Very cruel times are coming, dear children. But in this great battle, which will take place in the
world, the first ones who will fall before the Antichrist will be the lukewarm and the cold, those who
don't want to work for the Lord. Well, I have come to talk to you about this, so that you would
understand that this is a very grave evil.
Now, dear children, I am going to bless all of these Sacramentals, so that My children, if they
are lukewarm, can overcome it, and will be able to walk the way of perfection, which leads to Heaven.
I bless all of these Sacramentals, in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, so that
these Sacramentals will be an aid for My children, and help them overcome their lukewarmness, which
is a great evil.
And that's why, dear children, I have come to talk to you about this very important subject for
your souls and for your hearts, because there is much, much, very much evil. And it's because the
lukewarmness of My children impedes them from fighting against sin. I want this to be very clear in your
minds and in your hearts. Don't say: "I am good, I am well, because I don't rob, or kill, I don't harm
anyone." Yes, dear children, but you have left much good that could have been done. You have not
comforted your brother who suffers, you have not consoled the sorrowful, you have not encouraged the
timid, you have not cured the sick, you have not given your brother the help he needed from you. And
you didn't give it, because you were afraid, you were afraid to talk, to act. And by not doing this, you
left your brother lose himself in sin.
Therefore, dear children, there is also sin, when you don't do good to your neighbor, and this
is what the world must understand.
You must understand, dear children, that, by not talking to your neighbor about the salvation
of his soul, you have committed a grave sin, because he lost his soul, because there was no one to tell
him the truth, and because there was no one to show him the road that he should have taken.
Therefore, dear children, don't think only of your own souls, but also of your neighbor's soul,
and of all of those who, because of a lack of knowledge of the true Doctrine of My Divine Son, Jesus
Christ, are condemned. And when they are condemned, My Heart is pierced with a sword, because they
could have been saved, if My sons had defended the truth at that moment, the true Doctrine, if My sons
had given them the light that they needed for their soul, to save themselves, and to gain Heaven.
Oh ! Dear children ! There is so much evil in the world, because My sons did not want to speak,
when they should have spoken, because My sons did not defend, when they should have defended,
because they didn't raise their voices, when they should have shouted, when they didn't lift up their
fallen brother, leaving him to die in his sin !
Oh ! Dear children ! I suffer so much, when I see all of this, when I see that My sons, because
of their lukewarmness, don't help My Divine Son, Jesus, and Me to save souls ! It's so sad, dear children,
so very sad, to see how they withdraw with fear and with dread from those who need them ! And they
don't offer them the help that could have saved them !
Oh ! Dear children ! You must comprehend and help My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and Me save
souls, to lead them to Heaven, and to rescue them from the hands of the Devil. But you must do it
without wavering, and with much courage. But to do this, you must stop being lukewarm, and show the
truth to everyone, the true Doctrine of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ.

You must, dear children, begin now. And don't be afraid, because all of those who take cover
in My Divine Mantle will be saved. But you must stop sinning, and also overcome the lukewarmness,
which is a grave sin. You must stop being lukewarm, and that is to say, the laziness, or unwillingness to
fight for yourselves and for others.
Yes, dear children, this is why I have come today, to take away from your hearts and your minds
this great evil, which is the lukewarmness, this lukewarmness which condemns many of My children.
Don't forget the words of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, when He said with much sadness: "God grant
that you be either cold or hot, because, if you are lukewarm, I will vomit you from My mouth." And this
means to say, dear children, that all of those who are lukewarm, who are lax about saving souls, in saving
themselves, in following the true Doctrine of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, at the end of everything they
will comprehend that they are naked, naked of the graces of God, and that they are blind. And because
they are blind, they cannot see the Light of God. And for being like this, when My Divine Son, Jesus
Christ, comes to judge the world, when My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, comes for the second time to earth,
they, because they were lukewarm, will be hurled into Hell. This is the meaning of the saying: "I will
vomit you from My mouth."
Therefore, dear children, you must meditate on My words, you must meditate very much, so that
you don't fall into this error.
Pray the Rosary very often for yourselves and for others, so that they can also acquire the light,
so that they also receive the truth and wisdom, so that they can be saved and are able to leave this
darkness and confusion, that has corrupted the world, and which was launched by the Devil, so that My
children would not comprehend the words that would save them.
For this reason, dear children, We always come to warn you, because, when the Great
Chastisement comes, as you know, all of those who remained lukewarm will not be saved.
Understand, dear children, My words and change. Change, so that you can be saved. Place
yourselves under My protective Mantle. Pray very much, and watch, because you don't know the day or
the hour, and the day will come like a thief. And that's why, dear children, that I come as the Mother
of Sorrows and of Anguish, because I see much sin, much presumption, much lukewarmness, much pride
among My children. And in order to be saved, you must leave all of these things.
Dear children, from the bottom of My Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart, I bless you in the Name
of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. May the peace, the joy, the faith, and love remain in
your hearts, so that you can banish this great evil, which is the lukewarmness. And in that way, you will
follow the Cross of Christ, the way of perfection, with joy and with love.

For more Messages, Please contact one of the following Centers of

Also please look for the languages you need in parentheses.
Comunidad de Desagravio

9a Avenida 6-71, Zona 7

Colonia Quinta Samayoa
Guatemala, Centro Amrica
Mission of The Blessed Virgin
The Lady of The Apocalypse
15851 Quartz St.
Westminster, CA 92683 U.S.A
Crusaders of Our Lady of Fatima
P.O. Box 751
Lancaster, CA 93534
Mission of the Blessed Virgin
681 Marshall Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Mission of the Blessed Virgin
The Lady of the Apocalypse
P.O. Box 2639
Kumasi Ghana (W.A.)
Knight of the Immaculate Heart
P.O. Box 283
Iloilo City 5000
Mrs. A. Libera
Box 915
Atikokan, Ont POT 1CO
Phone: (807) 597-4415
P.O. Box 326
Petit Rocher, NB. EOB 2EO

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