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Submitted to:

Dr. Grace Santa Daclan

Submitted by:
Ares, Lalaine D.

Field Study 2 is an integral part of the new teacher education curriculum. It is a
course that focuses on the pre-service teachers observation of the mentors
classroom management skills in the teaching-learning process applied in
the classroom. This one-unit course will enable the pre-service teachers to
identify the various aspects of teaching, classroom management, and
technique used by the cooperating teacher. These aspects and techniques will
then be described by the PST through a narrative report reflected as journal
entries. These techniques in the teaching-learning process and classroom
management will provide students with opportunities to examine their
application in the teaching-learning environment.
Goods Dictionary of Education defines classroom management as the
administration or direction of activities with special reference to such problem
as discipline, democratic teaching-learning techniques, the use and care of
supplies and reference materials, the physical features of the classroom,
general housekeeping and the social relationships of the learners.
A well-managed classroom is conducive to mental growth and development of
the learners skills in teaching. Learning becomes interesting and enjoyable
under favorable working conditions and an organized classroom environment.
Links to DepEds National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
Domain 2- Learning Environment focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as
positive and powerful role models of the values of the pursuit of learning of
different kinds of the effort
2.1.1 Maintains a learning environment of courtesy and respect or different
learners (ability, culture, gender).
2.1.2 Provides gender-fair opportunities for learning.
2.2.1 Maintains a safe, clean and orderly classroom free from distractions.
2.3.2 Encourages learners to ask questions.
2.3.3 Provides learners with a variety of learning activities.
2.4.1 Handles behavior problems quickly and with due respect to childrens rights.
2.4.2 Gives timely feedback and reinforcement appropriate to learners behavior.
2.4.3 Guides individual learners requiring development of appropriate social and
learning behavior.
2.4.4 School policies and procedures for classroom behavior are communicated
and followed.
Domain 3- Diversity of Learners
3.1.2 Establishes goals that define appropriate expectation for all learners.
3.1.4 Provides different activities for learners.
3.1.6 Sensitive to multicultural background of the learner.
3.2.4 Sensitive to unusual behavior of learners and takes appropriate action.


Field Study 2 is the second in a series of six related field study courses. It is focused
primarily on observing the teachers application of the teaching theories and principles
and his/her classroom management skills in the learning environment. It has special
reference to aspects such as creating a conducive teaching-learning atmosphere,
observing a child friendly school environment, discipline, use and care of supplies and
reference materials, the physical features of the classroom and, general
FS 2 is also concerned with the development of the pre-service teachers
communication skills as he/she interacts with the buddy and cooperating teacher.
This FS can be anchored on the following Professional Education subjects: Facilitating
Learning and Principle of Teaching 1 & 2.

Course Objectives
This FS 2 aims to
1. Provide Pre-service Students (PSTs) with opportunities to observe and
examine the different classroom management techniques applicable in the
learning environment.
2. Enrich PSTs knowledge of the teaching methods, strategies, learning
activities and appropriate instructional materials used by teachers
3. Reflect on the importance of a well-managed classroom in creating a
conducive and healthy teaching-learning atmosphere.
4. Develop PSTs communication skills as he/she interacts with the buddy and
cooperating teacher.

Grading System


Reflective Journal Writing ----------------------------------------(at least 4 entries)


Checklist on Management Skills and Competency
Checklist on Communication Skills and Activity Sheets
Seat Plan
Class List


Attendance in scheduled school visits ------------------------




CT Cooperating Teachers
PS Practicum Supervisor




A. Classroom Management Skills and Styles

Classroom management is defined as the administration or direction of
activities with special reference to such problems as discipline, democratic
techniques, use and care of supplies and reference materials, the physical
features and the social relationship of learners in the classroom. (Good,
Dictionary of Education)
The management of a classroom includes the organizations of its physical
conditions as well as the use of materials of instruction. Classroom routines
that can be established to save time, effort and resources may include
seating arrangement to facilitate checking of attendance, distributing and
returning of instructional materials, entering and leaving the room and
observing classroom courtesy. The way the classroom teacher interacts with
the learners and the way learners interact with their mentor and with one
another is an attribute of a healthy environment conducive for learning.
Good classroom management establishes an atmosphere that permits
activities o be carried out efficiently and economically. A well-organized
classroom is conducive for mental development because the teaching and
learning process becomes enjoyable and interesting under favorable
1. The focus of observation is on the mentors classroom management
skills which facilitate an effective teaching and learning process.
These management skills include:
a. Routine activities to ensure classroom discipline, such as:
Checking the attendance
Seating arrangement
Handling materials and devices
Classroom courtesies
b. Monitoring of the learners behavior and the teachers
response to the various forms of student behavior.
The learners are observed at the beginning of the day, upon arrival, during
their sharing time, in the distribution and collection of materials and in all
other learners activities and responsibilities in the classroom. Attendance is
also checked. The success of teaching and learning is determined by the
way the class is managed and organized.
III. Objectives:

At the end of the sessions, the students will be able to:

1. Observe the cooperating teachers style of managing his/her
2. Acquaint them with the classroom routine established by the
teacher to maximize time for teaching-learning activities.
3. Describe the classroom routine established by the teacher and
how a classroom is well organized and managed, a classroom is
and appreciate its importance in establishing a classroom
atmosphere conducive to learning.
4. Reflect on the application of different theories of learning and
knowledge acquisition and how planned Activities are facilitated in
the classroom.
5. Observe different ways of teaching a lesson.
IV. Expected Outcomes
The Pre-service teacher is expected to:
1. Describe how students are organized to facilitate the
implementation of planned activities in the classroom.
2. Identify some facilities, equipments, materials and resources and
other structures found in the room and describe how these are
arranged or utilized by the learners to facilitate their mobility and
the teaching-learning effectiveness.
3. Discuss with the buddy and mentor the importance of a wellmanaged and orderly classroom to effective teaching and learning
and report on this journal.
4. Identify and select learning methods and activities appropriate to
learners and align to objectives of the lesson.
5. Reflections on the different kinds of learning-teaching theories
demonstrated and the different resources used by the teacher.
Section 9 of the Presidential Decree No. 49 provides: No copyright
shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines.
However, prior approval of the government agency or office within the
work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for
profit. This material has been developed within the Basic Education
Assistance for Mindanao (BEAM) Project. Prior approval must be given
by the BEAM Project Management Unit and the source must be clearly

V. Assessment:

The pre-service teachers will be rated based on the quality of

performance they manifested while in attendance to or as they
conduct classroom observations. These observations should be
reflected in their Journal, required documents and reports included
in their portfolio and in line with the Rubric and Rating scale:
The following documents will be submitted during the debriefing with
cooperating teacher and TEI Practicum Supervisor:
Class lists, seat plan and policies on materials
distribution and collection are to be compiled in their
professional folio to be submitted during the debriefing
session with the TEI Practicum Supervisor. Discuss the
importance of that seat plan in your journal.
Discussions on the importance of a well-managed
classroom. This will be written in the reflective journal.
Pre-Service Teachers Observation Guide on Classroom
Management. The responses to these questions should
be written in the Journal. (see Appendix A for questions)
Use the self-rating competency checklist and activity
sheets 1-3 ELC p.41-45

VI. Tasks for Pre-service Teachers:

1. Use the checklist in Appendix B to record specific
information about classroom management.
2. Secure a class list and draw a seat plan to save time in
checking attendance of students. Why is this important?
3. Observe a class and record notes on:
A. How and in what ways students are organized for the
activities (e.g. pairs, groups, teams). Are the learners

given respect regardless of their gender, culture and

B. How the classroom is arranged and structured to
facilitate mobility of the students during class activity
which is free from hazard and distractions.
C. Ways in which students and teacher, students and
students interact with one another, and describe how
each one responds to questions.
D. Materials and equipment used during the lesson.
Describe how they are distributed, collected, used and
arrange in a challenging activities.

Learning Content II
B. Enriching the Teaching and Learning experiences
The teaching-learning process becomes enjoyable and interesting when
learners are placed in a healthy environment conducive for learning. Students
working under a conducive learning environment can interact without fear or
inhibitions with their teachers. This facilitates an effective teaching and learning
In this aspect of teaching-learning process, the pre-service teachers (PSTs) are
provided with opportunities to observe the application of principles, methods,
and strategies used in the learning environment. They are given the chance to
be familiar with, develop, try out and enrich their knowledge of teaching method
and strategies, learning activities, assessment strategies and instructional
materials used by their mentors/cooperating teachers.
I. Objectives: this aspect of the lesson aims for PSTs to:
1. Be familiar with, and develop their understanding of teaching
competency using the checklist provided in the manual.
2. Observe and list different methods and strategies used by the
cooperating teachers in the classroom.

3. Identify the instructional materials and learning activities employed by

the CTS that fit in with the strategies used by the teacher.
4. Learn to match the objectives with the subject matter, teaching
strategies/activities, and assessment strategies.
II. Expected outcomes: PSTs are expected to:
1. Determine the teaching competencies employed in teaching.
2. Write/list down different methods, strategies, and learning activities
employed by their cooperating teacher.
3. Make a matrix showing the subject matter lesson objectives, the
strategies, learning activities, institutional materials and assessment
tools employed by the teacher as observed in the classroom.
4. Make a reflection about how learning activities and instructional
materials used by the teachers helped facilitate an effective teachinglearning process.
III. Assessment:
1. The Pre-service teachers will be assessed based on the completeness
of the documents, journals and reports required them to be submitted at
the end of the specified period of deployment.
Activity sheet 1:
Enriching Learning Experiences
Observe a class and in the table below list: the teaching methodologies and
strategies, instructional materials, learning activities, subject matter, objectives,
and evaluation (assessment) strategies used by the teacher/mentor.
Teaching Methods/Strategies

Learning Activities

Instructional Materials

Class Discussion

Subject Matter

Lesson Objectives

Teaching strategies

strategies used

Write a reflection on how the teachers teaching strategies learners activities and instructional
materials helped facilitate an effective teaching learning process.

Appendix A: Reflective Journal Entries

Guide Questions on Classroom Management Skills
These guide questions should be answered by the pre-service teachers based on
actual observation of a mentor. The responses to these questions will be written in
the individuals reflective journal.
1. What have you observe regarding the general atmosphere of the
classroom? Was the instructional environment conducive to learning?
2. Was there a system in distributing and collecting materials of instruction?
Describe how the teacher handled the following routine in order to
economize on time and energy in teaching and learning:
a. Roll call of attendance
b. Distribution and collection of resource materials and devices such
as: examination papers (quizzes, activity sheets)
c. Use of resources and materials such as books, apparatus, etc.
d. Asking and answering questions posed by the teacher or by other
e. Proper behavior in entering and leaving the classroom.
3. What is your concept on discipline and its importance in maintaining a wellmanaged classroom? What were some routine activities that contributed to
good classroom management?
4. Describe an observed classroom courtesy that helped maintain harmonious
relations between the teacher and learners among the learners themselves.
5. How does the teacher respond to the learners questions? How do students
respond to the teachers questions?

6. Cite two (2) misbehaviors observed from students and the behavior
management techniques used by the cooperating teacher to change the
7. Was a child friendly atmosphere observed in the classroom? Cite some
instances where this was observed.

Section 9 of the Presidential Decree No. 49 provides: No copyright shall
subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior
approval of the government agency or office within the work is created
shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. This material
has been developed within the Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao
(BEAM) Project. Prior approval must be given by the BEAM Project
Management Unit and the source must be clearly acknowledged.

Appendix B: Checklist for Effective Classroom Management

The following checklist should be accomplished by the PSTs as he/she observes the
teachers management styles.

Classroom Management Skills

1. The teacher checked attendance using the
learners name in assigning their proper seat
2. There was a definite place for storage of
materials needed and used in the classroom.
3. The teacher systematically distributed or
collected materials.
4. There was a system observed on how
students enter/leave the classroom.
5. The teacher interacted positively and
effectively with the learners.
6. The learners behaviors were addressed and
given attention by the teacher.
7. The teacher used some techniques to control
disruptive behavior of the learners.
8. The teacher was fair, open-minded and
consistent in dealing with the learners for
different learning environment.
9. The teacher has an effective approach in
grouping learners for different learning



An example of this is

10. Classroom was structured to enhanced

learning (display boards, lights, ventilation,
11. Board work, visual aids and instructional
materials were prepared ahead of time.
12. The teacher was flexible in his/her time
13. The teacher maintained order and discipline
in classroom.
14. The teacher used non-threatening styles of
15. There was a provision for the safety and
security of students.
16. The teacher reinforced students for
appropriate behavior and refrained from using
physical punishment

Appendix C: Competency Checklist

Name: _____________ Course: ___________ Yr. & Sect.____________
Direction: During your classroom observation, provide one example of the
following competencies you observe.
1. Provides lessons with a variety of learning
2. Designs or selects learning experiences
suited to the different kinds of learners.
3. Adopt strategies to address needs of
differently-able students.
4. Identifies varied method and strategies
used in the learning environment.
5. Selects, prepares and utilizes instructional
materials appropriate to the learners and
to the objects of the lesson.




The teacher relates the topic

to real life.


The experiences used are

related to the topic.


She accepts advices from

co- teacher.


She considers the

uniqueness of students.


The materials are

appropriate to the topic.

6. Engages and sustains learners interest in

the subject through the use of appropriate
audio-visual materials.
7. Provides varied enrichment activities to
nurture the desire for further learning.
8. Creates stress-free environment.
9. Encourages free expression of ideas.
10. Recognizes that every learner has
strength and worth as a person.
11. Recognize multi-cultural background of
the learner.


She uses contrived

experiences that get the
attention of her students.


She uses different activities

that assess her students.


She always smiles.


She accepts the ideas of her

She traits all her students



She considers multiple



Name of FS Student
_____Course ________Year & Section _____
Resource Teacher
Cooperating School _____________________________
Your Target
At the end of this activity, the students are able to identify the lesson
objectives, learning activities, instructional materials and assessment tools
used by the teacher and to draw insights from the teacher as to the reasons of
their use in such learning activities.
Your Way
Now work your way towards a closer look at the methods, strategies,
and approaches of teaching and learning, as well as the instructional materials
and assessment tools used.
To hit your Target, work your way through these steps:
Step 3.Reflect on the reasons given by the teacher interviewed.
Step 2.Interview the teacher on the reason behind the use of observed learning
activities and instructional materials.
Step 1.Observe a class and identify the lesson objectives, learning activities,
instructional materials and assessment tools used by the teacher.

Remember to place in the Teachers Toolbox the descriptions of the

instructional materials and assessment tools used by the classroom teacher as
well as those that you suggest as more appropriate.

Your Tools
For this visit, document your observations and the responses to the
interviews you conduct by using the activity forms provided for you.
An Observation Guide for Assisting Teacher
1. What are the objectives of the lesson?
To listen critically to the given text. To be able to understand what the text is all
To answer certain question after the text has been read.
To gain moral lessons from the text.
2. How do the learners participate in the learning activities?
The learners participate in the learning activities engaging themselves actively in
the learning activities through answering questions; convey their opinions about
the text and asking questions to the teacher to clarify the misunderstanding.
3. What instructional materials are employed?
Books, videos
4. How does the teacher assess the learning in the lesson? Is she assessing the process
or the product?
The teacher assess the learning in the lesson by asking questions to the students
to measure their learning outputs about the lesson as well as giving sufficient
answers to those questions raised by the students. The teacher is assessing the
5. What reasons does the teacher give in having such learning activities?
To measure students learning about the lesson, to activate learners cognitive,
affective and psychomotor domains.

Signature over Printed Name of FS student

Your own
suggested activity,
materials or
assessment that
are more

Reasons for your

suggested activity,
materials, or

Describe the
learning behaviors
of the learners

Theories of
learning applied by
the teacher

1.Oral recitation
of the summary
about the epic;
Florante at

They actively
participate in
the class.

No theory

The teacher
elaborate the

For the
students can
easily recall the

Mapaghangadgroup activity

They enjoy the


No theory

The teacher
should consider
the time frame.

Students time

Teachers Activity

3.Reviewing for
the final exam

well the activity.

No theory

Observe a class and identify the lesson objectives, learning activities,
instructional materials, and assessment tools employed by the teacher.
Accomplish the matrix below.
Subject Matter

Lesson Objectives

Learning Activities &

Instructional Materials

1.Florante at Laura

To be able to listen Summarize the text.

to the text.
Recite it in front
customs in life.
Book, paper


Love and respect to Summarize


Assessment Tools

Quiz, assignment

and Group

and Pencil, book, paper

To be able to Test paper, pencil, Paper- pencil test

answer correctly the notebook


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