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Victory Elijah Christian College

First Monthly Test

In Science 6
Grade&Section: ____________________________
Teacher: Merry Joy A. Bagayaua


I. Identify the terminologies being described in each number. Write the letter of the correct answer at the space
provided before each number.
a. Physical Properties
b. Solid
c. Mass
d. Chemical Properties
e. Gas

f. Combustion Reaction
g. Physical Change
h. Liquid
i. Density
j. Matter

k. Reactivity
l. Chemical Change
m. Volume
n. Flammability
o. Property

______1. It is the ability of matter to combine chemically with other substances.

______2. It occurs when a substance reacts quickly with oxygen.
______3. It includes the state of matter and its color and odor.
______4. It is something about matter that you can observe with one ore more of your senses.
______5. It is defined as anything that has mass and volume.
______6. Is a state of matter that has no shape.
______7. It is the amount of space that the object takes up.
______8. A state of matter which particles are loosely held together and can flow past one another.
______9. It is the amount of matter in a substance or object.
______10. Physical property of matter that measure the amount of matter in a certain amount of space.
______11. It is the ability of matter to burn.
______12. It is a changes in matter that changes the way it look without becoming a new kind of matter.
______13. A property of matter that can be measured or observed only when matter undergoes a change to
become an entirely different substance.
______14. A state of matter that keeps its shape, and particles are held tightly together.
______15. It occurs whenever, matter changes into an entirely different substance with different chemical
II. Categorize the following property changes. Write the correct answer inside the box.
* water Freeze

* broken glass

* Wood burns

* tablets in a glass of water

* fireworks

* Soaps use to wash dishes

* crushed metal can

* using batteries

* cutting battery

* burning gasoline

Physical Changes

Chemical Changes









III. Write the letter MS if the properties can be measured by mass and VM if measured by volume. Write the
correct answer on the space provided.
26. dime
27. pencil
28. milk
29. orang juice________
30. stapler

31. mug
32. toy
33. water
34. soccer ball ________
35. Book

IV. Solve the following.

36-40. What is the density of a substance that has a mass of 40g and a volume of 10mL.

41-45. A box of an object has a mass of 300g and a volume of 150m3. What is the density?

46-50. Find the density of the substance that has a mass of 80kg and a volume of 40ml.

****GOD BLESS****
Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself
Ignorance can be educated, stupid Lasts FOREVER

Prepared by:
Ms. Merry Joy A. Bagayaua
Grade VI Adviser

Parents Signature

Victory Elijah Christian College

Second Monthly Test
In Science 6
Grade&Section: ____________________________
Teacher: Merry Joy A. Bagayaua
I. Directions: Identify the terminology/ies used in the following statements. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before each number
a. energy
b. matter
c. kinetic energy
d. changes of state
e. temperature

f. freezing
g. melting
h. vaporization
i. evaporation
j. condensation

k. sublimation
l. deposition
m. chemical reaction
n. concentration
o. Law of conservation of mass

______1. It is the average kinetic energy of the particles of matter.

______2. A process in which a liquid changes to a solid.
______3. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed in chemical reactions.
______4. It is the ability to cause changes in matter.
______5. The process in which a solid changes directly to a gas
______6. A liquid changes to a gas without boiling.
______7. The theory that all matter consists of constantly moving particles.
______8. Process in which a solid changes to liquid.
______9. The process in which a gas changes to a liquid.
______10. The number of particles of a substance in a given volume.
______11. It is the process in which some substances change into different substances.
______12. Defined as anything that has mass and volume.
______13. It is the physical changes in matter.
______14. It is the opposite of sublimation.
______15. The process in which a liquid boils and changes to a gas.
II. (16-25) Illustrate the changes of state inside the box.

III. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

______26. Matter is always a changing state.
______27. Other types of matter may have higher or lower boiling points.
______28. If you take a a hot shower I a close bathroom, the mirrors wont fog up.
______29. Solids that change to gases generally first pass through the liquid state.
______30. Dry ice is an example of a solid that undergoes sublimation.
______31. Frost is a solid water that forms when water vapor undergoes melting.
______32. Substances that are produced in the reaction are called producers.
______33. The fuel that burns in a combustion reaction contains compounds called hydrocarbons
______34. Combustion, or burning is chemical reaction in which dioxide is a reactant.
______35. Matter cannot be created not destroyed even when it changes.
______36. In every chemical reaction, the same mass of matter must not end up in the products as started in the
______37. Vaposization is the process in which a liquid boils changes to gas.
______38. Water dripping from a gutter turned to ice is example of melting.
______39. If particles do not have enough kinetic energy to overcome the force of attraction between them, the
matter exists as solid.
______40. The energy of moving matter is kinetic energy.
IV. Enumerate the following
Changes of Matter
States of Matter

****GOD BLESS****
Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself
Ignorance can be educated, stupid Lasts FOREVER

Prepared by:
Ms. Merry Joy A. Bagayaua
Grade VI Adviser

Parents Signature

Victory Elijah Christian College

First Quarterly Test
In Science 6
Grade&Section: ________________________________
I. Match the following terminologies on Set B to its meaning on Set A. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before each number.
_____1. The process in which a gas changes to liquid.
_____2. It is defined as anything that has mass and volume.
_____3. It include the state of matter and. its color and odor.
_____4. The process in which a solid changes directly to a gas.
_____5. It is the ability of matter to burn
_____6. It is the physical changes in matter

a. sublimation
b. combustion reaction
c. mass
d. volume
e. deposition
f. matter

_____7.It occurs when a substance reacts quickly with oxygen

_____8. The opposite of sublimation
_____9. It is the amount of matter in a substance or subject
_____10. The number of particles of a substance in a given volume
_____11. A liquid changes to gas without boiling
_____12. A process in which a solid changes to liquid
_____13. It is the amount of space that the object takes up
_____14. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed
_____15. It is the average kinetic energy of the particles of matter
II. Draw the diagram of arrangement of molecules of state of mattes
16-20. Solid
21-25. Liquid

g. law of conservation of mass

h. flammability
i. temperature
j. condensation
k. concentration
l. changes of state
m. melting
n. physical properties
o. evaporation
25-30. Gas

III.Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is wrong.

______31. Matter is always a changing state.
______32. Chemical changes produce new substances.
______33. Gas is a state of matter that has shape.
______34. Dry ice is an example of a solid that undergoes sublimation
______35. Rust is not iron but an entirely different substance that consist of both iron and oxygen.
______36. A liquid can also change to solid without boiling.
______37. The freezing point of water is -3oF.
______38. A gas condenses when it is cooled below its boiling point.
______39. Solid carbon dioxide changes directly to the gaseous state.
______40. The ice crystals are called freeze.
______41. Frost is solid water that forms when water vapor undergoes Vaporization
______42. Clouds form when water vapor in the air condenses on dust particles in the sea.
______43. A cold drink sweats on a warm day when water vapor in the air evaporates on the cold glass.
______44. Carbon reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide.
______45. Burning is a physical process.
______46. When the temperature of reactants is higher, the rate of the reaction is faster.
______47. A greater concentration of oxygen in the air makes combustion more rapid if fire starts burning.
______48. Photosynthesis changes light energy to chemical energy.
______49. When scientist write chemical equations, they use numerical symbols and chemical formulas instead
of names.
______50. Substances that start a chemical reaction are called reactants.

III. Categorize the following property changes. Write the correct answer inside the box.
* burning gasoline
* cutting log
* wood burns
* broken glass
* fireworks
* gunshots
* braided hair
* fried egg
* melted chocolate
* water freeze
* tablets in glass water
* using of batteries
* soaps use to wash dishes * crushed metal
* rust
Physical Change
Chemical Change




IV. Draw the changes of state inside the box.


V. Answer the following questions

76-80. What happen in chemical changes?

81-85. What happen in physical changes?

86-90. What are the factors that influence the rate of a chemical reaction?

VI. Solve the following.

91-95. A box of an object has a mass of 300kg and a volume of 150m3. What is its density?

96-100. What is the density of a substance that has a mass of 40kg and a volume of 10mL?

****GOD BLESS****
Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself
Ignorance can be educated, stupid Lasts FOREVER

Prepared by:
Ms. Merry Joy A. Bagayaua
Grade VI Adviser

Parents Signature

Victory Elijah Christian College

Third Monthly Test
In Science 6
Grade&Section: ________________________________
I. Write T if the statement is true and if false change the underlined word/phrase to make the statement true.
____1. Photosynthesis is the process that uses light energy from the sun.
____2. Most of the energy used by living things comes either directly or indirectly from the sun.
____3. Plants are unique organisms.
____4. Photosynthesis changes light energy to mechanical energy.
____5. The primary role of photosynthesis is to make xylem.
____6. The moon provides the energy for photosynthesis.
____7. Photosynthetic organism such as plants makes their own glucose.
____8.A single leaf contains several thousand cells each having around 45 chloroplasts.
____9. The products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.
____10. Plants take in carbon dioxide through stroma.
II. Identify the terminologiy/ies being describe in each number. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before each number.
a. herbivores
b. producers
c. energy
d. cellular respiration
e. consumers

f. glucose
g. omnivores
h. carnivores
i. chlorophyll
j. decomposers

k. Phytoplankton
l. photosynthesis
m. oxygen
n. stoma

______11. Is a kind of consumer that eat both producers and consumers.

______12. Simple sugar molecule with chemical formula of C6H12O6.
______13. It is the opening located on the leaves or stems of plants, where carbon dioxide is being taken in.
______14. It is the green pigment that traps light needed by plants for photosynthesis.
______15. Are animals that eat producers to get energy.
______16. It is the process that uses light energy from sun to make glucose and oxygen.
______17. It occurs in the cells of all kinds of organisms, including those that make their own food.
______18. It makes food for the rest of the ecosystem.
______19. These are the most common producers in ocean and lakes.
______20. It is the ability to do work.
______21. These are consumers that eat animals flesh only.
______22. These are organisms that depends on plants for food.
______23. It break down animal remains and wastes to get energy.
______24. It is a waste product of photosynthesis.
______25. It is stored in the bonds of glucose molecules.
III. Illustrate and label a plant cell. Use the box for your illustration.

IV. Answer the following questions.

36-40. Why do plants need the sun for photosynthesis?

41-45. Discuss the symbiotic relationship of plants and animals.

46-50. What benefits do you get from plants?

****GOD BLESS****
Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself
Ignorance can be educated, stupid Lasts FOREVER

Prepared by:
Ms. Merry Joy A. Bagayaua
Grade VI Adviser

Parents Signature

Victory Elijah Christian College

Second Quarterly Test
In Science 6
Grade&Section: ________________________________
I. Choose inside the parenthesis the correct word to complete the statement. Underline the correct answer.
1. (Mutualism, Parasitism) is a symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit.
2. (Predation, Predator) is another mechanism in which species interacts with each other.
3. Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits while other is (affected, not
4. A (food chain, food web) is a diagram that shows feeding interactions in an ecosystem through a single
5. Food energy flows from (one, two) organism to another.
6. A ( food chain, food web) shows feeding interactions between many organisms in an ecosystems.
7. The producers are always at the (beginning, end) of the food chain.
8. A habitat is the (permanent, natural) home or environment of an organism.
9. (Chemical, Mechanical) energy is the energy of motion.
10. (Plants, Animals) are unique organisms.
11. (Herbivores, Carnivores) are animals that eat producers to get energy.
12. (Inference, Evidence) are the facts that are gathered.
13. Preys are species that is (produced, consumed) by another species.
14. (Mutualism, Parasitism) is a symbiotic relationship I which the parasitic species benefits while tohe host
species is harmed.
15. (Predator-Consumer, Predator-Prey) relationship are essential to maintaining the balance of organisms in an
II. Match the following terminologies on Set B to its meaning on Set A. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before each number.
_____16. It is stated in the bonds of glucose molecules
a. sunlight
_____17. It is a waste product of photosynthesis
b. photosynthesis
_____18. It is the ability to do work
c. chlorophyll
_____19. It provides the energy for photosynthesis
d. competition
_____20. It is the process that uses light energy from sun to make
glucose or oxygen
e. chemical energy
_____21. It make food for the rest of the ecosystem
f. C6 H12O6+6O2
6CO2 +6H2O
_____22. It is the green pigment that traps the light needed
by plants for photosynthesis.
g. energy
_____23. The chemical equation for cellular respiration
h. 6O2 +6H2O+Light Enrgy+C6H12O6+6O2
_____24This relationship exists between two or more organism
Fighting one another for food for survival
i. oxygen
_____25. The chemical reaction for photosynthesis
j. producers
III. Draw and label th anatomy of leaf and plant cell. Use the boxes for your illustration.




III. (5pts each) Answer the following questions.

46-50. Can producers function without sunlight? Explain.

51-55. What is the role of decomposers in an ecosystem?

56-60. Is the benefit gained by each individual in mutualistic realationship equal? Why? Why not?

61-65. What defines a symbiotic relationship?

66-70. Explain the difference or inference and evidence.

Victory Elijah Christian College

Fourth Monthly Test
In Science 6
Grade&Section: ________________________________
I. Identify the terminology/ies being define in each number. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
a. solid
f. sediments
k. igneous rock
b. rock cycle
g. metamorphism
l. gravity
c. fossil
h. climate
m. wind and water
d. metamorphic rocks
i. sedimentary rocks
n. inorganic substance
e. minerals
j. organic substance
o. rock
_______ 1.It is made of collections of minerals grains that held together in a firm solid mass.
_______ 2. These are small fragments of rock and minerals.
_______ 3. These are made by natural processes.
_______ 4. It is a substance that is rigid and holds its shape.
_______ 5. These are made by living creatures and include proteins, carbohydrates and oil.
_______ 6. Rocks that are form from the cooling and hardening molten magma in many different environments.
_______ 7. It is a substance that is non made from living creatures.
_______ 8. These are rocks which are from by the compaction and cementing together of sediments.
_______ 9. Rocks which form when minerals in an existing rock are change by heat or pressure.
_______ 10. It shows how any type of rock can become any other type of rock.
_______ 11. This means to change form
_______ 12. It is the force that keeps materials on earths surface.
_______ 13. These are forces that cause weather, erosion, and deposition to occur.
_______ 14. It is the main factor determining soil type.
_______ 15. It is any remains or traces of an ancient organism.
II. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is wrong.
_______ 16. Minerals are everywhere.
_______ 17. Rocks are composed of minerals.
_______ 18. All mineral have specific chemical composition.
_______ 19. Steel is mineral.
_______ 20. The three types of rocks are igneous, sedimentary and metamorphosis.
_______ 21. Igneous rocks are form when magma or lava warms and form crystals.
_______ 22. Soil formation requires feathering.
_______ 23. Water is the cause for most weathering and erosion in stream and river beds.
_______ 24. Soils hardened as the amount of time available for weathering increases.
_______ 25. Fossils include body fossils, left behind when the soft parts have decayed away.
_______ 26. Quick burial is rare on land.
_______ 27. The color of soil does not indicate its fertility.
_______ 28. Soil with low humus are better able to hold water.
_______ 29. During metamorphism, a rock may change chemically.
_______ 30. Given enough time, a climate will produce a particular type of soil.
III. Draw the rock cycle below. (10 pts.)

IV. Enumerate the following

41-48. 8 Physical properties of Mineral.

49-51. 3 Characteristics of Igneous rock.
52- 56. 5 characteristics of minerals.
57-60. 4 main forces of energy.

Victory Elijah Christian College

Third Quarterly Test
In Science 6
Grade&Section: ________________________________
I. Answer the following questions. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number.
_______ 1. What do you call a small fragments of rock and minerals.
a. sedimentary rock
b. sediments
c. metamorphic rock
d. metamorphism
_______ 2. Rocks in Earths crust are slowly being broken into smaller pieces in a process called ____.
a. luster
b. formation
c. weathering
d. earthquake
_______ 3. It is a gap in the sequence of rock layers is called an ________.
a. conformity
b. inconformity
c. unconformity
d. disconformity
_______ 4. Who is the German meteorologist who believed that continents were once all joined together.
a. Alfred Wegener
b. Charles Darwin
c. Charles Lyell
d.The Burgess
_______ 5. What is the main factor in determining soil type?
a. climate
b. minerals
c. heat
d. unconformities
_______ 6. It is the study of rocks, minerals, and their history.
a. Biology
b. chemistry
c. zoology
d. Geology
_______ 7. An amount of mass in a given volume of matter.
a. Fossils
b. Density
c. Earthquake
d. Erosion
_______ 8. What do you call an opening in earth surface; or vent, from which lava and gases escape.
a. Volcano
b. fault
c. continental drift
d. earthquake
_______ 9. These are forces that cause weather, erosion, and disposition to occur.
a. climate
b. gravity
c. wind and water
d. soil
_______ 10. What do you call the study of fossils and organic remains found in rock material.
a. Paleontology
b. zoology
c. Geology
d. Botany
II. Encircle the word that best complete the statement.
11. (Convection, Compaction) in the mantle is the same as convection in a pot of water.
12. The fracture in earths surface is called ( Fault, Fold ).
13. The supercontinent was named as ( Pangaea, Pangeae ) means all earth.
14. Wegener found rocks of the same type and age on both side of the ( Arctic Ocean, Alantic Ocean ).
15. (Plate Boundaries, Seismic Waves) are the edges where two tectonic plates meet.
16. A ( Dome, Lava Plateaus ) forms when large amounts of fluid lava flow over an extensive area.
17. ( Paleontologist, Geologist ) study earthquake waves to see Earths interior.
18. ( Divergent, Convergent ) plate boundaries : the two plates move away from each other.
19. The ( mantle, crust ) is less than 1 % of Earth by mass.
20. Quick ( burial, faction ) is essential because most decay and fragmentation occurs at the surface.
21. ( Climate, Gravity ) is the force that keeps materials on Earths surface.
22. ( Acid, Rain ) allows chemical reactions specially in the top layers of the soul.
23. Higher temperature ( increase, decrease ) the rate of chemical reactions.
24. Metamorphism means ( to change form, to remain the form ).
25. (Hardness, Cleavage) is the minerals tendency to break along planes of weakness.
III. Write T if the statement is correct and F if not.
_______ 26. Given enough time, a climate will produce a particular type of soil.
_______ 27. During metamorphism, a rock may change chemically.
_______ 28. Soil with low humus are better able to hold water.
_______ 29. The color of soil indicates its fertility.
_______ 30. Quick burial is not rare on land.
_______ 31. Steel is a mineral.
_______ 32. Rocks are made of minerals.

_______ 33. The magma squeezes upward toward the surface forming a volcano.
_______ 34. In a compaction, warm material rises and cool material sinks.
_______ 35. Seismic waves can cause many changes to the Earths surface.
_______ 36. Lava creates new land as is solidifies on the coast.
_______ 37. Plate boundaries are the edges where five tectonic plates meet.
_______ 38. Seismic waves go similar speed through different materials.
_______ 39. Lava flows often make mounds right in the middle of craters at the top of volcanoes.
_______ 40. The core is mostly silver metal.
IV. Draw and label the layers of the earth.

V. Enumerate the following

51-55. 5 characteristics of minerals
56-63. 8 physical properties of minerals
64-66. 3 characteristics of Sedimentary rocks.
67-70. 4 main forces of energy.

VI. Answer the following questions. ( 5 pts. each )

71-75. Explain what is mineral

7680. How is a rock different from a mineral?

81-85. What are the processes would lead to unconformities

86- 90. Why are fossils not found in igneous rock.

Victory Elijah Christian College

Fifth Monthly Test

In Science 6
Grade&Section: ____________________________
Teacher: Merry Joy A. Bagayaua
I. Match the following terminology/ies on set B to its meaning on set A. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided.
_____1. The maximum distance from the resting point of waves.
a. prism
_____2. It is the distance between two corresponding points on
b. wave
adjacent waves
c. energy
_____3. The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given
d. surface wave
amount of time
e. longitudinal wave
_____4. Particles of the medium vibrate up and down perpendicular
f. compression
to the direction of the wave.
g. transverse wave
_____5. It is the part of the wave where particles are bunched together
h. frequency
_____6. These are particles of the medium vibrate back and forth
i. wavelength
parallel to the direction of wave
j. amplitude
_____7. A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place
_____8. Particles of the medium vibrate both up and down and back and forth, so they end up moving in a circle.
_____9. A pyramid-shaped objects made of transparent matter.
_____10. The ability to do work.
II. Draw the different mechanical wave indicated below.
11-15. Transverse wave

16-20. Longitudinal wave

21-25. Surface wave

III. Underline the correct word to complete the ideas below.

26. There are (three, four) types of mechanical wave.
27. Wave differs in how (particles, molecules) of the medium move.
28. Another measure of wave size is (compressions, wavelength)
29. The resting position is where the (particles, molecules) would be in the absence of wave.
30. In transverse wave, the (higher, lower) the crests are, the greater the amplitude.
31. A wave cause by a disturbance with (less, more) energy has greater amplitude.
32. Wavelength usually measured in ( inches, meters)
33. Wave frequency can be measured by counting the number of (crest, wave)
34. Short-wavelength waves have (less, more) energy than long-wavelength with the same amplitude.
35. The (speed, length0 of most waves depends on the medium through which they are travelling.

IV. Answer the following questions below

36-40. Define wave frequency.
41-45. What is the difference between hearing and listening?
46-50. Describe the wavelength of a longitudinal wave.
51-55. What is the use of prism?
56-60. What determines wave amplitude?

Victory Elijah Christian College

Sixth Monthly Test

In Science 6
Grade&Section: ____________________________
Teacher: Merry Joy A. Bagayaua
I. Identify the terminologies describe in each number. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
a. heat
b. conductor
c. convection current
d. thermal conductors
e. radiators

f. thermal insulators
g. thermal energy
h. convection
i. radiation
j. conduction

k. energy conversion
l. thermodynamics
m. kinetic energy
n. electrical energy
o. potential energy

_____1. It is energy due to moving particles that make up matter.

_____2. It is the transfer of thermal energy and a form of energy.
_____3. Materials that are good conductors of thermal energy.
_____4. These are material that are poor thermal conductor.
_____5. It is the transfer of thermal energy between particles of matter that are touching.
_____6. A material that readily allows heat to move.
_____7. It is the transfer of thermal energy by particles moving through a fluid.
_____8. It heats the air by convection.
_____9. A loop of moving particles.
_____10. Is the transfer of energy by waves that can travel through empty space.
_____11. It refers to the study of heat and temperature.
_____12. It refers to energy at rest.
_____13. It refers to energy in motion.
_____14. Is the process in which energy changes from one type/form to another.
_____15. This involves electrical charges in the form of electrons and protons.
II. Write T if the statement is true and F if false.
_____16. Heat travels from a body with high temperature to a body with low temperature.
_____17. A heat is transferred from one body to the next.
_____18. Radiation is just the same as conduction and convection.
_____19. Convection currents carry electrical energy throughout the process.
_____20. Once the suns energy reaches Earth, Earths surface heats up.
_____21. Thermal insulators have many practical uses.
_____22. Metals are good conduct of chemical energy.
_____23. Convection currents move thermal energy through many solids.
_____24. Earth is warmed by energy that radiates from other planets.
_____25. Mechanical energy commonly changes between kinetic and potential energy.
_____26. Kinetic energy can be used to change the position of an object.
_____27. Both conductors and insulators doesnt have important uses.
_____28. We use thermal energy to keep our homes warm.
_____29. Energy is always conserved in energy conversions.
_____30. From particle to particle, thermal energy moves throughout a substance.
III. Write IN if the given material is an insulator and CN if it is conductor.
_________31. wooden paddle
_________32. aluminum
_________33. feather jacket
_________34. pot holder
_________35. marble
V. Enumerate the following
Give the three ways of thermal enrgy

___________36. foam containers

___________37. iron pan
___________38. copper
___________39. plastic
___________40. rubber band

2 types of energy
Give 5 various forms of energy

Victory Elijah Christian College

4th Quarterly Test

In Science 6
Grade&Section: ____________________________
Teacher: Merry Joy A. Bagayaua
I. Encircle the word that is being defined in each number.
1. (Energy, Friction) is the ability to do work.
2. (Wave, Prism) A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place.
3. (Thermal conductors, Thermal insulator) These are materials that are poor thermal conductor
4. (Radiators, Radiation) It heats the air convection.
5. (Kinetic, Potential) A type of energy at rest.
6. (Wavelength, Compression) It is the distance between two corresponding points on adjacent waves.
7. (Inclined Plane, Wheel and axle) Is a simple machine that consists of a sloping surface connecting a lower
elevation to a higher elevation.
8. (Load, Effort) The object you want to lift or move.
9. (Convection current, Energy Conversion) Is a loop of moving particles.
10. (Thermometer, Thermodynamics)It refers to the study of heat and temperature.
11. (Electrical energy, Potential Energy) This involves electrical charges in the form of electron and protons.
12. (Conductor, Conduction) A material that readily allows heat to move.
13. (Friction, Force) A force that opposes motion.
14. (Simple Machine, Complex Machine) Is a machine that consists of more than one simple machine.
15. (Wedge, Lever) A simple machine that consists of two inclined planes.
16. (Pulley, Axle) Is a simple machine that consists of a rope and grooved wheel.
17. (Energy conversion, Convection current) Is the process in which energy changes from one form to another.
18. (compression, Frequency) It is the part of wave where particles are bunched together.
19. (Conduction, Thermal energy) It is energy due to moving particles that make up matter.
20. (Inclined plane, Wheel and Axle) is a simple machine that consist two connected rings or cylinder.
II. Write IN if the given material is an insulator and CN if it is Conductor.
______21. glass
_______26. aluminum
_______31. ceramic
______22. cotton
_______27. iron
_______32. copper
______23. Styrofoam
_______28. oil
_______33. copper
______24. iron pan
_______29. steel
_______34. marble
______25. rubberband
_______30. brass
_______35. gold
_______36. graphite
_______39. nickel
_______37. wood
_______40. nylon
_______38. plastic bag
III. Write T if the statement is correct an F if it is not.
______41. A lever may or may not increase the force applied.
______42. The advantage of a third-class lever is that the output force is applied over a greater distance.
______43. An inclined plane is one of the 8 types of simple machine.
______44. The sloping surface of the inclined plane supports part of the weight of the object.
______45. The mechanical advantage of simple machine is the factor by which it decreases the force applied to the
______46. Friction can work against us.
______47.Frictionoccurs because all surface is perfectly smooth.
______48. Rougher surfaces have less friction.
______49. Friction produces heat.
______50. Friction works opposite the direction of the force applied to move an object.
______51. Ball bearing are another type of sliding friction.
______52. Heat from friction can be useful.
______53. Heavier objects also have less friction.
______54. Static friction, allows you to sit on a chair without sliding.
______55. Sliding friction is weaker than static friction.
IV. Draw the different Mechanical wave indicated below
55-60. Transverse wave

61-65. Longitudinal wave

66-70. Surface wave

V. Enumerate the following

3 Ways of Therrnal energy
2 Types of energy
5 Simple Machine

6 Examples of Complex Machine

4 Types of Friction

VI. Answer the following.

91-95. How does an inclined plane make work easier?
96-100. What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?

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