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(This page was compiled to keep me on track with my goals and ambitions using the law of attraction and

my ongoing personal experiences.)

Final edit 1.30.16

Table of Contents Page 81

website -

Free Will and

Understanding Multi-Dimensional Consciousness Levels
(This Determines What Level a Person Will
Experience Physical Life)

Lucifer Experiment Page 262

(Most of the links on this page have my personal notes and commentaries added to them and were compiled to give assistance to others going through a similar path. I
describe the process that I went through although it took me a few years to understand what was actually occurring. After living 40+ years in my natural state, I was taken by
surprise [DK1] when by Grace my consciousness was changed (raptured into higher consciousness) that made me want to understand what had happened. After
continual seeking, I finally understood that I had been changed into my spiritual self that actually is a transformed awareness change. It allowed me to understand that it is just
as important to awaken the spiritual aspect of ourselves in order to combine both equally important parts in order to start the process of becoming whole. I only provide this as
a tool so others can see a different way of working from a lower natural consciousness level into higher consciousness teachings through spiritual transformation (an inner
change from 3rd dimension to 5th dimension consciousness). It started with a prayer on how to live in this world in a way to bring me peace while working towards personal
salvation and understanding. This was done through internal guidance only. An additional prayer for angelic help and protection was also requested throughout the process
specifically for Jesus and Archangel Michaels guidance and help. This has been a pure one on one relationship. This happened after going through a major life change, and I
was not overly religious or spiritual before that even though I had attended Christian services for the previous 15 years. I originally asked for a shift in consciousness
(ascension prayer) from a book that I resonated with and understood later that it is a requirement of free will to request this change that starts this individual process into
higher consciousness. I am treating this as another experience to add to my life albeit a major one that will definitely help me as I move forward to others. Try this yourself in
privacy to verify the validity of these pages and what living in higher (Christ Unity) consciousness will do to your life.) Free yourself from the generational curse of 3rd
dimension captivity and move into 5th dimension liberation that Christ gave us from conquering the cross and freedom from lower (duality) consciousness law. This is a
gateway experience into higher consciousness (new earth) that allows a person knowledge to move into additional higher consciousness experiences and
additional achieved consciousness states for personal growth once tired from the unconscious natural state (old earth) experience.
when viewed in Explorer and Firefox Browsers using Adobe PDF reader for
highlights and notes to display properly.

And no man puts new wine into old bottles; else the new wine
will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish
(To understand and live the resurrection, a
person must expand their consciousness for this spiritual growth to occur)

And when he
called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them,
Whosoever will
come after me, let him deny himself,
and take up his cross, and follow me.
For whoever wants to
save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for
me will find it.(Spiritual Resurrection

My People are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge

(Lack of higher consciousness teachings for spiritual resurrection: (natural fallen state to spiritual physical state reality (new earth)))
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know.
The Bible says that good works do not make us acceptable to God. In other words, a person can live to a
high moral standard, give money to feed the poor, go to church, and serve their neighbors, and yet not be
what is considered a follower of Jesus, a Christian (more of a religious label), or Believer. They still must
surrender and work towards spiritual resurrection by following Jesus in order to get into the Kingdom by
way of higher consciousness. This is a process that is accomplished during physical life. If a person
doesnt understand this, they would need to continue seeking with sincerity and heart to find out how.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13
(Part time seeking, results in part time outcomes and results)

Unless there is a feeling at some level of our being that continually fuels our seeking, the energy will not be present to manifest what we desire and seek.

said I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.
John 10:14

28Peter said to him, We

have left
all we had to follow
29I tell you the truth, Jesus said to them, no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the
kingdom of God 30will fail to receive many times as much in this age
and, in the age to come, eternal life.[DK4]

Tribulation Cost During Discipleship

If any man come to Me, and hate not his father, and mother; and wife, and children, and brethren and
sisters, yea, and his own life also (for a period of time while learning how to enter the kingdom), he
cannot be My disciple. Luke 14:26
(A disciple must be willing to leave relationships and current life in order to increase consciousness
from a fallen state into the Christ Consciousness state through the surrendering process an
individual process that awakens their Christ Spirit).
They all with one consent began to make excuse. Excuses not Reasons
So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. Peter 1:6

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not
expect him. Matthew 24:44
(To test with tribulations to see what consciousness level a person resonates and belongs in
(higher or lower consciousness)).

(If deemed ready to move from lower into higher consciousness, will set up new life for that pursuit
and continued growth to occur.)

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one
cometh unto the Father (into the Kingdom and into New Jerusalem),
but by me (complete surrender into Christ Consciousness (5th
physical reality)).

John 6:44

John 14:6

To know
the father, one must first understand the Self, Son, Christ (Christ
Consciousness in this age) or Atman.

Do the work necessary that transforms (resurrects) a person from their natural state (duality consciousness) into their spiritual state (unity
consciousness). This will require focus and time devoted to obtaining Christ Consciousness at a level that will reduce ego driven desires
(flesh) to that of divine, soul inspired goals (spirit). These goals can still be mainstream and do not just fall into the religious and new
age categories. Make these goals large enough from your previous way of life to insure your increase in consciousness during your trials
while obtaining these goals spiritually. This is a major spiritual shift and one of a permanent nature. It is the reason why Jesus stated to the
Pharisees how they could not know the things He spoke of when they confessed to being the teachers of the time, but still didnt
understand the meanings of His teachings. They had the book knowledge but not the spiritual resurrection change to complete them
by having Spirit show them the truth through heart based experiences ("I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.).
This is by living through these trials for personal understanding without bypassing them to repeat them later and therefore completing the
required cycle and opening up additional awareness while aligning yourself into this experience. Heart based knowledge is having a
daily experience that answers a persons spiritual question(s) or helps change a false belief that needs to be corrected for growth. There
are also mental experiences that are intellectual exercises that result in individualized opinions. For most, the emotional body adjustment
for surrendering and separation will be the hardest obstacle to overcome. A person would need to have the desire to move spiritually
forward in order to have an open mind for expansion to advance through these teachings. Otherwise, they are happy with their
current level of consciousness and will remain locked into it while remaining within their current lifestyle (that will still cycle through
duality experiences whether a person is spiritually aware of it or not). A person needs to individually decide to seek (free will) and
only then will their conscious levels expand as they allow heart-based knowledge along with their intellectual knowledge to mold
and shape their character.

Awake, you who sleep, and arise from among the dead (natural state 3rd dimension physical reality)..Ephesians 5:14

They do not know, nor do they understand, for He has smeared over their eyes so that they
cannot see (the blind) and their hearts so that they cannot comprehend (the spiritually dead).
(lower consciousness). (They have not surrendered into their initiations to receive the gift of
the Holy Spirit, therefore remaining prioritized into their present dramas instead)..Isaiah

"Consciousness" represents awareness. The inhabitants

of each dimension function
clearly, easily, and with a minimum of resistance within that
plane because their
consciousness vibrates in resonance with the frequency of that
(birds of a feather depending on
where a persons individual or collective ambitions or fears reside)

36" "My
kingdom is not of this realm
(Christ Consciousness 5th Dimension (spirit) vs natural state of 3rd dimension (flesh))
Multi-Dimensional Consciousness
Align yourself into the New Earth by Understanding and Living in 5th Dimension Physical Reality (spirit)
(The higher consciousness heart-based Christian experience is completely
different from the lower consciousness intellectual
ceremonial experience and
is meant to be sought after for spiritual growth.)

And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they
the things which were spoken. (They did not surrender into their initiations and remained in flesh
(natural state) unaligned with the Christ Consciousness Spirit -5th dimension physical reality)
.Luke 18:34

Everyone is allowed to experience life as they would like to in

whatever way and whatever conscious level they choose. Please respect this
as Christ did. To achieve spiritual
balance, a person must develop their
spiritual body just as much as the time spent in developing their
and physical bodies. Think of the amount of time spent in school and physical
activities for development. Do you have the
same balance for your spiritual
growth and understanding? Why limit yourself by just using your intellectual
body when you can change
your reality accordingly between Spirit and intellect
as needed. This is how one becomes whole and then begins to understand fully
all things relate and why they occur in this world. Everything that you see
and experience will then make total sense once you make this
Everything comes to life when Spirit is permanent and not just fleeting in a
different way than when experiencing existence by
intellect only. Bring your
Christian experience to a higher level of consciousness and experience the Bible in a more personal way instead
of just
reading it and remaining in your fallen state within 3rd dimension
reality. Understand during your current life what living in the
Kingdom truly
is by resurrecting your Spirit and allowing this higher consciousness gift to
grow from. Everyone will be given the choice by
free will to either remain in
their current 3rd dimension fallen state life or change into their 5th
dimension Christ-Unity life to evolve further
with. It does take complete
surrendering into a persons daily life flow in order to go from the lower
consciousness Jesus teachings, into
the higher unity consciousness awareness
for those who are ready and willing to do this.

love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.

You must align yourself into this experience to receive it similar to

any other experience an individual would want to enter during their life.
majority remain aligned into the religious intellectual experience without
allowing their heart to lead them into this spiritual change. A
person must change from their natural self
into their resurrected Christ Spirit to properly receive the experience given
through the Bible at
the levels talked about in Revelation. Every person has
the potential of resurrecting their Christ Spirit if by free will they choose
and seek
towards it. This is the made in
the image of God that is quoted freely.
At this point, a person is dying to their old way of life (a true

Christian must be ready to die at all times) and will be given the opportunity
to have a new life with a renewed mind to start over with. You
would then share
the one Christ Spirit with Jesus as long as you decide to remain in Unity
Consciousness with Him. Otherwise, a person
upon physical death will join
others of like consciousness into their spiritual level of 4th
dimension consciousness while in-between lives.
They will return once again in
bodily form (multi-dimensional body) if another physical life is desired to work towards 5th
dimension unity
consciousness after returning back into their 3rd dimension
unconscious physical state that they left from.

51And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top
to bottom; and the earth
shook and the rocks were split. 52The tombs were opened,
and many bodies of the saints
(1st wave of
older souls) who had fallen asleep (3rd dimension Consciousness) were
raised (5th dimension
consciousness); 53and coming out of the tombs (lower

consciousness bondage) after His resurrection they entered the holy

city (higher
consciousness) and appeared to many.

Everyone will at some point have their

consciousness raised to allow for
choice to occur unless they surrender into their personal
tribulation period for
individual instruction and education, they will revert
back into their original 3rd

dimensional state albeit at a higher level within that state. They will not have the
tools to live within
this enlightened ascended state that currently exists and
therefore will not enter into the Kingdom and New Earth
remaining in fallen state
consciousness (lake of fire earth)
new wine must be put into fresh wineskins.

Luke 5:37

But if they do not listen, they perish by the

sword and die without knowledge.
Job 36:12
(3rd to 5th dimension
spiritual ascension during physical life (seal
of God)).

When the Spirit of truth comes (your awakened Christ Spirit), he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak
on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
John 16:13

He replied, "You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not.
(Those that have not surrendered fully into their personal tribulation period and awakened their Christ Spirit)
Matthew 13:11

19And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven;

whatever doors you lock on earth (lower consciousness)

shall be locked in heaven (staying in duality 3rd and 4th dimension consciousness (including purgatory) after physical
life); and whatever doors you open on earth (higher
consciousness) shall be open in heaven!" (living in Christ
Consciousness - 5th dimension unity consciousness
(heaven) during remainder of physical life and after)

I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to
open the scroll or look inside. Rev 5:4
(In this current age, those that awaken their Christ Spirit during
their tribulation, will
understand the meaning found within this
chapter of Revelation.
It seems to be
the proper time for those that surrender completely and
become spiritually
raised, to move forward and comprehend scriptures at
higher consciousness

"So why do you keep calling me 'Lord, Lord!' when you don't do what I
say? Luke 6:46
Not every one - That is, no one that (just) says, Lord, Lord - That
makes a mere profession of me and my religion, shall enter (Entering
is accomplished during physical life when done properly) - Whatever
their false teachers may assure them to the contrary: Matthew 7:21
(A person must surrender completely (not just read and sing hymns in ceremony only) in order to be led
out of lower consciousness, and into the kingdom, while experiencing the Bible as intended.)

They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. Titus 1:16
those who are pure in their own eyes and yet are not cleansed of their filth (by surrendering through personal tribulation period) Proverbs 30:12

A person is allowed to enter once theyve worked their way through their initiations and after personal judgment is dispensed and they are deemed worthy to
proceed. This is an actual major change to a person that moves them into their spiritual state and away from their natural fallen state to exist within the new earth.

A more spiritual gospel for those who were being perfected, Clement also revealed a secret teaching to those who were capable of receiving it and
being molded by it Excerpt from Early Christians
They have been perfected enough through their tribulations to show sincerity in working within Gods guidelines and the natural laws needed to live in
higher consciousness. If people only have a limited faith and feel that they have to still work in jobs that hurt others or are built in greed, they will stay in
lower consciousness until their faith is strong enough to break out or the permanent separation between lower and higher consciousness occurs up
until the end times. There are many that go through their tribulations and dont learn anything at all except bitterness and fear. They dont use this
process to increase their awareness and seek for the truth. At this point, all will then stay within their current achieved level of consciousness that they
have obtained. If they are at any level of higher consciousness, they will continue to learn at those levels and work on other higher light body
manifestations. They will stay at that level regardless of what happens to their physical body. In lower consciousness, they will just continue on at the
same fear based levels that currently exist with all others just trying to find a way of making it through life, until they choose to stop incarnating at some


"The soul looks sorrowfully down and is cast down into a body that has been prepared for it. Apocalypse of Paul

(Increase your consciousness to a level that allows your exit from having to repeat this reality at lower unconscious (dead) levels)
Many are currently manifesting abundance because of law of attraction teachings. If they dont increase their consciousness and live within unity
consciousness, the natural law of karma will be applied to continue in a human experience. If not in this lifetime, then in the next lifetime to balance
out that overall experience. Those who are dead in Christ, will not believe this and will continue to manifest huge amounts of negative karma with
that abundance that will need to dispel itself at some point by experiencing that opposite polarity. If a person doesnt remember their previous
lifetime and has not cleared lower consciousness out of their current life, that person will repeat their cycle again staying within a lower dimensional
realm. It will also be hard for those around these people to not have part of those negative manifestations rub off into their experiences also, even if
it is just because of association with either the individual or company (Therefore, "Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no
unclean thing, and I will receive you"......2 Corinthians 6: 17).
That is why many in higher consciousness are waiting for the permanent separation to take place between higher (spirit) and lower (flesh)
consciousness that will remove this element that just wont evolve and are presently mixed (natural fallen state flesh and those transformed and
made whole into spirit) in current society. There are many followers in extreme lower consciousness that will follow the ones in the highest levels of
lower consciousness and have no desire to live within the higher consciousness realms in peace by working and being taught by their tribulations.
This will create the final battle before permanent separation as described in Revelation. Just like a window blind, in a closed state, no light enters.
As consciousness increases, the blind opens and more and more light is given allowing sight to see what exists on the other side.

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing
the way you think (consciousness). Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and
pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2

he saved us,not because of

righteous things we had done,but because of his mercy.He
saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit Titus 3:5

11Therefore the redeemed of the Lord

shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be
upon their head: they shall obtain
gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning
shall flee away (ascension
and resurrection into 5th dimension physical consciousness).
Isaiah 51:11

The universe has been at

"war" for 200,000 yearsthe battle between the dark and the light
with no apparent solution. Now it
appears this struggle is going to culminate
in a new birth, a third reality (the current Earth ascension splitting into higher

Free Will and the Lucifer Experiment

In a
reincarnational sense, Old souls are paying off final karma, and they do not
want to incur any more, so they
play it safe by remaining apart from the heavy
drama that entertains younger souls

Old souls are individualistic - they

believe that people should basically do whatever they want to
do, so long as it
doesn't hurt anyone else.
Excerpts from Are You an Old Soul?

My Journey

one is born of water and the Spirit, he/ (she) cannot enter the Kingdom
of God
Natural Man, Not Spiritually Reborn 1 Corinthians 2: 14

same one who seeks to enter the kingdom must be baptized (by Gods Grace and not by ceremonial process). If
he is not
personally baptized, he cannot enter the kingdom. Each step to conversion is an individual
regardless of whether an adult or child (of age). No one can
learn for you, believe, repent, confess, or be baptized for
you. And you cannot
do any of these for anyone else. We can encourage one another, but each one
must make up
his/her own mind and act for him/herself. Have compassion for
those walking their path and going through their
initiations but allow them to
grow from their trials. Dont just read and watch others who have done this,
make up your
mind to resurrect your life and have this unique experience
yourself by requesting and surrendering to it that will then
increase your
consciousness levels. Move from your fallen state into your full completeness
state of life as we were
all meant to have and experience[DK5].

Peter said to them," Repent

and be baptized (By Grace)
every one of you in the name of Jesus
Christ so that your sins may be
forgiven;, and you
will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Acts 2:38 (NRSV)

(When ready, by Gods

Grace, a person is Raptured into the
that are to begin
for Spiritual growth into higher consciousness)

A more
spiritual gospel (Bible passages for those with awakened eyes) for those
were being perfected (those who surrender into their initiations by daily cleansing
adjustment from karma and lower consciousness), Clement
also revealed a secret
teaching to those who were capable of receiving it and
being molded by it (teachings
on how to raise consciousness from fallen to
spiritual state if followed the Bible
becomes a living tool to use for
higher awareness and knowledge but only with a
body balanced and ready to
surrender from individual will to unity will living through
whatever lessons
are presented on a daily basis during a personal tribulation period).
Excerpt from Early Christians

Self Realization Definition Know Thyself Self-Transcendence

Higher Self

Born Again

Request Rebirth

Believers "look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to


Because he rose again after being dead, therefore God can put
forth power upon dead hearts, and upon dead
bodies too, to raise them to newness of life.
Romans 6:4
(Spiritual resurrection
by Gods Grace that allows living within New Jerusalem) Ascension Video The
Undead (Adobe Reader)

I will bring them back home to their own land of Israel (New Jerusalem) from among the peoples and nations. I

will feed them on the mountains (higher

consciousness) of Israel and by the rivers and in all the places where

people live.
Ezekiel 34:13

God blesses those who are
poor (in
spirit) and
realize their need for him (the true pure of heart ready to surrender)

Once Die Twice; Born Twice Die Once Martin

Blessed and holy is he who

has part in the first resurrection (spiritual rebirth). Over such the second death (physical
death) has no power Rev. 20:6

My people are being

destroyed because they don't know me (higher consciousness 5th dimension
physical realm
they remain in their natural fallen state of 3rd dimension
physical bondage).
Since you
priests refuse to know me, I refuse to recognize you as my priests.
Since you have forgotten the laws of
your God, I will forget to bless your

Have you forgotten that the kingdom of God will never belong to
the wicked (those
who remain in lower
consciousness)? Dont be under any illusionneither the impure, the idolater
or the adulterer; neither the
effeminate, the pervert or the thief; neither the
swindler, the drunkard, the foul-mouthed or the rapacious
shall have any share
in the kingdom of God. And such men, remember, were some of you! But you have

cleansed yourselves from all that (asked for forgiveness and then surrendered daily for karmic
through personal tribulation period), you have been made whole in spirit (rebirth from natural
state into
spiritual state), you have been justified before God in the name of the Lord Jesus
and in his very Spirit
(awakened their Christ Spirit and then followed into heaven
5th dimension Christ Consciousness
during life). 1 Corinthians 6:9-11J.B. Phillips New
Testament (PHILLIPS)

33But all who stand before others and say they

do not believe in me, I will say before my Father in heaven that they do not
belong to me.
Matthew 10:33 New Century
persons actions demonstrates their true belief by surrendering to daily
lessons brought into their life. Saying a
person is a Christian is meaningless unless they are truly following Christ by surrendering into their daily
life flow while increasing their light (vibration) in the process. Otherwise it is just saying, Lord Lord)

says, I know him, but does not do what he commands (daily surrender) is a liar, and the truth is
not in that person. 1 John 2:4

(There is a difference between the spirit realm and the

Christ part of the realm. There seems to be many people
confused concerning this who must seek for the understanding
necessary to grow out of lower consciousness and enter
into higher
consciousness if truly desired. This will require
focus and more than a part time effort.)

26Look at the birds of the sky: They don't sow or reap or gather
into barns (retirement accounts), yet your heavenly Father feeds them
(all that is needed). Aren't
you worth more than they? 31So don't worry, saying, What will we eat?' or 'What will we
drink?' or 'What
will we wear? 32for your
heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things - These
things dominate the thoughts of
unbelievers, but your heavenly Father
already knows all your needs. 33But
seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (full

surrender into daily lessons), and all these things will be provided for you
proper timing and measures). Do
Not Worry

feel the need to provide everything for themselves. Believers of faith will
surrender and allow
themselves to be led, knowing everything will be received
at the proper time and amounts as needed (mixing in both
spiritual knowledge
and materialism in unison for growth) following Gods will.)

And so the Lord says, These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are
far from me. And their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote. Isaiah 29:13
(Many in lower consciousness will be surprised at who has acheived "Heaven" after physical death, while
those in higher consciousness will be more overwhelmed with all who used their free will to bypass the
actual Gospel resurrection process once informed. One group because of their comfort in living their own
way while continuing to pass judgments on others due to their man-made positions, think they know better
for those people in different economic brackets even without obtaining the proper spiritual education before
pushing their personal agendas on them. The other group will just believe blindly by some in authoritative
positions thinking they know the way without personal seeking for their individual examination.)


judgment day many will say to me, Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in
name (while
in natural state - 3rd dimension physical realm consciousness) and performed many
in your name (by
always saying In the name of Jesus yet not truly understanding the different
layers within the spirit realm when reciting this. 23But I will reply, I never knew you (resurrected Christ
Spirit obtained during a persons tribulation period). Get away from me, you who break Gods laws (forcing
personal will on others instead of using free will for daily surrender into Gods Will thus creating personal
karma (and the needed rebalancing to correct it) - not following His commandments - and walking in
duality instead of unity (Christ) consciousness).

Those who rise (spiritual rebirth into higher consciousness, awakening their Christ Spirit) in the
first resurrection at the beginning of this thousand-year period are the righteous (those
surrendering into 5th dimension unity consciousness); they will be with the Lord during the
millennium. The wicked (those remaining in fallen state consciousness) rise in the second
resurrection (will be given an additional opportunity to surrender into Christ Consciousness
initiations) at the end of the thousand years. This verse also speaks of a second death, that will
not affect the righteous (those
in Christ Consciousness). The wicked (3rd dimension
consciousness), therefore, will die a second time (if they decide not to surrender into their initiations
to spiritually raise themselves permanently from 3rd to 5th dimension consciousness). They will die
a death from which there will be no resurrection (will remain in lower consciousness for the rest of
their human lives, therefore being left behind by their own choice).

So they called to the blind man, Cheer up! On your feet! Hes
calling you.
50 Throwing
his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.
51 What do you
want me to do for you? Jesus asked him. The blind
man said, Rabbi, I want to
52 Go,
said Jesus, your faith has healed you.
Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the
Mark 10:49-52

Jesus to open your eyes and see into higher consciousness and
awareness for your salvation out of this 3rd dimension physical

reality. Find other meanings for his teachings outside of the limited senses
that constrain most
people. Surrender into the process fully and receive all of
your blessings instead of cutting the
process short and only receiving a part
of them. Then a person will become whole by balancing their
spiritual and
intellectual capabilities fully ascending from their natural body into their
resurrected self.

goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I
will dwell in the house of the
LORD forever. Psalms 23:6 (Take the time to make
your necessary change into Christ
Consciousness during your life to
remain at that conscious level after physical death. The amount of
necessary will be small in comparison to a full life but is necessary for
increased consciousness
levels to live in an ascended (new earth) world). After
this educational period, a person continues
with their life with a renewed mind
that is needed for living in a world full of multiple levels of
and the natural laws governing them.

Preach the Word - I solemnly urge you in the

of God and Christ Jesus, who will someday judge the
living (higher consciousness) and the dead (lower
consciousness) when he appears to set up
Kingdom: 2 Timothy 4:1
(Share the Word in a way that brings peace to your life while
respecting others beliefs during the process. Do this by way
of sharing, social media, or by whatever means is available
someone is seeking into the higher consciousness
transformation process through you. This document can be
shared by distribution and allowing all who see it an individual
choice as to whether to act on it or not. It will either resonate with
a person or not. If a person is sincere in their seeking, then this
document will start the process for them, but a person must
continue seeking for true transformation to show itself.)

All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the
people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the
goats. He will put the sheep (higher consciousness) on his right and
the goats (lower consciousness) on his left (this separation will be in
accordance with a persons vibrational resonance). - The Sheep and
the Goats

In the resurrection of the body (body

and spirit made whole), they are assigned to

different degrees of glory commensurate with the law they have obeyed. There
three (3) kingdoms of glory:
(1) the celestial (5th dimension
unity Christ Consciousness - All who attain this
kingdom "shall dwell in
the presence of God and his Christ forever and ever"),
(2) the terrestrial (4th dimension
unity and duality consciousness), and
(3) telestial (3rd dimension
duality consciousness dead in Christ).
The apostle Paul spoke of three glories, differing from one
another as the sun, moon,
and stars differ in brilliance.
(this all occurs after spiritual rebirth and personal judgment while in a resurrected
physical body through a persons achieved level of consciousness whether a
person is aware of it
or not (spiritually alive or dead during life))
Final end times judgment occurs later after all have been
exposed and preached to
about the Gospel.

Everyone currently on Earth exists within one of these conscious kingdoms. Those who
havent resurrected their Spirit in present life, are living at their previously attained level
of achievement. Just like education, a person needs to obtain each level by advancing
through them. They will not understand higher levels or even their existence until after
living through them and moving forward through them. A person can tell where they
currently fall by their current understanding of these kingdoms to decide whether to
change from one to another while in their present life by working towards it up through
their personal tribulation opportunity. Because of string theory, a person will naturally
migrate to others within these groups as they progress and evolve into their desired
state of consciousness. It will be hard to remain within past relationships until others
reach the same frequencies if they choose to. A person can achieve spiritual peace
once they achieve these higher consciousness levels even without having materialistic
wealth. After a person reaches their desired consciousness state, they would also
reach at some point their required materialism needed to continue forward for
manifesting their goals in the way provided from within unity consciousness and the
natural laws governing it (exp. In lower consciousness, following Ten Commandments
is not a requirement, but is within higher consciousness).

Just as people are destined to die once (natural state death), and after that to face (immediate personal) judgment.
Hebrews 9:27
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death (1st death-natural state death) of his
faithful servants. Psalm116:15
Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the
life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness and ask to die my natural-self death to become spiritually reborn into higher consciousness.
I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now
willing to turn from my sin and deny myself by following You and Your guidance. You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we
confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus
as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my
own personal Savior. And according to His Word, right now I am being saved by living through my tribulations that Christ presents to me
as I am being perfected.
I understand that I need to correct my previous sinful nature to learn Your truth though these daily lessons. Please grant me the
awareness needed to work through these trials in a way that provides me peace in this process. I promise to surrender completely by all
lessons brought into my daily life for the time needed for permanent change leading to spiritual rebirth and higher consciousness.
Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license,
but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not
to myself. I understand this will take time and will persevere as long as it takes by following your lead while being thankful for your
guidance and acceptance into the kingdom.
Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life. AMEN

If I do not know that I am dead (lower consciousness), how shall

I seek the resurrection and find it?

You cannot be free unless you first realize that you are in bondage and recognize the path to enlightenment and liberation.
Having lived unconsciously, we shall surely die unconscious........(remaining in lower consciousness)

The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas

He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal.

(Physical shift from 3rd dimension into 5th dimension reality while living in their glorified body)

Larger View

But he that has endured to the end, *he* shall be saved

(Christ Consciousness). Matthew 24:13
(Those that have awakened their Christ Spirit by staying in their
tribulation period until it is accomplished)

(Those who fall short or never enter into the initiations, will remain in
one of the lower consciousness kingdoms)
19 In your endurance you will gain your souls. Luke 21 10-33
All of the above kingdoms are available within present society.
People residing within
the higher consciousness kingdoms usually only interact at those levels with others that
are of a similar state. This is because of different natural laws that need to be followed
to stay within those conscious states taught during a persons tribulation period.
Individuals in lower consciousness are just not aware of those practicing higher
spiritual states since they have chosen by their free will to live within their belief
structures that they have created. The majority of people continue to choose to reside
within lower consciousness kingdoms by their choice of not welcoming change for the
understanding needed for personal growth. They are expecting something to occur at
physical death that will not happen unless worked on during life. This is why people
must go through their personal tribulation opportunity that all are given multiple times to
learn from through the surrendering process. Most people at this level have actually
had a rapture in consciousness that fools them into believing that this alone has saved
them. The reality is that this is supposed to help them understand that this is only
being shown for further seeking for growth. The majority use their free will to bypass
this experience staying within lower consciousness and remaining there after their last
lifetime judgment for eternity unless changed.
A person need not ask how many people currently reside at these
consciousness levels, since it really doesnt matter unless that person
decides to seek
into this process to live within that resonance themselves. The
natural laws around
having the necessary light to reside and move throughout
all of these levels will be
required to know and understand this. Otherwise, it
just really doesnt matter since
there is no sincerity concerning this growth
and how to get there. It is very similar to all
progressively higher
experiences in the world similar to education, sports, business,
etc. A person
will either choose to seek into it or not. This is nothing new, the path to

enlightenment has always existed. People who accomplish this have diminished
ego in the process without advertising this state since they are aware
that anyone can
awaken their Christ spirit when properly motivated and ready to
leave lower
consciousness life. Most individuals at these levels are similar to
indigenous types that
just want to be able to pursue their interests without
interference to continue forward in
their life.
There seems to be a major misunderstanding in lower
consciousness concerning
seeing Heaven and the Kingdom of God and living with
Christ after physical death. By
moving into Christ Consciousness during life, a
person will reach that enlightened state
now and stay there while in-between
lives instead of the uncertainties that exist while
only hoping for it later in
what is perceived as the afterlife. There needs to be a change

in perception to understand that most of what a person hears about the afterlife, needs
to be accomplished in a multi-dimensional body during life in order to spiritually grow
and evolve through it. If a person still believes that they will go to Heaven at death
because they have just stated that they believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior will be
disappointed at physical death. Although they will be in bliss in the Spirit realm
compared to 3rd dimension reality, they will not be in union as ancticipated with Christ
unless they worked into that level by the clearing out of lower consciousness and into
unity consciousness. And those who are in unity consciousness will see some degree
of heaven within Christ Consciousness all the way up to levels within the 5th
dimensional physical realm that Paul, Peter, and Matthew experienced as reported in
the Bible in addition to John in Revelation. Christ will lead a person through these
levels of understanding and growth, but only for those who fully surrender in order to
allow higher consciousness teachings to occur and advance with. Otherwise, a person
remains within their personal belief system and not the actual teachings that will release
them from the lower consciousness kingdoms. Partial surrender will not get them there
but is needed in the beginning of the process so that later, full surrender can occur
when ready.
A person upon death might get a quick glimpse of Christ Consciousness after they
physically die before moving into their achieved consciousness level to be with others
within their same vibrational resonance (as explained by string theory). Although a
person will have increased their consciousness and awareness upon physical death
from 3rd dimension physical into 4th
dimension spiritual reality, they will stay within that
consciousness after
physical life and will continue in their personal spiritual journey
after a
rest period later if another physical life is desired. This is all shown during
persons tribulation period and written onto their heart as promised for
those willing to
surrender and follow into that higher consciousness achieved
state that will then no
longer remain as an opinion but would have changed into
an experience instead. It will
be an accomplished experience just like all
others during a persons physical life
although many believe it cant be
obtained while in present form.another false
belief of lower consciousness.
Degrees of Glory Joseph Smith

In the futurist view of Christian eschatology, the Tribulation is a relatively short period of time where anyone who chose
not to follow Jesus (daily surrender) up until the Rapture and was therefore left will experience worldwide
hardships, disasters, famine, war, pain, and suffering, which will wipe out more than 75% of all life (both animal and
human life whos resonance isnt high enough to reside within higher consciousness levels peacefully) on the
(ascending) earth before the Second Coming takes place.
By raising consciousness levels, disciples are able to reside in the Christ Kingdom that currently exists and is
continuing to add members. The new earth is a more spiritual place and it is a requirement for those wanting to
experience that level of physical life. A persons personal tribulation will show them how to do this by daily surrender
to see what and how items come into their life. Everyone has already had multiple chances to start this
process. The Great Tribulation will be when there is enough people who have already switched into unity
consciousness through their tribulation period putting stress into the world for the rest of those who have chosen not to
do this.
Those not interested in doing this, will be consciously and subconsciously deciding not to continue on in this path
being satisfied in their current consciousness. The lower consciousness earth already exists for those who only want
minor changes including those committing murders to those giving to charities but having the common thread of
never resurrecting their Christ Spirit. By awakening a persons Christ Spirit, it allows inner knowledge that makes
a person aware of how to proceed and stay in higher consciousness even after shifting back into a more
grounded life after this tribulation period is over. Those who remain the same must leave due to the new natural
laws that are required to live within this level of consciousness taught during a persons tribulation period. If an
individual decides not to go through this training period, they must leave this new earth to find another place
that fits their current achieved state of consciousness. This will be the wiping out of the 75%. They will just be
leaving this earth by physical death to go elsewhere by a death that allows others who are still here, to fit within their
beliefs on ways of exiting this earth. In their next life, they will start again from an unconscious state so will not be
aware that this separation ever took place. It will once again, just be something read about in a book that doesnt
really affect a persons immediate life since at that point of permanent separation, it will then be irrelevant. As energy
levels continue to increase in an ascending earth, activities related to darkness will come to the surface and will need to
be cleared out since they cannot be sustained in the new environment. Everyone involved with these lower
consciousness activities will have them revealed and will have to deal with them to move forward. This will continue
to cause more and more stress into current society until they are all released. Those individuals associated with
these activities will also need to adjust their ways or will not be able to survive in this new world and will need to move
on. Without spiritual knowledge, they more than likely will not know how to do this.
Do not live according to the customs of the people I am driving out before you. It is because they do
these shameful things that I detest them. Leviticus 20:23

The reality of the Second Coming is more than likely the current earths ascension into the Christ Consciousness Kingdom that Jesus established at His resurrection. The
wiping out of the 75% will basically just leave those who have worked into higher consciousness an ascended world to experience physical life in with others of that same
resonance. The others who dont increase into higher consciousness, will unconsciously incarnate again into a lower consciousness realm to continue their lives within a very
similar structure that they left and are comfortable in regardless of the fear and violence that is prevalent there. It will be an individual choice to surrender and follow Jesus
into His ascended enlightened world by learning through a full tribulation period, or remaining the same to continue physical reality within a lower consciousness environment.

Jesus was quite explicit about the cost of following Him. Discipleship requires a totally
committed life. Not all of Jesus followers were able to make such a commitment. There
were many who left Him after a while. From this time many of his disciples turned back
and no longer followed him (grew weary and wanted to apply their personal will instead of
surrendering daily life to Gods will this is the difference between unity and duality living)
(John 6:66).
The term Christian was never used by Jesus. The early church had other terms for
themselves, such as disciples (Acts 13:52; Acts 20:1; Acts 21:4) and saints (Romans 1:7;
1 Corinthians 16:1; Ephesians 1:1) and brothers (1 Corinthians 1:9; 1 Peter 3:8).
Difference. Paul referred to believers as "followers of the way" (the way to truth and salvation
into heaven).

The Bible says that good works do not make

us acceptable to God. In other words, a
person can live to a high moral standard, give
money to feed the poor, go to church, and
serve their neighbors, and yet not be a Christ
follower or Christian. A Disciple will
surrender into daily life while following Christ
as He brings daily teachings into our personal
path specific to each of us. This will awaken
the Christ Spirit within us. Too many people
are concerned only about calling themselves
Christian or looking at the sky and pointing
upwards in front of others instead of doing the
actual work to awaken the Christ Spirit that
distinguishes true believers of Christ from
other non believers and skeptics.

The one having believed (fully surrendered into unity consciousness)

and having been baptized (by Grace) will be saved (higher
consciousness), but the one having disbelieved (worship by ceremony
only while continuing to do personal duality will) will be condemned
(remaining in lower consciousness realms). Mark 16:16

And many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake
(rapture of consciousness), these to everlasting life (5th dimension
consciousness), but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt
(duality lower consciousness) (Daniel 12:2).

The goal of God is to raise up all life. The goal of God respects free will, so that those who
are not willing to enter an ascending spiral must go to a lower sphere as one sphere
ascends. But the goal of God is to raise up all life, and therefore God respects free will and
also as a result of that respect does not condemn those who are not willing to enter the
ascension spiral (higher consciousness), for they want to have more experiences in the
lower realms (lower consciousness). Mystical Teachings

It is true that without a physical body it is almost impossible to expand consciousness. Once a being has lost their body, they do
not evolve much more.
Excerpt from You are a Multi-Dimensional Being

His disciples said to him, "When will the

repose of the dead come about, and when will
the new world come?" He said to them,
"What you look forward to has already come,
but you do not recognize it."
Excerpt from Gospel of St. Thomas

Step 1 (Fallen State Forgiveness Grace Baptism Initiations Completed becoming Whole Tribulations Testing Personal Judgment Achieved Consciousness Placement)
(Rapture in Consciousness can be given at start of personal tribulation period, sometime during the seeking part of personal tribulation, or at end of personal tribulation depending on what is individually appropriate.)
Step 2 (New Life Given for Further Growth Passage of Time to Implement Teachings Tribulations Testing Personal Judgment Consciousness Placement (increased or decreased) Repeat)


5And the light (Higher Consciousness) shineth in darkness; and the darkness (lower consciousness) comprehended it not.

John 1:5

Every person is anonymously called by God.. On their day of visitation..

The vast majority of people ignore His anonymous call..
has received multiple visits in a lifetime..most never pursue or seek into part of the
third that does.

9"And I will bring the third part (to include new converts that recognize the call to higher
consciousness during the end times) through the fire..(their personal tribulation period
that changes their consciousness levels if surrendered and followed fully)

Of the early Church Fathers, Origen says that He who comes to be

saved, comes to be saved through [a] fire that burns away sins and
worldliness like lead, leaving behind only pure gold.[16] St. Ambrose of
Milan speaks of a kind of "baptism of fire" which is located at the entrance
to Heaven, and through which all must pass, at the end of the world.

Christ's Coming Judgment

6 through which the world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with
water. 7 But by His word the present heavens and earth are being
reserved for fire (personal tribulation opportunity), kept for the day of
judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

(Individuals will have an opportunity during their personal tribulation

to show Christ their amount (or lack) of faith that is present during
this judgment test in conjunction with each persons life activities;

And the dead were judged by what was written in the

books, according to what they had done. (Rev 20:1112)

At the end times, this will place them in the proper consciousness level for the rest of their human lives and place them in
their appropriate kingdom. While all will be mixed (flesh and spirit) during this testing period, permanent separation will
occur at some point so that all will then be able to proceed accordingly within their acquired consciousness level that has
been achieved. I would think that people will continue in their life until their resonance can no longer match the current
ascending earths resonance that will then require them to leave for growth elsewhere, probably by physical death of some
type related to their test (disease, illness, drug and alcohol abuse, poverty, suicide, old age, guns and weapons, etc.). Even
abundance is a test to see if someone will seek into their resurrection or just remain in lower consciousness, working
toward death instead of seeking eternal life. These are the ones who although they probably believe themselves to be
religious, are showing what they worship the most once the resurrection process has been exposed to them and they are
aware of it and then decide to stay within their free will instead, without surrendering to Christ to move forward. Some are
turned off because of the new age movement, even though some of these individuals exist in lower consciousness and
others in higher consciousness. These are only labels including those who call themselves Christians for "show" only.
26Those who heard this said, "Then who in the world can be saved?" (Those in complete surrender)

Do not be mistaken, the Christ realm is a higher consciousness spiritual realm. Those who dont work into these unity
levels, will stay in lower consciousness. Regardless of a persons current moral disposition, he/she will return to the lower
consciousness realm after the permanent separation to remain with other duality individuals who have committed murders,
who steal, commit adultery, are bankers, philanthropists, religious leaders, and all lower consciousness activities. All will be
given lifetime opportunities to at least increase their consciousness within these lower consciousness states, even after the
permanent separation takes place. Understand the difference between unity consciousness versus duality consciousness
and then live it accordingly. In unity consciousness, reality will only manifest under Gods Will while in duality
consciousness, a person forces their reality by using personal will and manipulations.

After separation, it will just put a ceiling on those who didnt increase their consciousness to be able to live within the ascended earths (new
earth) resonance since they cannot go there because of the natural laws and the requirements for entry. Those left behind, who are at the
higher of the 3rd and 4th dimension duality consciousness, will probably decide to stop having a human experience. Once lower consciousness
people take over this lower world and then become the only inhabitants, it will become intolerable without the higher consciousness spiritual
people who kept it in previous balance before the permanent separation takes place. That is when people will truly realize it is the Hell (eternal
punishment) realm discussed in the Bible. It would probably be a good idea to increase consciousness before then.

people will go away into eternal punishment, but those with God's approval will go into eternal life."

During this testing period up through the millennium, it should be expected that by using the word fire, that some extreme trials (probably fear
based) will take place and it will of course not be a pleasant period of time. The higher a persons consciousness, the easier it is for him to
proceed through this difficult period. This period has also been called the dark night of the soul. It will not last forever but must be
accomplished. This person then becomes an observer to this age of time, living through it, and then evolving into the next age with others that
have increased their consciousness also.
Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those
who love Him. (James 1:12)

What is purgatory?
Purgatory is the state of those who die in Gods
friendship, assured of
their eternal salvation, but who still have need of purification (baptism of
fire) to enter into the happiness of heaven. Everyone will need to learn
from their personal tribulation opportunity presented to them without
exception in order to proceed into higher consciousness levels.

There are many at this level

of spiritual maturity that know
without a doubt of Jesus and
tribulation period fully at this
point. They will need to
welcome their tribulation
period when recognized or
unfortunately will be forced
into it during the end times to
try to accomplish it for their
final judgment to take place
to see where they fall in
vibrational resonance for
their place in eternity.

Their work will be shown for

what it is, because the Day will bring it
to light. It will be revealed with fire (personal tribulation
period), and
the fire will test the
quality of each person's work. 1 Corinthians


Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, "These who are

clothed in the white robes, who are they, and where have they come
from?" 14 I said to him, "My lord, you know." And he said to me,
"These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they
have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the
Lamb. (Their personal tribulation opportunity)

Revelation 7:14

It must be said that there

will naturally be a testing of the faith of an initiate
and that part of the
process of initiation are the ordeals that precede
fruition. They are as labor
pains in the birth of the Holy part of the joy of
rebirth in the Holy Spirit.
One who is unwilling to undergo the pains of
labor is unwilling to experience the joy of the birth of the Christ-self,

and surely there shall be no birth without also the pains of labor. You
must bear in mind, in the midst of the ordeals
that come, that, when the
Holy Child is born in you, all suffering shall
swiftly be forgotten and there
will come a perfect peace and delight. Gospel
according to Thomas

Cost of Following Jesus

For if you lay the

foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule
who leave their tribulations early, staying within lower consciousness kingdoms


Night of the Soul

Stand firm, and you will

win life. Luke

But he that has endured to the end (higher

consciousness), *he* shall be saved.
Matthew 24:13

But Jesus told him, "Let the

spiritually dead (those living in
lower consciousness) bury their
own dead! Your duty is to go
and preach about the Kingdom
of God." (Explain how to reach
higher consciousness levels)
Luke 9:60-9:62

Jesus was quite explicit about the cost of following

Him. Discipleship requires a totally committed life.
Not all of Jesus followers were able to make such a
commitment. There were many who left Him after a
while (never made the full daily commitment but just
worshipped in a ceremonial state instead). From this
time many of his disciples turned back and no longer
followed him (John 6:66).

Therefore, "Come out

from them (those
in lower consciousness (spiritually
dead) not willing to be baptized with fire
to understand and cleanse
through their sins (karma) into higher consciousness)
and be
says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you (and lead
you through the
fire into unity consciousness if you allow Him to)."
2 Corinthians 6: 17

Part of the fire will

pertain to watching other loved ones continue
on with their trials and staying
within their personal
consciousness levels even though disciples have moved
different consciousness fields away from and separate from
them. This is
one of the parts that is hard to overcome, but is
required if a person is
sincere in obtaining higher spiritual levels
as those read about in the Bible.
No one has to do this, and it is
evident that it would not be popular among
religious worship
groups to state this and still expect donations into their
That might explain why there are more prosperity teachings out
now claiming to be Christian doctrine that have evolved
away from the original
Christian teachings. These groups in
reality are not related to Christ, even
though they claim to be, and
are only lower spirit realm related. A person can
decide to
individually ascend forward or remain within the old earth with
loved ones until one of them might decide to move on when
ready. It will still
be an individual process regardless which
cannot be done together since all
have different clearings and
subconscious beliefs that need to be released at
an individual

Nothing is wrong with

staying at a specific consciousness level,
but a person must be aware that when
final judgment comes,

the door will be closed,

and it will be by their choice to

stay at that consciousness level.

Allow people to come in and

out of your life while moving through
different consciousness levels as all
will progress according to
their current beliefs.


I intend to dissolve any

relationships and circumstances that

(Persecution Distance
all those regardless of outward appearance
and roles who dont reside in a high
enough consciousness and will try
to lead you astray or mock you before
finishing your goals maintain
your faith separate yourself from them as

these (trials and tribulations) can be overcome..God can give Grace to it

The eye is
the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will
full of light (higher consciousness). But if your eye is bad, your whole
will be full of darkness (lower consciousness). If then
the light that is in you is
darkness, how great is the darkness!
Matthew 6:22-23

Both physical realities currently exist side by side (lower

consciousness and
higher consciousness realms). It is up to each of us
individually to decide
whether we want to seek into the understanding that is
necessary to move
between them while living through our current life while in
our multi-dimensional
light bodies.

The Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure

hidden in the field..
Matthew 13:44

"Lord, where are you

going?" Jesus replied, "Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but
you will follow
later." John 13:36
Thou art
too weak at present (fallen state consciousness) to follow me in my sufferings: but
thou shalt be
enabled to do it afterward.
(Once a person decides to resurrect their Spirit and then works
on increasing their light body by daily
surrender into 5th dimension
Christ Consciousness)
(Christ has remained in His Kingdom since His ascension and allows those who increase consciousness to follow into it.)

"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be

seen by them. If you do, you will have no
reward from your
Father in heaven.
(There is a difference between being thankful in a public
display versus a private and personal way.)

"When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the
synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get.
Matthew 6:1


to you, teachers of
the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!
shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in peoples faces. You
yourselves do not
enter, nor will you let those enter who
are trying to.

(Since they have never truly been fully spiritually raised, they
are teachers of lower
consciousness only.)
Seven Woes on the

Indeed, this is why the

gospel was proclaimed even to those who
have died (asleep in fallen state
consciousness), so
that they could
be judged in their mortal flesh (3rd dimension consciousness) like all
humans and live in
the spiritual realm (4th and 5th dimension higher

consciousness) like
1 Peter 4:6

But be on your guard

against the yeast of the Pharisees and
Sadducees. 12Then they understood that he was not telling

them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the
teaching of the Pharisees
and Sadducees.
(This is still the same in the present time as it was during His

6Some have departed from these and have turned

to meaningless talk
(Allowing people to
believe that they are saved without the work required to increase
from 3rd dimension fallen state consciousness into the Christ

Consciousness field of 5th dimension reality as instructed through

His higher teachings
through daily surrender) 7They want
to be teachers of the law, but they do not

know what they are talking about (have not been spiritually
raised) or what they
so confidently affirm.

"They left us. However, they were never really part of us.
If they had been,
they would have stayed with us. But by leaving they made it
clear that
none of them were part of us." 1 John
2:19 (never fully surrendered into their
tribulation period for permanent change, therefore falling short and
staying within 3rd
dimension lower consciousness instead)

The kingdom of God is

among you 21. The
kingdom of God is in your
midst. The
kingdom was (also) among
the Pharisees. However, he did
not just say that the King was among them he said that the kingdom
was, too. It was
available for them, just as much as it was for prostitutes,
but the Pharisees
were not entering. (teaching intellectually by just repeating
words and not
teaching about ascension with a spiritually raised experience to move into

higher consciousness). (The false teachings of then still exist today in a repeating
that is changing rapidly now as more people surrender and move into
consciousness that will leave the false teachers behind with all others
to stay in their lower
consciousness beliefs)


I tell you, unless your

righteousness (consciousness) exceeds that of the scribes
and Pharisees, you will never enter the
kingdom of heaven.

does the Bible complete itself???

A person
who makes it through their tribulation period fully and awakens
their Christ
Spirit, will know without a doubt how to proceed with their life
after this
awakening. It is a shame that this experience can't be explained
unless it is
experienced. It is not an opinion as most intellectual experiences
is a change that has to be lived through to understand. The
regrettable part of
it is that just like when a person goes from crawling to
walking, the farther a
person gets from the original change, the harder it is
to remember what others
who remain at lower conscious levels are
experiencing. By continuing with the separation from
"others", it becomes
harder to remember how to exist in that other
lifestyle from before, since a
true understanding of this world is shown to a
person during their tribulation.
A person will no longer want to be a part of
fighting life in the lower
consciousness realms and decides to start
contributing to the higher realms
that benefits all who resonate there instead.
A person would want to remain
at that conscious level after physical life is

left the Earth over two thousand years ago. At some point the end
times must
occur in order to allow those that have decided to become
spiritually raised to
continue in an atmosphere more in tune for all at that
level to proceed and
grow with. Therefore, those who continue to choose
not to go through their
tribulation period because of their enjoyment of life or
comfort at the lower
consciousness kingdoms will become permanently
separated so that both realms (flesh
and spirit) can continue on for the
different life experiences found within
each at a physical level. It does take
years for permanent consciousness change
to occur, so of course it is
reasonable to assume that those who start late in
this process might end up
running out of the time needed to accomplish this. Remember that all have
been given multiple chances of
proceeding in this individual process so it is
by free will and choice whether
to choose this road or not. Everyone always
believes that their daily
responsibilities and schedules dismisses them from
choosing the surrendering
process. This is actually a free will choice and
will determine the amount of
faith a person has in Christ.
however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God

dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not
belong to
him. Romans 8:9
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man
will come at an hour when you do not
expect him. Matthew 24:44

25And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are going out.
(Personal consciousness is not keeping up with
the resonance within an ascending earth)

(7) The righteous (alive) and wicked (dead) are to remain in the earth together.
(Until the dead can no longer integrate themselves within an
ascending earths resonance)
righteous (light
5th dimension consciousness) are not to exterminate the wicked (darkness 3rd dimension
(They are
to show ways of moving into higher consciousness and allow all to make their
own choice before final judgment is
Declare unto us the parable of the
tares of the field.

25"While they were away buying it (increasing their consciousness), the groom arrived (final judgment) .
Those who were ready (5th dimension Christ Consciousness) went with him into the wedding banquet
(new earth), and the door was closed.

End Time Signs

A person
must do more than just saying that they believe in Christ as their Savior, they

must surrender and follow (by clearing lower consciousness energy (fallen state
replacing it with higher consciousness energy (Christ Consciousness))
for their salvation
into the Kingdom.
James 1:22


Awaking the Christ Consciousness

Symbolism of Solomons Temple

Ladder of Divine Ascent

Once souls fell into the

lower levels of consciousness, they became enamored of it and
burned with the
desire to experience the pleasures of matter (everyday life). The souls then
no longer wanted to disengage itself from these
lower levels. Thus the world was born. From
that moment souls forgot
themselves. They forgot their original habitation, their true center
eternal being. (This is
still true today as during the Roman days but with knowledge a
person can
remember how to increase consciousness and live physically and spiritually in a

transformed (resurrected) body as

Christ stated, as opposed to just the natural
body as each of us
started with and most remain in even today.)

Excerpt from: Early Christian Teachings

"If anyones name was not found written in the

Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire (lower consciousness).
Revelation 20:15

As Above, so Below

"Those who say they will die first and then

rise are in error. If they do not receive the
resurrection while they live,
when they die they will receive nothing."
Excerpt from
Gospel of Philip

Everyone who has ever lived
life) will be
brought back to life in some form to face
the final judgment along with those
still living.
(spiritually resurrected)

English Version (CEV)
Judgments and Promises
12 Your

will end! I will see to it that you are slaughtered with swords. You
refused to
answer when I called out (His anonymous call to a person on
their day(s) of visitation
specific and personal enough for each to know when
it occurred); you paid no attention to
my instructions. Instead,
you did what I hated, knowing it was wrong. 13I, the Lord God,
give food and drink to my servants, and they will celebrate. But all of
you sinners (those still

living in duality unconsciousness)

will go hungry and thirsty, overcome with disgrace.

servants will laugh and sing, but you will be sad and cry out in pain.



Lord God, promise to see that you are killed and that my chosen servants
use your
names as curse words. But I will give new names[a] to my
servants (those who surrender
daily to His will). 16I am God! I can be trusted.
Your past troubles are gone; I no longer think
of them. When you pray for
someone to receive a blessing, or when you make a promise,
you must do it in my
name. I alone am the God who can be trusted.

The Lords New Creation

am creating new heavens and a new earth; everything of the past will be
a. 65.15 new names: The
giving of a new name suggests the beginning of a new life.

Signs of the End Times - Matthew 24:30-34

a sign will
appear in the sky. And there will be the Son of Man. [a]
All nations on earth
will weep when they see the Son of Man coming on the
clouds of heaven (higher

consciousness) with power and great

glory. 31 At the sound of a loud trumpet, he will send
angels to bring his chosen ones (those who surrender daily to His will) together from all
over the earth.

A Lesson from a Fig Tree

32 Learn

a lesson from
a fig tree. When its branches sprout and start putting out leaves (as
more and more people
transform into higher consciousness), you know that
summer is near.
33 So when you see all these things happening,
you will know that the time has almost
34 I can promise you that some of the people of this generation
will still be alive
when all this happens.

Last Judgment


Seal of God

Last Judgment (Picture Links)

Most assuredly, I say to

you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead (those still living
lower consciousness (fallen state) levels) will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those
who hear will
live (raptured
into higher consciousness). For as the Father has life in Himself,
so He has granted the
Son to have life in Himself, and has given Him authority to execute
also, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this; for the hour is
in which all who are in the graves (lower levels of consciousness) will hear His voice and
come forth those
who have done good, to the resurrection of life (surrendering into higher
consciousness), and those who have done
evil, to the resurrection of condemnation
(reincarnation back into
unconscious spiritual states). (NKJV,
John 5:25-29)

9 And

he said, Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the
time of

the end. 10 Many shall be purified, made spotless, and refined (made whole by daily
surrender during their personal tribulation period), but the wicked (those still in their
unconscious natural state) shall continue to be wicked (performing unconscious actions by
using only their intellectual body without using their spiritual body, therefore creating karma
imbalances of many types); and none of the wicked shall understand (3rd dimension
consciousness), but the wise shall understand (those in higher consciousness). Daniel 12

The abomination of desolation is not only an act of rebellion against God Almighty, but a proclamation of inflated self-worth (believing
that everything is done on their own and without God and the need for daily surrender to Jesus for advancement duality lower
consciousness). Another being proclaiming himself to be God is the ultimate act of arrogance, and the bible reveals, the Antichrist will
be the most arrogant individual in history.
And all the people who belong to this world (lower consciousness) worshiped the beast. They are the ones whose names were not
written in the Book of Life (higher consciousness) before the world was made the Book that belongs to the Lamb who was
slaughtered (the fallen angels needing to resurrect their Spirit back into higher consciousness if part of that original family before their
descent to experience lower consciousness reality). Revelation 13:8 (NLT)
He (the Antichrist) will flatter and win over those who have violated the covenant (in many ways including that violence against other
human beings is allowed in current times even though a persons tribulation period will show them otherwise) . But the people who
know their God will be strong and will resist him. Daniel 11:32


14 You

are the light of the

world. A city set on a hill cannot be
hidden. 15 Nor do people
light a lamp and put it under a basket,
but on a stand, and it gives light to
all in the house. 16 In the
same way, let your light shine before others, so that[b] they may
see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in
heaven. (Find others who by their works out in the world, show
their true faith and consciousness by changing the world into the
heaven on earth for all to enjoy who attain to live within its
higher (ascended) 5th dimensional resonance).

6Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.

.Freely you have received; freely give.


Do not suppose
that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to
bring peace,
but a sword.

35 For

I have come to

a man against his


a daughter against her mother,

a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law

36 a

mans enemies will be the

members of his own household.


that loveth
father or mother more than me is not
worthy of me: and he that
loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

leave families for the sake of the kingdom
(Luke 18:29).
We enter the kingdom
through tribulations (Acts 14:22).

Families and Friends will reunite again once they

each decide to increase consciousness and reach
Heaven (5th
Dimension Christ Consciousness)!

One of the initiations (trials) when moving into higher

consciousness is to allow
others in the family unit to continue in their own
path and conscious levels (natural
spiritual) in their same way until they are ready to go through the process

themselves or at their proper individual times. At some point, this will break
family up in some way allowing the disciple further growth by being able to
go out
into the wilderness to continue on alone. While in the wilderness, a
persons true
faith will be determined

(35 I the Lord have said, I will surely do it unto all this evil congregation that are
gathered together against me: in this wilderness they shall be consumed, and
therethey shall die.) DK3
to see whether a person will turn back on their faith and return into previous
consciousness or whether
they will proceed out of bondage and into higher
consciousness. This creates many different trials for all of
the members of the family
to work through. This is a tough experience and one
of the hardest initiations to
accomplish. One of my spiritual questions had
been - what happened to the original
disciples families when they left to
follow Christ? The only way to answer this
truthfully is by having the
experience yourself and living through it (a
experience). In my case, I was allowed to work in another city
for a year while
traveling back home on weekends to help with the transition of
complete separation
that was meant to happen later, although at the time I
wasnt conscious enough to
see it (I was blind at the time still waiting for
Christ to restore my sight after working
through passed initiations with higher
awareness). A person is led through the way
by Gods grace once you allow and
start trusting the process.

and that he said, 'That's why a man will leave his father and mother and will remain united with his
wife, and the two will be one'?
Matthew 19:5
(They will become one in united consciousness. The lower of the
two consciousnesses
will prevail for the marriage to remain peaceful. If one of
the members gets too far away
from the others resonance, it will start causing
problems and a change somewhere has
to happen. Usually one will decrease their
consciousness in order to keep the marriage
intact with both people remaining
within lower consciousness.)

The disciples said to Him, "If the relationship of the man

with his wife is like this, it is
better not to marry." Matthew 19:10

This seems to be
misunderstood in commentaries because I can attest that this
seems to be the
hardest part in the transformation. I will always be very grateful to
have had
such a great family experience with my wife and children. I now have a

different post marriage experience that has replaced that and moved me into the

following stage of duality to experience life from a different perspective. I

am also
very fortunate that my ex-wife found it in her heart to allow my growth
to occur in a
very kind way even though I surprised her with it.
So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man
will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
Matthew 24:44

I have no doubt we were

meant to experience those 15 years of our lives together.
She was able to move
forward with her life while keeping our differences out of court
which shows
great character in her.
Anyone of
you having a matter against the other, dare he go to law before the
unrighteous, and not
before the saints? 1 Corinthians 6:1
(In complete surrender, a person with faith, will accept the outcome that manifests itself from the experience through prayer.)

That part was definitely a

trying period for me in moving forward, because I was just
as attached to my
family at the time as anyone in the world or maybe even more so.
A person in
Christ allows the family to separate due to the differences between the
and spiritual members conscious levels and allowing for individual free will
take place. Unless ready, most are happy living life as theyve known it up
to that
point and are not ready for change. Because of duality, the disciple
will need to
experience the opposite of the current life lived for further growth
to occur and the
clearing of lower consciousness with higher awareness and
consciousness. This
period will break up the family during the surrendering
process or cause extreme
stress within the family unit. I personally feel that
this is when most Christians turn
back thinking that they are doing the right
thing by doing whatever it takes to keep
their life intact. This also keeps
their current consciousness the same or very similar
without allowing any
further growth. Marriage is a lower consciousness experience
and will stay
intact until one of the partners decides to grow into higher
consciousness or
is aware of Christ knocking on the door for their opportunity to
A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies (1st
natural state death), she is
free to marry anyone she wishes,
but he must
belong to the Lord (left marriage to pursue
higher consciousness teachings whether
husband or wife). 1 Corinthians 7:39

oppress not the widow (a woman who has lost her

spouse by death (1st death
natural state death) and has not
remarried) nor
the fatherless, the stranger, nor the
poor; and let none of you imagine evil
against his brother in your heart. Zechariah
7: 10

3Honor widows who are truly widows (women that have become
divorced by
those following Jesus into higher consciousness ("Till death do us
part") and
who will further help them since the separation was not because of lower

consciousness sin) -Acts 6:1- In those days when the number of disciples was

increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews

because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.).
For the
unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving

wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children
be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 1 Corinthians 7:14

* bNow

the unmarried (divorced

because of pursuit into higher consciousness and
also those that have never
married) and
to widows (lost
by either natural state death or
physical death), I
say: it is a good thing for them to remain as they are, as I do 1
Corinthians 7

Just as people are destined to die once (natural state death), and
after that to face judgment (placed into their
consciousness kingdom).

9:27 (The Sheep and the Goats)


people who are considered worthy to come back

to life and live in the next world (higher
consciousness) will
neither marry, nor are given
in marriage

(Marriages must be dissolved for personal judgment and

further individual inner teachings to take place until final
judgment is

A person must find their personal perfection first through

spiritual resurrection.

ascension will occur at a later date after increasing their light body while
living and
evolving in the new earth.

A true Christian will

follow Jesus and allow these things to happen knowing that
everyone is tested
regardless of their current consciousness state to see how they
respond to
these situations placed before them. Since a husband or wife has left
consciousness to pursue higher consciousness teachings, the way others treat

the family members left after the separation will be a true measure on how a
is treating all others whether they have awakened eyes or not. (35For I was
hungry, and you gave Me
something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me
something to drink; I was a
stranger, and you invited Me in; 36
I needed clothes and
you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me;
I was in prison (3rd dimension

lower consciousness), and you came to Me. This could possibly be a

major factor
during the end times on whether a person is allowed to proceed
into the higher unity
consciousness New Earth at one of the entry levels, or
whether they will remain in
the lower consciousness lake of fire earth instead.

are going to start falling out of peoples lives. Theyre going to start noticing them
away. Quite rapidly now.
Those Left Behind

It will be hard to pass

this initiation for those attached to families but all of us have
Jesus and our
own spirit guides who will show us the path
for us to take while in this
world. There are those living in their natural
state that will always feel that they are
responsible for their childrens
lives whether good or bad. In higher consciousness, a
person always knows that
it is overcoming any obstacles in life presented to a
person that pushes them
to succeed but it is an individual accomplishment to learn
from and grow. This
applies to all members within the family group since all have
certain lessons
to overcome for each persons individual advancement to occur. A
person can
choose understanding or bitterness. Once a person has changed
levels, they will start a new life in these new beliefs. Clinging to old
will only prolong the process. Christ
has assured us that those who leave

families to follow into higher

consciousness, will have their descendants blessed
because of the disciples
faithfulness in surrendering to the initiations which caused
the family
separation. This allows a peace for those who follow Jesus that allows
them to
remove themselves from the family to pursue their further growth into higher


They will not labor in

vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they
will be a people
blessed by the LORD, they and their descendants with them. Isaiah

This is due to the large

consciousness changes occurring within the disciple
interfering with others
that havent progressed into those spiritual levels and
awareness states. Have
faith that everything will work out and allow the process to
take place as you
become the observer to the assured promises.
This doesnt
mean at all that you
have stopped loving your family members. You are actually
showing them how
much you love them by continuing on in your forward progress to
show them that
there are other levels of consciousness that are meant to be
achieved during a
lifetime when confronting major life challenges and the necessary
changes to
meet your life goals. Since this
commitment will take personal lifestyle
changes and time, it is necessary for
everyone to move forward unless a person
decides to forego any further growth
and will try to repeat past performance by
staying within lower consciousness.
By doing that, a person is basically telling Christ
that they are not
interested in His higher teachings. People who remain in lower
consciousness will
initially start following Christ as He shows them their opposite
side duality experience
and why they should see the other side of their previous
perspective. Without allowing surrendering to take place,
they use their personal
free will to try to go back to their previous lifestyle
and consciousness without
obtaining the spiritual growth associated with the
trust gained within the surrendering
process. If previously in wealth, they try
to return to money too quickly instead of
seeing divine interaction outside of
materialism. I personally found that I can live a
lifestyle similar to one with
high income on the opposite side by allowing a different
way to be shown to me. This accomplishes my
duality lesson and my karma
repercussions from a previous time period. Without
surrendering into it, I would have
just forced my personal will of believing I
have to have high income to live the way I
want to.. a false belief. If originally in poverty, a person can move
into wealth
without remembering their previous objections of the wealthy
lifestyle on society.
They can become everything they disliked before their
change into wealth
perpetuating injustices of greed and income inequalities
without living out their
previous truths. They will remain in duality
consciousness while repeating their
previous cycles and will have to wait for
their next opportunity to take the time
necessary to grow into unity
consciousness, hopefully when their succeeding
rebalancing cycle takes place
and is recognized. If followed long enough to allow
these larger consciousness
changes to occur, a person understands that even
though they live side by side
with other people of different consciousness levels, the
way of staying in a
peaceful reality exists if they surrender and follow into the path
shown to

Higher consciousness is not

understood through current conventional teachings but
by a free will decision
to change consciousness to understand and then individually
move forward
through individual and personal inner instruction. Free will is a major
in whether a person opens up to new possibilities but I was never really aware

of it until I was in a position of despair which I then needed to ask Christ

for His

By allowing
the family to separate when the synchronicities present themselves, you
are allowing your
loved ones to form their own life experiences to include personal
soul goals
without interference and without keeping their lives too convenient in
lower consciousness. If life is too easy within lower consciousness living,

people will not seek into the resurrected spirit process that is needed for
during life. After being on both sides of duality concerning spiritual
teachings, I was
completely surprised at the huge awareness change that
occurred after surrendering
into my initiations and working through them. It is important to allow this process to

occur when presented so that after your period of education and understanding,
can enter into your next experience that is desired to see the differences
of living
through them in a spiritual manner instead of your previous duality

Consciousness is free to follow its own unique path as long as that path does

not stop another from doing the same.

You have your own unique path to follow in
the Universe, and you
are free to follow that path as long as you don't stop another
person from
doing the same.
In other words, as long as your reality-creating does
not stop or inhibit
another person from his reality-creating, you are not in danger of
that person's right to exist. By inhibiting another person from his
path, you yourself will be blocked from your unique path. Your path will be that
longer and harder until such time as you nullify the
original transgression. "Your

reality-creating must adhere to the laws of the Universe." This

universal law applies
to families and their children without exception and
includes friends that a person
may try to inform with loving intention although
it might not be that persons time for
this knowledge to occur (which will keep a person
from enjoying their desired path
until reversed).

In lower
consciousness it is evident that this law isnt followed much which is why a

person decides to move into higher consciousness when they are tired of the

dramas created in the lower realms. A person will become separated (The Sheep
and the Goats) to get off the karmic cycle and adhere to higher consciousness laws
that they will be able to live within after their cleansing period.

I found that by putting this page within my personal website, I am not forcing it on
anyone and if someone is reading this, they have sought into this message for
whatever reason and can close this page and continue life regardless of what I am
trying to share it is by a persons choice to have read this far. I am respecting the
readers rights and their individual path during this lifetime regardless of
whether family (especially my children who were very young at the time making this
very difficult), friends, or others and also ask in return that my right to live my life as
wanted is respected also. I hope I have devoted the proper amount of time to
this document so that those that I love deeply will understand that this is important
enough and different enough from current teachings that I felt an extreme need to
document this for them. My hope is for them to fully enjoy this lifetime in their own way
and that if I can show this to them that they will receive it if appropriate and it is in their
path to obtain. I continue to miss being around my children immensely as they grow up
but continue to look forward to the time that they understand the completeness of this
change so we can share life fully when we are all in unity consciousness together and
they are individually ready for this major lifetime accomplishment. Until that time, I
will probably just be seen as the same person as before, that went through
some tough times and got through them, although I will occasionally shift
back into duality consciousness to spend some time with them during this
mixed period. By asking for the necessary synchronicities to reveal themselves
at the proper time, the right people will show up for a person for their personal
advancement. Trust that this will occur and the people brought into your life during this
period to help you.
Never worship them or serve them, because I, the LORD your God, am a God who does not tolerate rivals. I punish children for their parents'
sins to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me (those remaining in 3rd dimension consciousness). Exodus 20:5
(Change this fallen state curse within your family going forward by removing and clearing your lower consciousness sin by moving into higher Christ Consciousness.)

(Children will still need to resurrect their spirit although their path will be blessed to accomplish this easier than others whose parents live outside of Christ Consciousness.)

The true teacher here of course is Jesus and those Angels that are assigned to each of
us using free will to follow and fully surrender into this path at this time. A person
cannot do this on their own without surrendering Jesus is the only way because a
person in a 3rd dimensional state will not understand on their own how to do this no
matter how many books read on this topic. The needed cleansing process will allow a
person to proceed past 4th dimension duality consciousness spirit and into the Christ
Consciousness unity Spirit. I would say that I found it very true that there will be birth
pains in this process and a person is expected to find a way of balancing their bodies
that are out of sync that will rebel against the cleansing process. This will be an
individual period that a person sincere in getting through this has to accomplish on their
own in order to awaken their Christ Spirit. It will be a way of knowing those who have
accomplished this versus those who just act and say they have.
A person will be saved once they are co creating their personal experiences
interfering with others who are unconsciously creating their outer experiences
even knowing it. Just like a battle field with explosions all around, a person
saved can go through their life away from all of these outside distractions
having them be a part of their experience beyond observation only.

who is

All those
secret societies from the past with secret initiations and
the like were all
done within the 4th dimension spirit realm which did
consciousness past the natural state but never did access the
Consciousness. A person can even tell those in present
society doing this same
thing that has elevated their consciousness
levels beyond the natural state but
are not aligned with the Christ
Spirit that is talked about in the Bible. This
explains why a lot of
people in lower consciousness religious services think
that the Holy
Spirit is leading them, but in truth, it is just the spirit realm
them with their goals outside of the Christ Consciousness 5th

My personal
feel is that this is also what is
happening with the Earth
in its ascension cycle with all of the extreme climate
changes and
earthquakes and other things that are now occurring which seems
be similar to what a 3rd dimensional body also goes through in
to get to the other side. I feel that I
have shared enough of my
experience for anyone to proceed in their path as
related to this
(higher Christ Consciousness) if it is desired by them. The
given by God during this process shows why it is worth the effort to
into it for the full period of time necessary for consciousness
change. Those
who dont do this will not know or see the other
side at this time during
this prophetic period only knowing that the
Bible says once it has started,
there will be those who are late and
wont be admitted at this time and will
continue on in their current
3rd dimensional life probably not even aware of those who
moved on. I am sure that during their
life review they will be shown
the times that they used their free will to
bypass this process and
will understand that it must be done while on the
playing field of
life within a multi-dimensional body and not afterwards.
Once a
person understands the process it is up to them to act on it

individually. Those sharing the process also should continue their

momentum and should allow others to proceed at their
individual pace.

It also should be understood that Christ Consciousness is a specific experience within

higher consciousness and is one of many experiences found within it. Just like a person
attends college for a set amount of time and moves forward, so does a person in
Christ Consciousness after their educational period is worked through with the gained
experience staying with them forever. Using that same analogy, some people attend
college for only a semester or less yet think they have received an accredited degree
during their short taste of that experience. Others will be at the extreme of fearing to
leave such a heart based Christian experience and will stay longer than needed
without seeking towards additional adventures that life has to offer while adhering to
the laws realized in the Christ Consciousness experience. For some, they will need
to still surrender into their daily flow but switch their resonance from a poverty
experience into an abundance experience to live from the other angle again while being
aware of their karmic consequences. Many stay stuck fearing to leave such an
overwhelming and personal experience that they have obtained during this period. The
new earth will end up being a mixture between Christ Consciousness and free will
practices. This will create a third way that is different from the original and fallen state life
paths. Because of the uncertainty on when the prophetic time period will actually
happen while living our individual paths, we will all need to keep moving forward until it
is evident that the period expected has occurred and I am quite sure because of the
surrendering process instilled during our personal tribulation period, will know what to

My prayer
is that we all go forward in peace and if anyone does not
resonate in peace and
higher consciousness, that they not find this
website or that they are blinded
from it since their individual path is
not related to this experience as
compared to being satisfied within
the unconscious lower realm experiences that
would include
religious worship from a lower consciousness perspective.

A Spiritual Awakening
Family Symptom - Withdrawal from
family relationships.
You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When
you get off the
karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released.
After a period of time,
you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the
will be based in the new energy. This period is often times referred to as

"The Fall," or "The Separation." Do not worry, as there is

no separation that is valid.
Only the "feeling, seeming, illusion" of

When this happened in my

life, it did take a while to accept what was happening with
my family
relationships (brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, ex-wife, sons and
I tried to force interaction because of my eagerness to share this major
in consciousness and was allowed to although it was evident that it was
my life from moving forward. Because of consciousness differences,
our discussions became awkward and I realized that I might be
preventing their
pure individual paths from being realized so knew I needed to step

back. We
still connected because of the roles between us within the family cluster

(father daughter/son), but those roles can cause friction since the higher

consciousness person isnt living his truth and must descend consciousness
interaction or risk being labeled as someone who is crazy or out of
their mind by
those in a lower consciousness state who havent accomplished
some higher level
manifestations. God wants all people to have their
consciousness raised and live in
an ascended world with the ability to also
manifest ascended experiences that will
be different from lower consciousness
activities. When people interact by lowering

their consciousness intentionally, it perpetuates the false beliefs out there

of only
one 3rd dimensional consciousness existence even though
those who decide not to
seek into higher consciousness will only live through a
3rd dimensional experience
missing the other adventures that are
just as available once a person works on
increasing their light body. This will once again place us back into the
sheep and the
goats passage and why there is a separation that must be
followed and respected.
This separation, however painful because of
relationship losses, then allows for one
persons free will movement into a
different consciousness state while allowing the
other to live at their desired
level unless the decision is made
to remain in the same
consciousness with their family members (36 a mans
enemies will be the members
of his own household) foregoing the higher teachings that Christ
will show for those
ready to accept it. (31 On that day no one who is on the roof of his
house, with his
goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in
the field should go
back for anything.)

During my surrendering process

within this period, my daily life flow created
situations that kept leading me
into these passages with ways to accomplish the
initiations that then opened up
additional awareness once finished. Even
though I
lost a job like many people do, I surrendered into the situation to
see what would
happen if I just paid attention to it while continuing with the
goals I wanted to get to.
Instead of being fearful, the Grace of certain small
miracles kept me from using my
free will to take just any old job or multiple
jobs leaving me without any real life in
order to just have a paycheck to make
ends meet. I surrendered even though other
friends of mine at the time decided
that giving in to bad jobs that they had no real
interest in was the best way
to keep their families and lives intact. I figured that if
Christ existed, this
was the time to let me know because I was fed up with all the
grief and pain of
living in this world when all I wanted was to live a life of peace and
able to spend time with my loved ones without working 60 hours a week. I

definitely didnt win respect with my ex-wife and in-laws by becoming passive
at this
time but the miracles that continued to intermittently show me what I
needed to see
kept occurring that kept me on my path of continued seeking and
These synchronicities towards my goals allowed me to trust the
path that I was
being led to which on the way gave me understanding of
salvation and by
experience, the understanding of certain passages that it was
evident was
misunderstood by me previously up to this time. I suffered occasionally because I
something different to occur, but because of Gods Grace with my rapture
consciousness, it allowed me to continue into these initiations with a certain


In time, I did lose

everything from my previous life (dont be too attached to things of
this world
or it is a free will decision to remain with them (duality) instead of

progressing into higher (unity) teachings) which then makes room for a new life

within higher consciousness. I received teachings to show me how to exit the

world I was in and move into the experience that was asked for in my
prayers even
though at the time, my original prayer was to find a way for Jesus
to allow my exit
from this life so I could continue learning in what I believed
heaven and physical
death would give me. At that time I had a large company
life insurance policy that
my family would get if Jesus would just take care of
finding my exit according to His
Will and His Way. Im not overly proud of that
moment in time, but if it explains
something as to why I am still here at this
time, then I need to include it in my
testimony. I believe that this prayer was answered by keeping
me in this world to

accomplish what needed to be done in order to get me to the

place I originally
requested. I had
already made the decision that this current Earth that I lived on had
way too
many problems and I would not want to come back to it because I felt the

overall problems far outweighed the positives. I guess in my own way, I died to

Christ and died to my old way of life due to my free will and requested prayers
were answered, just in a different way than I expected.
I believe this to be the
first death (natural state death leading to spiritual birth not
a physical

Just as
people are destined to die once
natural state death- lower consciousness into higher consciousness during

physical life), and after that to face (immediate personal) judgment

(into their
appropriate kingdom).
Hebrews 9:27

The 75% will die lifetime

after lifetime and during each death, will
remain the same (lower consciousness). Their immediate judgment
that lifetime will keep them within 3rd dimension consciousness
and 4th
dimension consciousness if made after physical death. They
always have opportunities during physical life to work into higher

consciousness if they decide to. This individual decision will mean that
therefore, must be in their appropriate consciousness kingdom
and are happy
staying within it. Once understood and accepted as
their choice, this allows
others to move on without guilt, since it will
always be a personal decision
made by each person exercising their
own free will after they are aware of the
process and their decision to
investigate it (seek and you will find) or disregarding it and
dying their second death.

Another passage that

although I had read about way too many times to count in
church, was instilled
in my heart and being by living through it for true

I am not worried about

others who will try to use their intellect to rationalize away this
because unless they have truly walked the path, they do not know
blinded because of their free will decision to not seek into this process). I

received in a way for my understanding of this area of the Bible just like
many, other daily teachings that I allowed by living through them instead
of working
in a 60 hour job that afterwards would keep me too exhausted to do
much else. To
slave away in a job I cared nothing about would only take that
time away from me to
understand the process that changes everything once it is
surrendered into. As
stated in the Bible, a person cannot serve two masters
(God and the Beast?) at the
same time.
Previously I followed the path of social and economic comfort in a job

while later followed the spiritual path that led me in different directions.
"No one can serve two
masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or
he will be
devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.

These paths are very

similar in that I surrendered daily to be taught my trading skills
very similar
to surrendering daily later to be taught spiritual skills. One is in lower
consciousness while the other
is in higher consciousness. There are many who
choose not to take the time to
learn to be a trader and care not to be one. I
exercised my free will for an
experience I wanted to go through and spent the time
necessary to be pretty good
at it although the downside is that the pay was so good
it kept me from the
tribulations that Jesus needed to show me that occupied my time
instead for
many years to come. We all make our choices during our life on what we
want to
accomplish and the energy we are willing to exert to obtain it. Even within a

23 year career, in retrospect, there were at least 4 times I used my free will
to pass
up on a large tribulation change that would have started the process
that I deflected
by finding a way of staying in my job and staying in that
crossroad instead. I
attended weekly
church, was a
giving member while also contributing
to other
additional charities as my parents and grandparents did as well as
most of my
friends at the time.

Even while these people were worshiping the LORD, they were
serving their idols.
To this day
their children and grandchildren continue to do as their ancestors did. 2

Kings 17:41

person in complete surrender will allow abundance to flow into their life at
proper time and amount for their needs.)

"But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God (accomplish
your full personal tribultion opportunity). And after ye have obtained a hope
in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for
the intent to do goodto clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and
to liberate the captive (shift from 3rd into 5th dimension
consciousness), and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted." Jacob 2:18-19

People will not learn the lessons

I went through in my spiritual path for the same
reasons of not wanting to
devote the necessary time and focus in that endeavor for
further understanding
and mastering (enlightenment) unless aligned to the
experience. They will need
to apply the same amount of time to have that ascended
experience with the same
determination that they would give to a paying job. How
much faith will a person have to do this
(duality or unity) in their ascension process?
For the needed period of
education, will a person decide to serve God or wealth
(including barely making
ends meet) instead? A person will always be given the
opportunity to live the
duality opposite again to prove whether they have expanded
consciousness to
live the way wanted again, but from a different spiritual experience
comparison. Give your children a reason
to change and break an old habit of
time that needs to move everyone forward
during this cycle. This page that is being
read is a seven year testimony to
what has occurred in my life since I feel that I am
supposed to share this
story. I would like to say that this path is just another skill that
I have
obtained efficiently (so far) during this lifetime because of the right
and people placed before me. Of course, I also feel that I have so
much more to
share from this seven year period than I have with my twenty-three
year career and
would not have near as much of a story there to put into

Don't you know that if you

offer to be someone's slave, you must obey that
master? Either your master is
sin, or your master is obedience (fully
surrendering). Letting sin be your master
leads to death. Letting obedience be
your master leads to God's approval. Romans
(A person after seeing
both sides of this duality experience will know
what to do when going back to abundance. The
lessons taught during
the surrendering process will remain afterwards so that a
person will
advance without the previous type of sin of before. Will a person
with a
lot of wealth have enough faith to go through their surrendering
to regain it justly afterwards?)

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his own soul? Mark 8:36

I always wondered why everyone

mentioned this passage. Now I know that it relates
to the current specific life
being fun and enjoyable without any concerns related to
the karma being
produced because of lack of spiritual knowledge. But the most
problematic part,
is ending another life without increasing into higher consciousness
(living in
heaven) with the uncertainty on how many more chances will be given
final judgment and the closing of the door happens. There are already quite
few people that have been in fourth dimension unity consciousness for quite a

while, even though a lot of them are still not aware of their true positioning
within the
kingdom. This might actually make the present period of time the end
of the
millennium with true final judgement occurring soon. There will then be
a permanent
separation between higher and lower consciousness that might occur
now within
some of our lifetimes. The biblical stories could have contained the
tribulation saints
from a thousand years ago showing the way, even though most
people think that
they are just stories of hardship only.
Whether we are at the start
or end of the millennium, once a person knows we are in
the midst of it, I
would think they would pursue it and not wait until later. We
definitely have a mixing of different
consciousness levels in current society. Those in
lower consciousness would
need to keep an open mind as to where they are, while
those in higher
consciousness have already had personal growth in order to get
there. A person can enjoy their life after
progressing forward and understanding all
the repercussions concerning their
actions after their tribulation period is over with.
There is no free pass, all
activities are tied to karmic repercussions (good or bad)
that will need to be
understood and cleared if necessary to move on. A person can
either do this now
in a consciously aware, co creating state, or lived later in an
forced state without even knowing why it is occurring. In an
unconscious state,
your soul (spirit) will still experience life even though from the
human aspect
(flesh) it might not be an enjoyable life.
Once a person does this
(becomes whole by combining spirit and body),
they are then able to make an
informed decision between living in higher or
lower consciousness going forward
instead of never knowing the true
consciousness differences between the two. In
unity consciousness, all will
live in their heaven and this will be understood how,
after their tribulation
period is worked through.

They will throw their

silver and gold into the streets like garbage. Their
silver and gold won't be
able to rescue them on the day of the LORD's
anger. Ezekiel
still believe that wealth is the measure of success in modern society. It will
proven that understanding and living within multiple consciousness levels
will be a
persons saving grace. Material things are just items used during
life and hopefully in
moderation for what is needed to provide meaningful
service to others. Another use
would be in the ability of using a space for
spiritual rejuvenation to increase personal
energy levels, probably in a nature
related environment. Do not become too attached to
things. Not only can a
person not take it with them, but it might also dictate lessons
needed in
another lifetime experienced from the other perspective for karmic balance.)


I do feel blessed that instead of leaving my physical life, I was also given the chance
to make peace in the process and see what happens going forward with the
relationships that I had in the past and hoping for them to continue in the new energy
and ascended world (new earth) with as many loved ones and friends who choose to
join me. Too many people believe that some major catastrophic event is going to
occur that is going to be obvious, but in my experience, it was very subtle that I
believe many people miss assuming they are just going through a regular life
change at the time. An obvious victory for evil that has been placed into our realities
as only a challenge to get past, that instead keeps us in lower consciousness, and
missing Jesus try to reach us in our needed tribulations to lead us out of this lower
fallen state (lake of fire) reality.

Because of peoples
different paths and different needs during the daily surrendering
and cleansing
(changing of energy levels) process, each person will go forward at

different intervals due to their spiritual maturity making the separation

tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and
the other
left. Two women will be
grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left."
Luke 17:34-35
If a person chooses not to follow at this time, it might be the children who are given
the next opportunity to follow and will have a choice of leaving the parent behind
because their soul might be more mature for the process. Some more advanced
children have special gifts that are needed during this time so I feel they are
awakening at an earlier age to share those gifts if they live their truth regardless of
the persecution they might receive. Some will say that the current children coming in
during this period are here to help this ascension process but will still have to go
through their tribulation period also for their added understanding. It will probably
consist of a shortened time period
because of less karmic repercussions and less
time taken absorbing into their
shortened 3rd dimensional life compared to those
who have lived a
longer life. Part of the way you can tell this might be the case is by
changes in how the younger adults are modifying dietary habits and

environmental issues into the economy that some older adults choose not to
Each will still have to use their free will to pursue higher consciousness

regardless of age and will have to make personal sacrifices during the process

although inner knowing seems to be more in tune with each succeeding


Confusion exists because there

are many levels of abilities within consciousness and
just because a person has
obtained Christ Consciousness, they are still just at the
beginning stages of
working on advanced spiritual capabilities.
Just like there is
higher education with many levels of degrees, the
same exists at the spiritual level to
work towards also. Christ just came to
show us what the extremely advanced levels
are and to fulfill prophecy even
though he did state that at some point others would
be able to do things even greater
than he showed at the time.


truly I tell you,

whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing,
and they will do
even greater things than these.

But if a person never

starts onto the road of higher consciousness to begin the
process, they will
never get anywhere close to achieving these things during a
lifetime and will
not even be aware of their existence since they are satisfied with the
consciousness experience and their comfort within that state instead. What a

shame it is when people physically die expecting a certain expectation that

will then
be shown that it was necessary to start the process during physical
life with a multidimensional body to achieve that outcome upon physical death.
The other family
members might then want to seek for understanding on what has
happened with that
diminished relationship that could lead to a consciousness
increase putting them
both back into common resonance again. A person in higher
consciousness is trying
to grow in spiritual practices and this does create a
major difference from those who
are wanting to remain in lower consciousness
activities especially those at the front
end of their lives still trying to
enjoy youthful activities that always provide meaningful
memories. This is why
there needs to be mutual respect and understanding.

People start their lives in

lower consciousness to experience something that they
need to experience. Allow
this to happen. It is when a person
realizes that there
must be something more that they can seek towards within
higher consciousness
and the fairness of living in that realm that gives them
the free will decision to find it
even though all of our physical bodies
currently reside together while doing this. This
separation of old
relationships also occurred with close friendships although a
person going
through regular life easily goes in and out of relationships anyway as
A person isnt forced to continue growth by leaving relationships until they

are ready for it, but at some point a person on their path realizes that they
surrender to their daily flow and allow what is meant to occur to happen
at the right
time and continue their individual momentum into higher
consciousness. The moving
forward in relationships is because of the
possibility of forcing a persons will on
another even though the other person
might not be ready for that level of conscious
movement. It will cause a
disciples personal goals to become harder to accomplish
and longer to realize
while this interference happens, so a person sincere in the
Christian path will
decide to move on in their growth instead by way of not
oversharing with
others. This means their loved ones might not understand when the
disciple is
called on and leaves as instructed since at that point their consciousness

differences have become too great between family members. It is better when
ask sincere direct questions that someone in higher consciousness can
easily and possibly aid someone trying to grow.
I did find that the
personal relationship between Jesus and your spiritual family really
is all you
need for progressing since it allows a person to seek with daily
for personal understanding to occur. Of course, all of us believe we are
decent people and will not allow our ego to believe that someone would need
leave their circle for an advancement that hasnt occurred (rapture of

consciousness) to others within that group.

It is easier to believe that the person
leaving the group has turned
radical, crazy, brainwashed, or whatever that allows
their ego to justify this
abandonment. A person with an imbalanced
ego will have a
hard time receiving these teachings since their ego will be in
control of their other
bodies as well (mental, physical, and emotional) and
will not allow them to believe
how this multi-dimensional world really works.
These people dont realize that a
person in higher consciousness has all of his
old traits and can still proceed in their
old life as before but because of
their added spiritual education decides to progress
in a different way with
their renewed mind that has been shown to them.

Dead Faith

dead faith is that which dwells only on the tongue, not in the heart.

It took me
awhile to understand that physical churches and religious
tv programs operate
under free will because a person would seek
into this activity by their choice
and by aligning themselves within
that vibrational resonance. If they continue
that routine, they will
remain in that lower consciousness experience
throughout the rest
of their life unless they choose a change into higher
teachings. These lower
teachings usually dont address ways of
getting to the spirit realm or
understanding the different layers of
Spirit believing that anyone accessing them
are always being taught
by the Holy Spirit. Most people never get to that state
through the
surrendering process and just stay within their spiritual family
members only. They never reach the specific Christ Consciousness

teachings that are needed to ascend fully within the obtainable

higher realms
within our multi-dimensional bodies. Most stop short
and will stay within 3rd
dimensional reality, just at a higher level
within it. These activities end up
being just large organizations of
like-minded people getting together for their
needs. They do
contribute to their charities similar to other groups like
United Way
and the Salvation Army.
Besides basic Bible teaching, there really
is not much of a difference
as compared to a social club beyond this
activity. Just like a person wouldnt
repeat elementary school
indefinitely, a person would be expected to also
continue to grow by
further seeking towards inner teachings to continue to
progress into
higher consciousness. As
with all activities on the planet, this is just
another experience to go
through while living life. At some point, it is
time to pursue another activity
for a persons soul growth regardless
of the title attached to that activity.

The Christ
Consciousness experience will show a person that is
sincere in their thirst for
Christianity that full complete surrender in
life will get them there through
inner teachings. I also stayed within

that intellectual religious belief system for many years and realized
by moving
forward into inner individual instruction, and praying for
protection while
doing this, the truth will show up if
surrendered fully
into the higher consciousness process as the Bible states. A
must seek for the understanding of how to achieve inner teachings
is why in the old days, it would be considered the path to
enlightenment. A
person will realize why Revelation is included in
the Bible by living it,
instead of thinking that it is just something that
will occur in the future and
not relevant for their present life.

foolish can you be? After starting your Christian lives in the
Spirit, why are
you now trying to become perfect by your own
human effort? Galatians 3:3

surrender completely in order to have Jesus lead you through
the wilderness
(lower consciousness) and into heaven (5th
dimension higher Christ
Consciousness reality).

personally believe that peace will not exist in lower consciousness
because of
the individual beliefs of all those staying within that
consciousness realm.
Individuals within their particular countries will
always believe they are
acting to defend themselves from others
which will continue indefinitely. Those
people who believe that
violence is the only way are entitled to their beliefs
also and nothing
can be forced on them until they are individually ready to
higher consciousness teachings. This is probably why the Bible
that only one third will make it through the end times into their
state. Others will not fully surrender for the amount of time
necessary for a
permanent consciousness change all the way to 5th
dimension Spirit
stopping instead at the 4th dimension state.
Everybody receives some
extra ordinary contact from the spirit
realm and some believe that those few
moments have changed
them even though it was just the prelude to understand
something else is out there to continue to pursue. Peace will exist
in the higher consciousness
realms and will be understood once a
person goes through their personal
tribulation period and advancing
and evolving through it. There is probably
something to be said
about baby steps and the requirement of going through
events for a true surrendering process to be realized with the truth

given when a person is ready and can accept it.

It will also be
understood that money is not a requirement in this
process and
shouldnt be worried about to move forward besides helping feed
hungry and homeless if excess money is available and is in a
persons heart. Of
course, helping others is always providing service
but money shouldnt be
necessary to accomplish that.

Some people who do go

forward in a violent way might have received a small
amount of higher
consciousness teachings and try to rationalize their beliefs within
their old
consciousness keeping them within their 3rd dimension reality.
example of an ego that just wont be able to survive in this ascending world
that is
increasing into higher energy therefore allowing them to only be able
to exist within a
lower energy environment.
And no man puts new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish

A person must find a way of

becoming more humble with the reducing of their ego to
bring it into harmony
with their other important bodies to keep balance into higher

consciousness. Dont confuse these violent individuals with people immersed


a true 5th dimension consciousness that will always be in peace and love wanting to
move into their next ascended experience.
During this process of lower
consciousness clearing, some people out of balance will go through what is perceived
as a mental breakdown or out of character period. If they are not aware of what is
happening in their spiritual development, they will stop the progress or someone that
they know will stop it thinking that they are helping that person without any clue as to
the spiritual part of this behavior. Find balance and peace during this time or a person
will not advance.Therefore, the separation must and does occur unless a person
stops their advancement and returns to lower consciousness. Everyone in that
group will be grateful to have pulled the perceived unbalanced person back to
their previous ways and comfort within that previous level of consciousness.
They are just as guilty of pushing their religious beliefs on others even though
they condemn those that they call radicals who are just in a different perspective.
It could be considered radical to keep a person from expanding their
consciousness because of ridicule towards people taking a chance into the
transformation process that allows the higher consciousness to occur within a
natural body that otherwise will stay within a fallen state reality. In this case,
ignorance is not a bliss since it doesnt even allow for a choice to be made
concerning what lower vs higher consciousness means to an individual. Some wont
want to try just because of the work required to make this permanent change even
though Christ has assured us at the end times that all will be aware of the different
teachings concerning the Gospel and these different consciousness states for their
individual choice. A person will experience larger consciousness changes when
they allow their personal goals to be larger than they would have previously been in
order to allow those miracles to take place within their daily path for their eyes
only that may be outside of the current collective consciousness of society. People
can only believe from their current conscious level of perception. They can only
believe on how those goals can manifest into reality by their achieved level of
consciousness which is more than likely the difference between dualistic faith versus
unity faith confirming the need for separation between these two groups.

The humor in God is that

everything is a spiritual experience found within free will.
Even being an atheist is a spiritual experience
that just occurs within a lower
unconscious state of existence. If at some
point that same individual decides to
change course and with that same fervor
seeks into a religious experience, it will
occur just as well in duality. Even
then, for that change in experience, whatever
denomination is desired will be
experienced and obtained until another change is
wanted (welcomed within higher
consciousness) or forced into (while in lower
consciousness). Usually at this point, a persons ego will
get in the way to try to
justify all the years spent in that previous endeavor
and will resist the dualistic
change until death will temporarily break that
cycle. It doesnt mean that just
a person personally hasnt experienced reality in a different way that it

doesnt exist if worked towards. Find

what is true to your heart and then work
towards it and watch it come into your
experience while letting others do the same.

Who is more insane, someone who just believes life is just the way they
see it or
someone who is willing to work towards a goal that everyone else says
unobtainable and cant be accomplished?


The righteous (alive) and wicked (dead) are to remain in the

earth together.
righteous (light) are not to exterminate the wicked (darkness).

everyone the space to experience duality at both levels
when each is
appropriate. Some will choose to remain within only
one of the conscious levels
due to their comfort within that space.
It is by their free will. Allow this to
happen since it will not affect
your personal choice and you will become
separated from them
anyway since the resonance is no longer there for that
relationship and therefore will no longer affect your life.)

Of course, not everyone

will seek into this process and a person must allow that to
take place also for
personal choice and free will to occur and when the time comes,
individual choice in consciousness for their final judgment (higher or lower

consciousness). Ascension and resurrection

will only happen if welcomed and then
at the appropriate individual time when
seeking. These multiple dimensional
consciousness states do create different playing fields for those who work into
with different natural laws being applied to stay within them. A person in
consciousness will not believe that they exist until they sincerely seek
towards the
understanding of them (they will remain blinded to them due to
their free will decision
whether they believe it or not). Some who have worked
into lower levels of higher
consciousness might not even be aware of it because
they are concentrating only on
one facet of their experience and that person
doesnt even understand the broader
picture of what is going on so will
continue to go back and forth between these
consciousnesss levels stuck
between them without realizing it. Some children
blessed because of their
previous ancestors who accomplished higher
consciousness might also not be
aware of it and become immersed into current
society until something prompts
their seeking into the process. Their soul path is
already blessed and they are
probably performing life at high acceptable levels until
they finally do decide
to seek and become awakened,
easily propelling them into
higher consciousness understanding. Those in unawakened society will
continue to
perpetuate the old false understanding of only going to heaven when
a person
physically dies. They will remain in those false beliefs unless they
work and evolve
into that higher awareness and consciousness during their
current life. Join others
from the past that are discussed in the Bible by
reaching that state yourself also.

If family members and

friends choose to follow into your same consciousness for
their own reasons,
then feel that hopefully they have been shown the way by
example and love. Look
forward to reuniting again with them for more shared
experiences down the road
if the family members choose that later in life when they
will all resonate
with each other once again if they decide to by reaching the same
levels again.

The Cost of Being a


If any man come to Me, and hate not his father, and mother;
wife, and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his
own life also, he
cannot be My disciple (a disciple must be
willing to leave relationships and current
life in order to
increase consciousness from a fallen state into the Christ

Consciousness state through the surrendering process an

individual process).

And whosoever does not bear his cross, and come after Me,
cannot be My disciple (a disciple must be
willing to clear out
karma by daily surrender and following life as it is
presented to
them daily without interjecting personal will into it besides the

prayers and goals that are being seeded).

It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes.

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sits not down

and counts the cost, whether he has sufficient to finish it? Lest
after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish
it, all that behold
it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began
to build, and was not able to finish. Permanent
consciousness change from fallen
state (3rd dimension reality)
into Christ Consciousness (5th
dimension physical reality
living in their glorified body (body and spirit)
in heaven during


likewise, whosoever he
be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot
be my disciple..

You will be hated by

everyone because of My name. But the one who endures to the
end will be
(People are more
interested in hearing about the no work required Gospel instead
of the
surrender for salvation part of it)

.for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.

he shall have abundance of spiritual gifts and knowledge

The promise is for you and

your children and for all who are far off for all whom

the Lord our God will call. Acts 2:39

We all have to follow our path

and our
reasons for wanting to experience this life
individually and also with those
around us for whatever time periods are given within
that shared time
period. Unfortunately, sometimes it must
also be expected that in
certain situations it is a benefit to allow some
relationships to dissolve for certain
reasons to overcome some obstacles placed
before us. Trust the system and how it

there was one question people have asked me, and I think you

have answered part

of it. That if some are taken, and some are left
behind, wouldnt those that go
on to the new world notice the other
members in their family were gone?

Excerpt and answer from Dolores

Cannon's The Convoluted

Some people who stop the process presented by

Christ, will believe that they are
being led by Jesus but have actually been
transferred over to their spiritual family
members since they
are interjecting their own free will instead of surrendering to
Christ. Their
spiritual family members will help them experience what they are
requesting but
this will be outside of 5th dimension Christ Consciousness.

23But I will reply, I never knew you

(Resurrected Christ Spirit as opposed to resurrected
spirit that stopped short of full
process or those who never entered into the
initiations at all)
There is a lot of help from
the Spirit realm whether conscious of it or not (spiritual
family vs human
family) but a person must become aligned into the experience while
welcoming it
into their life, otherwise they are only living from a natural state

perspective and natural state family.

A lot of spiritual
teachings show how to have inner peace to be able to survive in this
consciousness world. The lower religious beliefs do the same and provides

civility to those who just practice at that specific level. After attending
services for over half of my life and participating with others at just
about every level
of involvement, I realized the tremendous consciousness
change after I fully
surrendered to life to see what would happen. I can
definitely see how many good
decent people will not move on because of their
false belief system that was given to
them during their entire life which was
followed blindly. A person does realize that
there is nothing he can really do
to help those people break out of those falsehoods
except by showing the
differences and hoping that some people will be open enough
to personally move
themselves towards it. Each will make their own decision on
where they go after
this physical life is done by their achieved consciousness state.
Religions outside of
Christianity can move a person into a 4th dimension spirit

understanding, but there does seem to be a further deepening of awareness that

Christ shows someone sincere in their seeking. His mercy to allow others in at
4th dimensional level who probably arent praying directly to
Him but have evolved
enough to become placed into His unity kingdom is mercy
all by itself. I can see how
only 25 to 30 percent of the population will be
involved in the new earth because
there are many that are satisfied with what
they have and what theyve been told
and will hold on to that all the way to
the end. People in present society can see
what the new earth will give them
and can always choose to remain in lower
consciousness after living within this
state if they decide to. After higher
consciousness is shown to a person, I
doubt that person will ever choose not to
move forward. A person cant
accidently move into higher consciousness, they must
seek to find it. Others
who never work into higher levels of consciousness, will
continue to ride the
downward spiral to lower future levels of life. After the
permanent split is
realized between higher and lower consciousness, many will
decide to stop
coming back into this reality because life at this lower level of physical

humanity just wont be worth it.


have given them your

word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the
world (they live in 5th
dimension physical consciousness and not 3rd dimension
physical consciousness) any more than I am of the world (5th dimension
spiritual consciousness). 15My
prayer is not that you take them out of the world (for
their personal
continued growth within a multi-dimensional realm) but that you
protect them
from the evil one (and also any misguided direction from those staying
lower consciousness perspectives regardless of their current roles being
John 17:14-15.


Jesus said: No prophet is

acceptable in his village (most friends and relatives
have already formed an opinion on a
person from their natural state and will not
allow themselves to see that
person in a different light after transformation); a
physician does not heal those who know
him. Gospel of St.

To reach higher levels of consciousness,

a person must allow themselves room to

grow without constantly being pulled

back into other peoples spiritual beliefs (multidimensional
world with many levels of consciousness) which encompass all ways of
including job and regular daily interactions with others. The guilt in modern

society of breaking apart a family is a great challenge because of the majority

people living intellectually and not spiritually to understand what is
really occurring. I
believe that everything will work out properly between all
family members after
forgiveness, and I also believe that everyone will
understand why it occurred at
some point later in their lives. This is a huge
trust in faith and Christ that people
living solely thru their senses will not
understand. I believe this to be the true original
reason why Catholic priests
were to remain celibate. This would then be a non-issue
for the priests. I will always consider
myself fortunate to have experienced that with
my family and feel I can relate
as to why a majority of people stop at that conscious
level for a lifetime. Of
course, I also feel very fortunate to be able to work through
these initiations
in a state of awareness unlike many others who are in a fearful
defensive mode
as to what is happening in their individual lives. Another heartbased
experience completed through the cycle that opens up even more levels of

awareness. Grace is the only way to get through these events.

Don't team up with those

who are unbelievers (3rd dimension
consciousness). How can righteousness be a
partner with
wickedness? How can light (higher consciousness) live with
darkness (lower consciousness)? Therefore, "Come out from
them and be separateand I will receive you.
2 Corinthians 6:17

It is up to the people on Earth at the present time to each make

their personal decision of which path they want to follow. The
energy is present and becoming stronger. It is physically affecting
our bodies. Our own frequency and vibration is being altered. But I
believe it is still up to us what we decide, which Earth we
gravitate toward because of our free will.
Dolores Cannon's The Convoluted Universe

What would Jesus do?

He would descend to Earth.
He would teach people enlightenment and how to get there.
He would spiritually and physically ascend back to His higher consciousness realm.
He would set up a Kingdom for those who choose to surrender and follow him there.
He would set this up around an ascending New Earth cycle creating a separate
higher consciousness physical world to experience.

Everyone who has ever lived (physical life) will be brought back to life in some form to face the final judgment along with those still living.

be mixed until judgment day
(flesh and spirit)
Allow the space for everyone to
concerning their desired level of
consciousness and the time needed
consciousness if wanted before the
between an
ascending sphere and
those at a spiritual heart-based level to
occupy it vs a lower sphere and those
having life within that vibrational

By design, the current world is in an overpopulated state in order to allow everyone to have their
final judgment. This could have started in the mid 1950s and will continue until enough unity
consciousness people change the world resonance into a fully higher consciousness state that
some predict to be somewhere around 2030 to 2050(?). When this happens, the physical higher
consciousness world will be quite a bit less populated and more in balance to accommodate those
people. If a person has decided to move into higher consciousness, they should allow others their
own personal choice and if that person decides not to increase their consciousness, he/she should
be allowed to enjoy their last human life within this mixed world. Many in lower consciousness will
choose not to come back into a different separated world that continues to descend, especially from
the unconscious starting point of paying back previous karma incurred during their last incarnation
that might have been filled with excess. No matter how hard this is to watch, as some loved ones
will not move forward at this time, a person in higher consciousness will have already gone through
their tribulation period that gives them the peace needed during this time. The goats and sheep
separation will have occurred during their life so they will be aware what is going on and will accept
it. It will be easy to see the ones who will not come close to moving into higher consciousness
versus the marginal ones who will probably have a chance all the way to the end until the
necessary time will run out for permanent change into unity consciousness to occur.

And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short Matthew 24:22
Decide for yourself what this passage means..if a person knows that there is a mixture of different consciousness levels (flesh and spirit) in current society, then
why wait for later to see how long it will be before permanent separation occurs before seeking into it? Does this mean quicker karma rebalancing for more
awareness at the end times, or less linear time once the overall world becomes too imbalanced to continue in a civilized state? Or both?

Isaiah 24:17-22Living Bible (TLB)

It will be close to impossible for people to distinguish who is in

higher consciousness and who isnt. Those in higher

consciousness can tell fairly easily, but for those in lower
consciousness, those who have awakened their Christ Spirit will
be viewed as just another person in society since they are
residing in their glorified body that will look the same as before
their transformation. Dont expect to see people acting holy
walking around. Higher consciousness people are moving forward
and living their life very similar to what is perceived as other 3rd
dimensional people except they are manifesting reality differently.
It is difficult to surrender daily life to an unknown future, but it is
what must be done to follow Christ into the new earth if wanted.
The current enemies that will be conquered are those preventing
spiritual individuals from following their chosen path and goals no
matter what their titles and/or labels are in this descending part of
this world (making it mixed). Some of these people will be in jobs
that they say are for the overall good of society and the world but
all they are doing are making Christ work around them so that
higher consciousness individuals can then manifest into their
heaven on earth. Therefore, these individuals are actually
enemies to Christ and his kingdom without knowing it until
seeking takes place to lead them forward through their tribulation
period for understanding. Live a peaceful and un-obstructing life
while moving forward into unity consciousness while allowing
others the same courtesy. This will take a person into their next
level of humanity. This will also leave others in current society
who dictate my way only beliefs in the left behind category and
staying in lower consciousness with others like them. These are
the ones that should be prayed for, to actually see the ascended
life currently available for all right now to live in.

All souls have the choice to enter 5th Dimension, given

they have assimilated sufficient light to hold the energy
levels that exist in that higher vibration. But many will be
choosing (whether consciously or unconsciously) to leave the
earth within the next couple of decades (by physical death of
many types) to move on to other third
experiences in other parts of the universe. They will not have
finished with what third-dimensional reality has still to teach
Awakening to the 5th Dimension

17 Terror and the captivity of hell are still your lot, O men of the world. 18
When you flee in terror, you will fall into a pit, and if you escape from the pit,
you will step into a trap, for destruction falls from the heavens upon you; the
world is shaken beneath you. 19 The earth has broken down in utter collapse;
everything is lost, abandoned, and confused. (The New Earth resonance
change into higher consciousness) 20 The world staggers like a drunkard; it
shakes like a tent in a storm. It falls and will not rise again, for the sins of the
earth are very great. (Those 2/3rds still refusing to permanently raise their
consciousness by surrendering into their personal tribulation opportunity
causing many karmic problems.)
21 On that day the Lord will punish the fallen angels in the heavens and the
22 They will be rounded up like prisoners
proud rulers of the nations on earth.
and imprisoned in a dungeon until they are tried and condemned. (Those still
remaining in lower consciousness)
The eternal separation between lower and higher consciousness with the
question remaining as to whether there will be a physical ascension during this
time for those in vibrational resonance to go with it. Or, whether people in
lower consciousness will just physically die as normal since they cannot reside
in an ascending vibrational world and will need to go to a different lower
vibrational world after their rest period. They will start again in an unconscious
state not even aware of the change ever taking place.
Physical ascension during this period might also consist of those who continue
to raise their resonance by increasing their light body, therefore riding out the
ascension in unison with the ascending earth while others choose to exit out. It
will be an ascension almost by default because of the chosen personal growth,
but will seem like just continued living of day by day with the exception of
having an ascended experience instead of the lower duality experience.

The Anglican Catechist states that "there is an intermediate state

between death (3rd dimension consciousness) and the resurrection, in
which the soul does not sleep in unconsciousness, but exists in
happiness or misery till the resurrection, when it shall be reunited to
the body and receive its final reward." John Henry Hobart, an Anglican
bishop, writes that "Hades, or the place of the dead, is represented as
a spacious receptacle with gates, through which the dead enter." This
space is divided into Paradise and Gehenna "but with an impassable
gulf between the two" (consciousness difference between 3rd and 5th
dimension physical reality). Souls, with exception of martyrs and
saints, remain in Hades until the Final Judgment and "Christians may
also improve in holiness after death during the middle state (4th

Comparison to Sadhu - This combination of isolation, lack of material possessions, dependency upon others for sustenance, and
meditation hopefully speeds the individuals path to the Divine and negates his karma.

11 These things said he: and

after that
he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth (duality
consciousness); but I go, that I may awake
him out of sleep
(spiritual resurrection
into unity Christ Consciousness Raised
from the Spiritually Dead). John

"Moreover, I will give

you a new heart and put a new spirit within you
(ascension); and
I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a
heart of flesh (resurrection). I will put My Spirit (Christ Consciousness) within
you and cause you to
walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe
My ordinances. (Our spiritual body will look like us when we were living in
the flesh)

Anyone with ears to hear must listen to

the Spirit and understand what he is
saying to the churches. To
who is victorious I will give fruit from the tree of life in the
paradise of God.
Revelation 2:7

Do your inner work now so that upon death (natural self or physical), you will go to the next reality that
wish to resonate to. If you want to go to a place of peace, then find the
means of how to achieve it here
without believing all the others that say it
isnt possible. Spirit will show you all that you seek for if you are
to surrender and allow the way to be shown to you, but you must go through the process of
transformation (spiritual resurrection). This will
apply also for any new experience or change you would
like to make now to
better your present life. If your present reality isnt working the way you
would like to,
change your inner world to reflect what you would like your next
experience to reflect as into your outer
world. Then surrender into the process
and allow matter to shape itself into that next actuality in proper
Spirit will guide you with daily experiences that show you personally the
true route for advancing out of this
world of chaos by choosing resurrection instead of staying in your natural
state. You have to allow these

daily heart based experiences to come into your life and become aware enough of
whats happening to
understand them. This is the true higher path of a
Christian. There are many levels of religious ceremony
and consciousness
available, but the way of experiencing the second coming of Jesus is through
resurrection into spirit. The person
follows everything that is brought into their daily experiences by
what Christ brings and shows you after you have sincerely asked for it and have
been given
baptism by Grace into the initiations. You accept what comes into
your daily life without judging it (42Jesus

said: Become passers-by) and make peace by

keeping your emotional and mental bodies in balance
instead of striking out in
anger or fear. You then take notice of lessons or any clearing that needs to
place and make the proper adjustments to continue forward into higher
consciousness. Ask for any items
that need to be cleared from your system for
your advancement to happen now instead of waiting for
another lifetime. This
might mean that your life will change to accommodate that prayer but it is
better to
do it consciously than fighting it while in an unconscious state.
Also, ask for your loved ones to be taken
care of for all of your highest
purposes to be realized and rest assured that they will be done in the proper

You are being shown the way of maintaining your proper energy
balance by doing this. In a world
duality, a person will
experience both sides of an event in order to maintain balance and understand
feel one side as opposed to the other. Expect this and accept it when
rebalancing occurs and look for the
contrast from each side. Increase your
awareness to review your life and see that most of your
adjustments are about
living through both sides to give you clarity on which you enjoy better. That can
also give you passion and purpose.
Eliminate greed and lack from your life to stay in balance and
eliminate your
attachments. If others arent seeing the
way, it is only because they have decided to
experience other things during
this lifetime without sincere seeking and awareness towards individual

salvation. A majority will not allow the necessary daily changes brought into
their life to teach them and
instead redirect it by using their own free will
instead of surrendering the daily outcome to Christ. Most
people probably believe that
this process doesnt happen until physical death and are just not aware this

occurs during life or just doesnt believe there is a process.

I am well aware of all of the enjoyment of daily life, but it will
still exist after your trials and tribulations are

worked through. There are

individual and personal reasons for you to go through these sufferings (each

one opens up awareness and allows entry for higher heart-based consciousness replacing lower
consciousness - 58Jesus said: Blessed is the man who has suffered; he has
found the life.). Treat your
similar to a school that lessons need to be learned and graduated from in order
to move forward to
places that fear, hatred, and greed cannot exist. Just like
everything else, one step at a time will get you
there. Otherwise, you might
have to return to a life similar to what your current beliefs of present life

situations are for you. Allow spirit to show you how to increase your
consciousness away from lower levels
and into increased levels of light. Allow yourself to
open up to other possibilities of how reality works.
Once you make the transformation (spiritual resurrection) then your
positive flows will start to dominate
your life allowing your heaven on earth
to exist because you have been made whole and complete. Most
importantly you
are also allowing your lifes energy flows to balance which then permits a
consistent future
without so much correction as that in your unconscious natural
state. Karma
evens out your evolution so
life-extremes are brought back to the middle ground. You are responsible for
working towards making
your heaven and seeking the knowledge and change that
only you can do to make it happen. Dont be
fooled into believing that it
occurs without your continuous spiritual work. Also after a taste of it, dont
your work and think that is all there is. You are not judged by your
earthly work but by your faith in
following your spiritual work by surrendering
to Christ on a daily basis no matter what you are confronted
with. In all
likelihood, it is just a rebalancing of energy that a person is supposed to
accept by increasing
their spiritual faith and knowledge. You will always be
given more challenges to continue moving forward
no matter what level you have
obtained. This is the work described in the Bible that then gives you your

spiritual food (daily bread). Achieving this state has always been a persons primary goal in life once they
that the process exists.

hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly, and to love
mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah
(walk humbly
by allowing Jesus to show you the way to your goals on a daily basis thru surrender)

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong
motives, that you may spend
what you get on your pleasures. (Resonate in a way of
providing service to others to receive
what you need)

Service from Our Ultimate Reality

The more complete you are, the better a human you

will be.there will be many who need to
come out of the darkness (lower consciousness) and move into the light (higher
Excerpt from: Take your inner work seriously

of Birth and Death

Akashic Records Meditation

Do you have to be a Christian to achieve Christ Consciousness?

And once you have

established the Self Realization (a.k.a. second
birth, resurrection) through
daily meditation and cleansing of the
chakras, you can give the Realization to
others - like one candle
lighting another.
This is the first sprouting
of the seed. It is a living process and a
living process of a living God! It
sprouts spontaneously as a seed
sprouts spontaneously. Then you start seeing
the effects of it on
your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self which
tremendous, fantastic. It is such a vision that even the flight of your

imagination cannot reach it; but you are that. You are that glorious
thing. You
have that glory within yourself." SelfRealization/Kundalini
Awakening/Second Birth

Jesus shouted to the crowds, "If you trust me,

you are trusting not
only me, but also God who sent me. For when you see me,
you are
seeing the one who sent me. I have come as a light to shine in this
dark world (lower consciousness realm), so that all who put their

trust in me will no longer remain in the dark (spiritually dead)."5

He said to them, "You

are from below (lower
consciousness); I
from above (higher
consciousness). You
are of this world (3rd
dimension consciousness); I am not of this world (not of lower

consciousness realms). I told you that you would die in your sins, for
unless you
believe that I am he (surrender, follow, and become
spiritually resurrected) you will die in your sins (3rd dimension
consciousness without spiritual resurrection
before leaving
physical multi-dimensional body) ."8

"For as the Father

raises the (spiritually)
dead and gives
them life,
so also the Son gives
life to whom he will. The Father judges no
one, but has given all judgment to
the Son, that all may honor the
Son, just as they honor the Father."9

Men are free to choose liberty and eternal life (higher

consciousness freedom) or to choose captivity and death (lower
Degrees of Glory

is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle, than for a rich man

to enter into the reign of God.


likewise, whosoever he
be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot
be my disciple..


Jesus said: There was a rich man who had many

possessions. He said: I will
use my possessions that I may sow and reap and
plant, and fill my barns with
fruit, that I may
have need of nothing. These were his thoughts in his
heart. And in that night he
died. He that hath ears, let him hear. Gospel of St.
Thomas (Those in duality consciousness feel that they must provide everything
for themselves. Those in Christ Consciousness will always know that by
surrendering and doing gods Will,
everything will always take care of itself in
proper time for all that is
needed in reaching their goals)

Humility must lead us to die to self (ego): so we prove how wholly we have given
ourselves up to it and
God; so we are freed from fallen nature,
and find the path that
leads to life in God, to that full birth of the new nature, of which humility is the breath
and the
joy (allow your daily trials to teach you thy will be done on earth as it is
heaven.) By humility and the fear of
the Lord are riches, and honour, and life.
Proverbs 22:4
Actions done when in anger
and fear will distance you from God since it is the opposite

A person is shown ways to

live life in a way that allows them to experience all they
would like in proper
time once their trials are finished by way of consciousness and
their renewed
mind. Expect it to be a different experience than before for your soul to

continue to grow from and just know what the outcome is that you are trying to
get to.
Daily surrender will move you closer and closer to God until you are in
a position of
complete surrender which will then show you everything you want
to know and
understand. This is the realm of the true believer. They will wait
for everything to
happen in Gods time and not their own. They will firmly believe this until it reaches
reality. Feel this difference in your emotions when confronted by choices. Make

decisions through your heart and what you know to be true and not just your
Put yourself into a
trusting state that always surrenders to God and allows experiences

outcomes to be properly placed into your daily life. Be a true Christian and one not
in name only
by working towards complete
surrender and
life as it was always meant to
be lived by completing the Trinity and becoming
Jesus said: He who has
found the world and become rich, let him deny the world.

The reality is that there are two processes of creation that are
affecting planet earth. One is what I
like to call unconscious co-creation,
which is what science calls the process of evolution. This is
the process
whereby human beings co-create without understanding what they are doing. Thus,

they do not realize that they have created the imperfect conditions on this
planet and that such
conditions are simply visible manifestations of what is
going on in their own subconscious and
unconscious minds. They either think
everything on earth was created by God or that it appeared
as a result of an
evolutionary process guided by chance.

The other process is conscious co-creation, where people attain a

degree of Christ consciousness
that allows them to consciously create within
the framework of God's laws and God's vision. The
challenge in this age is that
the spiritual people on earth need to move away from unconscious
and into
conscious co-creation.
Ascended Masters Answers

Therefore, two choices remain when living your life. The

natural way is through duality consciousness using the senses.
The transformed way is living it
through unity consciousness by way of Resurrecting your Spirit and becoming whole.
This is the way to find Christs higher truths while in the body
by way of Christ Consciousness. This will also require
surrendering yourself to
the process and allowing internal guidance to take place. Individual free will may actually be
many people from finding what they are looking for without even realizing that
it is only a change of perception
that is needed.

Platos Chariot Allegory

Platos Allegory of the Cave

Ascension Vehicle Explained


Merkaba Meditation Breaths 1-14

Merkaba Meditation Breaths
Merkaba Meditation
Unity Breath

Ezekiels Flying Chariot for Consciousness

Open the gates that lead to the One

who knows the truth beyond
the Earthly deception of separation.
Prayer for Ascension

To awaken the Christ Consciousness within us, we do not have to

physically die. To awaken the Christ
Consciousness is to die before we die.
We must face the death as to who we are, what we want and
what we expect in our

The death is required as part of the creation process.

If we are unwilling to undergo the death we must
face, we will be unable to
create what we desire. Exactly what we will face and how a death means
our life totally depends on how different our current awareness is as
opposed to the awareness available
in the Christ Consciousness. Christ
Consciousness Quote

We are here to be true to our truth and fulfill the intention

for our life. There are gifts we
incarnated to give. Unless we live
our truth, they will not be revealed.
from Awaking Christ Consciousness
Seven Stages of Consciousness

Spiritual Rebirth

Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that
by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
whom ye crucified, whom God raised
from the dead, even by him doth this
man stand here before
you whole. Acts 4:10


And He said, "Whoever finds the meaning of these sayings

will not taste death."
of St. Thomas

True Disciples

everyone who calls out

to me, Lord! Lord! will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who
do the will of my Father in heaven
will enter.22On judgment day many will say to
me, Lord!
Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name
and performed many miracles
in your name.23But
I will reply, I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break Gods laws.
Matthew 7:21-23

21Not every one - That is,

no one that saith, Lord, Lord - That makes a mere
profession of me and my
religion, shall enter - Whatever their false teachers may
assure them to the
contrary: He that doth the will of my
Father - as I have now
declared it. Observe: everything short of this is
only saying, Lord, Lord. Luke 6:46

The man who says, "I know HIM," but does not do what
HE commands (by
surrendering daily to His will heart based experiences,
and not your will)
is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 1 John 2:4

If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the

(continuing to perpetuate daily injustices of greed, promoting
living in hate, etc.(lower consciousness)), we lie and do not live
the truth. 1 John 1:6

22But don't just listen to

God's word. You must do what it
Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. James 1:22

Belief in the last judgment
(often linked with the General judgment) is held firmly in
Immediately upon death (natural or physical) each soul undergoes the
particular judgment, and depending upon
the state of the person's soul (level of
consciousness), goes to heaven, purgatory, or hell.
The last judgment will
occur after the resurrection of the dead
(those raptured from
natural state into
spiritual state after baptism by Grace) and the
reuniting of a person's
soul with own physical body (ascension). The Catholic Church teaches
that at the time of
the last judgment Christ will come in His glory, and all
the angels with him, and in his
presence the truth of each man's relationship
with God will be laid bare, and each person
who has ever lived will be judged
with perfect justice. Those already in heaven (5th

dimension Christ Consciousness) will

remain in heaven; those already in hell (3rd

dimension consciousness) will remain in hell; and

those in purgatory (in process of
towards Christ Consciousness after clearing out of lower consciousness and then

living in higher spiritual consciousness

levels) will
be released into heaven. Following the
last judgment, the bliss of heaven and
the pains of hell will be perfected in that those
present will also be capable
of physical bliss/pain. After the last judgment the universe
itself will be
renewed with a new heaven and a new earth
(those already living in Christ
Consciousness 5th dimension reality,
will remain at that conscious level in the New
Realms) in the World to Come.


the Kingdom is within you (multiple levels of

and it is outside of you (duality).
When you know yourselves,
then shall you be known, and you shall know that you are the sons of
the living
Father. But if ye do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty (lower levels of

and you are poverty (unconscious). Gospel of St. Thomas

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted (humble, trusting, pure of heart, spiritually resurrected),
and become as little children (surrendering completely and re-learning everything as ift he first time), ye shall
not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

Pursue peace with all

men, and the sanctification (daily surrender (Gods
will) and following of the
commandments and the golden rule) without which no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14

But they that wait upon the Lord (surrender to the daily process and outcomes
placed according to
Gods will) shall renew their strength; they shall mount up their wings as
eagles; they shall run, and
not be weary; and they shall walk, and not
faint. Isaiah 40

Do not be deceived:
God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to

please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction (karma
rebalancing for those still in their
natural state);
whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life (abundance of
spiritual gifts and knowledge).
9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we

will reap a harvest (all things from material to

spiritual if needed to do our work)
if we do not give
up. 10
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who
belong to the family of
believers. Galatians 6:7-10
(dont give up and follow through to the end)

But seek ye first the

kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto

The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their

food with the poor.

May those who help individuals going through their initiations

be blessed most of these poor,
homeless, ill of health people are probably
going through their initiations in an unconscious state and
are in need of this
basic help regardless of how it might look from an intellectual perspective.
Jesus bless those who give to the least in the world as He has promised and
open all worthy eyes into
higher consciousness and spiritual rebirth[DK7].

Just as the weeds are collected and burned up with fire, so will
it be at the end of the age (trial by fire
through initiations). The Son of Man will send
his angels, and they will collect out of his kingdom all
causes of sin and
evildoers (those who continue to
live in karma without working towards spiritual
resurrection and unity
and they will throw them into the furnace of fire (have them
cleanse through their karma while probably still in
their unconscious natural state), where there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous (those who surrender to
the process and become
whole) will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Let
anyone with ears listen!


unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

The wheat raised from the good seed is the children of the
kingdom, the disciples of Christ converted
by his word. (6) The tares are not bad church members, but bad men/women (mainly by choosing to
stay in their natural unconscious state instead of spiritually evolving); those who have been under the
influence of the wicked one. (7) The righteous and wicked are to remain in the earth together. The
righteous are not to exterminate the wicked. The evil (flesh) and the good (spirit) will be mixed until

judgment day.


Then all shall be gathered at the throne of judgment. The righteous shall inherit the

kingdom. All that are wicked shall be cast out of the kingdom. An eternal separation shall take
place (new earth 5th dimension consciousness in current ascension cycle, non-physical dimension
spirit realm for quiet contemplation and reflection between lives, and old earth 3rd dimension lower
consciousness reality (fallen state)). Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into
the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are (fallen State), and shall
be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

8"It will come about in all the land," Declares the

LORD, "That two parts (Christians (in name
only) and non-Christians alike) in it will be cut off and perish;
But the third will be left in it. 9"And
will bring the third part (to include new converts
that recognize the call to higher consciousness
during the end times) through the fire, Refine them as silver is refined, And test them
as gold is
tested (cleansing through daily
surrender during their personal tribulation period). They will call
on My name, And I will answer them; I will say,
'They are My people,' And they will say, 'The
LORD is my God. Zechariah 13:8-9[DK8]'

And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be
saved. But for the sake of the elect
those days will be cut short (during the end of the
age, those creating all of the unconscious karma acts
will have their
rebalancing occur quicker making it harder for them to continue in that way
outside of
unity consciousness). Some individuals with some higher
consciousness teachings will be living quite
well according to human standards,
but will not make the shift because they will still reside in their
consciousness state and beliefs that will make it harder for others during this
end time period.
This will be because of their unconscious actions and results
of those actions to others within the
majority. They seem like good people by
providing tokens of appreciation to others but this just
perpetuates duality
consciousness and a servitude belief system. The higher realms are there for all to
live in their heaven and not
just an extreme lower percentage as lower consciousness demonstrates.
Which way
does a person want to strife for and live in?
Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can
righteousness be a partner with wickedness?
How can light (higher consciousness) live with darkness (lower consciousness)? 2 Corinthians 6:17
This will allow those that have spiritually evolved room to live
their lives in peace by practicing all that
they have learned during their
transformation back into spirit. This quickening of karma balancing (an
eye for
an eye) with the addition of quicker duality life changes will of course cause
great turmoil for all
those trying to just stay the same (unconscious). Society
will adjust itself because of all of the rest that
are tired of living in an
unjust world and making their personal changes accordingly into higher

consciousness states and unity consciousness. It will be time for a necessary

evolutionary change for
an ascended Earth and the third of those who want to
remain in it. Matthew

Message to the Church in

8'I know your
deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut,
you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My
I will cause
those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and
are not, but lie-- I will make them
come and bow down at your feet, and make
them know that I have loved you.10Because you have

kept the word of My perseverance, I

also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is
about to come
upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.Revelation3:9
Testing to see who is
residing in Christ-Unity Consciousness versus those still clinging to Duality

Consciousness and causing all of the worlds imbalances (to include violence,
greed, servitude,
monopolization, false teachings, country privileges and
divisions, etc.). For those still
perpetuating those qualities, they will be
able to keep them in the descending fallen realm that
will be separate from the
ascending New Earth realm (the sheep and goats separation). This is

because of the ascending earths vibrational change

within string theory. The Earth is a living
being also and just like those at
higher consciousness levels who vibrate outside of a 3rd
humans eyesight (Jesus and other Saints in higher consciousness and those

relatives residing in the 4th dimension spirit world while

in-between lives) will ascend into a
higher vibratory state at some point. The
New Earth will reach that higher vibratory state
sometime in this current
cycle which is evident with the current mixing of consciousness levels
didnt exist previously at these percentages.
With everyone at some point
having their consciousness raised, a person can tell those in unity

consciousness by their works and how they manifest their reality and treat
others with their
actions and ways. Everyone will be given the chance to remain
in an ascending Earth by how
they reside within that realm during their
personal tribulation period if this time is allowed
through the surrendering
process and then remaining within it until the end. It will be hard for
with great wealth to start over again within unity consciousness unless they
surrendered into Christ Consciousness. Without this higher consciousness
state, it will be a
difficult time to understand why old patterns are not working
anymore and they will cause major
karma repercussions while trying to force old
beliefs on others to try to remain in their current
consciousness. This will be the Great Tribulation that will
initially prop up some economic
activities until the bubbles cannot be
sustained anymore and will collapse quickly without a way
to resolve old
beliefs. When a third of the population has adjusted to higher consciousness

teachings and adhering to the separation from those in darkness, old forced
beliefs just wont
work anymore. Those in marginal prosperity can probably just
fine tune their consciousness to a
lower level of higher consciousness to make
the shift without obtaining the full Christ
Consciousness realm to have the
ability to continue working towards it. This group might not
understand those
at higher consciousness physical levels because they still wont have their
sight restored yet but if they are at a high enough consciousness level
will go forward into the
New Earth.
My feeling is that a person
would have to at least be at a 4th dimensional unity consciousness

level to proceed with this separation that will and has already started
occurring making unity and
duality consciousness people mixed at the present
time. Those thinking that their 3rd
dimensional religious state will get them into the New Earth will not make the shift and will
remain in lower 3rd
dimensional religious worship that they will have in their next life if they

choose to return. Since this descending realm will also include 4th
dimensional spiritual people
who can manifest at high levels within duality
consciousness and who are trying to increase
their personal share, it will
increasingly become more and more difficult living in that realm with
violent 3rd dimension consciousness people trying to live in their
beliefs on how to survive.
Since it will still be a multi-dimensional world,
the 3rd and 4th dimensional duality consciousness
will all live within that lower consciousness realm. Of course those who choose
not to
increase consciousness and believe that they are fine without
understanding this paragraph, will
by the sword and die without knowledge Job 36:12.
What a great New Physical
Earth it will be without all the present worry and fear associated with
consciousness violence found in these lower physical realms because of all
those who
have done the work necessary to live in higher consciousness physical
states. The goal will be
to continue to live within the ascending earths
higher vibratory resonance to continue on with
physical life in the next
chapter of duality experienced from a higher spiritual perspective!

Free Will and the Lucifer Experiment

And I saw a new heaven and a new

earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and
there was
no more sea.Rev 21:1

This is the opportunity that spiritual souls have waited

lifetimes to experience.
You will exist in an ascended
version of your physical world while those left behind will continue to

exist in their version of the world.

To them, their world will continue to be the same, but with a whole
lot of
people missing. To you, your world will be like it was, yet vibrating at a
higher physical frequency;
likewise, therell be a whole lot of people missing (people dropped out of
daily interaction since
they no longer resonate with each other due to
differences in vibrational
Consider this impending ascension to a lighter form as a major
step in Gods cosmic plan for the
enlightenment of humanity. Think of it as a
harvest of souls, where everything you do to help others
make it through The
Shift will be forever enshrined in the records of life as golden acts of
service to
from Left Behind by Owen Waters

This shift (spiritual resurrection) must be experienced firsthand (heart-based) for true
understanding to take place.

What if some people simply dont want to go through The Shift

and leave their old lifestyle behind?
What if they prefer to stay immersed in
them against us dramas or even me against the world

Put on the full armor of God

Request and accept all

angelic help

The gospel
shall be restored in the last days by angelic ministry, Rev.
14: 6-7 (D & C
67; 13; 27; 110: 11-16; 128: 8-24) Angel Meditations Spirits

8 In

that day the Lord will

defend the inhabitants of (new) Jerusalem;
the one who is feeble among them in that day shall be
like David, and the house
of David shall be like God, like the Angel of the Lord before them. 9
It shall be in that day that I will
seek to destroy all the
nations that come against (new)
Zechariah 12

Tube short Videos Link

Other Good Movies

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TS The Secret
WTB What the Bleep

Yes/Yes/ Yes

CP Celestine Prophecy
WD What Dreams May Come
AC Astral City A Spiritual Journey



Eventually, all seekers of Truth must come face to face with the
But first we have to want to. No one can force us to make this experiment
free will). It has to come
from within ourselves to want to make this journey (sincerity).
Use your free
will to seek the change that must occur from within you that transforms a

person from the natural state to the

spiritual state. This
allows a person to become
whole by combining both their intellectual and
spiritual knowledge that has been
worked on by living through them. This
propels your evolution into a higher
consciousness that guides you into living daily in higher truths. Always
remember when
dealing with Spirit that Christ Consciousness will allow you to
understand truths related
to universal laws. This will allow you to understand
the repercussions when forcing
lower levels of consciousness on others during
your daily experiences. Seek for this
understanding so that your life is always
filled with peace as you progress forward
instead of fear and hatred (whether
by comedy or tragedy). These can bring either
undesirable results into your
reality or keep you from making the transition into Spirit
because of
unconscious judgments of others that would then need to be cleared
allowing light to fill that space
instead. Always find the best in the person you are
interacting with and allow
yourself to see that part of them.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "People

only see what they are prepared to see."

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Rich? Garden of Eden Living in the New Earth
Armageddon of ConsciousnessTheIn-Bodied Rapture pdf

Allow yourself to move into the increasing vibration and light

body that is now taking place in this ascending Earth
for true Believers (in-bodied
rapture). It will take courage to go against the current spiritual
majority that will then lead to the
new majority that evolves into the new
cycle. This seems to be progressing rapidly now as more and more people
into Higher Consciousness activities. People need to seek for understanding
without just burying their heads to all of the current
injustices that exist in
this 3rd dimension physical realm and become enlightened into this
ascended 5th dimension
consciousness. Those with nothing more to
lose will have an easier time making the adjustment to see the truth in this as

compared to those who are trying to keep their current structure in place and
acting as if only small adjustments need to be
made. Their 3rd
dimension consciousness will try to convince them that they will be able to
progress after physical death without
their multi-dimensional body but daily
surrender will show them otherwise.

Have Jesus lead you through inner guidance into His realm of 5th
dimension reality that shows a person the truth of these
multiple physical
dimensions in present time. The old spiritual experience teachings of moving
forward at physical death without
spiritual expansion were made and followed
from within a fallen world. This experience although being socially correct
reflect spiritual truths beyond intellectual basic bible instruction.
By following Jesus in an ascended Christ Consciousness,
followers will be led
into the promised Heaven on Earth and all the prophecies given for the New
Earth. Make it through your
trials and personal tribulation period fully so
that you find this consciousness without turning back from the wilderness and

being Left Behind.

There are other Spirit experiences within 4th and 5th
dimension reality, but by aligning yourself with the
Christ Consciousness, you
are prepared for continued forward progress no matter what happens to others
during your life and
regardless of other worldly problems that continue to
emerge in this descending reality.

In my experience, I was
raptured pretribulation in order to understand and get through my trials. My
is that I am currently pursuing new experiences through higher
consciousness living, and since I have
already decided and worked into other
conscious levels to pursue more growth, I have joined many others
who are doing
it also but in a more discreet way. I have put this page together with the
intent to help
others who are also feeling an urge to awaken during this time
and feel that they will find this page if they
are supposed to receive this
message. This doesnt mean that during this interim period of mixed
living, that it is not possible to descend again since this is a
multi-dimensional world and a
person ascends and descends continually depending
on who and what they are doing at any given
moment. My feeling is that once you
are on the path that you will always be helped in some way to
advancement. That is why separation of some type must occur for individuals
during the
tribulation to allow continued higher consciousness living and
growth for someone trying to advance.
From a lower consciousness
vantage point, it seems to represent abandonment especially when children
involved but from a higher consciousness level, a person is putting Christ
first and family next (a
person must first find salvation before they can help
others by example). Hopefully, the family members
will seek to find out why
someone would be doing this instead of just taking lower intellectual banter
those that remain unaligned with a heart based Christian experience that
is done through the living Bible
and living God (as compared to an intellectual
ministry that only dissects words without any personal
meaning attached from
actual experience through heart based lessons).
For those willing to go
through this experience, you will be able to interact at 3rd, 4th,
and 5th dimension
consciousness. This enables a person to interact
with almost anyone at any time and understand where
they currently are in their
spiritual path. This ability doesnt exist from the other angle and people in
consciousness will interact believing that they are both at the same
perspective. A higher conscious level
person will try to give insights without
interfering with the other persons path and current life plan. In many
these individuals will never intersect until the lower consciousness person
starts into their seeking
process that will then create the synchronicity
needed for conversation. Something is meant to be realized
during this meeting
for some reason for the two individuals, but it is not always understood at the
time and
is often taken for just a chance encounter. A persons spiritual path
is not limited to religious beliefs but
entails all ways of living life
especially at the day to day level of job and daily interaction with others and

who, why, and what is being attracted into their current life and what they
believe they have to do to exist

in this world. At some point lower

consciousness levels will no longer be supported in this physical realm

especially at the lower extremes that have been previously allowed. They will
continue to exist in a
persons next incarnation in the new descended realm
that will stay in unconscious lower fallen states of
reality unless they choose
to increase their consciousness into higher permanent levels (5th
consciousness) leaving the old reality behind.

Revelation 20:11-15
The Judgment of the Dead
(Spiritually Unconscious
- 3rd Dimension Consciousness)
11Then I
saw a great white throneand him who was seated on it. The earth and the
heavens fled from
his presence,and there was no place for them.12 And
I saw the dead (they are dead (in Spirit) and

arent even conscious of it), great and

small,standing before the throne, and books were
book was opened, which is the book of life.The dead (those still living in duality
consciousness) were judged according to what they had doneas recorded in
the books.13The sea gave
up the dead that were in
it, and death and Hadesgave up the deadthat were in them, and each
was judged according to what they had done.14Then
deathand Hadeswere thrown into the lake of fire
(3rd dimension physical reality descended realm).The lake of fire is the second death.15Anyone
name was not found written in the book of life (Spiritually Resurrected)was
thrown into the lake of fire.

If you are truly Rapture ready and aligned for the experience,
then you will receive it as Christ has promised.

36Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My

kingdom were of this world, then My
servants would be fighting so that I would
not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom
is not of this realm (3rd dimension physical reality)." 37Therefore
Pilate said to Him, "So You are a
king?" Jesus answered, "You
say correctly that I am a king. For this
I have been born, and for this I
have come into the world, to testify to
the truth. Everyone who is of the truth
hears My
18:36 (allow Jesus to show you His
realm of 5th dimension physical reality by fully
surrendering into the daily process of spiritual
resurrection and ascension)

Therefore, "Come out from them (those in lower consciousness) and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you."

until the LORD gives rest to your brothers, as to you, and they
also occupy the
land (5th dimension Christ Consciousness) that the LORD your God
them beyond the Jordan. Then each of you may return to his possession
I have given you.
Deuteronomy 3:20

Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all

things, when the Son
of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed
me (Christ

Consciousness) will
also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
Israel (helping make
the 5th dimension higher consciousness ascended
physical realm - Heaven for all
who resonate at that level of reality).
Matthew 19:28

Be in this world and not of this world

We heard him say that

Jesus from Nazareth will destroy the temple and change the customs that Moses
gave us.
Acts 6:14

A simple relation of the Lord's dealings with us, in bringing us, from
opposing, to profess and promote his gospel, when delivered in a right
spirit and manner, will sometimes make more impression that laboured
speeches, even though it amounts not to the full proof of the truth, such
as was shown in the change wrought in the apostle. (Ac 22:12-21)
In the spirit of sharing the gospel, I of course would not place a
copyright on this document and would actually ask for it to be shared
freely especially in the event that this website goes down for any
reason. That is why it has been placed in a pdf format for offline viewing
and distribution as appropriate.
Final edit 1.30.16
My intent is for this page to be
assembled and then understood for the highest good of myself and all others
reviewing this with all safety and protection given according to all individual

you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do
not expect him.. Matthew
The church age of Grace..I didnt
really know what had occurred until later after trying to understand why others
that I had been around continued in the
same way although a major change had
occurred in me. It caused me to seek for understanding which is required for
the transformation to take place. One
person that I met during a higher
consciousness discussion even said that I was doing it opposite of most. I now
understand that this was the only way for
me to truly want to continue in this
path since I really hadnt seen anyone who could share this information with
me. Others that seemed to have received
at the same time that I did stopped
their processes at different points in their journey and didnt seem to
complete the requirements for permanent change.
By receiving sparks of the
Spirit to lead them, they feel that they are saved and changed but someone who
continues the daily process of surrender within
the ascension spiral knows
6 - Warning against mixture of law and grace. Danger of tasting the
Spirits work in grace and then going back to ceremonies.).
Finish your tribulation period
(cleansing from lower consciousness energy and making room for higher
consciousness energy by working through your daily
trials) fully to receive
full blessings and the way out of this reality and into the next ascended realm
which starts in the new earth. You will always meet
people along the way to
mirror certain items to help you learn from. Take what you need from these
experiences with others to help show you the way.
Once a person becomes
familiar with the surrendering process, they continue on a daily basis to reach
higher and higher levels of abilities by continuing in
their walk. Someone on
this path will understand this meaning and why they will never cease their
continued search for growth.
[DK2]It should be noted that a
person can increase their consciousness by resurrecting their spirit without
being a follower of Christ. 4th dimension
consciousness is related
to the spirit realm and many resurrect their spirit to this level only. Christ
Consciousness is a specific experience that shows the
Christ Spirit to those
willing to follow and understand. So if
this is the experience wanted, surrender and follow fully for all of the
benefits that will be
realized by obtaining this higher consciousness state.
After this experience, a person moves into other experiences desired but in a
different way than
natural state individuals. By following the Christ Spirit
shown to them, a person will therefore remain at that conscious level after
physical death with all the
others that have already obtained that enlightened
level after their time on earth. If a person falls short, they will go to their
spiritual conscious level with
others from their physical life in like
consciousness. They are not elevated any further without increasing consciousness
during their life in their multidimensional body. If you want to go to the
realm of the Saints, then obtain that consciousness during life to go with them
after physical death. They will then
become your new spiritual family while
waiting for others who want to live in that state of consciousness also. When
experiencing items during physical life,
it will always be a good thing when
your spiritual family is made up from the higher realms to show you the way
instead of the lower realms that will just
continue to keep you at that
spiritual level without progressing but possibly manifesting whatever you want
to do on earth.

[DK3]It should be noted that a

person can increase their consciousness by resurrecting their spirit without
being a follower of Christ. 4th dimension
consciousness is related
to the spirit realm and many resurrect their spirit to this level only. Christ
Consciousness is a specific experience that shows the
Christ Spirit to those
willing to follow and understand. So if
this is the experience wanted, surrender and follow fully for all of the
benefits that will be
realized by obtaining this higher consciousness state.
After this experience, a person moves into other experiences desired but in a
different way than
natural state individuals. By following the Christ Spirit
shown to them, a person will therefore remain at that conscious level after
physical death with all the
others that have already obtained that enlightened
level after their time on earth. If a person falls short, they will go to their
spiritual conscious level with
others from their physical life in like
consciousness. They are not elevated any further without increasing
consciousness during their life in their multidimensional body. If you want to
go to the realm of the Saints, then obtain that consciousness during life to go
with them after physical death. They will then
become your new spiritual family
while waiting for others who want to live in that state of consciousness also.
When experiencing items during physical life,
it will always be a good thing
when your spiritual family is made up from the higher realms to show you the
way instead of the lower realms that will just
continue to keep you at that
spiritual level without progressing but possibly manifesting whatever you want
to do on earth.

[DK4]When I surrendered
completely, everything did start falling apart. I lost everything from my old
life including savings, had a condo foreclosed on, a
house sold in a short sale,
vehicle repossessed, divorce, and only saw my children 2 times in the year
after I moved out of my residence due to
synchronicities that led me that way.
I also accepted government assistance for a time and lived with relatives
during this tribulation period until
synchronicities once again led me out.
Friends offered help during this duality change that also taught me
humility. I died to my old way of life
because of
the renewed mind that was given to me during the surrendering
process. A Christian must be prepared to die and change themselves although
this isnt a
physical death. You are allowing Christ to put His seal on you. But trouble comes to you, and you're
impatient. It touches you, and you panic. Job
Dark Night of the Soul

This leads you into your new life

and the fresh start for your new self to emerge and live in higher
consciousness instead of your previous natural state of
[DK5]In order to
get Spirit Baptized, a person must go through the initial stages of seeking
into a spiritual life to show true sincerity in their request. If a
isnt really ready to change their present life or is just looking more out of
curiosity, it will be hard to progress any further into this Christ

Consciousness path. This is the part of Jesus finding his lost sheep and
bringing them back to Spirit if they are ready for change. Many choose to
in the their natural 3rd dimension state and remain attached
to activities and things of the world. This is when you will decide whether you
will die for Christ
or not by surrendering into the process and out of regular
life. This will be a free will decision. To follow, a person will be instructed
in their one on one
relationship and will need to surrender into all that is
brought into their life to teach them. This is the way that other spiritual
experiences will be taught,
through higher consciousness teachings. A person
must learn how to listen from this state and follow direction. Each of those
who go into higher
consciousness will be working on their personal individual
projects therefore making it imperative that they learn one on one guidance.
Before this
ascending Earth time, because people who transformed in this
process would not be aligned with others from day to day life, it was difficult
for the masses
to gain true knowledge on this process. This seems to be the
time for this to make the needed change especially with the ease of global
and internet research availability.

[DK6]I realized
that everybody has a right because of free will to live their life as they
would like to. If there are more lessons that need to take place, or
they are
reluctant to want to move into a different conscious level, then their 3rd
dimension mind will convince them not to listen to a different way and will

rationalize the behavior to something they previously heard. An alignment and seeking
must take place for any type of change to occur.
This living
in peace also applies to those who have completed their transformation and
would like to continue without ridicule or judgment. They are just
looking to
continue into new experiences and can be very low key in presence. Their
contribution is to hold a higher energy in a fallen state low energy
which is a major sacrifice in itself. They strive to increase their
consciousness to even higher levels done through their ability to receive
lessons from

higher consciousness techniques

outside of organized religions and instead through spirit family
coordination. The majority dont even
know that these
people exist because they are not aligned with this frequency
so there is no reason to connect unless a seeking into higher consciousness is
looked for so
that their insight can then be given.
During the end times, it might be
very hard to distinguish these higher consciousness people from natural state
people since they will descend their
consciousness to live in peace with others
while interacting with them at all levels.
These people will be prepared for the time when higher consciousness

living will be recognized fully and are just staying aligned until this
happens. Instead of mocking and ridiculing it would be a good choice to seek
into this
understanding of higher consciousness while people are still mixed
together and not separated as prophesized. Once separation occurs, it will be
hard to progress into this higher conscious level when interacting only
with lower consciousness individuals who will then all reside in this fallen
state by

[DK7]Some people
started into the initiations without any knowledge as to what was occurring and
just followed their intuition. Without seeking into why
this is happening to
them, they will rely on natural state people to diagnose them with their
beliefs on why they have come to this point in their lives. Most
of the time,
they will medicate these people into a state that will prevent any further
progress although it does keep them from hurting themselves.
[DK8]I believe this to be when a
person surrenders completely, dies to everything from their old life, has
Christ renew their mind into higher consciousness,
and then gives them a new
life to start fresh from by using the techniques taught to them during this
fiery trial period. A person must go fully through this
final test to make it
to the other side with Christs seal placed on them. Otherwise, they will
remain in lower fallen state consciousness without the
necessary light body to
move forward with the ascended earth.


Additional links on following pages

Christ Consciousness (Major Part of PDF)

Page 1

The Rapture

Page 82


Page 94

End Time Signs

Page 109

Living in the New Earth (Christ Consciousness Living) Page 113

Great Tribulation

Page 127

Multi-Dimensional Bodies

Page 151

MultiDimension Consciousness

Page 157

Those Left Behind

Page 175

Awakening the Christ Consciousness

Page 188

Merkabah Activation

Page 198

Surrender to Higher Levels

Page 250

Dark Night of the Soul

Page 253

Lucifer Experiment

Page 262

The Sacred Symbolism of Solomon's Temple

Page 270

Initiations - Walking the Spiritual Path

Page 287

Early Christians

Page 301

Plato - Allegory of Cave and Chariot

Page 324

Wheel of Birth and Death

Page 374

Afterlife 101

Page 381

Seal of God

Page 429

Website in pdf format

The Rapture will transform
believers into spirit bodies, who will suddenly and
literally be taken up in
the air (resurrecting
their Spirit individually after
towards and then living in higher consciousness levels while still in
the pain and sorrow to come during tribulation (personal
and Great) (by
using techniques
taught during the spiritual resurrection process an inner
change). It suggests disaster for
those who remain (deciding
to stay in their
natural state (3rd dimension
consciousness) without
spiritually evolving).
You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh (3rd Dimension
Consciousness) but are in the realm of the Spirit (5th
Consciousness), if indeed the Spirit of God lives
in you
(Spiritually resurrected). And if anyone does not have the Spirit
of Christ (Christ
Consciousness vs natural state), they do
belong to Christ. Romans 8:9

Some people more than likely have

been raptured (an increase in initial
consciousness) which makes them
that they have been saved. The unfortunate
thing is that they will be
given tribulations
afterwards to see what they have learned and
the majority
will stay within their 3rd
dimensional state without growing into
consciousness levels. They will still return with
all other 3rd
and 4th dimensional duality
consciousness individuals when they return
into physical life again to continue with their
growth in their multi-dimensional body.
Although they think they have the Christ Spirit
in them, they have never worked though their
tribulations so are fooled into thinking
otherwise. Everyone will continue this cycle
over and over again until the end times gets

here. At that point, even though everyone

always has a personal judgment with
each life
completed to see where their achieved state
is, a final judgment will
occur to finally
separate those in higher unity consciousness
from those who
will remain in lower duality
consciousness life.

Short Excerpt from

Nostradamus Rapture flv Clip

(Please open with Adobe Reader for proper play)


Jesus said, "The

Pharisees and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge
and have hidden
They have not entered nor have they allowed those who want to
enter to do
(This hasnt changed since Christ walked the
Earth. Maybe the time is right for increased
consciousness and knowledge to
finally come to light for those willing to make the
necessary permanent changes
that need to occur for the New Earth to now exist.)

According to Gnostic
theology, a series of "falling away" from the Whole that
God occurred in eternity which resulted in all that there is today. After
the first
"fall", the divine consciousness descended to the level of
the divided
consciousness (duality consciousness natural state); now
after another "fall", it
has fallen even further, into the depths of
the unconscious; it has been

"forgotten." It is now humanity's privilege to discover the potential

realms of
human existence and face the great challenge of the "ascension
consciousness" through the Man-God-Spirit transformation (raptured back
higher 5th dimension consciousness and wholeness).

It is true that without a physical body

it is almost
impossible to expand consciousness. Once a being
has lost their
body, they do not evolve much more.
Excerpt from You are a Multi-Dimensional

Bible Passages alluding to

the Rapture
I Thessalonians 4:15-18
According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are
still alive, who are
left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not
precede those who have fallen
asleep (still in their natural unconscious
fallen state).

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the

voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ
(those still dead in spirit (natural state)) will rise first(after working towards
spiritual resurrection).

After that, we who are still alive (spiritually resurrected) and are left will be
up together with them in the clouds (higher
consciousness) to meet the Lord in
the air. And so we will be with the Lord

Therefore encourage each other with these words.

Matthew 16
The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by
asking him to
show them a sign from heaven.

He replied, "When evening comes, you say, `It will be fair weather, for
the sky is

and in the morning, `Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.'
know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret
signs of the times.

A wicked and adulterous

generation looks for a
miraculous sign, but none will

be given it except the sign of

Jonah." (Just as the
heard Jonahs warning, put faith
in it and
lived so the people of
Jesus time should hear Jesus
warning to repent (work
spiritual resurrection) and
believe the Good News, they
should put
faith in his words and
live. If they do not they will meet
great punishment.)
Jesus spoke to them again in
parables, saying: "The kingdom

of heaven is like a king who

prepared a wedding banquet for
his son.

He sent his servants to those

who had been invited to the banquet to tell them
to come, but they refused to

"Then he sent some more servants and said, `Tell

those who have been invited
that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and
fattened cattle have been
butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the
wedding banquet.'

"But they paid no attention and went off--one to his field, another to his
(just continued on with daily life as they
knew it).

The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them.

The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and
their city.

"Then he said to his servants, `The wedding banquet is ready, but those I
did not deserve to come.
Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.'

So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they
find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.

"But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who

not wearing wedding clothes (was not spiritually

resurrected through lessons by
daily surrender).

`Friend,' he asked, `how did you get in here without wedding clothes?' The man

was speechless.

"Then the king told the attendants, `Tie him hand and foot, and throw him

outside, into the darkness (lower consciousness

where there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth (karma
rebalancing in an unconscious state).'

"For many are invited, but few are chosen." (The majority will remain at their
current conscious levels without
working into higher consciousness where all of
this occurs)

The Holy Spirit is calling out to many people who are too busy with the things
this world (daily life) to pay attention to God (increase awareness and
consciousness that God brings through
passed initiations).
Revelation 19:6
"Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us
rejoice and be glad and give
him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and his bride has made
herself ready.

Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands
for the
righteous acts of the saints (surrendering into the
daily process that results in
spiritual resurrection).)

Then the angel said to me, "Write: `Blessed are those who are invited to
wedding supper of the Lamb!'" And he added, "These are the true
words of God."
Matthew 24
Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs
get tender and its
leaves come out, you know that summer is near.
The leaves
are symbolic of people transforming into higher consciousness. A
google search
will show different levels of spiritual resurrection and the amount of
crossing over from their natural states to different higher states of

consciousness. A tipping point will occur at some time that will bring in the
minimum level of consciousness that will be required to live in the New

Daniel 12:10
Many will be purified, made spotless and refined (made whole by daily surrender),
but the wicked (those still in their unconscious natural state) will continue to be

wicked (performing unconscious actions by using only

their intellectual body
without using their spiritual body, therefore creating
karma imbalances of many
types needing correction). None of the wicked will
understand, but those who are
wise will understand.

Luke 21:36
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape
all that is about
to happen (spiritual resurrection
will allow a person to understand all the reasons
why tribulation challenges are
occurring and will know how to defend themselves
against it because of items
taught to them during daily surrender), and that you
may be able to stand before the Son of Man.

Zephaniah 2
Gather together, gather together, O shameful nation, before the
appointed time
arrives and that day sweeps on like chaff, before the fierce
anger of the LORD
comes upon you, before the day of the LORD's wrath comes upon

Seek the LORD, all you humble of the land, you who do what he commands (by
surrendering to the daily individual and personal teachings
shown to you).
righteousness, seek humility (the reducing of ego that
allows a person to move
out of their fallen state and also allows energy flows
to rebalance (usually from
living in a one sided overly prosperous period that
needs rebalancing from the
opposite side to even out)); perhaps you will be
sheltered on the day of the
LORD's anger.
Both Luke
21:36 and Zephaniah 2:3 suggest that it is possible to escape God's

wrath on 'The Day of the Lord', a term used over 300 times in the Bible.
Matthew 25

"At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took
their lamps
and went out to meet the bridegroom.

Five of them were foolish and five were wise.

The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them (book
knowledge of scripture without spiritual resurrection from
actual heart-based

The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps (worked into spiritual
resurrection and higher consciousness).

The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell

asleep (stayed in unconscious fallen states within

the lower levels of

"At midnight the cry rang out: `Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet

"Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.

The foolish ones said to the wise, `Give us some of your oil; our lamps are
out.' (they
still resided in the lower levels of consciousness and hadnt brought
vibrational frequency up to the required levels of the new ascended earth).

"`No,' they replied, `there may not be enough for both us and you.
Instead, go to
those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.' (as simple as doing the
necessary daily
surrender to raise a persons light and frequency which must be

"But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived.
virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the
was shut. (The eternal separation:
new earth 5th dimension consciousness, nonphysical dimension spirit
realm for quiet contemplation and reflection between
earthly lives, and old
earth 3rd dimension lower consciousness reality (fallen

"Later the others also came. `Sir! Sir!' they said. `Open the door for

"But he replied, `I tell you the truth, I don't know you.'(Did not work into Christ
Consciousness by surrendering daily
therefore not having their name placed into
the Book of Life)

"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible. So if we live our
lives so
that we have a full measure of the Spirit (by
spiritual resurrection), then we'll be
prepared to meet Christ (our husband) when he
comes for his church (bride).
Ephesians 5:25

Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing

her by the washing with water through the word (cleansing

all needed impurities
by individual teachings through daily surrender and
comparing it to passages (a
living way of experiencing the Bible (word))
heart based teachings),

and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or

other blemish, but holy and blameless.
1 Thessalonians 5
Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to
you, for you
know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in
the night.

While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on
suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you
like a

You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the
night or
to the darkness.

So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep (unconscious
lower levels of
consciousness), but let us be alert and self-controlled.

For those who sleep (remain in lower levels of

consciousness without working
towards higher levels), sleep at night, and
those who get drunk, get drunk at night
(remain in
unconscious levels of darkness).

But since we belong to the day (of the light), let us be

self-controlled, putting on
faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of
salvation as a helmet.

For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our

Lord Jesus Christ.

He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together

with him (lower levels of consciousness people can

still have moments of faith
that still keep them within unconscious states
still living in karma. A person would
need to work to a minimum level of higher
consciousness to remain in the
ascended earth instead of incarnating back into
the fallen state of earth (old
earth) that will remain at unconscious levels).

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you

There were approximately 4,000 years from The Creation until Christ. Add to
the 2,000 years since Christ's birth until now to arrive at a total of
6,000 years. Taking II Peter 3:8 into account, 6,000 years is the
same as 6 days
to the Lord. The 7th day is the Lord's sabbath or day of rest. Revelation 20:4
states that
those who were martyred for "their testimony for Jesus and because
of the
Word of God" will reign with Jesus for 1,000 years (presumed to be the 7th

day).(This will also include all of the people who

are spiritually resurrected and
follow all of the requirements as stated in the
II Peter 3:8
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a
day is like a
thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
Exodus 20:11
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the
sea, and all that is
in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the
LORD blessed the
Sabbath day and made it holy.
I Corinthians 15:51-52
Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (remain in unconscious
natural states), but we shall all be
changed (spiritually resurrected into higher

consciousness), In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet:

the trumpet shall sound, and the dead (those still
in lower unconscious levels of
consciousness) shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall
be changed
(awakened, enlightened into higher
Revelation 20:4
And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of
their testimony
for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not
worshiped the beast or
his image and had not received his mark on their
foreheads or their hands. They
came to life (spiritually
resurrected into higher consciousness) and reigned with
Christ a thousand years.

1 Peter 4:6
For this is the reason the gospel was
preached even to those who are now dead
(lower levels of consciousness (fallen state)),
so that they might be judged
according to human standards in regard to the
body, but live according to God in
regard to the spirit.
these are days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written.

I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all has taken place.

I tell you, he will give justice to them
speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man
comes, will he find faith on earth?

* The Rapture allows those

who have decided to continue on into higher
consciousness living after becoming
aware of it, the room to grow and live in that

decision. By moving on, this also allows others within

this persons original circle
to continue on in their desired conscious state
while either remaining the same or
choosing to continue in the basic stages of spirituality.
Unfortunately, it is very
rare when members reach the level of spiritual
maturity together and therefore
are taken forward individually for increased
learning opportunities to be
presented to them for their further growth. This
would also be a persons personal
tribulation period that will allow greater
understanding towards the Great
Tribulation that comes at the end times. We
each have our own items to work on
that are always going to be different from
one person to the next because of prior
experiences going all the way back to
childhood. This clearing process that
needs to take place allows higher
consciousness (unity) energy to replace the
lower consciousness (duality)
energy that resides from the persons natural state
of being before spiritual
transformation takes place. This will only happen if a
person uses their free
will to seek towards it and allows the surrendering process
to take place.
I tell
you the truth, Jesus said to them,no one who has
brothers or parents
orchildrenfor the sake of the kingdom of Godwill fail to

receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life.
When given Grace into the
initiations, it is probably understood that a person is
sincere in their
seeking and will continue with their growth although others wont
until going through the process themselves. It is a process that is
until the time is right to enter into it individually. Even though it is an
inbodied state of being, old theories of people disappearing are inaccurate
and still
continue to provide dogma into current society.
The rapture allows heart
based experiences that reflect biblical truths by living
through them for
individuals willing to work their way into becoming complete
which allows
this growth and understanding. Others still in their natural state
life using mainly their intellectual body which produces fear and
chaos while
trying to figure out how to change a required rebalancing that they
induced by not understanding the actual natural laws that are shown
through the
process of surrendering. Those going through the process still have
all of
their old characteristics in place but choose to add new heart based

experiences to their intellectual experiences thus becoming whole. This is by

changing lower conscious level routines that create karma rebalancing into
consciousness that eliminates the forcing of personal will on others
while waiting
for the Lord to bring anticipated items into reality at His time
instead while
allowing your faith to show by your patience and persistence.
Others looking from the
outside are just seeing tragedies occurring and believe
they are helping without
true understanding of needing to allow the process that
needs to take place.
The natural laws of duality will occur whether or not a
person is spiritually
conscious or still living in their natural state. The reality is that
misguided help and advice is keeping sincere people from obtaining higher

levels of consciousness and awareness and might cause them to be left behind.
course, those going through this process of rebalancing in their natural state

without any knowledge of what is actually occurring by becoming more

aware, will go through great suffering and pain and will continue
these cycles
until corrected or they are reset through physical death to try
again later.
Even when gainers by Christ, let them still
expect to suffer for him, till they reach
(the completed process of renewing ones mind to Christ Consciousness
and the
benefits from obtaining this state).

Additional Rapture
Information with tribulation notes and timing graphs

End Time Signs

Great Tribulation


Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I

will protect
you from the great time of testing that will come
upon the whole world to test
those who belong to this
Revelation 3

My Testimony and
(best when viewed in
adobe pdf reader for displayed comments)

If there is a natural body,

there is also a spiritual body
(it must be awakened for transformation).
1 Corinthians 15
The Resurrection of Christ
brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you,
which you
received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved (through
surrender and heart based-teachings), if you hold firmly to the word
I preached to you.
Otherwise, you have believed in vain.
3For what I received I
passed on to you as of first importance[a]: that Christ died for our sins
according to
the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the
third day
according to the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared
to Cephas,[b] and then to the Twelve.
6 After
that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the
time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. 7 Then
he appeared to

James, then to all the apostles, 8and last of

all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally
9For I am the least of
the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I

persecuted the church of God. 10But

by the grace (Gods grace and not ceremonial baptism)
of God I am what I am, and his
grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than

all of
themyet not I, but the
grace of God that was with me. Whether, then, it is I
or they,
this is what we preach, and this is what you believed.
The Resurrection of the Dead (natural state into spiritual state while
12But if it is preached
that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say
that there
is no resurrection of the dead? 13If there is no resurrection
of the dead, then not
even Christ has been raised. 14 And if
Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless
and so is your faith. 15More
than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for
we have
testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did not raise
him if in
fact the dead are not raised. 16For if the dead are
not raised, then Christ has not been raised
either. 17 And if
Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.
18 Then those also who have fallen
(natural dualistic nature) in Christ are lost. 19 If

only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be
20 But Christ has indeed
been raised from the dead, the
firstfruits of those who have fallen
asleep (in their
natural fallen state). 21For since death
came through a man, the resurrection
of the dead comes also through a man. 22For as in Adam all die, so in
Christ all will be made
alive (by daily surrender He teaches how to transform and
resurrect into your spiritual self).
23 But
each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him

(surrender to
Him). 24 Then the end will come, when he hands over
the kingdom to God the

Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority

and power. 25For he must reign until he
has put all his
enemies under his feet. 26The last enemy to be destroyed is
death. 27 For he
has put everything under his feet.[c] Now when it says that everything has been
under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put
everything under Christ.
28 When he has done this, then the Son
himself will be made subject to him who put

everything under him, so that God

may be all in all.
29 Now if there is no
resurrection, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the
dead are not raised at
all, why are people baptized for them? 30 And as for us,
why do we
endanger ourselves every hour? 31 I face death every dayyes,
just as surely as I boast
about you in Christ Jesus our Lord. 32If
I fought wild beasts in Ephesus with no more than
human hopes, what have I
gained? If the dead are not raised,
us eat and drink,

for tomorrow we die.[d]

33 Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.[e] 34 Come
back to your
senses as you ought, and stop sinning (staying in your natural dualistic state);
for there are
some who are
ignorant of GodI say this to your shame.
Resurrection Body
35But someone will ask,
How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?
foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 37When
you sow, you do
not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of
wheat or of something else. 38But

God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he

gives its own body.
39 Not all flesh is the same:
People have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds
another and fish
another. 40There are also heavenly bodies
and there are earthly bodies; but

the splendor of the heavenly bodies is

one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is
another. 41 The
sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and
differs from star in splendor.
42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown
is perishable, it is
raised imperishable; 43it is sown in
dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it
is raised in power;
If there is a natural body, there is also a
spiritual body.
45So it is written: The first man Adam
became a living being[f]; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. 46The spiritual did not come
BUT THE NATURAL, AND AFTER THAT THE SPIRITUAL. 47The first man was of the dust
the earth; the second
man is of heaven (in-bodied spiritually resurrected through daily

surrender into a 5th dimension consciousness). 48As

was the earthly man, so are those who
are of the earth; and as is the heavenly
man, so also are those who are of heaven. 49And just
as we
have borne the image of the earthly man (natural state), so shall we[g] bear the image
of the heavenly man (spiritual 5th
dimension consciousness man while in-bodied if we work

on this during our

present lifetime).
50I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and
blood (natural
state) cannot inherit the
kingdom of God, nor does the
perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Listen, I tell you a

mystery: We will not all

sleep, but we will all be changed 52in a flash, in the
twinkling of an
eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised (raptured into 5th
imperishable, and we will
be changed. 53 For the perishable must
clothe itself with
the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54 When the
has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with
immortality, then the saying that
is written will come true: Death has been
swallowed up in victory.[h]
55Where, O death, is
your victory?

Where, O death, is your sting?

56The sting of death is
sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57But thanks be to God! He gives
us the victory through our Lord Jesus
58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let
nothing move you. Always give
yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because
you know that your labor in the Lord is not
in vain.

quote from Jesus from the Christian Gnostic gospel, the Book of Thomas the

Contender, describes Jesus teaching reincarnation:

and pray that you may not be born in the flesh, but that
you may leave the bitter bondage of this life."
(Book of
Thomas the Contender 9:5)
another part of the Book of Thomas the Contender, Jesus tells the disciple

Thomas that after death, those people

who were once believers but have
remained attached to things of
"transitory beauty," will be consumed "in
their concern about
life" and will be "brought back
to the visible realm."
(back into the fallen state environment in an unconscious
state to reset beliefs)

We are here to be true to our truth and

fulfill the intention for our
life. There are gifts we incarnated to
give. Unless we live our
truth, they will not be revealed.
from Awaking Christ Consciousness

Website in PDF

This battle is going to be a battle of consciousness and what level
of consciousness a person decides to remain at. The current Earth
cycle is opening up increased levels of energy permitting higher
levels of consciousness to filter in for those seeking into this and
awakening Spirit. This will make a person whole and will return
them back into higher consciousness as all of us were before our
descent into lower and unconscious levels. It does take
surrendering into the process and resurrecting yourself (your
Spirit) as Jesus stated during physical life to continue moving
forward within the New Earth. The surrendering process required by
Christ will be at odds against those who decide to remain in their
natural state because of conflicts between current societys
expectations and the imbalance of societys intellectual use in
unison with required spiritual knowledge. Spiritual manifestations
occur as well as forced dictated actions whether done consciously
or unconsciously. Not everyone will want to do this work to
understand unity consciousness and will try to keep their current
life the same although it is evident that current life doesnt work for
the majority. In the New Earth, the third that makes it through will
be living their heaven on earth as compared to the old earth which
will continue with the 1 percent controlling everything.
By going through this process now, instead of putting it off, a
person gains insight into ways of living daily life in a peaceful
happy enlightened state regardless of circumstances around them.
It does require the work that changes a person from their natural
state into their spiritual state that is a permanent resurrected
consciousness. From an intellectual viewpoint it will not be
understood until a person goes through the process that writes it
into their heart and being.
Because of free will, everyone is being given the choice to remain
the same in a 3rd dimension fallen state consciousness or working
their way into the 5th dimension Christ (unity) Consciousness. This
consciousness must be placed into a persons heart by living
through their initiations (trial by fire for refinement) and by
combining this with their intellectual body which will then bring
understanding of the natural laws of the universe and how this
ascending Earth will be the one without conflict. People by making
their choice within consciousness will actually be deciding to
continue on in physical life in a New Earth higher consciousness

living or a descended Earth that continues a downward spiral to

even lower levels of consciousness.
Some natural state Christians will want to argue facts with Christ
Consciousness individuals trying to dispute their beliefs. Once an
individual has expanded their individual consciousness, they
understand that each will have to seek on their own and find what
has been found in higher consciousness while increasing their
lightbody during the process. It is undisputed beliefs put onto the
hearts of these people as Christ said He would do by refinement
(daily surrender) and there is no controversy on this subject for
Christ Consciousness (believers) followers. Jesus knew this when
He stated that only 1/3rd of Christians will make it through the
Not every Jew will survive the war. God says that two thirds of the Jews will perish. "And
it will come about in all the land," declares the Lord, "that two parts in it will be cut off and
perish; but the third will be left in it. And I will bring the third part through the fire, refine
them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I
will answer them; I will say, "They are My people, and they will say, "The Lord is my
God."" (Zech. 13 v.8-9) That remnant who are "refined as silver is refined" and "tested as
gold is tested" will indeed call on the Lord.

There is compassion for those trying to use their intellect instead of

heart when trying to make sense of this, but those already living in
higher consciousness will step aside and allow personal beliefs of
those still deciding and will not argue with them to allow a final
judgment based on personal choice to occur. Also, an individual
who is in higher consciousness will always be working towards
their next experience and will not want to become bogged down
with another person trying to impose karma on them that will then
need to be rebalanced taking time away from reaching their goal.
This will cause a road bump in getting to the next flow of open road
and that is why the in-body rapture occurs, to allow all to continue
on towards their current structure of manifestations without others
in different consciousness states obstructing progress which is a
universal right. A natural state Christian can still have moments of
Spirit that occurs to help them progress, but a 5th dimension
consciousness requires the resurrected Spirit transformation that
then changes a person into their permanent unity consciousness.
Without this permanent change, people migrate or become stuck
back into their original 3rd dimension consciousness that keeps the

world the same without the surrendering to Christ that shows the
way and reasons why this world exists in the current state it is in.
We wouldnt be looking for the New Earth unless there is a reason
to do so which is shown through lessons during your personal
tribulation (once a person surrenders to God completely and follows daily guidance
they are considered believers and start their tribulation period (sacrificed from
previous life) to cleanse them of lower consciousness energy that is replaced with
unity Christ Consciousness if followed to completion).

And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls
of those slain because of the word of God, and because of the
testimony that they held - Revelation 6:9

This also shows a person what is to come during the Great

Tribulation when it is time for all others to go through it whether
they have welcomed the transition or not. This is where Christ will
determine which realm a person is willing to be conscious in with
others of like consciousness. Jesus will lead you there if you
surrender to him and dont stop the process He is taking you
towards. If stopped, a person is actually telling Christ he wants to
remain in the descended consciousness and not the higher realm of
Christ Consciousness.

Not everyone who calls out to me, Lord! Lord! will enter
the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the
will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day
many will say to me, Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your
name and cast out demons in your name and performed
many miracles in your name. But I will reply, I never
knew you. Get away from me, you who break Gods laws.

The ascending Earth will not allow lower consciousness activities

to continue and that vibration and reality will have to occur in the
descending Earth when people physically die and cycle back at that
consciousness level. There can be peaceful conversations on how
to obtain higher consciousness and this is of course encouraged,

but it must be welcome or it will be a useless intellectual argument.

It is evident that some in very difficult areas of the Earth will
probably not have much of a chance in finding this promised land
but it will only be because of their previous karmic choices that
were made up to this point in time or just the nature of a young soul
gaining experience with older souls together before becoming
separated. It is also probably just as difficult for those who have too
much abundance because the duality consciousness that has been
created will be very difficult to let go of during the change into unity
consciousness. The focus that allowed these individuals to create
their abundance will be their saving grace if they use it in the same
way by following the Christ Consciousness process. It will be the
marginal individuals who are open to how life might actually work
that will be able to make this transition into Christ Consciousness
by being like little children and surrendering completely into this
process to find Jesus and the living God and reality that currently
exists in this moment in time.
Trust me in saying it is difficult in stepping aside and allowing
friends, relatives, and other quite peaceful individuals the space to
allow them to seek and figure this out that allows them into the
realm talked about in the Bible. It is also extremely difficult
watching couples trying to remain together and not allowing one or
the other an opportunity to move forward just because they think it
is the right thing to do. By remaining together, the lower
conscious level will be hard to get past just like the analogy of the
weakest chain link will cause a total failure of the overall chain. This
is not saying that the consciousness at that level is bad, it is just
saying that once a couple migrates to a certain experience
consciousness, that level can remain with them throughout the rest
of their lives unless something prompts one person or the other to
continue seeking and moving forward in spirituality. It will be the
consciousness and hidden thought patterns that will prevent
individuals from obtaining this higher vibration and that can be
disguised by outer actions that dont reflect inner consciousness. A
higher vibratory conscious level can be worked towards but only by
surrendering and following Christ within higher consciousness.
Matthew 10:34-36

Do not suppose that I have come to bring

peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace,
but a sword.


For I have come to turn a man against his

father, a daughter against her mother, a daughterin-law against her mother-in-law
a mans enemies will be the members of his
own household.

I believe it to be better to move forward and pray for other loved

ones to see the change you have made and build the desire to seek
on their own and therefore they can join the rest already there
through love. Once I allowed my marriage to dissolve, huge
amounts of awareness opened up within my consciousness that
cant be explained logically but only because of what I consider
trial by fire that occurred after reaching the other side of that
initiation to continue moving forward. If filled with hatred due to the
breakup, this might also allow the other part of the couple to seek
into how to get past the relationship which might also allow them to
find balance and unity consciousness by seeking understanding.
Most couples remain within their conscious levels for their
remaining lives due to current societys pressure on keeping
marriages and commitments together, even though the
surrendering process usually always brings reasons for separation
and additional personal growth to occur. A person will always see
what they want to believe regardless of natural laws taking place
around them. Salvation is an individual choice and you would not
want to be responsible for others not making it because of lower
consciousness ridicule.
I do trust Christ as he has mentioned that the separated realms will
be going in different directions. My belief is that some people who
do not work into higher consciousness will decide when in-between
lives to forgo coming back into a descending physical life but will
be without the vibration (lightbody) to cycle into the higher physical
realm of 5th dimension consciousness and therefore might be in
their last human physical cycle. This is exposed to individuals
during their personal tribulation period into unity consciousness
but will not be shown to those unwilling to do the work. It is the part
of eternity that Jesus talked about in the Bible. There is a common
thread that allows those who have done this to recognize others
who go through this same resurrected process present and past.

I have come to the conclusion that the only reason I have received
this information is because I specifically prayed for ways to live in
the New Earth which after going through years in the process
allowed me to understand that personal salvation is a requirement
which then leads you into higher consciousness. It does cause a
person to question some who say they are saved yet dont have
similar experiences and seem to stay within current 3rd dimension
consciousness. No judgment, but I do believe it causes others to
be misled on what salvation truly is and would want people to
experience the realm talked about that is within the Bible. I believe
that most people pray on ways to live within the current earth and
the structure found within it which keeps them within this lower
consciousness realm and old teachings from some who might not
have pursued higher consciousness and remained in lower fallen
state levels. These lower consciousness teachings can keep people
within the cycle of birth and death until something prompts their
sincerity to find a different realm to live in which would include
what is called Heaven. I might also have been in my last physical
cycle that is allowed without progressing and had to find a way to
go spiritually forward. This would never have happened without
Gods Grace, Jesus direction, and all of the other souls from the
higher realms helping me. This was all done from looking within
and asking for Jesus and Archangel Michaels guidance and
protection. Thank God that this help is given for us to find our way
out and also that our Guardian Angels and Guides help us when it
is sincerely asked for. A person can progress only to a certain point
within a structured religion and then must move past it to progress
I have tried to put my experience within this webpage to try to
explain my process knowing that there are many roads taking us to
the same place but only if pursued. I only hope that this helps those
who have found their way here knowing that everything always
happens for a reason. The bottom line is that a person has to grow
out of their current lower consciousness and move into the higher
consciousness in order to evolve further while still living within a
physical realm and all of the beauty and opportunities for growth
that exists in a physical world. I personally wanted to find out how
to get into the next ascended world without all of the descended
problems that exist in this one and this is the path I have been led
to. It was made very clear to me in the surrendering process that a
person has to go through this process to get there by

understanding multi-dimensional conscious levels and increasing

personal conscious levels while still in-bodied and not in-between
lives. In my old way of life, I would not have shared this information
knowing how it sounds and fearing ridicule, but after becoming my
new self find that just in case we are getting to the end times, it
might help some people seek towards it. It will always be personal
choice and free will to do the work to increase your lightbody and
understand unity consciousness by experiencing it just like any
other experience found in life.
The battle wages on and will continue until the tipping point of
enough people moving into the Christ Consciousness field which
will propel the separation of these two physical realms. (see
Rapture article) Those choosing to remain the same, although
going through this same period with the 5th dimension
consciousness people, will return unconsciously (fallen state) back
into a reality similar to the one that they left but without those who
have chosen to go into the higher consciousness physical realm or
those who choose not to come back into a physical life because of
all the additional descending qualities manifesting into that fallen

The souls who decide to go down and have another cycle of life in your time are
either foolhardy or brave, depending on their viewpoint. Some of them do it just out of
duty because they know they need to go through a certain number of lives to be able
to develop to a certain point. Most of these are the ones that are rather dull and
plodding and conventional on your world. Other souls who are more advanced do it
with both eyes open, knowing full well it will be difficult. But they know it will advance
their karma since they are into that life already advanced and they know they will be
able to do two or three lifetimes worth of advancement in one lifetime. This is
possible by going down at this particular time when it is difficult to advance spiritually
in the materialism of your world. These more advanced souls are able to stay in
touch and keep in tune, and they do much spiritual advancement because of the
work they have to put into it. Due to the resistance of the general world trend this
causes them to become much more stronger, to where it is the equivalent of two or
three lifetimes worth of growth. When they cross back over to this side, they are
extremely advanced, and they are usually asked to stay on this side for a while to
help prepare those of us who wish to go back. Then after a while, they say, Well,
gee, you know Id like to go back, too, and do some more advancing, and so they
do. And that is the way it goes in the pattern of things.

Excerpt from Between Death & Life Dolores Cannon

It is true that without a physical body it is almost impossible to expand

consciousness. Once a being has lost their body, they do not evolve much more.
Excerpt from You are a Multi-Dimensional Being

The battle of Armageddon

The Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty - This covers Rev. 19. v.7-21, which
covers primarily with Christ as the righteous Warrior, for we see Him coming to do
battle with the host of Satan's armies in what is often called "the battle of
Armageddon," but which in truth is a war, or campaign, of the great day of God
Almighty. This war is necessitated by the fiendishly evil ambitions of humankind and
their evil source of power, Satan.
Our Lord Himself tells when this battle will take place: "Immediately after the distress
of those days "the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars
will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.' "At that time the sign of
the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn.
They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great
glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his
elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other." (Mat. 24 v.2731)
The Glorious Appearing will take place "immediately after the distress of those days,"
that is, at the end of the Tribulation and before the Millennium. Our Lord will time His
coming at the most dramatic point in all history. The Antichrist, the False Prophet,
and Satan will inspire the armies of the world to invade Palestine in a gigantic effort
to rid the world of the Jews and to fight against Christ.
This coming battle before Christ sets up His millennial kingdom is often called "the
Battle of Armageddon." This is a misleading expression because Armageddon
means "Mount of Slaughter" and refers to the beautiful valley to the east of Mount
Megiddo, and the word "battle" here literally means "campaign" or "war". No war has
ever been won by a single battle. In fact, it is possible to lose a battle and still win a
war. The war of the great Day of God Almighty takes place in a single day, and the
Battle of Armageddon will be just one of the battles of that war.

The Battle of Armageddon - This war will encompass more than just the Valley of
Megiddo; as we will see, it covers practically all of the land of Palestine. This conflict,
when Christ defeats the armies of Antichrist, will be a series of at least 4 campaigns";
therefore it is more properly called "the battle on the great day of God Almighty"
(Revelation 16 verse 14 - Armageddon). This last conflict between Satan and Christ until
after the Millennium will find Satan making one more fiendish effort to destroy the
promised seed. Satan will order his armies to destroy the entire city of Jerusalem, but
Christ will come to deliver her at the last moment, as is clearly seen in Zech. 12, v.19.
This is the word of the Lord concerning Israel. The Lord, who stretches out the
heaven, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the spirit of man within
him, declares: "I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding
peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all
the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an
immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. On
that day I will strike every horse with panic and its rider with madness," declares the
Lord. "I will keep a watchful eye over the house of Judah, but I will blind all the horses
of the nations.
Then the leaders of Judah will say in their hearts, "the people of Jerusalem are
strong, because the Lord Almighty is their God." "On that day I will make the leaders
of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will
consume right and left all the surrounding peoples, but Jerusalem will remain intact in
her place. "The Lord will save the dwelling of Judah first, so that the honor of the
house of David and of Jerusalem's inhabitants may not be greater than that of Judah.
On that day the Lord will shield those who live in Jerusalem, so that the feeblest
among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the Angel
of the Lord going before them. On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that
attach Jerusalem." (ZECH. 12 v.1-9)
The Battle of Jehoshaphat - "For behold, in those days and at that time, when I
restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations, and bring them
down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on
behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the
nations; and they have divided up My land". (Joel 3 v.1-2) God dates this battle
specifically. It takes place when Israel has been restored to the land.
The principals in this battle Hal Lindsey believes is the Israelis and the Palestinians
who have attempted to usurp control over a city that holds no genuine significance
for them and a land they never particularly wanted until the Jews occupied it again.
God names the participants. "Moreover, what are you to Me, O Tyre, Sidon, and all
the regions of Philistia? Are you rendering Me a recompense? But if you do
recompense Me, swiftly and speedily I will return your recompense on your head."
(Joel 3 v.4) Tyre, Sidon and the regions of Philistia are the ancestral areas of the
modern day Palestinians.
God also takes exception to the argument that they claim the city in the name of God
(Allah) and points out that they were never part of His sworn covenant that deeded it
to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob forever.

The Lord asks pointedly, "Moreover, what are you to Me"? The argument currently
being put forth to justify Islam's claim to the city of Jerusalem is that it is a holy city
and that Islam's aim in controlling the city is to ensure the "holy places" are
respected. God hardly considers the claim. "Are you rendering Me a recompense?"
God is plainly saying that He is quite capable of administering His city thank you very
much. He rejects the offer and hurls it back contemptuously.
God brings to mind the destruction of His Temple, and more specifically, the
arrogance and hatred of those who usurped its grounds to build a monument to
another deity. After the Temple was destroyed, the Romans scattered the Jews to the
far corners of the earth. It was during this Diaspora that the city and the Temple
Mount fell into the hands of Islam. "You have taken My silver and My gold, brought
My precious treasures to your temples, and sold the sons of Judah and Jerusalem to
the Greeks in order to remove them far from their territory." (Joel 5 v.6-7)
God confirms that His prophecy to restore the Jews to the land of Promise has been
fulfilled, and that it is from that place, the place He appointed them, that He would
gather them to battle and that they would be the instruments of his recompense, or,
in common vernacular, payback! "Behold, I am going to arouse them from the place
where you have sold them, and return your recompense on your head." (Joel 3 v.1-7)
This is not the final battle of the War of Armageddon. The War of Armageddon
involves the whole world in escalating waves of battles. But Joel sees those he can
identify - the nations surrounding Israel. These are the same nations that are
currently talking of peace and Oslo agreements, while preparing for war.
War they want, and war they are certainly going to get. "Hasten and come, all your
surrounding nations, and gather yourselves there. Bring down, O Lord, Thy mighty
ones. Let the nations be aroused and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat, for there
I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations. Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.
Come, tread, for the winepress is full; the vats overflow, for their wickedness is great.
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the
valley of decision." (Joel 3 v.13)
Note again that the Battle of Jehoshaphat is not the final battle. The Lord gives a
gracious promise to sustain the believing remnant who are caught in the middle of
the worst conflict of history: "The sun and moon grow dark, and the stars lose their
brightness. And the Lord roars from Zion and utters His voice from Jerusalem, and
the heavens and the earth tremble. But the Lord is a refuge for His people and a
stronghold to the sons of Israel." (Joel 3 v.9-16)
Even in the midst of this horrible carnage, where all that is familiar is being destroyed,
God assures the remnant that this will never happen again: "Then you will know that I
am the Lord your God, Dwelling in Zion My holy mountain. So Jerusalem will be holy,
and strangers will pass through it no more." (Joel 3 v.17)
Each of the surviving powers in the final global conflict has land armies that have
arrived in the area by this time. Most of the Russian and Muslim troops have been
annihilated on the mountains of Israel. (Ezek 39 v.2) Jerusalem was first besieged by

an onslaught of the Russian led Muslim alliance, which included units from North and
Black Africa. The Gog - Magog attack took the world leader by surprise, and it took
him some time to muster the Western armies under his direct command for a counter
attack. "And at the end time the King of the south will collide with him, and the King of
the North will storm against him with chariots, with horsemen, and its many ships;
and he will enter countries, overflow them, and pass through." (Dan. 11 v.40)
The scene is devastating. Nuclear and neutron weapons have done serious damage
to command and control, supply lines, lines of communication, and entire divisions no
longer exist anywhere but on maps. In the confusion, the Bible seems to indicate
Jerusalem is captured, recaptured, and captured again, but no one unit is able to
hold it. Evidently, either by treaty with the Jordanians, or by God's providential
protection of the Israelis who fled to the caves at Petra, (Mat. 24 v.16) Edom, Moab
and the sons of Ammon (modern Jordan) are spared the wrath of the Antichrist's
military forces.
The battles grows so fierce, so destructive, and so wanton is the carnage that God
sends Michael the archangel in on Israel's side. Remember, here we are in the midst
of the greatest war in history, and Israel is right in the middle. Nuclear weapons,
uncounted millions of invaders, the full force of the wrath of Satan is directed against
the Jewish people. "Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over
the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never
occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people,
everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued." (Dan. 12 v.1)
Not every Jew will survive the war. God says that two thirds of the Jews will perish.
"And it will come about in all the land," declares the Lord, "that two parts in it will be
cut off and perish; but the third will be left in it. And I will bring the third part through
the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call
on My name, and I will answer them; I will say, "They are My people, and they will
say, "The Lord is my God."" (Zech. 13 v.8-9) That remnant who are "refined as silver
is refined" and "tested as gold is tested" will indeed call on the Lord. There is nothing
more powerful than prayer.
"But I will watch over the house of Judah, while I strike every horse of the peoples
with blindness. Then the clans of Judah will say in their hearts, "A strong support for
us are the inhabitants of Jerusalem through the Lord of hosts, their God." In that day I
will make the clans of Judah like a firepot among pieces of wood and a flaming torch
among sheaves, so they will consume on the right hand and on the left all the
surrounding peoples, while the inhabitants of Jerusalem again dwell on their own
sites in Jerusalem." (Zech. 12 v.4b-6) So, that is the military situation as it stands, as
the entire Middle East becomes the most heavily contested battlefield in human
The Battle of Jerusalem - Once begun, the battles are fast and furious. As the
Battle of Jehoshaphat draws to an end the Battle of Jerusalem begins. Why should
such a little city command such attention? Especially when you consider the fact that
only a couple of generations ago, most people in the developed world thought
Jerusalem was a mythical city, or a lost city from the Bible. Today its the centerpiece
of the world. "Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all

the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against
Judah." (Zech. 12 v.2)
According to the ancient prophets, the battle for the city of Jerusalem will involve
forces from every nation on the face of the earth. "And it will come about in that day
that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be
severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it." (Zech.
12 v.3)
It is during the battle for Jerusalem that the national redemption of Israel is
accomplished. Every promise of God is true, and the covenant God made with
Abraham is redeemed. The absolute Biblical proof that destroys the argument of the
Dominionists and the Kingdom Now Movement is declared in no uncertain terms.
"And it will come about in that day," declares the Lord of hosts, "that I will cut off the
names of the idols from the land, and they will no longer be remembered; and I will
also remove the prophets and the unclean spirit from the land." (Zech. 13 v.2)
There will be no atheists left among the children of Abraham in that day. The
Antichrist's claims to Messiahship will be forever and unconditionally discredited, and
Israel will see, recognize and mourn the Son that their fathers in their blindness "cut
off from the earth." (Dan. 9 v.26) "And I will pour out on the house of David and on
the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will
look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for
an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him, like the bitter weeping over a first
born." (Zech. 12 v.10)
The Battle of the Jordan Valley - As the battles rage in Jerusalem and the Valley of
Jehoshaphat, what is left of the divisions of the northern army defeated on the
mountains of Israel withdraw to regroup. They head down the Jordan Valley near the
Dead Sea. "But I will remove the northern army far from you, and I will drive it into a
parched and desolate land, and its vanguard into the eastern sea. (Joel 2 v.20) The
Jordan Valley runs some 200 miles from the North Sea of Galilee to Eilat. Into this
valley streams the remaining hordes from the East, to meet in battle with what
remains of both the Russian/Muslim alliance and the armies of the Antichrist.
The Battle of Armageddon - This is the valley of decision spoken of by the prophet
Joel. All the nations of the world will be represented at this battle. The Jordan Valley
will one day contain an army numbering in the hundreds of millions of men. Plus
equipment, weapons, artillery pieces, vehicles, the works! All of these last battles
happen almost simultaneously. There are elements in each battle scene like the
Russian/Muslim alliance that play key roles throughout. The overall end of the Gog Magog alliance is annihilation, but yet they can be found in each scenario.
The Russians will launch their attack on Israel at the same time as the Kings of the
South (the pan-Arab confederation) make their push. The Russians will capture key
ports, like the one at Haifa that will lead directly into the valley of decision, arriving
from the west. Meanwhile the Kings of the East (the red Chinese alliance) are arriving
from the east into this same valley. The Kings of the South are already there. And the
Antichrist and his forces, including the whole of the Western world (sadly, that will
include America) will be on the march to repel the invaders.

This happens on the heals of multiple nuclear attacks, chemical and biological
warfare, and the almost certain loss of sophisticated communications technology like
satellites, global positioning systems, television and telephones, ect. Nobody really
knows what they're up against until they square off!
Undoubtedly, each believes that he is leading an overwhelming force against an
enemy in disarray. The Antichrist's forces are simply repelling an Arab invasion and
retaliating against a nuclear attack. The Kings of the East are planning to take the
Middle East and its oil for themselves. With 200 million men, they certainly believe
they have the advantage. Russia thinks it has the advantage of surprise.
And suddenly, there they are! The whole world in a single, massive confrontation.
Awesome! Picture the scene as prophet Joel saw it. "A day of darkness and gloom, a
day of clouds and thick darkness. As the dawn is spread over the mountains, so
there is a great and mighty people; there has never been anything like it, nor will
there be again after it to the years of many generations." (Joel 2 v.2)
Joel captures, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the madness, the
hopelessness, and the insanity of the moment. Ordinary soldiers, led by demoniacs
who have assured them of victory, looking back toward home and country, now under
the shadow of the mushroom cloud. And in front, more war, more devastation. "A fire
consumes before them, and behind them a flame burns." (Joel 2 v.3a)
The common perception of the soldiers of the armies assembled at Armageddon is
somehow inhuman. Nuclear war has robbed them of everything. Their only hope for a
continued existence is to find someplace untouched by the devastation. Like Israel.
"The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, but a desolate wilderness behind
them, and nothing at all escapes them." (Joel 2 v.3b)
The Return of Christ - This is the most dramatic moment in world history! After
winning four successive battles, Christ will set His feet on the Mount of Olives. "A day
of the Lord is coming when your plunder will be divided among you. I will gather all
the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses
ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the
people will not be taken from the city.
Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of
battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and
the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with
half of the mountain moving north and half moving south. (Zech. 14 v.1-4). And ye
shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach
unto Azal; yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of
Uzziah king of Judah: and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with thee.
When Christ consumes all before Him through the earthquakes, lightnings, and the
sword that proceeds out of His mouth, not only will the Holy Land be destroyed but
the entire country will be literally bathed in the blood of unregenerate, God hating,
Christ opposing people. It is hard to envision the hordes of troops from all over the
world that will oppose Christ. Who can conceive of a time when the blood of Slain

men will flow as high as the horses' bridles by the space of a thousand and six
hundred furlongs? That is just about the length of the entire land of Palestine!
Naturally many skeptics and those who do not take the book of Revelation literally
find it difficult to believe that so much blood could be shed. A point to be kept in mind
is that part of the destruction of the troops around Jerusalem will include a hailstorm
"From the sky huge hailstones of about a hundred pounds each fell upon men. And
they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so
terrible" (Rev. 16 v.21).
Millions of pieces of ice will fall to the earth weighing a hundred plus pounds each,
melting in the torrid heat of Palestine, and mingling with the blood of those slain until
the land of Palestine will be literally bathed in a bloody liquid that is almost too
horrible to describe. What a price human beings will pay for rejecting Christ!
When Jesus returns to our planet, His feet will touch down on the Mount of Olives,
and it will split in two. Geological reports indicate there is a fault under the Mount; the
touch of our Lord's feet upon the ground will cause that fault to split the mountain
wide open, yet another powerful announcement of His coming. But what of His "fight
against those nations"? The apostle John gives dramatic details of this one of a kind
future event in Rev. 19 v.11-21.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds
flying in midair, "Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may
eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the
flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great." Then I saw the beast and the
kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider
on the horse and his army.
Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the
miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had
received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were
thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest of them were killed with the
sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged
themselves on their flesh.
Several Bible passages indicate that the "battle of that great day of God Almighty"
(Rev. 16 v.14) actually consists of at least four "campaigns" and spreads over almost
all the land of Palestine:
1. The Lord first goes to Edom to rescue Israel from the hand of the Antichrist; here
He soils His clothing in the blood of His enemies (Isaiah 63 v.1-6)
2. The Lord then goes to the Valley of Megiddo, where He defeats many of the
armies of the world (Rev. 16 v.12-16)
3. Next the Lord defeats most of the remainder of the world's evil forces in the Valley
of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3 v.1-2, 9-17); Rev. 14 v.14-20)

4. Last, the Lord will come to Jerusalem to defeat the advance guard of the Antichrist,
who will attempt to wipe out the Holy City (Zech. 12 v.1-9; Rev. 16 v.17-21)
On the great day of His return, Christ will defeat all His enemies, capture alive the
Antichrist and the false prophet, and cast them into the lake of fire, where they will be
tormented day and night forever and ever. (Rev. 20 v.1-3)
Shared from -

According to Gnostic theology, a series of "falling away" from the Whole

that is God occurred in eternity which resulted in all that there is today.
After the first "fall", the divine consciousness descended to the level of
the divided consciousness (duality consciousness natural state); now
after another "fall", it has fallen even further, into the depths of the
unconscious; it has been "forgotten." It is now humanity's privilege to
discover the potential realms of human existence and face the great
challenge of the "ascension of consciousness" through the Man-GodSpirit transformation (raptured back into higher 5th dimension
consciousness and wholeness).

We are here to be true to our truth and fulfill the intention for our life. There are
gifts we incarnated to give. Unless we live our truth, they will not be revealed.
Excerpt from Awaking Christ Consciousness

Website in pdf format


During the period considered the End Times, everyone would face
individual judgment in order to find their personal place in eternity
from their developed conscious level that they have obtained. The
rapture will allow those who have already decided to move into
higher consciousness the ability to continue their choice. This also
allows others to keep seeking or not seeking who might possibly
want to just stay in their current level of consciousness although
knowing that there are different levels of spiritual consciousness
available to them*.
It will be important to allow all others the ability to make their own
decision concerning their conscious levels and a person would not
want to interfere (might not even be able to interfere) while a person
who hasnt taken their last judgment might still be working towards
it. It would be unfair to not allow the higher plan to go its course and
allow everyone free will in deciding their individual outcome being
assured that by that time, levels of consciousness would have been
exposed to them some way and somehow. It will always be an
individual decision on what level an individual decides to work
towards once they understand the process exists. It would also be
unfair if people were not allowed to understand that a process does
exist and has for many years if others who have accessed it do not
inform people who for whatever reason never did decide to seek
towards it.


1. False Bible teachers would be money hungry. They would be smooth talkers,
have many followers, and slur the Christian faith (2 Peter 2:1-3) (True Christian
teachers know that the process takes place without the worry of money being
involved and therefore should never ask for it nor demand it as a requirement for
salvation- daily surrender is the requirement with the commandments followed
strictly. Some false teachers and teachings might have been around for many
many years having people believe that they have been told the truth while being
led blindly).
2. Earthquakes would be in diverse places (Matthew 24:7)
3. Stress would be part of living (2 Timothy 3:1)
4. Many wars would erupt (Matthew 24:6)

5. People would forsake the Ten Commandments as a moral code, committing

adultery, stealing, lying, and killing (Matthew 24:12)
6. There would be a cold religious system, in denying God's power (2 Timothy
3:5) (possibly not intentionally at this point but misguided from many years prior).
7. Men would substitute fantasy in place of Christian truth (2 Timothy 4:4). This
is so evident at Christmas when the birth of the Savior is lost behind the myth of
Santa Claus. (could be from mystic manifestations without understanding Christ
Consciousness truths when going through process).
8. Deadly diseases would be prevalent (Matthew 24:7). The worldwide increase
in AIDS deaths is almost inestimable. Over 160,000 Americans die of cancer each
year. (higher consciousness allows understanding of causes instead of relying
solely on after diagnosed treatments).
9. The fact that God once flooded the earth (the Noahic flood) would be denied
(2 Peter 3:5-6). There is a mass of fossil evidence to prove this fact, yet it is flatly
ignored by the scientific world because of its uncanny implication.
10. The institution of marriage would be forsaken by many (1 Timothy 4:3)
(marriages might be dissolved in order to allow individual decisions on what level of
consciousness to remain in).
11. There would be an increase in famines (Matthew 24:7)
12. Increase in vegetarianism would increase (1 Timothy 4:3-4)
13. There would be a cry for peace (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
14. The possession of Jerusalem would be at the center of international
turmoil (Zechariah 12:3) (current people are so concerned about the physical city
of old and not the New Jerusalem that is found within higher consciousness that
cannot be destroyed but must be individually sought after and found)
15. Knowledge would increase (Daniel 12:4)
16. There would be hypocrites within the Church (Matthew 13:25-30)
17. There would be an increase of religious cults/false teachers (Matthew 24:11
& 24) (in the fallen state environment this might have been occurring for many
years prior and misleading individuals on the true process from old forms. The new
forms can be teaching about manifestations that are not including Christ
Consciousness and the troubles associated with not knowing additional truths while
continuing to incur sins and rebalancing).
18. The future would seem fearful to many (Luke 21:26) (many current belief
systems will crumble that will show a change has really occurred in global

19. Humanity would become materialistic (2 Timothy 3:4)

20. There would be many involved in travel (Daniel 12:4)
21. The Christian Gospel would be preached as a warning to all nations
(Matthew 24:14)
22. Jesus said Christians would be hated "for His name's sake" (Matthew 24:9)
23: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon
the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's
hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on
the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. (Luke 21:25-26).
24: Youth would become rebellious. For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy
(2 Timothy 3:2)
25: Men would mock the warning signs of the end of the age saying, "for since
the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the
creation." (2 Peter 3:4). The Bible even reveals their motivation, they love lust
(verse 3). They fail to understand that a day to the Lord is as a thousand years to
us. God is not subject to the time that He created. He can flick through time as we
flick through the pages of a history book. The reason He seems to be silent, is
because He is patiently waiting, not willing that any perish, but that all come to
Reference: "Nostradamus: Attack on America" by Ray Comfort
Ray tends to believe that the Holy Bible and possibly the occult was the source for
Nostradamus' prophecies. Nostradamus was probably reading Scripture at a time the
Catholic Church forbade anyone other than clergy to read it.
Referenced from

*Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.


The wheat raised from the good seed is the children of the kingdom, the
disciples of Christ converted by his word. (6) The tares are not bad church
members, but bad men/women (mainly by choosing to stay in their natural
unconscious state instead of spiritually evolving); those who have been
under the influence of the wicked one. (7) The righteous and wicked are to
remain in the earth together. The righteous are not to exterminate the
wicked. The evil and the good will be mixed until judgment day. (8) Then all
shall be gathered at the throne of judgment. The righteous shall inherit the
kingdom. All that are wicked shall be cast out of the kingdom. An eternal
separation shall take place (new earth 5th dimension consciousness in

current ascension cycle, non-physical dimension spirit realm for quiet

contemplation and reflection between lives, and old earth 3rd dimension
lower consciousness reality (fallen state)). Rev 20:10 And the devil that
deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the
beast and the false prophet are (fallen State), and shall be tormented day
and night for ever and ever.

Website in pdf format


(Christ Consciousness)
(Unity Consciousness Living as opposed to Duality Consciousness)

His disciples said to him: On what day will the

come? Jesus said: It cometh not with observation. They
will not say:
Lo, here! or: Lo, there! But the kingdom of the
is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see

This article following my

commentary shows fundamentals of living
after adjusting to changes that must be
made in a persons system.
To get there, a person must first transform
themselves from their
state into their spiritual state
as Christ referenced repeatedly
in the Bible by resurrecting their Spirit and
living in higher
consciousness. Follow the basics that Jesus stated to move
from lower levels of consciousness into the higher
levels leaving the
present chaos behind. His
second coming that was predicted was in
this higher field of unity
consciousness (in the clouds). The current
earth cycle has opened up the
ability to access these higher
energies in an easier way than ever before. To
be able to live in the
higher energies, a person needs to balance their
spiritual knowledge
to coincide with their intellectual knowledge and become
Once I became focused on what was occurring in my life, I realized
this information needed to be shared with others who seek into
it since it
seemed to be different than the way I had received the
information from going
to church. I also realized that a person must
want this process to occur from
their heart or it remains hidden from
them until the time is right in their
life for it. The spiritual knowledge
is similar to intellectual knowledge in
that they both require the time
necessary to learn and understand. A person
just isnt going to know
advanced math by not devoting the study time needed to

about it. The same is true about a person not just becoming spiritual

without also going through the necessary daily surrender to get

there. Just
reading either one of these topics will not further
understanding until the
process is instilled in a person that then
makes it click into their being
and then also becomes part of their
The person
without the Spirit does not accept the things
that come from the Spirit of God
but considers them
foolishness, and cannot understand them because they
discerned only through the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:14
For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the
intelligence of the intelligent I will
frustrate. 1 Corinthians

Increase your awareness to

be able to do the work necessary to live
in what the Bible describes as the
New Earth by doing the

Deny yourself and allow your energy to be balanced by

Christ. This
is by the surrendering
process and allowing daily lessons to be
brought to your attention and cleared.
Ask for the Grace needed for
spiritual rebirth to occur and
stay persistent with your request to
show sincerity (as with any change of
experience, a minimum of 21
days or more (40?) to form a new habit seems
correct). Once you
start the clearing process, which will then allow higher
energies to
take the place of the lower conscious energies that were there

previously, you will definitely notice the change taking place. This is
true process of allowing Gods
will to occur instead of forcing
your will into your daily experiences
as present life is accustomed in
doing. This is the free will aspect of living
on Earth and is the way of
deciding to stay within the lower conscious levels
or deciding to
move into higher consciousness.
This process has been
available for thousands of years
only in the slight minority of people
willing to go against the majority
their enjoyment of daily
physical life throughout time.
Now therefore, if you will indeed
obey My voice and keep My

covenant, then you shall be a

treasure to Me above all
people; for all the earth is
Mine. And
you shall be to Me a
kingdom of priests and a holy

nation. Exodus 19:5-6

This is by activating their

DNA to receive the benefits that will then occur
especially now in the
ascending Earth cycle. Everything in life is a soul
experience that an individual decided to participate when incarnating

on Earth by going to extreme lower conscious levels. The challenge

is deciding
when it is time to start the trip back into Spirit to raise
your levels and
move forward into higher consciousness
experiences to continue what Earth has
to offer and show you.
Take up your cross and allow yourself to be cleared by having
show you previous items in your life that need to be adjusted and
on. This is through Christ bringing them to you so that you
know this is what
is occurring. This is an individual and personal
process. In my case, this was
through Christ Consciousness since it
was felt and I personally have not
physically seen Jesus except
through my intuitive nature (faith). It will be very personal by way of
past experiences into your life again to make you aware of
your beliefs that
might not benefit you going forward. Try not to
prevent this from happening
because a person will remain the same
otherwise. I had personal experiences
brought back to me from
many years before in a similar enough experience that
made me
aware of what I did previously. It was from the opposite side and I

felt the pain that I had caused others from my previous actions. It
agonizing to go through, but it taught me the truth in cause and
effect (karma) and cleared
it from my system so I could establish
new beliefs formed from a new conscious
field that is then allowed
into your system to replace the old. Try to stay grounded and

balanced as you progress to cope with any

ascension symptoms
that might occur.
All the experiences that you have here (on Earth)
are designed to teach
you something. If you don't learn the lesson
that a certain situation is there
to teach then that same situation, or

one very like it, will keep recurring

until you learn from it. Once you
have learned from it you no longer need that
situation and so it will
not recur and you can go on to learn something new. In
other words,
by learning from the situation you have advanced to another level

where that old problem is no longer important. If you stay in one

lesson for
too long of a time without progressing, then you might
have to leave your body
and start fresh again in another life to reset
some of your beliefs.
You are doing this to move
forward and get yourself into higher
conscious levels that then show you the
way by Spirit. Make this
process your personal relationship between Christ and
yourself and
do it in privacy so that others will not get in your way of
finding the
truth. This is not a competition and you should do it in your own
period that makes you comfortable even though this will also be
brought to
you automatically if allowed. This is an inner process that
takes place so
dont expect anyone to notice any physical changes
during this transformation
unless the person has a medical

challenge they are working through by finding these higher

teachings. You can
be side by side with someone who has made
their change and would only know by
the common spiritual
knowledge and experiences after speaking with them if they
to let you know. Usually you can tell because of a persons lack of

consciously committing any act that would lead to negative karma

back to them.
Most people will not openly
discuss a lot of this information because
of the persecution that they receive from others who refuse to open
up to
other possibilities or just dont want change in their lives. I also
teachings have been
shown to every person
in some way during
their lives and because
of free will, most choose
to follow the majority
instead of seeking for
further knowledge. This
site is a great example
of a personal webpage
that is not advertised
and so if you are
reading this and do not
know me personally, a

question would be what

brought you here and to
this point? I have found
this to be a safer way to
show alternate ways of
higher consciousness and allowing whatever process takes place
for those seeking and finding what they need and then moving
forward to find other articles elsewhere. I find this way a method to
explain some of the heart-based lessons shown to me and pass
them along to those who are seeking by way of the internet which is
the medium that I grew up with. I have not forced anyone to read
these lines and know that if someone
disagrees, they can close the
page and move on. I also feel that I am sharing a
way that passes
along information that is clearly important to me that needs to
passed on. That being said, I also have a desire to apply these
forward into my life to continue on with new experiences
that I would like to
have and havent experienced yet in a peaceful
safe world that I would like to
live in.
Follow Christ by not going
against the daily flow being automatically
brought into your life. Find a way
of making peace
with your day to
day activities and learn what needs to be learned from the

experiences. This is the balancing of your four bodies (emotional,

physical, and spiritual). You will have achieved the right
balance when you can
accept anything that comes into your life
regardless of the outcome. You would
then just make the inner
adjustment that will correct itself in the future for
a different desired
outer experience to occur. A lot of the rebalancing of
karma is
shown also to a person that allows them to understand true

surrendering to Christ and how it is done. If a person uses their free
will to
adjust what is occurring, then the reality is they are not
followers of Christ
by what he is showing you and therefore not true
Christians. They instead would
be followers of a lower conscious
level belief system that was put together in
the fallen state
environment. This is why Christ stated:
Not everyone who calls out to me, Lord! Lord! will
enter the Kingdom of
Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father
in heaven will enter.
On judgment day many will say to me,
Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name
and cast out demons in your name and
performed many miracles in your name.
But I will reply, I
never knew you. Get away from me, you who break Gods

Allow this rebalancing to

occur in your life to understand the path of
ascending out of the fallen state
vibratory world and into the
ascended world that is found within the higher
consciousness fields
of awareness and reality. Believe in your personal higher
plan being
unfolded for you individually step by step as your awareness moves

you further and further along which in turn increases your vibratory
levels to
sustainable levels in higher consciousness. There are
many things that Christ
would like to change in

this world by showing

people heart-based
by individual free will
perpetuating injustices
that will change at
point during the End
Of course it is without

saying that during this

process, you follow the
fundamentals of living
Commandments and

the Golden Rule

that is a must when living in higher consciousness.
When going through this process, you will
understand Platos
Just remember to allow others to live the way they want to
until they are ready
to use their free will in moving forward into
higher consciousness. This is
what I believe the meaning of the
rapture to be. Some will
want to remain the same while others

choose to transform into higher

consciousness living that will move
them away from their previous ways of life
and allows them the
choice of living now in unity consciousness instead of
their natural
state of duality consciousness. You will also find that in order
have the higher consciousness hold, a person must continue in their

practice. It is very easy to descend again into previous groups that

comfortable with their present level of consciousness and want
to remain there
regardless of information on how to increase their
spiritual knowledge. After
being happily married for 15 years, the
only way I would have pursued this is
knowing that my family would
be ok as I continued in my path. Everything worked
out well for all of
us and with my prayers of allowing them continuity in their
own lives
and Gods grace. This still is playing out perfectly as time goes by
a way of giving me peace with the process as everyones individual
are brought to the surface for each to work through although
not everyone
brings their consciousness to understand the true
meaning as to why things
happen in their life. Everything will work
out fine if you dont get in the way
of it and allow the higher plan to
Keep your goals in your
thoughts throughout this process and watch
while you are taking the necessary
steps in getting there while
having yourself adjusted. Go for the next experience that you would

like to experience in life. There will be no judgment around any goal

but only guidance towards meeting that goal within unity
guidelines. Goals should always be centered around

helping others in some way since this will be the primary way to live
in higher
conscious realms (as above, so below). A person is given
a new life and a
different way of living it when they make this
transformation and is one way of
knowing that the process is taking
place. Someone expecting to live their life
in the same manner
without helping others in a different type of way would
still just be
living in their natural state without transformation probably by
trying to direct their life using their own free will instead of the
surrender to Christ. There will be
some new talent or ability that is
also brought into this new life as it occurs
with the further opening
up of awareness and consciousness.
17 Therefore, if
anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.[a] The old

has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Footnotes: a;
or creature

Not all goals need to be

religious or new age and there is a need for
more spiritual individuals to be
leaders for regular businesses and

corporations. Smaller businesses can keep

similar minded spiritual
people together to prevent negative karma from
occurring as those
actions found in larger businesses due to larger concentrations
natural people working for those companies still in their duality
at all levels. There is nothing wrong with people in their
natural state except
that they will commit daily acts that will attract
the rebalancing (karma) that
is necessary to adjust their
unconscious actions. There is more control when in
a sole
proprietorship or small business that can get a person to their goals

quicker without outside worry of karma related actions from others.

Keep this
in mind when choosing your next career path. There will
always be trials and
tribulations in getting there so expect that in
order to maintain your
persistence to receive the reward at the end.
Gods grace will be given to you
repeatedly if you stay sincere and
truly want to progress.
Declare unto us the parable of the
tares of the field.
(5) The wheat raised from the good seed is the children of the kingdom,
disciples of Christ converted by his word. (6) The tares are
not bad church
members, but bad men/women (mainly by choosing to
stay in their natural
unconscious state instead of spiritually evolving); those who
have been under
the influence of the wicked one. (7) The
righteous and wicked are to remain
in the earth together. The righteous
are not to exterminate the wicked. The
evil (those still in natural state still creating karma in duality
consciousness) and
the good (those who surrender daily and become raptured
into 5th dimension
unity consciousness) will be mixed until judgment day. (8)
Then all shall be
gathered at the throne of judgment. The righteous
shall inherit the kingdom. All
that are wicked shall be cast out of the
kingdom. An eternal separation shall
take place (new earth 5th dimension consciousness in current ascension cycle,
non-physical dimension spirit
realm for quiet contemplation and reflection
between lives, and old earth 3rd
dimension lower consciousness reality (fallen
state)). Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived
them was cast into the lake of fire
and brimstone, where the beast and the
false prophet are (fallen
State), and
shall be tormented
day and night for ever and ever.

Most people live the first

part of their lives by doing whatever they
choose to due to the beliefs that
they have lived up to that point.
Challenges will always be brought to us to
see where your belief
goes from there by what path you choose to take. It is
your birthright
to be able to have whatever experience you would like just as
as you in turn are allowing others to have their own experiences. Try
to stay
focused on what you would like to come into your experience
only and do not
allow others to persuade you to think or believe

otherwise. If you do, then you

are allowing those individuals to enter
your space and share your experience
which might be more in line
with their goals instead of
yours. When
you get to a
point of wanting to return
to Spirit, you start allowing
daily flow to
consciously occur from
previous actions without
getting in the way
dictating your next move.
It just flows in naturally.
You would accept all

outcomes as the will of

God being shown to you
and you then make inner

adjustments and watch

those outcomes brought
into your life. Your life will

mimic your thoughts so it

will always be evident
what you have previously
devoted your time thinking about
(conscious, unconscious, or subconscious)
while current actions will
always balance out necessary energy flows required
by a person as
they move through life. Of course it is without saying that all
and their outer experiences will show exactly what each of their own

personal beliefs and focus of their present life experience is devoted

That will be the way to
succeed and make your heaven on Earth
while still in your physical body by way of ascension. Remember
that the New Earth is a
combination of the natural and spiritual
states within a higher consciousness
field as God originally intended
before the fall. The old way of ascension was
to leave the Earth and
continue your spiritual progress elsewhere. The new way
should still
allow you to enjoy all of the things that Earth has for enjoyment,
by adding the spiritual aspect, peace and compassion should prevail
fear and hatred. Do the inner work necessary that will allow
you to stay in
this new world to enjoy everything it has to offer and
not be left behind!

Matthew 6:33


English Version (CEV)
more than anything else, put Gods work first and do what He
wants. Then the other things will be
yours as well.

Revelation 3

you have obeyed my command to persevere, I

protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the
world to test those who belong to this world.

John 11:25-26
New King
James Version (NKJV)
25 Jesus said to her, I am
the resurrection and the life. He who believes in
though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes
Me shall never die. Do you believe this?

The Lucifer Experiment

by Celia Fenn

information is transmitted from Archangel Michael in the interest of
helping you
to better understand how the new Multi-dimensional
Crystalline Body functions,
and to assist you to create and maintain the
crucial balance between Energy and
Form that is so essential right now.
In this article we will discuss what we
term the "Spiritual/Endocrine"
system and its role in balancing
energy within the body. In the second
article, we will discuss
"Emotional/Spiritual Balancing and Grounding the
Physical Body".
Many of you
have noticed how you seem to struggle with your energy
levels, often
fluctuating from high energy to extreme exhaustion. Or you
may just be
exhausted all the time. Or you may feel yourself slowing
down and not being
capable of the same levels of physical work that
you were before. Or you may be
finding the physical demands of life

very hard. Or you may wonder why some

people are so affected by the
energies and others seem not to notice anything.
Well, the
"old model" third-dimensional human being operated on a
seven chakra
energy system, of which only maybe two or three of the
lower chakras were fully
functional and clear. The new energy "human
angel" operates on a
twelve chakra energy system, of which all the
chakras need to be clear and
functional. And further, the higher
vibrations of the 8th and 9th chakras are
mediated through the physical
body in a fully awakened being. This means that
tremendous amounts
of energy are pouring through the bio-energetic system of
the ascended
New Earth "human angel".
importance of keeping the bio-energetic system in balance is crucial
to the
health and well-being of the individual, otherwise the energy will

"blow" and there will be problems both physical and emotional. But it
relatively simple to keep the system in balance once the bio-energetics
the Spiritual Endocrine system are understood.
Before we
discuss this system, we will just add that those who have not
activated their
twelve chakra system, or ascended, are still feeling the
effects of the higher
vibrational energy of the Fifth Dimension. To them it
feels like pressure that
needs to be equalized. The energy "outside"
seems to be moving too
fast, and they become stressed and "unable to
keep up". Ironically,
the answer is not to move faster, but to slow down
physically so that the inner
vibrations can rise to match those on the
outside. The higher the inner
vibrations, the calmer the person
becomes, and the more able to open to higher
states of awareness.

The Spiritual/Endocrine System

Pineal Gland: The Higher Vibrational Portal to the Body
The portal between
the physical and material body and the realms of
energy and light is the body's
Endocrine or Hormonal system. It is
through this portal that light
transmissions from the light bodies are
mediated into physical chemical
messages that enter the bloodstream
as hormones. These hormones regulate the
energy distribution and
functioning of the physical body. If the Endocrine
system is
overstimulated, it produces the energy surges and imbalances that

many people feel as they adjust to their new body and its energy flows.
The light
energy from the higher dimensions that is pulsated from the
Galactic center,
enters the physical body at the Pineal gland. This small

gland in the brain is

the crucial portal for the reception of higher
vibrations of light. In the
human angel or ascended being, it is fully
active and functional at all times.
In the old energy human it was only
used in meditation; the person would
"go up" to meet the higher
vibrations of guides and angels and the
higher self, and then "come
down" again. The fully activated human
angel lives with this
angelic/spiritual portal in a fully active state all the
time. This is
equivalent to being in a state of deep meditation (Theta brain
during ordinary waking hours. This is why so many people in transition

feel "spacey" and "disorientated" as they adjust to

ordinary life at this
deep level of consciousness. It is the work of this time
to live with this
higher level of consciousness and still be grounded enough to
clearly in the physical world. However, Theta is also the level of
creation and shaping energy with intent for manifestation, so that when

this adjustment is made, miracles can be created more easily.

At this
time, many people experience "power surges" in the Pineal gland.
there are significant electromagnetic emissions from the Galactic
center, the
Pineal gland becomes electrically overloaded and
overstimulated. This is turn
can lead to an over-stimulation of the brain's
other main Endocrine gland, the
Pituitary, which creates problems of
energetic balance in the physical body.
The Pineal and the Pituitary are
directly connected in the body's
electromagnetic or bio-energetic "circuit
board", for the Pituitary
is activated by the light emissions or messages
that are transmitted from the
Pituitary: The Key to Balance
Pituitary gland is the "master endocrine gland", whose basic
is to regulate the activities of the body through controlling the
balance. It co-operates with the Thyroid gland to regulate
energy expenditure
in the body.
If the
Pituitary is overstimulated, it can temporarily overstimulate the
Thyroid (and
the Adrenals at the lower levels), producing the surges of
energy and the
feeling of being on a "high". This imbalances the body,
and if this
continues for too long it can produce adrenal burn-out or
stress exhaustion. It
can also produce extreme physical exhaustion as
the Thyroid moves between over
activity and under activity, in an
attempt to regulate the energetic fluctuations
of the body. It can also
produce depression and anxiety, as brain chemicals
such as serotonin
are also put out of balance. As a result, the individual can
extreme physical and emotional symptoms as the body seeks to cope

with this new surge of evolutionary energy that is creating the crystalline

body as a clear vehicle for the higher consciousness of the human


We must
emphasize, that the human body is a marvellous
organism that always seeks balance. In this process of
evolution it strives to assist you to find that balance as
quickly as
possible so that you can enjoy the power and energy of the new

crystalline body. The rewards will be increased longevity, perfect health

boundless energy. But the problem right now for many of you is
often that the
way that you live is not allowing the body to make the
adjustments that it
needs. So as your Pituitary gland feels the increasing
stimulation, you will
need to slow down. If you do not, the body will do it
for you. That is why so
many people experience illness as their body
forces them to slow down and to
allow the recalibration or adjustments
of the bio-energetic hormonal or Endocrine system.
It is far
better, to heed your body's instructions to slow down. If you feel
stressed or
tired, the rest. As you rest, your Higher Self will work to
create the balance
in your Spiritual/Endocrine system to allow you to
handle the increased levels
of vibration of the incoming energies.
the System: The Role of the Thymus Gland and "Breathing
through the
The best
way to work with calming and balancing the body is to work
with the breath and
the energy of the Thymus gland, or the "high heart".
The Thymus is
the energy portal of the Heart Chakra, where the light or
energy emissions are
experienced in their essence as Unconditional
Love. The Heart Chakra is also
the master chakra for the lungs, and the
act of physical breathing activates
the Thymus and the Heart Chakra.
You may have noticed how when you are anxious
you may breathe in a
very shallow way, even holding your breathe. This does not
allow the
Heart Chakra to open, and it prevents balance at this level. When you

are deeply relaxed, as in meditation, you breathe deeply and allow the
energy to flow smoothly, producing that sense of deep calm and
relaxation that
characterizes meditation.
So, the way
to calm the bio-energetic system and to return balance to
the body is a
technique that we call "Breathing through the Heart".
When you
breathe deeply and focus on the Heart Chakra, you flood the
system with the
light energy of Unconditional Love. This, in turn,
counter-balances the excess
electrical stimulation at the Pineal by
providing a feeling of calmness and
The more
you learn to breathe deeply, to become a "conscious
breather", the
more you will activate the function of the Thymus, which

not only enhances

feelings of Unconditional Love, it also plays a
fundamental role in the health
of the body by supporting the physical
immune system.
Strong Body supports a Strong Spiritual Endocrine System
the best way to support the changes in your body is through
regular physical
exercise and good diet. A strong healthy body is a far
better vehicle for the
powerful twelve chakra energies than a weak and
tired one.
In fact,
unless you build your physical strength, you will be unable to
support the
demands of the new energy load on your body. For the New
Earth crystalline body
is a strong and healthy body. It is designed to
move and to be active. It likes
fresh air and outdoor activity. The more
time you spend outdoors, breathing
deeply as you walk or engage in
other physical activity, the more your body
will be assisted to regulate
and balance the new crystalline bio-energetic
system as you make the
evolutionary shift.
Once the
balance is established, you will feel calm, peaceful and
powerful. You will be
able to use your twelve chakra system to create
the miracles that you desire in
your life.
So, you can
understand why it is so important to assist your body in this
transition as it
"re-wires" and "activates" your Spiritual Endocrine
It will achieve balance all the more quickly if you co-operate and
allow the
process by slowing down and consciously working to create
balance in your life.
To feel balanced and harmonious on both the inner
and outer levels should be
the aim as you move into full use of your
wonderful and powerful New Earth
Crystalline Body.
2005-6 Celia Fenn

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons


We are here
to be true to our truth and fulfill the intention
for our life.
There are gifts we incarnated to give. Unless
we live our truth, they
will not be revealed.
from Awaking Christ Consciousness

Christ Consciousness
Explanation for the Christian

Great Tribulation
From Wikipedia
The Great Tribulation (Greek: , thlipsis megal) refers to tumultuous
events that are described during the "signs of the times", first mentioned by Jesus in the
Olivet discourse.[1] The Great Tribulation is also referenced in the Book of Revelation.[2]

The Great Tribulation is when all will have to go through their karma rebalancing in mass
as compared to their individual chance of going through their personal tribulation
beforehand. I believe all of us have had the opportunity to go through our period of
surrendering to Christ which teaches us individually how to make it through our
tribulation period. What we learn as we go through this period personally will be used
again when the Great Tribulation occurs during the end times. It is placed into our hearts
because we have lived through the items that are brought into our lives in our day to day
experience. Of course, if we dont allow the items to be brought into our reality, then we
will not learn from our hearts and this concept remains as just an intellectual item read
about in church. My personal period did correspond to a seven year period that although I
didnt understand it during the first few years, became very clear after that. My saving
grace was having a large goal to accomplish in a spiritual way that didnt allow it to
occur unless brought about in a different way than the current natural state structure
provides. Otherwise, I would have gone about with new employment in the same natural
state consciousness as I have done numerous times in my life before. Gods Grace kept
me going although many others didnt stay with me in the process because of my change
in consciousness that wasnt understood (raptured from 3rd dimension consciousness into
5th dimension unity Christ Consciousness).Could this great change in consciousness also
be the seal of God that is talked about during the end times?

What's going to happen during the 3 and 1/2 years

Great tribulation according to the Bible
Revelation Chapter 9
The fifth trumpet -- the first woe: judgment on men -- 8:13-9:11
1 And the fifth angel trumpeted, and I saw a star out of heaven fallen to the earth, and to
him was given the key of the pit of the abyss.
2 And he opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke went up out of the pit like the smoke of
a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit.

3 And out of the smoke came forth locusts to the earth, and to them power was given, as
the scorpions of the earth have power.
4 And it was said to them that they should not harm the grass of the earth or any green
thing or any tree, but men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
5 And it was given them that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented
five months; and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man.
6 And in those days men will seek death and shall by no means find it; and they will long
to die, and death flees from them.
7 And the locusts were like horses prepared for war, and on their heads there were as it
were crowns like gold, and their faces were like faces of men.
8 And they had hair like the hair of women, and their teeth were like the teeth of lions.
9 And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was
like the sound of chariots of many horses rushing into war.
10 And they have tails like scorpions, and stings; and in their tails is their power to harm
men for five months.
11 They have a king over them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon;
and in Greek he has the name Apollyon.

The Sixth Trumpet -- The Second Woe: Further Judgment on Men -- Two Hundred
Million Horsemen Killing the Third Part of Men 9:12-21
12 The first woe has passed; behold, two woes are yet coming after these things.
13 And the sixth angel trumpeted, and I heard a voice out of the four horns of the golden
altar which is before God
14 Saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, Release the four angels who are bound
at the great river Euphrates.
15 And the four angels were released, who had been prepared for the hour and day and
month and year that they might kill the third part of men.
16 And the number of the armies of horsemen was two hundred million; I heard their

17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision and those sitting on them, having breastplates
of afire and of hyacinth and of brimstone; and the heads of the horses were like the heads
of lions, and out of their mouths proceed fire and smoke and brimstone.
18 By these three plagues the third part of the men were killed, by the fire and the smoke
and the brimstone proceeding out of their mouths.
19 For the power of the horses is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like
serpents and have heads, and with them they harm men.
20 And the rest of the men, who were not killed by these plagues, still did not repent of
the works of their hands, so as not to worship the demons and the idols of gold and silver
and brass and stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk;
21 And they did not repent of their murders or of their sorceries or of their fornication or
of their thefts.

Views of the Tribulation

Futurist view
In the futurist view of Christian eschatology, the Tribulation is a relatively short period of
time where anyone who chose not to follow God up until the Rapture and was therefore
left behind (according to Pre-Tribulation doctrine, not Mid- or Post-Tribulation teaching)
will experience worldwide hardships, disasters, famine, war, pain, and suffering, which
will wipe out more than 75% of all life on the earth before the Second Coming takes
According to Dispensationalists who hold the futurist view, the Tribulation is thought to
occur before the Second Coming of Jesus and during the End Times. Another version
holds that it will last seven years in all, being the last of Daniel's prophecy of seventy
weeks. This viewpoint was first made popular by John Nelson Darby in the 19th century
and was recently popularized by Hal Lindsey in The Late Great Planet Earth. It is
theorized that each week represents seven years, with the timetable beginning from
Artaxerxes' order to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem (the Second Temple). After seven
plus 62 weeks, the prophecy says that the messiah will be "cut off", which is taken to
correspond to the death of Christ. This is seen as creating a break of indeterminate length
in the timeline, with one week remaining to be fulfilled.
This seven-year week may be further divided into two periods of 3.5 years each, from the
two 3.5-year periods in Daniel's prophecy where the last seven years are divided into two

3.5-year periods, (Daniel 9:27) The time period for these beliefs is also based on other
passages: in the book of Daniel, "time, times, and half a time", interpreted as "a year, two
years, and half a year," and the Book of Revelation, "a thousand two hundred and
threescore days" and "forty and two months" (the prophetic month averaging 30 days,
hence 1260/30 = 42 months or 3.5 years). The 1290 days of Daniel 12:11, (rather than the
1260 days of Revelation 11:3), is thought to be the result of either a simple intercalary
leap month adjustment, or due to further calculations related to the prophecy, or due to an
intermediate stage of time that is to prepare the world for the beginning of the millennial
Among futurists there are differing views about what will happen to Christians during the

Pre tribulationists believe that all Christians (dead and alive) will be taken bodily
up to Heaven (called the Rapture) before the Tribulation begins.[4][5][6] According
to this belief, every true Christian that has ever existed throughout the course of
the entire Christian era will be instantaneously transformed into a perfect
resurrected body, and will thus escape the trials of the Tribulation. Those who
become Christians after the rapture will live through (or perish during) the
Tribulation. After the Tribulation, Christ will return to establish His Millennial
Prewrath Tribulationists believe the Rapture will occur during the tribulation,
halfway through or after, but before the seven bowls of the wrath of God.
Seventh Trumpet Tribulationists believe the rapture will occur during the
tribulation, halfway through or after, but before the seven bowls of the wrath of
God. Specifically, at the sound of the Seventh Trumpet (Rev. 11:15, 1 Cori.
Mid tribulationists believe that the Rapture will occur halfway through the
Tribulation, but before the worst part of it occurs. The seven-year period is
divided into halves - the "beginning of sorrows" and the "great tribulation".
Post tribulationists believe that Christians will not be taken up into Heaven, but
will be received or gathered by Christ into the Kingdom of God on earth at the
end of the Tribulation. "Immediately after the tribulation ... then shall appear the
sign of the Son of Man [Jesus] ... and he shall gather his elect" (Matthew 24:29
31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-27). Post tribulationists argue that the seventh
trumpet mentioned in Revelation is also the last trumpet mentioned in 1
Corinthians 15:52, and that there is a strong correlation between the events
mentioned in Isaiah 27:13, Matthew 24:29-31, and 1 Thessalonians 4:16- thus
creating a strong parallel, proving that the rapture occurs after the tribulation.
Therefore, Post tribulationists see the rapture happening during the seventh
trumpet, which would only mean that the rapture can never happen before the
tribulation- according to this view. The idea of a post-tribulation rapture can also
be read into 2 Peter 3:10-13 where Christ's return is equated with the "elements
being melted" and "the earth also and the works therein shall be burned up."

In pre tribulationism and mid tribulationism, the Rapture and the Second Coming (or
Greek, par[a]ousia) of Christ are separate events, while in post-tribulationism the two
events are identical or simultaneous. Another feature of the pre- and mid-tribulation
beliefs is the idea that after the Rapture, Christ will return for a third time (when also
counting the first coming) to set up his kingdom on the earth.
Some, including many Roman Catholic theologians, do not believe in a "time of trouble"
period as usually described by tribulationists, but rather that there will be a near utopian
period led by the Antichrist.
Many other groups, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, do not believe in a Rapture at any point.
According to Jehovah's Witnesses, the Great Tribulation is soon to arrive. This period
will see the fall of Babylon the Great, the Great Harlot, as spoken of in Revelation. After
Babylon the Great has been removed, they say, the world powers shall move against
God's chosen people for a short while. This will then usher in the ending of this "world"
(not the earth, but the removal of all those who do not wish to follow God by standards)
according to their understanding of Proverbs 2:21-22. The Great Tribulation ends with
the battle of Armageddon.[8][9]

Preterist view
In the Preterist view, the Tribulation took place in the past when Roman legions
destroyed Jerusalem and its temple in AD 70 during the end stages of the First Jewish
Roman War, and it only affected the Jewish people rather than all mankind.
Christian preterists believe that the Tribulation was a divine judgment visited upon the
Jews for their sins, including rejection of Jesus as the promised Messiah. It occurred
entirely in the past, around 70 AD when the armed forces of the Roman Empire destroyed
Jerusalem and its temple.
A preterist discussion of the Tribulation has its focus on the Gospels, in particular the
prophetic passages in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, rather than on the Apocalypse
or Book of Revelation. (Preterists apply much of the symbolism in the Revelation to
Rome, the Csars, and their persecution of Christians, rather than to the Tribulation upon
the Jews.)
Jesus' warning in Matthew 24:34 that "this generation shall not pass, till all these things
be fulfilled" is tied back to his similar warning to the Scribes and the Pharisees that their
judgment would "come upon this generation" (Matthew 23:36), that is, during the first
century rather than at a future time long after the Scribes and Pharisees had passed away
The destruction in 70 AD occurred within a 40-year generation from the time when Jesus
gave that discourse.

The judgment on the Jewish nation was executed by the Roman legions, "the
abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet" (Matthew 24:15), which
Luke presented to his Gentile audience, unfamiliar with Daniel, as "armies" surrounding
Jerusalem to cause its "desolation." (Luke 21:20)
Since Matthew 24 begins with Jesus visiting the Jerusalem Temple and pronouncing that
"there shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down" (vs.
3), preterists see nothing in Scripture to indicate that another Jewish temple will ever be
built. The prophecies were all fulfilled on the then-existing temple that Jesus spoke about
and that was subsequently destroyed within that generation.

Historicist view
The Historicist view applies Tribulation to the period known as "persecution of the
saints" (Daniel 7, Revelation 13). This is believed by some to have been a period after the
"falling away" when papal Rome came to power for 1260 years from 538 to 1798 (using
the Day-year principle). They believe that the tribulation is not a future event.[10][11]
Matthew's reference to "great tribulation" (Matthew 24:29) as parallel to Revelation 6:1213, having ended when the signs and wonders began in the late 18th century.[12]
Historicists are prone to see prophecy fulfilled down through the centuries and even in
today's world. Thus, instead of expecting a single Antichrist to rule the earth during a
future Tribulation period, Martin Luther, John Calvin and the other Protestant Reformers
saw the Antichrist as a present feature in the world of their time, fulfilled in the papacy.

Relativistic critique
The anticipation of worldwide hardships, disasters, famine, war, pain, and suffering
anticipated by Christians, mainly in the Western world, is predicated on a scenario of
increased distress, deprivation and misery set against a pre-existent state of relative
comfort, prosperity, security and peace. However, in many parts of the world, the
predominant environment meets the criteria for the "Great Tribulation" most of the time,
and has done so for many centuries. Since biblical times, much of the planet's population
has suffered the ravages of droughts and famines, extreme weather, plagues, chronic
warring conflicts, natural disasters and unremitting poverty and disease in endlessly
repeating cycles. Such a predicament continues to this day in many parts of, for example,
Africa, the Middle East and Asia. A theology based on the spread of an already preexistent scenario can be criticized as denying the time-worn sufferings of the many and
focusing on the chronologically brief problems of the relatively few.


Too Rich?

Armageddon of Consciousness
See Face of God



The In-Bodied Rapture

Living in the New Earth Garden of Eden

My intent is for this page to be assembled and then understood for the highest good of myself and all others reviewing this with all safety and protection given according to all individual paths.

End Time Signs

Will Christians Go Through The Great Tribulation?
Welcome ~ Home Page
Already A Believer?
Heaven For Kids!
Will My Pet Go To
Rising Storm
Judgment Seat of Christ
Bride of Christ
Does God Exist?

Gordon Lindsay (Adapted)

This is a tremendously important question confronting the church. Unlike

other questions in which opposing
views are polarized between spiritual
and unspiritual segments of the church, in this case each side of the

question is represented by believers who are deeply devoted to the cause

of Christ. There are three views
that Evangelical Christians hold to
1. First, all Christians go through the Tribulation and their translation will take place afterward.
2. Second, none of the Christians go through the Tribulation but all are translated before that event.
3. Third, some
Christians who are watching and prepared are translated before the Tribulation in a First-Fruit
Rapture, and the Final Harvest will take place after the Tribulation.
first group points to such Scriptures as Matthew 24:29-21 in which Christ's Coming in power and glory is
said to take place after the Tribulation. Certainly a reading of this Scripture would cause one to conclude that
there is a gathering together of the Elect at the end of the Tribulation. To deny this would require an
unacceptable manipulation
of the Scriptures. A number of other passages agree with this statement

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the other hand, those who teach a Pre-Tribulation Rapture summon an impressive array of scriptures to
back their view. Perhaps the strongest
support of this position lies in the fact that Jesus repeatedly warned the
church to be on the alert for His Coming which could take place any moment. Therefore, to say that Christ
cannot come until after the Tribulation obviously destroys all thought of imminency. In that case, instead of
watching for His Coming, we should be looking for the rise of
the AntiChrist and the Great Tribulation.
What then is the answer to this seeming contradiction of views? The answer lies of course in the fact that both
sets of scriptures are correct.

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Will Any Christians Go Through The Great Tribulation

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Will any Christians go through the Great Tribulation, or will they all be Raptured before the Tribulation?
Tribulation will be the terrible time of trouble that will come upon the world just before Christ comes
back to earth to set up His Millennium Kingdom.
Matthew 24:21-22, 29-31: Then shall be great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world
to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be
saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
Immediately after the Tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her
light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken;
And then shall
appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes (people) of the earth mourn, and
they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He shall
send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four
winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
The coming of Christ will be accompanied by certain celestial phenomena that will take place "immediately
after the Tribulation." We are told clearly that with the close of the Great Tribulation, Christ will appear
and gather His elect from one end of heaven to the other.

From this it is obvious that the question is not whether any Christians will go through the Tribulation, but
whether all the Christians will go through the Tribulation? In other words, will some of the Christians be
Raptured before that time?
Notice what Paul has to say about this event in his epistle to the Thessalonians
I Thessalonians 4:13-17: But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are
asleep (died), that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and
rose again, even so them also which sleep (died) in Jesus will God bring with Him.
For this we say to you
by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive
and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent
(precede) them which are asleep (dead).
For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with
the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we
which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord'!
The same event is referred to in
I Corinthians 15: 51-52: Behold, I show (tell) you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be
changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the
dead shall be raised incorruptible (imperishable), and we (also) shall be changed.
The Bible makes many references to the fact that God's people should be in watchful expectation of the
coming of Christ. If
the Rapture was not going to occur until after the Great Tribulation, then we would not
need to be watching for the Rapture now, but we would be looking for the Tribulation to start. But, if it is
clear that Christ will take all or part of the church, before the Tribulation, then our personal preparation for
the Bridegroom's appearance is a pressing matter that should not be delayed.
Although practically all evangelical Christians believe in this wonderful event called the Rapture referred to
by the Apostle Paul, there are sharply differing views about when it will take place. One group believes the
whole church will be translated before the Tribulation. They believe that before the Tribulation takes place
Christ will catch away all that are saved, removing them from the earth.
this view does not adequately explain certain important Scriptures that
relate to the subject. The
following passages clearly teach that at least some of the Christians go through the Tribulation and for this
we give the following proof:

1. Daniel Shows That There Will Be Christians On Earth During The Tribulation.
seventh chapter of Daniel tells about four great kingdoms that would arise in the earth. Out of the last
kingdom, at the time of the end, there would arise "a little horn." This "little horn" is generally recognized to
symbolize the AntiChrist of whom it is said
Daniel 7:21-22 & 25: I beheld, and the same horn (the AntiChrist) made war with the saints, and prevailed
against them; Until the Ancient of days came (Christ Returned with His Bride), and judgment was given to
the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
Daniel 7:25: And he (the AntiChrist) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the
Saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a
time and times and the dividing of time (3 years). Verses 11 & 22 Show that immediately afterwards "the
little horn" will be destroyed and Christ and the Saints will reign.
So, the Scripture plainly shows that there will be Christians on earth during the reign of the AntiChrist. "(He)
... made war with the saints, and "(He) ... shall wear out the saints of the most High." It is obvious that
the AntiChrist could not make war or "wear out the saints" unless there were Christians present on the
Daniel 11:31-38:
And they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice,
and they shall place the abomination that makes desolate (an image of the AntiChrist). And such as do
wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be
strong and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many:
yet they shall fall
by the sword, by flame, by captivity, and by spoil,
many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be helped
with a little
help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall,
to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time

appointed. And the king (AntiChrist)

shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify
himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the
indignation be accomplished: for
that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his
fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
This clearly shows Gods people were living on earth during the reign of the AntiChrist. And, from
even a
logical aspect, the concept that there will be Christians upon the earth during the Tribulation is quite
probable. For example, the
individuals who had been exposed to the Gospel message and previously

rejected it will begin to reconsider their views in light of the appearance of the AntiChrist and other events
predicted in the book of Revelation. Many who once scoffed at the Bible will, no doubt, begin to seriously
seek the Lord. Being in a position of viewing fulfilled prophecy on such a dramatic scale would stimulate
great numbers to believe what they previously had not.

2. Jesus Taught The Gathering Of Some Elect Takes Place At The Close Of The Tribulation.
We quoted this passage before but because of its importance we repeat it:
Matthew 24:21-22, 29-31: Then shall be great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world
to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be
saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Immediately after the Tribulation of those days
shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and
the powers of the heavens shall be shaken;
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven: and
then shall all the tribes (people) of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds
of heaven with power and great glory. And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and
they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
A simple reading of these verses reveals that Christ's coming and the gathering together of some of the elect
takes place after the Tribulation and not before. The Lord makes it plain that His reference is to the Great
Tribulation, a time of trouble so severe that "except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh
be saved." Nor could this gathering of the elect refer just to Jews. It speaks of the gathering of God's "elect
... from one end of heaven to the other." The thought expressed is that this gathering of the "elect" refers to
more than the Jews; the church is also called the elect.
I Peter 1:2: Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father Grace to you, and peace...

3. Matthew & Mark Teach That A Gathering Of The Elect Will Occur After The Tribulation.
Matthew's teaching corresponds exactly to that of Mark's. The gathering of the Elect by the angels occurs
"after that Tribulation." Luke 21:25-28 also teaches the same thing in different words.
Matthew 24:29-31:Immediately
after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon
shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and
the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn,
and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall
send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his Elect from the four winds,
from one end of heaven to the other.
Mark 13:24-27:
But in those days, after that Tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not
give her light, And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. And then
shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
And then shall he send his
angels, and shall gather together his Elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the
uttermost part of heaven.
Luke 21:25-28: And
there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and
upon the earth
distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for
after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then
shall they see the Son of man coming in
a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to
come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption (deliverance) draws near.

4. The Man Of Sin (Antichrist) Will Rise First Before The Visible Coming Of Christ.
II Thessalonians 2:3-4, 6-7: Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by
our gathering together unto Him, That you be not shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by
word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means:
for that day will not come, except there come a falling away (departure) first, and that man of sin (the
AntiChrist) be
revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or
that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in
the temple of God, showing himself as being God. And you
know what restrains him now so that he might be revealed in his time... only He who now restrains will do
so until He is taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked one
be revealed, whom the Lord shall
destroy with the brightness of His coming: Even Him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with
power and signs and lying wonders.
again we see that the coming of Christ to set up His Kingdom on earth does not take place before the
rise of the AntiChrist (also called the "man of sin" and the "son of perdition).
The Lord's coming for His
believers takes place afterward. Paul emphasized that no one be misled that that day is at hand, for it cannot
come until the "man of sin be revealed."
Falling away means departure, and is a reference to the Rapture.
The forces of the AntiChrist are
restrained on Earth until the Holy Spirit which dwells within God's Saints removes the Bride by the Rapture.
With Christ's Bride removed from the scene, the AntiChrist will be released to usher the World headlong into
the seven year Tribulation. Thus, this passage is saying that the day of the Lord will not come until the
Rapture comes before it.
***Kenneth Wuest, a noted Greek scholar,
states in his word studies an interesting point that has much to do with
the catching away of the living believers. He states that the phrase falling away is a mistranslation of the Greek
word apostasia and it should have been translated departure. According to Wuest, the Apostle Paul refers to
the gathering together of the saints to the Lord at His coming, which is the departure of the congregation
from the earth. In 2 Thessalonians 2:1: In Pauls previous letter, he had described that event in the words,
we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the
air, which involves a departure from the earth.
The root verb aphistemi is found fifteen times in the New Testament. It is translated as depart eleven times.
Although it is often found translated in similar meanings, the predominant meaning of this verb in the New
Testament is that of the act of a person departing from another person or from a place Liddell and Scott
in their classical lexicon give as the second meaning of apostasia, a departure, a disappearance. Dr. E.
Schuyler Engish, is also an authority for the fact that the Greek word means a departure. He said there is a
strong possibility that 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is speaking of the Rapture. The Greek noun apostasia, usually translated
"apostasy," is a reference to the rapture and should be translated "departure."***

5. John Saw A Huge Multitude Come Out Of The Great Tribulation.

The last verses of the seventh chapter of Revelation indicate that a multitude of Christians will live through
the Tribulation. We are shown a great multitude standing before the throne of God. These are not just
Israelites, for we are told that they are "of all nations.
Revelation 7:9-10 & 13-17: After this I beheld, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all
nations, kindred, people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white
robes, and palms in their hands;
And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sits on
throne, and to the Lamb. And one of the elders said to me, These are they which came out of great
Tribulation, and they have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb... They are
before the throne of God They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more For the Lamb shall lead
them to living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Revelation 20:4-6: And
I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word
of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither
his image, neither had received his mark on their
foreheads, or in their hands; And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. This is the first
resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection.

6. The Anti-Christ Makes War With The Christians During The Tribulation.
Chapter 13 of Revelation, as most prophetic scholars agree, relates to the reign of the AntiChrist.
If there

were no Christians on earth during the Tribulation, the AntiChrist could hardly make war against them. But
we are told that he does make war with the saints. The Book of Revelation agrees with Daniel's
on this. From this and other Scriptures, we see that the evidence is that there will be some Christians on earth
during the Tribulation.
Revelation 13:7:And it was given to him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power
was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Daniel 7:21: I beheld, and the same horn (the AntiChrist) made war with the saints, and prevailed against

7. Revelation Declares The Final Reaping By Christ Occurs After The Tribulation.
Revelation 14
shows that at this period in the Tribulation, the AntiChrist is still giving the mark of the beast;
and the Christians are still being persecuted by him. In other words, the AntiChrist is reigning, the

Tribulation is still on, and some Christians are yet on earth. Then as we come to Verses 14 through 16 of that
chapter, we see "one ... like unto the Son of man" reaping the harvest of the earth which is evidently
harvest which follows the Great Tribulation.
Revelation 14:9-20: And
the third angel followed, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and
his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his
hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath
of God and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone And the smoke of their torment ascends up
forever and ever: and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever
receives the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that
keep the commandments
of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying Blessed are the dead which die in
the Lord from here forward:
that they may rest from their labors; and their works will follow them.
And I
looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like
the Son of Man, having on His head a
golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud
voice to Him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And
He that sat
on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.

8. The Scripture Types Indicate A Post-Tribulation Rapture And Resurrection.

Days in prophetic symbolism often refer to years as seen in Numbers 14:34. The Bible speaks of a special
period of "seven days" elapsing before the flood came in Genesis 7:4. Noah did not go into the ark until the
end of the seven days before the flood, for we are told in Luke 17:27 that on the day that Noah entered into
the ark at the end of the seven days, so at the end of the seven years of Daniel's Seventieth Week (which is
the 7 year Tribulation) the Christians go into God's ark, as it were - and after that judgment takes place.

9. Judgment Came On The Day That Lot Went Out Of Sodom.

Luke 17:28-30:
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold,
they planted, and they built; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom
it rained fire and brimstone from
heaven, and destroyed them all. Even so shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
The day Lot was taken out of Sodom, the terrible judgment came on the city. So likewise, the day the saints
are removed from the earth, the judgments of the Great and Terrible Day of Gods Wrath begins. In other
words, these take place at once after the saints are removed. The wrath of God
is poured out immediately
after the saints are taken out. This truth is
fully substantiated in Chapters 7 and 8 of Revelation. As soon as
the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord begins, there is only a slight pause until the Apocalyptic Trumpet
judgments begin. Thus do the Scripture types indicate that the general harvest occurs at the end of the
One thing that confuses some is that the Scriptures speak of the believers' not being "appointed to wrath." If
that be so, then why should any of the Christians go through the Tribulation? Confusion lies in the fact that
Christians suppose that the Great Tribulation and the Great and Terrible Day of God's Wrath are the same
thing. But these are two different events.
This is easily seen by looking at Matthew 24:29 in which the Great Tribulation occurs before the darkening

of the sun and moon. On the other hand, the Great Day of His Wrath follows the darkening of the sun and
the moon.

Some Christians Will Go Through The Tribulation,

But None Will Go Through The Day Of God's Wrath.
Acts 2:19-21: And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and
vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and
notable day of the Lord comes: And it shall come to pass (during this time), that whosoever shall call on
the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Revelation 6:12-17: I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the
sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
And the stars of heaven fell unto the
earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven
departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men,
and every bondman, and every free man, hid
themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And

said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sits on the throne, and from
the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Revelation 15:1-2 & 6-7 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having the
seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with
fire: and them (The Tribulation Saints) that had gotten the victory over the beast,
and over his image,
and over his mark, and over the number of his name,
stand on the sea of glass And the seven angels came
out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded
with golden girdles. And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the
wrath of God, who lives forever and ever.

Will All The Christians Go Through The Tribulation?

Having settled the fact that some Christians will go through the Great Tribulation, we now will look at the
question will all Christians go through the Tribulation? Or, is there a called-out group
who are caught up
before the Tribulation? What is the evidence? This is
a matter that should be examined closely. The answer
must be based upon
the entire Bible evidence, and on what God's Word says. The evidence indicates strongly
that there will be a first-fruit Rapture and Resurrection before the Great Tribulation. Here is the evidence:

1. Christ Warns Us To Be Ready Because His Coming Is Imminent.

In all of Christ's warnings concerning His coming, the thought of imminency is always implied. The word
"imminency" means an event is "impending." The idea intended is that we should be ready for His coming
at any moment. An example of many such texts is found in Mark.
Mark 13:35-37: Watch
therefore: for you know not when the Master of the house will come, at even, or at
midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping (spiritually).
And what I say to you I say to all, Watch.
from this, as well as many other similar statements by the Lord, there will be an element of
surprise in the coming of Christ. Those who believe the Rapture of the Christians occurs after the
Tribulation, eliminate the thought of imminency. For example, we do not consider the Great White Throne
Judgment to be imminent, for we know that the thousand year Millennium must happen first. Likewise, if the
Great Tribulation must occur before any Rapture takes place, then there cannot be the element of imminency.
Indeed, if that were the case, then we would not be watching for Christ's coming, as He warms us to do,
rather our attention would be directed to watching for the rise of the AntiChrist and the Great Tribulation. If
we are to watch for the Lord's coming only after the Tribulation, only after we have counted off
the seven
year Tribulation which starts with Israel signing a seven year peace treaty, and only after the 1,260 days of
the AntiChrist's reign, and only then could we expect the Rapture to take place, then we would not be warned
over and over again to WATCH! The strongest support of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture lies in the fact that
Jesus repeatedly warned the church to be on the alert for His coming.
Matthew 24:29-30: Immediately after the Tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened . . . and then

shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven (His Second Return to earth with His Saints)
Christ words on His coming surely imply imminency. The Rapture and Resurrection after the Tribulation
cannot be imminent. On the other hand, the first-fruit Rapture, that takes place before the Tribulation, can
be said to be imminent. This harmonizes with the words of Jesus when He said
Mark 13:32: But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the
Son, but the Father.

2. The Out-Resurrection Of The Old Testament Saints.

Scriptures speak of an out-resurrection of the Old Testament saints. The verses that refer to it are often
passed over as not of special significance. Actually, they have an extremely important bearing on our subject:
Matthew 27:51-53:
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the
earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the Saints which slept
arose, And came out of the graves after His Resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto
These verses declare there has already been an out-resurrection of the Old Testament saints. In
other words,
the precedent of an out-resurrection was established at this time. Moreover, this proves that the first
resurrection is not an event that must all transpire at one given instant. True, the general resurrection of the
righteous dead takes place at the end of the age after the Great Tribulation.
But here is a resurrection of
Old Testament saints that occurred right after Christ's resurrection! Not all the Old Testament saints, but " ...
many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection . . ." Since
there was a First-Fruit resurrection of Old Testament Saints, then the pattern or precedent is set for a FirstFruit resurrection of New Testament Christians, which we believe the Scriptures show takes place before
the Great Tribulation. And with this First-Fruit Resurrection, there will be a simultaneous First-Fruit

3. Paul Taught That There Was An Order To The Resurrection.

I Corinthians 15:22-23: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in
his Own order: Christ, the Firstfruits: afterward they that are Christ's at His Coming.
Paul shows that there is an order to the first resurrection, if every believer were resurrected at the same
instant, there would be no order to the resurrection, and the above Scriptures would be meaningless: "Christ,
the Firstfruits: afterward they that are Christ's at His Coming." (There are no commas in the original
Greek text, and they must be supplied by the translator.) Although Christ is the First of the First-Fruits, He
is not all of the First-Fruits. Revelation 14
clearly teaches that there will be a relatively large company of

First-Fruit Saints, which it would appear, correspond to the First-Fruit

Resurrection of Old Testament saints.
Revelation 14:4: These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were redeemed from
among men, being the Firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.
is an order to the first resurrection (1) Christ First; (2) A First-Fruit Resurrection of Old Testament
saints; (3) A First-Fruit Resurrection and Rapture of New Testament Christians; (4) The final Harvest
Resurrection after the Tribulation.

4. Paul speaks of a First-Fruit Rapture and Sought To Be In This Out-Resurrection

Paul put his all into reaching for this prize and he highly encouraged all Christians to do the same.
Philippians 3:11, 14: If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead (from among the dead)
. . . I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Study both the text and context carefully. Paul declares he was putting forth every effort to be in the outresurrection. The Greek original reads "the resurrection from among the dead." It was a prize that Paul
eagerly sought.
But was all this effort put forth by the apostle simply that he might be in the general

resurrection of the righteous in which every saved person will participate? "No." Paul's salvation was
settled long ago. As to his personal salvation and assurance of a part in the first resurrection, he said
II Timothy 1: 12: For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I
have committed to Him against that day.
Paul was not seeking salvation by some strenuous and prolonged effort so that he might have a part in the
general resurrection. Paul was after the prize of the out-resurrection! Of this, he says
Philippians 3:8: I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung (rubbish), that I may win
Christ ... that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection...
too may seek for the prize of the Out-Resurrection, or Out-Rapture. Christ is coming for His
Bride! Paul was running the race to obtain an imperishable crown!
1 Corinthians 9: 24-27: Do you not know that they who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? So
run, that you may obtain it.
And every man that strives for the mastery is temperate (self controlled) in all
things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible (perishable) crown; but we to obtain an incorruptible
(imperishable Crown). I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beats the air: But I
discipline my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I
myself should be a castaway.

5. Christ's Promise In Luke To Those Who Pray To Be Worthy To Escape All Things.
in Chapter 21 of Luke speaks of the time of trouble that precedes the darkening of the sun and the moon
and events which usher in the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. Concerning the Tribulation, Christ gave us

a promise that is deeply significant. We are told that there is an escape from the great distress that is to come
upon the nations. He says:
Luke 21:36: Watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things
that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.
This verse warrants the most careful study. It is a special promise to those believers who "watch ... and pray
It does not appear to be a promise to the run-of-the-mill Christians, those who coast along in their
Christian lives. Second, it speaks of escaping "all these things" - evidently referring both to the Tribulation
period and the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord of which Christ is speaking. "All these things" imply the
escaping of both events. All believers will escape the judgment of that Day of Wrath, but those who "watch
. . . and pray always," will escape both. Third, Jesus speaks of being "counted worthy." No man can be
"counted worthy" of salvation - it is free grace and Christ's worthiness or righteousness is accounted to us
for that.
the Scriptures refer to another kind of worthiness for which the person
for his efforts and labor receives
certain rewards. Finally, the words "stand before the Son of man" are significant. They suggest a Rapture
in which the believer is caught away "to stand before the Son of man"
in the heavens. While this Scripture
if it stood alone might not absolutely prove a First-Fruit Rapture, it certainly is very much in harmony with
this teaching.

6. Christ's Promise To The Philadelphia Church.

Revelation 3:10, 11:
Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of
temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try
them that dwell on the earth. Behold, I come quickly:
hold that fast which you have, so that no man can take your crown.
Here is a promise to be kept from the hour of temptation which will try men who dwell on the face of the
earth. The hour of temptation
is not to be confused with the Great and Notable day of the Lord which does
not come to try men, but to punish the wicked and to execute judgment on the world. On the other hand, the
AntiChrist is permitted to
try those who dwell on the face of the earth, to determine who they will serve,
whether it be God or Satan. The verse appears to be a special promise to those who keep "the word of my
It is generally understood that the Philadelphia church symbolizes the faithful church which is in
existence just before Christ's coming, in contrast to the lukewarm Laodicean church which will not be ready

(Revelation. 3:7-22).
The Lord speaks of setting before this church "an open door." What does this mean? If we let Revelation
explain itself, we find that the "open door" signifies, among other things, the open door of Rapture to
heaven. In the very next chapter, John is caught up to heaven through the "open door" (Revelation 4: 1).
Chronologically in the prophetic narrative, this catching away of the apostle is at the end of the church age
and just before the Great Tribulation.
Christ also adds in His message to the Philadelphia church, the admonition, "Behold, I come quickly: hold
that fast which you have, so that no man can take your crown" (Revelation 3: 11). Here the coming of
Christ is related to those believers who are ready to receive crowns. Not every believer will receive a
crown. Some will be saved by fire. The truth in this verse is consistent with the thought of a First-Fruit
Rapture. Furthermore, the Lord related these Philadelphia over-comers to those who will become "pillars"
in the temple of God.
Christ declares that He will write upon him the name of His God, something which is said of the First-Fruits
of Revelation 14: 1 who have the "Father's name written in their foreheads." These First-Fruits, as we
shall see, are in heaven during the Great Tribulation, and this indicates that a First-Fruit Rapture has
already taken place (See point 9). The Lord closes with the words, "He that has an ear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches" (Revelation 3:13). Are we able to hear?

7. The 24 Elders In Heaven Who Wear Crowns Before The Great Tribulation Reflect A FirstFruit Rapture.
We have mentioned John's being caught up to heaven through the "open door." This "door" that is opened in
heaven, and the voice of the "trumpet" calling him, speak of a Rapture. John the Beloved, one of the
Apostles, who will sit on one of the thrones of Israel (Matthew 19 :28) is apparently a representative of the
First-Fruit Rapture and Resurrection before the Tribulation. For the Tribulation does not come until Chapter
6 of Revelation.
the scene that John sees is that of 24 elders who sit on thrones and who declare that they shall reign as
kings and priests on earth (Revelation 5:10). These elders either have been Raptured or have received
Resurrected bodies. Crowns are not given to disembodied spirits. Therefore, a Rapture has certainly taken
place in the scene presented in Revelation 4.
Since the Harvest Rapture has not yet taken place and will not
take place until after the Great Tribulation, this must represent a First-Fruit Rapture.

8. The 144,000 First-Fruits Of Revelation 14 Appear In Heaven During The Tribulation.

In Revelation 14, we are shown 144,000 on Mt. Zion. We are told that they are the First-Fruits to God, and
no guile is found in their mouth, and they follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These are not Tribulation
Christians, for we are told that the Great Tribulation is still on, and people on earth are still receiving the
mark of the beast (Revelation 14:9-10).
They are, therefore, of the First-Fruit Rapture. They have the name
of God written upon them, as promised to the Philadelphia church (Revelation 3:12).
They sing a new song
before the throne; they are without fault before the throne of God; and they follow the Lamb wherever He
Revelation 14:1, 3-4: And
I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion, and with Him a hundred forty
and four thousand, having His Father's name written in their foreheads These are they which follow the
Lamb wherever He
goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the Firstfruits to God and to the
On the other hand, the Tribulation harvest is not seen until Verses 14-16 of Revelation 14, at which time the
Son of man comes and reaps the harvest of the earth:
Revelation 14: 14-16:
And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like
unto the Son
of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand
a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the
temple, crying with a
loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is
come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on
the earth; and the earth was reaped.
Notice in Revelation 14, that the 144,000 on the Mount Zion in Heaven are not the same company as those in

Revelation 7.
The only similarity between the two companies is their number and that they have the seal of
God in their foreheads which probably will be true
of all God's people (Rev. 22:3-4). The 144,000 of
Revelation 7 are only Israelites while the 144,000 of Revelation 14 are redeemed from the earth, from
among men.
The 144,000 Israelites are living on earth during the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord and need protection
by sealing (Rev. 7:3). On the other hand, the 144,000 First-Fruits are already in heaven at that time before
the throne of God (Rev. 14:4-5).
Zion could not contain 144,000 people. The 144,000 Israelites on earth live near, not on, the earthly
Zion which, at the most, could hold only a
few thousand people. We can safely assume that there is plenty of
room for 144,000 saints on the heavenly Zion as well as an "immeasurable company of angels."
With the 144,000 of Revelation 7 still on earth during the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, while the
144,000 of Revelation 14
are in heaven during the Great Tribulation and the events which precede
the Day of
the Lord, then it is obvious that the two companies are not identical.

9. The Enoch And Noah Type Indicates Rapture Before Tribulation.

We have at least two types in the Old Testament which indicate a Rapture before the Tribulation. Enoch is a
type of the First-Fruit Rapture.
Genesis 5:24: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
His translation took place well before the flood; therefore, it is a type of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.
Noah, on the other hand, is a type of the Tribulation Christians. Seven days before the flood, Noah gathered
the animals into the ark (Genesis 7:1-4).
Those "seven days" correspond to Daniel's Seventieth Week, the
last half of which is the Great Tribulation. In prophecy a day often symbolizes a year (Numbers 14:33). At
the end of "seven days" the great judgment of the flood came, which is a type of the Great Day of the Lord.
Matthew 24: 37-39:
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in
the days that were before the flood they were: eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the
day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also
the coming of the Son of man be.
and his family in the ark were raised up with the ark above the judgment of the flood and so became a
type of the Tribulation Harvest that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24:29-31.

The Tribulation Christians rise after the Tribulation and are not caught
in the judgment of the Day of the
Lord. (Some see Noah and his family as a type of Israel sealed. This may also be true. Christ, however,

likens Noah's going into the ark as a type of His Second Coming.)

10. Elijah Is A Type Of The First-Fruit Rapture.

II Kings 2: 11:
And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of
fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by whirlwind into heaven.
standing alone should not be used to establish doctrine, but they are contributory evidence. Elijah as a
type indicates a First-Fruit Rapture.
He was taken up to heaven and Elisha was left behind. "One shall be
taken and the other left." On the other hand, Elisha would appear to be a type of the Tribulation Christians.
translation of Elijah resulted in great excitement and controversy. The
sons of the prophets demanded
that a search be instituted for the missing Elijah. They apparently thought it was a case of supernatural

transportation and that the Spirit had merely snatched Elijah away and deposited him on a mountain
II Kings 2: 16-17:
And they said to him, Behold now, there be with your servants fifty strong men; let them
go, we pray thee, and seek your master: lest peradventure the Spirit of the Lord has taken him up, and cast
him upon some mountain, or into some valley. And he said, You shall not send. And
when they urged him
till he was ashamed, he said, Send. They sent therefore fifty men; and they sought three days, but found him

Elisha permitted them to search for three days, the sons of the prophets found him not. Using the
prophetic scale of a day for a year, we can see that the three-day search symbolizes the three years of the

Great Tribulation, in which people will be searching for missing loved ones but will not be finding them.
the Tribulation the wicked will mock the people of God as did the bold youths of Bethel who taunted
Elisha with the words, "Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head" (II Kings 2:23)-a daring mockery
of Elijah's translation. But two bears suddenly "came . . . out of the wood, and tare forty and two children
of them" (II Kings 2: 24). (Notice: the number 42 is associated with the AntiChrist Reign during the
Tribulation which lasts 42 months.)
Elisha is obviously a type of the Christians who are not translated

before the Tribulation. Nevertheless, there was resurrection power in Elisha's bones. After his death a dead
man came in contact with his bones, and the man revived and stood upright on his feet (II Kings 13: 21).
Many of the Tribulation Christians will die as martyrs to be gathered in the resurrection harvest.
is one more important scriptural evidence that pertains to the subject of the Rapture of the Christians
and that is the prophecy of the Sun-Clothed Woman and the Manchild of Revelation 12.

The Woman Clothed With The Sun And The Rapture Of The Manchild
Revelation 12:1-4: And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a Woman clothed with the Sun and the
Moon under her feet, and upon her head a Crown
of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing
in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven;
and behold a great red
dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part
of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was
ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
The interpretation of the symbol of the sun-clothed woman
is a crucial one in understanding prophecy. Some
say she represents Israel. Others say that she represents the church. There is no doubt that she is a symbol of
Israel, but she represents more than national Israel. The sun-clad woman represents the true church, the
called out ones of all ages, whom
Satan ever persecutes in his effort to destroy her seed. She was the "'church
in the wilderness" when Israel escaped Pharaoh and fled from Egypt (Acts 7: 35).
The sun-clad woman
represents the church of all dispensations in age-long conflict with Satan. This is shown in the fact that the
Great Red Dragon in the symbolism has seven crowns upon his seven heads, thus indicating the whole period
of history. (There will be altogether seven world-wide Gentile kingdoms during this age.)
church and Israel are distinct, yet interwoven together in God's redemption plan and are more closely
related than we realize. The early church was in fact composed almost entirely of Jews at its inception. It
took on the Gentile aspect only after the apostle Paul received his commission to minister to the Gentiles.
Paul saw Israel and the church as distinct entities, yet both a part of the same olive tree (Romans 11:23-25).
and the church flowed together at the beginning of the church dispensation and diverged only when the
Jewish nation filled to the full
her cup of iniquity by rejecting the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51).
At the end of the
age when Israel's national restoration takes place, the people will accept Him whom they have pierced, and
we shall see a regrafting of Israel into the same olive tree as the church-although of course the two will still
have distinctive identities and missions.
The sun-clad woman, as she represents God's people at the end of the age, certainly includes the church.
First, she is a heavenly sign. The church, although on earth, sits in heavenly places with Christ Jesus: "And
has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Eph. 2: 6). She
holds this position not without conflict, for she must wrestle with Satan and his angels which are also in high
places (Eph. 6: 12).
Second, the woman is "clothed with the sun." The sun is a symbol of Christ who is our righteousness (Mal.
4: 2).
Third, the moon is under her feet. This expression shows that the church is in the heavens as well as on earth.
says, "Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and
terrible as an army with banners?" (Songs 6:10).
This is a picture of the church clothed with the sun, fair as
the moon,
set as an army in a spiritual warfare against the powers of evil.
She also has a crown of 12 stars. Revelation 1:20
shows us that stars symbolize the leaders of the church, as

well as those of Israel. The twelve stars answer to the twelve apostles of the Lamb: Notice one thing more:
The dragon's seven heads, which represent the seven successive world empires, are all crowned. The
therefore has been in existence during this entire period. However, the ten horns are not crowned as we see
they will be in Revelation 13:1. This shows that in point of time Revelation 12 is just before the Great
Tribulation. For in Revelation 13 the ten horns of the kingdom of the AntiChrist are crowned, showing that
by then the Tribulation has arrived.
Now, we notice that the sun-clothed woman is in travail. She brings forth a Manchild
who is to rule the
nations with a rod of iron. While this Manchild does
symbolize Christ in a retro-prophetic way, this is not the
primary fulfillment. The prophecy was, in fact, given over sixty years after Christ ascended to heaven. It just
could not be a prophecy if it referred only to the past. Prophecy refers to the future.
Rev. 12:5- 6: And
she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child
was caught up to God, and to His throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place
prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
the light of the above fact, it is obvious that this prophecy refers primarily to a Manchild Company of
overcomers who are to rule the nations with a rod of iron:
Revelation 2:26-27: And he that overcomes, and keeps my works to the end, to him will I give power over
the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to
shivers: even as I received of my Father.
This Manchild Company, it is to be noted, is caught up to heaven, just before the Great Tribulation begins.
Manchild cannot be a primary symbol of Christ at this point, for He was
caught up to heaven 1900 years
before. The Rapture of the Manchild Company at this time is powerful proof that there is a First-Fruit

Rapture just before the Great Tribulation. Notice also that after the Manchild is caught up to the throne of
God, the woman undergoes a change
of position. Satan now persecutes the woman. She is no longer in the

heavenlies but is seen on earth, exceedingly weakened by the birth of the Manchild. The Tribulation church
no longer sits in the heavenlies, but the Christians, "the remnant of her seed,"
are left on earth to contend
with the powers of hell which are now cast
into their midst. The Manchild Company is to be caught up to
heaven, and the rest of the seed of the woman is to be left on earth, fulfilling
the words of Jesus, "the one
shall be taken, and the other left." Satan's persecution of the seed of the woman is accomplished through
the Beast who now comes on the scene. His war is not only against believing Jews but against the saints of
"all nations, and kindreds, and people and tongues."

The Parable of the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins

Matthew 25:1-13: Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten Virgins, which took their lamps, and
went forth to meet the Bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were
foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the Bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold,
the Bridegroom comes; go out to meet Him. Then all those Virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And
the foolish said to the wise, give us some of your oil; for our lamps have gone out.
But the wise answered,
saying, No, there may not be enough for us and you: but you go to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the Bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with Him to the
marriage: and the door was shut. Afterwards
the other Virgins came, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he
and said, Verily I say to you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor
the hour in which the Son of man comes.
Parable of the Five Wise and Five Foolish Virgins is one that deals directly with Christ as the
Bridegroom coming for His bridal party. Christ depicts the church as ten virgins waiting for the arrival of the
Bridegroom, only half of which will be ready when the Bridegroom comes. The term "virgins" as a symbol
always has a good connotation, standing for those separated from the world: "For I am jealous over you
with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to
Christ" (II Cor. 11:2). Again in Revelation 14 the First-Fruits to God are spoken of as "virgins." "These
are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb
wherever He goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits to God and to the Lamb"
(Rev. 14:4).
The term "virgins"
when used symbolically in the Scriptures does not refer to the married state but rather to

separation from the world. The ten virgins represent

the true believers of the church of Jesus Christ. That is,
they are saved people. They are said to have taken their lamps and have gone out to meet the Bridegroom.
The psalmist says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" (Psa. 119: 105). By means
of the light of God's Word, they were able to go forth and watch for the approach of the Bridegroom.
all of the ten are virgins, what then distinguishes the foolish from the wise? We are told that the foolish
failed to take oil in their vessels with their lamps, while the wise did. Oil in the Scriptures is a
type of the
Holy Spirit. The elders are commanded to anoint the sick with oil. "Is any sick among you? let him call for
the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord" (James
5: 14). The oil in itself has no power to heal but rather signifies the presence of the Holy Spirit to heal.
It is God's purpose that His Spirit shall flow continually through and overflow from the innermost beings of
His people (John 7: 37 -38).
Our lights can be kept burning only when the oil of the Holy Spirit is being
constantly replenished. Neglect can cause the supply to diminish.
Paul in II Corinthians 4:7 speaks of our bodies as "earthen vessels" which dissolve after death (II Cor. 5: 1),
and that at the resurrection "an house not made with hands" will replace it. But while we are in this world,
this "earthen vessel" holds "the earnest of the Spirit." "'Now
he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing
is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit" (II Cor. 5: 5). The wise virgins recognized
the need of keeping oil in their vessels. The foolish virgins realized the importance of the lamps, but they
to keep oil in them.
ten virgins went out to meet the Bridegroom - that is they were looking
for the return of Christ. But there
was an unexpected delay. But although there may be unexpected delays, the church must not become

discouraged and allow its devotion to wane. She is to be ready whether the Bridegroom should come at
morning, noon, or night (Mark 13:35-37).
as the parable declares, the Bridegroom did come at the midnight hour, which is the darkest hour of
the night. And surely the world today is plunged into a dark hour indeed. When the cry came that the
Bridegroom was coming, all the virgins arose, and there was a great lamp-trimming. But, alas, the foolish
virgins discovered that their lamps had gone out.
They had failed to take along a supply of oil. The foolish
sought to borrow from the wise, but the latter responded saying that they had only
enough for themselves and
admonished the others to go and buy from those that sell. This shows that we
must constantly replenish the
oil in our vessels, and we cannot rely on
someone else's blessing or even our own past blessings to make
us ready
for the coming of Christ. The lamps of the days of Christ were large enough only to hold oil for
one night.
But can the Holy Spirit be purchased? Not with money, of course. Yet no one can say that the Spirit-filled life
costs nothing. It has cost many Christians their very lives. True discipleship may cost a man all that he has in
this world.
Luke 14:26-30: If
any man come to Me, and hate not his father, and mother; and wife, and children, and
brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whosoever does not bear his
cross, and come after Me,
cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sits not down
first, and counts the cost, whether he has sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he has laid the foundation,
and is not able
to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not
able to finish.
Christ taught His followers to count the cost. While salvation and the infilling of the Spirit are free, full
discipleship demands that we count the cost and be willing to forsake all, or whatever may be necessary to
win Christ:
Philippians 3: 7, 8: But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
Yea doubtless, and I
count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have
suffered the loss
of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.
We are told that while the foolish virgins went to buy oil "the door was shut." What does this mean?
Revelation 4: 1 speaks of "a door was opened in heaven" and John was caught up into the throne room.
The "open door" signifies Rapture.
When a door is opened in heaven, those who are ready may pass
through. When it is closed, none may enter. This is what happened in the case of the foolish virgins.
There is no doubt that when the Rapture takes place, it will result in the greatest soul-searching the church

has ever known.

The day of "playing church" will be over, and there will be a tremendous overhauling of
Christian experience. People will urgently seek God and the infilling of the Spirit which apparently will be
still available until the beginning of the Day of the Lord (Acts 2: 16-21). But it will be too late to participate
in the First-Fruit Rapture.
So the Lord had to say to the foolish virgins, "I know you not." He did not say as He said to the hypocrites.
"I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity" (Matt. 7: 23).
He did not call the virgins
"workers of iniquity," neither did He say, "I never knew you." His words are in the present tense, "I know
you not." He
indeed knew them as believers who accepted Him as Savior. But at this particular hour He
had come as Bridegroom. He could not recognize them as members of the bridal party.
The whole teaching of the parable is that those who would be among the First-Fruits to God, those who
would be "virgins ... without fault before the throne of God" must make themselves ready.
These are the
ones who will make up the Manchild Company of believers. In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, we see the
words of Christ portrayed,
"One shall be taken, and the other left."

What Will Be The Effect Of The Rapture On The World?

It is not too difficult to imagine what happens on earth when the Manchild Company is taken out. "The
of the Manchild into immortality takes out of the world some of the best material in it. With the most devoted
of God's saints being caught away to God, and to His throne, the earth is left minus the presence, prayers,
activities of reaching out to the lost, and the moral
forces of these saints. The removal of these faithful ones
to their Lord dilutes the salt of the earth . . So while heaven thrills with rejoicing over the devil and his
angels defeat there, his ejection to earth causes a sad note of woe and pity for dwellers there.
Revelation 12:12: Woe
to the earth and the sea! because the devil is come down to you, having
great wrath,
because he knows that he has but a short time.

What will happen on earth after this supernatural event of the Rapture takes place? One thing to
consider is that the First-Fruit Harvest will be a comparatively small number of people in
comparison to the world's population.

Certainly the First-Fruit Rapture will be different from that which has often been portrayed,
which was that great masses of Christians would suddenly be taken from the earth.

We believe that the picture has been vastly overdrawn with many planes without pilots going into
screaming nose-dives; locomotives without engineers wildly pursuing their courses to head-on
collisions; great numbers of people suddenly vanishing from public gatherings, and so forth.

The indication is that the First-Fruit Rapture includes what the name implies, a comparatively
small group of overcomers, those who "follow the Lamb wherever he goes."

The Effect Of The Rapture On Those Left Behind

thing is certain: Life will go on and people will adjust themselves to the mystery or rationalize the event
to suit their particular way of thinking. A sin-hardened heart is not suddenly brought to repentance by an
amazing wonder. Jesus, in relating Abraham's conversation with the rich man in hades, tells of Dives' request
that Lazarus be sent to his father's house to warn his brethren against coming to that place. Abraham replied,
"If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead"
(Luke 16: 31).
no doubt, will be filled with remorse when they realize that they have missed the prize. Others will be
hardened. The Scriptures are not without evidence concerning the events which follow the Rapture. Here are
some considerations.

1. What will be the effect of the Rapture on the Christians left behind?
In the days of Elijah, the sons of the prophets had a premonition that the prophet would be translated (II
Kings 2:5).
Yet when the event occurred, they were not ready to believe that it had
taken place. They were
not convinced that Elijah had gone all the way to heaven. Like Obadiah, they thought that the prophet
probably had been
transported to another place (I Kings 18:12). Despite Elisha's protestations, they insisted
on a three-day search (II Kings 2: 16). Of course they did not find Elijah.
those "three days" foreshadow or speak of people searching for their loved ones for up to three
years of the Great Tribulation?)

Certainly there will be many who will rationalize the strange disappearance of God's people in a way that
will be in harmony with what
they want to believe. Then too, there is the instance of supernatural

transportation as in the case of Philip, so people may be inclined to believe that the Raptured Christians have
been merely transported to another place, as the sons of the prophets supposed concerning Elijah.

2. With others, however, the event will result in heartbreaking soul searching.
Too late they realize that they have neglected the repeated warnings of the Lord Jesus Christ to be ready for
His Coming. "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor hour wherein the Son of man cometh"
(Matthew 25: 13).
This warning was given at the conclusion of the Parable of the Five Wise and Five
Foolish Virgins, in which Jesus plainly showed that a substantial part of professing Christians who will be
waiting for the Bridegroom will not be ready when He comes. "And they that were ready went in with him
to the marriage" (Verse 10).
Luke 21:36: Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be counted worthy to escape all these
things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
With many, after the Rapture, there will come the bitter realization that they have failed to be among the five
wise virgins, and there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth." Though they then resolve to resist the
AntiChrist at all costs, they must live in the realization that they have missed the prize.
All this is a sobering matter. The Christians who remain on earth during the Great Tribulation may also
expect some such kind of personal persecution. It will not be easy for them to meet the mocking taunts of the
world or the scorn of some asking why they were left behind.

3. Yet, it is likely that much of the sobering effect of the Rapture will be neutralized by
supernatural or uncanny happenings associated with the
The devil will have his superman, the son of perdition, on the scene. "Even him, whose coming is after the
working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders" (II Thessalonians2:9).

These lying wonders will astonish the world. Apparently there will be some kind of pseudo-resurrection of
the Beast. We are told that the Beast was "as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed:
and all the world wondered after the beast" (Rev. 13:3).

This lying miracle, a wound unto death, and the demonstration of the Beast's return to life will be of a nature
to astonish and to amaze the world, whatever the miracle is. As Satan moved in the days of Moses through
the magicians to mimic the miracles of God, so we may be sure that Satan has plans to confuse people, so
that the effect of the Rapture will be neutralized as much as is possible.

Some Questions Answered About The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

It is sometimes said that I Thessalonians 4:13-17
indicates that the Rapture and first Resurrection all occur at
one instant and that there is no place for partial Raptures and Resurrections. But the facts indicate otherwise.

In the first place there has already taken place a partial Old Testament resurrection (Matt. 27:51-52). If that
resurrection is not part of the first resurrection, then of which one is it?

That the text in I Thessalonians 4:13-17 indicates

that all events of the first resurrection must take place at
one instant is not consistent with good Bible interpretation. For example
John 5: 28-29:
Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear His
voice. And shall come forth; they that have done good, to the resurrection of life; and they that have done
evil. to the resurrection of damnation.
verses might just as well be taken to indicate that the resurrection of
the righteous and the wicked dead
takes place at the same hour, and some indeed actually so teach it. But Revelation 20:5 makes it clear that
1000 years elapse between the two resurrections.
Moreover, as we have noted before, Paul definitely speaks of an order to the resurrection (I Cor. 15:23). If it
all occurs at one instant, there would be no order to it. He said the first-fruits come first, then afterward
those that are His at His coming. And Paul himself declares that he is striving to have a part in the outresurrection.

But Wouldnt A First-Fruit Rapture Divide The Body Of Christ?

there is a Rapture which takes place before the Tribulation, the church
or Body of Christ will be divided;
some will be on earth and some in heaven, so this cannot be true, since there is only one body.
little reflection will show that this objection is not valid. All through the ages, some believers have been
dying and going to paradise, while others still remain on earth. This is true at this present moment.
difference in geographical location, therefore, cannot divide the body of Christ. Nor does the unity of the
body imply that varied positions of rank and reward will not be given to the different members.
Indeed, we
know that some believers will have no reward at all.
all agree, Christ is the Head of the church and the most important member of the mystical body. Yet He
ascended to heaven over 1900 years ago. It must be conceded that this ascension to heaven did not divide the
body of Christ; neither will the Rapture of the First-Fruits do so.

Can The Church Be Symbolized By A Woman With Child?

is sometimes objected that the sun-clad woman who gives birth to the Manchild could not represent he
church, since a married woman is never used to symbolize the church; therefore, the figure of a travailing

woman cannot represent the church. In answer, may we note that this symbol of the sign woman is not used
of the New Testament church solely,
but of the church of all ages. Nevertheless, those who regard the New
Testament church as not having the office of spiritual maternity are mistaken. John, the writer of the Book
of Revelation speaks of the church as "the elect lady and her children" (II John 1:1).
The duty and responsibility of the church in every age has involved travail for spiritual children. The Apostle
who stands first in the bringing forth of the Gentile church speaks to the Galatians who were not
showing the fruits of true believers saying
Galatians. 4:19: My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.
Paul shows that the church is not as Israel under the law .
Galatians 4:26: But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.
The apostle then goes on to say that the barren bears more than she which has a husband!
Galatians 4:27: For
it is written, Rejoice, you barren that bears not; break forth and cry,
you that travails not:
for the desolate has many more children than she
who has a husband.
is obvious that Paul is not trying to show that the church is married, but rather that she is bearing more
children than she which has a husband. These are spiritual children, of course, and the travail is in the Spirit.
In the case of the sun-clothed woman, physical birth is not implied but rather birth to a higher sphere of a

company of true overcomers.

Why Are The First-Fruits Taken Before The Great Tribulation?

above question is, we believe, one of the upmost serious to every believer. Its answer should have the
effect of causing us to consecrate our lives to Christ as we never have before. Is being in the First-Fruits
company a reward? Yes, being included can be considered the
highest reward in Heaven. Christ said
Luke 21:36: Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be counted worthy to escape all these
things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
The promise to the Philadelphia church that it would be kept "from the hour of temptation, which shall
come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth" (Rev. 3:11) teaches the same thing. Indeed
the promise is associated with receiving a "crown."
Revelation 3: 10: I come quickly: hold fast to what you have, so that no man can take your Crown.
popular view that the Raptured Christians are taken to heaven merely to
escape the trials of the Great
Tribulation altogether misses the point.
Those of the Smyrna church, for example, who suffered bloody

persecution during the days of pagan Rome did not consider their sufferings as punishment. Indeed, they
were Christ's martyr saints. The Lord knew their "Tribulation and poverty" and told them that they were rich.
Christ encouraged them to be faithful unto death, promising them that "I will give you a crown of life" (Rev.
2:9-10). Indeed there are those today who have suffered greatly in communist countries, who might be
excused for supposing that they are already in the Great Tribulation.
1. But there is a circumstance associated with the first Rapture that has been largely overlooked.
It is
highly probable that those who participate in the First-Fruit company will be given responsibilities of such a
high level that they will need special training.

To a large extent the scenes and activities in paradise have been withheld from us. Paul apparently saw things
in paradise that were amazing, but of which he was not permitted to speak lest it would lead to endless
speculation on the part of earth-dwellers.

Nevertheless, we may well assume that in the next life men continue to learn and prepare themselves for
activities in the ages to come. Despite
the fact that most of these things have been withheld from us, enough

has been revealed to show us that the believers in relation to the position they have won will be given
responsibilities of an ascending order. For example, we know that the believers are going to judge the world.
Paul says.....

1 Corinthians 6: 2: Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged
by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
This judgment committed to the Christians is clearly shown in Psalms.
Psalms 149:5-9:
Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.
Let the high praises of
God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in
their hand; To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and
punishments upon
the people; To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron: To
execute upon them the judgment written: this honor have all His saints. Praise you the Lord.
2. Notice the first-fruits company that is on Mount Zion. They follow the Lamb "wherever He goes."
Wherever Christ goes, they go. His task becomes their task. They participate in His secret counsels. There
are many duties to be carried out on a high level. Observe the varied activities of the twenty-four elders.

First of all, they join in the great worship scene (Rev. 4: 9-11; 5: 8-10). They
cast their crowns before the
throne; they sing and play on harps of gold; they are custodians of the vials of the prayers of the saints in

preparation for their offering to God (Rev. 5:8). They act in a priestly capacity. They explain certain
mysteries to John (Rev. 5:5; 7:13-14). They are present before the company of the 144,000 on Mt. Zion
(Rev. 14:3).

John, himself, is kept busy in various ways. Though he is recorder of the Book of Revelation, in addition he
is given the task of measuring the temple of God and those that worship therein (Rev. 11:1-2).
As an official
representative of the church, his act typifies how the believers will measure the inhabitants of the earth with
the rod of judgment.

3. We are told that the Manchild Company will "rule all nations with a rod of iron" (Rev. 12:5). With
such a task before them, there is good reason why they should experience prior Rapture to heaven, so that
they may be ready for their great work.

Christ is the head of the Manchild Company, which will rule the nations;
but He will have many rulers
under Him in carrying out this responsibility.
4. But probably of the most immediate importance, the Man-child Company will participate in the
displacement of Satan and his angels from the heavenlies. It is at the time that the Manchild Company is
caught up to heaven that the great final battle in the heavenlies will begin. Michael and his angels will fight
the dragon. But they will not accomplish the task alone. The Christians will participate in this historic event:
Revelation 12:11-12: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their testimony;
and they loved not their lives unto
the death. Therefore rejoice you heavens, and you that dwell in them. Woe
to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil is come
down to you, having great wrath, because
he knows that he has but a short time.
reading this passage we see that together with the blood of Christ and the power of the angelic host, the
word of the over-comer's testimony is
required. There is a moral conflict as well as a physical conflict. We

who live on earth are not able to comprehend fully this great conflict in the heavenlies. But praying believers
know something of the reality of it. Daniel knew the meaning of the conflict when he wrestled for twentyone days against the prince of Persia.

Paul tells us that "we

wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high (heavenly) places."
is the Christians who have learned to battle Satan in the heavenlies, in their prayer life, who will be useful in
that great final
battle that is to come, just before the Great Tribulation begins.
Yes, the Christians who are in the First-Fruit Rapture
will have tasks allotted them. They are invaluable to
Christ in assisting Him in displacing Satan from the heavenlies. Far from taking repose in the happy realms
of paradise, the First-Fruits are with Christ in the heat of the conflict.

Saints who are not yet resurrected may indeed rest from their labors. But while they rest Christ and His FirstFruit company will round up the forces of evil and bring to naught the armies of the Beast. Christ will judge
the nations, but He chooses to do it with the help of His chosen vessels.
And thus do we see the reason for which Christ will Rapture those who are the first-fruits to God and
who will follow Him wherever He goes.



Multi-Dimensional Bodies
"In my
Fathers Kingdom there are many mansions."

are extremely complex multi-dimensional beings who exist and
through many different energetic structures, forms or
A Physical
Body - enables us to function and interact in the material
Associated with the 1st chakra, the earth and her
physical elements,
and the color red.
An Astral
Body - gives us the ability to have desires, emotions,
imagination and
psychic awareness. Associated with the 2nd
chakra, water, the moon (and
the other planets), dreams unconscious mind, and the color orange.
A Solar
Body - gives us the ability to think, conceptualize, discern
and will.
Associated with the 3rd chakra, the sun, the conscious
ego-mind, and
the color of yellow.
Child or Inner Self (the "Child of God"). Aspects of the
Inner Self may
be found in many chakras, particularly within the
InnerHeart -
"Garden of Eden" (the Temple where "Heaven"
and "Earth" meet). The God
Essenceis held here within the Chalice
or "Holy Grail".
Associated with the 4th chakra, the balance
the Star of David, and the colors gold and
An Etheric
Body - holding the blueprint for our physical bodies form
functions. Associated with the 5th chakra,
sounds, vibrations,
words, the solar system and space, and the color of
A Causal
Body the central planning and directing headquarters.

Associated with the 6th chakra, the

Divine Will, the galaxy, and
the color purple and
A Light
Body - holding all the accumulated experiences, aspects,
abilities and
knowledge of allour past lives. Associated with the 7th

chakra, higher intelligence, intuitive insights and knowing, the

conscious mind, Angels, the universe, and the color white.
Body, Higher Self or "God Essence" -held within the "Inner

Heart", represented as the Chalice or "Holy Grail". Some may

this the Soul and/or the Light Body, expressed as wisdom,
beauty, peace
and love. Associated with the 7th
chakra,the super
universes. colorless - crystalline, pure, clear.

clear cut distinctions between all these bodies and chakras
sometimes be difficult,
especially when ones higher and lower
aspects and energies
merge, interact or overlap. And because

every soul comes from a different place and thus has a different

perspective or point of view, there are many varied opinions about

these matters. This doesnt make one opinion wrong and another
only that everyone is different in the way they conceptually
spiritually see and understand. The point is not to get bogged
down by
differing opinions or concepts... but to realize we are
much more
complex and glorious beings than we ever give
ourselves credit for.


This earthly dimension - where our human self functions - is just

tip of the iceberg to who we are and what we may be
connected with and
Extendingup and down into all the
various dimensions of creation
is an infinite array of
consciousnesses and energies, each
making up the resources from
which our soul can possibly align
and identify with as its collective
"Higher Power".
Just as no
two people can have the same subjective experience of
life, so to does
soul experience its own unique connection or
"channel" toSpirit.
The openness and clarity
of the
channels between your human self
and Spirit is
the limiting factor on how much you
can draw from
that eternal infinite source (for use in healing,
development, etc.). Your channel to Spirit is
like a water hose: if it
narrow, blocked or pinched, only so much water can come
if you have a very wide open clear hose, the
force and amountof
water (ie. love, life, light) that flows can be
the other hand, how muchcan be channeled through is

not the only important factor, but how that which comes through
be masterfully directed orapplied. For example, there are

manypeople who can throw a

fast ball, but only a few who
the mastery to direct it to the same place across the base, over

and over again. Likewise, anyone can use a scalpel, but only a

trained and knowledgeable surgeon knows where to safely and

apply it.
Granted, to some extent we are all
innately endowed with the
gift - these
biological structures our souls inhabit cannot
survive for very long
if they were not designed to
self-repair (or heal). But
Spiritual Healing is a whole other ball
game, and
in that arena, there are souls who know how to
and souls who don't.Irregardless, every soul has their own
gifts, be it for healing or something else.
may spend years acquiring enough earthly knowledge and
skills to
given subject. However, at the level of the soul,

many subjects take

lifetimes to master.


The primary goal of most all spiritual healing work is the

of the mental-emotional-spiritual-energetic bodies. The
idea of
purification is that all the channels must be totally clear and

unencumbered to enable the powerful energies, vibrations and

of spirit to freely flow in and through our
whole beings. If we can
create the "inner space" where we are
crystal clear channels (Christ
like), our higher selfand all its virtues
and gifts may fully
inhabit and function in us.
look upon the levels or dimensions of our being like a
apartment complex (skyscraper for some). The very
highest levels
(the penthouse or master control rooms)are closest
to the heavens
- the air isclear and we can almost touch the stars.

As we travel down to the lower levels (floors), each room holds a

different personality and energy field about it. And at the very

bottom, the basement is designed to support the physical structure

and contains the basic elemental supplies and mechanisms.

If any part
of this "apartment" building is abandoned, vacated,
ignored or
neglected.. the rats (entities) will feel free to move in.
And if
tenants continue to store their junk (dense vibrations and

negative energies) in their rooms without periodic clearing.. this

eventually accumulates and spills over into the walkways and

(channels).. impeding or "blocking"the smooth flow of

purification process (this healing work) removes
these blocks (those
dense vibrations,
negative energies and
entities) that do not belong, allowing the
original tenant (you)to
move back
in and fully occupy their now renovated spaces.
This healing
work helps tounify or "integrate" the higher energies

and aspects associated with all your multi-dimensionalspirit

bodies.. opening the channels of communication and connecting

the dots
or "links" between them (so to speak). Much of this
integration occurs
naturally as your energetic space is cleared... a
process that may take
a few days or be instantaneous.As your
multi-dimensional bodies
becomes reunited into a whole... the soul
re-exerts its
sovereign authority andthe ego persona relaxes its
"death grip"
on your life. The ego then takes a more
back stage
presence, supporting your actor trip (your
divinepurpose) instead
of always
wanting to be center stage (running your life).

Multi-Dimensional Universe
There are
a great many energetic
vibrational dimensions
encasedwithin another (like a bubble
within a bubble within a
bubble) all of which makes up one very big
bubble of
consciousness called a
universe (one of many).

Each energetic vibrational dimension within a universe

has a
corresponding sympathetic resonance for, are
with, and penetrate into various aspects or
manifestations of
The highest most subtle of dimensions is
called "Heaven" or
"Paradise" - where the purified souls ascend to and
dwell. The
lower levels are called "Purgatory" - where
souls process out or are
"purged" of their karma. And the very lowest,
densest, grossest,
material level is called "Hell" - where souls
descend to when they
are unwilling or unable to release their
attachments to the
reality, enslaved to their lower passions and ruled by their
Paradise, Purgatory or Hell - are not simply
some place to go to
there, but are linked energetically and
vibrationally to ones
inner state of mind or consciousness...
subjectively experienced
everywhere the soul goes, be it in flesh
(embodied) or in spirit (in
the after life).
These other dimensions above the physical - the
astral, solar,
etheric and causal
dimensions - are
somewhat similar to what we
have here, yet the higher one goes, the
more expansive, refined,
subtle, sublime, lighter and less substantial
they become.
The higher dimensions of the etheric and
causal are what could be
considered (relatively
speaking) the "Heavenly Realms". This is
where the various assortments
of "Angelic" beings inhabit and
function...tasked to oversee and
His Will upon Creation.
The character of these elevated
"places" is more archetypal, with
flowing energies, celestial sounds and lights. There is less
and less a
clear delineation of matter here. Vibrations are
harmonious and
unifying (unlike those found in the lower created
dimensions) so
awareness can easily be focused on "The One" or
"Divine" with very
little if any distraction from sense of self,
personal will or ego.
(Perhaps this is the "Garden of Eden" of the
Bible or the "Pure Lands"
of the Buddhists).
The low to middle dimensions of the physical,
astral and solar
contain pluralities of vibrations that are more
complex and
convoluted. These are the dimensions of duality
consciousness that
exist further (more separate) from "Source". To
those of us who
are aware and sensitive beyond the physical, the
occupants of the
astral and solar dimensions may appear mythical, even
dream like,
yet to the denizens who exist on those same vibrational

frequencies, they are quite real to each other (where they interact
exist). Its just like those whom we interact with on this

physical level of vibrational frequency seem palpably real to us we

are "attuned" to each other (sort of like turning the dial on the

radio). An astral, solar, or angelic being could very well walk right

through our physical bodies and - unless we were attuned and

open to
their frequency - we would not notice them at all.

As one ascends up the scale, the very fabric

of these higher and
higher dimensions become made up of subtler and
subtler energies
and vibrations, which make it easier and easier for
the denizens of
these dimensions to manipulate... simply, solely, and
directly with
the creative powers of the mind and heart - through
thought, will
or desire. Yet, unlike the Angelic beings (who dwell in
consciousness), the level of consciousness of these lower or
dimensional beings exists within a constant state of duality of

"me", "you", "us" and "them" - meaning, there is still an awareness

separation. At these levels of consciousness, ones choices are
always predicated on what is good for the "One" (the Divine

Will), but what the ego-mind decides (or identifies) as good

"me" and mine. The individual still has free
will to make any
choices that they wish, yet if they make choices that
are at odds
with the divine will and its universal laws (i.e. love,
harmony and
unity), they shall create pain and suffering for themselves
others. Residents of all the dimensions (no matter how high) are

still subject to the laws of cause and effect - ie "karma".

the process of entropy, the vibrations of that which exists
on the more
invisible and intangible dimensionsbecome slowed

down...down... to become more contracted, dense and heavy... till

they eventually manifest in this physical dimension.

as we too descended from the causal...
etheric... solar...
astral... and then finally into the physical
dimension.... all that was
invisible and intangible existing inside
our ego-mind-consciousness
as archetypal ideas, thoughts, impulses,
feelings or desires... also
became more tangible as they took on more
substance, shape and
form. On the higher dimensions, our inner reality
is experienced in
a more expansive and objective way, but when
incarnate, our inner
reality gets
mirrored back to us in a more defined and
way.. like instant feedback. This is
one of the main benefits of
being incarnate - it is here where we can
intimately see and feel
and deal with our soul... warts and all.
Its the difference between
seeing and feeling the earth from
outer space, verse seeing and
feeling it from on its surface
one is a generalized objective view,
whereas the other is
very detailed and personal. There are of
course benefits to both
positions and perspectives, but it is only
through the physical
incarnation where the soul (if it is paying
attention) may best find
out the truth of its self and live its
purpose... and it is here where
the best opportunities are made
available us. However, having come all
this way (from Heavenor
most of us have now forgotten just what we are doing here
and why.

From the
perspective of our lower self (here on planet earth) any
one of
these bodies - from the astral on up - may appear more
beautiful, true and free...
to the point where we might

eveninterpret any one of themas

our High Self
(its all relative).
Imagine you are traveling above and beyond
your physical earth
body... floating into outer space you see your
astral extraplanetary body.... and above your
solarstar-sun body... and above
and beyond that is your
ethericgalactic body... and beyond that in
the empty space
between galaxies is your causal body... and above

and beyond all that your universal light body, essence or God

And sitting beyond all these intermediary bodies... just beyond the
expansive consciousnesses of your High Self
resides the "Source" your "Creator.
Now imagine beyond the very limits of our
universe... just like the
milky way galaxy contains our solar system,
and our universe
contains this galaxy... there is yet a whole other
universe that not
only encloses but has actually birthed (or
Created) our
universe... and even beyond this,
there are other universes of
consciousness that enclosed and birthed
(and Created) that one,
and so on up. These
parent universes beyond ours we may call
"Super Universes".
It is possible that ones Higher Self may have
been created in and
originated from beyond the confines of this one
provincial universe
(and may perhaps still dwell there in any one of
these other super
universes). If your Higher Self did live in one of
these other
universes, it would have such an expansive view of reality
your place in it) so far beyond the small planetary dramas you are

now experiencing. On the other hand, if your Higher Self was that
off, the amount of healing work you would probably need (in
order to
integrate your Higher Self and your human self) could be
immense -
there could be any number of karmic issues and
negative energies
separating the two of you (so much more than
the average Spirit). This
is something this healing work can
address. However, please
understand... at those very high levels,
the healing would most likely
not be felt or sensed by your human
self. None the less, this is work
you would desperately need if you
were ever going to fully integrate.

by Suzan Caroll PhD

January 2011
Multidimensions Website

Spanish version

"Dimensions" are a means of organizing different planes of existence according to

their vibratory rate. Each dimension has certain sets of laws and principles that are
specific to the frequency of that dimension. String Theory
"Consciousness" represents awareness. The inhabitants of each dimension function

clearly, easily, and with a minimum of resistance within that plane because their
consciousness vibrates in resonance with the frequency of that dimension.
"Multidimensional Consciousness" is the ability to be "conscious" of more than one
dimension. To be multidimensional in our consciousness we must remember that we
have within us the potential to expand our perceptual awareness to the dimensions
above and below our physical plane.
"Unconscious" means unaware of and unable to attend to internal and/or external
stimuli within the inhabitants' own dimension or within another dimension. Third
dimensional humans are largely unaware of their first dimensional, second
dimensional, and fourth dimensional selves. The human unconscious is best accessed
through physical body messages, introspection, dreams, and meditation.
"Conscious" means aware of and able to attend to stimuli within the inhabitants'
own dimension. The third dimensional self is conscious of what can be perceived by
the five physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
"Superconscious" is a higher order of consciousness of the fifth dimension and above
in which the inhabitants are able to be aware of and attend stimuli of their own
dimension as well as all the lower dimensions. The superconscious is innately
multidimensional. The third dimensional self can become "conscious" of the

superconscious through meditation, prayer, and by surrendering to the enfoldment

of the higher order consciousness.

Dimensional Consciousness


First dimensional consciousness is awareness as a point.

The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is the Mineral Kingdom. Current third dimensional science has not proven that minerals have
any awareness as we recognize it, but healers and shaman have been using crystals as healing tools for many centuries.

Humans' first dimensional consciousness is "unconscious" to our five physical senses. However, the first dimension is a portion of our bodies
and represents the minerals, water, and genetic codes that are the foundation of our physical forms. If we could access this level of our
unconscious, we could connect with the entire physical world via its most basic common denominator, the individual molecules.

Perhaps we could even consciously access our own genetic coding.

I feel myself upon the first step of my consciousness. I am of the first dimension. I am an atom of carbon, a drop of water, and an imprint upon a
strand of DNA. However, I cannot perceive the strand or the other molecules of water and carbon. I am only conscious of my exact point of my
awareness. However, as I look inside myself, I find that another world exists, a world of electrons, protons, nuclei, and quarks.

I am the gateway between the macrocosm and the microcosm.


Second dimensional consciousness is awareness as point and line.

The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is biological matter such as the Plant Kingdom and the lower Animal Kingdom. The

consciousness of this dimension does not possess self-awareness. These beings are only conscious of their species' identity and their need for
feeding, fighting, and procreation. Their consciousness is based upon survival of the fittest and they live solely within the awareness of the

Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain, which directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain
life support functions. Our five physical senses are largely unconscious of this component of ourselves, but with training such as biofeedback
and meditations, some conscious awareness and control can be established.

Yogis are known to achieve enough conscious control of their autonomic nervous system and can regulate their heartbeat and metabolism.

"Primitive" peoples are much more aware of this "animal" portion of their physical form and, therefore, have conscious access to their basic
instincts. and an awareness of how they are a portion of a greater whole. Unlike "civilized" man, they have a constant respect for all life and the
balance of Nature.

I feel myself now expand to my second dimensional consciousness. My task is simple. I must survive. I will protect myself and procreate in the
proper season. I look neither forwards nor backwards, and I dwell only in the present. I am what I am and where I am. I neither plan nor reflect. I
live to continue the existence of my species. If a human consciousness inhabits my form, I am not aware of it.

My perceptions are confined to what I can eat, use, fight, mate with, or rear. However, my "herd" and I are one.

Our instincts guide us, and we are a part of Nature.


Third dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, line, length, breadth, height, and volume.

The primary consciousness of this dimension is the higher Animal Kingdom and the Human Kingdom. The humanoid form is composed of all the
elements of the first and second dimensional being, which are: water, minerals, genetic coding, and biological matter, as well as an individual
soul. It is the individual Soul that distinguishes humans from the other members of the Animal Kingdom who mostly have a group Soul.

The third dimension is locked in a time/space and cause/effect paradigm.

This dimension is a schoolroom that our Souls attend by inhabiting humanoid physical bodies to learn more about creation. In the third
dimension, life mirrors all that we are seeking to understand. Therefore, the process of creating via our thoughts and feelings is slowed down so
that we can track the circumstances of what we hold in our consciousness.

The third dimension is known as the conscious world.

However, there are different stages of human consciousness aligned in a hierarchical manner that often coincide with our age and stage of life.


In the first stage, we are children, and we are dependent on others for our survival.
In this state of dependency we do not realize that our consciousness holds the seeds of the life we are creating. We believe that
we are powerless over our environment and are victims to the circumstances of our lives.
It is our goal to gain enough self-awareness as we mature beyond this child state so that we can become independent.


In the Second Stage we are independent.
This independence develops as we learn that we can control our own life. Through our choices and experiences, we gain trust in
our ability to be responsible and we maintain our responsibility because we respect ourselves. This respect is based upon. our
sense of personal power.
Without a sense of personal power we are filled with fear which reduces us to "surviving".


In the Third Stage we are dependable.
This dependability develops as we gain enough trust and respect for ourselves that we can become responsible for others.
Through positive experiences, we have learned that we definitely have an impact, not only on our own life, but also upon the lives
of others. Because of our earned self-esteem, we feel confident that we are reliable.

Unfortunately, people will take responsibility for other people's lives while they are still in the dependent stage or when they have
not yet learned to be responsible even for themselves.
These actions can create generation after generation of dysfunctional families.


As humans we have the ability to remember the past and the future while remaining aware of the present.
However, much of our true SELF becomes lost in our unconscious mind. This loss leaves us with a feeling of separation from the
whole, a fear that we are limited in our ability to achieve our desires, and a belief that we have to work hard to accomplish our

Third dimensional society and "science" seek to prove that the only reality that exists is the one we perceive with our five physical
senses and urges us to believe that our 3D perceptions of reality ARE the only reality. From this state of consciousness, spirit
congeals into matter and our consciousness is limited to our ego.
Hence, the need for the development of a strong sense of ego is often gained at the cost of losing our sense of group identity. This
limitation is especially in especially predominant in the Western World where individual achievement and possessions often
become the most important parts of our lives.

Awareness of our Spiritual Self can only be remembered when we have expanded our consciousness to encompass the higher

dimensions. Then we can release our dependency upon others and heal our sense of powerlessness and victimization. We then

become independent in a new sense because we have realized that we and we alone, are creating our reality.
We are, thereby, more dependable then ever because we are not waylaid from our promises and goals by our own "unconscious"

As we become more aware of the many aspects of our once forgotten self, our consciousness expands to encompass more that

our ego and even more than our third dimensional reality.
As we - Our Third Dimensional Consciousness - expands from:
Individual Consciousness TO ~ Group Consciousness TO ~ Community Consciousness TO ~ National
Consciousness TO ~ Collective Consciousness TO ~ Planetary Consciousness TO ~ Galactic Consciousness.

As our consciousness expands, so does our definition of the world in which we live.

I expand my consciousness to the next step. I am three-dimensional. I am aware of myself as an individual human, but still I
struggle for survival. I need to feed myself, shelter myself, and cover my body. I wish to find a mate and create children. Is there

Yes, there are feelings and thoughts. With my thoughts I remember my past. My feelings fill these memories with happiness, pain,
love, or fear. With my thoughts I plan the future which I desire.

But do I have the power to create my life or am I a victim to the world around me?


Fourth dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, length, breadth, height, volume, and time.

The fourth dimension is also known as the Astral Plane, and the primary consciousness of this dimension is the Astral Body, which is also known
as the "higher human." Because of the octave leap in vibration from third to fourth dimension the Astral Body is of a higher vibration known as
etheric and fourth dimensional perception of past, present, and future is more fluid, as the laws of time and space change.

On the fourth dimension, we can reintegrate our group identity without the loss of our personal ego, as it is the last vibration where physical
vehicles are used to contain individual consciousness.

However, because of the fluid nature of time and space our astral forms naturally morph. Hence, there is a huge mobility of form. It is the realm
of the "shape shifters" of which mythology speaks.

A shaman or holy person who can shape shift has learned to ground their astral form upon the third dimension so completely that they can
temporarily change their third dimensional form.

Much of our third dimensional life also exists upon the fourth dimension in a format of a higher vibration, but we are not aware of it because that
reality is NOT in sync with our physical time and space. We can have a dream of an entire lifetime and wake up to find that only five minutes of
our physical time has passed.

Our astral reality, as well as our other physical incarnations, is not perceivable to our third dimensional self unless we have remembered our

Multidimensional Consciousness.

The fourth dimension is the realm which holds the awareness of our body's first and second dimensional components, as well as all our past
experiences of this life and all other third dimensional lives. We can expand our third dimensional consciousness into the fourth dimension
through gaining an awareness of the inner-workings of our physical body, remembering our dreams, and having intense experiences of passion,
emotion, creativity, and/or spirituality.

The Astral Plane is the realm of dream life. When we are "asleep", we are unconscious in the third dimension, but we are conscious in the fourth

Our fourth dimensional Astral Body possesses advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic ability, intuition, magic, and creativity. As we expand
our mind to frequency of the fourth dimension, we can experience more and more of these qualities while in our physical form.

Some people are born with an innate connection to their fourth dimensional self and must "work" to ground their consciousness in a third
dimensional world that often feels foreign and hostile.

Others are born without this awakened connection, and they usually feel more comfortable and "at home" within the third dimensional paradigm.
These people often feel cut off from the higher dimensional portions of themselves and may not even believe that "higher selves" even exist.

However, our astral body does exist and its highest vibration is our Spiritual Guidance. Much like a person upon a mountaintop can observe and
guide the residents of the valley below, our higher astral self can observe us upon the third dimension and give us guidance. Through the
expanded perception of our fourth dimensional self we can create great changes in our physical world.

However, the fourth dimension still has the polarization of light and dark, and this realm is not necessarily more loving, especially upon the lower

Upon the fourth dimension, thought and feelings create reality much more quickly than upon the third dimension, and fear can create evil as
easily as love can create beauty and joy.


There are different planes, which are increases in frequency, which we can access by expanding our conscious.

The Lower Astral Plane holds the invisible emanations of all the fear and negativity that is projected into it from the physical plane.
The Lower Astral has been known as Hell, with Purgatory being above that. Fourth dimensional consciousness feeds into and
extends third dimensional emotions.

Therefore, it is often known as the "realm of emotion". The Lower Astral, which holds the third dimension's negative emotions, is
not a pleasant experience and a path must be forged through it into the higher sub-planes-such as Faerie.

The Land of Faerie, which we read about as children in our "Fairy Tales", actually exists upon the middle fourth dimension. Faerie
acts as respite after we have forged our pathway through the fear and darkness of the Lower Astral Plane.

After we have experienced Faerie, we can travel in our fourth dimensional consciousness (or fourth dimensional bodies) into the
Emotional Plane, also known as the Astral Plane, to learn about the master of our emotions.

From there, we can travel up into the Mental Plane to learn mastery of our thoughts.

In the Causal Plane, also known as the Higher Mental Plane, we can learn the cause and effect of how thoughts and feelings
create our world. The Spiritual Plane connects us to the higher guidance of our I AM Presence.

One of the maps (there are many maps) of the sub-planes of the fourth dimensions with the highest vibration on the top is:
CAUSAL/SPIRITUAL - learn laws of cause and effect and Spiritual Guidance
MENTAL - learn mastery over our thoughts
ASTRAL/EMOTIONAL - learn mastery over emotions
LAND OF FAERIE - overlaps emotional, mental, and causal plane
LOWER ASTRAL - learn mastery over dark side - i.e. fear and negative emotions

Interface between third and fourth dimension.

The fourth dimension is like a stream that creates a bridge into the higher dimensions. The base of the bridge is where the

physical and astral bodies overlap. This area is known as the Etheric Body.

The Etheric Body is of a vibration between the third and fourth dimension. This body encompasses the physical body and extends

beyond it a few inches.


Each of the sub-planes of the fourth dimension has a correlate body, with every body resonating to a higher vibration than the

The Emotional Body, also known as the Astral Body, is higher in vibration than the etheric and physical bodies
and extends beyond them.

Overlaid on the lower frequency bodies is the Mental Body, which is also of higher vibration, and extends
beyond the Emotional Body.

Then the Causal Body, again another increase in vibration, overlays the other bodies and extends beyond the
Mental Body.

Finally, there is the Spiritual Body, the I AM Presence, which is the highest in vibration and extends beyond
all the other bodies. The I AM Presence is the guardian to the Rainbow Bridge, which crosses over into the
fifth dimension.
All the fourth dimensional bodies exist over, under, around, and through the physical body, but they cannot be seen by our five

physical senses.

If we can perceive the fourth dimension consciously, we can expand our awareness enough to cross the Rainbow Bridge into our
Superconscious Mind of the fifth dimension.

We navigate out travel into and through the fourth dimension with our desires, thoughts, and emotions. A metaphor of this would

be sailing the ocean. We are the boat, the ocean is the Astral Plane, the location we wish to reach is our desire, our thoughts are
the sail and the steering, and the wind is our emotions.

If our emotions are fearful and tumultuous we will have an uncomfortable ride.

Even though our desire is for the higher planes of the fourth dimension, our personal imbalance will limit our entry to the Lower
Astral Plane where fear, which is the lack of emotional balance, rules. If we wish to journey to the higher planes of the fourth
dimension we must keep our thoughts harmonious and our feelings centered in the infinite balance of love. In that manner,
eventually, we can experience all the planes of the fourth dimension.

Then our I AM Presence can lead us across the Bridge into the fifth dimension and beyond.

I step into the fourth dimension. I see my connection to all of life and to my third dimensional selves on the step below me.

However, I still experience myself as an individual.

My reality is very mutable now. Persons and places change quickly, but I am aware that it is my thoughts and feelings that dictate
these experiences. My fearful thoughts create frightening situations, and my loving thoughts bring me happiness. If I follow my
fear, I go down into a world of torment and sorrow.

However, if I follow love, I see a Rainbow Bridge of Light.


Fifth dimensional consciousness is awareness of length, breadth, height, time, and spirit.

All life upon the fifth dimension lives in the Unity Consciousness of Spirit, but there is still an experience of "I" as an individual member of the
group. Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here, and there is NO illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant
experience of the Oneness of God/Goddess/All That Is.

The primary consciousness of this dimension is androgynous, stellar beings living in Lightbodies. These Lightbodies are light based rather than
our carbon based physical bodies.

Our Lightbodies have the awareness of our lower selves without the physical limitations. These forms have no need for pain to learn their

Therefore, they do not need the protection and warning signals of the physical body. Our fifth dimensional selves have integrated the lessons
that their lower dimensional selves are learning through the experiences of "Schoolroom Earth," and do not need physical suffering to learn.

All actions on this plane are based upon love because, just as a dead leaf cannot survive the higher vibration of a fire, fear cannot survive the
higher vibration of the fifth dimension. If we were to experience fear while in the fifth dimension, our vibration would drop and our consciousness
would instantly be lowered to the lower sub-planes of the fourth dimension.

It is only within the consciousness of fifth dimensional Unconditional Love that we can maintain a conscious connection with our Spirit SELF.

On the fifth dimension, experience, creation, and travel are created in harmony with the Divine Will of God/Goddess/All That Is. Every being,
place, situation, or location that is desired becomes instantly manifest.

If we do choose the experience of movement, it feels like a combination of flying and treading water. Our Lightbodies, like our fourth dimensional
bodies, are mutable and can easily change form. Just as we can change our location or experience with our desire, we can also change the
form of the "body" that surrounds our consciousness.

The fifth dimension is the beginning of ascension. Hence, all consciousness there is naturally multidimensional.

The awareness of the fourth and third dimension are as automatic as looking at our hands and feet. Since there is no sense of separation, we
can experience our third and fourth dimensional realities within the same moment that we are experiencing our fifth dimensional Lightbody.

Because there is no feeling of limitation, we can easily believe that we are "alive" and "conscious" within many different vibratory rates. Just as
our third dimensional consciousness is aware that we are also made of the minerals, water, genetic codes, and biological matter of the first and
second dimension, our fifth dimensional self is aware that we are also third and fourth dimensional beings.

On the fifth dimension we live in,

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Forgiveness
Unconditional Acceptance
We hold no judgment, guilt, or negativity towards the "lower" portions of ourselves that are striving to remember our "Higher Selves".

In fact, our fifth dimensional self serves as a guide to the lower aspects of our consciousness, as well as to others.

There are also sub-planes of the fifth dimension, but awareness of, and therefore writings about, them are minimal. It has been my experience
that there is a threshold upon which we wait for our Divine Complement. Our Divine Complement, also known as our
Twin Flame, is the opposite
polarity of our integrated male/female androgynous Lightbody that was split off from us when we took embodiment in the lower dimensions.

I am upon the step of the fifth dimension and see that there are many steps above me. I am aware of and united with the portions of myself upon
the lower steps, as well as my other fifth dimensional realities.

Love and fear, beauty and ugliness, are only polarities of a single concept.

I live in unity with the male and female expressions of my being. I have learned to Unconditionally Love, Unconditionally Accept, and
Unconditionally Forgive all life and the portions of that life that I identify as myself. I have a sense of personal identity within the unity of All That

My thoughts and feelings are instantly manifested, and my body of Light lives forever in the NOW.

Understanding Dimensions of Consciousness

All five dimensions exist within, are a portion of, and emanate from, our third dimensional body. We are a vessel that we fill with
our own
multidimensional universe.

As we become aware of the five dimensions of ourselves, we can become conscious of their relationship to each other. Then we can begin to
understand how the many dimensions of ourselves integrate within our conscious, unconscious and superconscious awareness. (see below

Many ancient prophesies, current books, and other web sites speak of a great shift that our planet, in fact our entire galaxy, is about to undergo.

These prophecies say that the third dimension is collapsing into the fourth and fifth dimension. As a metaphor, think of a travel cup with the
smallest bottom section of the cup being the third dimension, the middle section of the cup being the fourth dimension, and the largest top
section of the cup being the fifth dimension.

If you were to partially collapse the cup, the bottom section (third dimension) would be surrounded by the middle (fourth dimension) with the top
section (fifth dimension) just above it. However, if you were to completely collapse the cup you would see the bottom section (third dimension)
surrounded first by the middle (fourth dimension) and then by the top section (fifth dimension).

If these prophecies are correct, if we are collapsing into the higher dimensions of ourselves,
How can we be conscious of this process?
How can we help both our selves and others?
Perhaps if we can each take personal responsibility for raising our own consciousness we can assist in raising the consciousness of our group,
nation, planet, and galaxy.

Could one person have that much power? Perhaps, as we raise our individual consciousness, we will realize that we are not "just one person."

Regardless of whether or not we are moving into the next dimension, our third dimensional Earth is suffering from our disregard for Her body.
We are running out of unpolluted "space" and running out of "time" to repair the damage we have done.

If we don't raise our consciousness, if we remain "unconscious" of our physical destructive behavior and "unconscious" of how we create our
world with our thoughts and feelings, we may not have a "Schoolroom Earth" for our higher dimensional selves to enter.

We must awaken NOW.

We must remember our true multidimensional nature so that our UNCONSCIOUS, CONSCIOUS, and SUPERCONSCIOUS selves can merge
into the Multidimensional Consciousness that is our innate heritage and true foundation.

We are a vessel of light, and our LIGHT is multidimensional!














point & line

point, line, length,

breadth, height, &

point, line, length,

breadth, height,
volume & time

point, line, breadth,

length, volume, time
& spirit

mineral kingdom

plants, biological
creatures w/o selfawareness

higher animals &


higher human astral


androgynous lightbody



conscious to external
senses unconscious
to internal senses

conscious to external
unconscious to

conscious only to
CNS--5 senses

indicate reality

unconscious to this
plane until awakened
doorway is body &

unconscious to this
plane unless


mineral, water, genetic


lower brain autonomic

NS life support + all
the above

entire humanoid form

+ all the above

etheric & astral form +

all the above

light matrix &

meridians of physical
form + all the above

no awareness of

instincts & body clock

time/space past,
present & future

time/space is mutable
& different from 3D

no time or space only

Nowness Hereness &

no awareness of

survival of species

polarization of light
and dark cause/effect
time/space & work

still polarization of light

& dark still
cause/effect &

no polarization
unconditional love,
forgiveness &

no travel except within

physical body

instinctual only

use will to take time to

travel across space

desire location and fly

or morph reality to get

desired location &

experience instantly
manifest or

slow metamorphosis
into form

procreation for survival

of species nest
building & some tool

procreation to love
making thoughts &
feelings slowly create

sex for magic and

lovemaking reality
quickly created by
thoughts, feelings &


sex is merging with

Twin Flame reality
instantly created by
thoughts & feelings

foundation for physical

planet and body

life, beauty food chain

guide to lower beings

& balance Earth's

mineral atoms to

single cells to

higher animal to
dependable selfrealized human








Three Stages of Consciousness

individual awareness & awareness of self & all

3D lives

awareness of self, all

5D lives, all 4D lives
& all 3D lives

guide to 3D self assist Higher Self to 4D & 3D

newly dead
selves balance
lower astral to causal

5 D threshold to
threshold to Soul



1. external inhabitants of first dimension

i.e.: rocks and crystals

2. external inhabitants of second

dimension i.e.: plants and insects

3. animals in external world

4. intellect and reason

5. ego/outer self

6. willful thoughts and reactive emotions

7. pertinent information relayed to brain by

central nervous system i.e.: conscious,
willful movement, &information that you
do not desire to touch, taste, see, hear,
or smell

8. reality that is observed with 5 senses

9. memories of conscious experience i.e.:

experiences attended to when they


10. memory of past experiences i.e.:

pleasant memories

11. some emotional needs of present self

12. locations which were consciously

attended to while traveling there

13. cause and effect of conscious actions

14. physical need for sex

15. intentional effect upon lover

16. goals achieved by "work"

17. present, ego based desire for goal

18. "hard work" creates reality

19. some sensations of physical body

20. some dreams & their meaning

21. purposeful intention

22. information from 5 physical senses

23. communication via hearing & some

visual input

24. present life

25. physical guides & mentors




1. internal components of first dimension

i.e.: water, minerals, genetic coding of

2. external components of second

dimension i.e.: life support of
autonomic nervous system

3. animal component of 3D self

4. instincts and intuition

5. inner self

6. self-talk and repressed emotions

7. nervous system stimuli that is not

consciously attended to i.e.: reflexive

movement, & information from

autonomic nervous system

8. realities that are not observable with 5


9. memories of unconscious experiences

i.e.: experiences not attended to when
they happened

10. memories of past experiences i.e.:

repressed, unpleasant memories

11. many emotional needs of past &

present self & inner child

12. locations that were NOT consciously

attended to while traveling there

13. cause and effect of unconscious


14. emotional need for sex

15. unintentional effect upon lover

16. goals achieved by intention & desire

17. past, emotionally based desire for goal

18. thoughts & feelings create reality

19. unconscious physical body sensations,

etheric double, astral body, higher


20. most dream & their meanings

21. imagination, instincts, latent creativity

22. information from higher, inner senses

i.e.: ESP, psychic ability

1. all inhabitants of 3D-5D simultaneously

2. all inhabitants of 3D-5D simultaneously

3. all inhabitants of 3D-5D simultaneously

4. the "knowing"

5. Higher Self

6. every thought & feeling because it is

instantly manifest

7. all information relayed to all members

of 5D Unity Consciousness

8. collective reality chosen to be


9. all memories of all experiences of 1D to

5D simultaneously

10. memories of all past, present,& future

experiences of 3D & 4D

11. emotional needs instantly manifest into


12. each location that is thought of is

instantly experienced

13. cause & effect are merged into instant


14. sex is a need to merge into Oneness

15. all love is intentional & unconditional

16. goals are Divine Will

17. NO ego based desires, emotions

instantly manifested

18. reality chosen by thoughts & feelings

19. sensations of all 3D-5D "bodies"

20. dreams are 4D way of communicating

21. Divine Purpose

22. information of all 3D, 4D & 5D lives

23. communication via merging into

experience of Oneness

24. all 3D, 4D past, present & future lives

25. guides & mentors within and above fifth


26. physical body

27. present physical time

28. individual consciousness

29. separate individuals

30. limitations of everyday life

31. concept of God

32. physical mate in 3D world

33. outer identity of human mate

34. conditional love, conditional

forgiveness, conditional acceptance
i.e.: I will love you if you

35. awareness of this 3D life

36. awareness of human self

23. communication by telepathy, empathy,

intuition & visual cues of body


24. past lives, past deaths, past and

present birth

25. spiritual guides & mentors

26. etheric & astral body

27. time/space paradigm

28. collective consciousness

29. Communication with All That IS

30. freedom from physical limitation

31. Reality of God/Goddess/All That Is

32. Divine Complement in 5D world

33. true identity of human mate

34. true love, true forgiveness, true

acceptance i.e.: I love you truly

35. awareness of ALL 3D LIVES, & present

4D life

36. awareness of Spirit present internal

components of first dimension i.e.:

water, minerals, genetic coding of body

26. Lightbody & Soul body

27. Nowness

28. Unity Consciousness

29. Oneness with All That Is

30. freedom from all limitations

31. merging with God/Goddess/All That Is

32. merging with Divine Complement

33. awareness of 5D self of all human


34. Unconditional Love, Unconditional

Forgiveness, Unconditional
Acceptance for others & for self

35. awareness of all 3D, 4D, & 5D lives

36. awareness of Soul

The Unconscious

We can think of our unconscious like a deep pond.

The surface of the pond is visible to our conscious self and we can interact with it by swimming, fishing, or wading. We have little awareness of
what lies hidden at the bottom of the pond. Things of a higher vibration, such as a leaf or a feather, float on the surface of the pond, but things of
a lower vibration, like a rock, sink to the bottom of the pond.

However, even the feather and the leaf may eventually sink to the bottom of the pond over time.

Our happy experiences and memories are of a higher vibration because they are filled with love and can float on the surface of our

consciousness. On the other hand, our unhappy experiences and memories are of a lower vibration because they are filled with fear.

These fearful memories and experiences sink to the bottom of the depths of our unconscious, our lower astral plane. Just as the bottom of a
pond is murky and obscured so is our deepest unconscious.

To clear our old feelings of fear, guilt and shame we must enter the water of our unconscious to rescue these portions of our psyche that are
trapped there.


I turned to walk away, but with my very first step I knew that I must stay.

If I could not see what was in the pond, maybe I would have to feel it. Maybe, I would have to actually enter the pond and feel its dark waters
upon me.

The thought of entering the murky water made me cringe. Should I keep my clothes on as some meager attempt at protection or should I enter
the water as naked as the day I was born?

I knew the answer. I must face the depths without any external protection. I must find my protection in the courage that it would take to enter the
murky pond. Courage, which was deep within my core, would be my only protection to face the darkness and the secrets that it held.

I shed my clothes quickly, before I lost my nerve, and jumped into the foreboding pond. I held my breath and immediately dove to the bottom. I
navigated with my arms, as I was not quite ready to open my eyes.

When I touched the bottom of the pond, I knew that I must open my eyes while I still had enough air in my lungs to remain at the bottom. A
vision of muck and grime awaited my opening eyes. But what was that-just over there?

Something golden was sparkling against the surrounding filth. Oh it must be rescued, I thought. It does not belong here. This golden thing is
different from the dirt that surrounds it.

I swam to the golden sparkle and wiped the mud from its surface. The dark mud hovered in the water, waiting to again cover the golden object. I
reached for the treasure with the intention of bringing it to the surface, but found that it was held fast to the bottom of the pond. I pulled and
pulled, but it did not budge.

Finally, I stood on the silt-covered bottom to gather enough resistance to free the bit of gold. My toes squished into the sticky mud and my
struggle filled the water with silt. I had to close my eyes to protect them and pulled upon the golden object while I pushed against the floor of the

Yet nothing worked and I was running out of oxygen. Would I have to abandon the treasure that lay hidden in the murky pond's depths? I stood
still for a moment and released my hold on the golden object. It instantly sank back into the mire.

Only a small portion of it glistened through the filthy water. With shame, I realized that I could not free the treasure. Then I remembered that it
had been my intention to "feel" the water. Yes, now I felt it. It felt like shame, and guilt, and most of all, it felt like fear.

The fear permeated every rock and every atom of the pond. No wonder that which was beautiful could not be freed. As I stopped my struggle,
the mud that had filled the water began to settle-settle onto me.

I felt it clawing at my skin reminding me of feelings that I had felt outside of the dark pond. NO! I must leave these depths and the feelings that
they aroused in me. I could not save the treasure. I would have to leave it in the murky depths.

Besides, I could hold my breath no longer. I must return to the surface. The thought of escape felt good and necessary. I swam to the surface
with a mixture of relief and sadness, relief that I could free myself from the silt and sadness that I could not free the hidden treasure.

My head bobbed above the surface of the pond and a cool rain rinsed the dirt off my face. I swam to the edge of the pond and pulled myself onto
a rock. Standing, I allowed the gentle rain to cleanse my body. The feel of the fresh water upon my skin rejuvenated and calmed me.

The mud of the pond was easily cleared, for it was never mine. I realized then that the filth of the pond was something that I had temporarily
taken on, temporarily experienced.

I looked at the pond again. It seemed clearer now. The mud that I had stirred up had again settled to the bottom. I remembered the bit of gold
that was still trapped there. How could I free it?

I would have to again enter the murky pond and swim down into its darkest depth. Could I remember my own purity, even when the mud clung
to my form?

Could I find the bit of gold hidden beneath the silt and bring it to the surface?
"Yes," I cried to the sun that was breaking through the clouds. "I shall find what has been lost. That which has been buried and

forgotten shall be found and returned.

Something of great value is lost in the depths of the darkness, and I must retrieve it."


It is a New World that we walk into.

This New World is filled with challenges that we can't yet imagine. We have told ourselves that if there were no fear and conflict that life would be
easy. However, is it easy to learn how to hold the consciousness of a cloud?

We have worn these earthen bodies for so many third dimensional lives that we have forgotten the myriad of forms that our consciousness can
create to define and protect us. We have defined ourselves as human and learned to protect ourselves with battle and prayer. However, we
could not protect ourselves from each other.

We humans have always been our own greatest enemy.

What will it be like when we are fifth dimensional and there are NO polarities, NO teachers, NO saviors, and NO enemies?

How will it feel when we hold all polarities within our form?

How will it feel when we are male and female, together in an androgynous Lightbody?
If we can IMAGINE how it will feel, if we can REMEMBER how it has felt, it will hasten our transformation.

However, in order to remember the feeling of our true multidimensional selves, we will also have to rewrite the old mental programs of limitation
and separation.

We created these programs during our many third dimensional lives. These programs will not allow us to believe that we deserve the light that
has come into our bodies. Because we dont believe we deserve the Light, we cannot use it to create the life that we truly DO desire.

To release these old programs of fear and limitation, we will journey into our deep unconscious. We will enter the murky pool of repressed pain
and fear, so that we can rescue those portions of ourselves that have become trapped there. Down we will go into our deepest unconscious, into
our first and second dimensional bodies.

We will journey into our humanoid animal and into our genetic coding. Then we will enter our lower astral self, which is the storehouse of our
deepest hidden darkness. We will have the courage to travel there because we KNOW that we are NOT "just physical".

We know that we are pure consciousness and the bodies that hold our consciousness are in need of repair.

Mental programs and emotional beliefs were learned a long time ago when we were children. That is, we were children either in our years or in
our awareness. Now we will step across the threshold of our unconscious and into our deepest self.

Programs that once protected us have become limitations. We are ready to rewrite or release them. When these old programs were created, we
did not have the power to deal with the situations at hand.

Hence, we had to create a defense mechanism so that we could protect ourselves enough to survive a situation that was beyond our control.

However, we now know that these defense mechanisms were like training wheels, which allowed us to get by until we could learn to ride
through life without them.

We are ready NOW to travel down the seven stairs into our deepest core so that we can rewrite programs of fear and helplessness and replace
them with programs of love and power.

Return to Dimensions and Hyperdimensions

Return to Consciousness and Science

Return to Multidimensionality

You Are A Multi-Dimensional Being

You Are A Multi-Dimensional Being - 9 July 2011

9 July 2011
We are all multi-dimensional beings. We know this but continually forget. It is time to
We all came from One point of Nothing - No-Thing - Infinite Source. One dimension.
We then accepted Duality - two dimensions - and thus experienced a feeling of separation
from Source. This duality explains male/female, right/wrong, up/down, etc. all the
duality that we currently experience.
Once divided from Nothing into Something, we became Three Dimensional bodies. Our
current physicality in the three-dimensional world is our strongest perception at the
current point of our evolution.
Our 3-D physicality has consciousness. Everything is conscious. Consciousness is the
Fourth Dimension.
The Fifth Dimension is the Soul. Consciousness is just awareness. Soul is full
consciousness. Soul is an electromagnetic memory device.
The Sixth Dimension is the level of Concepts. Concepts like Love, Peace, Joy, Gravity,
Truth. Thus Jesus was called an Immaculate Concept(ion). He was from the Sixth
Dimension and fully consciously aware of himself at least up to that dimension.
The Sixth Dimension may be the residence of the so called "Great Beings" like the
Sun. Jesus was called the Son/Sun. The Earth is functioning at a Sixth Dimensional
level, as is Mars, Jupiter and our planets.
As for the Seventh Dimension and beyond, i am not sure. This is possibly where the
Concepts collect into a Singular Entity/Mind like maybe The Solar System or
Shamballah, Paradise, Valhalla; or even Shiva, Ra or God.
All the dimensions exist all at once and all at the same time. We are part of all
dimensions all at once and are functioning on all dimensions all at once. We are just not
consciously aware of the dimensions from our lower level of consciousness that we
currently use as our focus.
Creation happens at the Sixth Dimension with raw concepts.
"Dead" people that were ever conscious (and all are conscious to some extent) are Fourth
Dimensional beings and are hanging out at the 4-D level with the Earth.
Ascended people or enlightened "dead" people are Fifth Dimensional beings. These

beings lost their physical bodies for some reason but are still fully conscious souls. These
souls can find another body and reincarnate, or possess a less conscious being, or even
share a body.
It is true that without a physical body it is almost impossible to expand
consciousness. Once a being has lost their body, they do not evolve much more.
So how did we get bodies in the first place?
"And God said, 'Let us create man in our own image.'" The Seventh Dimensional Beings
and all the other dimensions got together and concept(ualized) us into existence. DNA is
a naturally occuring phenomenon as shown by David Wilcock
( Isis (Gene-of-Isis/Genesis) and Osiris (Oh-Sire-Us) got
together with Anubis (a-new-bus/vehicle) and conceptualized/imaged us into
existence. Perhaps the DNA was consciously manipulated or evolved into our current
state of human body. The experiments along the way explain the human/animal forms
seen in many ancient hieroglyphs. Once in a form, the DNA could be manipulated and
the Beings could be made to reproduce on their own via sexual intercourse.
The story of Jesus - which is the exact same story as Horus - is understood by this
explanation. Isis and Osirus (Mary and God) created an immaculate conception (perfect
image) and the physicality was created/manipulated into what is now know as human
The ancients didn't actually see much of their "gods". Instead they heard their voices and
saw signs. The ancient people didn't see much of their gods because there was not much
to see! Isis and Osiris created a god man, a son of god, Horus/Jesus as their first King or
ruler. Gradually the kingship was handed down to human pharohs.
The Fifth Dimensional beings could communicate with the Third Dimensional humans
because they were fully consciously aware of each other. Gradually we forgot our gods
because out of sight is out of mind. Not having bodies, our 5-D friends could not visit us
in a traditional way and our consciousness of them gradually faded. We are left with
ancient texts, hieroglyphs and symbols.
Our Fifth Dimensional parents have been working diligently to find a way to make bodies
for themselves and we have gradually begun to remember and communicate again with
the Fifth Dimension.
A Being must be fully formed - all dimensions intact - to be complete.
The Fifth Dimensional beings lost their bodies because they valued technology of the soul
over much and disparaged the physical form. That same belief has haunted us for
millenium. We have placed unbelievable taboos and restrictions on sexual conduct and

We have to remember the higher dimensions while valuing the third dimensional level
where we currently reside. The fifth dimensional beings have to learn to have a body
Together we will have a most magnificient Universe!

Multidimensional Beings
All beings are multi-dimensional including humans. Our problem is that we
have forgotten our multi-dimensional nature and have been disconnected from much of
ourselves. The variety of beings out there which you will become aware of through
awakening your third eye and spiritual transformation is truly amazing. From nature
spirits to angels to Extraterrestrials to huge beings maintaining the dimensions to the tiny
beings in particles, there are beings everywhere. An explanation of the infinite variety of
beings in existence is beyond the scope of any book as it is truly infinite. By awakening
your spiritual senses you will inevitably become aware of many different beings and you
will be able to communicate directly with them.
The communication used is telepathic although sometimes you may actually hear words.
Generally telepathy involves the transmission of feelings which the receiver can then put
into words much like a translation. There will always be information lost in translation
just like when trying to explain to someone an experience you have had. Can they ever
really know how you felt by your description alone? Can you know the taste of a piece of
fruit by a description? You may get some idea but you can never know until you taste it.
Indeed even with friends, loved ones and others here on earth telepathic communication
could rid the world of so many misunderstandings.
When communicating with beings in other dimensions it is sometimes a good idea to
save the translation for later. While communicating simply use the means available and
wait until the end to try to put things into words. Telepathy and inter-dimensional
communication is based on feelings. The reason most cannot communicate in this way is
that they are not in touch with their feelings.
There are some beings that are working with humans here on earth who are helping with
our spiritual transformation. These include Guides, Angels and Extra-Terrestrials. There
are other multidimensional beings that can and do interact with us such as Animals, but
these are the main ones that you will be in contact with and who will be helping with
your spiritual awakening. For this reason I will give a brief description of these beings.

Guides are usually other beings who have incarnated as humans before. They are just like
us accept they are not incarnated while they are your
guide. They may or may not incarnate again on earth but
generally they have incarnated at least once before. They
are fit to help guide you because they know what it is like
to be here and they are not currently incarnated. They are
essentially residing in their light body in higher
dimensions and so they have a much broader view of
reality. They are not distorted by the astral body so they
can communicate with many levels, beings and
dimensions clearly and with ease.
They have agreed to help guide you from the other side
for this life. They are in contact with your own higher
self and they know your purpose for incarnating on earth.
They know a lot about you and your future and will help in whatever way they can for
your highest good. However they cannot help you if you do not want them to or if what
you ask is against your higher self's purpose. All beings in higher dimensions respect
your free will and it is a rule that they may not impinge upon it. If you ask them to help
you they will certainly do all that they can (as long as what you ask for is within your
highest good).
Angels are from higher dimensions and do not
incarnate into matter. They are like creators
messengers and healers. They will always come when
asked and help to heal you and send you love. As they
come from higher dimensions of love and light they are
unable to really feel and understand what it is to be
human. They can send us love and healing and help to
guide us through certain periods of life. They are
essential when it comes to spiritual work as they send
vital light and love to help heal our energy bodies,
activate the Light body and repair its structures.
Without their help spiritual transformation would be extremely slow if possible at all.
There are different types of angels with specific tasks. For example a certain group of
angels play a huge role in pregnancy and birth. If you tune into a pregnant woman with
your third eye you will see and feel a huge amount of gold light around her which is the
light of these angels. Incarnation into matter is a very hard process for the incoming spirit
and these angels are vital for the process.
In the last 20 years a huge number of angels and other beings have begun to help with our
spiritual awakening and transformation. Prior to this it was far more difficult to make real
progress as the energies needed to transform and activate our energy bodies were not here
for us. 20 years ago it was extremely hard for an experienced meditator to have a past life
experience. They would have to meditate away from the city for days and have the help
of a connector before an experience could occur. Now with the help of so many angels
and other beings it has become very easy for even a total beginner to have a past life

experience first go. All that is needed are the simple techniques revealed in Past Life Regression.
Through your practices you will quickly become aware of the presence of angels around
you and you will be able to connect with them and communicate at any time. They are
truly amazing beings...

Animals are far more than meets the eyes. Most come from other areas of the universe
and in a certain respect they are Extra Terrestrials incarnated on earth. The bodies they
inhabit on their home planet may be completely different to their bodies here or may be
very similar. As humans are involved in a reincarnation cycle on earth, each group of
beings throughout the universe has there own reincarnation cycle. The beings of each
cycle have a similar consciousness and have similar personalities. They are expressing a
part of the creator simply by being themselves. All life is evolving to a certain extent and
so as each group continues its incarnations it gradually changes and becomes more of
itself. Individuals can incarnate into different cycles for a life and return to their cycle or
even leave their cycle and join another one if they desire to do so but generally groups
tend to stay together. The reason for this is that the individuals in a group all have a
connection to the same being of higher consciousness. For example all humans have
higher selves which have higher selves which have higher selves which eventually meet
up with each other. We are in fact the expression of a huge being that incarnates through
all of us. The same goes for other civilizations and groups of beings.
The interesting thing about earth is that the Human race has been doing something very
unique which has never been done before (more on this in A New Mythology). Due to
this it was necessary to have connections to all areas of the universe and to all types of
consciousness. So the animals are beings from all over the universe incarnating into life
forms here. You can tune into any animal including insects, birds, mammals, fish, etc and
you can follow the consciousness of the animal to wherever they come from. Of course
awakening your third eye will make this much more vivid but anyone can look at an
animal and get a feel of its consciousness.
It is important here to understand that the animals spirit or higher self comes through its
light body which like ours does not shine through with perfect clarity. Like us, animals
have an astral body which incarnates through the etheric and physical bodies. The light
body only has a tiny part actually incarnated in the physical and this part is obstructed by
the astral body. To see the being behind the animal (the higher self and the connections to
higher consciousness) you must follow its column above its head. Animals are in fact in
greater contact with their higher selves than humans so they know where they come from.
While asleep they dream of their home planet and maintain a conscious connection even
while awake. The connections held by animals on earth have been essential for the work
we have been doing. They are like grounding rods for high spiritual forces of light and
Animals may seem to be less evolved than humans but if you were to see them on their
home planets and in their multidimensional bodies you may realize that they are in fact
very advanced. They have incarnated here into bodies that are very restricted and very
much controlled by the instincts of the lower self as we reside in the 3rd dimension where

matter is extremely dense. Remember that it is only a small part of them that resides
within the body and as the instincts take control of their body in most situations many
conclude that they are of lower consciousness than us intelligent humans. This is an
illusion which was important for our purposes on earth.
Tuning into animals is probably the easiest way to awaken your spiritual senses and begin
to feel the various higher forces that are a part of our world. All animals resonate with
vast beings of higher consciousness and are but a part of these beings incarnating into the
third dimension. They have come here to help us with our purposes and are all beings of
infinite love and light.

From Dolores Cannon's The Convoluted Universe - Book Three



In Chapter 28 The Destruction of a Planet, I covered the story
of an individual who was new to Earth, who said he was only sent
to Earth during crucial times. This was another such individual.
D: Why did Jean decide to come back now? You said shed been
here in other pivotal points in Earths history.
J: This is the big one. (Laughs) This is the great one. This is
happening now. And many are remembering who they really
are, and are being contacted. The new children are being
brought in, and she loves the children. So shes helping
others to balance the energies. Its being a bridge. Bridging
the energies now. You are a bridge. Of course, you are. So
there are those of you that came in to help bridge the
information, to be the ambassadors.
D: To help these people wake up to who they are?
J: Absolutely. And to be okay. To accept any of them who
have experiences that they filed away. Its a big time on your
planet, because this is the big one. This is where you, as a
planet, awaken out of the dream of thinking youre alone.
That youre all that is. Your Earth is evolving. You are all
evolving. All eyes are on Earth right now, anyway. This is
the big one. Many fought to be here. Even children that
come in, even for hours. Youll all carry that, the badge of
having been here.
D: Even for a few hours?
J: Absolutely. To have been on this planet at a time of this kind of
evolution. No planet has ever quite evolved this way before,
this uniquely. If you were going to have the option to carry
the identification of having been on a planet that will be
known through the multiverse, even if you can be here for a

Click here for link

Those Left Behind





few hours, that you could say, I was on Earth at the time of
evolution. Why not?
Is this what I call the new Earth?(Yes)That there will be an
old and a new, and then a separation. (Yes.)And that some
wont make the evolution?(Yes. Yes.) Im still trying to
understand that.
It is difficult for many humans to understand this concept.
Im still trying to clarify this to myself, so I can explain it to
other people.
All right. We will give you this piece. For those that choose
to stay in karma, they have to live that out somewhere. So, do
they stay with the old Earth? Do they get taken to some
foreign planet? No, they stay where they created.
I see. And those are the ones that will not go on in the
Not at this time. No. Eventually. Not at this time. But that
will be difficult.
Then the old Earth will continue to exist?
Yes. This one.
Will the people in the old Earth be aware that anything has
happened when the evolution occurs?
All right. We will take you back to the time of Atlantis. In
your history, Atlantis had several destructions, and people
perceived that others died.
You mean there was more than one destruction?

This goes along with the information I have received about

multiple advanced civilizations being destroyed in various
cataclysmic ways. I was never sure if it was referring to different
civilizations that had reached a height of development, or if the
Atlantis demise occurred in stages.
J: Yes. There is an Atlantis that went on, and exists in time and
space. Therefore, from that perspective, that Atlantis exists
now in another dimension. So there will be those on the old


The Convoluted Universe - Book Three




Earth that will experience it, because they buy into the fear of
the death and destruction and devastation of Earth, and they
will be there. In their mind, they may perceive that all of you
are dead or gone, or whatever. And likewise, you may
perceive them as gone, but either way, there will be two
experiences. So think of this as already there. The
orchestration to create this experience is so much bigger than
any human can perceive at this time. This is a big
orchestration, not just occurring on your Earth, but with the
help of so many. So many. And no other planets have done
this before.
Ive been told that the whole universe is watching.
More than just the universe. There are those even fromother
universes that are watching.
Because they said this had never happened before, where an
entire planet moves into another dimension.
Never. Ever.
There have been groups. Ive heard the Mayans did it.(Yes)
But it was small groups. This is the first time that an entire
planet makes it. Thats why Ive been told its important.
Thats right. Also look at the fact that, as a consciousness,
you see yourselves as separate. Consciousness on this planet
was created in a unique way to be able to experience itself as
separate. Most races do not see that. Regardless of where
they are, they dont experience themselves as separate from
their Source. Your planet has.
So the ones who are part of the Federation, and work on the
ships, know their Source, and know where they come from?
Of course. And they love you humans. You dont even know
what youve done. They recognize there are primitive
behaviors on the planet, but to reach the level that you have,
based on the restrictions that youve had to work within. Its
amazing. Your capacity to love is deep. Your capacity of
fear is deep. Thats the power of control that gets everybody
in trouble. Fostered by the fear.

Those Left Behind

D: I know Earth was created with free will. But it was also
created with the idea of not knowing it was part of the
J: Yes. It was an interesting construct of consciousness, in that
it experienced itself as separate. Where else could there be
more growth than in a situation where you actually saw
yourself as separate from your Source?
D: But you said the other races know they are all part of the
J: Yes, they do. So can there be more soul growth on Earth?
D: If we thought we were alone, and then had to discover this all
by ourselves.
J: Yes. They have to discover the truth of who they are on their
own. Yes.
D: With nothing else to help them. I can see what you mean.
J: You have density here. You have the beauty. You have the
senses. You have much going on here, but you also have not
understanding. Look where you are.
D: Ive had many people have sessions where they go back to the
Source. They see how beautiful it is, and they dont want to
leave it again.
J: When you connect with the Source, it is the most beautiful
experience. So your question is what? Are the sessions
happening for them to connect with that Source?
D: Yes. Why is it happening? So they will know what its like,
or to remind them or ....?
J: For those that need to have that experience, yes. For some, it
would be too great, and they wouldnt be able to go on. They
would just as soon leave. Its different for each one of you.
Every person is different in terms of what they can and cannot
experience. And what it will trigger within their
subconscious, because each one of you is a unique and
individual fingerprint on the planet. There are no two of you
really alike. Think what a genius is the mastery of that.

The Convoluted Universe - Book Three






Think of the beauty and the wonder of that. And there are
many of you, other lifetimes now, working on the other side,
and they are all participating in this as well. You are never
alone, any of you.
We have to rediscover where we came from, and why were
here. But there was one question people have asked me, and
I think you have answered part of it. That if some are taken,
and some are left behind, wouldnt those that go on to the
new world notice the other members in their family were
gone? These are some things Im still trying to clarify, in our
way of thinking. I have to be able to explain it to people.
We understand. We understand. We understand. We will
give you this explanation. We hope this helps. People are
going to start falling out of peoples lives. Theyre going to
start noticing them falling away. Quite rapidly, now. In other
words, people, family members, whoever they have been
close to, just falling away, disappearing. It will all happen
overnight. So by the time the shift happens, some of those
people will already have fallen out of their life, will separate.
Will just disappear. Not be around. So and so moved over
here, left town, did this. Do you understand?
Yes, but we could go to the police and try to find the person,
or ....
It wont happen that way. It will be them moving away,
something happened, distancing, distancing, distancing. By
the time it actually occurs, the distance will be there. Havent
you had people fall out of your life lately?
Yes. Of course, we could always contact them if we needed
But you wont. Thats our point. You wont contact them.
It will just be a natural falling away. The frequencies and
vibrations will no longer match, and therefore, they will fall
out of your mind. The need to contact them wont be there.
And this means they are either staying with the old Earth, or
theyre going on to the new one?

Those Left Behind

J: In some cases, there have been those that have left early, and
are working on the other side of the veil. Youre aware of
that. But some of those that disappear, after a period of time,
you think, I wonder what happened to this person? But you
dont have the urge to contact them like you would normally.
You dont have that driving urge, Oh, Im concerned, I must
call. I must reach out. Its not the same. You find that your
need to connect with them just isnt there. It just falls away.
You forget.
D: Ive been told that at first, those who enter the new world will
have physical bodies. So we wont know when we have
actually made the shift, the separation. Is that correct?
J: That may be too simplistic of a description. For those of you
that came in to bridge this ... well explain it this way. As you
do your work, you facilitate. You help people to awaken, to
open up to more of who they are. To raise their vibration,
their frequency, to be able to resonate at the higher cycles per
second so they can make the shift. Does that make sense to
D: Yes. Thats what Im trying to help people to do.
J: Exactly, what youre helping people to do. Yes. It will
happen. Its not going to happen in the way that people think,
where therell be a cataclysm or this or that or the other thing.
No. It will just be like you wake up one morning, and you
think everythings normal, and youre going on, and you will
be there. You will notice a difference in resonance, but you
will already be there, because your resonance is increasing
every day already, as it is. And so, all of a sudden, one day,
you will reach the prerequisite cycles per second to take you
from here to there. Lets explain it this way. If somebody
came back right now from the eighteen hundreds to see you,
you would glow to them. Youve already reached those
cycles per second that would glow to a human form of, say,
the eighteen hundreds. So in essence, your cycles per second
are raising.

The Convoluted Universe - Book Three

Comment: Could this be one reason why when John and the
others went to visit Nostradamus (Conversations With
Nostradamus),he saw them as glowing energy spirits of the
future? Was this because they were actually vibrating at a faster
frequency that made them glow? That is something to think
J: Thats the reason youre a bridge to help others to raise their
cycles per second so they can make the shift. And the faster
you raise more people, they activate other people with their
frequencies and vibrations. So what you are doing is
activating more and more people on the planet, which
activates others, which raises the frequency of the planet. Do
you understand? Its all cyclic. Everything affects everything
else. You have people that come to Earth and dont have to
do anything, they are just strictly activators. Their energy
fields activate everybody elses. [See examples in this book.]
You have those that are working very hard and diligently, that
are like broadcasters. They broadcast out over the planet, like
a microwave signal.
D: This makes sense to me. This is why Ive been told age wont
make any difference.
J: Thats exactly right.
D: Well be functioning at a different level, different vibrations.
J: Different vibration, different cycles per second.
D: This is the way some of the other races (ETs, aliens) function,
dont they?
J: Yes. They age at a totally different rate. The goal for humans
is a longer life expectancy. Much longer. And also, creating
the bridge of understanding. And if you begin with health,
you are able to reach people in a non-invasive, nonthreatening way.
D: In this new world, where age wont matter, will the body
eventually die? The way we consider it on Earth now, in our

Those Left Behind

J: There will be some of you that will have the option not to die
at all. Just to make your transition, just to cross over. But not
everybodys going to be at exactly the same frequency at the
same time. Remember that.
D: Yes. I was thinking maybe the body would get to the point
that it could just maintain itself until the soul was ready to
J: Thats exactly right. Not for everyone, though. If you have
many people making this transition, and lets say that the
frequency has to be approximately 44,000 cycles per second
in order to make that frequency shift. Not everyone is going
to be at that frequency shift at the same time. Youre going
to have different variables in the frequency shift. There will
still be those of you that are on that front line, on that cutting
edge, even on the other side. Even in the new world. You
understand? Because there always will be. Because there
always are on every level. Every race always has those that
are out there on the cutting edge. A little further out, going a
little further, because thats evolution.
D: I was thinking that was the way it would be. Wed have a lot
more time to do our work, and to help reach people.
J: Of course.
D: We wouldnt have to worry about the limitations of the body.
J: Oh, the limitations of the body. No. Well, look at your
whole. You are already changing. You are going through
cellular changes. They are making adjustments on you.
D: Ive been told they were doing it on me.
J: Yes, they are. (Laugh) And because youre a spokesperson,
again, a bridge, who is more important to look good than
D: I guess. Well, if I hear it from enough people, maybe Im
going to believe it, anyway.
J: You need to believe it.


The Convoluted Universe - Book Three

D: Ive also been told that not everyone will make this shift into
the new world.
J: This is correct. When the Earth is going to make a shift,
theres the idea that many souls are allowed in for experience
because, as you say, you experience many things in your
growth as a soul. And so, there have been many, lets say,
beginners coming into the planet. Sometimes being in a class
with advanced students can be helpful. As you know, the old
country schoolhouses?(Yes)So you might have levels of
students all in the same room, and they all benefit from that.
But there finally comes a time when the students need to
move on. And that means that those who are left behind will
have to find their own planet. They will be put in other
schools, other places.
D: I always thought it sounded cruel to leave them behind.
J: Oh, no. They wont be left behind. They will be taken to a
place where they can grow.
D: Thats the way Ive understood it, too. It would be like a
J: Its more natural. Its like when you leave your body, you go
to another dimension and you grow in that dimension, and
you may or maynot come in as another body here. You may
go somewhere else. And if the whole Universe is a body,
there are many, many galaxies and planets where they can go.

MORE INFORMATION about how our bodies and the entire world will go
through the dimensional shift process, and it will be undetected by those
around who do not make the shift or change:
Our bodies and everything around us are now increasing their
vibratory rate and adjusting to a new frequency. Every cell of the body
begins to vibrate at such a fast rate that it turns to light. When this begins,
the temperature of the body increases and the body stars to glow with light.
When every cell is vibrating at a very high rate, you will disappear from
normal vision and move into a higher dimensional reality. This is because
the body has moved in vibration beyond the third dimension and is now
vibrating on a much higher dimensional level. This means that you will not
go through the death process, as you will then have a Light Body. Aging
will not exist for you, and you will have stepped into the next dimensional
reality. You can then access the next stage of spiritual evolution.
They have emphasized that this has happened down through time to
certain individuals and small groups of people. But what makes it unique
now, is that it will be the first time that an entire planet will make the shift
into another dimension. This will be the new Earth and the new world. This
is described in the Bible as the new heaven and the new Earth. The others
who are not ready, will be left behind (just as it says in the Bible) to
continue to live out their karma. They will not even be aware that anything
has happened. Those who have not become enlightened, will have to return
to another, denser planet that is still involved with negativity, to work out
their remaining karma. They will not be allowed to come to the new Earth
because their vibration will not match.
The Earth is a living being. She has been evolving just as we are, albeit
at a much slower rate. She is now preparing to move into her next
incarnation, which will happen when she raises her vibrations and
frequencies to take her into another higher dimension. She has tolerated
humans living on her since the beginning, and it doesnt matter to her
whether we go with her or not. She is moving regardless, and if we choose
to go, it is our decision. We have created such a nuisance that she would
rather we didnt go with her. We are like fleas on a dog, and it is obvious
that we have caused great damage and distress to this beautiful planet. So if
we want to go with her on this next adventure then we have to make
changes in ourselves. Our frequency and vibration must be raised, or we
will be left behind.

At a lecture in Chicago in 2006, I was discussing the evolution of the

New Earth. I was describing the vision that Annie Kirkwood had about the
Earth splitting into two Earths. How, as the one divided into two separate
Earths the people on each would not be aware of what was happening on the
other. Those who had raised their frequency and vibration would ascend
into the New Earth as it evolved and lifted into a different dimension. Thus
becoming invisible to the ones left behind. There have been several things
about this concept that bothered me. I always like to have the answers, I
guess because of my great curiosity. I have felt there are gaps or holes that
needed to be filled. Pieces that needed to be explained. Someone in the
audience asked the question about how this could happen, and those on one
Earth not be aware of what was happening on the other one. Suddenly I had
a revelation. A thought came to me that might be the glimmering of an
understandable explanation. It is always wise to trust these flashes of
intuition and knowledge because often they are coming from our guides. In
this case, it might have been coming from the same source that gives me all
of the information through my clients. I suddenly said, A possible
explanation just came to me.

Earlier in the lecture I had talked briefly about the theory of parallel
universes and the lives that are created by our thoughts and decisions. In
Book One, I wrote about a theory I had never heard of, and that gave me a
headache trying to understand. In brief it says that: Any time an individual
has to make a decision they usually have more than one choice. This is what
I call, Coming to a crossroad. They have to decide one way or another. It
could be a decision about a marriage, a divorce, a job, anything. They
ponder each choice and put a great deal of energy into deciding which path
to take. Then they make a decision. We have all experienced these
crossroads. We know that had we chosen to go the other path, our lives
would be totally different. But what happens to the energy that we have sent
into the other decision that was not chosen? It also becomes a reality!
Another universe or dimension is instantly created to act out the other
decision, and another you is also created to be the player in that scenario.
This was the simple explanation because it does not only happen when we

are faced by major decisions. It can happen each and every time we are
faced with choices, no matter how big or small. Each time we make a
decision, another universe or dimension is instantly created so the other
choice can also become a reality, and another you splits off to play that
part. They are all just as real as the present life we are focused on. We are
not aware of these other parts of us, and it is wise we are not. Our human
minds would never be able to handle it all. I was told that the problem is not
with the brain, it is with the mind. There are simply no concepts within our
human mind to allow us to comprehend all the complexities of it. That is
why we will never be allowed to have all the answers. There is no way we
could understand. So they (in their wisdom) choose what small pieces to
give us during this time of awakening, so we will have some expanded
information And as our minds expand to encompass new ideas and theories,
they will give us some more small morsels. I personally am grateful for the
bits and pieces I am given. It shows that our minds are awakening. This is
the only way we are going to be able to handle the concept of our Earth
changing frequency and vibration in order to shift into a different
dimension. The information I am receiving now I could never have even
begun to understand when I started my work over thirty years ago. So I can
see this reflected in the books I have written over these years.

The revelation that came to me during the lecture in Chicago was

that perhaps the reason people on each Earth will not be aware of each
other, and what is happening, might be that it will be similar to the concept
of creation of parallel universes and dimensions. Only on a much grander
scale. If we are not aware of these other parts of ourselves acting out the
other decisions we have created by the energy we have focused on them,
then the people on the two Earths would be unaware of each other. One
Earth would be going in the direction of one decision or choice, and the
other Earth would be going in another direction. Each acting out an alternate
decision. It is up to the people on Earth at the present time to each make
their personal decision of which path they want to follow. The energy is
present and becoming stronger. It is physically affecting our bodies. Our
own frequency and vibration is being altered. But I believe it is still up to us
what we decide, which Earth we gravitate toward because of our free will.

The main difference here is that they said this has never happened on such
a grand scale before. Never in the history of the universe has an entire
planet changed its frequency and vibration to shift into another dimension.
That is why it is said to be the greatest show in the universe, and everyone
from many different galaxies and dimensions are watching to see what is
going to happen. Are we going to be able to do it? Are we going to be able
to pull it off?

The train is leaving the station. It is taking us to a great adventure

that has never been experienced on this scale before. It is up to each
individual whether they get onboard or remain standing on the platform.
The volunteers who have fulfilled their purpose are ready to go home. All
aboard!! And remember, you are never alone.

Awaking the Christ


Awakening Christ Consciousness is an application of a powerful interdisciplinary

understanding of a technology of creativity interlinked through a common set of
information to create health, wealth, inner satisfaction or whatever we desire to create
Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic, All Rights Reserved

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What is Awaking the Christ Consciousness

Awakening Christ Consciousness is a suggested way as to how one can go about accessing
and experiencing the Christ Consciousness and what one may face from a creativity
perspective if they chose to undertake such a journey. The way provided here is based on an
exploration into our creativity, the creative/creation process, the nature of any creative
endeavor and the lessons learned from stumbling into what can be called Shams

The interest - why a discussion about awakening the Christ Consciousness

For centuries many individuals have been asking for the Consciousness within Christ or as
aspect of this Consciousness to return to or be present in humanity. Or, many have sought to
understand what Christ understood and/or access an aspect of Christs understanding in order
to become like Him. They look to His reported love, compassion, wisdom, and the like in
order to make their life and/or the lives of others better if not less painful and burdensome.
Some even seek to be able to follow in His footsteps.

Although some seem to achieve such goals, many find achieving such goals as illusive. This
material is provided for those who may seek to know and experience the Christ Consciousness
and are puzzled as to why they are having difficulty seeking or obtaining such an awareness
or even question if they have found it.

The concept and the possibility of awakening the awareness of another within ourselves was
not something of interest or even considered as possible until the author stumbled into an
awareness called the Shams Consciousness. In this experience the author came to
understanding it is possible to awaken to the awareness of another. The proof of whether or
not such an awareness is access how the individuals life changes to live that awareness. The

topic, "Accessing the consciousness of another," talks deeper to this issue

Although we do not realize it, we awaken to the awareness to that of another all the time. If we
think about it, our whole education system is designed to awaken the students awareness to
that provided by the teacher. Whether that awareness is about how to split the atom or how to
have a certain type and kind of mystical experiences, individuals have been trying to awaken
to the awareness of others through out humanity. The question really is, "How can one
awaken to the awareness of another if they have never met the other and/or come into contact
with what that individual does with the awareness they have?"
The answer to this question lies in the actions of the individual. Within the creativity
perspective and the equivalency of energy consciousness, our inner world is reflected in
the outer. This means to truly awaken to the awareness of another, our life will become
different. Our actions in some way will become more in alignment with what the individual
did who first awakened to the awareness we access. For those situations where we have never
experienced an individual or the awareness they may have possess, the proof of whether or
not we accessed the awareness they possessed is whether or not our life reflect the type and
kind of actions they performed.
Relative to accessing the awareness of any individual for which we only have historical and/or
myths and stories, there is an issue we face. The issue is, "Does what we think the individual
did truly reflective of what they actually did or does what we think the individual did only a
story or metaphoric and pedagogical device?" Here we face the issue of what we think and
believe as opposed to the truth of what is.
An example of this is reflected in setting an intention to become unconditional love as
discussed in the discussion topic, "A foolish thing" The intention was set was based on an
understanding as to what the author thought was unconditional love only to come to find out it
was something entirely different than what was expected.

What Christ Consciousness is and isnt

Christ Consciousness is the awareness within ones being such that one would be willing to do
what Christ is reported to have done. How and what you believe about what Christ is reported
to have done is your choice and nothing is said about it. For reasons state above and discussed
in the topic, "Accessing the consciousness of another," nothing is said about exactly what
the awareness of the Christ Consciousness is and /or exactly what you will become aware
and/or experience if you access it. Rather, you are free to find that out for yourself and to see
if what you think and believe is reflected in the truth of what is. What is discussed here is how
one can go about accessing that awareness and what one can expect to face from a creativity
perspective if they so chose to awaken the Christ Consciousness within themselves.

An issue of the Mind of God

Some would say that Christ was God here on Earth so it is impossible for a human being to
access the Christ Consciousness for that would be to access the Mind of God. If we believe
most of the worlds existing religious and spirit traditions, this would be in fact true. A human
mind cannot access the Mind of God.
However, there is an alternative view to Creation and what it means to be a human being.
If we look at the implications of Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective, it is possible
to see how we each are an aspect of the Consciousness within, or behind, Creation and
within each of us is the whole of Creation and our awareness is holographic. That is, as a
hologram, each piece contains the whole and the larger the piece of the original hologram, the

greater the clarity of the whole. Within this view, it is also possible to see how we can access
any aspect or all of Creation from within our nonconscious mind. To access the awareness of
any one aspect of Creation, in this case the Christ Consciousness, we simply need to shift our
focus of our attention and awareness to make certain aspects of our nonconscious mind
conscious. Of course, because our inner world is reflected in the outer, in changing our
inner awareness we can expect our external world to become different. Whether or not you
think this is possible all depends on what you think and believe. The recommendations here is
to do your own experience to see if what is said here is true.

The principle lesson learned from accessing Shams Consciousness

The principle lesson learned from accessing what is called the Shams Consciousness is the
way we can create through strong held nonconscious intentions, desires, feelings and the like,
especially for finding answers to deeply held questions.
Christ is reported to have said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and
it will be open to you." So, many take Christ at His word and ask for what they want in the
way they think they need or should ask. Yet, many are disappointed when they ask because
they do not get that for which they ask or seek. Many metaphorically knock at the door in the
way they understanding knocking but do not get what they desire. The question which arises
is, "Is Christ correct and we dont understand His words, or He is correct and we dont ask in
the correct way, or is He wrong?" Why dont we get that for which we ask and seek? Why
does the door not open when we knock?
At a shallow level we would have to say Christ is incorrect or somehow inaccurate.
Individuals ask for a variety of things and experiences all the time but never get that for which
they ask or seek. But it has been observed in the exploration of our creativity, there is a truth
to these words if (1) we remained focused on that for which we ask and seek and (2) what we
say we seek is fully consistent with what we desire at the depth of our being and (3) we have
a deep feeling for what we desire. Otherwise, in asking, we will only create a separation
within our being. What has been observed and only revealed itself in the experiences around
accessing the Shams Consciousness is that we will get that for which we ask and seek if the
above three conditions are met.
One condition we need to meet is that we continually desire what we seek and remained
focused. That is, we never lost the desire and passion to obtain that for which we ask. It is to
hold a single point focus for what we desire to create. Exactly what holding a single point
focus means is discussed in the topic, "Never losing focus." But, in essence, it means the
desire for what we seek never goes away regardless of what happens in our life and how our
life changes.
The second condition is that which lies behind, or is motivating, our request is consist with,
and arises from, the depth of our being. This means that if we pull the string on the request
we make or on what we seek, we will find that we end up at the core of our being. We may go
through a long chain of questions asking, "Why this particular answer and not something
else," for each and every answer we get when we pull the string. But, in the end, the chain of
question leads to something that lies at the essence of who we are and what we truly desire to
experience in life.
Something that arises from the core of our being is something that if unfulfilled leaves us
feeling as though there is something missing to the life we live. Whether it be something we
need to do in and with our life or something we seek in life, if unfulfilled, we experience an
incompleteness in some way.

The third condition is that of have a deep feeling for what we desire. It needs to be
remembered and understood that creative power lies in feelings. There needs to be a flow of
energy to create any experience. We experience the flow of energy as feelings and passion.
Unless there is a feeling at some level of our being that continually fuels our seeking, the
energy will not be present to manifest what we desire and seek.
Often we ask or seek things with little passion. But there is a shallowness in what we ask.
That is there are no strong lasting feelings which go with what we desire and seek. A strong
lasting feeling causes us to never lose focus. It does not matter how much the external world
causes us to become distracted and our attention and awareness to be diverted. The feeling we
have for what we seek continually pushes us back to the journey to get what we seek.
Similarly, it does not matter what we experience and/or how our thinking and beliefs change,
we still have the same passion for what we originally desired. What many do not realize,
much of what we desire and want comes from our mind rather than our heart and the
essence of or being. When we have new experiences and/or what we think and believe
changes, our mind changes and our desire vanishes. We no longer want what we first wanted.
However, something that arises from desire which has a deep feeling will not go away as our
life changes and/or we change what we think and believe.
This kind of desire and feeling is what gave rise to accessing the awareness which has been
called the Shams Consciousness. That is, there was the desire to know, "What could an
individual possibly come to understand about life, Creation, God or whatever, that an
individual would be willing to give their life to share it a single person?" That desire never
went away over time. It was persistent. Although there was no conscious focus on creating it
or accessing such an awareness, nor was there the consideration it was even possible to know
to know such an awareness, the desire to know persisted. In the end, over time, such an
awareness was accessed.
It needs to be understood, there is much we seek in life that is totally the result of the
programming we have and/or particular types and kinds of experiences we had. When the
programming changes or we have new experiences that over ride past experiences, the desires
we have change. We experience incompleteness or lack of fulfillment in these desires being
met. In fact, often when these desires are met, we feel unsatisfied. However, something that
arises from the core of our being is different. Seeking and fulfilling these desires lead to an
inner satisfaction that never runs dry no matter what is happening in our world. Satisfying
these deep feelings and desire which arise from the core of our being persist as an
undercurrent in our life until they are properly satisfied.
It has been observed that when we seek or ask for something that arises from the core of our
being, our request will be honored by Creation. We will get what we seek and/or that for
which we ask. However, it is not something which we obtain based on the time table of our
mind and its expectations. Nor do we necessarily recognize we get that for which we asked
for mind biases what we experience even the fulfillment of our own desires.
Physical Creation is a place of growth and unfoldment. It is about creating a seed condition
or planting seeds and those seeds growing to bear fruit. When we make our request and hold
that request within our being, it will act as a seed. It will germinate and grow, bearing the
answer we seek in time. If our mind is unaware of the true request we ask, it will never
realize we get that for which we ask. It needs to be understood, mind only knows what it has
experienced. If we do not really know or understand that for which we ask or seek, we will
not recognize it what we get it. The classic example of this is an individual seeks what their
mind sees as a mate or partner in life to find fulfillment in, and with, life. But, they never
realize what they seek actually lies within themselves and not an external partner. Unless they

find an inner satisfaction they will never find satisfaction in anything externally.
Although the author can provide a variety of examples of where this occurred routinely in his
own life, it was only realized in stumbling into the Shams Consciousness and understood in
hindsight. Quite simply, most do not see the reality of the words "Ask and you shall receive,
seek and you shall find, knock and it will be open to you." because we do not get what we ask
for and seek in the way our mind expects to receive them. Or, we are unaware that our request
is shallow and only a passing desire of mind such that we never hold the necessary single
point focus at the depth of our being and never lose focus to get what we seek.
To use these words of Christ in our life we need to learn to embrace our own inherent
creativity and learn to trust the creative process to deliver that for which we ask and seek.
But we need to feel what we seek and ask for at the depth of our being. The issue here is to
realize mind only knows the past and we need to create what we do not have. If our mind
knew how to get it, we would already have it and would not be asking for it or seeking it. In
this regard, mind will be of limited value in getting what we seek. We need to learn to feel
what we desire. Here we need to learn to step out of mind and accessing the feeling for what
we desire and hold an unwavering single point focus for what we desire at the depth of our
being acting on the intuitive guidance we receive for how we move to manifest our desire.
Calibrating our internal compass and learning to navigate from the heart are the first steps
in this process.

Setting the intention to access and awaken the Christ Consciousness

As discussed in the topic, "Accessing the consciousness of another" to access and awaken
the Christ Consciousness within our being we will need to set an intention which will go into
the depth of our being and use the non localized aspects of our consciousness which lies
within our nonconscious mind As such, trying to set such an intention based on what mind
wants will never achieve what we desire. We need to remember, mind is the product of the
experiences we have and what we think and believe. As our experiences change and/or we
change what we think and believe our mind becomes different. Unless what we seek lies
below the ever changing desires of mind, we will simply divert our attention and awareness
away from what we set out to experience.
If the desire to access and awaken the Christ Consciousness does not go to the core of our
being, we will not access it. We may access aspects of it which align with the core of our
being and the intention for our life for what we incarnated to experience in, and with, our
life. But we will be unable to experience the Christ Consciousness. It is not that an experience
of it is denied us. Rather we must create the proper vehicle and space to experience it. If the
priorities for our life are different than what the Christ Consciousness is all about, there will
be a conflict between what we desire to create and what we incarnated to do.
There is an assumption by many that the awareness and consciousness of Christ as many other
similar spiritual teachers is something that would be desired by all if it was understood.
However, that is not the case. Creation has Its desires and wants and, at any giving moment in
time, the Christ Consciousness may not what Creation desires to be experienced. Additionally
we each have our own reason for being incarnate. What we are here to do is not necessarily
aided by awakening the Christ consciousness within. Maybe hard to believe but nevertheless
It needs to be remember we each are a unique aspect of the infinite consciousness within,
or behind, Creation and our inner world is reflected in the outer. What we access within
will change that which we experience without. If we change our consciousness within, we will
change the external world we experience. How our external experience changes and how the

external world changes depends on what we access. We each have different reason for being
here. We can copy and mimic any aspect of Creation. However, everyone is not here to be a
Christ or do what Christ did. We are here to be true to our truth and fulfill the intention for
our life. There are gifts we incarnated to give. Unless we live our truth, they will not be
revealed. If we do not live true to ourselves we deny the Creator whomever we believe the
Creator to be.

Some challenges and issues in awakening the Christ Consciousness

In attempting to access and awaken the Christ Consciousness within our being or an aspect of
Consciousness, there are a variety of challenges and issues which will occur that will cause us
to lose focus and/or not obtain what we seek. These challenges and issue are really no
different than what we face in any creative endeavor and especially if our creative endeavor
is to access the awareness of another.
The issue of ego: More often than not, even though we have problems in life with our ego,
our ego likes the identity it has and does not seek to change. Many of our desires and
intentions are ego based. But when those desires and intentions require the ego to change, we
will find some reason or another to abandon the desire of the ego so as to keep the ego intact.
So too with seeking to awaken the Christ Consciousness or any portion of it within our being.
It sounds like a great idea until we see the change it requires in our life. Few ever consciously
follow through in awakening the consciousness of another and surrendering to what it
requires. What keeps us in pursuit of any intention and desire is one that will sooth an inner
feeling that goes beyond what mind wants. Few have such a deep feeling about awakening
the Christ Consciousness.
What we think Christ Consciousness is: Many have an opinion as to what they think Christ
Consciousness is and/or what it will require of our life. Whether or not it is correct isnt really
the issue. The issue is mind has its expectations and those expectations will interfere with
accessing the Christ Consciousness. To awaken and experience the consciousness of any other
we will have to be willing to be in a beginner's mind and be in a state of childlike play to
spontaneously and innocently explore the awareness which awakens. Otherwise, mind is
present with it judgments, biases, desires and the like thwarting the very thing we say we
desire to experience. This does not mean it cannot be done. It only means we need to be
willing to step out of mind and surrender to the flow of energy manifesting the intention
we have set.
What we fear Christ Consciousness is: Many fear they will become what Christ became - a
human sacrifice. One of the greatest challenges in awakening the Christ Consciousness is
what our mind thinks will happen to us. For many of us, the Christ story is to be crucified for
living and being our truth given our message to the world. A part of our being believes that if
we truly accessed and lived the awareness of Christ we will be crucified. To say that Christ is
God incarnate is one way our mind protects itself from accessing the Christ Consciousness.
Obviously a human cannot do what God can do so we have no need to fear we will have to
sacrifice our life like Christ. But then, believing Christ was God does not allow to access the
Christ Consciousness. However, if Christ was a human who accessed His Divinity while in
physical form, then what He did is entirely possible for each of us. That then again raises the
fear we will be crucified. in some way if we access the Divinity within. The topic, "Dealing
with fear" provides some thoughts in this area.
A death to be faced - we will become different: Whether we realize it or not, our inner world
is reflected in the outer. We cannot have a awareness awake within us as profound as the
Christ Consciousness and not become different. We cant remain in our current mind with
such an awareness. As such, there will be a death to be faced. A part of our inner world and

our outer world will have to transform to accommodate this new awareness.
To access any awareness a part of who we are must die. Who and what we think we are is
based on the experiences we have has. To access a new awareness is a new experience. That
experience changes who and what we are and to live that awareness we must become
different. In doing so, a part of us dies to be transformed into the new.
Awakening any awareness within our being that is currently not awake is ultimately about
learning to become phoenix and stepping through the fear of death. It is to understand our
energy and consciousness will never die but only transform into a new and different form.
To awaken the Christ Consciousness within us, we do not have to physically die. To awaken
the Christ Consciousness is to die before we die. We must face the death as to who we are,
what we want and what we expect in our life.
The death is required as part of the creation process. If we are unwilling to undergo the death
we must face, we will be unable to create what we desire. Exactly what we will face and how
be a death it means for our life totally depends on how different our current awareness is as
opposed to the awareness available in the Christ Consciousness. The greater the difference the
greater the change that can be expected.
A potential inner conflict: Each of us need to realized we incarnated for a given intention.
There is an intention for our life and there is something were are here to experience. The
Christ Consciousness is not our consciousness. Trying to access it is about attempting to copy
another. Creatively, we should be true to ourselves and become the embodiment of our truth
in the world. In doing so, we create an inner satisfaction that never runs dry no matter what
is happening in our external world. Additionally, we honor the creator/Creator
whomever/Whomever that creator/Creator may be. To deny our truth in any way and/or to not
live our truth but try and live like another is to deny ourselves and the creator/Creator. Christ
existed for a given time and a given place and played the role He incarnated to play. We exist
at a given time and given place for a role to be played. Here again the more our role parallels
the Christ Consciousness as it would be expressed in this given time and given place, the less
conflict we will have. The greater the divergence the greater the conflict.
The recommendation made here is to honor yourself and the Creator and become true to
yourself. You can access the Christ Consciousness for information purposes or out of
curiosity. But we do more for Creation by simply becoming true to ourselves in all ways and
living it in the world. Of course, that will mean we do need to shed our enculturation and all
that does not server our truth at the deepest levels of being. How to do this starts by
calibrating our internal compass and looking to see what gives us a fullness of being, gives
us life and a desire and passion to engage life. After all, the intention for our life brought us
into this world. Living that intention will give us life and allow us to feel alive at each and
every level of our being.
The environment of unfoldment: Many are unaware the unfoldment of any creation
depends on the environment of the unfoldment. The same creation unfolding in different
locations can be quite different. The consciousness of anyone and any thing will unfold
differently given a different set of circumstances. The essence will be the same but the
unfoldment will be different. One can probably be assured a talented artistic painter or
musician born, raised, educated enculturated in a rural Chinese farm in 500 AD will paint or
play music quite differently than if they were born, raised and came to age during the Roaring
Twenties in New York City. The two worlds are quite different. Yet the unfolding talent
would be the same. How many artist, musicians and the like move to other parts of their
country or move from the world from which they were raised to find better opportunities to
express themselves? We cannot expect what the Christ Consciousness would do two thousand

years ago would be exactly the same to day. The essence will be the same but exactly what is
done will be different. Here again, one will need a beginner's mind to fully embrace the
awakening the Christ Consciousness.
The awareness of what another feels: In the oneness of Creation we are all connected. It can
be said that what does not allow us to see through the eyes of another is pain. That is, pain is
what keeps us separate. To see through the eyes of another in oneness, we must face both our
pain to access the interconnectedness and then the pain of the other to see through their eyes
and their uniqueness. This fact is reflected in the old Native American proverb that we should
walk a mile in the moccasin of another before we judge them. However, to see through the
eyes of another is not the same as having the awareness of another.
An awareness of one is given to another all the time in our education system. Although we do
not have the pain of another as seeing through their eyes when we have their awareness, we
do become open to what they feel as a result of that awareness. To be unaware that hitting
someone physically can cause them pain will not stop us from hitting someone. However to
come to the awareness that hitting someone does cause pain, we now become open to seeing
all the people that experience the pain of being hit. We never need hit anyone to be open to
feeling the pain hitting someone causes. When we are open to the awareness of another we are
also open to seeing and perceive Creation differently because of that awareness. We will now
become aware of situations in life and the implications of those situations that were previously
masked by unawareness. In this regard, be open to the awareness of another helps to open the
door to compassion.
It awakening the Christ Consciousness within us, we will become aware of Creation in a new
and different way. One of the ways the Christ Consciousness is described is as a sacred heart
surrounded by a crown of piercing thorns. Many are repulsed by such an image. However, it
needs to be realized that Christ was so aware of the pain of humanity that He was willing to
be crucified to help alleviate that suffering and pain. In awakening the Christ Consciousness
one can expect to see the world and the pain and suffering in the world in a different way.
The awareness of the depth and breadth of pain and suffering we cause each other and
ourselves may simple be too much for most to be willing to face. The unwillingness to face
whatever to which we become open will thwart our ability to awaken the Christ
Consciousness within. But what does need to be realized, in any pain we face, we can stay
with the pain and/or attempt to numb it or suppress it in some way. Or, we can use it to
catalyze and fuel our actions to change the world we experience. We can turn the pain we
experience into the fuel to catalyze our actions by taking the pain into our heart and asking
"what do I need to do, how do I need to live my life such that this pain is no longer needed?"
We then need to honor the insights we receive. The choice is ours to make.

A gentle phoenix for awakening the Christ Consciousness

Any creative endeavor requires a sacrifice and an experience of the chaos of creation.
Sacrifice and chaos are part of the creative process. The sacrifice of creation is often
experienced as a death accompanied by pain. Although there are things that do need to be
faced in any creative endeavor which can give rise to pain, it is possible to create a gentle
phoenix for any creative endeavor we wish to undertake. In this regard, we can create a
gentle phoenix to awaken the Christ Consciousness within our being.
To create that gentle phoenix we need to be willing to become the embodiment of the
principles as to how our inner world is reflected in the outer world. We need to see how
what we think and believe is creating the experiences we have. That is, the pain we
experience within our being is reflective of how our consciousness is not free to transform
itself to become the seed for the new experience we desire to have.

To create a gentle phoenix, we need to give ourselves permission and the safe and secure
space within our own being to enter our creative imagination and explore options. If we do
not have the freedom within our own being to explore options, we will never find the freedom
in our external world to do what we need to do to create that gentle phoenix. In particular, we
need to look to see where we do and do not hold our own creativity sacred and move to
create that space and way of being were we do hold it sacred. In doing so, we will have the
inspiration and understanding to make any creative endeavor as fast, easy and gentle as
possible. However, we do need to remember as discussed in the topic, "Growing our
creation" is that Physical Creation is a place of unfoldment and we need to grow our

If you are interested in awakening the Christ Consciousness

The recommendation could be made to explore the information which gave rise to the
understanding of how it is possible we can access the awareness of another and follow the
path of the author. Although that may be helpful, it is not the recommended path.
The recommendation is to realize several things. One is to realize that you are a unique
creation. How and what you need to do to create anything is unique to you. You may use the
same principles as another, but how you do it will be unique to yourself. The second thing is
that your mind only knows the past. To create anything is to be outside of where mind has
gone so mind will be unable to lead you. What you need to do will not necessarily look like
anything your mind thinks. Nor what you will ultimately experience necessarily look like what
you think it should look like. Only in hindsight will you see how your desire has manifested.
With these two realizations, it is then recommend that you set the intention in whatever way
you feel appropriate such that you can feel the passion to experience what you desire. Then,
trust the creative process that you will be given what you seek. You only need to follow the
intuitive guidance and body wisdom which arise. How long it will take to get what we seek
and in what form it will come cannot be known by our mind. In this regard, whether or not
we would recognized what we seek when we get it for the time and place in which we find
ourselves when we get it is another question. We may find as the author, only in hindsight do
we realize we received what we asked for even if what we thought was a rhetorical questions
asked of Creation.
The question is, "Whether or not we hold what we desire to create at a deep enough level that
we never lose focus?" If we do, we will manifest what we desire regardless of how often we
seem to be diverted from our intention. The discussion, "Five requirements to manifest an
intention or desire," provides some additional thought and considerations about creating what
we desire.

Item for consideration

If you find yourself using this material in your life, it is requested you consider making a
contribution towards the continued free dissemination of this material and to further its
dissemination in new applications.

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If you find the current topic of interest, a complete listing and access to all the available
Releasing Your Limited Creativity applications and currently posted discussion topics (over
1860+ as of 11/09 [click here for current number]) on the web is provided in password
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The MerKaBa is a spinning structure of light similar to the chakras. It is similar in that when
spinning properly it works as an inter-dimensional gateway so that higher consciousness
may incarnate into the physical body. The difference is that the MerKaBa is much larger,
encompassing the entire body. In fact the MerKaBa is the structure of spinning light which

allows for the incarnation of the light body itself. Without the MerKaBa being activated the
other parts of the light body such as the chakras cannot incarnate properly and may not


Spiritual Awakening





Ching/ Sexual



Forces Of

Astral Substance

Ka (Light)



Chi/Etheric Body

The above diagram shows the foundation of the MerKaBa in its non-spinning state. We all

have fields of light around us like in this picture. While in a non-spinning state they do not
perform their function properly just like a chakra that does not spin. The gateway to higher
consciousness is closed and so the rest of the light body has trouble grounding and

When the MerKaBa is activated it forms a counter-rotating field of light which creates a

dimensional gateway for the light body to stabilize within the physical body and for its other
structures such as the chakras to activate and stabilize as well. This allows for the possibility
of incarnating higher consciousness permanently as well as raising the vibration of the

physical body. If successful it becomes possible to take the physical body into the fourth
dimension. In Hebrew, MerKaBa is spelt MerKaVa which means Chariot and indeed thats
exactly what it is. It is a vehicle which can take you and your body between dimensions.
Once raised into the fourth dimension the physical body will become much more subtle and
may live for much longer. The possibility is also there to rise into even higher dimensions.

The Hara

Astral/ Emotional

Chitta/ Mental Body

The Aura

The Light Body

When the MerKaBa spins at a certain speed, a disk of light shoots out from the Base Chakra,
in the perfect centre of the spinning star tetrahedron, to around 50-60 feet in diameter
(illustrated above). This is what your activated MerKaBa would look like and in fact this field
of light has an electro-magnetic component that can be seen with the appropriate
instruments on a computer monitor.
The chakras, The Column and the MerKaBa are only a small part of the light body but they

are the main structures that we will be working with. For spiritual transformation to occur, it


The Column

is practice that is needed. You can study anatomy and biology all you like but until you do
physical exercise your body will not become fit. Similarly, studying the structures of the light
body will not awaken them. Practice will.

Multi-Dimensional Being will go into detail about the light body and the practices needed
for its activation.

Multi-Dimensional Beings



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Copyright Ethan Vorly


In accordance with the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek The Merkabah meditation is one of the
most powerful tools for mental, emotional and spiritual development. The purpose of creating a
merkabah is to expand the different energy fields of the subtle bodies by activating the Merkabah field.
To be acquainted with the general aspects of the Sacred Geometry that act as a starting point for
activating the Merkabah field. The ascension process begins when you remember the Merkabah
energy field. This is an energy field that extends 55 feet around the body and is of a geometric and
crystalline nature.
Merkabah means counter rotatory Light-Energy field. It is known that this energy field was an active
part of human beings 13,000 years ago and due to the dimensions phase out, conscience decreased
towards third dimension and the Merkabah conscience was lost. The memory of this field is activated
by drawing and meditating on the mandalas of Flower of Life, which include within themselves all
Universal knowledge that correlates with all knowledge co-integrated in the pineal gland, which is
within the brain. This process impels the pineal glands ulterior purpose, which is to retake the ancient
way of breathing. The interconnection between breathing and conscience is the key towards a higher
conscience and to access other dimensions. This will propel the Christ Conscience evolution.
Merkabah is a natural field of protection.
The Merkabah field is activated through a 17 breath and mudras system; you mentally connect the
mental and emotional fields which have a tetrahedron form. Additionally and implicitly the way of
breathing Prana will be modified, just as it was done13, 000 years ago. This is through a respiration in
which air fills the totality of the pulmonary space, this breathing along with the integration of pranic flow
through the crystalline geometric bodys vortex, opens a literal whole new world for you. This breathing
allows you to make contact with your Superior Being so that a clear and confident guidance emerges
within you.
Your ability for remembering who you really are and what is your intimate connection with God will be
stimulated. Your higher centers will be opened and new and extraordinary possibilities will manifest
themselves, which will facilitate your own transformation. The activation of their Mer-Ka-Bah field and
entering into a state of deep and constant peace.
The MERKABAH meditation consists of 17 breaths in order to activate the MERKABAH field and an
additional one in order to transcend to Fourth Dimension or Higher Dimensions. The power of this
meditation lies on understanding how to reach the Christ Consciousness by studying Sacred
Geometry, and practicing with discipline the Merkabah Meditation. With the support of a breathing
technique and visualization, the light star tetrahedrons are activated, which are part of the Human
Beings light body. The last steps of the meditation teaches you how to control these light tetrahedrons
which are rotated counterclockwise, at high speed, at the speed the electron revolves around the
neutron in third dimension matter, this creates the MERKABAH field: a light body with the form of a
flying saucer 55 feet in diameter. When this is done correctly the student automatically reaches the
Christ Conscience dimension. Richard Dannelley describes Christ Conscience as an existence state
that represents an absolute harmony with the Universe. This is why when one does this meditation a
constant rest state is reached, a sea of tranquility.
This leads the student beyond the chaos in our conscience, of our current level of conscience,
towards a state of existence of total resonance with the basic energy patterns of the Universe. This is
the love energy of the Universe, also the key element, unconditional love, the attitude and basic
sensation in practicing this meditation. Complementary, MERKABAH, in a more advanced meditation,
leads to experiencing the Christ Conscience Net, which practically surrounds each persons Merkabah
field and in a similar way is also present around our Planet.

These nets and Light Stars that surround the human body are perfect geometric figures, which are
studied and understood through the Sacred Geometry study. The Christ Conscience nets have the
form of a dodecahedron (with an icosahedron). The Light Star that surrounds our body is conformed of
two tetrahedrons, one pointing downwards and the other pointing upwards. Both tetrahedrons together
form a light star which seen from above looks like the Star of David. In practice they are three stars on
the same space, so that with this arrangement, by ones own free will and a mental order can be made
to rotate counterclockwise. This, along with the help of mudras and Pranayama breathing, activates
the MERKABAH field and automatically changes the way we breathe Prana, just as we did 13,000
years ago.
This change of pranic breathing will manifest itself likewise in the people we live with. A process
begins where the vibratory level of our physical and subtle bodies increases, this is of the outmost
importance because the Ascension process begins. The first step towards immortality begins, in
mortality being a level of Christ Conscience where from this stage onwards our memory will remain
intact in this transition where our planet and many beings that inhabit it, will move onward towards
higher dimensions of conscience. You could also accomplish this!

Depending on the height of the person doing the exercise, this field is about 55 feet across. Once activated, this 'saucer'
shaped field is capable of carrying ones consciousness directly to higher dimensions.

The Teaching Of Spherical Breathing: Using 18 Breaths


MER = Light, KA = Spirit, BA = Body

A powerful tool for shifting patterns in the DNA

Shifts psychological patterns and the beliefs on which they are based
Supports transition mentally, physically, emotionally, and Spiritually
Assists reduction of stress by helping us to remember Alone is All One
Assist the physical body to connect to the etheric body.
Helps to settle and calm ones fear of death
Helps in the transition for terminally ill.
It is a good form to place between two people at heart level during meditation for a healing and
balanced energy exchange.

This shape is marvelous in its simplicity. The tetrahedron is the most basic shape to be found in the three
dimensional universe of volume. The Merkaba Star Tetrahedron is actually two tetrahedrons interlocked
to form a three-dimensional Star of David. The configuration of the Star Tetrahedron is formed within the
first eight cells of life and remains fixed at the base of the spine throughout ones life. The Star
Tetrahedron also models the energetic body of the human being, the blending of Heaven and Earth, Male
and Female and was known in esoteric knowledge of Ancient Egypt as the Merkaba.



By Drunvalo Melchizedek

Like the sun, we must breathe, radiating out to all life. And from all life we will receive our manna.
Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to
connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit.
"Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light,
(wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension
to another.

1. Begin by creating a place in your home that is used only for this meditation. Make a space
where no one will walk through or disturb you, possibly in your bedroom. A small altar with a
candle and a cushion or pillow to sit upon may be helpful. Make this place holy. It is here that
you will learn to create the MER-KA-BA around your body and make conscious contact with
your higher self.
2. Once each day, enter into this meditation, until the time comes when you are a conscious
breather, remembering with each breath your intimate connection with God.
3. To begin the meditation, first sit down and relax. Let the worries of the day go. Breathe
rhythmically and shallow.
4. Be aware of your breath and relax.
5. When you feel the tension begin to fade, begin to open your heart. Feel Love. Feel Love for all
life everywhere.
6. Continue to breathe rhythmically, being aware of your breath, and feel the Love moving through
your spirit.
7. When the FEELING of love is in your beingness, you are ready to begin to move towards the
experience to the MER-KA-BA. Without this Love, no amount of knowledge will create the
MER-KA-BA. To the degree you are able to Love, will be the degree you will be able to
experience the MER-KA-BA.
The following is an overview of the meditation to reach the MER-KA-BA. There are seventeen breaths
to reach completion. The first six are for balancing of the polarities within your eight electrical circuits,
and, also, for the cleansing of these circuits. The next seven, which are quite different, are to reestablish the proper pranic flow through your body, and to recreate Spherical Breathing within your
body. The fourteenth breath is unique unto itself. It changes the balance of pranic energy within your
body from third dimensional to fourth dimensional awareness. The last three breaths recreate the
rotating fields of the MER-KA-BA within and around your body.

There are 17+1 breaths, where the first six are for balancing the polarity, the next seven for proper
pranic flow through the entire body. The further breaths are for shifting the consciousness from 3rd to
4th dimension and finally the last three breaths is for re-creating the rotating Merkabah within and
around the body. The last breath is not taught. Once each day, enter into this meditation, until the time
comes when you are a conscious breather, remembering with each breath your intimate connection
with God.

The following instructions will be broken down into four areas: MIND, BODY, BREATH and HEART.

Below is a diagram of the set of (Sun and Earth) tetrahedrons as they fit around the human body and
their orientation for both men and women (note they are different!):

Points downward to Earth. Visualize the prana energy moving up through the downward-pointing
apex and filling the form on the out breath. Bottom point is one hand length below the feet and the
base comes up to the chest.

Male Orientation - point at chest area in back

Female Orientation - point at chest area in front

Points upwards towards the sky. Visualize white prana light coming in through the apex and filling
the form on the in breath. The top point is one hand length above the head and the base comes down
to the knees.

Male Orientation - point at base in front.

Female Orientation - point at base in back

Male Merkabah * Note position of the Tetrahedron



Open your heart and feel love for all life. If you cannot do this, you must at least open to this love as
much as is possible for you. This is the most important instruction of all.

1. Become aware of the male tetrahedron (the apex facing up to the sun, the point facing to the
front for male, the point to the back for females) filled with the brilliant white light surrounding
your body.
2. Visualize it the best you can. If you cannot visualize it, sense or feel it surrounding you.
1. At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and first finger
2. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or any
other object.
3. Keep your palms facing up.


1. At this same moment, with empty lungs, begin to breath in a complete yogic manner.
2. Breathe through your nostrils only, except at certain places, which will be described. Simply put,
breath from your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest.
3. Do this in one movement, not three parts.
4. The exhale is completed either by holding the chest firm and relaxing the stomach, slowly
releasing the air, or by holding the stomach firm and relaxing the chest.
5. The most important aspect is that this breathing must be rhythmic.
6. Begin by using seven seconds in and seven seconds out, but as you get familiar with this
meditation, find your own rhythm.
The following instructions for a complete Yogic Breath are from the Hindu-Yogi Science of
Breath by Yogi Ramacharake.
Perhaps this description will be helpful.
1. Breathing through the nostrils, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part of the lungs, which is
accomplished by bringing into play the diaphragm, which descending exerts a gentle pressure
on the abdominal organs, pushing forward the front walls of the abdomen.
2. Then fill the middle part of the lungs, pushing out the lower ribs, breastbone and chest.
3. Then fill the higher portion of the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the chest,
including the upper six or even pairs of ribs.
4. At first reading it may appear that this breath consists of three distinct movements. This,
however, is not the correct idea.
5. The inhalation is continuous, the entire chest cavity from the lowered diaphragm to the highest
point of the chest in the region of the collar bone, being expanded with a uniform movement.
Avoid a jerky series of inhalations, and strive to attain a steady continuous action.

6. Practice will soon overcome the tendency to divide the inhalation into three movements, and
will result in a uniform continuous breath.
7. You will be able to complete the inhalation in a few seconds after a little practice.
8. Exhale quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position, and drawing the abdomen in a little and
lifting it upward as the air leaves the lungs.
9. When the air is entirely exhaled, relax the chest and abdomen. A little practice will render this
part of the exercise easy, and the movement once acquired will be afterward performed almost



1. Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back
for males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light.
BODY: Keep the same mudra.

2. Do NOT hesitate at the top of the inhalation to begin the exhalation.
3. Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner.
4. When the air is out of the lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the
5. When you feel pressure to breathe again, after about five seconds or so, then do the following:
1. Be aware of the flat equilateral triangle at the top of the female tetrahedron located in the
horizontal plane that passes through your chest at the sternum.
2. In a flash, and with a pulse like energy, send that triangular plane down through the female
3. It gets smaller as it goes down and pushes out the tip or apex of the tetrahedron all the
negative energy of the mudra or electrical circuit, a light will shoot out of the apex toward the
center of the Earth.
4. The Mind exercise is performed along with the following BODY movements.


1. Move your eyes slightly toward each other, or, in other words, slightly cross your eyes.
2. Now bring them up to the top of their sockets, or in other words, look up. Also, this looking up
motion should not be extreme.
3. You will feel a tingling feeling between your eyes in the area of your third eye.
4. You can now look down to the lowest point you can, as fast as you can.
5. You should feel an electrical sensation move down your spine.
6. The MIND and BODY must coordinate the above mental exercise with the eye movements.
7. The eyes look down from their up position at the same time the mind sees the triangular
horizontal plane of the female tetrahedron move down to the apex of the female tetrahedron.
8. This combined exercise will clean out the negative thoughts and feelings that have entered into
your electrical system. Specifically, it will clean out the part of your electrical system that is
associated with the particular mudra you are using.
9. Immediately upon pulsing the energy down your spine, you change mudras to the next one
and begin the entire cycle over again.
10. The next five breaths are a repeat of the first breath with the following mudra changes:

SECOND BREATH MUDRA: Thumb and second finger together

THIRD BREATH MUDRA: Thumb and third finger together
FOURTH BREATH MUDRA: Thumb and little finger together
FIFTH BREATH MUDRA: Thumb and first finger together (same as first breath)
SIXTH BREATH MUDRA: Thumb and second finger together (same as second breath)


HEART: Open your heart and feel love for all life.
MIND: Become aware of the male tetrahedron filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body.


At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and middle finger
touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or
any other object. Keep your palms facing up.
Breath in a complete yogic manner as in the previous breath.



Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for
males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light.
Keep the same mudra.
Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the
lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to
breathe again, after about five seconds or so, and then do the following:

REPEAT: PULSE (pulsing the energy down your spine)



Open your heart and feel love for all life.
Become aware of the male tetrahedron filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body.

At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and ring finger
touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or
any other object. Keep your palms facing up.
Breath in a complete yogic manner as in the previous breath.



Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for
males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light.

Keep the same mudra.
Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the
lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to
breathe again, after about five seconds or so, and then do the following:

REPEAT PULSE (pulsing the energy down your spine)



Open your heart and feel love for all life.
Become aware of the male tetrahedron filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body.

At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and little finger
touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or
any other object. Keep your palms facing up.
Breath in a complete yogic manner as in the previous breath.



Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for
males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light.

Keep the same mudra.
Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the
lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure
to breathe again, after about five seconds or so, and then do the following:
REPEAT PULSE (pulsing the energy down your spine)



Open your heart and feel love for all life.
Become aware of the male tetrahedron filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body.
At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and first finger
touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or
any other object. Keep your palms facing up.
Breath in a complete yogic manner as in the previous breath.



Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for
males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light.

Keep the same mudra.
Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the
lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to
breathe again, after about five seconds or so, and then do the following:
REPEAT PULSE (pulsing the energy down your spine)



Open your heart and feel love for all life.
Become aware of the male tetrahedron filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body.

At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and middle finger
touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or
any other object. Keep your palms facing up.
Breath in a complete yogic manner as in the previous breath.



Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for
males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light.

Keep the same mudra.
Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the
lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to
breathe again, after about five seconds or so, and then do the following:

REPEAT PULSE (pulsing the energy down your spine)


THE FIRST PART, the first six breaths, the balancing of the polarities, and the cleansing of your
electrical system is now complete.


You are now ready for the next part, the next seven breaths. Here an entirely new breathing
pattern begins.
1. You do not need to visualize the star tetrahedron at this time.
2. Only the tube that runs through the star, from the apex of the male tetrahedron above your
head to the apex of the female tetrahedron below your feet, needs to be seen and worked with.
3. This extends one hand length above your head and one hand length below your feet.
4. The diameter of YOUR tube will be the size of the hole formed by YOUR thumb and forefinger



HEART: Love.
1. Visualize or sense the tube running through your body.
2. The instant you begin the seventh inhale, see the brilliant white light of the prana moving down
the tube from the top and up the tube from the bottom at the same time. This movement is
almost instantaneous.
3. The point where these two light beams meet within your body is controlled by the mind and is a
vast science known throughout the universe. In this teaching however, we will only be shown
what is necessary, that which will take you from third to fourth dimensional awareness.
4. In this case you will direct the two beams of prana to meet at your navel, or more correct, within
your body at navel level, inside the tube.
5. The moment the two beams of prana meet, which is just as the inhale begins, a sphere of white
light or prana is formed at the meeting point about the size of a grapefruit centered on the tube.
It all happens in an instant.
6. As you continue to take the inhale of the seventh breath, the sphere of prana begins to
concentrate and grow slowly.


For the next seven breaths use the same mudra for both inhale and exhale, the thumb, first and
second touching together palms up.
Deep rhythmic Yogic breathing, seven seconds in and seven seconds out. There is no holding of the
breath from now on. The flow of prana from the two poles will not stop or change in any way when you
go from inhale to exhale. It will be a continuous flow that will not stop for a long as you breath in this
manner, even after death.

Deep Rhythmic Yogic Breathing



1. The prana sphere centered at the navel continues to grow.
2. By the time of the full exhale; the prana sphere will be approximately eight or nine inches in
3. Do not force the air out of your lungs.
4. When your lungs are empty naturally, immediately begin the next breath.



HEART: Love.
The prana sphere continues to concentrate life force energy and grow in size.



1. The prana sphere continues to grow in size and will reach maximum size at the end of this
breath. This maximum size is different for each person.
2. If you put your longest finger in the center of your navel, the line on your wrist defining your
hand will show you the radius of the maximum size of this sphere for YOU. This sphere of
prana cannot grow larger.



The prana sphere cannot grow larger, so what happens is the prana begins to concentrate within the
sphere. The visual appearance is that the sphere grows BRIGHTER.
Sphere grows brighter and brighter as you inhale.




As you exhale, the sphere continues to grow brighter and brighter.



1. About half way through this inhale; as the sphere continues to brighter, the prana sphere
reaches critical mass.
2. The sphere ignites into a sun, a brilliant blinding ball of white light.
3. You are now ready for the next step.



1. At the moment of exhale, the small sphere two hand lengths in diameter bulges to expand.
2. In one second, combined with the breath talked about below, the sphere expands quickly out to
the sphere of Leonardo, out at your fingertips of your extended arms.
3. Your body is now completely enclosed within a huge sphere of brilliant white light.
4. You have returned to the ancient form of spherical breathing. However, at this point, this sphere
is not stable.
5. You MUST breath three more times to keep the sphere stable.

1. At the moment of exhale, make a small hole with your lips and blow out your air with pressure.
2. As you feel the sphere begin to bulge, all within the first second of this exhale, let all of your air
out rapidly.
3. The sphere will expand at that moment.


Relax and just feel the flow of the prana flowing from the two poles and meeting at the navel and then
expanding out to the large sphere
1. Breath rhythmically and deep.
2. At the end of the thirteenth breath you have stabilized the large sphere and are ready for the
important 14th breath.



1. On the inhale of the 14th breath, at the very beginning of the breath, move the point where the
two beams of prana meet from the navel to the sternum, the fourth dimensional chakra.
2. The entire large sphere, along with the original sphere, which is also still contained within the
large sphere, moves up to the new meeting point within the tube.
3. Though this is very easy to do, it is an extremely powerful movement.
4. Breathing from this new point within the tube will inevitably change your awareness from third to
fourth dimensional consciousness, or from earth consciousness to Christ consciousness. It will
take awhile, but it is inevitable.

This mudra will be used for the rest of the meditation. Place the left palm on top of the right palm for
males and the right palm on top of the left palm for females. It is a mudra that relaxes.


1. Rhythmic breath and deep.
2. However, if you continue to breathe from your Christ center without moving on to the MER-KABA, which is what is recommended until you have made contact with your Higher Self, then
shift to a shallow breath. In other words, breath rhythmically but in a comfortable manner where
your attention is more on the flow of energy moving up and down the tube meeting at the
sternum and expanding out to the large sphere.
3. Just feel the flow. Use your feminine side to just be.
4. At this point dont think, just breath, feel and be. Feel your connection to All Life through the
Christ Breath. Remember your intimate connection with God.




You are asked not to attempt this FOURTH PART until you have made contact with your
Higher Self, and your Higher Self has given you permission to proceed.
This part is to be taken seriously.
The energies that will come into and around your body and spirit are of tremendous power.
If you are not ready, you could hurt yourself.
If your Higher Self gives you permission to enter into the MER-KA-BA, then dont fear, for you
will be ready.


Your Own Personal Flying Saucer
The Merkaba is your own ascension vehicle, which you can activate through fasting, meditation, and
breath control. It is over fifty feet in diameter and composed of two interlocking, counter-rotating
tetrahedrons(blue and orange) which surround the physical body(black) and are enveloped by the
spiritual body(golden circle). The upper (blue) tetrahedron is actually your male mental electrical body
and the lower (orange) tetrahedron is your female emotional magnetic body. They are anchored to
your heart (love) chakra and are driven and guided by your kundalini force and pineal gland. The
faster they rotate the less visible you become, until you are transported into the next dimension. So if
you see a bright white saucer-shaped light in the sky some fifty feet in diameter, it may just be a fellow
human who has learned the art of activating his or her merkaba or light body.



1. Be aware of the whole star tetrahedron.
2. Realize that there are three whole star tetrahedrons superimposed over each other.
3. One is the body itself, and is locked in place and never, except under certain conditions,
moves. It is placed around the body according to maleness or femaleness.
4. The second whole star tetrahedron is male in nature, it is electrical, is literally the human mind
and rotates counter-clockwise relative to your body looking out, or to put it another way, it
rotates toward your left side.
5. The third whole star tetrahedron is female in nature, is magnetic, is literally the human
emotional body and rotates clockwise relative to your body looking out, or to put it another way,
it rotates toward your right side.
6. To be clear, we are not telling you to rotate the male tetrahedron one way and the female the
other way.
7. When we say rotate the whole star tetrahedron, we mean the whole thing.
8. On the inhale of the fifteenth breath, as you are inhaling, you will say to yourself, in your head,
the code words, EQUAL SPEED. This will tell your mind that you want the two rotatable whole
star tetrahedrons to begin spinning in opposite directions at equal speeds at the time of the
exhale. Meaning that for every complete rotation of the mind tetrahedrons, there will be a
complete rotation of the emotional tetrahedrons.
Continue the mudra of the folded hands from now on.
Breath Yogic and rhythmically and deeply again, but only for the next three breaths, after that return to
the shallow breathing.



1. The two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning. In an instant, they will be moving at exactly one
third the speed of light at their outer tips. You probably will not be able to see this because of
their tremendous speed, but you can feel it.
2. What you have just done is to start the MOTOR of the MER-KA-BA. You will not go anywhere,
or have an experience. It is just like starting the motor of a car, but having the transmission in

1. Make a small hole with your lips just like you did for breath Number Ten.
2. Blow out in the same manner, and as you do, feel the two sets of tetrahedrons take off



MIND: This is the most amazing breath.
1. On the inhale, as you are inhaling, say to yourself, in your head, THIRTY-FOUR - TWENTYONE. This is the code to your mind to spin the two sets of tetrahedrons at a ratio of 34-21.
2. Meaning the Mind tetrahedrons spinning to the left will go around 34 times while the emotional
tetrahedrons spinning to the right will go around 21 times. As the two sets speed up the ratio
will remain constant.
BREATH: Breathe rhythmically and Yogic.



1. As you let out the breath, the two sets of tetrahedrons take off from their one-third speed of light
setting to two third speed of light in an instant.
2. As they approach two-thirds speed of light speed a phenomena takes place.
3. A disk about 55 feet in diameter forms around the body at the level of the base of the spine.
4. And the sphere of energy that is centered around the two sets of tetrahedrons forms with the
disk to create a shape that looks like a FLYING SAUCER around the body.
5. This energy matrix is called the MER-KA-BA. However, it is not stable. If you see or sense the
MER-KA-BA around you at this point, you will know it to be unstable. It will be slowly wobbling.


1. Same as breath 16, make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure.
2. It is at this point that the speed increases.
3. As you feel the speed increasing, let out all your breath with force. This action will cause the
higher speed to be fully obtained and the MER-KA-BA to be formed.



Remember, unconditional love for all life must be felt through out all of this meditation or no results will
be realized.
1. As you breathe in, say to yourself, in your head, the code NINE TENTHS THE SPEED OF
LIGHT. This code will tell your mind to increase the speed of the MER-KA-BA to nine-tenths the
speed of light which will stabilize the rotating field of energy. It will also do something else.
2. This third dimensional universe that we live in is tuned to 9/10 the speed of light. Every electron
in your body is rotating around every atom in your body at 9/10 the speed of light. This is the
reason this particular speed is selected.
Breathe rhythmically and in a Yogic manner.



The speed increases to 9/10 the speed of light and stabilizes the MER-KA-BA.
1. Same as breath 15 and 16, make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure.
2. As you feel the speed take off, let all your breath out with force. You are now in your stable and
Third dimensionally tuned MER-KA-BA. With the help of your Higher Self, you will understand
what this really means.


From the 18th breath and onwards, it should be done with the exact same hand position. Make sure
the layers of the additional energy fields that extend around your body are clearly visualized with their
corresponding colours. Remember: It is Intention and Love that are most important the
technicalities of the shapes will come with regular practice.

This very special breath will not be taught here. You must receive it from Your Higher Self.
It is the breath that will take you through the speed of light into the fourth dimension. You will
disappear from this world and reappear in another one that will be your new home for a while. This is
not the end, but the beginning of an ever-expanding consciousness returning you HOME to your



The MerKaBa, and the Basis of the MerKaBa Meditation

The MerKaBa Meditation calls for a visualization of the Star Tetrahedrons, and it can be very valuable
to have a physical model.
On the following pages are merkabah templates or drawings, which you can cut out and then paste or
glue together, constructing a 3-dimensional representation of the Star Tetrahedrons.
Putting together the Star Tetrahedrons can appear to be complex at first. However, when you
have glued one together, you will marvel at the simplicity.
1. To construct the Star Tetrahedrons you need to print four (4) copies of the pattern below.
2. Cut out the drawings, cutting all the way around the outside edge.
3. Notice that there are two types of lines used in the drawing, solid and dashed, which indicate
two (2) different directions of fold. The dashes are the 'inside' folds. The dash will be inside after
we make the fold, the solid lines are the 'outside' folds.
4. Notice there are four (4) flaps creating two (2) inside folds and two (2) outside folds. The
outside folds get special attention as they will be our starting points, 'a' and 'b'. There are four
(4) edges, which are flapless.
5. Fold all of the edges, including the triangle edges, and then we are ready to paste or glue our
Star Tetrahedron.
6. Glue flap 'a' to the inside of the flapless triangle's edge, which is the edge that flap 'a' naturally
folds into.
7. Glue flap 'b' to the inside of the flapless triangle's edge, which is the edge that flap 'b' naturally
folds into. You now have one unit consisting of two 3-sided pyramids.
8. Fold and glue the other three (3) units.
9. When you reach this point, construction seems to get a little tricky. Glue two (2) units together,
maintaining our 'rule' to glue a flap to the inside of a flapless edge. You should end up with two
(2) units of four (4) pyramids each.
10. Carefully glue the two (2) units together still following the 'flap-to-flapless rule'. You may need to
fit the two (2) units in various ways, until we suddenly see the Star Tetrahedrons come







The MerKaBa Meditation calls for a visualization of the Star Tetrahedron, and it can be very valuable
to have a physical model. Our personal Sacred Geometry is much larger than this small model. In
order to have an idea as to the proper size, the upper tip of our upper Tetrahedron which is called the
Sun Tetrahedron is above our head at a distance from the top of your head the length of our hand. i.e.:
The distance from where your hand becomes wrist to the tip of your middle, longest, finger.

The lower tip of the Earth (lower) Tetrahedron is the same distance below your feet.
Leonardo da Vinci knew the importance of the Star Tetrahedrons. Study the following graphic of
Leonardo's Canon and note where the Star Tetrahedrons are located.

There is a chakra at each tip of our Tetrahedrons. Note where the Sun and Earth Tetrahedrons merge.
The Tetrahedrons are often larger than many people realize. The circle centered at the Heart Chakra
is the Sphere of Leonardo as referred to in the MerKaBa Meditation, and is a major key to the Christ


Here's another (smaller) fold-up pattern for a Star Tetrahedron. This pattern requires only 1
copy to make a finished model, but requires 2 additional cuts. It may be easier for some to put
together, and has less taping and cutting than the first model.
Hint: Using one half of a slender pair of scissors carefully slid through the gaps in the almostfinished solid to apply the last 2 or 3 pieces of tape may make the final steps easier... and it DOES
get easier with practice!


Through our energy field, or aura, we master our personal life matrix. The aura reflects our integration,
balance and alignment with the merkaba and psychological field. The merkaba is our light body. The
nexus of the aura and light body enable us to further activate the potential of our DNA

Surrender to Higher Levels

In the experience of spiritual evolution, you
rise higher and higher as you gain greater
knowledge and faith about your own
spiritual power. You feel as though you can do
anything, be
anything and have anything you want. But then just when you think that you
complete like God, suddenly things come crashing down and you feel as though
are brought down to nothing once again. You wonder what is the meaning of
it all and start
to question the reality of your own powers and knowledge.
You may have experienced such a scenario time
and time again in your life. It is a crisis of
faith that makes you reconsider
your belief in yourself and in God. That is the dark night of
the soul or the
valley of the shadow of death which you enter to discover a new light to a

higher reality that you never saw before. You may have discovered that light
and ascended
out of the pit before, but then you lost sight of it later and
that's why you keep experiencing
this scenario again and again.
The truth of the matter is to show you that
you are nothing, and God is everything. We can
never take the place of God in
our lives no matter how much knowledge and reality
creation abilities we have
gained. As we ascend in our path of spiritual evolution, we feel
that we have
greater and greater control over every aspect of our lives. But then we find

that we always rise until we hit a certain plateau and can't seem to go
What is actually ahead of us that we are
supposed to advance next, is the true journey into
highest level. We can't make the advancement until we realize what it takes to
into that journey. It is the journey of surrender. It is the moment when
you are spiritually
evolved enough and finally ready to make the transcendence
into total oneness with God
Almighty. It is to show you that you are totally
dependent on God alone and not on
anything else.
To ascend into the highest level requires you
to give up all thoughts about your own
greatness and supreme power. That may be
a hard thing for some of us to do, because we
have become so great and
powerful, how can we think ourselves as nothing and powerless
once again? That
is the paradox of moving into the greatness of the almighty. The higher
you go,
the more you must surrender. The rules of the higher are different from the
rules of
the lower.
It is when you are made nothing that God can
become everything in you. When you
surrender yourself to God completely, God is
able to use you fully. You become as a clay
in the
potters hands. God is able to shape you and mold you freely and perfectly into
exact form that he wants you to take. When you let go and let God, God can
use you in
anyway he pleases.

We are all here to do God's work. Our purpose

is to serve as angels of the Lord. Angels are
messengers of God. To be a
messenger is to convey what someone else wants to express.
The better the
messenger, the more authentic and powerful is the expression being
from the original sender. The worse the messenger, the more corrupted and

destructive is the expression because it is tarnished by the interference of

the messenger.
God is able to use every single one of us to
a certain extent, no matter how spiritually
evolved we are. He is able to
express himself through us in certain ways no matter how
much is our degree of
surrender. But in order for God to do his highest and greatest work
in us, he
has to bring us to a point of total surrender. The more we surrender, the more
is able to work through us. Choose God and let God choose everything else, then choose to
follow the choices he makes.
Christ is the head of all principality and
power. Let Christ be your head, and you will be the

head of everything else. The more you surrender to the higher, the more you can
rule the
lower. When you surrender to God completely as the bearer of his
light, that's when you
can truly rule the universe as a prince of power. When
the feminine polarity of your soul is
fully surrendered to the Christ polarity,
your masculine polarity is able to have full
dominion over the world. Become
the feminine to the Christ and you will be the masculine
over everything else.
Be an open vessel and God can move you in any
direction he wants. Be an open channel
and you can receive inspiration from God
easily and effortlessly. When you are empty,
God can fill you. It is the
emptiness of Man that allows the infinite to work in him fully.
God can create
in you and work through you. You don't need to have any plans but allow
God to
lead you however he pleases. When you no agenda, you will do things you never

thought you would do. Go with an empty mind and an open heart.
You cannot truly move into the level of
emptiness without first being brought to the level
of fullness. You should not
empty your cup before it is filled to its fullness. As long as it is
isn't fully filled, it cannot be fully emptied. Realize
the fullness of who you are in Christ
first before letting it all go and
surrendering to God completely. Know that you are
everything in God and then
allow yourself to become nothing so that God can become
everything in you.
Discover the level of power where you can do
anything you want and you can do as you
please. You will be able to accomplish
things to a certain level. But then when you want to
move on to the next level,
you will have to surrender to God and let him do as he pleases.
You will
advance to the level of divinity. To function at the highest level, God has to
the one who works in you directly and accomplish all things through you. Let
go of all
control of everything and trust.
Once you are brought to the level of
emptiness from fullness, then can you be filled to the

level of fullness once

again. You are never really empty because your fullness of God is
always there.
It is only in your experience of transcendence that you let go of who you are

and allow your consciousness to rest on who God is. It is after descending into
the lowest
are you able to ascend into the highest. Because God is able to use
you at all levels.
Trust in him completely. Have the Christ
Confidence. He knows all that happens better
than you. Just let go of all
control and allow God to lead you. It is all for a purpose, and
when you cannot
trace, you must trust. This is not an illusion, but a reality, for time proves

all things. He who waits for his time to come shall be rewarded, and good shall
come to
him. For God Himself shall be his Companion and Champion. Wait upon the

The Mystic's Life Lesson #28

Dark Night of the Soul
"Dark night of the soul" sounds like a threatening and much to be avoided experience. Yet
perhaps a quarter of the seekers on the road to higher consciousness will pass through the dark
night. In fact, they may pass through several until they experience the profound joy of their true
Many seekers would encourage the dark night experience if they knew what it was. However, to
one engaged in the dark night, suffering seems unending.
The dark night occurs after considerable advancement toward higher consciousness. Indeed, the
dark night usually occurs like an initiation before one of these special seekers is admitted into
regular relationship with higher consciousness. The dark night also occurs to those who do not
seek relationship but immersion or unity in the higher consciousness. While the term dark night
of the soul is used broadly, its general meaning in the field of higher consciousness is a
lengthy and profound absence of light and hope. In the dark night you feel profoundly alone.
You Cant Fit In
The dark night usually develops this way:
You, as a genuine seeker, have gone through many significant phases as you progress toward
higher consciousness. Your faith is strong. You have kept loyal companionship with fellow
seekers and perhaps you have already found a special teacher. Youve experienced indications of
the reality of higher consciousness and yearn to be more deeply in communion with it. You see
the principles of a higher power at work in your life. Yet, all in all, you find yourself somehow
painfully on the outside. You feel caught between your old way of living, your old tendencies
and associations, and this nebulous, unreachable realm of higher consciousness.
You feel an exile in both places. You dont belong in the old pastimes. in the old empty or
numbing way of life, yet you somehow cant fit in or feel at home in the fellowship of those who
talk naturally of the higher consciousness and its reality. They are experienced, they are absorbed
in it. They are loving, giving people. But you are unable to live, with full heart and mind, the
way they do. Theyre able to apply the principles of higher consciousness easily, yet its so hard
for you. They have manifestations and proofs on a regular basis. You only stretch like a human
mule after a receding corncob while pulling the heavy weight of your old tendencies behind you.
You try to be good, and often you cant. You try to be loving and find at times your heart is hard
like stone. Sometimes your projects fall down around your ears. You keep struggling and still
you dont break through. You understand the path is one of joy and yet your life seems to have
been barren for a month or two, perhaps longer. Where did that early joy and zest go?
Hanging On

Up to this particular time there was joy, there was delight. But now there is only a hanging on, a
dogged hanging on. You persist because you cant conceive of going back to your old way of
life. That seems impossible now. That would be like going to prison, living as if with a
transorbital lobotomy.
You deeply want to have joy and fulfillment, easily manifest prosperity, but somethings not
working. You dont know what it is but somethings awry, and your meditations have lost their
luster. Sometimes, during rare meditations, you do experience brief moments of peace. Your
agonizing mind and heart rest from their turbulence and even these fleeting times of calm are so
deeply appreciated. Your light dance of life, which had gone on for some time, is now a trudging
in what seems a devastated and alien land.
Your fellow seekers look at you and show their concern. Their words of kindness are valued but
you feel youre somehow incapable of responding well. Your heart is numb. At these times your
friends try to cheer you up. They invite you to dinner. You seem to perform fairly well, despite
the emptiness you feel inside. What else is there to do? You wonder if you have any right to be
in their fellowship at all. You think of leaving town, but where would you go? What good would
diversion be?
A number of your friends in the fellowship of this great path know what you are going through
for they have been through it themselves. They feel the main thing to do is encourage you to go
on. They know if you keep it up and do not quit you will succeed. They know if you quit you
will be a self-reject and will return to the old life, forever a foreigner, being neither at home with
it nor at home anywhere else. They recognize that your own higher self, out of love, is lifting you
up into its embrace. They see you are being drawn into your dark night because:
1. your inner potential has great stature
2. your crusty, old ego requires you go through the dark night in order to be transformed.
You Feel Totally Alone
Other seekers, for various reasons, do not have to pass through the dark night. However, the dark
night is your way.
Your night is a very difficult time. While others may one day envy you for the marvelous growth
you experienced in such a short, intensified period, you will, because of the pain of your
experience, always feel profound compassion for those whom you one day see going through a
similar night.
Being caught between the old way of life and the new possibilities, your sense of alienation
intensifies. Your sense of inadequacy and not knowing what to do next becomes gnawingly
constant. You feel you would do anything to get out of this state, yet it is only your ego which is
keeping you in it. However, this insight is impossible for you to grasp while going through your
long night.

And you feel so totally alone. Sure, you have friends and you appreciate them, but you are
keenly aware they are not capable of feeling what you are feeling or knowing what you are going
through. Sometimes they seem like clowns, sometimes they seem empty-headed, caught up in
meaningless pursuits. They do not understand, you think, how much you are suffering or how
you cry out and pray deep into each midnight. You try their advice but it doesnt seem to touch
the heart of the matter.
You begin to enter the dark night in earnest when you feel completely stranded. In the fullness of
the dark night you dont know where you are spiritually. Youre separate from God and man.
You do not know where to turn. Your friends love you and wish you well but your condition
does not improve.
The dark night is a very private matter. The person in the dark night is generally able to function
quite well despite inner suffering. Often your acquaintances never suspect that you are going
through the dark night they probably do not even know what it is. Only people close to you
especially friends along the path can recognize your pain.
You feel like a hollow person doing the activities of life with no motivation except expediency.
Your eyes seem deeper in your head. You are profoundly aware of the suffering of humanity and
the cruelty of one person to another. You feel that cruelty and negativity far outweigh love and
constructive action.
You Enter Midnight
Alone, and not wishing to be, unable even to express yourself to others, you enter midnight and
the greatest intensity of the dark night. Here you have finally come to the time of sovereign
solitude. In this precious time, which has no apparent prospects of love or happiness, you clearly
perceive that nothing in the outer world has proven adequate to heal your condition. Nobody, not
even your dearest friends and loved ones, can make you whole. Even if they have tried, and love
you enough to try loving you forever, they cant give you peace.
You eye your books and consider all the benefit you have gained from these extremely wise
vessels of truth. Yet not one book, not one thought, goes deep enough inside you to where the
affliction abides.
You look at your possessions, your money container. No material thing has been able to help
you. No material means have worked. Nothing, no one, in the outer world has enabled you to
come out of this dark night.
In your loneliness, you next in a seemingly random process notice that none of your
thoughts have proven adequate to your suffering. Not one even repeated fifty thousand times
breaks the inner storm and lets in light. God and higher consciousness seem so far away that
perhaps they are unreal. Neither one has, despite your protracted exposure of yourself, done
anything to ease or remove your agony. Nothing appears efficacious. Nothing works.

Clearly, there is nowhere to turn. There is nothing to be done. All actions you considered have
been tried. There is nothing to think, nothing to feel, nothing to do, nowhere to go. It seems you
have to accept this defeat or, you can persist in struggling against it. For awhile longer, you
go about thinking, feeling, and doing other options that occur to you. But you realize in the
midnight of your soul that you have tried every option you know of.
The Peace Comes
Helpless, totally helpless, as well as ever so alone, you abide in this condition. And you accept
your predicament. You accept that there is really, except for a murmured prayer to a remote Lord
and a remnant of a shredded faith, nothing else left.
Suicide would be absurd. Suicide would be an act of arrogance and vanity. You have grown far
beyond such primitive responses to your private agony. No, nothing to do. Nothing remains in
this lonely helplessness. There is, without question, nothing you can do.
You abide. You accept your state. How have you gotten to this place? Thats insignificant.
Musings and feelings aside, you wait. You feel you may have to stay this way forever, doing the
regular day-to-day things, but in this mood of emptiness. Nothing. Nothing.
Then, it happens. A holy presence comes into your room sweetly, softly. You feel it filling
you. Your mind is filled with mellow or bright light. Your heart, your still heart, is permeated
with peace. This peace moves through your body like a cold spring of mountain water. It flows
in your spine, your brain, and under your skin. Everywhere.
Also, this presence, this comforter, moves like a breeze across your arid mind and numb heart.
Then, or a few days later, the fire of joy begins to smoulder. Here, abiding with nothing more to
do, your ego drops away! Your ignorant, arrogant, fearful sense of self falls away from you. You
stand in light a new being, a free being transformed.
Your Ego Sense
Believe it or not, thats what the dark night is all about: transformation. Your ego, your limited
sense of self, your inadequate complex of ideas about who you are had to be dissolved. Your ego
was, you begin to see, eclipsing higher consciousness and your true nature. Your old sense of
self was inadequate to your new hopes and proper state. Your suffering intensified because of a
major misapprehension. You were too used to thinking of yourself based on inputs from your
previous experiences in life. On and on through life, you gathered information and responses
from the world which indicated to you what kind of person you were and are. These superficial
units of related inputs became integrated in what is called the ego your sense of self, your
sense of who you are. As long as you allowed this inaccurate or only partial sense of who you are
to dominate, you could not know or abide in your true nature.
Your ego sense is so powerful you invest it with so much of your thought and feeling that
your attitudes of life become based on an egocentric perspective. The ego gains a progressively

greater foothold on your entire life because your basic attitudes about your existence and
essential nature are strongly linked with ego.
Then, your ego sense, due to your suffering or your limitations in life, wants to have more power
over circumstances and a more pleasant life. The ego sense often becomes motivated to seek
higher consciousness and, thus, greater ability to dominate in life. Not always, but often, it is the
ego sense which most eagerly pursues higher consciousness. It wants to be in charge; it wants to
manipulate events and make life come out more to its satisfaction. But, as long as your ego
dominates, it is on a collision course with your true nature and your higher consciousness.
Theres going to be a showdown. There has to be a confrontation sometime if your higher
consciousness is ever to emerge, if you are ever to know truly who you are and what your human
capabilities are.
Furthermore and this is extremely important, especially in understanding the dark night of the
soul your ego, as it develops from childhood onward, has the conviction that it is the doer.
Generally, your ego assumes that it chooses what your mind will think, and chooses what your
heart will feel. It feels it selects the various actions and activities you are going to undertake.
Your sense of self, being convinced it is the doer, feels it accomplishes anything and everything
in your life. Do you see, then, how the dark night develops? A false sense of self has been
ignorantly and manipulatively standing in the way of enlightenment.
Additionally, until you are consolidated in higher consciousness, your ego can return and
reestablish control if you let it. Sometimes when youre fatigued or when you have special, new
opportunities in life, you are vulnerable to the reestablishment of your ego and its opinion that it
is in charge of doing everything. It will again eclipse the higher consciousness until you
recognize what has happened. Then you must courageously and consciously reaffirm your true
nature, and deal with the upstart, old ego. Otherwise, another dark night phase will again
Attempts of the Ego
A person seeking higher consciousness is, in effect, and with intensity, seeking the
transformation of his own ego. He is seeking to end the tyranny of the ego and abide in his true
nature, instead of a false nature concocted through experiences and emotional inputs during the
process of life. While it is true these inputs have a value in subjecting you to new experiences
and so offer unique learning situations, they often give you a delusory sense of self. You are not
your mistake. Even a murderer can change and become a new being.
Still, as you progress toward higher consciousness, your ego may not be humbling and daily
transforming itself. You may, instead, have a highly developed ego which is sure that it is
causing the events of higher consciousness to unfold bit by bit. Your ego, after all, can be very
interested in the attributes of higher consciousness, in meditation and association with
enlightened beings. Your ego feels gratification and satisfaction in moving on down the road
toward higher consciousness.

Your ego may also have the opinion that, because of its grasp of matters, it will one day establish
or by its thought process and feelings bring about enlightenment and awakening. It is
convinced that it will achieve higher consciousness. This is ironic because by the time of the
dark night, the ego is the main obstacle; it is the obstruction of the light of consciousness. It
stands between you and your fulfillment. In fact, the length of your dark night is based on the
truculence and cunning of your ego. It can fight a very lengthy battle if it fears its going to be
destroyed or will have to give in to something so much greater than it knows itself to be.
Incredibly, your ego wants to be in on the act of enlightenment. Ego wants to bring about higher
consciousness by its own dramatic means. Certainly, it doesnt want to be granted fulfillment by
a power outside of itself. Convinced that it is the doer, your ego holds on for dear life until
that event called the dark night of the soul, when your ego awakens to the profound fact it cannot
cause or bring about higher consciousness.
Ego cannot, by its will or any other skills whatever, create the wholeness of heart which will end
your deep suffering. In a sense your ego recognizes itself in the dark night to be the
disease. It recognizes that its foothold on your mind and heart has, at an advanced stage on your
path, proven a great numbing agent and a high stone wall against the light. Ego stands against the
fulfillment of your faith and the realization of your profoundest yearnings. Finally your ego has
found something it cannot do and, in the dark night of the soul, it becomes totally convinced it is
inadequate. It cannot deal with your suffering or the fulfillment of the hearts yearning. Nothing
it can do, think, say, buy, or travel to, will in any way suffice.
Dawn of a New Life
Here in this dark night, the lifelong ego sense dies: impotent. Having fulfilled its part, now weak
and incompetent, it is dissolved transmuted. From a higher sense now awakening within you,
you slough off your false sense of self. You now know yourself to be a different person than you
thought you were. Your ego was merely experiencing some of the attributes, some of the
qualities, of your true nature, while at the same time obstructing others.
You, in passing successfully through the dark night, enter the realms of higher consciousness.
Youve been cleansed of the most deep-rooted sickness: your ignorance of your true nature and
your inadequate, often totally wrong opinion of who you are. You now cease your inner conflict
and abide serenely in your true nature. The night is over. The dawn of a new life in higher
consciousness transforms your bleak life of the past few months into one with a heavenly nature.
You have been delivered of the intolerable bondage to ego.
Henceforth, you will walk the earth seeing others afresh, living a new life, and abiding in your
true nature. You have become a son or daughter of higher consciousness. Now your words and
actions will be attuned with your true self. Now you express inspiration and comfort.
The dark night has passed. It is over.

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Eckhart on the Dark Night of the Soul

Q: Have you ever experienced the dark night of the soul? Your teachings have been so helpful

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through this difficult period. Can you address this subject?

A: The dark night of the soul is a term that goes back a

long time. Yes, I have also experienced it.

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It is a term used to describe what one could call a collapse of a perceived meaning in lifean
eruption into your life of a deep sense of meaninglessness. The inner state in some cases is very

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close to what is conventionally called depression. Nothing makes sense anymore, theres no
purpose to anything. Sometimes its triggered by some external event, some disaster perhaps, on

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an external level. The death of someone close to you could trigger

it, especially premature death,
for example if your child dies. Or you had built up your life, and given it meaning and the meaning

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that you had given your life, your activities, your achievements, where you are going, what is
considered important, and the
meaning that you had given your life for some reason collapses.


It can happen if something happens that you cant explain away anymore, some disaster which
seems to invalidate the meaning that your life had before. Really what has collapsed then is the

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whole conceptual framework for your life, the meaning that your mind had given
it. So that results in
a dark place. But people have gone into that, and then there is the possibility that you emerge out
of that
into a transformed state of consciousness. Life has meaning again, but its no longer a

December 2011

conceptual meaning that you can necessarily explain. Quite often its from there that people

November 2011

awaken out of their conceptual sense of reality, which has collapsed.

October 2011

They awaken into something deeper, which is no longer based on concepts in your mind. A deeper

September 2011

sense of purpose or connectedness with a greater life that is not dependent on explanations or

August 2011

anything conceptual any longer. Its a kind of re-birth. The dark night of the soul is a kind of death

July 2011

that you die. What dies is the egoic sense of self. Of course, death is always painful, but nothing

June 2011

real has actually died there only an illusory identity. Now it is probably the case that some people

whove gone through this transformation realized that they had to go through that, in order to bring

May 2011

about a spiritual awakening. Often it is part of the awakening process, the death of the old self and

April 2011

the birth of the true self.

March 2011

The first lesson in A Course in Miracles says Nothing I see in

this room means anything, and

February 2011

youre supposed to look around the room at whatever you happen to be looking at, and you say this

January 2011

doesnt mean anything, that doesnt mean anything. What is the purpose of a
lesson like that?

December 2010

Its a little bit like re-creating what can happen during the dark night of the soul. Its the collapse of a
mind-made meaning, conceptual meaning, of life believing that you understand what its all

November 2010

about. With A Course in Miracles, its a voluntary relinquishment of the human mind-made

October 2010

meaning that is projected, and you

go voluntary into saying I dont know what this means, this

September 2010

doesnt mean anything. You wipe the board clean. In the dark night of the soul it collapses.

August 2010

You are meant to arrive at a place of conceptual meaninglessness. Or one could say a state of

July 2010

ignorance where things lose the meaning that you had given them, which was all conditioned and

June 2010

cultural and so on. Then you can look upon the world without imposing a mind-made framework of
meaning. It looks of course as if you no longer understand anything. Thats why its so scary when
it happens to you, instead of you actually consciously embracing it. It can bring about the dark night

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of the
soul to go around the Universe without any longer interpreting it compulsively, as an
innocent presence. You look upon events, people, and so on with a deep sense of aliveness. Your

8am - 5pm Monday - Friday Mountain Standard Time

sense the aliveness through your own sense of aliveness, but you are not trying to
fit your

Telephone: 720-509-1849

experience into a conceptual framework anymore.


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Excerpt from The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life

The Lucifer Experiment: Duality

The words "the Lucifer rebellion" carry a stigma that has haunted mankind
for at least since the Bible has been on Earth. Many of us humans, especially
Christians, believe that Lucifer is the cause of all evil and darkness
that has ever transpired on this planet. We call what Lucifer did a rebellion,
projecting an image that Lucifer is somehow going against the universal
cosmic plan. But unity consciousness sees Lucifer's work in a slightly different
light. His work is not known as a rebellion, but as the Lucifer experiment.
Why would it be called an experiment? Because that is exactly what it
is, a test to see if certain parameters of life will work. Life is an experiment!
The instructions from God at the beginning of the Lucifer experiment were
for humans to live free will. But what does free will mean? Does it not
mean all possibilities, both good and evil? Does it not mean that we would be
allowed to do anything we wanted, with the idea, from a biblical point of
view, that we would learn discrimination for the good?
Life was given the ability to do anything it wanted, all possibilities; it was
given free will. Therefore, how could free will exist unless consciousness
created the format for this way of being? And who creates consciousness?
The one and only God. Lucifer did not create free will, but it was through
his actions and decisions that free will became a reality. It was God who
created Lucifer so that free will would exist. Before the Lucifer experiment,
there was no free will except during the three other attempts. All life
moved according to the will of God, according to the cosmic DMA. There
were no deviations, and free will was only a potential that life could someday
At one point, because free will was possible, we realized that there was a
particular way we could experience this reality that had not been tried before.
So we tried it. We actually tried three versions of it, and each time it failed.
They were absolute disasters. The latest experiment and fourth attempt,
with Lucifer heading it, used a different approach to create free will. This
time God chose an area of consciousness that was just above human existence:
This experiment began with the angels. So it was the angels who
brought this new freewill consciousness to mankind to be lived here in these
dense worlds, and life everywhere watched to see how it would fare.
With great respect between two brothers, the battle between good and
evil began. It was a battle to the death, yet neither could die. It was a battle
that had to be, for it was the will of God. For the overall sake of the universe,

Michael supported the side of the light and the good and Lucifer backed the side
of darkness and evil. A new possibility was about to be
lived. And we humans thought it was a great idea, this idea of free will.
The Bright and Shining One
It becomes clear in the study of sacred geometry that nothing was created
without intention and reason. It wasn't just a mistake; in fact, there
are no mistakes. And when God created Lucifer, as you can read in the Bible, he
was the most magnificent angel God had ever created. He was the
most intelligent, the most beautiful, the most amazing of all angels. So he
had no peer; he was the top-of-the-line model of the angelic worlds. God
gave him the name Lucifer, meaning "the bright and shining one." God
gave him this name, so do you think God made a mistake?
If you think back to our own human nature, we always tend to look to
our heroes as that which we want to become. We look up to those people
who have gone before us, who have blazed the trail in the direction we feel
we want to go, and we model much of our behavior after our heroes. Because
of the understanding of "As above, so below," it is the same for Lucifer. He wanted to be like his heroes, but he didn't have anyone higher than
himself in his realm. He didn't have any heroes.
He was the greatest archangel in creation. There was no one greater
than he. Rather, the only hero he had was God, who was the only being beyond
him, from where he could see. So Lucifer did something very natural
and I feel sure that God was aware that this would take place when he
created him. He wanted to be as good as Godto actually be Godfrom a
creation level. There's nothing wrong with merging with God, but that isn't
exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to be just like God. In fact, he
wanted to be even better than God. Lucifer wanted to surpass his hero.
Lucifer was so intelligent that he knew how the universe was created.
He knew the images, the patterns and the codes that had created the universe.
But in order to be greater than God, he decided that he would have
to separate from God. As long as he was part of God, he could not go beyond
Him. So, evidently with God's blessing (since He created him), Lucifer
started on a great experiment to see what could be learned by creating in
a different way from how God/Spirit had made the original creation. He
severed the love bonds between himself and God and created a Mer-Ka-Ba
field that was not based on love, because once he severed the love between
himself and God, he could no longer make a living Mer-Ka-Ba.
Archangel Lucifer and many other angels started on this great experiment
to see what could be learned in this new way. As we said, similar experiments
had actually been tried three times before by other beings, but
those experiments had ended in massive destruction and pain for everyone
involved. Many planets had been completely destroyed, including one in
our own solar systemMars. But Lucifer was retrying this old experiment
with a new method.

So he severed the love bonds between himself and God (at least it outwardly
appears this way) and created a Mer-Ka-Ba field that was not based on love.
What he did was make an interdimensional time-space machine
that we call a spaceship. This flying objectsometimes seen as a flying saucer
but also many other shapeswas more than just a vehicle as we think of
it, much more. It could not only move throughout the spectrum of this
multidimensional Reality, but it could create realities that seemed to be just
as real as the original creation. It is similar to what we are now calling virtual
reality, only this was a virtual reality that could not be distinguished
from the real thing.
So Lucifer made this synthetic Mer-Ka-Ba to create a reality separate
from God so that he could ascend to the heights and be just as good as God,
at least in his own mind. He couldn't be God, but he could be like God, his
In order to convince other angels that this experiment was necessary, he
chose a different pathway out of the Great Void to create his synthetic reality
that was unique unto itself. To explain this in detail, we will move to the
Garden of Eden.
In the Garden of Eden there were two trees: the tree of life, which led to
eternal life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In the Genesis
pattern of creation as seen in the Flower of Life, the pathway the little spirit
took, coming up to the top of the original sphere of creation, was associated
with the first tree, the Tree of Life |see chapter 5, page 151]. The spirit
came from a single point in the center of the first sphere and began to rotate
in a vortex, creating the images that created the reality that leads to eternal
life. The Tree of Life and the Flower of Life are of the same creation.
But there is another way that spirit can exit the Great Void, and it is associated
with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is actually the
same geometry, except that it has a different view of the geometry. In other
words, there's another path to follow in sacred geometry to exit the Great
Void and create a reality that appears the same but is geometrically and
experientially different. Lucifer knew this, and he chose that pathway to create
a new kind of reality he could control. At least controlling this new reality
was part of his original intention. Archangel Michael's original intention
was to simply create free will. Their inner agendas were different.
Creating a Dualistic Reality
Lucifer convinced a third of the angels in heaven to go with him to support
him in this new reality. He convinced them because his particular
pathway out of the Great Void resulted in a unique viewpoint that had not
yet been lived or explored. From their angelic viewpoint of reality, it was a
possibility of life and someone needed to live it.
Important to at least the angels who followed Lucifer, this new pathway
also contained a system of knowledge that was able to give an experience

that had never been fully lived before in the original Reality of God. This
experience centered around two pieces of geometric knowledgerather
simple pieces too, it would seem. These two geometric forms were primal
knowledge about the Egg of Life and the source of all living forms.
The first sphere they were seeking fits in the center of the Egg of Life and
touches all eight spheres [see A in Fig. 9-36a]. The second sphere fits perfectly
inside any of the six holes in the center of each face of the Egg of Life
(just visualize the eight spheres of the Egg of Life inside a cube, which has
six faces). This knowledge had always been known, but from within the
original Reality it was not possible to actually live and experience it. Remember,
all sacred geometry has an experiential aspect. For your information,
see Figure 17-1. The diamond viewa square turned 45 degrees
shows the Luciferian geometry of these two spheres.
Lucifer told the angelic worlds that we needed to do this experiment because
the universe had missing information, and the only way to get the information
was to live it. So he chose this particular view of geometry in
which to start his new, separate reality creation. Through this new geometry
he interpreted his creation in a new way. This gave the experience of
being inside a life form separate from the rest of reality. Many believe it was
great and, most important, that it was new. There was hardly ever anything
new in creation.
The way of Lucifer was the diamond view of the Egg of Life, the same
view that humanity happens to be living at this moment in history.
Yes, we did follow Lucifer.
Remember the ninth chapter, "Spirit and Sacred Geometry," where we were
at the second level of consciousness? Remember how the Earth is now living the
three levels of consciousness (out of five possible levels) and how we had to
rotate the second level of consciousness 45 degrees to the diamond view to get
it to point to the next level, Christ consciousness [see Fig. 9-4, page 228] ?
Lucifer chose the square view, then turned it 45 degrees to the diamond view,
the view in Figure 17-1. It was this view of the Egg of Life he wanted
to obtain, because this view was the one that was needed to experience
both the inner and outer spheres that would fit into those openings we
spoke of above. The seemingly innocent need for this information from this
view (remember, on an experiential level) was a huge deal to the angels
whose purpose was to create free will and live all possibilities. This was a
possibility that might work. And it was a possibility that had never been
lived before, or at least never been lived successfully.
So these are the details of how Lucifer did it. Again, 1 am merely reporting
this information so that you can transcend the dualistic view of life into
the next higher level, Christ consciousness, and "get thee behind me," Lucifer,
as Jesus would say.
The trick to this new reality was that spirit can separate itself; it can be
in two or more places at one time. It is very much like cell division, or mitosis,
except without form. It is what makes mitosis possible in the first place.

So the new reality was created with the same sacred geometry as the
Flower of Life, except that spirit divided itself into two and began to rotate
out of the Great Void in a double helix pattern from two completely different
centers. This created the new reality. In addition, Lucifer used the diamond
view of the Egg of Life, turning it 90 degrees to the rectangular view in order
to focus the new, untried consciousness through it. It became the lens
through which we interpreted the new reality. This was revolutionary.
In creating the original Reality, on the first day of creation at the first
motion of the spirit of God, spirit moved itself to the top of the first sphere
[see chapter 5, Fig. 5-32]. Then we started the rotating pattern, which began
creation. But there's another way to enter creation, where spirit would
leave part of itself at the very first center. In other words, at the very first instant
of the motion away from center, which is the very first moment that
creation begins, spirit would divide itself in two and leave part of itself in
the center and move the other part of itself to the top of the first sphere.
Then it would create the next sphere at the top of the first sphere, the same
way as in the other creations [Fig. 17-2].
But from then on, the next motion, on the second day of Genesis, spirit
begins a double rotation motion, where the center half of spirit rotates over
one way and the top half of spirit rotates over the other way and forms the
two spheres, which make this pattern [Fig. 17-3].
From there it divides itself again, to create this pattern [Fig. 17-4].
It then begins a pattern of dividing and coming together. But it is primarily
division, separating from one's self. It expands into this pattern [Fig.
17-5], then continues outward.
This can keep going on and on and on . . . and eventually you end up
with exactly the same grid as the Flower of Lifethe same laws, the same
apparent reality, the same planets and suns and trees and bodies. Everything's
the same except for one huge difference. The Flower of Life pattern
has a single geometric centerone eye, and a being who enters creation this
way is connected directly to all life and to God. But Lucifer's pattern has
not a single geometric center, but two specific centerstwo eyes. No matter
how big the grid is, when you come back to its center, you'll find two
centers or eyes. And it has been separated from God. There is no love.
These angels of Lucifer have almost forgotten what love is. Remember
what Jesus said, "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light"?
[See Fig. 17-6.]
But again, who is in control here? God is. And God created this situation.
It wasn't Lucifer who created this situationit was God, one step before
Lucifer. God created Lucifer and knew what Lucifer was going to do.
So there must be a reason for creating this separate reality.
Earth Humans as the Focus of the Experiment
Lucifer began this new reality shortly before we humans came into existence
as a racea little over 200,000 years ago. And we have become the

key players. There must be a reason why all these things have happened. I
think that the purpose behind this Luciferian experiment, which has been
going on for these millions and millions of years, is now coming
to fruition on Earth, and that Earth has been chosen as the place
to give life new birth. This is what it looks like.
Whatever the ultimate purpose for creating this new reality
is I do not know, but it has become clear throughout the cosmos
that the Earth has become the focus of this intense drama. And
it appears as though the fruition of this experiment is about to
unfold before our eyes. You and I are the players who take this
new reality and transform it in the direction of the ultimate purpose.
We are to go beyond anything archangels Lucifer and Michael
had imagined. We are to be the children of the third way,
a new reality born from the first two.
We here on Earth are all part of this Luciferian experiment.
All of us have chosen this path. Every one of us on this planet
has chosen this way, whether you like it or not, whether you
want to be identified with it or not. You chose this,
because you're here. And our physical mother, the
Nefilim, are also part of the Lucifer experiment, and
so is our physical father, the Sirians, though the
Sirians have almost totally extracted themselves.
The race from Sirius B, the dolphins, were also part
of the Lucifer experiment. If you remember, the dolphins
came down in a spaceship to the Dogons. They
were also involved in technology. They had little
hard-shelled vehicles for a long time too, but they
gave it up about 200 years ago and now they're making
an incredible transformation back to unity.
I don't know if reverting back to a no-technology
world as found in the original Reality is actually the
answer. I'm not certain. I think that we here on
Earth are going to discover the answer. The answer
is on this planet, whatever it is, and the people on
this planet have become the grand catalyst of the experimentthe experiment upon which all life is now breathlessly focused
to see what happens. Why? Because what happens here on Earth is going
to affect everyone everywhere. And I believe that this answer is coming
through our hearts.
Using the Intellect without Love
This is how Lucifer convinced all these angels that we really needed to
experience this new way. What happened to these angels? They severed
their love connection with God, with all life, and functioned on one side of
their brain, not on boththey functioned only with intelligence, not love.

This has created races of beings that were incredibly intelligent but had no
experience of love or compassionlike the Grays and the Martians, for example.
In the past this always resulted in their fighting each other, sending
life into chaos. This is where Mars comes in. Mars was one of those,races (not of
the Lucifer experiment, but the one before that) that was terminating almost a
million years ago. At that time life was destroying itself everywhere. Mars
destroyed itself. It was constantly warring, constantly fighting, because
there was no love or compassion. Then at one point they just blew their
atmosphere away and destroyed everything. But right before they did, there
were certain people who knew that destruction was inevitable, and some of
them were the Martians who came to Earth and settled in Atlantis, causing
all the Mer-Ka-Ba troubles here on Earth.
This is the focus. The result of this Lucifer experiment was that the Lucifer
beings created physical ships and focused on technology, creating an
entire technologically based system and a separate reality from the original
Reality, whereas the beings who did not separate from God had absolutely
no technology whatsoever. They were led by Archangel Michael. Then
the war of opposites began. Archangel Michael, the angel of light, and
Archangel Lucifer, the angel of darkness, began the cosmic war of duality
that created our good-and-evil, dualistic consciousness.
Archangel Michael and the angels of light have living Mer-Ka-Ba fields
that can do anything that Luciferian technology can do, and even more.
And Archangel Lucifer and his angels of darkness have their technological
Mer-Ka-Bas and their synthetic reality. So we have two totally different
approaches to life. Look at archangels Michael or Gabriel or Raphaelthey
don't have technology and spaceships. They live in lightbodies, and their
reality, the original Reality, is based on light. It is what could be called light
technology based on love. Then there's this other way, Lucifer's way,
where you have all this material stuff to be concerned with. We have our
houses and cars and all the things we feel we need. The whole web we're in
is Luciferian technology. You can look out at the world and see the difference
between nature, the original Reality, and what mankind has done
with its separate reality created by the knowledge of Lucifer.
Of course, you can take this to the extremeanybody, any life form
whatsoever, no matter where they are, if they're flying around in technological
crafts, they are part of the Lucifer experiment, flat out, I don't care who
they are. But there's an entire spectrum of engagement with this experiment.
There are some beings who are so far into it, who are so addicted to
it, that they're helpless in a certain way. They cannot live without it.
There's a spectrum of addiction to it alt the way to and including people like
us. We're addicted to it also, but we still have one foot in the original Reality,
It would be very difficult for us to take off all our clothes, which are now
technological because they are made with machines, and walk into the
woods again with nothing but our bodies. We're definitely addicted to our
technologies. On the other hand, we do have love. We have a tiny spark of

love; we haven't completely severed our love from life. Thus we're some of
the beings in the universe who have somehow not completely severed our
connection with God. We have technology, but we still sense and know
what love is. It's weak, not powerful; it's not a blazing, blinding light. But
we still have it. We have both aspects. We have the original Reality potential
still within us.
The Third, integrated Way
An important understanding is that we Earthlings are finding the universal
answer in a totally unique way that's never been seen before. This
whole thing between the original Reality and the Luciferian reality seems to
be leading to a third way that is some kind of combination of the first two.
If you cross your eyes when you look at the two-eyes drawing [Fig. 17-6],
you may see the third way when you see three eyes. Then the middle path
becomes a combination of both. You're actually seeing both of them
over each other. View this figure as a stereogram, and you'll see
that it creates a third, unique pattern. This new third way is the hope of all
life everywhere. The universe has been at "war" for 200,000 yearsthe
battle between the dark and the light with no apparent solution. Now it appears
this struggle is going to culminate in a new birth, a third reality.



For the ancient Israelites (and symbolically for all of humanity) one of the most
revered temples of initiation was the sacred tabernacle, which became Solomons
Temple. It was in this temple that the Ark of the Covenant was housed. The
sacred geometry of Solomons Temple concealed numerous teachings, but only
for those with opened eyes could see and understand their significance.
According to some traditions, the layout of Solomons Temple was as follows: The
area surrounding the outermost walls symbolized the world outside and the
unawakened portion of humanity. Next, the portion of humanity that was
awakened, or at least on their spiritual path, was symbolized by those who were
allowed to enter the main gate and participate in initiations. Within the main gate,
there were, as might be expected, four initiations, which represented the four
states of human consciousness, the four elements, and the four beasts of
Ezekiel. These four beasts are also the same as those of the fixed signs in
astrology bull (Taurus-earth), eagle (Scorpio-water), lion (Leo-fire), and man
The first ritual, or initiation, involved the sacrifice of an animal, symbolizing the
release of physical attachments. The second initiation involved a cleansing ritual
in a large basin of water, symbolizing the healing and purifying of emotions. The
third initiation involved the burning of incense to purify the mind. The fourth
initiation involved a ritual with specially prepared bread that was raised only with
air, symbolizing a purifying of the heart.
Ultimately, what the initiates of Solomons Temple experienced was a symbolic
journey into the root center (chakra) of the human body, where they began their
initiations. Then they symbolically journeyed upward, through the navel center, the
solar plexus, and finally to the heart center. There was, however, only one person,
the High Priest, who was considered worthy of receiving the fifth initiation, which
occurred in a room beyond the veil, or tabernacle curtain. This veiled chamber
symbolized the Christ center (or throat chakra), as well as the three divine centers
and initiations-collectively. In this room was the sacred Ark of the Covenant, which
tradition says was used by the Israelites to commune with God.
Solomons Temple was an external replica of the human body and its symbolic
initiations. So, it is by no coincidence that within the human skull, there are seven
primary bones joined together by a small winged-shaped bone known as the

sphenoid. This bone, found behind the upper bridge of the nose, sits symbolically
in the bodys holy of holies(the combined three centers of Divinity) and has even
been coined the Ark of the Covenant by some osteopaths and practitioners of
cranial therapy.
Even the highly initiated master, the High Priest, was not considered to be
completely prepared or worthy to enter the holy room. So he had to wear a
special breastplate made of twelve uniquely cut and selected gemstones. This
breastplate was, in modern terms, a lead shield to protect the wearer from
radiation. Additionally, the High Priest had a cord bound around his waist. Then, if
his own vibrations were not sufficient to handle the energy within the sacred
chamber and his lead shield failed him, the assistants would drag his dead body
out by the cord, since they were not allowed to enter the sacred room.
Symbolically, the inner chamber represents the head and neck of the body and
trinity of divine chakras as well as representing heaven and the trinity of God. The
veil that separated the assisting priests and all initiates from the sacred room
symbolizes the veil that seems to separate us from Heaven. This is the same veil
mentioned at the crucifixion of Jesus. As Jesus gives up the ghost the Bible
states that the veil in the temple is torn open. This rendering of the veil in the Holy
of Holies symbolizes the present awakening and availability of Christ
Consciousness and the worthiness of all people to walk into the remembrance of
their Divinity.

Excerpts from the Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path by Michael Mirdad

The Temple of Solomon

by Lambert Dolphin

Copyright S. George Khalaf, used by permission. Web site: Virtual Center for Phoenician Studies

Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD
watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.
Lo, sons are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the
hand of a warrior are the sons of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of
them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.
(Psalm 127. A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon.)

Kings Come to Ancient Israel

After the conquest of the land and the death of that great leader Joshua, the tribes of Israel settled into the
chaotic, disjointed, and disorganized period described in the Book of Judges. This whole time period of
nearly four centuries was characterized by the repeated descriptive phrase, "In those days there was no
king in the land, everyone did what was right in his own eyes." (Judges 17:6, 18:1, 19:1, 21:25) Failure to
drive out and exterminate the corrupting Canaanites who lived previously in the land caused these peoples
to grow back like poisonous weeds until they oppressed and harassed Israel.
During this time God graciously raised up "judges" ( shophetim) who reversed the status quo for a season
by calling on God and rally the people around the One who had chosen them and commissioned them to
occupy the land.

Moral and spiritual conditions were very low at Shiloh when the prophet Samuel was born. The Levitical
priesthood under Eli was about to be disqualified in the deaths of Eli's disreputable sons Hophni and
Phinehas. Although God had desired to rule Israel as their invisible Monarch and Lord, the people clamored
for a national champion to rule them:
Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and carne to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him,
"Behold, you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint for us a king to
govern us like all the nations." But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, "Give us a king
to govern us." And Samuel prayed to the LORD. And the LORD said to Samuel, "Hearken to the
voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have
rejected me from being king over them. According to all the deeds which they have done to me,
from the day I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, forsaking me and serving other
gods, so they are also doing to you. Now then, hearken to their voice; only, you shall solemnly
warn them, and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them."
So Samuel told all the words of the LORD to the people who were asking a king from him. He
said, "These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and
appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen, and to run before his chariots - and he will
appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plow his
ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his
chariots. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the
best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants. He will take
the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants. He
will take your menservants and maidservants, and the best of your cattle and your asses, and
put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. And in
that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves; but the
LORD will not answer you in that day."
But the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel - and they said, "No! but we will have a
king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may govern us and go
out before us and fight our battles." And when Samuel had heard all the words of the people,
he repeated them in the ears of the LORD.
And the LORD said to Samuel, "Hearken to their voice, and make them a king. (1 Samuel 8:422)
The first king chosen, Saul of the tribe of Benjamin, a son of Kish - though a man of proven military ability failed the tests God gave him and was soon disqualified (1 Samuel 15) leaving the newly formed
"monarchy" in a state of civil war.
Young David, a Bethlehemite shepherd lad from the tribe of Judah was then chosen by God. As everyone
knows, he proved by his wise choices to be a man "after God's own heart." As a great military strategist
David united the tribes and extended the national boundaries so that in his time Israel enjoyed a greater
fraction of the land promised to Abraham than has ever since been the case.
David ruled as king for seven years and Hebron, then established his throne in Jerusalem after overcoming
the ancient Jebusite (Canaanite) community there. His reign continued there in Jerusalem for the next 32
years. Secure on his throne and dwelling in a magnificent palace of cedar and stone, David began to be
concerned that he, the visible king, dwelled in a magnificent house, but the invisible King of kings still dwelt
in an aging temporary tent, the Tabernacle of Moses.
At first the prophet Nathan gave David approval to construct a temple, but the following night God
intervened. Speaking to Nathan in a dream God laid out for David an amazing covenant whose promises
continue to this present day. God committed himself to establishing the house of David forever, to a
specific land and people (Israel), and to a temple (see 2 Samuel 7). Messiah, in fact, would be one of
David's sons.

David, a man of war, was not, however, to build the First Temple. That task was given to his son Solomon,
although David drew up the plans.
The fact that other nations had temples and Israel did not is not the reason The First Temple was to be
built. The Temple was to be a memorial to Israel to turn her heart away from the idols of the surrounding
nations. The Temple would provide them for an incentive not to practice the same evil things as the
After the Temple was built, the Tabernacle was dismantled. It may have been stored in a room under the
Temple Mount. It is quite possible it is still there to this day, as many rabbis and authorities in Jerusalem
Araunah's Threshing Floor
David was by no means a perfect king. He had a number of wives and his marriages were apparently
nothing to boast about. His grievous sin of murder and adultery in the case of Bathsheba brought war in
David's household for the rest of his days. Yet when confronted with his sin David showed contrition and
repentance (Psalms 32, 51 for instance).
Late in his reign David carelessly chose to take a census of the army acting against the advice of General
Joab and other army leaders. The Lord was provoked to great anger at David who evidently had forgotten
that the strength of Israel was in her God and not in the number of her soldiers or skill in battle.
Confronted with the seriousness of his poor judgment by the prophet Gad, David was given three choices by
God as to the consequences that were to follow this serious mistake on the part of the king. The three
choices given him were (1) three years of famine, (3) three years of devastation by Israel's foes, or (3) of
three days of destruction (pestilence) wrought by The Angel of the Lord, (see 1 Chr. 21, 2 Sam 24 for the
Knowing that God was merciful, David asked God to choose. The result was three terrible days of
pestilence from the Angel of the Lord. Jerusalem was spared at the last minute when David cried out for
mercy--the sin was his and not that of the people--they were but sheep.
It was at this time, when the hand of the Angel of the Lord was stayed, that David was told by Gad to
erect an altar on the threshing floor of Araunah (Ornan) the Jebusite. The location was on wind-swept
Mount Moriah. The site is the place where one thousand years earlier God had stopped Abraham from
sacrificing Isaac.
And Gad came that day to David and said to him, "Go up, erect an altar to the Lord on the
threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite." . . . And David built there an altar unto the Lord, and
offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. So the Lord heeded the prayers for the land, and
the plague was withdrawn from Israel. (2 Samuel 24: 15,1 6, 18, 25).
Plans and Preparations for the Temple
David's role, and careful attention to all the details, plans and preparation for the temple are recorded for
us in First Chronicles Chapter 22:
David commanded to gather together the aliens who were in the land of Israel, and he set
stonecutters to prepare dressed stones for building the house of God. David also provided great
stores of iron for nails for the doors of the gates and for clamps, as well as bronze in quantities
beyond weighing, and cedar timbers without number - for the Sidonians and Tyrians brought
great quantities of cedar to David. For David said, "Solomon my son is young and inexperienced,
and the house that is to be built for the LORD must be exceedingly magnificent, of fame and
glory throughout all lands; I will therefore make preparation for it." So David provided materials
in great quantity before his death.

Then he called for Solomon his son, and charged him to build a house for the LORD, the God of
Israel. David said to Solomon,
"My son, I had it in my heart to build a house to the name of the LORD my God. But the word
of the LORD came to me, saying, You have shed much blood and have waged great wars; you
shall not build a house to my name, because you have shed so much blood before me upon the
earth. Behold, a son shall be born to you; he shall be a man of peace. I will give him peace from
all his enemies round about; for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quiet to
Israel in his days. He shall build a house for my name. He shall be my son, and I will be his
father, and I will establish his royal throne in Israel for ever.' Now, my son, the LORD be with
you, so that you may succeed in building the house of the LORD your God, as he has spoken
concerning you. Only, may the LORD grant you discretion and understanding, that when he
gives you charge over Israel you may keep the law of the LORD your God. Then you will prosper
if you are careful to observe the statutes and the ordinances which the LORD commanded
Moses for Israel. Be strong, and of good courage. Fear not; be not dismayed. With great pains I
have provided for the house of the LORD a hundred thousand talents of gold, a million talents of
silver, and bronze and iron beyond weighing, for there is so much of it; timber and stone too I
have provided. To these you must add. You have an abundance of workmen: stonecutters,
masons, carpenters, and all kinds of craftsmen without number, skilled in working gold, silver,
bronze, and iron. Arise and be doing! The LORD be with you!"
David also commanded all the leaders of Israel to help Solomon his son, saying, "Is not the
LORD your God with you? And has he not given you peace on every side? For he has delivered
the inhabitants of the land into my hand - and the land is subdued before the LORD and his
people. Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God. Arise and build the sanctuary
of the LORD God, so that the ark of the covenant of the LORD and the holy vessels of God may
be brought into a house built for the name of the LORD."
The Construction of the Temple
After the death of his father David, Solomon issued the orders for the building of the First Temple to
You know that my father David could not build a house for the name of the Lord his God
because of the wars which were fought against him on every side until the Lord put his foes
under the soles of his feet. (1 Kings 5:3).
The building of the First Temple was a monumental task. Phoenician craftsmen were employed to build the
Temple. Construction began in the fourth year of Solomon's reign and took seven years:
Then King Solomon raised up a labor force out of all Israel - and the labor force was thirty
thousand men . . . Solomon selected seventy thousand men to bear burdens, eighty thousand to
quarry stone in the mountains, and three thousand six hundred to oversee them. (1 Kings 5:13;
2 Chronicles 2:2).
The stones were hewn from a quarry and brought to the Temple:
And the temple, when it was being built, was built with stone finished at the quarry, so that no
hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built. (1 Kings 6:7)
Generous sections of First Kings (Chapters 5-8) and 2 Chronicles (Chapters 1-7) give us great detail about
the construction of the Temple, the priesthood and the temple services. A summary is given in 1 Kings 6:
In the four hundred and eightieth year after the people of Israel came out of the land of Egypt,
in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, which is the second
month, he began to build the house of the LORD. The house which King Solomon built for the
LORD was sixty cubits long, twenty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high. The vestibule in front of

the nave of the house was twenty cubits long, equal to the width of the house, and ten cubits
deep in front of the house. And he made for the house windows with recessed frames. He also
built a structure against the wall of the house, running round the walls of the house, both the
nave and the inner sanctuary - and he made side chambers all around. The lowest story was
five cubits broad, the middle one was six cubits broad and the third was seven cubits broad - for
around the outside of the house he made offsets on the wall in order that the supporting beams
should not be inserted into the walls of the house. When the house was built, it was with stone
prepared at the quarry; so that neither hammer nor ax nor any tool of iron was heard in the
temple, while it was being built. The entrance for the lowest story was on the south side of the
house; and one went up by stairs to the middle story, and from the middle story to the third. So
he built the house, and finished it; and he made the ceiling of the house of beams and planks of
cedar. He built the structure against the whole house, each story five cubits high, and it was
joined to the house with timbers of cedar.
Now the word of the LORD came to Solomon, "Concerning this house which you are building, if
you will walk in my statutes and obey my ordinances and keep all my commandments and walk
in them, then I will establish my word with you, which I spoke to David your father. And I will
dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel." So Solomon built the
house, and finished it. He lined the walls of the house on the inside with boards of cedar; from
the floor of the house to the rafters of the ceiling, he covered them on the inside with wood;
and he covered the floor of the house with boards of cypress. He built twenty cubits of the rear
of the house with boards of cedar from the floor to the rafters, and he built this within as an
inner sanctuary, as the most holy place. The house, that is, the nave in front of the inner
sanctuary, was forty cubits long. The cedar within the house was carved in the form of gourds
and open flowers; all was cedar, no stone was seen. The inner sanctuary he prepared in the
innermost part of the house, to set there the ark of the covenant of the LORD. The inner
sanctuary was twenty cubits long, twenty cubits wide, and twenty cubits high; and he overlaid it
with pure gold. He also made an altar of cedar.
And Solomon overlaid the inside of the house with pure gold, and he drew chains of gold across,
in front of the inner sanctuary, and overlaid it with gold. And he overlaid the whole house with
gold, until all the house was finished. Also the whole altar that belonged to the inner sanctuary
he overlaid with gold. In the inner sanctuary he made two cherubim of olive wood, each ten
cubits high. Five cubits was the length of one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the length of
the other wing of the cherub; it was ten cubits from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other.
The other cherub also measured ten cubits; both cherubim had the same measure and the same
form. The height of one cherub was ten cubits and so was that of the other cherub. He put the
cherubim in the innermost part of the house; and the wings of the cherubim were spread out so
that a wing of one touched the one wall, and a wing of the other cherub touched the other
wall; their other wings touched each other in the middle of the house. And he overlaid the
cherubim with gold.
He carved all the walls of the house round about with carved figures of cherubim and palm trees
and open flowers, in the inner and outer rooms. The floor of the house he overlaid with gold in
the inner and outer rooms. For the entrance to the inner sanctuary he made doors of olive
wood; the lintel and the doorposts formed a pentagon. He covered the two doors of olive wood
with carvings of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers; he overlaid them with gold, and
spread gold upon the cherubim and upon the palm trees. So also he made for the entrance to
the nave doorposts of olive wood, in the form of a square, and two doors of cypress wood; the
two leaves of the one door were folding, and the two leaves of the other door were folding. On
them he carved cherubim and palm trees and open flowers; and he overlaid them with gold
evenly applied upon the carved work. He built the inner court with three courses of hewn stone
and one course of cedar beams. In the fourth year the foundation of the house of the LORD was
laid, in the month of Ziv. And in the eleventh year, in the month of Bul, which is the eighth
month, the house was finished in all its parts, and according to all its specifications. He was
seven years in building it.

Art work by Rodney,, (used by permission)

Islamic Traditions
According to Islamic tradition, Solomon was able to converse freely with animals and birds, understanding
their languages. Because of his wisdom and the grace and favor with which God endowed him, was able to
converse with the spirits of the underworld who Solomon used as servants. The Moslem historian al-Siuti
gives the following mythical description of how Solomon built the Temple:
When God revealed unto Solomon that he should build him a Temple, Solomon assembled all
the wisest men, genii and Afrites of the earth, and the mightiest of the devils, and appointed
one division of them to build, another to cut blocks and columns from the marble mines, and
others to dive into ocean-depths, and fetch therefrom pearls and coral. Now some of these
pearls were like ostrich's or hen's eggs. So he began to build the Temple . . . the devils cut
quarries of jacinth and emerald. Also the devils made highly-polished cemented blocks of
marble. (Ref. 1)
An even more fanciful Jewish legend states,
When King David began to dig the foundation of the Temple, the waters of the abyss burst forth
and hastened to cover the whole world. David took a fragment of pottery and wrote on it the
divine Name, then threw it into the abyss. Immediately the abyss receded sixteen thousand
cubits into the depths. When David saw this he said "the closer the abyss is to the earth, the
more the earth drinks of its waters and is blessed thereof." What did he do? He sang the fifteen
Songs of Degrees of the Book of Psalms, and the abyss rose again fifteen thousand cubits. And
it remained one thousand cubits beneath the surface of the earth. (Ref. 2)
After the completion of the Temple it was
dedicated by King Solomon in 953 BC
Solomon's speech to the people and his
marvelous prayers were followed by an
enormous offering of 22,000 oxen and
120,000 sheep. A great public feast followed:

So Solomon held the feast at that time,

and all Israel with him, a great
assembly, from the entrance of Hamath
to the Brook of Egypt, before the LORD
our God, seven days. On the eighth day
he sent the people away; and they
blessed the king, and went to their
homes joyful and glad of heart for all the
goodness that the LORD had shown to
David his servant and to Israel his
people. (l Kings 8:65, 66)

as Solomon finished praying:

The account in 2 Chronicles tells us that fire

from heaven ignited the offerings on the altars

When Solomon had ended his prayer, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt
offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the temple. And the priests could not
enter the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD filled the LORD's house. When all
the children of Israel saw the fire come down and the glory of the LORD upon the temple, they
bowed down with their faces to the earth on the pavement, and worshiped and gave thanks to
the LORD, saying, "For he is good, for his steadfast love endures for ever." Then the king and all
the people offered sacrifice before the LORD. King Solomon offered as a sacrifice twenty-two
thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep. So the king and all the people
dedicated the house of God. The priests stood at their posts, the Levites also, with the
instruments for music to the LORD which King David had made for giving thanks to the LORDfor
his steadfast love endures for everwhenever David offered praises by their ministry, opposite
them the priests sounded trumpets; and all Israel stood. (2 Chronicles 7:1-6)
A Temple without an Idol
The feature that set apart the Solomonic Temple from other Temples in the ancient world is that there was
no idol in it. It contained only the Mercy Seat over the Ark and the Cherubim overshadowing the Mercy
Seat. This declared to the world that idols are unnecessary for God to be present. The God of Israel was
not localized in any sense. Neither was He bound to any other form such as the Ark. The Temple therefore
was not necessary because of God's nature. He did not need it. One thousand years later, the first Christian
martyr, Stephen, said to an unruly crowd:
...Solomon built God a house. However the Most High does not dwell in temples made with
hands, as the prophet says: "Heaven is My throne, and the earth is my footstool. What house
will you build for Me? says the Lord or what is the place of My rest? Has not My hand made all
these things?" (Acts 7:47-50, quoting Isaiah 66:1-2).
The Temple was built to meet the limitations and needs of God's people. It emphasized the way of
salvation to the those who asked His forgiveness and represented the believers assurance of the grace of
God for their joy and blessing. (1 Kings 8:27-30).

"But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain
thee; how much less this house which I have built!" (V. 27)
The Temple also symbolized the hearing ear of God:
Yet regard the prayer of Your servant and his supplication, O Lord my God, and listen to the cry
and the prayer which Your servant is praying before You today: that Your eyes may be open
toward this temple night and day toward the place of which You said, "My name shall be there,"
and that You may hear the prayer which Your servant makes toward this place. (1 Kings 8:2829).
It was also a place of refuge for the stranger:
Moreover concerning a foreigner, who is not of Your people Israel, but has come from a far
country for Your name's sake. (for they will hear of Your great name and Your strong hand and
Your outstretched arm), when he comes and prays toward this temple, hear in heaven Your
dwelling place, and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to You, that all peoples of
the earth may know Your name and fear You, as do Your people Israel, and that they may know
that this temple which I have built is called by your name (1 Kings 8: 4143).
The Temple is the house of prayer for all people where all nations of the earth should fear God:
Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My House of prayer. Their
burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; for My house shall be called a
house of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7).
What we know about Solomon's Temple
The on-going, intensive research now being conducted by
The Temple Institute, and other groups in Jerusalem, will
soon bring us more published and accessible information on
the Temple of Solomon. Until now most of the published
descriptions of the temple have been based on the Bible
Extra-biblical sources (Ref. 2) describe the Sanhedrin, the
Supreme Court of ancient Israel as being housed in a special
building in the Temple courtyard named the Chamber of
Hewn Stone ( Lishkat ha-Gazith) .
We have descriptions of the ritual bath ( mikvah) used by the high priest. The mikvah was supplied by
flowing ("living") water from the spring called Ein Eitam which is in the hills of Bethlehem near the Pools of
Solomon which are still extant. The spring was 23 cubits above the level of the Temple court.

Plan of Solomon's Temple ( Encyclopedia Judaica )

Ryrie Study Bible

Two chambers in the Temple are named in the Mishnah. One, the Chamber of Secrets, was where the
devout placed their gifts in secret. The poor received support from these gifts also in secret. The Chamber
of Utensils was also a room for storing gifts from which distribution was made every 30 days.
The vaulted Chamber of the Hearth (also mentioned in the Mishnah) was the room the eldest sons could
stay and young priests sleep with the keys of the Temple Court in their custody. A fired burned
continuously there to keep the occupants warm.
Incense for the temple was prepared by a family named Abtinas in the upper story of a special building in
the courtyard, the Chamber of Abtinas.
We can easily imagine that rooms were needed for wood storage, for extra copies of the sacred vessels, for
priestly garment storage, for temple records. Access tunnels came into the temple underground (according
to more than one historical account) and some of the storage rooms were underground. These
underground rooms and tunnels have apparently not been cleared, entered nor explored since the
destruction of Solomon's Temple on the 9th of Av, 586 BC!

Artist's sketch of the Temple in Jerusalem (probably Herod's enlargement of the Second
Temple) looking Northwest.
The Fortress Antonia is immediately to the right ot the Temple compound.
Soon-Fading Splendor
Solomon's great wisdom and the unrivaled splendor of the First Temple brought pilgrims from near and far.
The account of the visit of the Queen of Sheba (2 Chron. 9, 1 Kings 10) tells us something about this great
king and the magnificent and holy light from God that blessed him and all the people.
Yet Solomon failed to heed the counsel of God and of his father David. He soon had accumulated horses
and chariots (disregarding the admonition of Samuel and the Law of Moses), and in the course of time he
excelled his father's love of women by accumulating "700 wives and 300 concubines." One of the great
understatements of the Bible attributes Solomon's downfall to the influence of his foreign wives:
Now King Solomon loved many foreign women: the daughter of Pharaoh, and Moabite,
Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women, from the nations concerning which the LORD
had said to the people of Israel, "You shall not enter into marriage with them, neither shall they
with you, for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods; Solomon clung to these in
love. He had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives
turned away his heart. For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other
gods- and his heart was not wholly true to the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his
father. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the
abomination of the Ammonites.
So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and did not wholly follow the LORD, as
David his father had done. Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of
Moab, and for Molech the abomination of the Ammonites, on the mountain east of Jerusalem.
And so he did for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods.
And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned away from the LORD, the
God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice, and had commanded him concerning this thing,

that he should not go after other gods; but he did not keep what the LORD commanded.
Therefore the LORD said to Solomon, "Since this has been your mind and you have not kept my
covenant and my statutes which I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you
and will give it to your servant Yet for the sake of David your father I will not do it in your days,
but I will tear it out of the hand of your son. However I will not tear away all the kingdom; but I
will give one tribe to your son, for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem
which I have chosen." (1 Kings 11:1-13)
For many years Solomon evidently wandered away from fellowship with His God, returning only much later,
near the end of the life, to record for us in his book, Ecclesiastes, what he had learned about the emptiness
of all of life apart from God.
When Solomon died his son Rehoboam became king of Israel. The nation, however, was on a spiritual
decline. Rehoboam's policies caused the kingdom to be divided into north (Israel) and south (Judah)
separate regimes. Jeroboam, the first king of Israel. He built two substitute places of worship, one in Bethel
and one in Dan for fear the people would return to Jerusalem:
And Jeroboam said in his heart, 'Now the kingdom may return to the house of David. If these
people go up to offer sacrifices in the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, then the heart of this
people will turn back to their lord, Rehoboam king of Judah, and they will kill me and go back to
Rehoboam king of Judah. Therefore the king took counsel and made two calves of gold and said
to the people. "It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, O Israel,
which brought you up from the land of Egypt. (1 Kings 12:26-28).
Because the people felt bound to the legal system of worship in Jerusalem Jeroboam realized the need that
worship be centralized in the north. The northern kingdom remained in idolatry until it was overrun and
taken captive in 721 BC by the Assyrians. Nineteen kings had ruled over the ten Northern tribes - the Bible
has no good thing to say about a single one of them. The dismal record of the lives of Jeroboam I, Nadab,
Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Jehoram (Joram)), Jehu, Jehoahaz, Jehoash (Joash), Jeroboam
II, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah and Hoshea is given in the books of the Kings.
Invasion of Shishak
Another consequence of Solomon's compromise with idolatry and the resultant spiritual decline was that
God raised up an adversary against him, Hadad the Edomite (1 Kings 11:14ff). The result was considerable
turmoil in the land and the king's courts. Finally God allowed Pharaoh Shishak of Egypt to come down and
plunder the Temple.
And it happened in the fifth year of King Rehoboam, that Shishak, king of Egypt came against
Jerusalem because they transgressed against the Lord. . . So Shishak king of Egypt came up
against Jerusalem and took away the treasures of the house of the Lord and the treasures of the
kings house; he took everything. He also carried away the gold shields which Solomon had
made. (2 Chronicles 12:2, 9).
The temple would now continue to decline and wealth and splendor and importance for the next 367 years.
The two southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin, retaining the Temple and its sacrifices as the center of
their national and corporate life, were to experience the reign of 20 kings. Fortunately several of these
rulers turned from the ways of their forefathers and followed the God of Israel. When they did so, the
nation enjoy a season of revival and divine blessing with a temporary respite from the general downhill
course that characterizes all of human history in every nation.
Temple Harmony Disturbed and Restored
Judah's kings - Rehoboam, Abijah (Abijam), Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, Joash, Amaziah,
Azariah (Uzziah), Jotham, Ahaz (Jehoahaz), Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz II (Shallum),

Jehoiakim (Eliakim), Jehoiachin (Jeconiah), and Zedekiah (Mattaniah) - were mostly individuals who lived
out their own self-centered and personally-ambitious lives in indifference to the calling of the God of Israel.
A few wonderful exceptions stand out. Some few of these rulers are noteworthy for their influence on the
temple, for good or for ill.
King Asa, placed in the Temple the spoils of his father:
He also brought into the house of the Lord the things which his father had dedicated, and the
things which he himself had dedicated: silver and gold utensils (1 Kings 15:15).
In his earlier years Asa followed the ways of the Lord and renewed the altar in the inner court. However,
when Baasha, King of Israel made war against Judah, Asa collected all the treasures and sent them to Benhadad of Damascus. By sending the treasures of the Temple this sealed an alliance with him against Israel
(1 Kings 15:18-20.). Asa was rebuked by God's prophet Hanani for his alliance with Syria (2 Chronicles
16:7-9). Since the temple vessels were all precisely specified by the Lord for purposes of teaching Israel
about themselves and their personal relationship with their God the contents of the temple were not to be
altered or modified.
Queen Athaliah, daughter of Ahaziah, was a notorious wicked woman. She went so far as to murder the
royal sons who were heirs of the throne, and had she succeeded, the line of promise to the Messiah would
have been broken. Fortunately God preserved the boy Joash who would live to sit on his father's throne. It
fell to Joash, a good king because of the godly influence of Jehoida the priest, to restore the house of the
Lord from predations of Athaliah,
...Joash decided to restore the house of the LORD. And he gathered the priests and the Levites,
and said to them, "Go out to the cities of Judah, and gather from all Israel money to repair the
house of your God from year to year; and see that you hasten the matter." But the Levites did
not hasten it. So the king summoned Jehoiada the chief, and said to him, "Why have you not
required the Levites to bring in from Judah and Jerusalem the tax levied by Moses, the servant
of the LORD, on the congregation of Israel for the tent of testimony?" For the sons of Athaliah,
that wicked woman, had broken into the house of God; and had also used all the dedicated
things of the house of the LORD for the Baals.
So the king commanded, and they made a chest, and set it outside the gate of the house of the
LORD. And proclamation was made throughout Judah and Jerusalem, to bring in for the LORD
the tax that Moses the servant of God laid upon Israel in the wilderness. And all the princes and
all the people rejoiced and brought their tax and dropped it into the chest until they had
finished. And whenever the chest was brought to the king's officers by the Levites, when they
saw that there was much money in it, the king's secretary and the officer of the chief priest
would come and empty the chest and take it and return it to its place. Thus they did day after
day, and collected money in abundance.
And the king and Jehoiada gave it to those who had charge of the work of the house of the
LORD, and they hired masons and carpenters to restore the house of the LORD and also
workers in iron and bronze to repair the house of the LORD. So those who were engaged in the
work labored and the repairing went forward in their hands, and they restored the house of God
to its proper condition and strengthened it. And when they had finished, they brought the rest
of the money before the king and Jehoiada, and with it were made utensils for the house of the
LORD, both for the service and for the burnt offerings, and dishes for incense, and vessels of
gold and silver. And they offered burnt offerings in the house of the LORD continually all the
days of Jehoiada. (2 Chronicles 24:4-14)
Amaziah did what was right before the Lord, "but not with a blameless heart" (2 Chr. 25:2). During a civil
war with Joash, King of Israel, Amaziah ignored the advice of God's prophet.
But Amaziah would not listen - for it was of God in order that he might give them into the hand
of their enemies, because they had sought the gods of Edom. So Joash king of Israel went up,

and he and Amaziah king of Judah faced one another in battle at Beth-shemesh, which belongs
to Judah. And Judah was defeated by Israel, and every man fled to his home. And Joash king of
Israel captured Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Joash, son of Ahaziah, at Beth-shemesh, and
brought him to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem for four hundred cubits, from
the Ephraim Gate to the Comer Gate. And he seized all the gold and silver, and all the vessels
that were found in the house of Cod, and Obed-edom with them; he seized also the treasuries
of the king's house, and hostages, and he returned to Samaria (2 Chronicles 25:20-24)
Uzziah (Azariah) enjoyed a long and peaceful reign of 52 years in Jerusalem. He is described as a king who
"did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah had done. He set
himself to seek God in the days of Zechariah (the priest) who instructed him in the fear of God; and as long
as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper." (2 Chr. 26:4,5) But power and success ruined this
man, as it does many in positions of power,
But when he was strong he grew proud, to his destruction. For he was false to the LORD his
God, and entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense. But Azariah
the priest went in after him, with eighty priests of the LORD who were men of valor, and they
withstood King Uzziah, and said to him, "It is not for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD,
but for the priests the sons of Aaron, who are consecrated to burn incense. Go out of the
sanctuary; for you have done wrong, and it will win you no honor from the LORD God."
Then Uzziah was angry. Now he had a censer in his hand to burn incense, and when he became
angry with the priests leprosy broke out on his forehead, in the presence of the priests in the
house of the LORD, by the altar of incense. And Azariah the chief priest, and all the priests,
looked at him, and behold, he was leprous in his forehead! And they thrust him out quickly, and
he himself hastened to go out, because the LORD had smitten him. And King Uzziah was a leper
to the day of his death, and being a leper dwelt in a separate house, for he was excluded from
the house of the LORD. And Jotham his son was over the king's household, governing the
people of the land. (2 Chronicles 26:16-21)
What is interesting about Uzziah's illegal entry into the temple in 750 BC to burn incense, is that significant
tradition claims that an extraordinarily powerful earthquake occurred at that very time. (Ref. 3)
One of the worst kings of Judah was Ahaz. He desecrated the Temple and robbed it of its treasures. He
sent the Temple treasures along with his own to the Assyrian monarch Tiglath-Pileser III to secure his aid
in an alliance against Israel and Syria. Ahaz went to Damascus and had a copy of their altar made and
brought to Jerusalem. There he placed it before the altar of the Lord and made a sacrifice on this pagan
replica. He also closed the Temple and broke up the vessels. These actions represented a terrible
profanation of God's holy temple.
Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem.
And he did not do what was right in the eyes of the LORD his God, as his father David had
done, but he walked in the way of the kings of Israel. He even burned his son as an offering,
according to the abominable practices of the nations whom the LORD drove out before the
people of Israel. And he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places, and on the hills, and
under every green tree...
Ahaz also took the silver and gold that was found in the house of the LORD and in the treasures
of the king's house, and sent a present to the king of Assyria. And the king of Assyria hearkened
to him; the king of Assyria marched up against Damascus, and took it, carrying its people
captive to Kir, and he killed Rezin. When King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser
king of Assyria, he saw the altar that was at Damascus. And King Ahaz sent to Uriah the priest a
model of the altar, and its pattern, exact in all its details. And Uriah the priest built the altar; in
accordance with all that King Ahaz had sent from Damascus, so Uriah the priest made it, before
King Ahaz arrived from Damascus. And when the king carne from Damascus, the king viewed
the altar.
Then the king drew near to the altar, and went up on it, and burned his burnt offering and his

cereal offering, and poured his drink offering, and threw the blood of his peace offerings upon
the altar. And the bronze altar which was before the LORD he removed from the front of the
house, from the place between his altar and the house of the LORD, and put it on the north side
of his altar. And King Ahaz commanded Uriah the priest, saying, "Upon the great altar burn the
morning burnt offering, and the evening cereal offering, and the king's burnt offering, and his
cereal offering, with the burnt offering of all the people of the land, and their cereal offering,
and their drink offering; and throw upon it all the blood of the burnt offering, and all the blood
of the sacrifice; but the bronze altar shall be for me to inquire by." Uriah the priest did all this,
as King Ahaz commanded. And King Ahaz cut off the frames of the stands, and removed the
laver from them, and he took down the sea from off the bronze oxen that were under it, and put
it upon a pediment of stone. And the covered way for the sabbath which had been built inside
the palace, and the outer entrance for the king he removed from the house of the LORD,
because of the king of Assyria. (2 Kings 16:2-18)
And Ahaz gathered together the vessels of the house of God and cut in pieces the vessels of the
house of God, and he shut up the doors of the house of the LORD; and he made himself altars
in every corner of Jerusalem. In every city of Judah he made high places to burn incense to
other gods, provoking to anger the LORD, the God of his fathers. (2 Chronicles 28:24, 25)
It fell to good King Hezekiah, who succeeded Ahaz, to restore the desecrations of the temple done by Ahaz:
Go up to Hilkiah the high priest, that he may count the money which has been brought into the
house of the Lord, which the doorkeepers have gathered from the people. And let them deliver it
into the hand of those doing the work, who are the overseers in the house of the Lord; let them
give it to those who are in the house of the Lord doing the work, to repair the damages of the
house. (2 Kings 22:4, 5).
Hezekiah opened the doors and restored the vessels which Ahaz had put away. Unfortunately Hezekiah was
limited up with pride and made alliances with foreign nationsand he unwisely showed the treasures of the
temple to the Babylonians. His careless actions assured the eventual downfall of Jerusalem. (2 Chronicles
Manasseh built idolatrous altars in the Temple Courts and placed a graven image in the Temple (2 Kings
21:3-9, 2 Chron. 33:2-9). God punished him by sending him to Babylon as a prisoner in chains. Though he
was the most evil of all the kings amazingly he repented while in Babylon and turned to God after which he
returned to Jerusalem where he repaired the altar (2 Chron. 33:14-17). His son Amon followed in the
idolatrous example of his father. He worshiped an image of his father. After two years his servants
assassinated him. The people then killed the assassins and made Josiah king.
Josiah took the throne at the age of 8 and at 16 years of age he set out to bring spiritual reform to the
whole land. A significant reformation took place under his rule. Josiah ordered the Temple repaired. The
stone work was repaired and certain timbers replaced. Josiah removed the idols from the Temple and
restored two of the temples courts. He also had the Ark of the Covenant put back into the Holy of Holies (2
Chron. 35:3). The people, however, did not truly turn to the Lord in repentance in spite of the thirty-one
year reign of this vigorous and godly reformer.
The reign of Jehoiakim was the beginning of the end for the Southern Kingdom. Nebuchadnezzar king of
Babylon made this man a vassal king. After three years Jehoiakim rebelled and Nebuchadnezzar laid siege
to the city. (2 Kings 24:1).
Jehoiakim's son Jehoiachin (Coniah) also did evil. The Temple vessels were taken to Babylon while
Jehoiachin and his family were taken prisoner along with the thousand captives including the skilled
craftsmen. Only the poorest of the poor remained in the land.
Destruction of First Temple Foreseen

The prophet Jeremiah predicted the destruction of the Jerusalem and a seventy year captivity of the people.
He also pronounced judgment on those who would destroy her, namely the Babylonians. It was only a
matter of time until the times of the First Temple were to come to a sad and terrible end:
And the whole land [of Israel] shall be a desolation and an astonishment, and these nations
shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. Then it will come to pass, when seventy years are
completed, that I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation, the land of the Chaldeans, for
their iniquity,' says the Lord; 'and I will make it a perpetual desolation. (Jeremiah 25:12, 13).

End Notes
1. Solomon Steckoll, The Temple Mount, Tom Stacey Ltd., London, 1972.
2. Zev Vilnay, Legends of Jerusalem, Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1973.
3. Steve Austin, The Extraordinary Middle East Earthquake of 750 BC, Institute of Creation Research, San
Diego, 1989.
4. In response to a question about the actual dates for the First and Second Temples the following brief
comments are offered: Solomon spent 13 years building his own house and seven years building the First
Temple ("Solomon's Temple"). It was twice the size of the Tabernacle and was finished in the Jewish
month of Bul, 960 BC. I Kings and II Chronicles describes the building of the temple in detail.
This temple was totally destroyed by the Babylonians led by King Nebuchadnezzar. That occurred on the
9th day of Av, 586 BC. That means the First Temple stood for 374 years.
At the end of the 70 years captivity of the Jews in Babylon, the Medes and Persians who conquered
Babylon allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, first to build a new temple and later to rebuild the walls
of the city. (See Ezra, Haggai, Nehemiah).
The foundation of the Second Temple was laid in 535 BC and finally finished (after delays) on March 12,
515 BC.
Persian rule over the area was replaced by Greek control and then Roman. Herod the Great was ruler of
Israel under the Romans from about 47 BC to 4 BC. He built extensively around the country and greatly
enlarged the Second Temple, its courts and walls. The work was begun in 20 BC and continued well
beyond Herod's death to 63 AD. Jewish revolts against the Romans in 70 AD caused the Roman General
Titus (later to become Caesar) to beseige the city. The second Temple was totally destroyed by fire on the
9th of Av, 70 AD. Thus that temple (with its enlargements was in service about 584 years.

The Temple of Solomon

by Lambert Dolphin
Web Pages:

Initiations - Walking the Spiritual Path

There are a total of seven major initiations that all
human beings experience on their journeys toward
wholeness. Initiations can be referred to as life

or spiritual

tests that are placed in our path for our

souls growth. These tests do not occur only once, but
instead recycle around and around, bringing us to
higher levels of awareness. We are always going
through initiations, whether we are conscious of it or
not. However, becoming conscious of these tests
offers a quantum leap forward on our evolutionary
journey. By progressing through these levels, we work
ourselves toward higher consciousness which allows us
to co-create our experiences that can lead to direct
personal experiences that are found within the Bible.

Levels of Initiations
Human who is unaware of his or her connection to
own soul - has not stepped on the initiation path yet
- still living entirely from 5 senses separate from
God. This is the level that the majority of people

are in. Many people would be surprised to know that

just because they attend some sort of worship
service, this still doesn't really get them into the
true initiations if they are still living entirely from
their senses. Some people have progressed slightly
into the initiations but are stuck at lower levels
mainly because of lack of awareness on how to
properly proceed through them.
Spiritual Aspirant - Path of probation - This is when
the true Holy Baptism is given for your Spiritual
Life. This is pure Grace from above and a Disciple
will know later from his/her experience when this
has occured. This will be a large enough change
within you that you will know this has truly
happened. For those who question the validity on
this, ask Jesus and Archangels to guide and protect
you through this process for your peace of mind.
This is all done at a higher conscious level outside
of the normal senses which pertains to the faith
and coming back to wholeness that is required to
have this experience
Disciple - the 1st and the 2nd initiation

Initiate - the 3rd initiation

Arhat - the 4th initiation
Adept - the 5th initiation
Ascended master - 6th initiation

Details of Initiations
Initiations are paths on how you get closer to God, how
you grow your person and how to raise consciousness
They are the spiritual paths that lead you to wholeness
with God.
When you pass the sixth initiation, there is no turning
back. You cannot fall because you are perfect and are
not able to do conscious mistakes.
In the physical world, the first seven initiations are
most important compared to the additional initiations
worked on later in the spiritual realm.
Your concentration should be on these seven.

The first four initiations are sometimes worked on

individually or at the same time as the other ones and
the sequence is not important as it depends on each
individual's path.
You must pass the first four in order to go forward
with the 5th initiation.
You get more and more truthful information and
understanding during and after every initiation.
The understanding you get is not just related to
initiations but also about the understanding of your
abilities and how to use your higher bodies and chakras
for further growth.
Usually, when someone passes an initiation they are
informed with inner guidance and their consciousness
level expands.

Path of Probation - Spiritual aspirant

Path of Probation is before path of initiation and it is
important time in life when spiritual aspirant sets
himself or herself to side of constructive and
developing forces.

Spiritual aspirant does serve good and not bad.

He or she does start to develop spiritually. Spiritual
aspirant is taught to know ones own self and to get rid
of weaknesses.
The basics about wisdom are taught.
Spiritual aspirant goes to higher levels at night to
receive some of these teachings.
The person who has stepped on the spiritual path
receives much instruction, but he or she may or may
not notice that.
The spiritual aspirants intellectual activity is increased
and his or her capacity to understand purpose of
hierarchy and the higher plan grows.
Required for passing this initiation:
* Willingness to get rid of weaknesses
* Setting yourself to side of good
First initiation - Disciple
The key teaching in the first initiation is mastery over
physical body.
The body should be in the service of the soul. Control

over the physical body should have reached very high

Drugs or alcohol should not control the person who is in
spiritual path.
Basics to the right kind of living, thinking and self
control are reached in this initiation.
Some basic principles of God consciousness also starts
to rule the disciple.
The 1st initiation shows that the seed of the soul life
is planted and grows.
Throat chakra is stimulated in 1st initiation.
Required for passing this initiation:
* Self control (mastery of physical body) involves
nutrition, health, the will to live, money, vitality,
sexuality, exercise, and getting in touch with your
Second initiation - Disciple
The key teaching in the second initiation is mastery
over the astral body.
This is often the most difficult initiation to pass as

sometimes it will take many incarnations to get

through. However, it's not so hard to pass for those
who are willing to become masters and are serious
about their spiritual path.
Those people will pass the 2nd initiation more quickly.
The 2nd initiation is related to sacrifice and death of
negative desire.
The lower nature is now being controlled by the disciple.
Astral body becomes pure and serene.
Required for passing this initiation:
* Self control (mastery of emotional body) involves
emotions, romance, emotional healing, psychic
development, inner child work, past traumas, and
getting in touch with your femininity
* Willing and taking action to get rid of negativity
* Willing and taking action to get rid of negative desire
Third initiation - Initiate
The third initiation is mastery over mental body.
Initiates consciousness does rise to mental plane and
he or she learns much about principles of god

Bodies of person (mental, physical, emotional, and

spiritual) become very enlightened and he or she is not
controlled by lower nature or negative desires anymore.
The soul becomes dominant.
Mind is very responsive to ideas, intuitions and impulses
coming from soul and the initiate also starts to receive
direct guidance from the monad.
Accumulation of right information is fast.
Light level required for 3rd initiation is 56%.
Third eye is stimulated in this initiation.
Required for passing this initiation:
* Light level 56%
* Self control (mastery of mental body) involves
willpower, positive attitude, study, intellectual
development, reason, logic, focus, and organization
* Not judging anyone
* Accepting all beings
The Fourth initiation - Arhat
The fourth initiation is mastery over buddhic body.

Arhat does serve God, monads and good of the whole.

He or she does destroy negative selfishness.
God and monad are teachers of Arhat.
The fourth initiation is liberation from rebirth.
In this initiation soul becomes unneeded. You become
your monad, your higher self, but you don't fuse
completely yet.
Monad does connect to your heart chakra.
In the heart chakra, you feel oneness with your monad.
In the fourth initiation you get god consciousness, the
consciousness of the monad which is a huge step.
In the fourth initiation, the level of the consciousness
does rise to atmic plane.
To pass this initiation you can't think badly.
Total freedom from all bad thoughts are required, you
have to be just about perfectly good.
The fourth initiation is total surrender to will of God
and monad.

Arhat is the master of wisdom and lord of compassion.

Required for passing this initiation:
* Light level 62%
* Intuition Initiation (heart chakra development)
involves developing humanitarian love, compassion, joy,
unconditional love, creative arts, and care for plants/
* Free from all hate
* Adjusting thoughts to not thinking bad at all
* Love, "I am love"
* Receiving eternal life
* Surrender to God's and monad's will
The fifth initiation - Adept
The first of the three spiritual centers and initiations.
The fifth initiation is fusing with your eternal self,
monad and mastery over atmic body.
You think, visualize and feel that you
are your monad and one with God.
In the fifth initiation you reach atmic level.
In the fifth initiation you get whole feeling level and

consciousness of your monad.

It is big step in your evolution! Your consciousness does
rise to monadic level.
You don't think negative thoughts.
You have freedom from blindness.
You believe in God perfectly and you don't have doubts
about right path.
Your will does merge with your monads will for eternal
You do what God and your monad wants you to do.
Required to pass the 5th initiation:
* Light level 75%.
* Total surrender to God and to your monad
* Agreement that "Yes I will do what my monad asks
me to"
* Willingness to serve good of wholeness and the
highest purpose
The Sixth initiation - Ascended master
This is the integration initiation time to absorb and

integrate your divine identity and use your wisdom

The sixth initiation is mastery over monadic body.
In this initiation you will become officially an ascended
Master is free from law of karma.
Master can't think imperfect on purpose.
Consciousness of master is perfect joy, love and
You and God are one and the same in structure. Person
who passes the seventh initiation is a teacher, but
everyone does not have to be a teacher in visible way.
You can attain physical immortality if you want.
* Light level required to pass the 6th initiation is 80%
* No imperfect thoughts
The Seventh initiation
The seventh initiation is highest initiation that can be
taken in this physical level and has mastery over logoic

Use all that you have learned to make an easier path in

day-to-day life. More being
and less
Master controls all seven rays.
Consciousness rises to logoic plane.
Crown chakra is stimulated in this initiation.
Many seventh level initiates do become teachers in a
very visible way.
You receive teachings about your god abilities in the
seventh initiation.
Making miracles becomes reality for master if it is in
his or her path to do so.
The seventh initiation is commitment to service work
with what God and your monad wants you to do and in
which plane you decide to provide it.
*Light level required to pass the 7th initiation is 92%
Books relating to this subject:
The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path By Michael

Youre Not Going CrazyYoure

Just Waking Up! By
Michael Mirdad
Beyond Ascension How to Complete the Seven Levels
of Initiation Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.
Excerpt from Beyond Ascension

Reincarnation and the Early Christians

In December, 1945, early Christian writings containing many secrets of

the early Christian religion were found in upper Egypt, a location where
many Christians fled during the Roman invasion of Jerusalem.
Undisturbed since their concealment almost two thousand years ago, these
manuscripts of Christian mysticism rank in importance with the Dead Sea
Scrolls. These writings affirmed the existence of the doctrine of
reincarnation being taught among the early Jews and Christians. These
Christian mystics, referred to as Christian Gnostics, were ultimately
destroyed by the orthodox Church for being heretics. Their sacred writings
were destroyed and hidden with the belief that they would be revealed at
an appropriate time in the future. The discovery in 1945 yielded writings
that included some long lost gospels, some of which were written earlier
than the known gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Brian A. Bain, M.A., has this to say about the 1945 discovery:
"Long considered to be heretical, ancient Gnostic Christian
texts unearthed this century display compelling similarities
between Gnostic conceptions of life and death and modern
near-death experiences. The Gnostic texts devoted extensive
tracts to what readers could expect to encounter when they
died. Other passages make numerous allusions to near-death-

like experiences that can be realized in this life, most notably

the human encounter with a divine light. The Gnostic Christian
literature gives us one more example of NDEs and similar
experiences in the ancient world."
Another interesting fact comes from Edgar Cayce (a near-death
experiencer) who affirmed that Gnosticism is the highest form of

The Christian Gnostics were regarded by some as a new Jewish sect who
believed they had finally found the long-awaited Messiah and not a new
religion. Some of the apostles became Gnostic and because of this,
Christianity could well have grown up as a Gnostic religion had it not
been for their eventual persecution by the organized Church centuries

The Secret Teachings of Jesus

An important Christian Gnostic teaching was the "Logos" which in Greek

is translated as "the image of the Word." It is an important concept found
in the gospel of John:
"In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1)
Logos is the part of God that acts in the world. It is the perfect unity of the
human and the divine. This is affirmed by John when he wrote that "the
Word was made flesh and dwelt among us." When John stated that Jesus
is the Logos, he is stating that Jesus became the Logos, the Christ. The
Logos is the divine "spark" of God within humans that needs to awakened.
Everyone has the "image of the Word (Logos)" within them and it is for
this reason that Genesis describes humanity as created "in the image and
likeness of God."The Logos is the divine Spirit in humanity. By using the

Christian Gnostic idea of the Logos, John is not only affirming the
preexistence and divinity of Jesus, but he is affirming that all sons of God
created in the "image of the Word" as Jesus was, preexisted in spirit before
being born. In other words, every human is an incarnation of the Logos
and every human has to potential of becoming like Jesus, a manifestation
of the human-divine unity. Every human can be a "Christ" and because of
this, every soul will eventually be drawn back to God.

The Roman Church misunderstood what the Logos was in John and
incorrectly concluded from this that only Jesus is divine - the Word made
flesh. The orthodox Church either rejected or ignored this Christian
Gnostic concept found in John. This may have been a factor when the
gospel of John was almost rejected from New Testament canon when it
was being put together. This was during a time when Christian Gnosticism
became an enemy of the organized Church. Nevertheless, it was the idea
of the preexistence of the soul and its corresponding doctrine of
reincarnation that the Roman Church had great difficulty with.

The Christian Gnostics emphasized spiritual knowledge rather blind faith

as the road to salvation. They indicated that they possessed secret
knowledge (i.e., "gnosis" in Greek) concerning the hidden meaning of the
"resurrection." This was a part of the secret teachings of Jesus handed
down to them by the apostles. This special knowledge was restricted to
people who were given the public teachings of Christianity before
qualifying to be initiated and receive the secret teachings. In contrast, the
very term "Catholic" means "universal", implying that anyone could
become a member of the Church by adhering to the public teachings of
faith and rituals. The Christian Gnostics were harsh critics of the orthodox
Church. The Christian Gnostics accused the Church of watering down the
gospel in order to popularize it for the masses. The orthodox Church

stressed salvation through faith alone and by the rituals of the Church.

This secret gnosis emphasized spiritual "resurrection" (i.e,. spiritual

rebirth) and physical "resurrection" (i.e., reincarnation) as opposed to a
resurrection defined as people sleeping in their graves until it is time their
corpses to crawl out of their graves at the last day. Christian Gnostics held
the view that if spiritual resurrection was not attained in one lifetime, then
the soul would be subjected to as many reincarnations as it takes until
spiritual rebirth is attained.

One of the great Church leaders was Clement of Alexandria in Egypt

(150-211 A.D.) who indicated that he possessed the secret teaching
handed down from the apostles.

In the Gnostic text entitled The Secret Gospel of Mark, one of the
Christian Gnostic texts discovered in 1945, describes Jesus performing
secret initiation rituals. Before the discovery of this secret gospel, our only
knowledge of it came from a letter written by Clement. Clement quotes
from this secret gospel and refers to it as, "a more spiritual gospel for the
use of those who were being perfected." He also states, "It even yet is
most carefully guarded [by the church at Alexandria], being read only to
those who are being initiated into the great mysteries." Clement mentions
elsewhere that Jesus revealed a secret teaching to those who were "capable
of receiving it and being molded by it" He also affirmed that, "The gnosis
(secret knowledge) itself is that which has descended by transmission to a
few, having been imparted unwritten by the apostles." (Miscell. Book VI,
Chapter 7)

The existence of a secret teaching can be found in the New Testament:

The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But
to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that,
'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing
but never understanding' (Mark 4:11-12)
"He replied, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of
heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has
will be given more, and he will have an abundance." (Matt.
"We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the
mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this
age, who are coming to nothing. No, we speak of God's secret
wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined
for our glory before time began." (1 Cor. 2:6-8)
"So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as
those entrusted with the secret things of God." (1 Cor. 4:1)
"At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven
and Earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise
and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father,
for this was your good pleasure." (Matt. 11:25-26)
Paul wrote about teachings which are taught to spiritual "babies,"
teachings about righteousness for the more mature, and then teachings for
the spiritually mature. Paul reveals this fact immediately after equating
Melchizedek to Jesus by stating:
"We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain
because you are slow to learn. In fact, though by this time you
ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the
elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk,
not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant,
is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But

solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained
themselves to distinguish good from evil. (Heb. 5:11-14)
According to tradition, after the Roman invasion of Jerusalem, the author
of the Gospel of Mark established a church in Alexandria, Egypt. Mark
may also have been the author of a "secret gospel" containing more
advanced teaching for those being initiated into the Christian mysteries.
This secret gospel contains passages portraying Jesus teaching secret
The Champion for the Secret Teachings of Jesus
As the orthodox church in Rome gained more and more political power
the more it viewed secret teachings as a threat to their own public
teachings. But the Church leader who made the final and greatest attempt
to revive the secret teachings of Jesus within the orthodox teachings was
the first Church Father named Origen (183-253 A.D.) of Alexandria in
Egypt who was a disciple of Clement of Alexandra. Origen was the first
person since Paul to develop a system of theology around the teachings of
Jesus. His effort was the first within the orthodox church to systematize a
theology on so vast a scale. Although Origen defended orthodoxy, he
included in his system the wisdom of the Christian Gnostics. His theology
was a perfect synthesis of "orthodox" and "gnostic" teachings and came
the closest to reviving the "Lost Christianity" of the original sects,
communities and schools, at a time when the Christian Gnosticism was
falling into disrepute. Unfortunately, hundreds of years later, the Church
declared him a heretic and his teachings as heresy mostly because they





Origen had this to say about the secret teachings of Jesus:

[Jesus] conversed with His disciples in private, and especially

in their sacred retreats, concerning the Gospel of God; but the

words which He uttered have not been preserved, because it
appeared to the evangelists that they could not be adequately
conveyed to the multitude in writing or in speech and they saw
what things were to be committed to writing, and how this was
to be done, and what was by no means to be written to the
multitude, and what was to be expressed in words, and what
was not to be so conveyed. (Contra Celsus, Chap. VI. 18)
Concerning these secret teachings, Clement stated:
James the Righteous, John and Peter were entrusted by the
Lord after his resurrection with the higher knowledge. They
imparted it to the other apostles, to the seventy (Outlines Book
The Theology of Christian Gnosticism
According to Gnostic theology, a series of "falling away" from the Whole
that is God occurred in eternity which resulted in all that there is today.
After the first "fall", the divine consciousness descended to the level of the
divided consciousness; now after another "fall", it has fallen even further,
into the depths of the unconscious; it has been "forgotten." It is now
humanity's privilege to discover the potential realms of human existence
and face the great challenge of the "ascension of consciousness" through
the Man-God-Spirit transformation.

Once souls fell into the lower levels of consciousness, they became
enamored of it and burned with the desire to experience the pleasures of
matter. The souls then no longer wanted to disengage itself from these
lower levels. Thus the world was born. From that moment souls forgot
themselves. They forgot they original habitation, their true center and
eternal being.

Gnosticism proceeds from one fundamental insight: this world in which

we find ourselves is thoroughly and irretrievably less than holy. The soul
is trapped in a prison of flesh, and the flesh is intrinsically less than divine.
According to Gnostic theology, the creation of the cosmos came about as
the result of a tragicomic mistake: the fall of the soul from God. Thanks to
the advent of Christ in the lower realms of consciousness, the power of
reconciling the fallen souls has been given to restore the One-ness and
usher in the kingdom of light over the kingdom of flesh and matter. The
unity of the Godhead is assured thanks to the introduction of the new
uniting force, the Logos, the part of God who acts in the flesh and the
material. It is important to distinguish the Logos (Christ) from the soul
named Jesus. Any person has the potential of becoming a Logos but it was
the soul known as Jesus who actually incarnated as a Logos and therefore
became a Christ on Earth.

We, as humans, cannot comprehend the omnipotent power available to us

until we utilize the Christ power. When we effectively use the divine
"Christ awareness" we have the ability to help in the liberation of the
imprisoned "sparks of divinity" from flesh and rejoin them to the Source.
The divine plan of creation will become complete as the divine outpouring
of Christ gnosis liberates humanity from ignorance. The result of this will
be the redemption of all human beings.

The Christ power can only liberate souls through the call and revelation of
Christ gnosis to, "Awake, remember who you are and where you come
from!" But since the soul cannot by itself hear the gnosis, the Christ power
resorts to elaborate strategies to create the conditions for which all souls
will be saved.

Christian Gnostics felt that initiation into the Cosmic Christ gnosis is
inseparable from "the light which lighteth every person coming into the

world." It is this light within, our Higher Self, which each individual must
bring to at-one-ment with the divine Source if liberation is to occur.

As more and more people hear the call to "Wake up!" and attain the Christ
gnosis and become liberated, their souls are received back into the bosom
of Divine Consciousness. The soul becomes free from unholy flesh and
the cycle of birth and rebirth. Christian Gnostics seek to achieve this by
cultivating the Higher Self within people to seek reunification with the
Godhead. But each soul returning to its divine source must, after death,
pass through the various levels of consciousness. Sometimes Christian
Gnostics describe seven of these heavenly realms, other times ten.

Christian Gnostic Writings

The quote from Jesus from the Christian Gnostic gospel, the Book of
Thomas the Contender, describes Jesus teaching reincarnation:
"Watch and pray that you may not be born in the flesh, but that
you may leave the bitter bondage of this life." (Book of
Thomas the Contender 9:5)
In another part of the Book of Thomas the Contender, Jesus tells the
disciple Thomas that after death, those people who were once believers
but have remained attached to things of "transitory beauty," will be
consumed "in their concern about life" and will be "brought back to the
visible realm."
The following quote from Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas affirms Jesus
teaching reincarnation to his disciples:
"When you see your likeness, you are happy. But when you see
your images that came into being before and that neither die
nor become visible, how much you will bear!" (Gospel of

Thomas, saying 84)

More excerpts from this very interesting gospel will be profiled later.

In the Secret Book of John, written by 185 A.D. at the latest,

reincarnation is placed at the center of the discussion concerning the
salvation of souls. The following is a summary of the Secret Book of
John's perspective on reincarnation.

Everyone has drunk from the water of forgetfulness and lives in a state of
ignorance. Some people are able to overcome ignorance by having the
life-giving Spirit descend upon them. These souls "will be saved and will
become perfect," that is, escape the cycle of birth and rebirth. John asks
Jesus what will happen to those who do not attain salvation. They are
hurled down "into forgetfulness" and thrown into "prison," the Christian
Gnostic symbol for a new body.

Jesus says the only way for these souls to escape is to acquire knowledge
after coming from forgetfulness. A soul can accomplish this by finding a
teacher who can lead the soul in the right direction:
"This soul needs to follow another soul in whom the Spirit of
life dwells, because she is saved through the Spirit. Then she
will never be thrust into flesh again." (Secret Book of John
Another Christian Gnostic book, the Pistis Sophia (Greek for "Faith
Wisdom"), outlines a system of punishment and rewards that includes
reincarnation. The book explains the differences in one's fate as a result of
past-life actions. A "man who curses" will be given a body that is
continually "troubled in heart." A "man who slanders" will be given an
"oppressed" body. A thief will be given a "lame, crooked and blind body."

A "proud" and "scornful" man will be given "a lame and ugly body" that
"everyone continually despises." From this, we can see how this Earth, as
well as hell, is a place of education through suffering.

According to the Pistis Sophia, some souls experience hell as a place of

shadows and torture. However, after these souls pass through hell, they
return to Earth for further experiences. Only a relatively few extremely
evil souls are not permitted to reincarnate. These souls are cast into "outer
darkness" until a time when they are "destroyed and dissolved."
The Pistis Sophia combines the ideas of reincarnation and divine union in
a verse beginning with the question:
"[What happens to] a man who has committed no sin, but done
good persistently, but has not found the mysteries?" (Pistis
The Pistis Sophia reveals such a soul will receive "a cup filled with
thoughts and wisdom," allowing the soul to remember its divine origin and
pursue the "mysteries of the light" until it finds them and is able to "inherit
the light forever." To "inherit the light forever" is a Gnostic term for union
with God.
In the Gospel of Phillip, Jesus makes a clear distinction between the
resurrection of the spirit (i.e., spiritual rebirth) and the resurrection of the
body (i.e., physical rebirth, reincarnation):
"People who say they will first die and then arise are mistaken.
If they do not first receive resurrection while they are alive,
once they have died they will receive nothing." (Gospel of
Philip 73:1-4)
In the Apocryphal book, Wisdom of Solomon, recognized as canonical
by the Catholic Church, is the following verse:

"I was given a sound body to live in because I was already

good." (Wisdom of Solomon 8:19-20)
This verse raises the following question: How is it possible to get a body
after you have already been good, unless reincarnation is true?

Among the works of the Christian Gnostics are some of the early
gospels, including secret gospels which were not preserved in the New
Testament. The Gospel of Thomas was the first gospel ever written and is
considered by scholars to be the most reliable gospel. Much of this gospel
contains sayings of Jesus that are contained in the four New Testament
The Christian Gnostic gospels reveal a clear and strong vision of the
resurrection as a past and present event. Below is a verse from the Gospel
of Thomas that shows the "resurrection" to be a past event:
"His followers said to him, 'When will the rest for the dead take
place, and when will the new world come?' He said to them,
'What you look for has come, but you do not know it.'" (Gospel
of Thomas, saying 51)
In the verse above, Jesus says the resurrection and the kingdom are
already here. In Gnostic terms, this quote from Jesus refers to a person's
past "resurrection" (i.e., physical rebirth, reincarnation) and the fact that
we are already living in the kingdom of God which exists within us. Only
through the Christ gnosis can this kingdom be realized and the cycle of
resurrection end.
The sayings that are presented below are excerpts of the Gospel of
Thomas that are not present in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and

The Gospel of Thomas

"These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and
Judas Thomas the Twin recorded.
Jesus said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these
sayings will not taste death."
Jesus said, "Let one who seeks not stop seeking until one
finds. When one finds, one will be disturbed. When one is
disturbed, one will be amazed, and will reign over all."
Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Behold, the kingdom
is in the sky,' then the birds in the sky will get there before
you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will get
there before you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and
outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be
known, and will understand that you are children of the
living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you
live in poverty, and embody poverty."
Jesus said, "Know what is within your sight, and what is
hidden from you will become clear to you. For there is
nothing hidden that will not be revealed."
Jesus said, "I have thrown fire on the world and, behold, I
am guarding it until it is ablaze."
Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me with someone, and
tell me whom I am like." Simon Peter said to him, "You are
like a just angel." Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise

philosopher." Thomas said to him, "Teacher, my mouth is

utterly unable to say whom you are like." Jesus said, "I am
not your teacher. You have become intoxicated because you
have drunk from the bubbling spring that I have tended."
And he took Thomas and withdrew, and told him three
things. When Thomas came back to his friends, they asked
him, "What did Jesus tell you?" Thomas said to them, "If I
tell you even one of the things he told me, you will pick up
rocks and stone me. Then fire will come forth from the rocks
and devour you."
The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us about the end." Jesus
said, "Have you already discovered the beginning, that now
you can seek after the end? For where the beginning is, the
end will be. Blessed is one who stands at the beginning: that
one will know the end, and will not taste death."Jesus said,
"Blessed is one who came to life before coming to life."
Jesus said, "If you become my disciples and hearken to my
sayings, these stones will serve you."
Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his disciples,
"These nursing babies are like those who enter the
kingdom." They said to him, "Then shall we enter the
kingdom as babies?" Jesus said to them, "When you make
the two into one, when you make the inner like the outer and
the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, when
you make male and female into a single one, so that the male
will not be male and the female will not be female, when
you make eyes replacing an eye, a hand replacing a hand, a

foot replacing a foot, and an image replacing an image, then

you will enter the kingdom."
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are alone and chosen: you
will find the kingdom. For you have come from it, and you
will return there again."
His disciples said to him, "When will the final rest for the
dead take place, and when will the new world come?" He
said to them, "What you look for has already come, but you
do not know it."
Jesus said, "I disclose my mysteries to those who are worthy
of my mysteries. Do not let your left hand know what your
right hand is doing."
Jesus said, "Whoever knows everything but lacks within
lacks everything."
Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you
have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what
you do not have within you will kill you."
Jesus said, "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: all
came forth from me, and all attained to me. Split a piece of
wood, and I am there. Pick up a stone, and you will find me
Jesus said, "Whoever is close to me is close to the fire, and
whoever is far from me is far from the kingdom."

Jesus said, "Images are visible to people, but the light within
is hidden in the Father's image of light. He will reveal
himself, but his image is hidden by his light."
Jesus said, "When you see a likeness of yourself, you are
happy. But when you see your images that came into being
before you, and that neither die nor become visible, how
much you will be able to tolerate!"
Jesus said, "When you make the two into one, you will
become sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move!' it
will move."
Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will be like me,
and I shall be that person, and what is hidden will be
revealed to that one."
Jesus says, "Whoever finds self is worth more than the
His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
"It will not come by looking for it. Nor will it do to say,
'Behold, over here!' or 'Behold, over there!' Rather, the
kingdom of the Father is spread out on the Earth, but people
do not see it." (Gospel of Thomas)
The Apocalyptic Texts
Among the Christian Gnostic writings were no less than five separate
apocalypses. Here they are.

The First Apocalypse of James contains the secret teachings of Christ

that were given to James the Just, the Lord's brother. In it, James refers to

Jesus as "rabbi." Jesus warns James to leave Jerusalem, for the city is a
dwelling place of a great number of "archons" or evil angels. Jerusalem is
stigmatized as the city which "gives the cup of bitterness to the sons of
light." Jesus coaches James on what to say when he is judged and
challenged by the "toll collectors" of heaven in order to pass through the
gates of heaven.

The Second Apocalypse of James

The Apocalypse of Adam
The Apocalypse of Peter is a record of the vision of Peter the apostle in
which he speaks with Christ in the spirit. In this, Peter is clearly seen as
the true successor to Christ and the founder of the Gnostic community. In
the vision, Peter first sees hostile priests who seem to be intent upon
stoning him and Christ to death. Next, Peter recalls the crucifixion during
which Jesus stood nearby talking with him.
Peter asks, "Who is this one glad and laughing on the tree (i.e.,
cross)? And is it another one whose feet and hands they are
Christ replies, "He whom you saw on the tree, glad and
laughing, this is the living Jesus. But this one into whose hands
and feet they drive the nails is his fleshy part, which is the
substitute being put to shame, the one who came into being in
his likeness. But look at him and me."
Peter seemed to realize that it would be a long time before his book was
read and understood, for he writes:
"These things, then, which you saw you shall present to those
of another race who are not of this age."

He seems to be right, as this apocalypse has only just seen the light of day
before we enter the age that many believe will begin with the second
coming of Christ.
The Apocalypse of Paul
The Apocalypse of Paul is an account of the apostle's ascent into heaven
and what he found there, with instructions for other souls on how to
conduct themselves during judgment. One of the most interesting aspects
of this text is that it corresponds to events found in the New Testament and
includes references to reincarnation. Several Christian Gnostic texts
combine the ideas of reincarnation and union with God.
As Paul passes through the fourth heaven, he witnesses a soul being
punished for murder. This soul is brought "out of the land of the dead"
(i.e., Earth) by angels where three witnesses charge the soul with murder.
The soul looks sorrowfully down and is cast down into a body that has
been prepared for it. The book describes Paul's journey through the
heavens, which is also symbolic for the Gnostic process of union with

The New Testament contains a letter by the apostle Paul to the Christians
in the city of Corinth, Greece, where he had founded a church on his first
visit there. The Christians at this church were being divided by the
teachings of so-called "false teachers" that were infiltrating the church
there and Paul wrote a letter telling them to not forget what they were
taught by Paul. These "false teachers" were trying to get people to follow
their teachings and not Paul's. In order to put these false teachers to shame,
Paul rebukes the Corinthians by using false pride and boasting about
himself and telling the church why he is more qualified than the false

teachers. He tells them of his sufferings and how he was once stoned and
left for dead (2 Cor. 11:23-26). The letter goes on to say:
"I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained,
I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. I know a
person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the
third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I
do not know - God knows. And I know that this person whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but
God knows - was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible
things, things that humans are not permitted to tell." (2 Cor.
In the above passage, Paul continued his "boasting" by telling about
visions and revelations he had received from the Lord. "I know a person in
Christ" means that he was speaking about himself. He explained that he
didn't know if he was taken up in his body or in his spirit, but he was in
paradise ("the third heaven"). This incident cannot be positively identified
with a recorded event in Paul's career, although some think this may have
been when he was stoned and left for dead (Acts 14:19-20). Paul told
about this incident to show that he had been uniquely touched by God.

Many people are unaware of this passage of the Bible and that it is a neardeath experience which Paul had. The person who wrote most of the New
Testament, the sacred writings of orthodox Christianity, had a near-death
experience which he based his authority as an apostle of Christ to the
Corinthian church. It can even be argued that his near-death experience
directly or indirectly inspired his epistles.

The Apocalypse of Paul reveals how each soul must rise as best it can
after death through a hierarchy of heavens and face the increasingly
difficult challenges posed by the guardian angels of each heaven. The
journey begins with Paul meeting a child on the mountain of Jericho on

the way to heaven (symbolized by Jerusalem). This child turns out to be

the Holy Spirit, who takes Paul first to the third heaven.

The Holy Spirit warns Paul to keep his wits about him for they are about
to enter the realm of "principalities ... archangels and powers and the
whole race of demons." The Holy Spirit also mentions that they will pass
"one that reveals bodies to a soul-seed," that is, the being that takes souls
and plants them in new bodies for reincarnation. For the soul who wished
to ascend to the highest heaven, reincarnation was to be avoided.

When Paul reaches the fourth heaven, the Holy Spirit encourages him to
look down upon his body which he has left behind on the mountain of
Jericho. As Paul ascends, he witnesses in the fourth heaven the judgment
and punishment of another soul. He says, "I saw the angels resembling
gods ... bringing a soul out of the land of the dead." The soul has been
resurrected so that it can be judged, one of the four events promised for
the end of the world. The angels were whipping it.

The soul spoke, saying, "What sin was it that I committed in the world?"
The "toll collector" of this heavenly gate accuses the soul. The soul
replies, "Bring witnesses! Let them show you in what body I committed
lawless deeds." Three bodies rise up as witnesses and accuse the soul of
anger and envy, and finally murder. When the soul heard these things, it
gazed downwards in sorrow ... It was cast down.

At this point we expect the soul to be cast into hell, as in later Christian
doctrine, but no: "the soul that had been cast down went to a body which
had been prepared for it," and was reincarnated.

Paul, somewhat shaken by this experience, was beckoned forward by the

Holy Spirit and allowed to pass through the gate of the fifth heaven. Here
he saw his fellow apostles and "a great angel in the fifth heaven holding an
iron rod in his hand." This angel and three other angels, with whips in
their hands, scourge the souls of the dead and drive them on to judgment.
Paul remains with the Holy Spirit and the gates to the sixth heaven swing
open effortlessly before him.

In the sixth heaven, Paul sees a strong light shining down on him from the
heaven above. He is motioned by the "toll collector" through the gates of
the seventh heaven. Here, he sees "an old man filled with light and whose
garment was white. His throne, which is in the seventh heaven, was
brighter than the sun by seven times." This old man bears a striking
resemblance to Jehovah as he is described in the vision of Ezekiel.

The old man asks, "Where are you going, Paul?" Only reluctantly, after
some encouragement from the Holy Spirit, does Paul speak with him and
give the Gnostic sign he has learned. The eighth heaven then opens and
Paul ascends. Here he embraces the twelve disciples, most of whom he has
not met before, and together they rise to the ninth heaven. Finally, Paul
reaches the tenth and highest heaven, where he is transformed.
The Suppression of Christian Gnosticism
The Christian Gnostics believed in reincarnation and the preexistence of
the soul. They refused to believe in a resurrection of corpses at the end of
time. They emphasized meeting Jesus on a spiritual level to become
liberated and attain permanent citizenship in heaven. The Church of Rome
of the second century A.D., on the other hand, declared that those who
deny a Last Day resurrection of corpses are heretics.

Many Christian Gnostics regarded themselves as part of the organized

body of Christians of the early church. However, as the organized Church
gained political control of the Roman Empire, the Christian Gnostics were
persecuted by the organized Church and many were martyred. The
Christian Gnostic tradition is one of many branches of early Christianity
labeled as heretical by the early Church fathers. The Gnostic influences
and writings were cut out of official Church doctrines as heresy. Because
of their suspected Christian Gnostic origins, the Gospel of John and the
Book of Revelation was almost rejected from the New Testament.
Nevertheless, the organized Church succeeded in hiding its Christian
Gnostic doctrines.

It is not surprising that the orthodox Church bishops edited out the
practical spiritual knowledge which was once an integral part of
Christianity and was known and practiced by the apostle Paul. For these
fathers, it was far more convenient and gratifying for their egos to assert
that spiritual grace could only be attained through them as Christ's
representatives on Earth. To control the masses, the political organization
of the church declared that salvation was attained only through the church
rituals and through the priesthood. Salvation through a personal mystical
experience with Christ apart from the organized church was cast away. In
a move that is very likely to have met with the disapproval of Christ
himself, the worldly political aspirations of a few priests won out over the
spiritual enlightenment of the many.

And as it is with any religion or movement, the successors of its founder

decided which things to keep and which to throw out. The organized
Church discarded the spiritual knowledge of Christian Gnosticism as
being too dangerous and kept the concept of blind acceptance of church

Ultimately, the organized Church declared Christian Gnosticism a heresy

and began killing those who adhered to its doctrines. Thus the powerful
Roman Church began its crusade of eliminating all rivals to its authority.
Christian Gnosticism was obliterated and relatively little historical and
theological information was left to fully understand early Christian
history. This all changed in 1945 with the discovery of the Gnostic
Christian scriptures discovered in Egypt. Then in 1947, the discovery of
the Dead Sea Scrolls of early Jewish Gnostic writings occurred. Today,
with many Christians wondering if the Second Coming of Christ is soon to
happen, it may not be a coincidence that these secret writings have come
to surface after two thousand years of being hidden. Finally, after two
thousands years, the secret is finally out again.

"The soul has neither beginning nor

end. [They] come into this world
strengthened by the victories or
weakened by the defeats of their
previous lives" - Origen
| Christian index | Next |

Copyright 2007 Near-Death Experiences & the Afterlife

Plato: The Allegory of the Cave, from The Republic

Plato, the most creative and influential of Socrates' disciples, wrote
dialogues, in which he frequently used the figureof Socrates to espouse his own (Plato's) full-fledged philosophy. In
"The Republic," Plato sums up his views in an image of ignorant humanity, trapped in the depths and not even aware of
its own limited perspective. The rare individual escapes the limitations of that cave and, through a long, tortuous
intellectual journey, discovers a higher realm, a true reality, with a final, almost mystical awareness of Goodness as the
origin of everything that exists. Sucha person is then the best equipped to govern in society, having a knowledge of
what is ultimately most worthwhile in life and not just a knowledge of techniques; but that person will frequently be
misunderstood by those ordinary folks back in the cave who haven't shared in the intellectual insight. If he were living
today, Plato might replace his rather awkward cave metaphor with a movie theater, with the projector replacing the fire,
the film replacing the objects which cast shadows, the shadows on the cave wall with the projected movie on the screen,
and the echo with theloudspeakers behind the screen. The essential point is that the prisoners in the cave are not seeing
reality, but only a shadowy representation of it. The importance of the allegory lies in Plato's belief that there are
invisible truths lying under the apparent surface of things which only the most enlightened can grasp. Used to the
world of illusion in thecave, the prisoners at first resist enlightenment, as students resist education. But those who can
achieve enlightenment deserve to be the leaders and rulers of all the rest. At the end of the passage, Plato expresses
another of his favorite ideas: that education is not a process of putting knowledge into empty minds, but of making
people realize that which they already know. This notion that truth is somehow embedded in our minds was also
powerfully influential for many centuries. Judging by this passage, why do you think many people in the democracy of
Athens might have been antagonistic toPlato's ideas? What does the sun symbolize in the allegory? Is a resident of the
cave (a prisoner, as it were) likely to want to make the ascent to the outer world? Why or why not? What does the sun
symbolize in the allegory?

Plato: The Allegory of the Cave, from The Republic

Plato, the most creative and influential of Socrates' disciples, wrote dialogues, in which he frequently used the figure
of Socrates to espouse his own (Plato's) full-fledged philosophy. In "The Republic," Plato sums up his views in an
image of ignorant humanity, trapped in the depths and not even aware of its own limited perspective. The rare
individual escapes the limitations of that cave and, through a long, tortuous intellectual journey, discovers a higher
realm, a true reality, with a final, almost mystical awareness of Goodness as the origin of everything that exists. Such
a person is then the best equipped to govern in society, having a knowledge of what is ultimately most worthwhile in
life and not just a knowledge of techniques; but that person will frequently be misunderstood by those ordinary folks
back in the cave who haven't shared in the intellectual insight. If he were living today, Plato might replace his rather
awkward cave metaphor with a movie theater, with the projector replacing the fire, the film replacing the objects
which cast shadows, the shadows on the cave wall with the projected movie on the screen, and the echo with the
loudspeakers behind the screen. The essential point is that the prisoners in the cave are not seeing reality, but only a
shadowy representation of it. The importance of the allegory lies in Plato's belief that there are invisible truths lying
under the apparent surface of things which only the most enlightened can grasp. Used to the world of illusion in the
cave, the prisoners at first resist enlightenment, as students resist education. But those who can achieve enlightenment
deserve to be the leaders and rulers of all the rest. At the end of the passage, Plato expresses another of his favorite
ideas: that education is not a process of putting knowledge into empty minds, but of making people realize that which
they already know. This notion that truth is somehow embedded in our minds was also powerfully influential for many
Judging by this passage, why do you think many people in the democracy of Athens might have been antagonistic to
Plato's ideas? What does the sun symbolize in the allegory?
Is a resident of the cave (a prisoner, as it were) likely to want to make the ascent to the outer world? Why or why not?
What does the sun symbolize in the allegory? And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is
enlightened or unenlightened:--Behold! human beings living in an underground den, which has a mouth open towards
the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks
chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round
their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a
raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have
in front of them, over which they show the puppets.
I see.
And do you see, I said, men passing along the wall carrying all sorts of vessels, and statues and figures of animals
made of wood and stone and various materials, which appear over the wall? Some of them are talking, others silent.
You have shown me a strange image, and they are strange prisoners.
Like ourselves, I replied; and they see only their own shadows, or the shadows of one another, which the fire throws
on the opposite wall of the cave?
True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?
And of the objects which are being carried in like manner they would only see the shadows?
Yes, he said.
And if they were able to converse with one another, would they not suppose that they were naming what was actually
before them?

Very true.
And suppose further that the prison had an echo which came from the other side, would they not be sure to fancy when
one of the passers-by spoke that the voice which they heard came from the passing shadow?
No question, he replied.
To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images.
That is certain.
And now look again, and see what will naturally follow if the prisoners are released and disabused of their error. At
first, when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to stand up and turn his neck round and walk and look
towards the light, he will suffer sharp pains; the glare will distress him, and he will be unable to see the realities of
which in his former state he had seen the shadows; and then conceive some one saying to him, that what he saw before
was an illusion, but that now, when he is approaching nearer to being and his eye is turned towards more real
existence, he has a clearer vision,--what will be his reply? And you may further imagine that his instructor is pointing
to the objects as they pass and requiring him to name them,--will he not be perplexed? Will he not fancy that the
shadows which he formerly saw are truer than the objects which are now shown to him?
Far truer.
And if he is compelled to look straight at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes which will make him turn away
to take refuge in the objects of vision which he can see, and which he will conceive to be in reality clearer than the
things which are now being shown to him?
True, he said.
And suppose once more, that he is reluctantly dragged up a steep and rugged ascent, and held fast until he is forced
into the presence of the sun himself, is he not likely to be pained and irritated? When he approaches the light his eyes
will be dazzled, and he will not be able to see anything at all of what are now called realities.
Not all in a moment, he said.
He will require to grow accustomed to the sight of the upper world. And first he will see the shadows best, next the
reflections of men and other objects in the water, and then the objects themselves; then he will gaze upon the light of
the moon and the stars and the spangled heaven; and he will see the sky and the stars by night better than the sun or
the light of the sun by day?
Last of all he will be able to see the sun, and not mere reflections of him in the water, but he will see him in his own
proper place, and not in another; and he will contemplate him as he is.
He will then proceed to argue that this is he who gives the season and the years, and is the guardian of all that is in the
visible world, and in a certain way the cause of all things which he and his fellows have been accustomed to behold?
Clearly, he said, he would first see the sun and then reason about him.
And when he remembered his old habitation, and the wisdom of the den and his fellow-prisoners, do you not suppose
that he would felicitate himself on the change, and pity them?
Certainly, he would.

And if they were in the habit of conferring honors among themselves on those who were quickest to observe the
passing shadows and to remark which of them went before, and which followed after, and which were together; and
who were therefore best able to draw conclusions as to the future, do you think that he would care for such honors and
glories, or envy the possessors of them? Would he not say with Homer,
Better to be the poor servant of a poor master, and to endure anything, rather than think as they do and live after their
manner? (1)
Yes, he said, I think that he would rather suffer anything than entertain these false notions and live in this miserable
Imagine once more, I said, such a one coming suddenly out of the sun to be replaced in his old situation; would he not
be certain to have his eyes full of darkness?
To be sure, he said.
And if there were a contest, and he had to compete in measuring the shadows with the prisoners who had never moved
out of the den, while his sight was still weak, and before his eyes had become steady (and the time which would be
needed to acquire this new habit of sight might be very considerable), would he not be ridiculous? Men would say of
him that up he went and down he came without his eyes; (2)and that it was better not even to think of ascending; and if
any one tried to loose another and lead him up to the light, let them only catch the offender, and they would put him to
death. (3)
No question, he said.
This entire allegory, I said, you may now append, dear Glaucon, to the previous argument; the prison-house is the
world of sight, the light of the fire is the sun, and you will not misapprehend me if you interpret the journey upwards
to be the ascent of the soul into the intellectual world according to my poor belief, which, at your desire, I have
expressed--whether rightly or wrongly God knows. But whether true or false, my opinion is that in the world of
knowledge the idea of good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort; and, when seen, is also inferred to be
the universal author of all things beautiful and right, parent of light and of the lord of light in this visible world, Here
Plato describes his notion of God in a way that was influence profoundly Christian theologians. and the immediate
source of reason and truth in the intellectual; and that this is the power upon which he would act rationally either in
public or private life must have his eye fixed.
I agree, he said, as far as I am able to understand you.
Moreover, I said, you must not wonder that those who attain to this beatific vision are unwilling to descend to human
affairs; for their souls are ever hastening into the upper world where they desire to dwell; which desire of theirs is very
natural, if our allegory may be trusted.
Yes, very natural.
And is there anything surprising in one who passes from divine contemplations to the evil state of man, misbehaving
himself in a ridiculous manner; if, while his eyes are blinking and before he has become accustomed to the
surrounding darkness, he is compelled to fight in courts of law, or in other places, about the images or the shadows of
images of justice, and is endeavoring to meet the conception of those who have never yet seen absolute justice?
Anything but surprising, he replied.
Any one who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eyes are of two kinds, and arise from
two causes, either from coming out of the light or from going into the light, which is true of the mind's eye; and he
who remembers this when he sees any one whose vision is perplexed and weak, will not be too ready to laugh; he will
first ask whether that soul of man has come out of the brighter life, and is unable to see because unaccustomed to the
dark, or having turned from darkness to the day is dazzled by excess of light. And he will count the one happy in his

condition and state of being, and he will pity the other; or, if he have a mind to laugh at the soul which comes from
below into the light, there will be more reason in this than in the laugh which greets him who returns from above out
of the light into the den.
That, he said, is a very just distinction.
But then, if I am right, certain professors of education must be wrong when they say that they can put a knowledge
into the soul which was not there before, like sight into blind eyes.
They undoubtedly say this, he replied.
Whereas our argument shows that the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already; and that just as the eye
was unable to turn from darkness to light without the whole body, so too the instrument of knowledge can only by the
movement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into that of being, and learn by degrees to endure
the sight of being and of the brightest and best of being, or in other words, of the good.
Translated by Benjamin Jowett
(1) This refers to a famous passage in Homer's Odyssey in which the ghost of the great hero Achilles, when asked if
he is not proud of the fame his deeds has spread throughout the world, answers that he would rather be a slave on a
worn-out farm than king over all of the famous dead. Interestingly, Plato quotes the same passage elsewhere as
disapprovingly as depicting life after death in such a negative manner that it may undermine the willingness of soldiers
to die in war.
(2) The comic playwright Aristophanes had mocked Socrates by portraying Plato's master, Socrates, as a foolish
intellectual with his head in the clouds.
(3) Plato undoubtedly has in mind the fact that the Athenians had condemned to death his master Socrates, who Plato
considered supremely enlightened.

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This is an excerpt from Reading About the World, Volume 1, edited by Paul Brians, Mary Gallwey, Douglas
Hughes, Azfar Hussain, Richard Law, Michael Myers Michael Neville, Roger Schlesinger, Alice Spitzer, and
Susan Swan and published by Harcourt Brace Custom Publishing.
The reader was created for use in the World Civilization course at Washington State University, but material on
this page may be used for educational purposes by permission of the editor-in-chief:
Paul Brians
Department of English
Washington State University
Pullman 99164-5020
Reading About the World is now out of print. You can search for used copies using the following information:Paul
Brians, et al. Reading About the World, Vol. 1, 3rd edition, Harcourt Brace College Publishing: ISBN 0-15-567425-0
or Paul Brians, et al. Reading About the World, Vol. 2, 3rd edition, Harcourt Brace College Publishing: ISBN 0-15512826-4.
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A literal meaning by Plato seems unlikely. I shall propose three

levels of interpretation: (1) a psychological level, such that
ascension and fall correspond to the continuing effort to organize
and recollect the personality or mind; (2) a level that corresponds
to the contemplative journey, with its characteristic periods of
progress and seeming setbacks--dark nights, aridity, and feelings of
abandonment; and (3) a more basic religious level that corresponds
to divination and salvation of the soul.

The passage can be divided into seven sections:
Sections of Phaedrus Chariot Allegory
Number Section


(245.c - 246.a)

An introduction or proem

(246.a - 246.e)

The chariot introduced

(247.a - 248.b)

The heavenly procession

(248.b - 249.e)

The fall and embodiment

(250.a - 250.c)


(250.d - 253.c)

Regrowth of wings

(253.d - 254.e)

Sublimation of lust

The sections are characterized in more detail as follows:

1. Proem. The chariot allegory is introduced with a short preface
(245c - 246a). This is an interlude, of sorts, between the analogy
and the preceding discussion of Phaedrus. It presents a short
logical proof for the immortality of the soul. In tone it is like the
ontological argument for the proof of God's existence (a
noteworthy fact, in that the latter is associated with 11th century
philosophy). The proem is a work unto itself and can be read and
appreciated separately from the chariot allegory.
2. First description of the chariot (246a - 246e). This introduces the
chariot, the charioteer, the two horses, and the soul's basic plight:
the soul wishes to rise to heaven's heights, but often loses her
wings instead.
3. The heavenly festival (247a - 248b) explains the 'blessed sights'
and benefits enjoyed by gods and the souls of those men who can
control their steeds.
4. When they fall, souls lose their wings and undergo a
probationary period of lesser or greater length, in which they grow
new ones (248b - 249e). The alternative embodiments correspond
to various stations of life, determined according to how much
vision of divine truth a soul experienced.

chariot is involved.

Interpretation (Contents)

The Chariot

Plato first presents the image of the chariot, a composite figure: a

charioteer, two winged horses -- a noble white and an ignoble dark one -and, by implication, the chariot itself. This he explicitly calls a model of the
human soul (or, to use a modern psychological term, psyche; we here
consider these terms equivalent; the modern psychological term, in fact, is
the Greek one: yuce). The individual components of the model are not
described in much detail, but since Plato considers the same basic structure
of the soul in the Republic, written about the same time, we have a good idea
as to his meaning (Lovibond, 1993).
As Plato's model naturally invites comparison with Freud's well-known
id/ego/superego system, that is a natural reference point. Plato, however,
through myth, is able to express both rational and extra-rational knowledge.
Partly for this reason, the two models, however, are as different as they are

The Dark Horse

Of the two models, the most closely corresponding parts are the dark horse
and Freud's id. The dark horse corresponds to appetites, concupiscence, and
bodily desires and lusts. In Platonic psychology, this part of the soul is
called the epithumetikon. Beyond this much we need say little -- this soul
element, and its characteristic problems, is familiar enough, both
experientially and at the relgio-cultural level.
The horse is unruly and causes great problems for Plato's charioteer. But, as
in Freud's model, where it imparts energy or libido for general motivation of
the psyche, so here too it is needed to draw the chariot. What is required,
then, is a training of the horse -- the sublimation of Freud's system -- so that
it provides properly-directed energy.

The Charioteer
The charioteer, who drives the chariot and commands the horses, with
special attention needed to the unruly one, corresponds to the Freudian ego,
which manages conflict between the id and super-ego (the latter, to
anticipate, roughly corresponding to the white horse). However, unlike
Freud's ego, which, in a sense, evolves or develops in the psyche specifically
to broker disputes between the id and superego, Plato's charioteer has a more
definite goal and destiny: to direct the chariot to the heights of heaven and
beyond, there to behold 'divine sights'.
In Plato's psychology, the charioteer is associated with Reason and the
reasoning element of the mind, and called logistikon, derived from the Greek

corresponds to the role of the charioteer.

It seems plain enough, however, that a person's conscious identification may
at times may be with either of the two horses. For instance, one may be
entirely pre-occupied with some appetitive aim ('I simply must have that red
convertible!' or, perhaps worse, 'I am a thoroughly modern person with all
the latest gadgets -- picture telephones, high-resolution, wide-screen
television, etc.). And we have already mentioned examples where a person
becomes identified with their thumos.
This idea of variable locus of identity raises the possibility a fourth element
of the soul -- which would be some basic, alternatively locatable sense of
me-ness; a point of view; an 'I'. We simply raise this here as a theoretical

A second question concerns where the charioteer gets his instructions from.
Or, in a sense, we might ask: if he is the driver, who navigates? If the
charioteer so ardently seeks the divine sights, doesn't this presuppose that he
is lacking in some fundamental way? But if he is lacking, can he direct the
chariot wisely?
The Christian view, of course, is that the soul's reasoning faculty is aided by
divine grace. One view could be that God sends inspiration directly to the
charioteer. Another is that the charioteer is accompanied by a second figure - the image or actual presence of Jesus Christ in the soul. The idea of Christ
as true pilot of the soul is, of course, a very familiar one to Christians, and
one we see suggested in more or less explicit terms by many Fathers and
Doctors of the Church.
It is further relevant to mention the most well-known chariot figure of
Eastern religion, that of the great Indian work, the Bhagavad Gita. There,
Prince Arjuna, the chariot' owner and the narrative's protagonist, is
accompanied by Krishna, who advises and counsels him (see next section).
Whether or not he may have agreed with the idea, Plato perhaps would not
have found the idea of some guiding or directing influence on the charioteer
wholly unfamiliar. Among the Golden Verses of Pythagoras (Firth/Taylor,
1904) we find the following:
Leaving thyself always to be guided and directed by the
understanding that comes from above, and that ought to hold
the reins. (Verse 69)
Whether this verse originated with Pythagoras (ca. 582ca. 507 BC) is a
matter of speculation. But in any case Plato's strong Pythagorean influence is
attested to by no less than Aristotle, and it may well have been from one of
Plato's alleged Pythagorean teachers that he learned the chariot analogy.
Interpretation (Contents)

Other Chariot Analogies

It is instructive to briefly consider here some other important ancient chariot

analogies for the soul.

Ezekiel's Chariot Vision

The profound and mysterious Chariot-Throne vision, found beginning in the
first chapter of Ezekiel (ca. 580 BC; roughly 200 years before Plato's
Phaedrus) is under-appreciated by modern readers. Ironically, were this
found in some tradition other than the Judeo-Christian, Westerners would
likely hold this remarkable passage with greater reverence and awe.
While ostensibly a vision of God, it is also figurative of the human soul, the
God-image in man. Ezekiel, it will be recalled, saw a dramatic vision of a
Chariot and the Throne of God within it:
And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a
great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it,
and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of
the fire.

Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living
creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a

And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings.

And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like
the sole of a calf's foot: and they sparkled like the colour of burnished

And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four
sides; and they four had their faces and their wings.

Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they
went; they went every one straight forward.

As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man,
and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of
an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
(Eze 1:4-10).


The fantastic vehicle contained four living creatures -- later (Eze 10)
identified as cherubim -- each with four faces: human, lion, bull, and eagle.
Each figure was also associated with wings, as well as 'wheels within
wheels', conveying the idea of movement.
In his Commentary on Ezekiel (ca. 410 AD), St. Jerome specifically related
the Chariot-Throne image to Plato's psychology. In Jerome's analysis: the
human face corresponds to the Platonic logistikon, the soul's reasoning
faculty (i.e., the Phaedrus' charioteer); the lion to Plato's thumos element
(white horse); and the bull to concupiscence, epithumia (dark horse).

(Though most English translations say ox here, the Hebrew word, showr, as
means either bull or ox.) The eagle, however, has no obvious counterpart in
Plato's psychology or chariot analogy. Jerome, picking an eagle's keen vision
as the defining attribute, saw it as representing a transcendent part of the
psyche, something that hovers above the others, able to scrutinize and
discern things. This is a rather remarkable insight on Jerome's part, though
whether it originated entirely with him or was mentioned by other writers
before him is perhaps open to speculation.
In any case, this additional faculty or power of the soul seems worthy of
further consideration (although not here). It does not seem the same as the 'I'
principle alluded to above. I would rather suggest that it may have more to
do with things like Wisdom or special sapiential faculties of the mind or
We are also told (Eze 1:26) that above the fantastic figures was the likeness
of a throne and, upon or above this, the likeness as the appearance of a man.
In Christian theology, the figure on the throne would correspond to the
Christ-image or to Christ within the soul. The Syrian monk, PseudoMacarius, a contemporary of St. Jerome, wrote in a homily on Ezekiel's
vision (Maloney, 1992; Homily 1):
"Thus the soul is completely illumined with the unspeakable beauty of the
glory of the light of the face of Christ and is perfectly made a participator of
the Holy Spirit. It is privileged to be the dwelling-place and the throne of
God, all eye, all light, all face, all glory and all spirit, made so by Christ who
drives, guides, carries, and supports the soul about and adorns and decorates
the soul with his spiritual beauty."
Christ and/or the Christ-image directs the soul's growth, perhaps also being a
template for the transformation of the old man to the New Adam or Son of
Man. Of this important subject we may perhaps say more elsewhere.

Merkabah and Hekhalot Mysticism

We may also note in passing Jewish Merkabah and Hekhalot mysticism,
which used the Ezekiel vision as a basis for speculative consideration of the
nature of God and technical discussion concerning methods of mystical
ascent (Scholem, 1961). Based on the available documented evidence, the
current view is that these traditions developed, roughly speaking, beginning
from 100 BC to 100 AD.
The influence of Platonism or neoplatonism seems likely. However, we may
also allow the possibility that this Jewish mysticism has roots in a much
older Chaldean or even Egyptian tradition. The principles and basic ideas of
chariot mystical ascent, of course, have much in common with the ecstatic
soul-flights of shamanism, which, from its ubiquitous geographic dispersal,
we may well suppose to be of prehistoric origin. The incorporation of
chariot symbolism could have occurred only shortly after the invention of
the chariot itself (2000 BC?) and at many different locations simultaneously.

The Katha Upanishad

The Katha Upanishad of Hindu scriptures contains a fairly detailed chariot

analogy for the human soul, one not infrequently compared to that of the
Phaedrus. (Dates of composition of the Vedic literature are contested and
we do best to stay clear of the subject.) The relative passage occurs in Book
1, Chapter 3 (Panoli, 1994):
... those who are desirous of crossing (the ocean of samsara

Know the Self to be the master of the chariot, and the body to be
the chariot. Know the intellect to be the charioteer, and the mind to be
the reins.

The senses they speak of as the horses; the objects within their
view, the way. When the Self is yoked with the mind and the senses,
the wise call It the enjoyer.

But whoso is devoid of discrimination and is possessed of a mind

ever uncollected his senses are uncontrollable like the vicious
horses of a driver.

But whoso is discriminative and possessed of a mind ever

collected his senses are controllable like the good horses of a driver.

But whoso is devoid of a discriminating intellect, possessed of an

unrestrained mind and is ever impure, does not attain that goal, but
goes to samsara.

But whoso is possessed of a discriminating intellect and a

restrained mind, and is ever pure, attains that goal from which he is
not born again.

But the man who has a discriminating intellect as his driver, and
a controlled-mind as the reins, reaches the end of the path that
supreme state of Vishnu.

Similarities to the Phaedrus myth are obvious, but there are important
differences as well. In the Katha Upanishad, the horses are identified as the
senses, and no qualitative (i.e., evaluative) distinction is made among them;
that is, there is no good-white-horse/bad-black-horse discrimination as in the
Phaedrus. Nothing suggesting thumos, especially in its positive, heroic
aspects, is mentioned. The similarities and differences are such that a
hypothesis of common origin of this and the Phaedrus myth can be neither
demonstrated convincingly nor disproven. Overall, the explicit reference to
reincarnation in both analogies is perhaps the strongest evidence in favor of
historical connection. But, if so, we lack a basis to prefer a model of Eastto-West or West-to-East dissemination, or even, say, a Persian origin and
from thence to both West and East.

The Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata

In the better-known Bhagavad Gita, already mentioned, the literal story
concerns a dialogue between Prince Arjuna and Krishna, whom he enlists as

the driver of his chariot and advisor as he prepares for an immense and
climactic battle. The adversarial forces are identified as competing and
conflicting parts of the soul, and Arjuna, Krishna, and the chariot are
between them (Arjuna in a state considerable distress, unsure whether to
fight or give up). Within the Bhagavad Gita it is said that the whole outline
of Vedantic and yogic theory and practice is presented. The Lord Krishna
and Prince Arjuna are portrayed as seated in a grand chariot yoked with
white horses (Bhagavad Gita 1.14), but beyond this specific details about the
chariot are not given.
However, the Anu Gita section of the epic Mahabharata contains further
conversations between Krishna and Arjuna after the battle. There we find the
following passage (Telang, 1882) which begins, "Brahman said":
Since the mind is ruler of these five elements, in (the matter of)
absorbing or bringing (them) forth, the mind itself is the individual
self. The mind always presides over the great elements. The
understanding proclaims its power, and it is called the Kshetraga.
The mind yokes the senses as a charioteer (yokes) good horses. The
senses, the mind, and the understanding are always joined to the
Kshetraga. That individual self, mounting the chariot to which
big horses are yoked, and in which the understanding is the drag,
drives about on all sides the great chariot which is pervaded by the
Brahman, has the group of the senses yoked (to it), has the mind for
a charioteer, and the understanding for a drag. That learned and
talented person verily, who always understands thus the chariot
pervaded by the Brahman, comes not by delusion in the midst of all
entities. (Anugt 36)
Similarities between this passage and the Katha Upanishad are evident.
So much, then, for the figure of the chariot itself. We now turn attention to
the allegory.
Interpretation (Contents)

The Allegory of Ascent and Fall

We pursue interpretation of the allegory at three levels: (1) as a metaphor

for theosis, or the soul's divinization; (2) as a figure for contemplative or
mystical ascent; and (3) at a third level of meaning that has no convenient
term, but which we could call the ascent to the present and is related
existential psychology.

In Greek and other ancient religions, the idea of theosis, that a person might
become a god or godlike, was common. Theosis still figures prominently in
Eastern Christianity, but in Western Christianity it gets little attention. For
many Americans and Europeans, Christianity is too often only an ethical
system. It's small wonder, then, so many flock to the New Age and Eastern

religions, which cater to peoples' natural interest in theosis.

Plato's philosophy contains a theory and method for the soul's theosis. For
example, in the dialogue, Theaetetus (176b), he writes:
We ought to fly away from earth to heaven as quickly as we can;
and to fly away is to become like God, as far as this is possible;
and to become like him, is to become holy, just, and wise. (Jowett,
1892; Vol. 4)
and this passage could as easily appear in the Phaedrus. The soul's
divinization, for Plato, is accomplished by, among other things, what he calls
contemplation (theoria) of the divine Forms. These are what the soul in the
chariot myth sees in its ascent 'beyond the heavens'.
Readers will likely have heard of Plato's doctrine of Forms, but may, thanks
in part to the narrow view promoted by modern positivistic philosophy, have
a mistaken or limited understanding if it. A common modern view is that
Plato's Forms refer simply to intellectual abstractions or universal
definitions. To clarify this, and to reveal the true religious dimension of
Plato's theory, we must to consider this subject in a little detail.
First, remarks about the word, 'Forms', are in order. The term itself is
potentially misleading, since it tends to imply or connote things that are
definitions or intellectual abstractions. Plato's actual word is eide, which
could be translated as Ideas. However, the term, 'Ideas', is also potentially
misleading, because Plato's Forms exist independently of human thought;
they are eternal (outside of time) realities. Possibly better terms might be
Essences or Realities. Ultimately, there may be no good single word to
describe these things. Perhaps Plato picked the word, eide, because in Greek
that implies something seen, and, for him, the Forms are perceived by a
mental faculty similar to vision. Lacking a better term, we might as we well
stay with 'Forms', understanding it as an placeholder for a better one (i.e., we
could as easily call these X's).
It's also important to distinguish between two kinds of Forms. First are those
associated with material objects. For example, there might be a Form for all
tables, one for all dogs, etc. The Form of a table would be the essential
quality that all actual, particular tables share. We might call this Plato's
general theory of Forms. In contrast is what we could call his special theory
of Forms. This applies not to material objects, but to intangible things like
beauty, truth, wisdom, temperance, courage, justice, and goodness. Like
tables and dogs, these things may occur in particular instances; but we may
also inquire as to the essences which all particular instances have in
common. What is the essence of beauty? What do all experiences of beauty
have in common? That is the Platonic Form, Beauty.
The distinction between the general and special kinds of Forms is extremely
important and often overlooked by those who deny that Plato is alluding to
deeper metaphysical realities here. It is arguably the case that Plato discussed
the former, general kind of Forms primarily as a means to introduce the
second, more important kind. Even his ancient critics seem to agree, for
example, that Socrates, Plato's teacher, was mainly interested in the second
kind of Forms. It is the acquaintance or contact with the Forms of intangible

things like beauty, justice, virtue, etc. that divinize the soul.
An Example
Every year or so around Christmas time, many or most people have a
singular experience of 'Christmas Joy'. It's like suddenly remembering, "Yes,
this is what it's all about! How foolish of me to have forgotten!" One then
invariably has the wish or intention to retain the feeling all year long (and
almost as invariably, one doesn't).
Now the content of this experience is something universal, because it doesn't
just apply to one particular thing or event. The essence of the experience is
the same thing, both then, and if you have the experience another time; it's
literally as though there is the one thing, Joy, which you see or participate in
at both times. It's also transcendent, because it doesn't strictly apply to or
require anything material. One could imagine having the same feeling even
if one had no physical body. It is a religious experience. All it really requires
is that, besides your own soul, that God and other souls exist. The basis for
true Joy, we might say, is the realization and appreciation that one has the
opportunity to Love God and others, that such Love is possible at all, and
that it is an essential feature of our existence. The above may but a poor
description of the experience, but hopefully it conveys the general idea.
Such an experience has a feeling-like quality, but also an intellectual
component: an insight or clear recognition that there should be peace on
earth; that this is how things are meant to be; how obvious this all is, etc.
This transcends ordinary experience, feeling, and reasoning. It is something
you simultaneously see, feel, understand, experience, and participate in.
This, I propose, is what it means to experience one of the special Platonic
Forms. This is our peeking temporarily into the realm 'above the heavens'.
Theosis and Soul Growth
In Plato's allegory, each time the soul ascends to the highest realm, it sees,
experiences, or mentally grasps one such divine Form. Repeated ascents
make soul gradually more godlike, more divine, more like God.
Lest one think the idea of theosis is mere hubris, we need only look at
Scripture. First, we are told rather explicitly in Genesis that the human being
is made in God's image and likeness. While we are in a 'fallen' condition,
this merely hides or obscures the God-image in which we are made. Nothing
biblical ever suggests that the God-image itself was damaged or lost.
Second, we can see in several passages what seem like clear allusions to the
idea of becoming more divine or godlike. For example, the first Epistle of
John says:
"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear
what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall
be like him; for we shall see him as he is." (1 John 3:2)
St. Paul, too, addressees this idea in 1 Cor 13:12 and 2 Cor 3:18. He
basically implies that we could not, at present, bear to see God as He is,
because we are too unlike Him; but that eventually, as we are made more

like God, proceeding "from glory to glory", we will be more able to see Him
"face to face."
In Plato's system, our gradual divinization occurs as we become better
acquainted with Forms like those of Beauty, Virtue, Justice, Goodness, etc.
These are, in a sense, manifestations of God's nature. The ability to
experience these Forms develops through: (1) moral improvement; (2)
detachment from worldly concerns, (3) Platonic contemplation (theoria) , (4)
love of Wisdom (philosophia), (5) piety and holiness; (6) edifying discourse
and inquiry (dialogue) ; and (7) general intellectual training (e.g.,
mathematics, etc.). Just as with the Christian idea of the God-image of the
human soul, Plato emphasizes that the divine Forms are not foreign to us.
Our soul already has an affinity for them; in a sense, it is the same "stuff" as
these Forms. He further suggests that we have already seen or experienced
these Forms, and what is involved is a kind or remembering of them. Our
increasing in communion with God, becoming more godlike, and seeing the
imprint of divinity already in the soul are parts of the same process.

Contemplative Ascent
At a different level, we can understand the chariot allegory in terms of the
more traditional process of Christian mystical life, such as that associated
with figures like St. Teresa of Jesus (or St. Teresa of Avila) and St. John of
the Cross. We might also call this ascetic-contemplative ascent, as the
ascetic (ethical/psychological purification) and contemplative phases are
both part of the usual model of Christian mystical theology. This journey,
often described in the mystical literature with phrases like the Ascent of Mt.
Carmel or the Ascent of Mt. Sinai, is traditionally associated with
experiences of ecstatic communion with God, which alternate with darker or
more negative periods. In the latter, the person experiences distress,
dissatisfaction, and agitation. St. John of the Cross, of course, called these
dark nights of the soul, and St. Teresa referred to periods of aridity. Both
seem to have in common a sense of ones feeling abandoned by God.
Sometimes these 'descents' are connected with falling prey to temptation -falls from grace in the ordinary understanding of the phrase. Yet at other
times they seem without any obvious connection to the ethical behavior of
the person, as in the Book of Job. One of the challenges the person then
faces is that of remembering or holding onto the recognition of the gains,
insights, truths, etc., experienced during the previous ascents.
While clearly related, this idea is somewhat different from the theosis
described above. In this kind of contemplative ascent and communion, there
may not be the same experience of contact with divine Forms. In fact, there
may at times be little or no intellectual content (as conventionally
understood) to the ecstatic experience at all. Sometimes there is just a sense
of the presence of God, or sometimes it may be as though the understanding
and senses are asleep, in the terminology of St. Teresa.

The Ascent to the Present

We now consider a third level of interpretation of the chariot allegory. We

usually think of the soul's life journey as something like movement on a
horizontal axis of time -- from cradle to grave and beyond. Besides this, the
potential of movement exists along a second dimension, perpendicular, as it
were, to the first. This second dimension could be considered one (a)
upward; (b) inward; or, (c) outward towards the world; we could even call it
a dimension (d) towards greater wakefulness. All these apply. This is the
direction towards greater immediacy of experience, inner and outer; greater
clarity of mind; greater connection to reality; the 'pure experience' of the
here and now. We instinctively try to move in the positive direction of this
axis, in a constant, ongoing process that could be called the ascent to the
At the higher levels of this dimension: the mind is collected and lucid; the
outwardly sensible world is more clear; inwardly, there is greater capacity
for insight; one is more easily absorbed in work, better able to concentrate.
The opposite or lower end of the dimension is characterized in general by
mental distraction and agitation. Were we to examine it further, a wide range
of different kinds of disruptive and intruding thoughts (anxiety, fear, anger,
daydreaming, etc.) could be recognized. Outward perception is less distinct,
and inwardly there is little or no insight.
If required to choose a single word to denote the level of superior
functioning, I would propose the word, recollection. It is a reasonable
choice, and has the advantage of connecting discussion here with similar
ideas presented elsewhere.
In one sense, the state of recollection and composure is quite extraordinary - in that it is statistically uncommon. But in another sense it is quite ordinary
-- the natural or intended mode of functioning. It's the state we refer to when
we talk about 'getting it together'. While ordinary in this sense, the state is
nonetheless very positive, because the nature of human existence is basically
such that simply being, doing, working, is, in essence, a positive, rewarding,
and generally positive thing. Of course, ultimately we are speaking here of a
range of states of greater or lesser extraordiness.
The idea of a 'Zen-like' flow state, where the outward world is experienced
through cleansed 'doors of perception' is familiar to most modern readers, as
it has been a popular literary topic beginning around the 1950s. This is not
the only dimension to the kind experience we mean here, however.
Overemphasis upon enhanced perception and physical activity reflects
somewhat an unusual anti-intellectual bias that has become prevalent. While
these attributes are important to consider, they are potentially less important
than a comparable enhancement of intellectual activity. In these states, may
discover and marvel at the amazing complexity, scope, depth, and speed of
our mental processes. One may begin to see how much, ordinarily, we
impede and obstruct these processes; how much we oppose ourselves; how
many mental errors we make -- and by our own choice. Processes, decisions,
and levels that are ordinarily pre-conscious can open to our awareness. This
is all very much connected with sapiential faculties, exceptional cognitive
activities associated with discernment and the 'Wisdom' given so much
emphasis by many world religions.

Unfortunately, such states of exceptional recollection or composure are often

difficult to obtain. Instead, we are often tossed about by the vicissitudes of
life -- anxious, worried, distracted, on the one hand; or mentally occupied
with self-deceptions, defense-mechanism, or idle and vain thoughts on the
other. Further, even when we are able to obtain a modicum of composure, it
seems only a matter of time before we will become distracted again.
This, then, I propose as the third level at which we may interpret the chariot
allegory: the alternation of ascents along the dimension to greater
recollection and mental 'presence', and the falls back into states distraction,
confusion, or loss or diminution of soul.
Interpretation (Contents)


I n all three of the cases mentioned above -- theosis, contemplative ascent,

and what has been termed recollection -- there are more exalted states
alternating with fallen states. All three may be seen to correspond to the soul
rising up on wings, striving for the divine vision or a heavenly banquet, but
falling and becoming incarnated, encapsulated in a body.
This brings us to one of the most intriguing parts of the Phaedrus chariot
allegory. There, the soul chariot falls, either because of mishandling of the
horses (inability to control the appetites or desires; ethical or mental failing),
or because of forgetfulness (not remembering ones true nature and the divine
Forms, etc.). What's especially interesting, and presumably significant, is that
Plato is very specific at this point. He might have simply said, "then the soul
becomes embodied, where it awaits the regrowth of wings" and left it at that.
Instead he details nine(!) different levels, and categories within each, of life
into which the soul may fall. Further, the details concerning the multiple
lives required before the soul may regain wings are specific and somewhat
complex. One might suppose, then, that Plato had something specific in
mind in giving so much detail. And even he didn't, we could justify
interpreting them on the grounds that they carry unconscious meaning -- just
as one may interpret the unconscious content of dream images. The details
are not to be glossed over, in any case.
I would interpret this section's basic meaning as follows. Life, whether seen
at the level of salvatory theosis, contemplative ascent, or attainment of
psychological composure, is characterized by periods of growth and periods
of apparent setbacks. In the latter case, ones goal is clearly to get back 'on
track' as quickly as possible. That, however, is often obstructed by a
tendency to forget or lose sight of the previous exalted states or revelations.
Once off the path, one is in serious danger of forgetting oneself, ones
mission, goal, and destiny. This is why falling off the path is so dangerous in
the first place -- the next step is more often likely to be one further away
from the path than back towards it.
This progressive aspect is represented by the successive lives in the chariot
allegory. It isn't just a matter of the soul falling and incarnating, and then
growing new wings. The initial fall may be to varying degrees. And after the
first incarnation, more are required. Following each is a judgment, with

reward or punishment; then there is selection of a new life, determined partly

by choice and partly by lots; this is like how, in life, ones next state of mind
is partly determined by ones current state and partly by the exigencies of
Here is why it's so important to become a philosopher, or else a lover of
Beauty, whenever possible. At this highest level of 'embodiment' we remain
in a position most favorable both (1) for the regrowth of the soul's wings,
and (2) for choosing another propitious embodiment, should that be required.
Having a philosophic, loving, or creative attitude now is the surest way to
re-attain a desired exalted (winged, unembodied) state, or, if not, to at least
remain in a superior embodied state in the future.

Categories of Embodiment
With these considerations in mind, we shall examine the specific kinds of
embodiment mentioned in (248d-e).
Against a possible charge of overinterpretation we may note the following.
We have here with an ancient myth here -- at least 2400 years old and
perhaps much older. The works of Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung have
established beyond much doubt that ancient myths carry important
psychological meanings. They were formulated in the first place, and have
endured over centuries, by virtue of resonance and relevance to personal
psychological experience. They can be understood as a means of cultural
expression of important psychological and philosophical matters. In the case
of Greek myths, especially, such meanings may have been expressed in
myths not just unconsciously, but perhaps also with conscious awareness
and intent.
The question, then, is not so much whether there is psychological meaning
here, but whether we can find the correct meaning. With mythos of such
fundamental significance, we should recognize the possibility multiple
meanings. An apt analogy is found in St.. Augustine's words concerning the
"true" level at which to interpret the Creation story of Genesis:
Thus, when one says, "Moses meant Genesis as I interpret it,"
and another, "No-- he meant it as I see it", I believe I am more
faithful to say: "Why not, rather, that both be true? And if a
third or fourth, or if one finds some yet different truth, why not
believe that Moses, through whom one God has tempered the
Holy Scriptures to the senses of many different people, saw all
these?" (Confessions 12.31.42; author's translation)
The idea of multiple levels of meaning, of course, is consistent with our
approach in the previous section. We shall here, however, be primarily
focused on the level of immediate psychological experience --a fall from a
state we've termed recollection. This psychological experience is, in a sense,
a common denominator and also the most direct manifestation of a fall from
the progress in theosis, or from contemplative ascent.
Rather than risk defeating the purpose of the poetic imagery, which, as we
suggest, is allegorically expressed precisely because it exceeds simple logical

despairs of, but a tyrant defies Reason.

Perhaps most importantly, a tyrant oppresses and significantly harms
the populus. Addictive behaviors are perhaps the must obvious
example of self-tyranny.
One of the most important aspects of these negative categories is that there is
no easy way back from them to the highest states, much less back to the
state where one grows wings. In terms of the allegory, these are the states
where one has forgotten almost completely the vision of the Forms.
The allegory does allude to a condition worse than a tyrant--that of a beast.
This would be one who has gone so much into their appetites that they no
longer have even the capacity for moderation or for self-reflection
concerning their situation.
This, I propose, conveys the basic principles associated with one meaning of
successive embodiment in the chariot allegory. At the least, it seems a useful
way that it may be interpreted.
Interpretation (Contents)

Top of Page


We may now seek practical benefits from our labors. In life one may
expect that more exalted states -- whether these be the enjoyment of divine
Forms, periods of communion with the Divine, or flow states of superior
psychological insight and functioning -- will eventually give way to fallen
states of one kind or another.
In this case, the one thing you most don't want to do is this: to let yourself
become so upset, resentful, unhappy, and flustered that you forget the entire
gameplan. In particular, one must avoid at all costs becoming so upset that
one becomes identified with the upsettedness and the fallen state. Otherwise,
even should the initial fallen state be rather mild -- an administrator -- the
next step may well be to that of a demagogue or tyrant.
What you do want is this: to keep things in perspective, and to retain
composure as much as possible. Should you simply lose your ecstatic wings
and fall into the state of a philosopher, lover, musician, or creative artist,
consider yourself fortunate. Tend to your business, patiently awaiting the
wings' regrowth; beware a fall to a lower state. Should you first fall to a
lower state -- a merchant or laborer -- again do your work well, and seek to
become a philosopher: that is the best gateway to re-ascent. And should you
be so unfortunate as to fall to one of the worst states, recognize this and
come to your senses as quickly as possible; your understanding the
principles of self-sophistry, demagoguery, and tyranny may promote this.
These are the main considerations, but there are also others, all of which
follow more or less naturally from the principles of common sense and the

7. Subjugation of lust
Top of Page


he soul through all her being is immortal, for that

the proem

which is ever in motion is immortal; but that which

moves another and is moved by another, in ceasing to
move ceases also to live. Only the self-moving, never
leaving self, never ceases to move, and is

the fountain and beginning of motion to all that moves

besides. Now, the beginning is unbegotten, for that
which is begotten has a beginning; but the beginning
is begotten of nothing, for if it were begotten of
something, then the begotten would not come from a
beginning. But if unbegotten, it must also be
indestructible; for if beginning were destroyed, there
could be no beginning out of anything, nor anything
out of a beginning; and all things must have a
And therefore the self-moving is the beginning of
motion; and this can neither be destroyed nor



else the whole heavens and all creation would

collapse and stand still, and never again have motion
or birth. But if the self- moving is proved to be
immortal, he who affirms that self-motion is the very
idea and essence of the soul will not be put to
confusion. For the body which is moved from without
is soulless; but that which is moved from within has a
soul, for such is the nature of the soul. But if this be
must not the soul be the self-moving, and therefore of
necessity unbegotten and immortal? Enough of the
souls immortality.
Top of Text

Top of Page

O f the nature of the soul, though her true form be

ever a theme of large and more than mortal discourse,
let me speak briefly, and in a figure. And let the
figure be composite -- a pair of winged horses and a
Now the winged horses and the charioteers of the
gods are all of them noble

the chariot



and of noble descent, but those of other races are

mixed; the human charioteer drives his in a pair; and
one of them is noble and of noble breed, and the other
is ignoble and of ignoble breed; and the driving of
them of necessity gives a great deal of trouble to him.
I will endeavour to explain to you in what way the
mortal differs from the immortal creature. The soul in
her totality has the care of inanimate being
everywhere, and traverses the whole heaven in divers
forms appearing --


when perfect and fully winged she soars upward, and

orders the whole world; whereas the imperfect soul,
losing her wings and drooping in her flight at last
settles on the solid ground -- there, finding a home,
she receives an earthly frame which appears to be
self-moved, but is really moved by her power; and
this composition of soul and body is called a living
and mortal creature. For immortal no such union can
be reasonably believed to be; although fancy, not
having seen


nor surely known the nature of God, may imagine an

immortal creature having both a body and also a soul
which are united throughout all time. Let that,
however, be as God wills, and be spoken of
acceptably to him.
And now let us ask the reason why the soul loses her
wings! The wing is the corporeal element which is
most akin to the divine, and which by nature tends to
soar aloft and carry that which gravitates downwards
into the upper region, which is the habitation of the


Or, 'Soul,


The divine is beauty, wisdom, goodness, and the like;

and by these the wing of the soul is nourished, and
grows apace; but when fed upon evil and foulness and
the opposite of good, wastes and falls away.
Top of Text

Top of Page

Zeus, the mighty lord, holding the reins of a winged

chariot, leads the way in heaven, ordering all and
taking care of all;

and there follows him the array of gods and

demigods, marshalled in eleven bands; Hestia alone
abides at home in the house of heaven; of the rest
they who are reckoned among the princely twelve
march in their appointed order. They see many
blessed sights in the inner heaven, and there are many


ways to and fro, along which the blessed gods are

passing, every one doing his own work; he may
follow who will and can, for jealousy has no place in
the celestial choir. But when they go to banquet and

then they move up the steep to the top of the vault of

heaven. The chariots of the gods in even poise,
obeying the rein, glide rapidly; but the others labour,
for the vicious steed goes heavily, weighing down the
charioteer to the earth when his steed has not been
thoroughly trained: -- and this is the hour of agony
and extremest conflict for the soul.
For the immortals, when they are at the end of their



go forth and stand upon the outside of heaven, and the

revolution of the spheres carries them round, and they
behold the things beyond. But of the heaven which is
above the heavens, what earthly poet ever did or ever
will sing worthily? It is such as I will describe; for I
must dare to speak the truth, when truth is my theme.
There abides the very being with which true
knowledge is concerned; the colourless, formless,
intangible essence,

above the

visible only to mind, the pilot of the soul.

The divine intelligence, being nurtured upon mind and
pure knowledge, and the intelligence of every soul
which is capable of receiving the food proper to it,
rejoices at beholding reality, and once more gazing
upon truth, is replenished and made glad, until the
revolution of the worlds brings her round again to the
same place. In the revolution she beholds justice, and
temperance, and knowledge absolute, not in the form
of generation or of relation,


which men call existence, but knowledge absolute in

existence absolute; and beholding the other true
existences in like manner, and feasting upon them,
she passes down into the interior of the heavens and
returns home; and there the charioteer putting up his
horses at the stall, gives them ambrosia to eat and
nectar to drink.
Such is the life of the gods; but of other souls,


that which follows God best and is likest to him lifts

the head of the charioteer into the outer world, and is
carried round in the revolution, troubled indeed by the
steeds, and with difficulty beholding true being;
while another only rises and falls, and sees, and again

rises and

fails to see by reason of the unruliness of the steeds.

The rest of the souls are also longing after the upper
world and they all follow, but not being strong
enough they are carried round below the surface,


plunging, treading on one another, each striving to be

first; and there is confusion and perspiration and the
extremity of effort; and many of them are lamed or
have their wings broken through the ill-driving of the
charioteers; and all of them after a fruitless toil, not
having attained to the mysteries of true being, go
away, and feed upon opinion.
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T he reason why the souls exhibit this exceeding

eagerness to behold the plain of truth is that
pasturage is found there, which is suited to the
highest part of the soul; and the wing

fall, reembodiment


on which the soul soars is nourished with this. And

there is a law of Destiny, that the soul which attains
any vision of truth in company with a god is
preserved from harm until the next period, and if
attaining always is always unharmed. But when she
is unable to follow, and fails to behold the truth, and
through some ill-hap sinks beneath the double load
of forgetfulness and vice, and her wings fall from
her and she drops to the ground, then the law ordains
and vice
that this soul


shall at her first birth pass, not into any other animal,
but only into man; and the soul which has seen most
of truth shall come to the birth as a philosopher, or
artist, or some musical and loving nature; that which
has seen truth in the second degree shall be some
righteous king or warrior chief; the soul which is of
the third class shall be a politician, or economist, or
trader; the fourth shall be lover of gymnastic toils, or
a physician; the fifth


shall lead the life of a prophet or hierophant; to the

sixth the character of poet or some other imitative
artist will be assigned; to the seventh the life of an
artisan or husbandman; to the eighth that of a sophist
or demagogue; to the ninth that of a tyrant -- all
these are states of probation, in which he who does
righteously improves, and he who does
unrighteously, deteriorates his lot. Ten thousand
years must elapse before the soul of each one can
return to the place from whence she came, for she

of fall



grow her wings in less; only the soul of a

philosopher, guileless and true, or the soul of a lover,
who is not devoid of philosophy, may acquire wings
in the third of the recurring periods of a thousand
years; he is distinguished from the ordinary good
man who gains wings in three thousand years: -- and
they who choose this life three times in succession
have wings given them, and go away at the end of
three thousand years. But the others receive
judgment when they have completed their first life,
and after the judgment they go, some of them to the
houses of correction which are under the earth, and
are punished; others


to some place in heaven whither they are lightly

borne by justice, and there they live in a manner
worthy of the life which they led here when in the
form of men. And at the end of the first thousand
years the good souls and also the evil souls both
come to draw lots and choose their second life, and
they may take any which they please. The soul of a
man may pass into the life of a beast, or from the
beast return again into the man. But the soul which
has never seen the truth will not pass into the human
form. For a man must have intelligence of


and be able to proceed from the many particulars of

sense to one conception of reason; -- this is the
recollection of those things which our soul once saw
while following God -- when regardless of that
which we now call being she raised her head up
towards the true being. And therefore the mind of the
philosopher alone has wings; and this is just, for he
is always, according to the measure of his abilities,
clinging in recollection to those things in which God
abides, and in beholding which He is what He is.
And he who employs aright these memories is ever
being initiated into perfect mysteries and alone
becomes truly perfect.


But, as he forgets earthly interests and is rapt in the

divine, the vulgar deem him mad, and rebuke him;
they do not see that he is inspired.
Thus far I have been speaking of the fourth and last
kind of madness, which is imputed to him who,
when he sees the beauty of earth, is transported with
the recollection of the true beauty; he would like to
fly away, but he cannot; he is like a bird fluttering
and looking upward and careless of the world below;


and he is therefore thought to be mad. And I have

shown this of all inspirations to be the noblest and
highest and the offspring of the highest to him who

has or shares in it, and that he who loves the

beautiful is called a lover because he partakes of it.
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For, as has been already said, every soul of man has

in the way of nature beheld true being; this was the
condition of her passing


into the form of man. But all souls do not easily recall
the things of the other world; they may have seen
them for a short time only, or they may have been
unfortunate in their earthly lot, and, having had their
hearts turned to unrighteousness through some
corrupting influence, they may have lost the memory
of the holy things which once they saw.
Few only retain an adequate remembrance of them;
and they, when they behold here any image of that
other world, are rapt in amazement; but they are
ignorant of what this rapture means, because they do
not clearly perceive.


For there is no light of justice or temperance or any of

the higher ideas which are precious to souls in the
earthly copies of them: they are seen through a glass
dimly; and there are few who, going to the images,
behold in them the realities, and these only with
There was a time when with the rest of the happy
band they saw beauty shining in brightness -- we
philosophers following in the train of Zeus, others in
company with other gods; and then we beheld the
beatific vision and were initiated into


a mystery which may be truly called most blessed,

celebrated by us in our state of innocence, before we
had any experience of evils to come, when we were
admitted to the sight of apparitions innocent and
simple and calm and happy, which we beheld shining
in pure light, pure ourselves and not yet enshrined in
that living tomb which we carry about, now that we
are imprisoned in the body, like an oyster in his shell.
Let me linger over the memory of scenes which have
passed away.
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we philosophers

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But of beauty, I repeat again that we saw her there


shining in company with the celestial forms; and

coming to earth we find her here too, shining in
clearness through the clearest aperture of sense. For
sight is the most piercing of our bodily senses; though
not by that is wisdom seen; her loveliness would have
been transporting if there had been a visible image of
her, and the other ideas, if they had visible
counterparts, would be equally lovely. But this is the
privilege of beauty, that being the loveliest she is also
the most palpable to sight.

Now he who is not newly initiated or who has

become corrupted, does not easily rise out of this
world to the sight of true beauty in the other; he looks
only at her earthly namesake, and instead of being
awed at the sight of her, he is given over to pleasure,
and like a brutish beast he rushes on to enjoy and
beget; he consorts with wantonness,


and is not afraid or ashamed of pursuing pleasure in

violation of nature.
But he whose initiation is recent, and who has been
the spectator of many glories in the other world, is
amazed when he sees any one having a godlike face
or form, which is the expression of divine beauty; and
at first a shudder runs through him, and again the old
awe steals over him; then looking upon the face of his
beloved as of a god he reverences him, and if he were
not afraid of being thought a downright madman, he
would sacrifice to his beloved as to the image of a
god; then while he gazes on him there is a sort of
reaction, and the shudder passes into an unusual heat
and perspiration;


for, as he receives the effluence of beauty through the

eyes, the wing moistens and he warms. And as he
warms, the parts out of which the wing grew, and
which had been hitherto closed and rigid, and had
prevented the wing from shooting forth, are melted,
and as nourishment streams upon him, the lower end
of the wings begins to swell and grow from the root
upwards; and the growth extends under the whole
soul -- for once the whole was winged.

or 'freshly

reminds of


During this process the whole soul is all in a state of

ebullition and effervescence,

which may be compared to the irritation and

uneasiness in the gums at the time of cutting teeth,
bubbles up, and has a feeling of uneasiness and
tickling; but when in like manner the soul is beginning
to grow wings, the beauty of the beloved meets her
eye and she receives the sensible warm motion of
particles which flow towards her, therefore called


emotion (himeros) and is refreshed and warmed by


and then she ceases from her pain with joy. But when
she is parted from her beloved and her moisture fails,
then the orifices of the passage out of which the wing
shoots dry up and close, and intercept the germ of the
wing; which, being shut up with the emotion,
throbbing as with the pulsations of an artery, pricks
the aperture which is nearest, until at length the entire
soul is pierced and maddened and pained, and at the
recollection of beauty is again delighted. And from
both of them together


the soul is oppressed at the strangeness of her

condition, and is in a great strait and excitement, and
in her madness can neither sleep by night nor abide in
her place by day. And wherever she thinks that she
the pierced
will behold the beautiful one, thither in her desire she
runs. And when she has seen him, and bathed herself
in the waters of beauty, her constraint is loosened, and
she is refreshed, and has no more pangs and pains;
and this is the sweetest of all pleasures


at the time, and is the reason why the soul of the lover
will never forsake his beautiful one, whom he esteems
above all; he has forgotten mother and brethren and
companions, and he thinks nothing of the neglect and
loss of his property; the rules and proprieties of life,
on which he formerly prided himself, he now
despises, and is ready to sleep like a servant,
wherever he is allowed, as near as he can to his
desired one, who is the object of his worship,


and the physician who can alone assuage the

greatness of his pain. And this state, my dear
imaginary youth to whom I am talking, is by men
called love, and among the gods has a name at which
you, in your simplicity, may be inclined to mock;
there are two lines in the apocryphal writings of
Homer in which the name occurs. One of them is
rather outrageous, and not altogether metrical. They
are as follows:


Mortals call him fluttering love,

But the immortals call him winged one,
Because the growing 1 of wings is a necessity to
You may believe this, but not unless you like. At any
rate the loves of lovers and their causes are such as I
have described.
Now the lover who is taken to be the attendant of
Zeus is better able to bear the winged god, and can

of wings
1 Or

endure a heavier burden; but the attendants and

companions of Ares, when under the influence of
love, if they fancy that they have been at all wronged,
are ready to kill and put an end to themselves and
their beloved.

And he who follows in the train of any other god,

while he is unspoiled and the impression lasts,
honours and imitates him, as far as he is able; and
after the manner of his God he behaves in his
intercourse with his beloved and with the rest of the
world during the first period of his earthly existence.
Every one chooses his love from the ranks of beauty
according to his character, and this he makes his god,
and fashions and adorns


as a sort of image which he is to fall down and

worship. The followers of Zeus desire that their
beloved should have a soul like him; and therefore
they seek out some one of a philosophical and
imperial nature, and when they have found him and
loved him, they do all they can to confirm such a
nature in him, and if they have no experience of such
a disposition hitherto, they learn of any one who can
teach them,


and themselves follow in the same way. And they

have the less difficulty in finding the nature of their
own god in themselves, because they have been
compelled to gaze intensely on him; their recollection
clings to him, and they become possessed of him, and
receive from him their character and disposition, so
far as man can participate in God. The qualities of
their god they attribute to the beloved, wherefore they
love him all the more, and if, like the Bacchic
Nymphs, they draw inspiration from Zeus, they pour
out their own fountain upon him, wanting to make
him as like as possible to their own god.


But those who are the followers of Here seek a royal

love, and when they have found him they do just the
same with him; and in like manner the followers of
Apollo, and of every other god walking in the ways of
their god, seek a love who is to be made like him
whom they serve, and when they have found him,
they themselves imitate their god, and persuade their
love to do the same, and educate him into the manner
and nature of the god as far as they each can; for no
feelings of envy or jealousy are entertained by them
towards their beloved, but they do their utmost to
create in him the greatest likeness


of themselves and of the god whom they honour.

Thus fair and blissful to the beloved is the desire of
the inspired lover, and the initiation of which I speak

into the mysteries of true love, if he be captured by

the lover and their purpose is effected. Now the
beloved is taken captive in the following manner:
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A s I said at the beginning of this tale, I divided

each soul into three -- two horses

the chariot


and a charioteer; and one of the horses was good

and the other bad: the division may remain, but I
have not yet explained in what the goodness or
badness of either consists, and to that I will
proceed. The right-hand horse is upright and
the white horse
cleanly made; he has a lofty neck and an aquiline
nose; his colour is white, and his eyes dark; he is
a lover of honour and modesty and temperance,
and the follower of true glory; he needs no touch
of the whip, but is guided by word and admonition


The other is a crooked lumbering animal, put

together anyhow; he has a short thick neck; he is
flat-faced and of a dark colour, with grey eyes
and blood-red complexion; the mate of insolence
and pride, shag-eared and deaf, hardly yielding to
whip and spur. Now when the charioteer beholds
the vision of love, and has his whole soul warmed
through sense, and is full of the prickings and


of desire, the obedient steed, then as always under

the government of shame, refrains from leaping
on the beloved; but the other, heedless of the
pricks and of the blows of the whip, plunges and
runs away, giving all manner of trouble to his
companion and the charioteer, whom he forces to
approach the beloved and to remember the joys of
love. They at first indignantly oppose him and


will not be urged on to do terrible and unlawful

deeds; but at last, when he persists in plaguing
them, they yield and agree to do as he bids them.
And now they are at the spot and behold the
flashing beauty of the beloved; which when the
charioteer sees, his memory is carried to the true
beauty, whom he beholds in company with
Modesty like an image placed upon a holy
pedestal. He sees her, but he is afraid and falls
backwards in adoration, and by his fall is
compelled to pull back the reins


with such violence as to bring both the steeds on

the dark horse


their haunches, the one willing and unresisting,

the unruly one very unwilling; and when they
have gone back a little, the one is overcome with
shame and wonder, and his whole soul is bathed
in perspiration; the other, when the pain is over
which the bridle and the fall had given him,
having with difficulty taken breath, is full of
wrath and reproaches, which he heaps upon the
charioteer and his fellow-steed,

for want of courage and manhood, declaring that

they have been false to their agreement and guilty
of desertion. Again they refuse, and again he
urges them on, and will scarce yield to their prayer
that he would wait until another time. When the
appointed hour comes, they make as if they had
forgotten, and he reminds them, fighting and
neighing and dragging them on, until at length he,
on the same thoughts intent, forces them to draw
near again. And when they are near he stoops his
head and puts up his tail, and takes the bit in his


and pulls shamelessly. Then the charioteer is

worse off than ever; he falls back like a racer at
the barrier, and with a still more violent wrench
drags the bit out of the teeth of the wild steed and
covers his abusive tongue and -- jaws with blood,
and forces his legs and haunches to the ground
and punishes him sorely. And when this has
happened several times and the villain has ceased
from his wanton way, he is tamed and humbled,
and follows the will of the charioteer, and when
he sees the beautiful one he is ready to die of fear.
And from that time forward the soul of the lover
follows the beloved in modesty and holy fear.


And so the beloved who, like a god, has received

every true and loyal service from his lover, not in
pretence but in reality, being also himself of a
nature friendly to his admirer, if in former days he
has blushed to own his passion and turned away
his lover, because his youthful companions or
others slanderously told him that he would be
disgraced, now as years advance, at the appointed


and time, is led to receive him into communion.

For fate which has ordained that there shall be no
friendship among the evil has also ordained that
there shall ever be friendship among the good.
And the beloved when he has received him into
communion and intimacy, is quite amazed at the
good-will of the lover; he recognises that the
inspired friend is worth all other friends or

the unruly one

now follows

kinsmen; they have nothing of friendship in them

worthy to be compared with his. And when this
feeling continues and he is nearer to him and
embraces him, in gymnastic exercises and at other
times of meeting,

then the fountain of that stream, which Zeus when

he was in love with Ganymede named Desire,
overflows upon the lover, and some enters into his
soul, and some when he is filled flows out again;
and as a breeze or an echo rebounds from the
smooth rocks and returns whence it came, so does
the stream of beauty, passing through the eyes
which are the windows of the soul, come back to
the beautiful one;


there arriving and quickening the passages of the

wings, watering them and inclining them to grow,
and filling the soul of the beloved also with love.
And thus he loves, but he knows not what; he
does not understand and cannot explain his own
state; he appears to have caught the infection of
blindness from another; the lover is his mirror in
whom he is beholding himself, but he is not aware
of this. When he is with the lover, both cease
from their pain, but when he is away then he
longs as he is longed for, and has loves image,
love for love (Anteros) lodging in his breast,


which he calls and believes to be not love but

friendship only, and his desire is as the desire of
the other, but weaker; he wants to see him, touch
him, kiss, embrace him, and probably not long
afterwards his desire is accomplished. When they
meet, the wanton steed of the lover has a word to
say to the charioteer; he would like to have a little
pleasure in return for many pains,


but the wanton steed of the beloved says not a

word, for he is bursting with passion which he
understands not; -- he throws his arms round the
lover and embraces him as his dearest friend; and,
when they are side by side, he is not in a state in
which he can refuse the lover anything, if he ask
him; although his fellow-steed and the charioteer
oppose him with the arguments of shame and
After this their happiness depends upon their selfcontrol; if the better elements of the mind which
lead to order and philosophy prevail,


then they pass their life here in happiness and

harmony -- masters of themselves and orderly -enslaving the vicious and emancipating the

virtuous elements of the soul; and when the end

comes, they are light and winged for flight,
having conquered in one of the three heavenly or
truly Olympian victories; nor can human
discipline or divine inspiration confer any greater
blessing on man than this. If, on the other hand,
they leave philosophy and lead the lower life of
ambition, then probably,

after wine or in some other careless hour, the two

wanton animals take the two souls when off their
guard and bring them together, and they
accomplish that desire of their hearts which to the
many is bliss; and this having once enjoyed they
continue to enjoy, yet rarely because they have
not the approval of the whole soul.
They too are dear, but not so dear to one another
as the others,


either at the time of their love or afterwards. They

consider that they have given and taken from each
other the most sacred pledges, and they may not
break them and fall into enmity. At last they pass
out of the body, unwinged, but eager to soar, and
thus obtain no mean reward of love and madness.
For those who have once begun the heavenward
pilgrimage may not go down again to darkness
and the journey beneath the earth, but they live in
light always; happy companions in their
pilgrimage, and when the time comes at which
they receive their wings they have the same
plumage because of their love.


Thus great are the heavenly blessings which the

friendship of a lover will confer upon you, my
youth. Whereas the attachment of the non-lover,
which is alloyed with a worldly prudence and has
worldly and niggardly ways of doling out benefits,
will breed in your soul those vulgar qualities
which the populace applaud, will send you


bowling round the earth during a period of nine

thousand years, and leave you a fool in the world
And thus, dear Eros, I have made and paid my
recantation, as well and as fairly as I could; more
especially in the matter of the poetical figures
which I was compelled to use, because Phaedrus
would have them.
And now forgive the past and accept the present,
and be gracious and merciful to me, and do not in
thine anger deprive me of sight, or take from me

prayer to Eros

The Wheel of Samsara

It is necessary to know
in depth the
laws and mysteries that govern the
life of man because they are
the same
laws that control all the mechanics of
Samsara is the wheel of birth and
death that we are
inevitably tied to if
we do not decide to transform.

The authentic final goal of the esoteric

studies is to reach intimate self
but first we need to pass
through multiple evolutive and
involutive processes.
It is in this way
that humanity and the planet unfolds,
but there exist
different factors of time for everything.
We arrive at
the human state having evolved from the mineral, vegetable
and animal kingdoms,
however, we cannot truly call the state in which
we find ourselves human as we
carry within us many inhuman

The animal nature inside us calls us to the mission of being

reincarnated on
this planet to decide if we are going to follow that part
which means returning
to where we came from, going backwards into
involution, or to follow the human
part that is equivalent to reaching the
state of being a true man, that which
is called 'Buddha' or the realized

Some mistaken esotericists or those that do not investigate profoundly

that through evolution we arrive at perfection, but this is not true.

Mechanical evolution has brought us here, to the human state where we

are given
reason, understanding and consciousness to decide our way,
but if we do not
follow the objectives of the divine planes we fall into
involution that takes
us to Samsara.
Samsara is completely lunar, it is governed by the
influence of the moon
and we do not have our 'lunar psychology' developed in
order to free

ourselves from this influence. The lunar psychology that we now

have is
only a collection of psychological aggregates, each one independent

from the other. We do not have a coherent and compact psychology

because each
psychological I gravitates to an area of ourselves and
imprisons it.

To create the lunar psychology means to study ourselves; first we

create a
lunar psychology and later the solar psychology but this is a
different and
more advanced work.

The wise elders of Egypt said that ANUBIS is on

the right ascending in
evolution and TIFON is on the left descending into
All plants, the
whole planet and the entire universe is born, develops,
grows old and dies but,
as we said, the time differs and in the same way
the physical and psychological
affects differ because everything has a
psychological part and everything needs
different processes for its

In the human state we are assigned 108 lives to reach self realization
and this
cycle is multiplied by 3000. If we complete a cycle of 108 lives
and do not
reach self realization we go into involution through different
levels of the
abyss or inferior worlds. Concerning these inferior worlds
we can say with all
certainty that they exist, that they are found behind
and below this
three-dimensional state, they are not as depicted by
religion, the infernos are
submerged psychological zones far from the
divine light; they have their laws
and diverse levels of which we will
speak later.
We need to understand
that in these
times we are coming to the end of a
cycle of 108 human lives and
humanity needs to make their
choice; we need to decide to reevolutionise
ourselves, to give
ourselves a psychological shock
and advance to another wheel
evolution, to a superior cycle in
other planes where people do not
barbarous acts as we do on

this planet, where people are true

humans. In these
superior planets
war is not conceivable, crimes and
poverty do not exist
because there is no money, no police, and no
military, there is no need to
fight, it is a world for all.

Here on earth, in our mechanical level of involution, we are more

there is more complication, it is full of laws and
more laws.
Evolution and re-evolution frees us from mechanical laws, the

consciousness is liberated.

Those that enjoy the illusion of life and forget themselves in the spiritual

aspect completely waste their lives, their karma binds

them to Samsara.
Samsara brings us our karma and we need to escape from
this karma.

All spiritual essence has the right to reach 'spiritual mastery' or 'the

intimate self realization of the being'.

Sorcerers and satanic groups are descending, they are returning in their
way of
life, in involution, giving force to the instinct.

The instinctive part is animalistic. In the animal state the instinct is

necessary but the intelligence should surpass the instinct. It is no

exaggeration to say that we are animals with intellect; our subconscious

animalistic although we find ourselves in the human form. Logically, in
there are levels and levels according to the grade that each of us
has reached
for in different stages of our lives. There are very refined
animals but they are caught by their animal instincts and kill
with their
refinement and they call this "enjoyment".

The intellect is only a bridge between the instinct and the intuition.

humanities have attained intuition which is a more elevated
state than thought, this is something we do not understand because we

do not realize that we are slaves of the intellect.

Humanity has
advanced to the level of the supposed civilization that we
have today by means
of the intellect. However, we can see that the
animal part that has accompanied
us throughout history and wars have
not disappeared, on the contrary it has
become worse; all the science
that we have is dedicated in its most
sophisticated expression to the 'art'
of death, destruction, subjugation etc.

The human has in no way changed, life after life he has continued in the
way and psychologically speaking has become worse.

The great imperialist invaders do not change, they only reincarnate in

places and with other circumstances. The great conquerors, the
great dictators
etc continue their 'escapades' in accordance with the
epoch and the
surroundings in which they reincarnate.

These occult laws are known by the wise elders of antiquity like
Buddha, Jesus
Christ, Quetzacoatl, Kalusuanga
etc that were realized
in their epoch and are now further away in time and
space, a long way
from our limited comprehension. They have passed to another
spiral of
evolution, to another circle of consciousness and above them are many

more as there are infinite levels of evolution and only one way to follow;

In order to escape the mechanics of evolution and involution we need to

revolutionary. Revolution is re-evolution.

In this life it is possible to speculate a lot but all the great Masters speak

the same truths. All coincide in the great truth of life, the time and place

are not important, truth is outside of time.

Today 'new esoteric doctrines' are surfacing, false gurus, false masters,
shamans but the truth is one.

Human beings, submitted to this sad destiny of being

chained to
Samsara and to karma believe that we can
know in this state the
causes of life and manipulate them, but we are ignorant
of the invisible
connection of the material and the immaterial.

The influence of the moon and the planets in the psyches of the man is
fully demonstrated by astrology and it is only a small percentage

of humanity
that still does not believe in this.

All the great civilizations, cultures and empires have had their epochs of

glory and power but they finally fell, the cause is seen in our
psyches that lead us to commit errors.

The great empires when faced with the threat of losing their dominion
try to remedy it by tightening the rope around the oppressed,
this causes
re-evolution to break out; to unify humanity we need to
employ reason, not

Man does not have equilibrium in his interior levels of reason and force,
force dominates the reason, the women of today are contaminated
with the idea
that force is the way to resolve problems. Force is an
influence of Mars that
should be balanced with Venus that is love, this

brings a positive interior result that arrives at a third influence, the

influence of the Sun, power. However, humans still do not know what
power is or
what love is and whilst evil is used and projected onto their
fellowmen neither
do they understand what force is.
We affirm that everything in life is vibration, material and spiritual,
different states of vibration exist in everything. Light, sound, heat etc are
vibrations of atoms and if we reduce everything to its origin we arrive at
the cause of all causes. This is a state that we should develop in
ourselves. With mechanical apparatus,
electronics or atomic science etc
we cannot obtain a level of comprehension of
the root of the causes,
this cannot be realized by that which restricts life
and governs us.
Humans of the
past and of today only seek to dominate the world for
power and wealth, others
for religious ambition, others propose systems
of world organization and many
things more that throughout the history
of man have only brought pain, war and
suffering because if we do not
know love, we do not know real force and we
cannot know the true King
of Power.

Jesus Christ said in his language of universal form "My King is not of

this world". The king of Jesus, Buddha, Kalusuanga is the King of

Power. They are not
interested in the dates of history or the grades of
civilization or the periods
or stages of humanity.

The King of Power is beyond all the technology of all the epochs. He

does not
need sophisticated apparatus to rule.

Who can stop Samsara?

Who can stop day and night?

From the superior dimensions the angels govern all life, the planets, the
suns, the mechanical laws, celestial and cosmic. There
is no need to
make people comply to their laws with weapons.
The human needs to
profoundly and silently about his
life. When we begin to discover
psychological vibrations that
move the psyche we also begin
to see the need to
change and to be masters of
ourselves, in this way we form
the 'lunar

Those that are born again and

again in this wheel of Samsara

are exhausting their cosmic

capital and need to suffer
continuous involutions
to the
inferior kingdoms that cause
much pain to the reincarnated
terrible sufferings, unbearable time in order later to
ascend the
wheel again for new opportunities. If we do not attain liberation we

descend again, 108 human lives multiplied by 3000 turns of the wheel.
There are
many opportunities, yes, but there is also much pain. If the
essence completes
the full cycle of 3000 turns of the wheel and does
not obtain 'mastery', it is
finally liberated, canceling all its karma till the
being is reduced to cosmic
dust in the infradimensions and all that
remains is the Virginal Spark, the
real one, free of the bonds of the ego
and the psychological 'I'. The ego is
the root of karma, if it is not
reduced to cosmic dust the Virginal Spark is
not liberated.

Finally this Virginal Spark returns to its origin, after much suffering all

arrives at its final destination.

Even Samsara, karma and existence itself arrives at

its end, the form

disappears. That which does not disappear is the Virginal

Spark that, in
itself, is eternity and supreme happiness.

If we do not achieve 'mastery' we are innocent elementals of nature and


Those that have the capacity to defeat the mechanical material laws for

themselves pass to other levels of understanding and consciousness.

The angels and archangels are beings of the same origin as ourselves

and of the same material but they have elevated their vibration of

consciousness and have arrived at superior dimensions, other laws,


In order to dominate nature we do not require technology, firstly we

need to
know the natural laws, the understanding that we have today in
respect to the
natural laws is only a small understanding of nature.
Factors like the climate,
rain, spring, drought, the effects of poisons,
deforestation etc are well-known, but this is not everything. Each plant,
tree, each star hides its secret. All has an origin and a composition
to ours. That which gives life to all in creation is
'God' and the
Virginal Spark comes from Him, that which is real is the Being,
and the
Masters say that the Being is the most superior part of existence. We

need to develop our consciousness in order to arrive at the Being

because the Being is God and God is the acquired self consciousness.
In this
way we are not driven by the lunar influences of the ego, but we
gravitate to
our own lunar psychology and our own mission in life, the
mission of existence
is the realization of the Being.

Only in this way are we liberated from karma and Samsara.

Liberation is
in re-evolution because from there we pass to another level where
are able to escape the wheel of Samsara.

May God illuminate your way.



This chapter contains a summary of the most important messages provided by

the spirit guides throughout the book, in the opinion of the editor.

The Death Experience for Adults

When a person dies, their personality survives and generally crosses over into
spirit life.

A person crossing over after a long life and without complications of disease or
trauma will generally have a sense of peace and be prepared to be met by some
form of energy on the other side. They know that they are going to be met by
spirits of their past loved ones.

Persons with Alzheimer's disease may make the choice to move into the spirit
world or alternately may choose to continue to live in the childlike world resulting
from that disease, because they are not in any great distress and are being
provided for.

Individuals who are experiencing their transition through great physical

difficulties and disharmony may experience anger and disbelief at artificial means
being used to prolong their physical discomfort and not allow them to move into
their transition naturally.

When death occurs from a sudden illness, the spirit of this person generally is
aware that this is going to happen to them and is prepared on a spiritual level for
this happening.

Those adults who die from an illness that has continued on for an lengthy amount
of time are truly being given the opportunity to explore their life on earth, their
connection with God and the new adventure that they are facing more imminently
than the majority of people on earth choose to face death.

A person who is suddenly stricken down from an accident that they knew would
most likely occur and agreed to when they came back into this human life knows
that this has happened to them for the reason of helping those left on earth.

Those who cross over from sudden accidental death would love to be able to tell
their loved ones to please use any part of their body that could be used for they
are no longer that body and it does not matter to them one iota of what happens to

Some people die a sudden death from the interference of the energy of another
individual, including murder, which changes one's entire destiny, and are not
prepared for it. They are often confused when they first cross over and will feel
that this was not meant to be.

Those who have crossed over with many other spirits all at one time are greeted in
their collective place of confusion and lack of understanding, not only by loved
ones, but by many guides and angels to help them make this transition. They
remain together for a small amount of time before beginning their individual spirit

Some individuals who have been murdered cannot move from those feelings of
anger and sadness and cling to their human life and are not willing to accept their
transformation into spirit. No matter how much the spirit guides and angels and
loved ones try to help them cross over, they are unwilling to do so. This is one
source of the souls that are known as ghosts.

Other individuals experience a murder who have agreed upon this as a

circumstance of their life prior to reincarnating, often in order to help many other

Some individuals are highly evolved spirits who have had many different
lifetimes, often as different types of beings, and when they cross over again, have
a very specific place in heaven. They have, so to speak, jobs that they know they
are going to come home to--a place in heaven--and have an abbreviated crossingover process.

At the time of crossing over, individuals are generally thrown into an initial place
of darkness and then are met by a very bright light. They enter a tunnel and move
through this tunnel with the assistance of loved spirits and move into an area
where earth loved ones in their most current incarnation have formed ahead of
them. They find themselves immediately in a place of love and comfort and
warmth, safety and release, and protection. It becomes like a large family reunion
on the other side.

Those that are crossing over from a long term illness often are out of their bodies
watching all the experiences going on around them and have guides and teachers
and angels with them as well. This process could take place in earth time for
several days.

At the end of their lives, some individuals hold on and fight to stay alive because
of fear and guilt.

People who cross over during a near-death experience are given a glimpse of what
it is like on the other side but they do not feel the full experience of death. The
tunnel they experience is smaller than is the case for those who are making a final
transition. People will often experience different types of bright light but only
those who are crossing over for good in this lifetime will experience the pure
white light. An abbreviated life review is generally experienced before return
from a near-death experience.

Their beautiful guardian angel who has been with them all during their human life
meets the departing spirit at the moment of death because it has experienced all its
human experiences with it. It goes with the spirit as a sort of security blanket as

the human moves into the spirit world and is greeted by other human spirits they
have known.

When death is caused by a potentially painful and sudden event, often the spirit of
an individual removes itself from the body and the body does not have any
physical pain and discomfort.

There is not a silver cord or some other physical attachment means between the
soul and the body which is severed at the moment of death and departure of the
spirit soul.

When the spirit leaves the body there is something almost physical that drains
from the heart and as this leaves the heart there can be, it appears, a minute
change in the physical body.

An early cremation does not hamper the process of arriving into the spirit world.

After death, a spirit will often stay around earth until after the memorial services
and their immediate loved ones have gone back into their normal way of life, will
keep their earth bound connections, and will visit their homes and their loved

When an individual crosses over and is met by loved ones, they are going to
visualize these loved ones as they remember them. They will see them with
vitality, with great joy and in complete peace. They will see them at a time of life
that they choose to remember them best.

When an individual makes their crossing over, they will often see people and not
remember initially who they were, why would they be there to greet them and be
so happy to see them, but it is because of the impact that that individual made on
their life. They may encounter spirits who were related to or who played major

roles in their entire existence over many past lives, including beings from other
communities than earth.

People with strong Christian beliefs when they cross over may feel that they are
being greeted by Jesus the man even though they are actually perceiving an
energy of Christ consciousness.

No matter how evil a person was during their life, they will always be greeted by
spirits when they cross over.

Earth is a place for a person to come to accelerate their spiritual evolution through
experiences in a limited dimensional world.

Deaths are generally "pre-programmed" except under circumstances where an

energy crosses or intersects with an individual's energy to make death happen at a
time that was not originally programmed.

The Death Experience for Children

A spirit before reincarnation chooses an environment that they will be able to

move into that will help them best evolve in their spiritual journey. They have a
general overview of what's going to be happening to them and observe the
experiences they will have to evolve spiritually. Once upon earth they do not
recall this life preview.

A miscarriage will often occur when the arriving spirit realizes that it was just too
soon for it to reincarnate and that it could not handle the experiences it would be
having. It may feel terrible emotional struggles the mother is going through,
feeling them through the mother, and realizes that this would not be the time for it
to be here, not only for itself but for the mother in that family as well.

Souls who are aborted by the mother are often sad souls for being returned
because they see many times the love and the support that the mother could be,
but the mother feels so overwhelmed by earth conditions that she doesn't feel
capable of handling a child for whatever reason. There are times when a spirit
soul will agree to that happening because they know that they are part of that
mother's evolution and spiritual lessons and it is for the spiritual growth of both
that mother and that spirit to have that experience.

Abortion is not considered a spiritual crime.

Infants who die from sudden infant death syndrome are often infants who, once
they got to earth, have said "This isn't right, I've picked the wrong family, I'm not
ready to come".

When an infant and when a baby who has not been delivered yet return to heaven
so quickly, they do not go through the death process as we would think of because
they are still so fully connected to heaven and have not made that earth
attachment. They are often greeted with counselors and spirit support teams who
help them to understand what the experience was that they just went through and
why they went through it and why they made the choice to return to heaven.

Many times when an infant is born with what you on earth call a deformity, or a
malfunction of some part of its systems or organs, the infant has chosen to go
through those experiences because it was challenges that they were to experience
and lessons even as an infant that they were to learn that would help them in a
future long-term life on earth.

Any child who dies from an accident of any sort, whether it be a car accident, a
drowning, any sort of accident, knows generally that this is what is going to
happen to them and that their life span on earth was to be a shortened life span.

Children are most open to being able to share a physical part of themselves with
other beings who will be remaining on earth. The spiritual evolution of all are
raised when such an event occurs.

Many times a child who has experienced several years as a child upon earth will
come back after crossing over and feel a sense of distress over the inability of
their loved ones to recover from their loss.

Transformation From Human To Spirit

As soon as they leave their human life, all individuals are met by angels and spirit
guides, pass through a tunnel, and they are greeted by loved ones on the other side
with various degrees of love and warmth and light and welcomed back to their
spirit self so that the death experience initially is never frightening to anybody.

One making the transition is always greeted with love and a sense of safety and a
sense of protection, a sense of freedom and always in a light so bright and so
warm and so encompassing as they have never experienced before in human
form. As a spirit soul progresses into its new life form, it will progress into
various shades, tones, colors of this bright light.

Once you have moved into your soul spirit you go through your most current life
review. After one has had their greeting and their life review what then becomes
heaven then becomes much of the spiritual consciousness that the individual
brought with them from earth during this most recent past life on earth.

Once a new spirit moves through the different phases of releasing from its
earthbound life it begins to gradually move into the spiritual consciousness that it
has obtained and finds that it is losing earthbound forms and earthbound
dimensions and begins to experience things telepathically and through various
forms of energy rather than through three dimensions as it has experienced on

There are those spirit souls who are so evolved that they do not find it necessary
to remain connected to those on earth for they know that there are other angels
and spirit guides with those who have remained on earth and they are ready to
move into their more highly evolved true selves.

When you have finally made that crossing over from earth and are in heaven, you
are allowed to experience heaven as you would like to think of heaven being and
that has to do with many different conscious levels. Initially your heaven
experience is still an experience of something that you connected with when you
were on earth. You eventually move beyond that sense of earth pleasures and
begin to move within your own spiritual consciousness and spiritual place.

Your spirit guide is an overseer of bringing together all your loved ones upon
your arrival in heaven because many of the people that you have been in contact
with on earth are at various levels of spiritual consciousness. Spirit guide is there
to continue their direction and guidance and helping you as you make this change
from earth to the other side.

When you cross over you do not take pain, anger and bitterness with you, but will
oftentimes be quite confused as to your new experience. You take all of your
knowledge with you--everything you have learned through books, everything you
have learned through your experiences, everything you have learned through your
emotions, for these are all things that help you evolve as a spirit.

Initially, after an individual dies and makes its transition, its spirit can choose its
appearance which will often be similar to that experienced during the prime of
their life. Alternatively, those who have evolved so quickly in this lifetime
spiritually will simply evolve into a form of light or angelic form and not find it
necessary to go into any past physical form.

The spirit is the true essence, the true energy of who you are. The soul is like the
connection between your spirit and your humanness. And your soul is with you in
your human body, together with your spirit, and when you depart from your
human body your soul moves into your spirit and that soul remains with your

The soul of each incarnation carries the energy of every incarnation but is not
necessarily predominant in the soul as it attaches to a new incarnation. For each
incarnation has its own energy, its own personality, its own ego and that's what
forms in the soul to help connect to the spirit of your humanness. Many times you
have things that are happening to you in your current life which you have no
understanding for why it is happening, and it can be a deep-seated carryover from
a past life which could go back for many past lives.

The higher self is your spirit that continues to live through all three-dimensional
lifetimes and is always there.

Every individual upon earth has a spirit guide to help them in their consciousness
evolution at all times. You have many, many other spirits who are around, spirit
guides who are teachers or who have become more highly evolved than you are,
and they are there. They are your teachers. You can call upon any spirit guide of
any level at any time.

Many times when you think you are calling upon a spirit guide, when you are
looking at earth situations, you are really calling upon the earth angels and they
are there to help you for what you on earth consider mundane energy help, otherdimensional help. Oftentimes you call upon your angels for protection and many
times the protection is needed--more than an angel, a spirit guide is needed.

Initially after crossing over individuals still see themselves in the body that they
had on earth and they see their individual loved ones as they remember them and
see them in those bodies they had on earth.

A life review is not done with pain or with emotion. It is done with fact to see
what your life experiences did in either helping you to evolve more consciously or
putting hindrances in that energy flow and thus not allowing you to move into a
more spiritual concept while on earth. You will see how every thought, every
action, every experience you had on earth affected you and affected those around

A life review is often the way all spirits are able to be released from their actions
and their emotions with their earth life. It is not always a negative experience,
either. There are many things that all of you on earth do that are actions of love
and compassion and support, that you never even always realized that you
affected someone else and you are given the opportunity to experience those as

During the life review, the individual is experiencing its most current past life and
not other past lives.

Once an individual loses its earthbound connections and begins its true spirit
journey, it then becomes aware of all of its lives and all of its experiences.

A Council of Elders, wise spirits of both male and female energies, is present the
majority of the time during the life review there to help support the new spirit
energy as it looks at all of the events that took place in its lifetime.

The individual crossing over will soon see that the loved ones that have met them
while crossing over will generally leave them and go to wherever their place in
heaven is. Some will continue to be with them because they are at the same
spiritual consciousness level. And yet their presence is more in the background
for a considerable amount of time because the new spirit crossing over has many
phases to move through until it reaches that vibrational level of its true spirit.

Each spirit soul that crosses over and moves into its full spirit soul energy of all
lifetimes does continue to remain in contact with the energy of all their loved ones
from this most current lifetime. They are often there to help loved ones in difficult
situations and in joyous times. Though they are not with those loved ones on a
continuous basis they are able to at free will choose when to be with those loved

Once an individual has gone through their life review they are given the
opportunity to experience things from earth that they either enjoyed very much or
hoped to enjoy. Those experiences that they are having in heaven now do not
affect anyone upon earth. Also, if there were individuals upon earth at any time
during this incarnation that an individual would have really liked to have known,
they are given an opportunity to ask permission to meet with that life force energy
that they saw.

As a being leaves their body and their soul and spirit moves forward they are then
greeted by their spirit guides along with their loved ones. The spirit guide will
stay with the soul who has crossed over for a great deal of time. After it has made
its crossing over and is becoming used to its life in heaven, once it leaves its soul
and becomes then pure spirit, spirit will then no longer be as connected to it as it
has through its journey.

Angels are always in demand. In terms of your earth words they are never
unemployed. They are there and will begin to help new arrivals on earth and are
always kept busy helping you earthlings.

Those spirits who do not cross over after they have had a physical death on earth
are oftentimes spirits who have died from trauma and in anger. They are often
within an environment trying to still find themselves and will make their presence
known many times to the living, thinking that they are still a part of the living,
and to continue on their path of fulfilling the needs the anger is driving them
through. There are other occasions where spirits of like minds can be found in one
earth location and can even have a sense of cameraderie.

Oftentimes, the spirits that remain on earth can be assisted by individuals living
on earth who have the ability to communicate with them and can help move them
along and this is done quite often. Sometimes loved ones that have remained alive
on earth will then cross over and then the connection that the spirit has been
hanging around for will then be stronger and help to bring that spirit soul across
then as well.

Oftentimes the spirit souls that linger for such a long period of time with the earth
connection are spirit souls who have been tormented souls and souls that have not
had any type of spiritual consciousness and have lived the darker side of life.

Oftentimes when earth beings think they are seeing a ghost or a spirit, that is not
what they are seeing but will see the residual energy of the personality come
forth. This residual energy will create the same kinds of experiences that people
think they are having when seeing a spirit.

Oftentimes hauntings get confused by residual energies which are present at

locations of tragic death but which do not cause the same sort of disturbance
associated with a haunting.

An individual who commits suicide will find after the initial greeting process has
been completed that they are in a place darker than in the place of an individual
crossing over for any other reason. These individual souls are initially met by
angels and guides and they can see the brightness and the light and the love of
these guides coming through to them so that they are not left into a complete hole
of darkness though they are in a dim world compared to where they would have
been under other circumstances.

A majority of the time all spirits who have committed suicide eventually move
into their rightful place in the spirit world for they are able to see how much love
is sent to them from those on earth and from other spirits. Regardless of what they
did, they are able then to move into their rightful journey of their spirit self.

You on earth play a very big role in being able to help those on the other side no
matter how they cross over, no matter what the circumstances are. But you on
earth are able to help them move forward by the love and the forgiveness and
releasing of them.

An individual who has committed many evil deeds on earth, or who was negative
and destructive and extremely manipulative to others, will feel after going through
the life transformation, that their energy is being rapidly moved into a place that is

a consciousness of where those who have committed evil are at. They often relive
the events that they did in a much deeper, in a manner much more felt, than just in
the life review. After this reexperiencing of its human life events, this spirit is
given the opportunity to move into its home family in its spirit world.

In both cases of individuals who have committed evil acts and those individuals
who have committed suicide, they are not initially in a space where they have a
spiritual experience with other spirits. Though they can feel the presence of others
around them within the environment they are in, they have no actual contact with
these spirits.

There are those though who have been so evil, and so destructive, that it seems
that their life back in the spirit world will be in this place of isolation for an
infinite amount of time. There are also those who will never have remorse or ask
to be forgiven, who cannot break the earthbound ties and emotions. This is not a
punishment to them. This is their choice for not being able or willing to let go of
those destructive energies that created all of their experiences on earth.

Those who cross over with a lack of inner self love move into a place where they
are tenderly helped to open up to seeing what lesson on earth this time that did not
get completed. This is true even for an individual who was a very good, loving,
giving, compassionate person on earth in actions and words in their contribution
to human life. And they are gently taught to see that strong lesson of self love that
they did not come to know and understand in this lifetime.

Once a human crosses over they no longer carry that low energy level of mental
or physical or emotional attachment with them, or human disforming attachment,
with them into the spirit world.

When you die, the consciousness that you have has been manifested in your own
thoughts, whatever those thoughts of death are that you have come in connection
with in your lifetime. That will be the type of crossing over experience you will
have. Those individuals who have a concept of death as being nothing will
experience their crossing over as being nothing. But this earth consciousness after
one crosses over is gradually replaced by the reality of the spirit world and loved
ones, angels, and spirit guides greet and welcome them to their spirit life.

Those who had a vision that they were going to go "to hell" have many different
versions of what hell could mean to them. There will be those who have a typical
vision of what hell is, and that is what they will experience. There are those who
will think hell was certain events or circumstances in their life and that is what
they will experience for a period of time. This is not something that lasts for any
great deal of time because spirit will come to those and those experiences and
give them the choice to see that they can move out of those experiences and that is
not what life after life is all about.

A spirit cannot exist simultaneously in heaven and in a body on earth, or in two

bodies on earth. However, when a spirit reincarnates, a residual energy is left in
heaven that is able to communicate but this is not really the spirit itself that is

The Afterlife

Generally, once a spirit has crossed over into heaven, it is met by loved ones, goes
through a life review, and then moves to its spirit home.

Your spirit home is where you are as a form of spirit energy, living with other
spirit energies of the same consciousness, the same level of energy, and of the
same like mind and thought that you carry as a spirit. You are a form of energy
that interacts with other energies within your spirit home, but not all the time, and
often you are in your spirit home with your own spirit guides.

After you have been transformed from human to spirit you begin to more and
more expand your energies, more into your spirit life than into what your human
life was. Energies of only supporting and loving and caring and teaching will be
energies that you will experience, for you have left your earth energies and
emotions behind and so you do not have to experience fear and hate.

Spirit families can change somewhat and the reason that they change is because
there will be spirits within your spirit family who will have chosen not to evolve,
not to move on. There will be new family members who come into your family
because they were able to evolve and move much faster into your group through
their actions and spiritual evolution and the life lessons they learned in this most
recent reincarnation.

You never feel alone when you return to your spirit life for your are met often by
past family members in your most recent human life. Many of those family
members will not be in your spirit family, however. But they are there because
you still have your earth connection and they are there to greet you.

Though you are in this wonderful large spirit family that you have returned to and
you are initially greeted and reconnected with all of your spirit family, you are
then given a time to more-or-less have solitude and a time to become more
comfortable in your own spirit being again.

A spirit can request to meet with an individual in heaven with whom they have a
strong heart connection and wish to express thankfulness and gratitude for that
impact that individual has had on the spirit's past life. It is not necessary that that
individual have had an earth acquaintance with the arriving spirit.

After a period of time one begins to totally disconnect from the physical
connection that they still have with earth, and by that we mean the desire to go
and explore, and recreate events that they experienced on earth. However, there
will be times later in your spirit life when you can use your mental capacities to
create a scene that you would like to be experiencing from earth.

As you move into your spirit life your connection with your loved ones is always
there. You continuously have a capability for at least one-way telepathic
communication and can see what is going on with all of your loved ones
simultaneously regardless of their location. Though you have a knowledge that a
new baby has been born into your former earth family, your connection to this
infant is not nearly as strong as the bond that you have made with those that were
there on earth when you were there.

As you have gone through your life review when you first crossed over, you now
become part of a schooling about those lessons that you went to earth to learn
about this last time and have a much more in-depth understanding about why you
went and what you did and why you didn't do it. And the spirit guide is there to
help you understand the choices you made or the reasons that you did not learn
that lesson or the reasons that you didn't even become aware of the fact that you
were there on earth to learn lessons. There will be no judgment.

One can finally say I am tired and I no longer choose to move from this place that
I am in. I am happy right where I am. Oftentimes that means that you will have an
entirely new spiritual family because many of your spirit family members do seek
to move further ahead.

One can ask permission to go and visit other spirit families, whether they are of a
stronger spiritual evolution or one that is not as strong spiritually as you.

You do not move around in your spirit life in the form of a human body though
you can take that form when it is time to greet loved ones or if you are going to go
and do a spirit visitation with a loved one. You will take that form for that is what
the human still remembers you as. But you really are a form of energy light and
depending upon your spiritual evolution you vibrate at different energy
frequencies and light.

In heaven you pass no judgment of any sort and none is passed upon you. For
those humans who live on earth who have a sense of hopelessness and
helplessness, who have no deep connection to their mankind and feel this sense of
emptiness, they no longer have that when they return to heaven.

There finally becomes a time in spirit's evolution that you lose a sense of
individuality. This is not as you on earth would consider it to be a negative
experience but one where you are moving and vibrating at such high levels of
energy that you know that you are vibrating as the oneness with the creator and all
universal beings.

All the things that you love and enjoy and wish to be a part of from your earth
experience no longer take on the same form they did on earth but instead you
move into the energy that is created in those experiences.

Energy is what everything is made of. Energy is just the vibrational force that
your spirit is evolving at at any given time. And the higher your vibrational forces
are the higher amount of energy one has. And one tends to always have a high
amount of energy when they are working within the love circle of God and are
being positive.

One form of work that spirits do is to help the transformation from human life to
spirit life.

Many times that what one will have found in their life on earth is something that
was always a continuous theme from one life to another because they are actual
workers in heaven and that theme is what is carried out in heaven as well as what
was carried out on earth.

As a spirit you begin to move into energy levels of vibration that are words that
you hear about on earth all the time--words of peace, words of contentment,
harmony, forgiveness, compassion. As a spirit you are moving more into
becoming all of those things at one time. As you begin to become these things you
begin to move into your own higher spiritual being.

A spirit family grouping has a location that might be described as a collection of

distinct spiritual energies, somewhat like lights on a Christmas tree. Energy
vibration might be weaker, slowly pulsating, and others might be very bright,
pulsating much faster.

Usually the current of energy as a spirit family unit moves fairly similarly when
they all reincarnate though they don't all necessarily reincarnate at the same time.

Many family members may reincarnate and have similar experiences and similar

Until a spirit has moved into its total knowingness of oneness with the Creator it
will always continue life within spiritual family and groups.

You tend to share your primary spiritual family with those who have the same
type of creative energies that you do and thus there are many secondary families
in that consciousness level who have different creative energies but the same
spiritual energies.

All spirits live within a spirit family and do not live as couples. The love that you
would have felt for a mate on earth is not the same kind of spirit love you feel for
that mate or that child or that parent.

Within a spirit soul family there are many spirit souls who are soulmates, and not
just in the term of male and female, romantic love as you experience on earth, but
soulmates of the heart who have shared different lifetimes together as perhaps
friends, or sisters or some form of very close connection. It means that they share
a special bond but the love that is on the other side is the love that cannot be
comprehended from earth and that love is shared by all spirits.

Sex is not an issue in heaven. You have moved beyond that dimension in heaven
and it is not an important role. It is not even, after a period of disconnect from
earth, a part of the thought process for love is shared in many other ways.

Spirits that cross over as children do not stay as a child. They move quickly into
their spirit being for they can much more readily accept their spirit being than
those of adults.

Individuals upon earth, whether they are presidents, great leaders, not-such-great
leaders, or entertainers, do not cross over into heaven with any more

acknowledgment than any other individual. All spirits are accepted into the spirit
world with love and equalness.

A spirit in heaven can communicate and/or induce effects on humans on earth in

many ways. The spirit soul can make very definite contact with those left on
earth, and occasionally can communicate through an object. Spirits can share a
thought at the same time with the individual and the individual just knows that it
has communicated with a loved one. Then there are those spirit souls who have
not actually made the complete crossing over who will also make their presence
known, often on a far more earthly level than any of the others.

Spirits occasionally make changes in electronic equipments or cause lights to

flicker or some other mechanical or electrical effect because they are vibrating at
such a different energy level it creates a disturbance within the electromagnetic
field. Oftentimes individuals themselves who are experiencing the spirit souls can
give off such an energy that they too can be the cause of electromagnet

Spirits occasionally cause scents that humans can detect, such as cigar smoke or

Spirits can communicate with earthlings by means of tape recorded noise or even
television or through telephone calls that seemingly do not originate from any
place on earth.

Spirits have a great connection with their loved ones on earth from their most
recent reincarnation. However, they do not sit and continuously watch the events
taking place in the lives of each one of their loved ones. They have a very
telepathic way of knowing when big events are taking place, when their loved
ones are celebrating or in distress. They can have this telepathic connection with
several family members throughout the world at the same time and are aware of
what is taking place in each loved-one's life.

At the time of human death you are immediately and even in the state of human
coma of human beings you are immediately removed from the state of pain and
fear, discomfort, sadness. You are able to observe what you are experiencing
without having to feel the physical and emotional state that your body was in just
prior to crossing over.

Some spirits monitor events on earth that may not be related to their immediate
loved ones. Unless they have a loved one involved in it, though they may have an
awareness of what is taking place, they do not connect to that event.

War is a man-made event and spirit guides and angels do not interfere with such
events on a global issue. They do go and protect individuals but are not a part of
the outcome of any war.

The biggest influence the past loved ones on earth have upon spirits who are
crossed over occurs when those that remain on earth hold on with such grief and
to such a degree that it does not allow the person on earth to move forward and it
keeps the spirit on the other side too earthbound to move forward in their life as
well--into their new spirit life.

Expressing love and forgiveness from a human on earth can often help a spirit
who has committed suicide be released to move into a full spirit being.

A human can make contact with the essence of a spirit in heaven even though that
spirit has since returned to earth in a human form.

Communication in the spirit world takes place by a telepathic type of


There are elements of privacy for spirits in heaven. It is an unspoken rule that,
though everyone can telepathically read another individual's thoughts and desires,
there is no trespassing or violation of the telepathic abilities of spirits. They know

immediately to the level that they can explore and communicate with any other
spirit and do not use powers that they have to invade someone else's privacy.

Once a spirit has obtained the actual level of a spirit guide and teacher they no
longer make the transitions to and from the nonspirit world.

A human involved in a creative process often will have teachers and guides who
will be assisting the human's thought process on another consciousness level.

A spirit does not learn from the experiences of other spirits and does not become
involved in the viewing of each spirit's past lives. Its lessons are for it and it

Within a spirit group there is a communication and a sharing of telepathic love

and support to all of those within its group. It is not direct conversations such as
you share on earth. Love is the biggest experience that spirits share together.

Spirits appear to each other as forms of light and different shades of light. As
souls begin to advance in their spiritual consciousness, their light becomes
different colors but, unlike on earth, one is not judged by the color that they are as
a spirit soul in heaven. So there is no judgment or no sense of achievement when
one moves from one vibrational level to another.

The essence of a spirit can move from one place to another. The actual spirit itself
does not move from place to place but exists in one place. It can have
observations in several different places at one time.

All humans return to earth with the energies of both male and female within
themselves. The form that one returns to earth in, in a reincarnation of male or
female, generally indicates which energy will be the more dominant one within
this lifetime.

Music in heaven is an energy vibrational force and as on earth it is the vibration of

a color or a vibration of a sound of music that is something that the spirit itself
resonates with. On the other side you will enjoy music just as you enjoyed it as
an earth being. You not only will hear it at your private times but you can be
joined by other spirits who share the same form of music as you do.

A spirit gradually moves away from earthly experiences and three-dimensional

pleasures and towards experiences which far exceed anything which might have
been anticipated, including the vibrational energy of laughter and joy and
pleasure. Creativity and fun and experiences of enjoyment do exist as a spirit
whose energy has all of one's experiences from every lifetime.

It is not necessary for spirits to eat and when spirit first crosses over it may desire
to experience those earth sensations. But spirit does not eat food as you on earth
experience it and, as it becomes more its own spirit being, the need for those
sensations is no longer necessary.

Everything in heaven is done telepathically and so as a spirit chooses to visualize

what it is they wish to be a part of, it is done telepathically and in a far deeper
dimension. It vibrates at a much higher level and is felt more than seen.

Oftentimes, as on earth, when a spirit is working through levels of inner growth

they will find their energy will reach a very strong high and then they will find
that they will need to withdraw from such a feeling of high vibrations. It is not
fatigue as you experience on earth but it is not a continuous way of life living in
that high vibrational level.

A spirit can travel in heaven as though there were telepathic means of

transportation that move at incredible amounts of speed. Sometimes a spirit may
choose to experience a light shadow of earthly transportation forms, an essence
but not a three-dimensional solid transportation experience.

If a spirit wishes to move anywhere, it always asks permission before it would

make an actual transport. Spirits can move at a consciousness level lower than
their own without any problem. Rarely do they move to higher consciousness
levels but it is not a normal experience until a spirit is ready to move forward.

During a short period of time after arrival in heaven many spirits will still
experience three-dimensional earth home connections which are thought
processes, spirit energy form, as to what home is, what home means, what the
feeling about home is. These are not any type of three-dimensional experience but
consist of the essence of a home, the essence of success, and the essence of good
health. Spirits soon move totally into their spirit self and there is no need for a
spirit to place itself in a three-dimensional environment in its everyday existence.

The very first thing that is created for a spirit as it makes its transition to the spirit
world is a life review. It will move into every experience, every word, every look,
every smile, every cry, every tear, every pain, every joy--everything that it ever
experienced upon this earth and every individual it passed upon this earth whether
it was just someone passing on the sidewalk. This will be done not in pain, or not
in guilt or not in shame but just be reviewing what the totality of life on earth was
and to see what lessons were learned and what lessons which still have to be
worked with, both as a spirit being and again when you are another human being.

A spirit family group can decide that they wish to share a common environment
which they would create, but generally each spirit reflects what it chooses to

God is each and every item, each and every animal, each and every rock and tree,
each and every individual being. God is in everything and everyone. The Creator
has always been and always will be.

Everything on earth is just an individualized expression of who God is, but the
actions that individuals take are not who God is. That is the actions of the ego and
personality of the individuals.

Every living thing and every living thought is a manifestation of the Creator of
everything. When you become aware that you are connected to everyone and
everything, you become aware that you and the Creator are one. That is how your
spiritual evolution evolves.

The concept of levels in heaven is useful for human understanding of the spirit
world, but is not meaningful when one actually is in heaven. Spirits have different
vibration levels of their energy which is transformed into light. Spiritual evolution
occurs when a spirit moves into more of that oneness and more of that
connectiveness to the Creator, influenced strongly by lessons successfully learned
on earth.

There is no time in heaven. There is no measurement of time. It is just an

advancement in one's level of consciousness.

Spirit always lives within at all times every aspect of every being it ever was.
Time travel, in the sense that you think of it on earth, is a continuous experience
of every spirit soul being as they progress more and more into being their own
spirit soul.

A spirit can often telepathically feel events that are going to take place in its past
loved one's lives. There are times when it will have seen enough into a loved ones'
immediate future to help give it a warning or to nudge it in another direction. But
as far as individuals seeing into the future of what is going to be taking place in
world events or universal events, they are not able to experience this future.

A spirit will not be destroyed. Some spirits may have a very low level of
consciousness and be unable to evolve spiritually despite many earth lives. They
may remain in heaven in that low level without further return to earth.

One's spiritual consciousness does not evolve as quickly when remaining in

heaven as it can through the life experiences in a three-dimensional earth-bound
experience. Nevertheless, a spirit may choose not to reincarnate. Alternately,
some spirits who have evolved from many lifetimes and who have reached a level

of not needing to return to earth will continue their spiritual growth from their
spirit self in heaven.

Spirits have no gender. Every individual upon earth has been both male and
female but generally incarnates in most lives as one or the other gender.

Spirits have no names in heaven.

There is an animal heaven as well as a being heaven. Animals have their own
place in heaven and their own evolution that they are experiencing about lessons
they learned on earth. They too choose to evolve and when they reincarnate back
on earth as pets they will become even more loving and more connected to their

When on earth a human has shared a deep loving relationship with a beloved pet
and that pet has crossed over before that human, it is always there to greet them.

There is a council in heaven of the highest spiritual beings. It is a council where

spirit guides and teachers go to ask questions. It is the council of highest spiritual
oneness and a council of the highest vibrational force before one moves into their
total oneness with the Creator.

Heaven can be visualized as a gigantic sphere with an energy field, vibrations of

energy, and coming from it could be called sunbeams, lifelines that connect to the
planets where beings live. Heaven has no locational relationship whatsoever to
any planets.

The number of spirit souls that live in heaven is very large, including those that
have come from many other universes.

The Creator is aware of every single event, every individualized thought, and one
can visualize the Creator as being this gigantic storeroom of knowledge. Also,
each individual spirit that moves into its spirit soul carries the experiences of its
life. And this is all a form of consciousness of events that have taken place within
your world as well as those from other worlds. A spirit can tap into this collective
consciousness of all experiences.


Spirits reincarnate on earth because they are being given the opportunity to
accelerate their learning process to achieve higher consciousness levels. This
occurs because they become involved with so many more experiences in the
physical world.

Oftentimes those who have not reached higher spiritual consciousness do not
return to life nearly as quickly as those who have reached higher levels of

When a spirit does choose to return to earth, it is because they have had a very
good understanding of the lessons that they were to have learned in their past life
and what they did learn or what they did not learn and what they will go to earth
to do in a new life.

The learning process as a spirit being is quite slowed down for a spirit being that
freely chooses not to incarnate.

When a spirit would like to return it will often sit and talk with its spirit teacher
about what it had lived in a past life and what it would like to live in a future life.
And spirit teacher and spirit guides will help direct that spirit to the environment
that will help it best continue its journey.

You always return to earth at a later date than when you left earth.

In the past the typical times between death in one life and birth on earth in another
life could have been centuries. Because earth is evolving so much quicker and
manifesting events almost instantaneously, those who had made great progress in
their most recent past life are given an opportunity to return much sooner than had
been the case in the past to help those who are struggling with their spiritual

In just about every reincarnated life, individuals return to an environment and

experiences that they have always felt and shared and wanted to evolve into. And
so they are given the opportunity to move back into environments where those
desires and experiences in previous lives can be enhanced and can be fulfilled.

A child comes into a family generally because it is to help that family as well as
that family to help it. And there are families that are selected that can help
encourage them.

A reincarnating infant who is destined to be put up for adoption understands prior

to leaving heaven that this will happen and has the opportunity to select both its
birth and adoptive parents.

One can reincarnate into another nationality, but the majority of the time one
reincarnates back into where it has spent most of its lifetimes, whether it be
Christian or Jewish or Arab, it does not matter.

An incarnating spirit does not choose its physical appearance but it does see its
appearance prior to coming back to earth.

Spirits often like to nudge their new family it is coming to to choose a name that it
would like to have, but name-choosing is generally done through the threedimensional world for in the spirit world, names are not important.

Spirits who are reincarnating do not experience competition in the spirit world
over the same earth life.

The first and most important lesson for every spirit that comes to earth is for it to
learn its own spiritual lessons and to have a knowing of the individual it is and
also to help others to understand their inner beings as well. This effort is more
important than acting in a way which would help humans generally to progress in
their earthly existence.

It is not true that an individual will necessarily experience an energy that they
have created in a former life, so-called Karma. Instead, one will be given the
opportunity to learn from the lessons and the energy created in the past to wipe
the slate clean, so to speak, and move beyond that and not have to re-experience

It is an infrequent occurrence that a child would die, go back to heaven, and then
be reincarnated back into the same family. If it did occur, that spirit returning a
second time would have the benefits of the experiences that the family went
through in losing a child.

Spirits in the same family grouping in heaven can reincarnate simultaneously into
lives that will have a great deal of interaction. A strong bond is often felt when
these individual have paths that cross.

A most general life plan is prepared before a spirit is reincarnated. Once it reaches
its human level it is generally disconnected from its spiritual level and any preknowledge it has been given, because it does not have to follow that path--it is
being given the choices.

Humans do not reincarnate as animals. Animals do not reincarnate as humans.

Every living object reincarnates in the form that it is in but may reincarnate in a
higher vibrational energy form of that same form.

Oftentimes a spirit who originated in a form other than an earth form will not
reincarnate back to earth for their next lifetime but will decide they want to go to
their original place of creation and will go back for maybe several lifetimes in that
original place of creation in a humanoid type form.

Those individuals who originated from a world other than earth are very highly
evolved beings and often find themselves very confused as earth beings but have
made that choice to bring that wisdom, that knowledge and the ability to
communicate other existences to earth in one way or another, to help the earth's
spiritual evolution become so much more powerful than what it currently is.

People who have always reincarnated on earth generally do not choose at some
time to go to a planet other than earth for reincarnation.

Inhabited planets are often found throughout the universe.

You on earth are envied by many from the other worlds for you have in your
humanness ability to still feel and express those feelings, to have a beauty upon
your world that many other worlds in the universe do not have.

The earth is a living entity and has a soul which was created to be highly
spiritually evolve. Earth is quite dismayed at the amount of disrespect and
destruction that is being done in the name of progress.

Both humans and extraterrestrials have much to offer and the creation of a hybrid
form of these races in the future will be most beneficial to both the humans and
ET's. This hybrid form will be more resistant to all forms of dis-ease including
health, mind, and spiritually.

Life On Earth

Part of your evolution is to learn how to live and make your life convenient and
easy and harmonious. But to do it with the harmony of working with mother earth
and not being destructive to her.

Earth life will never be heaven life and the whole purpose of earth life is for spirit
souls to come and learn lessons. But even though earth life can never be like
heaven life, it can evolve to a much higher spiritual consciousness than it is now

You on earth have not learned to live together as one unit. You have not learned
to accept and respect the individuality of each person upon earth, whether it is
within your own country or in other countries.

Earthlings are not the least evolved inhabitants compared with people who inhabit
other planets. Though you have a long way to go there are other beings at other
places who are at much lower consciousness and very three-dimensional in their
consciousness. These people can be very dangerous if they would choose to come
to your earth world.

Man did evolve from a simpler form of life and you can in this day and age see
the likeness between yourselves and your forebearers within the apes and gorilla
families. You had a great deal of assistance from other planets also in your
development to where you have become much more highly developed than your
original forebearers were.

You on earth abuse your bodies terribly, either through drugs or through alcohol,
through excess eating, and smoking.

Humans can contribute to global spiritual evolution by not judging, by not being
fearful, and by forgiving. Your thoughts and your emotions that you give out

towards other individuals will come around back to you in another form or
another low-level energy.

Embrace this learning process that you are going through on earth and continue to
turn within and ask your spirit guides about the lessons you are learning about,
what you should learn about feeling your own feelings, about feeling your own

Many times what prevents any human being from moving beyond their current
spiritual consciousness level is because of one of the biggest human restraints, the
feeling of fear--fear of the unknown, fear of not being good enough, fear of being
laughed at, fear of not being accepted.

The spirit guide is there in the birth process to help the infant gradually become
consciously disconnected from its spirit form and move into the fullness of its
human form.

Before its birth a spirit is still experiencing its spirit life, moving into another
form. It is beginning to feel certain physical restrictions that it does not feel as a
spirit. It is beginning to feel life connected in a more solid form than it did not feel
as a spirit. It maintains its connection to its own spirit life though it begins to

The spirit enters and is inside the infant's body from time to time while it is in the
womb. As it becomes a new soul, it is experiencing the gradual restrictions of a
body and the growth of moving from spirit into a human body.

When the spirit decides it is going to be that human, the soul begins its
development then inside the fetus, even at the beginning of conception. The
transformation from spirit to human is the aspect of a new soul, a new personality,
a new ego being created. Though spirit is always who you are and is always with
you, it is not in a conscious form as your soul is. And your soul is the makeup of
your humanness.

Spirits can bring physical imprints such as birthmarks from past earth lives to the
new infant's body.

If a child crosses over, after a period of time it will move from its soul to its spirit
form and will continue life not as an infant but as the mature spirit that it has
become through many incarnations.

When a soul returns to heaven into its spirit form, the number of incarnations it
has undergone does not necessarily have anything to do with its level of spiritual

There appears to be children who come into this earth, those who you would say
were bad seeds, who are often spirits who made the wrong choice in coming to
earth in the time they reincarnated. They are oftentimes children who are born
into families of extreme distress, extreme anger, and to use your earth words,
extreme dysfunctional environment.

To those children who come to earth who are suffering from extreme physical and
mental disabilities, they have made that choice. Though they will appear to be
extremely mentally and physically disabled, there is another part within them that
is moving forward at a very high evolutionary experience.

We cannot express enough how important the initial connection between the
mother and the spirit soul who is going to be coming to earth--how important the
acceptance of caring for that child is and the love that is being given to it as it is
being carried. This bond of love is so vital and so important to the evolution of
that spirit soul and will help determine how quickly its lessons and challenges on
earth are often met.

There are so many dynamics and so much misplaced energies upon your earth, the
abuse of a young child being one of the worst that one could experience.

Generally speaking, a child who has been so abused is here to learn the lesson of
forgiveness and is here to learn the lesson of compassion.

Fear is generally the motivating factor for all negative acts that you see upon your
earth. It is all based on fear of one form or another, fear of not being accepted,
fear of not being good enough, fear of being eliminated. Fear is the biggest
contributor to the dark side of mankind, followed by anger. Those are the two
largest reasons.

In many of your countries in your world where there is continuous strife and
struggle, where there is much anger, where there is a great underdevelopment of
all sorts--in those worlds these are spirits who are still immature and young
spirits, coming to earth learning earth's lessons from nursery school and

You can block out or protect yourself from negative vibrations from other people
by believing and connecting with God in whatever environment you are in, asking
for the love of God and the protection of God to completely surround you and to
be with you at all times.

Many humans do not come close to achieving their lessons in their lifetimes
because they are not open to the higher consciousness, and they are not open to
other dimensional worlds. They are strictly living within their three-dimensional
world and are not understanding the consequences of every action and every
thought that one has in the three-dimensional world.

Acceptance and love and forgiveness are three very big missions for any soul
upon earth to be able to acquire within their life to bring them to high spiritual

During sleep, some people are able to experience astral soul travel, travels to
other places within your world or travels to other dimensions. Oftentimes your
soul will stay within your body and you will communicate with others from other

dimensions, or you will interact with other souls upon the earth that you have a
deep connection with.

During astral travel one could encounter energies, for there are many energies in
the astral plane, varying from those with very high spiritual consciousness to
those of far, far less spiritual consciousness. You can encounter any of these
energies and unless you are well prepared and have a complete understanding of
how to protect yourself these can have emotional as well as physical effects upon
your life at your return to your three-dimensional life.

Spirits never live parallel lives on earth simultaneously.

It is most important for you as humans to realize that you do not have to go
beseeching and asking and begging for something you want. To come to true
prayer with God is to come and give thanksgiving for anything that you wish in
your life, knowing that it has already been done.

During meditation, be still and know that you are God, be still and listen to God,
listen to what information is being given to you by God, and let yourself release
all energies that have been creating an upset in your life.

You on earth tend to worship Christ the man instead of Christ the teachings. The
whole point of Christ coming to earth was for his teachings. And He did not live a
life of fear, He did not live a life of guilt, He did not live a life of anger. He lived
a life of love and compassion and understanding and acceptance and as Christians
that is what you should come to know and understand your Jesus to be.

The bible should be viewed as a form of history that was written at the time that
many of the events took place. It is a story of religious belief, religious belief that
was created by man as well. Your spiritual or religious philosophy will determine
what your belief is in such matters.

There have been major spiritual teachers who preceded Jesus Christ on earth and
there have been major spiritual teachers since Him who have returned to earth.
None of these early spiritual teachers later reincarnated as Jesus.

The spirit world does not view the many organized religions of the world in any
manner whatsoever. This is strictly a human form of organization looking at
religion and many times forgetting the actual spiritual connection. We are
connected to the individuals and their connection to us and to God.

All past lives, all past experiences, all past wisdom and knowledge, carry forth
with you into the time you are now living. Oftentimes when an individual travels
back in time, they are actually just there observing the events that happen and do
not have the ability and the depth of energy within them to change those times
and events that are taking place.

Every once in a while an individual is given a glimpse into the future, for one
reason or another, to help them change the life path they are on, to help save a
future soul, but generally speaking when you move forward it is not something
that you touch and have concrete tangible evidence that you have been there, even
in the spirit world.

No matter where an individual has been upon earth, no matter what events have
taken place, there is always a residual energy that is left at that time and place of
that individual. It's like walking and leaving your shadow there, in a way.

There are portions of the human brain or DNA strands that aren't in use now but
will be in the future.

Human cloning is a very bad procedure for you on earth to do. We believe that
there will be certain links that are missing in a cloned human that are not now
experienced in humans and could possibly lead to a civilization with links of
humanness missing.

Everyone has the ability to be a healer. Not everyone is willing to take the
responsibility of being healed, though. Please know it is not the healer that is
doing the healing. It is the person's responsibility who has come to the healer to
be healed. Healing should ask for the highest good of that individual, which might
not be what we see.

As individuals come together in a collective consciousness of love, of peace, of

harmony and good will towards everyone, this coming together could most
definitely be used to affect large worldly events. However, we would say that the
possibilities are fairly low of affecting a major happening such as altering the path
of an asteroid or of a planet because such an enormous group would be required
to come together.

Dinosaurs became extinct because of great earth changes that happened at that
time that destroyed many of the living beings upon your earth.

A great flood took place in prehistoric times, created by a pole shift in your earth,
resulting in ice areas melting very quickly and creating this flood.

Whales and dolphins have intelligence and spirituality that in many ways are
equivalent to those of humans.

From a spiritual perspective nothing should ever be considered a lower form of

life. Your plants, your animals, every aspect of your life is spiritually based.
Animals have such a loving and accepting way about them and they are given to
you humans so that you can find what true unconditional love is.

All animals, whether they are pets or not, have an angel.

There is an evolution that takes place on your earth and all things, including
insects and plants, follow this evolution. All have their level of consciousness just
as humans have their level.

With physician-assisted suicide, both the physician and the human who has
decided to quicken their release from earth will experience how those events
affected the people around them when they cross over.

On rare occasions, a spirit can replace a spirit in a body with that spirit's
agreement to be replaced. This is called a walkin.

The meaning of free will has to do with the level of consciousness an individual
has. Every thought process, every action is a form of free will. These are choices
and God the Creator does not impose His will upon you but hopes as an
individualized expression that you will come to see that you and the Creator are
one and will move into a place of consciousness where you have no fear and you
have trust and you have faith.

God does not create the natural calamities that take place on earth. You upon
earth do and mother earth does oftentimes in her response to the treatment you are
giving her.

We hope that capital punishment will be abolished among humans on earth We do

not see any point in the destruction of a life even though it has done very negative
and destructive things to others. We still do not see the reason for you in turn to
have the right to cut short the life experiences that that individual is to be

The greatest virtues for humans on earth are forgiveness, acceptance and of
course above all those is love--that love with forgiveness, love with acceptance,
and unconditional.

All spirits have the same abilities, the same opportunities, and it is with their free
will that they choose to restrict themselves both on earth and in heaven. There has
not been but several individuals in the entire lifetime of earth who has ever lived
to the capabilities of their mindpower. Intellect and mindpower are actually two

different things. Everybody has mindpower but intellect is, we would say, more
an earth experience. But mindpower, which is really the ability to be in soul, is in

A human's level of spirituality is not correlated with their intelligence nor their
ability to see auras or other spiritual manifestations.

Even though the new incarnated human is generally coming from many past lives
and even though the reincarnated human is coming through parents which will
have traits and like DNA connections, still the new reincarnate is its own person
and has the ability to create its own personality in its new life.

Backward earth cultures are generally made up of two things. They could possibly
be young, immature spirits, or they could be spirits who continuously return to
earth to stay at that level and have no desire to move into higher consciousness

Spirits see our most secret thoughts as humans though they never judge or
interfere with those thoughts.

A country such as the United States does not have a spirit guide or set of spirit
guides that are concerned with the entire country. It is the individuals themselves
that have the proper guidance from their spirit guides and their guardian angels
that will help unite and form these countries and these cities.

Matter is just a form of energy that is vibrating at a level which depends upon the
level of its consciousness, whether it is the energy that forms a rock or a blade of
grass, an animal or a human being.

There are many E.T.'s in other universes that move far beyond your three
dimensional experiences and are able to experience life from other dimensions,
other than the three dimensions that the general public of your earth experience.

UFO's disappearing or people being able to move though walls are evidence of a
higher dimensional existence. There are some humans upon your earth who have
evolved enough to be able to move in spirit form through walls.

Crop circles are coming to earth as a form of art, as a form of communication

from beings from other universes --in the form of art to help you be aware that
there is another dimension that is trying to communicate with you in love and
peace, showing you through art the harmony and friendship that they can and will
bring to earthlings.

There will be a future transition of the entire earth and its inhabitants to another
dimension. All of you would be have far more ability to tune into, we should say,
to your other dimensions. To communicate with your spirits. To live in a more
highly-evolved world. And we are very concerned that it's not going to happen at
this turn of events because there are more things at this current time pulling you
away from allowing you to move forward into that other dimension. You are so
destructive, so disrespectful of one another and of the earth that at this time that
out-weighs all of the good that much of you are doing.

All spirit souls are part of a larger entity. Every creation is part of the Creator.
Whether it be earth beings or other universal beings, you are all part of one
Creator and in essence you are all one. You come to understand this as you
become a spirit soul and have a greater knowledge of what that means than you
do as individual beings on earth and in other universal worlds.

There is an essence of all of your past incarnations that remains in the spirit
world. It is not an entity that is living, experiencing, and growing but it is the
essence of all that you have ever been, waiting for your spirit soul to return to it.

When there are multiple births it is because the bonding for these two multiple
souls upon earth is going to make a bond beyond your normal recognition and
understanding of a connection with another individual. This connection remains
even if one twin crosses over.

Oftentimes there are unknown individuals upon earth that you feel are someone
you would like to know, or you feel a connection with. Somehow you know that
person and you will feel that that person has been in your life before but it does
not have to be in the love/ soulmate context that most people on earth think of.
There are those of you who have been together through many past lives and you
on earth would call these soulmates.

Angels are forms of energy that deal everyday all day with those of you on earth.
They are always with you for whatever circumstance you are experiencing. They
are forms of energy that are specialists in various fields of your human life. There
is another form of an angel who is often a deceased person who will come and act
as also an angel in assisting you.

Spirit guides work with your thought process and your connectiveness to moving
higher into your consciousness and as you continue to move and walk into a
lighter consciousness your spirit guides become much more of an everyday

Earth is the place one can move to a higher consciousness quicker than anyplace
else in the universe. For on earth lessons are thrown at each individual daily,
hourly, and the individual on earth--a human being--is being given an opportunity
through every single experience to see how they can evolve.

Spirit life, though it is more highly evolved than human life, moves in words that
best describe it as a much slower and less opportunity because spirit life does not
move with the emotions that you have on earth.

Spirit guides are highly evolved forms of energy. Generally, as with everything,
spirit guides are all created by one Creator. There are essentially two forms of
highly evolved spirits, those that are energies that have been created by the
Creator and are never in a humanoid form and those who come from many
evolutions of a humanoid spirit and were put on these various planets by the
Creator in these advanced forms to help those who are not so advanced become
more evolved.

Generally, angels or spirit guides do not reincarnate in a physical body on earth.

There have been a few individuals that have come from spirit guides, such as
Buddha or Jesus, but the sole purpose in their lifetime was for those teachings to
follow through for centuries and centuries.

Archangels are angels who are at the higher consciousness levels of angels, far
beyond earth angels. They help with global and universal issues and are higher
than many spirit guides and teachers, even though they are still connected with
earthbound issues.

Spirits are aware of human activities through almost like a highway of light
connecting your consciousness to our consciousness that is continuously vibrating
and always open.

You always have two main spirit guides, first, a very highly-evolved spirit guide
which watches over you through all of your lives and rarely becomes actively
involved except when great spiritual evolution is about to take place or great
human events are taking place. And then there is the spirit guide who is with you
during this lifetime who themselves are also on their spiritual evolution and will
evolve as you evolve through this lifetime and as you are willing to open up to
your spiritual lessons.

Your spirit guide is always there for you and attempts many times to connect with
you and will do so when you are not even really aware. There are those who have
begun a spiritual journey who will invest in the time to learn of themselves and to
quiet all earth activities and sit to just listen to the still, small voice. But it does
take work on the part of each individual to achieve that level of communication.

Spirits are aware of human activities through almost like a highway of light
connecting your consciousness to our consciousness that is continuously vibrating
and always open. And we are then able to tap into other vibrational forms of
energy to get additional information that will assist you. We try to go with what
we are seeing happening and take into consideration other subtle changes in
energy movement that we see happening that those of you upon earth cannot pick
up at that time.

As your spirit guides we have been with you at all times. As with any spirit
guides, we are always pleased to see you move into higher levels of your spiritual
being. This is part of what we as spirits continue to hope will happen with all
humans--that you all will continue to move into higher spiritual dimensions and
find that you are vibrating at higher energy levels. As you begin this journey we
find that it helps to assist us in what we are learning and moving into higher
vibrational energies as well.

A spirit guide is not responsible for the choices made by its human.

Messages sent by spirit guides are often modified by the ego and personality of
the individual receiving these messages.

Terrorists after they cross over will experience what each one of those people that
died experienced. They will see the pain, the confusion and agony and they will
experience that for each one of those individuals that they destroyed. Their life
review will be far more painful than the average individual for they will also see
the pain they have created to their families as well as their victim's families. They
will experience the emotions and the feelings and a far stronger energy field than
those average spirits and souls who cross over.

Copyright 2002 by webmaster of Afterlife 101 website







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