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0: cero (say-ro)

1: uno(oo-no)
2: dos(dose)
8: ocho(och-o)
9: nueve(new-eh-veh)
10: diez(dee-ace)
11: once(ohn-say)
12: doce(dos-say)
13: trece(treh-seh)
14: catorce(ca-TOR-say)
15: quince(KEEN-say)
16: diecisis(dee-AY-see-saze)
17: diecisiete(dee-AY-see-see-AY-tay )
18: dieciocho(dee-AY-see-och-o)
19: diecinueve(dee-AY-see-new-EH-veh)
20: veinte(Veh-een-tee)
21: veintiuno(Veh-een-tee-oo-no)
22: veintids(Veh-een-tee-DOS)
23: veintitrs(Veh-een-tee-TRACE)
24: veinticuatro(Veh-een-tee-KWAT-ro)
25: veinticinco(Veh-een-tee-SINK-o)
26: veintisis(Veh-een-tee-saze)
27: veintisiete(Veh-een-tee-see-ay-tay)
28: veintiocho(Veh-een-tee-OCH-o)
29: veintinueve(Veh-een-tee-new-EH-veh)
31: treinta y uno(treh-een-tah ee oo-no)
32: treinta y dos(treh-een-tah ee DOS)
33: treinta y tres(treh-een-tah ee tres)
34: treinta y cuatro(treh-een-tah ee KWAT-ro)
35: treinta y cinco(treh-een-tah ee SINK-o)
36: treinta y seis(treh-een-tah ee saze)
37: treinta y siete(treh-een-tah ee see-ay-tay)
38: treinta y ocho(treh-een-tah ee OCH-o)
39 treinta y nueve(treh-een-tah ee new-EH-veh)
40 cuarenta(kwar-EN-tah)
41 cuarenta y uno(kwar-EN-tah ee oo-no)
42 cuarenta y dos(kwar-EN-tah ee DOS)
43 cuarenta y tres(kwar-EN-tah ee tres)
44 cuarenta y cuatro(kwar-EN-tah ee KWAT-ro)
45 cuarenta y cinco(kwar-EN-tah ee SINK-o)
46 cuarenta y seis(kwar-EN-tah ee saze)
47 cuarenta y siete(kwar-EN-tah ee see-ay-tay)
48 cuarenta y ocho(kwar-EN-tah ee OCH-o)
49 cuarenta y nueve(kwar-EN-tah ee new-EH-veh)
50 cincuenta(sink-KWEN-tah)
51 cincuenta y uno(sink-KWEN-tah ee oo-no)
52 cincuenta y dos(sink-KWEN-tah ee DOS)
53 cincuenta y tres(sink-KWEN-tah ee tres)

54 cincuenta y cuatro(sink-KWEN-tah ee KWAT-ro)

55 cincuenta y cinco(sink-KWEN-tah ee SINK-o)
56 cincuenta y seis(sink-KWEN-tah ee saze)
57 cincuenta y siete(sink-KWEN-tah ee see-ay-tay)
58 cincuenta y ocho(sink-KWEN-tah ee OCH-o)
59 cincuenta y nueve(sink-KWEN-tah ee new-EH-veh)
60 sesenta(seh-SEHN-tah)
61 sesenta y uno(seh-SEHN-tah ee oo-no)
62 sesenta y dos(seh-SEHN-tah ee DOS)
63 sesenta y tres(seh-SEHN-tah ee tres)
64 sesenta y cuatro(seh-SEHN-tah ee KWAT-ro)
65 sesenta y cinco(seh-SEHN-tah ee SINK-o)
66 sesenta y seis(seh-SEHN-tah ee saze)
67 sesenta y siete(seh-SEHN-tah ee see-ay-tay)
68 sesenta y ocho(seh-SEHN-tah ee OCH-o)
69 sesenta y nueve(seh-SEHN-tah ee new-EH-veh)
70 setenta(seh-TEHN-tah)
71 setenta y uno(seh-TEHN-tah ee oo-no)
72 setenta y dos(seh-TEHN-tah ee DOS)
73 setenta y tres(seh-TEHN-tah ee tres)
74 setenta y cuatro(seh-TEHN-tah ee KWAT-ro)
75 setenta y cinco(seh-TEHN-tah ee SINK-o)
76 setenta y seis(seh-TEHN-tah ee saze)
77 setenta y siete(seh-TEHN-tah ee see-ay-tay)
78 setenta y ocho(seh-TEHN-tah ee OCH-o)
79 setenta y nueve(seh-TEHN-tah ee new-EH-veh)
80 ochenta(och-EHN-tah)
81 ochenta y uno(och-EHN-tah ee oo-no)
82 ochenta y dos(och-EHN-tah ee DOS)
83 ochenta y tres(och-EHN-tah ee tres)
84 ochenta y cuatro(och-EHN-tah ee KWAT-ro)
85 ochenta y cinco(och-EHN-tah ee SINK-o)
86 ochenta y seis(och-EHN-tah ee saze)
87 ochenta y siete(och-EHN-tah ee see-ay-tay)
88 ochenta y ocho(och-EHN-tah ee OCH-o)
89 ochenta y nueve(och-EHN-tah ee new-EH-veh)
90 noventa(no-VEHN-tah)
91 noventa y uno(no-VEHN-tah ee oo-no)
92 noventa y dos(no-VEHN-tah ee DOS)
93 noventa y tres(no-VEHN-tah ee tres)
94 noventa y cuatro(no-VEHN-tah ee KWAT-ro)
95 noventa y cinco(no-VEHN-tah ee SINK-o)
96 noventa y seis(no-VEHN-tah ee saze)
97 noventa y siete(no-VEHN-tah ee see-ay-tay)
98 noventa y ocho(no-VEHN-tah ee OCH-o)
99 noventa y nueve(no-VEHN-tah ee new-EH-veh)
100 cien(see-EHN)

From 1 to 20
Here are the numbers from 1 up to 20
1 uno
2 dos
3 tres
4 cuatro
5 cinco
6 seis
7 siete
8 ocho
9 nueve
10 diez
11 once
12 doce
13 trece
14 catorce
15 quince
After 15 it sounds a lot like 10 plus a number
16 diecisis
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinueve

20 to 29
20 is a new number, veinte
After that, its veinti- and another number
21 veintiuno
22 veintids
23 veintitres
24 veinticuatro
and so on

30 to 99
For the multiples of 10, the rule changes just a bit. Lets cover those
numbers first.

30 treinta
40 cuarenta
50 cincuenta
60 sesenta
70 setenta
80 ochenta
90 noventa
To say these numbers that fall between those multiples of 10, you add y
For example:
31 treinta y uno
Basically thirty and one. All the numbers after 30 that dont fall on a
multiple of ten follow this rule.
44 cuarenta y cuatro
67 sesenta y siete
52 cincuenta y dos
Heres 81-89 to cement the idea.
ochenta y uno
ochenta y dos
ochenta y tres
ochenta y cuatro
ochenta y cinco
ochenta y seis
ochenta y siete
ochenta y ocho
ochenta y nueve
Youre 10% of the way to 1000! If you feel like you got this, Learning
Spanish with Ana is a good place to get some more practice and mastery
of the language.

100 and beyond

When we reach 100 we say ciento. Following that, its just one hundred and
the next number.
101 ciento uno
102 ciento dos
103 ciento tres

104 ciento cuatro

and so on
and just like the numbers 31 to 99 using y (and) between them and the
smaller number (e.g. 31 treinta y uno), you still follow that rule throughout
the hundreds.
143 ciento cuarenta y tres
179 ciento setenta y nueve
196 ciento noventa y seis
155 ciento cincuenta y cinco
Here are the other hundreds. Notice most sound like the number of
hundreds its counting, with just a couple of exceptions.
200 doscientos
300 trescientos
400 cuatrocientos
500 quinientos (doesnt sound like 5 but does sound like quince)
600 seiscientos
700 setecientos (like setenta)
800 ochocientos
900 novecientos (like noventa)
Knowing this, you can say any number between 101 and 999
365 trescientos sesenta y cinco
501 quinientos uno
824 ochocientos veinte y cuatro
999 novecientos noventa y nueve

A few more things

For 1000 the number is mil. Zero is cero.
When you use the number 100 for counting, like 100 pens, you use the
word cien. So 100 pens is cien plumas.
cien libros
cien zapatas
Also, hundreds from 200 on will take the masculine or feminine ending to
match the word it is measuring, like the number 1 (uno) does.

Doscientas plumas
Trescientos articulos
There you have the numbers you need to count from 0 to 1000. Whether or
not youll actually count straight through is another matter, but it is useful,
especially when talking about quantities and understanding them.
For a simple class that serves as a very basic foundation to learning Spanish
so you can travel with confidence theres Spanish for surfers, students,
housewives and secret agents. Of course, you dont have to be one of
those to benefit, but it certainly would be cool to know its that specific!
Another class that has a similar scope, but is a bit more intensive, is
Conversational Spanish I: Spanish basic sentence patterns. This
can bolster your knowledge of counting acquired reading this article and
push it forward to quick fluency through practice and repetition.
Whatever you do, learn those numbers and how to count or if you decide to
sign up and take a class, buena suerte!

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