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LA NG UA G ES Mul tili ngual Exp erie nce s

The final task you have to do is to write a text for a language learning









languages. Activities A and B will give you input for Activity C.

Activity A
1. Look at these words. Match them with their definitions.
a. monolingualism b. multilingualism

10 points

c. lingua franca d. native tongue

e. expatriate
1. a language which is used for communication between groups of people who
speak different languages
2. the language that someone learns to speak first also designated as mother
tongue or first language
3. the ability to use only one language for communication
4. a person living in a country that is not their own
5. the ability to use two or more languages for communication
2. Join the following sentences. Use the appropriate linking
1. Being monolingual in a


global world is limiting

2. Most people learn English

might not be enough to


as a second language
3. Learning several languages
is very important
4. Language learning is a
very enriching experience
5. Approximately half of the
worlds population are
bilingual or plurilingual
6. English is a lingua franca

a. in multicultural societies, it
communicate successfully.
b. they speak two or more

in order
due to

c. it gives us access to new
d. the need to depend on
someone to translate for you.
e. it doesnt allow us to fully
understand cultural
f. understand different
cultures and realities.

18 points

3. Imagine that you have just moved to a country and you cant

24 points

speak the native language. How would you communicate? State at

least two difficulties you would encounter and two strategies you
would use to overcome them.

Activity B
Read the text and do the tasks that follow.

I dont understand the words

by Feroz Salam

Walking past shisha bars in Knightsbridge, London, the rasping Arabic

instantly transports me to my childhood in Saudi Arabia. The clattering syllables
of Hindi and Urdu outside curry houses in North London remind me of high school
in India. And although I grew up in those countries, and although I am Indian, I

dont understand the words being said.

The only language I speak fluently is English, with the next best being rather
mediocre French. It wasnt until I moved to England a few years ago that I
realised how much my identity was tied to the language I spoke. After years of
living in places where I didnt speak the native tongue, I finally realised what it


was like to feel at home in a country.

Though I grew up in Saudi Arabia and India, I was raised speaking English.
My parents, having been brought up in different states within India, spoke
English around the house because it was their only shared language. Pre-school
and elementary school in Saudi Arabia were filled with the rich selection of
English-speaking expatriates that the Middle East has to offer. It wasnt until later


in life when I realised this monolingualism wasnt ordinary.

It all really hit home when I moved to India for high school. India is painfully
multilingual in urban areas most people speak at least two languages, while in
rural areas you can drive for a day and pass through half a dozen different
linguistic zones. For the first time, I was immersed in life as an Indian, and not as
an expatriate. Nothing can make you stand out more than a complete inability to

speak a single Indian language in a country where most people speak at least

Indias enormous variety of languages and cultures give it a vibrancy that I
have yet to experience in any other country. Yet for someone who speaks none of
them fluently, I know Im missing out on a fundamental part of being an Indian.
To be fair, I never noticed any of this at the time. It was only when I arrived in

London that I realized what I was missing. For once, I knew how to speak,

fluently, the language of the majority. I can finally argue with people in a
language we both understand instead of in three languages neither of us speak
fluently. I no longer needed a helping hand to deal with paperwork, and I dont
need a local guide to find my way around town. I was part of the mainstream.
The entire country could speak my language.

I definitely wouldnt say I was English, but I have discovered a strong feeling

of home here in London. It lies in the simplicity of being able to chat with the
postman in the morning, or strike up a conversation with the lady behind the till
at the supermarket. It might not sound like life-changing stuff, but I finally know
what it feels like to be at home.
Adapted from:

1. Find out in the text...

a. the languages that are spoken in India.

12 points

b. the languages Feroz speaks.

c. the countries he lived in.
2. Answer these questions. Use your own words as far as possible.

16 points

a. Why did Ferozs parents communicate in English?

b. When did Feroz realise that being monolingual wasnt normal?
3. Explain the meaning of the following sentences in the text.

14 points

a. ... I know Im missing out on a fundamental part of being an Indian.

(lines 20-21)
b. ... I finally know what it feels like to be at home. (line 30)
4. Find words/expressions in the last two paragraphs that have a

16 points

similar meaning to the words below.

a. vivacity

b. essential

c. talk

d. begin

Activity C

60 points

Now write a text for a language learning forum giving your opinion
about the importance of learning languages. You may refer to the
role of English as a global language.
Write about 80-100 words. You may use the input provided by

Activities A and B.

Activity D Listening
Progress Check L A N G U A G E S M u l t i l i n g u a l
1. When living abroad do you learn the local language(s)?
Listen to these young people talking about their language
experiences while living abroad and complete their
Speaker 1
I studied (1) _________________ for a year in the community college in the
United States immediately before the move, but that was barely enough to
deal with the (2)________________ in Sicily. Luckily, my neighbours spoke (3)
_________________ and so did I. So between the (4) _________________, we
understood each other well. My real learning (5) _________________ only I
started when I began living there. I had no choice but learning and speaking
Italian since very few people spoke English in the town where I lived.

Speaker 2
When I (6) _________________, I moved to Croatia without knowing a word.
Within three months I had learnt some (7) _________________ and I could have

20 points

simple conversations in (8) _________________. My colleagues spoke English,

so that wasnt too hard, and I made (9) _________________ friends at language
classes. It wasnt easy and it can feel isolating, but it was brilliant, and if I
could have stayed longer, I would have. Im not great at languages, but I
have found out that living there, and having to use the language in (10)
_________________ was a very rewarding experience. It was way better than
learning a language at school.

2. Now listen to this young mans opinion and match items in

column A and B according to her statements.
a. Not making the effort to learn the language

1. interact with each

b. The fact that many foreigners refuse to


learn the local language

2. try to speak their

c. Learning the language helps people


d. Local people appreciate it when foreigners

3. is considered to be

e. Language learning is the key to

4. understanding other
5. is unacceptable to her.

Test Specification
Activity A
1. ...........5 x 2 = 10
2. .......... 6 x 3 = 18
3. ................= 24
Activity B
1. ...........3 x 4 = 12
2. .......... 2 x 8 = 16

3. ...........2 x 7 = 14
4. .......... 4 x 4 = 16
Activity C
...................= 60
Activity D
1. ........... 10 x 2 = 20
2. ............. 5 x 2 = 10
TOTAL ..............= 200 points

Os critrios de classificao so organizados por nveis de desempenho, a que correspondem

cotaes fixas, expressas obrigatoriamente em nmeros inteiros.
Para a generalidade dos itens, so considerados trs nveis (N3, N2 e N1); para a tarefa final
so considerados cinco nveis em cada parmetro competncia pragmtica e competncia lingustica
(N5, N4, N3, N2 e N1). Os nveis intercalares de cotao, que no se encontram descritos, visam
enquadrar as respostas que no correspondam exatamente aos outros nveis. Qualquer resposta que
apresente um desempenho inferior ao mais baixo que se encontra descrito dever ser classificada com
zero pontos.
Nos itens de resposta aberta, ser atribuda a cotao zero a respostas que no correspondam
ao solicitado, independentemente da qualidade lingustica do texto produzido.
Nos itens de resposta aberta, sempre que o aluno apresente mais do que uma resposta para o
mesmo item, apenas a primeira ser classificada. Nos itens de resposta fechada, se o aluno fornecer
mais respostas do que a(s) pedida(s), ser atribuda a cotao zero.

10 points

Os itens so todos classificados independentemente.

Atividade A
Associa corretamente as 5 palavras s respetivas definies.
Chave: a. 3; b. 5; c. 1; d. 2; e. 4
Associa corretamente 1 palavra respetiva definio
Liga corretamente os itens das colunas A e C, selecionando os conectores
adequados da coluna B, de modo a obter seis enunciados coesos.
Chave: (1) due to (d); (2) however, (a); (3) in order to (f);
(4) because (c); (5) as (b); (6) but (e).
Liga corretamente dois itens da coluna A a dois itens da coluna C, selecionando dois
conectores adequados da coluna B, de modo a obter dois enunciados coesos. Erra ou
omite os outros enunciados.
Exprime a sua opinio com correo lingustica. Utiliza vocabulrio e estruturas
adequadas, embora possam ocorrer algumas incorrees no impeditivas da
compreenso da mensagem. Identifica corretamente as quatro informaes pedidas
(ou mais).
Exemplos: difficulties: incapable of functioning as a local citizen; unable to do the
shopping; unable to interact with local people; unable to read labels, signs, etc;
unable to watch TV or listen to the radio; etc.
strategies: ask for someones help to translate; use gestures; use a
dictionary/phrase book / language guide; speak in English or another language;
attend language classes; watch local TV; etc.
Identifica corretamente 2-3 das informaes pedidas.
Exprime a sua opinio com incorrees lingusticas frequentes, recorrendo, por
vezes, ao uso da lngua materna. Em todo o caso, consegue transmitir os aspetos
essenciais da informao solicitada.
Atividade B
Indica corretamente as informaes solicitadas nas trs questes de acordo com a
informao do texto e com correo gramatical. Pode escrever com incorrees de
grafia e pontuao no impeditivas da compreenso, usando palavras suas.
Chave: a. Hindi, Urdu and English. b. English and some French (mediocre). c. Saudi
Arabia, India and England.
Indica corretamente as informaes a duas questes de acordo com a informao do
texto e com correo gramatical. Pode escrever com incorrees de grafia e
pontuao no impeditivas da compreenso, usando palavras suas. Erra ou omite a
outra questo.
Responde de forma pouco clara s trs questes de acordo com a informao do
texto. Escreve com incorrees lingusticas no impeditivas da compreenso.






Responde corretamente s duas questes de acordo com a informao do texto e

com correo gramatical. Pode escrever com incorrees de grafia e pontuao no
impeditivas da compreenso, usando palavras suas.
Ex: a. Because they didnt speak the same native language as they came from
different states in India. English was the only language they shared.
b. When Feroz arrived in India he was confronted with a multilingual society where
most people speak at least two or three languages.



Responde corretamente a uma questo de acordo com a informao do texto e com

correo gramatical. Pode escrever com incorrees de grafia e pontuao no
impeditivas da compreenso, usando palavras suas. Erra ou omite a outra frase.
Responde de forma pouco clara s duas frases de acordo com a informao do texto.
Escreve com incorrees lingusticas no impeditivas da compreenso.
Explica de forma clara e coerente o sentido das duas frases do texto. Pode escrever
com incorrees de grafia e pontuao no impeditivas da compreenso.
Exemplo: a. The fact that he doesnt speak any of the local languages makes him
unable to fully understand the culture. b. He is finally able to understand everyone
and everything around him as he now lives in a country who speak his language.
Explica de forma clara e coerente o sentido de uma frase do texto. Pode escrever
com incorrees de grafia e pontuao no impeditivas da compreenso.
Explica de forma pouca clara ainda que globalmente compreensvel o sentido das
duas frases do texto. Escreve com incorrees lingusticas no impeditivas da
Identifica os sinnimos das quatro palavras no texto
Chave: a. vibrancy; b. fundamental; c. chat; d. strike up
Identifica apenas um sinnimo. Erra ou omite os outros.






Atividade C



Competncia Pragmtica




Escreve um artigo de opinio, fornecendo vrios argumentos acerca da importncia

de aprender lnguas estrangeiras, contrapondo com a hegemonia da lngua inglesa,
respeitando as instrues dadas e destacando aspetos relevantes. Utiliza alguns
mecanismos de coeso.
Articula as ideias de forma adequada, num texto claro e coerente.
Respeita o limite de palavras indicado.
Escreve um artigo de opinio simples, fornecendo alguns argumentos e acerca da
importncia de aprender lnguas estrangeiras, respeitando as instrues dadas e
destacando alguns aspetos relevantes. Utiliza, ainda que de forma muito incipiente,
alguns conectores simples, articulando as ideias num texto claro.
Pode no respeitar o limite de palavras indicado.
Escreve um texto simples, abordando de forma global o tema proposto, com
repeties e pormenores pouco relevantes.
Estrutura deficientemente o texto.
Pode no respeitar o limite de palavras indicado.

Escreve um texto, razoavelmente elaborado, empregando recursos lingusticos

adequados, que lhe permitem argumentar de forma convincente.
Utiliza uma gama variada de vocabulrio, podendo suprir eventuais lacunas de
expresso atravs do recurso a circunlocues.
Pode ocorrer alguma confuso e escolha incorreta de vocbulos e expresses.
Revela geralmente bom domnio das estruturas e formas gramaticais, no
cometendo incorrees que possam causar incompreenso.
A pontuao e a ortografia so suficientemente precisas para no afetarem a
inteligibilidade do texto.
Escreve um texto simples, utilizando recursos lingusticos adequados ao que
pretende transmitir. Pode revelar alguma interferncia da lngua materna.
Utiliza vocabulrio pouco variado mas suficiente, conseguindo suprir algumas
limitaes com recurso a circunlocues e outros mecanismos de substituio. Pode
cometer alguns erros graves quando tenta exprimir uma ideia mais complexa.
Usa corretamente estruturas simples, no cometendo erros gramaticais elementares
de forma sistemtica.
A ortografia suficientemente precisa para no afetar a inteligibilidade do texto.
A pontuao , de um modo geral, adequada.
Escreve um texto muito elementar, abordando o tema proposto de forma muito
genrica, com recurso a repeties e aspetos pouco relevantes. Usa conectores
simples na ligao de frases elementares, mas estrutura o texto de forma deficiente.
Utiliza vocabulrio muito elementar.
Pode no respeitar o limite de palavras indicado.
* A competncia lingustica s ser avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado o tema proposto, situando-se o
texto pelo menos no nvel 1 da competncia pragmtica.
. Competncia Lingustica*


Atividade D
Completa 10-8 dos espaos usando com preciso a informao ouvida, isto , a(s)
palavra(s) exata(s) do guio, para cada espao.
Chave: 1. Italian; 2. local people; 3. French; 4. two languages; 5. experience; 6.
graduated; 7. basic vocabulary; 8. shops and restaurants; 9. English-speaking; 10.
real situations.
Completa 7-5 espaos usando exatamente a informao ouvida, isto , a(s)
palavra(s) exata(s) do guio, para cada espao.
Completa 4-2 espaos usando exatamente a informao ouvida, isto , a(s)
palavra(s) exata(s) do guio, para cada espao.
Liga corretamente os itens das colunas A e B de modo a obter cinco enunciados
Chave: a. Not making the effort to learn the language is considered to be rude.
b. The fact that many foreigners refuse to learn the local language is unacceptable
to her.
c. Learning the language helps people interact with each other.
d. Local people appreciate it when foreigners try to speak their language.
e. Language learning is the key to understanding other cultures.
Liga corretamente um dos itens da coluna A a um dos itens da coluna B de modo a
obter um enunciado coeso. Erra ou omite os outros enunciados.











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