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Lia Amelia

Strategies of Translation in Spongebob Squarepants Animated
Television Series
1. Background of Study
Translation is one of the linguistic studies that often encounter in our daily
life, especially in literary work. Translation is the communication of the meaning of a
source language text. Larson (1984:3) states, Translation as a change of form the
source language into a receptor language in which the meaning must be held
Besides in books translation also many encounter in movies and television
series. There are two types of translation in movies and television series that is
subtitling and dubbing. Both of them have significant differences. Dubbing is a postproduction process used in film making and video productions in which additional or
supplementary recordings are Mixed with original production sound create the
finished soundtrack. Boordwell and Thomson (1990:409) says, Dubbing as the
process of replacing part of all the voices on the soundtrack in order to correct
mistakes or record dialogue. Meanwhile, subtitling can be defined as transcription of
film or TV dialogue presented simultaneously on the screen. According to Gambler

(1993:276), Subtitling is one of two possible methods providing the translation is

printed along the bottom of the movies.
Based on description above, the researcher wants to analyze the topic about
translation. The reason why the researcher analyzes this topic is because translation of
literary works, especially movies and television series is very closely related with the
cultural values of the literary works originated. Translation is not just translating the
language but translate the message and the cultural values of a county. Nida and
Taber quoted by Choliludin (2007:3) states that translation consists in reproducing in
the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message.
Besides, the researcher wants to use television series Spongebob squarepants
as the object because Spongebob squarepants is one of the popular animated
television series in Indonesia. The audiences are not only adults or teenagers but also
children. SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series created
by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg for Nickelodeon. The series is
set in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom, and centers on the adventures
and endeavors of SpongeBob SquarePants, an over-optimistic sea sponge that annoys
other characters. In this animated television series contains language and some scenes
which unworthy for children watching. So, it's important for us to know the right
strategy translation to adjust between cultural of source language and cultural of the
target language.
The similar researches about translation were done previously by some

1. Mudzakir (2003) entitled Problems of English metaphoric translation in

Mark Twains novel: The Adventures of Huckleberry finn. The result of
this research was the researcher found three problems appear in translating
the metaphoric expression in that novel, that is: problem of culture barrier,
problem of language character, problem of translator and reader.
2. Encep (2011) entitled The Translation of Idiomatic phrasal verbs on
novel: The Sand of Time by Sidney sheldon. The result of this research
was the researcher found four strategies that are used in translating the
phrasal verbs. There were using an idiom of similar meaning and form
(SMF), using an idiom similar meaning but dissimilar form (SMDF),
translating by paraphrasing, and translating by omission.
3. Asti (2011) entitled The translation analysis of Expressive dialogues in
the movie by Andrew Fleming entitled Nancy Drew. The result of this
research the researcher has applied eight translation methods to apply in
translating the expressive dialogues found in the movie. Those methods
are idiomatic translation, communicative translation, semantic translation,
faithful translation, literal translation, literal translation, word for word
translation, adaptation translation, and free translation.
4. Ronanur Hasanah (2013) entitled The translation of idiomatic expression
in Stephenie Meyers novels : Twilight and breaking down English into
Indonesian The result of this research showed that there are four types of
strategies used by the translator in translating idiomatic expression there
were using an idiom of similar meaning and similar form (SMF), using an
idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form (SMDF), translating by
paraphrasing, and translating by omission.

Then the researcher entitles this research Strategies

translation in Spongebob squarepants animated television

2. Research question
Based on the explanation above, the researcher confines the research
question as follows:
1. What type of strategy translation used in translating Spongebob
squarepants animated television series?
2. How that type is mostly applied in Spongebob squarepants animated
television series?

3. Research objective
Based on the research question above, the researcher has the following
1. To figure out of the type of strategies used in translating Spongebob
squarepants animated television series.
2. To find out the one right used in translating Spongebob squarepants
animated television series.

4. Significance of study
1. Theoretically, this research is hoped to be beneficial for readers and
students to enhance translation skill.
2. Practically, this research is hoped to be of the references for next
researcher to conduct similar research about translation.

5. Theoretical framework

In this research, the researcher will use Newmarks theory supported

by others theory about Translation.

Definition of translation
Newmark (1988:5) says, Translation is rendering the meaning

of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the
text. It means that Newmark defines that translation translation is
meaning transfer process from the source language into another
language without changing the intent of the author.
Levy (1993 in setiawan,2003:1) defined translation as a creative
process, which gives a freedom to the translator. In the other words
translation is a relatives process, which always leaves the translator
freedom of choice between several approximately equivalent
possibilities of realizing situational meaning.
Translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest
natural equivalence of the source language message, first in the terms
of meaning and secondly in terms of style (Nida, 1982:12). This
definition appearance impressible is free meaning of translation
Process of translation
Newmark (1988:4) states that translating procedure begin with
choosing a method of approach. There are two approaches to
1. Translating by sentence but not the whole text to get the feel and
the feeling tone of the text, review the position and then read the
rest of the text.

2. Read the text several time to find the intention, register, tone, mark
the difficult words and passages and translating it when you are
Procedure of translation
Newmark (1988) states that translation methods relate the whole
text, translation procedure are used for sentences and the smaller unit
of language. Those translation procedures are:

Transference, it is the process of transferring an source language (SL)

word to a target language (TL) text.

Naturalization, it is Adapts the source language (SL) word first to the
normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the target

language (TL).
Cultural equivalent, it is replacing a cultural word in the source
language (SL) with a target (TL) one. However, they are not

Functional equivalent, it is requires the use of a culture-neutral word.
Descriptive equivalent, this procedure is used when the source
language word is translated with explanation to target language (TL)

because the source language (SL) cannot be transferred as it is.

Componential analysis, it is Comparing an source language (SL) word
with a target language (TL) word which has a similar meaning but is
not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by demonstrating first their
common and then their differing sense components.

Synonymy, it is procedure is used for a source language (SL) word

where there is no clear one-to-one equivalent, and the word is not

important to the text, in particular for adjectives or adverb of quality.

Through-translation, it is the literal translation of common

collocations, names of organizations and components of compounds.

Transpositions, this procedure Involving a change in the grammar

from source language (SL) to target language (TL).

Modulation, it is the translator reproduces the message of the original
text in the target language (TL) text in conformity with the current
norms of the target language (TL), since the source language (SL) and
the target language (TL) may appear dissimilar in terms of

Recognized translation, this procedure is the translator normally uses
the official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional

Compensation, it is loss of meaning in one part of a sentence is

compensated in another part.

Paraphrase, this procedure is explanation is much more detailed than

that of descriptive equivalent.

Couplets, it is translator combines two different procedures.
Notes, it is additional information in a translation.
Strategies of translation
According to Newmark (1988) , translation methods relate to
whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the
smaller units of language(p.8 ). Seguinot (1989) believes that there are
at least three global strategies employed by the translators: (i)
translating without interruption for as long as possible; (ii) correcting

surface errors immediately; (iii) leaving the monitoring for qualitative

or stylistic errors in the text to the revision stage. Venuti (1998:240)
indicates that translation strategies involve the basic tasks of
choosing the foreign text to be translated and developing a method to
translate it.
Newmark explains the methods of translation as follows:
Word-for-word translation
The source language word order is preserved and the words translated
singly by their most common meanings, out of context.
Source language
I like that clever student

Target language
Saya menyukai itu siswa pintar

Literal translation

The source language grammatical constructions are converted to their

nearest target language equivalents, but the lexical words are again
translated singly, out of context.
Source language
Its raining cats and dogs.

Target language
Hujan kucing dan anjing.

Faithful translation

Produce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the

constraints of the target language grammatical structures.

Source language

Target language

He is a broker in Bursa Efek Dia seorang pialang di Bursa


Efek Jakarta.

Semantic translation

Only, in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of

the source language text.
Source language

Target language

He is a book worm

Dia seorang kutu buku


The freest form of translation, and is used mainly for plays (comedies)
and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the
source culture is converted to the target culture and the text is
Source language

Target language

Hey Jude , dont make it better

Kasih , dimanakah

Take a sad song and make it better

Mengapa kau tinggalkan aku

Remember to let her into your heart

Ingatlah-ingatlah kau padaku

Then you can start to make it better

Janji setiamu tak kan ku lupa

Free translation

Produces the target language text without the style, form, or content
of the original.
Source language

Target language

She is growing with happiness

Dia hatinya berbunga-bunga

Idiomatic translation

reproduces the message of the original but tends to distort nuances of

meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not
exist in the original.
Source language
Youre cheery mood

Target language
kamu keliatan ceria


Communicative translation

The exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that









comprehensible to the readership.

Source language

Target language

Beware of the dog!

Anjing itu galak !

6. Research Methodology
Research methodology begins with research method, source of data,
sample of data, technique of collecting data, and technique of analyzing data.
Research Method
In this research, the researcher will use a descriptive qualitative
methodology. Qualitative methodology is a method of inquiry
employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the
social sciences, but also in market research, in business, and other
contexts including service demonstrations by non-profits, according to
Creswell (2008:15) states:
Qualitative research is an inquiry process of understanding based
on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a
social or human problem. The research builds a complex, holistic


picture, analyzes words, reports detailed views of informants, and

conducted the study in natural setting.
Source of Data
The data of this research is taken from Spongebob squarepants script
which is retrieved from:

Sample of Data
Source language

1. Spongebob:Patrick,
wait for me!


Type of strategies
Literal translation


6.4. Technique of Collecting Data

In conducting the research, there are four steps in collecting data as
presented below:
1. Looking for the object (Television series Spongebob squarepants,
Original version and Indonesian dubbing version).
2. Watching some episodes.
3. Sorting out or marking the data needed in line with the research
4. Writing all chosen data that next will be analyzed.
6.5. Technique of Analyzing Data
In conducting the research, there are three steps in analyzing data as
presented below:
1. .Observing data.

2. Classifying the data based on the translation procedures.

3. Explaining the data thoroughly.
4. Analyzing the translation quality.

7. Organization of Writing
Chapter I

: Introduction, this chapter consists of background of study,


Chapter II

question, research objective, research significance,

and the organization of writing.

: Theoretical Foundation, this chapter serves some theories
about translation, and all about television series Spongebob

Chapter III

: Research methodology that contains research design, source
of data, sample of data, technique of collecting data, and

Chapter IV

technique of analyzing data.

: Finding and discussion which elaborates data analysis related
to the finding and further discussion the data that will be

Chapter V

presented in this part.

: Conclusion and suggestion. It includes the conclusion and
suggestion of data analysis related to the finding the data that
will be presented in this part.


8. References
Bordwell, Favid and Kristin Thompson. 1990. Film Art. USA: Mc Graw-Hill, Inc.
Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of TranslationI. London: Oxford
University Press.
Choliludin. (2007). The techniques of making idiomatic translation. Bekasi Timur:
Kesaint Blanc.
Creswell, J. W. (2008). Research Design (qualitative, quantitative and mixed
methods approaches).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Larson, Mildred L. 1998. Meaning Based Translation: A Gude to Cross-Language
Equivalence.(Second Edition). USA: University Press of America, Inc.
Newmark, Peter. (1988). A textbook of translating. London. Prentice
HaH International vUIO Ltd.
Nababan, M.R. 2003. Teori Menerjemah Bahasa Inggris. Yogyakarta :
Pustaka pelajar.
Nida, Eugene (1964). 2000. Principles of Correspondence dalam Lawerence Venuti
(Ed). TheTranslation Studies Reader, pp.126-147. New York: Routledge.
Nida, Eugene and Charles Taber. 1974. The Theory and Practice of Translation.
Leiden: E.J.Brill.
Wikipedia Nickledeon Spongebob Sqarepants scripts :
Retrieved on October, 23rd 2015 at 10.42 p.m.


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