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History of Chinese Education:

- Ideological and Moral
- Language
- Vocational and Domestic
- Civic Education
- Military Education
Modes of Instruction
- Confucian Method: outdoor teaching
- Direct and Exact Imitation: writing
- Memorization: backing the book
Ancient Period: An Education System for
the elites
Shang Dynasty
A distinctive way of writing found in
oracle bones (cattle bones)
Zhou Dynasty
The Six Arts formed the basis
of education in ancient Chinese culture
during the Zhou Dynasty (1122256 BCE),
students were required to master the
following: Rites ,Music, Archery, Chariot,
Calligraphy and Mathematics. Men who
excelled in these six arts were thought to
have reached the state of perfection,
a perfect gentleman.
Hundred Schools of Thought: Age of
Philosophy and Teachings

Confucius (Kong Fu Zhi):

o The Analects
o The Golden Rule
o ideal social and political order
o Junzi
o "Provide education for all people
without discrimination"
o "Teach according to the student's

Mencius (Meng Zi)

o a Confucian disciple
o Man was by nature good.
o "Mandate of heaven."

Xun Zi
o Man is innately selfish and evil
and that goodness is attainable
only through education and
conduct befitting one's status.
o Legalism

Lao Zi (or Old Master)

o said to predate Confucius
o Taoism

Mo Zi
o "all men are equal before God"
o He regarded warfare as wasteful
and advocated pacifism


Han Era
- Confucianism was the main
educational Doctrine
- Taixue- Imperial School: 30,000
students, 240 buildings and 7000
- Goizijan schools for the sons of the
- Art schools and Military schools were
set up.
The Imperial Examination
- The imperial examination was a civil
service examination system in Imperial
China to select candidates for the
state bureaucracy.
- Remained from Han Dynasty to Qing
- Abolished in 1905 since it is about the
four books and five classics, not
industrial entities
The Invention of Paper and Movable Type
- First evidence of paper came from
- Chinese Academic Materials are made
using movable type, but it is limited
and expensive
- Helped keeping record of the history
and knowledge perpetuation.
Qing Dynasty
- Academies were rampant
- Students are not required to pay for
tuition fees and stipends are given for
excellent students
- More on research rather than lectures
- After the Opium Wars- self
strengthening Period, famous
Universities were formed
o Tong Wen Guan: School of
combined learning

Peking University (Imperial

University of Peking) Japanese
influenced Curriculum

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