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Musicalmente, el rock se ha centrado en la guitarra elctrica, normalmente como parte de un

grupo de rock con cantante, bajo,batera y, algunas veces, instrumentos de teclado como
el rgano y el piano. Tpicamente, el rock es una msica centrada en lascanciones,
habitualmente con comps de 4/4 y usando una estructura verso estribillo, pero el gnero
se ha vuelto extremadamente diverso y las caractersticas musicales comunes son difciles de
definir. Como la msica pop, las letras se centran a menudo en el amor romntico, pero
tambin tratan un rango amplio de otros temas con un enfoque frecuente en lo social y lo

Musically, rock has centered on electric guitar, usually as part of a rock band
with singer, bass, drums and sometimes keyboard instruments such as the
organ and piano. Typically, rock is focused on the songs, usually with 4/4 and
music using a verse structure - chorus, but the genre has become extremely
diverse and common musical characteristics are difficult to define. As pop
music, the lyrics often focus on romantic love but also address a wide range of
other issues with a common approach to social and political.
El rap es un genero musical desarrollado en Norteamrica, pero mas desarrollado a finales de
la dcada de los 60 entre la comunidad afroamericana de los Estados Unidos. En
la cultura hip hop (surgida en el South Bronx de Nueva York a mitad de los 70s) es uno de sus
cuatro pilares fundamentales, llamado hip hop. Podra confundirse con el spoken word, pero el
rap se declama al comps del ritmo musical (pulso), en ingls, beat. Los intrpretes de rap son
conocidos como MC, "Maestros de Ceremonias". Se ha aplicado el retroacrnimo RAP,
de Rhythm and poetry (ritmo y poesa) y R. A. P. Revolucin Artistica Popular.

Rap is a music genre developed in North America, but more developed in the
late 60s in the African American community in the United States. In hip hop
culture (which originated in the South Bronx of New York in the mid-70s) is one
of its four pillars, called hip hop. It could be confused with the spoken word, but
recites rap to the beat of musical rhythm (pulse) in English beat. Rap
performers are known as MC, "Toastmasters".It applied the backronym rap,
rhythm and poetry (rhythm and poetry) and RAP Artistica Popular Revolution.
El Hip hop1 es un movimiento artstico y cultural compuesto por un amplio conglomerado
de formas artsticas, originadas dentro de una subcultura marginal en el Sur del
Bronx y Harlem, en la ciudad de Nueva York, entre jvenes latinos yafroamericanos durante la
dcada de 1970. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Se caracteriza por cuatro elementos, los cuales representan las
diferentes manifestaciones de la cultura: Rap (Oral: recitar o cantar), Turntablism o " DJing "
(Auditiva o musical),Breaking (Fsico: baile) y Graffiti (visual: pintura). A pesar de sus
variados y contrastados mtodos de ejecucin, se asocian fcilmente con la pobreza y la
violencia que subyace al contexto histrico que di nacimiento a la subcultura. Para este grupo
de jvenes, ofrece una salida reaccionaria a las desigualdades y penurias que se vivan en las
reas urbanas de escasos recursos de Nueva York, as que el "Hip Hop" funcion
inicialmente, como una forma de auto-expresin que propondra reflexionar, proclamar una
alternativa, tratar de desafiar o simplemente evocar el estado de las circunstancias de dicho
entorno, favoreciendo su desarrollo artstico. Incluso mientras contina la historia
contempornea, a nivel mundial, hay un florecimiento de diversos estilos en cada uno de los

cuatro elementos, adaptndose a los nuevos contextos en los que se ha inmerso el Hip Hop,
sin desligarse de los principios fundamentales, los cuales proporcionan estabilidad y
coherencia a la cultura.

Hip hop1 is an artistic and cultural movement composed of a large

conglomerate of artistic forms originated in a marginal subculture in the South
Bronx and Harlem in New York City, among young Latinos and African
Americans during the 1970s. 2 3 4 5 6 7 is characterized by four elements,
which represent different manifestations of culture: Rap (Oral: recite or sing),
Turntablism or "DJing" (auditory or musical), Breaking (Build: dance) and Graffiti
(visual: painting). Despite their varied and contrasting methods of
implementation, they are easily associated with poverty and violence that
underlies the historical context that gave rise to the subculture. For this group
of young people, it is offering a reactionary outcome inequalities and hardships
that living in urban poor areas of New York, so the "Hip Hop" initially functioned
as a form of self-expression that propose reflecting, proclaim an alternative, try
to challenge or simply evoke the state of the circumstances of the
environment, promoting their artistic development. Even while continuing to
contemporary history, globally, there is a flowering of different styles in each of
the four elements, adapting to new contexts in which it has been immersed Hip
Hop, without taking away from the fundamental principles, which provide
stability and consistency to the culture.
La msica pop (del ingls pop music, contraccin de popular music) es un gnero de msica
popular que tuvo su origen a finales de los aos 1950 como una derivacin del rock and roll,
en combinacin con otros gneros musicales que estaban en moda en aquel momento. 1 2 Los
trminos msica pop y msica popular se usan a menudo de manera indistinta, aunque el
segundo tiene un sentido ms amplio al dar cabida a otros gneros distintos del pop que se
consideren populares.
Como gnero, la msica pop es muy eclctica, tomando prestados a menudo elementos de
otros estilos como el dance, elrock, la msica latina, el rhythm and blues o el folk. Con todo,
hay elementos esenciales que definen al pop, como son las canciones de corta a media
duracin, escritas en un formato bsico (a menudo la estructura estrofa-estribillo), as como el
uso habitual de estribillos repetidos y de temas meldicos y pegadizos. La instrumentacin se
compone habitualmente debatera, bajo, guitarra elctrica, voz, teclados, etc.3

Pop music (English pop music, popular music contraction) is a genre of popular
music that originated in the late 1950s as an outgrowth of rock and roll, in
combination with other musical genres that were in vogue at the time.1 2
terms pop music and popular music are often used interchangeably, although
the latter has a wider to accommodate other non-pop genres considered
popular sense.

As a genre, pop music is very eclectic, often borrowing elements from other
styles like dance, rock, Latin music, rhythm and blues and folk. However, there
are essential elements that define pop songs such as short to medium term,
written in a basic format (often the verse-chorus structure) and the routine use
of repeated choruses and catchy melodic themes and . The instrumentation is
usually composed of drums, bass, electric guitar, vocals, keyboards, etc. 3
La balada es una forma de expresar el canto cortesano del final de la Edad Media en Europa,
que aparece en el siglo XIV. La poesa es disociada de la msica, pero la musicalidad es
creada en la escritura misma del poema. En efecto, la balada tiene la particularidad de repetir
un mismo verso, estribillo, al final de cada tres estrofas. Est constituida por octoslabas y
las rimas estn cruzadas. Como regla, la balada medieval empieza siempre con la
palabra Prncipe. Aunque no hay que confundir la balada romntica (poesa) y la balada que
veremos ahora.
A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX se desarroll la balada romntica
latinoamericana como estilo musical con identidad propia.

The ballad is a form of expressing the court singing the end of the Middle Ages
in Europe, on the fourteenth century. Poetry is dissociated of music, but the
music is created in the same poem writing. Indeed, the ballad has the
distinction of repeating the same verse, chorus, at the end of three stanzas. It
consists of octosyllabic and Rhymes are crossed. As a rule, the medieval ballad
always begins with the word Prince. Although we must not confuse the
romantic ballad (poetry) and the ballad we will see now.

From the second half of the twentieth century Latin American romantic ballad
style and musical identity developed.

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