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(133) Augustin R and TCG Bosch (2016) Revisiting the cutaneous epithelium: insights from a
nontraditional model system. Aktuelle Dermatologie, in press
(132) Gilbert SF, TCG Bosch, C Ledn-Rettig (2015) Eco-Evo-Devo: developmental symbiosis and
developmental plasticity as evolutionary agents. Nature Reviews Genetic, 16(10):611-22
(131) Schwentner M and TCG Bosch (2015) Revisiting the age, evolutionary history and species level
diversity of the genus Hydra (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 91:41-55
(130) Li X-Y, C Pietschke, S Fraune, PM Altrock, TCG Bosch and A Traulsen (2015) Which games are
growing bacterial populations playing? J. Royal Society Interface, 12(108):20150121.
(129) Bosch TCG, JA Grasis & T Lachnit (2015) Microbial ecology in Hydra: Why viruses matter. J
Microbiol 53(3):193-200.
(128) Fraune S, F Anton-Erxleben, R Augustin, S Franzenburg, M Knop, Katja Schrder, D WilloweitOhl, and TCG Bosch (2014) Bacteria-bacteria interactions within the microbiota of the ancestral
metazoan Hydra contribute to fungal resistance. ISME J, Dec 16. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2014.239.
(127) Grasis J, T Lachnit, F Anton-Erxleben, YW Lim, R Schmieder, S Fraune, S Franzenburg, S Insua,
GM Machado, M Haynes, M Little, R Kimble, P Rosenstiel, FL Rohwer, and TCG Bosch (2014) SpeciesSpecific Viromes in the Ancestral Holobiont Hydra. PLoS ONE 9(10):e109952.
(126) Bosch TCG, M Adamska, R Augustin, T Domazet-Loso, S Foret, S Fraune, N Funayama, J Grasis,
M Hamada, M Hatta, B Hobmayer, K Kawai, A Klimovich, M Manuel, C Shinzato, U Technau, S Yum,
and DJ Miller (2014). How do environmental factors influence life cycles and development? An
experimental framework for early-diverging metazoans. BioEssays, 36(12):1185-94
(125) Bosch TCG (2014) Rethinking the role of immunity: lessons from Hydra. Trends in Immunology,
Volume 35, Issue 10, Pages 495502. This article was downloaded or viewed 1187 times within the
first 12 month since publication.
(124) Domazet-Loo T, A Klimovich, B Anokhin, F Anton-Erxleben, M Hamm, C Lange, and TCG Bosch
(2014) Naturally occurring tumors in the basal metazoan Hydra. Nature Communications 5:4222.
(123) Gehrke S, B Brueckner, A Schepky, J Klein, A Iwen, TCG Bosch, H Wenck, M Winnefeld, S
Hagemann (2013) Epigenetic Regulation of Depot-Specific Gene Expression in Adipose Tissue. PLoS
ONE 8(12): e82516. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082516
(122) Fuchs B, W Wang, S Graspeuntner, Y Li, S Insua, EM Herbst, P Dirksen, AM Bhm, G Hemmrich,
F Sommer, T Domazet-Loso, U Klostermeier, F Anton-Erxleben, P Rosenstiel, TCG Bosch, and K
Khalturin (2014) Regulation of polyp to jellyfish transition in Aurelia aurita. Current Biology 24:1-11.
Cover story. Covered in Science Jan 16 2014 as ScienceShot: The Transformation of a Jellyfish. Highlighted as
Dispatch in Current Biology 17 February, 2014 Volume 24, Issue 4 pR159 Life-History Evolution: At
the Origins of Metamorphosis by TW Holstein & V Laudet . One page cover in Biologie in unserer
Zeit 1/2014 (44), p 6

Evaluated by Faculty of 1000

(121) Franzenburg S, J Walter, S Knzel, JF Baines, TCG Bosch, S Fraune (2013) Distinct antimicrobial
tissue activity shapes host species-specific bacterial associations. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,
(120) Boehm AM, P Rosenstiel, and TCG Bosch (2013) Stem cells and aging from a quasi-immortal
point of view. BioEssays Vol 35, Issue 11, 35(11):994-1003
(119) Bosch Thomas C.G. (2013) Cnidarian-Microbe Interactions and the Origin of Innate Immunity in
Metazoans. Ann Rev Microbiol Vol 67, 67:499-518 . Article was recommended in April 2014 on

(118) McFall-Ngai M, M Hadfield, T Bosch, H Carey, T Domazet-Loso, A Douglas, N Dubilier, G Eberl, T

Fukami, S Gilbert, U Hentschel, N King, S Kjelleberg, A Knoll, N Kremer, S Mazmanian, J Metcalf, K
Nealson, N Pierce, J Rawls, A Reid, E Ruby, M Rumpho, J Sanders, D Tautz, and J Wernegreen (2013).
Animals in a bacterial world, a new imperative for the life sciences. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
(117) Franzenburg S, S Fraune, P. M. Altrock, S. Knzel, J. F. Baines, A. Traulsen, T.C.G. Bosch (2013)
Bacterial colonization of Hydra hatchlings follows a robust temporal pattern. ISME J. 7(4):781-90. The
article has been selected for Faculty 1000 - F1000Prime. It was recommended as being of special significance in
its field.

116) Nebel A, Bosch TCG (2012) Evolution of human longevity: lessons from Hydra (Invited Editorial).
Aging 4(11):730-731.
(115) Boehm AM, G Hemmrich, K Khalturin, M Puchert, F Anton-Erxleben, J Wittlieb, UC
Klostermeier, P Rosenstiel, H-H Oberg, and TCG Bosch (2012) FoxO is a critical regulator of stem cell
maintenance and immortality in Hydra. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109(48):19697-702.
(114) Franzenburg S, Fraune S, Knzel S, Baines JF, Domazet-Loso T, Bosch TCG (2012) MyD88deficient Hydra reveal an ancient function of TLR signaling in sensing bacterial colonizers. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 109 (47): 19374-9. The article has been selected for Faculty 1000 - F1000Prime. It was
recommended as being of special significance in its field.

(113) Bosch TCG (2012) Bakterien eher Partner als Feinde; das Immunsystem im Metaorganismus.
Biologie in unserer Zeit. Volume 42, Issue 5, pages 302309, Oktober 2012
(112) Fraune J, M Alsheimer, J-N Volff, K Busch, S Fraune, TCG Bosch, R Benavente (2012). Hydra
meiosis reveals unexpected conservation of structural synaptonemal complex proteins across
metazoans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109 (41) 16588-16593.
(111) Bosch TCG (2012) "Rethinking the origin of multicellularity: Where do epithelia come from?
(Comment on DOI 10.1002/bies.201100187)". BioEssays 34(10):826-7
(110) Bosch TCG (2012) What Hydra has to say about the role and origin of symbiotic interactions.
The Biological Bulletin 223: 78-84
(109) Bosch TCG (2012) Understanding complex host-microbe interactions in Hydra. Gut Microbes,
Jul 1;3(4).

(108) Sommer F, S Awazu, F Anton-Erxleben, D Jiang, AV Klimovich, BV Klimovich, MP Samoilovich, Y
Satou, M Kruss, C Gelhaus, U Kurn, TCG Bosch and K Khalturin (2012) Blood system formation in the
urochordate Ciona intestinalis requires the variable receptor vCRL1. Mol. Biol. Evol., 29(10):3081-93.
(107) Boehm AM and TCG Bosch (2012) Migration of multipotent interstitial stem cells in Hydra.
Zoology, 115(5):275-82
(106) Brnneke S, B Brckner, N Peters, TCG Bosch, F Stb, H Wenck, S Hagemann, and M Winnefeld
(2012) DNA methylation regulates lineage-specifying genes in the human vascular system.
Angiogenesis 15 (2) 317-329
(105) Hemmrich G, K Khalturin, AM Boehm, M Puchert, F Anton-Erxleben, J Wittlieb, UC
Klostermeier, P Rosenstiel, HH Oberg, T Domazet-Loo, T Sugimoto, H Niwa, and TCG Bosch (2012)
Molecular signatures of the three stem cell lineages in Hydra and the emergence of stem cell
function at the base of multicellularity. Mol. Biol. Evol., 29(11):3267-80.
(104) Fraune Sebastian, Sren Franzenburg, Ren Augustin und Thomas C. G. Bosch (2011) Das
Prinzip Metaorganismus. BIOSPEKTRUM Volume 17, Number 6, 634-636, DOI: 10.1007/s12268-0110101-8
(103) Bosch TCG and M McFall-Ngai (2011) Metaorganisms as the new frontier. Zoology 114(4):1859
(102) Augustin R, Bosch TC Cnidarian immunity: a tale of two barriers. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2011;708:116.
(101) Fraune Sebastian, Ren Augustin, Thomas C.G. Bosch (2011) Embryo protection in
contemporary immunology: Why bacteria matter. Commun Integr Biol 4(4):369-72.
(100) Lange C, G Hemmrich, U. C. Klostermeier, J. A. Lopez-Quintero, D. J. Miller, T. Rahn, Y. Weiss,
T.C.G. Bosch, and P. Rosenstiel (2011) Defining the Origins of the NOD-Like Receptor System at the
Base of Animal Evolution. Mol Biol Evol 28: 1687-1702.
(99) Anokhin B., G. Hemmrich-Stanisak , T.C.G. Bosch (2010) Karyotyping and single-gene detection
using fluorescence in situ hybridization on chromosomes of Hydra magnipapillata (Cnidaria).
Comparative Cytogenetics 4(2),
(98) Fraune S, Augustin R, Anton-Erxleben F, Gelhaus C, Klimovich VB, Samoilovich MP, Bosch TCG
(2010) In an early branching metazoan, bacterial colonization of the embryo is controlled by maternal
antimicrobial peptides. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 107,18067-18072 . Featured as Research Highlights
in Nature Immunology (2010) 11, 1083

(97) Hwang JS, Takaku Y, Momose T, Adamczyk P, zbek S, Ikeo K, Khalturin K, Hemmrich G, Bosch
TC, Holstein TW, David CN, Gojobori T. (2010) Nematogalectin, a nematocyst protein with GlyXY and
Galectin domains, demonstrates nematocyte-specific alternative splicing in Hydra. Proc Natl Acad Sci
U S A 107(43):18539-44.
(96) Foret S, F Seneca, D de Jong, A Bieller, G Hemmrich, R Augustin, DC Hayward, EE Ball, TCG Bosch,
K Agata, M Hassel, and DJ Miller (2010) Phylogenomics reveals an anomalous distribution of USP
genes in metazoans. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28(1) 153-161.

(95) Augustin R and Bosch TCG (2010) Cnidarian Immunity: A Tale of Two Barriers. In: Invertebrate
Immunity. K. Sderhll (ed.). Adv Exp Med Biol. 708:1-16
(94) Fraune S and TCG Bosch (2010) Why bacteria matter in animal development and evolution.
Bioessays 32: 571580
(93) Bosch TCG, Anton-Erxleben F, Hemmrich G, Khalturin K (2010) The Hydra polyp: Nothing but an
active stem cell community. Review. Dev Growth Differ. 52(1): 15-25
(92) Gee L, Hartig J, Law L, Wittlieb J, Khalturin K, Bosch TC, Bode HR (2010) Beta-catenin plays a
central role in setting up the head organizer in hydra. Dev Biol. 340(1):116-124.
(91) Chapman JA , EF Kirkness, O Simakov, K Khalturin, G Hemmrich, A Franke, R Augustin,S Fraune,
JC Venter, U Technau, B Hobmayer, TCG Bosch, TW Holstein, T Fujisawa, HR Bode, CN David, DS
Rokhsar, RE Steele (2010) The dynamic genome of Hydra. Nature 464 (7288): 592-596
(90) Augustin R, S Fraune, TCG Bosch (2010) How Hydra senses and destroys microbes. Seminars in
Immunology, 22(1):54-8.
(89) Wittlieb J, K Khalturin, TCG Bosch (2010) Transgene Hydra als vielseitiges Modellsystem in
EvoDevo. Biospektrum 10/2, 186-188. This article was subsequently also included in textbook
Zellbiologie und Mikrobiologie, Springer Spektrum-Buchpublikation ( Ed. Dieter Jahn), 2012.
(88) Augustin R, F Anton-Erxleben, S Jungnickel, G Hemmrich, B Spudy, Rainer Podschun, and TCG
Bosch (2009) Activity of novel peptide Arminin against multiresistant human pathogens shows
considerable potential of phylogenetically ancient organisms as drug source. Antimicrobial Agents
and Chemotherapy 53(12):5245-50
(87) Fraune S, R Augustin, and TCG Bosch (2009) Exploring host-microbe interactions in hydra.
Microbe 4(10), 457-462. Featured article. Microbe is The News Magazine of the American Society for
Microbiology (40.000 members)

(86) Khalturin K, G Hemmrich, S Fraune, R Augustin, and TCG Bosch (2009) More than just orphans:
are taxonomically restricted genes important in evolution? Trends in Genetics, 25(9):404-413
(85) Fraune S, Y Abe, and TCG Bosch (2009) Disturbing epithelial homeostasis in the metazoan Hydra
leads to drastic changes in associated microbiota. Environ Microbiol., 11(9):2361-9.
(84) Bosch TCG (2009) Evolutionres Vermchtnis: Stammzellen in Hydra. Biologie In Unserer Zeit
2/2009 (39), 114 122.
(83) Rosenstiel P, E Philipp, S Schreiber and TCG Bosch (2009) Evolution and Function of Innate
Immune Receptors Insights from Marine Invertebrates. J Innate Immun 1:291-300
(82) Wurmb-Schwark N, A Preusse-Prange, A Heinrich, E Simeoni, T Bosch, T Schwark (2009) A new
multiplex-PCR comprising autosomal and y-specific STRs and mitochondrial DNA to analyze highly
degraded material. Forensic Science International: Genetics 3, 96103
(81) Bosch TCG (2009) Evolutionre Entwicklungsbiologie Schlssel zum Verstndnis der Entstehung
der Arten. In Christina Albertina Forschungen und Berichte aus der Christian Albrechts Universitt zu
Kiel, Heft 68, ISSN. Wachholtz Verlag.

(80) Bosch Thomas C. G. (2009) Hydra and the evolution of stem cells. BioEssays 31:478486. Article
was classified as highly cited and according to Baishideng Publishing Group Co. (2013) in the world's top one
percent of papers.

(79) Takahashi T, Koizumi O, Hayakawa E, Minobe S, Suetsugu R, Kobayakawa Y, Bosch TC, David CN,
Fujisawa T. (2009) Further characterization of the PW peptide family that inhibits neuron
differentiation in Hydra. Dev Genes Evol 219:119129
(78) Augustin R, S Siebert, and TCG Bosch (2009) Identification of a kazal-type serine protease
inhibitor with potent anti-staphylococcal activity as part of Hydras innate immune system. Dev
Comp Immunol., 33(7), 830-837
(77) Milde S, G Hemmrich, F Anton-Erxleben, K Khalturin, J Wittlieb, and TCG Bosch (2009)
Characterization of taxonomically-restricted genes in a phylum-restricted cell type. Characterization
of taxonomically restricted genes in a phylum-restricted cell type. Genome Biol. 10(1):R8.
(76) Jung S, AJ Dingley, R Augustin, F Anton-Erxleben, M Stanisak, C Gelhaus, T Gutsmann, MU
Hammer, R Podschun, M Leippe, TCG Bosch and J Grtzinger (2009) Hydramacin-1: Structure and
antibacterial activity of a protein from the basal metazoan hydra. J Biol Chem, 284(3):1896-905.
(75) Bosch TCG, R Augustin, F Anton-Erxleben, S Fraune, G Hemmrich, H Zill, P Rosenstiel, G Jacobs, S
Schreiber, M Leippe, M Stanisak, J Grtzinger, S Jung, R Podschun, J Bartels, J Harder, J-M Schrder .
Uncovering the Evolutionary History of Innate Immunity: the Simple Metazoan Hydra Uses Epithelial
Cells for Host Defence. Dev Comp Immunol. 33 (2009) 559569 . Was classified (2013) of one of the most
cited papers ever published in DCI.

(74) Anton-Erxleben F, A Thomas, J Wittlieb, S Fraune, and TCG Bosch (2008) Plasticity of epithelial
cell shape in response to upstream signals: a whole-organism study using transgenic Hydra. Zoology,
112(3): 185-194
(73) Khalturin K, F Anton-Erxleben, S Sassmann, J Wittlieb, G Hemmrich, and TCG Bosch (2008) A
novel gene family controls species-specific morphological traits in Hydra. PLoS Biology 6(11): e278.
doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060278. Featured as Research Highlights in Nature Reviews Genetics January
2009 Volume 10 Number 1

(72) Schwarz RS, TCG Bosch, LF Cadavid (2008) Evolution of polydom-like molecules: Identification
and characterization of cnidarianpolydom (cnpolydom) in the basal metazoan Hydractinia. Dev Comp
Immunol. 32(10):1192-210
(71) Siebert S, F Anton-Erxleben, TCG Bosch (2008) Cell type complexity in the basal metazoan Hydra
is maintained by both stem cell based mechanisms and transdifferentiation. Developmental Biology
313, 13-24,
(70) Hemmrich Georg and Thomas C. G. Bosch (2008) Compagen, a comparative genomics platform
for early branching animals, reveals early origins of genes regulating stem cell differentiation.
BioEssay, 30(10):1010-8
(69) Georg Hemmrich, David J Miller and Thomas CG Bosch (2007) The evolution of immunity - A low
life perspective. Trends in Immunology 28, 449-454

(68) Fraune S, Bosch TCG (2007) Long-term maintenance of species-specific bacterial microbiota in
the basal metazoan Hydra. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104(32):13146-51.
(67) Khalturin K, F Anton-Exleben, S Milde, C Pltz, J Wittlieb, G Hemmrich, and TCG Bosch (2007)
Transgenic stem cells in Hydra reveal an early evolutionary origin for key elements controlling selfrenewal and differentiation. Developmental Biology, 309 (1), 32-44.
(66) Krn U, F Sommer, TCG Bosch, K Khalturin (2007) In the urochordate Ciona intestinalis zona
pellucida domain proteins vary between individuals. Dev Comp Immunology, 2007 31(12), 1242-1254
(65) Miller DJ, G Hemmrich, E E Ball, D C Hayward, K Khalturin, N Funayama, K Agata, and TCG Bosch
(2007) The innate immune repertoire in Cnidaria - ancestral complexity and stochastic gene loss .
Genome Biology 8(4): R59 Article was identified and qualified as Highly accessed immediately after
puiblication. A figure was included (10/2009) in the BioMed Central's Biology Image Library

(64) Bosch TCG (2007) Why polyps regenerate and we dont: towards a cellular and molecular
framework for Hydra regeneration. Developmental Biology 303 (2):421-433.
(63) Khalturin K and TCG Bosch (2007) Self / nonself discrimination at the basis of chordate evolution:
limits on molecular conservation. Curr Opinion in Immunology, 19 (1): 4-9
(62) Bosch, T.C.G. (2007) Symmetry breaking in stem cells of the basal metazoan Hydra. Prog. Mol.
Subcell. Biol. 45:61-78.
(61) Hemmrich G, B Anokhin, H Zacharias, TCG Bosch (2007) Molecular phylogenetics in Hydra, a
classical model in evolutionary developmental biology. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44,
(60) Krn Ulrich, Felix Sommer, Georg Hemmrich, Thomas C.G. Bosch, and Konstantin Khalturin
(2007) Allorecognition in urochordates: identification of a highly variable complement receptor-like
protein expressed in follicle cells of Ciona. Dev. Comp. Immun., 31(4). 360-371
(59) Augustin R, A Franke, K Khalturin, R Kiko, S Siebert, G Hemmrich & TCG Bosch (2006) Dickkopf
related genes are components of the positional value gradient in Hydra. Developmental Biology 296:
(58) Wittlieb J, K Khalturin, J Lohmann, F Anton-Erxleben, and TCG Bosch (2006) Transgenic Hydra
allow in vivo tracking of individual stem cells during morphogenesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 103:
6208-6211. This article was highlighted in PNAS by comment Trembley's polyps go transgenic Proc Natl
Acad Sci U S A. 2006 103(17):6415-6.

(57) Thomsen S and TCG Bosch (2006) Foot differentiation and genomic plasticity in Hydra: lessons
from the PPOD gene family. Dev. Genes and Evol. 216(2):57-68
(56) Genikhovich G, U Krn , G Hemmrich and TCG Bosch (2005) Discovery of genes expressed in
Hydra embryogenesis. Developmental Biology 289(2): 466-81
(55) Siebert, S., Thomsen, S., Reimer, M.M., Bosch, T.C.G. (2005) Control of foot differentiation in
Hydra: phylogenetic footprinting indicates interaction of head, bud and foot patterning systems.
Mech Development, 122, 998-1007

(54) Habetha Matthias and Thomas C. G. Bosch (2005) Symbiotic Hydra express a plant-like
peroxidase gene during oogenesis. J Exp. Biol., 208, 2157-2164.
(53) Khalturin Konstantin, Ulrich Krn, Nicole Pinnow and Thomas C.G. Bosch (2005) Towards a
molecular code for individuality in the absence of MHC: screening for individually variable genes in
the urochordate Ciona intestinalis. Dev. Comp. Immunology, 29(9) 759-773
(52) Zacharias H, B Anokhin, K Khalturin and TCG Bosch (2004) Genome sizes and chromosomes in
the basal metazoan Hydra. Zoology,107: 219-227
(51) Fedders H, R Augustin, and TCG Bosch (2004) A Dickkopf-3 related gene is expressed in
differentiating nematocytes in the basal metazoan Hydra. Development Genes and Evolution, 214,
(50) Thomsen S., A. Till, C. Beetz, J. Wittlieb, K. Khalturin, and TCG. Bosch (2004) Control of foot
differentiation in Hydra: in vitro evidence that the NK-2 homeobox factor CnNK-2 autoregulates its
own expression and uses pedibin as target gene. Mechanisms of Development, 121, 195-204
(49) Bosch TCG (2004) Control of asymmetric cell divisions: will cnidarians provide an answer?
BioEssays 26 (9) 929-931
(48) Khalturin K, Z Pancer, MD Cooper, and TC G Bosch (2004) Recognition strategies in the innate
immune system of ancestral chordates. Molecular Immunology 41, 1077-1087
(47) Frbius AC, G Genikhovich, U Krn, F Anton-Erxleben, and TCG Bosch (2003) Expression of
developmental genes during early embryogenesis of Hydra. Development Genes and Evolution 213:
(46) Kuznetsov SG and TCG Bosch (2003) Self/nonself recognition in Cnidaria: contact to allogeneic
tissue does not result in elimination of nonself cells in Hydra vulgaris. Zoology 106, 109-116
(45) Habetha M, F Anton-Erxleben, K Neumann & TCG Bosch (2003) The Hydra viridis / Chlorella
symbiosis. (I) Growth and sexual differentiation in polyps without symbionts. Zoology, 106, 101-108
(44) Khalturin K, M Becker, B Rinkevich and TCG Bosch (2003) Urochordates and the origin of natural
killer cells: identification of a CD94 / NKR-P1 related receptor in blood cells of Botryllus. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 622-627 Comments in Science (2003) 299, 784; J Cell Biol. (2003)160, 286; ZEIT, National
Geographic u.a.

(43) Bosch TCG (2003): Ancient signals: peptides and the interpretation of positional information in
ancestral metazoans. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 136, 185196
(42) Kasahara S and TCG Bosch (2003) Enhanced antibacterial activity in Hydra polyps lacking nerve
cells. Developmental & Comparative Immunology 27, 79-166
(41) Kuznetsov SG, F Anton-Erxleben and TCG Bosch (2002) Epithelial interactions in Hydra:
apoptosis in interspecies grafts is induced by detachment from the extracellular matrix. J Exp. Biol.,
205(24) 3809-3817

(40) Bosch TCG and K Khalturin (2002) Patterning and cell differentiation in Hydra: novel genes and
the limits to conservation. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80, 1670-1677
(39) Bosch TCG, R Augustin, K Gellner, K Khalturin and JU Lohmann (2002) In vivo electroporation for
genetic manipulations of whole Hydra polyps. Differentiation, 70, 140-147
(38) Kuznetsov S, M Lyanguzowa and TCG Bosch (2001) Role of epithelial cells and programmed cell
death in Hydra spermatogenesis. Zoology, 104 (1), 25-31 Fig. 1 of this paper was included in "Evolution of
spermatogenesis" in the book "Sperm Evolution" by Helen White-Cooper, Dept of Zoology, University of Oxford.

(37) Bosch TCG (2001): Neue Tricks von alten Tieren: wie bildet Hydra einen Kopf ? BIOforum, 12/2001, 57-59.
(36) Bosch TCG and T Fujisawa (2001) Polyps, peptides and patterning. BioEssays 23(5) 420-427
(35) Cardenas M, Y Fabila, S Yum, J Cerbon, F Bhmer, R Wetzker, T Fujisawa, TCG Bosch, and LM
Salgado (2000) Selective protein kinase inhibitors block head-specific differentiation in hydra. Cellular
Signalling 12, 649-658.
(34) Lohmann Jan U. and TCG Bosch (2000) The novel peptide HEADY specifies apical fate in a simple,
radially symmetric metazoan. Genes and Development, 14 (21) 2771-2777. Comments in Nature
Reviews Genetics (2000) 1: 16; Scientific American Online, The Scientist (2000) 14(23): 24; Bild der
Wissenschaft, u.a.

(33) Venturelli CR., S Kuznetsov, LM. Salgado, TCG Bosch (2000) An IQGAP-related gene is activated
during tentacle formation in the simple metazoan Hydra. Dev Gene Evol 210 (2000) 8/9, 458-463.
(32) Takahashi T, O Koizumi, Y Ariura, A Romanovitch, TCG Bosch, Y Kobayakawa, S Mohri, HR Bode,
S Yum, M Hatta and T Fujisawa (2000) A novel neuropeptide, Hym-355, positively regulates neuron
differentiation in Hydra. Development, 127 (5): 997-1005.
(31) Lohmann Jan U., Ingrid Endl, and TCG Bosch (1999) Silencing of developmental genes in Hydra.
Developmental Biology, 214: 211-214.
(30) Kumpfmller G, V Rybakine, T Takahashi, T Fujisawa and TCG Bosch (1999) Identification of an
astacin matrix metalloprotease as target gene for Hydra foot activator peptides. Development, Genes
and Evolution, 209, 601-607.
(29) Endl I, J Lohmann and TCG Bosch (1999) Head specific gene expression in Hydra: Complexity of
DNA /protein interactions at the promoter of ks1 is inversely correlated to the head activation
potential. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 1445-1450.
(28) Tom M, J Douek, I Yankelevich, TCG Bosch, and B Rinkevich (1999) Molecular characterization of
the first heat shock protein 70 from a reef coral. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 262, 103-108
(27) Bosch TCG (1999): Neue Wege in der Genanalyse. Laborpraxis 10, 20-22.
(26) Reinhardt B, U Frank, K Gellner, JU Lohmann, and TCG Bosch (1999) High-resolution,
fluorescence-based differential display on a DNA sequencer followed by band excision.
BioTechniques, 27 (2) 268-270.

(25) Darmer D, F Hauser, HP Nothacker, TCG Bosch , M Williamson and CIP Grimmelikhuijzen (1998).
Three different prohormones yield a variety of Hydra-RFamide (Arg-Phe-NH2) neuropeptides in
Hydra magnipapillata. Biochemical Journal 332, 403-412.
(24) Bals R, U Welsch, and TCG Bosch (1998) Molecular characterization of serous and mucous gland
cells of the porcine airways. American Journal Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 18(4), 548-55
(23) Brennecke T, K Gellner, and TCG Bosch (1998) The lack of a stress response in Hydra oligactis is
due to reduced hsp70 mRNA stability. Eur. J. Biochem. 255, 703-709.
(22) Levi L, J Douek, M Osman, TCG Bosch and B Rinkevich (1997) Cloning and characterization of BScadherin, a novel cadherin from the colonial urochordate Botryllus schlosseri. Gene, 200, 117-123
(21) Takahashi T, Y Muneoka, J Lohmann, M de Haro, TCG Bosch, C David, H Bode, O Koizumi, H
Shimizu, M Hatta, T Fujisawa, and T Sugiyama (1997). Systematic isolation of peptide signal
molecules regulating development in hydra: LWamide and PW families. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94,
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(15) Flachsbart F and TCG Bosch (2014) Knnen wir mit FoxO das Altern verlngern? BIOspektrum, in
(14) Bosch TCG (2014) Krebsevolution. Lsst sich der Krebs nicht besiegen? Journal fr die Apotheke
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(13) Bosch TCG (2014) Krebsevolution. Lsst sich der Krebs nicht besiegen? PraxisMagazin9/2014 S.
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(12) Bosch TCG and S Fraune (2013) Why Bacteria Matter: Insights from the Hydra holobiont. Old
Herborn University Seminar Monographs
(11) Bosch TCG (2012) Das Immunsystem im Metaorganismus: Bakterien eher Partner als Feinde.
Biologie in unserer Zeit 42: 302-309

(10) Fraune S and TCG Bosch (2012) Host-symbiont interactions: why Cnidaria matter. DGZ Cell News
3/2012: 14-21
(9) Bosch TCG (2011) Die ungezhlten Partner: Kleinstlebewesen im Ozean. Future Ocean Buch, S.7785
(8) Fraune S, S Franzenburg, R Augustin, TCG Bosch (2011) Wirt-Mikroben Interaktionen in Hydra Das
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(7) Bosch TCG (2010) Medizinisches Wissen aus dem Meer world ocean review 2010 Kapitel 9
(6) Wittlieb Jrg, Konstantin Khalturin, Thomas C.G. Bosch (2010) Transgene Hydra als vielseitiges
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(5) Fraune Sebastian, Rene Augustin, and Thomas C. G. Bosch (2009) Exploring Host-Microbe
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(4) Bosch TCG (2009) Evolutionre Entwicklungsbiologie: Schlssel zum Verstndnis der Arten.
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(3) Bosch TCG (2009) Evolutionres Vermchtnis: Stammzellen in Hydra. Biologie in Unserer Zeit
(2) Bosch TCG (2001) Neue Tricks von alten Tieren. Wie bildet Hydra einen neuen Kopf? BioForum 12/2001.
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(2) Bosch TCG and D Miller (2016): The Holobiont Imperative. Springer New York
(1) TCG Bosch (Editor) (2008) Stem Cells: From Hydra to Man. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg .
ISBN 978-1-4020-8273-3
Book Chapters
(16) Bosch TCG (2015) Emergence of immune system components in Cnidarians. Encyclopedia of
Immunobiology 3rd Edition (Editor in Chief: Michael Ratcliffe). Elsevier.
(15) Klimovich A, A M Bhm and TCG Bosch (2014) Hydra and the Evolution of Stem Cells. In: Stem
Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (Eds, Charles Durand; Pierre Charbord), River Publishers,
Gistrup, Denmark
(14) Bosch TCG and P Rosenstiel (2015) The Innate Immune System in Cnidarians. In: Diseases of
Coral (Ed. Cheryl M. Woodley), Wiley-Blackwell.

(13) Augustin R and TCG Bosch (2012) Where Simplicity Meets Complexity: Hydra, a Model for Host Microbe Interactions. In: Recent Advances on Model Hosts. Series: Advances in Experimental
Medicine and Biology, Vol. 710. Mylonakis, E.; Ausubel, F.M.; Gilmore, M.; Casadevall, A. (Eds.) 2012,
2012, VI, 136 p. 40 illus., 20 in color.
(12) Bosch TCG, F Anton-Erxleben, R Augustin, S Franzenburg, and Fraune (2011) Hydra Go Bacterial.
In: Benecial Microorganisms in Multicellular Life Forms (Ed. E Rosenberg). Springer.
(11) Bosch TCG (2009) Evolutionsbiologische Forschung an der Christian-Albrechts-Universitt zu Kiel.
In Bosch, Brandis, Dreyer (Eds) Das Zoologische Museum und die evolutionsbiologische Forschung in
Kiel, ISBN 978 3 928794607 Universittsdruckerei CAUKiel.
(10) Khalturin Konstantin, Ulrich Krn, and Thomas C. G. Bosch (2008) Immune reactions in
vertebrates closest relatives, the urochordates. In Heine H (ed.) Innate immunity of plants, animals
and humans. Springer series Nucleic acids and Molecular Biology, ISBN 978-3-540-73929-6,
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(9) Bosch T. C. G. (2008) The path less explored: innate immune reactions in Cnidarians. In Heine H
(ed.) Innate immunity of plants, animals and humans. Springer series Nucleic acids and Molecular
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(8) Khalthurin K, S Kuznetsov and TCG Bosch (2003): PCR Fluorescence Differential Display. In: PCR
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(7) Bosch TC and Lohmann JU (1998) Identification of differentially expressed genes by
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(5) Lohmann J and TCG Bosch (1999). Non-radioactive differential display and isolation of mRNA. In
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(4) Bosch TCG (1998): Hydra. In Cellular and Molecular Basis of Regeneration: From Invertebrates
to Humans (eds. P. Ferretti & J. Graudie). Wiley & Sons Ltd., Sussex. ISBN 0471-97271-1.
(3) Bosch TCG and J Lohmann (1996) Non-radioactive differential display of messenger RNA. In:
Fingerprinting Methods Based on Arbitrarily Primed PCR. Springer Lab Manual (eds. MR Micheli & R
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(2) Bosch TCG, KL Gellner and G Praetzel (1991): The heat shock response in the freshwater polyp
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(1) David CN, TCG Bosch, B Hobmeyer, T Holstein, T Schmidt (1987): Interstitial stem cells in hydra. In:
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