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I N S I D E @ C A N N A B I S H E A LT H www. cannabishealth.

The Cannabis Health Foundation was formed in the spring of
Editorial ........................................................................................... 4 2002 as a non-profit foundation.
Our mandate as a non-profit foundation is to provide accurate up-to-date information
Letters .................................................................................................................................. 5 on Cannabis Marijuana and Cannabis Hemp in a conservative style magazine that
appeals to the general public. We are pleased to announce the journal is now being
made available to: Government health organizations, patient support groups, medical
The Reluctant Activist................................................................................................ 6 associations, research foundations and other cannabis related corporations at the very
low bulk distribution rate of: $1.00 per copy + shipping
by J.P. King Advertisers in the journal receive up to 300 free copies per issue.
For advertising information use phone or fax or e-mail:

Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana...........................................................7 SUBSCRIPTION / DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION

If you would like to receive 6 copies per year of the most informative resource for
Society sponsors Hemp Festival in Annapolis Valley medical marijuana available, subscribe to Cannabis Health by sending your name
and address to Cannabis Health Foundation, P.O.Box 1481, Grand Forks, B.C., V0H
1H0 $25cdn in Canada (USA send $45.00cdn and foreign send $75.00cdn)
Approval for Cannabis Spray Sought in Canada ..........................................10 Bulk distribution rates in boxes of 100 at $1.00 per issue plus shipping.
Pharmaceutical giant promotes Sativex E-mail:

Editor: Brian Taylor Production: Teresa Taylor Sales: Lisa Smith

Planetary Pride Hempfest 2004 ...........................................................................11 Accounting: Barb Cornelius Distribution: Lorraine Langis
Shipping & Store: Gordon Taylor Web: Barb St. Jean
Public Health Marijuana ...........................................................................................12 A very special thank-you to Tom for all his help with this issue.

Dana Beal outlines a new direction in harm reduction No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form, print or electronic, without written
permission of the publisher. Cannabis Health is also reproduced on the web in downloadable
pdf format at
Laurence of America..................................................................................................14
Founder of the Cannabis Corporation of America revisits the 1970s A parting word word from Brian McAndrew
Cannabis, Chocolate and MS...................................................................................16

Chocolate Chip Cookies and Special Butter

Facts about Hemp Hearts........................................................................................18

The health benefits of shelled hemp seeds

New Crops for Old Lands ........................................................................................20

Story of the Doukhobors in Grand Forks

Cannabis Health on the Road ............................................................21 It was 2 years ago June 1st that we sat down and started working on the
first issue of Cannabis Health Journal and it is with sadness that this day
Seniors Making a Difference .............................................................22 has come. The support and response from the readers and advertisers has
The story of Joanna McKee allowed Cannabis Health to grow to the point where it is compromising
obligations I have towards the customers of my own graphic and design
Spocannabis........................................................................................24 business, Beyond Graphix. Being the production (graphic) guy for the
journal for its first 10 issues has provided me the opportunity to showcase
Sixth Global March for Cannabis Liberation
my skills to the world. I hope I have been able to entertain and inspire you
with my work during that time. It is with best wishes and luck for the
Book Review ......................................................................................25 future, that I say good bye to Cannabis Health Journal, its readers and
Lisa Smith reviews “Good Medicine, Great Sex” advertisers.

Music Review......................................................................................25
Lorraine Langis gives the “Hemp SeeDee” a listen
You can visit Brian McAndrew on the web at:
Cannabis Insights ...............................................................................27
Sebastian Schultz reflects on cannabis

Repotting ............................................................................................31 O n t h e C o v e r
Klozit King offers more helpful tips for growing
Doukhobor couple from the village of Archangelsko, Tula region in
Russia. In the background stands a handsome hemp plant still grown
2004 Summer Events........................................................................32 in this area for seed.

Friendly Business Directory .............................................................................28,29,30,31 Photo taken by B Verigin, circa 1999.

Where you can pick up your issue of Cannabis Health


E D I T O R @ C A N N A B I S H E A LT H
can stand up tall and say “It is time for a change” /June page 30). We found out that Dave died in
and still send the kids to college. the 80`s of lymphatic cancer. Dave had a clear
The Canadian election will be over by the time vision of the future, a time when cannabis would
you read this journal. Canadians will likely have again be a common commodity in the western
elected a minority Liberal government and economy. His art showed the optimism of his
changes to Canadian marijuana laws following time, the belief that this senseless drug war
the election will once more be back on the agen- would soon be ended and the forces of the mar-
da in parliament. The US will be heading for the ket and the art of the people would shape the
polls in November; the outcome of that election look of the cannabis industry.
is anyone’s bet. You can bet on some limited In recent months, I have become sensitized to
attention and interest from the US prohibitionist the cannabis culture, or more accurately the
forces in the re-shaping of the Canadian mari- “counter culture”. So named, I assume, because
juana laws, but with all the other challenges the it existed at the same time as, and was often
US faces, the pro marijuana ballot initiatives and openly opposed to the culture of the day. Those
Brian Taylor: Editor-in-Chief the continued legal victories of medical marijua- who experienced the epiphany of the 60`s, are
Circa 1974 na patients against federal interference, this now grandmas and granddads. That 70`s revival
would seem the ideal time for Canada to take phenomena… just the grandkids acting out.
Two 30 something year olds were recently
bold action and follow the Canadian senate rec- The couple on the cover are a reminder that
talking on the net. “How is it that thousands of
ommendations. around the world the use of cannabis is still part
hippies went to Woodstock and were enlight-
ened and thousands more got lost and didn’t Sativex is expected to be introduced into of everyday life, not a crime, no license is
make it, and now all we see is just a few white Canada in late summer. In this first phase, the required, just part of a peaceful agricultural life.
haired ones in the movement?” “Well grasshop- new under the tongue spray will be available to Brian McAndrew our production manager has
per,” responded the other, “you see, all those a select group of MS patients. As that old vision- moved on to new creative adventures in life. He
people went home and got jobs and raised fami- ary Laurence McKinney would say, how can was a founding board member of the Cannabis
lies and they are now too afraid of losing the you introduce a medicine made from a concen- Health Foundation and one of the founders of
comforts of the good life they have built on trated extract of cannabis and still continue to the journal. Brian spent many long hours over
some stupid cause like peace or pot.” vilify the whole cannabis plant? Don’t you wish the past two years making the Journal happen
sometimes that hindsight came earlier. and giving it the artistic look he desired.
On the less cynical side of financial success
and independence, it is nice to know that you CHJ recently ran a picture by an exceptional Thanks and farewell.
graphic artist, Dave Sheridan (see CHJ May

Your children know you smoke pot.
About 1989 or so, I started to have a hard time
with the lie. You know, taking a walk, smoking
on the porch, telling them the little plants you
take such good care of are flowers. What I
began to see as sad, was the fact that we were
raising a generation of children who were being
taught by example to lie and deceive. If Mom
and Dad smoke pot and lie to me, then it must be
ok from me to, say, drink and lie to them or have
sex and lie to them. You know, I never thought
this would become a problem in my life. I
thought the laws would just naturally change as
people awoke to the gentle nature of the herb.
Laws have changed, they have become harsher.
Oregon state once had a liberal attitude to pot,
but right now young people are going to jail for
four years for possession of more than 100
plants of any age.
If I decide to be socially disobedient, I owe it
to myself, my children and my community to do
something to change the law. I once felt the
power to make this change would come to my
generation in their forties, I see now it will be
later, in our fifties. The fifties are just around the
corner for many of us.
Hypocrisy is a rot on your soul. Let us begin
to speak out and make our stand. What we have
to win could pay off the national debt in three
years, what we have to lose is the respect of our
children. Gord Taylor and Lisa Smith at the Grand Forks Home and Garden Show
Your children know you smoke!!


Re: Hemp Magick Masque when the taxes skyrocketed, I cut down consid-
“softer than an angel’s ass” erably. I found the less I smoked, the higher my
Dear Sir, blood pressure became. Instead of taking more
Having used the above mentioned product and and stronger medication, I tried a piece of cook-
having tested the results, I must disagree with the ie daily. You can’t imagine how surprised and
above noted assessment. happy I was to find my blood pressure came
down to an acceptable level and stayed there as
With the cooperation of the Boundary Hospital
long as I ate my piece of cookie daily. No more
laboratory staff and the good offices of Dr.
worries about a stroke!!
Jeanne, through laser technology, the latest radi-
ographic gadgetry, INR’s (Internal Normalcy In closing, I would like to caution readers that
Ratios) and a dollop of onomatopoeia devoid of this is my personal experience with marijuana,
fundamentalist homophobia, we conclusively and the effects of cannabis may be different for
determined that my exterior is 33.78 per cent others.
SOFTER than the ass of the angel studied. Ilsa B., from BC
Perhaps the Ontario study considered the
sheathing of an agnostic angel. Do agnostics have
Yours truly,
Bill Cooper, Grand Forks, BC

Letter to the Editor

Although I read Cannabis Health Journal reg-
ularly, with great interest, I assumed that only
people with chronic illnesses would benefit
being treated with marijuana, instead of the vast
array of medications available at the pharma-
I now know better!! During the long, hot
(45*C) summer of last year, I suffered daily
with nausea. The many Travel-Tabs I swal-
lowed were rejected by my stomach. It was sug-
gested that I try a marijuana cigarette. I am a
smoker, and very much enjoy it, however, the
aroma, which is a concern for me, of the burn-
ing marijuana cigarette was almost intolerable.
I was then offered a marijuana cookie. When I
ate it, my stomach relaxed and the nausea disap-
peared. This relief was consistently achieved
with roughly a quarter of a cookie 3 – 4 times
per day. I found this dosage very comfortable
and it kept me free of the nausea and vomiting.
This spring, when I badly hurt my back, I
asked for more cookies. This was the first time
in my life and, I’ll be 73 years young next
month, that I had gone to a physician and had an
x-ray taken. After the x-ray, despite the help of
two canes, I had great difficulty getting from the
lying down position into a sitting or standing
Through it all, the cookies were a tremendous
help. In a few weeks, I felt much better. I no
longer needed the canes or people to help me
move. I now consider myself to be in tip top
I have been a smoker for over 50 years, but


by J.P. King and physically challenged people.
I am one of the “lucky few” who has the The reason I have become a reluctant activist
Federal Authorization to possess marijuana as is that I cannot stand to see the suffering creat-
medicine. It took 2 1/2 years and I endured ed by the war on drugs mentality. And it is
every form of treatment for my conditions here in my hometown. Yesterday’s paper had a
(Chronic Pain Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue story of a military style sweep in a neighbour-
Syndrome, Fibro Myalgia , Hep C Tx X2 suc- hood near my home; they were after “Grow
cessfully, and other co-morbidity) that exist. Ops”.
Prior to becoming disabled, I worked for the I know that crime is becoming more associat-
provincially funded Alcohol and Drug Agency ed with marijuana. I’ve been ripped off by
in West Vancouver. I was the A&D counselor pirates when I was too ill to do anything about
for youth and families in West Van. I had it. But a military style sweep through a quiet
worked in that field for 14-15 years, prior to neighbourhood is foolish. I don’t trust any poli-
that I worked as a nurses aide with mentally cy that puts my tax dollars or money stolen
through “Profits of Crime” legislation into mil-
itary response to drugs, especially marijuana.
The situation is only justified by keeping
marijuana, a harmless herb and beneficial med-
icine, illegal. The profits go to the capitalist
pigs who don’t care who they hurt. The good
cultivators get lumped in with a criminal ele-
ment that grows pot fast, cheap and stony, but
useless as medicine because of the adulterants.
We need to legalize marijuana now. With the
election on the way, we need to inundate the
provincial capitals and Ottawa with letters call-
ing for legislation, not the re-criminalizing Bill
If the politicians see a lot of letters, especial-
ly if you take the time to write your own, each
letter is viewed as a block of votes. If enough
letters call for a full legalization, it becomes an
issue that must be addressed.
I have created a template letter that can be
copied in whole or in part and sent to your rep-
We tend to be fiercely individualistic people.
Most of us hold strong views about a full range
of issues. I want to hear them all. Write me,
send me your ideas, grow products, vaporizers,
pipes, papers, cannabis food, buds, tinctures
(non-alcoholic please), any and all good, safe
products that should be included in a guide
book for medical use.
MusicSte 133 – 255, Newport Drive
Port Moody, BC V3H 5H1

13 May 2004, New Zealand Herald

Experts and officials from Government-sanc-

tioned medical marijuana programs in the
Netherlands, Canada and the United States
will visit New Zealand this month.
Governments around the world have begun
legalizing the use of marijuana by patients
with chronic pain and other forms of suffer-
ing. A parliamentary health select committee
has recommended New Zealand consider
making cannabis-based medicines available
to suffering patients, and the Drug Policy
Forum Trust has invited the overseas experts
to brief it on their programs.


A new registered non-profit H E M P F E S T I VA L
organization is hosting Atlantic
Canada’s first annual Hemp toast and beverages) will be prepared for $5.00
Festival in the beautiful, bountiful and a barbequed Montreal pork shoulder roast
Annapolis Valley from July 31 – supper with all the fixings will be served for
August 1, 2004. This Hemp $7.50.
Festival will be the celebration of a
Several vendors will be selling memorabilia,
wonderful, health- giving plant and
paraphernalia and goods and services (i.e.: intu-
a call for our government to abol-
itive readings, chair massage) reflective of the
ish a totally unjust, archaic law.
body/mind/ spirit theme. A central campfire will
Although early to reflect a “har- be available. Adhering to responsible cannabis
vest theme”, mid-summer will find consumption, there will be a zero tolerance pol-
the Annapolis Valley in the midst icy in place for alcohol/drug abuse and violence.
of tourism season with many
Anyone who would like to set up early or stay
attractions for people planning a
later to partake of the many festivities occurring
summer getaway in Canada’s
in the Annapolis Valley, or just to relax, put your
Ocean Playground.
feet up and start thinking about Hemp Festival
On a more practical level, Nova 2005, additional camping time will be available.
Scotian nights are also more con- Tenting only will be $5.00/night and fees for
ducive at this time of year for out- those requiring hookups will be $12.00.
door events and camping.
Many of the booked speakers
For additional information:
will reflect the government’s gross
mishandling of the Medical Email:
Marijuana Access Regulations and ( )
how this atrocious situation nega-
tively impacts on the country’s
chronically ill. Among the speak- Berwick, Nova Scotia photo taken by Clifford F. Wright,
ers are Jim Wood, owner of the MPA , courtesy and copyright of Patricia White.
Cannabis Café, New Brunswick;
Patrick Hardy, federal exemptee who was arrest- party/dance music, blues style). Steve’s
ed in Moncton during Marc Emery’s Summer of Hydroponics
Legalization Tour for consuming and possessing Headquarters, Lower
his legally prescribed medicine; Debbie Stultz- Sackville and
Giffin, federal exemptee and chair of MUMM; Greenwonder,
and John Cook, Vice Chair of MUMM and Dartmouth are assist-
director of the Cannabis Buyers Club of Canada, ing with band spon-
Halifax Outlet. sorship.
Judith Renaud, Canadian Chair of Educators Tickets for the
for Sensible Drug Policy will speak about imple- Hemp Festival will be
menting appropriate drug reform, including pro- $25.00 in advance
viding our children with accurate, current infor- and for MUMM
mation about drugs in our education system, members and $30.00
thereby improving student-teacher relationships at the gate. Admission
and creating safer, happier schools. includes a camping
Bands for this event have played in bars and at site for one night. Fox
festivals throughout the Maritimes and beyond. Mountain
Our headline act for this premiere Hemp Festival Campground has
is the Terry Edmunds Band, from Halifax. Terry complete facilities,
has played extensively for the last 30 years from including a canteen,
coast to coast, in Canada and the US, doing showers and is wheel-
warm up for musicians like Joe Cocker, Johnny chair accessible.
Winter, the Muddy Waters Band and Joni Camping sites include
Mitchell. He is a skilled guitarist and recording a large field overlook-
artist; in fact, Muddy Waters has likened Terry ing the scenic
Edmunds’s guitar playing to Johnny Winter and Annapolis Valley for
Eric Clapton. This act is sure to be a crowd tenting, and there are
pleaser. several hundred spots
available for campers
Other confirmed bands are City Fish (an orig- requiring electricity.
inal blend of blues, rock and country), Muddy
Creek (original folk/rock), the Blue Marble A canteen is on site,
Band (60’s and folk with contemporary rhythms barbequed hot dogs
and a solid rock beat) and the Backroom Blues will be available, full
Band (specializing in delivering the best of breakfast (bacon,
eggs, hash browns,


Wed, 12 May 2004 Globe and Mail (Canada)

The world’s first proposed cannabis-laced prescription drug to relieve

pain may get its start in Canada. Pharmaceutical giant Bayer announced
yesterday that it has applied to Health Canada for permission to market
the drug Sativex to those who suffer from multiple sclerosis and severe
neuropathic pain. The application was made in conjunction with the
developers of the drug, the pioneering British firm GW
Pharmaceuticals, which has been growing about 40,000 pot plants a
year at a secret location in a government approved research project.
Sativex is a medicinal mouth spray developed from the major compo-
nents of marijuana, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and
cannabidiol (CBD).

It would be the first prescription drug that uses real marijuana extracts
and not a synthesized form, according to its proponents. GW executive
chairman Geoffrey Guy has said the cannabis-derived spray will not get
patients high since it is sprayed under the tongue, rather than smoked or
swallowed. “They see the benefit without getting stoned.” Early trials of
the drug in Britain showed that it was a safe and effective treatment to
relieve painful symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Two weeks ago, the company announced that it did not expect British
regulators to approve the drug for use by multiple-sclerosis patients
until much later in the year. So, in the meantime, Canada has been
asked for permission to market the drug.

About 50,000 Canadians have multiple sclerosis. At least half of them

suffer significant pain, according to the drug companies’ statement.


P L A N E TA R Y P R I D E H E M P F E S T 2 0 0 4
FIND NED’S HEAD Hempfest 2004: August 26 through 29 is
AND WIN THIS Planetary Pride’s 6th Annual Cannabis
TORNADO TWISTED PIPE Festival celebrating the cannabis plant. The
FROM WONG BONG PIPES event will be held at a location just outside
Sault Ste Marie, a 45 minute run from the
Ontario/Michigan border.
The Planetary Pride Hempfest is, in itself,
a Community. We gather, once a year, deep
in the forests of scenic Northern Ontario
and celebrate the Cannabis plant. Hempfest
attracts people from a wide range of cultur-
al and ethnic backgrounds from all corners
of North America. One just has to look
around their immediate campsite to discov-
er new friends from all over the world.
Almost 1,000 citizens attended Hempfest
in 2003. The Hempfest 2004 crew is plan-
ning on 2,000, and because of last year’s
huge success, we have even added an extra
day. Thursday night is Movie Night, so all
the travelers, and there are hundreds of
you, come in, grab a camp site and enjoy
some movies and the natural beauty of the
area. The scenery in the Algoma District is
breathtaking and many of the regular
Hempfest Citizens vacation in the area, both
before and after the festival. The festivities
this year include 20+ Bands, guest speak-
camping included is just $25.00 per person
ers, demonstrations on Bubble Hash and the
or $35.00 at the gate. Thursday night is
Volcano, competitions like Junk Yard Bong
$5.00 plus a can of food.
Wars, Rolling Contest, Big Bud Weigh-in.
Send page number and location of Ned’s head For more information including the
(Hint: It’s not in the comic!) to: Have fun, be entertained and meet some
of the best cannabis people from all over
festival at or order
Cannabis Health North America.
tickets by calling 1-888-215-8970.
Box 1481 The cost for all this over 4 days with
Grand Forks BC
V0H 1H0
or email answers to GROWING GUIDE
Please include your name, address and phone
Review by Lorraine Langis
number or email address. All correct answers
will be entered into the draw for this beautiful This CD-ROM is one of the most informative
Tornado Twisted glass pipe from Wong Bong products out there for the beginning grower. In
Pipes. an easy to use format it covers everything from
ensuring you are getting mature seeds, cloning,
Entry deadline August 1st, 2004. harvest and absolutely everything in between.
There are recipes, tips on sexing your plants, pic-
Congratulations to the Winner of May/June torial guides, organic and hydroponics growing
contest, Ryan from Canoe, BC! info…the list goes on. The pictures and video
clips are well done and the language used in the
“I found Ned’s head chillin with Bob Marley written section is easy to understand. There are
letting out a huge hit on page 27. Thank you pull-down menus that allow you to pick and
for the good read and keep up the good work.” choose which pieces of information you want to
read or which videos you want to watch. There
are even links to different sites, so you can
become further educated.
If you’ve got questions, this CD-Rom proba-
bly has the answers! It is truly a wealth of infor-
mation at your fingertips.
Each CD-Rom has its own individual code and
is non-transferable once loaded.
Available at $20.00 CDN


P U B L I C H E A LT H M A R I J U A N A : T h e N e w D i r e c t i o n i n
Harm Reduction
by Dana Beal tionary function of
When the National Institute on Drug Abuse anandamide was to
turned its sights on the mechanism of cannabi- control inflammation,
nols and their endogenous analogues such as and that its role in the
anandamide in the brain, they were disappointed body and nervous sys-
to find that the dopamine model they relied on to tem grew as glutamate
explain drug abuse and addiction seemed to let came to be used to do
cannabis off the hook. The modest uptick in more and more things.
dopamine levels produced by pot confirmed
what the old hippies saw, marijuana is pleasura- Marijuana, Tobacco,
ble, but not particularly addictive. Cancer
More recent work tracing the pathways of So beyond the ques-
another neuro-transmitter, glutamate, has further tion of cannabis addic-
explicated the question of marijuana’s addictive- tiveness, an under-
ness. Familiar to aficionados of cheap Chinese standing of glutamate
food as mono-sodium glutamate (MSG), it per- mechanism has impor-
forms multiple functions throughout the brain tant public policy
and the body involved in long-term learning and implications regarding
memory and as a kind of natural stimulant that marijuana, tobacco, and
“takes the brakes off” metabolic processes, carcinogenesis. The oft-
causing everything to burn hotter. repeated myth that “one
joint is 3 (or 10) times
In 2001 a Swiss researcher, Francois Conquet,
more carcinogenic than
made an interesting discovery with “knock-out”
a cigarette”—based on
mice who had been bio-engineered not to have a
the resin content—col-
particular glutamate pathway called m (for mes-
lapses upon considera-
senger) GluR5. Mice with no mGluR5 could not
tion of the role of
be trained to self-inject cocaine. This
chronic glutamate
is highly significant because elimination of
inflammation of the lin-
dopamine transporters and receptors in other
ings of the lungs in gen-
knock-outs still left them able to be addicted
erating the free radicals
through cocaine’s rewarding effects on sero-
that attack the DNA of
tonin. Microdialysis recorded the same
immune cells in these
dopamine spikes in both wild mice and the
linings. Like white
mGluR5-deficient ones, but soon after the
blood cells, these Dana Beal
researchers substituted intravenous cocaine for
immune cells are there
food, the mGluR5 knock-outs stopped pressing
to attack pathogens (the memory, writers use it to finish articles.
the lever. Their affinities for food, water, mating
lungs are a big vector for infection) that come In the lining of the lung, however, nicotine has
were unaffected; but cocaine could no longer
their way. the perverse effect of putting the damaged
“fool” the knock-outs into accepting it as a
replacement for food, water and mating. The truism that cigarettes are more addictive immune cell into kind of suspended animation,
than heroin becomes a lot easier to understand blocking apoptosis, or cell death. What happens
Cannabis and Glutamate if you keep a damaged cell alive while filling it
with free radicals produced by chronic gluta-
mate inflammation? Eventually you get bad
In Colorado Springs, the Chairman of the “Considered from the genetic code, the cell goes cancerous and starts
University of Colorado Biology Department is
Bob Melamede. Dr. Melamede teaches a whole public health standpoint, migrating all over the body spreading that bad
code. Which is why smokers end up with cancer
course on medical marijuana. Central to his the- cannabis is more often in some of the strangest places.
sis is the finding that cannabinols and the
endogenous neuro-transmitters they mimic are than not a replacement It has been estimated that the average New
glutamate antagonists; but not the kind of non- for alcohol and other Yorker breathes in pollutants equivalent to a
competitive antagaonists, like ibogaine, that pack and a half of cigarettes every day. But with-
come along to “plug the hole” after inonotropic drugs. When cannabis out the key co-factor of the nicotine, they do not
glutamate receptors have opened up to let min- use goes up, alcohol use get lung cancer at anything like the rate of pack-
erals through the cell membrane. Instead, and-a-half-a-day smokers. We all have multiple
cannabinols and anandamide act to “backsignal”
goes down.” redundant natural immunities that block the sea
along the metabotropic glutamate pathways that of crap we breathe from giving us cancer.
work (like mGluR5) through the second messen- Indeed, the crowning blow to the prohibitionist
when we remember that the mediating neuro- argument that burn products, not nicotine, cause
ger systems and modulate signals of
transmitter of the nicotine high is glutamate. the cancer is the widespread incidence of cancer
other neurotransmitters.
Once you acclimate to the nicotine, so that it no of the lip and gum among people who chew
What cannabinols do is to tell glutamate-firing longer makes you sick, its primary “cascade” tobacco. There are no published reports of stom-
cells to chill out, to stop firing so much gluta- effect is a quick fix of glutamate, lasting no more ach cancer from marijuana brownies.
mate, an effect that is necessary whenever too than 5 or 10 minutes, which has the effect of
much glutamate causes cell processes to burn calming the addict down while giving them a Beyond the reports of direct cannabis efficacy
too hot. Melamede believes the original evolu- lift. Typically, because it potentiates long term against certain kinds of tumors, the mechanism
of action of cannabinols is 180 degrees opposite


of nicotine: anti-glutaminergic, anti-inflammato- users, around 2000 are of Dutch origin, with
ry. That is why cannabis is prescribed for all some 1,350 having roots in former colony of
kinds of inflammation and auto-immune disease. Surinam, the Netherlands Antilles and Morocco. Dana Beal, organized the first marijuana
So regardless of the amount of tar or burn Around 1,750 users come from other European protests during the summer of love, 1967. He
products—and meaning no disrespect to the countries, mainly Germany and Italy. The total was a founding member and chief theoretician
vaporizer advocates—with cannabinols instead number of hard-drug users is steadily decreas- of the Youth International Party, started the
of nicotine in the mix there’s nothing to “turn ing, while their average age is rising, from 26.8 YIPster Times after the Miami Convention
on” the carcinogens therein. years in 1981 to 39 years in 1999. In the same protests in 1972 and crusaded for marijuana
period the total number of drug users under 22 legalization in the 70’s. He collaborated with
Marijuana, Alcohol, Accidents years of age dropped from 14.4 percent to 1.6%. Tom Forcade, founder of High Times, changed
The final bit of confusion that can be cleared The singular flaw of the Dutch system from the name of the paper to Overthrow in 1979,
up here is the widespread fallacy, based on the the standpoint of nicotine carcinogenesis is the started Rock Against Racism in December
outdated notion marijuana works like alcohol, almost universal practice of smoking cannabis 1980, he initiated an Ibogaine project with
that pot is a major cause of accidents. Once mixed with tobacco—a habit that totally under- Howard Lots in an effort to make this addic-
again, mechanism of action confirms the epi- mines the health benefits of smoking pure tion interrupter available to addicts every-
demiological studies that already show people cannabis. It will be a hard habit to break, con- where. He published the Yippie anthology,
drive, if anything, more safely on cannabis. sidering the basic chemistry involved. Blacklisted News in 1983, advocated medical
Where cannabis has its very own receptors, Combining nicotine’s glutamate agonist effect marijuana for AIDS patients in 1986, joined
alcohol works by unleashing a flood of endor- with pot’s glutamate antagonism offers the ben- ACT UP in 1988, pushed Ibogaine through
phins in response to major trauma caused by efits of a kind of “speedball”: cutting back on the ACT UP and NIDA until he was unmasked as
ethanol stripping the myelin sheaths of the nerve “stoned” effect of the cannabidiol without inter- a medical marijuana activist after a short
cells. From there the addictive process is fering with the initial THC-induced melatonin prison stint in ‘93, co-founded Cures not
straightforward, with the endorphins engender- rush—the high.** But the seeds of change are Wars, started NYC Medical Marijuana
ing a dopamine spike, which eventually locks in contained within the almost 90% switch from Buyers’ Club with Johann Moore in 1995.
the mGluR5 pathway and so on. But while the hashish to hydro by Dutch consumers during the Beal published the Ibogaine Story with Paul
trauma is occurring, and you’re drunk, you abil- last decade. Without the need for tobacco to DeRienzo in January, 1997. Dana was part of
ity to function is severely damaged in a way that make a hash joint, better tasting bud—plus the the Wheelchair Walk for Medical Marijuana
just doesn’t happen with a mild glutamate antag- ever-growing popular consciousness of tobac- from Boston to D.C. in fall 1997, brought
onist working through its own specific set of co’s dangers—may in the end be enough to Ibogaine to U.K. in 1998, initiated the Million
receptors. change European tastes. This changeover can Marijuana March in 1999 and co-sponsored
and should be augmented by all the publicity First International Ibogaine Conference
Considered from the public health standpoint,
tools of a full-fledged public at NYU in November, 99.
cannabis is more often than not a replacement
for alcohol and other drugs. When cannabis use health campaign, with slo-
goes up, alcohol use goes down. And because gans like “Pure Pot Tastes
the cannabis effect is NOT incapacitating like Even Better!”
alcohol intoxication (every single study to date A better understanding of
shows no significant impairment of driving, for the mechanism of marijuana
instance) the effect of the substitution of as a glutamate antagonist
cannabis is the saving of lives. Economists versus the licit glutamate
Frank Chaloupka and Adit Laixuthai, at the agonists, alcohol and nico-
University of Illinois at Chicago, estimate that tine, raises the interesting
cannabis decriminalization would reduce youth prospect of the next logical
traffic fatalities by 5.5 per cent, youth drinking step for our worldwide
rates by eight per cent and binge-drinking rates movement being not strictly
by five per cent. Other evidence suggests we medical, but public heath
would see similar declines in emergency-room marijuana. In a generation or
drug and alcohol cases. less, all carrots and sticks of
public health policy may be
Tobacco, Marijuana, Harm Reduction enlisted in a conscious effort
to REPLACE alcohol and
Harm reduction approaches to cannabis have cigarettes with a marijuana
focused heretofore on the market separation of monoculture, and to
cannabis and other illegal drugs. According to REMOVE all cannabis
Dutch government facts-sheets, out of the total opponents from any role in
population of 727,000, Amsterdam has around setting that policy. The bene-
5,100 hard-drug users. The primary thrust of fits of saving up to 600,000
policy is to discourage the use of drugs, and to lives a year from cancer and
combat the trade in drugs. The authorities also auto accidents in the U.S.
seek to minimize the risks incurred by drug users alone will make the switch-
and to reduce as far as possible the nuisance fac- over well worth it!
tor for the general public. In the context of use,
Amsterdam’s drug policy differentiates between ** I will explain the health
hard and soft drugs, i.e.: cannabis is available, benefits of melatonin supple-
but at locations where no other illicit substances ments for regular cannabis
may be sold, and this “market separation” is users in my next article.
strictly enforced. Of some 5,100 hard-drug
CANNABIS HEALTH Jour nal page 13
who in August 1970 wrote,
In the early 1970s, shortly after my book “ I rejoice that some of the
Marijuana Reconsidered was published, I brilliance of Mr.
was invited to appear on Bill Buckley’s show McKinney should have
Firing Line along with Laurence McKinney, a come up with a program so
prominent Cambridge drug educator. He artful, informed and ingen-
suggested that we meet at Logan Airport ious.” Only a month later,
and fly to Washington together. When I on his yacht the Cyrano
boarded the plane I found Laurence hidden and outside the three-mile
behind a large potted marijuana plant which limit Buckley actually
reached from the pot in his lap to the ceiling tried marijuana, and has
of the airplane. I could scarcely believe my argued for better laws
eyes. Laurence, on seeing my dismay, with since that time.
his characteristic ebullience quickly assured The Creative Learning
me that it was a synthetic plant he had Group was praised by the
obtained from a police supply firm (one with U.S. Government, and its
remarkable similitude) to use as a prop on materials were used in
the show. It must have been a strange sight every state, as well as the
to the crew and other passengers, but, US Navy and Army. Then,
probably because it was early in the war on in one of his last moves
marijuana, no one else apparently recog- President Nixon created
nized it as the evil and dangerous weed and the D.E.A. and withdrew
we had an uneventful flight. To my relief and all government funding for
Laurence’s disappointment, Mr. Buckley school drug education.
decided against using the plant. Only the Drug War DARE
-Lester Grinspoon program was now allowed.
By this time, McKinney, Laurence McKinney
At a time when his peers were dropping acid working with U.S. Govt.
cannabis strains. Then, in 1975 it was McKinney
and dropping out, rising from out of the conser- marijuana farm founder Dr. Norman Doorenbos,
who connected medical cannabis pioneer Robert
vative wasteland of Massachusetts, came a self had founded the Cannabis Institute of America
Randall to his UCLA doctors who created the
made new age business man with the spirit and (CIA) to research the patent to control THC in
first U.S. “medical cannabis” program.
beliefs of the counterculture and the entrepre- cannabis. The C.I.A. was founded the same year
McKinney was at the center of both events.
neurial wisdom of a Harvard grad. as NORML, and by 1973 was publishing
Now he realized the patent could also be used to
In the mid 60s Laurence O. McKinney had Cannabis Rx, The Journal of Cannabis
purify THC from cannabis in India where it was
already started a three-state chain of summer Therapeutics. The first research journal dedi-
legal for encapsulation and consumption in the
surfboard shops. In 1969, he received an MBA cated to cannabis, it was also the first to report
US. The giant Perdue Pharma drug company
from Harvard Business School. His first startup, the appetite-stimulating effects of cannabis and
was willing to back him. The drug company’s
an educational publishing firm, gave him exten- boasted a board of leading scientists. All the
original owner, Dr. Robert Sackler, had once
sive experience in most forms of media from drug abuse materials, as well as early copies of
been a subscriber to Cannabis Rx. Everything
print to the first videocassette drug education Cannabis Rx can be seen at McKinney’s web-
was working out.
instruction used by the military. During the next site
So McKinney then founded the first legal
thirty years he founded and managed a number By 1980, McKinney had obtained the first
cannabis company in the world, appropriately
of other small firms that developed and intro- cannabis improvement patent. Building thou-
titled The Cannabis Corporation of America.
duced to the marketplace products ranging from sands of dollars of research into a $29.95 appli-
In a stroke of genius, he gave a free share to each
award winning curricula to better appliances. ance called “The Maximizer”, the company sold
of his Harvard MBA 1969 classmates. A third
Founded in 1970 by McKinney and Richard 6,000 of them with huge High Times double
registered their shares, giving McKinney 200
Hawkins, the Media Engineering Corp. and the page ads in six months. Then the “Anti-
millionaire ”stockholders”. After printing the
Creative Learning Group introduced America to Paraphernalia” laws decimated the business. It
first Annual Report (see end of story) he was
drug education. Their curricula offered a was still the first patented device that was guar-
able to raise $150,000 to start work creating high
straightforward approach to youth in language anteed to improve cannabis, and was used by the
THC strains for cloning and extraction.
that young people could understand and identify Mayo Clinic as well as many happy customers.
The Maximizer remains a legend in America. CCA, as it was called, was operating years
with. The program rejected fear tactics, encour-
Author Bill Novak used McKinney as a major before HortaPharm was started in Amsterdam,
aged an open and honest dialogue and offered an
source for the book High Culture during this and a full decade before GW Pharmaceuticals.
intellectual and balanced scientific analysis of a
period. He’s mentioned seventeen times in the McKinney knew all the Hortapharm founders
wide range of drugs and their effects on the user.
book. At this point, McKinney took some time and he has spoken with Geoffrey Guy.
The program focused on the underlying emo-
off, spending time living in India and Nepal, McKinney says, however, that if there is any
tional problems faced by persons of any age that
meeting among others the Dalai Lama and chance cannabis should be legally regulated in
lead to drug experimentation and to abuse.
Mother Theresa. the U.S. he would be able to raise $100 million
The curricula came in kits containing teaching in a week from some of the most respected
aids, manuals, books, demonstrations, audio In 1985 the U.S. had legalized THC to make it
financial institutions in the States.
tapes and slides. The program was widely possible for Marinol to be released for
chemotherapy nausea. Ironically, cannabis seeds I asked McKinney about the publicly traded
embraced and financially successful. McKinney
McKinney sent to Dr. Doorenbos in 1970 marijuana company, Amigula. McKinney was
received critical acclaim from the likes of
became the basis of the original medical highly skeptical of the company and it’s CEO,
William F. Buckley Jr. of the New York Post,


since the Cannabis Corporation had done the ing pieces. Recently, they created the on-line
same work twenty years earlier and he knew catalog for Harvard merchandise,
exactly the expertise required. If you want to Over 7,500
know all about liquid chromatography to sepa- Harvard alumni visit each month, assuring
rate cannabinoids, chat him up. McKinney of a very influential audience if he
As the only legitimate pharmaceutical corpo- ever decides to revive his Cannabis
ration involved with cannabis, McKinney and Corporation.
his company were one of four parties in the his- The couple live in Arlington, Massachusetts,
toric 1985-86 D.E.A. medical marijuana hear- only four miles up the street from Harvard,
ings. This is where, he feels, he made the great- where McKinney got all his degrees. In 1994,
est contribution. With NORML lawyer Kevin he published a groundbreaking book,
Zeese (now Ralph Nader’s campaign manager) Neurotheology, the study of the interface
being regularly admonished by Judge Young and between religion and the mind. Well reviewed
Robert Randall represented by a pro-bono by Arthur C. Clarke (2001 Space Odyssey), the
lawyer who was legally and actually blind, Dalai Lama, and dozens of others, it was (as
McKinney had hired a top drug lawyer. As a usual) ahead of the curve, predicting and
result, the D.E.A. judge ordered the de-criminal- explaining many global problems in terms of
ization of cannabis based largely on McKinney’s the clash of cultures. He still chats with Lester
arguments, not those of NORML or ACT. Grinspoon (who was on the Cannabis Rx
President Reagan’s appointee rejected his own board), Dr. Tod Mikuriya (who was on the
judge, but the defense, often called the Olsen Cannabis Corporation board), Robert
Defense, remains the best legal argument. Connell Clark and “K” – the grow-room genius In 1970, at the US marijuana farm, scientists dis-
In a nutshell, McKinney demonstrated that of the West Coast. After a three year study by a covered cannabis didn’t make THC, but its pre-
THC from a test tube and THC from a plant local hospital, which demonstrated that he had cursor, THC acid. This converted to THC gradu-
were identical molecules. This made cannabis the best lungs of the study group, he believes his ally by the effects of heat. The perfect
simply a raw material in the production of a 40 year relationship with the plant demonstrates temperature was 100 degrees centigrade for 90
legal drug - THC. As sesame oil and gelatine that it doesn’t take a vaporizer, just common minutes. When McKinney saw the paper he
capsules were food products, in legalizing THC, sense, to keep ahead of the cannabis curve. recalled hashish included a heating step, by boil-
the agency had effectively legalized cannabis ing or steaming. This must be why hashish was
into Schedule 2 as a necessary precursor of legal so potent! McKinney patented the process, and
SPECIAL FOR OUR READERS the laboratory version worked. He then hired
THC. This totally confounded the drug agency
McKinney has agreed to release onto the Harvey Levine, a brilliant designer who invented
because it meant that the moment THC from
“cannabis collectibles” market both the 4-color the Toast-r-Oven, the Shick hair dryer, and later
cannabis was sold, no matter how pure, cannabis
Cannabis Corporation annual report for 1986, the first vaporizer (called the “Tilt”). They retro-
would become legal. The drug agency informed
the VMW (Veterans of the Marijuana Wars) engineered an available appliance to create the
Perdue Pharma that they would be forced to test
posters, extra CCA stock certificates, and Bill heating and timing cycles, using the boiling
every-single-other-molecule in the plant before
Novak’s High Culture – all at a special set of water itself as a timer. The Maximizer is an auto-
they could get cannabis-based THC legal.
pages. Go to matic self-timed decarboxylator.
Perdue Pharma dropped out and made
Oxycontin. At the same time, Bill Novak gave
McKinney the rights to re-publish High Culture,
which is why it is still available at
or directly from McKinney’s site (see end of
In many ways McKinney, being the first at so
many cannabis landmarks, should have ended up
with either fame or fortune. People have made
money in hemp, in their institutes, in publishing,
and in pharmaceuticals. Instead, without the
backing of a pharmaceutical firm, there was no
real future. He re-named the company
Cambridge Pharmaceutical Laboratories. It still
exists selling natural skin products at but there is no connection to
cannabis. In fact, aside from membership in
ICRS, the high-tech International Cannabis
Research Society, McKinney doesn’t have much
involvement with the cannabis movement these
Laurence now lives with his wife Suki who,
in 1997, began designing websites with him.
As their businesses expanded she became book-
keeper and clerk, maintaining several company
sites, creating and producing surveys and com-
munications documents, exhibits, and market-


by London), Thc4ms are able to direct the MS suf- victory. She had pled not guilty to all charges
Thc4ms is a Medi-weed Co-operative based ferer to the Medi-weed co-op most suited to against her. Following the collapse of her trial,
in the UK that produces cannabis chocolate that patient’s needs. Thc4ms decided to rename Canna-choc to
bars free of charge for Multiple Sclerosis suf- During this time, members of Thc4ms Canna-Biz in her honour.
ferers. All that is required to be accepted as a became aware of the work of Biz Ivol of The media became aware of our work and
recipient of cannabis chocolate is a doctor’s Orkney, also an MS sufferer. Biz was produc- articles began appearing in the national press.
note confirming diagnosis of MS. A weekly ing cannabis laced chocolate bars for her The numbers of MS sufferers who wished to
supply of Canna-biz chocolate will be sent friend, Bill Reeves, an MS sufferer who lives try Canna-choc increased rapidly.
upon request. Thc4ms was originally founded on the next island. Bill wished to use cannabis It was decided that the product needed to
in 1993 following a chance meeting of several as a medicine, but did not want to smoke. look more professional. Chocolate moulds and
MS sufferers who appeared on The Kilroy Thc4ms was producing herbal cannabis and melting pans were imported from Belgium,
Show.Thc4ms is a self help group, working giving it away to a small group of MS sufferers food grade wrapping was sourced and labels
along side groups such as Alliance for Cannabis in emergency situations only (i.e.: their normal printed listing the ingredients, thus complying
Therapeutics (ACT) run by our good friend route of supply had exhausted) and began to with food regulations.
Clare Hodges, a fellow MS sufferer. send herbal cannabis to Biz so she could pro-
It was not long before it became apparent the
Thc4ms works as a first point of contact for duce the cannabis chocolate bars. Thc4ms also
service could not be sustained without help
MS sufferers who wish to use cannabis as a started making small amounts of their own
from the wider cannabis community. Thc4ms
medicine, but who have no access to it. Time Canna-choc, and distributed it free of charge, to
decided to appeal to the UK home grower for
after time the same two questions were being MS sufferers who were worried about smoking.
help in maintaining a supply of canna-choc to
asked, “Where can I buy some cannabis?” and Unfortunately, Biz was raided by the Northern
MS sufferers.
“I have some cannabis in a pot in my cupboard Constabulary in 2001, after a local Police
Constable decided to act after reading about Most home growers when asked will say they
that so and so gave me, but I do not know what
Biz’s activities in a national newspaper. Upon grow their own for two reasons: to save money
to do with it?” Through networking with other
hearing of Biz’s plight, THC4MS immediately and to escape the stress of having to score from
Medi-weed co-ops, such as The Medicinal
increased production of Canna-choc so the a dealer. When the crop is harvested many
Marijuana Cooperative (MMCO) founded by
service could continue uninterrupted. home growers end up with an excess of
Colin Davies and the Free Medical Marijuana
cannabis and have several options for disposing
Foundation (FMMF) Glastonbury and, more The case against Biz Ivol was dropped in
of the surplus produce. Once self sufficient,
recently, The Herb Connection (Chris Baldwin) June 2003, after it was decided Biz was not fit
many home growers, do not wish to venture
and Tony’s Holistic Centre (Kingscross, enough to stand trial, thus denying her a court

The important thing was it’s the moment when all of that
generation of hippies looked at each other and said,
“Wait a minute, we’re not a fringe element.There’s millions of us!“

-David Crosby, describing Woodstock


back into the illicit market to sell their sur- Chocolate Chip Cookies
plus, and prefer instead to donate the sur-
plus to Thc4ms. 1 cup special butter 2/3 cup chocolate syrup
Thc4ms regularly appeals on the internet ? t salt 2 eggs
message boards such as 1 t vanilla 1/3 cup Kahlua
and other cannabis related magazines 1/3 cup Baileys Irish cream 1 t baking soda
requesting donations of surplus herbal ? cup brown sugar 3 ? cups flour
cannabis. Slowly the donations from grow- 1 cup chocolate chips 1 cup walnuts
ers began to arrive.
To date, Thc4ms has now helped over
1,200 Multiple Sclerosis sufferers with Cream together the butter, syrup, Kahlua, Baileys, vanilla, and eggs. Mix together dry ingredi-
regular supplies of Canna-choc, and con- ents. Mix wet and dry well. If mixture is too wet, add a little extra flour. If to dry, add a little
tinues to send out supplies on a weekly extra liqueur. Add chips and nuts. Spoon mixture onto cookie sheets and bake at 350 for ten
basis to those MS patients who request it. minutes.
Cash donations and volunteer support
maintain, stamps and envelopes and Special Butter
enables the purchase of chocolate and
other consumables. Put marijuana in large pot with water. Make sure M.J. is covered. Bring to a boil then add
If you are a home grower and wish to butter. Let simmer for twelve hours. Make sure water doesn’t boil away or the butter will burn.
donate herbal cannabis so our work can Strain out and dispose of the leaf. There is nothing left in the leaf. It is now all in the butter.
continue or require further information, Put liquid in the freezer to harden the butter. It will float on top of the water. You can pull the
please contact us by e-mail. All major butter off the top of the water once it has hardened. Dispose of the water. All the bad stuff is in
benefactors are invited to oversee the pro- the water and the good stuff is in the butter. Use about 1 lb of leaf or shake to 3 lb of butter.
duction run. We look forward to hearing Strength will vary and you can use more or less of either ingredient depending on how strong or
from you. weak you like your cookies. If the butter is to strong you can mix part special butter with part
ordinary butter for baking. This butter can be used for any recipe but it will have an M.J.
Many thanks.
flavour. My cookie recipe is the best I have found to get rid of that taste.
For more information, contact:


FA C T S A B O U T H E M P H E A R T S ( S H E L L E D H E M P S E E D S )
ENERGY: Middle aged and older individuals lunch and a large salad without dressing in the especially, report that circulation improves.
who eat at least four measuring tablespoons of early evening, losing up to one pound per day. Pain and inflammation, characteristic of arthri-
Hemp Hearts each morning, usually raw on Because those who eat Hemp Hearts in quanti- tis and many chronic diseases, are often much
fruit or oatmeal, notice increased, long-lasting ty every morning are nutritionally satisfied, reduced. Health care professionals are using
energy. Many individuals comment that they they have less difficulty avoiding foods made Hemp Hearts to achieve great results.
are more productive and much less affected by with sugar, flour, potatoes, pasta and rice and HEMP HEARTS COMPARISON WITH
stress. they are less inclined to regain lost weight. OTHER FOODS
APPETITE: Except for those with diabetes and DIGESTION: Customers report efficient diges- *Contains more required amino acids (proteins)
other conditions which require individuals to tive systems without sluggishness and they than milk, meat or eggs.
eat more frequently, most of our customers seem able to derive much more benefit from *Is a complete protein source—much more bal-
report that they are not yet hungry at lunch less food. Because Hemp Hearts are so easily anced & digestible than Soy products.
time—often only slightly hungry at two o’clock digested, customers claim that Hemp Hearts *Contains about 47% oil, 78% of which is
in the afternoon. Those who are overweight can have cured or reduced the effects of chronic omega 3 & 6—the essential fats.
quite easily limit themselves to a pot of tea for problems of the digestive system. There are no *Contains all the essential or omega fats
known allergies to Hemp Hearts. Because they required for human health.
are a well-balanced source of all required pro- *Contains several times more omega 3 essen-
teins and all essential fats as well as most vita- tial fat than any fish.
mins and enzymes, Hemp Hearts are of special *Provides more energy than energy bars—with-
benefit to those who are unable to eat gluten, out their sugar and with much less saturated fat.
lactose, sugar, fish, nuts, meat and other com- *Is suitable for those unable to eat gluten,
mon foods. sugar, milk, nuts & meat.
CLINICAL STUDIES: Analysis indicates that *Is perfect for those troubled with constipation
Hemp Hearts are unmatched in nature for their and for those avoiding carbohydrates.
balance of all required proteins and essential
fats as well as most vitamins and enzymes. Rocky Mountain Grain Products (299614
Analysis also indicates that these beneficial Alberta Ltd) is a small Alberta company with
nutrients are concentrated in Hemp Hearts about twelve employees situated in an irrigated,
without sugar and with only minimal quantities food producing area of rural Alberta. For the
of carbohydrates and saturated fats. Many clin- past thirty years we have worked with other
ical studies associate excessive quantities of local farmers to produce specialty crops on irri-
sugar, saturated fats and carbohydrates with gated land. For the past three years we have
chronic disease. Other studies indicate that been selling increasing quantities of Hemp
hemp products reduce inflammation and Hearts (Shelled Hemp Seed) to health food
improve circulation, factors of primary impor- stores and to health care professionals for use,
tance in the cure and prevention of many dis- especially, by older individuals with chronic
eases. A large percentage of older customers health conditions.
have selected Hemp Hearts in desperation Hemp Hearts are available from Rocky
because of failing health. and within three Mountain Grain Products
months report significant improvements in Box 550, Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 3Z4 T:24 hr
cholesterol and blood pressure. Diabetics, 403 329 1380, F:403 756 3997


by Howard Semenoff tein. Oil pressed from the seed is of highest
for Iskra Magazine, 1995 quality for cooking, can be burned for fuel, and The plant was extensively cultivated for seeds,
made into lubricants, plastics and other prod- along with flax and poppies. Oil was pressed
Most Grand Forks residents know well that the ucts. The seed cake (the part left after the oil is from all of these seeds, but hemp oil was the
industrial and economic base of this valley is pressed out) makes high-protein food for live- most valued, having the best taste. In Grand
undergoing rapid and dramatic change. Mills are stock and people. All of this comes from a plant Forks, these oils were once extracted with a
laying off workers and threatening to close that is ideally suited to the climate and soils of handmade press in the complex at the site where
down. Much of the discussion has centered this area and grows like a weed! the Flour Mill now stands. In addition to cloth,
around forestry issues, but I believe that diversi- It should be noted that hemp is closely related rope, and oil, hemp was valued by many
fication into other economic activities would to marijuana. However, the plant used for smok- Doukhobors as an herbal tea.
serve us better than continued logging and ing contains a drug called THC. Varieties of Although hemp is just one piece that could fit
milling. In Water and Wilderness (ISKRA No. hemp used for fibre and oil contain very tiny into the current economic and environmental
1797, page 14) I mentioned one source of future amounts of THC—they have no drug properties. puzzle, it may become a very important one. If
employment—tourism. However, our needs can- It was an accident of legislation that the plant legal barriers are overcome, our future will cer-
not be met just with tourism. called hemp, grown for industrial purposes, was tainly include the cultivation of this miraculous
banned along with mari-
juana. Thus, the legaliza-
tion of hemp is distinctly
not the legalization of any Members of the Union of Spiritual
drug. Communities of Christ (USCC) share a rich her-
Growing hemp is one of itage and eventful history spanning centuries
the aspects of Doukhobor and continents. They are descendants of
heritage and the history of Russian peasants, derisively named
this area. In Grand Forks “Doukhobors”, or “Spirit Wrestlers”, for their
(and other places), rejection of icon worship and other church ritu-
Doukhobors grew hemp als. They adopted the name, stating they wres-
for fibre, seed, oil and tea. tled with, not against the Holy Spirit, using the
The fibre was spun and power of love to live in harmony with the Law
woven into cloth, often of God and the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
mixed with flax. This ISKRA: Voice of the Doukhobors has been
yielded a garment that was published by the USCC Organization in Grand
comfortable and long-last- Forks, BC, since 1943, and is produced tri-
ing—many of the old weekly throughout the year.
“linen” clothes that are
now collectors’ items are For more information, visit
actually made from hemp
Agriculture is an ancient and essential pursuit fibres.
that is a large part of this area’s history. Sadly, it
has become uneconomical in recent times
because of the lack of reasonable markets for
traditional crops. However, many presently
obscure crops hold the promise of renewed vigor
for our agricultural economy. One of the most
exciting opportunities is the production and pro-
cessing of hemp.
Hemp is an extremely valuable and versatile
crop. The fibre from the plant makes excellent
cloth and rope, having greater durability and fire
resistance than any other natural fibre. An acre
of hemp produces four times as much fibre and
cellulose for paper as an acre of trees, and can be
processed in any standard wood pulp-and-paper
operation. Moreover, hemp paper can be made
with bleaching technologies (using oxygen
rather than chlorine) that are non-polluting and
much safer for workers. Hemp can be formed
into building panels and used as an ingredient in
particle board producing a lighter and more fire
resistant product than the board made from pure
wood fibre.
Hemp seed is a source of high-quality food—
the whole seed is among the few plant products
(such as soybeans) that contain a complete pro-

20 C A N N A B I S H E A LT H J o u r n a l
by Lorraine Langis, Cannabis Pilgrim when we asked if they felt the same about alco-
On April 28, 2004, we were honored to be hol and tobacco. After seeing my ID tag, an
invited to participate in the Vancouver Magazine older lady in the elevator said, “Oh, you’re with
Promenade, held in the Vancouver Public those drug people.”
Library building. The BC Magazine Publishers There are still those out there who believe in
Association (BCAMP) hosted the event which the myth that marijuana is the gateway drug.
was well attended by people from every walk of The most interesting mixed reaction we
life. Here’s a peek at what happened on the 10 received was the StatsCan employee who gladly
hour pilgrimage from Grand Forks to Vancouver accepted a copy of the Journal, but declined
and at the event. when asked to write an article revealing the fact
We received great response from striking HEU that the real problem in Canada is alcohol, not
workers in Keremeos. They were very support- marijuana.
ive and took lots of copies to pass out to co- The demographic we found to be most inter-
workers. (Thanks, ladies!) There was also a ested in medical cannabis surprised us a bit.
hitchhiker in Keremeos who took a copy after There were mostly professional males (40+),
we apologized for not being able to pick her up. seniors wanting to talk and get information and
non-smokers wanting to know more about the
medical value of cannabis. In general, the peo-
ple who picked up our journal were professors,
lawyers, nurses, university students, business- Lorraine Langis and Lisa Smith
SOMEDAY people…every walk of life.
we can educate, the better off we’ll all be.
WE WILL The three most frequently asked questions
If you would like Cannabis Health to attend
were; “Got any free samples?” “Is marijuana
ENLIST legal?” and “What can you tell me about the an event, drop us a line at
POLICE medical value of cannabis?” We had a great
time. For more pics of the event, visit our web- Also, check out the summer events listings on
OFFICERS site (our hits tripled after the show) page 32. You just might see us there!
In closing, I’d like to take this opportunity to
thank all of our advertisers, without whom the
Journal would not exist. Thanks, gang!! I’d
also like to thank all of our subscribers and
everyone who picks up the Journal when they
visit our advertisers; we value your support
(Hope you found your ride!) Then there were more than you know. Lastly, thanks to our driv-
the six older (55-60) gentlemen at the Princeton er and best friend, Corrina. (We love you, girl!)
Hotel pub. They each took a copy of the You all help us fulfill a vision. The more people
Journal, asked Lisa a thousand questions, turned
on the overhead light and devoured theJournal!
(Thanks, guys, you’re awesome!)
The reactions we received in Vancouver were
quite interesting. Some people gravitated to our
booth, some smiled and walked on by, some gig-
gled. We noticed some people would not even
look our way and some stopped dead in their
tracks and came back when they realized what
our banner actually said.
We had some negative responses, like the
group of folks who were sitting next to us in the
Princeton Hotel pub (all smokers and drinkers)
and the older gentleman in Vancouver (an admit-
ted smoker and drinker) who all agreed that
“marijuana is dangerous”, but had no response

C A N N A B I S H E A LT H J o u r n a l 21
by D. Strohm thing as marijuana being used as a medicine, Joanna went searching for information on
Joanna pleaded No Contest! People didn’t know medical marijuana organizations across the
much about medical marijuana in Alaska then country. Her thought was to find the medical
and Joanne thought that she had invented her clubs and use them as models. Joanna called San
own defense, because she knew nothing of the Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C. and
lower 48 medical marijuana movement. In even NBC news trying to locate an example of a
1987, Joanna received her first letter from the medical marijuana group.
doctor stating it helped her medical condition, Next, she called the local AIDS coordinator in
even thought there was no evidence available the County Department of Health and stated that
stating marijuana could be effective as a medi- if anyone needed medical marijuana, she would
cine. share hers with them. A discussion ensued, but
After being told by the District Attorney in no names were supplied at that time. Joanna left
Kodiak that her letter was a joke and no one a contact number with the AIDS coordinator
would believe it, Joanna never paid attention to “just in case” it was needed. Four people con-
the doctor’s letter for another 2 or 3 years. tacted Joanna as a result of this encounter. Then,
In October 1990, while still on probation from one day a letter arrived from NBC news. It con-
the 1986 bust, Joanna learned through Jack tained a list of individuals seeking information
Herer, that there really was a valid argument for on “providers” of medical marijuana. Not know-
medical marijuana. Mr. Herer had gone to help ing what to do with this list, NBC had sent it to
in Alaska’s battle against the re-criminalization Joanna. As a result the Green Cross Patient Co-
of marijuana and the reversal of the Raven case op was formed, 12 members strong.
decision. Joanna was helping Mr. Herer get It was during this time frame that Joanna real-
around when Jack introduced her to Stick. ized that the patients should have “notes” from
Stick (Ron Miller) went to Alaska for 2 weeks their doctors similar to her own. Not only to pro-
with Jack Herer as a volunteer to help keep tect the new patient co-op, but to also help pro-
Joanna McKee
cannabis legal for all adult use in the privacy of tect the patients from adverse drug interactions
Born: Dec. 7, 1942 in Miami, Florida
their homes. It was love at first sight, even if with their current medical treatments and the
they didn’t know it yet. Joanna followed Stick marijuana.
Joanna McKee became active in the political
back to California. As membership in the co-op gradually
arena of the marijuana movement while living in
Together, Joanna and Stick traveled to the increased, Joanna recognized another need; and
Fairbanks, Alaska in 1973, when she became
Seattle area intending to purchase a sailboat, fit- with her partner, Stick, and her service dog,
involved in the Raven case. For those of us too
ting it out and then sail on to Europe. Since it Lumi, they attended a meeting of the Bainbridge
young to know, the Raven case involved the
was difficult to obtain decent marijuana for med- Island City Council and requested the council
right to use marijuana in the privacy of your own
ical use in the area (Seattle’s buds were almost assign those who use medical marijuana, the
home. This was Joanna’s first struggle, for the
always too wet) and Joanna gained such relief lowest priority for law enforcement. The city
right to cultivate, posses and administer
from the pain caused from her injuries, they council gave the pair 3 months to gather the sig-
cannabis (marijuana) medically, but not her last.
decided to grow their own. Yes, you got it, grow natures of 1,000 supporters of their proposal; 2
In 1981, Joanna was involved in a terrible weeks later the task was completed.
on the boat! Joanna and Stick were soon stuck
moped accident that resulted in serious head
in Seattle. Why? “Because you can’t grow pot Ms. McKee and Mr. Miller would not have
To whom it may concern, on a boat!” attended the City Council meeting that was to
In 1991, a kindred spirit approached Joanna address their signature drive and nothing farther
with the comment, “This bud’s for you, from would have developed if Ch 7, KIRO News, had
Joanna McKee has a number of prob- not notified them of the impending meeting of
lems some of which followed a head someone who knows about your need,” and
shared a cigar-sized bud with her. “I was so the City Council when they called Joanna
injury in August of 1981. She has back searching for an interview.
blown away that someone who I didn’t know
pain and episodes of depression for understood how desperately I needed this medi- The Co-op continued in this fashion for a cou-
which she uses marihuana sparingly cine!” Joanna then began to think that if she felt ple of years and by 1995 the membership num-
with beneficial results. I have not dis- that good when someone shared medicine with bered approximately 70, each member possess-
couraged this since it seems to help and her, “How much better if I passed it on?” ing a doctor’s note, when a local DEA agent
she seems to control its use. In 1992, Joanne saw a television special about ordered that the small band of medical marijua-
AIDS patients using marijuana to combat wast- na users be busted. The authorities wanted to
Holmes Johnson Clinic Doctor’s note ing syndrome. The marijuana gave them the prove that Joanna and Stick and their patient Co-
6-12-87 munchies so they could eat and keep their food op were not really what they professed to be, but
down. This special motivated her to pursue her were indeed criminals who only wanted to get
injuries and a sprained neck. She was in a coma goal of sharing her medicine with others.
for 6 days. By 1982, Joanna was using marijua-
na for the pain that is a result of her spinal cord
While in Kodiak, Alaska in 1986, Joanna was
busted for growing her own medicine. She
earned the nickname of “Dragon Lady” from the
prosecuting attorney for refusing to state her
marijuana was something besides medicine.
Since no one in Kodiak had heard of such a
22 C A N N A B I S H E A LT H J o u r n a l
high and sell dope. not want to lose on Joanna and Stick; it could
In 1995, on Bainbridge Island, the founders of affect the other cases.
the Green Cross Patient Co-op were busted for The appeals Judge also dismissed the case.
manufacturing with intent. Joanna was released Some of the testimony given by Joanna to the
on her own P.R. and another individual posted Bainbridge Island City Council in favor of med-
bail for Stick. He wanted the money returned ical marijuana had been used against her.
because he really wanted a trial more than the Because of this victory in the courts, the 1995
Prosecuting Attorney. Hempfest was dedicated to Green Cross Patient
After a lot of publicity and an apology from Co-op.
the police, their case was thrown out because of Wanting to be closer to the patients, in 1996,
an improper search warrant. The warrant was 3 Joanna and Stick moved inside the Seattle city
pages long and the word “marijuana” was not limits. 1996-98 found the Green Cross Patient
included anywhere! Co-op (founders and members) helping to
Hearing about the first conference in 10 years write the I-692 initiative, gathering signatures
about medical marijuana being held in and encouraging people to vote. The new law
Washington, D.C., Joanna asked the judge for RCW69.5/a is the result of their efforts.
permission to attend. The Judge did not want her After all of this, you would think she was
to go, because he thought it was a publicity done and Joanna’s mission to provide access to
stunt. Joanna was determined and went to medical marijuana was over, then you would
Washington, D.C. anyway. Upon her return, Ms be wrong! To this day, she stands up for med-
McKee was escorted to jail for 2 days as a disci- ical marijuana patients by providing expert wit-
plinary action. The DEA wanted her bail ness for patients when called to court. She has
rescinded and her incarcerated for the entire 5 testified in both the House and Senate
days she was away. Although the Judge didn’t Committee meetings in Olympia, and acts as
want to discipline her, he had no choice. an advisor on the legal-political aspects of set-
The case was dismissed. It took the submis- ting up a medical marijuana patient Co-op.
sion of 7 briefs before the “m” word was “I would not have been able to do any of this
entered. The state appealed. (of course) without the help and support of Stick and a lot
Eighteen other cases were pending in the legal of good people,” is all Joanna McKee wants
system with the same type of warrants. They did others to know.



On May 1st and 2nd, an event was held on the

North Shore of Riverfront Park in Spokane
WA to celebrate Global March for Cannabis
Liberation Day, formerly known as the Million
Marijuana March. SpoCannabis leader Darren
McCrea organized the event with the help of
the following sponsors: Luigi’s Italian restau-
rant, Printing Inc’s Print and Copy Center, Top
o’ the Line, Total Health Shoppe, Six-Nineteen
Bar and Grill, Motives Cosmetics, Collage
Tattoo, Scotty’s Bar and Grill.
Soma ( photo courtesy of
Thank you also to our sponsors who believe
in our cause but, because of the negative stigma tradition. moved the prosecutor to reduce the pending
associated with this plant, have chosen to remain Update on Cliff Chadwell’s legal case. felony manufacturing conviction to a misde-
anonymous. Thanks to the following bands for meanor charge. The prosecutors moved his court
SpoCannabis blanketed Spokane and the
providing the entertainment: Melefulent, James date twice before offering him this deal. Cliff
vicinities with posters alerting our fellow
Neil, Rich Clark, Oblique, Incident, White would have fought on, but a month later, the
humans to the mistreatment we face as sick peo-
Knuckle, Control-Z, Deaconess, Fatality, Soma stress from the ordeal still finds him spending
ple in the land that claims to be free and demo-
and Anomaly.Extra special thanks to Cannabis most of his time in bed.
cratic. We spoke of the hypocrisies on radio and
Health Journal for attending and helping to pro- TV and we held rallies in Cliff’s defense in front We at SpoCannabis are honored to have been
mote the cause of Medical Marijuana and to of the courthouse during his scheduled hearings. able to help Cliff’s grandfather, father, uncle,
Green Cross of Seattle. We had a great time with The prosecutors finally recognized Cliff’s stress brother, cousin, neighbor and fellow human
good friends for a great cause. We had a lot of level and declining health and offered him a beings fight this unjust system that it sometimes
great feedback and plan on keeping it an annual deal. His relentless fight against the system feels like so few are fighting to change.

The 3rd Annual

Drug War Film Festival
will be held
September 24th and 25th
To encourage a wider spectrum of partici-
pants to view the films, this years event
will be staged at a theater separate from the
Toker’s Bowl.

Our group, The Drug War Vigil Memorial

Society is honored to be affiliated with this
festival and we thank Marc Emery, Chris
Bennet and the crew of Pot-TV for sup-
porting this event; extraordinary activism
in action!

It is our hope to inspire independent and

amateur film makers to produce inspira-
tional works. Entries in this contest must
be submitted by Sept 10th/04.

for details on how to enter.


Good Medicine, Great Sex! - How Marijuana related ) and he found himself winning awards
Brought Me Creativity, Passion, and Prosperity for his creative efforts. Marijuana gave Dave the
by David Ford vision to take any job or company he was
involved in and make it flourish while remaining
Also by Ford, the critically acclaimed kind and considerate to others. David watched
marijuana book, Not Guilty As Charged and listened his whole life to stories of how mar-
ijuana had helped so many. How can any herb
Good Medicine, Great Sex is a completely that has so many healing qualities, be deemed so
uncensored, amazing autobiography filled with evil?
wild adventures, laughter and tears. It is this question that sent David on the search
A former CBS journalist, David describes how of a life time. Along with David’s adventures his
book provides extensive research about marijua- Author David R. Ford and his book.
marijuana has touched his life for over 50 years.
Cannabis helped David overcome cancer, it na’s prohibition. David recounts his own experi- I was fascinated as I read David’s stories
helped him write creative lectures (non cannabis ence in uncovering the “truth” and responds to about of how cannabis increases sexual pleasure,
every “Drug War” lie with documented and creativity and enjoyment of life. His true life
credible science. story is a touching tale of one mans love of life,
For the past 30 years Ford has lived in beauti- family, people, and the many friends he met
ful peaceful Hawaii. Much of the book takes through one of the oldest social icebreakers,
place in Hawaii, the last state to be impacted by sharing a joint.
the drug war. Visit David Ford’s web site, to read free chapters and
When the full effect of the drug war reached
learn about his one million dollar challenge to
Hawaii, it made marijuana very hard to find and
the DEA.
expensive. Not surprising methamphetamine
Review by Lisa Smith
use and overdoses rose dramatically in a state
that did not have these problems before.
David fights the insanity of marijuana prohi-
bition in every chapter. His job with CBS in
Hawaii, allowed him to question Hollywood’s
finest on their thoughts about cannabis. Some
great responses from the stars are revealed in
the book. David interviews persons from all
walks of life on the subject and readers will
relate to these experiences.

by Lorraine Langis

If you’ve ever been just a

little curious about hemp,
you should give this CD a
listen. Music wise, there’s
something for everyone
and in between songs,
Garnet Kranz speaks
about hemp in his parents and grandparents time.

The CD conveys a very strong message about hemp

and its ability to help save the environment. Garnet
talks about hemp rope, hemp milk (which was
apparently a cure for TB in the 1930s) and a lot of
other uses they had for hemp when it was legal. He
also talks of the criminalization of hemp and the
penalties that were associated with it.

I found this CD to be very enjoyable and easy to

listen to (my favourite track being “Tasty Hemp
Seeds” done to the tune of “Day-O”). If you want to
learn more about hemp and be entertained at the
same time, this might be the CD for you.

The Hemp SeeDee (A Compilation of Songs and

Stories Celebrating the Many Uses of Hemp).
$20.00 call 1-800-385-FOLK to order or visit


by Sebastian Schulz
There is a famous claim about the effects of
cannabis made by many consumers, a claim
that has often been ridiculed as a legend. Critics
say that the allegation has only been made up
by “potheads” who tend to overestimate the rel-
evance of their trip experiences and want to
rationalize their smoking habit. Briefly, the
claim is this: The use of cannabis can help a
consumer to gain valid and important insights.
Now, even before we look at the claim in detail,
let us anticipate some reactions. The mere men-
tioning of this hypothesis instills terror in the
camps of both proponents and opponents of the
decriminalization of cannabis. It seems accept-
able for many to say that cannabis can be used
therapeutically for cancer patients to reduce
nausea, or for AIDS patients to stimulate
appetite and thus help them gain weight. But
aren’t those psychedelic “side effects” just
annoying and dangerous? Don’t they lead only
to a distorted and false perception of reality? Sebastian Schulz
Even most proponents of medical cannabis or
those who argue for other reasons for its legal- quently used with into. i.e., He had an insight cannabis may indeed enhance our capacity to
ization choose not to stress its psychedelic into almost all the secrets of state. gain insights.
effects, let alone name them as a plus. Usually, 2. Power of acute observation and deduction; Before we look at those effects, however, let
the psychedelic effects of cannabis are seen as penetration; discernment; perception. me point to an important ambiguity in the notion
the “recreational” side of the drug and taking of insight, which comes out in the definition of
mind-bending drugs for fun is just not accept- (Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary Webster’s dictionary. Generally, an insight is to
able to a society whose members are supposed to 1996, 1998, Micra, Inc.) be seen as a sudden, new understanding of a sit-
function in a rational way. If at all, it is appro- Insight:
priate to mention the relaxing properties of
cannabis that help a user to bring himself back to “The immediate, spontaneous grasp of a fact or
a functioning state through “intensified recre- a context due to an imagination which re-struc-
ation”, just like Disneyland or a mainstream tures the task or issue or which transfers prob-
Hollywood movie. But the mere supposition that lem-solving principles to new situations.”
a “drug” like cannabis can lead an individual to
important insights and thus, may have the poten- (Meyer’s Dictionary/Germany)
tial to help him lead a more meaningful life
sounds outrageous to most. Also, even if this Those definitions remain somehow neutral,
were true, wouldn’t this be the wrong signal to but our everyday notion of an “insight” often
give to our children – or even worse, to the gen- seems to have an intrinsic mystical or religious
eral public? connotation to it, probably even more so in the
context of psychedelic experience with its age-
I suggest being philosophical about it: let’s
old history of shamanism and religious and
care about truth first, then about politics. If we
mystical ritual uses. Nevertheless, I would sug-
want to evaluate the insight claim, we should
gest that even though insights may come to a
first try to understand what it means. What, gen-
subject like sudden quantum leaps in under-
erally, do we call an insight? Here are two defi-
standing, they should be considered the result of
nitions found in dictionaries:
cognitive processes which are no more mysteri-
In”sight`\, n. ous than other human cognitive skills. In the fol-
1. A sight or view of the interior of anything; a lowing I will try to briefly outline how I think
deep inspection or view; introspection,-- fre- that a combination of psychotropic effects of


uation, fact or problem, but there is also a more speakers who often lose the thread while they thing?’And this struck me, and made me
restricted sense of insight, which is that of an are speaking or listening to a story. In contrast to realize that Sam had never rebelled
enhanced capacity of introspection into one’s this, many users under the acute influence of against anything or anyone in his life!
own mind. Insights can be of a more general cannabis have reported an enhancement of their The next day, this insight seemed pretty
kind, but often they come as a form of intro- ability to deliberately retrieve memories or to ordinary, but I notice that I have always
spection into one’s own mental states, producing erratically produce memories about episodes in remembered it, and ever since then I
in particular insights about the individual con- their life. Often, these memories are “re-lived” think I have understood Sam a little bit
sumer himself. I am firmly convinced that more vividly, accompanied sometimes by vivid better” (personal report cited in High
cannabis not only enhances our capacity to gain imagery of remembered situations. It also seems Culture: Marijuana in the Lives of
general insights, but also especially enhances that under the influence of cannabis, a consumer Americans, by William Novak [1980]).
“introspective” insights. Due to space restric- accesses memories which he usually cannot
tions, however, I cannot argue the case here. retrieve at all. A cannabis high also often pro- Now, as the insights’ originator herself noted,
Instead, I will try to give you a rough impression duces mindracing, an accelerated stream of asso- in a way, this insight doesn’t seem to be spectac-
of how a combination of the psychotropic effects ciative thoughts almost similar to dreaming. ular from an intellectual point of view, however,
of cannabis may generally enhance our ability to Further, it has been observed that the influence remarkably, it is a new perception that will stay
gain insights. of cannabis leads to “increased perceptual with the woman and have a significant impact on
Let’s first look at a few of the well known psy- organization” or in other words, a better pattern her thinking about her husband for the rest of her
chotropic short-term effects of cannabis known recognition, like a tendency to perceive faces in life. I suspect that her judgment about her hus-
from scientific psychological studies and from mountain or cloud formations. band strongly depends on a rapid retrieval of a
anecdotal evidence. Cannabis consumers often It seems obvious to me that in particular cases long list of distinct episodic memories concern-
experience short-term effects such as a malfunc- a combination of these effects can lead to altered ing her husband with reference to the question
tion of short-term (or “workspace”) memory, an patterns of cognition and, consequently, to whether he ever rebelled against anything, or
enhancement of their ability to retrieve episodic insights. Here is a report of one type of insight: told a story of rebelling against anything.
memories, mindracing, hallucinations, a change I remember saying to [my husband], There seem to be at least two basic short-term
in pattern recognition, and a change in their ‘Sam, do you have a sense of what your effects of cannabis involved here: mindracing
attention. These, to name only a few, are the daughters will be rebelling against in the and the enhancement of episodical memory
short term effects of cannabis which I take to be next few years?’ And he replied, ‘Why retrieval. The latter effect made it possible for
relevant for the production of insights. The neg- do you think they will rebel against any- her to access episodical memories which are
ative impact on short-term memory is visible in

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usually not that easily accessible to her, whereas
the former effect (mindracing) enabled her to
retrieve them in a rapid manner, allowing her to
form a new generalization about her husband
despite her cannabis-induced shortened work-
space memory. Note also, that what made this
insight possible was what we could call a “shift-
and-zoom” effect of attention. The couple was
focussed on the issue of the children’s future, but
then the woman’s thinking shifted to a focus
extensively on a character disposition of her hus-
band. Presumably, this “shift-and-zoom” effect
also has to do with the negative effects of
cannabis on our workspace memory. In the con- sumers, where the insights have a rough and as me that most of us now perceive a large part of
versation cited above, the woman probably did yet hypothetical genealogy. our external reality by looking at representations
not quite stick to the original topic (the children) Let me cite just one slightly more complex on television and on the internet – representa-
because her memory of the original topic of the insight. I remember how I was watching televi- tions which will more and more lose their
discussion had quickly faded away. Her atten- sion, smoking marijuana and suddenly realized integrity for us. I also thought that the movie
tion then slipped to another topic, where she tar- that my trust concerning video and photo cover- “The Matrix” was an excellent example of this
ried reminiscing about her husband (zoom age shown in the news had already started to loss of integrity.
effect). Certainly, this insight is nothing that fade as a result of my knowledge of modern Just a comment on another aspect of insight:
couldn’t have happened to her in a sober state of post-production manipulation techniques. For an Cannabis seems especially to enable us to “feel
mind. But we can see how and why the use of instant, I felt I was able to put myself subjec- from within” as if we were in a different situa-
marijuana enhanced her readiness to come to tively into the position of a viewer in a possible tion, or as if we were a different person. As a
that perception of a fact about her husband future where we watch the news with the same matter of fact, this underlying capacity of men-
through certain types of the short-term higher disbelieving attitude as most of us now watch a tal perception has come to be recognised as one
cognitive effects of cannabis. digitally created movie effect, like in the sci- of the basic mental capacities of human thinking
The example above is only one example of ence-fiction movie “Godzilla”. It really felt and become a focus of modern cognitive sci-
one of the typical insights reported by con- strange to watch the news this way. It then struck ence. Based on my experience and my study of

Pick up your copy of Cannabis Health Journal at any of our advertiser’s locations.


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reports, I believe that cannabis can enhance intu- then allow us to understand the more complex insight therapies. On the cultural level, we will
ition and sometimes even dramatically affect our patterns of short-term cognitive effects of probably have to re-evaluate the impact that
capacity to “feel from within”. cannabis which can trigger the production of drugs like cannabis have had, not only on indi-
Generally, I would argue that we can distin- various types of insight. viduals, but also on societies in general, through
guish between several specific types of typical We have only just begun to understand the the new thought patterns cannabis has generated
insight which are traceable to various basic basic psychotropic effects of cannabis, and what in thinkers, artists and musicians who influenced
short-term psychotropic effects of cannabis. Of is required is a more in-depth and complex and inspired their cultures.
course, cannabis will not ‘deliver’ the contents inquiry, an exploration of the combined impact Hopefully, as we would learn more about the
for those insights; it will only help to “catalyse” of cannabis on higher human cognition. The historical, religious and traditional inspirational
thoughts and memories and alter our cognition result of such an investigation could produce uses of cannabis and about the motivation of
in various typical ways such that we come to significant knowledge on both an individual and consumers today, cannabis consumers will focus
new perceptions, ideas and conclusions based on a cultural level. On the individual level, we more on the inspirational potential and less on
our individual intelligence and knowledge. could understand more how cannabis, as well as the recreational or “party” uses of cannabis.
If we want to understand better how cannabis other psychedelic substances, contribute to help-
produces these types of insight, we will have to ing us obtain significant insights about ourselves
and about the world in general. This interdisci- Dr. Sebastian Schulz holds a P.H.D. in philos-
work from two ends. First, we have to gather and
plinary “neuropsychedelonautic” research will ophy and specializes in the philosophy of mind.
classify reports about certain types of cognitive
effects and insights reported by users of not only produce significant knowledge about He is currently writing a book about the subject
cannabis. Second, in order to better understand the psychotropic effects of cannabis, but can and is looking for additional grants to fund the
the various basic effects of cannabis on the reveal important facts about the most fascinating research.
human brain, we have to combine a lower-level aspects of human cognition itself, like creative
scientific approach inspired by neuropsycho- thinking, pattern recognition, or the architecture
pharmacology with other neuroscientific disci- of our memory. It will enable us to better evalu-
plines, including in particular, the new knowl- ate possible use of cannabis for specific medical
edge of the endocannabinoid system. This would treatments, conceivably even something like

Pick up your copy of Cannabis Health Journal at any of our advertiser’s locations.


After the plants have been growing a while so that the water coming through the soil is clear
you will need to get your root-bound seedlings and not yellow when you’re finished. This will
into a larger home. Timing depends on the size require five times the volume of the soil in clear
of the container, sooner for smaller pots. Failure water to make sure the yellow, brackish organic
to do this will cause undue stress on the plants, matter is cleared from the root-ball. This will
potentially stunting their growth or worse, forc- flush plant excretions from the processes of the
ing the female plants to hermaphrodite, turn both growing seedling, and failure to do so can result
male & female. in high pH levels and excessive acidity. If these
When you notice the pots drying out faster, it residues remain in the new soil, they can impede
indicates the young plants are increasing their the nutrient uptake to the plant.
requirement for water and need a larger footing Take the pot in one hand, and holding the plant
and longer lasting moisture supply. Two-inch stem between your middle fingers, turn it over
pots need to go up to 6-inch pots before the next so the plant is hanging upside down. Gently
larger ones, so to save time, germinate in a 6- squeeze the pot to loosen the soil. Slide the pot
inch pot for the first 2-3 weeks knowing they off upwards, and there, you have the plant in
will be going into a 3-5 gallon pot or larger for your hand.
inside. I will pot them up to a 1 gallon if they are Turn the plant over and place the root ball in
going into an outside garden plot to finish. the center of the new pot so that one to two inch- will ensure your plants will not suffer potting
Prepare soil using 4 parts black potting soil, 1 es of the lower stem is buried under soil. Fill in shock by drying out. The first fertilization can be
part Perlite, and 2 parts composted matter to with more soil, packing it evenly, making certain done on the next watering, and will not be
provide good soil fibre. For every mixed batch it is not too loose. Bring the soil level in the pot required again for around 4 weeks.
of soil add in 1 cup of wood ash. mix thorough- up to within an inch of the top. Leave enough Have a great summer, everyone. K.K.
ly, and prepare your larger pots, filling each one- room so it may be generously watered. Once the For more growing tips, go to:
third full with the soil mixture. babies are in their new home, water the plants
While still in the small pots, flush each plant generously; soaking them so the water comes
out the holes in the bottom of the new pot. This

Pick up your copy of Cannabis Health Journal at any of our advertiser’s locations.


Hemp Festival, 2004, Atlantic The next issue of
Canada Cannabis Health
Festival of Freedom
July 31 to Aug 1 will feature
the art and at the Forks spirituality July 23-25, 2004
of cannabis Grand Forks, BC
Krieger Smoke Out, Regina We encourage readers A musical celebration of
August 7 to 8 to send us your art, Peace, Environment, and
music, cartoons, fash-
ions and your spiritual
Shambhala, Nelson BC For more information call:
experiences. Deadline
August 13 to 15 for submissions is 1-866-442-2833
July 15/04. or visit:

Seattle Hempfest, Washington

August 21 to 22

Hempfest 2004, Northern Ontario

August 26 to 29

Drug War Vigil Film Festival,

Vancouver, BC
Sept 24 to 25

Cannabis Culture Toker’s Bowl,

Vancouver, BC
Sept 24 to 25

The 100 acres of the Salmo River Ranch,

deep in the heart of BC’s Kootenays, will
be transformed into a multi-media musi-
cal empire. There will be DJ’s from
around the world, cutting edge technolo-
gy, and thousands of people having an
amazing time celebrating music, diversity,
creativity, and individuality.
For more information, check out the
Shambhala website at
or call 250.352.7623.
Escape, come see what the world could
be like at Shambhala.


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