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EES 512 – Electric Circuits – Winter 2010

Sections - 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 14

Instructor: Dr. Karthi Umapathy

EES 512, Winter 2010, KU 1

EES 512
Class Distribution

Class Representative
Counseling Hours


Tutorials 2
Electricity – Form of Energy

Laws and relations that govern fundamentals, uses, and conversion

to other forms of energy (heat, light, sound or mechanical energies)
were discovered over the last 300 years

Electric Circuits – formed by connecting the terminals of electric

elements using conducting wires

Why it is important to other branches of science and engineering?

- Electricity/ Electronics is used in one form or the other in all

modern everyday activities

- The electric circuit models has analogies in other branches of science

and engineering

Timetable – Labs marked as tutorials
Lab schedule – download for 2 weeks

Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter
consists, measured in coulombs

Atom  Nucleus (Protons + Neutrons) + Electrons

Positively (+) charged Negatively (-) charged

- outer most orbit

- weak binding force
- valence bands
Free electrons - easily escape with
little energy
Freeing one or more electrons makes the atom positively charged ion 8
Metals like copper, aluminum, sliver, gold  electrons in valence band 
even at room temp.  free electrons

Under the influence

of external energy
source (e.g. battery,
(-) (+) a source of electro-
-motive force)

Free electrons move

towards +ve

Holes move towards


h =e
+ −

Current carriers

Energy source acts like a pump, drawing e from one side and supplying to the other side9
Coulomb  Unit for charge  French Scientist

Unit charge of 1 coulomb (C) = charge on 6.242 X 10 electrons

The charge e on one electron is negative and equal in magnitude to

1.602 × 10-19 C which is called as electronic charge. The charges that occur
in nature are integral multiples of the electronic charge.

Law of conservation of charge: Charge can neither be created nor destroyed,

only transferred

Electric Current  net displacement (flow or motion) of current carriers (

electrons or holes) through a cross-sectional area of a conductor, such
as copper wire, is called an electric current.

Motion of current carriers  displacement w.r.t to time

Definition: Electric Current is the time rate of change of charge, measured

in amperes.

i= Q = ∫ i dt
dt t0

1C of charge flows through a cross section of a conductor in 1s then one

unit of current results called 1 ampere or 1A  French Physicist

1A =

I = 2A I = 1.5 A +

I = - 2A t

t(s) T
Direct Current Alternating Current

Ex 1:

How many coulombs are represented by these amount of electrons ?

a ) 6.482 * 1017
b) 1.24 * 1018
c ) 2.46 * 1019
a ) 1.628 * 10 20
I = 2A I = 1.5 A +

I = - 2A t

t(s) T
Direct Current Alternating Current

Ex 1:

How many coulombs are represented by these amount of electrons ?

a ) q = 6.482 * 1017 * ( −1.602 * 10 −19 C ) = −0.10384C
b) q = 1.24 * 1018 * ( −1.602 * 10 −19 C ) = −0.19865C
c ) q = 2.46 * 1019 * ( −1.602 * 10 −19 C ) = −3.941C
a ) q = 1.628 * 10 20 * ( −1.602 * 10 −19 C ) = −26.08C
Ex 2:

Determine the current flowing through the an element if the charge flow is
given by
q (t ) = (8t 2 + 4t − 2)C

Ex 3:

Find the charge q(t) flowing through a device if the current is

i (t ) = (2t + 5) mA, q (0) = 0
Ex 2:

Determine the current flowing through the an element if the charge flow is
given by
q (t ) = (8t 2 + 4t − 2)C
i= = 16t + 4 A

Ex 3:

Find the charge q(t) flowing through a device if the current is

i (t ) = (2t + 5) mA, q (0) = 0
Ex 2:

Determine the current flowing through the an element if the charge flow is
given by
q (t ) = (8t 2 + 4t − 2)C
i= = 16t + 4 A

Ex 3:

Find the charge q(t) flowing through a device if the current is

i (t ) = (2t + 5) mA, q (0) = 0

q (t ) = ∫ i dt = t 2 + 5t mC
Ex 4:

The charge flowing in a wire is plotted in figure, sketch the current


2 4 6 8

Ex 4:

The charge flowing in a wire is plotted in figure, sketch the current


2 4 6 8


2 4 6 8

Voltage or Electric Potential Difference

Transfer of charge w.r.t time  current

Motion of current carriers What makes them move ?

A source of energy (e.g. battery) must be used to provide the required

work (or energy) necessary to cause the motion of the current carriers

Initiates the force that make the charge move, thus the
energy source is referred to as electromotive force (EMF)

Energy  Capacity to work, Work  done by spending energy

Measured in Joules

Voltage or Electric Potential Difference

The electric energy source creates potential energy difference

+ between 2 points

Lower potential point –ve (can also be numbers)

Higher potential point +ve (can also be numbers)
a a

A simple circuit
+ vab
Voltage or potential diff. of a
- point a w.r.t point b

b b
a – higher potential points, b- lower potential points
Voltage or Electric Potential Difference

Definition: Voltage or potential energy difference between two points in an

electric circuit is the amount of energy (or work) required to move a unit
charge between these two points

vab = dw / dq
– w is energy in joules (J) and q is charge in coulomb (C).

The unit of voltage is volt  Italian scientist

When the work required to transfer 1 C of charge between two points is 1 j, the voltage between the points is 1 V

Voltage “in between” or “across” vab = 6V vba = -6V vab = −vba

Voltage or Electric Potential Difference

vab = −vba a b
Any load
+ - I

vab = 6V Electric vba= -6V +


- +
V and I directions are
b a

Ex 5:

A rechargeable flashlight battery is capable of delivering 85mA for about

12h. How much charge can it release at that rate? If its terminal voltage
Is 1.2V, how much energy can the battery deliver?

v = dw / dq
Voltage or Electric Potential Difference

vab = −vba a b
Any load
+ - I

vab = 6V Electric vba= -6V +


- +
V and I directions are
b a

Ex 5:

A rechargeable flashlight battery is capable of delivering 85mA for about

12h. How much charge can it release at that rate? If its terminal voltage
Is 1.2V, how much energy can the battery deliver?

q = i * t = 85 *10−3 *12 * 60 * 60 C
w = qv = 4406.4 J
Voltage or Electric Potential Difference

Ex 6:

A current of 0.3 A flows through a filament and releases 13.5 J of heat

energy in 5s. What is the voltage across the filament?

Ans = 9 V

Electric Energy Sources

Voltage Source: when the source provides a fixed specified voltage across
its terminals, independent of the load connected to it.

Current Source: when the source provides a fixed specified current flow from
its terminals, independent of the load connected to it.

DC and AC sources

DC = Output independent
of time
+ AC = Output varies
~ ~ continuously as a function
- - of time. Polarity also
reverses every specified
dc ac dc ac

Voltage sources Current sources

Charge Capacity
Battery sources can only store a specified amount of energy.

Ampere-hour - unit for charge capacity

Life time (h) = ampere-hour capacity (Ah)

average current drawn (A) 25
Electric Power and Energy

Raise a certain mass a fixed distance from ground – Work

“doing the same work fast” makes you more tired than
“doing the same work slow”

“Rate of energy expenditure”

Definition: Power is the time rate of expending or absorbing energy,

measured in watts (W)

dw dw dq
p= = . = vi Note W & w
dt dq dt

Instantaneous Power

Unit is watt  James Watt (Scottish Inventor) 1W = 1J/s

A practical unit of power (British System) = horsepower = 746 W = 0.746kW 26

Absorbing Power vs Delivering Power

+ +

Load Source
element element

- -
Load element  Current flows from +ve to –ve  energy spent by charge
 Load absorbing power
Source element  Current flows from -ve to +ve  electric charges gaining
energy  source generating or delivering power to other elements

Passive sign convention  current entering +ve terminal p=+vi , current

entering –ve terminal p =-vi
+Power absorbed = - Power supplied
Law of conservation of energy  the algebraic sum of power in a circuit
at any instant of time should be zero

Electrical energy or work done w unit is joules

Energy  Capacity to work
t t

w = ∫ p dt = ∫ vi dt Watts X second
t0 t0

Electrical utilities charge for the expenditure of energy based on a

large unit of energy called the kilowatt-hour or kWh
6 6
1kWh= 1000 x 3600 = 3.6 x 10 W.s = 3.6 x 10 J
1Wh= 3600 J
Ex 7:

At 12 cents per kilowatt-hour, what is the cost of leaving a 60 W lamp on

for 7 days?

Ans = $ 1.21 28

Electrical components  Convert electrical energy into mechanical or

heat form or vice-versa  Motors  some loss in power in over coming
friction  wasted as heat

So usually input energy (or power Pin) will be larger than the
output energy (or power Pout)

η (%) = × 100

Circuit Elements

Electric Circuits – formed by connecting the terminals of electric

elements using conducting wires

Active Elements Passive Elements

• A dependent source is an active element in

which the source quantity is controlled by
another voltage or current.

Independent Dependant
sources sources
Circuit Elements

Active Elements Passive Elements

• A dependent source is an active element in

which the source quantity is controlled by
another voltage or current.

Independent Dependant
sources sources

Current carriers (free electrons)  flow in conducting material 

under the influence of an external energy source  gains momentum
 kinetic energy

Current carriers (free electrons)  may collide with stationary atoms

forming the crystalline structure of the material  loses momentum and
kinetic energy transferred to the stationary atom of the material

Collision  depends on property of material  that is exhibited

as opposition to current flow

This property is called the electrical resistance

of the material and denoted as R


Property of the material  Specific Resistivity  ρ

the longer the
l (m) conductor more
R=ρ Ω Unit Ohm

Material with resistivity

of ρ The larger the
cross section easier
A(m 2 ) conduction less
A(m 2 ) resistance
ρ = R (Ω) ×
l ( m) -8
Copper – 1.7 X 10 Ω.m
Aluminum – 2.8 X 10 Ω.m


Open Circuit
Short Circuit (R = ∞ Ω)
(R = 0 Ω)


The ability of the material to allow electric current to flow

Conductance is inverse of resistance

G= S or Ω
Siemens or mho
1 A A
G= =σ Siemens
ρ l l

σ= = Specific Conductivity S/m

Previous Lecture

• Charge 1 coulomb (C) = charge on 6.242 X 10 electrons

• Current i= Q = ∫ i dt
dt t0

• Voltage or Potential Difference vab = dw / dq

t t
dw dw dq
• Power and Energy p= = . = vi w = ∫ p dt = ∫ vi dt
dt dq dt t0 t0
• Efficiency η (%) = × 100
• Resistance R=ρ Ω

• Conductance 1
G= S

Applications: CRT, Electricity bills worked out examples in the book


Property of the material  Specific Resistivity  ρ

the longer the
l (m) conductor more
R=ρ Ω Unit Ohm

Material with resistivity

of ρ The larger the
cross section easier
A(m 2 ) conduction less
A(m 2 ) resistance
ρ = R (Ω) ×
l ( m) -8
Copper – 1.7 X 10 Ω.m
Aluminum – 2.8 X 10 Ω.m


Open Circuit
Short Circuit (R = ∞ Ω)
(R = 0 Ω)

Ohm’s Law

Transfer of current carriers through resistive elements necessitates

the expenditure of energy, in the form of work done by an external
source such as battery

This is required to overcome the opposition that the resistive element

exhibits due to the collision mechanism

Larger the resistance (R), more work to be done, work per unit charge
Is voltage (V)

V ∝ R 1

Ohm’s Law

For a specific value of (R), more the voltage (V), more will be
the current (I)

V ∝ I 2

Combine 1 and 2

V ∝ RI

Either combine k with R

V = kRI or k=1

Constant of proportionality 40
Ohm’s Law

V = RI

German Scientist - Georg Simon Ohm

R = I = I = GV
Short Circuit
Unit of Resistance is derived from V and I
V = RI = 0
V (V) 1 (V) Open Circuit
RΩ = 1Ω = V
I (A) I = =0
1 (A) R

SC, OC, Practical Resistors

Wire wound

Carbon film

Variable resistors
Color Coding of Resistors
Measuring Current (through R) and Voltage (across R)

(Lab 1)

V voltmeter reading
R = =
I ammeter reading
Power in a Resistance

External energy source  Provides  Work  Overcome Resistance

The work collision mechanism  other forms of energy (heat, light)

Resistors can be used for one of the following:

• To limit or control the current flow

• Energy conversions  heat or light or mechanical energy

• To connect electrical components

P= = = VI From Ohm’s law I =
t Q t R
Power in a Resistance - Nonlinear function of either
current or voltage
P= or P=I R 2 - Resistor passive element
R - Always absorbs power
Resistor dissipate heat energy due to collision mechanisms

Power rating

Max safe voltage across R

Vmax = Pmax R

Max safe current across R I max =
Energy dissipated in any resistance or work done = W = P×t
W =V × I ×t J
Graphical Characteristics of Resistors
Straight line
When a resistor obeys ohm’s law
(Lab 1)
V = RI
it is called a linear resistor

I = GV = V
Graphical Characteristics of Resistors
I = GV = V
Non-linear elements
Do not obey
Ohm’s law

(Lab 1)

At any specific operating point

V dV
static resistance = Rdc = dynamic resistance = rac = Slope of
I dI
A simple circuit with resistor

Calculate current (i), conductance (G) and power (p)

v 1
i= G=

p = vi p = i2R p = v 2G

EES 512, Winter 2010, KU 50

A simple circuit with resistor

Calculate current (i), conductance (G) and power (p)

v 30 1 1
i= = −3
= 6mA G= = −3
= 0.2mS
R 5 × 10 R 5 × 10

p = vi = 30 × (6 × 10 −3 ) = 180mW

p = i 2 R = (6 × 10 −3 ) 2 × 5 × 103 = 180mW

p = v 2G = (30) 2 × 0.2 × 10 −3 = 180mW

EES 512, Winter 2010, KU 51

A simple circuit with resistor

Calculate voltage (v), conductance (G) and power (p)

20V , 100 µS , 40mW

Nodes, Branches, and Loops

A branch represents a single element such

as a voltage source or a resistor.

A node is the point of connection between two

or more branches.

A loop is any closed path in a circuit.

b = l + n −1
EES 512, Winter 2010, KU 52
Series and Parallel Circuits

(Lab 1)

Series, exclusively share a single

node, current constant

Parallel, connected to the same two

nodes, voltage constant

EES 512, Winter 2010, KU 53

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